nR~ mPMot!ml ~• 1HhT ltre.t, L~ ~ntt1 "d 2·1! u lm!DUIIl • IIGDfi. J!IIUlilt • P~PDiY • ~l • OIS:PU..-1
18 a11" aibc:kr- f)y tel:ld'b!h: in
t~ rolktf~
oJ l~J'e~Ji~ ,CIJII.i ~~Jut
~ olmlldtipll
tJdd'TUr. rlimnuionJcoH~~ of t:l.l'cllit.eBJIJY cmd dui6nttM ~tty ,bf lfiW.ipn/ QI'Ul,
arlHK, ~
ditoriDl. •taff; i - mic.lrarl ~n., ~1/.UI!ltU. Gill!fiKJII/ rlutrta. Oldu/ rWli Jof•trvm/l.. m., ~t'111
fat;.-v.lJy G®rtw: cli!J. ~ ri.Qui! .jV"'IQ ~ ud' ~Ill' a .P'VIfPV.I'II.
. av~ilw prvj«J.
U.IM ~ daf,p
• •. • • ,a look a,t tke presentt the past, and lke future • • • • • • • • • •
table of ccmtents
a 4
THE CIVIL WAR ~ul~mn 4..
~~ profcuw o/cu芦
ll1oroce IJ. ~~pro~路 liiO. 634 oolJe,Re ol ardatf.edW'I! and tlai6n the ul'liuutU)t of m~~
' \
Tllu rc.-zrcA proJ«t t.diii~M w rae thote comporitiottol fUOIIIIUI' and ~~ f«.hrulp.ra at ~~'.Y Cl)lllm&ld to .mv.: tu ~~ oJ aibiM 'Mtl~r rlroum /rwn tV PGR· T~ intLIItiolo& UC1 Ct; brin& OJ:It a •ll!lll:.R q/ G ttlne-, aJtd til# t1Notaldna1 impad of PQTlklllur ll!ll.lmU. TM~ q~ cmr IIOl li'M,bl to~ IUpict!J'd b:J' a(/Jipte ~, Tlal!!l punly ~~Uomll a.p«t!tl'
Oflbr '" "'""' Dt,. ~ QJJ.aftl~ gJ
fArN 4Jm.eJUiofiiGI fOI'M. .tpau. aM if,rhl, GJ',d.
~... ~...-:.,
~ · .I
'The period~ as 13Qbjed. WM l1lla lut year of the Civil War, lrom the appointment of U.S. Grut u cogmumdef or the umi oJ tbc Uoib:d Sta~ to the ~tl!l following the c:o!lapee of the eon. &neracy in the spr.it1g and cady summel' of 18&5. 'I'hi! choic::a of time nnd happenina. ~ \)Ued DO the position of tbe Civil Warm om culf.lne, a result of i evideDt drama and ~t effect. ID our .aocisty the myth. ology ol the elaasic paatisrelat1vdymeanlng].eas,u 'cb~~ ofhi.atmy hom E\oope has a great bl'e'4ch. Wbnto~ mytholou, RIP, or folkhistory we pcmass ii chieJly ol the New WOJ'ld, aqd iBcludlel the Civil War in great portion. 'lbe eocW oonVtdsion tha1 turned i.Dto tmtin the 1860's ia still shalc:i:ng ua, and will continue to do BO 1m an unknown. time into the fut\lM, This. mJO:mlOml RllltioiUlJ ,schism bit mto every Jife in one generation, and left the cmmtry from tbGt1 oo marking ita laifl«y a.q ''before" or 4 'aflsr"' the war. Nothmg 1int!i uwr the same agaill.
The sheer depth of tragedy and height of drSiiiUl invoJ,·ad in. tbe war, and itilly tbe Jut yetl~, bas fed an endle&s stream of authom with matetiB] for hdtory, drama, novel, and poetry. And the wnters have dona Mill by it. 'too. Most of w: t 1lY'e know Jnd fee] Qf the time cDIDB!I via thei~ pens. Tb.ere is Ilo mtDy oo_mpuabJ ttozy for the paiPtert. '111e visual ft.perienee of the war that ha.&t pa.ascd to us depended. le.r ety at tiNt on the 11e00rd of the pholographe:ra and the engn.vcr'a distomtd images of wlud the ~ ~ta sent lback to the mapzincs ond pepen.. In reoom yean tne pidu~:e has improved with the· widaipJ.IQad tapl'Oduction o,t prlnll&. photos. Mid infrequently seem cm,Rinal drnrim,ga.. Thi& w espandcd mu ul'll comptehen&ion (lf the period. 'l'be stylized and miDiliLtiC dcpi.otiou of 'bhe Cunie1' and lves type of ltthograph served for ge:nerations u a IJOUI(l(l ol picto:riaJ info · mation a imporlant &!I the earlier woodcub in the war poliodicals, o:r
tru. in a rda~~ ~rachul fadltm. DIVl i14 two dtm.c:ruialllll.urf~J~Ce, tU Ibm. Tlti.;. Q lmt8 IDII)' jNJJJt any ftiOmtioD of radicy. 7'A8 ~tCI"Miort of Cq ~ of a pbjcd G
Uwo.fvu G
iM cUGl
:claml ~tl.' Rp~ . arc tlDI'l-
~11m. of ClOlOr ill irwokPt.t' ~. olio ~ imp~ NJtn-pkz.orlifl ~ cwl mat ;in ~UrA-
6illmJtiofu o/IM cJA
""' t11
.IIIOOd in ~ ~'HiM ol ~ rMr.uer. TM• UiR'd ~R,~ ~
id~i;fimllw m6;jm ~• .ma.lee u-p ~ to fl'W lii'Oild.
ior ckl.!Klu ~ liiAicl. I
the ma• &rzelfJp
from tl!te ~ent a1n'l~bas and set pieee~~ of Winslow Home:r and Coo..
Tle bait PN~ In tl~ proj«J luu flf"A fM ~ ~ &lie' ClCiill:l4 fut4 ~ ~ o/ color. pat~m. llolalueo. tmd' ~.. aa· ~h-1Kl'1t:. ~uoUI.
wtJ~~lJ 1•
pictwiill f.'CIIItmt,.
.r i- ro ~~ rnPMJG "' ~~~ rikwu. 7'1u: p~Jc,111. ~ Ma fM !t,;;;o. lfonal P'apm~B"• b• fl)«i/k ~· ~ dtey ~hr ~worce eli!: ~ ni~iiMt ol a pailr•izl8- It ~~ 416&~ could . q• p;lflftnst
~ ~k
,)" lvmlai.U.,
~i'oMI C(R'1! I« c: polltiU.,. ~ lftiBid k ~
k> br~ ~n a: nll'ioal r;f " ' "
nu ~«
the lantern fllides and ~te~ajlbs prepared by MOJtbctw Brady's
OlPJiir.ation. Paintings.PJClduced during .a nd (11fter t.M. Ci'lfil Wat :rangltd
ot 1M n:GtfY
~,... ol are 14Qt ~ hd:lert'.d ll'Gilti~n ~fl<f!r .lncr llleo'on ol ~- I'M lhe pafntu. ~"t ~w 'Ma ~m I&:P"/)> ~Itde.~d dJrOd b :c\V '(JMio. TM paba.kNs. W!Ul! left /P"TUJJ'G:I.ed 6y fi\li &bid fjjjJ, ,~Mif,cc
bm! .nallllPI«' o/ ~ ~ i.:o ID· J«J. v~ of ""'~ ~~ ~ b«C!A. /regU~raly frcrUl.l'flkd lly an ~iU:r)' to~ llr.r ~~ ~/tQrU ttl: druft~ ard ol Mil t~. For fOlM fi~M a i!KJIIII&,.~ Df t;('ILit!l""'hm~jm, !tal .PH!m .zoutly lb.~ ~~ ~,. G8tl pDblk. n.u proie" u a mt~~t to ttl I:IMU.u ham m tAil brfdB.
md Chapman, through giant cyclof':Ul')ti &nd many Hofficia!,H pairntinas of Uttle ~tic virtue, Theee,, tnd a gRat number or deeply feU p~ painted by ~!'!, still m:ist and can !1ff"'e U IIIO.u:t«:
mamrisl also. 'The ph.otographs ol t]w; wtl:r nimain as one o:J ~tr ~t historical ~ o1 wt ~ time. The overt!.~~ label ·~mdy CoUect~· ,C(W"(!'I'I the work of ID&IIY phot.o,grJpben, and the prinm and plates often thusly ,called number in tiLe tbousanrh :in the files of wriooa ptlblic and priva~~.
