1950 Hack Yearbook

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ALICE H. BOUTON T o Miss Alice H. Bouton, our capable yearbook advisor and teacher, who with her friendliness, understanding and sense of humor has made Centenary a better place throughout our two years; we, the Class of 195 0, dedicate our yearbook.

T o the Members of the Class of 1950 : You are gaduating now and so becoming the Daughters of Centenary. The College, of course, has a vested interest in you. If you do well, i t does too. I n a very valid sense there is no other way for a college to do well than in the vision and deeds of its children. Any other form of prosperity is fleeting and illusory. The College has attempted to establish within your understanding and tendencies a balance which brings into proper unity the past, the present, and that unknown future toward w h c h we inexorably move. The College, we who stay at Centenary and watch the generations of students come and go, will hold you in precious memory. We will talk about you a great deal. We will covet frequent word from you and we will not be surprised when we hear of your successes. We will be expecting to hear of them. You are the College's children. And so, we can expect no less.

EDWARD W. SEAY President




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This year the Centenary family took time off from its busy schedule to look back over seventy-five years of progress in education and to rededicate itself to the high ideals for which Centenary has always stood. A t an impressive two-day ceremony, alumni and friends of Centenary joined the administration, faculty, and students in celebrating this momentous occasion. Centenary's hstory has been one of continual change to meet the needs of changing times. How wise this has been is amply demonstrated by the commanding position now held by Centenary. With the continued loyal support of her friends and graduates, Centenary can look forward, confident that the next seventy-five years will bring as much progress as the first seventy-five have brought.

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GRAY SO^;^*-;^ ,k...

W. NORMAN Director of Music Piano - Organ





. PATTY SMYTH Physical Education


Director of Social and Recreational Activities Physical Education

E-1. SMITH Iocal and Instrumental Music


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WILLIAM L. RELLAHAN Chemistry - Mathematics


Page twelve

EDITH ARMEND Physical Education

BETTY LOUISE P m G m Psychology


French - Spanish

HELEN J. LOTT Secretarial Studies

LILA S. MILLER Vocal Music

Page th;rteen

G HiWMQNs, BLATGHFORD, JR. Director of Public Relations



fiREDERICK B. ODELL Associate Director of Admissions


Page fourteen

FPdWJCIS S. WIS-LIIBMS Director of F o ~ dServices

EDITH CHEWEY Resident Nurse

ANN FITZGERALD Director of Dormitories

ANNE P. MORGAN Director of Alumni Sewices

Shirley Thomas, Olive Getchius Marie V. Dalley, Jean G. Palmer, Louise Kowalick Secretaries to the Administration

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President.. ......... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Margaret . Ferguson Vice-President Secretary

.. . . . . . . . . . . Joanne


.Muriel Burr

Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...Anne .... Klutey

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Green and White

Lead on, 0 King Eternal,

Centenary, we love thee;

The day of march has come;

Sing your praises high.

Henceforth in fields of conquest

Centenary, can't you see

Thy tents shall be our home:

For you we'll do or die.

Through days of preparation Thy grace has made us strong,

Class of Fifty, we are true, And our song we sing to you.

And now, 0 King Eternal,

Green and white we pledge to thee,

We lift our battle song.

Our own dear C. J. C.

Not to make a living, But to nobly make a life.

78 6 5 Spring Avenue, Elkins Park, Pennsylvania

February 20 President, Student Council 2; Vice-President, Student Court 2; Centenary Singers 1, 2; Chapel Choir 1; Guild 1; Spanish Club 1; Chapel Committee 1; Centenary Players I, 2; Phi Theta Kappa 1, 2 ; Phi Iota 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.


Radio career . . "You Were Meant For Me" . . . Sweet and gay . . . Hobby is entertaining "Birm" . . . Dramatic ability . . Seen in the Little Theatre . . . "I've got to see the Dean" . . . Looks forward to those daily letters from Philadelphia . . . Thrives on college life with "so much to do".


Suzanne B o n a P d

617 Ridgeway Avenue, Greensburg, Pennsylvania

July 22 Vice-President, Chapel Choir 1, Librarian 2; Record Club 1, 2; Chapel Committee 2; Secretary, Guild 2; Social Committee 2; Fire Chief 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.


"Birm"' . .. . "Dancing in the Dark" . . Peppy personality . . . Big blue eyes . Writing rhymes and singing those college songs . . . Glasses with scotch tape . . Everywheqe at once Worries about scrubbing floors in the future . . . Dusting out the mailbox . You hear her before you can see her . . Fire drills.





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825 George Street, Norristown, Pennsylvania

November 4 Editor, HACK, 2 ; HACK Board 1 ; SPILLED INK 1; Press Club 1 ; International Relations Club 1 ; Phi Iota 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.


"Nance" . . . Plans to be a private secretary . "Stardust" . . Natural curly hair . . . Knitting him socks and sweaters . . . Neatness and sincerity . . . Seen either in clothing lab or Miss Bouton's oflice . . . Worries about HACK . A true Pennsylvania girl.



Box 5 1, Bartow, Florida November 27 SPILLED INK 1; Press Club 1; Spanish Club 2; International Relations Club 1; Theta Epsilon Nu.



"Beth" . . Airline hostess . . Sammy Kaye records . . "I'm Always Chasing Rainbows" . . Creamy complexion . Always smiling . . . Beautiful black hair . . . Usually seen in the lounge . "Don't do today what you can do tomorrow" . . Pet aversion-meatless Fridays . . . Weekends in New York City . . . "Will I ever pass Spanish?" . . . An easy-going Southerner.


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4 13 Eerkley Road, Haverford, Pemy1uran"ra

May 3 Vice-President, Fre5f;irnan Clpx; Presideat, $e*or UKW; Chapel Choir I, 2; Phi Iata 2 ; Phi Theta Kappa 1, 2 ; Modern Dance CIwb 1; !?sybhol~%y el&2 ; Hoc&eyTeam: TEte~aEpgikm Mu.

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"Terg"" . Nutserg school teacher . , A whiz at anything "Embmceable. You'" Very jmial . . s3h thai laugh . . Weekend@?-Taws the eountq side . . "It's wee-ma-dous" . . h0:es a gay tjme and being with people . . . Led the class 0%'ro to greater height+,







345 Heathcote Road, Scarsdale, New York

August 3 1 President, Student Court 2; Vice-President, Student Council 2; Phi Iota 2; Phi Theta Kappa 1 , 2; Camera Club 1; Aquatic Club 1, 2; Swimming Team; Sigma Epsilon Phi.



"Eag" . . . Private secretary . . "Blue Moon" . . Easy to live with . . . Gets along with everybody . . . Beautiful copper curls . . . Horses and swimming . . . Talks about Scarsdale . . . Sailing on the sound . . . Library and iust everywhere . .



. . - - 533 First Avenue, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania < .

August 2 Secretary 2, Sigma Epsilon Phi.

ccJeannette" . . . Medical secretary . . .."'Because" . . . Sweet , . . Neat . . . Understanding , . . A blond-haired, blue-eyed belle . . . Swimming is fine with square dancing next in line . . . Talent for writing letters . . . Talks about those times a t Promised Land . . . Have you seen my roommate?" . . . "Wtat should T take with me this time?" . . . Ruzgtxs. <<

19 Avon Road, Larclunont, New York

January 6 President, Delta Sigma Sigma; Board of Directors, Centenary Singers 1, 2 ; Basketball, Softball and Volleyball Teams; Outing Club 1, 2; HACK Board 2 ; Guild 2; phi Iota 2. "Casey" . . . Plans to be up there in the wild, wild blue with all those handsome pilots . "You'll Never Walk Alone" . . . Friendly "Hi"' for one and all . . . Likes to see people laughing and having a good time . Tricking people into taking long, long hikes . . . "Gotta write a letter" . . Never a worry in the world . . . Weekends?hectic . Loves to eat.




42 Dunnell Road, Maplewood, New Jersey

September 12 Secretary, Phi Theta Kappa 1, 2 ; Press Club 2; Treasur~r,Delta Sigma Sigma 2 ; Business Manager, c&tenary Singers 1, 2; Outing Club 1, 2; Guild Cabinet 2; Business Manager, SPILLED

INK 2 .



"'Ev" . Future plans-Radio . . "Someone to Watch Over Me". . . . Sweet, likable, great kidder . . Talent with those oils and easel . Popping out of bed . . Seen most i n radio room . Worries?-Too many money jobs . . Veekends? Date but no car. Great correspondat . . . Loathes ironing . . . Oh, that complexion . Dislikes artificial people and hot weather.








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525 East Mermaid Lane, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania June 29 President, Sigma Epsilon Phi; Outing Club 1, 2 ; Centenary Singers 1; HACK Board 1, 2; Hockey, Basketball, and Softball Teams; Guild Cabinet 1 ; Camera Club 2 ; P h Iota 2.


"Weener" . . Nice to everyone . . . Collects elephants . . . Gift of gab . . . "Somewhere Over The Rainbow" . . . Worries about starvation . . . r! . . That unceasing giggle.

"*&&a' . &

September 16 Centenary Singers 1, 2; Outing Club 1, 2; Psychology Club 2; Centenary Players 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.



"Kay" . . Radio and Television . . "Student Serenade" . . . Vivacious and likable . . . Blue eyes and always smiling . . Loves to swim . . Good collection of pictures . . . Impersonations . . Unique laugh . . Worries about getting things done . . . Always preparing a speech . . . "It's just a riot" . . . Weekends-Nothing like variety and never a worry.








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17 Lenox Place, Maplewood, New Jersey June 1 0 Secretary, Centenary Players 1; President, Guild 2; SPILLED INK 2 ; Outing Club 2; Press Club 2 ; Phi Iota 2 .



"Prism. . "Deep in My Heart" . Calm, cool, and collected . . . Dancing blue eyes . . . A fair outdoor complexion . . . Counselor . . . Singing off key . . Making people laugh . In the library . . . "Hence, C'est la vive" . . About her future and her weight? . . Turnips! . . . "Tall, dark, and handsome!"





578 West 193rd Street, New York City,

New York December 4 Sports Editor, SPILLED INK 2; PubIicity Manager, W. A. A. Board 2; Centenary Singers 1, 2, Executive Board 1; Outing Club 1, 2; Basketball Team; Sigma Epsilon Phi. "Dottie" . Cornen School of Nursing, New York .Hospital . "Desert Song" Goad natured; spontaneous laughter . . That natural wavy hair. . Good athlete . . . A voice that you'll never forget . Seen a t her desk pr working for the W. A. A. . . . '"ill 1 ever get all my work done?" . . . Listening board for her roornmate's various problems!

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92 Wynnedale Road, Narberth, Peiursylvmia

President 2, Theta Epsilon Nu; &eretary, W. A. A. Board 1; Secrcxary, Phi lot? 3; EbBing C h b 1; .. . . Aquatie Club 1, 2.




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"Libby ' Future plans fop Cdrnejl . "'me Man T Love" . . Easy to a l o n ~with Friendly, warm personality : , , Beautiful complexion, terrific eyes . Collecting perfume , Talent in her toes E$cient, neat, wondexful roommate . Always rushing to get things do. "HOW about that". , '"Jtxdy, I'm so upset". . Worries? Tests; gaining weight Dislikes 8:Oo classes, 1: 0 0 late per . . . Veekends ? Always busy. J




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421 Canton Avenue, Milton, Massachusetts

April 16 Secretary-Treasurer 2 , Bridge Club I; Treasurer 1, Aquatic Club 2; Riding Club 1, 2 ; Secretary, Delta Sigma Sigma.

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. . "Don't Blame Me" . . Fsscinating personality. . Fetching smile. . Beautiful brown epes . . Playing the piano . Getting homework done in record time . . . Loves to sleep . Never gets mad , Party gal , "'Vlrhat'll we play now?" . . Getting up in the morn* and going to classes . . . Plans for evey weekend, "J. B+"




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820 Riverside Avenue, Trenton 8, New Jersey :

-A .

September 23 Editor, SPILLED INK 2; Press Club 1, 2 ; Centenary Players 1, 2; Bridge Club 1, 2; Phi Iota 2 ; Phi Theta Kappa 1, 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.

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"Monnie" . . . To be a writer . . "I'll See You Again" . . . A laugh a minute . Good natured . . . Silky hair and a creamy complexion . . Little theatre . . . "Do you have a 25th hour you could sell me?" . . . "Is SPILLED INK going to be out on time?'' . . Princeton, Lafayette, and Harvard . How can one person be so intelligent?



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Lenox and Meetinghouse Roads, , Jenkintown, Pennsylvania rl April 25


President 2, Psychology Club 1; Music Club 2; Aquatic Club 1; Spanish Club I ; Swimming Team; Sigma Epsilon Phi.



"Annie" . A kindergarten teacher . "Rhapsody in Blue" . . Happy, thoughtful, generous girl . . . Expressive eyes, pretty dark hajr . Travel, cooking . Understanding people . . Library . . "Too good to be true" . . . Princeton, Harvard, Penn . . All around girl.


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214 Thornden Street, South Orange, New Jersey

March 10 President, Freshman Class; President, W. A. A. Board 2 ; President, Phi Iota 2 ; Outing Club 1, 2; Aquatic Club 1, 2; Chapel Choir I, 2 ; Student Council 1; Hockey, Volleyball, Basketball, Swimming, and Softball Teams; Theta Epsilon Nu. "Whit" . Hopes to go to Cornell . "Love Letters" . . Sparkling, vivacious, very likabIe . . . Sports, mostly tennis . . . A1 Jolson Act, full of fun . . . Running around most anywhere . . . "1'11 go out of my mind" . Getting fat . . Dislikes people who are late . . . Football season comes and she goes to Yale or Princeton . . Takes great interest in activities around school.


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Giliam Lane, Riverside, Connesticut October 1 Student Council 1; Hockey, Swimming, Sofxhll Teams; Badminton d e r ; Outing Club 2; Bridge Club 2; Aquatic Club 1, 2; Rating Board Chairman; W. A. A. Vice-President 2; Choir 1; Theta Epsilon Nu. "Sal" , A business woman-but not fnr long . . "'Embraceable You" . Peppp . . . Good sport Terrific sense of humor Cute, smile , Thgughcful Constagt friendI;n%s~ . , , Singing . . Dancing. !P i q o playing . .. $pofts . , . Good. natured Full af li5e . . .-L;lrughs :. "ht's face it" "Where's my roommate?" Too many meetings ., Amherst ate* No, 1 . . Never a dull mament when she is around . .



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40 Gordonhurst Avenue, Upper Montclair,

New Jersey March 22 Outing Club I ; Centenary Singers 2 ; Chapel Choir 2; HACK Board 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.


"Cindy" . . New England accent-tr6s thick Loves sewing . . Hates typing speed tests . . . "1'11 See You In My Dreams" . . . Sweet gal . . Always calm, cool, and collected . . . Merchandising is her choice . . . "Watcha Doin' there Thetfnrd?" . . . Longs for long snowy winters.




1 3 1 Howland Avenue, West Englewood,

New Jersey December 5 President 2, Centenary Singers I ; Spanish Club 1, 2; Softball Team; Chapel Choir I, 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi. "Terry" . Scarritt College . Organist and choir dir:ctor . . . "All the Things You Are" . . . Enthusiastic and vivacious . . Long, curly, black eyelashes Drawing and painting . Talent in voice and piano . Breakfast crew . . Always singing . "Papooska" . . Down with "Blue Mondays",. Worries about not being around when that call comes . . Always plugging for the Centenary Singers.




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22 Woods Lane, Scarsdale, New York

February 2 7 Outing Club 1, 2 ; Art Club 1, President 2; Dance Club 1, 2 ; Choir 1, 2 ; Student Council 1 , Class Representative 2 ; Centenary Players 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.

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1275 Coffeen Street, Watertown, New York

October 15


"Jeanie" . . Unpredictable, but lovable . . . Always knitting . . . Hates to write letters . . . Weekends mostly a t Rutgers and Lafayette . . . Always in the lounge.

772 Bard Avenue, Staten Island 10, New York

March 16 Aquatic Club 1; Leaders' Corps 1; Sigma Epsilon Phi. "Laura" . . . Magnetic personality . . . Has a talent for quaint sayings . . . Gal of many dialects . . . "Deep Purple" . . . Seen mostly behind a shorthand book . . . "Bound to be a feature" . . . Those Lafayette and Lehigh weekends.

"Hillbrow", Montgomery Avenue, Chestnut Hill, Pennsylvania March 19 Press Club 1, 2; Outing Club 1, 2 ; SPILLED INK 1, 2; Delta Sigma Sigma. "Edie" . . . Transfer to University of Pennsylvania . . . "I'll Close My Eyes" . . . Always laughing . . . Sparkling contagious smile . . . Hobby is learning football plays . . . Telling tall stories . . . Worrying . . . Mail lounge . . . "But really" . . . Pet aversion 8 o'clock classes.

