r nvf
o n=
CE.N'IENAR'f CCLLIGi ipwNn NJ- -07-84{l
, seeen's. .
C!.ASS FIY}ANI of our fathers, whose Almighty hand, Leads forth in beauty all the starry band; Of shining worlds, in splendor through the God
C!.ASS SONG The blue and white are
Through years at C. J.
our grateful songs before the throne arise.
To meet her standards glorious
Hold her in memory.
Our hearts with praise are swelling Our lips with thanks break through The Class of '47
Forever white and blue.
c[Ass ]Ao'f to ,f,rJ in tolay alrealy *"lAs tonto*out
c!.Ass co!.ofts Glrn anJ white
",0;:;t, \i .,' {
\ '\/ f!;tY j, a, '\, 1., ' ' : tt:t;.!i!.t
iIOARD GIen saxe-,. Edu"rlf"c*tuu3,il?T"o Mar,y Jane shaw, Associate Editors; Jean Karpas, Business Manager; Bt,ucie
Hoblitzel, Art Editor.
It is a great honor to be selected
as a member of the HACK staff; the editors and business manager are elected by the student body just before the end of the school year. Through the annual publication of the HACK, the perfect days at Centenary may always be kept in mind.
HACK BOARD Pat Terhune, Sheila Donovan, Barbara Seguine, Mildred Wager, Dotty Holst, Dulce
Collada, Miriam Abel, Molly Goodrich, Nancy Snedeker, Mary Ellen We1burn, Saily Jane Lyon; Bea Keyes and Gloria Schwartz, Freshman Representatives.
i-I- GITAi.IAI\A DUBOIS A heart of gold . . . A nature as sincere as it is honest . . .
A quiet, warm
of humor . . . Understanding and
tolerance for all feelings and opinions . . . Always respected by his classes . . . Always respectful to young
and old alike . . . Never too busy to keep his door open to all . . . Because of these and other qualities too numerous and undefinable to mention, we take great pride in
dedicating the 1947 HACK to Dr. Du Bois.
i.IUirST ROBINIS ANI DTITSONI To the Class of 1947: The Class of.7947 has experienced a very important two-year period in the iife of Centenary. During these years the past has become an increasingly significant force in its influence on the present and the future. An authentic history of Centenary Junior College has been completed and submitted to the Board of Trustees for publication. Out of this record has come the material for an original musical production presented by the Centenary Players and the story for a play written by Dr. H. Graham Du Bois. This history offered the basis for the plan for improved facilities; the strenuous financial campaign for $300,000, brought to a successful conclusion in January of1947, provided part of the money needed to meet these needs. Centenar;r has moved ahead toward expanding goals of service in the field of junior college education for women. The life of an institution may become the pattern for the life of a person. Experience may be the building blocks upon which one plans for more significant objectives and chooses more effective paths to these new goals. Not every individual, however, plans so wiselv. There are those
who do not learn from the past, who are not concerned about their ultimate fate, who make no plans for the systematic fulfillment of life. We like to think that education protects one against this kind of dismal living. One hopes that this may be true of the educational experience of the class of l947-that the spirit of the forward-moving institution which is now your Alma Mater may provide the guiding pattern for a successful and satisfying social and personal life. Cordially yours, Hurst R. Anderson
Mr. Rlatchford Mr. Sivak
Miss Hight
Miss Smythe and Miss
Miss Bouton and Miss Sheehan Nliss Pangborn and Miss Bever
Spence, Mrs. Goodwin
and Miss Gregory
Miss Wible and Miss Carlson
Miss Gardner and Mr. Grayson
Dr. DuBois, Mr. Garber, and Dr. Mills
Miss Goddin and
Dr. Custard
Rosar------------"----President Barbara Davis---------- --- - -"-Vice-president Virginia Drown -------"---___secretary Jean Manner---------,--,-----Treasurer Marie Mathews Sergeant-at-Arms
the Snnior
$no,, 6/ir"Lnt/, Eo**nr,i/ln 509 East Glavels Lane,
Chestnut Hill, Pennsylvania March
Student Government President, Phi Iota, Chorus, Psychology Club, Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Nlainstay of Senior Den No, Benny, you can't come home Wonderful after-midnight sympathizer for love problems . . Treat-'emrough; don't-give-in attitude . . . I think I'll take a nap Miss Profile . . . Oh, that bathrobe! , . . Leadership qualities galole . . . No need for curlels Good disposition making her easy to live with. . . "Sommer".
{onitn S*it/r,
72 Washington Avenue, Garden City, New York
Associate Editor of the Hack, Phi Theta Kappa
Vice-President, Freshman Week Committee, Psvchology Club, Delta Sigma Sigma
Those Princeton Tigers Terrific figure and brains too . . . Dozens of size five, triple A shoes . You know, roommate, classes break up my day terribly . . . Has medical supplies for all of third floor, . . A whiz at the typewriter... Never Ioses her dignity . . . Down with men! . . . Bobs; ail types, shapes, and sizes.
ffblnnQ, Q"lJt,h"op Woodcrest Country Club, Haddonfield, New JerseY
Outing Club President, Secretary of Solority, Al1Star Volleyball Team, Leadels' Colps, Glee CIub, Delta Sigma Sigma. Always smiling . . . Talented in the field of art . . . Would like to become a fashion designer . . . Got two Sweet, blonde, wonderful . . . Jim nice letters today . , . Bubbling, sparkling leader
An all-round sports of the Outing Club woman, but partial to golf . . . Astounds everyone by leaving at 7:00 A. M. on Sundays to play 18 holes of golf with Jim . , "Pat".
Tflooria Ayntl,;o Roro, 50 Moore Road,
Bronxville, New York
October 11
of Senior Class, Student Council, Phi
Iota, Phi Theta Kappa, Leadcrs' Corps, Theta
Epsilon Nu.
Efficient class president . . . Dartmouth . . . Gleen Has beauty, personality, her favorite color and Phi Theta Kappa material . . . Spends weekends elsewhele. . . Hanover? ? ? . . . Honestly. , . Excellent swimmer and diver . . . Ah,vays knitting
Page tllil'tce]j
Qln,rJoro En'n 165 Parrish Street, Canandaigua, New York
Editor of the Hack, President Phi Theta Kappa,
Phi Iota, Aquatics CIub, Centenar.y Singers, Theta Epsilon Nu.
Her future with HaI. .. Dimples . . . Has anyone got anyfood? .. . Partial to sleep . . . Hack prob-
lems . Excellent student . . . Always
fftonrint .f,nnTloo,*no 37
Eighth Avenue, Brooklyn, New Yor.k September 29
Student Court, Senior W.A.A. Representative, Four Honorary Athletic Teams, Outing Club, Sigma Epsilon Phi.
I'm forced to put
n-ry hair up . . . The shorthand blues . 'He's Just My Bill' . . . Fraternitv pin girl . . .'One Dozen Roses'.. . How you makiniit,
girl.. . All-around athlete. .. Jitterbug athlete... What'cha doin'? ... Weeklv box of candv. ..
that Brooklyn style . . . Third floor alarm clock A healt of gold . . . "Hattie".
Page fourteen
herhair. .. Always economics . .. National president of Phi Theta Kappa . . . Cur.ly . . . Lovely voice . Cornell . . Sincere and good-natured ... Gum addict... Those sl-ropping sprees! . Have you heard from Palker'? . . . Mainstav of the Engiish dlama class . , . "GIen".
168 Nassau Boulevard, Garden City, Long Island, New York
Vice-President of Student Council, Phi Theta Kappa, Phi Iota, Basebail and Hockey Teams, Ensemble, Delta Sigma Sigma.
Gor,lroro Soon
Sunnywood Drive, Westfield, New Jersey
Vice-President Senior Class, Chairman Social Ac-
tivities, Honor System Committee, Glee Ciub, Leaders' Corps, Delta Sigma Sigma.
Hliii! ...
been real
ful all-around girl.. . Diligent wolker. . . Loves animals... Loves mischief ... Wakes with a smile
... Athletic abilitv... Natural leader. . . Alwavs singing .. . Keeps-them laughinE. . . You're hirerl . . . Muflin . . . Everybody's fr.iend . . A proud aunt . . . Always rvilling and able . . . Headed for
"8. J."
Music in her soul . . . Such eye lashes . . . Terrific sense of humor. . . Indescribable guffaw. . . Born leader . . See ya, gotta plactice the organ . . Such a family! . .. SLEEP . . . I've got problems
... Blondefoots... The body... Hi, Judge.. Sweet, neat, and allConscientious beaver reet . Life of the palty . . . Aldent admirers . , , Ideal roommate "Jungee", .
&loinn TJ'lorTo,',olJ 207 Pt'ospect Street, Ridgewood, New Jersey
E,ook Club Sect'etaly, Sorority Sergeant-at-Arms,
Q!olu1,. International Relations Club, Outing Club, Sigma Epsilon Phr.
A friend to al1 . . . Roommate, bring me a piece of I wonder what Seeley's doinA ? Always the first to finish and leave an ex-am . . . Spends her summers in Canada Alwavs doubles as a fourth for bridge . . . P1ays piano by eql-.. . . Fernale Hoagy Carmichael .'. .-Always willing to help . . . Paltial to Hackettstow.r . . . ttMactt.
51 Cedar Drive, Great Neck, New York
May 19 Phi Theta Kappa Treasurer', Sor.oritv Vice-plesident, Student Court, Manager. of S-eniol Swimming Team, Book CIub, Delta Sigma Sigma,
lfful"v 4uy" . . Blondie . . Baby talk . . . Weekendhouse parties... Gum craclier. .I'se so hungry... I'm crackin' up... Bee, these stupid closets, I hate'em . . . Infeitious laugh . . . Cirte figqre . . ..All-around gal . . . Life
.-. Irresistiblepersonafity...
Loves to
Keeps Coco-Cola and hamburgers
any party
$. rSnoJo,'
547 Sussex Road, Wynnewood, Pennsyivania September: 25
Secretary-Treasurer of the Business C1ub, Outing Club, Spanish Club, Camera Club, Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Knitting and sewing specialties a la Snader . Cooking that's dee-licious Junior Leagr-re workel Constantly chatting about Ned . . The lady in brown . . . A doctor's daughter. complete with pink pills . . . Sunrmer.s on a Canadian Isle . . . A truer friend one could never find . . . ttMattiet'.
TJ'lort/t' W. Aaorington .14
Meeting Street, Char'leston 1, South Carolina
Theta Kappa, Business Club, Sigma Epsilon
My hair is aubuln, not red . . . A one-man trvonan ... Habitual r,vorrier ...Whiz at accounting... Ohl that Chlistmas season . . . Char.leston,s piopulatiot-r. . . Carrington's relations . . . Anyone-wint to go to town fol dinner.? . Let's get a coke
.. ..Paltial to the Navy.. . Oh, Johnny. . . A vattkee
boutlrel.n per:cntege.
Ptt91e seuen.teetr
Gefty So,rn Gogrrist 15?
Suilmit Avenue, Phillipsburg, New Jersey January
Sorolitv Chaplain, Camela Club, Ottting
Theta Epsilon Nu.
Bridge? Not now... Oh,
do you
ski? ..
. . . Ailvays developing pictures in the dalk room . . . I'11 meet you in there, Margie . . . It's in the dish tonight . . . Just because my dresser is near the door, you don't have to put your stuff all over it . . . Smo-o-oth . . . My fish went dorvn the drainl . . . Cl-rattelbox. . . "Betts".
Tlotolie Tllay 96n,ly R. D. No. 1, Phillipsbuig, Ncw Jersey September'8 Leaders' Colps, All-Star Basebzrli Team, Camcra Chrb, Outing Club, Riding Club, Theta Epsilon Nu.
Five minutes to play bridge . . . My horse, Dusty . . . It's Van, but not Johnson . . . A gucst ?-anrl me looking like this!! . . . Who looked in my mail box? ... Mv oid Alma Mater'-Lafayette...It's n-ry Br-rick-Pop onlv lron'olvs itl . . . Natalie, my fliends call me Nat. . . Anybody got a butt? . . . 'Fol Sentimental Reasons'.
Pugc r:ightccrr
TlTo,jo,in 8
6 (Jo,oA,
Exmool Road, Newton Centre, Massachusetts Jr-rly
of the Ritlins Club. Glee Club.
Holse Qhow, Outing Club, Camcla'Club, Deltzi Sigma Sigma.
ffhroint 6l"ire {evi'A 2339 North 52nd Street,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Apr.il
P-resident Riding Club, Aquatic Club, Hor.se Show,
Glee Club, Leader.s' Corps, Siema Epsiton phi.
Wanna play bridge ?-I don'tl . . . Horses, hor.ses, horses, da da da da hor.ses . . But Harrye has
a checking account! . . Gee, that suit looks familiar'... So sweet bui innocent. . . Whv can't I_be-a-re.gular gal? ... Anybody see my pen.. .
kiddingll! .".-I cion,t Spends much of her spare ,Somewher.e time in holse shoes . . . in the Night, . . . t'HarLyett. No kidding kids, I'm not
snvs-ifig np to you . ..
Margie, rvho's got thc calcls ? Lool< :rt thc ... What'll I do u.ith my stationer.v?
trees, kidsl
. I'm stahved . . . Get that lacld.cr. out of my face, HalrS'el ...I don't mind peopie r_rsiug nry typewliter, butl! . . Here's to ihe -tines . -. . Is that my pencil? For Pete's Salies I,rrr allergic-Really
Tl'lo, y 6 llnn \.|)nlf, uon 43 Smallwood Road, West Hartford, Connecticut JuIY 15
President of Guild, Phi Theta Kappa, Phi lota' Spilled Ink Board, Outing Club Treasurer, Theta Epsilon Nu.
Thatwinning smile. .. Oh! Honestlyl . .. Wakes her roommate up laughing-pr-rts her to sleep laughing . . . ?:30 Special tumbling down ladder to turn off alalm . . . Homework vs. knitting . . . Very able President of the Guild . . . Artistic touch takes her to Rhode Island School of Design . . The less said the better'-but leally she's wonder-
Qatricia .flnn &nohunn
135 Fairview Avenue, High Bridge, New Jersey
Phi Theta Kappa, Student Council, Hall President, Hack Board, Psychology Club. Oh!
. I've got a miliion things to do!
. . . I told you so, r'oommate Always busy, helpful . . . Those big innocent eyes Square dancing . . . Weekends at home . Futule decidedl!! Handv with a needle . . . Member of the pinafore brigade . . . The perfect roommate!
G/o,rrh, g. Wilro, t1741
Paschall Avenue,
West Philadelphia, Pennsylvania March
President of Glee Club, Centenaly Singers, Outine Club, Freshmzrn Week Committee, Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Roommate, I'm going out of my lnindl! . . . Tantalizing dimples . . . Ocean City . . . Going home this weel<end, Blanche ? . . . Roommate, where are you? . Regular Wednesday night phone calls
from Richard Christmas diamond ring 'Tl-ris Is Always'!l . . . Contagious laughter
mischievous eyes ... Rah, Rah, Pennsylvania A friendly snrile wins many friendsl
42 Nutman Place, West Orange, New Jersey
Sorority Plesident, Phi lota, Business Club, Outing Club, Orientation Committee, Theta Epsilon Nu.