All this hat been poM:Ptial 01' a:cll:Jal BOUIIDe materiAl fo:r this :research project;. Famfliarity with the visual aspects of the war, t:be peOPl~ and tbe ecenes, wu obtained lby stucbr from this etore of material "fbe habit drt.winf l!8rVed to enha.rtCe tbi9i faMJ1Uirity; drawing not lfor the sake af copyin,g·, but for tne need ol und~~~Standimg. 'fbi&: is bu.ic:: to an endeavor of aD iD~JStn~l"e nature. Paralleling the drawinr hom .soure.e material ~ tbi'l type, ·unac:rstanmng of tbe c:ountey and lowns involved bas been ol majM oo~ce.. '1'be geogrepbi(: know:l odge required b'avel, of COtll'8e, n:nd this, ft!iintOJCed ti.y a goodly amoont of .Pliotoaw ~y, ~ 1.5 a st"ro:ng !NppOl'ting element. n.~ 'Qevel'{lll sources
oi in.f01mati.on lll!t. th.e stage. and pointed up an unftllahle pp. We: UJt n.ever brow the ~ 'Jb.ey wrote, spoke, drew, ami we ean a'tudy thil!t, bot they am answer ·no more, when we aRlt:, ..How was it, thll1t8'?'•
'Ibis ~otio.n wu ~eJected o gmthJ:ilte- projeCJt plimArily beea'U"lle the promotion of web 1110 cfto.rt hAS no :p:recedenl to use u a gl:licle iD detoiJDinin,g bow it should be approacl:md. Perhapa ltiHI lllu_pporlem o-1 Ohris Cclnmbus nsed a p:ro:motion of some I5CII.'t to gain mppon for hi2l ventllPe. Bl.!it even if it oou1d be found!J social snd teclmological cban.pl8 would moeilikely tender lheir app!Widl usa• . "nle lack of p:recsdsnt is not ec~ to make 8Ucb 1. pJOject of value. A n~ ingredient Vf'U t be ..mis.on d'ebe" for tbe pror!'!Dlion of f kind. Certainly mt~oy p.roj~ could be de-vised ,onJy on the basa of :ving :no precedent 11Dd thumfom prnsenting a cli.alleJigo. But l:D4DY might la.ct potemW applicatioo.. Why mould the Unitecil States' :space prognu:n be promoted? It wcuJd appea-r thajt we aft! going m have some kind of spaoo program w.e like it 01' not. The P.rernderit. the' and a1!l of thO&D peopl\e in Washln,gtw seem to have mede up our mim.ds. H01118Var. it tomono . mominJr Americans rolled out of bed and decided that the ipilOO 'PfOirHI!Il definitely II!Lol JOJ them, you can be sure that the poltticiuns oou.ld do litlle ex.cept appease them. The p.resent Ame-.1can stat~; ol mind ooncerninr the space proaram (,e:~<oept for the l!!ilmlmt.ional.ism during .m.annod IJNlClB diots) m one <tf apatby. 'Ibis is understandable. At th~ stap of th.B gatne. rtb.e Umt~d States" Bpace accomplishments have liUis di.:rect sft:ect opao tlie m~. Who iD their concern fo:r cutting tlhl! daily bmad; d'u.l[ the shm:p Bdg ol :il:rte:re:d in seemingly ra-r away tbmp. N.atumlly a hDDgey man will seat food, befoTe readJing fol' what appear to be 1J3Blesg stam. It mtho 0~ fot mo~ of the im~ste and t.~~ngjble that proridas the 'w~· of this
F.O.B. MOON oduutiuml!ni point• Old lfiUGllfl'b~e n •
limofft" ol milium d~pl1flil•'ld ollf,u ~,Q;o .r.o,e. IDCh Gill mcmfll(adurfnt on alltu p/lllut'l.
f!Om~~ automat.rd pl'mJh. mp,plyinS ~tutll ~ l'lel!lU in. mB1lJifaJ!'IW"ftl. ifDOIU,. etc.
tobu .wollld ~ th ~a Eartlt ,_ &cttu t:W!iJl~mt af liuin; Spall~~ flu poplllalion olll.umcuu.
MORE ALIKE THAN DIFFKRBNT r.r.r. otlwTlf.Nmflllt MtJt8 wtrh •he ~ rddl oJ ~ l!n IJUMT •lXI" lq1M IIIC.IC'W llllli1 cult~ We a.n El4rtA. ~ f!e t~a•tllftll and I!Ol!IIJ~ of f1IMt .eotm"', Mm lml)' PH!ctmH' m_ar~ twlitN <i1 Oil! ~ plDec tlwl. faciMrl , anU..ddrr and' 4inU-,th4& U. ~ fariJHit.rmu ~ U. Me an~rM-
It is possible that BID organiD!d (:S~Dp&i,gn could be burtt to. H:Wd the progmsa ol the United in epac:e.. Suc'h a progum wouLd be designed to aid enemy~~ to diminfsb the opposi~ll ol tlw United States tl). their P:~ (or humaniey, 'lbe preMmt impo:rtlancc of -that fri:nge o1 the Ul'th"1 outer atm.osphe:re (which wt· naw !li1dBI' to u space) a11. a military objer:M-ve .is ob\I'J.Qlil1 I·t lWlS JJOt so oovioll8 MM~ral y~ q-o. The major objeetive ol 3\l.bve~Ura would be to i:nfiueom tbroqb proplflltda t«lmiqueti lM apathetic majority. 'l'bey would tr)' to convince the JMjoJiiy that they need a cure for this diseue or and not .a. handful o.f roCb &om the m.oon. Tbey ~:wid 'Ul'Je the &pt:Jtdinfm ~alloeataifundaon mban renBQ.] (•lum.~tioo) and create a pam.diBe on 'ii!:Sl'th phg tax cot~. The list of human wants \8 a!! !GOdJSIIS Bl!l tt!l gullibility. Tbe objective of the p:roposed p»ject Wll.8 to inftiHIDCe pul:ilic opinion in fiWOI' of tbe U:ni~' ~ don ao. that apa!le explontion can cJeve)op at the ;mm pmuj:bla and begin to brinJ tangib e rewarcll to mankind. At the outaet. •Jm objedt"ve might :rn rnlamaly m~BY to attain. aut &end! everyone in tJle Unitl:d Statu a bmcbme o:f some 20 or SO pages 'lel!1ing theln wh.M. it"e aH about. To :m..s..b;, s.n.:r reasonable imp.llel8i.on. thu broch.urB. would b!IIVB to be imp~ive. and :im:pressive~ 00111ta mOD.IIy. It 0011la a lot oi mcney when yo1.1 w.JUtt to make miOiOOB of impressions.. What kind of iJMiression 'llfflWd result fr(IIO ill publication p:rodooed, at public::·e:s.pense ;tlwd wi:Nld cost flllnOit a mudl a.s tbe pn;;~gram i.tlile'U? This approac:h wowd. not ru"lly provide a. ·~~for senate investi,pting tSUboo.mmittees. but it wou1d ako repulse John Q. Pu.Wc by the '\~elY idea of~ a fm'bme trying to convince him to spmui 11 fMNne. To III.OOODI!Jmb the mllle pi!.~ more rationally it was~ to~ the avails.bllity of INiil."Jfl of lnOtJCDCe which have oon8idflrab1& dret upon pqhlie oPiftio:n, Which graup in tJmi llloufitey c»uld be USBd as a vehicle for this program? JUte~ l!:iftmg the qual:i.fications of both prominent and :pl'OblbJe groupe1 o1 ! - 4. .
L.._ _
• • saentists to
~~~ •
~tictam~, •
busmessmeo . --· .. were IKileelia.l _..~
the most likely ta:rpta. 19m JNVESTMENTS '1'1Ut, ad.w:l'tMM~ 11/.Ui ~ ehfr pWt.n-
~ .n1 oate"r ~ ,rm.ei'Gl t.trl'l'll' ol ik o~rn:tm~ lliOfmtl'tlll. wtU h a I'MJI.Gl til., Ma:~ /WI!' ftlbJu-» eo 6e ~d! I»,PQII i'clkr ~~.....
"Businessmen as a gr-oup fonn an in11't.:lmtia11loxe bot.h. mand out of bodies.. Imli¥idwd~Y this lo:roe is ftbo a.ut'Jid in ~
is ootlducted on day-t.o-<dly 'This group is spread and. pem'lieates virtually every comer of the countyy. In dul community tho opinions et! the buaine&9mlm are usuaJiy of w~bt and reftNoee. They are also the ~ who lift! o:f ties
wbere bus1n
~ wide
peat iinilueooe on public otfiocrs u
' u most often appointed to
pu_blie otlk1e themselves. The objective in the ~tpproach to busi::nea!lmen woukl be to point out the probabhl WJe8 of outer space. Potentials lor investment WQQ)d certainly be meotiorted U.e. lntematlonal Telephone and TeletnPh11 propoaa[ to odrit a wo:rJd wi!M oom:munkatiomutellite- sys1em financed by individual inve&tmenb). Witl!i the direction of the pi'OIIlotioD eatabl:ishecl; the media f'or CODtarllnf tbe ~ audi.enoe can be detennined. BwrlnBeli maga:zm wme .Pif.llerred over direct mlli.l icalJy because of the ctl61 mvdW!d in just maillq a lareG ~uantity of pieces plus tbe probable effect &ucb a piaoe would have on th8 recipient. Ad~t81D trade mapnnes. na~'l! developed ao aura of I'Ba:p8dability and truth .not easily •~ed in direct :mail Tbl!l'efon, .airu:e JIB!Ipect fo:r what is being preted can be piN!d phli the- reduction in C0$1, the- maguine and ~t
newepa adve · ment. were telected. {'J1,e cott.8 of ~ring to thG Mlclpitnt ma il'ial in tM two media with :tattvely tbsaameembemshiDIUib, llmount.ed toabottt$16lf929 rol"tb&mapzin_e and newspaper advertisaments, and about $445.450 fm the direct mall pie(le. The majoJ' part of the direct rruill budget being :mailing costs alone.) Btu~ Wee~ -.nd the Str«t Jou.nt4l ~ ielect.ed Ol!l. tho buie or the quality rather than the lllU!Sive of cifeulation. 'Fbo ooe initial dvanto.1 that tbo diiCCt mail piooa had OVOJ the advertisement& w.u that tbe ! p:mmotion could be p~ witbcmt :interruption of interest. 'I'he reader did not. have f.o. wait fo:r DBt waell's isa.u.e , meanwhlle losing iuta118!1t. Till!! alone did not wenant scrapping the acNsrtisement id~ Thi1 Raw in the adve.rt~rnent aeries
TI'W adVC!rtwJIH'llt uriU co.nrid'.n- ~
o/ n.oriolnal pridJr eain.ed tAmqlr
and intCI'lUitimlal ~
g ~ ~
i1:1. ~ TM
of tAU prlcU Cllli'l raJJ«< aanaiMd ~ ""'"" o/ p~ 4 futiU ~N'{IJ!r b~ cmd UwaJJtk-.Jt.l tn toNVa ~ 6~/i1t
wu owercome by ~ a abort !Pel':'ia (61Me.rtions In the ~ 6 inaertio s in the newspape:r} and runnin1 thetD. Jtequently (bi· JOOnthly). A lttonj: design motif would ebo aerve to in~gr-ate tM 8Cfit:8 IDa.king it ~Y ~and familiM, Audienoo and mtdia cJctermined, the content of the media became the nut problem. To catch the interest of this rroup, the first advertiamnent of the Mriss was to be written on a busin thane (in~ mants). With the identity estAAJiahed, it wu pouible- to move into the ~r at~~pec:ta of !JPace exp}ont.ion 'Which ouJd Mturany be invoJved lrith investment or at least aJied invemnenrt to a oertaid degree. "''hefe. fo~~e, the remaining ad.vert1te.mentfl ol th• ~ deal with ths ucono:mie (F.O.B. Moon) , the oUlita.ry (!Military and Weather Satellites in
EXPANSION oF THE DOMAIN 0P MAN od~rti:.rmerd WJU C'D~Uoith, fAf! ~ ~ da, fa ~~ ~lbpJMIU..
