The Hack 1940
Centenary Junior College 1-lackeHs~own , New Jersey
Volume XXXVI
by the Senior Class
ALMA MATER HYMN Tune " Austria"
.. Ha ydn
' M id the si lent hi lls surround ed, Ripened by the f li ght of time , And with honors still unbounded , In her strong and lusty prime, Alma Mater proudly raise s H al ls and t ower tall and strong, A nd her chi ldren sing her praises, Sing them loud and sing them long. Ever sha ll her chi ldren love her, Forming st ill a noble band; While the flag that waves above her, We sha ll bear to every land. Let us laud her colors glorious, Loya l to the Black and Blu e. Let us wave her flag victorious, Pledg in g each one to be true. And when age at la st stea ls o'er us, Softly like the sink ing sun, Vis ions wi ll appear before us, Of the course that we have run . When our lives have to ld their story Failing lips sha ll move t o cry : " Alma Mater ! live thy glory ! A lm a Mater, C. C. I. !" HARRY H . RUNYON , '05
Foreword We of the Hack Board like to think of our years at CENTENARY as a "maiden voyage " which ha s helped us to chart a course for the future. As a record of that voyage, we offer this book to you, our fellow passengers .
DEDI CATI ON We will always assoc iate in our min ds f ri e ndl y g uida nce a nd happy com panions hi p wit h Mi ss A lexa nd ri a Spe nce, t o whom t his, t he HACK of 1940 , is ded ica t ed .
HACK BOARD Editor-in-Chief Elaine Barnes Associate Editors
Business Managers
Betty Hou se l
Lois Martin
Joanne Lau benstein
Barbara Blakeslee Art Staff
Joan Eagles
Nata lie Ed en
Elizabeth VanHart
FACULTY Th e year indica t es the beg inn ing of se rvice here RO BERT JOHN S TREVO RROW, A.M ., D.O., Presiden t ( 19 17) Colle ge of t he Pacific; Dre w Theolog ical Ssminary MR S. RO BE RT J. TREV O RR O W , A.M. , Dea n ( 19 17 ) ... M iss Ll ewe llyn 's School; Beaver Col lege FREDE RIC AR TH U R METS, A.A.G .O ., Director of Mu sic (190-S)
.. Re li gion
... . . Travel
Organ, Piano
Post-G raduate, G uilman t Organ Sc hool; Pu pi l of J oseffy and H arold Bauer G ERA LD IN E SH IELDS, L.esL. ( 191 7)
................................... ......... French
Unive rsity of Lausanne MR S. W ILLI A M MUNR O, ( 19 18- 29;
193 7)
... ....
Viol in
Toronto Co nservatory of M usic; J uilliard School of Mus ic; Pupil of Leopold A uer and Ka t hleen Parlow A LE XA N DR IA SPEN C E, A. M ., ( 1922 ) . . .. .. ... H ome EconomicsUniv ersity of Toronto; Co lumbia Uni ve rsity
ELI SE G A RDNER ( 19 23) .... ......... . .. .. .. .............. Pi ano, Vo ice, Cho rus H unter Col lege; Pupil of George Fergusson, Joseph Reg neas and Matja von Ni esson Stone MARGAR ET S. C U M MIN GS, A. B., (1923-31; 193 6) Radcl iffe Co ll ege MR S. O LIVE H. HARIN G, B.S ., ( 1927) . ..
............................... ................ French
. Heal th and Phys ical Educatio n
Th e Savage Schoo l for Physical Ed ucation; Teache rs' College, Columbia University H . G RA H A M DuBOIS, A. M ., Ph.D . ( 1929)
Eng lish
Johns H opkins Universi t y; Col umbia Univers ity; New York Unive rsity FRA N K A. LaM O TT E, M .S., A. M . ( 1929) .. ..... M athema t ics, German, Spanish Th e Gymnasi um, Vi enna, Au st ria; U niversity of Chi cago; University of Wisconsin
ELL EN C LAIRE CO UC H , A. M . ( 1930) .
Drama t ic Arts Va nderbi lt Uni vers ity; American Academy of Drama t ic Arts; Columbia Universi t y
LOUI SE O M WAK E, A. M ., Ph.D. (1933 ) .. . .. En glish, Psychology G eorge Was hington University; Co lumbia Un iversi t y ROY J . C REGAR ( 1933) ....
........ . . ........ . .... . .. ............................ Organist Cenlenar路y '05, Guilmant Organ School
HOW A RD Tl FFA N Y KNAPP ( 1935 ) ....
.. ....
.... A rt
ANN E TRONECK, A. M . ( 1936) . ....... Stenography , Secretarial Studi es Syrac use Un iversi t y; Teache rs' Co llege, Colum bia University LEI LA R. C USTAR D, B.Pd ., A. M. , Ph. D. ( 1937) . . Social Servi ce Gouche r College; Syracuse University; Unive rsity of Southern California HELEN HUTCHINGS, B.S. ( 1937) Universi t y of Missouri; Syracu se Un ive rsi t y
WA LTE R G. STEWART, A.M ., Ph.D. (1937) .......................................... Phy sical Science C ia rk University; Co lum bia Universi ty C H AR LE S J. STENZ, A.M. ( 1939), Registrar . . .... Biological Scien ce Leland Stanford Unive rsity; N ew York Uni ve rsi ty ; Harvard Un iversi t y; Yale U niversi t y .. . ... T ypew ritin g and Secret ar ial Studies EVELY N FOWL ER , A.B. ( 1939 ) .... . Catawba College; Geo rge Washing t on Universi t y; Women 's College of the Universi ty of N orth Caro lina FLORA MAY S, B.S., A. M . ( 1940) Math emati cs, H ome EconomicsOregon State College, Columbi a Un iversity. LO UI SE BOWNE ( 1939) .
.. .... As sistant in Dramatic Arts Centenary '39
MARIAN YOUNG ( 1939) ................ .. ........... . .. .. ... J ournali sm St . Lawrence University; American Acade my of Dramati c Art s; N ew York Uni versi t y
EXECUTIVE STAFF Robe rt J ohns Trevorrow, A.M., M rs . Robert J. Trevorrow, A.M. Charles J. Stenz, A.M. Margaret S. Cumming s, A.B. . Mrs. M abel W. Ke lley Viv ienne Gregoi re, A.B. . . Alexandria Spence, A.M. . . Mrs. L. E. Carpenter .... Fl orence K. Bla ck ....... Mrs. Elizabeth C. Smith '33 F. Seymour Ouail M atilda St ockel Jane C. M ontgomery . M rs. J ean K. Stewart, R.N . Edward Lake . . ...................
D.D. ... .................. ................... .. ............. .. President . ........ .................................................... ........................... .. ..... .D ea n .. ....................................................................... Regi st rar .. ... Assistant to the Dea n .... Director of Admi ss ions .......... ........................ ............... Fie ld Representative . ... ............................... ........ ...... ....... H ead of N orth Ha ll .. .. ..................... Head of South Ha ll .................................... .Secret ary t o the Preside nt . .... . . .............. Secretary .......................... . ......Secretary ....................... Ac co untant .... ...................... .. ...................... M atron urse .. Superintendent of Bui ld in gs and Ground s
THE NEW BUILDING Centenary's dream of a new Sc ience and Art building is going to change to a reality.
And soon, t oo !
We have reached t he place where our dreams can become brick and steel and mode rn equipment. The plan for the building (which will be abou t 90 fee t by 60) is to put the food s and clothing departments on th e ground floor a nd above them chemistry and b io logy . And while we are building, we will add another story in wh ich to put t he art departme nt . Th e building will be placed in the so ut heast corner of the campu s where Plan e Street meets First Avenue.
THE HAMMOND MEMORIAL The Centenary cata log ue of t he year 1877-78 f irst mentions the name of Albert 0. Ham mond , A .M. , as a t eac he r of Lat in and Greek . For forty- six co nsecutive years it carried the same announcement! Mrs. A. 0. Hammond join ed the C.C.I. facu lty in 1881 and taught here for twelve years. H er f ield wa s Art o il painting and drawing. Th us these two person s gave a co mbin ed service of fifty-eight years. Centenary is rich because of th e se rvice s of th ese two well loved teachers. In add it ion to the sc holars hi p fo und ed by Profe ssor H am mon d fo r the daughters of clergymen, the re is the very cons id erab le g roup of men who to -day preac h a gospel founded on the Greek New Testa ment as taught by him. Both men and wo men have a new love of classic learning because he revea led to them unsuspected values . An appreciation of artistic value s is need ed in this materia listic age and so th e one with c la ssic learning and t~e other with aest he t ic in sight co ntri buted t o th e live s of hundreds of students now living better lives therefor in almost eve ry state in our country. Now, lest the new generation of stud ents should not kn ow of th ei r se rvi ces, we are erecting a material memorial to them. H ere at the e ntran ce to our ca mpus we are installing wrought iron ga te s suppo rte d by two substa ntial pillars each bearing a memorial p laque a nd holding aloft a light which will be seen by day and night, as an expression of grat itude and a recognition of noteworth y services by these two fa ith ful teachers. These are symbo ls of the stre nglh and ligh t -g ivi ng power of their students who have learned both lessons and life ideals from their t eac hing . Robert J . Trevorrow.
w ~~
__ _ Betiy Housel
Vice- President
Jane Conklin
Dorothy Barnes
Treasurer . ..
Doris Re ed
Sergean t -at-arms
Ruth Bower Motto Fo rward with H onor
Class Colors Navy and White
8EN 7 19 Hanford Pla ce Westfield , New J e rsey Cla ss Secretary '40 Class Ba sket Ball Team '40 Society Play '40 Bu siness Club '39 ; '40 Cente nary Players '39; '40 Camera Club '39 ; '40
Hair Mildness Cooking Blush
195 Cl inton Place Hackensack, New J ersey "Hack" Editor '40 Society Treasurer '40 Soc iety Play '40 French Club '39 French Cabaret '40 Book Club '40 Ce ntenary Ouintet '40 Chorus '39 ; '40
Versatility Ji tte rb ug Laugh Vo ice
892 Park side Aven ue Trenton, New J ersey " Ha ck " Business M anager '40 Se ni or Li fe Saving '39 Guild Sec retary-T reasurer '40 Societ y Play '40 Boo k C lub '40
Rheba Effe rvesce nce Nat ural Co nnectic ut
8EN 375 Lin coln Avenue Rutherford, Ne w Jersey Class Sergean t-at-arm s '40 Cla ss H ockey Tea m '39; '40 H onorary Hockey '40 Cla ss Ba ske t Ball Team '39; '40 Senior Li fe Savi ng ' 39 C la ss Swimm in g Team ' 39; '40 Ca mera C lub '39; '40 Camera Club President '40 Frenc h Club Cabaret '39
Hockey Cameras Plea sant Effi cient
13 Gardner Court Was hington, New Jersey Li sp Ja ck Bridge Carefree
Chorus '40 Boo k Club '40
82 Cypress Street Maplewood, New Jersey Dancing Petite Costume J ewe lry Appe tite
Business C lub Treasure r '39 Business Club '39; '40
M ain Stree t N et cong, N ew J ersey H onor Rol l Ford Li b rary Q uiet
Life Sa ving '3 9
8EN I 0 I N o rth Fourth Street H amburg, Penn sy lva ni a Class Hockey Team '39 Class Tennis Team '3 9; '40 Tenni s Captain '40 Class Ba sket Ba ll Team '40 Society Play '40 Chorus '39 ; '40 Quintet '40 Kin Klub '39; '40 Kin Klub Pre sident '40 Camera Club '39; '40 Book Club '40 Internatio na l Rela t ions Club '40 Ce ntenary Players '40
Errol Fly nn Pa. Dutch Vi c an d Reco rd s M idd lebu ry
:LE <l> 17 O akl and Co urt Warwic k, N ew Yo rk "Sp illed Ink" Editor-in-Chief '40 Student Council '39 C lass Vice-President '39; '40 H all Pre sident '39 Class H ockey Team '39 Society Secretary '39 Chorus '39 May Oueen '40
Bob Crosby So phi sti cated Versati le Eyes
LOIS W . COOK <I> EN 30 North Lincoln Avenue Was hin gton, New Jersey Accom panist Perseverin g Simp li c ity Unco ncerned
Society Play '39; '40 Chorus '39; '40 Orchestra '39; '40 Kin Klub '40
504 Moore Street Hackettst ow n, New J ersey "Spi ll ed Ink" Business Manag er '39 Class Swimming Team '39 Water Ballet '40 Society Play '40 Book Club '39; '40 Book Club Vice-President '40 Choru s '39; '40 Chorus Secretary '40 Centenary Players '39; '40 Kin Klub '39; '40 Tennis Team '3 9
Voice Ha ir Tenn is Corsages
South Wales, New York Placid Good Nat ured Typin g Co nsc ie ntio us
Society Play '40 Bu siness Club '39; '40 Camera Club '39; '40 Internati onal Relations Club '40
1'1LL 87 Laurel Avenue Bloomfield, New J ersey " Spilled Ink " Staff '39; '40 Society Sergeant-at -a rm s '39 Society Play '40 International Relations Club '39 Book Club '40
Brooks Sweaters Jimmy Dorsey Chane! #5 Hot Weather Cologne
<PEN 504 Tanner Street Sikeston, Misso uri " Spilled Ink " Staff '39; '40 Class H ockey Tea m '40 H onorary H ockey Team '40 Society Play '40 Society Secretary '40 Book Club '39; '40 Book Club President '40 Chorus '39; '40
Missouri Drawl Brother Book Club
6 LL 66 Eu clid Avenue Hasti ngs-on -Hud son, New York " Hack Board " Art Editor '40 "Spilled Ink " Art Editor '40 Class H ockey Team '39 H onorary H ockey Team '39 Society Pla y '40 Water Ballet '40 Book Club '40
Dates Poetry Art Striking
66 7 N orth Second Street Pottsville, Penn sylvania "Stardust " Classic Beauty Coiffures Mice
Society Play '40 Centenary Players '39 : '40 Choru s '39: '40 Chorus President '40 Book C lub '40
2:E<T> H arriman, N ew York "Hack Board" Art Editor '40 Junior Winner of " Times" Award '39 C lass Hockey Team '40 International Relations C lub '39 ; '40 Pres ident International Relati ons Club '40
4' I I" Sc ulpture Earn es t Likeable
32 General Greene Avenue Trenton, New Jersey My Bill Blintzes Handwriting Bla se
Societ y Pla y '40 Senior Life Saving '39 Bu sin ess Club '39; '40 Book C lub '40 Kin Klub '39; 40
9 17 North Webs ter Avenu e Scra nton, Penn sy lvani a Radio Se rials Hair Twister Scream s Letter Writin g
Bus iness Club '39; '40 Kin Klub '39; '40
15 Ch esterfie ld Road Sca rsdale, New York Student Council '40 "Sp ill ed Ink" Lit erary Board '39; '40 Hall Presiden t '40 Socie t y Play '40 Int ernational Re lations Club '39; '40 Book Club '39; '40 Camera Club '40
Exec uti ve Sin cere Talkati ve " QUIET! "
19 Lyo ns Pla ce La rchm ont, New Yo rk Athletic A ssoc iation Presi dent '40 Soc iety Sergeant-at-arms '40 Societ y Play '40 Choru s '39 ; '40 French Cabaret '40 A. A. Dance H ead '40
" Liebe stra um" Laugh Dan seu se Telegram s
VIRGINIA ROSALIND GOLDING 213 North Monroe Street Baltimore, Maryland Studious Serene Reserved Landlubber
Bu sine ss Club '40 Kin Klub '39 ; '40
269 Uni on Street
Belleville, N ew Jersey "Spil led Ink " Typi st '40 Stude nt Council Secretary '40 Soc iety Pla y '39 Busi ness Club '40 Inte rnatio nal Re lation s Cl ub '40 Chor us '39; 40
Pian o Amiable Poise Roommate
Inwoo d Road Bridgeport, Connecticut Figure Skating Work Eyes Nightgowns
Class Swimming Team '39 Soc iety Play '40 Business Club '39; '40 Intern ati onal Relations Cl ub '39 Book Club '39; '40 Kin Klub '39; '40
8EN 2 15 C edar Street Corning, New Yo rk St udent Council '39; '40 Ha ll Pres ident '39; '40 C lass H ockey Team '40 Society C hap la in '40 Society Play '40 Book Club '39 ; '40 Book Club Secretary-Treasure r '40
Efficient Graci ous Genuine Helpful
8EN I056 Oakland Court Teaneck, New Jersey Swimm ing Tea m Capt ain '39 Societ y Play '40 Soc iety President '40 Chorus '39; '40 Camera Club Secy . - Treas. ' 39 Camera Club Sergeant-at-arm s '40 Kin Klub '40 Senior Life Saving '39
Sw immin g Conscientiou s Happy Ph ot ogen ic
LEG 407 Bo rdentow n Aven ue So uth Amboy, New Jerse y " Hack " Board Ass istant Edit o r '40 C lass President '40 Stude nt Council '40 Class H ockey Team '39; '40 Soc iety Pre si dent '39 Cla ss Sergeant-at-arms '39 Book Club '40 Camera Club '39
Pajama s Riding Democrati c Psych .