Bath Pike

R,DL2, Bethlehem,


May 19 Cam.era.Club 7; Fearure Editor 2, SPILI,ED INK 1; Pres~Club 1, 2; Sigma Epilon phi. . "h.iolIyU . . . Friendly . . , "Peg 0' My Heart" .

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CUR turned up nose and baby face Sketching . Engagement ring . . Neatness Worries about forgetting meetings . , Hates a clu~teted raoin . . g o m e and hhigh,





Susquehan~Road, Rydal, Pennsylvania March 4 Freshman Representative, W. A. A.; Outing Club 2; Centenary Singers 1, 2 ; Hockey Team; Chapel Choir 2; Social Committee 1;Student Council 2 ; Delta Sigma'Sigma.



"Gil" . Plans to be an interior decorator "Blueberry qill" . . Always on the go . . . "Bent hair" .' . . Sparkling eyes and rosy complexion . . . Laughing , Talent-artis'tic .. "I'm over a barrel" . . Worries about tests and that perpetual sore throat . . . Pet aversion, "Blind dates".



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J$y -28 -

Pamident,Book Clu6 2 ; duthg Club 2; SPILLED INK 1; Press Club 1; 'VolleFball TeamJ Delta Sigma Sigmaa

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"Barb".. . %'ants to Ije a lawyer's secretary . '? Can D r a m C d ' t I" , , H a t , friendly, thoughtful . Natural curly hair and twi~kling eyes , . Forevex writ* lezters . . "What did you sxp?" . . Vorriies abaut shwt-hand . . Weekends, Lafayette.







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5650 Amboy Road, Staten Island, New York

3 3 0 Princeton Road, Union, New Jersey

November 9 Centenary Singers 1; Outing Club 2 ; Sigma Epsilon Phi.

Fun . . . "Katie" Gibbs . . . That daily letter . . . Wavy hair . . . "But seriously ' . . . Theta Chi . . . Writing. . . . "One Alone". 7

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17 Ellery Avenue, Irvington, New Jersey

August 4 Centenary Singers 2 ; Chapel Choir 2 ; Leaders' Corps 2; Sigma Epsilon P h . "Dot" . . . Plans for a career in the field of nursing . . . "Penthouse Serenade" . . . Collects treasured memories . . . "Do you really?" . . . Worries about finding a spare moment . . . Hopes to travel to England . . . We didn't know she could play the French horn . . . Is always full of life and willing to help others . . . Sings crazy songs off key.

290 Baxter Boulevard, Portland, Maine August 21 Student Council I ; Centenary Singers 1, 2 ; Delta Sigma Sigma. "Ellie" . . . A true Maine girl . . . The apron brigade . . . "Always" . . . Natural curly hair . . . "More milk, please" . . . A merry chuckle . . . Pet aversion-curfew time . . . Weekends a t Lehigh . . . Always knitting for him . . . Talent for being orderly . . . Serious and friendly . . Future Plans-to live in South America.


2 3 0 Gaywood Road, Baltimore 12, Maryland



January 26

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Book Club 1, 2; Treasurer, W. A. A. 1; Delta Sigma Sigma.


"Beth" . . Slap stick humor . . . "My Devotion" . . . Curly dark brown hair and ever-present wide grin . Hobby is poetry . . . White shoulders and perfume . . . "I'm not getting enough sleep" . . Pet aversion is affectation . . . Weekends on trains between here and there.






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279 Beech Sp&g Road, South Orange, New Jersey October 3 3Rldiflg C I d 1, 2; Book Club 1, 2; Business Club 1; Delta-Sigma Sigma.



'fJoan" . . "September Seng" ., Sophisticated air Coatagious laugh Talent fur tall rales . . L a ~ g i n .g . "What911 I sag?" Worries a b u t strange noiw . . Weken& with the Ivy League.






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River Road, Trenton, New Jersey April 17 Aquatic Club 1, 2 ; Swimming, Volleyball Teams; Art Editor, SPILLED INK 2; Book Club 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.


"Hy" . . . Quick wit and subtle humor . . "Lover" . . Stature . . . Spectacular entrances . . Collects "uglies" . . . "How 'bout a marshmella?". . . Forever riding to and from Princeton.



244 Moore Street, Princeton, New Jersey December 3 Basketball, Swimming and S o f t b a l l T e a m s ; Aquatic Club 1, 2; Bridge Club 2; Copy Editor, SPILLED INK 2; Theta Epsilon Nu. "Audie" . . . Frank and straight forward . . . "Story of Sorrento" . . Her beaming expression . . . Talented in any sport, especially swimming . . . C'hose bangs and blue knitting bag. . . Pet aversion is "the killjoy" . . . Never blue.


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3 9 0 Highland Avenue, Winches~r;Masa&usetts

Secretary, Freshebm Classi. HACK .Board 2; Secretq-Treasurer, Q~&in~g Club 2; Delta Sigm Sigma. "Zimmie"' , Glmses perched on.'top of her ere+ cut . . . "Ghsst tRem in the Sky" . . . Medical secretary . . Seen in Grill . . Pull of laughs . . . "Seriously No*.



Veterans Hospital, Wilmington, Delaware May 4 Glee ~ 1 &1b; Outing Club 1 , 2 ;Swimming Team; Aquatic Club 2 ; Secretary, Theta Epsilon Nu. "Lou" . . . Commercial art . . . Favorite song"Bill" . . . Pep, a smile, and a kind word for everyone . . . Trying to get fat on Joan's cooking . . . Petite, blond, and neat . . . Drinking coffee . . . Little girl with a long cigarette . . . Grill . . . "Let's go to bed early tonight!!" . . . Worries whether there is enough time for homework and fire drills . . . Sleeping through classes . . . Good things come in small packages!

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2 11 Central Park West, New York, New York

March 29

HACK Business Staff 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.



"Kal" Teach nursery s c h o o l ~ ~ t hda ? . . '"All-the Things You Are?*' , . bv46.le and sincere . . %at grin . Plays golf? . Can bake a? terrific cake Always seen peeting in that mail box . "Ginger Peachy5' . Hates getting up in the morning . . 9 t was the most tremendous weekend! "



Verona Road, Verona, Pennsylvania February 12 Centenary Players 1, 2 ; Psychology Club 1; Delta Sigma Sigma. Wants to transfer to a four-year college . . . "Night and Day" . . . Sweet, considerate, and always gay. . . Talent for playing that Xylophone . . . "Oh Kal, the most awful thing happened" . . . Can't stand insincerity.


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4600 Kanawha Avenue, Charleston, vest Virginia

February 1 Cowt Represen5adve 1, 2; HACK Board 2; Chapel Committee 1; Delta Sigm~Sigma.

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'5inithe:rs" . Always frimdly and undeptanding .to aU . , Can be found at DuBois . . "Can I wear high heels?". . , "Quiet hour!" . . Princeton. Lafavette, and Vashington and Lee fan .




2 Woodlawn Avenue, New Rochelle, New York

Ch+pel Choir 1; Deltx Sigma Sigma.

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"Joaq" . To start: a restaurant "Sacxed Concert" . Friendly, hdpful, aad underst~nding . !Beautiful hair and skin . Sewing snd baking Talking about twin sister and.Northfield Always fixifig things DuBois Hall "Ye ,gads" . Getting too mueh sleep . . Goes all over! '


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475 Elmwood Avenue, Maplewood, New Jersey

April 21 Orchestra 1, 2; HACK Board 2 ; Vice-President, Guild 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi. "Suzie" . . . Nursery school teacher . . . "Deep in the Heart of Texas" . . . Her giggle . . . Curly hair . . . Cocker spaniels or dogs in general . . Playing the clarinet . . . Doodling . . . Granny . . . DuBois lounge . . Mail lounge . . . "Who's going to church?" . . . Shorthand . . . Mice in her room . . . Bridge . . . Maplewood.



3 6 Larch Road, Cambridge, Massachusetts

November 6 Outing Club 2; Modern Dance Club 2 ; Delta Sigma Sigma. "Dee". . . Very witty. . . "You Go To My Head" . . . Loves sneakers and jeans . . . Another from DuBois Hall . . . "Hey, you!" . . . "Wha's a matta' fo' you, eh?" . . . Weekends a t Dartmouth and Cambridge.

9 Norfolk Avenue, Maplewood, New Jersey April 28 Glee Club 1; Outing Club 1; HACK' Board 2; Treasurer, Guild 2 ; Theta Epsilon Nu.


"Rootie" . . Wants to be a secretary at Radio City . . . ':All the Things You Are" , . Plenty of personality . That healthy, outdoor look . . Solves people's problems l i e mad . . Talk, talk, talk! . . . Hobby is collecting for her scrapbook . . . Seen here, there, and everywhere . . . "Hey &anhead!" . Has grey hair over shorthand . Never a dull moment on weekends . . Makes a super roommate 'cause she turns off the alarm.



249 Innes Road, Wood-Ridge, New Jersey

Record Club 1 , 2 ;SPILLED INK 2; Bridge Club 2 ; Sigma Epsilon Phi.


"Jo" . , . On to Katharine Gibbs . . "The Man I Love7*. . . Nemes of steel???. . . Long, dark hair . . . Tall and slender . . Robby?--Conducting New York Philharmonic . Seen dashing around . . Frank, friendly, fickle . . "I can't fight this anymore" . . . Worries? G a i g weight Weekends always occupied Pet aversions-homework, washing her hair, white bucks.



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252 Henderson

Woad, 'Faideld, Connecticut

G n t e m r y S i n g p 1, 23 Outing Club, I ;HACK Board 2; Sigma Epsilaa Phi.




"%usie" . . Vet's assistant . . ''Perfidia" Loves hrses , FrZmdIy md domestic .S n most typing room Never a dull wekefid . Wnrries about typing . . "How can y m BE so stupidl"'


41 Headley Place, Maplewood, New Jersey

February 1 8 Vice-President, Outing Club I, 2 ; Secretary, Student Council 2 ; Chapel Choir 1, 2 ; Orchestra 1; Sigma Epsilon Phi. "Gale" . . . Golden locks and big blue eyes . . . Medical assistant . . . Talent for stringing violins and men . . . A little green Ford . . . "Blue Room" . . . Dislikes asparagus .. . . "Just a Little Bit."

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132 Eourth Street, Ridgefield Park, Maw lsrssy

U r ~ h ~ t r1,a 2; ChwS Gh&r 1, 2: Ck$~tmary. Players f Sekretary, Spanish Club 1, 2. -

"8abbii7' . . , ~ e s r e k r y. . T i b n . p o $ n r eof hami-,.... Zisr:swuip sdke J?'a~s-%ri'e,.~@o . . . . a, t h t laugh! . . .hthe dinhag r m . . ''Have any e i t m des~rts?". , H o w to get the c h q s done &' i mIp twenty-four hours . . . Homework and gef'ting up in the, morning . . . Favorite pwr-im?:b eathag . . She js a membet@f&@ RZiaP~teBr4gad.3 . . . a gwa n g t v d &f that lalysbs at eveqrrhhg and pts a Islck dut







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167 uppee %hmâ‚ŹainAvenue, Mon~1a-if,

Nev Jersey



"Polly" ... .'Hop& to be a nume . . .Sweez,aild l?e~it:ito, . &&;b* eym and a; q* m e, , "Oh my g m x h w f . * .AHap~rdfbn, . . b u d radios and %idtr'%das . . Gad t h g g 6;onaehi




Yardville-Allentown Road, Yardville, New Jersey Augyst 6 International Relations Club 2; SPILLED INK Staff 2; Phl Theta Kappa 1, 2; Theta Epsilon Nu. "Ginny" . . . Transfer to Wellesley . . . "Bali Ha?" . . . Sincere, ambitidus, delightful company . . . Shiny brown hair and spa~klingbrown eyes . . . Archeology, skiing . . . Painting . . . Loves to just sit andrtalk. . . Crazy about sports and the outaf -doors . . . The gym . . - Studies . . . Waiting to get into the dining room.

Mission Home Eben-Ezer, Schooley's Mountain, New Jersey September 29 President, International Relations Club 2; French Club 1, 2 ; Softball Team; Sigma Epsilon Phi.


"Zip" . . Reading and knitting . . . Talent for learning languages . . . "Honeybun" . . . Worries about getting letters . . . "Really" . . . A swell gal . . Can be found in Lotte Hall.


Page forty-nfnc

Page fifty

5 10 Highland Avenue, Upper. Montclair,

New Jersey October 15 A r t Club 2 ; Glee Club 1; Sigma Epsilon Phi.


Plans to be a Merchandiser . . . "Deep Purple'" . ' Conscientious and friendly . . . Dark, curly hair, blue eyes, and dimples . . Always knitting argyles . . . Plays the piano and paints . . Has a contagious laugh . . First in line for dinner . "No kidding, that's terrific" . . . Worries about homework and getting the early bus to Montclair . . . Pet aversion is getting up in the morning . . Weekends are homeward bound . . "Doris, what's at the movies this week?"





Fifth and Knowlton Streets, Belvidere, New Jersey June 2 7 Centenary Singers 1, 2; Chapel Choir 1, 2 ; Theta - . . . . -- . . ~ i a n sto be a 'Merchandiser'. .'. '3;.Louis Blues" . . . Loads of fun . . . Auburn curls and blue eyes . . . Always improving her Bridge . . . Fast walker and talker. . . "Ya know" . . . Worries about her Fire Warden duties . . . Weekends spent in Belvidere . . . Won't forget her visits to New



"Wareham", Eydd, Pennsylvania November 10 Business Club 1, 2; Guild 1; Record Club 2 ; Hockey and Basketball Teams; SPILLED IIVK 2; Secretary, Student Court 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.

. . .

. . '.

"?ally'\ . Big brown eyes Never a dull moment. . Hobby is running beweefi Prhceton and Yale . , Secreta~yfor a few years . . "Slow Boat To China" . . . Spends mast of her time doing shorthand . . "Come Now".



112 Brompton Road, Garden City, Long Island,

New York January 27 Vice-hidefit I, President 2, Business Club; Guild I; SPILLED INK; Bowling winner; Sigma Epsilon Phi. "Cindy" . . Quiet, shy, and very sweet . . . Beautiful complexion . . Big blue eyes . . . Collects poems for her scrapbook . . Knitting . . . Artistic and domestic . . Giggle, dimples, her accent . . . Found in Grill and mail lounge . . . "But Sally, why doesn't he call?" . . . Weekends? Lafayette . . . Dislikes 7 o'clock alarm with no 8 o'cIock classes . . . Terrific friend.


. .


72 6 South Lincoln Street, Wilmington, Delaware October 24 Vice-President, Glee Club 1; Outing Club 1, 2; SPILLED INK 1, 2 ; Press Club 2; Centenary Players 1, 2; Vice-President, Delta Sigma Sigma. "Pet" . . . Has ambitions to explore the world . . . "'To Each His Own" . . . Our own Frankie Laine.. . Never has enough time. . . Party girl. . .

"Things are looking up". and everywhere.

. . Weekends here, there,

175 Round Hill Road, Fairfield, Connecticut November 1 5 Record Club I; Chapel Choir 1; Outing Club 2 ; Centenary Players 1, 2 ; Secretary, Senior Class; Theta Epsilon Nu.


"Mimi" . . Future plans-Having a "haven" of her own . . "Star Dust" , .. Just one big giggle . . . Enjoys making argyles and cable stitch sweaters . . Local barber of C.J.C. . . . Helpful and happy . . . "Let's change the room" . . . Worries? Train schedules . Weekends transferred to Yale? . . "All we get is static."






Page fifty-three

645 Westview Avenue, Philadelphia 19,

Pennsylvania June 1 Sigma Epsilon Phi.


."AP . . , Plans to get a "Caddy" convertible . . "I Can Dream, Can't I" . . . Men . Sports . . Seen most having a smoke . "This is really IT" . . .Never worries . . Pet aversion is Old Maids . . . Weekends anywhere.



22?/West Mt, Airy Avehue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania June 10 Sigma Epsilon Phi.


Plans to get a job .. . . "Guilty" , . Terrific personality. Speckled eyes . . . Always knitting argyles Seen most a t the diqing room door '"Canat wait 'ti1 Friday" . Worries'about making breakfast on time . . Pet a~ersionis Monday-Thursday . . Weekends in Philadelphia.





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BarLara A n n


1350 Hunting Park Avenue, Philadelphia 40, Pennsylvania January 1 Business Club 2 ; Basketball Team; Theta Epsilon Nu.


"Traut" . . . Plans to be a Medical Secretary . . "You Do" . . . Seen most in the lounge . . . "I have so much to do" . . . Worries about her marks . . . Pet aversion is the "New Look" . . . Weekends spent a t Dickinson.

909 E. Wadsworth Avenue, Mt. Airy.

Pennsylvania June 1 2 Theta Epsilon Nu. "Dode" . . . Plans a career . . . "Always" . . . Loves to shop . . Talent for art . . . Seen most in the Sewing Lab . . . "Don't be sarcastic" . . . Weekends in Philadelphia.