and U. ~ rQf.c ill. r.H frmur -
"'qalwf qM .~r. luJvc ~ .il1.o lfl~ {Jy~t ~ W tk., rJwam-. crJMiinU•
o1 m111 P"''d~ iNiirrctl)o ~ /l"'m. ~li. MMY ~ IMme ~Y ~m im~.d ftJ .lftiiA ~~ all Pi;y-pl'(ltlW'z. 0/ ~ IWftiiiCi.
ldty ill. U... /~
Mll.JTARY AND W .EATifER OOJIITBO·L S IN Ol'iBI'l' Tliit t.ldv'!trliHme.nt ,po.i'nt. ord' t#lll! aJ.oonrasn dltd ,p.otmdal d~~"" Qj rp.~iW-01Y G~td' ~Dm4ll.e-r COAt,m! ..,..trnq~ in ~
~ Ulftltllo j()l'all~~ (~..__ av~)- TU. ~~ aliiO ~oW: Ill~ d~ rJf iltwillt >ltM.MY!l".l in fiTm ~f (1/ llltll aHa and ~ jeopardy wlti:cll. :tflg .Cc~ion pltJca ow rll4f of~.
to lli!Ui"neJ!II GllCII.
Orbit)~ Ute sociolodad (More Alike 'lbJm Di.flerent), the l!dmWic {~on of the Domain of Man), tmd. 1'b poUtacal (Th.u Bapeet of Po~r) .~of spa.oo ezploratlcm.
The desWta ol the ~1:1 wfml rougbad out ·f mm the suhjeet (If eooD llld\tii~nt :IDI!1l!ticmed, p:nrviGW~Iy (2 page spread • fuD oolo:r :lllagazififlo---Blaclt. and. whi.te %: page n~per}. Aftel" ti:Yinf 8 to 10 di&erent approacheli! to tbe introductory adveriise:ment, tbe pre!!lmt lo:rm ~<J. evolved .mel co:n11.rmed. to have the ~Btreqth and cbamcter fOJ a promotion dealing with a subject such as outm s:pnm. The :rem.inder or the eeJiei completed. by modeling the ~ advertisememl OIOUD_d thB ill~ advartissment"a design with modMlcatiou In d gn to gi\ID the impre6.'!1ion of the &Ubject; under discussion ill Mch a.d~mant. A brlllf outline crl the subject matter t() be eoveled in e&Cb advertisement is mcludad with t'he resp«tive "'dverihlement on these paps.
c t~tl .,, ol~ndl m.INM. UIOt'ial~ pro/-mr u/ an:lliikcfluW!
lhJ!' t:Otl~
tJ/ a.rrAJirdure and "-ip
tM ru&Wtmty of .mit~
E I...A'I'ri CE TRUSS STRU oruRE ~~~
l o. paNJrkft.JOIJOrAD
JtJ4l"Cllt, Qlllod.at4ZtTO/euo' of tvdltlucv~
llriJ ~ olllr'('AU..ecc111'8' rmd dai,rrl lite unir.IUfl'ity af ~
7'1&. JWO~ piVpoid tiK appflcation of 11 ~ t'G.!I04!~ ltll1Ju 1raa 11ui1ilinj OOill.-
muc:UM. If t. Gb outpowllt d/ an earii4r dtr.diU"'SS Ide-a and, U.«r /!161, ~ rll1.:tnd U. u.~ m1111ptiition Jar 1M~ of 1M iPDII•Amoiam. ll4!a#l« ~ B.Wld~ in W~qn, D.C. Til~ "JLi.ltlilQ ~~J'CPII ~ ~tl ftw on atNPJI.b{)t laU GIUllll'l otlfa PJ, tN1 a trilml~ '""· lri ~ au.. prvjrGm it IOO:IJ rt~ ~Nit dftce .rlu! -mb.ty Mil wa.t tlw! d~t wltlcA ~ M{nilicanU)' ~&url lit~ (uncrltm of IA<t! ~. it llad ~ &nme prami-nntce·. 1kctaww 1!1/lfl..e · litJJ)t an.d riz-r of du: .ttc it ~ /«ll tho~ fAc CIDVIIIDf, lta{j II.IDidd be WFl1fi tl lftOII id"WIIl.Y Z.,. miii'Gu ol a ~ torrrt, wW.
frrc ~arotmdit.rmMrC!\tmiAiU toiiJlily,
7'/w "" o/ a. lcr.Ub tnl# ,ilJ'W'llllht /fR' '1M ~ b~ l4lilA ollly /.oW' poW. of .tap· PQf1 permilc~ ll'ffltrr /rtttlo""th. U.~,c-rnlmtll' ~t. ~lt!llk'AC luWii ~ ii.!*illbJy mmpler. Subtltllllmt ~ ~ .jat ~ prvpow:rl dr~urr IDoiJd rilf[Wn- Ia- .matnial lhlm orf.Ptally onrldpated. TIJ.c ~iu 011d
app/fc.a:tion ol rJiu ~ of IJI'~~ ~ 6~ lurtltrr mJAUti;atlftL
I urived in K~;thYQ.ndu on Ap:ril 7 ~ ~961. By April IS I bAd rcaclted the decision to proceed witb mye~perimellt htdepsndently, had fDWLd b.oOOl. .n.ClCUilliOodatio which provided mo1:e auitabie a,pace, bad enpged a combinaticm., gttide U1.d cultur~1 ~dvi~ and began the development of pict~ word 1ym'bols lo:r m~bseQ.llel'lt
fteld tetttmg. doMl.d ~ . .;ocrlt proJU~t~Jr '0] d~ flu rmJvel'fii~y lllidep.vt~
of JDirlli&«lll
(IX!IIff)' ,_QJ"dd !fpeclt:J~ 1ll't1J«.l Q41, 63
Tlu: ~ ~t tM Jl1.~ Q{ ~ m:td
~ tA~ Vcr.Uey Q/ N~ field tftfiltt a lltewy U.ttrlt ~tuN111tJdon ~ h comrn.Pi• ct.~flNI C'iallllll.v 1D mu~rdU tN .IIMHU~il' p.tO• ph !1.)' mean. oJ eli mbd~rli ~ gf 11!.4
MG¥ 1981
Jll'~ oJ ~.idfl#rtlpllk mdt~. T~ f;ollawiq IIQCOiW[f ia tlll!m lrom U;r:r!rpU of clle eom,z>UU' ~ which mn l;;r obUll'rttd fiptl]l! nqu.u«. Addr:,.. inquiria tu Pn;l. D . B . GGII:IC'h, JJ'J A~c:fllrt: IUdt-. UnirArniiy ul Mk~, Ar:~n
To in~~ til• UI'QCflical Ol'.l.l'eCt. of"*-' m~ru.trry ~ ~~ 6')' .ntii!Q/U ol pixr~IW t~Hwn,r ~ratid'lll t'elltr..ry.