Curly top with huge, sparkling eyes, which tell hel thor-rghts . . . Has anyone seen my roommate ? . . . A11 I ever do is shorthandl Roommate, what a su'ell weekend, but oh, horv sholtl Dynamite comes in smali packages What a u'ondelfr-rl gal, her loommate couldn't do without her!
Prtge tuertt.y-ottt:
6/i="6ntA ff{r,JJ"n &oy/o, 43 Benezet Street, Philadetphia, Pennsylvania Ar-rgust 12
Glee Club, Cholus, Record Club, Delta Sigma Sigma.
Shorthand, shorthand, always shorthand Tho.se.transcription classesl Serious, but devilish dimples! He's so sweet, but I just
can't love him , . " From coke zrntl cheese craclier.s
to Beethoven and Melcer "giants", Bets!
7'17",y ffi ;/l;,'gslea 11.)ilr"' South Ten ace, Sholt Hills, Nevr' Jelsey August 22 Giee Club, Poster. C1ub, Spanish Clr-rb, Delta Sig-
Argyles and Srvedish skiing sr,veaters . . . GiEEles
gnlole Petr-rnias Devilish glint in her eyes . Alwal's . . .'Ycah, yog do!' . Many tiips to Philadclphia with her. roomilate? Ile's six feet four and er half inches tall! Ilrcessitntly in the n-rir]st of sotnething . . "Lee".
I tr:ctit'11 -l t.L:l
8 ylt,io TJ'lrrrin G n, l, 323 Centre Avenue, Secaucus, Ncw Jersey October 25
Booh Club, Outir.rg Clr-rb, Gr,rild, Senior. Dance Comririttee, Theta Epsilon
have to tell you thisl . . Studious Excellent authority on knitting . . . All for chemistry 'Tliree O'clock In the Morning'
2844 Hanyston Ilo:rtl, Rocky Rivci', Ohio
Decetlber 28 Glee Club, Book Clr-rb, Or-rting CIub, h'rternational Relations Club, Theta Epsilon Nu.
Stndying for chemistly tests . . . Oh, gleat! . . . Quiet, but always helpful . . . Those lalge classes
Likes to take long bike rides
Fluent krrowledge of
. . . Weeliends on the falr-ir . . . The Ct:'eu,' Whistle.
argyles fol Chlistnras . Folgets to sign in at Keenly interested in sports Late night . sleepel on weekends . Bi'idge fiend The Crerv Whistle.
Roro,rt a t'y lo,rn, 104 Glcnblool< Road, Morris Plains, New Jersey November' 20
Secletary Spanish Club, Outing Club, Guild Cabirre[. ] hetu Ep-ilon Nu.
Diligent r,vorker . . . Librar.y fiend . . . Memor,ies of_football games at Blair'. . ,Oh Jol-rnnyl Ol-r
Jol-rnny!'... Ver.y neat... Cute nose... Otr...
Lool< at my bangs . . . PigCy brnk . . . Mor.e pennies ? I'il going to be,l car,lv tonitel! . Forcvel u'r'iting lettels . . . Patient loommate . . . Thele's ohv:t}rs a $ray . . . Perfect all-around gal.
$crnet Qrorn 85 Boulevard,
Mountain Lakes, New Jer.sey October
Outing Club, Badminton Tournament, Theta
Epsilon Nu.
One of those "home every-weekend" gills ,It Makes bcautiful clothes , Paul, Paul had to Be You' Shakespeare Genius at sewing . . . Struggling with ar.gyles and patterns . .,. I'm going to take a shower. . . . If I get a phone call nowl Constantly munches a Banjo . . . Learning to cook . . . Makes good cakes. tbo . . . Sweet and happy.
Uioginio 117
6*i/y E*itA
Battin Road, Fair Haven, New Jersey June
Camera Club, Riding Club, Orchestr,a, All Star Baseball, Spanish Ctub, Sigma Epsilon Phi. Jeep_ers . . Good-natured and easy to live with . . . Innocence combined with personality ptus . . . Pleasant, cheelful, and wiiling to helf . . . I,ll see Canada yet . . . Please fix my bike . . . passion
fol kitty_cals... Cheery word-for everyone Oh, how I long for that man . .. Love'n"stuff..
Now Jinny don't blushl . . . Oh, look-horses.
Oooi, .fln,, Rnin/.r"/J 250 Litchlield Road, Watertown, Connecticut
Outing Club, Guild, W.A.A., Sigma Epsilon phi. Only three _mole pills to go
. That pink
white.complexion . . . The friendliest peisonalitv . . ..Why, Connecticut-. . . Guardian Angel of the waitlesses . . . Whew, it's H-O-T . . . Ali'redheads don't have terrrpels... Little Miss Elficiencv... what courses!! ... Quietll ... Cor a Letter."fronr liry Dad . . . Golly . . Nervous, Roomr.nate? . . Swcc[ as sugat' "Dar".
Pu g
tuen.tu -f it
T/lilJ,nJ 6lln,, ffo*/no 1946
East 29th Sti'eet, Brooklyn, Ner,v York September 16
Literaly Board Spilled Ink, Flench Club,
Dance Club, Spanish Club, Poster Club, Delta Sigma Sigma.
Perfect figure
many admiled clothes . . . Slveet personality . . . I thjnk I see a thousand-legger . . . That angelic look . . . Altistic talent . . . Love that boy-love that soap No lack of male attention
Ugh ny only conment! . . . Impish wavs My mother made it . . An adorable pi'ofile.
Tll"oy .fl,r,rn Qlo,nf,o 18 Nolthfield Plaza, Nolthfield, New Jersey
Spanish Club, Nlodern Dance Chrb, Poster Club,
Gr-rild, W.A.A., Delta Sigma Sigma.
I'm not so sholt! ... Ahvays cheerful. .. Adorable Latin type .. . Unk I can't stand hirll . . . Looks lil<e she steppcd out of Junior Bazaay . . . Big, Loyalty and sincerity plus blue eyes Perfect roommate and cornpanion Pleasing bienrl of beauty, blains and personality.
Puge tttent.y-sin
6,/ir"ltntlr .fl,rnn Q3rnn* 310 High Stleet, H:rckettstorvn, Ner,v Jersey Januar.y 21
Delta Sigma Sigma. Whgre ya'going Betty? .. . You don't say? . . . Cool<ing class Ulcels ooooh! Tioubles
ale brewing Hor,v rnanv healts have vou broken? . . . Poise and chalnt . . . Recentlv Jischalged Navy vetelan Was intei.ruptecl in -clur,ing hel studies at Centenaly M:ri,r.iecl Christr-r-ras vacation to a Mar.ir.re.
g. Qi,rrf,n,s
440 West End Avenue, New York, New York
Ar-rgust 10
Plesident Psychology Club, Chairman
Committee for. French Ciub, Riding Club, Outing Club, Leadels' Cor.ps, Delta Sigma Sigma.
Union-here she comes
. Woulcl like to be
psychiatrist aftel gladuation . . . Mrs. Anthony . . . Biologv genius Chcmisrr.v hel nemcsis
. Loves horseback i'iding .-Independence plus . . . Trouble, who's in trouble? . . . ,,'Bobbve',.
Uiosirio K;ng Q;lAry 2051 Taylor Road, East Cleveland, Ohio
Publicity Manager W.A.A.,
Ink, Outing Club, Spanish Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Editor of Spilled C1ub, Poster Club,
Sunny disposition . . . Friendly . . . I can't trust You are too bear,rtiful for one man alone .. . Have you heard of P,cbelto? . . . That
a soul
long, lean, and lanky character.? . Best allalound gal . . . Class clown . . Has a hundred and one <lialects up her slccve Pantomine artist "Ginny".
6 li=",Lnt/, T/l"rse $ones 8 Pickwick Road, West Newton, Massachusetts August 11 Student Council, Social Activities' Committee, Leaders' Corps, Aquatic Club, Student Coult, Delta Sigma Sigma.
A loyal fliend . . . Pliceless sense of humor Everybody's pal . . . A fine horse woman . . . Get that bit in his mouth Jones . A tlue gourmet . . . None of thees peasant str-rff! . . . Boston accent is conspicious by its absence . , . Loves to hear that
hello gal-whatcha say ? Ever.ything like that . . . A throw back from way back Conscientious hall plesident . . . "Liddy".
else .
E"lly $onn {yo,, 1504 Elmwood Avenue, Wilmette, Illinois
Outing Club, Riding Club, Spanisl'r Club, Hack Staff, Sigma Epsilon Phi. Impish expression Envelope caltoons . Diets . . . Skip, Skip, Skip . Ctazy telegrams . . . Surprise tiips to Ohio . . . Who has something to eat? . . . Outstanding artistic ability. . . Love
for holses Passiorr for fruit and tneat I'll never tell . . . Chicago, Chicago, a wonderful torvn . Oh you kids . . . Always betnging into something But thele's always GRANDMA
"s. J.",
{ee Goru
138 Sheridan Terrace, Ridgervood, New Jersey Decen-rber' 26
Guild Cabinet, Outing Club, Courtesy Committee,
Deita Sigma Sigma.
Dleam wolld Smiles Generous Diamonds in hel eyes . Plr-rs thild finger left hand... MAGAZINES...Is mv part straight? Harry's a "Phi Ale these rny shoes ? , Gail" Away for rveekends Wanna go
to the movies ? . . . Room Decoration: Black lvalls wl'rite colduloy bed spleads, red and ceiling satin chair .- . . Left in Janualy to be mallied in May . . . Vely good-natuled and popular.
e t. u;eniy-t'tin.e
T/lo ot/ra
{etit i" TlTitr/rnll
Harrodsburg, Kentucky Januaty 22
Outing Club, Book Club, Business Club, InterSorolity Dance Corlilittee, Delta Sigma Sigma. Faithfui folever. to the South
She has
a weakness fol orchids
Southeln tall<. . . Neat clothes . . . My be-by. . . Wondelful sense of humor. . . . Tiile fol a cigalette ancl a coke . , . Never seen r,vithout Ann and Helen . Loves New Yolk's Greenwich Village Gladuated in Januar.v ernd headed foi.par.ti South
/ 1.
V't rg t rr ta
Delir-ront, Neu' Jcrsey J:uIy 2
Spanish Club, International Relations Club, Spanish Fiesta Coinmittee, Guild Card Party Conn-rittee, Theta Epsilon Nu.
Hcl Paulic and Billie Letter'-a-day gal Little blue jalopy . Heart-shaped ling on thild finger., left hand . . . A11 fol Merchant Malines ancl hel Milt . . . Srnile for evelyone . . . So tinv, but so su'eet . 'Ah,r'ays' . A souial scriol rvho left South Jelsey bound ever.y Friday . . .
in Janualy.
Page tlti.t'fa
ff{nlnn fln,rn |Horri,rrdi 121 Cranford Avenue, Ctanford, New Jer.scv
Septeilber' 12
Outing Club, Sigma Epsilon Phi.
High Blidge weckcnds 'My statencnt for the day is Loves the Blue Bild, al'
though she hails from New Jersey . . . Interested
.-7rr, Gefts 68 Plospect Street, Madisot't, New Jer.sey Decen-rber 10
Outing Club, Theta Epsilon Nu.
'This is Ahvays' . . . The Tlemont and the shor.e . . . Mail from University of Miami . Flowers on her bii'thday . . . Top bunk of oul doubledecker. . . Billfold full of pictules . . . The pack-
But it's so cold without windows
What's your maladjustment ? Never wears socks . . . But rootnuate I'm rrot saying that any morell Never seen without Tish-or Helen ttMuffie".
in playing the piano, accordion, and mr-rsical comb . . . Gladr-ratecl from school in Janualy . . . Beautiful blou'n eyes Sun glasses fol leminiscing . . Blue slveater', size 50.
...t1 ,... .: ,'. ,:t)at r'!&&e/. . .
Oooi, f,nn TJ'loron 401 Old Farir-r Road, Wyncote, Pennsylvania
Outing Club, Delta Sigma Sigma. Five o'clock at Batchler's . . . Spinning Wheel . . . Second Street Beach Happy-go-lucky Vely friendly Those pretty white uniforms . . Never studies but ah-ays passes Keeps the bridge game alive at Centenar.y . . . Makes a marvelous audience . . . Has a habit of sleeping through fii'st period . . . Gets along with everyone.
SoonWoltn*otn 7144 Ardieigh, Mount
Airy, Philadelphia,
Outing Ciub, Delta Sigma Sigma
That's pretty funny What was your first Very neat Party pooper I'm just crazy about that boy That's why I have red lines in my socks . . . Blond hair, hazel
eyes, and just a nice of humor.
TIlooyjo,'n Tflillno Culver Military Academy, Culver, Indiana
Aquatics Club, GIee Club, Centenar.y Singers, Spilled Ink, Deita Sigma Sigma. Five-foot Mickey. . . Aflaid of mice . . . It makes
me sick!!! Guliible Always catching up on lost sleep . . . Toll house cookies fr.om home . . . Sweetness pet'sonified . . . The Ar.mv alwavs . . '
Eu=orre 1). ffit/, 11 Woburn Street, W. Medford, Massachusetts
Q-uling Club, Glee Ciub, Book Club, Sigma Epsilon Phi.
One of our most fun-loving Boston gals, Suzy has become a favor.ite at the br.idge labie . . Known for h-el sunny disposition and hel accent, she is often heard saying . "Now let me see'i
. . . Boy of joy .
terrific Thesc One of the most unruffled gir.ls in schooi . . -anC That's
meals are choice . . . and,
Always very casual,
founC a new s.ign, .
Paga thirty-tltrea
lir"ltnt/, -K,rn Wnf,,tn,
809 Lore Avenue, Wilrnington, Delar,vale
Outing Club, Camera Club, Guild, Theta Epsilon Nu.
Dainty smali hands . . . Stop pounding on the wa1l, roommate! ... Chemistlv !?l ... THERE'S mv loommate! . ,.I'il so madl , . . Passion for horses . . . Did anybody go fol the mail ? . . . She's from Wilmington ... That tlig homework. .. First for meals . . . What's'er name.. . The CrewWhistle.
$o,rirn ffto'll Aa,rpente, 81 Hcck Avenue, Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Phi Theta Kappa, Outing Club, Leaclers'
Baseball, Thcta Epsilon Nu.
The Ocean Grove gates .Hey, Ace! . . . Take a dive! ... Oh, sr'r,ell! .. That chem. iab... Shal1 I cut mv hair', roornmate? . . Oh, those cyes! . Let's change the rcom ar:ound . Watch hel blush... Mathrvhizl ... What GOOD are yor-r? ... Quiet, but vely nice. .. The Crew Whistle.
itiiii',$,. N;li:i;r!ri:!i3li!:"
,flnn Gorrn,
Box 324, Everett, Ohio November. 10
Outing Ciub, Book Club, Baseball, Vollcyball,
Chorus, Delta Sigma Sigma.
Constant silent gum chewer . . Weeell, I don,t Loves Tabu perfume . . Oh. Roommate, I don't want to go . . . Br.eakfast in bed . . . Bickie Tory . . . Not boln to hurry . . Ohio it is! ... Isn't it? ... Any sports, especially baseball . . . Pielre tomato .'. .^E,r"tyo""'r tri6"a .". . Inveterate sign collector' . . . The Crew Whisile . . . "Bobby".
