'Mid the silent hills surrounded, Ripened by the flight of time, And with honors still unbounded In her strong and lusty prime. Alma Mater proudly raises Halls and tower tall and strong, And her children sing her praises, Sina them loud and sing them long.
IACK BOARD To the members of the Hack staff belongs a great honor and an important duty. The Editor and Associate Editors are elected by the student body just before the end of the school year. The annual publication of the Hack is a dedication to two memorable years spent at Centenary.
Marilyn Cox Editor Jane Deisroth, Lois Lambert Associate Editors Janice Bickley Business Manager Grace Staub A r t Editor Ann Thompson Literary Editor Marilyn Garbett Personnel Editor
For his consistent effort to widen our perspective of life . . For the ceaseless patience and friendliness with which
he set tolerance and understanding before us
For his
religious guidance and strengthening convictions, we, the Class of 1948, humbly dedicate our Yearbook, the Hack, to Dr. Mills.
Page six
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. ..I
To the Members of the Class of 1948: When you returned to the Centenary campus for you the tower of Main Hall stretching high and brillian illuminated tower, symbolizing the essential function of a significant "light through the years." The College you a new body of knowledge about the world in w you develop new interests, new appreciations and ski1 develop effective personal objectives, appropriate attitudes and beliefs; and further helping you to establish those habits of living which make for the finest in American womanhood. As you leave the College campus, it is our hope that this light of a liberal education for women may continue to burn brilliantly in your lives as you assume your proper relationships with the world about you. . You carry with you the best wishes of your faculty and administration. Hurst R. Anderson, President
Miss Bouton and Miss Sheehan
Miss Pangburn and Miss Bever
Page eight
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Dr. Dalton and Miss Hoffer
Mr. Grayson and Mr. Smith
Miss Wible and Miss Day
Miss Shaw and Miss Smythe
Miss Hight
Mr. Garber and Dr. Mills Mr. Grenon, Mr. Evans, and Dr. DuBois
Evelvn Kreos
Marilyn Garbett Sergeant-at-arms
Page ten
Jeanne Pierce
Ann Terrell
NOW voyager, sail Thou forth tn
and find.
c/a,, Green and Whj
Page twelve
Hail to the class of '48, Her colors green and white, Our hearts will ever be with you, We'll keep your honor bright. We're grateful for the years we've spent A t our dear C . J. C. And even when we're far apart, Our thoughts go out to thee.
Centenary, here's t o you, We always will be true, To the green and white of '48 Forever, strong and great.
Dear Lord and Father of Mankind, Forgive our foolish ways; Reclothe us in our rightful mind, In purer lives Thy service find, In deeper reverence, praise.
Page thirteen
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6 3 Shelback Place, Rockville, Center, New York
January 16 President of Sigma Epsilon Phi, Phi Iota, Book Club, Outing Club.
.. .
Bridge fiend . . . Goin' to the movies? , How d'ya spell? . . . Long Island Bound . . Jingle jingle! . . . Yea-a h! . . I'm goin' to s.tart to study tomorrow! . . . Come on to the Grill Gal full of fun Easy to get along with Friendly . . "Munse" . . Smoke, smoke, smoke that cigarette . . . Menage is on the phone!
577 North Forest Road, Williamsville, New Yorl~ July 5 Student Council President, Sigma Epsilon Phi, Centenary Players, Phi Iota, Psychology Club, Spanish Club. It's Sarah Lawrence next September . . . "Benny" . . . Princeton has that certain charm . . . A second Katie Cornell . . . Numerous radio broadcasts . . . Always laughing and giggling . . . Have to put my hair up sometime . . . Always the "ham" . . . Loves that horse of hers . . . So many announcements in Chapel . . . What a gal!
... ...
107 Wyndale Road, Jenkintown, Pennsylvania
July 13 Sigma Epsilon Phi, Aquatics Club, Leaders' Corps.
3.C o x
28 Gates Avenue, Montclair, New Jersey
August 18 Glee Club, Editor of Hack, Phi Theta Kappa, Phi Iota, Sigma Epsilon Phi. "Lynn" . . . Weekends in Montclair and ~ u t l e ~ . Moe's .;A . Runs from one meeting to the next . . Saving pennies for the future . . . Hack problem . . . Loves the Dodgers. . Wonderful artist Always smiling and friendly . . . Sincere Oh, that telephone . . . A n excellent athlete . . . Would make a perfect photographer's model.
. .
Normandy is the most wonderful place in the world . . . Biology first period . . . Trenton . , Fire Warden . . . "Miss Frog" . . . Come down and have a cigarette . . . Rutgers . Hell Week Committee . . Wants to be a woman scientistchemical technician . . . Surely is at home in. the. water . . . "Flo."
Singm* Dele . Sigmx Sigma, Phi
Tbgrn Kama. Presidwr af Guild, Prrtgident af
. . . 'It"$ ~ i f i .6 . pEir #E . . , My diet3 . , . shirt . . W&ch b&r MP&. . . G p c a d . . S ~ I ..
'" eta""
.. .. . .. . ..
Quit!@?& , indtlk~ioug,
Emion far g&m crack~rs. Arehd q & a w ~ . , It% T3rmsdapl V m & womm . Flying had^ D& that R q a l , i'e~biow ;Eerisz*@mmre Vwy k w e r ~girl . Txamh* French sm d y .
. ...
. . . .
24 Wareland Road, Wellesley Hills, Massachusetts
September 2 3 Business Club, Secretary Delta Sigma Sigma, Glee Club, Centenary Singers, Outing Club.
. .
"Janie" . . . Has weakness for Tiger town . . Is always saying--Oh, Soooo Whaaat . Oh, Kids . . . Y' Know . . . I'm absolutely starved . . . One of those fortunates who tries to up the scales . . . Teasing smile and vexing eyes . . . Good natured . . . Pickle . . . Oh, Towers, you just can't fall in love now . . . A sweet one.
f 6 West Princeton Road, Bala-Cynwyd,
Pennsylvania August 4 President of Outing Club, Chaplain Theta Epsilon Nu, Phi Theta Kappa, Centenary Singers, W. A. A. Board.
Always on a diet, but loves to eat . . Sweet and friendly . . . Wonderful roommate . Don't let i t perturb you . . Slow down . . . I've just got to go on a diet . . . Night walker acd talker . . . Artistically minded . . . Sincere and good natured . . Hopes to be either a Physiotherapist or Nurse . . A n asset to any singing group . . . "Boots-Harty".
J o e
30 Cornell Avenue, Hawthorne, New Jersey
May 9 Business Club, Secretary of Sigma Epsilon Phi,
Page sevdnteen
876 P e m k t g a h a d , Grosse Pointe Park,
Michigan July 20 Riding Club, >De:Ita Sigma Sigma.
. .
292 Essex Avenue, Bloomfield, New Jersey
May 6 Glee Club, Theta Epsilon Nu. Liked in the Ivy League . . . Often seen buying stamps to answer her many letters . What color is it? . . . Likes nice clothes . Sticks up for the Bloomfield football team . . Pet peeve, West Virginia . . . Loves music . . Ambitious . . . Always a ready smile for one and all . . . "Katchie".
.. . .
Page eighteen
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Bmwn! Brown! Brown! . , Lives on coffee , Tnfectious laughter . Waats to- travel, then w d e down Nightly kttmx Most often s e a i n the Grill with the gmup . Known for her talkativeness . 3Cova mail time . Tuesday night ritual-mvie and a soda with her roommate . tcJoie''.
. .
2600 Albany hverzue, West Hartford,
Cmmecticur March 31
January 5 Spanish Club, French Club Secretary, Sigma Epsilon Phi, Book Club, International Relations President. \ .
"Bobby" . . . There's no place like Connecticut . . He's attractive . . Yale rates high on her list . Always playing records . . . New York for plays, operas, and such claim her weekends . . A passion for men who smoke pipes . . . Outstanding for Bobby are Yale swimming meets . . Her dry wit gets everyone.
. . .
Spanish Club Pzesident;Book. ~ l u b Sigma , Bpi1un Phi, Record Club. . . weekend excursions to .NW 'yWk fm this aJld that Always aSmE never gats gxcited : Thousand leggers i.E%Uo.world! -. Exer read those terrific i i i n i in her roam? Hmdfid for .Uaiversity of Massolchusitm in Septembefl;, I=allecthi of .ginger ale buttles . , The skmy of H e c k . A. B. C.--always bay coke A gayl Ld-.
9 1 Loeffler Road, Bloomfield, Connecticut
.. .
. ..
317 King Street, Part Chester, New York
January 2 3 Riding Club, Spanish Club, Hockey Team, Delta Sigma Sigma.
and eating . . It's a panic Mania for Bermuda I thought I'd die . Let's go I think 1 feel a cold coming on downtown . Portland . .: Dear Little Buttercup! Lots of laughs . Good &end . Loves to calk . Famous for her varied collection of staTies . Neat gal . "Rdey".
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. .. 2927 Valentine Avenue, New York, New York
July 1 1 Riding Club, Spanish Club, Delta Sigma Sigma.
"M. J." . . . Sleeping i s her hobby . . . Fourth . Two more years of college afxer for bridge graduation . . . Loves to deal bridge hands fairly . . Princeton and Army fan . Spends a lot of time horseback riding . . Time to get up already? . . Has a weakness for the boys in gray.
37 Sydney Avenue, Deal, New Jersey
September 7 Riding Club, Social Committee, Delta Sigma Sigma, Pep Committee.
. . ... . ...
"Nassau" . Light me, Bebe! How about that? Weekends at Princeton, Lehigh, Boston . . I'm awake, Janie! . Well known and loved by all Had me fooled . . Grill bridge table . . . Basketball whiz . . What's 'sa matter for you? . . . Many laughs and good times Going back, going back . . Who else? . "Cookie".
. . . . .
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Page twenty-one
200 West College Street, Cannonsburg,
Pennsylvania October 29 W. A. A. Vice-President, Aquatic Club, Sigma Epsilon Phi, Leaders' Corps. "The Giggle" . . . Baby blue eyes plus an impish gleam . . Jeans 'n shirts . . Roommate are we getting up? . . . Looks studious in glasses, but! . . Always has a terrific problem to solve . . Official time keeper (athletics, that .is) . . . 'Bond Street' . . . "Marty" . Gotta get a cup of coffee in the Grill . . . Love that swimming pool.
North Division, Peekskill, New York
Spilled Ink Editor, Outing Club, Sigma Epsilon Phi, Leaders' Corps.
"Jo" . . . Rather dance than eat . . Second floor showers . . Those huge chords . . . Gotta make a deadline! . . . Scintillating conversationalist . . . Loves to argue . . . Uses some soap with the clorax when she washes . . "B. B." . . . I'm crushed . . . Bed a t midnight?-don't be sillysleep is minor! . . . Spanish and that correct accent . . . Practically a tennis pro.
45 East 85th Street, New York City, New York
February 11 Outing Club, Aquatics Club, Riding Club, Leaders' Corps, Sigma Epsilon Phi.
J@ &koat
Road, Matmuin Lakes, New Jersey
Sigma E + b Phi, Outing Clab, Leaders' Corps, Spilled Ti&,
'%weeney" . , That3 debatable Well, hardly know f i a t to say . Loves College Shopp, Grill, Lounge . , Spsnda weekends at Centenary A WWBI who likes baseball! Plan e n n k on the slightest provocatiic;fir Cheedd smik . . A gmd word for everyone . b a & of common sew , Terrific sense of humaa Always changifiag ths room around.
. .
. .
... ...
April 16
"Ace" . . . You've got the racket . . Hello, Honey . . Notre Dame . . College Shoppe . . . Pats . . You're gone . . . Back steps . . I'm cracking up . . . Partial to Carl Sandburg, people, and problems . . Black naturally curly hair . . . Terrific fieure . . . 'Stormv Weather' . . . Loves sand, salt water . . . Sun worshiper . . A mind of her crwn . . . Congenial and obliging . . . Mad for mountain music.
Rutgers Street, h ~ i a g t o n ,New Jersey
R e c ~ r dClub, Spanish Club, Outing Chb, Ouild Gabin&, Delta % p ~ Sigma. a
Ah, t+th ; llnrsk, nd more b r i w . .,After those ckim gwics.'ho* can she sleep? .. When Friday twmi, it's HOMEI' R-E-D spells Jinny Owns ;he caach ia the front parlor, quatre~'srights, you lylmtl! 1 love Daisy Jw . , . Rah, Ra%, C&tpaburgl . . . What h l d m ! ! . Such modey! .. Oh'! to drag isn b b t w n on the Seoern.
.,. .. . ..
72 Summer Street, Hawthorne, New Jersey
March 6 Business Club, Outing Club, Guild Cabinet, Theta Epsilon Nu.
"Blondie" . . With the hair and eyes! Bring my mail up to the typing room, if I have any . . Smile, Smile, Smile . . She bubbles llke a glass of champagne . . Slender, tender, and tall! . It's not ver-r-y cold up here . . That yen for Annapolis must be catching! . . One-half of a perfect pair!!
. .
. .
8100 East Jefferson Avenue, Detroit 14,
October 10 Record Club, Outing Club, Spanish Club, Delt a Sigma Sigma.
. .. .
Can be found on couch in front parlor . . Cute roommate . . . Are you hungry? . Loves ceramics . . . That chemistry lab! . Nice clothes . . . Always knitting . . Did you . Lab set the alarm? . . Sweet personality technician next . . Often spends weekends a t Dalrymples . Oh, a bug! . . Favorite school is Yale . "Joannie"
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Joid W a e
Center Grove Road, Dover, New Jersey September 12 Business Club, Outing Club, Theta Epsilon Nu. Look! horses . . . Interested in art . . . Blast that typewriter . . 'Clair de Lune' . . . An infectious giggle . Rutgers . . Does my skirt hang straight? Haunts the typing room . . Sweet and quiet . . . Hubba . . . Another enthusiastic knitter . . . That is . . . Weekends spent between Vandermades' and home! . . . Let's go in and bust up the joint.
