' n d Ler cLiPden din9 Ler praided, S,*n9 tLem
Lud a n d ding tLem L n g .
To the Members of the Class of 1952:
Page eight
ERITAGES and traditions are interesting things. Some of us look into the past, discover those features which recall pleasantness and fame, and revel to our heart's content in this departed glory. W e choose to remain oblivious to the present or future, preferring rather to reflect upon happy times in the good old days that have come and gone. Some of us, most let us hope, are not subject to such illusions. W e recognize the past for what it was, some good, some imperfect. W e note the good and determine to carry it with us. W e study the imperfections, attack them logically, and resolve to seek solutions which will result in improvement. Our resolution to improve stems from ideals which we have embraced. Theze new ideals with which we have "crowned our brow" we hope are good. But knowing what we do of human frailty we are certain that some are not. These, failing when put to the test, must themselves be cast aside and added to the list of past imperfections. Such is the order of progress. You, members of the graduating class, will carry from Centenary your own collection of ideals, some of which are the product of experiences in numberless situations as a student. These ideals, based on sound, constructive scholarship, and a familiarity with the roads to effective learning, you will, I am confident, apply and change in accordance with the demands made upon you as intelligent, reflective, and responsible citizens. Blessings on you one and all. EDWARD W . SEAY President
E, the Class of Nineteen Fifty Two, dedicate W our yearbook to Dr. Chester A. Pennington for his genuine enthusiasm and interest our class and in for his great contribution toward our spiritual outlook on the world of today.
Page nine
VICTOR G. MILLS Dean of Religion Religion
ALEXANDRIA SPENCE Assistant Dean Foods
ROBERT B, GABBER Director of Occupational Guidance Psychology
ALII I. BOUTOb Secretarial Studies
Page ten
Seuet.arial Sudies
I W. NORMAN GRAYSON Director of Music Piano-Organ
EDGAR H. SMITH Choral-Instrumental Music
PATTY 5 M Y m Physical Education
MARGUERITE M. SHAW Director of Social and Recreational Activities Physical Education
Page e l e ~ e n
JO E. COOK French-Spanish
HELEN J. LOTT Secretarial Studies
Page twelve
ERNEST ROCKWELL DALTON History-Political Science
JOAN L. T O W Physical Education
ROBERT W. SMART Chemistry-Mathematics
PHYLLIS M. FORBES ' Social Science
HOWARD T. KNAPP Commercial Art
FRANK T. REED Philosophy-Religion
Page thirteen
C. HAMMUND BLA I ~ r i r u R D JR. , Director of Public Relations
Page f ouvleen
FREDERICK B. ODELL Associate Director of Admissions
LOUISE SMITH Alumni Secretary
EDITH W E m Y Resident Nurse
CHARLES' SHAW Director of Food Services
LEN MORGAN Secretary of the Admissions u h c e
Eieanor Duffin, Joan Sickel, Jean Palmer, Louise Kowalick, Shirley Thomas, Marie Dalley, Georgette Willevar, Secretaries to the Administration.
ANN FI, GERALD Dormitories Director
I Page fifteen
-8' r
Senior President
CL5.l Obcerd
....................................... BARBARA SILVERMAN
Vice-president Page eighteen
Blue and White
In ourselves our future lies.
0 Master, let me walk with Thee In lowly paths of service free; Tell me thy secret; help me bear The strain of toil, the fret of care. In hope that sends a shining ray Far down the future's broadening way; In peace that only Thou canst give, With Thee, 0 Master, let me live.
Page nineteen
FEAm El E d i f ~2j Phi
2; P ~ B z ~ ~ w #CZfd $ 2; Drienti'me Clammi3#ee 2; SPILLED EJK 1 3 &18 I; DJ& Psi O m e c XI, 2; 2:tg~taBpsiI~aPhi I , 2; Cs@terrrvrySilpgsPs 1, 2. --
"Annid' . . . LigeL? e+scq&tg. .. ALva~sfaua-d in Miss Bouton" b ce . . . Htxtes the hte.bmier . . "'Qh Gmb !" . . . Lvhgs ta k an actress but is going tia settle fot being up in the! douds . . , Witty and gap . . . Green eyes md light b r ~ n h ~ i r. . . Plans to be an W e host- . . . "You're jesting'' . , . Hdensadc.
a 30 Summit Avenk, S & ~ h s r t & ~ New J e c q #ACR 1, .2; DaI* Qme 4 3; T&M<Bpdd:;~~ H# 1,z: ~ u i * l I ,2; P ~ C & @ L D ~ , e
"GzaIY" . . Nursiag . . . Dislikes y&:onwt . . . sleeping t w e l ~ ehours a d bUi~g,h love , .. Cute2blue-eyed Uond . . . Qxiet* ba6:a startlin,g wit md sense .&humof . . Uwd$$ $om j~ LO& q& 1~mg Or suudJ!fl&J b " a h , &a!"
258 Woodland Avenue* Summit, Mew Jersey Secueury af C1m1 I ; Siudenr Colmcil 2; D&RSigma digma 1, 2; Ceq-zy Shgef~ I, 2; I , 2; Cheerleader 2; Ag~atjrChb 5 Cantera Chyb 2a,
"'BJltix" . . Slim, golden brown hair , . . Cute nose . Freckles Peppy . . Spirit galtae . ....A "'Hi" for everpane . . Ability to.s u d d . in all she undertakes . . Beta pin . Knitting or wfiiing letters: in Loth lounge .. . Stuffed m W . . "Oh, you're jesting."
.. .
Page twenty-one
426 Second Street, Carlstadt, New Jersey May 21 SPILLED INK 2; Guild 1 ; Theta Epsilon Nu 1, 2; Camera Club 1 , 2; Centenary Singers 2; Psychology Club 2 .
183 Maple Avenue, N ~ r t hPlainfield, . New Jersey '
HACK Bminess &mger 2; .Phi Tbet~K@ a 2, Tranragr 2; .C~atm.ry.~ k g m1; Ij,56grz Z?psil&&,&% 1, 2; &de @#b 3, t~Jmigt+ '. W ~ Z S tka%p1,~m~~1~d&e' , Dislikes
. . meetin s . . . Likes
good mwie an4 ice c r e p
. . . +I8ttawLJ &, blond with bLne epes . .-. Found writihg 1 ~ 3 t hox~ ia &$fg xoom . . , Yery t.alenked . . . Triw to r w m a t e tCiw t6 stay &mike
. . . @nsdeatious, Page twenty-two
Plans to continue school and then marry . . . Likes musical shows, weekends at home . . . Tau, blue eyes, golden hair . . . Entertaining . . . Loves good jokes . . . Fond of eating apples . . . "Shorthand! What do you think I'm doing?" . . . Yankee fan . . . "Now Joanie."
B o n n a X i k o n Cameron
15 Willard Avenue, Worcester 2, Massachusetts
February 12 Student Council President 2; Student Court Vice-Pre~ident 2; Freshman Clan Treasurer; Phi Iota 2; Delta Psi Omega 1 , 2; Phi Theta Kappa 1 , 2; Theta Epsilon N u 1, 2;' Orientation Committee 2; Presidents Club 2 .
"Donna" . . . Conscientious about everything she does . . . Forty-five minute "cat naps" at odd hours . . . Natural curly hair and dark brown eyes . . . Stays up nights . .'. "Susie, I've just got to get this dohe !" . . . Plans to do merchandising in Boston . . . Can turn herself into a Fiji Islander !
. "
S~I& Road, Westpst, ~cmn&aft
& d e & GOSF#Preiiden;, 5 S~iydoatC.ar~~ciJ t."ice-~rdsid e e 2; Pbi Presidest. 2;' P r e s h a Class FgwP?ssiBetf; H;ICX f, 2; O b 4 e J a o k 2. Cenzmirjt Sirzger~2; Lgade~s"Corps 2; P r . s i d ~ 1 t %.& b; 2gptrr E@sihm Ns 1, 2; On'e~fb@bai ? 5 ~ & e e Chdirmn 2; Ald-S~drBasRezbd, VbIIe@aLI.
. .
"Sus'ie" . . . Sparkling pexsophlity . Bjaa& thetic . . . Lots ~f fun . 331e'."'sp r e q @dlof that. Kappa A1 ha pin &om Wwt Virginia Weleyan . . "0 ! I'm so hungry!" be a nursery school teacher
47 Point View Drive, Troy, New York May 3 Guild 1 ,
2; Deha Sig,ma Sigma 1, 2; Dance
I ; Psychology Club 2 .
"Muff . . . Small in stature but super-abundant in ability . . . Peaches and cream complexion . . . Bundle of enthusiasm . . . Mischievous glint in her eye . . . Cute as can be . . . Always talking about her diet . . . "Honest kids, I am five feet and not four eleven" . . . Plans to enter the throng of married women . . . Has multitude of friends.
BarSara m r i o n 3verman L
9 Sutton Place, Verona, New Jersey October 5 Senior Class President; Phi 1014 Secretary 2; Orientation Committee 2; Student Council 2; Freshman Representative I ; Cenienary Singers, Board of Directors 1; Thela Epsilon Nu 1, 2; Presidents Club 2; Chapel Choir 2; Guild 1, 2; Baseball.
"Bobbie" . . . Never a dull moment . . . Green eyes . . . Short hair . . . Bubbling over with energy . . . ,fbnstantly talking . . . Conscientious . . . Loves 'stuffed animals . . . Always at meetings or doing shorthand . . . "Class spirit, ladies" . . Friend indeed ! . . . Born leader.
422 'Pasadena, Webster Groves, Missouri
December 24 Chapel Chair I; Theta Epsilon NI,1, 2; Centenary Singers 1, 2; Social Committee I ; Modern Dance Club 2.
"Weiner" . . . Winning smile . . . Sparkling eyes . . . The "nose" . . . Great rjense of humor . . . Clever wit . . "Jeepers" . . . Likes to eat, particularly Leo's hotdogs . . Hopes to transfer to Washington University . . . Talented on stage.
Page twenty-five
453 Harmon Road, Philadelphia 28, Pennsylvania September 10 G d l d 1, President 2; Phi Ioja 2; Residents Club 2; ~rienradow Commitiee 2; Sigma Epsiloz Phi 1, 2; Glee Club I .