Aorot/",y RutA Glorinn ?9 Fulton Street, Weehawken, New Jersey October 30
Outing Club, Book Club, Leaders' Corps, Choir, Volleyball, Delta Sigma Sigma. Whiz at volleyball . . Never sleepy at bedtime! . . . Weehawken Indians, Rah, ltah . . . "Hey, the goldfish movedl" Constantlv playing cards
Hurry up roommate . Muchas gracias ? . . . Everything is beaushul Fudge sundaes at Youngs . . . Always wants to change the room around . . . The Crew Whistle,
Ornlrn ,15
Chlistophel Street,
York, New Yolk
June 28
Spanish CIub Vice-President, Hack -Staff, Book C1r-rb, "La Fiesta", Sigma Epsilon Phi.
'Latin from Manhattan' . . . Atomic blonde .
Army blues and Woo Poo! . . . WiId for-an-ything Latin . . Those castanets and Spanish dances! . . Horv can you eat like you do and still heep that figr-rle ? . . . Little Doc . Brilliant in art . . . Peisonalitv plus . . . Gets ilail from all over the rvor'lcl Tone deaf . ' . Knitting fiend.
T[laoticaU',"tttia Cal1e 23
No. 1662, Vedado-Habana-Cuba
Solority Treasuret, President the
Club, flook Club, French CIub, Chorus, Delta
Sigma Sigma.
La Bella Cubana ... C1'reery hello' . . Ever-ybody's fi'iend .. EI bote... Going to Plainfield this
week-end and Habana next!!! Saturdav shopping excursions and Princeton football games . . ' I'Il
backin aminute-l ..' Spalkling eyes . .. ConI'm in a clazv mood!-..-. ' tagious giggle Dalling stroes . . . Beautiful formals . . . Will it
be Princeton or Cuba, Martica
Tflooy -Kl;rn Q""JoirA 4344 Forest Lane, N.W., Washington, D. C. December
Phi Tlleta Kappa, Poster Club Treasurer, Spanish Club, Book Club, Hack Staff, Sigma Epsilon Nu.
41*ny! knits luscious ar,gyles Do you like this color combination ? . . . Otr to Princeton and Ben. .. Bananas for breakfast! ., . Perfectionist
in the making ., . Darling figure . . . Such wellgroomed hair . . . Those brief trips to Washington . .. She leaves me cold! .. . "Molly".
Horry 6li="1'nth A"/rl 14 Sutton Place South, New York, New York
November 22
Guild Secretary, Outing Club, Poster Club President, A.quatics. Club, A1l Star Volleyball Team, Delta Sigma Sigma.
. ..West Point girt . , . Week-end jaunts . . . Participates in all spolts LonE eolden pageboy. .. Will you nrake a poster? . . . Centenaly's 'Crown Jewel' . . , I hate evening ch'esses . . . {q1t" to spend her.free time at Ezrst Hampton . . . Likes to make her olvn clothes.
Pa,ge t.ltit ty-seuetz
&urirn .Qnon 6aton Country Club Estates, Budd Lake, New Jelsey October
Spanish Club.
Hi ho! .
can resist anything but ter-nptation
. . . So gay-y-y! . . . Vivacious gal, with plenty of humor . . . My Mother's such a quiet woman!'. . . Deported to Saltillo, Mexico iast summer Chiuahual ... Youhave? ... Hmmm! ...,South Ame_rlca Take
It Away!'
word for everyone,
Aooo/yn G;ll;" Qol,rno 312 Moole Street, Hackettstown, Ner,v Jersey
Sorority Sergeant-at-Arms, Centenary Singers,
Glee Chrb, Outing Clr:b, Cheerleader, Delta Sigma
Beautiful long blonde hair. . . Petite . . . Pale, w.arm, blue eyes . . . 'I can do that, . . . ,Oh you
kids' . . . Just watch her blush . . . A picture in tlesses . . Usuallv seen dashing ar.ound cornel's in North Hall Dianrord spalkles flom third finger' left hand . . . Billie. blonde
Page tlzirty-eight
. . . Al."vays has a
,fl,rrn Qll,'r, Septeinber
14 Trowblidge Ro:rd, Worcester., Massachusetts Theta Epsilon Nr,r.
Five o'clock at Batchelor's . Thele's no but you . . File crackels . Rahsber.r.ies
Those big brown eyes . . . Whiz at the piar-ro . .
Set 'em up in the next
Go,'Lu t'u TJTellot'
trv vour.lights . It's your tuln to turn out the lights . . . Swell r'oomrnirtc . . .'Mv sr-rEar is so lefinecl'... Ah,va1's on the f,o.. . "Blissy,,. good,
28 Billings Palk, Nervton, Massachusetts
French Club, Outing Club, French Cabaret, Lounge Committee, Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Her eyes . . . More souvenirs and signs . . . Oh, . Her soft voice . . Has anybody seen my keys ? . . . That beautiful pin . . . Petrified of mice . . . 'It Had To Be You' . . . Phone calls from Boston . . . An A-1 ping pong player... A fliend to evelyone .. . "Bobby".
I think it's jr-rst precious
,fl/*" 63
Laulel Hill Road, Mountain Lakes, New Jersey JuIy 30
Outing Club, Glee C1ub, Delta Sigma Sigma. She's 5' 4" of cr-rteness Ful1 of personality and she loves to laugh . . Such beautiful blue eyes . . . Will plobably wear skirts and sweaters till she's 80 . . . Mt. Lakes every week-end Forevel buying chances on new cars Let's go up to oul Castle... Surpr.ise! ...I'm asleep.
$"Jy QonJo,' 255 Upland Avenue, Youngstown, Ohio
May 22 Choru1,. Glee
^Club. Studen{- Cour.r. Outing CluL, Delta Signra Signra.
Pretty, peppy, congenial Judv is alwavs willing to help and always readv for"a gootl tin"re . . Joyous and generous . . . What a-lrlo* . . Let's sleep . . . You'r'e funny . . . That jnst tulns me Got a iettel from Mel Horne wa" never like this . . . You know . . . you,ll just love Youngstown
Engaged and loveiy.
Aorolyn -4/ntonlno 1204
Stlatford Avenue, Meh'ose
Pennsylvania December
All Star Hockev Tearrr, Centenar.v plavels. Chief lj'" Waltlen, Student Council, Deita Signra
gener.ous, always faithful to those whorn loves... School work never wor.r'ies her. it's constantly her love problems Lovelv str.awberry blonde hair . . Terrific hockey iralfback ... A vely able and talented actress.-.. IJncon_ scious humo_r... Ever.yone's pal. .. A good sport . wonderful gal . . Loves to talk.
7l'1" ry $a
cSAa w
96 Fourth Street, Galtlen City, Long Island,
New Yorl<
Associate Editor of Hack, All-Star S."vimmirrg and Hocl<ev Teams, I.eade1s, Ccr.ps, Phi Theta Kappa, Delta Sigrna Sigrna. Spleads hel infectious giggle after str-rdious wolk
inthe lib_ialy . . . Always the last to bed on the nall l(nows all the songs from princeton to Williams , . . Nevel a dull nioment with M. J-. . . The pelsonality kidl Loves spor.ts . . AnV_ body got any food? ... A pession for eatinq.'
Page fortg-otrc
{oit,-f,,rnn \il/r;t*oorA. 49 Front Stleet, Binghamton, New York June 26
Aquatics Club, Or.chestra, Outing Club, International Relations Club, Delta Sigma Sigma.
Fort Jackson . .. Sincerity, plus!!, . . I gotto
study . . . That Pepsodent smile . . Prize room . . . Rather sleep than eat .. . Loves to sew Bingo or bust. . . Sparkling eyes . . . Has a will of her own . . . TelI me your tioubles . . . Bobby, my porn'erhousel!! ... Such beautiful socks! ... An all round gall!... "Tootie".
Oorot/,y g. 9"o/u 17 Molningside Avenue, Upper Montclair,
New Jersey
July 25 Or-rting Club, Record Club, Glee Club, Sigma
Epsilon Phi.
Heart of pule gold . . . The Tall< of the Town . . . slim-jim . . Pearl River interest . . . shh! . . . Dotty's asleep . .. Roses in her cheeks . Beautiful hands Dark, pretty hair . . Good looking,
Neatness pelsonified
. . . Not a test in biology!
... Alu'ays very punctual . .. Sympathetic, sweet, lovable 'Cofee Time'.
Ptrge J'orty'['1p6
Qirginio Aorot/.ry Goltn 147 Hollywood Avenue, Crest."vood, New york June 28
Sorority fl,esjdent-, Phi Iota, Centenary Singers, Uaptain All-Stai' hockey team, Leadei.s, C6r,ps, Delta Sigrna Signra.
Vi,'gi,r,'o O,.otrn 3?3 Cole Avenue, Providence, Rhode Island
Secretary of the Class, Psychology Ciub, Outing Clup, Glee Club, Recortl Club, Sig;a npsilon Phi. Sweet, considerate of others . . Bill, Bill, Bill . . . New England accent . . . Such a lauEh. hev? .... Biology Sgnius... Libr.ary, diary fiend."..
'The Things We Did Last Su-mmer'". Blue bat-hing cap-r. .I'm hungry . . . Excitable sleep walker . . . Most inter.esting when talking in her
Adorable smile . . . Good rvolclfor. all . .. Superb imitation of a seal . . . Ahvays lushing t; i;; nittee ineetings . . . I just have to u".iu"" tf,or" letters, but rvhat will I say ? Never a dull moment . . . Such a sentiilentalist . . . An asset to. any singing group Ver.v athleticallv irr_
clrne(l ... Lovetl by ever.yone... Has a parsion Iood.
Sno,rnn Aoool G;rAntt 3911 Glenwood Road, Blooklyn 10, New York
Phi Theta Kappa, Phi Iota, Editor of Spilled Ink, Aquatics Club, Outing Club, Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Bobl Bobl Bobl
Brother... Our letter-
Favorite haunt, the typing room . . . Miss E{ficiency plus 'You Came to Me' The Lindy . . . Squeaky giggle . . . Athletic versatility . . . A sparkling diamond . . . I'm SO in love!... Eyes that cry so beautifullv when she laughs . .. Sweet'n lovely... A realnice'roomie' a-day
.f,orn TIl"y[errg! 141 Plymouth Road, Newton Highlands,
. . . Loquacious, but er-rtertaining . "Buckett'.
Massachusetts December 22 Secretiury of _Outing C-lub, SpiIIed Ink, Business
Club, Sigma Epsilon Phr.
Annie wasn't appropriate, so 'Maybe' it isl . . . Petite . . . That Boston accent . . . Mocha milk shakes . . . '400 Club' dancing with Rog to 'Night and
Frequent visits to TARRYTOWN
. . . Keeps the mailman busy . . . Oh, shorthand 'n typing . . . Honestly! I'm so hungiy . . . Blue Grass . . . Little more than five feet of sweetness . . . Real lifeJong chum.
Elr;1" Oororon Box 155, Cahaba Road, Mountain Brook, Birmingham, Alabama
Spiiled Ink, Hack Board, International Relations Club, Outing Club, Delta Sigma Sigma. Shila, our little Rebel Scarlet . . . Who'll fix my argyles . , . Handv with the pen and ink . . . Oh,
those wonderfully expressive
Satin'n lace . . . Chatter, chatter . . , Iots of fun . Allergic io song 'Jim' Party, party.. . Always late... Hystelical roommate.., Terrific gasping giggle . . . Has trouble Iemme see . . .
9"lly Tllinster
publication deadlines.
Wyndon Avenue, Rosemont, Pennsylvania
February 7 Centenary Singers, International Relations
Secretary French Club, Book Club, Sigma Epsilon Phi. The girl you don't forget . . . Enviable wavy hait . . . Only Centenaly girl who sees hel man in the movie sportreels . . . Descriptive . . . Listen, you guys Phone calls from Philly . Proud possessor of a Wolry-bird . . . Hilarious cartoons on envelopes . . . I'll need six of you to carly lny
Pcrge forty-fiue
6 / i=
/' -reH n w'r i I / s o n n
24 Columbia Place , Mount Velnon, Ncw
August 20 Outing C1ub, Delta Sigma Sigma.
of Sigmzr Chi . . West point ... Gingei.ale... Annapo1is... Brooklyn Dodgers ... tsxplessive eycs... Oh, no. don'r plav ahat Bud's sweethear.t
lecord either . . . That rvolr.iecl look . . . Moi.ris-
town.... Midnight snack... Lafayette .. . Bring me b_ack a.SURprise . . . There are such things . " .Why did I cut my bangs? . . . Colurlbia.
\)ingiri" m"Al &ru*py Pophar-r-r
Hail, Scalsdale, Nelv york September 16
O_uting C1ub, Modern Dancc C1ub, Theta Epsilon
Hello there! Los Angeles ]:i! rvherr tlre alar.nr goes off
Lifesaver at
Loves io blrdEe.. Roorrrrnato. have to,lo rrrr.hio [Jay anil eco toniglrt Arrrl,itiorr, long finger:nails Third hSncl high . . . Mocldln d;;;:-. . H;; ;" you spell-? .. .'Thumper.'. . . Wonclelful friiend and glanil r.oorilrrlilie ...,Begirr tlre BegUine.. . .
Prtge lot t71-sit
South White Hall Road, Norristown, Pennsylvania
9entena^r_y,Siqgers, Book Club Dance Com mi ttcc,
Poster Club, Sigma Epsiton Phi.
Qat, icia
fhg _S_al_ryh-o put Norristo\vn on the map P-E-N-N-S-Y-L,V-A-N-I-A . . . Lush . . .'Hu. o paraclisc terrific knack with a paint brush , ...- Ocean City . . Gotta marrv a ,Bill,
6. Gon,rnon
88-31 189 Street, Hollis, New
Sololitv Secretaly, Dance Comrnittee. Busincss
CIub, Book Club, Glee Club, Theta Epsilon Nu.
Lotsa fun .
. . That 'kick'of her eyebrow
What's this about Svracuse'! . . . 7 A. M. g.oan . . . 'Way Down Yonder in New rJr.leans' . . .-Can,t wait for ac.counting . . . King's Point Special . . Give me a Mexican Honeymoon . . . Laughs tears .^.:'qe': just nrlEill'... Starr.y ey"r... Ki.rg Cole Trio .
. . LEHIGH . . . Laitine friend . .
Four Roses and Two Gardenias.
Pridge_fiend . . . Pet peeve: mashed tur.nips Everything's named'Geolge'.. . BIBI. .. clothes 'Stardust' . . Longs to appivSmart usv_ chology... Such beautifLrl black haii...'. ii,,i",la forevell "Debbie".
Tlorry $onn
234 Park Place, h'vington, New Jersey September 29
Outing Club, Glee Club, Centenaly Singers, Gui1d, Spilled Ink Board, Delta Sigma Sigma. Swell . . . Chopin . Nursing and Colnell . The boy next door . . . Think I'11 go home this week-end . . . Neat dresser. . . Going to the Grill . .. Deal Mom, .. Stockings,anri flats! . . . Let's go to bed early tonight . . . Always singing . . . 'The things we did last summer'.