Ulikron ~ of ~r
The (ollowi!fg account i.B tl4! rectRd of a typiml (Ulld tr;p: On the :fi.Mt mp. we' drove to Tlltimi, a villag,a famous for itB )JOttcry md IMking, lituated. ab<Nt four :mileiJI east of Kathmandu or app~ halfwa:y on the :.-atber uncertain matll highwaj• between Kathmandu and Bbatgaon; the latter being the r.econd lar,est city in tbe Ve.].ley:t with a population jtmt uuckr lOOtOOO. We ]eft tbe Jeep waiting at Thimi and &ef; oul on foot th.rrup the paddy field p3th~ fur the hamlst of Bode. Before we Bade. bou.t a mile north from 1,1limii, we wsm apprized ,o f ths fact that a~·al lJrogre::J;S. Wemet.«aecompanied, aeverall smaU prooaaaiDDS of. both childnm. and adu..'VIs dressed in !estive attirej carrying banners. tood.., riit.ual aa.'I!S50ritlS, and .live pta. lor w::ri:fioe ;{!.$ well as the ~ of those wh988 blood bad ahtady ~ the ilods. When we arrived in the f.)wn, there were IDBD.Y peopl.: colleded in sm:oD groups, squlltt.i.DJr un their heels both in the street& WJd l:M!md.e the hou~ in tho m.itlst 0'1 dop. cattle. goa~. dlickens, and va:riOWI and afiSCrted debris, This w;U 1ny 6nt ~J.ellce <>::11 ~ ._.arterial highways" 'but 1' soon di.soownld that UUti i~ u audience that can be depe-nded 'llpOll mbe alwa}'!l present and llliml11y intfl:rated in. any diversion. Mr. JQSbi filllUS.tted do'!llm ln the midst •Df O!W &f the ~ups andJ s.tmted talt:Ing, a.t the !laHle time other groups b'i join us so rtb t we SiOOD bnd 40 Ol" 5() peliSOTlR i!IDI'J'!mmrling U!!J, divided abcnJteqtuilly l::JUtm:!un man, w-ome11., and cbildren. As ~ ~Bxpbtined it. to me later. he told tllem wbo we were, that w1t wished only to show thmn SOIM p.ictuns had with us. which we hoped might be a of bringing- education to t:liiMn, lhat oor purvose wu benevolent (we in~ndedl no harm---only good) and aD. we Wished WM that they ted u~ what the pictwea meant to thsm. Mr. J O&lll's survey of 'lle group ascertained that no~ ~dJ :read or write. Ei!nd from my Vln'flilge· point AS art mMrestedJ f81}ecl;ataJ J e!Jtimated that at latu."t haJl oJ the group hnd IUlVived an ttack of smallpox.
Dev,clopment of SymbolR. Mr. J&li.
G/ Atd&acoloo' t.Wl
C-uUUN IDI•A tb (or~r "'derl.LOG"gey;'" wu ~r~ rm~ ai bU! ruq oJ my nud. ®d !It"~'" tM in.r~~eNitm of G\111 A~~
/Ricrtd,tt·tNrouxl:;y to 111G
'f'iV (inJ. tiiJ\I! d1JY,J Mr. JMltj Cllld 1
,, IM!q~4'i altd' dc'~ UNt qmlN!la
C>U1l' uw-:idul'"le' in tutinJI. After lhf' /lrll llft'4'W ~ of ~ and lrUq .dm:.h~.l rlrnD a ~IU!tfltv'J/ up&! 1m1111 iiiJiol(
.-:ymkl.- for Jl,., JN/u~,. eoolumD!m t1w rJ!qfrtilt.f• .DlPl il'o i!lt}' lt.ndkcl ~qurpmMt
and tM Mn'ml:;y Qj fti.M~~ uxill!il'l,l In tlt4 /ield-re..ting ~. IIIR'd a Wal oJ liY'u;N_prW too riM .~ame .UU ~ o1 iPI'imJ! ~·"'4!h. :glyfPOOd JoT CGIIrJt'lliell. •t~Jh")r Uv IJiill IUT~ Uh d ~ IUP-c:Atm fa Upote- r.M ~~~~ .tR, ~. be· amae o1 ;qJM~. rue.Vle tmd' •~ l Prht!nkd fll.v mdill'idual ~
cuM. ~ (JioJ Oll-
lthal .tr:vu~~,~ T~ ..,.~ ~ nmpk Uru druwinj.l d~ 10 ZAcll:e.. kP ~~ i.!Wift ill f1ifmu:tu !fJ"~.d JDU;ta Gil OT-dina.Py .-.fiotll. ~N i.rt b~ tn.' tm 1M IIIMQ PQ~Hr. For tltlt' ~ ck3r ol tutU., Wf! .fwd ei.IOINd. 40 indir;id'uaf .sy~
7 ~ -t~lt!me.rdacy
Mr. Jftlai. Thne ca•t.t.ed oJ ~ .U..JI'br clf-IIW!l 0~ A!~~ ~~ ecmii1UI.n d7UI.Jarnilw NDiiiiU and~ ~~~nkllt'n(Ippro~.o~ 6]1
~ lo
Md lndaded the ltopdrd t>q11Waloaq ol fluJ /DUo~ ~ I'I!UDI,. Wl7m!a'll. PN!y. 8il't ~. ·R'~ J!SQ:&tJitllln.. J~ road. _pat~\.
l!'tNr, virla.g.r., fttY• ~'CO. mQUI, nm., dq, plow. - · lwiv. •peal. drid, dnl~.. f~ wr-Zttr. if~, thiitA. ~ •zmJ:Y. ~. ~ rarlwii., C'OI"'II_. m . TM ill!l.leh II:Rtlrnctlf CO'fiAJJI!d of ~~" o/ ~- ~
zy,m.b.ol-1 }lirtttpD-a
h Mi:~
inc a
kfJ to
ril~t •ttfi1!71U f.D ~/!Tftl ~l!t lrlllD~ .-tllk~ IIWI\U: (1 ) Rar 11t~ oran,p; ~, Eal: dtf' kMIICIJ' (3} Tlu 1Rt111 WGlh .~ tU. ~:
Mr. Joem remained where bs wd, keeping tbeil a;tten,tioq with bis. e:Qilimation. while I banded him oor Oip mart. whicb be held 180 that m.o&t could see, and stuted 15hr;nring tha pid:w:es, uling tbem to lden· tify each tymbol e:epa:rate]y from the pair on each pag&. w~ bAd ~ to five thAm no clues uru they failed to idlmtlfy the li)'ID001, Old n.ot DDtil I bad .fiBCilnledl it as a failure on my &lCO.n} [l:IBd. At fi.m t tDey were somewhat .shy and hesitant lo tMpOnd to Ou[' viorual stimQli but after tbe .-ice wa.'l broken'' tbey bBCIImA!I q;uite Je~~PQn&.ive. 11le tim ~ WCI !'bowed tbem Were k!M'l, W(U!14UI, boy And F!, a81Jl.U!3inl that these would D8 iDe cums.t to identify~ but contrary t~ my~ they well! not very certain in tJmirr iN!iCognlti"OD. Howe\1'01'~ 48 soon came to the- symbols. far lwuse and tree their rooognitioD wu iiDII'liBIIii.Bte. I ~~ed that the previous B)'Dllmls had 'llin~Cv:ru~cionaly been mads :m.on! abitrAC1 thm mmy otheri md that aymbo'b web AI hoURe and tl"'e'S woWld be better to ,a-tart witb, while the IIJymbols for people mould bve a.~d later in the &OQ.tiCDOO. Tba audience wu coopsmtivl), inteK:I.ted and DI:Iiuscd bat to de~~rate the reaponaibility of overt rss.ponae to 6va or six oJ the tnO.A!I utkulate men, attbouda many of both seses would whiape:r their impremons and in some iMttmoes a child amrwe:ed first We flipped tbe· 40 individualBymbol! fim and followed with 'the '1 eentencea. My score pad reconledl Bod8'111 ac~~nt'' u 22{ 40 of the individua] symbols pogmvaly rec~ed. 5/&0 corroct but with 6J "1 of the ;sentences immediately and com~etly illterpreted. A1though the sentence were shown. IMl rand with tbe ~~mconteitab~ of fift.een to thirty minu~ conditionmg1 the v.illager8 at Bode seemed to ~p the literal mB:Ilning of the ~nteDOB!I mo:re quickly than t1mt of the individual symbol's, and were able to undmsbmd in oontm:t: MW1!ml symbolS whose identification bad escaped them in mdlation. It became quite evident tb~t tbe 13 symbo unldentified ·were faulty tbr( oveJ-complexity, ove.NJ.'bstraction,
bf!Cause they represented al!l
lmfamllla:r object When we bad concluded this Wtw showm1 I tried an on·'thc.-spot revision of seveiml of the unoofilmun.loob1e Jymbols. holding the up against the wall of !I hOIIISB Bhci dr-arwillg so aD amid see. I attempted! 26 l!'e'l'i!lion (lind wu satirdied with. the, f9&pDIIBI!i!l tG 12 of them so that I arrived ~t what I con!M.ered to be aooeptabls aymbol'l. for tel!. heM, lfillat,t, rwv, city, wal~J I"Un, smaUPQr, H:Id~h.
polato. OrfJllSe. and rom.. Th.ese revisions later vroved mceessfuJ in the iliiRt vill ~e.
~U., ~cl~~ 6rU.,.
MiiWI Gild Mpp.inQII
.. ......
