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Maksim Kryvanos Tatsiana Shchukina


Mt 11.28

Caritas (from Latin) - love of humanity, charity. In Vilnius, there is a fairly large number of homeless, unemployed or simply people in need of help, but they are not left to help themselves. There are 4 free canteens and 3 lodging houses. If they want to live in some sort of lodging house all the time, they pay between 14 and 20 euros a month. Conditions are not always good, but people have no choice. In these institutions people can not only eat or sleep, but also take part in various events, master classes; for them christian meetings are also specially arranged. For people who have fallen into a difficult life situation communication is extremely important. They often believe that they are isolated from the rest of the world. Volunteers and employees of these organisations understand this and try to ÂŤreturnÂť them in every possible way to the normal rhythm of life. This is further promoted by the fact that for these people, advertisements about work are posted directly in doss-houses, which facilitates their search.


Lk 4.4


Mt 7.11

Albinas, TelĹĄiai 72 In his youth he worked as a barman, waiter, turner, village bus driver. Wife kicked him out of the apartment, after that he started living under the balconies of houses with a homeless girl. Now he lives in a hostel.

Andryus, Vilnius, 21 He was brought up in an orphanage till the ninth grade, his parents died. Periodically communicates with two sisters who live near Vilnius. He drinks a lot, says that because of this he became homeless. Two days a week he works part-time cleaning stairways. At the time of our conversation with him Andryus could not go to work because of a damaged leg. He lived on the street, fter that he got into the doss house and lives there for six months already. Disability of 50% does not allow Andrews to find a good job, so in the doss house, he is a regular guest. Periodically he visits a free canteen. Andrius also likes to walk around the city in the summer. Lives in a room with seven other people, with them he does not communicate. For a room he pays 15.50 euros per month, this is the minimum price for a place in a doss house in Vilnius. Privileges for working people are much higher, they are allowed to stay inside during the day. The unemployed are supposed to leave at 8 am and return no later than 11 pm.

Edwardas, Siauliai, 58 Edwardas has two brothers who live abroad. Parents are dead. From Siauliai he went to work in England, working as a builder. There was an accident, Edwardas was severely injured. He was awarded 35 thousand pounds for the damage. He was paid only a small part of the amount, the process has been going on for 8 years. Before the release of England from the European Union received payments from the state, as he could not find work because of his injury. After the payment was significantly reduced, problems with the law began and Edwardas was eported back to Lithuania. His children still live in England: four sons and one daughter. He works as a park-janitor in the center of Vilnius. He has been living in a doss house for 3 months. Compares the conditions there with the prison. At the weekend, all unemployed people are kicked out into the street. Roommates steal food and personal things from each other. The bed and bedside table is marked with a special number. Even with minimal alcohol intoxication entrance in the doss house is not allowed, as well as with alcohol on their person. To do this, all pass the breathalyzer test and show the contents of the bags. Employees can also check the nightstand and personal items. From the doss house they are allowed to go out only on schedule. The door leading to the rooms opens once per hour for a couple of minutes.

Virginia, Vilnius Since childhood, Virginia’s life has been difficult: her stepfather beat her and insulted her mother, after which she left home at the age of 16. Her mother and stepfather had a son, so the fate of their eldest daughter did not really bother them. After school she did not continue her studies and went to work for the construction site. She got married and gave birth to 3 daughters. Soon her husband began to drink, because of that she gave her kids to an orphanage, Virginia believed that they would not grow up normal in such a family. She left her husband, went to Russia. She lived in the Smolensk region, in the city of Vyazma from 1998 to 2007 with the Gypsies. Friends arranged her to work in the hospital as a nurse. According to her, her best years passed there. But she had to leave Russia, at first she rented an apartment, then because of a shortage of money she had to go to the doss house. She lives in the doss house for a second year, a second time. Now friends from Smolensk communicate with her by «word of mouth». As if summing up the results of her life, Virginia says: «I lived with a fool for 17 years, it distorted my whole life. I had many illusions about children, life in general, I talk with only one daughter. You know, there is such a proverb, «A beggar, but proud»? So, this is about me, I do not need anything from my children».

Alexander, Vilnius, 48 When Alexander was five years old, his father died. He does not remember his father. At age 13, he was given a sentence of 1 year for stealing a bicycle. After that he went to Russia. Mother died when Alexander was 18 years old. There he served time in camps and prisons. Between imprisonment he was free was for a couple of months, then returned back. He was incarcerated for stealing, robbery, murder (he stabbed his companion’s father in a drunken brawl). For the murder, Alexander served 11 years out of 15, got out for good behavior. He has been free for a year and a half.