459 Noble Ave nu e Bridgeport, Connecticut Re sponsible Pittsburgh Swim min g Prec ise
" Sp illed Ink " Treasurer '39; '40 Student Cou ne il '39; '40 Soc iet y Chaplain '39 Guild Representative '39 Came ra C lub '39; '40
32 Lind en Avet;~ue H addonfie ld, New J ersey J ovia l Comple xion Imm ac ulate Friendl y
Soc iety Pl ay '40 Bu si ness C lub President '40
I 04 Brooks ide Avenue Ridgew ood , New Jersey
H ands Cook Book H epb urn Naps
Soc iety President '40 Society Play '40 Society Sergeant-at-arm s '39 G uild Repre sentative '39 Guild Cab inet '40 Centenary Players '39; '40 Book Club '40 Kin Klub '39; '40
Mill sid e Farms Riversid e, New Jersey Vesper Dates Telephone Call s Portraits Brace let s
Class H ockey '39; '40 Honorary Hock ey '40 Class Basket Ball Team '40
i1LL 325 Ea st Uni on Street Bethlehem , Penn sy lvania Docility Lehigh Shorthand Independent
Society Vice- Pres ide nt '39 Soc iety Play '40 Business Club '39; '40 Book Club '40
i'1 LL 425 Center Street A shl and, Penn sylva nia Stu dent Council Presi dent '40 Student Council Repre senta t ive '3 9 " H ack" Board '40 " Spilled Ink" Literary Boa rd '40 Society Play '40 Chorus '39; '40 Centenary Quintet '40 Book Club '40
Profile Neatness Date s Lehi gh
8EN 25 Mercer Avenue Hart sda le, New York Jewel s Vi vac ious Hi gh Hee ls Do mestic
Class H ockey Team '40 Society Play '40 Book C lu b '39; '40
95 Forest Avenue Staten Isla nd, New York Benn y Goodman G esture s Li corice Red
C lass Ba ske t Ball Te am '40 H onorary Ba sket Bal l Tea m '40 Societ y Play '40 Book Cl ub '40
8EN "Woodlawn Acres" Ha ckettstown, New Jersey Literary C urls Dramatic Sma ll Feet
" Sp illed Ink" Assistant Ed itor '39; '40 Trophy Contest W inner '39 Cen t enary Players '39; '40 Cen t enary Orchestra '39 Societ y Play '40 Elu sin ess Club '40
8EN 9 H e ig hts Road Rosemawr C lifto n, New Jersey " Hack " Business Manager '40 Student Cou neil Representa tive '40 Class Hockey Team '40 Honorary Hockey Varsity '40 Class Basket Ball Team '3 9 ; '40 Honorary Basket Ball Varsity '39; '40 Basket Ball Head '40 C lass Swimming Team '39; '40 Water Ballet '40 Senior Life Saving '39 A. A. Board '40 Society Play '40 Book Club '40
Carriage Spo rts Clot hes Complexion
39 Lafayette Aven ue East Weymo ut h, Massachuse tts Society Secretary '39; '40 Chorus '3 9; '40 International Relations Club '3 9 ; '40 Came ra C lub '39; '40 Busi ness Club '39; '40
Gentle Accent Serene Smi le
8EN 79 Wes t St ewart St ree t Wash in gton, New Jersey Society Sergeant-at-arms '40 Society Play '40 Chorus '39; '40
Speech Friendly We ll -groomed Hair
8EN 146 Wes t 94th Street N ew York, N ew York Hi ghest in Senior Class and H ighest in Col le ge in " Time s" Contest '40 " Spilled Ink " Board '39 " Spi lled Ink " Board Business Manager '40 C lass H ockey Team '39; '40 Honorary H ockey Varsity '39; '40 Societ y Sergeant-a t-arms '40 Society Pl ay '39; '40 Society Program Co,m mittee Chai rm an '40 French Club '39 Book C lub 'â&#x20AC;˘ 40
N ewspapers Peppy Freck les N o ise
42 -39 191 st Street Flu shing , N ew York C hem istry Earring s Diligence C hocolate Coke s
Guild Director '40 Soc ie ty Pres ident '40 Society Play '40 Camera Club '39; '40
4034 Rose mo nt Avenue Drexel Hill, Pen nsylvan ia Blushin g Chuckle Knitting H appy-go-lu cky
Societ y Play '40 Bu si ness C lub '40
8EN I 34 Sou th 14th Street Allentown, Penn sylvania Shorthand Indu stri ous F. &M . Ind epe nd en t
Soc iety Pl ay '40 Business Club '39; '40 Book Club '40
221 Tuttl e Park way Westfield, N ew J ersey "Sp illed Ink" Ty pist '39; '40 Class Hockey Tea m '39; '40 Honorary Hockey Varsity '39; '40 A. A. Secretary-Treasurer '40 Fenc ing Team '39; '40 Soc iety Treasurer '40 Bu sine ss C lub '39; '40 Bu sin ess Club Secretary '40 Cam era Club '39 A. A. Fencing Head '40
Sports Swea t ers Giggles Dependab ility
8EN R. F. D. 3 Phillipsburg, New Jersey C lass Hockey Team '40 Choru s '39; '40 Centenary Quintet '40 Soc iety Play '40 Kin Klu b '39; '40 Boo k Club '39; '40
Singing Ouiet Child Psy. Simplicity
.t 27 t
159 Beach I 3 I Street Belle Harbor, New York
Hockey Lackadaisical Friend' s School Sister
Class H ockey Team '39; '40 H ono rary H oc key Varsity '39; '40 C lass Basket Ba ll Team ' 39; '40 H ono rary Ba sket Ba ll Va rsity '39 Class Swimming Team '39 Soc iety Play '40 Chorus '39; '40 Boo k Cl ub '40 Bus iness Club ' 39 ; '40 Kin Klub ' 39; '40
18 Madi son Avenue Maplewood , New J ersey Sportsmanship Cheerful Late Pe rmi ss ion Impi sh
Class Trea surer
8EN 76 Mertz Ave nu e Hillside, New Jersey Spark lin g Conscientious Optimi stic Wa lk s
Gui ld Represent at ive '40 Choru s '40 Soc iety Play '40 International Relation s C lub '40 Boo k Club '40 Kin Klub '40
8EN 370 Park Hill Avenue Yo nk ers , New Ya rk Society Vice-President '40 Centenary Players '40 In ternational Relati ons C lub '39; '40 Internatio nal Re lations C lub SecretaryTreasurer '40 Fren ch Club '39 French Cabaret '3 9 Camera Club '39; '40 Book Club '40 路
Rosy C heeks Johnson 's Baby Powder Poetry Showe rs
160 Summit Avenue Summit, New Jersey Bu si ness Law Pittsfield Persistence Ouestions
Society Play '40 Busine ss Club '40 Book Club '40
Blossom Hil l Fa rm Lebanon, New Je rsey Book Club '39 Fren ch Club '39 French Cabaret '39 Busine ss Club '40
Souvenirs Sophisticated Clothes Lipstick
6L L 90 Valley Street Silver Creek, Pennsylvania Monologues Broadcasts Weekends Joa n Da vis
Class Swimming Team '39 Centenary Players '39; '40 Choru s '39; '40 En se mble '39 Boo k Club '40 Camera C lub '40
8EN I 185 Park Avenue New York, New York Cla ss Ba sket Bal l Team '39; '40 Cla ss Ba ske t Ba ll Captain '40 H onorary Ba sket Ba ll Vars ity ' 39; '40 Soc iety Pl ay '40 French Club '39
Knitting Ba sket Ball " Pl ayboy" Mail
A LL I 151 Stilford Avenu e Plainfield, New Jersey Baby Tal k Date Bureau Orchestras Dr. Denton s
" Spil led Ink " Typist '40 Bu si ness Club '40 Book Club '40 Camera Club '39
Hunting Hil l Road Woodbridg e, Connecticut Society Sergeant-at-arm s '40 Centenary Players '3 9; '40 Book Club ' 39; '40
Fashion s Nails Bridg e Legs
EDNA THOMSON Musconetcong Co untry Club Hacke ttst own, New Jersey Quiet Pleasant Neat Golf
15 Summit Avenue Phillipsburg, New J ersey
Business Club '40
West Point Hair Swimming Reserve
404 Loucroft Road Haddonfield, New J ersey " Hack " Art Editor '40 " Sp il led Ink" A rt Ed itor '40 C lass H ockey Team '39; '40 Class H ockey Ca ptai n '39; '40 Hon ora ry H oc key Varsi t y '39; '40 A. A. Representative '40
J ack Swin g Art Ath let e
8EN 436 East State Street Trenton, New Jersey Late Lights Reserved Portable Typewriters Genero us
Society Play '40 Society Secretary '3 9 Busin ess Club '39; '40 Bu sin ess Club Treasure r '40 Book C lub '39; '40
8EN 3 1 I Lan sdow ne Avenu e Lan sdowne, Pennsylva ni a Pla y Production Bathes Ba shfu l Roses
Society Treasurer '40 Society Pl ay '40 C ente nary Pla yers '39; '40 C horus '39; '40 Book C lub '39; '40 Inte rna t ional Relatio ns Club '39
30 Dani el Low Terrace Sa int George , N ew York Society Secreta ry '40 Society Pl ay '40 French Club '39 Book Club '40
Hai r Combing Modeling Dimples Eyes
SENIOR CLASS SONG Tune ......... .
... "Princeton Marching Song"
Class of '40, gather round, And let us give a rousing cheer, For days at C. J. C., The memories reecho year by year. Friendships of our college days, Traditions that we will forever pra1se. We are true to the black, We are true to the blue OfC.J. C.
THE LO G Th ank goodness, it's here! My box, with a ll the cherishab le memor1es of my "g rowing up days," I mean. I was so afra id it had been carried away by t he mighty flood waters of thi s horrible disaster of '60. And right here o n top is my log , as I ca ll ed the diary I kept at Centenary because I sa il ed into H ac ke ttstown and dropped a nchor fo r two years. I dated eac h new exper1ence, but that really does n't matter. The important t hin g is-it happened at Centenary. Th e senio rs mu st have enjoyed wa t c hin g us, wa ndered through the halls, a ll eyes b ut speechl ess . night ! I do n't even have t o read it. Th e Stude nt Little Theatre after we we re g ive n ou r "bi g sist ers."
the eigh t y new junio rs, a s we How well I remember t ha t first Cou nc il e ntertai ned us in the I wonder whe re Sis is t o-day!
According to this page, we got organized very soon, and began our days as th e Class of '40 under the very able leadership of J ean Chrystie. Mary Scott from Chile wa s our fo re ig n stud e nt , and how we a ll loved Scotty ! Initi ation Week can never b e fo rg otte n, and thi s is why " I got up a t six thi s mo rn ing in order to get my pigtails braided, my black stockings neatly (?) pulled over my knee s, the glasses drawn around my eyes and Micki e's shoes polished before it was time to pul l down Weezie 's window." But th a t' s not al l " To- night I' m going to bed at ni ne - thirty because I' m too ti red t o stu dy. I neve r knew how heavy wast e pape r ba skets could get. " H ere's the account of the seniors ' H allowe'en Dance. That wa s o ur first big event at Centenary. I can just see t he gym now-adorned with pumpkins, corn sta lks, and harve st moo ns. At th e tim e we co uld not un de rstand how suc h remodelling co ul d be done , but we soo n lear ned th e fun and work behind it. M ore initiation followed, both formal and informal, this time as the result of our decision s to join a sorori t y. It really didn't make much d ifference which we chose, but our own was always best of co urse. Pei ths had th e f irst week-end, and wa s it good ! H ow can we ever forget some of th e sce nes from " Death Takes a H o liday?" The Christmas t he me was carried o ut in the decora t ions. H ere's th e Diok Anniversary weeke nd . Th eir p lay was " Pe tt icoa t Fever." "Swe ll" was the comment. Th e blizzard didn't keep us from enjoyi ng the ir sp ring dance either. The Cal page seems to be torn out, but I recall their naut ical id ea was ve ry cleverly carried out in t he invitation s and dance . I mu stn 't ling er t oo long, but these pages of watch parties, exams, bi rthd ay dinners, week-ends o n other ca mpus es, specia l Ve sper serv ices, tr ips t o the Carlon, and
even p un ish ments-a ll the se bring back suc h fo nd memor ies , I ju st co uldn 't pass th em by. H ere 's one that makes me remembe r lots of hard work but loads of fu n t oo- " We presented ' Medea ' th is afte rn oo n as our May Fete to an en thu siasti c b ut rather warm audience." H ow cou ld I have fo rgotte n? I really d idn 't , but I must have tu rned tw o pa g es at once. Th e Valentine Dance, I'm thinking of. We showed the other st udents and the facu lty ju st what the jun iors were made of, and modest as we were, we felt we had done a very good job of it. A nd the n, the re's t he Pres id e nt' s Da nce too. Dr. T revo rrow was too ill to attend , but Mrs. Trevorrow "d id th e honors" and if I ca n decipher my writ in g correctly, we all had a wonderful evening brought to an end by a midnight supper in the dining room. It was hard to sa y "Good-by e " to our " bi g sist ers" and o ther f ri e nd s whom we would not see so oft e n again, but there was ne xt year to look forward t o a nd al l th at it had in sto re for us. But even when we returned as seniors we could not a nti cipate all whi ch that year was t o bring us. We were t he "big g irl s" now , with Betty H ouse l as our p resident; we he ld the offices of th e societi es and cl ubs; and we were th e ones set th e exa mp le for the ninety odd that were the fresh men, a s we ha d chosen t o call th e m. As I skim thro ugh the pa ges, I see that on accoun t of the illness that swept the ca m pus at the time, we had a d ifficul t t im e in car ryi ng out the initia ti o n p la ns we mad e for the underclassmen. Thi s page distinctly brings back al l the tri als and er rors of the so rority ente rtainments for the new stude nts. Pe ith held its a nnua l fa shi o n show; " Un cle J im " returned to help the Diok s ou t , and t he Cals e nte rtained with a mus ical program. Pled ge Day and initiation followed , and o nce more there we re t hree so ro rity groups. It was t he Delta Sigma Sig ma soro rity (C al in plai n lang uage ) tha t celebrated its anniversary f irst, this year. We co uldn 't take th e week-e nd wi th us, but we ce rtainly had much t o reme m ber about t he p lay, " Yo u Ca n't Take It Wi t h You." The Montclair A Capella cho ir presen t ed a beautiful p rogram for the vesper service . Th ink ing of c ho irs, I re me m be r that our chorus made a n e nviable rep ut a tion in th e fine concert work it d id . Yes, he re's the time we went to Stevens and met " o ur fut ures," a visit which th ey soon returned. The Columbia Glee Club gave a concert too, a nd I seem to have run out of ad jectives describ ing th e good time we had. The different cl ubs were quite active t his yea r. H e re are the acco unts of th e French Cabaret, the Book Club' s after dinner coffee in the library, the Inter na tion a l Re la ti ons Club's foreign affa irs broadcast, knitting for the Guild, and a trip t o New
York by the senior members of the Business C lub. and better" too.