When our 1'anterta:inment" wtJ;S CQDcNded SO:ll:le o1 om BDdiD:nce ~~~'\'he. wQ.b that we: woutd more o1 thCSI! pict:u.:r8g tq show them II() that they could \urn. Friendly fMGWells were excha:n,Ged and our entourqe deputed lo:r the still amaHm village c;al Tibn oout: a oille eut of SOOe aJoog the .footpaths ffurough ~ ~. S'u~n.l1t4T}':
SubsequeDt]y. a total of 126 di:frerent pictographs M1d 82 individu.aJ 'llfflrd 1ymbol MD~ were tested, in twelve diffeten.t '\lillaps with the lfllftow".mg ru&uibi ~ Bocie . ... •. .. .. ........ aymbols 67~, santence& 85% Tiksn .. ...• • , .. , •.• . .. 1ymbohl 82'%! sentences 85% Jayantipur Phutung . .. . . symbols 80%. ~ 85% Vutipm· .fWa:mbu. •.•• .. s.ymbob 77'%. sente1'11001!i 88% Kirtipur . .•...• .• : ..... symoob 88%, otenocs l.OO% U .S.O.M. - Kathmandu . , ~t~ymbols 67%, ~ li.OG% Gain OSOJil . .• . . , ••••• a.ymbola 90%, sant.e:n.cea !00% Datlu.t Gaon ... ... . .... aymbois 64.%, :ae:nte:na! 100% GayaB~ ...... .. ayntbola!H %7~100% Am G-.01'11 •.•.•••• ••• •. syn1bofa 70%. ~nlence!J 9'1~ Chapa Goon .... . ..... .syntbola 95$~ sen~ 93% PhDping ••••• - . - .. - . .•a.ynlbols 98%, llleliltencc& 93%
Ccm.clwlon.s: On tba liJrasis of E!%periment and o~tion~ as well Q on tho evidonce of h:istory. t 'h e 11111thOJ is oomtinood that t.he prinoipl of word santences oompcNJed ol -~ p:ictopaphic tV>YID~ .is: tho ·q uiclc!t, easiad and d1; t w.&j' of oommwncatint: ele:mcntmy :ide.4a to ];lredamina:ntly illitel'Ata or non-literate people in remote and tecbnoiogica'\.\:J ~oped areas. eve~ in dltl' b\• :ntieth 08lltury A.D. There f!l very good evi~ that the majority of the worM population will reft111.!in .P dominantly imteJaro tflt 50me: time to come. It 1MY be pos& eiblo t.lmt these world illiterate& and ncm-u\.E-n..tas will not irtft_uenre the sln!sm of world ~ im the future rmy ·more tbllll. ~-y m.ay bave in t.he pat md if they can cont~nue to be :ignored them me Jmmy advan~~ m non~iQ1.1 or 1n keeping them.'y uninformed. On this prmnise the~e ~ 110 need for communicative ~ nlq, to~ them. In ~ event of t.he 1!.eed fo.t ~ Ji~te group to oommunieate nonpen.anally to an illitemte- •O f oon-Jit,omte oommunity, in a teclmalogt..
(4') Su t~ ~ (6) Hdr the ~m; (6) The
man lDIII.h o~r .~ mollllttiin tc au 1M f.OO!m · tm; (7} S~fnl 1-.!a: houR u.oilh DD'i pr~ ~nt. /'U4Timli.. Jflal'ly ol flu:. ~b ~r..e ~pee.~ nlatm !a N11wari euitw:l' and klcal cldtm~~ 6uA:-.. wer-J" ~ ~t'«ll ill .natruc: • .uc1t m K«. .ftmr, ~' nm. ,rc-.
Co:l!lllmuniootion of l~:~!onna.ticm. o.t. Ar;rll. 27 1B 8':3rJJ l llfl.tlf: :rWA MiN. .BDU.!In and Mr. MDAMn ()/ till~ Q'liltt4 Ope_rtlllon Mw.rtm ~ N~JKJl omd rltq pn;po.-e-d ilta• t.imO/IJ' Q~ ~ j!,l!tllUl ~ wkirh nc:rded'
b~ a.>I'I!Wllblllicak!d. (#~
'"lu:J.nJ e~OIIlDu_.. waa o/ fun lm.awuu.c~. ll u;u~~ fintitly d~cided !Iinde In,)' ttld. b) IIAe-
eomm.uniarti"Dn of four e.aKl'frrm' principln; r. Eat willl deem lumJ.. 2. Driit.ll with o:ktm.ll.m!b.
3. P'R!IJ(lR lood ~th dean .lllmla. 4, llmtdle ~ kby wrtlt cJ- /Ianda.
I ~ {rml~B ~fled r.o Cl(K!J.l~«Y ;fhll' Uf.ea ~ c1.fll!n ~ ~only h ~~~d. by ~ wiJA. ~ c;md WG!h:l", J'.ID! Wflflf"'' 4JI.ol'k!' AU~ it tc'a!J ~ f~f dr~ r~,. ~ U/I"J ld maR6 ttAit- f«MiquB <mty ~ til~. " [~'I'J.t lv o~ t~w~t conr.d b~ ~.q«~ rmall sM~6.liPPbi W& UnpNvN CJ.114 ~f Mlllltal'}' ~(Jil'k f!ctf«,lld.
On A.,U 28 r:uul~. Mt. J~i tJNJ GU~M,Pttd ID ~ tU.~ ~
mf.O pkto-
/Orm. 8)1 rb.rn!oHitA' fhe thoJ:tllu .iillilJ.
,r.{y ~ Bf.«k!ir.IW'Iflill IW ~ ~ C~ {9/- ~ueM~ of P~ MJit1!!'11ieE'. t: 1. Ckun 1laRdi: r...u~ ~ lumth. :11'. nu.~ lttmh ..em~ ~ 3.Clea~~~
.laappinna. .,_
Dirty~~.. ,..._
aic~mtlt. 5. ClcGll lrapp~.
~- Diny~~ faaJ.-weaJe. n~luu-Jmtlu.
'1. Clca11
--lro,ppi'l!Qp. 8. Dirly~i:n# fw .bah~ w~ ~)' r~md«<li ""~· 9. Clnm. ~for 6glJ~ llfllitA£P' and f).crb~}' bd)o. JQ. Clem!! ~.........air.t}' ~. II. C~ ~ i\tmdl. 12. C4on hcP14r d#/~ i\mldl.
1<'1. Cl#lpn ~ /Dt •k~b' ~.
lS. Wca4 d~y ~ wliA aoap and a~ata '6~/or.e- ~~~.
l f. Wa.sA dtrb' Jltmdii Uildt. ,j!OOp•iind mdu 6.r:or>~ PNEJfJ~ food11, WMA tll.rty ~ wW. ~Gild k/ON" M&Ut,r.
.caDy under-developed area, OLe wthor .is luU.y ccmfident that the ID' oould be put into e:llectivc ·DH in a mlativelY short period of timej aM :UJ appficabte M multiple) productktn in the fonn of paropldets., leadets. ancl !frencil&. U! little mati.on..<~hip between the J)fcto-IK1'8JphiC pfinclp moommuoication and the ClO'tooD leQUe.nce Of the litu.ntion .illustmtion 11.SBdl mmmonly to :reinl'o:rce or supplement verbal oomm.u.nication both in lit~ate and illiterate situatiom. Huwevar, at tb.i& stage of the invwtiptton, tbe:re is IUOe ammmoo that tha diili"bara.te ~opment of pido«raphic 1-:mns to tEw:i1' ultimate abst:r.actinn with the objective of creating 11 univ.el8M la:nguage for oo:mmnnication mmulti-limiUDI and multl-ooltutti.l i!ii.tu.atiom. wmlld serve :any p~cti cal purpose today.. u£de ~rom cmating another iilml of wntimr w.b:icb would .Involve the Jcamifi,g }J:fOOi'!S!I. In the outbot'& opinion, thE primazy Pl'ftctica.J value (I{ tbt'! p:ietogmph:ie toclutique in the century is for the DOD-~OIW communi.cation of idess o;f intmmatioo by a. method ,.hich. does not dspmd l!IJiiOD pm-cQJ!ditiomng or Othe1 possible Atk·anmgaow;: UEI!&I m.igh1 he fc;;rr elementary communiooti OD Ul mnfti-ii.nguail sitiuatiDII!I. su.dl &!1. interoatioo&l tn11lc sign!. ~ inat:ruet.i.cm9, shipping labels, etc. Hmvew:er, in literate !ttu~tlc:ms, commt.mication is by far tnore ex. :ptidt in ve:rbaJ ro:nn unles8 tbfl ~ge iilil tool~ or the prinle l'let:iei!J· Bity b to a.tbact immed:ih.te od t:oomimt.aey attmti~m (3_8 in tmt.lic ~Bigos.) oiwhere the'Je iB competition for attention (u in advertblng) . On the other band. the v, form hu ng CDIIImUJ'liative valu.e in &n li.lli'Utllite m hDh-litmate sitmdion or if in a foreip ~.~:qwtge; u. fm e-mmt:tk:, a wall in KatbmandQ Hliciti_n,g, in E~. :aupport fm the tuberrml06.i& fund.
FounÂŤUn& ue concerned wi't!t the: clevation of water :ID one w~y Ol a.DOthe:r, hieh involve.~ a fOltlC oJ omr 'kind OJ ~other. Thi3 :reeoucb concemed ibelf with the poaaibilil.y o:f exmtin1 1. direc:t force by means of a rotating impclb placed a.t the !IU.Yface of the watet. "rhe objaetive wu to d.l!.wlop reasonsh!s oootrOl over larp vo!wntl!l ol wnt.m and thWI to o'bta:in a. va.riety ~~and JDnetde t.hb ~in tbs :apmyll! so fmmed. I..rge volmm.ea of ws.te;r lbetnf .fMCed. thtwgh .ratrioted o:rmces introduced pl'oblems CJi dow md eUf'bulcfice which were d.iJiiculti io ~ or detem:Une. Conb-ol 0'\\e:r thCAO pro.bhuns ol dow WSB ~ ob-tained throup ubtlervation and nperimtmtabion. EvenWDy .a form wu obtai#HMi which could be oontrolle<l iR ahA:Pe. vollimle and Wduii:lBIII. which could be oontinuoliBly illlt&ned and whidt could be .rep:roduoed at -w,ui.ous ~. "J'b:jj watv-.fmm a.nd ita m~ hAve the advmtq'ei ol4.u.dio"'isual eompadn_QSS.t stability and tolidity of rahape, and provide the clcaignar with a simple water-01~ device whieh is free ,o f maclumicc.aJI illlt*'iiments. ~ and oompuatively y to mmu.fa.ctum, in&taD and -rnainta:iln.
a:iftll.lf' f4/t:
IOI!Il!l'~ 1-M l.m~lkr bladn
~ppoftt• riiAt'
4 ~pporitr
tQO f.C.'id;t.
