()imens ion 16
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~a lOIII ddls~ ' - ' ~ 01"1141111!1l.
,... ftlbifd tJw etiUor• -..
li..u.d ill _,.. TIN - . . . . Wl n ..., ~ tJw lllltllrt of orMIIIftt aff4 ollnlpt.e to illuarolc tAU lltuY. Tlu iUNelrllliN J)OI'fiott o/ IU - . u kroUtl ,. ~ ~ of Ol"'l4llW''It'a ~ j - . ,.... foW
0/,..."" .no..
._ orM~~~ot~~l.d li..JfiMot~~ll ~. TIN IW:It Netic. loob at ,... clee«Gtio. of -~ ohj.a. off4 .,..., ttlliwuical IAi_,.. TIN IIMl ~~tctioft Ida a '""'~* ftflbellUIImnll tit 1M fitldl of rdi,ioft au liN 'fJ4f/or. i~~g ""'· FINIA, 1/utrc u a dilplor of omo!Mftl ill 14""'-,e a!ICI ardl~e GerON lilt g/ol)l. A. tiCtioft ~ 01"114111mldJioll i11 Ira~ a!ICI ~ "'""icotioft COfldlldu tAt ,.~
4lall ~ AN -
I,. our MC!rdl fur i11tnf811~~g Mtjm _,.,. tot MN t41>Pfll _,., -rcu. Di~ tuOtdd lik. to IAallk fill u.,ON tiiW' """ llM efforl to Mlp IU • a.tallllliU tAt Clldoud ~. Frtrlhl, F• l>Wmlill'll.
THE NATURE OF ORNAMENT . • . • . • . • Br Robert B.
L?/tle and Letmord Zamiska
It all bqran with 1M FALL; Old of 1M BUdden ntcullil11 fur modutr and COttceolment, 1M M-leaf tooS ptrho:P4 1M ftrat omommt, ond Ill lllol, fiOt one of decorlllion 6ut of tnOTalitv. For, in a po.radw of ideal conditions, clim~JU and abundance Feduded 1M ~~~ of ja.bri.aJJ.ing dotlling, const:rucling ahtlma, crafting tool&, weapom and ~. Modiftlc,lion of 1M natural orlhr 1008 indeed ui'ICalt.ed for. Oriqinllling from a paradiM of totGl frwlom, man hot strained with and again.st 1M natural tttwcmment to control ll, 'IMdi/v. ratrid, CJorf"Upt and dtplm it. In &tNing to fiiiJ8ter 1M eUm.tnu and flllji}l lsia corporal and mal fiNtlB, man, with l&iamperior brain and~ thumb, blfiii«Nitv
became an inmator~. What might bt colUd hils ancill4rr ~~ from mvndani.lv, were the prod to ittl!tttlion. The mull of autA a ~ could kGH aupplw G V'IJII banalit11 kad not inttlkdual GU l'pirihlal eal~ac:tion ftqUired fvlfillWitttt. SimultaneotUlr, " mtm grew more l&umonlr tcrplailti.ctJUd ix bod11 nd mind ao aL.o did .\it ego, frioolit!l Gffd ~ ,..,.. If• IIIMl tHre probablr TCII'• ifttmlall bda'een ~. rihlalilslic ~11lC to 1M godl, 1M Ia. m.t111phtpical ~ of lamting, for<J9ing, ha,_.ing and cooking mar 411" lteld G ~- ofraDtlt'd.
If em occmicm tJw god3 a11d fttiaha did /sim d~ br fiOt gtUJrantui'fl(/ kim on ample larder, so did Ail ineptm8S. If ka didn't coptw'e 1M beast he IDtllt lsungrr. If his IJU'Oilling atcme, jtJHlin or BnGre failed him, lie probablr imprO!If:d and fllOdijied tJwm until 1M, ft.~f!Clilm#:d ~«lWelfl. He muat oertoinl11 liMe realiud tJw importance of his t«<po113, Wlkr, oJid tool&, for hil M'l' 8Uniml dqefllkd on tlwm.