TiloJnli,rn G. Rnnrn 124 Midland Avenue, Glen Ridge, New Jersey
Outing Club, Guild, Publicity Committee for Senior Dance, Sigma Epsilon Phi.
I don't see that it's any of your business Mad about banjoes . . , Lettels florn Holy Cr.oss . Gotta finish my sholthand Plactical
joker . . . Falewell . . . Loves cheeseburgers
"Butch". -ffi ":s
sL .u
l I I I
pineapple sundaes with chocolate ice cream Roommate, have you lead your cl-rem ? . . . RahRah, Glen Ridge . Sulrender . . . J. C. . . .
Where's Lintott
6li="1tnt/, Tftnin/'"lJ
81 Centennial Ave., Br.ockport, New November 11
Book Club, _Aquatics Club, Outing Club, Vollevball Team, Leaders' Corps, Deltir Signia Sigma. Rooinrnate you're just brilliant I,Il start dieting, S_oI4_uV .- . Anybody want an apple ? . . .-SNAZZY pajamas . . . Life saving teachel . . . I have so-o-o much to do tonight . . . Tennis fi"14 . . . Wake up, roomrnate, I can't sleep. s.,, neither can you. . . Cr.eat philosopher .. . Alivavs on the lun . . . The Clew Whisite
-4Jo*s ffetLero/f
30 Intervale Road, Worcester, 2, Massachusetts January 26 Outjng_Club, Glee Club, Book C1ub, Spanish Club,
Guild. Thera Epsilon Nu. , Jeepels crow . . Life's so full of a number of things . .. Breakfast in bed... That S"",iuv rush to supper . . . Roommate, I'nr in a ,ifli, "ielrt tonight . .. . Patience plus, always lrnitfi"e';"'u "i8oa new sweater Verv contagibus laughi
that Doctor .q!-h-h-, kid
. . . noE".;. ,ii"fi'l
The Crew \Yhistle.
Puge f ot I.y-ttittc
ay,'rt/"rio Co*Jrny Badger Road, Ashby, Massachusetts
Book Club, Spanish Club, W.A.A., Guild, Outing Club, Sigrna Epsilorr Phi.
That certain expression . . . Ardent Red Sox fan . . . Strong liking for 'Stardust' Known for collection of perfumes . . . Seton Ha1l, Ya1e, Holy Beginning to like New Jersey Cross, Blair . Bracelets jangling . . . After-dinner bridge
. Father''s shirts That Massachusetts's accent. . . Specials, and all her ilail . . . Beautiful eyelashes . . . Bv the law
16 Overhill Road, South Orange, New Jerscy
Book Club, Spanisl-r Club, Modern Dance Club President, Aquatics Club, W.A.A. Boald, Delta Sigma Sigma.
Marty... Who else? ... Partial to "Long Ago" Ambition: see Marty play for are you? Notre Danre. .. Thalntun Pin-up girl . . . Works better since I had it fixed . . . Beautiful modern dancel Her dog-tags Those everyday. . . Never forget May Fete . . . Roommate whele
letters . . . The Dean's list . . . Never Friday . . . "Lee".
Pase fi.fty
her after
of avelages.
Qatuicin 7Tlo,"oi,o,r. 12 Ehn Street, Sayville, L. I., Ner,v yorl< Mar.cl.r 13
Spanish Club, Delta Sigma Sigir-ra.
The sweetheart of six othel
lUi,rifrnJ .f,,rn ff(oo,rn, 13931
Avelhill Court, Detroit 15, Michigarl Janualy
Irlench Club, Leaders, Colos, Recor.d Club, Out1ng Club, Modern Dance Club, Dclia-' Sigma
All day long it's Jacl<, Jack, Jack . . . She knits tllre a hend . .. Her. colnmon cry is food . . . The vint..vigor'. and vitality gilt wh"o ,l:oul,t-cive vo, anylhtng lr.onr Kleenex to her. lasl cen[ .. . Eislrt 4. M, ... .. A dull groan anrl ..,.oo,n.ri". *int tirne is it?"... Beautiful suits... S.*h's;;;" eyes,
$=njoine . . Do anythins for:'v6ii . . . ii.;';;y_ Awt<lli Don ancl Pgdy S'oJ any food? Srgnra Chi Bnllcts| Stun;ting clothes . . Ear-l ings. ear.r'ings. ,rnd nrolc -r,,r iiE. . . ."ilr"i, nlvg you seeil rily P. J.': I . . Ah. ihose l).131e Ktngs lroint ueck-ends llow.s pl:r.r pr.o,luc_ rion.corrring.? . . . .Alrvays ..he"r.iLri .'.". f"frl'*. _
0r'rglnal natt' sty.tes.
ffftLn,, Tllorin Koin, 310
Bultis Avenue, Rockvillc Centle, Long Island October'
1::!.tji{.rrtt!t*:: :.*.
Centenaly Singers, Vice-Presiclent of the Dance
Club, Tleasurer of the French Club, Student
Coult, Aquatics Club, Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Oh, "Hel", how's vour Long Island accent? . 'Dancing in the Dalk' My shattcred nervcs . . . Ptz,a Pie on Cl-rlistmas . . . 48-49-50-how I 'u':rist'my time alvay! .. . Can usually be found She's got it-that captivating at Lzrfayette laugh . . . I like 'em rugged-one in particular'.
Tllooy !"h,rAn 8 Fisher Road, Jenkintown, Pennsylvania AugusL
Glee Club, Outing Club, Dance Club, Psychology Club, Treasurer of the Book Club, Theta Epsilon Nu.
It's My Lazy Never a worry in the world Music flows from her Nice legs Day fingertips A terror on the hockey fie1d . . . The accent in her voice Always hungry attracts everyone A cooperative and willing spirit, along with
a pleasant
disposition is "Jake".
.fl,rnn {ouirn 7144 Crittenden Street, Mount
Airy, philadetphia
Pennsylvania Januar.y
Secletary of Psycho_logy Club, All Star Hockey Tea-m,^Book Club, Class Hockey Team, Outing Club. Signra Epsilon Phi.
Spalkling blown eyes Vivacious personality . . . -Looks gorgeous in blue and gleen . . . Let s
go for a_ciggy butt . . . I didn,i get my news_ pa-per.today ... So help me, if you do! . .-. phila_ ,lelplria accent .. Rah, Rah, penn... Hockev is hel favolile sport . Loves childr.en... Likes bes^t to be-on the go . . . Will be a per.fect hor-rsewife . . . Gorgeous soft, r.ed hair'.
6J;t/" ffh*ilto, tr{;ll Woods Road, Westbury, Long Island, New yor.k
Glee Club, Boo\ Club Plesident, psychologv Club, Chaplain_ of Soror.iry. Business - Club," Sigrnu
Epsilon Phi.
Girlish look Sunny disposition perfect roornrrrate... Norv. irr Saint Mary'sl ... phobia . . . Full waste baskets Hey, Annel . . It's
iiugh . . . Early
morning English classes . . . passion for. movies ._.. Love in Vain... Always looking for some_ thing. . . Her Westbury rrrdr-r . . Th"ose ;,-rr.1;;*.
Pt.tgc fi.fty-thrcrt
$oonm. V",, K;nA Winderrlere Avenue, Interlaken, New Jersey January 31 Outing Club, Spilled Ink, Leaders' Corps, Senior Dance Publicitv Chairman, Room Contest Chairi306
nran. Sigrna Epsilon Phi.
Tail, charming lovelv hair crack a book ? I'll never
WilI she ever
te11 . What is
your major maladjustment? . . . Always thought-
ful . . . Bear-rtiful clothes . He's just 'My Bill' . . . Fudge sundae at Batchelor's . . . Proud orvner of a beautiful led convertible.
Onnirn {intott .17
Buckeley Stleet, Nashua, New Hampshire
Or-rting Club, PLrL, icity Cornrrrittee fol Scnior' Dance, Rootl Contcst Committee, Guild, Sigma
Epsilon Phi.
Bubbling ovel rvith pelsonality Infectious giggle . . . Anotl-rel sholthand victim . . . Boston accent . . Ilemind me to hate you . Nightly trips to Bucky's . Always a fr-rll mailbox . All thosc letters from Boston nnd ?? ? .. . Loads of fun . . " Constantly up to sonrething . . . What :rn imagin:rtionl Couldn't ask fol a nicer t'ootlmate.
Puuc fiil:y-Jotn
R/r"J" W
226 Cedarhurst Avenue, Cedarhurst, New York May 12 Camela Club President, Outing Club, Guitd, Theta
Epsilon Nu.
...Infectious giggle .. . Did vou latest... The Voicell! . .. Let's eo down the street? . . . That New Yolk accent. .l So-oou wide awake in the morning Let's go down for a butt. . . Bridge fiend . . . It would c=eltainly Oh, you knowl!
hear the
Q/"Jy' 6. 9oyloo 1022 High Street, Pottstown, Pennsylvania
August 11 Outing Club, Guild, Freshman Week Committee,
Senior Dance Pr-rblicity Comrnittee, Theta Epsilon Nu.
Let's go downtown
Spaniels . . . "8i11" . . . Week-ends at Lafayette!!
. 'I Love You Fol Sentimental Reasons' Hot fr-rdge sundaes at Bachelor's . . . Shorthand!l! . Another one who always wants to change the room around . . . Did you set the alarm ? . . . P.S. She nevel hears it.
help matters . . . Anthony's . . . Partial to yale.
9,'it ,fl,,,,, Kn,'nn, 16J0 Lincolnshile Drive, Detroit, Michigan
International Relations Club President. French
Ciub, Centenary Piayers, Outing Club, Glee Club, Theta Epsilon Nu.
Baby! Where have you been ? Flying home . I'm so mad! How do you spell ? Chjna
Easy to talk to and very under.-
standing. . .'Little Flower.' . . . Always wor:rying . . . lorlg clistance phone calls . . . My statement for the evening is-- . . . Good night'you chalming people Poised Small pacl<age of ,.Ike,,. dynan,ite . . . Ahvays bustling about
Tflorin 6. m"t/tews 1 Blook Road, Bronxville, New York
Outing Club, Senior Dance Committee, Senior Selgeant-at-Arms, Guild, Deita Sigma Sigma.
Wonderful disposition Tali and Striking! . Velvety voice! You'r.e kiddine! .-. ,The Things We Georgetown here I come!
Did Last Summer' Candle.rvood Lake . . Terrific personality Although onty coming to Centenar.y in September, Ree has n-rade many l_apting friends . Always planning to meet friends at the Biltnore . . . Mainstay Jf the Den.
$non e. Koopo, 1 West 81st Stleet, New York City, New York November 24 Business Manager.of Hack, Tr.easurer of Sor.ority,
Aquatics Club, Leaders' Cor.ps, Outing Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Silence is golden, but Jeanie's off the gold standard . . . Senior class beauty . ,Green Eyes, . LIGHTSIII . . . Nightmarei over. mice . . . Cheer.s for Army I'm the smartest girt I know! . . . A friend to all . . . I'11 wor.ry about that tomor.r'ow . Famous fol ai'gyles Passion for slvim,I.ing . . . Dlg .l tell 5ou what happened ? Lnanrpargn Gt1'l.
&loinn {oun
Essex Hor-rse, 160 Central park Sor-rth, Neu' York City, Nerv York June
Secletary of Intelnational Relations Club. Ccntenary Singers, Centenary Player.s, French Club, Spanish Club, Delta Signia Sigrlra.' Beautiful clothes
Passion for Camellias . . . muchl Dark eyes Exquisite hands Ber.nhar.tlt, Coi'n-ell. ancl Love Infectious giggle Gleat use of Ameche's invention . . . Paitial to civi ians Genelous as they colre . West Point fan . . Rhumba expert . A boln actr.ess Charrl,
Oh do I
poise, and dignity.
c .l' ii l y-se ut:t'L
Y'&. ,;d,
k. ; -
$ffi w.kr
{w ". h M;*"r{ \
6.m"t'ian a,,,'ris 1123 Chatfield Road, Winnetka, Illinois
Associ:rte Editol Spilled Ink, President of Leadels' Corps, Aquatics Club, W.A.A. Boald, Chairrlan of Hell Week, Delta Sigma Sigma. r-rser of the beauty rest Solver of argyle ploblems . RAY . . . North Shole advoc:rte A-1 slvimmer' . . Professional gum crackel Bear,rtiful tlesses Roommate, ya knorv what ? No vices . . . Catching but gagging l:rugh Passion for triscuits Genelous Unsclllshness plus understanding
equals "Curt".
ge f iit y-t iUht
-f,lyrn U. R"Le,tson 80 Winthrop Street, Broot<lyn, Ne',v Yorl<
W.A.A. Plesident, Olientation Committee, Psychology Clr-rb, Phi Iota, Delta Sigma Sigma. Roomy, do you think my hair is glolving ? . Known for Rus-
Joe plexy . . . All-star plus .
sian lingo Meet you at the Biltmole! It was different at Annapolis . . . Bye now Atom bomb from Brooklvn . . . Wonderful sense of humor . . . A fliend thlor-rgh and throuEh . . . A syrnpal het it' sorrl . . "Sis".
$no,, 9' " /'n//n 19o//o"n 123 85th Street, Blooklyn, Nerv Yor'l< May 14
Student Council Representative, Spilled
I,ittle Theater., Solor.ity
Officer., Freshman Dance
Corrrrnittee, Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Aori, a""A/in 116 Glenview Avenue, Wyncote, pennsylvania December
Hall Plesidenl. Orientation Cornmittee, Centenar.y Pluyels, Student Council, Signra Epsilon phi. Miles of smiies... Rah Princeton! ... pROpSll ... River.little river'... Punctuality is conspicu_ ous Lry its abscnce Frecklcs..-. I'11 crv... Yah te tah . . . Her ,children' . . . Joey, Elli;, Li'l lutter' . . . Wonderful roommate . . . I wav ivith the men . . . No dust in hei'rnzriibox . . . In ,,-,L, o*r, healt... FaUx Pas Ar.tist... A fr.ientl to itt ... "Collie".
Hey, I'm broke ! . . . Wonder how that happened ? . . . Tellific roomie . . . Talkative young miss . . .
yet comes through with top Bulldog fan . Hasn't a thing to wear, but such clothesll . . . Betty Grable iegs . . . Always in love, but 'hates men'? . . . Wondei.fr-rl disposition and pelsonality . . . ,,Wa11y". Procrastinatol,
Tlloognoy flo,rA, 39 Homewood Road, Walran, Massachusetts September 23
Sololity Plesident, Phi Iota, Or.ientation mittee, Outing Clr-rb, Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Lean and lanky, natural beauty Anslvers to 'Chet's lviddle woman' . . . Individuality plus tact . . . Ohl I forgot to closs today off my calendai' I thought I'd LOSE it Provocative gigglc . lMe'r.e forced . . . Lettcr a dav . . . A
peach of a loommate . . . "Midge".
{oono Sorn &GM;tzell 1376
Prospect Street, East Orange, Nelv Jelsey Octobet.