. . . ...
144 Oakwood Drive, Packanach Lake,
New Jersey November 1 Modern Dance Club, Theta Epsilon Nu. Loves to dance . . . Writing letters . . . Partial to Marines . . . Mail-love it! . . Shoes galore . . . Plans to be a physical education teacher . . . Wesleyan . . . Always in the new lounge . . . Loves black . . . I was so embarrassed I could have died! . . . Nice blonde hair . . Loves mischief . . . Princeton . . . Hey kids, isn't anyone going to bed now? . . . "By".
Morse Lakes, Bloomingdale, New Jersey October 17 Glee Club, Centenary Singers, Theta Epsilon Nu.
"Lily" . . . Room 121 (The Unholy 5 ) . What would she do without Bengay and Vicks? . . . Medicine chest Stockfleth, they call her . . . "Oik" . Always has a helping hand to offer!!! . . . Plans to be a physiotherapist sorneday . . . She sings and knits . . Hopes to be a good wife . . . a t least once!!!
Page. twenty-six
21 Beekman Terrace, Summit, New Jersy
May F Theta Epsilon Nu.
. . ..
,@!!y!Ph aonezk2
3409 %uth Utah Street, Arlington, Virginia
Nowember l a Camera flub, Staff Photographer of Spilled Ink a d Hack, Delta Sigma Sigmsr.
. .
Voman photpgrapher . When I snap the picture, say e h d e + Good dd 6. J. C Has a certain unknown inwrest in the Air Corps U h o w n ? . Geaer~us,full of fun Slick Ckk . All woimd pal Super *'Phil'' What e riot . . That wedding in June I'll just bve living on Guam!
.. .
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"Stevie" . . What is behind that dav-drearnine " stare? . . But University of Michigan is so far Has long, dark; curly hair with eyeaway . lashes to match . . Collects pictures, but for some reason they all seem to be of one person . . . Home Indiana Inveterate letter-writer . Hidden talent, she plays the marimba!!!
. .
$5 North Union Street, Lambertville,
New Jersey February 2 Record Club, Social Committee, Student Council Representative, Centenary Singers, Delta Sigma Sigma. Got any good food? . . . Dottie, manless, but why? . . . Grill and library are her haunts . . Weekends a t Westminister Choir School . . One of the class "sillies" . . A great music lover. . . Give her Keats and keep her happy . . Chocolate milkshake, please . . . Those sharp jersey P. J.'s . . A character but we all love her just the same!!!
520 Central Avenue, Plainfield, New Jersey
Psychology Club, Glee Club, Chapel Committee, Theta 'Epsilon Nu. "Cheaty" . . . Maybe in fifty years she'll be the new tennis champion of the nation . . Oh, that cottage a t Lake Mohawk . . . She'll never forget that Florida vacation . . . Eat, drink and be merry, and she does too!!! . . 0, you little darlin' . . Plans to finish four years of college . . . And then? . . . Who can tell???
5 11 Warren Street, Hudson, New York
July 14 Book Club, French Club, Theta Epsilon Nu. Honestly, if I could only find my ballet shoes!
. . . Do you think I lost any weight? . . . Found frequently in the laundry room . . . Always on a diet . . . Forever washing sweaters . . . Special male spot-Brown . . . Weekends in New York . . . Partial to golf . . . Spends so much time ripping argyles . . . Plans to transfer . . . One swell gal . . . "Arl".
6 Slade Avenue, Pikesville, Maryland
March 1 0 Assistant Editor of Spilled Ink, W. A. A., Theta Epsilon Nu. What would you do, Arlene, if you were me?
. . . Partial to Park School and John Hopkins . . . Weekepds in Baltimore . . . Often seen in the Grill . . . Argyle Queen . . . In the front parlor before a music appreciation test Please give me operator 16! . I love him short! . . Neat and petite ; . . "Annie".
Endolane, Flanders, New Jersey April 18 Outing Club.
.. .
"Neil" . Ooohhh, I'm so happy! I gotta go home . . Always wants to do something . . . The campus homebody . . Relaxed a t the air field . . Weekends on a horse or in an airplane . . . Crazy about motorcycling . . Favorite spot "Nick's" . . . Likes hockey, and chocolate cake . . . Dancing . . . Bowling.
White Pickets, Petersham, Massachusetts December 20 International Relations Club, Outing Club, Theta Epsilon Nu.
"Squeek" . . That pretty red hair and cute snub nose . . Takes things slow and easy Won the first prize in art in 1947 Guess who? . . . O h that walk! . . Likes nothhg better than to sleep Always drawing something -it's good, too . . . A slow grin is always dangerous.
16 Colonial Terrace, Maplewood, New Jersey
January 6 Modern Dance Club, Psychology Club Officer, Glee Club, Sigma Epsilon Phi.
9 Brookwood Road, South Orange, New Jersey
May 11 Sigma Epsilon Phi Vice-President, Outing Club Secretary.
. . ,.,
"Jeannie" Slightly scatterbrained but harmless and lots 'of fun . . You'd know her in a crowd 'cause'of her long blonde hair Always agreeable, smiling Laughs at the corniest of jokes Loves clothes Come on, roomy, break down, have a piece of cake . . . Still trying for her driver's license . . Crazy about good music.
... .
"Lulu" . Perpetually playing .bridge . Fourth wanted . . Likeable, laughable, loveable . A passion for abbreviations . . Ardor for knitting argyles Keeps a diary and everyone wants that key . . . Clothes pins as curlers Always the last to bed . . Loves to sun, loves to laugh, and just loves . . .Moans in sleep . Going back.
NmB 28 7 Ri&g C2mbs P a ~ b I wdub Theta Epsilon
"Tommie" MAa idsp 1st~, r , Vq Sr**
fayette will
b r s ~~
d&g . . ta . - . La$* eb ~ a S s bad, . r eni t ~h Laves
. . . a,hanmtly . . . h p W *t &&3 . . Fpwth .far bride . . . .h wemkwds in W m Y ~ r k. . Oh.&is. aueh a pmd place. . . d"pfti.fti. & #,
2291 Nelson Avenue, Memphis, Tennessee
December 11 Centenary Singers, Glee Club, Record Club, French Club. Greatest ambition of her life to go abroad someday . . Georgia Tech's just got t o win this game! . . "Barb" . . . Crazy about horses Loves to warble . . Dashes here and there on weekends . I'm tired! . . . Surprisingly enough, no Southern accent . . . Georgia Tech has an ardent rooter . . Emory U. rates high, too.
. . . .
43 1 East Sedgwick Street, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania September 5 Riding Club Vice-President, Theta Epsilon Nu, centenary Singers, Glee Club, outing Club.
. ... ...
"The Voice" . . Daily telephone calls . . . Stacks of mail Quite an enthusiastic Penn fan . . . "Foote" Horses, horses, crazy 'bout horses . . . All men are mine . . . Mad about A1 Jolson . Eager beaver for bridge . . . Cape Cod . . . Oh, Shirley, you are so funny! . New York has a certain fascination . . Dark Eyes.
,311 H i c h m a n Avenue, Haildonfield, New Jersey
February 16 ;nesa Epsilon N u Secretary, French Club, Centenary Singers, Gke Club, Outing Club.
A They call her c~Duckie" or "Shirl" wrinkleynose laugh . . What a hockey glapr! . University of North Carolina next % p m ber Remember Ocean City Is it 'Upsinus, Sw~rthrnofe,or Missouri? Wait 'ti1 I tell you. . . Lo-o--ong bloqde hair . . Really a student . . 'I Miss You Sa9 . . Music and sports take up her spare ( ?) time.
.. . ..
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Jane 550
L * t t L m o d
East Gates Street, Roxborough, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania January 19
Outing Club, Business Club, Delta Sigma Sigma. "C. B. J. L." . . . "Little" . . . H i kids . . And what is the matter for you??? Cornell . . . Lehigh . . . Princeton . . . Lafayette . And you know it, Jan . . . Philly . . . You're kidding . . . Secretary . . You beast Let's get to bed early tonight, Jan . . Noted for angel cakes with cream of tartar . . . That raincoat! . . . Don't be jealous, Cookie!
J na9L
Wilson Road and Burden Drive, Pottstown, Pennsylvania Business Club, Outing Club, Guild Representative, Sigma Epsilon Phi. "Neg" . . . Howdy . . . See ya . . . How tired can you get??? Cornell . . . Lehigh . . . Dartmouth . . . Let's have one more butt . . . What makes me so neat??? Ta! Ta! . . . No hamburgers, no hot dogs, no bread, no nothin' . . . Noted for knocking over bottles of maraschino cherries . . . Sleep??? How do you spell i t ? ? ? Sublifous!
%uth L o n g b c h
venue; Freeport, New York March 25-
French C3dz3 Aquatics Club, Modern -Dance C l u h Pw@r Club, Glee Club, Delta Si~m Sigma Vice-Presidmt. . -. . . Her sc~aphaok,sketches, and & t r ~ 2". K.PP. . What a character h% &,ck., *'Hot Ch* . . Would ,YOU saf?' Da& Lw sillB! k - e - e - e . : Yale keys, .&he m w ~ c G e n.l ~ 249 $mall k c h Gikk1.w Considerate W e e t . .Gbod qa~d: Time friend ,.',Go$ sense crf'h~ott . Nothing's tm much trouble "Margie". . "
3 2 Moore Avenue, Worcester, Massachusetts
March 6 Camera Club, Aquatics Club, Glee Club, Hack Board, Delta Sigma Sigma.
Darling! . . . Collects sayjpg, poems, records . You had me fooled. I see! . . . Hey Marg! . . . Honestly . . Did you ever! . . Don't call me Red! . . "Beeps" . My Daddy's my favorite beau . . . 2,N . . Always a smile . . . Peppy . . . They don't come any sweeter . . . Very sincere . . . Everything happens for the best . . Others always . . Her woofie . . "Bee".
. .. . ..'.' .
. ...
.. . .. ..
Rosslyn Farms, Carnegie, Pennsylvania March 30 Record Club, Centenary Singers, Glee Club, Delta Sigma Sigma. Musical laughter . . . Future in interior decorating . Princeton . . . Sings in the shower Interested in others . . . Always cheerful in the morning . . . Paints for pastime . . .,That understanding smile . . . "Janie" . . . Quiet and studious . Strictly an individualist . Will never forget the summers in Canada . Not really!!! . . All those "Air France",pqs grs on the wall.
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14 Garden Place, Brooklyn, New York
Camera Club, Record Club, Psychology Club, Glee Club.
October 15
.. .
"S. B."' Spends time practicing piano and playing bridge in the Grill . Shy . Sweet Abstract paintings Loves living in the city . Spends summers in Connecticut Interested in psychology . Yale Future plans are indefinite . . Photography Always losing her glasses . . Such dry wit . Those terrific tennis services Do you think so?
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9 5 5 South Avenue, Secane, Pennsylvania
March 2 Book Club, French Club, Record Club, Sigma Epsilon Phi.
... ... .. .
"Connie" Remembered for daily letters from Wallingford Telephone calls . . Luscious blonde . Those weekends at Wallingford . . Favorite school, Haverford . Quite a look woman . . Always singing 'Choo-Choo Ch' Boogik' and 'Old Devil Moon' . Coca-Cola Company's A-1 customer Barnett's shadow . . Beautiful skin . . . Famous for that giggle . . . She's got it!
. .
San Jose, Costa Rica December 2$ Outing Club, Book Club, Theta Epsilon Nu.
A lovely Latin American Joined the class of '48 in her senior year . Known for her popularity, numerous phone calls, special deliveries . Forever falling in and out of love Short, sweet, studious Weekends in New York . Always looking for mail I have something to tell you Costa Rica bound after graduation.
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Page t h i ~ t v - s e ~ e n
April 1 Theta Epsilon Nu.
&Len ?
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Somerset Street, Worcester, Massachusetts May 28
51gma Epsilon Phi, French Club, Record Club, Riding Club.
. Thinks the best Decided Boston accent English is spoken within a fifty mile radius of Usually found in the Grill, stables, Boston and lounge . Ithaca and Lehigh . Such wonderful spirit at the Kappa Sig house . Just wait 'ti1 I tell you about Bolen-Car-nee-lia . . . Plans to transfer . . . Full of fun.
Page- thWpeigJLt
Sophisticated Miss from New York . . Incessant talker . . . Wonderful roommate . Noted for her blonde streak, sense of humor, smart Spends weekends in New ~ b r k . . clothes Divides attention between Yale, Harvard, and Princeton . . Always hungry . . . When you analyze the situation . . Loves to play golf and visit fortune tellers . Probable transfer material . "Ellie".
. ..
Crron B a r niron
C. N . Penson No. 45, Cuidad Trujillo, Dominican Republic October 2 Business Club, Spanish Club, Outing Club, French Club, Delta Sigma Sigma.
Cavendish Heights, Devonshire, Bermuda September 11 French Club, Business Club, Delta Sigma Sgma. Moonlight and coral beaches . . . Day dreaming . Silly Phily . and dates , .. . Bermuda! !! It's too cold Haunts bookstore! . . - w h a t goes on in Westfield??? . A quelle vie at C. J. C. . . Sunshine , Hackettstown pro-football games . . . A cream colored convertible and what goes with i t Sweet and serene.
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"Anggie" . Plans to travel Has preference for the University of Santo Dorningo . . "Pichi" . Off to New York on weekends . . . No se a , d a r cos a caramba-what does that mean??? . Does her dancing a t the Faragua en el verano . . Look for her in the typing room.