Man'• ouitJi u c:o'lll!mlinf tile MrM'Ia8 of 11Gture 4M Uletr turrirol ta~~td WA "'~ IQ jGioroble c.li'/Miu olld /(II' 1M oth~ of Mighlm td 114?1d4rd& of t«Jmolow. He emltuali11 flU 4 . , . , of lltlt~jaditm toilA Ia~ own handiwork. Tlse 47TOIII killtd, 1M pot Mld VIOUr and 1M roof OM'Mod kept Aim drr. 1• a ~ qr -~ "'''II" "' lse mtmi!CIIfd ~~~ 'loec' Gnd ~ <m tJtae pri?M /adorl in Ail ~ br embtUWaing tJaem in ~ a IIDIIII IJ8 to 7ll4ke l1lem ptrtonalltl hit owm. At a ~lie clliltl, mon aoon reoliud 1u _., rd#i11 lllll4t IDGI llil. To N llriclltl lhttlruical ond ~ire about l1&cA 4 humon ehcP-attmstic, tile arroto mov N an eutlltn l emmp k of a logictJl lpring-board i11to orrnJ~itm ond tile Deee.Mity for il. Tile ftmhtr al tile end of tile 3lw.ft WIJ8 on caerodV'IOllltc inMiticm. But the kind of f«JJhrr if 11010 1M imporl4ftt 1Ai1J9. 1• 4 mo&s lluftt tile OtoMr of 1M 47TOIII tMl mode 1M au could bf adulaitd fqr hill 11'010U8 ond tJwu who milud could ltgili1711J1cltl clo;im lilfir OIOit CI1TOIC$ toWiout OTg\IJMIIJ ifiJt.c jtoJM rl tlllrf d~ 0t Mcf rpet;i~ ptJIUrm Stl«ud br 1M ovmer. Doubllm lAc oborivinc """ pmtd.m d 1M /lid tAal d«orati119 an objed fqr re48011$ otAcr tAoa itknlijil.:alum olUred llae fum· tion of 1M object. Ht """ W to rationalize lA. .Uilimtitm of ~- It 111011 lacl~~~e 6Ms pride t1tot motUoied Ai• qr il7MII Aote '-" liwtpk rureolitm ofld pleasure. HototWr il IIDIJI-G nd lb. anthr~ mor ~ if IJif1l 10iM maa Nul tr~ fw.nd4mertltll croftntafllhip to tM rl!Dl. of orti#rr1 l/1H
lltGt ornomtnt W ill origin~ tllitA primit~ - . (and our !IUIH'It111S of antli~ ot1c1t to ~) 1H C1011'1 laototWr O#Um t t1tot it IDGI Wrinti aJUII "Grl." To 1M edtACIJUd - ' MUitiN • of modml mon il it, bat 1ll08t anthr~ mtd hilltoriam would not fltetm rilfl agru. Tile t/4f1 floc ,W IQ COliN ll7htn "IIU4UUmt of ttAMIDw, archo.eolovll and onlhropolow 111na t1tftr ~ tMr to 1M an mu~ttema! AlGI, mon it bom to 111obt, IJ88Ume
decipMT, find hidden l'PkiOnings -and often CO!~Ui up with his oum -ill his quest j(lr ~ of 1M paBt. He often jaW! in his cold-IJI.ooded .scnuinfl and rutt:~rch to bt 08 awwt~ 08 1M artist il on beholding a beautiful artifact Theu objtda are fWihing more Uwln tutimonial8 to mGn, and M is humGn.