Art Editor of the Hack, Pr.esiclent of the Aquatics Club, W. A. A. Staff, Lcaders' tloi.ps, Glee Club. Oliginal
artistic . . . You keep interrupting
?nd me Those tr,ips to Lafayette . . . Luck wit6 chances I'm not tl're type . . . Such a figur.e . . . WOOPHUE . . . Always willing to help-. . Devilish grin I haven't done a bit of work .. . Most attlactive (?) loafers on campus girl Listen, . . . Personality plus . . Knits and sews beautifully. . "Brucie". .
\)iosini" 9. Tilirno Country Club, Ashtabula, Ohio August 4 Outing Club, President of the French Club. Guild Cabinet, Sigrna Epsilon Phi.
'Always' . . . Sing to me, chop . Where's my , . What would I do without you ?
kgy ?
Oh, Chuck just called me Hey, ioomrnate, did you sign me in? . .. Chain smoker. . . That beautiful figure Drives the little boys wild . Wrong-rvay Colrigan . . . Knitting (joke)!
Tl'loogor et
Silverside Road, Wilmington, Delaware March 1
Fhi Theta Kappa, Treasurel of the Stuclent Coun_ cil. Al1-stalJ{ockey Team, Fr.cnch Club, Soiority Secleialy. Sigrrra EpsiJon Phi. Beautiful blonde hair . . . David Give ile a puff .. . Wher.e's my Rey? . . . you are the one
. I rvant to get marr.ied! . . . The Brain Stardust Guess what? I love Davidl Did I get any mail? . . . Claymont. . . I,m still paying for ny suit-orrlv g1b rnole . . . I iust pjcked out nry silvcr.... "Ditty".
Centrai Chaparla, Oriente, Cuba June 26
W.A.A. Vice-Plesideni, Aquatics Club, Orien-
tation Cornnriliee, Spanish Club, Delta Sigma
{orrro Rnn,n, 12,1
North Lincoln Strcet, Hinsdale, Illinois August
of Senior
Dance, Leadels' Corps Sec-
retaly, Aquatics Club, Outing CIub, Glee Sigma Epsilon Phi.
I'll do it for you . . . All-around gal . . . Thoughtful . . . Evelything for. the theeahter . . . It's just beautiful Sleeps through earthquakes and atomic boir-rbs Oh l<ids, my Sunday school lesson Gotta wlite Duc tonight . . . Hard working, deper-rdable, perfect roommate . . . Noted fol her bi-weekly food boxes "Lolly".
Page sirty-ttoo
I made in commercial art? ... Eager promotor for Herald Tlibune . . . Always ready with a laugh . .. Mooaay I've gor u prolil"- . . . Beautiful brown eves . . . Wonder.ful roommate . . . Nanny Kay's jitterbug par.tner . . . Mad for basketball ... Cubal Cubai Cul:al ... "Neetsic,'. See what
.f,ninl Tl'loy ff/onngo,, 308 Lincoln Avenue, Lansdowne, Pennsylvania
Student Council, Chairman Courtesv Comrnittee, Spanish Club, Spilled Ink, Delta Sigma Sigma.
Would you say ? Ii.ish e.yes I've gotta diet . . Had me fooled Populal rvith hoth
sexes . . The excess energy gal
$no,, QAyl/;s T/lanner 460 Grove Street, Ridgewood, New Jersey
Treasulel of Senior Class, Business ManaEer.of Spilled Ink, Spanish CIuh, Outing Club, Epsilon Sigma Phi.
She's sweeter than the srveetest . . . Alwavs Elin-
ning...-Feast your eyes on beauty. ..,q.i*uys leady to listen . .. Neatness personffied . .. Wh;t a jar Concentration plus Curlers*the plice rve pay fot heauty . . . Witty . . . Little ole Manner'. a real pelsonality.
the unknown word to Aliel . Time out for a breather. . . A pleasant personality; a heart and
a smile...... See you around the campus... Keep them smiling is her motto.
Ho,rry .f,. E,tnJnAn, 8368 Fisher Road, Elkins Pail<,
Philadeiphia, Pennsylvania
March 5 Senior Hockev and Swirrming
Glee Club,
Aquatics C1ub, Aqua Rhythm Plogr':rm mittee, Senior Dance Coilrnittee.
Legsll! Paladise found at Ocean City Love itl . . . Bill .. . Eyebrows form triangles .. Neatness personified . . . That u'all<! Neat loomilate . . . Little Ar-rnt Nancv . . . Camellias
Qatricia 9rtuo,rJon
Won't somebody buy a flor,ver? . . . Mad letters
288 South Main Street, Romeo, Michigan
florn the troops
See you anon! . Hockey beaver When I grow up I wanna bc a stes'arc'lessl . . . Real cute! . . "Sneds"
Selgeant of Arrrs of Senior Class, Glee Club.
Yea! State, Michiganl It's bigger than both of us Seen alound campus with black and white check shirt . . . Happy-go-lucky . . . Full of fun . . . It's me fol going down for a cigarette
Phone calls
galole...'l Love You Fof Senti-
mental Reasons' King Cole Trio is pretty special . . . Lots of laughs . . . Long blonde hair
. . . Lehigh week-ends
One srvell gal.
-K,rn'(DA;nAn, 12 Chatharr Road, Newton Highlancls,
Massachusetts September. 16
_Ogtilg Club, Br-rsiness Club, Glee Club, Spillecl
Ink, Sigma Epsilon Phi.
full of fun . . . My hair is such a .. . Can nevel find'Lassie'or.her.cigar.ettes . . . My Father Let's go to the nrovics fol a change Settles everyone's problcms Just asl< her about her relativesl- . Sincer.e and friendiy . . . Whitaka-Hea Ever hear Careflee and
about the Boston Red Sox ?
{oit ,f,r,, ff{o/*n, 4,1
Taconia Road, Worcestel, Massachusetts
Vice-President of the Guiltl. Spilled Irrk, Outing Club, Business Club, Seniol' Dance Conrrrrittee,
Delta Sigma Sigma.
A tlue Swede-bluc eyes and all ... euieL and one ot tne lnost stncel.c.,. Krrils urE_vlcs bv the dozen . Irr Icelandic, Austin ,,,eaii .-. EvelythinE js 'really a p"nii,;-'. . .i;;'1.;", ti;;'; Worcester. and Holy Cross . . . Wtrat .u" f *n"urlt . . . Loves all nlusic . " . Bubbles over r.vhen happy.
,s ,$.
Page sirty-fiue
Tlonry $non |l)"/rl,Ln rs 590 Park Road, West Hartfold, Connecticut March 25
Guild, Outing Club, Psychologv Club Sergeant-
at-Arms, Christmas Partv Committee, InterSorority Dance Committee.
will always be for hel cheerfulness and smooth disposition Nancy, take that pipe out of your mouth! Evelyone can't carry a tune, what ? . . . Think the rain wiII hurt the rhubarb ? tOmni-omni'. , . Nancy, lvith the laughing face,
ffGlnn Tllorin ErAl""oJt 62 Linden Avenue, Arlir-rgton, New Jersey May 29
Tleasurer of the Guild, Psychologl' CIub Activities' Chaililan, Senior Dance Committee, Outing Club Inter'-Sorolity Dance Committee, Theta Epsilon Nu.
When Lennie is around you can always be sule of fun, and many iaughs . . . Always looks smart in her own stunning cleations Oh, how I How she loves picnics with hate to get up That the right manl Please rub my back man flom Arlingtolr
Page sir,ty-si*
TJ'l;r;o* $anet -re,{trl 124 Highpoint Avenue, Weehawken, New Jersey
March 9 Business Cluh. Hack Staff, Senior Dance Com_ mrttee, Outing Club, Camera Club, Theta Efsilon Nu.
Tllo,s ffirhn, 21 Hamilton Avenue, Weehawken, New Jersey
Student Council Secretary, Student Court Secretary, Volleyball team, Baseball team, Guild Representative, Theta Epsilon Nu. Daily^letters to Bob
. So many pictures of Bob
. . . Goodly . . . Aunt Mary . . . Gotta clean the room... Dearheart... Always wr.iting pink slios . . Anyone want a taxi to Newark, i.ridav at 4? . . . Peanut butter and jelly . . . A smile for everyone
A constant ray of
Carnival Queen,
Blonde curls and blue eyes... I{as the ?:80 bell lung yet ? . . . Oh. honestlv .-. . firi t.rii"e,:u, r"i', e3t . .. . So ea5y io get ilong with . . 'please shut the dool I have so iiruch to,lo, I wish nights were ionger . . . euiet, $,ith a lieai.t'of goJd.
Ahirn Eli="4'nth &t"/'nnAno 8307 Third Avenue, North Bergen,
New Jersey
Glee Club, Business Club, Book CIub, Spanish Club, Theta Epsilon Nu.
haven't been getting good grades lately . . . I don't know whether to change my hair-do or start to study . . . Gosh, I'm getting fat. . . Ten o'clock phone calls from someone special . . . City bred . . . I need my beauty rest. . Affectionate . . .
Orchids! 'Deep
Beautiful smile.
In The Heart of Texas' .
516 Leedom Street, Jenkintown, Pennsylvania
Business Club, Hack Staff, Spanish Club, Book Club, Delta Sigma Sigma.
w "w"
I feel in a devilish mood, don't you? . . Keeps the overseas air-mail bus.'g Philadelphia Scrapple is oi-re of her favorite foods . . BrilIiant ideas , . Roommate, everything we do is always so complicated My iron pills! . . Always in the typing room . New York City is so big.
{orooirn {uAnnt Tilr9Aerson. 432 Hibiscus Road, Stuart, Florida
July 20 Guild, .Outing Club, psychology Club. Senior Dance Committee, Recor.dblub, Theta Ep!ilon Nu. Gorgeous Florida tan . . . Limpid hazel eves
... pnly 64 days befole I go hoine . . . tfie"best "r.oornie" a _gir.l ever hacl . . . Those every night letters to Chuck at Il:45 .. . I{er frienaship i-s a treasure chest Oh Geoi'ge! . Be sure tu
call me when you start to
Oo/orns $ean 9{oppn 2
Hamilton Avenue, Weehawken, New Jersev December
Q9r"or!!y !ergeant-at-Arms, Guild, psvchology
Club, Hell Week Committee,
Comnrittee. Theta Epsilon Nu. Full_
of life and loads of fun . . . Too
many irons in t\q fire Give my regards t" Bi.;".,fi;y j . ., Wlu{S your major matadjustme"tl . . . ttn Dest or all the best . A swell r.oommate Let's get out of this fire trap before^^itr"' ,loot caves in. . . Weehawken here i come . . .,f,ial,.
Pa,ge sinty,nitte
6/i=",Lnt/' m. &/ronpn Burlitt
Street, Milldale, Connecticut September 18
Centenary Singers, Glee Clr-rb, Business Club, Book Club, Spanish Club, Sigms Epsilon Phi. Telephone, Thorpe . . . Can't, Glee Club today . .
Westbrook's beautiful nolv . 'The Thingi We Did Last Summer'... Ineecl rrysleep... SeCurity, ahem . . . I need someone to love me . . . Career. girl . . . Wake me up for bleakfast . . . Beautiful hands and nails . Let's use the Bendix . . . I have to do shorthand.
6 Lawrence Coult, Bayvierv, Milford, Connecticut
December 27
Solority Tleastu'ei', Spanish Ciub,
Br-rsiness Club,
Bool< Club, Hockey 'I'eam, Theta Epsilon Nu.
Bet, let's get a cup of coffee ... Nightiy 11:30 cigalette... Hockey player., par excellence Let's go home this week-end . . . Cute, tiny blonde, and contrgious enthusiasm . . . Do I have to put my hair up tonight, Rootnmerte? ... Up at seven evefy molning... Brutus is so cr-rtel Those high hcels! . Hey, Bet, rvait fol me! I'Iey, Tholpe! ...
Page seuentg
Rut/" A ot/rnoi,rn ffln,n ing 221 Harold Avenue, Fantvoocl, Nerv Jcrsey
Mai'ch _Qytin_g
Clut, Business Club, Spillert Ink, Sorority
Vice-President, Tl'reta Epsiion
Gor{toro .f,n,, Sngorirn 47 Newport AvcnLre, West
Hartford, Connecticut 24
Business Club President, Phi Theta Kappa, Hack Staff, Spilled Ink, Outing Club, Theta Epiilon Nu"
A friend
rvho always
understands Are ya
scaled ? D'.y humor. Uncle Char.lie . . . She's floin West Hartford . . . Sincer.e in all she
says This place looks like Gr,and Central Station . Wonderful disposition Loves a good_joke Long hair, soft hazel eyes "Bobbie".
Quiet chann . . . Hidden wit . . . Sweetness per_ sonified... What a charactell ... Oh. honesilvl ... Do they have cheese? ... Sparklini smile... Best roommate ever' . . .Thcy do so hive str.eets in Fanrvoocll ... Those curlyiocks. . . The rarlio's LreinE fixetl Squer.e dancing . . . I think the footl is good !
!no,, {ong
425 Riverside Drive, Neu' York, New York
June Psychology Club, Book Sigma Sigma.
Recorcl Club, Delta
Good things come in small packages and Jeannie is an outstanding example . . . Columbia! Stevens!
, . . Loves 'em and leaves 'elr-r . . . Always losing things . . . Got another' lettel from Dick . . . Fix my mirlol when you'r'e through . . . Gotta do my psych . . . Likes tall men-at least a rvhole foot taller' . . To know her is to love her.
Tlonry R.1.1)n,l'n, 3295 Glencairn Road, Shaker Heights, Ohio
May 23 French Club, Riding Club, Inter-Sorority Dance Committee, Guild, Theta Epsilon Nu. The girl men dream about . . . In love with love . . . Not going out tonight, are you, Nance? . . Likes Blownies, but not the cookie . Female Please bring me some dessert R. Rogers from dinner . . . A knack fol getting into trouble . . . Likable, laughable, and completely lovable.
EJ;t/, TIlo,tAo 9,i,n Washington Road, Hackettstown, New Jersey June 18 Spilled Ink, Or.chestra, Delta Sigma Sigma.
True flientl . . . My little chum for so long L,rlg is s-ooooo compiicated! . . Our long_haired philosopher. .. This is a mad house.. . Iinr nractically a full-fledged bookwornr . Hist'orian of Hackettstown. .. Bachlorette? ? . .. Nuff saidl . . . An aspiring writer,. " .,,Edie".
6t/",n1 Tflooin Aorrp,[n// 43 Main Street, Hackettstown, Nerv Jersey
Honorary Basketball Team, Camera Club Treas_ yJ'er, Cent_enary Singers, Aquatics Club, Sigma Epsilon Phi. Always sruiling . . . Bervitchinâ&#x201A;Ź{ eyes . . . Arlbitlon plus . . . Oaleer Cirl, . . Let's have a long chat . . . Prefer.s redheads, . . Beautiful Jancer ,blushA- I late? You look prettv when vou . Loads of friends . . .- Alw'ays putt'ing
hcl diet off till
P&ge seuenf,y'[ftyg6
Tiloojorin -Knn J'oAn 648 Washington Street, Hackettstown, New Jersey
March Phi Theta Kappa, Chorus.