IM.timd IU ~~ .Pu1bt W'n't' f.illk t4o usall.
kW ldfl.: aomdunn it WDII ~ 1o 1ft tM ;rt,.hl Amb wilh til~ n,ltt cbJet ~ ~ ,VIIJ lwrlnt plat~ Wilh. tll11 ri6i'tt tJ/Vk D" Uti! rluct otSJIIN with the rishl "*or· ~t abGIM." lk')Jft~
Wmln ~ too
ritltt ~low.:
'YIM~ ~~.
~lu$ , .p .m.~ 4800
d.t'p,tPt.: IOd
diamdu ~/lmpdhr. 2.5-'" tip l'pnm: 52.1/[B ila~~r: 2' bbta 2...&" dimJMkl' ~: Jo•
~ &dow~
wNk Ptloda w:Wa flti4UII...:k 4Atl ciar~d apIK' nafral«t ~ rn.oN ~roJ.tJI trfilW' ~ w.UA L?.u ~-
j I
•pnq• at
T could hear tbc telephone rinsing as I hurriedly unlockiJJ.K tbe Jront doo • We had just Ntlii'DOd .from our summer V'aOOtJoa. The 'Oioo on tbe ~lepb_onilll wati that of Daan Youtz inviting l1'l.e to his hOMa to .t:JUI(It a Ja:Jllfi8 Hooeton. A sbaveJ shirt and a tie later F IAarcncd thart tM taD. dark-ba:i:redt ruddy looking fel.l.ow with the exuberant BJid rc-on.tagious smile was. abD the Al'ell Administratm ml' Cape Doraet, a village famoo~ fn:r its FWcimQ prints a11d eeul.Ptute. During our oonv.ersation tl:te An.:tic • nd :R~ftin l8U.nd ~me IITIOre than a whittJ.out of igl()D9, dop, dom :squat &gures. The ~jons e\lenrually oon~red upon two crlt:icftl probleml vitlt!J to th wcllfaru o.f tho Eskimo. Tho :fi.rfit, and moflt ilni)Ortant, was: the
d fo.t n economical, }>Ortable, lightweight and well inmlated shelter. 'I'be eooond WB!I lm a community bathinr facility that would require tho lcaat posaiblo II.Dlcrunts of fuel and water. 'I'tle Baffin Island EskimO& are among the i1loo building nomads who spend. +lleir winters on the arctic dese-rt pUZAuing and hunting the seal, bear &i'..d ~~:Sribou which ;provides him ith food, ~. fueJ and trade roods. With tubere-ul · d othe~ pirato:ry di.&.aii.Be9 brought to ~he rctk, ~ igloo wiLh ibl e.xoe:Miva humidity and poor ven tHtltion b beeu:m.e a .liallity. During the F.e\imoa' relativaly lihori period of con~ with outaidc.ft.. he has been unahls to deve~op the ~ inunun.ity to these d.iseawt.. Even today vi&it<rrs a trail of colds and .mspimtory ailmEmt& A few days before my arrival at Os!pe Dmset on Jltly 19. 1001, the icebreaker uc. D. Howe/~ made i~ annual · t u it did to ~ Eslcimo village. The "C. D. Ho e" i8 WJI'ed with decton and .nUJ'SS& who administe~ the B.C.G. iOcine for tubt:rcuiOIIiB immmllza.tian and perio:rm ,;-ray 'Ibex ee:rvioes~ available to aD, ue oompul&ory for tbe Eskimos. In 1950, at the start of thD program, the t!owe took b ck lhidy.ei~t F41kimoa to sanitariums in SIOutbem Ctmada. Many died at tho hospital& but the I'B8t were cured and :returned, 'l'bi& yczu only el8Vtlo were taken away for furtJ1er in.vestig tion lltld hoe· pi.tnlization. Though the number o! th taler! away now mmain151 about the same from y881' to year, percentage of thOI!S :retnm:mg is ~g a.'l a J~eSult ot earller detection. The ~nd prob!em Jlelil.llirinr solution W8.9 an econOJDkal c:om· munity balhins ladlity. ]t; a lliWrumed that bathing would be heJplul in oontroll.irlg the spread o1· tu~. 'The 8 UntO • well knetvt.n for neitheJ keeping hil'll!f!cll nor b:i8 clothing clean. In hle de!ellla, I wonder whether W11, with all our background tralnin" in cleanlinGHB wonld do dift'erentJy under their~- During our dmcussion it occurred to me., as it had to Jim~ that the Finni .saunn might be Lhe aolutioo. We felt that since sauna bathing ia a ooial afi'air thU! f~ture might make bathing ac:eeptable to the Eskimo. Sauna bathinr involves ii'OUP8 of people, l'arely a i:n.Bie individual. A family may !onn on~ poup but if a ~mily is too luge or tbel'e are more than o {amily the rrcups fotmed. by MiXts. We were correct in olll' usamption that the IOCiaJaspect of the sauna would mduce the EskimOI!It c:rtmmely fril!!ndly aMIIocia.bkl poop~ to adopt th:iJ lo.rm of bathing.
Our discustiom tenn.i:n.atodl in a plan to J~e.'lolve the 'bMhin.g pr-oblem the very next summer. Bcsidsa :resolving tbe problem such a plan woold provide me 'With an opportunity to visit Cape DOT&C't and gain first hfm._d knowltdge and expe:ri~nce vital tlo the tbeltm project. To u:pe&te tbis projeet 1inanciiilly i.t was decided that I ahwld appzy foJ' a Rack:ham Fa,c-ulV.I R~ Gmnt to OOVm" mart.e.:ria4, et;~uip mentj 1'8988.rcll B38ia.f;~rnee, SU.~tcfit6 1111d trsnsporta.tioll as [41' B Mo~ Canada, Travel, frOID Mcmtrual on, woa\d ~ ~ded either 'by the Oa""'dia!l Ooverntrli!fit or the West Baffin lsl~_nd ~ Co· ope-rative.. On Mtly 11, 1961 I wa& infunned that the Faeult.y ~ Fund Project. o. 1255 for ~J Areti.c Shelter and Bathing'" w'llll pp,:uvodl. 'l'boogh the wo:rd 4'kuns!1 is no long.el' )Q!Jt a. pronu:oci.lrtion pr.ablem and doc'S cxm'IIC)" meaning to many people, I would li.lm to poiDt to a tew b4.aic pl'iOOp]GS. ':nmugh the 8auna is llm.oilt eaclumvo]y assoCiated pka.s.umble and sociable bathing, i~ origin is ~ uvon it& utility and eccmamy. 'r.o mY kno ledge it HI the least ll!'xpensive :means for obtaining a hot ~th whlle provi.din.g, for a cold climate, the Luxwy ~ excess.ive hea.t. Ba..<JieaUy the Muna iJs an insulated it'OODl with~ beat ~n_changer{ off itt heat in .supel' haamd dry steam, The primitive umta con.aisted of u lCil, t.truduRJ dividsd into two room:s. one for <b:-esaing, the other for !Wtating and washing. The- heat. acbange:r. uwdly loc:ated .in tt COln(;I' of tb.e.~rt.earm :room,~· d of a tncrnnd of ! piled :in !i1.:Icl1 a ws.y as t.o provide .a tlmlle-l·lilie envity )ll which the wood oould burn freely. 'nte primitive unu had no cbimneya~ tthc smoke lrom the fire oozed aut throogh the ope.n doo.r, w)ndow or vents. Mklr the wood w,ll!l bumed, and the 6nnl heat from th!3 mnbel"!!l w~ nblmrbad 'b y the atones, the hea.rtb Mlll ~~oWept clsan of ;ll:!lhe.'l-.. Jn &arWUI the cleanll-in~ is primari]y tiKi result of liberal lioW.e.&~QI1G: brought abo-ut by ~g the :room temper-atUIBS to 160 degteeS F. or higbmo. 'The tempe.uw!l"f' is controlled by tho IIJDOOnt of water thrown upon the atones, this WUtel i! rtumed. a dry mvi'lible te.iml. A.fte.r Bitting- !in the jJ~ :room long enough, t'hepempi.raq(k'l'l • washed of£ with &1)3..-p and W'l.let, but th(l w.atei' can e~en be eold. The amount of heat desired is a tptitt1JMl matwr but there is a regretable tendeney among male ITI'Oll]i)t to make heat. rolaration a very q~tionttble aport. The economy ol tho ~una i1l bllSi8d u.pon two ~ta. ~ Ol'le ~t 1t i! leas. costly to over bettt :ro0111 than it is to heat even the smaDat. q,~Janti.ty of w!'-ter lor hot batll and tbs SOOOlld that only " rllinimwn qum~ty of w te.r ' :noodc;od• .Eve~ with the :foel costa a.11 high as one doUu a
p.llon at C11p9 DM!!et, tbl.'!l cOI!t of providin,g all the beat you oould want came to only sevan and one-baH OIHU:.8 pitt' }MtlBOD. Only a bAI!f-gall.on o:f wah!r pi!ll' plliBOD WIIB J!WOOad. 'l1te quantity of ' ls very imp(ntant in any area in which Sli'Bry drop of ws.ter that i'i 'UMd for drmkm!IL cooking o:r badililg has to lbe mt!lh!d hom loe. Simo CApo Dol"&8t i& north of the tree-lioe., "With not !K) mudt a bush to be fotmd, we desi,g:nad our system to bum QrQSeDe, the uni!dal arctic fust With this fuel, 04,1r heat ~PZ' hAd bo a elo&cd Bystmn .separating the fire with it&: smoke, soot ed odor com.Pletciy hom the slooes and the ail' of the steam room. I was qwte amazed to fm.d that tJh.e, ~riatie villiW uped. c.1 an ardie out}KM!t is :ita mollltds c:d thoo.wndli.! u pon thou.aand..s of maroo-ned oil drums of f!NerY oo or end brigbtnt:u., Th lilnlQutl arctic !Wnmm' .sound is the momin, 4LDd eveniDg ~like !Wide oi popping oil drmna. M · :retUlt of hi! ~ opmimen_tations with inaul&ted lhelte:t. Jim had :fiv liytofoam., :igloo-.shaped stmdureg. at Cape Do:rset. We planned to convert one fo:r a aauna, bu1 before ~ furf.her, we built. a atymfosm igi.oo in Ann Arbor (& fin~. I am ltlKI) \Q test oux heat m:ehangar umit, tlte ke:osene burner md tbo lflloct of the hmt upon the styrofoam :ikeU. This tup wu C~SSCntial to .&ES~Re the woikability of aU eq.Upme:nt !lrul parte bc!r:mt they were diaaeaembled, packed a11d ~lied mo-m ·t han two thomiand mile6 by ear, train, tim, push cut, IKh dWOd and Cbartsred ftightai canCJ!e8:. and pigy·back. The projed pJO~ well aud I left Ann Arbor with three hundmd twenty-fl.: pooAdB of baggage. We dropped the o:~ginsl plan of going by iceb~ to Cape Dorset sinco only a few ye.s.n ago uohwomble wind! bad jamtned the Hudson Stmibi with drift ice ~ro thal ncitltet :ici'::-breaker nor any o!her ship WllB a~ ro ream sn:Y of these uclie 'rillaps. Iru.tead I went by train from AIDI A:r'bol" to :Montreal and from there by acheduled m lin& 6o Fzobisber Bay, Aftet A l of waiting there fo.r tm:t~rt:e.tio:n I wu fmally 3'ble to bltch ..hiko !01 rlda, mth all my lb pp. on • plane cbartertd tor "LftcienHfi.c e~dition. At Cape Ih»rttA I met. Jim in hia own en~t and my awakenr ing roth realism c;;!tbe udic 'began, It wu quite a treat to be am.c;m~: pcopl'o WMi'O Ito doors need lo61mt:, day OJ' mghi; and toQ!a~ e1m1e .and money !lleeded no watdlinr. Howevt~ , as helpful rand pleasamt rnMy-oos W&Sz I dirl have my mom.c.nbi of muisty. lmew th.tllt the :Eiki111 ..St.ymtoam.. amtrJbubd. b7 til• ~ Obcmial Oompaay