"Puss" . . . Hopes to marry her boss, . . Lovable . . . Dartmouth . . . Spends most af her time on the telephone . . . Those be~tiful'curls. . . EndIess energy . . . "Kinda' chokes ya' up" . . .
Heart-warming smile . . . Doesn't like blind dates . .'. Is often in a dither . . . Petite.
Page twenty-six
River Lane, Westport, Connecticut September 12 The/& Epsilon Nn I , Tremlcrer 2; Hodem Dance Clgb Bo&d 2; Hocikey; Swimming.
1, U i s g
CmIaaarp $IP1$&# 4 ~~~2~ Befit ~;~Dmca 8d ; cam= ti1 1; Iu&a P~it~i-rftkIs C h Q 28 Q~dw#&pw.Qs-'
~ ~ I B2,P
"cappya'-.. . pun d.pp . . . -fi']al.$k fw ki& . . . Blue @peg.. ,-Bkns to W~B-a& ta"rfph4 .just ttawl . . et ttW & hair:, . . ~Opcik&& .otsonality . . N N U ' ~. ~ t d~m .t t dfeet . . . Pa-. pltis @. . A 'W fat ~ c q m b , , r.
"Carri"' . . . Blond . . Sparkling blue eyes . . . A perpetual smile . . .. Sincere . . . Loyal . . . Good listener . . . Understanding . . . Dislikes writing lettets, being called Sophie, balancing checkbook . . . Loves parties, Yale, music . . . "Has anyme seen Cappy?'". . . "Why2 what's the matter?" . . . Plans to be a secretary.
1214 YUIXIOO~~ Rwd Penn Wynne, Pennsylvania .
September 14
Sigma Epsilon P$i I , PresiI4kf 2; 'Phi fotro 2; SPILLED INK 1, 2; Gjsjld 1, 2; Presidea~sC h b 2; Orientaiion Committee 2; Glee 91:lub1., . "Whit" , . . Always hefping someone else . . Talks and talks . . Pe6 aversion-confusion . ''It's hysterical" Majoring in comme~cialart . . . Forever losing something . . . Found e v e T where.
. ...
427 Holly Lane, Wynnewood, Pennsylvania
September 10 Sigma Epsilon Phi 1 , Secretary 2; Guild 1, 2; .Pjychology Club 2; SPILLED INK 1; Glee Club I .
"Wils" . . . Plans to be a medical secretary and then get married . . . "Bluebird of Happiness" . . . Knits argyles off and on . . . Good letter writer . . . Very friendly . . . Co-operative . . . Usually found in Van Winkle lounge or studying . . . Beautiful complexion . . . Cute smile . . Diok . . . Harmless practical jokes . . . "Time for bed, Whit."
Marriage . . . Dislikes corn beef and cabbage . . . Likes late hours, black coffee . . . Tall, blue eyes, beautiful brown hair . . . Winning smile . . . Friend to all . . . Found in Van Winkle lounge . . . "Blue Spruce" . . . "You're just in love" . . . "%hat's grand, simply grand."
42 Crescent Road, Port Washington, New Yo&
October 28 Sigma Eprilon Phi 1, 2; Po3te1 GIzb ~ ~ & k . q It ; . .
DBEU Psi O m g a la Sacrs~aty 2; SPELLED ,EMK 2, "Na'nde'":. . Plans to go th Alaska . .,i~is&es hiIlbiJly rndc . . . Lkis l+g, week~ntts'ai~d' shoa ' weeks . . . Petite, stdldhg blog, hazel eggs , : Fpar&ng smile o fm dl . . .-f+i~~ere .;. East Bc&t-k3[r)me. ..,"Ate y . 0 ~realLy2'' . "Toa I;aCeNd.". , '
Page twesty-nine
91 Overlook Place, Rye, New York
December 14 Secid C~mmittee1, C O - ~ b a i r m ;2; SPILLED INK 1, 2; S t d e n t . Coancil 2; G1i1d I; Delta Siarma Sigma 1, 2; Presidents Club 2; Orientaiion Commii~ee2,
25 Hickory Drive, Maplewood, New Jersey
Ju$ 3 SPILLED INK I, Editor 2; Phi Iota 2; Del%a Sigma Sigma I;/ 2; G d d I; Social Cornmiltee I; Preridents Club 2; Orientmion Committee 2.
"Bern" . . . Reserved . . . Usually working or worrying over SPILLED INK . . . Neat . . . Envy of psychology class . . . Gets plenty of Loves beautiful sleep . . . Very friendly . clothes.
Page thivly
"Kit" . . Radio career, then marriage . . . Dislikes travehg and missing breakfast . . Likes potatoes, cashmere sweaters Usually found reading that certain letter . . Worries about Social Committee . . . "How'll I get to Virginia this weekend ?"
.. . .
370 Fairview Avenue, Orange, New Jersey
June 26 Centenaq Smgers I , President 2; Presidents Clab, President 2; D& Psi O m g a 1, 2; Poster Clnb 1, 2; Phi Tbets K ~ p p a2; Theta Epsilon Nn 1, 2; Chapel Choir 2; Phi Iota 2; Orientdon Cornmiitee 2.
. "Lpn" . . . Art School 2s in her future . . . Most
often seen shrouded in a smock, squirting paint tubes at a cmyas . H1~hlyindividualistic . . . Dislikes aathoritv , . . Likes art and music . . . Pretty eyes, odf?siandingpersonality . Always there when needed.
Sincere . AIwaps r&dY to help . . ~ o u n d holding up the bekter half of a piano . . Blond, blue eyes . . . "Pianissimo" . . Snores in her sleep.
45 Mine Street, Flemington, New Jersey
April 2 HACK 2; Poster Clrrb 1; Deha Sigma Sigma 1, 2; Book Club 2; Phi Thza Kappa 2.
"Skipper" . . . Petite, blond, blue-green eyes . . Creamy complexion . . . Everyone's friend . . Loves the country . . . Dislikes insincerity . . . "What am I going to do?" . Teaching and raising dogs.
Newfield Aweme, W~lwy4~. ~ a & Stamford, ComectLcut
"Jmnie" . ,.. . Florida sumline . . . O~~CE:EE: friend . . . Famd aaaitiag for taxi , . thpbaraed all ".y .- . . tllwq?S mnnfng .to itirt *s . . . Snzila for everyone , . TRIM&ta mt &ml.
6453 Cecil Avenue, Clayton, Missouri
January 21 Senior &as Seere#& A q u i c Cl#b I , 2; Leader? Cor s 2; The/a .Ep~if:# Nu 1, 2; All-Siar-Hockey, B d s f ~ i b d Swisn*g, , Baqeball.
"Sis" . . Likes the hone booth, mail . Disl i b confusion . . . 8ogish bob, big eyes, innocent stare . . . Spends her time commuting between Pem and Princeton . . "Does anpne have a cab?" . BemtiPul clothes Sincere friend. t)
4700 32nd Street,
N.W.,Wtwbhgtm 8, D. C.
l k e m h r 23 Deb2 Psi h g a 2; EpdIm Nfl: 2* 2j +4H J ; H~rRcjr,AU-SISN: Brn~QalY.
a&& .
Page thirty-three
C o n s t a n c e Rooderta C e a r L
21 Howard Avenue, Rutland, Vermont
April 19 Centenary Singers 1 , 2; Guild 1, Representalive 2; SPILLED INK 1 , 2; Della Sigma Sigma 1 , 2; Chapel Choir 1, 2; Stadenl Council 2; Hall President 2 .
232 &vest
Avenue? Staten Island 10, New York November 25
SPILLED I N K I ; Agwit C k b 1, 2; T&,tsr Epikon
Niw lI;p.
"Bobbie" !kxer;rq for four pam-Ehen! . AGEactive d e . . Blue eyes . . Snj~ysswimminp; . . . Loves fun . . -5r;ffl~nyrsra. . "Go ta bed, will ya!" . . D i s M dekfning the room . ., H e g u
. .
Page thirty-four
"Connie" . . . Plans for secretarial work . . . Dislikes giving orders, untidiness . . . Likes green hills of Vermont, skiing and skating . . . Cute, big -blue eyes, light brown hair . . . Always smiling, cheerful, and sincere . . . Found in typing room or mail lounge . . . "Shot in the head" . . . True friend.
fr' gF
Avenida 3-H, Calle 70, Maracaibo, Venezuela January 11 Delta Sigma Sigma 1 , 2; Music CIub 2; Cosmopolilan Club 1, 2; Book Club 1, President g; Presidenfs Club 2; Glee Club I .
"Lucy" . . . Home to Venezuela after graduation . . . Dislikes an empty maiI box and being photographed . . . Likes sports and bwks . . . Short, dark wavy hair . . . Meticulous . . . Quiet at times . . . Found reading or slaving over shorthand . . . Skips meals . . . "Because of You."
. . -1724 North East 17th Way Fort Lauderdah, Florida August 5
7 ..
\c:l .
Delia Psi Omega I, President 2; Delta S i g m Sigma I , 2; Laboratory Techm'cians Club 1; Guild 1, 2; Presidents Club 2.
"Barbie" . . . Fun-loving . . . "Hi there !" . . . Loves the theatre . . . Brown hair and eyes . . . You can find her in the Little Theatre . . . Always on the go . . . Loves to laugh . . . "Fabulous" . . . "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" . . . Always making friends . . Traveling pnstantly . . . Medical secretary.
100 Highland Street, Holden, Massachusetts
January 27 SPILLED INK, Art Editor 2; Centenary Singers 1, 2; Delta Psi Omega 1, 2; Psychology Club I; Delta Sigma Sigma 1 , 2; Cosmopolitan Club 2.
"Tommy" . . . Hates making beds . . . Likes dill pickles, sleeping late, bridge and jazz . . . Loves to giggle and listen to people's troubles . . . Can be found studying in the lounge or playing bridge . . . "I'm hungry!" or "How do you spell that ?"
BarLaPa A n n W c G p a w
573 Northern Parkway, Ridgewood, New Jersey
November 9 HACK 2; Guild I , Treasurer 2; Pki Theta Kappa 2; Del~aSigma Sigma 1 , 2.
