Vilnius through the lense of the homeless experience

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Introduction It is likely that you have seen homeless people, maybe sitting, begging for change or going somewhere. But have you ever wondered where they go after that, or where they were before? Many people do not ask this question, and try not to think about it, trying to close their eyes to the imperfections of our world. But homeless people are there and our goal was to make them more visible and to lift the taboo off this topic. We decided to ask them about their favorite places and where they are most often. And on this basis, we made a detailed map of their daily routes. Our hope is that this project will adjust people's perception of the homeless life, and will make it clear that they are just people who became victims of social injustice.


Alex Alex , 45 years old, was born and raised in Vilnius. He seemed to have become homeless recently and was wearing a nice black coat with a scarf, he was also cleanly shaved, which is definitely rare. When I asked him about his look, he said, he was doing it to impress the ladies. Talking to him was very pleasant, he was charming, quick-witted and smart. His one joke I remember to this day was about his name and how I shouldnt call him but instead should say his name. It was a short gag based on Russian language. As with most people we talked to, his jokes sometimes felt forced, as a facade of sorts. He said that this was the greatest freedom he has received. He was funny but careful at the same time not to reveal too much to us. Antakalnio street is and will always be his home. He has been to quite a few countries, but not one compares to Lithuania in terms of beauty to him. His daily Svyturio g. path usually starts there, then he moves on to Silo bridge. On his way Alex usually tries to keep his hands warm and look for cigarettes to smoke or bottles to trade in. Silo tiltas Antakalnio street seems to be one of the popular and most welcoming places for the homeless to be. Alex's path leads him to Labdaros valgykla (canteen with free meals) this is where we met him and many others. This is undeniably THE place for homeless where they can not only eat ,but take a shower, watch TV, listen to music and connect with Labdaros valgykla people who care and understand them. Alex usually stays to watch TV, it is always pre-recorded, but nobody minds. The final point of his daily routine is to go the railway station that has his favorite Maxima store and to spend a night at a flophouse for the poor and the Sv. Ignoto g. homeless "Caritas". Most people we've spoken to seem to really enjoy it. Although Alex tries to sometimes spend the night at his friends' place, sadly it is not always possible. Gates of Dawn Sv. Stepono g Maxima


Zoya Shershnjova Zoya Shershnjova is originally from Vitebsk, Belarus. She was really desperate to save her son. She was one of the first people to come up and talk to us. Her story is so tragic but at the same time so frighteningly typical among the homeless. Her close relatives have died, her only son was in prison for selling drugs and at the time had 8 months still to go. She kept repeating that her only hope was to be alive when her son is released from prison. She said that every day was the same to her, she drinks beer or whatever alcohol is available, eats some bread and prays to Jesus to keep her alive for one more day. She lives not for herself but for her son. Whenever possible she tries to go to Belarus to visit the graves of her relatives. That is quite a rare occasion. Zoya is also a frequent visitor of the Labdaros valgykla, always talking to people, talking about her struggles. Although she is not always being treated nicely by people at the canteen, she doesn't give up. Zoya goes from one place to another, but recently she has been living in Pilaite district.

Bitenu g.

Labdaros valgykla


Regina Regina, originally from Ashmyany, Belarus. Regina is definitely one of the most eccentric people we have met while making this project. She moved to Lithuania with her parents and sister when she was very little. She was studying to become an actress, worked at a bus station. She lived her dream in a big house in Lazdynai district. Once her parents died her life completely turned around. Sister kicked her out of their parents' house. Regina had a serious desease and got a disability. But Regina is quite happy about her disability, she says she can travel wherever she pleases, because of her disabled tourist pass that is legal in many european countries. What we found peculiar is that she doesn't trust other homeless people and keeps her travelling pass and some othe important papers in her bra. Still, she doesn't lose hope that her sister would come around and let her in her rightful home. Now she goes from one flophouse to another, same goes for canteens, although her favourite is Labdaros. She even gave us her number and invited us over to visit her anytime. Of the important places to her she noted Three Crosses Hill, this is a place where they would go with her parents. Labdaros valgykla

Kryziu kalnas

Arhitectu g.