"Sp illed Ink" see med to be " bigger
" To- nig ht the Pei t hosophia n Society presen t ed 'Our Town' t o a ve ry respons ive audience, who along with the actors, imagined t he life p rocesses. The same thoug ht s presented are good to-day. We brushed t he snow off ou r evening sandals and en joyed the 'springish' atmosphere of ihe gym . Dr. Trevorrow and the chorus brought the week-e nd t o an approp riate close in t he Sunday aft ernoon service." O h, dear, here I go aga in- st aying too long on each page, bur there 's so much to read. For instance, " t he good ti mes," in t erclass at hletic games , Skytop, home week-ends, dinner in white dresses, Arthur Murray dancing lessons, student program s, and those " bu ll sess ions" ove r the coke bottles that helped pay for t he gates t hat now g ive so much prestige to the ca mpus,- all th ose te rrib ly important things that stand o ut as happen ings of t hat unfo rgettab le yea r. The late spring sorority week-end wa s plan ned and very nice ly ca rried out with a perfectly wonderful dance on Saturday night, the Stradivarius Ouartet on Sunday. Tea fo llowed the excellent mus ic, and, as hours passed, Centenary became less co ed uca t ional. Jane Conklin was a lovely May Ouee n, and her court maqe a picturesque background for "The Trojan Women." Yes, it wa s a wonderful day for all of us, whether we were in the court or in the dances. Then came t he beginning of the end. Tea rs fill my eyes as I think of that Wednesday morn ing when we ma rched into Chape l in ou r caps and gown s. Then that night we added our ba nner to t he row of symbo li c represen t at io ns of each p reviou s group . The last Chape l se rvice fo llowed a few Saturday mornings later, and again the athletic trophies and emblems were presented for individua l or team outstanding accompl ishmen t s. That afternoon " The H ack" of the C lass of '40 made its debut as part of the an nua l class day exercises. Th e Sunday before Commencement had always been t he t ime for the Bacca laureate service, and so once more the word s of a fine, inspiring address rang through Whitney Hall. We gave the steps to the freshmen in a very impress ive background of our b lack and their white with the setting sun to our backs. Th e tradi ti onal mus ic service completed the evening. Examinations f il le d our m inds for t he receive g ratefully yet sa d ly o ur d iplo masclosed another volume of life; sa d ly because had guided us toward this end, and those friendships.
next week, bu t then the time came to gratefully because we had successfully we regretted to leave the people who with whom we had made never dying
" My Centenary days are over, but never will be forgotten!" PEGGY DONNELL .
IT CAME TO PASS IN 1945 A. D. Tim e:
1945 A. D.
Place :
Essex H o use, New Yo rk C it y
O ccasion : A lumna e Banquet for Class of '40
" Look, Bunny ," squeal ed Pe te, " look at that neat Cord Convertible and o h, look who is in side ! It is Nan cy Fell. " Ju st as Bunn y peered out th ro ugh the c urtain s Mrs. Alb ert Arndt walked into th e lobby of th e Essex House . A fter th e heartiest of greeting s a Ia C e ntenary the th ree sat down and waited fo r th e next arrival. Pete and Bunn y were both terrifically happy working on a Ph ila delph ia newspape r. Wh ile Pete write s th e " gossip sheet," Bunny edits advi ce to " t ee n agers wh o would be pop ular." When the very familiar " Hi Y a, PaIs " wa s heard, a II turn ed to greet H elen Stein, who more than did cred it to Centenary sp iri t by cutting re hea rs al of " On Your Feet, " t he mu sica l in which she does her com ic im persona ti o ns. Th e lobby was soon a bevy of ha ppy voices, and as I waded through the c ro wd- well I'll le t you hear their co nve rsations. Pats Ma loy is speaking now (you see her picture in all the magaz ine s accompanying a t es timoni a l approv ing Came l C igarettes.) "S ue Meig s told me that her best and most constant c usto me r wa s J oan Eagles. Sue's Bridal Shoppe is a ve ry eleg ant place o n Fift h Avenue ." In another group , Carol J ones is showing pictures of he r beautiful farm at Prin ceton where she rai ses t horo ughbred horse s. " Elain e, will you autograph my copy? " " Mine too, ' Lain e ." Th e demand is for the a uth or' s si gnature on Elaine Bar ne s' latest comed y, "Off with th e Breeze. " Over in another corner, happy housewife Dori s Re ed is qu izzing Be tty Pfromm about her success a s private secretary to Bette Cooper, who ha s taken the country by storm with her t elev ision prog ram o n which she sing s nightly. " Hell o, Becky," sho uts Sunny Moore to Ar lene Ra ebeck . "Tell them about the Alma Mater of '50 ." Ar lene and Sunny ha ve come back to C.J.C. in other cap aciti es, you see. Su nny ass ists Mrs. Ke lley , while Becky is needed in the f ront office.
We move on aga in to hea r t he now fa mo us Dr. Yeoma ns, M. D. , say, "Yes, she mar ried her hand some pa t ient. " It is Betty Hofmayer she speaks of, a nd it seems th at Betty has t ossed as ide he r white cap for whi t e dress a nd ve il. Jean ne 's care er wa s a su rp ri se t o al l, but she t el ls of a noth e r fe llow scien ti st in th e class of '40. W hy, yes , it is in deed Lyn Peterson . Her a rt icles are p ubli shed in a vol ume on " Women in Scien ce ." "Th e most wo nde rfu l t im e I have had sin ce C.J .C !" says J a ne St er n t o Ma ry Hee rma ns, a s I dash by . They had a vacation from t he sc hool for " Br ides on a Bud get" a nd went to Betty Housel 's Du de Ranch in A rizona . Members of the ir hono rary society, Pi e Baked Da Besta, a re Kay Watts, Betty Roby a nd Dot Bar nes . Recog nizing Bum p Havey's vo ice in the ce nter of a fam iliar g roup , I proceed to find o ut how she likes t he b rig ht ligh ts of Broadway . Bump , as you know , toe dance s her wa y thro ugh Hodges a nd Rot' s ne w show. Dodalea Mar la tt is inte rest ed in t he mo re serio us d ra ma . In fact, she t ravels wit h a st ock co mpa ny, g ivi ng th ril ling in terp reta t io ns of Shakespearean plays. Dod alea al so says t ha t while in New York she hopes t o ta ke in the Lim bach Modern Dance Schoo l, Blakes lee Beauty Sc hoo l, and th e fenci ng sc hoo l wh e re Mar jo ri e Polh emus is host ess . These five years pa ssed so quic kl y, yet see how far t he cla ss of '40 has gone sin ce t he d ay in ea rly Ju ne whe n we wept as we left C .J .C. a nd t he happ iest two yea rs of o ur wh ole lives . How fa r in prog ress and yet in dis t ance too ! Mildred Las loc ky and Pat Tirre ll have both become ar my wives a nd live at th e same post in the Philipp ines; Pe g gy Do nn e ll is back in Missouri as the d ea n of a schoo l for g irls. And I hear she has diffi cult co mpet it io n in th e Ma ryl a nd Sc hool, whi c h Virgini a Go ld in g heads. We a lso missed Do ris Boy le to-day , b ut she is fa r away in So ut h America. J ack I S e ng inee ring a da m and she sti ll bel ieves that whither Jack goests she will go. I just heard a lo ng shrill whi stl e, a nd no wonder ! Here comes Pat Sheridan, look in g ultra-exotic in a unique crea ti on of Ebe rle a nd La ube nstein . To my left, so me of the girls are having a " Do you remember party." It migh t be fun t o li st e n in a nd hear Betty Full er say, " Re membe r wh en we had to extend the radio becau se we couldn 't do wit hout Gle nn Mi lle r? " " Oh, yes," recal ls Betty Ya nHa rt, "he a nd his band are goin g to make a come back. Betty Gaffe is acting as pub licity a g e nt ." Betty Fuller , by th e way, is The Betty Fu lle r of the law co urts, t he famo us crimi nal la wyer never to lose a case. Betty Ya nH art is o ne -ha lf of the Farq ua ha r trapeze team . Hea rin g a seri es of g iggl es wh ic h soo n bre ak into laughter, I fin d Fra n Swee ny de mon strating a pMior trick fro m her book cal led "The Hand is O uicker Than t he
Eye. " When at last I have Fran alone, I ask her if she has been night-clubbing of late. She informs me th en of a very neat spot on Fifty -second Street where Victoria Clendenin nightly swings the classics, and an al l-gi rl band features Lois Cook at the p ian o and Betty Shaw on the drums. An added attraction is the celebrities one finds among the patrons. It is reported that from the sports world, Edna Thomson, t he professional go lf champion, was present wi t h Olive Chamberla in , the chan nel sw immer , in the same party. "And Bob won the fir st prize," Jan e says while she sim ply beams. of her路 ha s been judged best in the New York art exhibit.
Hi s port rait
"How are the twins, Peggi? I saw them the other路 day in their blue reefers and they were too precious for words!" Peggi Da rrow and Natalie Eden are comparing notes on family life. "Oh yes, Peggi ," Na t said, "[ wouldn't have a stick of furniture that wa s not the or ig inal Jane Thomas design." "Yo u should see them do th e " La Carker," I hear in passing. I stop dead stil l when I hear someone say, "Will iam and Mar jorie ," for they are the favorite American dance team , and we reme mber that Marjorie Burrell was the pupil of Mrs. Haring at Cen tena ry . " It ha s been so lo ng since I've see n you." Ruth Bower , A ssistant Director of gym at Vassar, and Lois Martin, who owns a very swank summer camp for girls, are reca ll ing the ir st udent days. " Do you remember the cowpath, Carlon, spring nights , Ann week-ends , and vespers? It was fun, even vespers-1 used to like the chorus and Dr路. Trevorrow's t alks. Speaking of the chorus, did you know Jean Purse l was teaching singing at Jully Gardens Music School?" "And did you know that Louis e Monez acts over the radio? She is in the popular sk it ca lled, "Too Many Cokes Get Our little Nell." Once the gir ls sta rt " Did you know," it goes on and on. Si s Latham married a professor at Lehigh? "
" Did you know that
"Did you know that Ginny Wooster is an air hostess; Sally Hunt is president of Bus iness Woman 's Club; Kay Hughes is a librarian at Princeton University: Amy Hardman is secretary to a senator: Peggy Russe ll gives bridge lessons, and Laura Cullen teaches shorthand at KiHy Nibbs Secretarial School?" And so, far into the night , for the class of '40 has won great ren own. See you at th e Essex House in 19451
" Bum p" Havey " Becky " Rae beck Carol J ones "Goofie" Goffe
January January January January
"Sis" Latham M ildred La slocky " Sallie " Hunt " Kit" Hugh es "Sue" M eigs " M arsha" Limbach
February I February 8 February I 0 February I I February I I February 21
"Sis " Chamberlain " Peg " Ru ssell " Pat" Sheridan " Marg e" Polh em us " Tom my" Th omson " Betty " Pfromm " Pats" Ma loy " J eanie" Pu rse l " Jo " Laubenstein " Coo kie" Cook " Dorri e" Reed " H of" H ofmayer Laura Cullen
March 2 March 5 March 7 March 8 M arch 9 March 12 March 19 March 19 March 20 March 22 March 24 March 27 M arch 30
" Ruth ie" Bower " Pete" Peterson " Bunny " Fordham " Fran" Sweeny " Ginny " Wooster " Na t " Eden " Lynn" Peterson " Betty " H ousel
April Ap ril April April
16 17 20 23
19 19 21 26
May I May 22 Ju ne I Jun e I I
" Sunny" Moore "Weezie" Mon ez " Mary Lou" Eberle
June I I June 16 Jun e 29
" Peggi" Darrow "Conkie" Conklin " Tommy " H ardman
Ju ly 16 Jul y 16 July 22
" Bets" Fuller " Bette" Cooper " Peg " Donnell " Lain e" Barnes " Dodalea" Marlatt " Van Foo " Van H art Lois Martin "Babby" Blakeslee " Tory " C lendenin " De e" Boyle Mary Heermans " Ginny " Golding " Kay " Watts
August 5 Augu st I I Augu st 23 September 7 September 16 Sept ember 24 October 3 October 9 October 12 October 18 October 20 October 29 October 31
" Dot " Barnes Joa n Eag les " Bets" Shaw " Janey " Stern " Yeo " Yeomans " Betty~' Roby
November 2 November 4 November 7 November 18 November 18 November 23
" Margi e" Burrell " Nan cy" Fell H elen Stein " Pat" Tirrell Jan e Thoma s
December December December Dece mb er December
.t 44 .t
IS 17 22 24 27
AVERSIONS AND DIVERSIONS We ra cked ou r editorial bra in to think of thi s one. It is a co mp os ite p icture of what thi s year 's se nior cla ss lik es and dislike s. Not only wil l it give you, th e reader, an insight into the priva te lives of the members of th e class of '40 but when the "afo re-read" prophecy comes true , thi s page will give newspaper writers of the future a va luab le cue as to who-liked -what-when. In order to be terribly tec hni ca l about the whole thing, we have d ivided our likes into sections wh ic h we shall ca ll A , B, C, D, E, and F. We think a good place to sta rt is g roup A whic h concerns food, always an important q uest io n. To ge nera lize, BETTY VA N HART, DORRIE REED , BETTY HOFMAYER and JANE THOMA S all put food at the top of the list. JEAN PUR SEL likes choco la te ice cre am and TORY CLEND ENIN likes Pennsylvan ia Dutch cooking and plenty of it. KIT HUGHES likes lobst er at Hug o's and KAY WATTS is wi ld about chocolate fudge. PAT SHERIDAN likes roquefo rt cheese and LYNN PETERSON likes huckl ebe rry pie. If that isn' t a congl omera tio n of food we'll eat C. J. C. spaghett i with chopsticks for a week ! Group B is co ncerned with mu sic , t o which BETTE COOPER most enioys devoting her time. PETE PETERSON iu s+ likes to si ng whil e MARY LOU EBERLE swoon s ut the mention of " Stardust." ELAINE BARNES li kes Glen n Mi ller and the "swooning" goes for her t oo . C stand s for clothe s and BUNN Y FORDHAM likes 'em. CAROL JONES is espec ially in fav or of tweeds and spo rts clothes. JANE CONK LIN likes G len Plaid Suits while JO LAUBENSTEIN p refe rs polo coats and pork-p ies. Th e fourth g roup, altho ug h sma ll, is sti ll enthu siast ic. Thi s is the group who like best certain colleg e campuses for reason s which we fee l need not be en um erated. Th ere is SIS LATHAM, who lik es Lehigh ; PATS MALOY an d Dartmouth College , and MARGE BURRELL, who specifies t hat she enioys New Haven t ea-pa rtie s. Without any needless chatter, we now t urn t o group E, th e members of which en ioy cert ain act ivities. For in sta nce, BETTY HOUSEL, JANE STERN , SUE ME IGS and PEG RUSSELL are enth usiastic equestrian s, wh ich in our native tongu e means t ha t th ey lik e horse-back riding. JOAN EAGLES lik es to ride on windy days espec ia ll y. And spea king of windy day s, RUTH BOWER depends on them for her fav orite activity in the summer, that of sailing. LOIS MARTIN ius+ likes the ou t- of-doors, and EDNA THOM SON mu st too, as she li kes golf. BETTY GOFFE is " that way" ab out dancing of any and all type s, and MAC HERIE LIMBAC H and LOI S COOK agre e with her. Und er general activities, BETTY PFROMM and OLIVE CHAM BERLAIN like going p luces and PEGGI
AVERSIONS AND DIVERSIONS DARROW enjoys hying new place s and new things. LOUI SE MONEZ likes Life in genera l, and ARLINE RAEBECK like s "thi s ch anging wor-ld. " HELEN STEIN and r-oommate BETS FULLER like " ton s of fun" and "mad fun " respectively. Oui t e apad from the name given to group E but still a part of thi s group are BETTY SHAW and G INN Y GO LD ING who like relaxing. LAURA C ULLEN goes further in that sleep is her favorite diversion. O ur last group, F, we might call th e Mi scellaneous o1路 , and we think this more to the point, the bits of stuff group. In fact that is what we shall cal l it. The f irst bii路 of stuff is that NANCY FELL likes Mercury convertibles on a summer's day. BABBY BLAKESLEE likes pipes and JEANNE YEOMANS makes the happy combination of liking convertibles and pipes. PEG DONNEL L likes Home and NAT EDEN enjoy s DOT BARNES and MARY HEERMANS adm i re sincerity. GINNY co mfort. WOOSTER f ind s that Connecticut interests her most wh ile BETTY ROSY likes brown eyes . SALLIE HUNT likes me1路1路y-go- rounds and AMY HARDMAN is a faithful movie goer. MARGE POLHEMUS is color-conscious in that she loves red. DODALEA MARLATT likes mail, and BUMP HAVEY in typical eternal-triangle sty le, likes complications. The following bits of stuff have about them the characteristics of local color. MILDRED LASLOCKY lik es to get 45 minute phone calls, while SUNNY MOORE . thinks sun - bathing on the hockey field is the highlight of the spring season . DEE BOYLE likes to bid and make a grand slam doub led and redoubled. In order not to see m cyn ica I a bout the possibilities of that happening , we sha ll move on to PAT TIRRELL who enjoys turning on her lights after Mr. Dilts goes by, and FRAN SWEENY, who likes best her 9 :30 " coke and butt" . Glancing over the tabulated results of our little survey, we find that we must divide our d islikes into four groups which we shall call quite monotonously, A, B, C, and D. Our A gwup again concerns food and it seems that some people don't li ke it. SUE MEIGS doesn't like avacadoes while LOU ISE MONEZ does not relish strawberry 1ce cream. LO IS COOK b lanches when she hears stewed tomato es ment ioned and BETS FULLER avoids burnt toast as much as possible. PATS MALOY doesn't like to drink coffee. C lothes or Group 8 (did we surprise you?) hops about from JANE CONK LI N's ave rsion to wedge shoes and JANE THOMAS' horror at pinch -back and blue serge su its , to ARLINE RAEBECK 's dislike of children's sailor suits. DOT BARNES d islikes untidiness in any form which might, and let's say does, apply to our clothes problems. Personal ity dislikes are to be listed next with insincerity in the lead.