16 West Englewood Avenmt, Bergenfield, New Jersey
October 24 Riding Club, Centenary Singers, Poster Club, Outing Club, Theta Epsilon Nu. '
'Mousie" and $er men . Pinafore Brigade . . So-0-0 little and so-o-o cute!!! . . Always going to yrite those letters!!! . , Curly bang& and diqples What's wrong with teaching?? . Artistic as &ey. come . Such clever hands . Headed for North Carolina and Chapel H i 1 I'm gonna be an old maid Not o ehance of that, we're thinking.
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41 Park Avenue, Bloomfield, New Jersey
April 22 Book Club, Orchestra Club, Centenary Singers, Phi Theta Kappa, Theta Epsilon Nu.
"Lou" I'm hungry-wanna eat? Always willing to listento everyone's problems . . . Nightly exercising . . Presbyterian Hospital School of Nursing . . I should put my hair up . . Ah! those nursing yarns . . Food from home . . Passion for good books . . Always sleeping . . Hurry up, we will be late! That darn Chem. Lab.
A u J r e y R u t L Berman 93 3 Boulevard, Bayonne, New Jersey
April 20 Record Club, French Club, Psychology Club. That short, black, curly hair . . . The ovation "Aud" received a t her piano debut last year . . . Should I let my hair grow? . . Look for her in the Grill or lounge . . . So many weekends at home . , Transfer student? . Four no trump . Did my glasses come today? . Why don't I tan?-Everyone else does!
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344 East Phila-Ellena Street, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania October 1 Outing Club, Psychology Club, Camera Club Treasurer, Guild Cabinet, Theta Epsilon Nu.
.. .. ... .. ... . .
"Kirsch" . And she tries so hard to knit . . . Another lounge, bridge playing fiend What a panic! . Her hands help her to explain things Amherst, Penn, Lehigh head the list . Quite a giggler . . Going to be a private secretary Hmmm, that weekend at Skytop! . Such a pretty smile.
. ..
Wary4.woriun 2 3 Sheffield Road, Winchester, Massachusetts
June 5 Record Club, Outing Club, Spanish Club, Centenary Singers, Sigma Epsilon Nu.
"Mair" . . Frantically counts the days 'ti1 vacation . . . One of the wiser Early Risers . . . She can tell a Harvard man a mile away . . Travel is her aim some future day . . . Single Blessednes-But not for me . . M. I. T. . . . Those eyes of brown . . Oh, I've got so much to do . . . Roommate's Guiding Star, 'Tis true!!
Bar6ura Cecda R.c6man 39 Plaza Street, Brooklyn, New York
May 2 Book Club, Outing Club, Record Club, Spanish Club, Sigma Epsilon Phi. '
"Babs" . . I wish I could crack my gum like you . . . Hail Columbia . . . There's N O place like home . . All she can eat and a figure that's neat . . . Is walking what does i t ? . One of dem bums-from you know where!! . . . Likes . I<oommatc's her music A La Long-Hair Girl Friday.
. .
Page forty-two
January 17
. . . Skiing at Ec. S w e m , M m ~ m .1 . . . . , N e ~ pt r ,. . IZatSiedae q i b b . :. LaÂŁryet& a d -Qhio State'. :' . U f w d a + h e r e 3 wml' . . , TVhre -dQes + tay mmey g&?? . . . A11 those ea&d ~ w c d , .'"Ijust caiff+p $ 0 1 ~ r a ' t ~~ u d y i n g . . . Bat M e. . , 'I carrma1r c c ~ d e * *
406 Waverly Road, Wyncote, Pennsylvania
August 2 2 Glee Club, Delta Sigma Sigma.
. .
"Dottie" . It's hysterical! . . . The Grill . . . Lehigh!!! .;A . More college next year . . Who is the phone for? . . . That impish grin . The most outstanding voice in the class . . . Keeps Mr. Dilts filling coke machines . . . Those con-' Always fluttering down tinual mix-ups!!! . the hall to do something important . . . Many telephone calls.
~ i r hthe light
Silveia and Bigio, Port au Prince, Haiti April 4
President of French Club, Psychology Club, Phi Theta Kappa. "Lilly-Ann" . . . An admirer of Napoleon and French literature . Enjoys swimming and music . . Exercises madly . Loves to eat . Conscientious student . . Spends most of her time in the library and clothing labs . A freauent visitor to New York . . . Has a definite French temperament . Plans to continue her studies in this country.
. . .
17 Prentice Road, Newton Center, Massachusetts
. .
April 1 8 Spanish Club, Spilled Ink Staff.
. . . Popular, but nothing definite as yet figure . . . A truly well-groomed Centenarian . . . Likes skiing, sailing, riding, and reading . . . It's marvelous . . . I shall be back in a flash . . . Plans to transfer . . . Never spends two week "Ellie"
. . . Known for her Boston accent and stunning
ends in the same place.
4340 Woodland Avenue, Drexel Hill,
Pennsylvania June 7 Poster Club, Camera Club, Leaders' Corps, Outing Club, Theta Epsilon Nu.
Oh, that smile! . Needs a date book desperately . . . See what I mean? . . . Always talks with her hands . . . Spends her weekends everywhere but C. J. C. . Valley Forge and Annapolis . . . 'I Have But One Heart' . . "Betts" . Forever writing letters Fashion commentstor in near future . Sweet as sugar "Punchy".
.. ...
15 Willow Street, Brooklyn, New York
August 13 International Relations Club, Camera Club, Outing Club, Aquatics Club, Sigma Epsilon Phi. Now look kids! . . . Always traveling with Betts . . . Future nurse . . . Collects stuffed aninials . . . Mattituck . . . 'I'll Get By' . . . Swarthmore calling . . . Oh, those rolling eyes . . . Princeton . . . A friend in need--a friend indeed . . . "Bee" . . . 'None But The Lonely Heart' . . . Has a pet named Trixie . . . Slightly partial to Cornell . . . Loves swimming.
Page forty-five
4 Dickel Road, Scarsdale, New York
August 2 2 Treasurer of Student Council, Modern Dance Club, Glee Club, Cheer Leader, Delta Sigma Sigma.
"J. C." . . . Likes to sing . . . Dartmouth . . . Lehigh . . . Yale . . . Yea! . . . Doug, you're so slow . . . Bucks, not dollars . . . That cloud of powder . . . Grand slam . . . Mighty understanding . . She's the best possible . . . A pair of knitting needles and yarn . . . Next year: Katir Gibbs . . . The summers at Chatham.
22625 Douglas Road, Shaker Heights, Ohio
February 3 Dance Club, Centenary Singers, Sigma' Epsilon Phi.
"Doug" . . By the way, I have to tell you . . Baby face . . . High voice . . . I'm not,kidding . . . Sweet and full of f u n . . . Loves to sew and knit . . . Princeton! . . . Sound sleeper . . Future at Simmons . . I'll never get this, Jan . . . Finally the car! . . Can I have a little bit. , got " Jan . . . Wonderful roommate.
Pocge f o r t y - s i x
1 Edgewood Road, Alapocas, Wilmington,
Delaware November 14 Social Committee Chairman, Delta Sigma Sigma, Hockey All-Star, Orientation Committee.
&a.W o r d . Place, Elm &&; Ocmkr 7
New; Je1sey
"Rube" . . Trap shooting with her father . 'Connecticut is the Place for me' . . . Hockey fiend . . . That infectious giggle . . . Luscious assortment of sweaters and skirts . . That man's here again . . . Oh, great! . . . Can't do without a radio--a new one every six months . . . Quite a record collector . Rates on New Jersey Field Hockey Honorary Team.
River Street, Norwell, Massachusetts March 15 Business Club, Outing Club, International Relations Club, Sigma Epsilon Phi. .
. .
"That's My Desire" . Norwell-oh gravy! . . Always rubbing her nose . . Hey, j a c k Armstrong is on the air . . . Weekends in Morristown . . . The Cabin . . . Knitting fiend . . . Will i t be Williams, Brown, or Princeton? . Future secretary . . . "Sniffles" . . . Wild about skiing . Known for her weekend journeys . . Sweet kid.
. . .
10 Elmwood Court, East Paterson, New Jersey
May 1Y Outing Club, Record Club, Phi Theta Kappa, Sigma Epsilon Phi.
. ...
"Lu" . . Sailing at Shelter is tops with her . . Oh gosh! . . . A knitting fiend . . . O h fudge . . . Usually found in the clothing lab Ouiet. \ , but what's behind it all? . . . A business career beckons her after.graduation . . Such a neat person . . . Conscientious about everything . A wonderful cook . . Now, Barb . . Hair twirler.
. .
1789' Stuart Street, Brooklyn, New York
July 27 Secretary of Phi Theta Kappa, Spilled Ink, Hack Board, Outing Club, Sigma Epsilon Phi. "Lus" . . . Connecticut is the place for me . . . One of the Pinafore Brigade . Naturally she's a Dodger fan . . . A passion for fashion . . . Sews like a demon . . . Lu, I certainly miss your cooking course . . . Record collector from way back . . Can't help thinking what an efficient secretary she'll make.
. .
205 Pine Street, Middletown, Connecticut
July 2 2 Outing Club, Camera Club, Business Club, Psychology Club, Theta Epsilon Nu.
. . .
"Janie" . . . So very understanding . . Kind and considerate . . . Filled-up mail box . . All those packages . . A true friend . . . Always ready to help . . . All right, all right . . Eager to learn . . . Such a sense of humor Faithful to piano practicing in Peith Hall . . . A girl of the- outdoors.
71 1 Coolidge Street, Westfield, New Jersey
November 7 Outing Club, International Relations Club, Spanish Club, Theta Epsilon Nu. "Nance" . . . 'Stop that dancin' up there' . . . Really . . . Bless your little pointed head . Flashy night shirts . . . Cornell is in the future . . . Humorous personality-plus Beautiful hair . . Always giggling . . . Allergic to biology . . Ya-ta-ta, ya-ta-ta Mr. Dilts, do we have to be in at 10:30 or 11:oO on week
, "t'
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3 3 8 Pacific Avenue, Atlantic City, New Jersey
December 21 Outing Club, International Relations Club, Sigma Epsilon Phi.
1 1 3 East Main Street, Adamstown, Pennsylvania
May 7 Glee Club, Centenary Singers, Signla Epsilon Phi.
Collects lipsticks . . I want to go home . . . Haunts the Legion . Beautiful singer . . Hates cheyjng gum . . . I want a letter . Beautiful clothes . Pennsylvania Dutch accent . . Infectious laugh . . . Oh, how she hates to get up in the morning . . . Cleans room at 1 1 P. M. . . "Bobbie-Lou".
.. . .
. ..
"Jane" What do you think 1 should wear? . . . Pretty particular . . . Must drape that terrific figure with care . Has gone in for that new look . . . Loves those long skirts . . Sporty A great athlete . Snappy dancer . . . Interested in nursery school work . . A great allaround gal.
. . ..
$4 Maple Street,.
3rub 6
&kzP6QtLa d d , 5409 Westford Road, Philadelphia 20, Pennsylvania .
January 10
Business Club, Outing Club, Secretary of Guild, Business Manager of Hack, Treasurer of Phi Theta Kappa, Delta Sigma Sigma.
"Jan" . . Blue eyes, blonde hair . . . Meticulous . . Daily letters . . . Friendly smile . . . Always going somewher-doing something.. Pinafore Brigade . I just know I didn't pass . . I always get this way when I'm tired . . Feeling silly . . Forever going visiting . . . Drexel . . Kings Point . . Amherst . . Adorable nieces . . . "Little Miss Efficiency".
.. .
. .
Rittenhouse Plaza, Philadelphia 3 , Pennsylvania May 22 Outing Club, Aquatics Club, Sigma Epsilon Phi. "Jackie" . . . Loves them all . . . Mad for that sport sailing . . . Favorite worry is losing weight . . Just can't make up her mind between Lehigh, Penn, Cornell, and West Point . . . Always going to answer those letters but never does . . . Phone calls from everywhere . . . Willing to help anyone in need . . . Always sees the best in people.
Sharon-Greenville Road, R. D. No. 2, Sharpsville, Pennsylvania March 24 International Relatians club, Psychology Club, Theta Epsilon Nu, Hack Board.
. .
"Mary" . . Haunts Grill or lounge . . Kent State Universitv . . . S ~ e n d sweekends at C. T. C. -why? . . reallyAshould get to work: . . Smart as a whip . . . Famous for dashing off a psychology quiz . . . Pretty hands . . Telephone calls and letters from Kent State . . . She'll make a good wife.
542 Sherwood Parkway, Westfield, New Jersey
September 21 Glee Club, Centenary Singers, Delta Sigma Sigma.
One of those antique collectors . A musician, heart and soul . . . Known for her fine voice . Magic fingers . . . A career in choral conducting . . Usually found in music rooms . . Interest in Cornell and Princeton . . . Tries in vain to keep the room in order . . O h joy, I've just got to go on a diet . . . "Louie".
Gardastraeti 41, Reykjauik, Iceland January 16 French Club, Spanish Club, Riding Club, Book Club, Theta Epsilon Nu. Oh, I don't know, kids . . . It's a beeg problem . . . "Icey" or "Peg" . . . Horses, horses, horses . . . Princeton, Lafayette and N. Y. C. . . . The Village, Lounge and Grill . . . Jazz music and jitterbugging . . . Diplomatic service . . . Always on the go . . . Oh! that band! . . . I gotta get thin . . . Those nightly exercises.
.. .
1 1 0 North Court Street, Frederick, Maryland
August 1 &lee Club, Student Council, Hall President, Outing Club, Delta Sigma Sigma.
A n n van
1 2 11 Wyngate Road, Wynnewood, Pennsylvania
February 9 Aquatics Club President, Centenary Singers, Literary Editor of Hack, Spilled Ink, Psychology Club, Sigma Epsilon Phi. "Tommy'?!. . . Many ideas for future, but 'Old Rockin' Chair's Got Me' . . . Talented writer . . . Gotta hit the books . . . Can be found in Radio Workshop and heard over Station C.J.C. . . . Swimming and aquaplaning . . I should live so long . . Quite a golfer . . . Princeton and Philadelphia weekends.