Oleg Linkmenu g.

Oleg was born and raised in Vilnius' bad district Salininkai. Had a pretty average life. Worked as a taxi driver, other than that he refused to tell us anything else about his past life.He says that Maxima right now he lives in Salininkai and goes to the nearest Maxima to buy food and ask people for loose change. He also often spends nights with his acquaintances in an abandoned house on Kalvariju street. And very rarely does he visit the city centre and the old town, Labdaros valgykla but when he does he likes Naugarduko street. He is a also a very frequent visitor of Labdaros valgykla where he likes to play cards, as we heard he is very Naugarduko g. competitive.

Railway station

Salininku g.



Oleg Oleg (or Oleg #2) is originally from Vilnius and is a very good friend of previous Oleg. They even live together in an abandoned house on Kalvariu street, together with them lives another Oleg, but sadly that day he wasn't in the canteen. Oleg often visits his father who lives on Salininku street. Sadly, Oleg can't Labdaros valgykla help his father financially, because he doesn't have a job himself, but he says that he will make up for it someday. Oleg is also very religious so gates of Dawn and Bernardinu church are very important to him, but now he goes there less and less. Someday he wants to study Bible and become a priest himself.

Abandoned house

Gates of Dawn Railway station

Salininku g.



Darius Darius was one of the scariest people we have talked to. He said he was two weeks out of prison and was trying to find somebody he knew. He had a scar on his nose, probably from his time in prison. He would look around and shake all the time. He wasn't ready to answer any questions, didn’t even tell us his name. That and some other information we found out from Rita. She also said that he lived in a basement in Antakalnio street, didn't have much to eat and was very cold. He visits the same flophouses and canteens as most homeless people. But people are scared of him and think of him as an outsider and a criminal.


Labdaros valgykla





Rita was very positive and talkative. She answered any and all questions and was constantly joking. Basically, we did not ask, but, on the contrary, were questioned by her. When asked where she spends the nights she replied with a lot of pride that she and her husband rent a room together. She told us with great pleasure about the kitten they picked up on the street. Without any wait for questions from us, she began to talk about her life as a homeless person. For several years she has been spending nights in the Justiniskes district, usually sleeping under balconies with her partners. She said that without them she would freeze to death and that in a past few months she had lost three Labdaros valgykla friends to the freezing weather. Nowadays, her daily route consists of three main stops. Labdaros valgykla, Big Maxima that is open at night, and a rented room on Kaminkelio street. In the canteen she has a lot of friends and most people like her. Near that maxima is usually where she and her friends meet. According to her, she is not able to work, because she has lost her passport. Her husband is the one who earns money.

Kaminkelio g.


Vidmantas While we were talking to the visitors of Labdaros valgykla an elderly man was looking at us very attentively. After a while, he headed towards us. He was obviously not like the general public, his coat was clean and he was wearing a bow tie. He immeadiately started showing us many photos that he had on him. The photographs were of posh meetings with important people of Vilnius. Then he took out his iPhone and have us his business card. As it turned out, Vidmantas has his own cleaning company “Balticumsauber”. Vidmantas is also a doctor, so he regularly helps the homeless and checks on their health.

Labdaros valgykla Balticumsauber A. Kojelavicaus g. Flophouse

His past is also peculiar, Vidmantas had a business in Germany, but went to prison for 4 years for selling drugs and for tax evasion, and was later acquitted. He doesn’t hide the fact that he sleeps in a doss-house and eats in a canteen for free, he wonders why more people don’t do it.