To OM"-aim:pliftl 1M t'IIOltdion from fMlningful. "grapkiu" to "ornamfllla,. tion," adornmem of an object 110 doubt had speeific communicati«, idenlifffing ad mfiS!ic-oceuU pu'f'OU&. Thr~h traMmigration, an underBtandabk qmbol, delrice, (1r glw/& loel tt. fMlning to peoplu of different sociltiu. Time ilM/.f o68cwu orf9'Ml meamnga. situat~ where tletr~ is 110 ll!ritten laf~VJ.~Gge 1M detcioration prouu covJ4 bt compltte. (Enter! 1M anth~ $1ld rUf!Jrchert •••). AI tignjficonu u laJt, rtpttilioM of 11 tMmmglut apsbol (1r motiDe laJd8 to intiOC'Giton caM dilleFtilfl. Arlialic liuiiM, 6k«T WhitJ1811 (1r lack of tkill tramfontUJ 01IQ!i meoni11fful graphic ialo JINTe dteoYation. "Traditional, is the term moat oftJm llppli«i to avo\ ~·
Proe«ding tDitA the premite Uaat ornamenl4lion is eiJMr 11 natural (1r decodtnl ~ial proceu from put'll communication, whfl s1&d when ID08 1M human uthelic infiOl!Jfdf 1n 11 trilxJl sociltfl, it is remGrkOOle Uaat an artisan, ffflWI· maker, 1DtGJ>OIJ..~ (1r btuktVtooker could be relint.d from the communal actil'itiu of wamng, huming (1r food fi'Cilhering. He mustlsolle been Mld in high esteem and the prodllCtl of his skill$ """ m(lre to. At tra.du and cra,JIB ~ to a lnel where eomtM"u btt11H1tn ~ with dilleFu occupol~ /)egan, it w rt480Mble to MaUme t/&ol quolit11 of crajtam4mhip Gnd IAua, decoration, became a dlliberate praaiu f(lr economic rea.sons. We must alBO eonsidtr communal f11'ide and if!Ur·i~ ccmpetition in 1M gradll4l emergence of diltinct loe4l alfllu (1r t«hniquu in the prodtcetion of commercial waru. Our
pruenklo.fl ltdlftOiow ui8ts em 1M prindplt of constanl i~~tprOMIN1ll cmcl toU411l rHr"'l4~. a ill 1M cn&to ~.
Itt hying to dtfift.t or
~ OMIOlllelll, couidtr 1M follbtDi'llf dt.]britioM pmoa.K ~. INTRINSIC ORNAMENT, or tMt li~ aftll IMrqor f!tjftt:U 1M lltlire fonr~ of 1M
pr.,.ud fttrt oa o ~ClitA u ccmctiMI oh;ed bftng creaU!d, Clftll POST ORNAMENT, or t1tot vohitA it oddili~~t Clftll dtlmnined 6ti 011 t~ furm. Wilhollt bftng too dogmolit ifl d«Jling tDitA nda a ~ ltlbjed, lfDo otlalr tmM co• bt inftdtd at rAil ,ollll to amplifll tM dtfi"itton. - . ahol!t: lfllri'Mit Onttmttftt-()CC UPATIONAL ORNAMENT POll ~-RECREATIONAL ORNAMENT BolA, lltJt«wr Aow 011e elM tAl lriOtiMtiol!: To makl toJMJJaing more ~. attrodiN to "" mila. (hovpalionol DrMmenl fDO'II1d tMrt/ore caUgoriu anrtJ!ing whith il not noittlv
inqired or prodll.Ctl:t, ur prof~tt~Mnollv utcllled fiJilh ?IIO'I'Itlll'¥ compensation uaemial motimlion. RecreotU:mol ornomtnt CtJUld of eour~e bt defined in tM ION toafl n« /or c ""11 ~poliU /~; LEISURE. Add ieoloticm, lonelitva aftll ~Mt l>oredom to IAif oncl w M" Wlldil~ fr<~m vohith most oJ folic«'~ w ~"9· Folk«"tcncl ornamtntGtion ore prodWUr ~· Climoll 01 well 01 oc:cupotionol Wlldition.l Milt btelt oJid ~~~ .till ere rupo'lllible for ~~tuM of tM d«oo'Gti~~t folic«'~ production ift "'""II pam of rAe world. EKrllJ*n toi1fU oRd daughtm tmbrcndtred oJICI ¢U..,oinled tMir lcmtlv willllr• otoafl tDhile IAeir «m~ oRd hll.lband.l in rAe toarmer montM whil«l OtoOfl IMJr li1111 wilh}l«b i" sumiM' poaturu fill IIIOod-<onling, CCC. TM tolttar, oc:cupotioM of IMtp oltd goat-herding ore br 1110 -~~~ llliLIIotU lltOdml.-dor et)ll&llterparl.l. MQflf jireme~~ Cl'td llighlloaUhmm ore 4N ~. 01