... .. .
Often caught dreaming and sighing Conscientious Hall President . . "Ann" . Likes University of Maryland for some reason . . I have no idea . . . Svends weekends where other half is . . . Haunts the library and lounge . Those antiques and record albums . . In two years???. . . Couldn't survive without Tommy.
. .
19 Francisco Avenue, West Caldwell, New Jersey
January 16 Camera Club, Outing Club, Social Committee, Theta Epsilon Nu.
Sweet and considerate . Member of Pinafore Brigade . . Oh, well! . . . Home on weekends How do you spell ? . . . Can always be found in the library . . Those long legs Oh!!!-I forgot my pills . . Eating, I love it . . . Looking for mail . . Cute nose . . . More college, career, then marriage! . . "Barb".
. . .
64 Guyon Avenue, Staten Island, New York
December 3 Camera Club, Hack Board, Phi Theta Kappa, Student Court, Delta Sigma Sigma.
.. . .
"Gretch" . . . Member of Pinafore Brigade Really? . . . Always as sweet as possible . . Weekends at home . . . Oh, Barb, he's so sweet . . A marriage in the future . . . The home econon~icslab is her second home . . "Mousie" . . Exemplifies good things do come in small packages . . . Does everything right.
. .
130 Morningside Drive, New York City 24, New York
January 1 3 Business Club, Theta Epsilon Nu.
Haunts the art room and mail lounge . . Now. up home we . . . Hey kids! . . . Want a ciggerbLtt? . . Hey tweet-heart! . . spends-her weekends in N& Yorlc . . . Always thirst y . . . Capable miss . . . Generous . . Helpful . . . Quiet talker with much sense . . .. Can be seen &eking around the table every morning.
A n n Bauer v a n
7 Hillside Avenue, Franklin, New Jersey
January 1 President of Business Club, Theta Epsilon Nu.
Collects Japanese kimonas . Never sings more than snatches of songs . . . Roommate stop-p-p it! . Home nearly every weekend . The Vim and Vigor Girl . . . I'm hungry! . . Forever talking backward . . . Come, Come . . . Haunts the bakery shop . . Giggles . . . "Annie" Cornell . . Keeps the breakfast line going . . . Efficiency plus . . . "Van".
.. .
Page fiftu-seven
A n n 3ornde;Pe 79 Lexington Street, Hamden, Connecticut
February 22 Riding Club, Treasurer of Delta Sigma Sigma. Our "Bev" has nice hobbies: men, dancing, clothes, and sports . . . The Log Cabin in New Haven Lehigh, Yale, Cornell, Coast Guard Academy . Milly, is the mail in yet? He's terrific! . . Life is wonderful . . New York . . . Come to the place for me . . . She would rather dance than eat . . A wonderful gal.
... .. .
Stockton Road, Meadowbrook, Pennsylvania September 27 The Guild Cabinet, Delta Sigma Sigma.
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"Milly" . . Fortside Inn, Penna. . Someone help me with my socks ,. Gee, that looks good Syracuse . . The Point Penn University This shorthand is getting me down . 'Near You' . . Isn't without that certain Fraternity pin for a minute . . It's bigger than the both of us . . That blonde curly hair . . . Love that gal!
Page fifty-eight
. .
April S
Aqtzatj, dub, Uuting 'Club, Gmera Glub, Sigma E@OR Phi.
*"Bt"eaieW . . Haeps 'ern guessing . . . You beasz . . . Sublifous . ., . . Collects. junk . .... Lounge and GdJ . . .I .Bridge, fimd :. . '.
1 1 1 3 Brookgreen Road, Baltimore, Maryland
Camera Club, Outing Club, French Club, Theta Epsilon Nu.
. .. ..
Little Annie Oakleaf and her collarless shirts Mmmrnm, ykllo, kids, here I am . . . Always laughing . One of those bridge fiends, ugh . Lives in the lounge, the Grill, or any loafing place . . Owns the best-looking shoes a t C. J. C. . 'The Egg And I' . . Greets you at the chapel door.
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. .
September 25
.. .
University of Alaska Men's shirts. Pussy-faot Tall md terrific N o ambition Philadelphia Slow a d easy Hey, Btm, wake me at 8:00, will ya??? %id-&ght butt , Known for her "neat and tidyn mum.
.. .
... ... ...
1004 Washington Street, Easton, Pennsylvania November 3 Sigma Epsilon Phi. "Glo" . . . O h Anna, I just can't get up for first class . . . Frequently wanders in and out of the college Men's Shoppe at Lafayette . . U m Hum!!! Lafayette . . Fraternity houses . But it's so vague . , . Letters-letters . . . They never stop . . . Chewing gum and nail polish . . . Never gets tired of dreaming.
43 52 Forrest Lane, Northwest, Washington, D. C.
February 1 Sigma Epsilon Phi, Modern Dance Club.
"Anna-Marie" Can't take this A. M. stuff No mail and the day is ruined . . . What's your maladjustment??? . Is partial to Swarthmore Special weekends there too . . Nice legs . . Happy go lucky attitude . . . That D. C. whirl . Beautiful clothes . . Favorite tune, 'Let the Rest of the World Go By!'
... .
760 Goffle Road, Hawthorne, New Jersey
June 2 Assistant Editor of Hack, Book Club, Outing Club, Business Club, Theta Epsilon Nu.
.. . ..
A smile for all . Looks luscious in pink . . . 'That's My Desire' . . Wonderful disposition . . . "Loie" . Dancing, dancing, dancing Partial to Rutgers and Utah State . Haunts the mail lounge . . . Everything happens for the best! . Determination plus . Perfect roommate . "Lambchop" . Never without a man . Next year-dramatic school in New York.
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... a - oan
179 Lincoln Avenue, Ridgewood, New Jersey
September 1 Outing Club, Leaders' Corps, Delta Sigma Sigma, Aquatics Club. Blue eyes . . . Excellent bowler . . . West Point . . . Those beautiful blushes . . . Favorite haunt -the swimming pool . . . Always with Lois . . . 'Just My Bill' . . . Wonderful personality . . . Jealously will get you nowhere . . . "Joanie" . . . Terrific smile . . . Usually everywhere but C. J. C. on weekends . . . Future nurse . . . 'Heartaches' . . . That gorgeous red hair.
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16 5 5 0 Northlawn Avenue, Detroit 21, Michigan
September 2 7 Sorority Treasurer, Riding Club, Aquatics Club, Theta Epsilon Nu.
Sweet and slow . . . Honest to Jo! . . . Dartmouth . . . O h those gifts! . . Can't decide between those men . Easy going . . . Always behind in allowance . . Weekends away . . . A friend in need . Always good company . . . Lots of fun . Headed for further education One swell gal . . Which one will call tonight? "Barb".
... 2642 Decatur Avenue, New York 58, New York
May 1 Aquatics Club, Leaders' Corps, Theta Epsilon Nu. Easv to live with . . . Considerate . . . H o ~ e s to be a gal in white . . . Has an interest in Princeton and Yale . . . Spends weekends most anywhere . I'm beat . . . Always going up to study but never does . . . Bridge fiend . . Handy with knitting needles . . . Likes to cook . . . Perfect roommate. . The best there is . . "Flossie".
. . . . . .. .
125 Prospect Street, East Orange, New Jersey
May 1 0 International Relations Club, Hack A r t Editor, Theta Epsilon Nu.
"Kiki" . . "Smoky" . . . Hotcha dig dig dog, notcha dog dog dig . . . Columbia . . . Around the country . . . A r t school for the future . . . Loves to sleep and eat . . . Fiend for mashed potatoes and butts . . . A n infectious laugh . . . sounds like- a machine gun . . . Terrific in art . . . Knack for getting into trouble . . . Always wears her dungarees down around her hips!
Carl W*P don L
46 Saint Luke's Place, Montclair, New Jersey
March 19 Spanish Club, International Relations Club, Theta Epsilon Nu.
Kiki, isn't he cute? . . Favorite male spot, Colgate . . Partial to lounging . . What was I going to say? . . . H e kills me! . . . I wish I were married! . . . That classic profile . . . Haunts the college shop . . . What about that nightly exercise? . . Headed for Latin American Institute . Likeable . . . "Nance".
. .
296 Knox Avenue, Cliffside Park, New Jersey
December 3 Book Club, Business Club, Camera Club, Outing Club, Student Council, Theta Epsilon Nu.
A n n e tJouns
7 Miles Avenue, Middletown, Connecticut July 3 0 Book Club, Business Club, Camera Club, Outing Club, Theta Epsilon Nu. Frequent letter writer! . . . He's so wonderful . . . ~here'dlnoplace like Sagamore . . . N o fat, please . . . Haunts her mailbox . . . Dwells among the clouds . . . Conscientious . . . Willing . . . Easy to get along with . . . Understandine . . . True friend . . . Hidden talents . . ; ~ k n o n don her third finger left hand . . . A -
wedding come next September.
Always has so much to do . . . Personality plus . . . Dependable . . . S i c e r c t r u t h f u l . . . Great interest in others . . . It's Princeton for Alice . . . Oh, Alice, come now . . . Those freckles add so much to an already sweet face . . . Who's proctor this week? . . . There's too much noise.
High Street, Blairstown, New Jersey April 29 Aquatics Club, President of Leaders' Corps, W. A. A. Board, Theta Epsilon Nu. "Shirl" . . . Small package of pep and energy . . . Smile for everyone . . . Princeton . . . Conscientious ,~ndcapable . . . Always swimming . . . Talented at hair-cutting . . . Listening to Fred Waring . . . I'm miserable . . . I should get to w o r k . . . Seven o'clock comes too soon . . . Waiting for mail to come . . . Busy all the time.
12 Edsall Road, Franklin, New Jersey
October 7 Book Club, Record Club, Chapel Committee, Theta Epsilon Nu. "Jenks" . . . Oh, roommate, my life is one long rush . . Laughs at anything . . :Knows everything but what she should . . . Always hungry . . Classes ruin my day . . 7:00 A. M. groan . Always on a diet Coiffure complaints . . . Yale . Bowling alleys. . . Is no saint, but a wonderful roommate.
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Page sixty-five
608 -Linds& Road, W i g t o n , Delawwe
October 30
Outing Club, Sigma Epsilon
. .
"Annie" 3s her name , Love3 that antique -sure chest .and enj~y8. filling it , . Bwts me! ,. Her tiam is d l taken care of-Poi. conw, Lwg bland boat: r;u:s!s . A 1 $a . $@~ds h s of. ti=% in the mail rmm: ,: , Thg "Bi& b u t y U ... + an to a n o h m c01Jege in S e p r ~ m k ,
641 West Polo Drive, Clayton, Missouri
November 28 "Dee" . . . What would the Biltmore do without her? . . . Princeton, West Point, and Yale vie for top honors . . Loves to go water skiing . . The 41 Club . . . Kiddin' of course . . . Forever knitting-such lovely things All those packages from Peck and Peck . . . Numerous theater parties to New York . . . "The Spirit of West Point".
. '. . .' .
June Meadows, Huntington Valley, Pennsylvania June 4 Vice President of Student Council, International Relations Club, Outing Club, Sigma Epsilon Phi.
C &Lon
. .
17 Lowden Street, Pawtucket, Rhode Island
January 21 President of Psychology Club, Outing Club, Fire Warden, Social Committee, Delta Sigma Sigma. ;I
Beautiful curly red hair . . . Draws straws between Harvard and Brown . . Her pride and joy, those teal blue and white cable stitch socks . . . Ever tasted her cooking? . . . Mmmm . How skinny I'm getting! . . . Has songs Special weekends at Camwritten about her . bridge, Providence, and Madison . . "Jan".
"Susie Q . . . Lehigh! Yale! Princeton! Annapolis! weekends on a tour . . . Collects clever sayings . Hey, did he really make the first touchdown? . Texas . . . Watch out 1568! . . . Loves Tequila . . Partial to Mexican records . , . Wrestling matches with T. Q. . . . Your honor . . . Be lost without her . . . Liked by all . . Sweet personality . . . Always willing . . "My Baby". .
. .
t k D ~ M.' .' ;Wait 'a1 .yvg hear. . %clingd . . .I'm . . VP!dmn:hhm . . & g&Ii& +pie . . "Miss ALf . . T b Aaw + , Sr P. a d G . .. ,FIJTWS&&a&g!
. olo@ss.,
. . . I nosldy ha4
Birag,! : Por&n$, PemxvyIa+. h
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h m t a . a l a ,LeW... S u c h *
8 1 2 0 E. Jefferson Avenue, Detroit 14, Michigan
November 7
dd rrlmd.
Guild Representative, Centenary Players, Radio Workshop, Delta Sigma Sigma.
"Bryan" . . Say, did I tell you? . . Acting is not just a career, it's a way of living . . . Personality girl . . . Firm believer in "Ye Olde Ouiji Board" . . . Everybody likes Bryan . . . A crumb bun in hand is worth two on the counter . . . Hats off to Lehigh . . Some gal . . . Some pal!
. '
nan;ie A n n e A n 9 468 Derwyn Road, Drexel Park, Pennsylvania
August 1 8 Poster Club President, French Club, Hack Board, Spilled Ink, Delta Sigma Sigma.
. .
"Nanking" . . Quite a fashion plate . Loves . The Walto put the pennies on the ponies dorf Towers--Cole Porter's suite, no less! That wonderful family of hers . . I t really is! . . The party after the Army-Navy game in '47 . . . Penn's Red and Blue . . Mad for one Zeta Psi house . . . Those mad comic drawings!!
1 2 3 7 Massachusetts Avenue, Washington 5 , D. C.
March 13 Modern Dance, Leaders' Corps, Delta Sigma Sigma, Social Committee.
. .