"Mac" . . . Dislikes tomatoes, blind dates, and bubble gum . . . Weekends at Princeton . . . Neat dresser . . . Prettv hair . . . Sweet. considerate, and thoughtful . Found counting money . . . Always tearing from one meeting to another . . . "No kidding Brurn, I really clutched" . . Plans to becdhe a legal secretary.
85-33 212th Street, Queens Village, New York August 12 Guild 2 , 2; Ps~hoJogyCLrd 2; Deb Skgm S i g m 1) 8.
? a m. . . pond o~ r00tm:. .
pk.5 .
hdnde being a me&& sectetay asla txwdlqg . . . G ~ o dsanFre BE. humor., . , "SIightlb Tm $0hg out &f .my &@!" . . ..Cf~&&k@@&. ,',
Ed q w . .-.W b far pk~rxe .hy. t.i3WandvfuL 1.@3%1~fK'iWf.
rn-8 C
+,, \.
Pclge thirty-seven
October 2
8 Kimbah Cirde, Wwtfeld, New Jusey
W . A. A. Bomd, Pgblicity &fm~tg@~ 21 Cesswdty S i n g y ~I , B o d 2; Theta Efisiion Nu 1, 2; Psychohgy Cl#b 1; HocRe~AI~S~(H-; Softball. "Janie" . . . Likes sporb . . Good h d g pkya
lune 14 Theta Epsidoa Nu 2,
ns~olo".. . iilwajr of pep , ~ nonr aveision for s b r t h m d ' a d fredcks . . Fuure plans are doing &@R but se&eta~al work . , "T just hate it" . . One 6f &e,cp$eter &ids.On the hall . . Flaming red h$r . .. ; Slim . , Fond of b e d parties . ', Has trouble deciding what:to wear.
Page thi~ty-eight
. , Hates alarm docks and havihg- to get to &aces on t h e . . . Curls plus . . , Qc&, but not alwiays . . . Large sweet too& :s . 33x candy bars a day . . . "I have to get a $hone alI" .. . .
Ambitious plans for art school.
m r i o Sterner
71 08
26 Sherman Avenue, White Plains, New York
May 15 Outing Club Board I , Secretary-Treasurer 2; GIIild 1 , 2; Aquatic Club 1, 2; Lubora~oryTechnicians Club 1; Psychology Club 2; Si ma Epsilon Phi 1, 2; Basketball; Swimming; ~ o ~ b a lLeaders' f. Corps 2.
"Marie" . . . One of Centenary's mermaids . . . Blond hair and blue eyes . . . "Starting tomorrow, I'm goiog on a diet" . . Can be found in the lounge doing shorthand homework . . Cheerful . . Hopes to b ~ medical a secretary . . . Friendly . . Loves outdoor sports . . Happy-go-lucky.
Delaware Avenug, Buffalo k&,'.N:m Yo&.
"Sam" . . .'Tau, blond hair, greeh 'qm, big loving smile .'.', Pet e&Gi-beG ambned , . , Likes dancing, s m w ei@ 'sho*oke . . I 'WeU, back to my slio&hand" . . Altays near food . . . Generous, friendly . . . Listens to pthefs troubles . . . Plans to be a me&cal semetarg.
g .
C i d 8fwbowit.z
BPancLe JgLSand,
Bronx 52, W m York
1675 ~ r d n dConc-e,
"Sandy" . . . Very .understanding ;.,. . "Haw I told you about my brother?? . . Brown curly hair , . . "Pizza pie" . . Always on the go . . . Spends most of her time in Brumtnex's room or in the lounge . . . Witty sense of humor . . . Beautiful brown eyes .. . Doesn't like insincerity or conceit , . . Fond of "ballroom dancing" and music.
5th Street, Morris Park, Phillipsburg, New Jersey
May 31 Cm/enary sings*^ 1, 2; Camera Clwb 2; Tbetd Epsibn
N# 2. "Lila" . . ,Wants to study voice and become a concert singer . . . Brown eyes . . Pet pgeve is conceited people . . . Loves horses, dogs, music . . . Beautiful voice . . . Usually writing letters . . . "Look in box 96". . . Main interest in the hmv.
SueWoe L
I,. , F*
38 Clonavor Road, West Orange, New Jersey
September 17 S i g m Ep~ilon Phi 1, 2; Cheerleader 2; Cenlenary Singer1 1, 2.
Found runnine from one class to another . . Sincere . . . Friendly . . . Likes to sleep . . . Doesn't like eople who drop things . . . "I wish he woul call" . . . Pretty blond hair . . Always there when you need her . . . Plans to make money.
i' ;/
' ,
'w' 3
28 Hancock Street, Auburndale 66, Massachusetts
February 20 Dance Bub' 1, 2; Tbekr ~ p d i o n~
Drba Pk @mega Z: Cbggel C~m&tee 2.
. . . ..
. u 1,
m mi dent;' . . Dislikes messidess , .'. Loyal to Northeastern . . Lkes a good time and football games . . Tall and thin with blond hair and bright eyes . Usually found on the telephone . . . "I'Il rimer tell" . . H o p to be married.
Page forty-two
~ r i e n d l ismile . . ch?Egeable hair . . . Good sport . . Princeton and football . . . Seen in Mac's and Bruin's room . . . Dislikes airline hostesses and alarm clocks . . . "Not too real!" . . . "Hey, wait for me!" . . . Wants everyone to come to St. Louis for a good patty.
358 Anderson Street, Hackensack, New Jersey
February 27 HACK I ; SPILLED INK 2; Book Club 2; Psychology Club 1, 2; Delia Sigma Sigma 1, 2.
35 Bonny View Rd., West Hartford, Connecticut
December 12 Sigma Epsilon Phi 1 , Vice-President 2; Aquatic Club 1, 2; Swimming; Guild 1, 2.
"Betty-Lou" . . . Natural curly hair and beautiful blue eyes . . . Ready for fun . . . Likes the Ensign . . . Dislikes going to bed early and a messy room . . . "But I'm saving for my trousseau" . . . Spends time planning her house and four antique chairs . . . Only future plan is to marry and raise futhre "Yalies."
"Mitzi" . . . Journalism career . . . Dislikes noise while napping . . . Friendly smile . . . Considerate . . . Serious minded but ready for fun . . . Found in "Sleepy Hollow" and mail lounge "studying" . . . "We're going to have a ball" . . Tan suede jacket and feathered Dartmouth hat.
October 14 Theta Epsil~Kki !,' 2; &ACK 2; Social Commitgee 1. "Cindy" . . ~ k h'toi transfer . . . Dislikes not being able to.hIk . No .confusion.. . . Zikes *einers, parties, souvenirs-. . Long hair, s arHing eye, mte &mile. . '. Pound in the G r i l in the phone booth, or on weekends . . . "We've got to clean our room!" . . . Princeton ranks high. -
Drury Lane, Wyckoff, New Jersey May 30 Thela Epsilon Nu 1 , 2; Cheerleader 1, 2; Hockey; Baseball.
"Barb" . . . Likes weiners, climbing up fire escapes . . . Dislikes Lafayette and alarm docks . . . Pierced ears, short btown hair . . Poised . . . "We're going to have a blast" . . Commutting all over the East . . . Million plans for the future . . . "Bettv Co-ed."
. .
21 Gralynn Road, Newton Centre, Massachusetts
September 25 Modern Dance Club 1 , President 2; W . A. A. Board 2; Theta Epsilon Nu 1 , 2; Delia Psi Omega 2; Presidenis Club 2.
Dislikes a messy room . . . Gullible . . . Good sport . . . Likes Harvard and dancing . . . Sophisticated . . . Optimist . . . Enthusiastic . . . Found in the library reading magazines . . . "Peggy--clean up" . . . Future plans include life upon the wick& stage.
21 11 St. Charles Avenue, New Orleans 13,
Louisiana February 11 Theta Epsilon Nw 1, 2; Tennis; Baseball; Polleyball; Basketball.
"Peggy" . . . Dislikes being rushed . . . Likes food and weekends . . . Many freckles . . . Red hair . . . She's what we like about the South . . . Usually found in the library, staring out the window . . . "Do you think I'm thinner?" . . Undecided about the future . . . To be or no to be.
Pdge forty-five
'I' ,
. -.- . . .
26 Shore Park Road, Great Neck, New Yodr
; :c>qm,c.4 ,.p
, '.Tp'. +. September
SvPIL.L,ED INK 2; Delta Pri Omegu 1, 2; P~ychology Club 2; Delta S~gtnaSigma 1, 2; Centenary Singers 1, 2.
Career of fashion mercfiandising and retailing
. . . Hilarious stories . . . Pleasant disposition . . . Usually in the library reading m ~ p i n e.s. . &&ti1 & "I'll never get all this work dam" . . . Enjoys SPIW -INK I:'D&~&P$i 0wcga ai B ~ ~ ' I E ~ Wshopping . . . Movies . . . Birthday parties .on Sdsffss442. . . second North . . . "Where's the saccharin?" Rwk Manor, mlmzngfan, D&w&re
"Boa?' . . bstk bair~. . minded hut 'LdJ!b; Gbdry . , '!I& not. @ Enjiiys~+twdhg. md ad&^^ pahBng . . htend# c b j & b I md d - . ,; '?3rasa.1<& k&-het, bat : . J J h rn hdiil4 wii$
Page f orty-six
. . ."
'Yql' . . . Ekui tsn m&gq , . , .Uian.ge ice . . :Guy l+daq& . . . Pgrk bt$wera, ,. , "Hazel Dell Farms," Be1 Air, Maryland February 11 Sigma Epsilon Phi 1, 2; Guild 1, 2; Camera Club 1, 2. Light brown hair . . . Sparkling blue eyes . . . Crazy about horses . . . Always ready for food, mail, and vacations . . . Blue Mondays . . . Quiet . . . Wonderful friend . . . Heard talking about the races . . . "Well, now guess what?" . . . Plans on working with horses in Maryland.