AVERSIONS AND DIVERSIONS FELL , H ELEN STEIN, LO IS M AR TIN , G INN Y WOOSTER , MARY H EERMAN S and DORR IE REED all d islike ins incerit y and KAY WATTS does n't like con cei t ed people . PA T SHER IDA N obiects als o t o supe rfl uous t alk. BETT Y GOFFE, CARO L JO NES and EDNA TH O M SO N t hin k of gossip as t he A ll-Am erican plague , whil e BABBY BLAKE SLEE and BETTY PFR O MM most dis like argumen t s. A little b it more on th e ea rt hl y sid e is BUNN Y FORDHAM' s d isl ik e of Pet e's burp, whi le PETE does n't like hav in g t o fi x her hair. TO RY C LENDE N IN does n't like peop le who bo rr ow without aski ng and for g et t o r路etum said bo rrowed stu ff. BETTY H O USEL obiects to rhythmat ic gu m-c hew in g and BUMP HAVEY , PEG RUSSE LL and JA NE STER N d o not like havi ng to wait for peop le. We fee l that t his is t he time fo r a quip about H eaven-canwa it-why-ca n't-you but on seco nd thought perhaps it wou ld be better to ab andon our feeb le atte mpt at wit and co nti nu e with group D, wh ich co ncerns itse lf with atm osp here and thi ngs. In the f irst place O LI VE CHAM BERLAI N dislike s stormy wea t he r and PEG DONNE LL, cold wea th er. NAT EDEN doesn't like wi nd and JOA N EAG LE S is bi tter about snow in the Sp ri ng . M ore Ce ntenary ish is SA LLIE H UN T, BETTE C OO PE R, J EA N PU RSEL and BETTY SHAW 's d islike of st ud ying for exa ms and oth er路wise, an d LYNN PETER SON 's d isl ike of co ncentra t ing . BETTY ROBY canno t lapse into poet ry abo ut th e rising bel l and ELA IN E BA RNES is iumpy at any t ime when the bel l outside her room ring s. DODA LEA M A RLATT and KI T HU GHES d islike g etting up , while MAR G E BURR ELL ob iec+ s to no ise in the hall on week -end morn ings. PA T Tl RRE LL isn 't f ond of t he cu stom of announci ng spec ial de livery lettergetters at 7: I S each mo rn in g . MARGE PO LHE M US doesn 't like Waldo, Bett y H ousel 's cocoanut head and BETTY VAN FOO dislikes having inte rr uptions d uring Benn y Goodman or G lenn M ill er prog rams. SUNN Y MO O RE is t ouc hy on the subiect of havi ng nic kels whe n t he coke mac hine is empt y, and J O LAUBENS TE IN di slikes co kes t hat are wa t ery . JEA N NE Y EOMANS does n't like th e smell of th e bu tt house on a rainy da y , and SIS LA TH AM does n't like not being abl e to go hom e week-end s. M A CHE RIE LI MBAC H and M AR Y LOU EBERL E di sl ike having nothing to d o, and LA UR A C ULLEN does n't like b lin d da t es. M ILD RED LAS LO CKY d islik es dust in he r mai l- box. PEG GI DA RRO W ca n't sta nd Ca rm en Lomba rd o' s voice and FRA N SW EE N Y f eels likewi se abo ut th e voice of " Wee Bonnie Bake r " . RUTH BOW ER doesn 't like t o t une in a radio and A M Y H ARDM AN 's greatest d islike is that of sewing . BETTY H O FMAY ER doesn't li ke t he f ig ht ing Irish and DEE BOYLE di sl ikes dogma ti c people . G INNY G O LDIN G iust doe sn't like t hings t hat have to be do ne, wh ich remind s us t hat th is " thin g" is abo ut do ne now. M ay we close in say ing: " If it loo ks like borsch t, it is still th e Voice of the Peop le !" ?
OUR LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT We, t he Class of 1940, being of sound mind and body, do declare this to be our last will and te stam e nt. To CENT ENARY our highest hopes fo r a bright future with as much hap piness as we have had. To DR. AND MRS. TREVORRO W our grateful thanks fo r piloting us th rough two such happy years. To the FRESHMAN CLASS th e honor and p1·i vi lege of becoming Centenary sen1ors. To next year 's Senior Cl ass Presiden t , BETTY HOUSEL 'S talent and lead2rship and best wishes fo r success. JO LAUBENSTEIN'S neatne ss to Pat Mcl( inney . MARY LOU EBERLE'S steadfas t attention in Engli sh cla ss t o Billie Weart. PEGGY RUSSELL 'S sorority sp irit to Dorothy Geiger and Elinor Heydecke . TORY CLENDENIN 'S bu rp to J ean Shwab. BETTY GOFFE 'S hea1·ty la ugh t o Fra nces Lock e r. MARGE BURRELL 'S peti teness to Jean Spitze1· and Beve1·ley Stafford . FRAN SWE ENY 'S secretarial ab ility to Mary Sarver. PAT SHER IDAN' S " Mona Li sa " smil e to J a net White. ELA INE BARNES ' sh redded w1t to Edn a J acobs . MACHERIE LIMBACH'S pearl ear ring s to Jan et Shepard. KAY WATTS ' affability to Ca rolyn Axberg and Kay Pete1·s . GINNY WOOSTER 'S 1·ides to Trenton to Lois Denecke. BETTY VAN HART'S love of sw ing to Betsy Adai r and Ruth Hoffman . CARO L J ONES' sweet dispositi o n to Elinor Knight and Edith Eido. BUMP HAVEY'S baby talk to J anice Bowman and Barbara Waddell. SIS LATHAM 'S new car to Dorothea Dulken and Ginny Moe bus. JEANNE YEOMANS' figure to J ean Lovatt and Ba rbara Lamb . PEGG I DARR OW 'S good taste in clothes to The lma Bra nd ish . DEE BOYLE'S lisp to Jea nne Re lyea . BETTY ROBY'S adaptability to Ve ronica Siccardi and Betty Brown. BETS FULLER 'S t horoug hn ess to Charlotte Ankarcrona. HELEN STEIN 'S dramatic ability to Bern ice Ma cl\l icol and Ruth Green . NAT EDEN 'S fan cy sc ulpturing to Mary Winget a nd Ma ry Ellen Pa sco. MARGE POLHEM US' fencing ability to Ronn ie W indsor. BETTY PFROMM 'S quietness to Marie Lennan and Lou ise Butcher. ARLINE RAEBECK 'S aptitude fo1· hockey to Isabel Crawford and Lois Ambs. JOAN EAGLES' sun-tan to Lynn Ad le r. JANE CO NKLIN' S fluency with a pe n to J ean Brinkerhoff. BETTE COOPER 'S halo of hair to Carolyn Lon gs hore and Edyth e Lil ieholm. VIRG INIA GOLDING 'S plac idi ty to Ann e Fessende n and J a ne Oliver. PETE PETERSON'S blush to Sis Roeder. JAN E STERN 'S knitting lo Ma rg e Sm ith and Ma ri e VanN ess. PAT TIRRELL'S horse to Jeann e Ashley .
OUR LAST WILL AND TEST AMENT BUNf\IY FORDHAM 'S giggle to Nan cy Gensel and Patty Hul burt. LAURA C ULLEN' S depe ndability to Mart ha Eve ritt. DOT BAR~~ES ' and RU TH BOWER 'S inseparable ness to Joan Deal and Mi dge Murphy. LOI S MARTI N'S ca rr iage to Marjori e Eg a n and Fa ith Haytock. BETTY and GRACE HOFMA YER'S sister-te a m to Clara and Ma ry Kellogg. JANE THOMAS' pe p to Ba rbara Ka sper a nd Peggy Skillman. DOR IS REED'S sportsmanship to Ruth Cannell and Marion Arn old. NANCY FELL'S top tw o in ches to Jean Mayo and June Me ngel. PATS MALOY 'S monotone to Gloria Wal sh. SALLY HUNT'S and AMY HARDMAN 'S night orders from downtown to Bev Gottlieb. PEG DO NNELL 'S fai thful midnight oil burning to Susie Sc haum and Kay Harris. SUE MEIGS' g raceful hei gh t to Gin ny Fac h and Louise Smith . LOUI SE MONEZ ' and DODALEA MARLATT 'S method s tea ching to Kath e rine Carling. JEAN PURSEL 'S high soprano to Mona Lotz and Ruth Louser. BETTY SHAW 'S coo king lessons to Edythe Nie lson. MIL DR ED LASLOCKY 'S costume designing to Miriam Ei se nmann, Elain e Siebert and Audrey Kasten . SUNNY MO O RE 'S footprinted path to th e Butt Ho use to Barbara Tayl erson a nd Audrey W hit in g. MARY HEERMANS' sin ce rity to Nat Kennedy and Hel e n Irvine. LOIS COOK 'S and EDNA THOMSON 'S desks in day stude nts' room t o Doris Lina be rry and Bertha Nunn. KIT HUGHES ' sw imming abi lity to Alice Wikoff . BABS BLAKESLEE 'S fr iendlin ess to Phyl lis Mathiasen and Dorothy Zimmerman. O LI VE C HAMBER LAIN'S corner in the library to G loria Honeyma n and Ma y Ulme r. LYN PETER SON'S lette r-writi ng qu ota to Dorot hy Cacioppo an d Elizabeth Fergerson. In testimony whe reof we have herewith subscribed ou r names to thi s, our last will a nd testament, at Ha ckettstow n, New Jersey, t his first day of Jun e , A.D ., 1940. TH E SEN IOR CLASS Centenary Juni or College Hackettstown , New J e rsey Joan Eagles, Cl e rk Sig ned , se a led , and pub lis hed and dec lared by th e said te stator, The C la ss of 1940, our last will and testam e nt, who at our request, in our prese nce, in the prese nce of each ot her , subsc ribed our names as witnesses th e reto. Betty Housel Joanne Laubenstein
FRESHMAN CLASS Class Colors President _ ... . Vice - President Secretary Trea surer ....... ....................... Sergeant-at- arms
Maroon and White Edith Eido Ruth Cannell Patr icia H ulburt Patricia McKinney Frances Locker
.. ... ..... ... .... _ .......... ......
JUNIOR C LASS DANCE: Leap Yea r Dance, March 2, 1940 COMMITTEES Decorations -· .... ................ ... .. ... . Programs Refr·eshments Art . Mu sic
_ . ......... .. ........... ....
············-·· Janet Shepard ........... Edna Jacobs Bernice Ma cNicol Mary Winget Nancy Gen se l
MEMBERS Betsy Adair Evelynne Adler Lois Ambs Charlotte Ankarcrona M a r·ion Arnold Jeann e Ashley Carolyn Axberg Carol Bobbe Janice Bowman Thelma Brandi sh Jean Brinkerhoff Betty Bmwn Joyce Brown Loui se Butcher Dorothy Caci oppo Ruth Cannell l(ath erine Carling Isabel Crawford Joan Deal Lois Denecke Ruth Dominick Dorothea Dulken Marjory Egan Edith Eido Miriam Eisenmann M a riha Everitt Virginia Fach Elizabeth Fergerson Anne Fessenden Dorothy Geig er Nancy Gensel Emma Gertz
Ruth Green Beverly Gottlieb Kathryn Ha rris Faith H aytock El in or Heydecke Ruth Hoffman Grace Hofmayer Glor ia Honeyman Flor·ence Hugh es Patricia Hulburt Helen Irvine Edna J acobs Barbara Kasper Audrey Kast en Clara Kellogg Mary Kellogg f·~atali e Kenn edy Elinor Knight Barbara Lamb Marie Lennan Edith Li lieholm Doris Linaberry Fran ces Locker Carolyn Longshore Mona Lotz Ruth Louise Louser Jean Lovatt Bernice MacNicol Phylli s Mathia se n Jean Mayo Pat McKinney June M engel Virgini a Moebu s
Marjorie Murphy Edythe Nielsen Bertha N unn J ane Oliver Mary El len Pa sco Jeann e Relyea Mildred Roeder Mary Sarver Suzanne Schaum Janet Shepard Jean Shwab Veronica Siccardi Elaine Siebert Peggy Skillman Lou ise Smith Marjory Smith Jean Spitzer Beverley Stafford Barbara Taylerson Ethel May Ulm er Marie Van N ess Barbara Waddell Gloria W a Ish Lucil le Wayman Betty Wear+ Jan et White Audrey Whiting Alice Wikoff Veronica Wind sor Mary Alice Winget Mar jory Wolf Dorothy Zimmerman
M illingto n New Jersey
" A fine head of ha ir adds beauty to a good face." Chorus '40; Water Bal let '40 .