ia G trorcl sh..un'IUcl brl tod4fl• ~ GM orehit«U Gad all IIIlo eouider ~ c::ontemporllrll orti8u tJM cr~ YIt 1M 1011W word ltMda linglu •P 1M qitW of 1M antiqfu eoUector ar 1M voung J&ome.ma.Wr 111M cling• to mementoea from e/&ildJuxJd. EacA _ , looJ: GdGna Ill eatA ,a eael " (I prodvd of otlr W11l ~ pG8t; onlv 1M tmninolotn/ " difftrn!J. ()moment
Wh4l would life be liU wilJrout ornomental ar ulfl!tcessarv lhing1, tDil1wul Mllimenllllillf? AeNmin, thot, aomthmo, lading ornomem ~~~e had rtodud the lnel of inUlligence and t«h1Wlogit:tJl acA'-ment ftOID .mating, (11 ~ 1INIIl IIMd w ~). What differ~ 'lt10Uld uilt? Men mighl IJ)tOk 11 bane languagf! wiiJwt4t tlltf lumng lulard tM "ornamt11tGliud" Biblicol rendition oflttN langutJgt~ btcame dilltrse, in tM TC!Wtr of BabeJ epilodt. There would be no flm«r11 or tlusioe speech. No 011t would luloe 1Jwu4hl aboul iMtllting G machiM to r«ard greG! mt.l8ie b«auu there would be t~DM, no Taeha.ikoHkJI, Gm/U.Din, or tM rtat. PtQ]M eotdd tGI ollll IIU'IIioe m&tritionall11 em G bland bill of /Grt. A MaiM Lobster IDO'Idd be Cl8 abhtrrrenl 08 o boiled 8COF'pion if tM Ren.ai&tanu pointers hGd no! 011111 conailkrtd them ornomenl4l IJI.Ibj~ mtJtUr, but deliciotu ooling as IIICLI. Witlwul ornoment life eotdd tNt and perhapB BUatoin itself in a cqmpla«nlir eontrolkd, ~. cur4l and climtJtit t'IU!ircmment oJ abaoluu jurn:lion afld '~· Ltl .u ccm8idtr some more of the protp«U iJ m4n trollied Gl can anti-ornamcnttJl being--prt3Upporing of course lhG! Ere'• guilt did no! make ~11 allirtut, tWthu a mcr4l MCt88itfl, and ~ment "tain caftd li~." There would be no Timtt Squtzre. Thl l ndiam tDllo Olll7ltd lhG! ~rtGU toOVld fttflel' haoe bartered M a11Mtt4n far a jlt!J ltri11g1 of bead.. Tilt Dukh tiiAo toanled il would not luloe had a fl4l to p/4nl ct~~ee tJw decal 111111 cloud.
Ther' would be 110 Holll/fCOOd, no rea.ron to u&e a,ftmJuult lotion, qr lnfr a ahiRII MW outomobilf. NothiTI{I would be t:Onlingent on 1M commercialism of rptdada such <11 Ti?IU!8 Square. This 11/Pt of urban qrnoment 10()1.1/.d 1IOC mat. [,. suth on ei!itWnt tuhnology, tJte waters of N1agara FaUss would Milt bun emird11 diHrted to power. "Honevmoon" would not be in 0111/01'1t's I!OCCibulorr and thlr' umdd. be 110 IJOUIIeTiir pillows on 1M coudlu in CtiUnllu& middk-dass homu •.•
All<Jitti<: Cittf, with red-wh~ue lnmlir~g jqr ~.
lj 1M economu, Q.l IH ktwto it, IDIJ8 u'Rikr conridero4ion, u cctdd lWt uiat withou4 1M didotu and tDhim&l/8 of a mankind tMt t/wrouqhly demofld& OTISGme11lotion '" tome form or other. TM qrnomenl4l nature of human soeietv 1tot ma1111 impl~.
