Dimensions 22

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of your own way of working or way of thinking. So I don’t think the process produces anything. I think the process just is a way of framing how you produce something.” “I have a hard time envisioning a processing doing something on its own accord without a human developing a

urban density into a complete void space at the exact same scale.” river reprieve reality pure “Not over esteemed or dwarfed by the scale of the city, but rather reflect and reverse the urban density into a complete void space at the exact same scale.” light experiences darkness cemetery owly becoming its opposite.” perception people mirage ground uncover town thin “As a way to speculate on site, perception, form and representation, this project obscures oppositions by looking at dualities that exist in nature, specifically through the lens of enantiodromia,

deas glass east bridges along present plaza piers future “Buildup is not only palpable in nature; but exists in the growth of ideas, thoughts, and information.” “Buildup is not only palpable in nature; but exists in the growth of ideas, thoughts, and information.” “Buildup is not only

“The space of engagement is an atmosphere, an intangible tension between it and me, the potent image and the intoxicated projections of the viewer.” “The space of engagement is an atmosphere, an intangible tension between it and me, the potent image and the intoxicated projections

ously in the realm of social rituals.” “Memory is an ambiguous thing, and forgetting is no less vague or intangible. Remembering is an act with which everyone is familiar. It is comprehensible and is practiced consciously in the realm of social rituals.” “Memory is an ambiguous thing, and

uch was transformed into an inward viewing instrument.” viewing used tub shower privacy norms health frosted constructed conceptual building barriers zoom “During the day this window functioned as an outward viewing device, but at night it became dark and reflective

nships work drawing cabin process “The presence of actions alludes to the silent implications of tacit knowledge, and those actions elicit a particular demeanor or conduct.” “The presence of actions alludes to the silent implications of tacit knowledge, and those actions elicit a particular

e potentials overlying location force dusty dry complexities traditional survival stretch small site town factory social only desert “Debris implies spatial presence, but finds significance in its temporal and tactical definition. Debris is only representative of a small part of a greater whole from which it

whole thinking part parametric modeling group varied variation unit software “The logic of assembly and variation of the unit [can] produce greater variations in the whole.” process potential investigations introductory form fabrication emergent “The logic of assembly and variation

evelop a deeper understanding about our physical environment.” assemblage common products installation photo author units objects “Touch, for example, is not separated from sight but rather a vital tool used in conjunction with sight and other senses to develop a deeper

e digital; that is, getting the design out of the computer.”orthographic operations molten molds manipulations digital three-dimensional projection “The comfort with which architects have adopted digital technology is countered by the difficulty of physically representing the digital; that is, getting the

inside—however perversely—into the intricate character of China’s textile manufacturing.” hanger folded english dress chinese western void recto-verso vellum uncanny “The observer is offered the chance to peek inside—however perversely—into the intricate character of

primary management processes design software process architectural our media effects projects platforms “Process with a capital P is dead. Facilitating its own dream killed it.” experience types techniques qualities number light examines drawings buildings boundaries across

interaction. If the architecture sees you crying and responds by crying itself,” interesting interaction idea students situation different appropriate teaching “You might be moved to tears by a piece of architecture—that’s interaction. If the architecture sees you crying and responds

eating a strong dialogue between

the two.” natural interface inside human forms “I propose a way of blurring the duality of life and death, a way of creating a strong dialogue between the two.” “I propose a way of blurring the duality of

d resources from suburbia to an

urban mode of living.” available zones typology tower system scale residents refurbishment pragmatic neighborhood “The creation of an efficient and sensible shift of people, materials, and resources from suburbia to an

mediate our every interaction, we

shall increasingly live within an invisible, responsive environment, built upon millions of accumulated, antecedent events.” accumulation time terabytes millions manifest “As the accumulation of digital data begins to

contrast.” information construct

awareness walking transitions “The person walking from the visual starkness of the sunken courtyard space into the far softer, more tactile experience of the sand room is more aware of their senses as a result of the contrast.” “The person walking

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