Haven't had a wink of sleep all week . I can tlardlV wait to collapse She's a flying enthusiast . . . I happen to LIKE l{sckettsiown . . . Slender, tender, tall . . . Rudy always savs . She enjoys singing in the "church cholr . "Margie".
Tflooin Rorry
509 Grand Avenue, Hackettstown, New Jersey
July 2l
Aquatics Club, Sigma Epsilon Phi.
gill from
good ol' Hackettstor,vn between classes for those daily letters from the Navy . . . Meet me at Deihl's for a coke . . . Ralph is coming home this week-end . . . A sweet and quiet gal.
Rr-rns home
seu e'nt y - f oztt'
soctA[ s[Nuofrs
Angela Damiron, Marga-r-et Thors, Balbara Martin phyllis Not pictured.
Page seuenty-fiae
ffi ffi.
ffi ffi ffi.
ffi ffi
ffi ffi
i-l I Gil!.|
G}IIS "f I 947
PLL, it's ali over n6iil-lhg last-minute cramming, the song fests, and inter-class sports-everything is
over, except a thousand wonderful memories and lifelong friendships. Remember the first day we at'rived at Oentenary and the seniors were there to meet us ? We were all scared then, and eager and petrified at the thought of being college girls. Those fir'st few days-that were d.evoted_ to "orierlting" us were a nightmare. The only bright spot was the student-faculty baseball game ai Sully's (which w"e woi, of course). Hell Week descended upon us from out of nowhere: we awakened one molning and realized that this was it!: 10 pigtails, no'make-up, clashing clothes, and many,other horrible penalties were imposed uponiis, merel! because we were freshmen. Let's just pass lightly over^Rat iourt; il was gruesome. ar-e so many things to reltlember-the night we first put on our . Thereand jackets sang our class s-o,ng; the time we ate something Strange at dinner_and everyone was^sick aI1 through the night; the 6ver-sinlging
trio-Bunny, Barb,
a-nd 9il"-y; alt the iinging and fun in the di;in[ looln. and so many other.br.ight spots. . WilI we. ever forget the picnic at Sully's when we near.lv lost Amv in the rapids going down stream ? She hirng on to somethiiig, though, and lives to tell the tale. The Student Council thought we could handle it, so an honor system was introduced into our academic work. From the-beginning it w"orked out _very w_e11, a-nd tle thlee-tap warnings were, fo-r the -most part, heeded by those for whom they wer.e intended. Glen Saxe represented us at the Phi Theta Krppo convention, and was promptly elected national vice-president. Eveir more honors were hers and ours when she succeeded to the national presidency this year. The weather did wrong by us last year, and the winter carnival and May Day_programs found ui running'alound in raincoats; but even the rain couldn't put_a damper on- our sp.iiits f-or any and all kinds of parties; nor were we undaunted in the _spr-ing .when it came time for ill good coll-ege girls to get sunburned. Cuiting classes to sunbathe on"the iioc]<ey field was a common and accepteilthing. Of course, *" ."n"i"J in the ciass work, but after all, it was all part of our educalion and graduation were upon us before we knew it and.we tear_ - 4xams fully said ":g.J.orlg" to ait the wonderful seniors, and,,write lo -",-in" you in the fali", to ali the freshmen.
A,nd.then it was. Septembe-r qSaj1. How the place had changed since we had last seen it. Part of the kitchen had been r.eurodeled and was into a dining room; a new athletic field had been built; Du Bois I!a{ecame_ Hall into being-a freshman house, about which the *ur" """ior, t qreen with en-vy; some s.trange and new'faculty faces greeted the ,most ex-citing addition was the Senior Den-oh, Those t ".; "i leather couches and chairs. The Den was a study rob- th"oi'"ii"uilv, "r.itii"i but we_ have always managed.to h_ave a r.oaring piame of briage g;ing on, and when there was no bridge, Sommer and Ree managed dhoid ih;
fort down successfully.
"ffi,''.' 9.,::,W191,fu; For those of us who were hele during Orientation Week, life .was one round of convening in the lounge _untiftwo o'clock, having hysterics at N^enita and,Ariel, and,gelting [o know evelyone all ovei..'agiin. fhen, ot coulse, there were those o.[ us who had birthdavs. Al Earl introduced a new song, Be With You Where You Ale" and we're all still singing it. Early falj f.oun_d us having senior pictures taken for the yearbook, and none of the freshrnen recognized us when they saw ho,,,i nice we could look for a change. whether we looked nice or not. we were alwavs busy. for knitting was upon us in .[ull forcc, and you just-*"r*iC un"ubody unless you were knitting argyle socks. And speaking of argyl6s reminds us of men-it was good for the mo'aie to see'the t.tuiobet of'-.r.t that were on campus over ihe weekends this year, even if ttrey *er"",t
The Christmas.?-]i-night party rvas a tremendous success, and we stag_ gered onto the milk train the next morning exhaustecl but happy.
gave a campaign show in the fall that was not on,v a - The. faculty financial success, but showed all we students how rnuch fun and tal"ent thefaculty has. (The Misses Smythe and Carlson were especially keen in the iine of practical jokes). We came back after Christmas vacation to all-night lights, new tele_ phones around every col.ner. half the seniors wiili enEa"gement rinEs -trips and Buckhill Falls. and exarns in thc o.ffin[. W-c ;ilh;i;oa t-f," e\ams verv b.r_ayely, and found that the honor system really did work when we could ieave anytime for a cigarette. (We feel it only fair to rnention a s.orcl about thc foo.l this vear "The pie that bounced" has become legt,rrdarv, una size, shape, or form will never.be on any-of ouifuture "h"r,lie.-;i;;; shopping listi.j ,,do yon party,we gave The se_niors for ourselves was a huge success; _ have two nickeis for a dime" was a stock phrase; weekend snow foiled many-of our qlans; the .Preparation for Marriage course was a success; and Maybe collected well over 5,000 red bands front cigat.ette packaEes. We'Il never forget the auction on second floor-Shila hacl ahn.st ev&rthing she owned up for- sale-what co-rfusion, but what a wondelf"ul time.
The aquacade, May Day. sports, thev're all behind us n6vv-buf, ws
siill have the thousand memolies and Iife-long friendships bv which to renrembel Centenary.
Elson Evelyn Kreps Mary Jane Morehard Elizabeth Perry Janet Clayton Janet
President Vice-president --.--
Secretary Treasurer
", Sergeant-at-Arms
the Frnr/rnlam Clo,,
TT lSnnrr
o av-]l
V' .t-)
\\ ('
4r \t\ '
tLooft o E"ut/, ff{"ll lst Row: Joan Neil, Joan Sweeney, Florence Leonhard, Barbara Sipp, Lois Hogan, Margaret Kent, Joan Cascio, Mary Johnson, Jacqueline Mayer, Elizabeth Rheuby, Nancy Hill, Ruth Judson, Joan Haymes. 2nd Row: Roberta Sutphen, Elizabeth Cheatham, Lois Lambert, Marilyn Cox, Elizabeth Cummings, Audrey Evans, Alice-Mae Creasy, Jane Kuehnle, Doris Bennett, Patricia Seley, Gloria TenHoor. 3rd Row: Sally Benedict, Mary Brokaw, Betsy Rainnie, Florence Gaudineer, Jean Morrison, Dorothy Yarnall, Doris Kirsch, Audrey Berman, Nancy Bloch, Ann Terrell.
Paga eigltty-tuo
S"rt| ff{"// . stcoND il.OOR 1st Row: Joan Foote, A-lice Powell. Barbara Ribman,_J_e"^
Farl, Mary Norian, Margaret ff,trfgi"ri Jane Tower, Naoma Muller, Artene M.ski;,' M;;l;",i""inir"ge, Anne Thompson, Mariti" G;;;;i,v' ar''\ -Ann Meadows, a"iru W"ifur, .
nenbaum, Gloria
Janice Tan_
2nd Row: Anna_Marie
Zoller, Mary t{ammell, Beatrice \Vasson. Helen'and.eimacl.'Cl"tili"'Lake, parsons Lrrcy Swan. Janice uick[t, M#fyn"fruiig"r. Helen Gretchen Herr Ba rbara L u s se n. J ea n Mri n s;;; vqrrLL v Ct-y t;"]'l,ji il r,vr [X,i] Jane Bowe, Eleanore kil;-;.'
Srd Row: Louise Rowley, -Barbara Smith, Martha Hume. {an9t _EJr_on, Jane Lit'e*1iig, Jr"l'rtJi"uf, Virginia Knodet. Doris Watton. Janer Leigh, ntit. a""i;. i*";;';;#S'[,t'T;; Cornelia Vosters, a""u ioufi
Page eighty-tht
litD ttOOR o E"rtA fft"ll 1st Row: Nancy Wilson, Gloria Stephenson, Phyllis Des Marais, Lucille Bywaters, Lynette Angell, Mary Stephenson, Lizbeth Nash, Patricia Gomersall, Helen Hagemeister, Merita King, Betty Nilsen, Betty Thole, Susan Shaw, Lilliane Bigio. 2nd Row: Jane Connamacher, Jane Ryan, Alice Hartmann, Louise Lee, Barbara Johnston, Jeanne Pierce, Marian Hassett, Julia Walton, Miriam Hadden, Sally Hallahan, Betty Schaumburg, Shirley Newbaker, Nancy Everhard.
3rd Row: Jane Young, Mary Lou Wilson, Iris Moss, Mary Ellen Douglas, Lillian Stockfleth, Elizabeth Perry, Nancy
Gomersall, Jane Deisroth, Eleanor Spack, Jean Madden, Anne Van Auken, Joan Mirandon, Jean Ellis.
4th Row: Delphine King, Lois Forsch, Grace Staub, Marion Hartman, Janet Nelson, Evelyn Kreps, Barbara Minor, Charlotte Hunt, Janet Nagle, Mary Lou Jenkins, Gene Burchett, Eileen Barnett"
Page eightg-four
Ar[ois ff{"ll o towNl Glit[S lst Row: Lois Dalrymple, Mildred Asbury,
YIl":,,, Sara Adams, Doiis Magoon, Gertrude fi""rl*"r, l,ir_ rlon t(rnear, lVlargaret Patterson, Beatrice Keyes.
D_uckett, Leila Faust, Isabel Berkery, ,^?ld-|gT: Shiriey Jane_Parrsh, -Barbara Rodey, Beverly Dornseiff, Mary Jane
Morehard, Nancy Le Duc, Bryan Brdwster,
. 3rd Fo_w: Myrle Niebes, priscilla Maps, Louise Richard, Anne,Ridler, Nancy King, Barbara Simmon., Uurv-afi"? riravel, Louise Armstrong, Joan Sherry, Antoinette DiRupo.
Pctge eightE-fiae
g/r, {ourse at TIl"i/ &;*n
Page eighty-eisht
The executive division of our Student Government, the Student Council, is composed of five representatives from each class plus the four council officers; it is the responsibility of this body to make the laws which govern
our school. This council, in addition, passes amendments, introduces new ideas, settles problems brought up by the students, and patterns its policy for governing after our national governmental system.
The main issue on the agenda of the council this year was that of the honor system. Although this is the second year that the system has been in effect, and there have proven to be several flaws in its practical application, it has, nevertheless, become an extremely important factor in all classroom work.
Jean Sommerville
President June Kohart Vice-president
Mary Fisher Secretary Margaret Steinbring Treasurer Miss Hight Advisor Page n'inety
The judicial branch of centenary's Student Government is invested in the student court. Here offenders pread their cases, before grorp u of elected representatives, to receive either a sentence or an acquittal.
By tradition the vice-president of the Student Government automatically
assumes the duties of chief justice of the court, and with the Dean acting a.s aclvisor, the courb this year was in session every other Thursday. The body
of the court is composed of three freshman representatives, three senior representatives, and the four senior class officers.
It has always been one of the aspirations in progressive education to place into the hands of the students themselves the responsibility of metering out justice and to govern with impartiality, torerance, and maturitv.
Puge ninet.y-otie
A OFFICERS Virginia Bahr President Doris Glenn Secretary Mr. Hurst R. Anderson Advisor
9 A; I Il i:il f i:' #il Jilll",:3' e q are with serious responsibility. t
J.tl j:l?-
_ This organization is composed of the three Sorority presidents, Student Government President, Student court president, Spiiled Ink Editor, w. A. A. President, Guild President, Hack Editor, and seirior crass president.
iI OI\I OITARY SOCI TTI [S Kappa 1s the national scho,QA; &/rnto !I{ou,ro., lJ.i.rhuta - "*t-t-* tasttc honor society for junior colleges.
wh-en high scholarship, leadership, and good character have been maintained, students are eligible for membership. L?rt year centenary was honored in having the school representative to the National Convention chosen as president of the National phi Theta Kappa for this year.
H OFF'ICERS Glen Saxe President Margaret Smith Vice-president Janice Carpenter Secretary Nancy Kay Mayer Treasurer Miss Bever Advisor
r -jl'X
The Guild is centenary's inter-faith organization, and the only organization in school to which each student is automatically a member.
The main purpose of the Guild is to contribute financially to different charitable organizations without school and for the girls in school to unite in a feeling of friendliness and service. Although the Guild is always petitioned by many worthy charitable organizations for contributions, it is left to the council's discretion to decide to which functions our funds should be appropriated. This year funds were donated to the Red Cross, World Student Service Fund, Save-The-Children Fund, and many others.
Dorothy Yarnall
Janet Leigh Sally Ann Hallahan
Bryan Brewster Senior Rosemary Janes
Carolyn Alexander Virginia Miner OFFICERS Mary Ellen Welburn President Lois Holmes Vice-president Nancy Dahl Secretary Helen Eckhardt Treasurer Dr. Mills Advisor
The Guild was very active this year, and in-between monthly council meetings and monthly all-student meetings, activities were many and varied. Among these activities were the annual collection of used text books to be sold to new freshmen; sponsorship of the two student-faculty baseball games in the fall and spring; a benefit card party to give to charitable drives the world over; Religious Emphasis week, at which time they acted as host at religious discussions and talks led by a visiting minister; Thanksgiving baskets; a christmas party for underprivileged children; and finaily, the St. Patrick's Day Silver tea.
Page ninety-tht'ee
One of the most active and interesting or_ ganizations in school this year has been the Centenary Singers. This is a group of girls selected from the Glee Club for their unusual talent and ability in singing. The Centenary Singers entertain during chapel and vesper services.
aentunory Singers
This enthusiastic group has answered many invitations to sing at nearby colleges and civic functions. It is always a delight to hear the three-part harmony highlighting many after_ noon programs on such occasions as parents, Day, Christmas and Easter services, gradua_ tion exercises, and student recitals. Some of the more popular members that the group worked out so beautifully this year were, "Dance of the Dying Leaves',, several of the ,,With A Song In My _Christmas carols, and Heatt".