11 8 5 Park Avenue,

N& York City

New York



December 28 ~ m o t iclub 1; ' Leaders" Chrps 2; President, Bridge GI& 2; Outing Club 2 ; Interhatianal Rekoiom CIyb 2 ; %fdsall Team; kIAGK %miness Staff 2; Delta Sigma Sigma. '

"'Chocolate" . , . Wants to be a pohician . . . A girl with plenty of vim, vigor, and vitality . . . Contagious laugh.. . . Always seen in the Ehrarv!! . . "Vahoo!" . K e ~ busv t betwmn Boston and Y i r m a . Take away that eyebrow a ~ she d would be mute, , "Again" , . Can sleep through anything.






944 Pask Avenue, New York 28, New York

June i7 Record Club 1; Press Club 2; Leaders' Corps 2; Outing Club 2; Bridge Club 2; SPILLED INK 2; Theta Epsilon Nu,


"Susid'. . . Wavy hair and a cuk slim figure . Oh, those souvenia , .: A gal with a talent for geitshg involved . . . "A's the greatest" . . Eeeps busy answering phone calls . A gap and sunny persoaality Always ru&g for Laber's taxi . "These Foolish Things."





2109 Franklin Street, Wihington, Delaware

May 16

Aquatic Club 1, 2 ; Outing Club 1, 2; Riding Club 1, 2; Bridge: Club 2 ; Sqcial Committee 2; Leaders' Corps 2; Swimming Team; Delta Sigma Sigma.


. Has laughing eyes and a beautiful winning smile . . Sleeping . . Fresh-air hend . Always looking for her glasses . . 'yust for "Love laughs" . , Those Annapolis weekends Me or Leave Me."






. . ..

1 3 2 Pomona Avenue, Newark, New Jersey




November 3 0

Outing Club 1, 2 ; Bridge Club 25 Dance Work&ap 2 ; Delta Sigma Sigma.

. . . Beautiful blond hair and a terrgc figure, ; Loves jazz . . . Usually leafing though a book . "Body and Soul" . . "Wait 'ti1 I finish my cigarette" "A. R."




Page fif ty-seven


1 8 Highland Street, Hopedale, Massachusetts

November 8 Outing Club 1, 2; Glee Club 1; Book Club 2 ; Art Club 1; Sigma Epsilon Phi.

. .

"Judy" . On to the University of Connecticut or Maine . . . "Blue Moon" . Bubbles over . . . Sparkling eyes . Dieting . . . Counting chapel slips . . . "What am I going to wear?" Weekends are complicated, but lots of fun.


Penwell Road, Washington, New Jersey April 6 Sigma Epsilon Phi. "Liz" . . . Interior Decorator . . . "My Buddy" . . . Extremely friendly . . . Long, blond hair . . . Blue eyes . . . Getting into trouble . . . Singing off key . . . Day room or Grill . . . "Gee" . . . "What the heck" . . . Keeping her men straight . . . Work . . . Hackettstown and Rutgers.

Page fiftg-eight



2 5 %ighfs

Road, Ridgewood, New J ~ s e y April. 19

A r t Club 21 Poster Club 2; Aqwtlc Club Delta $&&ma .Si$m. ,



.. ,.PI~mto &.a a m m e r c i d artkt "Ewt & the b n and Vest af &rt MQOS'? <. . Pe~sq$$mt.Ion a3 "'Sweet ad La~eIy". . . T+e Lux g$l ,.'. Illodd h d &d &ose blue eyesVBW! . . . Regrets that she' &n't d i c o x r Cen"'BwY''

teary sooner

. . . Happy d i p o s i t i ~ n. . , "What


dub i s he h?" . ,* "That's my ~nan!". weakqxds at Princeton.

1 5 1 Leonia Avenue, Leonia, New Jersey

May 2 ~eaders'Corps 2; Riding Club 2; Outing Club 2 ; Aquatic Club 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi. "Ann" . . . Plans to do personnel work in the future . . . "I Can Dream Can't I" . . . Sweet and thoughtful . . . Likes to take cat naps . . . "Give you a clue" . . . Weekends at "the lake".

. . Those

5 Meredith R o d , Overbrook, Philadelphia '3 1,



GJee Club 1; Centenary Plaprs 1 , 2 ; Bhdge Club 2; !nternrttional Rdatioas 1, 2; Delta Sigme Sigmb.


"Jodie" . . . Plysical Therapy.. . "In the Stdl of the Ni g ht v , . Dynamic . . Full of fun . ,. Big blue eyes Beautiful blond hair . . Collecting knick-knacks and poetry portraits Oh! that smile! . In the Grill , . Getting up early Empty mail box . Always in for a ~urprise... , Where there b a crowd, there is also Jodie.


. .. . . ... .







3 Sunset Terrace., Maplewood, New Jersey

June 25 Glee Club 1; Centenary Playets 2 ; Dance Group 2; Outkg Club 1, 2 ; Delta Sigma Sigma.

... ...

"Janie" Nursery school teacher . . . "Body aad Soul" Oh! That laugh! . Blue eyes. Trying to get back on time Sunday nite . . "Isfi't he precious?" No worries! She lives for the weekends . . . "Have ta write a letter."


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A n n


70 Castle Ridge Road, Manhasset, Long Island,

New York February 9 Spanish Club 1 ; Outing Club 2 ; Riding Club 1, 2 ; Bridge Club 2; Psychology Club 2; Theta Epsilon Nu. "Janie" . . . Nursing . . . "That's My Desire" and "I Can Dream, Can't I?". . . Personality plus that laugh! . . . Those brown eyes! . . Horses and more horses . . Noted for her scrapbooks and photo albums . . That raised eyebrow . . . In the grill and mail lounge . . . "Oh kids!" and "By gum!" . . . Just a "worry bird" . . Hates spiders . . . Forever counting the days 'ti1 Saturday.





17 Fairfield Drive, Short Hills, New Jersey

May 4 Dance Workshop 2; Leaders' Corps 2 ; Delta Sigma Sigma.

"Shiri" . . . Plans to be a Soda1 Service Warker . , . "My Wonderful One" . . . Always ready for some'fun., , . Loves to eat . . . Dazzling mermaid ... Heart of gold and sincere . .. "You Know" . . . Worries about getzing: th8 .letter . . . Lives for .


Friday , , 'Wave to write my letter."

Page sixty-one

823 3 Manor ;Road, E&

Park, lhmylv&

Danee Clitb 1, 2 ; Student Coyncil 1; ,Hwky Team;, Wi ~ ~ r n m i t t e1 ; e Sigm %Ip$il,on Phi.

%nd d l l&mgi . . , "ah 1". . 4. darling dmcw . ~el$gfraud ,Trinity . .3bc'ere . , , Shm b m e m e hair . . , Famd i l ltjli

so 1~pwt:*il ;

.. .




Gcre'tar* T ~ h k I i~ e 'her . D&wnwirh Noma's'fkied ~~aut: b butter , , . o"Dream"".

626 West Upsal Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

September 24 CentenZtky Singers 1, 2; Business Club 1; Theta Epsilon Nu.



. . , Always bubbling and full of fun

. . . Blond hair and blue eyes . . . A writer. someday.. . . Oh those wild and sophisticated stories she tells . . . "Night and Day" . . . Many men and weekend problems . . . "How hysterical!!" . . . Always good for laughs and a few tears . . . Hates getting up in the morning . . . Weekends spent from the heart of the Bowery to the wilds of the North. .

Page sixty-two

3 20 3 Swarthmore Road, Wilrnington, Delaware

September 6 Treasurer, Senior Class; Outing Club 1, 2; Glee Club 1, 2 ; Camera Club 2; Hockey and Basketball Teams; Delta Sigma Sigma. "Anne" . . . Future plans-Possibly transfering or who knows? . . "Just One of Those Things" . . Peppy and sincerity plus . . . Tall, striking type . Plays a fast tennis game . . . Athletics is her specialty . . . "I honestly don't know" . . . Bumping into Mr. Dilts . . . Seen in her yellow corduroy jacket . . . Always has the usual grin . . . Dislikes turning alarm off every morning- . . Worries about star7ation and letters.



. .


141 Oxford Boulevard, Garden City, New York April 5 Art Club 1 ; Outing Club 1, 2; Camera Club 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi. "Betty" . . . Two more years of college . . . Permanent resident of Havana . . . "Night and Day" . . . Sweet, understanding, always ready for a laugh . . . Beautiful big brown eyes . . . Taking unexpected pictures . . . Getting her men mixed up . . . Singing off key . . That look in the morning . . . Mail lounge . . . "What a horrible thing to say" . . . Answering letters . . Bugs . . . Trying to learn a certain college alma mater . . Always going some place.








3709 Ingomar Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. February 22 Camera Club 1; Outing Club 1,2; Vice-President, Theta Epsilon Nu.


"Kathy" . . Transfer-Perhaps 0 h i ~Wesleyan "It's Magic" . . Effervescent, sweet, and considerate , . . Those big blue eyes . . . Persuasive gab . . Always in a dither . . . Found running here and there . .'"So embarrassed was I" . . Worries? Getting" ready for that date . . Princeton and Lafayette Sneezing from 8 to 10 in the morning . Proud of her new niece.

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I.,. .

. , -> . >

Place, Brooklyn, New Pork . 78, Terrace 2 ':,, -, M!!y25 .





RidingClub I, 2;Outing Club 2; Camera Club 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.

"Pupsie" . . . Plans to transfer-maybe BwkneU . . . 'bmoke Gets k;l Your Eyes7'. . . Vi~acious~ sweet, and undezetarxding . . ;3e;tubful auburn hair, a t e and petite . . . Collects miniature d o g and horses . . . Fomd in the Grill , , . "What do you want me to do, stand cm my head?" . . . Phone calls and exams . . . Lafayette . . . Laves Long Island . . . Likes spending h o w on the phofie.


n GraLam


103 Manhattan Avenue, Crestwood, New York

July 13 Treasurer, Theta Epsilon NU; Outing Club 1, 2 ; Student Council 2 .


'"cottie" . , . Frank and to the point . . "The Last Evlile Home" . Personal secretary . "I've got news for you,son". . . Bridge. . . Bulletin board collector . Wbtries about lack of sleep.

.. . .

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197 Maple Avenue, Patchogue, New York

May 20 Centenary Singers 1; Bridge Club 1, Recorder 2 ; Outing Club 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.


"Kathy" . . . Secretarial school . . "I'm in the Mood for Love" . . . Likes music . . . Worries about eating too much . . . Bubbles like champagne . . . "Need a cup of coffee."

Page sixty-fiva

3 79 Hegxpsce~dA~enue*Ecickyille a n t r e ,

New York June 3 0 Centenary Players 1, 2 3 Outing Club 1, 2; Book Club 2.; Baketb& Team; Theta Epildn Nu. 'True'' . . Future in fiursing . . "1 Don't h a w Wrhy" . Easy g ~ h g . That wonderful dispcrsitiofi , . . Finishes b t at ewry meal . . Eats ocher people's goodies , . T h e blkh and infectivus latvgh Seen in the fourg@b d Grill . . "That's a must" , . Voxriea abwt puttiag ort weight . . "Will he be tall?" . Hates conceited people and n d l e s for die^ Bridge afmr dinner.








. .


63 Overlook Road, Upper M~ntclair,New Jersey

December 17


Centenary Players 1, 2; Outing Cldb 1, 2; Book Club 2.; Delta Sigma Sigma. Wants to work in New Yvrk , "Blue Mwn" . . .,Subtle vit, independent, easy gohg , , , B g .g;een eyes . That beautifd compl&n . . . Her stylish clothes . . Seefl the lounge, and the Grin , "Oh no!"' '~Excell@nt7' , Worries-homw~sk and wetakeah Bridge games & e r dinner . . '"Where's my raagzuncSe3' . V a k h g for that important leztet, .


. . . .

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410 Shore Road, Absecon, New Jersey Hall President 1; Student Council 1; Glee Club 1; Business Club 1, 2 ; Student Court 2 ; Camera Club 2 ; Vice-President, Sigma Epsilon Phi.


"Weezie" . . . Wants to be a receptionist . . Cheerful and easy to get along with . . . "My Darling, My Darling" . . . Natural curly hair . . Loves to sleep late . . . "You're kdding!" . . Always seen in the sewing lab . . . Talent for knitting argyles . . . "How am I going to get home?". . . That sparkling ring on her left hand.

. .

15 Canterbury Lane, Vestfield, New Jersey

October 28 Glee Club 1; Outing Club 2; Bridge Club 2 ; Recatd Club 2;'Centenary Singers 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.

. ..

"Jagie" Mans to be an elw~atary.teacher and to get married . . "Mayb.It's Because" + . Blond curly hair and green eyes Nways f o ~ d on the back porch' of South Hall . "You're kidding" . '.'Lots of fun and easy to get along . Spends weekerids a home. with"




. .-.



Page sixty-nine

2 1 Edstone Drive, Scaten Island 1, Nm York

February 28

Business Club 1, 2.



"'Renie" . . 'To Each H k 0wa" . . Loves a' . good argument , Ability 00 lose t h i n g s Talent for stumbling over obvious objats , Last one to bed ao night .. Lotte I-Iall's Mrs. Anthony Seen a t t%e bridge table . . "CALL YOUR' LEAD!!" ;, Sleeping t h r ~ u g hfirst period class . That sparkling &amand on her left hand.

... . .

116 Lorin,&~ G e ~ gI?e&am, e, New York

%fitember 24 Outing C1U.b 1, 2 ; Glee GI&, 1; VolIeyball and 30ftbaW Te8msf Delta Sjwa, Sigm;r,



"Hammy'' . . 'Nutse'p cschool paerk . . "&&I the Bqpiae: ::. .#.,.d60rlects stu$& &ah . ., "Terrific" . ,Eight oSclack clwss. kk. around the i o ~ g ,e . Has talent fox..,childcare.


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a :




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10 West Marie Street, Hudson, New York

February 2 6 President 2, Chapel Choir 1; Centenary Siagers I , 2 ; Theta Epsilon Nu.

.. . ..

"Mony" . , . Sstetary . "Can't Help Loving That Man" Priiendly .. Gay . .Lovable. Fair skin . . Light: brown hair . Knitting Gray eyes . . Dancing . Singing . Playing piano. . Always smiling. . Ridding. . Lounge . . . 'Sweet" . "I'm tifed" . Getting shorthand done on time . . . Getting up early Laf ayette.



15 Howland Road, West Newton, Massachusetts

October 1 3 Student Court 1; Outing Club 1; Chapel Choir 1, 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.


"Cindy" . . Nursery school teacher . . . "Smoke Gets In Your Eyes" . . . Friendly to everyone . . . Blond, blue eyes, fair s k i . Collects stuffed animals . . Sailing . . . Knitting . . Always laughing . Grill . . . "Have a goodie time, hooptie!" . . . People who are late . . Harvard . . Home.

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Brooklyn Road, Stanhope, New Jersey December 1 3 Outing Club I j haders' Corps 2; Dance Vorkshop 2; Volleyball Team; Theta Epsilon Nu.


"Phil". . . Vants to travel . . Sparkling, frikdly personality... . Mastly seen in the gym ,Collects Indian head pennies . . . "You're So Understanding."


Rose Lane, Budd Lake, New Tex+ey February 3


Dance Workshop 2; Aquatic Club 1, 2; Volleyball Team; Theta Epsilon Nu. "Ellie" . . . A very friendly disposition . . . Would love to travel . . . Usually in the library . . . "No kidding?" . . . Worries about shorthand homework . . "My Darling, My Darling."


3 16 Sharp Street, Hackettstcrwn, New Jersey October 11 Spanish Club 1; Outing Club 1; Theta Epsilon


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. . . .

. . .

"Ginny" . Marriage . . "Somehow" . Friendly . Diamond ring . . Cooking . . Knitting argyles . Helpful . Friendly smile . . . . "Huh'" . . . Happy-go-lucky . . Yellow Ford convertible.



89 Bowers Street, Jersey City, New Jersey

Qctober 2 French Club 1,2; Glee Club 2 ;Sigma Epsilon Phi.


.. ..

"Doxis" . Plans to continue modeling . "Because" . Full of pep and alwaps.laugbing '"Its a riot" . . Lone. . ", wavv. brown'hair Enjays horseback riding. . A s;&athetic listener to. otber people's tr~ubles . . Methodial and vi~acious. Worries about what to wear . . Pet aversion-one o'clock curfew , On Friday she's ready- for a weekend away.







. .


Paga seuentg-thee

22 Joanna Way, Short Hills, New Jersey May 30 Vice-President, Senior Class; Student Council 1; SPILLED INK I, 2; Riding Club 1, 2; Aquatic Club 1,2; Centenary Players 1; Leaders' Corps 2; Sw-g Team; Press Club; Delta Sigma Sigma.




"Jo" . Short hair. Blue eyes . Pet aversion is Monday morning . . . "Body and Saul" . Fashion editing . . "I had a wonderful time" . . Weekends never lonely.