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1 • ....U ._,_. llelo lXX w.-clo/ 1174 f.
·-/jlfiiiiii'•/IHS cl!~
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11. .......W.a 114101Ub/ltopltGiJoa coU«ti.oto /1 • . . - · . rlwu/joolmo'•/11& I?. i1titd -I• •lllflll/libtl 11. Jn.W,Jjocol«l•'•II~ E"~,...,, lebte- ~<~mat I 6.11/- <lr. L l. ' - 1/ h•/11:10
"· t-M•- ...
to. iiM./-l/4«/'1111114101. iii4UI t l. ibid./t.b "'"~..,~
tt. -
poi..W Ofl MMd/•"- •• dmpJ MfliNI'fi1W G/ ,ie/li#<Jro/1JioOIO I. ..... ~~~
""'I. _...,_pwkt>, .uia/p/ocl.t> r4Mtllo
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!J. rot'kl•• tAw/~ bt«~/1160
rs. rocti3.,dwlfrfriLl~ rTo (w.-nl "'"'
I C. btfr tue dt4ir6d~•ll dttth
a.-ioln(tol ant to duig~ 17. I'OIIItlllparGrf I'(Orott rlulir /mtziro/ ~OtM of ••lootlwrrrood Jr. til, btu• ••~/II:JO/uruo arbor, miririt10>1 19. brOUt ~ hob/IB•IJIOU arl.«, rrutAigoN/lnmord ro•... k• «>>lffli110t 3d. .,..,., doot/pnhtl 011 d/11140 ' , r£1: 31. Jttddocliotl/tolltd loti """ orloot, .,{(/iigda lt. lorltliM wU -.b/krmard mwtuko
31. rugal{" clltur -ld/rrood/ llorciliG/toiA tnt. mirror ptdt-1/rrult Am1$, ltad ~.:olt-1/~1 ltcll4 IIC1nub tilllufJDrl 1e. fwr>ttl l>o,fnr.P• •'ltb-./k<mard
·"· caec\l(s
"""Ida tOll«fJDrl
'"· tAI-diMif.i1Nlr.:!';: /1~ lntb<udo toi!Ldtt>a/INJ'pool,
,,..,.w. IOrlltntftl.rt/&tnlk/ 1 riA ""'"''
t O. p/<ll.t/t14lia• J>Orffim•lflorr'IV<'(I7MJ 61. Ia•<~ Ia teli'frltt t7/}x>lrrlrro'"rI lnrntoll•t/,.atl'O &t. UJ'· til. tm.J~t'•/lilm frOIJ
f rOIJ ba•tll'illt ,,..,.,, ont#riroM/ dr. l<~rr(l ttrdoff roUnft'oN/ p<noli•"'· .... W.~g.t ..