Sopranos: Jane Love' Mary Jan-e Milier', GIen Saxe, Betty_Thorpe_, Blanche_ Wilson, Lee Wilcox, Doris Bennett, Barba'a Bollman, Janet crayton,Jun"-con'ru'acher] Marj'Eiren-Dou_gras, Shir.rey Duckett, Miriam Hadden. Gerlrude Harrison..T,rois H;g;, F;ctt K;t:l"Ji,''rii,ji'ti"i, vy're Barba'a voo'hees. Jane la.rrish,_Hereii n'"e"-;."i.t"l s".9;q b;p;;;J.'.'H'"1;; Niebes, rietty SchauinberE, cantpbelt. Betsv Ta.vlor'..Eli_zabeihC;;t;i;;;.1;g-? Fgqr;.;g;ir'_lr",i.ilerrbara ?il;'dirierparn,er, ntn"r Minor, Mary Norian. Mary Plurnbo' Lilian Stockfleth. Jane Towels. ATtos: Virginia'gahr, oori."butera, Judy Gor.clon. Cynthia Rosar, Nanry Str.auss, Louise Ar:mstrong. erice barj. ln;;;;'H;i;;i p;i.;";i;;i"l'frii.""rrur, H;; Naoma
In lieu of separate freshman-senior choruses, the glee club this year is a combination of the two groups.
From this very large new body the members of the chorus are chosen.
This year the glee club met one evening every week and succeeded in working out beautiful arrangements of many old-time favorite songs. The glee club is the largest collective singing body in school and work and play are combined at the meetings when they try to
arrange for perfect harmony and singing quality.
OFF'ICtrRS Blanche Wilson
Barbara Bollman Secretary Miss Gardner Advisor Page nb:ety-fi,ue
Greasepaint, long hours of rehearsals, and numberless rounds of applause paint a good picture of this industrious group of aspiring dramatic artists.
The 1946-47 season was an exceptionally successful one, studded with brilliant plays and sparkling talent from the ranks of Centenary's dramatic roster. The first three-act play, given in November, was "Ladies In Retirement", which brought forth a superb degree of talent in school; also included in the cast was Rafael Brewster, a Broadway actor. Early spring brought forth a hilarious original play called "Centenarianna, An Interlude in Heaven", which was a series of skits depicting the changing life at Centenary during the past seventy-flve years. During May a threeact modern comedy, "Springtime for Henry", was presented, which was, as usual, a tremendous success.
RADIO WORKSHOP Writing and producing radio broadcasts over Station WEST, Easton, Pennsylvania, has been the primary interest and work of the radio class this year. The class also spent two days in New York attending broadcasts and gathering practical knowledge and hints for producing programs.
Voice recordings were made and studied through the year to help correct faulty pronunciation and articulation.
OFFICERS Edith Hill President Elaine MacDonald Secretary Mary Jahnke Treasurer Dr. Du Bois Advisor
The girls in the Centenary Book Club take turns in giving reviews of current best sellers. This year Dr. Du Bois gave
readings of his own published plays.
Mrs. Du Bois acts as hostess and helps to make the meetings pleasant and worth while with her generous hospitality.
The Business Club was formed to Eive practical experience in office work to g"irls taking the business course. Learning to cut_ stencils, run a mimeograph machine, and to do extra typing are some of their foremost activities. The Business CIub sponsored and arranged for the inter-sorority bowling competition, and during the course of the year made several field trips to New York.
Barbara Seguine President
Lois Hogan Vice-president Martha Snader Secretary-Treasurer Martha Carrington Sergeant-at-Arms Miss Bouton Advisor
Aryr/.ol"gy ah',L Barbara Ginsberg President Constance Myles
Vice-president Anne Woll Secretary Jane Leigh Treasurer Nancy Wahlberg Sergeant-at-Arms
Mr. Garber Advisor
The Psychology Ciub, which was actually begun a year ago April, really started functioning this year. Through this club a better understanding and working knowledge of psychoiogy, its terms and uses, is gained. The club sponsored many activities, among which were a trip to Lyons Veterans' hospital, open lectures for the school on therapy, epilepsy, ancl working in hospitals in order to to see cases and conditions at first hand.
The membership of the International Relations Club is limited in number fact that the meetings are usually very informal round-table discLrssions, centerin.g around happenings and news of the day. due to the
Through this club many points of international news are "hashed over"
:rnd the members keep up to date on world happenings of the day.
Iris Kerner
Barbara Johnson Vice-president Jane Love
Secretary Jr-rne Meinel
Dr. Custard Advisor
Rnlotion, AL,{t
Sponir| eL',/' Martica Urrutia President Dulce Collada
Vice-president Rosemarv Janes Secretary Joan Cascio Treasurer
Betty Schaumburg Sergeant-at-Arms Miss Goddin
. The purpose of the spanish club at centenary is to encourage appreciation of the Spanish language and Hispanlc cutfure.The activities of the club this year were mostJl centered around the Span_ ish Fiesta which took place,on April 19. At tliat time-mu"u spanish *uu were presented, and also a tablea'x representing.o*;iyp""* $qn_c.e^s ish life. "fSp;_
_ or", of the highlights of the French club's social activitics is the annual -tirench L'abaret, usually given.in early March. _once again, as m tne pasi, this informai dance was greaily enlivened t y the ei""lilg;i and tr'rench songs. "nt""tainment An interesting new feature of the club was the French table, which met everv wednesdav at 1unch, all conversation beint;;;iil;;1" French.
Virginia Miner President
Alice Earl Vice-president Polly Minster Secretary Peggy Kent Treasurer Miss Goddin Advisor
OFFICERS Nancy Dahl President Molly Goodrich Treasurer Mrs. Goodwin Advisor
The girls in the Poster Cluh keep the school "posted" on current and future attractions.
Although most of the club's members are interested in commercial art, membership is open to non-art students. The candid figures and clever phrases of the posters create a bright spot on the school bulletin boards.
The group of amateur photographers who comprise the Camera Club discuss and practice techniques of taking snapshots, developing and printing films. The club is proud of their fully-equipped "dark room." The main accomplishment of the club this year was the drafting of a new constitution. This document has placed the Camera Club upon an equal footing with the older Centenary clubs.
OFFICERS Rhoda Johnson
President Gretchen Herr Vice-president Sally Benedict Secretary Ethel Campbell Treasurer
Page otrc hLntirecl
,:s .$si*,'
SPILLED INK STAFF Hglme5, Ruth Flqm-in& Joan van Ki'k, Ann Mayberry, Ann whitaker. Jean walla-ce,.Pat_Mo'r'ison, ShilLDonoran, Elaine"MacDonardi-Ma;; Eli;;, w;rffi;','M;;; Jane Miller, Ngls.v:sir;ouse. Balbala, Seguine, Mitarea rorirur:. X,.i.i'i.ran"gun, nni.rr"i."r, Lussen. Joan Neill, Jo-an.Sweeney. Eileen Barnett. Maltha l+u*e, Ccn" gurctert. Murif", Garbett, Alice Earl, Isabel Berkery, Ann weiler, Ann Thornpi;^, a;r,"i;"li'I;i;;:^-"'""
The girls who have originality and a for news make up the board of the SPILLtrD INK. This newspaper covers all student and alumni activities. Many are the moments of absolute panic, as reporters and editors put aside all else to meet the inevocable "printer's nose
There are many avenues for possible expression in this monthly newspaper-
feature stories, editorials, humorous "gags," various column writing, and pho-
tography. This year's staff has brought a great deal more prestige to the paper than has heretofore been accredited to it.
Ep;l/,J 9"1,
Birkett Editor Marion Curtis Assistant trditor Mary Lou Wilson Feature Editor Dr. Du Bois Advisor Jeanne
Page one hundrecl. une
Marjorie Banks President Sally Jane Lyon Vice-president Margaret Steinbring Secretary Jeanne Karpas Treasurer Elaine MacDonald Sergeant-at-Arms Miss Bouton, Miss Carlson Advisors
sIGMA tPSlLoNl Pi-ll ,,, enLofs
Marjorie Banks, Jean Birkett, Doris Butera, Ethel Campbeil, Martha Carrington, Dulce Collada, Doris Conklin, Cynthia Cowdrey, Virginia Drown, Eunice Eaton, Susan Fisk, Virginia Gilkey, Moliy Goodrich, Edith Hill, Jean Karpas, Helen Krier, Marjorie Lake, Harriet Levick, Sally Jane Lyon, Jean Manner, Ann Mz1;.bgrry, Elaine MacDonald, Barbara Mellor, Virginia Miner, Polly Minster, Harriet Naumer, Dorothy Park, Laura Reeves, Ann Reinhold, Lois Rossy, Virginia Smith, Martha Snader, Jean Sommerville, Margaret Steinbring, Betty Thorpe, Joan Van Kirk, Ann Woll, Jean Wallace, Helen Warsinski, Ann Whitaker, Blanche Wilsr_rn.
Lynette Angell, Eileen Barnett, Doris Bennett, Barbara Bollman, Joan Cascio, Mariiyn Cox, Elizabeth Cummings, Jane Deisroth, Phyllis Des Marais, Mary trlien Douglas, Alice Earl, Lois Forsch, Marilyn Garbett, Nancy Gomersall, Pat Gomersall, Helen Hagemeister, Nancy Hill, Lois Hogan, Martha Hume, Barbara Johnson, Peggy Kent, Dee King, Merita King, Evelyn Kreps, Jane Kuhnle, Nancy Le Duc, Louise Lee, Florence Leonard, Dinice Lintott, Barbara Lussen, Frances Macknight, Jeanne Madden, Jackie Mayer, June Meinel, Nlarianne Menage, Barbara Minor, Jean Morrison, Jean Munson, Connie Myles, Janet Nagle, Madeline Reese, Barbara Ribman, Ann Riddler, Louise Rowley, Gloria Schwartz, Susan Shaw, Kitty Stephenson, Lucy Swan, .Ioan Sweeney, Janice Tannenbaum, Ann Thompson, Connie Vosters, Ruth trVasson, Lou Wilson, Anna Marie Zoler.
Page one hundred two
ffoo,nJnJ t 875
sigma trpsilon Phi is more familiarly known as "Dyke". The sorority has, this year, been quite active socially with hayrides and roller-skating parties. Meetings are held once a month ancl are uncler call at any time by the
rris'r;::,.i,}rar!.ii:,r$ .a
Doris Glenn President Ruth F leming Vice-President Patricia Brennan Secretary Dorothy Holst Treasurer Miss Bever, Miss Smythe
T}IITA enlofs
Miriam Abel, Sylvia Beck, Ann Betts, Ann Bliss, Betty Boquist, pat Brennan, Janice Carpenter, Peggy Cowling, Helen Eckhardt, Mary Fetherolf, Mary Fisher, Ruth Fleming, Doris Glenn, Clair Hohnecker, Dotty Holst, Mary Jahnke, Rosemary Janes, Rhoda Johnson, Iris Kerner, pat Morrison, cynthia Rosar, Glen Saxe, Gladys saylor, Margaret rhors, virginia Trumpy, Betsy webster, Dolores Koppe, Elaine McPherson, Barbara seguine, Janet Tilton, Nancy Wahlberg, Mary Ellen Welburn.
Audrey Berman, Mary Brokaw, Gene Burchett, Lucile Bywater, Betty cheatham, Jane connamacher, Lois Dalyrymple, Antoinette Di Rupo, Shirley Duckett, Joan Foote, Florence Gaudineer, Doris Glasier, Nancy Guthrie, Miriam Hadden, Sally Hallahan, Gertrude Hanison, Marion Hartman, Alice Hartman, Marion Hassett, Mary Lou Jenkins, Mary Johnson, Doris Kirsch, Eleanor Klugman, Lois Lambert, Anne Loeb, Jean Malgieri, priscilla Maps, Barbara Martin, Arlene Maskin, Iris Moss, Naoma Muller, Betty Nash, Janet Nelson, shirley Newbaker, Betty Nilsen, Mary Norian, Natalie oberly, Betty Perry, Jeannie Pierce, Peggy Powell, Louise Ritscher, Jane Ryan, Barbara Simmons, Barbara sipp, Barbara smith, Grace staub, Gloria Stephenson, Lilian Stockfleth, Gloria Ten Hoor, Ann Terrell, Ann van Auken, Doris walton, Julia Walton, Nancy Weber, Anne Weiler, Nancy Wilson, Jane young.
Page one hundred, four
"Peith" is the well-known name for Theta Epsilon Nu, This year the officers have planned many activities, including winter sports and outings, weenie roasts and the like. To Peith this year goes the honor of having one of its members elected Inter-sorority Sweetheart Ball.
queen of the
Virginia Bahr President
Nancy Kay Mayer Vice-president Helen Goldthorpe Secretary
Martica Urrutia Treasurer Billie Palmer Sergeant-at-Arms Miss Shaw, Dr. and Mrs. Du Bois, Mr. Garber Advisors
Carolyn Alexander, Virginia Bahr, Barbara Barnes, Leone Behrendt, Dot Blazier, Marjorie Boraks, Marion Curtis, Nancy Dahl, Barbara Davis, Shila Donovan, Ariel Flanagan, Miltlred Fowler, Barbara Ginsberg, Judy Gordon, Winifred Haanes, Alma Higgins, Lois Holmes, Liddy Jones, June Kohart, Jane Love, Doris Mason, Nancy Kay Mayer, Marie Matthews, Amy Meinhold, l\{ary Jane Miller, Tish Mitchell, Billie Palmer, Edith Price, Cis Robertson, Pat Ross, Mary Jane Shaw, Peggy Smith, Nancy Strouse, Betsy Taylor, Jean Teller, Martica Urrutia, Mildred Wager, Lois Whitmarsh, Lee Wilcox, Tish Wilson, Joan Woltemate, Nenita Wood.
Sarah Adams, Louise Armstrong, Mildred Asbury, Isabelle Berkery, Janice Bickley, Liliane Bigio, Jane Bowe, Bryan Brewster, Janet Clayton, Doris Cooke, Alice Mae Creasy, Angela Damiron, Beverly Dornseiff, Janet Elson, Audrey Evans, Leila Foust, Mary Alice Fravel, Mary Hammel, Joan Haymes, Gretchen Herr, Charlotte Hunt, Ruth Judson, Beatrice Keyes, Nancy King, Dorothy Kline, Virginia Knodel, Cynthia Lake, Jane Leigh, Janet Leigh, Jane Littlewood, Doris Magoon, Ann Meadows, Joan Mirandon, Mary Jane Morhard, Joan Neill, Myrle Niebes, Jane Parrish, Helen Parsons, Margaret Patterson, Mary Plumbo, Betsy Rainnie, Betty Rheuby, Marion Rinear, Barbara Rodey, Marilyn Rudiger, Betty Schaumburg, Joan Sherry, Eleanor Spack, Mary Jane Steinen, Phyllis Stovel, Betty Thole, Jane Towers, Joan Wilson, Dorothy Yarnall.
Page one hundred siu
"Cal" is the name by which Delta Sigma Sigma sorority is known. This year cal, as did the other two sororities, strove to make the three sororities a more important and interesting branch of college life. cal helped to do this by encouraging frequent parties and picnics, games and outings.
Robertson._____--,_ Nenita Wood-Phyllis Des Marais Janet Leigh
V["*emtA thletic A
Vice-president __-_-_secretary
ssociation C)/rtrers
VV. A.
\ Marion Curtis President Laura Reeves Secretary
J'nolnrr' Aorp, The activities at Centenary are many and varied and figuring high among the important organizations is the Leaders' Corps. The girls in this corps learri the rules for all types of sports, as well as the psychology and techniques of teaching a large group, and when the semester course has been completed, students act as assistants to the physical education department and get practice in teaching classes.