68 Wes't Market Street, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania

April 20 Centenary Players 2; SPILLED INK 1; Leaders' Corps 2 ; Riding Club I ; Press Club 1; Delta Sigma Sigma.


Horse shows and fox hunting. . . Sophisticated . . "Embraceable You" . . . Secretarial work. . . Sleeping in classes . . "Today is Friday" . . . That empty mailbox.


Page savtm%ty-four

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45 East 85th Street, New York City 28, New York

June 7 Book Club I ;Outing Club 2; Record Club I; Vice-President 2, Treasurer 1, Art Club; Sigma Epsilon Phi. Occupational Therapy. , . "Old Devil Moon" . . . Ahays good for laughs , Pretty eyelashes Drawing . . Loves sailing Here, there, and everywhere . . "Almost had a bird" . . . Pseudo . Be-Bop Dartmouth . . . sophistication Yale.



5 ter GouuQrneir J i t z m


South Compo Road, Westport,~~onnecticut September 4 Record Club 1, President 2; Outing Club 2 , Treasurer 1; Centenary Singers 1, 2.; Delta Sigma Sigma,


... .


"Bunny . Radio singer . "Day by Day" . . Always kidding . Good for'hughs Curly hair . . Loves bicycling, skating, skiing, and tennis . Talent far &&ng . . Hxppy go lucky , . Seen 5D: the practiee rooms . "Vonder if I got that-leter?" , Worries about the fGture . . . Princetun and Hamilton . . Loves jewdry, big earrings, and jangly bracelets, JJ


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203 Prospect Street, Hillcrest, Phillipsburg,

New Jersey May 8 Outing Club 1, 2; SPILLED INK 1, 2; Glee Club 1, 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.


"Lo" . . . Kindergarten teacher . . 'Orchids in The Moonlight" . . Natural curly chestnut hair . . . Swimming and dancing . . . Writing in her diary keeps her busy . . Always seen in mail lounge . . "Heaven's sakes" . . Mail box blues . . Dislikes conceited people . . . "Why did man invent the alarm clock?" . . . Partial to Mountain Lake, New Jersey.






22 Rena &venue>Hwtings-on-Hudsan; Kew York

January 20 Centenary Singers 1; Art Club 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi. "Joannie" , Kindergarten teacher. "Stardustz^ Sweet Attractive . . Happy most of the time. , , , Expressive brown eyes and a laugh ihat goes up the male . Collecting sentitnental objects . . Writes i p diary niglitl+ Neat as a whistle ', "Let's go fgr a valk, gg~g'' Lafayktte , A kood alarm clw% fog her roommate "I have so much to do X just don't know where to begin" . . "Has the mail from Furdue been discontinued?"


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7 Grove Street, Inwood, Long Island, New York

November 24 Glee Club 1 , 2 ; Outing Club 1,2; Student Council 2; Deltsl Sigma Sigma.

.. .


"Carol" . Plans to be a Nurse, "Embraceable You" . . Always ready for fun . Always finding blind dates for Phi Delts . . Friendly to everyone + "I have a feeling he'll caU tonight" . Pet aversion is that 7 o'clock alarm . 'Weekends spent a t Lafayette.



.. .


463 Hanna Street, Birmingham, Michigan

January 19 Glee Club 1; Outing Club 2. "Sue" . . . Hopes to be a secretary . . . "Embraceable You" . . Winning personality . . . Peaches and cream complexion . . . Knitting . Tall and slim . . . Seen in mail lounge-waiting!! . . . "That's for sure" . . . Worries about how to get to Ohio . . Pet aversion is shorthand . . . Dreaming of seeing that "Moon Over Miami" . . "Let's figure how many days left before vacation."





Page seventpseven

20 'Belleme Street,

Weehawken$ New Jersey

Spanish Club, %ce-Presidh-nt 1, President 2; Thata Epsilon Nu.

. .


"Edie" '. Career in writhg . Talented in dramatics and craati~ewriting . . Extremely idealistic and imaginative . . . "Now ]riddo" , S p d s a great deal af time in the Little Thwtre Hates getting up in the mbrr~ingand going to bed at night . . Home on weekends.


25 1 Chestnut Avenue, Metuchen, New Jersey

November 2


Psycholkhg Club 1, 2; Camera CIub 2; Outing Club 2; Theta Epsilon Nu. "Rene"

. . . ~tu#~j.ng for a B.S. degxee in N~rsing


. . - Spends m u ~ htime ia: tha themistry. 1 ~ t.i, '2tb Magic" . . InÂŁections-,ia~ghte~ . $Ireu$




still trying to scquiY'e thg skjll i ~ ~ g ' ~. l One f of tht~fev early r i a 8 arhmd ~ c ~ Q Q . I ',. Very meticulous . "Now in inv cst~ini~n*'; Worsies about her work and h;r A r b . She $besl god. advice . , Hates to b kegt ~ ' ~ i n g . A waxtil s& b ~ i g h ~ nhe^s ~PCE.



Page seventy-eight



. .




372 6 Cannecti~gtAvenue, Washhgtoa, D. C.

July 27 Record Club 2: Catenary Phym 1; Spanish Clurb 1, *'&iiF.kyJ' . Headed for CSoucher CalIege ''Body @adSo$' M u ~ as k a hobby . . Talent for d i & g , P~&i$srS her dret "Guess whctd" . W~rriesabmt gectime; the necessary credits for Goucher . Pet ~ersiofi-busy-bodies and tattle tales.

. .

. .

118 Riverside Drive, New Yark

M, New York

June 28 Glee C1t.b 2; Basamble 2; Reeord Club 1 ; Centenary Players 2.;. Chapel Ch& 2; Centenary Singers 1.

. .. .


"Pead" . . Tdlented on the 3liolin . Likes to act in plays ; "Yon !Know'', "I Can Dream Can't I"' r . Jogn qnd Micky , Worfiw over the Coro Jew&* ;rmcltmarket . . A giggler . Dislikes Ireijple with cute- noses ,. . TPeekends at N. =Y. U.


. . .



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. ..


264 Prospect Street, Westfield, New Jersey

Bridge Club 2; Centenary Singers 1, 2; Chapel Choir 1; Social Committee 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.

. ... . .

Plans to work in. Ncw Mexico . . "'Einbraceable You" Happy and sympathetic LOT? to A talen't for forgertAhg . Refiable afid eat dependable . , Seen most at Trevorrow Hall.. . . "Has the bell rung?" . . Worries about blind dates for everybody . Pet aversion is an empty mail box. , "HOW did I eyer @tin that typing class?"

... ... .

. . ..

490 Inington A~enue,Maplewood, R e v Jersey

February 2 8

Centenaiy Smgers 1, 2; Press club 2.; Se~rgtary2, ' ~ ~ p h e 1club 0 ~ 1; w i n g CI+ '1; IXK 2; Sigrna Epsilon EIr;. * . Plans-tb,go arotmd the world . .-.'You'll Never .. S'wee,t 'Beautifa1 gpxn Walk f i n e y ' c1ouds eyes ,. ,TaIq~t fat &ettS$losr in h w w Wile . & e Aost ~ in the &failh u g e and the Ergl, ... ..'*&at t h e is it?'" , Vor& about themes f ~ r D @ ~ . & B a j & Pet . a'n~reedot~& an 8 dclock cI%s. . . Homeward bound an weehends.




. .


.. . '

243 Shotwell Park, Syracuse, New York

October 17 Riding Club 1; Chapel Chair 1; Centenary Singers 1; Delta Sigma Sigma.

. . Nursery school tea~herin future bird of Happiness" . . . A friend to all, better known as "Mother Neptune" . . . Always seen in the GriU . . . Hates dirty ashtrays :. . Week'"eppie"


. . . Pretty brown locks . . . '%tardustJhcl"Blue... . .


ends?? Syracuse Rumbling tenor Unconventi-1 wit , Those familiar dungarees . . Worries mast about roommate's temperament and that Mental Hygiene.


capesto tone^"^ Harwich Port, Massachusetts August 3 Riding Club 1; Chapel Choir 1, 2; Delta Sigma sigms. -

"W . . . Nursery school teaching is- her future plan-. : "Body and SOUP. Sweet and sincere : Dramatics . . Found, muaklyJin the lounge and Grill "My dear" Pet aversim b people who ridicule long hair:



. .. .



700 23rd Avenue, San Francisco, California

February 28 Riding Club 1, 2, Secretary and Treasurer 2; Fire Warden 2 ; Spanish Club 2; Outing Club 2; Delta Sigma Sigma. "Ro" . . . Could be most anything. . . "So I n Love" . . . Witty . . . Always happy . . . Riding and golf . . . -Telling jokes and playing cards . . . Hurries . . . DuBois Hall. . . "Turn blue". . . "Let's go; we'll be late" . . . Noise during quiet hours . . New York . . . Always early . . . Sweet and sympathetic.



Z e n



76 Hewlett Street, Rye, New York

June 30 French Club 1; Camera Club 2; Student Council 1; Hockey Team; Delta Sigma Sigma.


"Tiena" . . . "A Slow Boat to China" . . Worries about getting a letter . . . Pet aversion is eating C. J. C. chop suey . . . Kind, understanding, and pleasing . . "Golly MaNickNock."


Page eighty-two

CkzudetL A n n


930 Ridgeway Road, Charleston, West Virginia

July 20 Delta Sigma Sigma. "Libby" . . . Plans to be a secretary . . . "They Can't Take That Away From Me" . . . Vivacious . . . Never worries . . . Always creating a laughing disturbance . . "Put the show on the road" . . . Another DuBois fan . . . Lafayette.


CumP A n n


2 0 3 Bank Avenue, Riverton, New Jersey

October 7 Glee Club 1; Camera Club 2 ; Delta Sigma Sigma.



. Understanding . . . Witty . . Medical Gay Secretary . . . "There's A Great Day Coming" . . Sailing . . . Says the right thing at the right time . . Soothing voice? . . . Tact . . . DuBois Hall . . . "That's snorky" . . N o worries . . 8 o'clock classes . . . Sunday trips . . . Much giggling in Room 400 . . . Level-headed.





100 Glenwood Avenue, East Orange, New Jersey October 16 Centenary Singers 1 ; Aquatic Club 1, 2 ; Modern Dance 1, 2; Guild 2; Chapel Choir 2; StudentCourt I ; W. A. A. Board 2; Delta Sigma Sigma. "Patty" . . . More schooling and then? . . . "You Do" . . . Cute nose and dimples . . . Modern dance . . . Knitting?? . . . DuBois Hall . . . "You burn me up" . . . Getting up in the morning. . . Franklin and Marshall . . . The sweetest gal you could ever know and the best roomie ever!

1900 Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania June 10 Centenary Players 1, 2; Chapel Choir 1, 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.

. ..

"Andy" . . . Radio and stage . . "The Man I Love" . . . Oh, that temperament, but we all love her. . Eyes and eyebrow. DuBois Hall. The men . . . Housekeeping in 600 . Princeton, Lafayette and Lehigh. . . A terrific gal.


. .



E l a i n e &a=

109 Raab Avenue, Bloomfield, New Jersey July 15 Aquatic Club 1,2; Outing Club 1, 2; Centenary Players 1, 2; Dance Workshop 2 ; International Relations Club 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.



"Joanie" . . Easy going, never angry . Long curly eyelashes . . . Likes to collect butterflies . Has a talent for getting in first at lunch . . Always around a piano . , "What will I wear?" . A little girl with a big suitcase . . "Honeybun."






Lake Waterloo, R. D. 1, Stanhope, New Jersey January 30 .


Theta Epsilon Nu.




'"Evie" Hotel Hostess . "Dry Bones" . . Full of life . . . Always ready to take someone somewhere . . Horseback riding Extremely kind to all . "That maroon convertible" . DuBois and the Grill .. "Haven't got a bit of energy" . . "Will I have the car today?" Running new stockings . . Lafayette.

. . . .




.. ...

Page eighty-five

M a e Sadanne

3. Lerdon

11 0 7 Thornton Avenue, Pl&eId,


New Jersey

November '8 Centenary Singers 1; Business Club 2 ; Phi Theta Kappa 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.



"Sue" , Sweet smile and lovely blue eyes . . Always laughing . Pet aversion-240 miles between Xthaca and Hackettstown . . . "I reallv must go and do m y homework". . . "You Are M; Song of L o v e . T ; p l r ; & p ~ x qw-ji i&x$:w;, , . * ;:,.>->,+a:.+

170 Boulevard, Glen Rock, New Jersey April 16 Business Club 2 ; Theta Epsilon Nu. "Moe" . . . Blue-eyed angel with a blond halo . . . Always seen saving a table . . . Never gets angry . . "Lucky Old Sun" . . . Pet aversion is liver . . . "How annoying!"


Page eighty-six


75 Prospect Street, Dover, New. Jersey

June 19* Leaders' Corps 2; Cheerleader 2 ; Outing Chub 1, 2 ;Sigma Epsilon Phi.


. .

. . Plans to be a Medical Seceeerp . "Ma$& It's Because" . . . Effervescent getsmalicy "Si"

. . . Collects sou-s . . . Alwaips seen in the lounge ... . "He's going to call around f :OO" , ,.. Wordes about tests and not enoug;b time to get everythiag done . . . Yrites letters, wears men's shitts and shorts . . . Alwajrs knitting . . . Pet a~ersions-show-ohand sauerkraut . . , Weekends spent at Lafayette . . . "What's for supper?"

49 Montrm Street, Newark 6, New Jersey September 20 Secretary-Treasurer 2; Leaders' Corps; Chapel Choir 1,2 ; Aquatic Club 1,2; Outing Club 1 , 2 ; Theta Epsilon Nu. ''Terwill" . Would like to work for a handsome Doctor . "'Body and Soul" Dependable .. Long eyelashes, short hair and big blue eyes . Alwap writing l e t t m and swimmhg . ' Seen in the d i g room "Have some coffe with your cream" , Worries about shorthand and so many meetings . . -. Pet aversion is people W ~ like Q jazz. . Knitting argyles . "Everybody out in the kitchen, please'" . . . "ThefeJs mthing wrong with Hoboken" . . "How soan dl1 next vacation?"

.. ..

.. ..


. .








3 1 St. Paul's Place, Liberty, New York

January 2 Aquatic Club 1, 2 ; Spanish Club 1, 2 ; Glee Club 1; Camera Club 2 ; Theta Epsilon Nu. "Thel" . . . Fashion career . . . "Prisoner of Love" . . . Easy going and friendl y . . . Pretty dark hair. . . Knitting argyles for him . . . Spanish is her talent . . . M-m-m, those clothes! . . . Waiting at the dining-room door . . . "Let's change the room around" . . . Down with stewed tomatoes! . . . Talks in her sleep.

60 Bates Road, Great Neck, New York

August 26 Outing Club I, 2 ; Centenary Players I, 2 ; Softball Team; Theta Epsilon Nu.


"Kay'" . . . Lab. technician . . "Forever and Ever" . . . Considerate and friendly . . Natural curly hair . . Showing and training collies . Loves to dance . . . Hates Hillbilly music . . "Will he call?"




. .


B 6

arfliCe ~ r naum

110 Riverside Drive, New York, New York

May 25


Music Club 2 ; Dance Club 2 ; Chapel Choir 1; French Club 1.


Future plans in painting and in traveling . . "The Man I Love" . . . Enthusiastic and friendly to all . . . A self-made Louella Parsons . . . Can always be found in the lounge playing bridge . . . Insects . . . "How can I make a weekend out of Paris, France?"

Page eightg-nine

905 Linden Avenue, Sharon, Pennsylvania

April 24 RecordClub 1, 2; International Relations Club 2; Bridge Club 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi, "Judy" , . Vivacious and fun loving . "Oh Blond hair and blue eyes . no it doesn't" So petite and dainty . . Seen in the Erilf . . Dislikes silly people , "Laura".


. .


. .

3 Merrill Road, Norwalk, Connecticut

August 20 Centenary Players I, 2; International Relations Club 1, 2 ; Bridge Club 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.

. ...


"Peggy" . . Florist . "Full Moon and Empty Arms'' . Sweet, sincere . l?lowers, bridge, Backstage, Little Theaire . Wsrries .reading about other peopIe's warries, . . . Simple-minded people . , Lawrenceville and Lefayette.

. .


. .



.. .

7 Dogwood Drive, Madison, New Jersey . November 18 Centenary Singers 1 , 2 ; Psychology Club 2; Outing Club I, 2; Ilidiug Club I ; Leaders' Qrps 2; Dance Club 2; Theta Epsilon Nu. "Jo" . Ambition-Lab. Technician . . . "'A Kiss in the Dark" . . Terrific persoaaIity . . Beautiful hair . Sixicere . . . Loves horses and tennis . . . NaTve . . Oh that laugh Seen in the lounge . ' a h , Shucks; Gee whiz" . Worries?-Tests and men Fast eaters . . . Keeping people awake nights . . . Friday can't come too soon . Always ready for a big laugh . Always waiting for "The" letter, Lafayette, West Point.