91 Duer Street Plainfie ld, N ew J ersey
8EN " In quietness a nd confidence shall be your strength. " Class Vice- President '39; Sorori t y Play '40 ; Camera Club '40.
8 16 O live Street Scranton, Pennsylvania
" H er heart is as true as her heart is cheeri ng ." Class Hockey Tea m '39, '40; C lass Ba sket Ball Team ' 39; Cla ss Swimmi ng Team '39; Water Bal let '40 ; Camera Club '39, '40; Sorority Usher '40 .
14 Eas t Sixti eth Street New Yo rk, New York
"A little, tiny , pretty, witty , charming, darling, she." Cla ss Preside nt '39; C la ss Ba sket Ba ll Team '38, '39 , '40 ; C lass Hockey Team '39 , '40 ; Modern Dance Honors '39.
262 Lakeview Ave nu e Cl ifto n, New J ersey
" Earnest ness is t he soul of virtue ." Fre nch Club '40 ; Cam e ra C lub '40 ; Inte rna t ional Re latio ns C lub '40 ; Choru s '40 ; String En se mble '40.
Ha mburg New Jersey
" It's nice to be natural when you're na t urally nice ." C la ss Treasurer '39 ; C la ss Ba sket Ball Team '39, '40 ; Cla ss Ba sket Ba ll Team Captain '39 ; C lass Hockey Team '39; Cla ss Tenn is Te am '39 , '40 ; Cla ss Swimm in g Team '39 ; Latin Club '39 ; Pian o Ense mb le '39 ; '40; Ma y Fete Piani st '39.
I 09 W il so n Pl ace Syrac use , New Yo rk " H e t ha t ha s pa t ie nc e may com pass a nyt hing. " Class Se cretary '39; Cla ss Basket Ball Team '39 ; Choru s ' 39, '40 ; Spec ia l Cho rus ' 39; Ch o ru s Lib rari a n '40; C a mera Club ' 39 , '40; C a mera C lu b Sec re tary -Tre a surer '40 ; Fren c h C lu b '40; Fre nc h Club Caba re t '40; French Pl ay '40; Sorority Vic e -P resident '39; Sorority Play '39 ; Soro ri ty Tea C o mmittee '40 ; So ro ri ty A nni ve rsary Da nce Refres hme nt C o m mi ttee '3 9 , '40; G uil d Rep resen tati ve '40 .
222 Berke ley Ave nu e Bl oo mfield , New Jersey " A lway s hap py, alw a ys gay , a lway s ta lkin g, so th e y say ." C la ss Se rge ant-a t -a rms '39 ; Cla ss Hockey Team '39, 40 ; Cla ss Ba sket Ba ll Te a m '3 9 ; W a t e r Ba llet '40 ; Mo d e rn Da nce H o no rs ' 39 , '40 ; French C lub '40; French Club Se rg e ant-at-arms '40 ; French Club Cab a re t '40 ; Fre nch Pla y '40; So ro rity Tea C o mmittee '40; So ro rity Play ' 39 ; C e nte na ry Pl aye rs '40 ; Chor us '39 , '40 ; Sp ec ia l Ch o ru s '39 , '40 .
CLASS SONG " Na vy Blue an d G o ld."
Dear C. C. I., for years to coma We p ledge o urselves to you , And to t he fri e nd ships we have mad e , A nd gl orio us t imes we kne w. For , thoug h we 'll se e yo ur ivied walls Per haps no mo re aga in, We ' ll ne' er forg et th e jo ys we me t 'Til o ur fl eet ing li ves do e nci . Lu c y Zobi a n
DELTA SIGMA SIGMA SORORITY Founded at Pennington Seminary, 1861 Removed to C. C. 1., 191 0 Colors -
Gold and White
. .................. Car·ol J o nes
Vice-Pres ident
Loui se Latham
Tr·easurer· Secr·etary
Elain e Barnes ......................... .
Jeanne Yeomans
Sergeant-at- arms and Chaplain .
............. . ............ Betty Gaffe
.............. Carol Jones
Barbara H avey
Elaine Barn es
Secreta ry
Jeanne Yeomans
Sergeant-at- arms and Chaplain .
................. Betty Gaffe
SORORES Lois Ambs Jeanne Ashley Elaine Barnes Bar·bar·a Blakeslee Janice Bowman Dor is Boyle Thelma Brandi sh Mar·jor·ie Burre ll Dorothy Cacioppo Rut h Cannell Bette Cooper Peggi Darrow Lois Denecke Dorothed Du lken Joan Eagles M a r·y lu Eberle Edith Eido Vir·ginia Fach Nancy Fell
Mary Fordham Betty Fu ll er Emma Gertz Getty Gaffe Catherine Hartzell Barbara Havey Elizabeth Hunt H elen Irvine Edna Jacobs Carol Jones Barbara Lamb Louise Latha m Joanne Lauben stein Frances Locker Ruth Louser Jean Lovatt Patricia Maloy Phyllis Mathiasen
Patric ia McKinney Loui se Peterso n Ar line Raebe ck Doris Reed Jeanne Re lyea Getty Shaw Janet Shepard Patricia Sheridan Louise Smith Mar·jo ry Smith J ea n Spitzer Beverley Stafford Helen Stein Fr·ances Sweeny Betty Van Hart Gloria Walsh Veronica Windsor· Jeanne Yeoman s Dorothy Z immerman
DELTA SIGMA SIGMA SORORITY Seventy-ninth Anniversary Satu rday Evening, December Sixteenth Nin eteen Hundred and Thirty-nine USHERS Sigma Epsilon Phi Theta Epsi ion N u _ De lta Sigma Sigma
Barbara Taylerson, Betty House l _ Peggy Don nel l, Betty Roby __ _ Loi s Ambs , Mil dr-ed Roeder
PROGRAM Prel ud e ___ _
org an so lo _________ -----------------------------------
Betty Van Hart
"YO U CAN'T TAKE IT WITH YOU" by Moss Hart and George Kaufman
CAST Pe ne lope Sycamore _ ____________ Joann e Laube nstei n ___ ______ ___ _______ _ Ess ie ---------------------- _ Ba r· bara Havey Rh eba _ _____ _ ____ _ ________ __ _________ __ _-----------------Ba rba ra Blakeslee Paul Sycamore _ _____________________________ __ _ Betty Gofte ----- ____ ______________ __________________________ _ J ean ne Yeo mans Mr. DePinna Ed __ _ Hel en Ste in _ _ ________ __ _ _ _ __ _ Elizabeth H un t Donald Betty Fu ller _ ____ _ Ma rti n Vand e rhof __ ____ ___________ ____ ___ ___ _ _ Bette Cooper A lice _ He nd e rso n .. --·---- ----·-- ________________ _ ___________ Patr icia Mal oy __________________ Ca rol J ones Tony Kirby __ Bori s Kolenkh ov _______ _ _ _ ________ J oa n Eag les Gay Wellington __ __ _ _ _ Mary Lu Eber le Mr. Kirb y _ Elaine Ba rn es Mrs. Kir-by __ _ Peggi Darrow G-Man Loui se Lath am _ _____________________ ______________________ ______ _______ . _____ _ _ Louise Pet e rso n Mac Ji m Fra nces Locker Nancy Fell Olga
COMMITTEES Deco ration _________ ----·-----·------·- __ Prog ram . _____________________ _ Music Refreshments
_ Betty Van Hart Ela ine Ba rnes Fran ces Sweeny Louise Pete rson Mc:ry Fordham Invitation s ·--- _ ------······-Ba rbara Havey RECEPTIO N LINE: Dr. a nd Mrs. Tre vor row, Carol Jones, Louise Latham , Jeanne Yeomans, Elain e Bar nes. Dance: In th e gymnasium. Dec orat ions we re dark blu e and whi te, a Christ ma s theme with tree cut-outs.
SIGMA EPSILON PHI SORORITY Founded in 1875 Colors- Gold and Black FIRST TERM OFFICERS Pres id ent
Evelyn Pet erso n Edythe N ielson Susa nn e M eigs Marjori e Po lhemus .................................................. Jane Thomas
Vice-Pres id ent Secretary . Treasurer . Sergeant-at- arms
SECOND TERM OFFICERS President Vice -P residen t Secret ary . Treas urer . .
Sergean t -a t - arm s
Evelyn Peterson Ka thryn Peters Susanne M eigs Marj orie Polhemus
............................................. Jan e Thom as
SORORES Betsy Adair Evelyn ne Ad ler Charlotte Ankarc rona Jane Beatty Car-ol Bob be Betty Brown Joyce Brown Kat heri ne Carling Ja ne Conkl in Isabel Crawford J oa n Dea l N atalie Eden Marjorie Egan Doris Em mo ns Martha Everitt Anne Fessenden Nancy Gensel Ruth Green Amy Hardm an
Fa ith Haytock Betty H ouse l Katheri ne H ughes Flor路ence H ughes Patr icia H ulb urt Barbara Ka sper Clara Kel logg Mary Kel logg Natalie Kennedy Elin or !( night Emi ly Kohout Mildred Las locky Ed ith Lilie holm Carolyn Longshore Jean M ayo Susan ne Meig s V irginia M oebus Marjor ie Murphy Edythe Niel so n Elizabeth Pellett
Kat hryn Peters Evelyn Peterson Ma r jorie Polh emus M ary Sarver Suzan ne Schaum Jean Shwab M argaret Skillman Barbara Taylerso n Jan e Th omas Edna Th omson Phyll is Tirrell Lenore Traver May U lmer Mari e Van N ess Audrey Whiting A lice Wikoff M ary Winget Ma r jorie Wolf Lu cy Zobian
SIGMA EPSILON PHI SORORITY Sixty-fifth Anniversary Saturday Eve ning , May Eleve nth Ninetee n Hundred and Forty 8:00 t o 12 :00 FORMAL DANCE In gymnasium decorated wit h a large white arbor and picket fence covered with spring flowers. INVITAT ION COMM ITTEE:
Natalie Eden, Chairman Marie Van Ness, Jean Ma yo .
Kather路i ne Hughes , Chairman Faith Haytock, Amy H ardman, Na ta lie Kennedy, Barbara Kasper.
Mary Winget, Chairman Katherine H ughes, Florence Hu ghes , Audrey Whi t ing, Joan Deal, Barbara Taylerson, Jan e Beatty, Emi ly Kohout, Susan Meig s.
Nancy Gense l, Cha irman May Ulme r.
Lenore Traver, Chairman J oyce Brown , Alice W ikoff. Dr. and Mrs. Robert Johns Trevorrow, Dr. and Mrs. Walter G . Stewart, Miss Ellen Claire Couch, Dr . Louise Omwake.
12:00 to I :00 REFRESHMENTS In the Little Theatre set up with servi ng table, Ru ssian samovar, silver service, flowe rs, and numerous card tables and chairs.
Sunday Afternoon, May Twe lfth at 4:00 o'clock VES PE R SERVICE: Speaker, Dr. Victor G. Mills AFTERNOON TEA: In the parlo rs .
Blue and Gold
FIRST TERM OFFICERS President _____ _ Vice-President Secretary _______ _ Treasurer _ Sergean t -at-arms Chapla in
Elizabe th Hofm ayer Marg aret Russell Katherine Watts Virginia Wooster ______ Loui se Monez Mary Heermans
SECOND TERM OFFICERS President _ Vice -Presid ent Secretary ___ _ Treasurer Sergea nt-a t-ar ms __ _ Chaplain
Elizabeth Hofmayer Margaret Russel l Ma rgaret Donnell Virginia Wooster Mary Moore ___ _ __ Mari on Arnold
SORORES Marion Arnold Dorothy Barnes Ruth Bower Jean Bri n ke rhoff Lou ise Butcher Victoria Clendenin Loi s Cook Laura Cullen Marion Diman Ruth Dominick Margaret Donnell Miriam Ei se nmann Dorothy Geiger Beverly Gottlieb Mary Heerman s
El ino r Heydecke Ruth Hoffm a n Elizabeth Hofmayer Grace H ofmayer Gloria Honeyman Audrey Kasten Marie Lenn an Mach er ie Limbach Doris Linaberry Mona Lotz Bernice Mac Nicol Dorothy Marlatt Lo is Martin June Meng el
Louise Mon ez Mary Moore Jane Oliver Mary Ellen Pasco El izabeth Pfromm J ea n Pursel Elizabeth Roby Ma rg aret Ru ssell Veronica Siccardi Elaine Siebert Jane Stern Barbara Waddell Katheri ne Watts Betty Wear+ Virginia Wooster
THE THETA EPSILON NU SORORITY Sixtieth Anniversary Saturday Evening, March Sixteenth Nineteen Hundred Forty USHERS ....... ............. ................................................. ............ Lenore Traver J ean Ma yo Sigma Ep silon Phi Sorority ..... Doroth ea DuIken Ruth Cannell Theta Epsilon Nu Sorority ....... . Ma ry Ellen Pasco J ea n Bri nkerhoff PROGRAM PROCESSIONAL- "War March of the Pri ests" by Mend elsso hn , org a n solo by Lois Cook.
Delta Sigm a Sigma Sorority ....
"OUR TOWN" by Thornton Wi ld er CAST
Mr. We b b Elizabeth Hofmayer Woman in the Ba lcony ...... Lo is M. Ma rtin Ma n in t he Auditorium . __ Betty Weart Lady in th e Box .. Macherie Limbach Simon Stimson ............ Vi ctoria Clendenin Mrs . Soa mes . Miriam Eisenmann Co nstab le Warren Mary Heermans Si Crowell ........................ Barbara Wadde ll Farmer McCarthy Elizabeth Roby Sam Craig . Beverly Gottlieb Joe Stoddard . ............ Lois Cook EXECUTIVE STAFF Stage Manager and Assistant: Jean Pursel, Mary Heermans. Propert ies and Assistant: Dorothy Ba rnes, Virginia Wooster. Chief Electrician : Margaret Russel l. Assista nts: Ma cherie Li mbach, Lois Martin, Betty Wer3 rt, Beverly Gottlieb.
Stage Manager ...... Ma rgaret Donnell Dr. Gibbs .... . ..................... . Louise Monez Joe Crowe ll . . .... .. ... Virginia Wooster Howie Newsome Ruth Bower Mrs. G ibbs ................. ........ Marion Arnold Mrs. Webb ............ Dorothy Marlatt Geo rg e Gibbs .... . ....... Mona l.otz Rebecca G ibbs ...... ............ Ruth Hoffman ...... Dorothy Barnes Wally Webb ....... Emi ly Webb Bernice Ma cNicol Professor Willard .................. Mary Moor路e
El iza beth Roby Mary Moore Ruth Bower Elizabeth Pfromm
Program ..... . Decoration Refresh ments Or-chestra .....
RECEPTION LINE Dr. and Mrs. Trevorrow, Margaret Russell, El izabeth Hofmayer, Margaret An n Donne ll. DANCE In the gymnasium decorated in blue a nd yel low streamers and cu touts , Easter colo rs.