"M. A." . . Flair for the dramatic . . Likes her music definitely "long-haired" . . Yea, . In a permanent fog when i t comes Navy to high - finance . . Insane about oriental dancing . . . Could sleep the clock around, three or four times . . . Swears nothing could be better than dragging at Crabtown on the Severn . . Insatiable appetite.
Page sixty-nine
307 Lore Avenue, Wilmington, Delaware September 11 Treasurer Senior Class, Spilled Ink, Hack Board, Centenary Players, Radio Workshop, Sigma Epsilon Phi. "Mega' . . . Number one ingredient of any stew . . . Aw, come on Marilyn, make like a bunny!! . . . That "Washington and Lee Swing" . . . Heaven forbid . . . Her neatness is im~ressive . . . So small and so-0-0 potent . . . She collects YO28 35 th ~ G e e t ,San Diego, California May 16 President of Snior Class, President of Phi Theta Kappa, Phi Iota, Spanish Club, Student Council, Sigma Epsilon Phi. "Evie" . . . A blonde with problems . . . Personality plus . . Born leader . . . Hails from California and never forgets i t . . . What a panic!! . . . Most conscientious . . . Wants to be a buyer someday . . N o time for relaxation . . . No place like San Diego; it's God's country . . . Enjoys men . . And we do mean men!!
Page seventy
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everything She hopes, a career in radio And after the movies, an ice cream with jimmies on top . That's Marilyn.
Uhtrtp" JraI@Ic fgr m@ ski&@ 4 I l%&ey qtrtrai .wr6fEYair. . %se .pr'ts-y~:
November 8
International Relations Club, Theta Epsilon Nu, Secretary of Senior Class, Guild Board.
"Puppy" .;.! Such big brown eyes . . A 'sparkling' Christmas present for her third finger, left hand . . Those many fuzzy dogs in her room . . Could never . Honey! . . 'Phone call for "Puppy" Pierce' . . . Um-m, such delicious pies . . . 'Poor Louie' . . . Fifteen letters at once . The Merchant Marine has that certain fascination.
. .-
Kennett Square, Pennsylvania
. .
gh;o?1e.d1~ $yigeratbg .-,:5,,Wai kdwdrq4u$ ,d& w&ii.q&dt&sq &oy-kegF i$4p1q SQ 1 : .Prdmgiion G~BS, ..-, A VW a~ , - p ~ g 2â&#x20AC;&#x153;M& .ho~hi$&a$. ,$ - -0 . M~f$d
. . ..* m . e
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wng fox cS.;eosof "4%. ',. ,
. - $ ' . .
3 16 Boyer Road, Cheltenham, Pennsylvania
December 23 Record Club, Book Club, Glee Club, Theta Epsilon .Nu.
Charming smile . . All round girl . . . Loved by all . . . "Peggy" . . . Favorite school, Lehigh . Can usually be found in a bubble bath . . Let's go to bed early . . . I'd utterly perish . That's fattening . . . Oh, that Spanish . . Favorite song, "Smoke Gets In Your Eyes" . . . Plans for future not definite.
. .
. .. .
600 East 26th Street, Brooklyn, New York
October 1 8 Camera Club, Outing Club, Glee Club, Theta Epsilon Nu. Short and sweet . . . Known for her passion for "Begin the Beguine" . Biking and Fred Waring . . . Can usually be found in the typing room . . . If he doesn't write soon, Peg! Rise and shine . I'm starved . . . That's my song . . Favorite school, Lehigh . . . Plans on secretarial work and marriage.
39 Homewood Road, Waban, Massachusetts September 2 3 Leaders' Corps.
"Midge" . . My favorite beau-my husband . . Cute brunette . . Slender and tall . . Oh, honestly!!! . . Plans for future involve wedding in spring of 1948 . . . Spends weekends at C. J. C. . . . Athletic girl . . . Swimming and ice skating are favored . And that sweater of his! . . . Never at home--always solnewhere else!
RutL Wac4kn
1417 Carroll Street, Brooklyn, New York
May 23 Record Club, Book Club, Delta Sigma Sigma.
"Mac" How she loves the lounge or Grill Weekends--she's off with Renee or Pauline to Princeton, Syracuse, Brown . It's a sketch 'That's My Desire' . . Has a terrific record collection-classical . Sarcastic wit, plenty . . . Let's go down for a cig . . Wants to teach kindergarten . . . Thinks horseback riding is wonderful.
... . . . .. .
Page ssventg-three
WaryJ / a m m e e e
khc: Y * * -tL;;lc--' ,
1000 Cedar Grove Road, Wynnwood,
+FS '
Pennsylvania February 2 0 Glee Club, Outing Club, Delta Sigma Sigma.
Hi, Mac! . . Spends spare moments ripping out argyles and putting up her hair . . What an ordeal! Hobby of laughing . Always ready for a gay time . . . I could h a ~ edied . House party weekends at Lehigh . Dusty Roads and cokes . . . The Fort and Paul's Another Philly gal . . . Thanks, but no thanks.
.. .
1 8 1 0 Idlewood Road, East Cleveland, Ohio
March 2 Aquatics Club, Modern Dance Club, Delta Sigma Sigma, Leaders' Corps.
"Mac" . . Mad about clothes--especially plaid shirts . . . Ilates to be bored . . Pardon me for living . . . Subtle sense of humor . . . Slamming doors!! . . Parties . . . West Point weekends . It's jazzy . . . 'Body and Soul' . Adores golf . . Quiet type . . . She thinks a lot . . Gad, what am I going to do?
Page seventg-f our
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. . . . . . ...
205 Rosemore Avenue, Glenside, Pennsylvania
October 8 Associate Editor of Hack, Honorary Team P[orth Jersey Field Hockey Association, Sigma Epsilon Phi Treasurer, Aquatics Club, Phi Theta Kappa Vice President.
"Snug Hill", Sharpless Road, Hockessin, Delaware
May 2 W. A. A. President, Leaders' Corps, Outing Club, Phi $ta, Delta Sigma Sigma, Honorary Team of North Jersey Field Hockey Association.
"Cyn" . . Williams College weekends . . You tell 'em, I stutter . . . Plans antique dream house . 'My Heart Sings' . . . Knitting wizard . . White collar girl . . . I just don't have time . . . Always rushing to a meeting . . Lovely voice . Sincere and conscientious . . . So-o-o-oefficient . . . Heart of pure gold . . Excellent athlete . Fred Waring fan 'You Do'.
. .
. ...
. . ...
You just don't know . . Cheqistry whiz . . Peppy and full of fun . . Pride of the Marine . . . Mad about gardenias T thought I'd die . . Likeable, laughable, lovable . I can resist anything but 'Temptation' . Co-operative and willing . . Jitterbug artist Wild a b u t the King Cole Trio . . Eager helper and diligent worker . . Passion for fruit and chewing gum . . "Janie"
.. ..
. ..
310 High Street, Hackettstown, New Jersey
May 14 Delta Sigma Sigma.
I got another letter today . . . Always in Bachelor's . . . Colgate enthusiast . . Hopes for future secretarial job and marriage . . . Sweet personality . . . Loves to write letters! . . "Sherry" . . . Cute smile and laugh . 'To Each His Own' . . . Knows everyone in Hackettstown . . . What's the attraction in Allamuchy??? . . Spends weekends in suite on second floor except when Colgate calls.
6etL A n n
fO4 East Gorgas Lane, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
September 2 Psychology Club, Internatitma1 Relations Club, Glee Club, Centenary Singers, Sigma Epsaon
. .
"Liz" . A great gal . Noted for her pretty blue eyes and does she use them! . . Usuzllly found in the Grill or lounge bridging and drinking (cokes, that is) . 'Loves children and wants to teach them . . Soup lover from way back . Always ready with a helping
3 2 7 McKinley Place, Ridgewood, New Jersey
May 4 Hack board, Book Club, Sigma Epsilon Phi.
SensationaI! . . Spends weekends in a daze . . Lehigh! Yale! West Point! . Enjoys tennis, ice skating and skiing . . . Favorite poem, Carl Sandburg's 'Fog' . . . Loves Stravinsky . . I'm going to take the gas-pipe! An aesthetic soul . . Likes to eat . . . Always smiling . : Blue eyqs . Cute sayings . . . "Tiny" "Sue".
. .
.. .
. ...
14 Browndale Place, Port Chester, New York
March 6 Aquatics Club, Delta Sigma Sigma.
She is a twin So confusing to everyone . . . "Janey" . . I'll just die . . Such long eyelashes . . . Has a weakness for gray uniforms . A career as a medical secretary . Swims like a fish . . . Powers model . . . Knits all the time while listening to records . Loves football games . . . Letters, letters, and more letters.
.. . .
. .
56 Highland ~ i i c l e Bronxville, , New York
August 14 Riding Club, Modern Dance Club, Camera Club, Centenary Singers, Theta Epsilon Nu.
. ...
Always rushing somewhere . . I just as leave Weekends at West Point Loves carrot juice . . . Will make the perfect kindergarten teacher . Loves to eat and does she??? . . Hey, ya know what . . "Gertie" . . Innocence and naivete personified . . Partial to Army . . He's soooo sweet . . . Last minute accomplishments . . . Just a sweet I'il gal.
.. .
. .
5 Ridgetop, Saint Louis County 17, Missouri
June 5 Sorority President, Student Court, Phi Iota, Record Club, Delta Sigma Sigma. Never a dull moment. . . What a schmoe! . . . All right you all . . . Pair of socks started March, 1917 . Name your record . . You just must be a Beta Theta Pi! . . . Loyola . . . Loves ice cream . . . Ruiner of all roommate diets . . . Special weekends a t Cornell . . . Holds up pillars of Alma Mater . . Personality plus good-naturedness equal . . . "Magoon".
. .
3711 Rawnsdale Road, Shaker Heights, Ohio
April 1 3 Business Club, Spanish Club, Centenary Singers, Hack Board, Glee Club, Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Bar6ara A n n T
8 Wedgemere Avenue, Winchester, Massachusetts
: f
wonderful Irish coloring skin and eyes of blue.
June 28 %
Riding Club, Theta Epsilon Nu.
"Bobbie" . . Day and night dreams of New Hampshire ;/ . . Oh. how can I get my hair to grow? . . . Very sincere, conscientious, never seerns to get - tired . . . Favorite course, History??? . . . Always cheerful first thing in the morning . . Let's go to the movies.
"Lois" . . . Ohio! . . . Kids, tell me what to do! . . . Slave to a typewriter . . . Mail room . . . Collects dimes . . . 'Christmas Dreaming' . . . Continual romantic trouble . . . Notre Dame! . . . Always singing . . . Keeps up Bobbie's morale . . . Cute laugh . . . Stenographer . . . That
. . . Black
hair, fair
140 Glenwood Avenue, East Orange, New Jersey
March 4 Riding Club, Modern Dance Club President, Women's Athletic Association, Social Committee, Sigma Epsilon Phi. "Phyl" . . . Skiing, skating, sailing . . . The future with whom? . . . Wheaties at breakfast are divine . . . Haunts the labs . . . Lafayette and Penn University for my money . . . Oh! Phyllis . . . Tell us about it . . . Bananas . . . So very nice . . . Medical technologist? . . . Bet it's marriage first! . . . That huge box of delicious apples in Phyl's room.
4619 Avenue H,Brooklyn, New York March 26 Outing Club, Business Club, Delta Sigma Sigma.
An easy blusher . . Fiend for dancing . . . Oh, I'm so ma-ad . . . Plans marriage . . . Interested in cooking . . . But I don't understand! . Blondie . . . Spends weekends in the typing room . . . Early riser . . . Partial to artists, especially one!! . . . Absent minded . . Always . a pair of knitting needles in her hands Morton Gould admirer . . . 'Body and Soul'.
Nem Jersey
I . .
July 4 Modern Dance Cbb, Guild, Camera Club, Glee Cl& Delta Sigma Sigma. i
. ..
"M. J." . west P o i n ~ Georgia Tich ;, , Mail, there'a alwa~+s a great deal Who's g5ing to buy the food for next W M ~ ? . Phone calls: talks herself quickly in and out of things . lt*d those "pink slips", not "pink elephanes" that give M. J. tho headaches ; Lots uf fun and full of pep.
... ..
. .
A n n 6ei9X
14 Browndale Place, Port Chester, New York
March 5 Psychology Club, Guild Cabinet, French Club, W. A. A., Delta Sigma Sigma.
No, I'm Janet!
. . . The other half
of the twins
. . . Numerous phone calls from West Point . . . "Jan" . . . Acting is one of her best side lines . . Is Jan sane or not? . . . What are you going to wear tomorrow, Janie? . . . A career in modeling at Powers . . . Home and Army football games claim her weekends.
.,, '
W. Wdon
804 59th Street, Des Moines, Iowa
February 5
Glee Club, Aquatics Club, Camera Club, Theta Epsilon Nu.
. ..
. . . ~~ ...
"Jan" A knitter from way back Friday; all aboard Congressional for Washington . . Stuffed closet and nat&ng to wear Look, i t comes from W Moi~es She golfs, she swims, she knits, but &e likes leafing best Plans,college in the West mst .fdl . but whocantell?!? .
... 200 Mentor Avenue, Mentor, Ohio
May 5 Centenary Singers, Spilled Ink, Glee Club, French Club, Delta Sigma Sigma.
... .
Loves to loaf and The voice with a smile always manages time for it . . Princeton . . Loud P. J.'s Never here for a weekend . . Next year Connecticut College for Women . . . Wonderful personality Stacks of mail every day . . . Sweaters and socks that match . Horseback riding or swimming . . . "Murt".
Page sights-two
. .
. .