Wiet . . , maalp- < h e . . F
~ U Q wri.th.g ~
tms and li.steidq tg ;f@e adio ~ ; b d e ~ e ?rfqr fp the kididit$' Dka mcati@maad 6-
p e a e m happy*:
1 '
905 Greenway Avenue, Morrisville,
Pennsylvania March 21 Theta Epsilon Nu 1, 2; Guild I ; Leaders' Covps 2. "Harvey" . . . Tall, dark, good looking . . . Bubbling energy . . . Always in a hurry . . . Quick wit . . . Talks continuousIy . . . Loves people . . . Hates to be left alone . . . Usually found sleeping or touring the lounge . . . Likes hot dogs . . . Weekends spent everywhere . . . "Hi, Ladies" . . . "Oh, come up now" . . . Nursery school teacher.
56 Valley Road, Bronmille, New York
August 3 Theta Bpziloa Nu 1, 2; G*jld 1, 2; S o d 4 Cormni?tp!8 1, CocCbainman 2; Student C ~ f i c i $2; Ori~ckrZio~ Cornmijaee 2.
''Davy'' . Dislikes studying . . &&a fwd, "Gentlemen who prefer blonds" Wmries about her non-existent dateless weekends .. . Quick wit . "Must go" Iftt-le girl with a small voice and big. ideas ,. Plans to be a
. .
. .
34 Edgepark Road, White Plains, New York ~ugus1 t5 BOOR CZsb 2, Treaswer 1; Socjal Cummiktee 1, 2; Deltd Sigma Sigma 1, 2; Pfycktology Club 2.
. . . unbredid. . . Good listener . . . Wor~iesabo&t gaining weight but loves to eat . . . '"Not now" . . . Busv as a beaver on weekends
Very neat , . . Pet aversion-takhg pills Interested in doing nmserg school work.
647 East 34th Sheet, Brooklyn 3, New Yotk
. ..
Pebmrp' 2 .
Camera Club, Trearsrw 11,P~ewident2; Go~mopoXiran Club 2; Theta Bpdon Nx 1, 2; Mwic C&b 2,.GsiM X; D e b Psi. Omvga 3. "Jan" Worries about @nip& wdght but
loves ice creaq~. . . Also likes foo@&, au. . Avxsiaq to weesweet otatw. and ftim +p . . ,,$Iprrl eyer, mmpleron . . . 3fBo1f GO+ . . FIms to go into.me~chand~idg ... &most always izr the dark rmm or behind a =era.
Page f orty-nine
d o i d Barbara
177 Connecticut Avenue, Freeport, New York
March 10 SPILLED INK 1; W . A. A. Corresponding Secretary 2; Theta Epsilon Nu 1 , 2; Hockey; Volleyball; Basketball; Softball.
"Pat" . . . Dislikes late study hours, writing letters, and giving speeches . . . Likes mail, sports . . . Sparkling eyes and long eyeIashes . . . Sense of humor, understanding, and considerate . . . Usually found typing in the gym ofice . . . "Great, really great" . . . Plans to be a privatc secretary . . . "Because of You."
213 East hU6ndale Ate., ~11e'ndab,:~kv Jmey
January 25% G d d Baa& Si Tibe-Pcesidr?:~ 2;i & @ ~ w ~%+z@rs .' 1, 2; C%Japel Choi~1, 2i ad& S i . 4 J i m 1, 2; .. PsyihoEogy Cld 2; Buo& C l ~ 2.. b
Weternus Road, WdidiflF Me;M'w
"J-@mie''". , L&g l o m a d b marriage '. . Slim . . Dream b t m eyes . . P e y d e . . u p wi* s elping L hamd Di&h@ m e and 1just went tct g~eep*~ . weds .
. .
. m
"Jm" . . . Blue-eyed blond .,.. Bays cob3plaion . , . Sweet M they 4ome . . . U'oderstiGditr$ . . Consdentiow . . . '"Al The TEqp. Yat~ Are" . . . "AJI"conMutdoon W o i s " . . . istq fiend . . Pull of fun, . . Aclow '''efeliyts'" . . . No interruptions when sleeping: or; studyb~g please , . . "Hi" . . . "Gowa $cite a lette~", . . Hopes some day to be a pediat-rk nurse.
Wilton Road, Huntington, New York December 1 Psychology Club 2; Delta Sigmd Sigma 2; Cenlenary Singers 2.
"Pat" . . . Dislikes lonely weekends, and eight o'clock classes . . . Likes food, Princeton . . . Slim, brown hair, brown eyes . . . Always laughing . . "Let's go down to the lounge" . . . Nose always in a steno book . . . Plans to work after graduation . . . Understanding . . Lots of fun to be with.
, -
Sandy Bank Road, Media, PennsyIvania January 23 G d d I ; A ualic Club 2; Delta Sigma Sigma 1 , 2; Outing CIU% Board 2; Chapel Choir 2; SPILLED INK 1 ; Psychology Club 2.
"Dennie" . . . Dislikes Monday mornings and English Comp . . . Athletic . . . Lots of fun . . . Tall and slim, blond hair, blue eyes . . . Cheerful, vivacious . . . Always in the lounge . . . "Best we do!" . . . Plans to be a nurse. ;/
Ftwpe Avenuk, Mmahinside, New Jersey Pebmq a Gesfmary 5in m I , 2; ChpeI Chir 1, 2; SPILLED fNK 1; G I I ~ .% L f ~ f ~ rI;d Debs S i p S i g m 1, 2; Psych@l~ggd&b3. . . . . . , . - . *, t U a d e G . . -tocgetup io tioc ipo@ng. -
. Hits
.~ .w:.EiijoR.&, . ;. :w&%Wbr $Q&?.-. , n.*arr&~& g +ya . . .. we . . .. W toih(4y@.:,:..*&-PP in the f21ifi' ;., : ,
Plans.for m&q&+rmr;
..!:. ..
. :.
Page. fifty-thee .
'Dolly" . . Winning smile . . . 18:waWulgceen . . . Subtle htrmatr . . . ' F S n & a w . . . "Oh, ypu're leid&ngW. . l3bilo88pUd &ad
. . . nl;s&@
%ptaber 29 Sigma E&gien Phi 2, 2; St.SL&ED IHX
raa Club 2.
'%obie" . . . Dislikes c k s e s . . . Bh8i.t . . . k d &a@ ceme hs m d pckages . . . Uswig? fo&d sI,r"ping . . . 'rt"a done in the swrter I&". .: ; HQWa om gitl !iw in so mch mdusion , . .
B*&F ads. "Whea f"m m1:near the boy I love, I lm the Izo~I'd sear'" . Qd? h e wiU tgU. h r future pl~n8. 24
Page fifty-fow
plaa~. h&$&h . Frimdy . . . Plans b @,e Eat& Qra@e some c~mptition.
.-?$Montvale Road, Weston 9% M&m@ , $-'-$$-&A"rW 'ST: A u p t 6 Centenary Sin ars 1, 2; Glee Ddta S t g m gig% l i 2; Recad CZbb 2.
. .
.. ...
August 2 5 Centenary Singers 1, 2; Chapel Choir 1, 2; Glee Club I; Delki Sigma Sigma 1, 2; Record Club 2; Psychology Club 2.
"Cyndy" . . . Witty . . . Curly hair . . . Dislikes getting up early, homework, and swordfish . "Jan, I'm hungry" . . . Future ambition is to be a secretary and then a housewife . . Petite and peppy. 7
4oiom @ 1;
, Tiny an& a t e . Alw% s b h k h g ~d -8 . CherhJ smile. Of . . Contagious giggle. Usually f a d tdlang on the hone . .. Bqndle df pep Undastaad- . ing sympathetic Sinme . Dish rising in the wee hous of the tnclrnis&, . , Adores eating . . Iabosatoq technician and marriage.
"Jan" 232 Overlook Avenue, Belleville, New Jersey
q& 2. Pjyc
. . %a ... . .
T m f e r and.then marriage.. . Dislikes. room cl.cy&g . . f-ibsCaIkate . . . Cu!Iy Mand bar . . . SpwMin e+ . :. Foued w e r ing l&ea %ad ta ing '. . . ""l"mso excited". . . A siIver Lining in eyeq cloud.
14-23 -114th Street, Cdlqp Point, New Yogk
byal Giant fan . ., Likes neatness and ts mambo Qdct, al-p lends a hel in hand . . . F w d studying or W n g,. , D% a anptg qiil box, standing. in h q a d ihsi~erepe~ple . . Plans to visit h t h Aherica and to tm~sfer . . .-"Xre pou reallf?'" . . . Very canside-,
1322 Mahantongo Street, Pottsville, Pennsylvania
February 8 Phi Theza Kappa 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi 1, 2; Psychology Club 2; Luboralory Technicians Club I .
"Janie". . . Likes good-looking clothes and weekends . . . Dislikes getting up at seven o'clock . . . TalI and slim; brown hair and eyes . . . Reserved and sweet .'. . Usually found with book in hand over a cup of coffee . . . "I got a letter from my 'sweyfje' ". . . T o please others is her motto in life . . . PIans to transfer to Goucher College.
R. D. 3, Newark, Delaware November 28 W . A. A. Freshman Representative I , Vice-President 2; Cha el Choir 1 ; Delta Sigma Sigma 1 , 2; Psychology CLJ 2; k d e r s l c o r p ~2.
"Faxie" . . . Plans to transfer to University of Wisconsin . . . Physical education teacher . . . Dislikes diets and s eaking in Chapel . . . Likes hockey and food o all kinds . . . A smile and "hi" for everyone . . . Sincere, good natured . . . Usually found in gym -or on the hockey field . . . "Oh, Janie, what's . . ."
Page fifty-seven
11 Riverside Drive, New York City,
New York
April 3 Rerord Clrrb 2; Pspchology Clrb 1; T h s B#sx'lon ~ hr 1, 2.
. . ..
1434 East 22nd Street, Brooklyn 10, New Yo& Sigma Epsilon Phi 1, 2.
. .
"~rookl~n.~' , , . 'Thy d d .cute . . Lifeof any . . . SIss her serioyls moments-, . Lovable petsomhy~,... Witty'. . . fYislikes -early &ssp . . U s d y fduiid wfiting letters In the hinge , . Ardent supporter of the Air- yorce . . Main ambition-marriage . . . '"Oh, I'm so confU$ed!" 'z'
Page fifty-eight
"Bobby" . . Wavy blond hair Tall and attractive . . . Gap and peppy , . Always laugh4ng Friendly to all . . . Usually ÂŁomd eating m the Grill . Worries about getfing enslrgh sleep . . Weekends often spent at Red Bank: . . Cannot tolerate afternoon clwe Noble ambition of marriage . . "Do you know?"