6$. Mllltr ~/aHJto.lo«UiG/L IOIIIIU~ 6$. k.t<CfO 1pwln ftmeto~ta/
-rato rou:r.por~~rr 66. ibiJ./InTruoUtl fiprj., raM/IfllzUo 67. ildJ /lm~ .fiprlv -=-l•tzito $1. olosutrau J•~..,.., WO I rtdtwia o.W ~~~-••lkl 011 drtood<-r /ardoolo«Jk(o /ltmiard
"· fSI)
-;a•~ tri.IA h"'a• fiprt/
ilaltlln/wrG.~ne .....Uwttt
17. farl:/ipol. /tfUA/tlu pltaipptJtn 111. I"'OIInolporcrr l;ru/r/o....nt:rn./ fi<TG/4 fWidla IIJ. nmr •potntJdllltll/llf1/fJUiroJiold4rt .,...,_., f/{MI
/ionrr p<A/<flrl4tntcffltll4lr 1711 ttnltUII/tOllmiO" e. J. 1otoou Ill. pou<l pc.l/....,••fltd torlltnurorrl 1811 «-'-•ribr~ .,,...,.. o..l
4J. H1111 ~ltnoRo/llfHJ/f"M4JIV
ftlro "'"""/, biJ•I-1 lrrnJ:ia/ ddroil, •jc, ISO• ru..n forl:/ridcria•/ISS!I tft'Qar.t plol#/,va-1/t:><n tniA
u. &=d/1"' u. .,...w. tilal~ -'Antren/ ~MI/USO
"·u. tc.
-pllzlrlfrndt porrd41R/JU<• flllzlr/tali «<llldf/ola«milnt p/mt lioPflnt# /~4 tnl•rtil
f'Otlrltq ri~ litml
17 ''"""'" p/111t/tltinatfi7SO
orf fOllnr
"· ,.,._.,
t'Wd./<~•/pa.,./11111 «rdtap/
45. fC. fi7. l t. fi1.
tip. til. lrrrabirt{limt .....tlnlid CMd./lrl .u _ , /nlwr """'"'"" in nRIJII, rntilJ# I fflft1l ""Jw lr op. ~~. l:rto l:to/"l«r «t<lpt•, od kd/llltlt mtl•rr flfrllrirart/ dr. Aar-rr o ... h>§ toli«tlmt/
,...,lOt, IIIIC'Illf'lll
10. ••l'fl :':(:l•lllrakn lti1rdtNrt/ OMJil ttr rt, iPIUC'AI,O.Jt
Tf. ,.... ~ paillli"llf/~1
41A """"" b.t./IV. o. bltaWf'/ m...;.,.l i..uume~~ta throucll. the.,../ IJiri"llf~l~
7$. ftiAolttltt "e<lloorr"/Aolltu•d/ Gbotolt7()()/t. IM!wr/alpbabeta ..
Orlllll\ellta/-1<1 ~W.(JOI til,/ mwltnld
~<>4 bol~J4frll;.f/o,.,.,
gocdl 76. 14 l'ftw 6t .aba/111Me .,., 6t ~I
l71A .,.,.., fro-fiAt ,.,..,.,
11. "'"" • ol ... 1189/e!AiiO 77.
""""'ii4• ONr fiOII/~r •-•I
"'""" McliGII "· ......... ,.,...fbol._
-a pietoria ~llf· ltnld • tO. #NUJII410/ bilt.ory of millie/ ... '' · - . C'O. ,_,,1/IHO
11. "''·til. l>tubtt/...zl pMIIlir~g/ pr-/1'OlOf dpall:r PO. typ. til. Wrw6/lypof10pllit:cll ,_.,I
tl. "''·til. llwbn/dotlbl. firliul/ MM -baf15BI 91. '4if~/<t/IJ4dilnt 1· Wflo/ 0101\
n. '-PI- tollldilntfwllool ot mlat~/IIRiHt"ftJII
r>/ •l<'lli,..,.
,_ .ldkll!"" ~~-~ ....,..
14. o-,. til.
10• ....r.otu-ott..··~l-atn.
"· iWl./lri,U ~,,.,.,,
cNJrc/6'1() 4.4./•- of p:ru <trW/
"· ibfll.(-~ If. ~-ft~~~IW.IIono 81. ibid./fr...U. llono
... iW.""'"''Pfl 15. ibid./oli* lr~ , . ilrid_,,_ l"ba
17. r;p. cil. bd<..../olipo\4..Uf-r.t•"' "'"" apatGlrl'ftM/lt>U UU. etlll11"
~nW<._f..,_ ~.,.