. .




5 1 Sunnyside Drive, Yonkers, New York

February 28 Glee Club 1; Outing Club 1, 2; Psychology Club 2; Centenary Players 1, 2; Camera Club 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.


"Betty" . . Transfer student . . . 'When You Walk Alone ' , . . Quiet, sincere . . . Pretty eyes . . Easy going and independent Loves to sail . . . Always ready to laugh "How 'bout that?" . . , "Oh, those eight o'clock classes" . . Talent for hav?ng gun , . After dinner bridge games Always in the lounge.


... ...













1142 Buckingham Road, Grosse Pointe 30, Michigan January 24 Glee Club 1, 2; Centenary Players 1, 2; Record Club 2 ; Theta Epsilon Nu. "J.H." . . . Michgan . . . "Body and Soul" . . . Always a joke and a good time . . Beautiful complexion . . . Collects Frankie Laine records . . . Talent for being friendly . . . "I've got to do my Spanish" . . . Pet aversions are homework and Alaska . . . Weekends-plenty . . . Always writing or waiting for a letter.



. '"Coccip, , 'On t o J3oII~w-d


+ ,' "T809in bye.''


;Ball a1 beghw afkle. , That mcaral e-1~ h& . . L i b g&k, Ys+es . . Har rn%meI'awwt'kg . ~ q n l y - m O i & ~ ~ 8 x y S i-

- ..



3 1Meadow Woods Road, Great Neck, New York

September 12 Centmay Players 1, 2; Treasurer, W. A$ A. 2; Outing Club 2 ; Basketball Teain; Delta Sigma Sigma.


Plans to be a Chemist , . ?';lent for ~ e t t i n g things done "That's My Wipe'" , . Alvays ready to laugh . , Pretty bIue &ps "Oh no!" Worries about haw t a keep out of the infirmary . U$ually can be found in the Chemi e r y Lab. . Easy going. '*Gotany fmd?" A whiz on the ten& court "Will he get here?"

... . ... . . ..

.. .

.. ...


. ..

15 63 0 Glastonbury Road, Detroit 23, Michigan

July 2 1 Outing Club I , 2 ; President, Centenary Players 2 ; Book Club 2; Delta Sigma Sigma. "Annie" . . . Hopes to be a social worker . . . "Goodnight Sweetheart" . . Can tell some very funny stories . . . "Golly Ned" . . . Wears clothes well . . . A constant worrier . . . An individualist . . . Understanding . . . Talent for saying the wrong thing at the right time . . . Always in a hurry . . . Those food packages . . . Has the craziest weekends.


Page n,iw&-threa


160 Maple Street, West Orange, New Jersey

December 5 Phi Theta Kappa 1, 2 ; Press Club 1; Sigma Epsilon Phi.



"Lo" . . Plans to be a medical secretary . . "I've Told Every Little Star ' . . . Thoughtful, congenial, and witty . . .That long and silky hair . . Such a vivid imagination . . . Seen in the Grill . . . "Did I ever" . . . Hates getting up first . . . Spends her weekends at the Academies. J


3205 Monroe Street, Wilmington, Delaware

August 9


Business Club 1 ; Cheerleader I, 2 ; Press Club 2 ; Delta Sigma Sigma. "Dorky" . . . Plans to be a secretary . . . "Blue Room" . . . That early morning glow . . . Hobby is ducks . . . That Ocean City tan . . "The day after tomorrow at this time" . . . Those daily letters . . . Sunday night blues . . . Dickinson.


945 Fifth Avenue, New York; New York June 20 President 2, French Club 1; Secretary-'$reasurer, Glee Club 1.; Business Club 1, 2; HACK Board 2 ; Theta Epsilon Nu.


Marriage . "Some Enchanted E v e h g " . . . Lively . Eyes . . Bridge . Neat :Grill .. It's n y e r so bad that i~can't get %orse" Boys without haircuts.







44 1

West Englewood Avenue, West Englewood, New Jersey September 21

Glee Club 1, 2 ; Bushess Club 1, 2; Theta Epsilon Nu. "Beer" . . .. hhriage . . . "Throvgh the Years" . . . Cheelfsrl.. . . Red hair . . . Bridge . , . Considerate . , ; G f l . . . "Can't &ght it", . . 8 :OO classes . :;Hqmq.

1214 24th Avenue, Altoona, Pennsylvania August 29 Student Council 2; Social Committee 2; Book Club 2; Centenary Players 1, 2; Bridge Club 1, 2; Volleyball Team; Delta Sigma Sigma. "Gosso" . . . Dry sense of humor . . . Easy going . . . Likes colored combs . . . Dislikes alarm clocks . . . After classes she's into dungarees . . "That makes me mad" . . . Worries about the colors to make argyles . . . "I'll do i t tomorrow" . . Loves coke and chocolate ice cream . . . Seen in the lounge . . . "Ya' think so huh?"

. .

12 Claremont Avenue, Maplewood, New Jersey January 1I President 2, Riding Club 1; Secretary 2, Book Club 1; W. A. A. Board 2 ; Theta Epsilon Nu. "Liz" . . . Going on to more schooling . . . "Together" . . . A talent for knitting golf wood mitts . . . Seen in the lounge Worries about getting things done . . Summers at Bay Head . . . "Ths is be nice to people week" . . Cute pug-nose . . . A devilish look in her eves . . . Rushes from place to place . . . Off to ~ i r ~ i n i a .






qp-ypr" u ' . *+% *b

Page- mi@ty-gev&

3 03 hdford Road, Ridgewood, New Jersey

July 25 Outing Club; President 2, Aquatic Club I; Softball Team; W. A. A. Board 2; Chaplain, Theta Epsilon Nu.




"Janie" . . Nurse . . '"Star Dust'" Very easy going and swell to room with Knitting . . Collecting records of "Star Dust"-collection now numbers fomteen Swimming . . Neatness . Well dressed , h our attractive roam . . . "Honestly" . . . Lafayette . A real swell gal.


. .

Blueberry Hill Farm, Lytrdeboro, New Hampshire Centetlary Singers 1; Aquatic Club 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.

. .-.

. .. ..

-"Bobbie" Interior Decorator "Strange Music" . , Beautiful complexion. Sewing , . Styling hair . . Singing . : Knitting , . :~eatness. . . Well dressed . , :'Take off like a bird" . . . Milk . . Eggs . . Worrying about .what certain other persons are doing on their weekends.




Page ninety-eight




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. .

3 0 Chestnut Street, Middletown, New York

SPILLED INK 2; Press Club 2; Modern Dance 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.


"Annie" . "Lover, Come Back co W' . . , Sentimental, good natured . Playing piano, knitting, horseback riding . . Getting confused . Congenial . . Dark eyes . Radio room . . "'Oh, honestly!" . "What'll I wear next weeke ~ d ? ',' . Getting serious . . Moravian College . More souvenirs than anyone.



173 1 Elm Street, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania

March 29 Secretary, Centenary Singers I, 2; Vice-President I, President 2; Camera Club; Delta Sigma Sigma. "Del" . . . Medical secretary, then marriage . . . "I'm in the Mood for Love" . . . Lovable and vivacious . . . Knitting, photography, and cooking . . . Helpful, healthy, and happy . . . Chem. Lab. . . . "Wonder who the phone is for". . Phi Delt . . Aversion, alarm clocks . . . Her wonderful C.J.C. scrapbook.



. . .



. . ..





Page one hzvndrsd one


J e r me i n WinJPLz

220 Main Street, Hackettstown, New Jersey

October 20 Sigma Epsilon Phi.


"Essie" . . . Plans to be a secretary . . Always has a snappy comeback . Forever eating . . "Wonder if he'll call this weekend?" , . . "Think I should get m y hair cut?" . . Seen a lot in the Grill.





504 Center Street, Hackettstown, New Jersey

February 1 0 Spanish Club 1; Record Club 2 ; Sigma Epsilon Phi. "EGe" . . . Beautiful blue eyes and chestnut hair . . . Loves classical music . . . Always smiling or laughing . . . "I don't believe it!" . . . "When will I have time to answer that letter?" . . . "Deep Purple."

Page one hundred two



Shady Dell f i r m , Backettstown, New Jersey June 3 0 Aquatic Club 1, 2; Leaders' Corps 2; VolleybaIl and Swimming T e ~ m sTheta ; Epsilon Nu.

. ..

"Shady-dell" . . . To marry a rich man "Oh Johnop, Oh Jehnny'' Enthtwiwtic about everything . . Swimming . Sports ; Very straight forward . . Day Stude~ts'room . "Don't get excite$" . Homework , Full of pep Lafayette.



315 Baldwin Street, Hackettstown, New Jersey

November 30 Outing Club; Centenary Singers 1, 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.


"Glo" . . . Vivacious . . Big blue eyes . . . Imitating animals . . Easy to get along with . . . Cheerful . . . Wonderful personality . . . Switchboard . . Day room. . . "Just ask me my name" . . Between Hackettstown and Rutgers.




... ..

. . .




55 Cedarbrook koad, Merion Golf Heights, &dmore, Pennsylvania June 15 P m s C h b 1, 2; Baak Clvb 2 ; News Editor 2, SPILLED INK 1; Sigma Epsilon Phi. "Nance" ' Kindergarfen teacher . "I Can Dceam Can't I?'" . Thoughtful, cwiderate and gay , That turned up collar is characwistic , Neat and trim in appearance . . , Sewing as a hobby. , Big brown eyes, "'that" short hair cut, and tiny hands . . Seen in the mail lounge . . "Is that a fact?'" , Talent for interior decorating . Worries about gaining weight Hates an empty mail box and f a t t ~ n h g40ods , . Lafaptte and LeEiigh, here I come! . Always has a smile and a cheerful word . petite package of fun.




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. .


.. ..

Sunny Lawn Farm, Salem, New Jersey February 10 Press Club 2; Outing Club 1,2 ; Dramatic Club 1; Associate Editor 2, SPILLED INK 1; Delta Sigma Sigma.


"Mary Liz" . . . Transfer . . . "Stardust" . . Peppy . . . W i t t y . . Willing . . . Blond hair . . . Brown eyes . Water skiing . . . Boating on the Delaware . . A man's shirt . . . A wave in her hair . . Mail lounge . . "Oh, I've gotta wash my hair!" . . . Gaining weight . . . Eight o'clock classes on Monday . . . Delaware University and Lafayette.


.. .




3 Van


396 Meadow Drive, Rochester 18, New York

July 19 Centenary Singers 1; Business Club 1, 2 ; Outing Club 1, 2; Theta Epsilan Nu.

.. .

"Jo" Plans to be a private secretary . . . Guy Lpmbardo's "Tales From the Vienna Woods" . . . Collects salt shakers and glasses . . . Found in the office . . . "Oh no! " . . . Hates conceited men . . E&of fun . . . Good natured . . . Would like 4 m h type home in the future.



1. I


6 Euston Road, Garden City, Long Island,

New York November 28 Treasurer, Camera Club 2 ; Theta Epsilon Nu. "Slim" . . . Plans to be a receptionist . . . Good natured . . "Begin the Beguine" . . . Talented at dancing . . "Kiddo" . . . The gal with a sunny personality . . . A teaser.



Page one hundved five

Gulf Road, Milford, Connecticut March 9


Outing Club 1, 2 ; Sigma Epsilon Phi. "Tal" . . . Plans to be a secretary at Yale . . . "Mood Indigo'" . . . Understanding nature, sophisticated and independent . . Pretty green eyes . . Famous for Apache dancing and playing "cupid" "Let's go down for a smoke" . . . Hates "Dumb Dora's" . . . Weekends a t Yale, Lehigh, Lafayette and Dartmouth (tho" mostly at Yale) . . "You're excused" . . Seen mostly in the front office.



.. .


Page one hundred sb


Vivian Martin, Patricia Valentine, Barbara Clinchy, Nancy Stone, Joan Macfarlane

P a g e one h u n d r e d eight

HELEN FAWLEY A generous heart and a helping hand are what we remember best when we think of Helen Fawley. Most of us knew Helen for only a brief period, as time is commonly measured, but she will always live in our memory. In one short year we came to love and respect Helen for her noble character.


Page one hundred nine

Through two short years al. Lentenary, we gathered many memories. Some small memories, some big, but always important. Life would have been dull without that rush in the Page one hundred ten




gT:gw- IF-$< 7

mail lou1lge, weekends and

those big ren Hell Wee

Yes,the scenes pictured here were familiar t o all of us. Centenary has taught us a way of life-let it be our guide throughout our life. one hundred eleven


......Felicia Steiner

Vice-president ............................. . . ....... .


a Bath

Secretary.......................................Bobbie-Zene Arnold Treasurer ......

Page one hundred twelve

......................Patricia Melarkey

Maroon and White

The maroon and white aloft we raise Throu g h years at C. J. C. We'll keep the joys of college days

A cherished memory. Our hearts with thanks are ringing, Until our course is run; Our lips with praise are singing, The Class of Fifty-one.

Front Row: Diane Astarita, Bronwen Arnold

Second Row: Marion Anderson, Nancy Abbott, Constance Agate, Carol Alfaro Back Row: Marlene Atwood, Jane Atwood, Jane Arenberg Absent: Bobbie-Zene Arnold

Front Row: Jayne Beatty, Barbara Beasley

Second Row: E m y L o u B a r g , Eleanor Bahto, Essie Bearnarth, Jan Bath Back Row: Mary Elizabeth Balish, Barbara Behn, Nancy Beatus, Dorohy Bayley

Front Row: Nancy Blickley, Barbara Bohn

Second Row: Marlene Blum, Barbara Berger, Deborah Binns, Eve Betts Back Row: Barbara Blacher, Barbara Biggs, Mary Ann Bish, Barbara Bevans Page one hundred sixteen

Fronf Row: Doreene Bradley, Janet Bond, Lois Burker Secoqzd Row: Daphne Boyle, Mary Ann Campbell, Mary Bright Back Row: Yvonne Bucher, Joan Busher, Barbara Brayton, Barbara Bris bin

Front Row: Letizia Corigliano, Joann Carl Second Row: E l i z a b e t h C o l e , Noreen Case, Priscilla Cook, Virginia Curtiss, Eleanor Cranshaw Back Row: Mary Ann Daubin, Mary Cummings, Joan Cramer

Frorzt Row: Dorothy Donecker, Patricia Doblin, Patricia Fairchild, Ruth Ebling Second Row: Eleanor Decker, Mary Jane Davis, Lavonne Evans Back Row: Lois Dodd, Beverlv Dornau, Sally Duffy


Page one hundred seventeen

Front Row: D o r o t h y F o r s t e r , Frances Fitts Second Row: Jeannette Frese, Joan Fritzsche, Adele Franzoni, Barbara Gale, Stephanie Frank Back Row: Gretchen Friend, Geraldine Finch, Susan Friend

Front Row: Barbara Greiff, Sally Gnau, Barbara Gruhn Second Row: Louise Grosh, Joanne Gephardt, Evelyn Gravatt Back Row: Joyce GrifIith, Doroth y Goedecke, Lenore Hadad, Charlotte Gooding, Carol Green

Front Row: Nancy Hemmings


Second Row: Elizabeth Hall, Carolyn Heston, Carolyn Heyman, Bette Hendershot, Betti Hamburger Back Row: Priscilla Henrich, Judy Klein, Elizabeth Hollinger Absent: Agnes ~ e s g i o n

Front Row: Charlotte Jameison, Doris Hoppe Second Row: Nance Hope, Roberta Joffee, Helen Hutz, Joyce Isseks, Merion H u n t Back Row: Marita Ho, Barbara Horn, Barbara Holmes

Front Row: Marcia King, Grace Kocher


Second Row: Mary Knowlton, Zelda Kleinfeld, Evelyn Kelly, Hannah Jones, Nancy Larson Back Row: Barbara Kalle, Rae Krout Absent: Sally Kugler, Hally Kornbluth

Front Row: N a n c y Christina Larson, Marilyn Lewis Second Row: Sara Larson, Diana Leahy, Zelda L e o p o l d , Dorothy Lemon, Betty Lau Back Row: Carolyn Linnewerth, Joan Lindstrom Absent: Ann Levy

Front ROW:Janet MacWhinney Second Row: J o c e l y n M a n z e r , Mary Little, Barbara Malkin, Elizabeth Lowry, Merilyn Matlack Back Row: Mildred McCool, Dina Loy, Gretchen Lion

Front Row: Patricia Melarky, Margaret McPherson Second Row: N a n c y Mason, Nancy McCrady, Joyce Miller, Marilyn Mertz, Dorothy Mets


Front Row: Emily Morris, Ruth Munson

Second Row: Barbara Mooney, Joy Nelson, Barbara Morrison Back Row: Nancy Minisi, Jane Nelson


Absent: Marlene Muelhauser

L Page one hundred twenty

Back Row: Marilyn Meyer, Mary Megahan, Anne Melvin

Lois Norcross, Kate Nigh, Earlene Perry, Barbara Polley Second R w : Carolyn Nye, Joan Murdock, Janice O'Neill



Front Row: Mary-Jane Radcliffe, Margaret Porter Second Row: Janet Reed, Nancy Roberts, Sally Nelson, Helen Purdy, Carol Raith Back Row: Rhonda Rosecrans Patricia Prettyman

Front Row: Margery Ruggles, Mary Ryan, Justine Sanford, Paula Murphy, Dorothy Sample


Second Row: Joan Schain, Joan Salley, Frances Rypins

I Puge one hundred twentg-one

Dorothy Snyder

Second Row: Nance Slaw, Rita Sennet, Lois Sleigh Back Row: Polly Shepardson, Harriet Soule, Mary Lou Schmidt

Front Row: Joyce Snyder, Felicia Steiner, Shirley Stevens, Joy Solomon, Marcille Staveley


Second Row: Helen Skeele, Joan Sonderburg, Barbara Smith Absent: Margo Stearns

Second Row: Marianne Sturm, Ruth Thomas, Gyda Thorsteinsson Absent: Marian Sulzer


Front Row: Elizabeth Urner.," Toan Turner, Marilyn VanderMay, Janet Van Siclen, Joan Wappler Second Row: Barbara von Broock, Ann Walrad, Linda Trudeau

Front Row: Susan Waring, Barbara Warren, Margo West, Nancy Webber, Priscilla w a t t s Second Row: Priscilla Westervelt, Barbara Whitehill, Lois Weingartner

Front Row: Ruth Zimmermann Second Row: Anne Woche, Jane Wiswall, Barbara A. Wilson, Barbara Windfeldt, Phyllis Wilder Back Row: Margaret Williams, Barbara Nancy Wilson, Joan Williams



WHEN college days are over and most books

Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Nancy ... Elliott

are forgotten, one book, the yearbook, is brought out time and again from its place in the bookcase. As the pages are leafed through, fond memories rush back and a reminiscent mood may transform your thoughts from present-day happenings back to your days a t Centenary.