.. .
15 Fredaaa Road, Wkbin 68, Massieliwetts
Mar& 3. ' aeltd s i g B~~ ~ i; 2; sfa~eat c l 0 1 ~ ~2;2
President 2; Agwfc Chb, Pice-Pde~Pi~. I, U k g Bard Cb17t"rmrm2; Modem Duece I , M a g Baard'2; Lsders' Corps 2. . 208
Villard Avenue, Hastings-an-Hudson, New York June 3
Guild 1; Tbeta Epsilon Nu 1, 2; A Q Y ~ Club ~ C I, R&ir)g Board 2.
."Susien . . . Dislikes studying, bells, deaniag room . . . Likes weekends, sleep, the Air Force . . . Turned-up nose, dafk eyes, long lashes .,, Talkative* always happy . ., U d y fomd in the mil loun e . . , "Let me tell you!" . . . Plans to go in8 meruchao&sing . . .'*OhJohnny!"
" M a c ~ ". . . Dish -sh~rtb:and,alarm do& . . . Likes weekea'ds, ad,slscg . . . "I muld jupt die" .. . S h , blond hais* lue eyes ... For-. ever watching the dock . . . MarPelous dslacer :. . Plans to be a secretay. .
1060 Wychwood Road, Westfield, New Jersey
February 14 Della Sigma Sigma 1, 2; chapel Choir 2, VicePresident I; Centenary Singers 1, 2; Phi Thera Kappa 1, 2; Student Courd 1; Student Council Secretary 2.
"Char" . . . Sincere . . . Can be seen scurrying from place to ace . . . "Oh, dear!" . . . Hazel eyes and blonllhair . . . Generous . . . Plans to enter a phase of business-monkey business . . . Friendly . . . Loves good parties . . . Worries . . . Deep and interesting talker . . . Good natured.
~ e t x , capoe ~s
L don
575 Fairway Road, Ridgewood, New Jersey
December 1 Sigma Epsilon Phi 1 , 2; Guild 2; Music Club 2; SPILLED INK 2; Psychology Club 2.
"Sunny" . . . Can't miss those wavy golden locks and pretty face . . . ~ood-natuieaand easygoing . . . Budding genius with the knitting needles . . . Profound writer . . . "Seriously" . . . Enjoys soft music and poetry . . . Transfer to Syracuse . Will be a success. '
645 Summit Avenue, Hackensack, New Jersey April 23 Aqwtic Club 1, 2; HACK 1, 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi 1, .2; Leaders' Corps 2; Delta Psi Omega 2; Pqcbolagy Clrrb 2; Swimming, ' . .
"Jan" . Good cqnversationalist . . Even disp6sition . . . Friendly smile, dark hair . ..Favorite pastime is sitting in Grill . . '"You know what I.mem?' . . . Has passion Fdr reading and Plans to transfer. sneakers .
h g e sixty-one
150 Stonq Brook Road, Eairfidd, Connecticut GpiU 1, 2; S f d e n t do^ rl; Delia Sigma Sgma I, Secreyrary 2; O Y I & ~Club B o d 2; P~ycboIogyCd&b 2; Cenxe~arySingerr 2; Ot-ietztat30tr Cornla&$& 2.
S p d e Road, C m e Coeur, Missouri May 14-
Freshman Class hesidenr; Preddents C l ~ b1; Student Gmnci(l1; Debu Sfigma Si ma 1, Vice-Pvas9'dew 2; Gnidd 1, 2; Psgcbqtagy C$L%f 2;. O r i r n P b s . i2mfnilrs, 2; Bnreddl, VO/&?~WI, TestPis.
2 . .
'Thad" . . . g d d e d ahbut that Missouri' aecent . , . Neat as can. be*.. . An ,witstanding lader and enthqdastis: supporter of afl C.J. C;,AcWip ties . Lo~esa good time.. . . Life qf .any pa@ . . "'Champ" on the t%nniscourt . . .,Fdk$dlY .'. . Xeady to give a.hel in hand . . . "'N;bykt me tell you" . . . ~ a f e ~ B l b g. e.,. A success in- all ishe does.
Page sixty-two
"Bets"' . . . Beautiful dark hait. . P h to teach nursery &mi . . . "Seriously, Ks h e g a t e s t thing Since T.V." . . Gon~etfiedabout her dmty mail box . . . Noted for s d e and ,ftigndIy way . . . Qn't stand cold wwther . . . Catthing laugh . . . Understanding . . . 'You Are Love" . . . "WS$ace it, Colgate js the best" . . . Found, p w c i n g the piano.
130 Maple Avenue, RodrvilJe Centre, New York
February PO SPILLED INK 1, CirnclaPio% &nagw 2; Guild 1, 2; Aqualic Clrrb 2; Delia Sx' ma Sigma 1, 2; Hockey; Vdleybdl; Baske~ball;5ofr!%d/;Swimming.
51 Bedford Avenue, Rockville Centre, New York
March 1 Guild 1, 2; SPILLED INK 1, 2; Modern Dance Club 1; Art Clab 1, 2; Poster Clt/b' 1; D e b Sigma Sigma 1, 2 .
Joan . . . Dislikes spiders and r p l e stealing candy . . . Likes house parties an weekends . . . Roving green eyes, tall, slender and sophisticated . . . In the lounge playing cards . . "Seriously now" . . . Always worries about phone calls. ;I
"Norma" . . . Cute and bIond . . . "Is it really?" . . . Blushes at the name . . . Oh, so shy, but oh, so sweet . . . ThoG beautiful, big blue eyes . . . Can be seen bent over a ty ewriter 0s wt$ting that special letter . . . Frien&y to everyone.
S B I U D 'BiTX .& 9; 1&434-S .i& GgiIrf 1; &Stz I&& Y m
. .
'W il.
1, 28.
. ..
'"Ze1'" . . Lab b :f$ia :.,tii.Ec&e aklh, an em tp mail k x X .; &g#t" o?$O& &s9 , , "P&u caug" - .. Rmd: $rid@. in laan@ . P1ms ta wwk alter &&&bn .. Blue e p and qrkfikg d k
f. .
226 VreeIand Avenue, Nuthy 10, New Jersey
June 4
AgMliC C b I, -2; Guild 1, 2; Sigma Ep~ilonPbr 1, 2.
" W s " . . DisDl& sex-centered paple, nw mil. . . Short, curly red hair . . $ ,@acexebunalfected girl .. Always playing hidge . . . 'Qb no, n ~ a@n" t . Plans m t be an-akIine9hostess.
.. .
Main Street, Lynnfidd Centre;Massachusetts February 20
Delta Sigma Sigma 1, 2; Book CIab 1, 2; Leaders' Corps 2.
"Jackie" . . . Loves reading magazines in shorthand . . . Sweet . . . Helpful . , . Tiny . . . Blond hair . . . Blue eyes . . . Usuallp found any place where she can talk and where someone will listen.
9 Old Field 'Lahe, Great Neck, New York
. June 28
Si ma Epsilon Phi
c L 1;~ Poster club 1, 2; Centenary Singers 1, 2; Art 1.
Dislikes messy rooms and sweet, quiet eopIe arties . . . Full d fun . . . A&wanys playing car or drinking c ~ f f in e the GriU . . . "Insane" . . "Oid shoes."
. . . Loves
Page sixty-five
167 Mineral Spring Avenue, Passair. New Jersey
S i g m B p s h Phi 1, 2; -Psycb@bgyC k b 2,
718 CoIoniaI Avenue, Union, New Jersey
December 19 Delta Psi Omegs 1, B~sfnessWnagez 2; P ~ y c h l o g j C l d 2;pign.w Epsilon Pki 1,2.
"Inky" . : . Little pug nose and brown eyes . . i Depeadable, very consdati~us..&.Gmero+. . '"Ohthe wok'\ . ., Usually fomd id the Little T h e e , if not studying . . . The.& dam dock for aqond Lotte , . . Plans to m&in, the Home Economics field . . . Subtle. sense of humor.
Page sixty-six
"Ellie" . . Quiet . . Friendly . . Dark hair Green eyes . . Silly when tired . . . Knits "diffwent" tmh . . . Dislikes being tdd w b t to do . . Princeton . . . Found waiting to sign the weekend baok , . "Already'" . . ..' T a b about Passair md her sister and brother.
4701 RoIand Avenue, Baltimore 10, Maryland February 15 G d d 1, Board 2; SPILLED INK 2; Della Sigma Sigma 1 , 2; Student Cojrncil 2; Hall Pre~ident 2; All-Star Hockey 2 .
220 Middles--
"Char" . . . Plans to be a very e5cient secretaty . . . Sparkling eyes . . . ~ w e e i a n dcaptivating ih that southern way . . . Waiting for the weekend . . . Breakfast in bed . . . Exciting phone calls
Rdd, Datien, Connecticut August 9
. . . "Oh, my soul!" . . . Friendly to all.
C k d choir 2; Lih~iianI, 2; S~Iddeut C a w 2; G$& 1, 2; Thela Bfisil.n Nr 1 Horkeyi. Barketdalij VoIIeyba2l; ' S w i m ~ j s g~are5ali. ; '"Lp" . Plans to be a "Lady ia d t e " ' . . Dislikes an em l$mail box . S rts, Caramels . . Blond cur y hair . s ~ ~hazel & eyes ~
. . . Vim,
... ..
vigor, and vitality hwble Doing things for others . ''Ye gads" Always a kind yord for evergone.
. .. ...
W a r j o r i e A n n WacdeoJ
234 Udversity. Avenue, BulXdo023, .New York
HACK, ;A?kh@I ZlD~iiessh a g ~ 2f r .G%riM 1; Pfy. &logy ad.4 .,Seme#ur~.2; 2;XslGwBory- Xechniciun~ , C%b 1; b&wg G&b I, B o d .2: TBetd Efi~il0pNII 1, 2,. Phi rbetu Kuppu I , , S ? ~ ~ t t g; r y Cbaerleader 2,2; * SofibJl, .. ...