'11'01!J1d PJ'OVid~ ewenr ~mer with a m.ame more appropriate tmd daacriptiw tbtm the one he hlrd. and many of thei;Je nAm ~just too mvealing. After eeveral day& of wo:rlcing with the Bsltimoa Jim tokl me w'nzt;t 1 was be:in calLed. To .cny great -relief, llemncd that I was lbeing ~~IJed .. ukiuk:,"" ~ ~-ded ,seal :Por tim: I mWit e'Ndii: the :miles 1,1pon mites of waltirig I did durin• my enforced 'Wilt at FrobishEr Bay, lild this not huppr:oed I might have been edt.d "~./' the waiJ:Ue. Thfl i!it& Mrl to a l!fiMII :rivulet of f:N!:ab water WB!ll ~leeted for tho llalll'la .site: m twenty of us plcli:M-up one of the lltyl'ofoam iglOO! ...nth its i.m.ulated plyWOQd base 3Dd fioor and ca.nied it to this new Joc.ttion. Openings were cut into tho 'base and the floor and th heat eEhanger t001'e wu inst8lted L!md. co\l&red with stones. Tho fiat Mating wu a mise1'8ble Jatl'ure. All the available local etODes had euflieient growths of lichen to Il!l8b the .steaJn a!li suJturous. and intolarahle as though it frub the mystical criginal, iOUI'Ce all Mat. 1'bis neu!!:i!&itated tb mnoval of all liotone.'l and the Dl.lltinf ol a tnp by canoe to smtill about tmae mile."' ~W'aY wbela t'M cbuming wale.'~'$ had JOLmdedJ, .&mootbi!d and kep.t all the a'l:.o:na cH!an of BillY growth, The :n.e:w 1kmi provided an eudl~t rte~Un. 'fieNd blenches. and jjl!l adjoininB room fQr d~1 were construe~. '1'be frame of the dresnog room wiJS of salvaged eratin. stripe oove:red! ·wiim Nclai~Uedl canvas. An. old tent WQ taken ~.put and wn by the wife of one of th111: EtkimD& ~rkiog 'With me. She lil8t up !!.bop o:n an old~;~· oJ pl~ p~ .(IVf:'l the sharp rock!. WitJmut ~efit. of pape.r, pencil, tA.P4!J mBB5U.J!'e.. chair ru:' table. but with plenty nf dga_rettes, Bhe quiekly and tailored the cover. A new insulated ~ room is being )Wmnedl !or nen IJUM· II~e.r'l!l comtructi'o11. A Jetter mailed in Jann.ary admitted thai at twenty below ~ra the ~nvJl.IJ cgrerod mom wu ~ much w take. One day after having taken t1. bath. with us, Mr. l.aaon, tllJ ~·00111 .school teacher uked 1W1 .i f ba ODuld bring mhi.~ elass of boye f~J II bath. ThiR, of CO'U.fli!e, what Will had been wa.itil\K r01. 'fhe timO Wb 54rt rtT.od by two o'clock tho :nut afl:amOOlil the QUill\ wu d Mt ...Ucept for the ware:r 'hllu\iq:. Sc:bool was di.CJm~ot."!led_ e_nd. foo :D bc)rs amved! ca:rry".ID,I{ t.owub,. .soap and! ood£eta. OJ cooking pots. The boy'S 6lled the '!.tater barrel and as m~my ~ce permitted want into the dre88ifig r:oom. Jim ami I hadl often wondered bow 1M. EskiJnoe would .MaCt Ito ~ng with Qther1!1 tha:n ibis .family. The E!ikiml) ia nn p.rnde, but doo to the< coldness and tbe cloodi!l of mosquitoes. it js n~ .118.'Q" for bim tD keep cowered 8t oJl tiJl:l1es. Afi liru:lication that OUl' ~llCJl>tT!
had some foundatioo came whnn vro ovc:rheal'd the ta.eher in the dress· 1ng room aay "take aU your clothes olf .• . take weryrhin• ofl • • •" Aootber indication was that the bo}'R who had to wait for their tum to undn!ss, ran around to the hack of U.e dressinJt room d with good natured sh~. nudginp and iiul bad peat run peeking through a teal' in the cwvas. the OOYR <:Ompleted their .roquiroo a.tint of
sittinR: in the heat m perspiring their teAcher relealllld thmm. to W118b. l shaJl ne-.rer foor,et no.r (.1) I wi&h t.o lofl(:t the sptas_bing. yells, laughter and ICJ w . U i8 .ny Ulut f.lW! wu the fust time in lhetr 11ves lh t t b bo)tlll ,.-e:re blc to pmy with water without n!(Sl'd for lit9 telnpetaturc or for crowdOOI quart.em. Aft:.e:r my ~~etam to Ann Albor I l11Ceivtd a Jutte1" infoouing me t!hat tb!. &au~ had "taken" and that it was no lon.g er ~ to OOSI the E.'lkimt>i into the "uaahatvlk.•' the bathplaCII. The sauna Wa& heated replar1y nnce onca for men and bo}'B and again fo'f women and Jr]rls. An atttndant supervises the heating an;;l once a reek the benche.s and Ooo.m weft disinfected I
Ill !.f l.J
with creosol. During my two week.s at Cape Dorset the village was a heeMv·e of activity. 'The &drool W8.!1 operated on a year-round 003· The ~ enrollment comilited of those ehild:ren who had been awtiy lrocn the villa,Je with their families on winter hunting 'I1ul oflier child.r~ attend 8cllool in the · tel'. Tbe population of Capo Dorset was 340 I t swru:ner and 156 tbe winter bt..oforu. Work and the .aound& of work continued well beyondsmo'cl.ocke'¥€IfY day oltheweekexoeptSunday. A new .floating dock was being built to ~~ the problems c!IU!Jed by twelV(I foot tides. Ships and planes we:~re beinlt unloaded~ vwtottl were being tramporb!d by canoes to ru1d lJom pl~ 4AChored iiSome diatance out. The new p~e(abricaled bullding 't o :bows& th~ Wuas.t Baflin Ialand Ed'imo Coopemtive w being ~mblOO. and it was ntady in time to elcome fPOUl' of visiting art critic&, museum d.irectonJ "Uld pllery owne:rs with an Elskimo dance. This cooperative store wiH repreeent th finst competi.tioo the Hudson's Bay Comp:my will ve from the Incidentally, tbe funib for the building and the merchan· cllile came from the sales of Eskimo print. and sculpture. Seulptuml pi.eoas were being C&l'Ved as were tones lor printmaking. The of meal sldn!'l for s-te:ndls. he rot~ of stenci.hl and the prin1inr of edition.~ kept the print Mea in. eooiinu.ous operation. On the morning of July 31 a charisr plane ~ni.,.•ed une:rpectedly and within a b4U' hour I wu packed and on my way bome. Thil time we-
~ Q:QiAftUt:tf.: ~ ~ib
...cudiu in lulm t7aruftt'1'
a. Glit"-ilt Wi~ioll! tmtl ~
lflew dire:lly IPOutb lfmr the barren Cfi.St4'!m ehom liuo ol Hudw.n Bay. We made two stops.. one at PcMmgnituk for mail and m pick up an elderly woman and a yuuttg boy beiog takJ!n to a tubereulmi'l SRDitarium, and the MOO.hd~ a mail atop at Port Harrntm. Atte:r live hGtll"!J o1 ~mg D'V1ir tbs mQ.tlt unbelievably barren area I bad ever een wa camfl upon vtley heavy accu.m•,d•tions of drift ice o.t tbe very B.OUth end of HudliO"D :B_ay. By &evert t 'h ot evening I "'as at Mooselll on th9 ISootitern tip of Ja.mes Bay. The mez.t momlng I boa:rdod a train and twenty"'Bix boon later I as in Toro.otcJ.. Dminl my wait at Frob&ihur Bay~ toy 8la.y at Cape Domet, and alter imnlmer.a.bla OUD\'8tl!atiorus, my und.emtanding of the Afd.ic and iu probl.ems "u gmatly enlar-ged. The original concept of a multilayond!d [plastic shall dome aeemed more logical thn1 ever before. My increased 1IBSpBCI; ful' t~ Eskimflii' C#ipabllity. inteJirity. dignity and!88 developed a new urgency for solY'irlg the pmblmn~ at hand. [n co:nclusion J wisb to my gmtit~ COl' the asSistance and counsel given me by Eugene B. Powm, ~nt of The Um'B~ty c:d Michl.rum: J olm A. Clu.rk, Pro.fassnr of Mec:han.lcal Engineering; Ari.htll' C . Curtis. P.Kifes!ur of Dormatology; James A. HQu!Jt;cm, AN'.a Admflllistrator for tho Department of !N'orlhem Atlms; Bill Renv. Au1mnt Area Administxiltor and my l!::skimo ~·orkerB Joanule, Dlhllweetol,, Pcu:r and Ts.k:iasuk.