Associate Editor..

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bertha .


Business Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ellen . Brinton Advisor

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Miss ..



When we do look at our ear book, the hard work, planning, and long hours of preparation are quickly forgotten. Without a staff that was willing to work and a good advisor to guide them through writing copy, typing, proofreading, our book would not have been nearly as complete and accurate in its recollections. The patience, willingness, and co-operation of this group has produced a book well worth keeping and in later years when a sentimental mood invades your thoughts, you can glance through your HACK to help recall more vividly your Alma Mater.

Page one hz~ndredtwenty-seven


legislative body, known to all as the Student Council, is run for the students and by the students with the help and guidance of a very understanding President, Dean, and faculty. This active organization is composed of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Hall and House Presidents, two representatives elected from each class, one representative of the day students, and the co-chairmen of the social committee. The group meets with its advisor, Dean Hight, on alternate Thursday evenings.

OFFICERS President .........................................

Sally Torpin

Vice-President..................................Joan Eagleson Secretary ............................................Gale Rudine Treasurer ....................................Nona Hemmeter Miss Hight Advisor..................................................

Although, i t is basically a representative government, every student is a member, and is invited to attend any meeting of the Student Council. While the representatives are the only girls with an actual voting power, all girls are encouraged to bring their questions, problems, and complaints directly or indirectly to the Student Council meetings. Once a problem is brought to the Council, i t is solved as quickly and quietly as possible with the co-operation of the students.

Puge one hundred twentg-eight

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THE JUDICIAL BODY, a powerful, functioning part of the Student Government, is entrusted with the important work of upholding our Honor System. The system takes for granted that the student will realize and appreciate her freedom by respecting the few demands made of her. I t is an adult system that helps prepare us for a mature world. The Court is a board of ten members, nine of whom are elected by the students, with the Dean acting as advisor. ~h~ vice-president of the Student Council is the presiding oficer, and the

OFFICERS President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Joan .. Eagleson Secretary ..........................................

Sally Cook

other members are the President of the Student Council, the Secretary of the Student Court, and three members elected from each class. Student trials are conducted individually and according to democratic policies with wisdom, impartiality, and complete understanding. The Court members, chosen for insight and judgment, carry out their duties with all fairness in the way most beneficial to those concerned. These factors make it an essential part of the Centenary plan. Without the Court there could be no Honor System, for i t acts as the supporting unit of the system, and without the Honor System we would have neither the freedom nor the privileges which are so valuable a part of Centenary life.

T HE CENTENARY SINGERS is the concert singing group on campus. Membership is limited to those girls who, by tryouts, show ability in singing and note reading. This year there are seventy-four members. The Centenary Singers, under the direction of Mr. Smith, presents special programs throughout the year; on Parents' Day, Christmas, Easter, and Graduation. This year the girls rendered selections during the celebration of the Seventy-fifth Anniversary on November fifth and sixth.

This popular singing group often travels to nearby men's colleges to present concerts and, thereby, brings to our campus the opportunity of hearing men's choirs in exchange concerts. Last year the Centenary Singers had the great honor and privilege of singing in Carnegie Hall with the famous New York Philharmonic Orchestra. The concert was such a success that they have been invited to perform there again this year. The college can be very proud of the praise and honor this group has brought to Centenary.



1-resiaent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Theresa .. Valkos Vice-president . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . ane J Atwood Attendance Chairman... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kay .. Sparrell Business Manager... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Evelyn . Good Librarians . . . . . . . . . .Mary Heywood, Pattie Thomas . Representative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dolores Ecker

Advisor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . .Mr. Smith



WITH their blue robes and black velvet caps, the Chapel Choir is a familiar and beautiful sight at Vespers as they march down the aisle leading us in the processional hymn. The thirty-six girls in the club meet twice a week under the very able direction of Mr. Smith. These girls are chosen for their vocal ability and as we hear them sing, we know they were chosen well. Their voices blend richly in the three-part harmony of the hymn. We are very proud to have our friends and parents hear them a t the Sunday night vespers.

Perhaps the loveliest part of the choir singing is heard after the benediction when the girls sing in the hall outside of the Chapel. The door is slowly closed giving the effect of voices fading softly away in the distance.

4'. 'ti


The choir's slnging is not only limited to the Vesper services, but nine girls volunteer each week to lead the students in the hymn singing during Thursday Chapel. ;I

OFFICERS President

Mary Joan Gardner

V~ce-President Librarians

hr F *

Helen Skeele

Sue Birmingham and Marlene Atwood

, ,-

&& %itndred thirty-one


~*+ ! ;


. . . . .

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HI IOTA is an honorary society consisting of seniors who are presidents of the ten major organizations of the college. Meetings of this society are held once every month in the home of President and Mrs. Seay. Problems and topics of general interest to the students are discussed at the meetings with the Dean and President, who advise by offering suggestions, opinions, and criticisms. Through this organization, there is a strong bond of co-operation created between the students and the administration and a more efficient college management is the result. The members of this organization are Sally Torpin, President of Student Council; Joan Eagleson, President of Student Court; Peggy Ferguson, President of Senior Class; Carol Whitney, President of W. A. A.; Monica Williams, Editor of SPILLED INK; Nancy Elliott, Editor of HACK; Priscilla Davis, President of Guild; Marianne Wehner, President of Diok; Kay Sparrell, President of Cal; Libby Ridenour, President of Pieth. President.............................. . a Whitney Secretary..........................Elizabeth Ridenour Advisors ..............Miss Hight and Mr. Seay

President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .........J ean Crawford Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Evelyn . Good . Parker Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Janet Advisor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Miss .. Hoffer


THETA KAPPA, the National Junior College honorary society, is the only scholastic honorary society on the Centenary campus. Membership not only requires a high scholastic standing but also a fine upstanding character and pleasing personality, as well as evidence of good citizenship and interest in the school. The students who have attained this honor are Peggy Ferguson, Carol Whitney, Monica Willian~s, Joan Eagleson, Lois Bossert, Sue Dickerson, Edith Pifiero, Sally Torpin, Evelyn Good, Jean Crawford, Janet Parker, Theresa Valkos, Anita Brunner, and Virginia Lippincott.

Page one hundred thirty-two

T H E GUILD is a school activity in which all students have the opportunity to participate as members. I t is the religious and charitable organization of Centenary. The Guild was organized for the purpose of promoting an active interest in religious and philanthropic work and stimulating a spirit of good will throughout the student body at Centenary. The Guild, this year, has conducted special Chapel services and sponsored Religious Emphasis Week, at which time we had a minister as our guest on the Centenary campus to lead discussion groups and to speak in Chapel. I n addition, the Guild gave a Christmas party for underprivileged children.

President.. .... ........Priscilla Davis Vice-president ... . I . . .................Sue Knox Secretary.....................Sue Birmingham Treasurer.................... Ruth Schumacher ............Dr. Mills Advisor ........... C E R S President ............................ Edith Pinero . Hambur g er Vice-president . . . . . . . . . . .Betti Roberta Havet Secretary ........................ Treasurer . . . . . . . . . L e n o r e Hadad Advisor .................hi . . . . . . . . . . .Miss Cook

* $

.. S

ALUDOS AMIGOS! The purpose of the Spanish Club is to promdie an understanding of our Spanish neighbors through knowledge of their language, customs, and cultural contributions. This club is open to all girls interested in LatinAmerican relations. The club conducts special trips to New York for its members where they visit Spanish restaurants, movies, and theatres. Every year, the Spanish Club, in co-operation with the French Club, sponsors the Spring Carnival which is one of the main social events of the year. Page one hundred thirty-three

THE CENTENARY PLAYERS, under the direction of their new leader, Mr. Rollie Brink, has already given us an example of their capability through the medium of the play, "Diamonds and Kangaroos," written by Dr. H. Graham DuBois. This organization consists of students interested in the theatre arts. During the year, Centenary Junior College petitioned the National Chapter of Delta Psi Omega and Alpha Psi Omega for a local chapter of their National Honorary Dramatic Society. As a result of gaining a charter, the Centenary Players has been abandoned in favor of this National Society. The college' will long remember this group and their advisor for the talent displayed in their many excellent productions. Director .. . Sub-Director Secretary . Treasurer Advisor

Ann Hanson Barbara Beasley Evelyn Gravatt Marguerite Swartz Mr. Brink @



From our own station WCJC, you hear everything from "tear-jerkers" to the "64 Dollar" type of show. The Beginning Radio Workshop introduces the girls to the control room and all the techniques used to produce professional broadcasts. The more advanced students spend time presenting programs over the air in Easton, Bethlehem, and ~ b r r i s t o w n .One of their projects for the year is the adaptation of a story in good radio script form. In February, the advanced seniors pack up and haunt radio studios in New York for a weekend, attempting to swallow all the advice and suggestions they may obtain. The biggest project of the year is the Radio Day when a complete day of many types of radio programs are given over WCJC by the entire Radio Workshop. Page one hunarea cnzrtv-jou~

MUSIC for pleasure is the express purpose of the Instrumental Ensemble. T h small intimate group is composed of students who play legitimate orchestral instruments and do so for enjoyment. One night each week this group meets in Mr. Smith's studio to "fiddle away the time." These talented girls play everything from Mozart to Jerome Kern with ease and agility. On occasions, such as the formal dinners in the college dining room, the ensemble provides a continuous medley of sweet and easy-to-listen-to music. For special vesper services, a select few accompany the chapel choir and give solos for the enjoyment of all those present.

C E R S President ......................... Barbara Almy Vice-president ................Elizabeth Flower Treasurer ............................Barbara Smith Advisor ....................................Dr. DuBois


BOOK CLUB was organized to supplement our literary courses and stimulate student interest in contemporary authors.


This year the Book Club under the leadership of Barbara Almy, president, met twice monthly in the home of Dr. and Mrs. DuBois to discuss the latest in the fiction and non-fiction field. A t each meeting, Dr. D d o i s gave a reading and two books were discussed. The club belonged to the Book-of-the-Month Club. A t the end of the year, the members gave the books, which had been purchased, to the school library. Page one hundred thirty-five


NEW CLUB a t C. J. C. this past year was the Bridge Club. Girls who wished to join tried out by playing a hand of bridge; and from this group, a limited number was accepted.

This club sponsored the very successful Bridge Party held last fall in the gym. Also, they played other Bridge Clubs from schools in the surrounding area.







; -7 . A

Bridge has always been a very popular pastime a t Centenary, and the organization of this club has proved to be a successful addition to our campus.


President,...............................Rona Mound Secretary ............................. ...Judith Bowe Recorder ........................Katherine McRae Advisor......................................M i Wible

President..............................Cynthia Pigot Vice-president ..................Eleanor Decker Secretary..................... Arlene Rosenberg Advisor..................................Miss Sheehan


the really prqctical clubs a t Centenary. It is through this club that girls can learn the fundamental necessities of the business world. Practical experience is gained through learning to operate a mimeograph machine and cutting stencils. Occasionally, the club plays hostess to a guest speaker, usualky a businessman who can give the girls much valuable advice.

The Business Club sponsors many social affairs 'including the Halloween Party given in cooperation with the Book Club. Page one hundred thirty-six




CLUB was organized to help camera enthusiasts develop the art of fine photography. During the year, they hold a photography contest which is open to any member of the college. There is a flash-bulb camera and a box camera in the library which anyone may take out for her own use. The members of this club have their own dark room which they may use anytime. These camera enthusiasts take pictures of all the college activities. After developing and enlarging them, they are put on exhibition for the students to see and buy. By the end of the year, many useful and have been learned. helpful tficks of

President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dolores Ecker Vice-president....................... Janet Bond Secretary .................. ..Elizabeth Balish Treasurer . .: . . . . . . . . . . . Jean McCarthy C E R S President............................Arlene Rosenberg Secretary.,............Hanna-Rose Zirnmermann Advisor..........................................Miss Cook


HE FRENCH CLUB gives those students interested in the language a chance to acquire practical experience in conversation and to acquaint them with the customs and history of t, France. Its members sponsor a "Carnival" in the spring, usually in collaboration with the Spanish Club; thus making an international event of the evening. They also attend a French restaurant in New York and sponsor movies throughout the year for the students to attend. Another outstanding activity of the group is a theatre trip, a t which time one of the better French productions is enjoyed. Page one hundred thtrtg-seven


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CLUB consists of girls interested in gaining more knowledge of the current problems facing us. They discuss such topics as Communism, Socialized Medicine, and other debatable subjects; they listen to Town Meeting of the Air, and other radio programs; they debate with the Lafayette International Relations Club. During the course of the year, these girls gain knowledge which aids them in becoming more loyal, learned citizens of the United States. Each girl of today ought to be able to talk intelligently about such matters of growing importance in our ever-changing world.

President..........Hanna-Rose Zimrnermann Vice-president ............... .Betti Hamburger Secretary ......................Marguerite Swartz Dalton w->



O F F 1

President .......................... arth ha Little Vice-president.. ....................Zelda Leopold Secretary-Treasurer. ............ .Robin Forsch Advisor................................Mrs. Goodwin

HURRAH for the gals with the paint brushes and a creative talent! The art club tries to pro.&q93 mote an interest in art among C . J. C. student I t gives girls who are art enthusiasts an additional opportunity to try out their skills.


The club combined with the poster club last year. They are responsible for the posters which advertise coming events and activities at C. J. C This year, the art club co-sponsored the first costume dance in the college's history. The club sponsored a movie about a famous artist, a chapel program, and a spring auction where the art students' work was auctioned off. Page one hundred thirty-eight

0 UR student newspaper, SPILLED INK, seeks to give actual journalistic experience to as many students as possible, while a t the same time bringing campus news and features to the students and faculty. It is published ten times yearly, with extras for outstanding events. This year, SPILLED INK has made many improvements. It has more than doubled its previous size and, in addition, i t has an entirely new and different format. Also, for the first time, ads from local stores have been printed in the paper and have been of benefit both to the students and the merchants. This year, SPILLED I N K became a member of the Columbia National Scholastic Press Association and sent delegates to its convention in New York City. Editor............................ Monica Williams Associate Editor ...........Mary Liz Coombs Business Manager..................Evelyn Good Advisor ..............................Mr. Blatchford C E R S President..........Mary Elizabeth Coombs Vice-president................Essie Bearnarth Secretary...................... ..Paula Murphy reasurer ............................Doris Smith

T H E PRESS CLUB is a club organized for the benefit of those girls who are interested in journalism or any other aspect of the press. They have qp.0 main projects for the year. One is the typing and posting, on the bulletin boards, of the notices announced in the Tuesday and Thursday Chapels. The other project is the compiling and printing of a college song book that includes popular college songs of Centenary, sorority songs, and our college cheers. Aside from their regular activities, the Press Club also co-sponsored a very successful costume dance in the fall.