' ' ~ a r ~ i e.' ' . Unherstmding
... "
~ rnlly?' h
. . . Hopes to be a me&&l secretary :. . Tsn be
seen laboxing over that last page of shattkana 'on her way to a meeting . . Long dark hair '. . Gets dreamy aver the records of Fsankie Line . Blue eyes . . Cute sense of hu'hior . . . N;itural curly hair.
. .
2124 North Fifth Street, Stroudsburg,
A p d 22 Sigma Epsilon Phi 1, 2; Psychology Clnb 2.
"Tanie*' . . . Pleasing smile . . . Forever working oh those argyle so& . . . Loves children . . . Cookiag . . going home . . . Detests note taking and cold weather . . Brown eyes . . Easily upset by school work . Quiet until wound up . . "Be My Wve" . . Writing that letter.
. .. .
9 Acorn Street, Staten Island 6, New York June 27 I
Sigma Epsilon Phi I , 2; Social Comrni#&~5, 2.
:. . Secretary . . . Lots of pep. . . Easy. , . Seen in l a m s or Grill . . ."Anything ?or laugh" . . . EspeciaIly Iikes far ayay laces, parties, sgorb . '. Loathes homework an14'w i t 'ing . . . What. a sense of h u m . . . Weekends hectic . . . Talented at datlcing and s i n s h ~. . . "Junie"
"'Slow Boat to Japah."
@ge sixfy-nine
134 Holmes Avenue, Darien, Connecticut Delta Sigma Sigma 1, 2; S P I U E D INK 1: Glee CIs6 I < D e l ~Psi Omega 1, 2; CbajJ Cboir 1; C~lf~vmfy Slng#s 1, 2; GaiU 1,2.
"Elvira" , . . Likes music and Gpe Cod . , . 'Winder why she d i s k telqhone mils . . . Tall and oh, those fluttering epdwhes . . Most likely to be found in New .Yodk Ci%y when . . "Going out tonight ?" . . . Unbeata sonality . . . Noted for her stories.
Page ~eventy
24 Cole street, Port Jervis, Nsar Yo&
July 29
Posler Clnb I , President 2: Sf BU Ep~iirgn Pbi 2, 2y. &t Clgb I ; Pbi Tbetd K a p ~ a1, 2; G Y ~ B1, Presideny Club 2.
68 Manor Road, Lynbrook, New York
September 17 Centenary Singers 1, 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi 1 , 2; Delta Psi Omega 1, 2.
"Bev" . . . Meticulous . . Likes music, dancing . . . Found in 216 Lotte or the Grill . . . "Oh Beans!" . . "Roommate, what time is it ?" . . . Dislikes eight o'clock classes and shorthand homework . . . Pretty gray-blue eyes . . . Real h~.ppy-go-ludrq;gal.
Good things come in small packages . , A friendly and good natured mrm~~er-. , Neat .as .a pin . . Crazy about all animals . Wstsl&p found drawing posters . I?et o~versionIs pmple who are always late . . Weekerr& in Port . Commercial art . . 'Oh, Roomie, you know what Y
. . .
. .
. .
210' Secarogue h e , West Islip, Babylon, Mew,York
SPILLED- I N K -I , BarFiness Manager 2; Guild 1, 2; Social Comm2~iee2; Theta Epsilon N u 1, 2; Lederr' Corps 2; Hoehey; Swimming.
"Koppef' . . Hates an empty mail box and too many meetings . Pretty brunette hair and blue eyes . . . "You know" . . Wants to be a .soda1 or recreational worker , Usually in someone else's room . . Qlriet . Systematically neat . . . Fond of slow breakfasts and movies . Works hard . . . Co-operative.
. . .
150 Fuller Lane, Wihnetka, Illinois
.. ..
April 10 Dslta Sigma Sigma 1, 2; Ggild 1; HACK 1, 2; S P U D I.NK 1; Msric Clrb 2; S e r r e t ~ y2; ?.alleyball; A q ~ ( d t cClrb 2.
. .
"Al" -. Likes shopping sprees in New York and .full mail box Quiet and reserved . . Very ambitious student . . Noted for letter writing and knittiag . Dislikes "stupid" questions and the Greyhound buses . . . Takes her time . . Plans to transfer to Smith or Northwestern.
... . ..
5 15 Cynwyd Circle, Cynwyd, Pennsylvania
April 21 HACK 2; Guild 1 , 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi 1, 2; Laboratory Technicians Club I; Softball; All-star HocRey; BasRelball.
. . . Healthy, outdoor girl . . . Sincere teddy bear . . . Future plans indude becoming a medical secretary . . . Always cutting her bangs . . . "No dessert, thank you" . . . Worries about those phone calls . . . Those "simple" m o d s . . . Devastating smile . . . All"Joanie"
. . . Her
83 West Lakewood Street, Patchogue, New York
American hockey player.
Phi Theta Kappa I , 2; Guild 1, 2; HACK 1, 2; SPILLED INK 2; Theta Epsilon N u 1, 2; Record Club 2.
May 11
"Char" . . . Long eyelashes . . Fun-laving . . . Joker . . . Rare moods around midnight'. . . Likes outdoors, sailing, roommate's stuffed rabbit . . . Found in bed, reading, or any place where there's food . . . "How Tender" . . . "Must be nice!' . . . "Must get fat !" . . . Plans for future-Syracuse.
Pdge seventy-three
39 Aka' Drive, M m t B', New York:
Mount KembIe Lake, Morristown, New Jersey April 8 Delta P J ~Omega 1, 2; Centenary singer^ 1, 2; Chapel Choir d,f 2; Del/a Sigma Sigma 1, 2.
"Jill" . . . Dramatic ability and fine work in Delta Psi Omega . . . Sparkling blue eyes . . . Usually found practicing for a play . . . Loves to eat . . . "That's great!" . . Noted for her lovely smile . . . She's a fun-loving gal with a generous heart for all . . . Plans to travel . . Born actress.
Pcrge seventy-f our
'.IdV ... to tmtd . . lagb . . . Blond hair . . ..
w ksk
e p.
"A". , . P h s to owh a - q poodle h a e l . , , &?$&a L h s @des<rnd &&* * * *, pcm<hg$ nnd aycs ha. *siQx gen~mus.. *,., jiid% in w ~kll ~omgeor QP. the t-s COU* . -33 ~ * a ,et aMitpr . . Ne dmes . . . Numy W c r .
11 Ridgeway Circle, White Plains, Mew Yo& SPLLLED INK 1, 2; &PQ& a h 1, Se~eMry2; D e b Sigms Sigma 1, 2; Cw'U 1, 2; G k Clsb 1.
"Rosie" . . . Pet peeve is h o m m ~ k. . Likes English courses, boola and wri&g. . Faif cbmplexion . . Blond hair . . S d k cm%t-bntly . . Sincere and wen-tempeted . . . "Egad, what naw?" ... . .Fuhue plaus indude being a secretary in a foreign embasky.
A n n StenAand
121 Centennial Avenue, Cranford, New Jersey
February 6 Delia Pri Omega 1, 2; Guild 1, 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi 1, 2.
. .
"Jackie" . Hates to miss breakfast . . . Petite . . . Black hair . . Big brown eyes . . . Patience plus . . . Spends spare time in the closet . . . Plans to transfer and major in histo-ry . . . "I have to study" . . . Good humored.
Page seventy-seven
Roxanne Bunino
116 Rock Road, Glen Rock, New Jersey
December 25 Theta Epsilon N u 1 , Secretary 2; Music Club 2.
Stillwater, New Jersey
Never 9
. . . %inst ~ C Sk ~et~~h8tkr~~4 abisfatxt
. . . "Malama"
Ii@t d 1hair. ~ Dblikes h s t psbd gaefous, absent-dndd
Page seventy-eight
... W l w k p B e g short-
"Marie" . . . Freckles . . . "Oh ma gosh" . . Stardust . . . Good-natured . . . Friendly . . . Always looking for that certain letter . . . Generous, neat, and attractive . . . Patient . . . Good student.
"ht~t@e1T" ;. "P$IQ?-W~>
310: That's
, ,,DbEes speech? rn&s9-snd u.nCp k&ting2 svhming, ma&&, &d stt
. . . Uka
. . . -GrIy mediw k&ht . .a plb,.-, U W y f-4 I%kkahgXa: rmrds:ar ldwgh.i.ngM &aawa jab. . . WqderFul' uke playef . "Waaal* *bat are pa' gorina7 d ~ % " "
b ~ o w ahait, brawn e p q - Qri&h.d %it , rdim and
"Bumper" a t e smile. . . S h . . Likes M1 tennis a d pduthg, . Plahs ta jain a~myof .E~','I@QYJX$I * . Wifi she e v e l a m to p& .. , ,, Almyg m the ga ,, - 1 Zlfx&nm; . Lsl;
. .-'
. A.
] I , Q D ~ ~ LW X ~W
Li%fapme. . . "k&$ . L-&ng haiie and *h.$w . , . to .a Tw& @nLet . . .
993 Hebetton Street, FPittsburgh 6, Petsnsplwnia
L ~
That W h B q h d scent , Z;:adnati;4~~~ eyes . . nr&@?nrh&. . . The ~arrj$ . , . E q &&
August- 2
Pb; Isbeta Kappa I , Irice-P)v~sidezi# 2; Carmap~I.i&x Gkb 1; Glee Glrcb 1; C s m a Ctu6 1, bcze&cy 2; Mrrsic Club 2; Delu Si@d S i g m I , 2.
"'Mate" or "BalIard" . . . Unmat!&ble wit . . . Natural Tonied hhair . . . LoagS da& &~"elas& , . . Natuml inteIligefxce . , . m e$k . A b Force and dinos%aurs . . Dqises vacuum demets, apecia-lly early in 'the morning . :. Generous . . . Ckd sport . . . Seen at Lafapette and Princeton . . , '"TFhat's this businessl"" . . , Those fadal expressions,
A n n W o B
Marian Apartments, North Franklin Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania October 19 Psychology Club I; Guild 1 , 2; Basketball; D e l ~ a Sigmrs Sigma 1, 2.
"Wolfie" . . . Shakes head while talking . . . Pet aversion-eight o'clock classes after big weekend . . . Forever talking about life in Hawaii . . . "Oh, what a dream of a man" . . . Very friendly . . . Neat as a pin. *!