Valery Valery came right after we talked to Arthur. They were obviously good friends. Most of the time Valery was listening to his friend, but he was very eager to answer our questions. At first he was talking about the problems with which homeless people are faced every day. Most of all he was annoyed about the fines that are implemented in the system. Because most homeless have fines or tickets, they can’t work. And even if they are able to find jobs their salary immediately goes to the government. Valery also said that he has no permanent housing and often spends the night or in the doss-house, or lives in the abandoned summer camp. He said that together with him also live 8 other people. Currently he is without a job. Most of the time he is on Antakalnio street, he doesn’t see the point in going anywhere else. Abandoned camp


Labdaros valgykla


Arthur and Anya Arthur first became interested in us. Arthur seemed very friendly and straightforward. He was very open to have a conversation and didn’t hide anything from us. Arthur is an orphan all that he knows is that he is from Belarus. He had no idea how he got in a Lithuanian orphanage. He received his secondary education and went to work on a construction site. Once he realized that his salary is in the negative due to penalties on the job, he was forced to resign. Then he started working at Labdaros valgykla, but because of the new director he left. During his time on the job he was given a house to maintain, he still lives there with his wife. He is scared that drug addicts or other people might burn his house down. That is not rare in Vilnius. Their house is also being auctioned, he has no idea where they will go after that. Later a woman came up to us, who turned out to be Arthur’s wife. Her name is Anya. At first she only listened, but then told us a little about herself. She comes from a fairly rich family, but after she met Arthur she moved out and would go Zirmunu g. wherever he went. Arthur still can’t believe that a woman like Anya would fall for him, he doesn’t have a job, a house or parents and she had it all but chose to leave it behind. They often visit Anya’s parents, who are still alive. In the end, Anya briefly mentioned that she has two daughters from her first marriage: Sylvia (20) and Aleksandra (19) who is pregnant with a girl, they even came up with a name – Austeja. Labdaros valgykla

Vilniaus g.




Taikos g.

Victor was the first person with whom we started our project. He was just sitting at the bus stop near the railway station but wasn’t waiting for any bus, he was just passing time. Viktor looked like a typical homeless person. Torn jacket, torn pants. He spoke softly, hoarse and shaky. He could not mark his route on the map because he had very poor eyesight. He said that he temporarily lives on Taikos street in his friends flat, but that is not always where he spends nights. He fears that his friend won’t allow him to stay much longer without paying rent. When asked what he has favorite places were Victor said that often goes to the Maxima near the train station, where he occasionally sees his acquaintances. He also named the Railway station around which he likes to observe people.


Railway station


Ivan The first man we saw near Kalvariju market was a broom seller, apparently he made them himself. He was dressed in a coat and an old hat. When asked whether it is possible to speak he was very confused about the question. On personal questions he answered reluctantly, only sheepily looked at us and shrugged. The first real answer to the question, that we got, was the place where he spends the nights. It is on Rinktines street just near the Kalvariju market. - What places do you usually go to? - I am always just here (smiling), I do not go anywhere, I’ve got problems with my feet. And since everything is close by, Maxima not far away, and here I can work. Of course, the demand is not big, but at least I have some money.

Kalvariju market Maxima Rinktines g.


Arseny We met Arseny near Kalvariju market when he was going home. Despite the fact that he has a house to live in we can't say that he's living in normal conditions. He lives in a small skewed wooden house close to Kalvariu market. He has no central heating or electricity. This is his parents’ house. He was born there, baptized in a church nearby, grew up and lives here up to this day. Arseny didn't want to talk about his private life. He complained about politicians who don’t care about poor and homeless people. Getting into this pit you have minimal chance of getting out because of growing amount of debt. He mentioned that there are a lot of people in the same exact situation on Kalvariu street. Arseny ended our talk by saying goodbye and mentioning that he's going to celebrate the Old New Year that evening.

Saracenu g. Kalvariju market Small store


Dmitry Dmirty approached us while we were talking to Arseny. They have known each other for a long time and Dmirty visits Arseny from time to time. Dmirty was quite a talkative man and he told us a story about how he ended up like this. He had a wife, two kids, home and work like every other man. But he had a passion for gambling and he had lost everything he had because of it. His wife left him and took the kids with her, he hasn't seen them after that night. Dmirty said that he blames himself for all of this and holds nothing against his family. Now he lives in a barn with three other people. Earning his money by returning bottles for deposit, he does not to go to any canteens or flophouses . The most important thing for him now is his warm sheepskin coat.