Page one hundred thC&-nine

THE PSYCHOLOGY CLUB is an organization which functions primarily for Psychology majors or those interested in the basic techniques and ideas of psychology. Those wishing to become members, must write a letter stating why they wish to join the organization. This year, the club consists of twenty-five members. A t their meetings, which are held once a month, they discuss various problems pertaining to psychology. The club also sponsors several field trips t o institutions throughout the state, in order to become acquainted with the problems of the mentally-ill. Occasionally, they invite a well authorized speaker to give insight into his field of psychology. On these occasions, the meetings are open to all Centenary students. President....................... .Ann Ballenberg Vice-president............ Nancy McCrady Secretary............ ..DorisSmith Treasurer ..........................Carolyn Nye Advisor ..........................Mr. Garber OFFICERS


.........Hester Hitzrot President ........ d Secretary-Treasurer............ Virginia Curtiss Advisor............... . . . ............Mr. Grayson

YMUSIC, it hath charms" and

there was no better place to enjoy it than a t the informal meetings of the Record Club. These meetings were held in either Mr. Grayson's home or his studio. The members listened to everything from semiclassical to Bach, and by doing so gained a greater appreciation of the wide sphere of music. This year, fitting the type of music to the time of year, the club members played and discussed Handel's "Messiah" a t Christmas and Easter.


Besides frequent trips they made to New York to hear musicals and symphonies, the Record Club attended a musical show at the Paper Mill Playhouse.

Page one hundred fortg



OFFICERS President .................. Katherine Sparrell Vice-President.......... ..Mary Faith Judge Secretary ............................Judith Bowe Treasurer .......................... Evelyn Good Advisor Mr. Garber

S e n i o r 4 Barbara Almy, Caroline Bickel, Judith Bowe, Anita Brunner, Joanne Chance, Mary Liz Coombs, Joanne Day, Lois Earnhart, Dolores Ecker, Nancy Elliott, Jane Foster, Dorcas Gehman, Mary Lou Gilmour, Evelyn Good, Edythe Grebe, Jane Grim, Joan Hamon, Hester Hitzrot, Paula Hutter, Anne Klutey, Mary Faith Judge, Joan Lenaz, Martha Little, Cynthia Logan, Carol Mathews, Rose Mayer, Tien Oei, Marilyn Olsen, Betty Otteson, Aleen Palmer, Ann Roder, Natalie Roos, Eleanor Rumery, Katherine Sparrell, Joan Savage, Nancy Stone, Shrley Wilson, Doris Zimmerman.

3 ~ e d h ' z e n Carol Alfaro, Jane A. Atwood, Eleanor Bahto, Dorothy Bayley, Barbara Beasley, Jayne Beatty, Barbara Bevans, Barbara Biggs, Nancy Blickley, Daphne Boyle, Doreene Bradley, Polly Bright, Yvonne Bucher, Joan Busher, Joan Cramer, Eleanor Cranshaw, Mary K. Cummings, Mary Ann Daubin, Dorothy Donecker, Barbara Gale, Carroll Goedecke, Charlotte Gooding, Carol Green, Priscilla Henrich, Carol Heston, Beth Hollinger, Bunny Holrnes, Doris Hoppe, Charlotte Jameison, Barbara Kalle, Zelda Kleinfeld, Chris Larson, Diana Leahy, Zelda Leopold, Carolyn Linnewerth, Diane Lowry, Dina Loy, Mitzi Malick, Barbara Malkin, Mildred McCool, Nancy McCrady, Pat Melarkey, Marilyn Mertz, Marilyn Meyer, Joyce Miller, Barbara Mooney, Jeanne Morris, Paula Murphy, Jane Nelson, Sally Nelson, Kate Nigh, Carolyn Nye, Janice O'Neil, Peggy Porter, Helen Purdy, Justine Sanford, Ellen Shoemaker, Doroth y Snyder, Joy Solomon, Harriet Soule, Dolores Summa, Pattie Thomas, Ruth Thomas, Elizabeth Urner, Janet Van Siclen, Barbara Warren, Priscilla Watts, Nancy Webber, Margo West, Barbara Whitehill, Barbara A. Wilson, Barbara N . Wilson.

Page one hundred forty-one

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OFFICERS President ....................Marianne Wehner Vice-president ......................Louise Off Secretary ..................Jeannette Brugger Treasurer .........:. ...........Ann Ballenberg Advisors. .........Miss Bouton, Miss Hoff er

xniorb Ann Ballenberg, Gloria Blake, Lois Bossert, Ellen Brinton, Jeannette Brugger, Sally Cook, Jean Crawford, Judy decarpentier, Doris De Gise, Jeanne Durkin, Joan Eagleson, Carol Erb, Gloria Firth, Lorraine Ford, Joan Garey, Alyce Garrabrant, Mary Heywood, Margaret Jameson, Jeanne Kahn, Betty Kirsten, Nancy Knapp, Suzanne Knox, Dorothy Kruse, Alice Lake, Dorothy Mackeown, Marilyn Mayberry, Estelle Mindlin, Bertha Mullen, Joanne Nolt, Louise Off, Gloria Perruso, Cynthia Pigot, Doris Pontery, Elise Quinn, Judith Ripley, Gale Rudine, Jane Stout, Marguerite Swartz, Barbara Talcott, Asta Tamm, Clara Tonking, Sally Torpin, Theresa Valkos, Polly Webb, Marianne Wehner, Susan Wyrtzen, Hannah-Rose Zimmermann.

3 ~ e s X ~Constance n Agate, Marion Anderson, Jane Arenberg, Bonnie Arnold, Jan Bath, Essie Bearnarth, Nancy Beatus, Barbara Ann Bohn, Barbara Berger, Eve Betts, Marlene Blum, Barbara Brayton, Barbara Brisbin, Lois Burker, Mary Ann Campbell, Joann Carl, Noreen Case, Barbara Clinchy, Elizabeth Cole, Priscilla Cook, Letizia Corigliano, Virginia Curtiss, Beverly Dornau, Lavonne Evans, Patricia Fairchild, Geraldine Finch, Frances Fitts, Stephanie Frank, Adele Franzoni, Joanne Gephardt, Evelyn Gravatt, Elizabeth Hall, Nancy Hemmings, Agnes Hession, Barbara Horn, Helen Hutz, Marcia King, Judy Klein, Polly Knowlton, Grace Kocher, Sara Larson, Ann Levy, Marilyn Lewis, Joan Lindstrom, Janet MacWhnney, Jocelyn Manzer, Vivian Martin, Nancy Mason, Merilyn Matlack, Anne Melvin, Marlene Muelhauser, Ruth Munson, Joan Murdock, Earlene Perry, Barbara Joan Polley, Patricia Prettyman, Janet Reed, Rhonda Rosecrans, Margery Ruggles, Frances Rypins, Dorothy Sample, Lois Sleigh, Joan Sonderburg, Margot Stearns, Felicia Steiner, Shirley Stevens, Marianne Sturm, Marian Sulzer, Audrey Sustmann, Gyda Thorsteinsson, Linda Trudeau, Joan Turner, Patricia Valentine, Marilyn Vander May, Barbara von Broock, Priscilla Westervelt, Barbara Windfeldt, Jane Wiswall.

Page one hundred forty-two




President.. ................Elizabeth Ridenour Vice-president.. .......... .Katherine Kuehl Secretary.. .................... Mary Lou Schell ..........Ann Scott Treasurer ............. . . . Advisor........................... Mr. Rellehan

S e n i o r 3 Joan Barbour, Sue Birmingham, Marilyn Block, Mirni Burr, Pat Cowell, Sue Dickerson, Thelma Felberg, Peggy Ferguson, Irene Foster, Mary Joan Gardner, Kay Giering, Virginia Grant, Sue Halbren, Jane Harmon, Nancy Heinemann, Nona Hemmeter, Joan Kalmine, Joan Kerbs, Sally Kirkham, Katherine Kuehl, Jocelyn Lamson, Virginia Lippincott, Jane Madden, Jean M c C a r t h ~ ,Mary Ann Pfeiffer, Kathy McRae, Jane Miethke, Carol Moseley, Evelyn Newcomb, Janet Parker, Allene Muhlbach, Edith Pifiero, Norene Quarado, Beth Register, Barbara Reinhold, Elizabeth Ridenour, Barbara Rider, Arlene Rosenberg, Joan Saffir, Mary Lou Schell, Ruth Schumacher, Ann Scott, Kay Sholler, Lois Terwilliger, Joyce Van Lare, Carol Whitney, Monica Williams.

3 r e r l ~ m e n' ' ~ i a n eAstarita, Marlene Atwood, Nancy Abbott, Bobbie Arnold, Barbara Behn, Emy Lou Barg, Barbara Blacher, Deborah Binns, Janet Bond, Mary Ann Bish, Betty Balish, Eleanor Decker, Sally Duffy, Pat Doblin, Mary Jane Davis, Lois Dodd, Ruth Ebling, Jean Fritzsche, Dorothy Forster, Jeanette Frease, Susan Friend, Gretchen Friend, Barbara Greiff, Joyce Griftith, Sally Gnau, Barbara Gruhn, Bette Jane Hendershot, Carolyn Heyman, Lenore Hadad, Betti Hamburger, Nan Hope, Merion Hunt, Joyce Isseks, Roberta Joffee,'Hannah Jones, Rae Krout, Hally Lee Kornbluth, Sally Kugler, Mary Little, Gretchen Lion, Betty Lau, Nancy Larson, Joan Macfarlane, Barbara Morrison, Dorothy Mets, Margaret McPherson, Evelyn Kelly, Mary Megahan, Nancy Minisi, Lois Norcross, Lucille Osmundson, Diane Raith, Nancy Roberts, Mary Jane Radcliff, Mary Ryan, Joan Schain, Nance Slaw, Mary Lou Schmidt, Joyce Snyder, Polly Shepardson, Barbara Smith, Rita Sennet, Helen Skeele, Joan Salley, Marcille Stavely, Joan Towey, Sue Waring, Joan Williams, Ann Walrad, Joan Wappler, Lois Weingartner, Phyllis Wilder, Peggy Williams, Anne Woche.

Page one hundred forty-f owr

The W. A. A. Board consists of the presidents of all the athletic clubs, the Leaders' Corps, the Riding Club, the Aquatic Club, and the Outing Club. They meet once a month to discuss the problems of the clubs and the general activities of W. A. A. Their chief interest is to help develop physical fitness and interest in recreational activities among the girls at the college, and they work together to promote a spirit of good sportsmanship and to present their activities in such a way that everyone will be interested. The Board sponsors all intra-mural and intercollegiate games, and several times during the year plays hostess to challenging college teams, the most unusual being the hockey game of C. J. C. girls versus members of a Lafayette fraternity. Each season the Board arranges the ~ o p u l a r faculty all-star games, which prove to be as much fun for the spectators as the players. I n the spring, the W. A. A. makes the class and individual athletic awards in the traditional W. A. A. Awards Chapel.

f the most important clubs in the W A. A. is the Leaders' Coros. The eirls who have taken . the Leaders' Corps course become members. They assist in the gym classes which gives them practica l experience in conducting 'lasses as as developing confidence and leadership by explaining rules and techniques of the various sports. u




President ....,....................................J m e t Parker Secretary-Treasurer . ....... .

.... . . .Lois


A relatively new organization a t Centenary is the Modern Dance Workshop. This group has been formulated to promote interest in dance for the agility of the body, and to provide public entertainment through a demonstration of various dances. I t is a club open to all who have the desire to learn the technique of interpretive dancing. Self-expression through dance is the ultimate goal of t h s club. The club's activities include a recital given at the beginning of the second semester, and another recital given in honor of the Queen a t the President's ball in June. Meetings are held on the first and third Tuesdays of each month and special meetings are called whenever necessary.

President.. ........................... Patricia Murphy Vice-president......................Stephanie Frank Secretary-Treasurer.. ................ .Ann Roder OFFICERS President............................ .Elizabeth Flower Vice-President................. . G e r a e Finch Secretary-Treasurer ....... Rose Mayer

The Riding Club, one of the most enjoyable sports at Centenary, has many enthusiasts. Its main purpose is to promote interest in acquiring new techniques, and at the same time providing fun for all. A t some of the monthly meetings, movies are shown demonstrating equestrian rules. Ideas and suggestions for improved riding, care, and treatment of horses are discussed at these meetings. Breakfast rides are a favorite pastime of the club and the members decide on t h e dates. The rides take place about once or twice a month. A hayride is usually scheduled for the early spring and after this, plans for the annual Spring Horse Show are started.

Page one hundred forty-eight -




dfttvbb ch6 Rhythm, grace, and beauty, that's our Aquatic Club in three words. A t least these are the goals of every interested and advanced swimming member of the club. Once a month, the members attend rhythmic swimming classes to perfect their skills and gracefulness. The club sponsors the Splash parties, to which all C. J. C. girls are invited, and the intercollegiate and inter-class swimming meets. This is the time when we all get hoarse from cheering our girls on to victory. These parties are planned at their regular monthly meetings. To become a member, it is necessary to pass a required test given by the student rating board of five club members. In this way, only the more accomplished swimmers are admitted. Every year the girls display their skill before students and guests at the highlight of the year, The Aqua Rhythms. This takes the form of a very professional water ballet, with props, costumes, lights, and graceful rhythmic swimming by "Neptune's Daughters" themselves. The water just bubbles with activity as the girls go into their solos, duets, tandems, and even comedy swimming routines. At the end of the show i t is hard for one to forget the beauty of those white suited mermaids of the Aquatic Club.

OFFICERS President........................... Treasurer ............

. . . . Ja n Madden ...........Jean Crawford

P a g e one h u n d r e d forty- nine

?%e,&ting Qub is open t o all and claims the 4uges.tawnErskip, fox nr, me wmo to nibs the h a n y 'k6'd%itieqt h y sponsor. ..,




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skk2;hg2ta+&gming and ~ , tlje t lose a?i d~t&q&kglib n i e d r ~ k fare ~ again s e a a$ 052;t& 4p a>lSday hibe, ~ k a t h gor reI&;g.) but riwaysLvhg a gmd time xorkiag w d p1~pitl.gtogetbe, enjoying lise a t G m i e u a ~ .

OFFICERS President.. ............................,.NancySalmond ........... Vice-president...........

Helen Skeele

Secretary-Treasurer ..........Doris Zimmerman

Page one hundred fifty



Left to right: Anne Klutey, Rona Mound, Ellen Brinton, Sally Kirkham, Nona Hemmeter, Marianne Wehner, Peggy Ferguson, Sally Cook, Carol Whitney, Elise Quinn, Mary Lou Gilmour, Gloria Firth, Jeanne Durkin, Tien Oei

Kneeling: Audrey Weiss, Prudence Granger, Anne Klutey, Dorothy Mackeown, Jeanne Durkin Standing: Patricia Valentine, Marilyn Olsen, Kay Sparrell, Nona Hemmeter, Ellen Brinton, Marianne Wehner, Sally Cook, Carol Whitney, Elise Quinn, A n ~ t aBrunner

Kneeling: Barbara Almy, Kay Sparrell, Joan Hamon, Carol Whitney Standing: Marianne Wehner, Ellen Brinton, Isabel Moore, Nancy Gossard

Left t o right: Elise Quinn, Patricia Valentine, Jane Madden, Norma Boom, Kay Sparrell, Marianne Wehner, Ellen Brinton, Rona Mound,. Sally . Kirkham, Nona rol Whitney, Joan Hamon, Kay Giering,

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INDEX OF FACULTY AND ADMINISTRATION Page Armend. Edith ................................................ 13 Blatchford. C. Hammond. Jr ........................... 14 Bouton. Alice H ............................................ 10 Brink. Rollie Fred .......................................... 13 Cheyney. Edith ................................................. 15 Cook. Joan E................................................... 13 Dalley, Marie V................................................. 15 Dalton. Ernest Rockwell .................................. 12 DuBois. H . Graham......................................... 10 Garber. Robert B Gardner. Paul T............................................... 14 Getchius. Olive F............................................. 15 10 ....................... . ......... 11 10 Hight. Margaret E........................................... 11 Hoffer. Matilda E............................................ 12 ............... 14 Kelley. Mabel W........................ . . Kowalick. Louise..............................................15 Lott. Helen J ................................................. 13

Miller. Lila S...................................................

13 10 15 Odell. Frederick B..................:...................... 14

Pingree, Betty Louise................................... Rellahan, William L.......................................

13 12

Spence, Alexandria ..........................................10 Steuerwald, Erla A.......................................... 13 Thomas, Shirley M......................................... 15 .................. 12 Wible, Josephine E ..................... . Williams, Francis S........................................ 15.