dc!aftn for a
p~ ;n,(latmo.hdl •tr'X111n-
o# mrdti~~ ~JI tu
~~~~~ p~ aJr '.PIJIQU fila ~
~ ll.lf!'rlkaJ
a wnu w MG:t ''D.II.I~ ~ 11 W F. ~ dl.ftUri~IillJ.
lnlnord w zumial:a/QIIIIO('i:clk pro/~IMII' o! a.rvto.Uq~ of ~if~C'IWt' cmd ~/eM ~"Y Q{ M~ I
E'or ,p!JIH RIH!ro/ .7'fiU'W I lt.cwe fOI'ICm.lfral~ my~mt~ntl!l.ll ~Mu~ tptd/ically on .M.r.rican PQprt/P CP'tl. l ~ bun /wtlmalc in .uilv e.mmple• 9/ I'MIJ~ .fYI l he ~r.. wAidl MtJ to.JU!rk~ frtld~ fJ u t ~ tM ILI6f'll 6~~ i1/ my rtJntlD.g c~ity l wa.t ~ ltM .kl ~r-J.e. 'fJQ'.-1/i ~ G: w~ b.owkd~ <t1 fant~ eN/1 otd)NIJ wo111ld. l !ll..,rw. ~ jH:QN of
lh. Muico. 101ld 1.11 many l.ati.n AmJ.riXYm. .wunlrin. fll.r r:ro/WIIall can rrtiU lfoll! ofi-NI"L'I~ .r~ng in IW fJ~rol~ Oil" nliUt.g lt.UJ r.j.IIIT~Jtt in filii' rruiTket p~. Q,._. f~ tM:f 8#-
COftCt>nJJ"'Ot"d r&e.a.rch..
/~ t1ltt 111MltiM-I'HDll~>
M-y ~nl aUe<mph m m,a~~t"""-' ~~ PFOU.SS!"i" ON! far ln.a cxukl"CUlt and!~ fl~m tJmr Afeorica.n i.Jupinlti£11'111, To cAe Mu.ioon Grtiat. cla;r Juu pnu:tic~ M ltlltittfli'Dru. l~ ~ .H pidled. TGUed. eoiJfll. ~ ~I'M to G Jr-atla. Potf.. {w anlftlll«. an liJ6nrlly ptl~ ilua eh4pe cmd o/Urt ~ ill&n>w.n. pi~ i.rt ~- GM. ~- lhauti/rd
pal~ !V>i 'Ae J'M.Jl t'~llll~&it fm~ruaof M ..~~ tvm ~w 8/mpWtt ~~~ co:bx-• a.r ~~a~ attd ~hen po/Wt.ed to
IJI6h ~ IDt& .!WiAbttl mttrt! rllcm a IIJCb.W. wllth IM ~ k. hoati\II!T laard.
iar.a a ct:mdit.ioJiwJv:r.r ~~Pdp u ~!'fit'"' tia.l :IIIOt only t il ~kl!t filO!ttJIII)i' 4)11' fM COiillltri!tU;' 611t gtto ~!) t/l..e ~Uc 1MN.t <0/ U..S po(ill.ltJII'iim IQ UMll. fVUe CM4illo.h .fURY kP ~ ~tt.u of llt6 nccr.MI' ~nml ~ prl·
Ulm. How fQnoe u~~ prodrilt"ISM o/ Mnd-madt! ite-m-.. wl4~ ftDur~ d~ m HWffll /odon. 111motv~ fltem •h~ fi1tc!l oJ flltlwttml apanalior.. aa appncii:JIIrzr ~mer, al'l'd above all fh• infO!l7JJII!d Gild l"l!"l«JiliCl twrriid m:~d .rrporf~:f'. Tlu: !aJkr aPill ltAwc! mum to do wi1A promf1lin6 lllli.ul!-,--1 rrucrur... An ittflv;r of l f r.ldftlrJI rern:d eajlsnw:n /I'IJm oti!.Jo OOillrtP"i ftlluu alJwufy dtlfto? mue... • tD .l'f!Di~ mm.e dyil!B ~triu cm.d' in. llllliiY CtDUiuzr 1ri~~ .rt~w (NI4.1 m.~
to ~CI)I"d pll.ot~
o/ ant/flef aml ety~ iUt I'M ~e ~ whil11-ll..c:y ~ Pl<l l<mBr6•1W'~·
Op-pwtil~ k/1.. Q;WAI...- ~ 1111 a17PJTni.UY: at l1w war.a.. .J&ijp
~ri!Wib mtlrrWz, IICI:I:tltm. ~PifD./ an4 fli~ tiQlUlttilll ~
rM heal, dttr fli-
!DUe IUtWl:f rmblf~r.. ,
o~ri6Al; ~ of aompa,
au Ind. liln "'"" piM l.l~ COlllini'Milly for"~ ftmr ~twltn. Gillkd u.~ firms 路--~ h~ nplhd, "ur~ ltot_'-' lth. moat: /aDtau.. poUv tn lltl. ,~ lJ.iiiate! r.. r~a.t~ora 6~ u>/lo apecim~Rn in fcmt:W filu-rp ol ~ proa
partion.. kl~ ~
d.m;JI"C!tioJU CJ " ' "
&iatl e-.IWJMd
w a po!Wu!tl J'H ,lip limm kl拢th
m u. l'nCHIIA! a rl.Ntd e-~~~t Ill: R'U Aal/
1WY U.P U. Md.
klDw: ~.,. ~ in ~l!conJticm ~~uo ~ipped ~t.abro cmd lo)lw.
wqe and
idl:. ,,: cltrilloplte/IVZI.ive clD)' wftlt talc aiided. f01'0Rd-dr)·m. ill dintcl nmJilltttapproDmtll.r ILcipl~Jf~
~uD.n a1 crNUt)¥lnl .aft~ 6~wcw ~nklr.a Gnd puforal.ed I'Uftf/ill ~" 1~ fi"'unld 111'1! t'G,)I• -,mdy for deooralW!I/cUi
rll e-~1! pil:cu a~ ~to '1M t'l~~ rmtu IJ.q III'C {UtDlly paU!.f.ed/~ oj f#UN ~jlt nom Gl1PI41' in kJ /OVJ.d4 fk! Nl, Mlr/ )lOri,
oppo.Aie Ghoo~ .rr.,llt:
r.il1D;ee cJwrr:h. wi;IL
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~· llri6At t. 1 fm!~l Uron.Jtilo"" by MI"'\\M I'IIIJI'llltu.. t>~ IUIOJ /nfdy iltt~ from ..~
Mil Mallt.'"
oppwitrt ~ riBJtt; Nil of ~ t>OI&tillo. cra/laman oJ ~. pwb".C.S. &.pleyj- a o!mJielrJbTG far w~A .M ~die •IIIGiJ 1tanpt.; ~ttl thla piet:~ ... ;fni!D ealol'ed u:itl ~~ tmtl~M_It l.ldrnJaltcd. a mire I2MIGtaN il {tNd. ,_.,AJ U.eo p_m, itt pri!Mry ~ t.
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tM tJI'tiUU.dru;r nn&Jt
&ot.\. tlr4 ·~l.f)· ~J~q .ullllJWid a. llidOtb. and .tilt< ~q ol •paea. 1.1~, f.uIMra tAa.t JII'II'OP~ ~ l.autr tG .,tr, qPAUc!ft, ami dft!oef.o:p wt-n~ Ira tJWr ~ Etll!lt lftDni lfni'Ut b. a&,&. l.o fal a 4lt.i ilt4J.. uitflurl iii. tiN com.mlmallil• of fll.e ~~~ .u., ~ Clft gn q,liuuJ ~ L1Jef! M~. dopa atnply t.o tiN laJ.e ~ba. 'The ~h. ~ tJ/ t.M ,-chiLfi!o ttuGl fttnn. ;. buiU lqiiCm. tM Uidi.u~ ~u. ol tM ~ tltat efin.6 tuld pow ap thlnu o/IAe ltUl.. ~ rM/OI'fftl ~t.e wait«~
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