Kalvariju market Rinktines g. Barn


Galina Ivanovna We met Galina Ivanovna near the train station. The old woman was sitting at the bus stop waiting for transport surrounded by bags with bottles inside them. Galina was born in a small town near Vilnius, she moved to Vilnius after graduation and stayed there to work. Later Galina got married and had a son. She lived happily for 31 years, but it all went away in just one day. Galina went to see her sister in her town. However, she didn’t return home. It burned down with her husband and son inside. Galina was already a pensioner, so there was no way to build a new life. We asked why her sister or some other relatives didn't shelter her. Galina said she did not want to intrude her sister because she has much trouble without her. Money for the flophouse and food she earns by returning bottles for deposit . Often she collects bottles near the train station and the city center. Despite of her plight, the old lady was smiling, talking to us. She ended the conversation with a joke, saying "When will you bring me the photo that you took?"


Railway station


Oleg We met Oleg near McDonald's at the railway station. He was dressed in a rather light jacket but he did not show that he was cold. He listened carefully to us and answered our questions. He told how difficult life is for the poor and the homeless in Lithuania and the difficulties they face. He earns money by returning bottles for deposit and begging on the street. He usually eats in the canteen for the poor. The day we met him, Oleg had a broken arm that started to turn purple. He explained that earlier that day he slipped on the ice. But he was in no hurry, and did not want to go to hospital. He explained that that’s because of the long queues. He said that if it hurts too bad he will go to the hospital. Finally, he asked for some money.

Hospital McDonald’s

Skroblu g. Valgykla


Vytautas Vytautas can be found mainly on the Gediminas Avenue. He often joins street musicians singing and dancing to their music. And when we met him, he sang and danced to the sound of the flute. Vytautas is always smiling and joking. "Oh, I have seen you on the Internet, you're famous. You're a real Russian man. And you're from Siberia. And you are from planet Liverpool, Do you want me to sing you a song ..? ". He sang us a song of Sofia Rotaru "Red Rue" and "Alesya" From Syabry, also several Lithuanian and Latvian folk songs. Unfortunately, he wouldn't answer most of our questions, the only coherent answer we got was that he lives in the attic or on the roof of a building on Gediminas Avenue.

Gedimino pr.

Vilnius cathedral


Antanas We met Antanas near the Gates of Dawn. As it turns out, Antanas serves in the monastery. Previously, he was homeless, but then he decided to change his life and to dedicate himself to God. When he was homeless, he had no friends, no people on whom he could rely. Now the opposite is true: he found the people he cares about. He lives in a monastery, eats there. He said It seems that little has changed, but the main thing - it's the people who surround us. Antanas was wearing a jacket on which the various religious medals. For example medal of St. Christopher and Benedict. Him saying God bless you! when we finished talking was one thing we remember the most, because of the genuine and kind way he said that. Nowadays that is very unusual to hear.

Gates of Dawn

Sv. Stepono g. Monastery


Algis Algis was born in Gerunai. When we went to Labdaros valgykla he was there, standing quite far away from us with no intention to talk. Our second meeting has occured on Gedimino Avenue near the shopping center Go9. We thought that conversation will not happen, but everything turned out great . Turned out that he's quite a good-natured man and he answered all of our questions. During the day he earns money being a beggar at Gedimino Avenue near Maxima. Algis uses crutches and it is difficult for him to move a lot, so he sleeps in the park on a bench during summer. But during winter every night he goes to doss-house. It's quite far away, but he says he has no choice otherwise he will die from hypothermia on the streets. He often visits Labdaros valgykla. But on weekends he spends the money he got in a whole week on food. On his eyebrow Algis had a bandage. He told us that the day before he had been drinking with his friends and they got into a little disagreement so after that there was a need to go to hospital to sew up his brow.

A. Kojelavicaus g. Flophouse Labdaros valgykla

Vinco Kudirkos square Maxima


Vilkpedes g.


This project was made by Lukoits Andrei Kryvanos Maksim Shchukina Tatsiana for the course Critical Urbanism, EHU

Vilnius, 2017

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