Sealy Drive, Lawrence, Long Island, New York August 19 Record Club, Book Club, Poster Club, Theta Epsilon Nu. Dark, sophisticated Miss found at the Blue Angel on New York dates . . . Ardent admirer of Alice Pearce . . Always found knitting something new . . . I can't stand that . . . Partial to cute piggy banks . . Plans to visit sunny California soon . . . One of those well-goomed and well-dressed gals . . . "Dorie".
Oak Lane Manor, Melrose Park, Pennsylvania October 1 1 Record Club, Riding Club, Sigma Epsilon Phi.
"Jan" . .,,That huge blue piggy bank . . Another !&ting fiend . . . Phone calls--corning and going . . . Lehigh claims all her weekends . . . Beautiful clothes . . . Always has a problem-and what problems . . . Has a grand and beautiful collection of jewelry . . . Loves to skip . . . Lots of fun.
a)i R u p o
42 College Road, ~ e t c o n ~New ; Jersey
February 12 Cheerleader.
A local gal . . . Proud Just call her "Toni" possessor of a '31 Chevy . . Loves to dance . . Holy Cow! . . Plans to teach Phys. Ed. . Sparkling eyes . Old Nick in the flesh Seen' at every local football game . . Prefers to spend her time among the nuts and bolts of Allen's Hardware Store.
. ...
Suzanne Brown, Sarah Ellis, Beverly Gerard, llene Medoff, Pauline Perrone, Rene Rothman, Nancy Torrance, Mary Ann Burnett.
Puge cightg-fiue
It is such fun to reminisce. Look around this page. Do these pictures remind you of good times enjoyed during your senior year? It was a grand year, the kind that makes memories, never to be forgotten. Do you remember the day we arrived, September 18, 1946? All of us were feeling strange in our new surroundings and perhaps o little homesick; but after the friendly, welcoming
mention . . . studies! was a pleasant introduction to the next and mare important one-important for we were the leaders. Remember how reversed the situation became in September, 1947, and how superior and secure we felt? It was odd nat to find beloved members of the class of '47 in the halls or lounge, but soon we met the Freshmen and found many new friendships to replace the old. Those bonds did become a bit strained during fated Hell Week. "No smiling!" . . . "Air Raid" . "Shine those shoes" . . "Clean that room!" When the final moment was up, both classes were glad to forget and to be friends once more.
Besides the new aces or us to see, there were many new renovations. Will you ever forget first glimpse with - your - - of the newly decorated chapel, its rich, wine carpeting and soft, green walls; or of the new bridge tables and red leather chairs, complete!!! Other changes we discovered as the year progressed were the numerous informal dances sprinkled through the social calendar and the introduction to the proctor system. Although we all suffered mild frenzy while carrying out our duty, it was agreed that the system promoted a greater sense of responsibility and succeeded in establishing better study conditions. Speaking of dances, however, the Senior Formal before Christmas vacation was an enormous success,. *partly . due to its new location. The dining room lent itself beautifully to the evening's festivities, and man presided over all.
'Twas the night before Christmas vacation and all through the dormsbedlam!!! What a night, crammed full of carol singing, parties, a lovely Christmas radio program, laughter, voices and then, home! Quickly the vacation seemed to speed by and we were back to face the inevitable EXAMS. Most of us survived the "battle of the books" and managed to recuperate successfully enough to return again.
S w n after our arrival, the Aquatic's Club presented its annual Acquacade i n Mar& and confirmed our expectations of an eye-pleasing, experienced performance. This presentation and a previous -one given by the Modern Dance Club ranked among the outstanding events of the year. As the ensuing spring months approached we look ever forward to Easter vacation, especially those of us lucky enough to fly to Bermuda for a tenday spree. However, on our return we found many Centenarians striving to equal our tans by sun bathing on the college "~eranda'~. In quick succession followed the Freshman Prom, finals and the last minute hustle af that period before graduation. O n Class Day the struggle was deemed a worthy one and many of us found it bitter-sweet as we ne&red . the closr: of our days at Centenary. At last the traditional President's Ball was held commemorating the graduates of 1348. Then came graduation itself; graduation of students, but more, of friends, for our times, earnest studies and lifelong friendships gainedprithin her walls will forever keep alive happy memories oi our Alma Mater.
Joanne Yenney Betty Shuster
Secretary reasurer
Page ninety
Lorraine Tweedell
Ann Apsey, Joan Armiger, Florence Austermuhl, Violet Belkoff, Carol Bierschenk, Cornelia Dowd, Jean Franklin, Joan ~riedman,Sally Jean Gager, Dorothy Gray, Naomi Greenman, Jean Greenthal, Jane Hall, Pat Hamburger,
Audrey Henn, Peggy Ann Hooley, Dorothy Keegan, Elizabeth Kennedy, Beatrice Kohlsaat, Yetta Kronenberg, Laura Lou Lechner, Phyllis Mergott, Beverly Miller, Barbara Moore, Patricia Moulton, Beverly New, Emily Pollard.
Betty Stensland, Janet Strazza, Asta Tamm, Patricia Trinkino, Patricia Vollmer, Barbara Weinert, Jean White, Barbara Wilder.
Page ninety-two
Elizabeth Babbage, Elizabeth Ball, Lilyan Bedik, Barbara Beyer, Barbara Brokaw, Barbara Carey, Margery Clason, Louise Cramer, Betty Jane Dean, Natalie Delano, Joan Drummond, Audrey Drews, Edith Felton, Margaret Fox.
Nancy Freeman, Nancy Gale, Muriel Gillette, Helen Graeber, Cynthia Green, Nancy Hager, Joan Hait, Anne Harris, Nancy Hartung, Barbara Hughes, Barbara Keppler, Janet Laing, Barbara Laubach, Joycelyn Macfarlane, Marilyn May, Anne Middleton, Carol Minster.
Ann Carol Morris, Barbara Pfeifer, Margaret Pfeiffer, Beatrice Randal, Barbara Rogers, Barbara Ross, Elizabeth Sand, Paula Salzman, Marilyn Simon, Ruth Swenson, Ann Thomas, Jean Thixton, Diane Wettyan, Joy Whitmore, Joanne Yenney.
Page 7Jnety-thee
Doris Ackerman, Nancy Becker, Barbara Bensing, Lora Blackman, Barbara Bockstover, Peggy Ann Bolte, Constance Brown, Bernice Brunner, Marjorie Burrell, Marjorie Cassedy, Helen Chandler, Marilyn Christie, Joan Dalrymple, Jean Dawson, Joanne Dixon, Martha Douglass. Jeanie Dreyfus, Debora Ettinger, Lois Farber, Joan Ferguson, Nancy Fontaine, Jaclyn Geerts, Marcia Goodwin, Ellen Grotto, Norma Guerra, Barbara Ha1e;Dora Heraud, Lorraine Heussler, Susan Hubbell, Barbara Humble, Audrey Lehman, Doris Little, Doris Meinweiser, Doroth y Miloche. Nancy Morrell, Ann Morris, Pat Moulton, Gretchen Myers, Doris Peters, Barbara Pfotzer, Jean Pfotzer, Carol Saviteer. Joyce Sexton, Betty Shuster, Mary Staeffler, Helen Stapff, Ann Thoraddsen, Nancy Tipton, Frances Wagner, Flory Walter, Joyce Williamson, Doris Wright, Sally Young, Eleanor Zearf aus.
Page ninety-f owr
Sally Alexander, Barbara Ann Barnard, Mary Gay Bennett, Ann Brown, Carol Brown, Joan Brown, Lorles Davis, Mary Demarest, Doris DeSerio, Constance Dickman, Marilyn Doig, Margaret Durland, Judith Eidelsberg, Charlene Emerson, Judith Emerson, Nancy Forster. Suzanne Gillmore, ~lizabethHalley, Nancy Hendee, Mary Howard, Jacquelyn Johnston, Sally Kemp, Elaine Kerner, June Kriedler, Alma Larach, Joyce Leopold, Carolyn Leslie, Mary Lewis, Virginia Leyburn, Barbara Matthews, Jo?n McCann, Janet McIvor. Joan Mensching, Susanne Moore, Jeanne Moxley, Gloria Nelson, Elaine Nugent, Marjorie Parke, Hilda Pekarsky, Barbara Pierson, Betty Poppele, Mary Rohrer, Barbara Roll, Wilma Santo, Marilyn Storms, Phyllis Sweitzer, Lorraine Tweedell, Shirley Vincent, Mary Warg, Nancy Weinberg, Joan Widerman.
Page ninety-eight
OFFICERS Doris Bennett President June Meinel Vice President Mary Jane Steinen Secretary Janet Clayton Treasurer
I'he legislative branch of our Student Government, which makes the laws governing our school, is the Student Council, composed of five representatives from each class plus four council officers.
the student body closer together through regularly scheduled hall and class meetings enabling students to discuss and give viewpoints on things pertaining to the school and - to the Student Government. .
The Student Council has had open meetings for all students this year, and it has tried to bring the Student Government and
The ultimate goal' of the council has been to draw all the activities of the school closer together and stimulate progress in
all school functions. We feel that the Student Council should be an active organization keeping the principles that Centenary stands for, prevalent at all times. The judicial branch of Centenary's Student Government is granted to the Student Court. Here, a group of elected representatives listen to the details of each individual offender's case and try to levy a decision that will best benefit and aid each girl and her collegues. ;!
By tradition the Vice-president of the Student Government automatically adopts the duties of chief justice of the court, and
with the Dean acting as advisor, the court this year was in session every other Thursday. The body of the court is composed of three freshman representatives, three senior representatives and the President, Vice-president, and Secretary of the Student Government. Centenary is proud of the fact that it operates its government on the Honor System for it has always been one of the aspirations in progressive education to place the responsibility of governing and meting out justice into the hands of the students themselves with constant regard to impartiality, tolerance, and maturity.
Page one hundred one
OFFICERS Betty Schaumburg President Suzanne Brown Vice President Janice Bickley Secretary Janet Leigh Treasurer Dr. Mills Advisor
The Guild, the sole school activity in which all students participate, is Centenary's inter-faith and charitable organization. The Guild, with its main purpose of financial contribution to various charitable organizations outside the school, is the link which unites Centenary girls in a spirit of cheerful giving, of friendly and helpful service. As a philanthropic society, the Guild chooses from its many petitioners, those whom it feels are most deserving of the appropriations. Among those to receive donations were the Christmas Seal Fund, World Student Service Fund, Save-the,-Children Fund, the Near East Foundation, the Red Cross, and many others. The Guild this year conducted special Chapels and council meetings. Activities were many and varied. Among these activities were the sponsorship of two student-faculty baseball games, Religious Emphasis Week, at which time they acted as host for religious discussions and talks led by a visiting minister, a Christmas party for underprivileged children, and finally, the St. Patrick's Day Silver tea.
Joan Armiger Helen Chandler Joanne Yenney Lorraine Tweedell Mary Virginia Lewis Seniors Mildred Asbury Janet Nagle Doris Kirsch Jeanne Pierce
Page one hundred two
The ten girls attaining membership in Phi Iota have been elected to the highest positions for students at Centenary, and upon them lies a great responsibility and duty. This organization is composed of the three Sorority Presidents, Student Government President, Student Court President, Spilled Ink Editor, W. A. A. President, Guild President, Hack Editor, and Senior Class President.
Betty Schaumburg President Mr. Hurst R. Anderson Advisor
Phi Theta Kappa is the national schslastic honor society for junior colleges.
Its purposes are to promote scholarship, w 43wmaer,dadBa-* lowship. Last year we had the honor of having our delegate to the National Convention elected National Historian. ;!
OFFICERS Evelyn Kreps President Jane Deisroth Vice President Barbara Lussen Secretary Janice Bickley Treasurer Miss Bever Advisor
Page one hundred three
The purpose of the Spilled Ink is to give as many girls as possible an opportunity to do creative newspaper work of the type that only a college newspaper could afford. Originating this year, the paper has been ~ublishedonce every two weeks and has been quite successful in providing college news, fiction, editorials, pictures, poems, and of course, gossip!
OFFICERS Mary Lou Wilson Editor
Jackie Geerts Business Manager
Anne Weiler Associate Editor
Joan Friedman Production Manager
Ann .Thompson Feature Editor
Phyllis Donald Photography
STAFF Phyllis Donald, Flory Walter, Ruth Judson, Lilyan Bedik, Constance Brown, Martha Douglass, Marilyn Garbett, Dora Heraud, Audrey Lehnan, Barbara Lussen, Eleanor Spack, Barbara Beyer, Betty Cheathmn, Nancy Freeman, Muriel Glllette, Nancy King, Joyce Leopold, Myrle Niebes, Joan Sweeney.
" at-
. ,-T$;-;-, 3 .
?. * ..
"- 3..
The Book Club was farmed to promote interest in current books. A review of one of these books is given at each meeting. Dr. and Mrs. DuBois welcome the members to their home twice a month and each time show their gracious hospitality. OFFICERS
The members of the Business Club receive practical experience in office work by cutting stencils, running the mimeagraph machines and doing necessary typing for the faculty and other clubs. A trip to New Yark business firms, picnics, and a skating party at Mountain Lakes are among their many activities. OFFICERS Ann Van Auken Lois Hogan President Sergeant-at-arms Nancy Gale Vice President Helen Vandermade Secretary and Treasurer Miss Bouton Advisor
Page one hundred five
OFFICERS Barbara Johnson President Florence Austermuhl Vice President Marion Hassett Secretary-Treasurer June Meinel Sergeant-at-arms Dr. Dalton, Miss Hoffer Advisors
The International Relations Club acquaints its members with all the operations of the U. N. Members discuss problems of international affairs. Field trips to the General Assembly and Security Council and participation in the Regional Conference were part of the activities of the club.
The Psychology Club is limited to a small group of girls, for most of the meetings are informal discussions. The club sponsored open meetings on juvenile delinquency and feeblemindedness, and many closed meetings were held on other subjects pertaining to psychology. Field trips were taken to nearby institutions during the year.