7 1 ;t
f ~ l'
STUDEN T CO UNCIL Mrs. R. J. Trevorrow
Director ---------------------· __
MEMB ERS Presid e nt _ ------------·--------···
------ ---- ------ _________________ --------------------------------------------- __
... Amy Hardman
Sec reta ry ·-Presidents of Classe s ·---
_______ Joan Lau be nstei n
__ __ _
_ Betty Housel, Edith Eid o
Se ni or Representative s _
--------------· Kat herin e Hughes, Lois Martin
Jun ior Repre sentatives ···-
·---··-- ----· _ ··--- Caro lyn Longshore, Virg ini a Fach Betty Fulle r, Mary Hee rman s, Faith Ha ytock , Ruth Cannell
Pres idents of Halls
Advisor President
Ma rgaret Donne ll Bette Cooper Mary Heermans
Vice- President Sec retary-Treasure r
With a larger number of members in the Book Club t han ever before, those second and fo urth Monday nights spent at th e home of Dr . and Mrs. DuBois have been profitab le as well as very en joyable. The successful ye ar o f the club began with the serving of after-dinner coffee in th e library to ce le brate Book Week. At this soci al f unction , book reports were g iven by a few me mb ers of the clu b . On d isp lay were sev eral new books, and that evening our li brary was filled not only by books given by the club and it s members, but also by other stud ents a nd fac ulty in t erested in adding new literature to the library . At Christmas time, the societ y added to the Chri stma s spirit at Centenary by donating a tree , which was placed in the Browsing Corner of the library and around which one even ing several gi rls sang carols. In February, instead of one of our regular meeting s, we enjoyed a Valentine Party . A lso in th is month we t oo k great pleasure in p resen tin g Miss Ange la Morgan, a nationally known poetess, who read some of her poem s and d isc ussed poetry . Two of th e members :Jf our faculty, Mi ss Hutchi ng s and Miss Couch, spoke to us on " Ficti on Books" and "Current Play s on Broadway," respective ly . Ending our favorable year with Dr. and Mrs. DuBois as our advi sors and charming hosts, the Book Club enjoyed a picnic at Sieber's Grove . The books added to our col le ction are " Autobiography with Letters" by Wil liam Lyon Phelps; " Chris t in Concrete" by Pi etro Di Donato; " Moment in Peking" by Lin Yutang.
As active as ever, the FR IENDS OF THE LIBRARY group has done its part keeping the current literature section of the li brary up- to -th e - minute.
This fall, with the usual enthusiasm, the Book Club assist ed in arranging a book display of current tit les and advertised it with after-dinner coffee. Three members of th e club entertained the group wi t h brief, interesting book rev iews: Doris Boyle on "O ur Family " by Adet , Anor and Meimei Lin; Mar jory Smith on " Wind , Sand and Stars" by Antonie de Sa int Exupery, and Mary H eermans on " Escape" by Ethel Van ce. After brow si ng a mo ng the volumes , the FRIENDS who cared to give books at that time were permitted to select them from the exh ibit. Other girls have donated books in the course of th e year, th us ke e ping ou r collection up-to-d a te .
SPILLED INK BOARD EDITORIAL STAFF .......... ................. Jane Co nkl in Dodalea Marla tt ................... Katherine Hughes
Editor-in -Chief ....... . Assistant Editor Treasurer ..
Circu lation Man agers Virginia Moebus Na ncy Gensel
Business Ma na gers Mary Moore J anet Shepa rd Art Editors Elaine Siebert Betty Va nH art Mary W inget Joan Eagles
Typists Amy Hardman Mar jorie Polhemus Frances Sweeny
LITERARY BOARD Betty Fuller Peggy Ann Donnell
Joanne La ubenstein
Peggi Darrow Faith Haytock
Sp ille d Ink
Fall Issue
Learning to Live D espit e a sup posedl y co m plete education, m a n y college men a nd women have sadly neglected one a spect of kn owledge. Wi thou t this kn owledge th eir li ves are shallow; t hey are fo r ever un settl ed a nd the world will n ever ben efi t b y t heir presen ce. T o be co mp letely well-ro und ed in divid u als we s hould a ll be awar e of .the im por ta nce of livin g li fe t o the fu llest. It is a rare da y ind eed wh en w e ca n find n othin g a bou t wh ich t o co mp lai n. Vve s eek p erfec tion in a ll the t riv ia l su perficia lities of life, a nd we a r e bl in d to the mu lti t ude of li t tle t h in g s w hich w e t a ke so for gra n te d in our daily existence. W e fin d fa ult w ith our f ri end s , ou r wor k , our hom es-we seldom s ee t he go od in a n ythin g we possess . "The g r a ss is a l ways g r eener on t he other sid e of t h e f ence." All of u s morta ls a 1·e bor n w i th a spa rk of selfi sh ness and greed wh ich m os t of us have developed to an unu s ua lly ·hi g h cl eg1·ee. Gen ero sity seem s t o hav e los t a ll valu e. To cl ay's ex isten ce often m a k es ll S lo se s ig h t of a ll that is beau t if ul in life an d a wak en s in i t s pla ce th e s tress on t he ma teri a li stic. F ew of us wo uld pr ef er to t ak e a wa lk on a lonely country
lan e a t twilight if w e could spend th e evenin g in a cr owd ed sp ot where g la m our a nd sha llow sophi sti cation are so high ly evalu ated. And yet do w e t hink of t he simple pleasure we could g lea n f r om such t a k en-f o1·-g r a nt ed t hings a s t h e forests, fi eld s , and th e sky agleam with a n infinite number of s ta r s? Do we r ea lize that a n h our of conv er sa tion w it h a n in t elligen t f r iend is wo r th more ultimately th a n a n aft ern oon of fl ippant banter a nd a imless go ssip ? \Ve mu s t be en ter ta ined. vV e cann ot lose ourselves in the soli t ud e of g r ea t books or grea t mu sic. vVe mu st be ever on th e g o. Pl ea s ure m ad A m erica , g r oping bl ind ly at t he v eneer of life mi s ses its v er y essence. Wh y do in tellig ent people sk im t h roug h life, neve1· grasping its r ea l m ea nin g? H er e on t hi s bea u tiful earth , even in s uch tro ubled times a s th ese, some p eople a r e con tent w ith their lo t . T hey ha ve d iscover ed th e k ey to life- t o t a k e each cla y as i t co mes , live it .to the f ulles t , forget t he past a nd n ot worry a bou t th e f u t ur e. " Th e wor ld is so f ull of a nu m ber of t h in g s That we shoul d a ll be a s h appy a s kings ." Ja ne Conklin .
Prom Trotters M iss O u t-doo r- s p o r t : S h e's q u ee n o f th e t c nn b courts a n d t h e1·e 's no d .::;put,i n g th a t s h e wa s q u i te "th e' ' g irl a t
th e ice -c a rn iva l la s t w inter . ~o it's h ar d t. o u n dcn:; ta nd why t h e s t a g lin e is tu l'n in.c: t h e o t h e r w ay t o n igh t. M l:l y b e it' s beca use s h e s t r ides a c 1·oss th e ba l l 1oo m , k ic k in g t h a t lo n g. bo t he r s om e :s kir t ah ead of h e r . W hat wa s t h a t s h e s a id? Oh. s h e 's jus t t e l lin g h c 1· pa rtn e r how s h e m a de t h e va 1·s it y h ock ey t e a m . I see. My, loo k a t he r d ance . 1f t h ose h ug e ste p s contin u e w e' ll h a ve t o cle ar th e Aoo 1· around t h e m . S he ce rta i n ly loo k s un co m fort a b le in t h at u lt ra-ul t ra h ea dd 1·ess . P oo r g ir l. p J·o ba b ly thin ks s he ' s a soc ia l f a ilu r e, but ju s t w a it u n t il th ey be g in h a ulin g o ut th e s kat es t o m o 1-row . S h e ' ll ca p t u 1·e th e s t a g -lin e t h e n . eve n if s he is la c k in g o ne f ur b· im m ed s ka tin g s k i1·t a nd a pa ie o f f u1· m itte ns . M iss C ud d le s: P et ite . blo n d e a n d o h soooo h e lp less- t h at's o u1· f1· ic nd M i:-;s C u d d les . S h e c li ngs to h e r " b ig . bra ve he ro" an d look s into hi s " w o nd e r ful e ves" w ith a ll th e a do ratio n of t h e a·ges . Sh e ha s th e sta g-li n e wi ld . but ~o me h ow t h ey n c ve1· see m to wa nd e r back a ft e r th e fi r s t dan ce. Co ul d it be i h a t eve n a s t e a d y dose o f s w eet. s w ee t , fl atteTy ca n be t i1· in g '? S h e ' s ve1·y a n im ate d . ;1n d see min gly atte n t ive to h e r " h e r o" , b u t jus t betw ee n you a nd m e s he h as he r eye o n t h e b lo nde v ik ing in t.h P- co1· n e J· and t h e tal l. da r k , s il e nt frat e rni ty p r es id e n t ov e r t h e r e b y t h e o1·ch es tnt . W h e n s h e fi n ally attrac ts th e ir atte n t ion h er eyes do a fu nn y l ittle da n ce, calc u late d ] be li e ve to di s p lay h er in t e r p r etat io n of t h e m uc h ove·nvo r ke d "co m e - h it h e r " act fi1· st int.rodu ce d by C leopatr a. pab·on ess o f t he " I -g e t - m y -m a n ' ' wom e n . B u t e n oug h f o 1· th is :s w eet yo ung t hin g~s h e '\ 1 l ea r n ( w e h ope) .
Mi ss Care e r G ir l : S h e's had j us t a s mu c h eco n o mi cs a s h e 1· ow n el ate a nd e ve r y o n e e lse's p u t t ogeth e r . S h e di s cusses t h e E u1·o p ea n s it u a t io n w it h e nt h us ia s m a nd do wn s a n y s ugges t ion f ro m h e r a udie n ce . Lov es t o t a lk a n d sees to it th at s h e does m ost o f it. Attr act ive. w e ll-g roo m ed. but s h ow in g dete r m in at io n in eve r y m ove . S h e 's \v ith o u t an y do ubt lo o_l<in g fo r a ma n w ith a fut ur e an d s he neve r see m s t o t hin k h e r p1·cse n t co m pa n y com es u p t o t h is s tanchu ·d. L o ves not h i n g bet t e r th a n to m a k e "'co ntacts " . Sh e's go i n gt o be awf ull y d is a p po in ted t o m o r row w he n he r i n t e res t e d lis t e n e rs w ill be h av ing too m uc h f u n s'( at in g t o h ea1· he r s o lve t h e c ri s is in t h e g o ve r n m e n t. H o weve 1·. s h e 'll co n t r o l h e r f ee lin gs and s~1y t o he rs elf. " So m e d a y t h ey' ll b e S OITY and w is h t h ey k n e w m e b C't tc r ." Miss Pam p ered - D <Ju g hte r : S h e 's d eck e d o ut in c lo t h es t h at a 1·e s imply sc reechin g ex clus ive m o dels a nd dri p w it h e xp e n s ive la be ls . See m s bore d m ost of th e t im e. a lt h ou g h s h e r ea ll y h a s n e ve r see n a n y t h ing Qui te so love ly be fo r e . F eels s he mu s tn ' t let t h e w01· ld know t h is i ~ h e r firs t h ouse pa d y. Thin ks t h e wo 1· ld is des ig n e d to s ec t h a t s he is h ap py a nd m a kes n o b o n es o f OJ"de r ing h e r f1·ie nd s a bo u t . N eve r see m s to be d ressed j us t rig h t- e it h e r to o s p o d y o r o ve r-d i'C'S:sed. T e nib ly co n s c io u s o f h ow s h e loo ks . S h e lik es h e r ow n way and loves to mo n o p oli z e t h e co n ve r sa ti o n !'elat in g h e r a d ve n tu 1·es. Fin e ba it fo r f01 ·t un e h unte r s u n t il t h ey find- we ll . let' s let t h e m fl g u 1·e t h at o n e o u t. Miss A ll- A r ou n d- G ir l : S h e's one d a l·c o ut o f a t h ous a nd. Kn ows h ow t o d o s o m a n y t h in g s e Quall y we ll. A l way:s d r esse d j us t r ig ht. N o t pa r t icularly good -loo k in g, but has t h at ch ar m th at k eeps t h e m comin g . D o m in a t es a ceo wd
w it h h er goo d s p irits . D oes n ' t ch oose t h e m os t excl us ive p la ces in town f ot· d in n e t·, f o r s h e r ea lizes t h a t h C' r date w ill JWo ba b ly w a n t so m e ca r f cu·e n ex t w ee k . N eve1· bra gs a nd do es n' t talk about t h e g i r· ] s h e h a s to s tay w it h. Does n 't c lutteT up he1· da t e ' s poc ke t s w ith puff:s. co m bs . compa cts a n d a ll t h a t j u nk t h at no fe llow ca n bea r h a vin g in h is pocl<et. S h e st ic ks to h e1· m an a nd if s h e sees s o m eo ne e lse s h e l ikes bette r w it h he 1· bes t g i1·l f ri e n d o t· o ne u n kno w n to h e1·, s h e Lt11·ns t h e oth e 1· wa y a nd procee ds t o .fo1·ge t. S h e 's a lm os t too g o od t o be t r ue . b ut th e 1·e s h e i s· ~t h e m od e l fo r an y g irl to follow. D ocla le a M a r latt.
Turmoils T 1·em bl in g, t ink l i ng o ve r th e r ock s D ow n t h r o11g h t h P m ossy g le n , U n de r a t in .v wood e n b ri dge An d bu bbl i ng o u t a ga in . G u 1·g li ng. w h is p e !· in g . r ipp li ng O ver t he pe b bles a nd s and . S m ili ng in the s u n s hin e a t t h e v e t· clan t la nd. R us h ing. r oa1· in g a nd o u a k in gB ou n d in g ove 1· it s ba nk s; F lood in g t h e fi e lds w ith wate r E ve r s p r ea din g it s fla n k s . L e·1p in g, la p p in g an d s w i!'l in g R oe kin g th e t in y b rid g e , F r o w nin g a t t h e g r a y n ess Whi c h e n ve lopes va lley a nd r id ge. No w a h ar ml ess 1·iv ul e t Ca lm and eool a n d c learNow a rag ing t OJ T e nt D a r k a n d g 1·ay a n d ciJ·ea J'. Bu t God up in Hi s H eave n H a s fa s hi o ne d Nntu re t h us . T h a t we m a y b et te1· v is u alize Th e t u rm o ils d eep in u s. Fa it h H aytock.
LE CERCLE FRAN<;AIS La premiere reunion du club franc;:ais a eu li eu le 3 octobr路e. Mil e. Shields, notre directrice, a preside cette sess ion. Ell e nous a parle des activites du club pendant les a utres an nees. Ce premier soir nous avons appris que chaque annee le club a envoye un peu d 'argent une jeune fil le fr路anc;:aise pour son instruct ion. Mile . Shie lds nous a lu quelques lettres que nous avons trouvees tre s interess ante s. Noelle Ignace a maintenant v in gt ans et elle est dans sa dern iere annee l'ecole normale Grenoble.
Notre deuxieme reunion etaii pour !'election des membres du bureau. celles qui ont ete nommees: Presidente
Mil e. Lucille Wayman Mile. Ber路nice Mac Ni col
Vice - presidente Secreta ire
Mil e. Betsy Adair
T resor iere
Mile. Ruth Dominick Mile. Lu cy Zobian
Hui ssiere ....