541 Baeder Road, Jenkintown, Pennsylvania
August 30 SPILLED INK 1 ; Student Courz 2; Centenary Singers 1 , Board 2; Aquatic Club 2; P~ychology Club 2; Delta Sigma Sigma 1, 2.
. . . Plans to transfer . . . Always a joke mimic . . . Petite . . . Pretty dark hair . . . Understanding . . . Hates dressing up and "Joe College" fellows . . . Usually in a "Mert"
. . . Talented
crowd . . . Those dungarees and that F & M shirt . . . "Wish I could make up my mind" . . . "I'm gaining more weight" . . . "I wouldn't rave about him !"
Page eighty-two
Upvt+z-A n n ' ? l e h ~ ! P
154 Randolph Place, West Orange, New Jersey
February 7 Tbeta Epsilon N ~ I1, 2; Phi Theta Kappa 1, 2; Guild I ; Lzbor&ry Technicians C k b 1; Basketball; Archery Tawrnament Winner.
535 Clinton Place, River Forest, IUinois S i g m Epsilon Phi 1, 2; Guild 1, 2; Psychelogy Club 2.
"Ginny" . . . Blond . . . Big baby blue eyes . . . Cute walk . . . Full of fun and amusing . . . Hates dusty floors . . , Found between a shorthand pad and a typewriter . . . Here, there, and everywhere . . . Maryland . . . "Hey, Bags, I got a letter" . . . Ambition to be a medical secretary.
"Lee"" Her future indudes Northwestern "What lo panic" . . . Big brown eyes and short hair . A distaste for haying & get up for that, third period class . , :Patient . Easy to along with . Regular habit of sitting dt e~ desk and knitting . '"You snahk" . L o w North Carolina Apples Fond of little children. 2
. .
. ... .
. .
November -3 S-g&& 8pm'bk Phi 9, '8; 'Npdiscn L%zvce-'Cl~b1; P~yahulqy, CIsb 2; .C$euBder 2.
"JoXh$$*. , . ..Spmlcling blue eyes . . b ~ a b l e Wle prls eqredoa ;. . 5bw ambling walk . . . Sincere .and mderstaadiag attitude . . Re artangag the furnibucr in 218 h t e . . Gets don8 d t h werp-aae . . Has fond memories af Stodaigh-Prospect Hill . . . "I'm so upset" . . . w 1 1 1 be all ideal mtse,
. .
6J Hillside Rmd,&?I
Segtmk 21 S P ~ U B ~I@E D
Czrt~ar.:C k Q 5
T W J?&iB* Hs
Bas& 2: 2$#&Yw,
b,9ddIIi 1: Gin& f , Z; I&g C2ol.b . * * .
@&o an4 exire lettea . . . H ~ S B to enter the field 3 iatetior d,e&~ratioa .
=7 ,
,.& , . .,..-
201 Saw& Hill Lane, Stanifo~d,Comerticut
"Moo Moo" . Alwifs 'Iauf&ig . . Fresh-sir f i d , . . "Again" . . "Re y !" . . Often seen twistin her hair . . Blond h d aod gwen eyes .. and c~mm. . . L o w garGc. * . Spmpzthetic . . , H o p to &down i Bwedish dopa St~dious.I$ . Doesn't like p p 1 e who snore . P%ryixzg the uke . , . "Drea-sras."
. dlw ...
391 ,Liberty Street, Meriden, Connecticut
1, Assoche Edi@ox2 ; Theta Epsidofi 2, T r ~ s m e r1; Giee Glnb 1; Lsad87r' d @ S 1, 2.
1, 2;
PJ chology Clnb
'"wff . . . ~ r i w nhair . . . ~ i s l i k kgarlic . . . .
Enjoys talking until 3, a,m.. . . Undetstaudiag, qwck to laugh . . Poetic soul and, apprecistes &rt ; Ustially found t&eiag to "'P;e&ns" . . Hopes to climb Egyptian Pyramids , . Friendly Hard worker . . . Sweet.
. . ...
311 Lafayette Street, Hadrettstown, New Jersey
March 14 Cosmopolitan Clw6 1, 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi 2; Ceatenary Singers 1 .
"Joanie" . . Day-ho . . Adores anything French, and would l$e to twvel around the world . . . Td,blond, Hue-eyed gal . . "Anything f o ~Culture" . . . Always burrpi somewhere . . . Receptionist at the fmot o%e . . . Frierrdlp to all.
Signw B p i i m Phi 1; ~ o ~ m o $ o l Clab i ~ I , 2; ~ s y c b & a the 2.
. . . Fm to be with.
Page eighty-six
701 East Prospect Street, Hackettstown, New Jersey
October 2 Theta Epsilon Nu 1, 2; Della Psi Ogema 2.
"Bobbie" . . . Likes food . . . Sparkling hazel eyes, and natural curly brown hair . . . Full of fun . . . "Hi yam. . . Always has a good excuse handy . . . Takes pride in her little Plymouth . . . Heading for an art career.
R. D, 1, Califon, New Jersey November 6 Delta Sigma Sigma 1, 2; Modern Dance I , Board 2; Cenlenary Singers 2.
"D. A." . . . Enviable curly, auburn hair . . . Expressive green eyes . . . Always on the go Can't sit still for one minute . . . Laughs a lot . . . Usually can be found traveling Schooley's Mountain in her trusty "Racer? . . . Hates people with no sense, of humor . . . Looking forward to nursing in'a big hospital.
Ckt&rapr SkI#fj I, DeDa
i; ~cd$k;h w c e I:
ma O i g m .;5:2; B@ycbeEog~ #
Gsild 1, 2;
~ b2; Dmta-
di+$ a. . . . . . Ulra.~ r & ~ , x l tine, g givJag pa& : . 'PetiF?;k&m@td.campl&@n, long dark: qelivsbe . . :. lP%d'endlppemn&tj? . . . R. F. D. 1, Long Valley, New Jersey ~Umllpf m d gt k M g h . . . "I'm kk,I'm la& April 5 . , . "Anpone want a' b h d date?'' ... Gullible . . . AlWap *&$. . . "Did the bell ~ i f l g ? ~ ~ Modern Dance Club I ; Delta Si ma Sigma .I,
Psychology Club 2; Cosmopolitan ~ f u b2.
"Junie" . . . Plans to work with children . . . Dislikes getting up early, crowded cities, and tardiness . . . Likes opular songs, parties . . . Tall, slim, cute turne up nose . . . Makes friends easily . . . Good sense of humor . . . En-joys helping others . . . Found in her big, green jeep . . . "Oh, that's nice!" . . . Always counting the days until vacation . . . "Goorn Bye."
70 Main Street, Hackettstown, New Jersey
March 12 Delta Sigma Sigma I ; Centenary Singers 2.
Likes flashy cars and lots of food . . . Chubby, brown hair, brown eyes . . . Inquisitive and friendly . . . Usually found in an old Ford or a new Chevrolet . . . Always talking . . . "Now did you hear about . . .?" . . . Future plans indude marriage and a home in Hackettstown. 2
199 Broad Street, Washington, New Jersey
March 26 Student Council 2; Phi Theta Kappa 1, 2; Guild 1, 2; -Sigma Epsilon Phi I .
"Bernie" . . . Plans to wojk for doctpr-then' marriage . . .. Dislikes loud noises .- . .. 'likes knitting and .football games . . brow^ curly' hair, blue-green eyes . . . "A friend ih need is a friend Indeed" ... That smile . . Found ih Day Students' room doing ,shorthgnd . . "I don-'t know about. that" . Likes rides on nicefd1 days.
. .
Page eighty-nine
2921 Morris Road, Ardmore, Pennsylvania
February 11 Sigma Epsilon Phi I , Treasurer 2; Chapel Choir 1, 2; Centenary Singers 2 .
305 Perry Avenue, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
April 28 Hall President I ; Student Council 1; Guild 1, 2; Sigma E@silon Phi 1, 2; Psychology Club 2; Cosmopolitan Club 2 .
"Adams" . Dislikes getting up early in the morning . . . Petite . . Gay personality . . Sense of humor . . Spends weekends here, there, and everywhere . . . Found in the Grill . . . Likes parties, and collecting souvenirs . . . "Babe" . . Is fond of Dixieland . . Plans to be a secretary.
Puge ninety
"McKee" . . . Loves to collect souvenirs . . . Real party gal . . . A great sense of humor . . Dislikes early rising . . . Usually found in the Grill . . . "Let's face it !" . . . Tall . . . Pretty blue eyes . . . Plans to teach nursery school . . . Is loyal to the Brown and White of Lehigh . . . "I Hear a Rhapsody."
Gnild I , 2; PJyrSelogp.Cl& 2; Cw~poIrikskChb 2; S j g w Epzdw PH I , 2,
"Bat" 6r 'Tanya" . . Plans ko sell amem plots . . Abhm WIT haw, mbche cats fiefem 15 Blait Hd and tennis . , . Brown eygd blond . , . Constant tan . Lively, full of pep . . Always laug:hiq . , . F ~ m dm r4&o r w . . . "'BWIW of YOU" . . . ''That3 re'' . , Many friands;!. . Always basy.
13 Howitd Street, Vercma, N
w J&r%y
Z'h& EpxiLbr N '&+-GaJ& a i.& 3 3 3 O m e p 4 a m a p o i i t m C& 5 ~ ( ~ c w ~ r2; r y~ i GI%& c 2; swli C h b 2, . , "Jodi" . $ut.are-'!%et:. sk!" . . Fond of, +finis, Princeto* ..:*. Five feet b o a yes'of blue , . Clzeerfpl, : . Habfttxtfl~r@I a nyh , . Etighk , . Despiw uaidentilicd pbu, d s , washing . "I'm kte'? . . "PabuIous" , . , '"Anybody want to play tennis?"
. kw . ..
L r r a i n e Grace &AcLun
28 Forest Avenue, 8ratoga Spu'ngs, N&v York
May 28 Psychology Clab 1, 2; Guild 1, 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi Modcr~Ddsce Club 1 ; ~ososmopo~itmClub 2.
1, 2;
.. .