It is an excellent opportunity for those girls who are going on to teach not only physical education, but any kind of classroom work, for the techniques and methods studied for teaching may be applied to almost any field of study.
Page otte hundred ten
Helen Goldthorpe
Alice Earl Vice-president Ann Mayberry Secretary
Liliane Bigio Treasurer
Buckhill Falls' skiing.weekends, Mountain _Lakes' overnight trips, to say nothing of hayrides, sleighrides, picnics, baseball games, roTt"r stuafirrit#ties and the hilarious Penny Carnival were sorne oithe activities of tfrJ duting club this year. Song fests and weenie roasts over a hot fire on a cold evening are a good combination for a very good time and this crub boasts of a hundlred a"d;;; different kinds of good times.
. This year the A.quatics club has become a vqry active organization. Regular monthly meetings w-ere held, life-saving films were *rrE*", and the ciub acted as host to the Red cross fleld representative auring rris'stay here.-- As e-ar]v as January- of this year, the club started rehearsals for its annual water bal_le-t, 'jAqrq Rhythms of rg47", an aquacacle set to music, *rri"n *uu presented in March.
Brucie Hoblitzell President Elizabeth Jones Vice-president Margaret Patterson Secretary Marion Rinear Treasurer
Page one lnntdred
Leone Behrendt
President Helen Krier Vice-president Lynette Angell Secretary
Margaret Patterson Treasurer Miss Smythe and Miss Shaw
TiloJn* Aorrn
The members of the Modern Dance Club practice their numbers throughout the year in the gymnasium, under the direction of their faculty advisors.
The most spectacular event of the year is their production of the May Fete. The members sponsor, direct, and produce the dancing at this gay
Breakfast rides, hayrides, and horseshows constitute most of the Riding Club's activities. A new organization this year, the club has been very successful in having as members girls who are very much interested in improving their riding techniques.
Harriet Levick President
Marjorie Borax Vice-president Nancy Le Duc Secretary Joan Foote
HOCKEY-I947 for lg47-Won by Freshmen
Scores in Hockey
Freshmen vs. Seniors Freshmen vs. Seniors. Seniors vs. Freshmen. Freshmen vs. Seniors
4 4 2 2
7 1
ALL-STAR HOCKEY TEAM Captain-Virginia Bahr Carolyn Alexander Harriet Naumer Mary Jane Shaw Jane Deisroth Joan Neill Margaret Steinbring Shirle;r Duckett Betty Rheuby Ann Weiler Dorothy Holst Alyce Robertson Ann Woll Cynthia Lake Barbara Rodey Scores
VOLLEYBALL in Volleyball for 1942-Won by Freshmen
Seniors vs. FreshmenFreshmen vs. Seniors_ Seniors vs. Freshmen Freshmen vs. Seniors Freshmen vs. Seniors_
,42 40 19 OJ
54 28 60 to 36
ALL-STAR VOLLEYBALL TEAM Captain-Virginia Bahr Jeanne Birkett Florence Gaudineer Alyce Robertson Dorothy Blazier IIelen Goldthorpe Kitty Stephenson Jane Connamacher Harriet Naumer Beatrice Wasson Marilyn Cox Betsy Rainnie SWIMMING Scores in Swimming Meets-Won by Seniors
_ _. -
Seniors vs. Freshmen Seniors vs. Freshmen
Jeanne Birkett Peggy Kent Jacqueline Mayer Joan Mirnandon Scores
30 DI
ALL-STAR SWIMMING TEAM Captain-Nancy Kay Mayer S-hirley Newbaker Nancy Snedeker Marion Rinear Ann ihompson Cynthia Rosar Mary Jane Shaw
BASKETBALL in Basketball for 1942-Won by Seniors
Seniors vs. Freshmen Seniors vs. Freshmen Freshmen vs. Seniors Seniors vs. tr'reshmen"--------
26 22 20 14 29 20
Freshmen vs. Seniors----. Seniors vs. Freshmen-----
Virginia Bahr Ann Bliss Doris Cooke
18 18
74 ory at 19
ALL-STAR BASKETBALL TtrAM Captain-Jeanne Birkett Doris Conklin Harriet Naumer Jane Jane
Alyce Robertson Stephenson
Paga one hundred tltirteen
SENIOR HOCKEY TEAM Captain, Dotty Holst, Nancy Snedeker, Nancy Dahl, Molly Goodrich, Ginny Bahr, June Kohart, Mary Jahnke, Ann Woll, Jean Karpas, I,yn Alexander, Barbara Davis, Hattie Naumer, Mary Jane Shaw, Cis Robertson.
FRESHMAT{ HOCKEY TEAM Captain, Barbara Rodey, Ann Weiler, Alice Earl, Joan Neill, Joan Sweeney, Betty_Rheuby, Shirley Duckett, Tommy Thompson, Janet Elson, Cynthia Lake, Jane Deisroth.
Page one hundred foutteen
SENIOR SWII\II,{ING TEAM Jeanne Birkett. Nancy Snedeker. Nanc.v Kay Ma.ver., Mary Jane Jean Karpas. Brucie Hobritzel, Licldy .1o""*,"er"f'fr""inrrora,Shaw, Gren Saxe, Cindy Rosar.
T.RESHMAN SWIMMING TtrAM Mac-Rinear'. Alice Earl, .)ackie Tommy Thompson, Shir.lev Newbaker, Jean Connamacher.. Ugy"r, .b'lolence Gaudineer, Bea Wasson, Joan Mirandon, Ann Terrell.
Page one lnmdred fiftecn
Qatronr' Qogn Mr. and Mrs. Henry Abel Mr. and Mrs. Franklin O. Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Lewis C. Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. T. Henry Asbury Mr. and Mrs. William H. Banks, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Barnett Mr. and Mrs. Leo A. Behrendt Mr. and Mrs. Walter St. John Benedict, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. V. H. Berman Mr. and Mrs. Ervin F. Bickley Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Blazier Mr. and Mrs. Charles Allen Bliss Mrs. B. G. Bloch Mr. and Mrs. George C. Bollman Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Boraks Mr. and Mrs. William H. Bowe, Jr. Mrs. Mildred R. Brennan Mr. and Mrs. Rafael Brewster Mr. and Mrs. Horace R. Brokaw Captain and Mrs. Eugene C. Burchett Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred M. Bywater Mr. W. Harold Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. Waring P. Carrington Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Cascio Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ellis Clayton Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Collada Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Conklin Dr. and Mrs. Harold S. Connamacher Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Cowdrey, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Curtis Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Creasy Mr. and Mrs. Norman F. Dahl Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Clarence J. Deisroth Mr. and Mrs. George F. Des Marais Mr. and Mrs. Paul Di Rupo Mr. and Mrs. William S. Donovan Mr. John A. Dornseiff Mr. and Mrs. Alexander T. Douglas Mr. and Mrs. Ervin R. Drown Mr. and Mrs. Albert A. Duckett Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Earl Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Elson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Everhard Mr. and Mrs. George L. Fetherolf Dr. and Mrs. E. P. Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Flanegan Mr. and Mrs. John H. Fleming Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Foote
Page one hundred, eighteen
Mr. Walter B. Fowler Mr. and Mrs. William F. Redcay Mr. and Mrs, John H. Fravel Mr. and Mrs. Frederick L. Gaudineer Mr. and Mrs. Ellery F. Gilkey Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ginsberg Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Glenn Mr. and Mrs. J. Wesley Goldthorp Mr. and Mrs. Edgar J. Goodrich Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Gordon Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Haanes Mr. and Mrs. John J. Hadden, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Homo Hagenmeister Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Hammell Mr. and Mrs. Milton W. Harrison Mr. and Mrs. William D. Hartmann Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Hassett Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Haymes Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. G. Herr Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Higgins Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Hill Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton R. Hill Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Hogan Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hohneker, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John P. Holst Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Janes Mr. and Mrs. David W. Jenkins Mr. and Mrs. Clinton V. Johnson Dr. and Mrs. Chester M. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Judson Mr. and Mrs. Irving D. Karpas Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Keyes Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. King Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. King Mr. and Mrs. Hollis H. Kirsch Mr. and Mrs. George R. Kline Mr. and Mrs. Herbert A. Klugman Mr. and Mrs. James G. Knodel Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Kohart, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Koppe Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Kreps Mr. and Mrs. George H. Krier Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Lake Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Lambert Mr. and Mrs. Oliver V. Lee Mr. and Mrs. William C. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Harry Allan Leigh Mr. and Mrs. John T. Leonhard Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. Levick
Qatuonr'gogn Mrs. Guy H. Lintott Mr. and Mrs. W. Burton Littlewood Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Loeb Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Love Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Lussen Mr. and Mrs. Earle D. Lyon Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Madden Mr. and Mrs. William L. Magoon Mr. and Mrs. A. Malgieri Mr. and Mrs. George F. Manner Mr. and Mrs. George A. Martin Mrs. Philip Maskin Mr. and Mrs. Albert T. Mason Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Mayberry Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mayer Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boyne McPherson Dr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Meadows Mr. and Mrs. William J. Meinel Mr. and Mrs. Louis Meinhold Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mellor Colonel and Mrs. George A. Miller Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Miner Mr. and Mrs. Delbert A. Minor Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Minster Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Mitchell Dr. and Mrs. Francis L. Morhard Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Morrison Mrs. G. Elliott Morrison Mr. and Mrs. John W. Muller Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Munson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Nagle Mr. and Mrs. Irving Nash Dr. and Mrs. Harry A. Naumer Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Niebes Miss Lorna Nilsen Mr. and Mrs. EI. J. Noble Mrs. Howard Ostrander Mr. Harry A. Parsons Mr. Thomas K. Patterson Mr. and Mrs. S. Norman Perry Mr. and Mrs. A. Duer Pierce Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Rainnie Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Reese Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Reinhold Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Rheuby Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin C. Ribman Mr. and Mrs. Earl S. Ridler Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Rinear Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Ritscher
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid F. Rosar Mr. and Mrs. John Elton Ross Mr. and Mrs. Stanton L. Rowley Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Rudiger Rev. and Mrs. R. G. Saxe Dr. and Mrs. Paul E. Schwarz Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Seguine Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Seley Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Shaw Mr. and Mrs. Harold Richard Simmons Mr. and Mrs. William H. Sipp Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Frederic B. Smith Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Smith Dr. and Mrs. E. Roland Snader Mr. and Mrs. Cuyler Snedeker Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Sommerville Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Spack Mr. and Mrs. William Steinen Mr. and Mrs. L. Oren Stephenson Mr. and Mrs. William R. Stephenson Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Strouse Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Sweeney Mr. and Mrs. A. Richard Tannenbaum Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Jerome L. Teller Mr. and Mrs. Perry John Ten Hoor Mr. and Mrs. A. Parker Terhune Mrs. Ida Peters Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Russell E. Thorpe Mr. and Mrs. Russell G. Tilton Mr. and Mrs. Russell M. Van Kirk Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Van Trot Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wager Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Wahlberg Mr. and Mrs. Fergus F. Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Walton Dr. and Mrs. William H. Wasson Mr. and Mrs.I. C. Weber Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Welburn Mr. and Mrs. Holden Whitaker Dr. and Mrs. DeForest Whitmarsh Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth B. Willson Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Woll, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Yarnall Mr. and Mrs. James H. young Captain and Mrs. C. A. Zoller, Jr.
Page one hmd,red, ttitteteen
Page one hundred twentg
Page one hundred tuenty-one
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Page one hund,red twentY-ttuo
Page one hundred twetdy-th"ree
DETERMINATION is: Earnestness
It's a wonderful quality, it eliminates doubt and hesitation When backed up, it marks the beginning of action.
It matters not how great the ability or how splendid the education of any one, their achievement will never rise higher than the confidence and determination that directs it.
Hackettstown, N. J. Member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Capital $100,000 Surplus and Reserve $550,000
Established 1857 Hackettstown, New Jersey
Page one hundred, ttnentg-f
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Distributors ur " rD ur r[J LrJl D of
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Everv Form Insurance and Real Estate 245 Main Street
Hackettstown, N. J.
Page one hund,red, tucntE-fiae
PETERSEI\-OWENS, INC. 428 West L3th Street
New York, N. Y.
Purveyors of prime meats, fancy poultry, and game to all first-class hotels, sehools, steamships, and summer resorts, etc. Deliveries guaranteed to any part of the United States and Canada.
Page one hundred twentg-sin
The Purest IGnd I
The Original Packaged Bulk fce Cream
168 Main Street
Ncw JerseY
Radio Repairs Radios Records
Music Photographic Supplies
Page one hundred, twenty-seuen
Hackettstown, N. J. Phone 426
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Huckettstown, N.
Page otte hundred twentg-eight
Painter, Paper Hanger and Decorator
i : : :
: i,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
National Bank Hackettstown, N. J. Organized 1855
:' ' """"
! ttt" i
Village Bakery
: :
Street Hackettstou'n, N. J. Variety of Breads, Cakes, pies and Pastrie* t55 Main
Lyman D. Gulich
: : :
Hackettstown, N. J.
l{urseries, fnc. Budd Lake Road Hackettstowrr, N. J.
:: I ::
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fingerie Millinery
: :
LEO MAl\l\ Dover, New Jersey
i! :: ! :: :: :: ::
"oovER'S Street Hackettstown, N. J. f62 Main
i :
Page one httndred, twenty-ttine
Morristown, New Jersey
", ",, " " ',, " ', "
Pagc one hundred thirt'y
Hackettstown, N. J.
163 Main Street
Hackettstown, N. J.
Established 1856
i =
*nolesale Grocers 206-208-210
Water Street N"w York 7, N. Y.
:r :
Hackettstorvn, N. J.
: i :
Our 83rd Year in the Fine Food Products gusiness
Page ona hund,red thirtg-one
M. Morgan &
Member of Florists' Telegraph Delivery Association
STATIONER Eaton's Fine Stationery
New Jersey Power & Light
Co. 139 Main
E. G. PACKMAN, District Manager
Hackettstown, N. J.
9 West Blackwell St. Dover, N. J.
o Compliments
Page one hundred thirtg-two
Tel. 47-M
DeLuxe Quality Canned Foods
George S. Daugherty Co. 25 Terminal Way Pittsburgh 19, Pa.
The Tailor
Z4-Hour Service
Always Ready
WM. L. APGAR, Prop.
Bottling Company
206 Main St. Hackettstown, N. J.
Washington, New Jersey
o Successor
Bach's Drug Store Hackettstown, N. J.
Page one hundreil thirtg-three
6-\.-9 Printed By BENTON REVIEW PUB. CO,, Inco4lorated
Fowler, lnd.
Page one hzLndre,d thirtU-four
TLe slogan tLat's Lrck"J by genuine gooJness in q.'rlityrrrJ service,tLe result o[ AEyears s..cc"ssf.rl experience
in tLe y".*tooL fi"lJ.
{ittJ real satisfaction in pleasind you, the yearbooL potlisL"r, rs *"ll as your pLotograph.,,.rJ
your printer.
JAHN 6 OLLIER ENGRAVING CO. Makers of Fine Printing Plates for Black or Color Commercial Artists - photographers 817 W.WASHINGTON BLVD., CHICAGO 7, ILL.
Page one huttdreil thirtA-fiae