Le premier decembre, le cercle a donne une petite fete au benefice de Noelle avec chanso ns, danses et refraichissements. Les 1eunes filles se so nt montrees tres friandes des patisseries fr-anc;:aises . Pour ce lebrer Noel no us avons eu une sorree . Pendant l'apres- midi no us avions apporte a "South Hall Par lor" nos souliers que nous avons retrouves le soir tout pleins de bonnes choses. En France il y a une fete qu'on appelle "La Fete des Rois. " Ce so ir nou s avons mang e une galette dans laquelle on ava it cuit une feve. Mil e . Schaum a rec;u le morceau qui contenait Ia feve; elle etait done roi pendant t oute Ia so iree . Elle a choisi comme rei ne Mil e. Wayman. Au commencement de mai nous avons joue deux preces, "Le Chat parti, les sourrs dansent" et " L 'Anglais tel qu'on le parle." Tou s les membres y avaient un role. Le quinze fevrier Mile . de Bondeli est venue nous parler de l'oeuvre des "American Friends of Fra nce." Cette organisation trava ille sous Ia direction de Miss Anne Morgan pour les evacues fran c;:ais. l nspirees par cette causerie nous nous sommes mises !'oeuvre et nous aussi nous avons commence travailler pour les eva c ues . Nous avons tricot e des chandails, des cache - nez, des brassiere s pour bebes et nous avons con fectionn e des layettes. Nous avons aussi envoye en Fr路ance plus d'une centaine de vete m ents usages ainsi que dix dollars pour l'ach at des couvertures dont on a tan+ besoin. N ous sommes bien reconnais santes nos ca marades et aux professeurs qui nous ont si genereusement ai d ees dans ce tte entreprise.
Nous esperons que le cerc le de l'annee prochaine aura une annee aussi utile et heureu se que Ia no tre. Bernice Ma c Ni col
Broadcasting over WEST.
INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS CLUB (Affilia t ed with the Ca rn e g ie En dowme nt fo r Inte rnatio na l Peace) Fa c ul ty Advisor _
------------------------ ......
Dr. Cu stard
O FFICERS President .... -····--····-··-·· Vice - Preside nt _ ---·· __ ·-----------Sec re tary-Tre a su rer
_ ... ---·-··------- __________________ ____ -········----·--·
Natal ie Eden Betty Fu ller Marga ret Ru ss e ll
At o ur bi - mo nt hly meet ing s we have di sc usse d t ime ly a nd c urrent top ics th a t we ma y b e tter und e rst a nd the comp li c ate d eve nts o f t he wo r· ld as t he y happ e n. In Dece m ber, t hr ee of us a nd Dr. Cu stard attende d t he Middl e A tla ntic Co nference o( ln ternational Rel a tio ns Clu bs held at N e w J e rsey Colleg e for Women . Th is yea r, we concentrated o ur acti vities and disc uss ions o n Fin land . We broadcast a rou nd-table di scussion on " Fi nla nd in th e Fam ily of Nat ions" over st ation W EST a t Ea sto n, Pa ., and later gave th e sa me disc ussio n in a Fin nish be nefit program in the c hape l. We sen t a large b ox of cl o th es a nd shoes to t he Fin nis h Attache for t he relief of Fin land . We t ook charge of one of t he Vesp e r Services when Dr. Edga r J . Fi she r, Ass ist ant Dire cto r of the Ins t it ut e of In te rnationa l Educat io n, spo ke o n " The N e w St ruggle fo r Po we r in th e Bal kans. " At our Ma rc h mee ting, we celebra t e d t he b irthd a y of Thoma s Ma saryk , th e g rea t Pres id e nt-Libe rato r of C zec hosl ovakia .
CAMERA CLUB Adv iso r President ·--·--·····-·-----· . Sec reta ry-Treasurer Sergeant-at-arm s
................. ······-····-__ . _ ... -····--·········-·-·······
_ _ ___ __ _
Dr . Stewart _ Rut h Bower Le nore Trave r Betty Hofmayer
October 16 , 1939: This wa s th e first meeting of the ye a r, a nd we made it a great success. Miss G re g oire showed us colo red mov ie films which she had taken of va rious Cente nary activ it ie s, art classes on the ca mp us, hikin g parties , "shots" a ro un d th e col le g e , a nd the May Fet e. Nove mb e r 20, 1939: Ira Hoagland of Hackettst ow n was our gu est fo r th e eveni ng . He insp ired us with hi s spl end id pictu res an d showed us what co uld be do ne wi t h a little knowledge of p icture ta king . December 18, 193 9: " Expe rie nce is the best teacher ." W ith t hat in mind, we asse mbled in our dark room, and Dr. Stewa rt told us th e p rincip le of pri nting and demonstra t ed the process. Th e n the g irls tried p rinting the mselves. J a nuary 29 , 1940 : Cameras were ready to click , flood lights were shinin g br igh t ly, and si le nce prevai led while we prepared t o t ake portraits . We al most looked professional ! Th e portrai t s came o ut wel l, too. Fe brua ry 19, 1940: Aga in we met in t he C he m. Lab ., bu t this tim e we experim ented wi t h ta ki nq silhoue ttes . March 18, 1940 : Mr. Kn ap p gave us pe rm iss io n to meet in the art room in o rd e r t o d evote o ur t ime t o t a king pictures of ina nim ate o bjects. W e d iscove red t his t ype of subject can make just as inte restin g p ictu res as those o f peop le . One member even took a pi cture of the ske leton in hi s g lass case. A p ri l 22, 1940 : It was in deed a p riv ilege to have with us as ou r g uests Dr. a nd Mrs. P. K. Emmo ns of Scranton , Pe nn sy lva nia. We saw colo red movie fi lm s of Ind ia and of our last year 's Ma y Fete. Pictures like these will la st long in our memory. May I 8, 1940 : Th is Sa tu rday mo rni ng the membe rs don ned th eir hik ing clot hes , and with came ras flung over t heir backs, we nt on an ail -day pic nic. This closed a very successful season fo r o ur club .
Mi ss Tm neck ; Mi ss Fowl er The Bu sin e ss C lub began its th ird year by electing as its office rs Pres id e nt .. . -------------..... _ ___ _ __ _____________ Sallie Hun t Elinor Kn igh t Vice-P resident . . Sec reta ry ·--·· . ··············-·-··. Ma rj orie Polh e mu s Treasure r Katharine Watts The program of activi t ies included vis it s f ro m such well - know n spea kers as Mr. H omer Mart in of the Nationa l C ity Bank of New York, a nd Mrs . Mary G . Roeb li ng, Pres ident of the Tre nton Tru st Co mpany , Tren t o n, New J ersey. Demonst ra tio ns in typi ng a nd sho rthan d we re g ive n by Mi ss Remo Pa ul eso n a nd Mr. Charles Zoub e k. O n th e a nn ua l fiel d trip t o New Yo r·k C ity, th e sen ior me mbe rs visi t ed th e New York St ock Exc ha ng e, th e Gregg offices, The Am e ri can Te leph o ne a nd Te le g raph C o mp a ny, a nd Lord and Ta ylo r.
A display of the articles made for the poor.
C . J. C. G UILD Advi sor
Margaret S. Cummings
OFFICERS Director in South H all .
Ed ythe N ielson
Directo r in N orth H all .
. ................................ Eve lyn Pete rson Barbara
Sec retary-Treasure r ....
. .......................................... Car-ol Jone s
Cha irman of Pub lic ity ....................
N orth Hall Representative s: Doris 13 oyle , El izabet h Roby South H all Represe ntatives: Pa trici a M cKin ney, Lenore Traver路
C. J. C. GUILD PROGRAM Lette rs of welcome to new students d uring the summer months. Group meeting t o acqu aint new st ude nts wit h the Gu ild's aims an d pur poses. C ider and doughnut sale . Ch r路istmas Pageant. Finnish Relief Program . M ite Box Drive du ring Lent :- Cake Ra ff le, Sandwich Sale, Fa cul t y Pl ay, Bridge Pa rt y, Ca ke Sal e.
SERVICES Red Cross drive for membership . Fi lli ng of five Christmas stock in gs fo r children reco mme nded by the Co mmun it y Soc ial Service of N ew York City. One hundr路ed and twenty-s ix garments knitted and sewed by stude nts and Facu lty and se nt to Co mm unity Social Servi ce. Checks t o Finnis h Relief Fun d Pine M ou nta in Settleme nt. Main e Seacoast M ission. Wome n's Foreig n M issio ns. C ommunity Soc ial Service for chil dren 's ca mps . We cons ider it a great privilege to have this opportun ity t o help t hose less fort una te th an ourselves.
Thursday Evening I.
5. 6.
......... Romberg
By the M us ictears Un der M aest ress G uilia M onroni by W alter Ben Hare " Her First Ride in O tty mob ile" READI NGS : by Lou ise Bown e " Fa nny Goes to t he Fa ir" Lou ise Bowne DA NC ES O F SO CI AL SIGN IFIC AN C E By Louise Omwake, He len Hu tchi ng s, J ea n Stewa rt, Evelyn Fowler, Ann e Tro ne ck. YOUN G LOV E A LA SH A KESPEARE Scarl ett O' Lei gh O 'Co uch as Jul iet Law rence O livie r Eva ns Kn app as Romeo ESCAPE A C T by Paul C ampbell " W ILD NELL, THE PET O F TH E PLA INS" or " H ER FINA L SA CRIFIC E."
THE HOLY NI GHT A Christma s Pageant Mary, Bernice MacNicol
Joseph, M ona Lotz
Herald Ange ls: Bette Cooper Lucy Zobian J anice Bowman
The Shepherds : Louise Bowne Ruth Hoffman Elaine Siebert Margaret Russell Barba ra Waddell Ruth Cannell Katherine Car路ling Beverly Gottlieb J eanne Relyea Phyllis Tirrell
Herald, Ruth Green
The Three King s: Edythe Lilieholm Victor路ia Clenden in M arjory Egan
The Other Wise Man, Mary Sarver
When we performed
THE CENTENARY GLEE CLUB Our numerous activ it ies required offrcers fo r t he Club for· th e firs t tim e. President .... . Secreta r·y . .
........................... ....... .............. ....... . ................... .. . .................. .....
Mary Lou Eberl e Bette Cooper
A new fea ture this year wa s t he quintette composed of Elain e Barnes, Victoria Clendenin, Be tte Coop e r· , Joanne Laubenstein, Jean Pur se l. We had a regu la r part in a ll ve spe r services, and participated in seve ral of the rad io broadcast p rogr ams . We enjoyed sing ing t he Christmas carols in the Christmas p lay by th e G ui ld and p rovid ing special Easter an t hems for the Peithosophian Soc iety Ann iver·sa ry Vespers. We exte nd our· sin ce re thanks t o o ur directr ess , Mi ss Eli se Ga rdn e r·, f or her un tir ing efforts and app r·eciaied assistance.
When we have visitors (Columb ia Un iversity Glee Club th is time)
THE CENTENARY GLEE CLUB We enioyed our io int-programs with men' s glee clubs. In February , we had the good fortune of giving a concert at Stevens Institute, Hoboken, New Jer路se y. Fr ie ndliness and cordial welco me pervaded the atmosphere throughout the even in g, and t he di nner and da nce p ro v ided for a "reacquaintance." The novel experience of singing with the Columb ia Glee Cl ub took place in April. The boys gave a very enio'Lable program. The supper-dance which fol lowed meant a good time for all. The return reci tal of Stevens In stit ute wa s given in May, and t his eve nt added more sweet memories to a well-spent and hig hly enioyable year o f the Glee Club .
KIN CLUB Members of this year's student body who are re latives of fo rm e r stud en ts. Victoria Cle nd e ni n
Preside nt
SISTERS Betsy Ad air Olive Chamberlain Bette Cooper Barbara Havey Faith Haytock El izabeth Hofmaye r Grace Hofmayer Carol Jones Clara Ke llog g Mar路y Kellogg Kath ryn Peters J ean Pu rsel Elizabeth Roby Mar jor路y Smith Jean Spitzer Audrey Whit ing
DAUGHTERS Jeanne Ashley Victoria Clende nin Florence Hughes Patricia Hulbu rt Dor路is Linaberry Bertha N u nn COUSINS Mary Ford ham Gloria Honeyman OTHERS Louise Butcher Martha Everitt Nancy Fell Dorothy Marlatt
Friday evening, November 17, 1939 The Little Theater at eight o'clock Director Ellen Claire Couch
As sistant Lou ise Bowne
"BY POPULAR REQUEST" by Matt Tay lor Daisy Duncan ............... Jeanne Relyea Ju lia He rbert ... .... Janice Bowman Sally Kane Victoria Clendenin Harold H erbert, her husband Martha Roberts ..... ... Mary Sarver Ruth Green Gera ld ine Traynor ......... Beverly Gottlieb Mrs. Love joy, Julia's mother Margie Watts ................ Barbara Waddel l ............. . .......... Ruth Cannell Bill Lucas Bernice MacNicol Ed Downing ............................ Marjory Egan Ethel Lucas ......... .......... Ruth Hoffman A Burglar . .......................... Elaine Siebert Ward Macintosh Mona Lotz Officer O 'Grady ............ Edythe Lilieholm Dotty Macintosh .... ... Margaret Russell Officer Johansen Catherine Carling Mrs. Schmidt .... Marjory Eg an Mat Douglas ................... Lucy Zobian Electrician Stage Manager .. ..... El aine Siebert Margaret Russell Properties ....... Bernice MacNicol Readings ......................................................... ..................... Helen Stein
"JOINT OWNERS IN SPAIN" by A lice Borwon Mrs. Mitchell ........................... Phyll is Tirrell Miss Dyer .. Mrs. Fullerton .. . . Carol Jones Mrs. Blair .
.. ..... Virginia Wooster Jane Thomas
"MY LOVER COMES" Ruth Hartwel l .... Jane, her sist er .
A Play in Verse, by Dr. H. Graham DuBois Ruth's moth er ... ................. Mary Louise Eberle Helen St ein .. Dorothy Marlatt Dorothy Barnes H er grandmoth er The Lover . Bette Cooper
TELEVISION May twenty-seventh ha s been selected as a tentat ive date on wh ich C EN TEN ARY may be te lecast. The play chosen f or thi s t el evis ion experien ce is " Overtones" by Alice Gerstenberg . The Play Production and Radio Speech classes furn ished the actors.
First Cast Harriet ........... Bette Cooper Hetty Loui se Monez Stage Manager and General Understudy .
Margaret Maggie
Lou ise Bowne Helen Stein Dorothy Marlatt
Second Cast Dorothy Barne s, Virg inia Wooster, Mary Lou Eberle, Jane Thoma s and Carol Jon es. Th is is the first all -women p lay from a woman 's college to be te lecast .