Janet"Elson President Patricia Trinkino Vice President Louise Lee Secretary-Treasurer Mary Johnson Sergeant-at-arms Mr. Garber Advisor
Page one hundred sL
OFFICERS Nancie King President Helen Hagemeister Treasurer Mrs. Goodwin Advisor
The purpose of the Poster Club is to sup-ply, - in an artful way, the current and fu-
ture activities that are to be presented in the school. Although most participants of this club are art students, it .is not a necessary requirement. The club is open to anyone who is enthusiastic in using her imagination and skill in producing the posters that will attract the eye and stir up interest.
The Camera Club's main interest is to promote and familiarize its members with the ways and techniques of photography. The girls strive for perfection of taking. developing and printing their snapshots and are equipped with a well-ordered dark .room to carry out their purpose. A trip to the local photography shop was included in their activities. An exhibition was a newly developed purpose for this year.
b OFFICERS Sally Benedict President Diane Wettyen Vice President Helen Graeber Secretary Doris Kirsch Treasurer Miss Bever Advisor
Page one hundred seven
OFFICERS Liliane Bigio President Jeanie Dreyfus Vice President Barbara Johnson Secretary Alma Larach
Treasurer Mr. Grenon Advisor
Are you acquainted with France? Do you understand it? Does it interest you? These are primary factors for which the French Club strives. The yearly activities consist of a chapel service, trips to New York to attend a French movie and restaurant and the largest event of the year, the French Cabaret.
The Spanish Club was organized at Centenary to improve the understanding of Latin America by its students.
;/ Joan cash0
The Spanish Fiesta in April was the principal activity of the club this year. Latin American movies, open to the students, were sponsored and several trips to New York were also enjoyed.
Luz Calderon Vice President Lois Hogan Secretary June Kreidler Treasurer Mr. Grenon Advisor Page one hundred eight
' .
The smell of grease paint and the thrill of applause will always draw to the theater those young artists who aspire for dramatic careers. The credit for the success of the 194748 season belongs not only to the stars but also ta the stage managers and the stage crew. Together, these students assembled their talents to produce "The Silver Cord". The next production held in March was "Brief Music", a comedy concerning college life. A one-act play followed in April. The highly entertaining season closed in May with a program of serious and light monologues.
WCJC, Centenary, has used the new upto-date radio room to good advantage. Not only has the workshop broadcasted aver station WGPA, Bethlehem, but has given monthly braadcasts over the school public address system and provided a program of dinner music once every week. Field trips and guest speakers enlightened the meetings of this group.
One of the most popular clubs sought after for membership is the Centenary Singers. Selected from the Glee Club, these talented girls use their vocal ability to entertain during Chapel and Vespers.
Helen Hagemeister President
The Singers are always in demand by nearby colleges and civic associations for their delightful three-part harmony. The girls are always ready to lend their voices to such programs as Parents' Day, Christmas and Easter Servims, graduation exerrises and student recitals.
Joanne Yenney Vice President
This year, several of the Seniar members have led in the singing of the evening grace.
SENlOR&Louke Armstrong, Barbara Bollman, Janet Clayton, Elizabeth Cummings, Mary Ellen Douglas, SbirEey Duckett, Jwrj. Paate, Helen Hagemeister, Gertrude Harrison, Lois Hogan, Dorot h y Kliw, Naoma Muller, M y l e Miebes, Mary Norian, Jane Parrish, Louise Ritscber, Betty Schaumburg, Lillia* Stockfletk, An* Thompson, Jane Towers, Barbara Voorhees. E R E S H M E N S w l l y Alexander, Peggy Bolts, B~rbaraBrokaw, Bernice Brunner, Helen Chandler, Joan Dalrymple, Lorles Davis, Natalie Delano, Mart& Douglass, Charlene Emerson, Edith Felton, Joan P u g u s ~ n ,Jetrn Franklin, Barbara Hale, Pat Hamburger, Nancy Hartung, Lorraine Heussler, Elaine Kerner, Virginia Leyburn, Doris Memweiser, Phyllis Mergott, Ann Middleton, Jean Moxley, Doris Peters.
Jacquelyn Johnston President
Myrle Niebes Secretary-Treasurer Joan Armiger Librarian Group singing is a pastime ever popular on college campuses. Little wonder then that the Glee Club can boast of having one of the largest and most active student bod-
Mr. Smith Advisor
Uniting both seniors and freshmen, the Glee Club meets once a week to harmonize in many old-time and present favorites. From this large group, the new members of the chorus are chosen. It is always a delight to hear these girls entertain at special :/ recitals.
Page o w hundred eleven
OFFICERS Doris Magoon President Margaret Patterson Vice President Jane Towers Secretary Beverly Dornseiff Treasurer ' ~ ; t hJudson Sergeant-at-Arms .
res men
Dr. and Mrs. DuBois Miss Shaw Mr. Garber Advisors
Louise Armstrong, Mildred Asbury, Janice Bickley, Jane Bowe, Bryan Brewster, Janet Clayton, Doris Cooke, Alice May Creasy, Angela Damiron, Phyllis Donald, Beverly Dornseiff, Janet Elson, Mary Alice Fravel, Mary Hammell, Joan Haymes, Gretchen Herr, Ruth Judson, Beatrice Keyes, Nancie King, Doroth y Kline, Virginia Knodel, Cynthia Lake, Jane Leigh, Janet Leigh, Jane Littlewood, Doris Magoon, Ann Meadows, Joan Mirandon, Mary Jane Morhard, Myrle Niebes, Jane Parrish, Margaret Patterson, Betty Rheuby, Marion Rinear, Barbara Rodey, Marilyn Rudiger, Betty Schaumburg, Joan Sherry, Mary Jane Steinen, Phyllis Stovel, Betty Thole, Jane Towers, Dorothy Yarnall. Sally Alexander, Ann Apsey, Joan Armiger, Betty Ball, Carol Brown, Joan Brown, Suzanne Brown, Bernice Brunner, Barbara Carey, Helen Chandler, Joan Dalr~mple,Jean Dawson, Natalie Delano, Connie Dickman, Connie Dowd, Evelyn Dries, Joan Drummond, Peggy Durland, Judy Emerson, Nancy Forster, Peggy Fox, Jean Franklin, Joanne Gay, Beverly Gerard, Muriel Gillette, Dorothy Gray, Cynthia Green, Jean Greenthal, Jane Hall, Pat Hamburger, Anne Harris, Lorraine Heussler, Sue Hubbell, Sally Kemp, Betsy Kennedy, Barbara Keppler, Beatrice Kohlsaat, Alma Larach, Audry Lehman, Joyce Leopold, Mary Virginia Lewis, Joyce MacFarlane, Ruth Machlin, Marilyn May, Janet McIvor, Ilene Medoff, Doris Meinweiser, Barbara Moore, Sue Moore, Ann C. Morris, Beverly New, Pauline Perrone, Lee Pollard, Mary Ann Rohrer, Barbara Rogers, Barbara Roll, Mary Staeffler, Helen Stapff, Shirley Vincent, Pat Vollmer, Mary Lou Warg, Diane Wettyen, Joy Whitmore, Barbara Wilder, Joyce Williamson.
Page one hundred twelve
The Delta Sigma Sigma Sorority is more familiarly known as "Cal".
This year, besides entering the various intersorority contests and participating in the Sweetheart Ball, Cal has planned other outside activities. They have adapted the idea of meeting once a week to strengthen the ties and spirit of the sorority.
OFFICERS Betty Nash President Naoma Muller Vice President Shirley Duckett Secretary Barbara Simmons Treasurer Lilian Stockfleth Sergeant-at-Arms Marion Hartman Chaplain Miss Smythe, Miss Bever Advisors
Audrey Berman, Lucile Bywater, Elizabeth Cheatham, Lois Dalyrymple, Antoinette Di Rupo, Shirley Duckett, Joan Foote, Florence Gaudineer, Nancy Guthrie, Gertrude Harrison, Alice Hartmann, Marion Hartman, Mary Lou Jenkins, Mary Johnson, Doris Kirsch, Lois Lambert, Jean Malgieri, Priscilla Maps, Arlene Maskin, Naoma Muller, Betty Nash, Janet Nelson, Shirley Newbaker, Betty Nilsen, Mary Norian, Betty Perry, Jeannie Pierce, Peggy Powell, Louise Ritscher, Jane 'Ryan, Barbara Simmons, Barbara Sipp, Barbara Smith, Grace Staub, Gloria Stephenson, Lilian Stockfleth, Ann Terrell, Ann Van Auken, Helen Vandermade, Doris Walton, Anne Weiler, Nancy Wilson, Jane Young. Florence Austermuhl, Betty Babbage, Marjorie Burrell, Nancy Becker, Violet Belkoff, Mary Gay Bennett, Carol Bierschenk, Laurie Blackman, Anne Brown, Mary Anne Burnett, Luz Calderon, Marilyn Christie, Jerry Clason, Louise Cramer, Lorles Davis, Betty J. Dean, Joanne Dixon, Audrey Drews, Mary Ellen Demarest, Jeanie Dreyfus, Sally Ellis, Lois Farber, Edith Felton, Mary Freeman, Helen J. Graeber, Norma Guerra, Nancy Hager, Betty Halley, Nancy J. Hartung, Nancy Hendee, Audry Henn, Jackie Johnston, Dorsey Keegan, Kathryn Keenoy, Yetta Kronenberg, Janet Laing, Barbara Laubach, Laura Lou Lechner, Carol Leslie, Virginia Leyburn, Doris Little, Flory Madrigal, Phyllis Mergott, Ann Middleton, Beverly Miller, Patricia Moulton, Jeanne Moxley, Marjorie Parke, Doris Peters, Barbara Pfeifer, Jean Pfotzer, Barbara Ross, Rene Rothman, Carol Saviteer, Barbara Swenson, Marilyn Simon, Janet Strazza, Vyn Ann Thomas, Eleanor Thompson, Nancy Tipton, Nancy Torrance, Nancy Weinberg, Jean White, Doris Vright.
Paae one hundred fourteen
"Pieth" is the well-known name for Theta Epsilon Nu.
As always Pieth was active in all the sorority events, the inter-sorority sports, gnd other outside social activities.
Jean Munson President Jean Morrison Vice President Prances MacKnight Secretary Jane Deisroth Treasurer Dee King Sergeant-at-Arms Miss Bouton, Miss Hoffer Advisors
seJhmfi :I
Eileen Barnett, Doris Bennett, Barbara Bollman, Joan Cascio, Marilyn Cox, Elizabeth Cummings, Jane Deisroth, Phyllis Des Marais, Mary Ellen Douglas, Lois Forsch, Marilyn Garbett, Helen Hagemeister, Lois Hogan, Martha Hume, Barbara Johnson, Dee King, Merita King, Evelyn Kreps, Jane Kuehnle, Nancy Le Duc, Louise Lee, Florance Leonhard, Barbara Lussen, Frances MacKnight, Jackie Mayer, June Meinel, Jean Morrison, Jean Munson, .Janet Nagle, Barbara Ribman, Ann Ridler, Louise Rowley, Gloria Schwartz, Susan Shaw, Lucy Swan, Joan Sweeney, Janice Tannenbaum, Ann Thompson, Connie Vosters, Ruth Wasson, Lou Wilson, AnnaMarie Zoller. Doris Ackerman, Peg Apgar, Lilyan Bedik, Barbara Beyer, Barbara Bensing, Barbara Bockstover, Peggy Bolte, Barbara Brokaw, Constance Brown, Marge Cassedy, Doris Deserio, Marilyn Doig, Marty Jeanne Douglas, Judy Eidelsberg, Charlene Emerson, Debora Ettinger, Joan Ferguson, Nancy Fontaine, Joan Friedman, Sally Jean Gager, Nancy Gale, Jackie Geerts, Suzanne Gillrnore, Marcia Goodwin, Naomi Greenman, Ellen Grotto, Barbara Hale, Joan Hait, Dora Heraud, Peggy Hooley, Mary Howard, Barbara Hughes, Barbara Humble, Elaine Kerner, June Kriedler, Barbara Matthews, Joan Mensching, Joan McCann, Taffy Miloche, Carol Minster, Nancy Morrell, Ann Morris, Gretchen Myers, Gloria Nelson, Peggy Pfeiffer, Barbara Pfotzer, Barbara Sue Pierson, Betty Poppele, Frances Wagner, Flory E. Walter, Barbara Weinert, Joan Widerman, Bea Randal, Paula Salzman, Betty Sand, Wilma Santo, Joyce Sexton, Betty Shuster, Phyllis Sweitzer, Betty Stensland, Marilyn Storms, Jean Thixton, Lorraine Tweedell, Patty Trinkino, Joanne Yenney, Sally Young, Eleanor Zearfaus.
We all know Sigma Epsilon Phi as Dike." The Sorority planned a spring picnic, a roller skating party and other intersocial affairs.
Cynthia Lake
Vice President
Martha Hume Secretary
Doris Ackerman Treasurer
Page one hundred eighteen
Ann Morris
The W. A. A. has three objectives-to promote interest in athletic and recreational activities, to stimulate a spirit of cooperation and good sportsmanship, and to help develop in each girl physical and mental efficiency. The culmination of this three-fold purpose is achieved in one of its many clubs, the important Leaders' Corps.
The girls of this organization learn the rules for all types of sports, as well as the psychology and techniques of teaching and refereeing the games. They assist and lead classes in gym for which they receive academic credit. This year the Leaders' Corps has assisted with all inter-mural and intercollegiate athletic activities.
OFFICERS shirley' Newbaker President Delphine King Secretary
Page one hundred twenty
OFFICERS Marion Hartman President Nancy Torrance Vice President Jean Morrison Secretary Sally Ellis
Buck Hill Falls' skiing week ends, hayrides, picnics, baseball games, and roller skating parties were a few of the things on the agenda for the Outing Club. The Club's main objective is to offer many good times to all, through sharing the responsibility of planning affairs and taking part in them.