Almy. Barbara..................................................37 Arnold. Virginia .............................................. 73 Ballenberg. Ann Alice...................................... 30 Barbour. Joan Lily.......................................... 64 Bassett. Cynthia Romeyn............................... 71 Bickel, Eleanor Caroline.................................. 24

Durkin. Jeanne Clinton ............... 2............... 69 Eagleson. Joan Ruth........................................ 25 Earnhart. Lois Mae....................................... 76 Ecker. Dolores LaRue...................................... 99 Elliott. Nancy Rosamond............................... 21

Blake, Gloria Ani

Bowe, Judith .................................................. 29 Brinton, Ellen Landis......................................... 24 Brugger, Jeannette Phyllis................................ 25 Brunner, Anita Margare 93 Burr, Muriel Margaret......................................5 3 Chance, Jo-Anne Whitlock.............................. 60 Clausen, Joan Stu 44 Cook, Sally Penny 52 Coombs, Mary Eli 104 ............. 92 Cowell, Patricia Anne ........,.... :.... . . . Crawford, Jean Wesley.............. .,; ............... 22 Davis, Priscilla Ann.......................................... 2 8 Day, Joanne Steers........................................... 74 decarpentier, Judy ......................................... 9 0 DeGise, Doris Margaret.................................... 50 Dickerson, Rae Susanne.................................... 8 6 .$

Page one hundred fifty-four


Ferguson. Margaret Lee.................. . ............ 23 Firth. Gloria Barbar Flower. Elizabeth Ford. Lorraine C. Forsch. Robin ..................... . ...................... 75 Foster. Irene ..................... ............................... 50 Foster, Jane Marguerite................................. 60 ............ 71 Gardner. Mary Joan....................... . Garey. Joan Conrad ............... . ................... 76 Garrabrant. Alyce Pabst.............................. .... 54 Gehman. Dorcas Jean ................................ .T. . . 95 Gerion, Eleanor Mar Giering. Katharine Gilmour. Mary Lo Good. Evelyn Ma Gossard. Nancy Jane .................................... 47 Granger. Prudence ............................................ 66 Grant. Virginia Lorraine..................................100 Grebe. Edythe Marple............................. ... . . 36 Grim. Mary Jane ........................................ 68 Gunning. Barbara Ann .................................. 34

Page Halbren. Suzanne Jill .......................................56 ........ 70 Hamon. Marjorie 'Joan................... . . . ......... 9 3 Hanson. Ann Corinne........................ Harmon. Jane .................................:.. .............. 92 Hasson, Anne Elizabet Hastreiter. Suzanne Havet. Roberta ..... Heinemann. Nancy Lou....................... ..... 23 Hemmeter. Nona ............................................ 3 3 Heywood. Mary Jean .................................... 38 . 75 Hitzrot. Hester Gouverneur....................... ...: Hutter. Paula Millicent.................................. 89 Hynes. Jean Artha .......... Jameson. Margaret Ann Judge. Mary Faith.......... ....................107 Kahn. Jeanne Anne ..;........... . . . Kalmine. Joan Adrienne ................................ 43 Kelsey. Diana Whitwell.................................. 45 Kerbs. Joan Marilyn .......................................107 Kirkham. Sally Dwight ........................ :.......... 3 1 Kirsten. Marion Elizabeth ................... . . ..... 63 Klutey, Anne HalIowell............................... 63 Knapp. Nancy Mowbray..................:.............104


Kruse. Dorothy Ma

......................................... 85 Lippincott. Virginia C ................................. 49 Little. Martha ............................................... 3 3 Logan. Cynthia ................................................ 32 Losee, Ruth Ann ......................................... 80 Lozier, Phyllis May ..................................... 72 Mackeown. Dorothy Jane ................................ 28 Madden. Jane Ann ......................................... 98 Mathews. Carol Ann ...................... . ... . . 83 Matthews, Claire Irene .................................. 51 Mayberry, Marilyn June ................................. 102 McCarthy. Jean Anne......... Mayer. Rose Beryl......... McRae, Katherine D o r o ~ , ,. Messenger. Ann Allison................................... 8 1 Metz. Delores Emily ...............................:.. 55 Miethke. Jane A 61 Mindlin. Estelle Herme 02 Moore. Isabel Wynkoop .................................. 41 Morgxn. Elizabeth Nourse .......................... .... 40 Moseley. Carolyn Helen .................. .... ....... 86 Mound, Rona ............................ . ................... 56 Muhlbach, Allene Lillian........,. ................100 Mullen. Bertha Carolyn ............:............... . . . 22 Murphy. Patricia ....................... .................. 84 Neptune. Mary Elizabeth ..............:................. 81 Newcomb. Evelyn Beatrice............................. 85 Nolt. Joanne Elizabeth ................................. 46 Oei. Tien Nio ................................... . . 82 Off. Louise................................................... 68 Olsen, Marilyn Aileen ......f . ........................... 67 Otteson. Elizabeth Jean .............................. 91


Palmer. Maree Ale ....... ...................43 Parker. Janet Ellen.......................................... 94 Perruso. Gloria Jean ................................. 51 Pfeiffer. Mary Ann.... 99 Pigot. Cynthia Elizabeth ............................ 52 Pinero. Edith Mae....................................... 78 Pontery. . Doris Augusta .............................. 73 .......................... 78 Quarado. Norene Angelic Quinn. Elise Maria............... . ........ . . . . . . . . . 67 Quinn. Joan Lois VanDuyne............................ 40 Register. Mary Elizabeth ................................ 21 Reinhold. Barbara Ann ................................... 96 ................... 35 Remsen. Laura Jean ................ . Riche. Irene A .............................................70 Ridenour. Elizabeth Ann ................................ 29 Rider. Barbara Ann Ripley. Judith ........ Roder. Ann U............................:.................... 57 Roos. Natalie Frances.................................. 57 ................ 58 Rose. Elizabeth Mae ................... Rosenberg. Arlene D ........................... ...... 96 Rudine. Gale Miller ......................................... 47 Rumery. Eleanor .............................. ................ 39 Saffir. Joan Natalie ..................................... 79 Salmond. Nancy Marianne............ . .............. 94 Savage. Barbara Joan 59 Schaedel. June . . . . . . . . . 103 Schell. Mary Lou D 42 Schurnacher. Ruth ................... 46 Scott. Anne Graham ..................................... 65 Seitz. Elizabeth AM .................: .................... 83

SparreII. Katherine ................................

i ... 26

Swartz. Marguerite Thacher ............... . ......... 90 Talcott. Barbara Lois .................................... 106 Tamm. Asta ................................................. 101 Taylor. Barbara .......................................... 98 Terwilliger. Lois Ruth ................................. 87 Thoroddsen. Anna ................................. ........... 101 Tonking. Clara Leonor 87 Torpin. Sally Ellen ..........................-. . . . . . . . . . 20 Trautwein. Barbara Ann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Wehner. Marianne............ Weiss. Audrey Marion ...... ....... 41 Werner. Carolyn Elizabeth.... ....... 77 Whitne~.Carol June ..................................3 1 Williams. Monica Elizabe 30 Wilson. Shirley Ann ...................................... 61 Wyrtzen. Susan Grace..................................... 47 Zimmerman. Doris Ann ...................... . ....... 42 Zimmermann. Hanna-Rose .............................. 49

Page one handred fiftg-five



Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Abbott Mr. and Mrs. Sanford S. Agate Mr. and Mrs. Lyonel King Almy Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Arenberg Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Arnold Mr. and Mrs. F. Sandford Astarita Dr. and Mrs. Edward A. Atwood Mr. and Mrs. Lester W, Atwood Mr. Thomas Balish Mr. and Mrs. Gustave C. Ballenberg Mr. and Mrs. Wm. M. Bassett Mr. and Mrs. J. Chester Bath Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bayley Mr. and Mrs. Milton Robert Beasley Mr. and Mrs. George W. Beatty Mrs. Robert A. Beatus Dr. and Mrs. Theodore J. Berger Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Bickel Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Binns Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. W. Birmingham Mr. and Mrs. Michel Birnbaum Mr. and Mrs. Louis Blacher Mr. and Mrs. J. Ford Blickley Mr. and Mrs. EIlis P. Block Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Bohn Mr. and Mrs. J. Douglass Bond Mr. and Mrs. Carlos C. Boom Mr. and Mrs. William P. Brinton Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph A. Brugger Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brunner Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Bucher Mr. and Mrs. William J. Burker Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Burr, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. George D . Busher Mr. and Mrs. Edw. Powell Chance, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Cole Mr. and Mrs. Dwi g ht Cook Mr. and Mrs. Marvin H. Coombs Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Cowell Mr. and Mrs. A. Frank Cramer Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Curtiss Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Emerson Davis Mr. and Mrs. Wm. de Carpentier Mr. and Mrs. 0.Edwin Decker Mr. and Mrs. Albert De Gise W .an$ Mrs. Kurt T. Dornau Mr. add Mrs. John A. Duffy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Eagleson Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Earnhart Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Ebling Mr. and Mrs. Earl W. Ecker ' Mr. and Mrs. Jawood Elliott Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Erb Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Evans Mr. and Mrs. Jack Felberg Mr. and Mrs. Ernest D. Finch, Jr. Mrs. C. Edward Firth, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Flower Mr. David E. Ford Page one hundred fif ty-siz '

Mr. and Mrs. Justin W. Foster Miss Ann Frank Mrs. Herbert I. Frank Mr. and Mrs. 0.H. Fritzsche Mr. and Mrs. Carlton R. Garey Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Garrabrant Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn B. Gehman Mr. and Mrs. William E. Gephardt Mr. and Mrs. F, Gerion Mr. and Mrs. Percival L. Giering Mr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Gilmour Mr. and Mrs. William F. Goedecke Mr. and Mrs. Luther W. Good Mrs. Ruth Gossard Dr. and Mrs. G. Borden Granger Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Gradatt Mr. and Mrs. Roland Gray Mr. and Mrs. Melvin H. Grebe Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Green Mr. and Mrs. G. 0. Greiff Mr. and Mrs. David W. Griffith Mr. and Mrs. James Stewart Grim, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Gruhn Mr. and Mrs. Harry Halbren Mr. and Mrs. C. Howard Hall Mr. and Mrs. Jos. L. Hamburger Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Milton Hamon Mr. and Mrs. Elmer J. Hanson Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Harmon Mr. and Mrs. D. Sheridan Hastreiter Mr. and Mrs. Byron B. Heinemann Mrs. Herbert S. Hemmeter Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Hendershot Mr. and Mrs. K. R. Henrich Mr. and Mrs. Allen L. Heston Mr. and Mrs. David W. Holmes Mr. and Mrs. Gordon R. Hope Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Hoppe Mr. and Mrs. Gregory C. H u n t Mr. and Mrs. Irving Hutter Mr. and Mrs. W. R. H u t z Dr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Jameison Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Jameson Mr. and Mrs. Sid Joffee Mr. and Mrs. Matthew F. Judge Mr. and Mrs. William Orre Kahn Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Ray S. King Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Kirkham Mr. and Mrs. Julius Klein Mrs. Max Kleinfeld Mr. and Mrs. Frederick E. Klutey Mr. and Mrs. W. Melbourne Knox Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Kocher Mr. and Mrs. Martin E. Kornbluth Mrs. Dorothy M. Krout Mr. and Mrs. G. Kruse Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Kuehl Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kugler

PATRONS' PAGE Mr. Charles V. Lake Mr. and Mrs. Henning Larson Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Leahy Mr. and Mrs. Isaac D. Levy Mr. and Mrs. Albert F. Lindstrom Mrs. Edwin J. Linnewerth Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ford Lion Mr. and Mrs. John W. Little Mr. and Mrs. Richard Little Mr. and Mrs. James W. Logan Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Loy Mr. and Mrs. Chancellor E. Mackeown Mr. and Mrs. W. L. M a c W h i i e y Mr. and Mrs. Harold T. Madden Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Malick Mr. and Mrs. Harold Vincent Manzer Hon. and Mrs. Frank A. Mathews, Jr. Mr. Harry A. Matthews Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Mayberry Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Mayer Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. Edward McCrady, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. McPherson Mr. and Mrs. Alfred James McRae Mr. and Mrs. Gaylord P. Mead Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Melarkey Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Melvin Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Mertz Dr. and Mrs. Howard M. Meyer Dr. and Mrs. A. G. Miethke Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Miller Judge and Mrs. A. F. Minisi Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Moore Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Morrison Mr. and Mrs. Harry Muelhauser Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Muhlbach Mrs. Arthur T. Mullen Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Iver S. Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Franklin L. Newcomb Mr. and Mrs. William H. Nigh Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Nolt Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ellis Norcross Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Off, Jr. Mr. and,Mrs. Henry W. Olsen Mr. and Mrs. R. H. O'Neill Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Otteson Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Parker Mr. and Mrs. William Pelley Mr. and Mrs. Victor Perruso Mr. and Mrs. Earle C. Perry Mr. and Mrs. Frederick V. Pfeiffer Mr. and Mrs. Palmer N. Pigot Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Pontery Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Porter, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton A. Prettyman, Jr.


Rev. and Mrs. Willard G. Purdy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Quarado Mr. and Mrs. T. Wallace Q u i m Mr. and Mrs. Robert Llewellyn Radcliffe Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Raith Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Reinhold Mr. and Mrs. William K. Remsen Mr. and Mrs. Theodore A. Renkel Mrs. Victor I. Ridenour Mr. and Mrs. John C. Ripley Mr. and Mrs. Hibberd W. Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Roder Mrs. Jerry Roos Mr. and Mrs. John A. Rudine Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ruggles Rabbi and Mrs. F. I. Rypins Mr. and Mrs. William I. Saffir Mr. and Mrs. Earl R. Salley Mr. and Mrs. James Salmond Mr. and Mrs. W. Douglas Savage Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Schain Dr. and Mrs. James F. Schell Mr. and Mrs. John W. Schumacher Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. William A. Seitz Mr. and Mrs. S. Sennet Mr. and Mrs. Emlyn C. Sholler Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. Skeele Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Slaw Mr. and Mrs. John Sleigh Mr. and Mrs. Clifford L. Smith Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Smith Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Milton Solomon Mr. and Mrs. Michael Spinelli Mr. and Mrs. Roy Staveley Mr. and Mrs. Linhart Stearns Mrs. Ethel Steiner Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Stolaroff Mr. and Mrs. H. Stober Stout Mr. and Mrs. C. Sturm Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Thomas Dr. and Mrs. Hugh I. Towey Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Trudeau Dr. and Mrs. Martin Harley Urner Mr. and Mrs. Gus Valkos Mr. and Mrs. Ralph M. Van Siclen Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Walrad Mr. and Mrs. ElIis Andrews Waring Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hadley Warren Mr. and Mrs. Harrison G. Wehner Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Westervelt Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Whitney Mr. and Mrs. George W. Wiswall Mr. and Mrs. Christen E. Wyrtzen Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Z i m e r m a n

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SARONY STUDIO 362 Fifth Avenue



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Pccge one hundred sixty






Builders of

Science and Art Building Lotte Hall

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We wish to express our warm thanks for your friendship and patronage during the past year.

Lots of luck in the future.






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1605 Jerome Avenue


Good Luck Class of 1950

RAYLASS DEPARTMENT STORES Executive Offices - 370 Seventh Avenue NEW YORK

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Phone Hackettstown 425

Old Budd Lake Road



Mr. a n d Mrs. j


Clifford L. Lewis

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Eaton's Fine Stationery



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Here's to the Next 75! In the yellowed files of The Gazette is recorded, bit by bit, the history of Centenary in its first 75 years.


Our wish now is that the next 75 years may be as fruitful for its students and the community. We cherish the fine tradition of co-operation which has existed between town and college and hope that it may continue thru the years ahead.



Broad Street Phillipsburg 5-1125




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It is with pardonable pride I state, that I have rendered "Precision Piano Service" to Centenary Junior College and its predecessor Centenary Collegiate Institute, over a period of forty-three years.










11 Trinity Street




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Serving Centenary Junior College H. Errol Coffin, B.S., A.I.A. Kenneth Ford Coffin B.Arch., A.I.A.

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Arthur R. Smith, B.Arch. Architects' Representative


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P. 0. Box 149


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DERRlBAR On Route 6 At the Edge of Town









































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HOOVER'S Botany Yarns Hosiery Lingerie Millinery 162 Main Street


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i CHARLES G. ORT : Every Form Insurance and Real Estate :. ..s: . + .c - 8 .-* . A ,?:

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- --- ----- ---- i-- i-- Paper Products - Maintenance --- Cleaning Supplies --- ----- ----- -- --- --- --9 North Moore Street - -- NEW YORK 13, N. Y. ..--- ---. -- ------ --- -- -1111,1#111111111111,1IIIIIII,IIIIIIIIIII,,,,,,#,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~~~~,~n~~~~~,~t~~~8~,~~tlt~~bt~~~'~~8









































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Gladys L. and Russell A. Young 171 Main Street


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Phone: 34-M or 820-J


HAULING Sand - Gravel - Stone 106 Water Street HACKETTSTOWN, N. J.

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Page one hundred seventy-two




































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Telephone 208

M. MORGAN & SON FLORIST Wholesale - Retail c u t Flowers and Potted plants Member of Florists' Telegraph Delivery Association 205 Warren St. Hackettstown, N. J.

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155 Main Street HACKETTSTOWN, N. J.




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Dry Cleaning, Repairing Altering







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