THE C EN TENARY PLAYERS present the Gilbert Murray tran slation of
TH E TROJAN WOMEN OF EURIPIDES Friday evening, Apri l 26, 1940 The Littl e Th eatre at eight o'cl ock ARGUMENT When Troy wa s taken by the Gr·eeks, the princesses of the Hou se of Priam were apportioned by lot to the several chiefs of the host . Polyxena was sacrificed on Achilles ' tomb, "a gift flung to the dreamless dead." Astyanax, the son of Hector and Andromache, was hurled from a hrg h tower. Th is play tells how all this befe ll. Th ere is naught e lse save the lamenta tion s of t hese Daughters of Troy, ti ll the city is set aflame, and th e captives are driven down to t he sea . It is a story of war and th e glory of war; and the price pa id by t he victim s of that glory. How are ye blind, Ye headers down of cities, ye that cast Te mpies to deso lation, and lay wa st e Tomb s, the untrod den sanctuaries where li e Th e anc ient dead; yourse lves so soon to die! The p lay was first pmduced in the year 41 5 B. C. C HARACTERS IN THE PLAY Th e God Poseidon ···---··--. .. ___ -----------··· __________________ . Virginia Wooster Th e goddess Amphitr·ite _ ___ ______ Jan e Thomas Th e goddess Pa llas Athena ____ _ _ ______ _ -----·--· ______ . ____ Mary Lou Eberle Hecuba, Oueen of Tmy, wife of Priam , mo t-he r of Hector and Paris _ Lou ise Bowne Cassandra, daughter of Hecuba, a prophetess _______ ......... Dorothy Mar latt Andromache, wife of Hector, Prince of Troy . ______ Dorothy Barnes He len , wife of Me nelaus, King of Sparta; car- r·ied off by Paris, pr ince of Troy ----------·--------- ___________ ---------·····-·-·· Bette Cooper Talthybius, hera ld of th e Greeks __ ____ ------------·-------··--- _________ _ __ _____ _ ___ He len Stein Me nelaus, king of Sparta, and together with hi s brother Agamemnon, general of the Greeks _ __ __________ __ __ Carol Jones Astyanax, son of Hector and Andmmache ____________ _______ _ _ ______ Sally Lou Smith ___ __________ ________ -------------------·--······-Ruth Green Leader of the chorus ........ Chorus of captive Trojan women ................... Bernice Ma c Ni co l, Ruth Hoffman, Barbara Waddell, Jeanne Relyea, Janice Bowman , Victor ia Clendenin, Katherine Carling, Ruth Cannell, Edyth e Lilieholm, Lucy Zobian, Phyllis Tirrell, Beverly Gottlieb, Marj o ry Egan, Ma r·y Sarver. The scene is Ia id outside the walls of Troy. The play is directed by Miss [:lien Claire Couch ass isted by Lo uise Bown e . The ce remonia l dance is by Mrs. Olive Hammond Haring. The settings are by Mr . Howard T. Knapp.
Children lea rn rhythm thro ug h ma rching.
DEMONSTRATION CLASS OF THE METHODS COURSE C hild re n learn acting t hrough creative dra matics.
ATHLETIC ASSOCIATIO N OFFICERS ........................................ .......... Betty Goffe . .. M arjorie Po lhemu s ........ ............................ Betty Pe llett, Loui se Smith
President . Secretary-Treas urer . Repr ese ntatives ......................... .
..H ..........
ATHLETIC RECORD for 1939-1940 Interclass Hockey To urnament Seniors vs. Freshmen 1- 0
Intercla ss Basket Ba II Tou rna ment Fres hmen vs . Seniors 3 1- 5
37- 14
HO NO RARY HOCKEY VARSI TY Seniors Freshm en Ruth Bower Peggy Donn ell Mild red Laslo cky Lois Martin Marjorie Polhemus Mary Moore Arl ine Raebe ck Betty VanHart
Lois Ambs Isabel Crawfor路d Carolyn Long shore Phylli s Mathiase n Suzanne Schaum Loui se Smith Betty Weart
Pa tric ia M aloy Lo is Martin Arline Raeb ec k Jane Stern
Isabel Crawford Marjorie Egan Ann e Fe ssA nden Mary Kel logg Caroly n Longshor路e (Capt.) Lo uise Smi th Betty Weart
Ruth Bowe r Betty H ofmayer Lois Mart in H elen Ste in
Betsy Adair Joan Deal Janet Shepard Marjori e Wolf
EMBLEM AWARD S To all students making the Honorary Varsity in Hocke y, Basket Ball o r Swimming.
CLASS NUMERAL AWARDS (To students getting a p lace on thre e of the following si x groups: Cl ass Hockey Team , Class Ba sket Ball Team , Class Swimming Te am, Dancing Honors, Tennis Honors, Fen ci ng Hon o rs.)
Freshm en
Isabel Crawford Fa ith Hayto ck Ruth Hoffman Ca ro lxn Longsho re Louise Smith Betty Weart Mary Wi nget
Ruth Bower Lo is Martin Mary M oo r路e M arjorie Polhemus Arline Raebeck
SENIOR HOCKEY TEAM Top Row : Natalie Eden Marjorie Polhemus Arline Raebeck Jeanne Yeomans Betty Hou sel Carol Jones Mary Heermans Mildred Laslocky Pats Ma loy Macherie Limba ch Sitting: Peg Donnell Mary Moore Betty Van Hart (Capta in) Ruth Bower Lois Martin
FRESHMAN HOCKEY TEAM Stand ing: Suzanne Schaum !(neeling: Betty Wear+ Camlyn Longshor-e Doris Emmon s Fa ith Haytock Louise Smith Edythe Lilieholm Elinor Heydecke Jeanne Ashley Sitting: Loi s Ambs Ruth Hoffman J ea n Spitzer Isabel Crawford (Captain) Lucy Zobian Frances Locker路 Janet Shepard
SENIOR BASKET BALL TEAM Pats Mal oy Mildred Lasloc ky Loi s Martin Jane Stern (Captain) Ruth Bower Victoria Clendenin Arline Ra ebeck
M ary Kel logg Clara Kellogg Mari ory Egan Isabel Crawford Anne Fessenden Sitting :
Faith H aytock Carolyn Longshore (Captain) Loui se Smith Betty Wear+
A half hour rest in this position is as good as two hours' sleep.
SPO RT HEADS Lois Martin -
Basket Ball
Betty Van Hart- Hockey Mario rie Po lhemus -
Victoria Clendenin -
Tenn is
Betty Goffe -
Janet Shepard -
I 02
MAY FETE The G il bert Mu rray translation of
THE TROJAN WOMEN OF EURIPIDES Given as a Pageant Leader of the procession ........................................... ........... ... Jane Conklin Band of girls .... . ...... Carolyn Long shore , Su sa nn e M eig s, N ancy Fell, Edith Eido, Patricia M cKi nney, Betty Van H art, Jan et Shepa rd.
DANCES FO LK SONG: Barbara Lamb, Betty Goffe, Elizabeth Pf romm, Catherine H artze ll, Ruth H offman, Ma cherie Limbach, Jean Lova tt , Virginia Wooster.
" BLESSING OF TH E WATERS " : Anne Fesse nd en, Ed ith Eido, Elizabeth Roby, Ruth Bower, Bertha Nunn , Veroni ca Siccardi , Audrey Kasten, Gloria Wals h, M ona Lotz, Phylli s Math iase n.
" Rain, dear Zeus, on the co rn lands of th e Greeks, and their pastures .": Barbara Lamb , Ed yth e Lilieholm, Evelyn Peterson, Betty Goffe , Elizabeth Pfromm, Catherine Hartzell, J ea nn e Ash ley , Ruth H offman, M ac herie Limbach, Nan cy Gensel, J ean Lovatt, Edn a Thomson, Marj orie Burrell, Lou ise M onez, M ay Ul mer, Jan et White, Sarah Elizabeth Hunt, Dori s Lin aberry, Virginia Wooster.
THEMES OF CHORAL DANCES Lois Denecke, Virg ini a Fach , Frances Locke r, M arion Arnold , Betsy Adair , Barb ara Ka spe r, M ary Lou Eberle , Joa nn e Lau benste in , Dorothy Cacioppo , J ea nne Yeoman s, Dorothy Z im merman, Lu cy Zobian, Kathryn H arris , Evel ynn e Adler, J ea n Br in kerh off, C harlotte Ankarcrona.
ANDROMACHE'S STORY: (a) Dan cer s same as in Dan ce 2. (b ) Dancers same as in Dance 4 . (c) Miriam Ei senman n, June Meng el, M ary Winget, Audrey Whitin g, Lou ise Butcher, Alice W ikoff, Patricia Hu lburt, Emma Gertz, Ruth Domin ick , Elinor H eydecke, M ar jorie Murphy, Flore nce Hugh es, Lois Ambs, Elino r Knight , Ruth Gree n, Ruth Cannell, J ean Sp itze r, Beve rl ey Stafford.
Patrici a McKinney, Dori s Emmon s, Elizabeth Pellett, Barbara Havey , Faith H aytock, Caroly n Axberg , Patricia M aloy, Jean M ayo, Lois Cook.
Dan cer s same as in 5-c.
Virgini a Wooster, Mary Lou Eberle, Jan e Th omas.
Dancers sa me as in 3.
I 05
19 Students arrive. Assignment of " Big Sisters" in the even1ng. 20 First Chapel-special informational se rvi ce. Faculty reception for new girls in the evening. 22 The Sub- Deb Editor of the Ladie s' Home J o ur nal speaks , Eli zabeth Woodward '23 on "The Sub-Deb at College." 23 The Athletic Association entertains the new girls . 24 Vespers: President Trevorrow-"A Year's Objectives ." 27 September Birthday Party. 29 Faculty Re ci ta l. 30 Guild entertains new girls. Party to Lafa ye tte College. I Vespers: Erika Mann- "Sc hoo l for Barb arians. " 2 Callilogian Tea. 4 Pe ith osophian Tea. 6 Di okosoph ian Tea . 8 Vespers: Preside nt Trevorrow- "The Search for H appiness. " II Group to the New York World's Fair. 13 October Birthday Party. 14 Supper Da nee. 15 J oint piano recital by Josef and Rosina Lh ev inn e. 24 Student represen tatives t o New York He rald Tri bune Forum. 27 El izabeth Woodward '23-"Cioth es and Personality. " 29 Vespers: First Breckenridge Mem orial Lecture, Pres ident William Math er Lewis, L~,fayette College, "Th e Valu es of Religion to Modern Young Women. Mr. Harmon 31 Students broadcast from WEST. Hallowe'en Party. Ma rtin of Nati ona l City Bank, New York, spo nsored by Business Club. 3 Pledg e Day for th e sororities . Senior Dance. 5 Vespers: Radio Speech Class, " My Lover Comes" by Dr. H. Graham DuBois. 10 Hockey Demonstration Games and Water Ba llet . Tea for guests. 12 Vespers: Edouard Grobe, t enor, song recital. 13 Book Club- Coffee in the Library- Exhibit of books. 17 Th e Centenary Players. 18 Students broadcast from Sears Roebuck at Stroudsburg over WEST. Group to Metropo litan Museum of Art, J. P. Morgan Library. 19 Vespers: Second Breckenridge Memoria l Lecture , Dr. W. B. Greenway, fo rmer Presiden t of Beaver College, "Th e Values of Religion to Mod e rn Young Women. " 28 Fen cing Exhib ition by Mr. and Mrs . Vinc e. I French Cabaret. 3 Vespers: Third Breckenridge Memorial Lectu re, Dr. Pa rker B. Hol lawa y, District Supt., Newark Conference, "Th e Values of Rel igion to Modern Young Women."
I 06
8 Miss Elizabeth Woodwa rd '23, " Personal Problems of t he Co llege Girl. " 9 First Opera Party: " Boris Godounoff. " Representatives of International Re lations C lub to Conference at New Bru nsw ick. I0 Vespers: Ardis Ail ing, Scripture d ramalogues with music. I I November Birthday Party. 12 Students broadcast over W EST. 13 Ki n Klu b Tea. J ou rnal ism C lass to hear Dorothy Thompso n and tour Herald -Tribune bui lding. 14 December Birthday Pa rty. Pl ay and dance. 16 Calli logian Anniversary 17 Ca lli log ian An niversary Service, Mon t clair A Capel la Choir. 20 Christmas di nner a nd play . 23 Opera Party: " La Travia t a. " 27 Al umni Reunion. Essex H ouse, New York.
6 Opera Party: " Lakme." 9 January Birt hday Party. 12 Exh ibition by Murray St ud io t eac hers. 14 Vespers: Pres ident Trevorrow, "O ur Loya lties ." 20 "Good Times" sponsored by the Peithosophian Society. 2 1 Vespers: President Trevo rrow, "O ur Enem ies." 23 Students broadcast over W EST. 28 Vespers: Pres_ide nt Trevorrow, "Our Achieveme nts."
Opera Party.
3 7 I0 II 16 17 18
Opera Party : " Lucia di Lammermoor. " Feb ruary Birth day Pa rty. "Good Times" sponsored by th e Sen ior Class. Vespers: Baro nne de Bonde li of America n Fri ends of France. Week-end at Skytop. "Good Times," t he Gu ild. Lafayette Dance. Ope ra Party. Vespers: Sponsored by the Int ernational Relations Club. Dr. Edgar J. Fisher, "The New St rugg le for Power in the Balkans." 24 G lee Club t o Stevens Instit ute. "Good Times, " Calli log ians. 25 Vespers: Miss Ange la Morgan reads her poems. 27 Students broadcast a t W EST.
2 3 5 I0 13 16 17 19
Fres hman C lass Dance. Opera Pa rty: "Aida." Vespe rs: El le n Osborn '3 6, song recital. Guild sponsor Finnish Re lief program. Vespers: President Trevo rrow : " Progressive Righteousness." March Birthday Party. Peithosop hian Societ y An niversary: Pl ay and dance. Opera Party. Pe it hosop hi an A nni versa ry Se rvice at 4:00 p. m. President Trevo rrow. Students broadcast at W EST. Fencing Exhibition.
4 April birthd a y dinner. 5 The Guild e ntertains a t bridge for ben efit of the Mite Box . 7 Reception to President a nd Mrs. Trevor row by Upper South H all . Vesper serv ice , 8:00 p. m. Presid e nt T revorrow. 8 Demonstr a ti on in speed typewrit in g for bu si ness co urses . 9 The Pl ay Production classes see Mauri ce Evans in " Richard II ." I 0 July Birthday Pa rty. II Mode rn dance de monstration in t he gymnasium , 4:00 p. m. 13 Fencing exhibition at L. Bamberger & Company, Newa rk , 3:30 p. m. 14 Vespe r serv ice , 8:00 p . m. Pres ident T revorrow . 18 Mrs. Mary G . Roeb ling, president, Tre nton Trust Company. 19 Co ncert, Co lumbia Un ive rsity Glee Club . Da nce . 2 1 Vesper service, 8 :00 p. m. Dr. H enry L. Lambdin, superintend en t, N ewark di strict , Newark Confe rence, Method ist Church. 22 Dr. Emmon s, movies on his tr ip around the world; also our May Fete. 2 5 Th e Centenary Pl aye rs prese nt " Th e Troia n Women ." 30 Students b roadcast ove r St a t ion WEST, Ea ston. 3 Conce rt by the Stevens Glee Club , fo ll owed by suppe r and dancing. 5 Vespe r service , 8:00 p . m., Presi dent Trevorro w. 6 Th e Business Club to visi t the Stock Exchange, Lord & Taylor's, American Telephone and Te legraph Company , Gregg Publi shing Company. August Birthday Party. Diokosophia n A nni versary Dance. Diokosophian Anniversary vespers, Dr. Victor G. Mill s, Methodist Church, Mo ntclair. The Trophy Contest, 8:00 p . m. The Blair Pla ye rs-Li ttle Theate r, 8:00 p. m. May Birth day Pa rt y. A lumni Day on the campu s. Ma y Fete and exhibitions of st udent work. " The Tro ian Women ." Dedication of H a m mond Memoria l. Senior Dan ce at "Canoe Brook." Pla ys by demonstration class, Expression Methods, 8:00 p. m. " Last Chapel " and pre se ntat ion of ath letic awards , I 0:00 a. m. Cla ss Day , 3:00 p. m. Baccalaureate se rvice, II :00 a. m. , Bi shop J ohn Gowdy. " Songs o n the Steps," 7:00 p. m. Chora l Program, 8:00 p. m. Presid ent's da nee. Commencement exe rc ises, 3:00 p. m .
I 08
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