Taisia Ivanova, Vilnius, 67 Taisia and her husband lived with his sister, she is mentally ill. His sister did not want Taisia to stay in her apartment. So Taisia had to start living in a doss house and stand in line for an apartment. Taisia has children and grandchildren; they often come and bring everything necessary. In her youth she wanted to be a singer. She studied at the conservatoire at the vocal department. Played the piano, guitar, and also danced. But she had to choose: either a family or a career. She chose the first. But her youngest daughter decided to make Taisia’s dream into reality: she studied at the conservatory and turned it into her profession. Also, Taisia was a city deputy, an inspector for the cleanliness of Vilnius. Then she worked at the electricity meter factory and the bread factory. She alone suffered 9 complicated surgeries, and now the problems with the heart also became evident. She likes living in the doss house. Staff, according to her, is excellent, if necessary - the car will be provided; to go to the doctor, for example. Taisia receives a very small pension of 119 euros, so she does not have the opportunity to rent an apartment, but would like to. For a doss house, she pays 20 euros 40 cents. There is a set of rules, for example, it is forbidden to bring alcohol there. Employees check everything, including bags. They already know who drinks and who does not. There you can stay for 2.5 years. Taisia is has about a year and a half left there, and then she has to look for a new place. She’s there for a second time.

Christina, Vilnius She lives in the doss house for 2 years for the third time. Christina lives with her husband in the smallest office, with two beds, a bedside table and a TV set. They were given a room for two, because they are married. Previously they had a very good job. Christina graduated from college, worked as an economist. During the Perestroika they sold their apartments. Went to Visaginas, lived there, had a very good and cheap apartment. Christina tells us the story of how she became homeless. She and her husband invested, and each month they received interest. Then the woman who took their money went bankrupt. Her last name is Kurbatova, she is from Russia. She deceived many, people sued her. As a result, they did not return the money. They had to sell everything and return to Vilnius. Changed the apartment to a house in the village. In summer they earned money by picking berries and apples and selling them. Every day they would earn 60 litas. In the doss house, Christina and her husband live in the doss house because they don’t want to live with Christina’s sister. They go to the free canteens, they are provided with clothes for free, but they usually refuse. They stand in line for an apartment at number 630. They are all told that they should not wait, because the construction is very slow. But they still hope.

Wanda, Ignalinsky district, 65 Hard times in Wanda’s life began in 1994 - this year her husband died. In 1998, her house burned down. After this, Wanda came to Vilnius, she started working in the Kalvariu market. Then she started to take care of the disabled man and spent the next 12 years doing that. He was going to will his apartment to her. But after his death his son appeared. He kicked Wanda out of this apartment. After that, she found herself in the doss house. She also studied at the Kaunas Agricultural Academy. 30 years worked on the collective farm as the chief economist. Wanda has a son who is already 41 years old, but he is no good — she admits. He does not help Wanda, and she gives him half of the pension (110 euros). The son lives with a partner, does not work. Wanda is interested in politics, constantly watching the news. She has problems with her spine, wants to get a disability. She can not move without a cane. Wanda constantly thinks about suicide, does not see any reason to live. She would never have thought that old age would be like that. Now she only waits for «Lopatinsky», which will come and bury her.

Victor, Vilnius Victor has relatives, but communicates only with his brother. Victor’s brother has a loving family and a house; Victor has nothing. He wants to return home, but can not, because he is resentful of his parents. One day, at a young age, he returned home and realized something had happened. His mother and grandmother were crying. When Victor saw his father, he began shouting at Victor: «You’re a thief, give me my money!» The $100, that Victor’s father hid back in the Soviet times, in a folder with documents, was lost. Victor did not take this money and left the house the same day. Occasionally, he meets his parents on the street, but they do not always greet him. Victor always worked at the sawmill and nowhere else. About the free canteen Victor was told by his friend. Victor drinks a lot - every day, some time ago he was offered to go to the rehabilitation center. He was told that there would be all the amenities he would need, but he would not be allowed to walk alone, only accompanied by someone. It is hard for him to decide, because he has a lot of friends in Vilnius and is afraid that he will not have enough communication there.

Maksim Kryvanos, Tatsiana Shchukina We would like to express our deepest gratitude to the staff of the flophouses on Šv. Stepono and Vilkpėdės g., the canteen «Betanija» on M. K. Paco g., and most of all to the people whose stories we shared. Without their generous help and assistance, this book would not be possible. Vilnius, 2018

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