Each year the Aquatics Club becomes a more established and active organization, through their planning and work on an annual water ballet, which i s usually presented in March. Regular monthly meetings are held in order to plan water activities which many will be able to enjoy. It is also their responsibility to act as host to the Red Cross field representative during his stay here.
OFFICERS Ann Thompson President Lois Forsch Vice President Lora Blackman Secretary Mary Virginia Lewis Treasurer
OFFICERS Phyllis Des Marais President Mary Alice Fravel Vice President Nancy Hartung Secretary Dora Heraud Treasurer
~ a c hgirl who finds enjoyment in expression through dance has the opportunity of attending Modern Dance Club practices which are held throughout the year.
Nancy Le Duc President Joan Foote Vice President Virginia Leyburn Secretary Marilyn Simon Treasurer
Paye one hundred twenty-two
The Riding Club offers its members the opportunity ta improve their riding technique, and also offers fun on horseback through activities such as breakfast rides, hayrides, and horse shows.
SE NZORS T o p Row-Barbara Rodey, Cynthia Lake, Jane Deisroth, Marion Hartman, Barbara Smith, J a w t Elson, Shirley Duckett. Bottom Row-Mary Lou Wilson, Betty Rheuby, Doris Magoon, A n n Weiler, Margaret Patterson, Joan Neill, Joan Sweeney.
T o ) Row-Beverly Miller, Barbara Wilder, Anne Middleton, Dorothy Miloche, Sarah Ellis, Elizabeth Kennedy, Joan Drummond. Bottom Row-Lois Farber, Msrry Ann Rohrer, Nancy Hartz~ng,Patricia Vollmer, Lora Blackman, Carol Minster, Susan, Hubbell.
SENlOR TEAM First Row-Lucille Bywater, Margery Bank, Doris Cooke. Second Row--Ruth Wasson, Marion Rinear, Marilyn Cox, Ruth Judson.
First Row-Doris
Little, Martha Douglass, Pat Hamburger.
Second Row-Sue Hubbell,
h or& Heraud, Lora Blackman, Pat Moulton. FRESHMAN TEAM
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Apsey, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis C. Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. T. Henry Asbury Mr. and Mrs. T. Bruce Austermuhl Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Ball Mr. and Mrs. Foster C. Barnard Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Barnett Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Becker Mr. and Mrs. A. Bedik ' Mr. Michael A. Belkoff Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Benedict, Jr. Mrs. M. J. Bennett Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Victor Berman Mr. and Mrs. Ervin F. Bickley Mr. and Mrs. John P. Bierschenk Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Bockstover Mr. and Mrs. George C. Bollman Mr. and Mrs. William H. Bowe, Jr. Mrs. Hazel Brewster . Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Brokaw Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Brown Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence C. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Reg. B. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Brown Mr. and Mrs. A. Brunner Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred M. Bywater Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Carey Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Cascio Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cassedy Dr. and Mrs. Swithin T. Chandler Mr. and Mrs. Max 0. Clason Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ellis Clayton Mr. Harry J. Cox Mrs. Marion Cox Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Creasy Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Dalrymple Dr. and Mrs. A. Damiron Mrs. Eleanor Armiger Davis Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Newel1 Davis Mr. and Mrs. RaIph Dawson Mr. and Mrs. Clarence J. Deisroth Mrs. John W. Delano Miss Elizabeth M. Delano Mr. and Mrs. George F. Des Marais Mr. afid Mrs. Paul Di Rupo Mr. and Mrs. Edgar H. Dixon Mr. Alexander D. Doig Mr. and Mrs. Alexander T. Douglas Mr. and Mrs. George Lennox Dowd Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dries Mr. and Mrs. John D. Drummond Mr. and Mrs. Albert A. Duckett Mr. and Mrs. Harry Eidelsberg Mr. and Mrs. S. Moffitt Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Elson Mr. Harold D. Farber . Mr. and Mrs. Horace S. Felton Mr. and Mrs. John G. Ferguson Page one hundred twenty-six
Mrs. H. D. Fontaine Mrs. Louise Kolb Foote Mr. Herbert Forsch Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Forster Mr. Edwin G. Fox Mr. and Mrs. J. Wesley Franklin Mr. and Mrs. John H . Fravel Mr. and Mrs. Warren F. Freeman, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Gager Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gale Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Garbett Mr. and Mrs. Frederick L. Gaudineer Mr. and Mrs. Errol J. Gay Mrs. Scott Gillmore Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Goodwin Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Graeber Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Gray Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Green Mr. and Mrs. Charles Greenman Mr. and Mrs. A. Albert Gross Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Grotto Mr. and Mrs. A. Guerra Mr. and Mrs. George G. Guthrie Mr. and Mrs. Homo Hagemeister Dr. and Mrs. Russell H. Hait Mr. and Mrs. Clyde B. Hale Mr. and Mrs. Chester D. Hall Dr. and Mrs. Robert Lee Halley Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Hammell Mr. and Mrs. M. Whateley Harrison Mr. and Mrs. J. Severn Hartman Mr. and Mrs. William D. Hartmann Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Hartung Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Hassett Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Haymes Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Hendee Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Henn Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. G. Herr Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Hogan Mr. and Mrs. James H. Howard Mr. and Mrs. William C. Hughes Mr. Earl M. Humble Mr. and Mrs. H. Ross Hume Mr. and Mrs. David W. Jenkins Mr. and Mrs. Clinton V. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Henry V. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Judson Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Keenoy Dr. and Mrs. William Lloyd Kemp Mr. and Mrs. Carroll D. Kennedy Mrs. M. B. Kerner Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Keyes Mr. and Mrs. E. A. King Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. King Mr. and Mrs. Hollis H. Kirsch Mr. and Mrs. George R. Kline Mr. and Mrs. Herbert A. Klugman Mr. and Mrs. James G. Knodel
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Kreps Mr. and Mrs. William N . Kronenberg Mr. and Mrs. Edward Laing Mr. and Mrs. Edward' C. Lake Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Lambert Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Laubach Mr. and Mrs. Oliver V. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Jacob N. Lehman Mr. and Mrs. Harry Allan Leigh Mr. and Mrs. John T. Leonhard Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Leopold Mr. and Mrs. Harold King Leslie Mr. and Mrs. Bruce M. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Alfred P. Leyburn Mr. and Mrs. W. Burton Littlewood Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Lussen Mr. and Mrs. Ronald S. Macfarlane Mr. and Mrs. B. Machlin Mr. Roy G. MacKnight Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Madrigal Mr. and Mrs. William L. Magoon Mr. and Mrs. Andrew A. Malgieri Mr. and Mrs. Philip Maskin Mr. and Mrs. James May Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mayer Dr. and Mrs. Donald G. McIvor Dr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Meadows Mr. and Mrs. David Medoff Mr. and Mrs. William J. Meinel Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Meinweiser Mr. and Mrs. George E. Mensching Mr. and Mrs. Herbert H. Middleton Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Miloche Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Pvlinster Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Mirandon Mr. and Mrs: Howard Moore Mr. and Mrs. Thornton L. Moore Dr. and Mrs. Francis L. Morhard Mr. and Mrs. Frederick L. Morrison Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Moulton Mr. and Mrs. John W. Muller Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Myers, 2nd Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Nagle Mr. and Mrs. Irving Nash Mr. and y r s . Alex. R. Nelson Mr. and h r s . George M. Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Elwood S. New Mrs. Vincent J. Newbaker Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Niebes Miss Lorna Nilsen Mr. and Mrs. Leon K. Norian Mrs. Viola S. Nugent Mr. ,Thomas K. Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Santo Perrone Mr. and Mrs. S. Norman Perry Mr. and Mrs. Truman B. Peters Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Pfeifer Mr. and Mrs. Don M. Pfeiffer
Mr. and Mrs. A. Duer Pierce Mr. and Mrs. John W. Pollard Mr. and Mrs. Edward Poppele Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Powell Mr. and Mrs. William P. Rheuby Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Rinear Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Ritscher Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Rohrer Mr. and Mrs. Carlton W. Roll Mr. and Mrs. M. Rothman Mr. and Mrs. Stanton L. Rowley Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph J. Rudiger Mr. and Mrs. A. Benton Ryan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Santo, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Schaumburg Dr. and Mrs. Paul E. Schwarz Mr. J. W. Shuster Mr. H. R. S'lmmons Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Simon Mr. and Mrs. William H. Sipp Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Julius P. Stapff Mr. and Mrs. William !Steinen Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Stensland Mr. and Mrs. Sigurd J. Stockfleth Mr. and Mrs. D. Hilton Stove1 Mr. James T. Swan Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Sweeney Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Sweitzer Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Swenson Mr. and Mrs. A. Richard Tannenbaum Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Terrell Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Thixton Mr. and Mrs. Carlton B. Thomas Mrs. Edward Delacroix Thompson Mrs. Peters Thompson Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Tipton Mr. and Mrs. David Torrance Mr. and Mrs. Elmer G. Towers Mr. and Mrs. James C. Tweedell Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Van Auken Mr. and Mrs. P. Vandermade Mrs. F. A. C. Vosters Mrs. Emilie M. Wagner Dr. and Mrs. William H. Wasson Mr. and Mrs. Stuart M. Weiler Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Weinberg Mr. and Mrs. Roland E. Weinert Mr. and Mrs. Edward K. Whitmore Mr. and Mrs. William C. Widerman Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. C. Ralph Yarnall Mr. and Mrs. Warren W. Yenney Mr. and Mrs. James H. Young W.and Mrs. Martin E. Young Mr. and Mrs. William F. Zearfaus Capt. and Mrs. Carl A. Zoller, Jr. Pabe one hundred tweni
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page one hundred twenty-nfne
PETERSEN - OWENS, INC. 428 West 13th Street
Purveyors of prime meats, fancy poultry, and game to all first-class hotels, schools, steamships, and summer resorts, etc. Deliveries guaranteed to any part of the United States and Canada.
Page ane hund~edthirty
SARONY STUDIO 362 Fifth Avenue
Official Photographers for
Page one hundred thirty-one
LABAR'S TAXI Tel. 322,- 24 Hour Service
Reasonable Rates Local And Long Trips Two 8-Passenger Cars One 5-Passenger Car
Kenneth Labar
206 Main .Street
Fred Labar, Jr.
Hackettstown, N. J.
,I,,,,,,, I
Page one hundred thirty-two
HERSHEY'S ICE CREAM The Purest Kind The Original Packaged Bulk Ice Cream
Page one hundred thirty-three
Established 1857 Hackettstown, New Jersey
Page one hundred thirty-four
53 West 57th Street
THE PEOPLES N A T Bank I With 0 N A L '
Page one hundred thivty-five
STEWART D. WILLIAMS & CO. 168 Main Street
Phone 525
Radio Repairs Radios Records Music Photographic Supplies Photo Finishing p,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,
Sexton's Alamo Seasoning a blend of exquisite spices for soups, salads and gravies. Invaluable in adding zestful flavor to any bland food.
..................................... ...........................................
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hundred thirty -sax
Sexton -.--
3 :
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Established 1919
Direct Plant Service
109 Plain Street Hackettstown, New Jersey Phone 566
1 ;;
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211 Main Street .
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time Anywhere Stand a t Greyhound Bus Station
; , , , 1 1 , , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ;~ 1 ~ ~1~ 1 ~ ~1~ 1 ~ ~1~ 1 ~ ~1~ 1 ~ ~1~ 1 ~ ~1~ 1 ~ ~1~ 1 ~ ~1~ 1 ~ ~1~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~~~
Page o.ne hundred thirty-seven
STATIONER Eaton's Fine Stationery e
139 Main Street
Hackettstown, New Jersey Phone 47-M
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I , I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ ~ltlllllllllllllll,I,,tIIIIIIII'IIIIIII,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#,,,,,,,,,,,,~
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171 Main Street
Hackettstown, New Jersey Phone 426
I- --
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------- ------- ---- ---- --- ;- i - - ---- ---- --- --- --- ---
Hackettstown, N. J.
Established 1856
i , , , , , , l , # # , , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . I I I ~ I ~ ~ ~ I I I I I I ~ I I I I I~ I I,I,I~ I I~ II ~ II ~ I~ I I~ I I~ I I~ I I~ I I~ I I~ , ,~ i i~ ~ ~ # I I , I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I , , , , , , , I , , , , , , I , , I I I I I I I I I I I , I , ~ I , , , , I , , , , , , , , , ~
Pags one hundred thirty-eight
Hosiery Lingerie Millinery
245 Main Street
162 Main Street
Hackettstown, New Jersey
Hackettstown, New Jersey
...................... I,,,,, I I I I I I I i i i i I , , , ~ , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , # ~ , b , , O , , , , ,
BACH'S DRUG STORE Hackettstown, N. J. -
163 Main Street
Hackettstown, New Jersey
Page one hwrdred thirty-nine
----JOHN G. BECK -Painter - Paper Hanger I---and Decorator ----Hackettstown, N. J. -, :--
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Organized 1855
Hackettstown, N. J.
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Budd Lake Road
Hackettstown, New Jersey
Hackettstown, New Jersey
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Henry Roehrich FLORIST Tel. 90 Hackettstown, N. J. ;,,,, ..................................................................
THE VILLAGE BAKERY 155 Main Street Hackettstown, New Jersey Variety of Breads, Cakes, Pies, and Pastries All Baked on Premises
IIIIIIIII~ ~ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I
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Palmerton Coca-Cola Bottling CO.
Washington, New Jersey
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New Jersey Power & Light Company
DOVER, N. J. ~
---- ---i-- i-- - ---- --- -- -- -- -- --
9 West Blackwell St.
E. G. PACKMAN District Manager
Member of Florists' ~ e l e g r a p h Delivery Association
Cut Flowers and Potted Plants
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Printed By
Fowler, Ind.
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A slogan signifying a service created to excel in all things pertaining to yearbook design and engraving. We have found real satisfaction in pleasing you, the yearbook publisher, as well as your photographer and your printer.
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