-lllbio 15. iWJ./tAU.~UJMf-'i" ttt.lt/IJIO Jllllrfill
n. *4./tkl/14,. .ordiv/ITU. ""'"" ,_ .,.. e>l• .,..,... fOl/«1l()fl/pU... ,_ .,_ e>l. ,_,._,ri.oli•l•it<o/4 tl-.oli/ /71JJ ""'""
100. Jlt.-J/1(~. 'llt'PfJl/rootll po\coiG 101. ~-it/OOtllll4tim!/....U•~ dar/-•fhoriu>o{~ 1110/
o...-rroJt , . , . pwblW.iJif C'O.
1~. opa•iM.., ~ """' ..adrid
10.1. w,U o1• .../llo•rbl/ d. •. , _ . pltdo 10,, eollfon~.i4/ '· r./r~Y<M lOS. "''· nl. voo<A/6Mddltilll lftf/'W/ boo£\ f<IJIG, r!lldra I Of. l>cwdtr """ifj,handbook ol _.ty america11 a vertilinl art/
,.•.• ""'";1.::"·
c rreMta
t.l>.lwr,.,."llu- ~i.Ai.tf/ "' r«l/1 ·~$ 107. lti,ll t. llor•• • tA•rdtfridl'N1fl4,
,,... i4/Pi•ri•i4
• •
108• .,. "'· ,o«ll/llrrt)Jt -'WfiJ./ .....,,,.., r!lld"' 1W. ..W.f~ on"::;Jr.,_/ ,...• Jllllli 110111,
110. ·.,.. "'· "'ft•le ........... ol .nJ
tnttfnt/t'tdl-.4, ..,....
111. ""· .... ,_.,.,_ ....., . . . _ , . Ht. ilttd.(e-...., d#l41l/--Ill. <>JI. til. ..,. ..... MWWVWI rf M/
nlllna Ill. "''· ril. ftaJI&D ,.,..lforaal Fkulpl!IU 110 /11, lhid,lf--z rardnu/pl/Jk lfO Ill.
il!id.I/IW'M41 ,...,..,~ 11 iiM.f/IW'IJUJl ratdrul"* 114
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()tmenalon 16 c~e<>lts oli-.iott f114kl wllr «~• 1M JIGltoaQ/- oJ daN f..Vort <O'Ifli"'"J ad Mloaar, '"'~ f'ad rapfM, olld lit <0416go of udou.d•rt oM
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1&&1*- ..... ~..., ~llt*lao.,... - pntjld ;,. 1M ~ ... ,., " • ,...,.,.. rowr: i1111rJ'fd<llicoa ttl o _. /FOliO 1M book of bll•, k<IIAr lillr
U.OO pn U.W ft.OO pttr U.W
J')dlroa rtgtdor
oddrta: di!M!Ui011 ~·...r ~ of on:Ju:tM1101t oM claip 1M ••i..,.lilr of ...ielt,a• Oltll
arllor, 111-itA.,..,.
JIGpttF: . . . . ..t ..l * f i * - ad tal toll• ftihlfd &, -~~-poalrld 1'0111· ,...,, dtlnN, MdlfGII
oli.t ewl: <OIIlrillld«< &, ~ JIGpn ctiutdli11f ddroil, fJPI: Aeab lld i• o-w• wrori41; lllli..,.lilr Fillliltll o~. arb«; tal Nt ;,. «~~~•rr capuodMl il.olu; ;. IIIIJitlgtmltrr lrtpeadt i 1111· Mlrvit, Ill Fillli~t~~: &ro•• oM btwiii.,Micl, w., a""
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II«W• n.e.. f'OII'I tGpida, 81i<Aif'1ll ...,. of ordtil4dt<re 0114 oluip,
QJIR ~.Midi.,...
tli..,..w.. ...a,..zi.,, ""· u /.,.'1111 a/15/W •11illft'titJ of llla'tA.,..,./<OU6V' of or~4il«t••• au or/lot,
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