"Itch" . . . Usuallv found cleaning the room . Hates dusty floor;. . . Owns mu& sweaters . . . Full of fun . . Blond, short, w1p hair . . "Oh, please!" . . . Cheeseburgers, and fraternity parties . . Always busy, never a dull moment . . Wants to be an executive's seuetarg. 2
18 E d p o o d Street, Stafford Springs, Connecticut
J ~ 13Y Cl3 1, 2; Sigtna Rpsgon P&
1, ,2;C m m o -
.. ~ l e w i n tand friendly . . Ij<&s . 6 - & ~ ~ ~ : p a le q d studying . . ., L&k.eating* 1exp4fy&. S p ~ W n gsmilej2shcz&auburo wee" -. . Fpud nappPng . . . AIIFis bleaching or cutting her hair . Her homemade animtxl . . "Patip." ;$$&b2,
. , .
%, . .
Pdge ninety-three
Joan A m L t e c !
25 Fairmont Street, Belmont, Massachusetts
September 12 Student Court 1, 2; Aquatic Club 1, Rating Board 2; Swimming All-Star 1; Theta Epsilon N u 1, 2; Chapel Cornmiltee 2.
626 Bloomfield Avenue, Clifton, New Jersey August 5
Glee Club I; Centenary Singers Board 2; Theta Epsilon Nu 1, ~j.2; Psychology Club 2; Music Club, Vicepresidekt 2.
"Joanie" . . "How High the Moon" . . . Beautiful brown eyes . . . Weekends at Lafayette . . . Enthusiastic . . . Oh, those long eyelashes! . . . Dislikes Sunday evenings . . . Loves music and likes to be near it . . "I'm all confused" . . Nursery school is her ambition.
Page ninety-jouv
"Judie" . . . Dislikes Blue Monday . . . Likes George Shearing . . . Chi Phi sweetheart . . . A tall blond cutie . . . Sweet, demure . . Always smiling . . . Usually found in the swimming pool . . . "Oh! My Cow" . . . Radio career, then marriage.
254 Kenilworth Road, Ridgewood, New Jersey
- - - -
. -P: : , ;,+May 2 Sigma Epsilon Phi 1, 2; A uatic Club 2; Modern Dance Club 1; Prychology ~ % b2.
"Jerce" . . . Dislikes short finger nails, and ironing . . . Goes for big, fluffy slippers, eating, Diok, and mail . . . Brown hair, long and curly eyelashes, sweet smile . . Can be found deciphering shorthand or looking for a typewriter . . . "Are you kidding?" . . . Plans to be a secretary.
70 Overlook Road, White Plains, New Yo&
August 9 Sigma E sllor~Phj 1, 2; Guild 2; Psychology Clnb 2; MuIie Cfnb 2.
. . . ... ..
. . ...
"Jules" . Jet black hair . Gorgeous cornplexion . . Full of pep Never at a loss far words Lives for food, music . Em ty mail bores . Eight o*dock dwes A sical music Iovet . "Blue M o n " Can be found knittin or sleeping . "I'm not t ing to be funny'; Fuhlre pla-Katie G%S, marriage.
. . Fi. . .
. .
.. ... ...
>>:>, - r-
Hawleyville, Connecticut December 19 Sigma Epsilon Phi 1, 2; GuiId 1, 2; Camera Club 2.
Thrives on fattening foods, dancing, and convertibles . . . Dislikes getting up-especially for class . . . Short, slim, long brown hair, brown eyes . . . "Really" . . . Agreeable, naive, kind hearted . . . Loves baseball . . . "All My Love" . . . Known for ability to enter dining room first.
1872 Arbor Lane, Union, New Jersey
March 17 SPILLED INK 1 , Feature Editor 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi 1, 2; Delta Psi Omega 1, 2.
"Stewie" . . . Friendly . . . Sense of humor . . . Lives on retzels . . . Enjoys mountain climbing . . . Goo company . . . Magazine or newspaper work is her goal . . . "Oh! no!"
douibe W a x
page ninety-seuen
719 Eagle Road, Wayne, Pennsylvania
October 31 Guild 1, 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi 1, 2; Psychology Club I .
400 Hqpenot Avenue, U n i ~ n ,New J a s p $P&LED INK I, 2; Foci4 ~ommrkeeZ, 2; Cmm
Cl?ub $1 2; Jiptao @;~hx# Ph 3, 2, " ~ e ." . "@ad of G e m y and lik& ~ta tog6daag t m d . . Sbtyrt and sweet. . wlth , . . "No,Bette, 1an? td6dm" . . W a n t s to go Ihto het fahct's b&n&s band mdrry a merhmial engineer . . Haze1 eyes aids b m n curly fi. . . Often sem h tire &&y or \ewd tYaEng &out Gemany.
Page ninety-eighj
"Betts" . . . Plans on being a dietitian . . . Hates to be rushed . . . Likes good jokes and traveling . . . Tall and trim . . . Short curly hair . . . Sweet disposition with slight temper . . . Always willing to give a helping hand . . . In the swimming pool . . . "There ought to be a law" . . . Ambitious and industrious.
Copinn, A n n QapP,u
164 Mitchell Street, West Orange, New Jersey February 10 Cenfsnary Singers 1, 2; Deb4 Sigma Sigma 1, 2 .
"Joaaie" . . Plans to be a secretary, then a housewife . . . "Holy Mackerel!" . . . Good natured, always prompt . .. .Stsiking blpnd hair, long eyelashes . . . Dislikes shorthand, going to town;
445 Ridgewood Road, Maplewood, New Jersey
October 30 Modern Dance CEub 1; Tbetu Epsilon Nw 1, 2.
"Coq" . . . Secretary, then marriage . . . Sentimental . . Gift of gab . . . Worries so much . . . Dislikes being hurried . . . Loves cooking and the night time . . "I'll die!" . . Long, shiny hair . . . Graceful . . Lovely blue eyes . . . Usually found across the hall.
1278 Baker Avenue, Schenectady 8, New York
March 25 HACK I ; SPILLED I N K 1, 2; A uatic Club I , Rating Board 2, Program Committee 2; Epsilon N u 1, 2; Laboratory Technicians Club I ; Leaders' Corps 1, 2; Hall President 2; Student Council 2; Swimming.
"Tut" . . . Sincere friend . . . Always found in a swimming pool . . . Good listener'. . . "That's life!" . . . Good for a laugh . . "You'll Never Walk Alone" . . . Blond hair . . . Always philosophizing.
205 Highland Rxtad, Soak Orage, New- Jersey
M I I ~25 Seniw. C h s Vice-fiesiked; SPILLED INK 1, 2; A ~ L Y JC Ok/ ~b E1, Rasixg B w d 2; S' BBSiIen fh) 1.. 2; P6i Thrtu Ksppa 2; Gdll 2; Corn apt#tBe 2; Sw~mniizg;Barked&; Sofib&.
"'G.I ." , Dic3h waiting #or
rpIe an
. . . Enjogs weekends at m . . bnbg Cute . . . Big, btown, s p m g 9 . e ~,. . . Friendly and sincere . . . Had wmking , .
late smile
Heading for a aamr in journalism,
G P o r i a &?an
8001 Paxk Dtive, Richmond Heights, Missouri
April 2 G Y ~ U1, Sscrehwy 2; Aguluajic Club 2; Art C h b 1, Secretary 1; Poster Clrrb 2; Delta S i g m Sigma 1, 2; Carnerd C h b 2; Modem Dance C h b 1 .
"Glo" . . . Dislikes peo le who crack gum . . . Noodles . . Likes trar&ng . . Always excited . . Witty . . . "Five Feet Two" . . . "I'm so nervous" . . . Crushed wastebasket . . In the future she p 4 s to work for awhile and then walk up the d sle.
BmMaod Roa4 Snydet5Near Yerk MiIy 4
X3wrleader I; &*i ~ 2 ~ 1tE 6 iBi.esi a#,' -@&a l i g m Si 1, 2; F ' . 4, il. B a a l @r@ I;R~~&wI(~.~sP~wINzI. .
Page-one hundred one
806 Weldon Street, Latrobe, Pennsylvania
July 3 Theta Epsilon Nu 1, 2; Cosmopolitan Club 1, Leaders' Corps 2; Aquatic Club 2. 10 Point Crescent Malba, Whitestone, New York
March 3 Del& Psi Om8ga 1, Vice-Preside& 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi I ; ~ Z - Catnr째ra Clzb 1, 2; tabora/ory Technicians Club 1; k o c h e y - ~ l lStar; V o l l e y b d .
... .
"Shelley" Plans to study dental hygiene at Columbia . . Dislikes people who I e a ~ ethings to the last minute . . Likes fishing . . . Tall, shott brown hair, brown eyes . . . Sincere . True friend . . Usually found in darkroom . . . "Oh, I am so mad" . . . "Slsughter on 10th Avenue" . . Knitting argyles . . . Never has a free moment.
Page one hundred two
"Connie" . . . Interior decoration at Parsons' . . . Dislikes messy room, insincere people, and empty mail box . . . Loves swimming, sentimental music, and food . . . Brown hair, big brown eyes . . . Loves to talk . . . Sweet, generous, sincere . . . "You'll Never Walk Alone" . . . Loves her Latrobe "hills" . . . "Are you kidding?"
Laceyville, Penmylvania
January 16 Chapel Cboir I , President 2; Cenlenary Singers 1, 2; Psychology Cigb 1, 2; Guild I , 2; Mmic CLnb 2; Presidwts Club 2; Phi Theta Kappd 1, 2; Delta Sigma S i g m 1, 2.
84 Oakview Terrace, Short K~lls,New Jersey July 27 Delta Sigma Sigma 1, 2; Psychology Club I , 2; Record Club 2.
"The Whistler". . . Blond hair . . . Quiet . . . Forever studying in bed . . . Bowling . . . Travels . . . Sincere . . . Laughs like the Great Gildersleeve . . . Plans to be a nurse.
"El" . . Listens to radio . . Ice cream and more ice cream . . . Thoughtful . . . Brown eyes . . . Generous . . Easygoing . . What a ~ o i c e . Sweet and friendly to all.
. .
43 Gorham Avenue, Westport, Connecticut
July 24 Guild I; Delta Sigma Sigma 1, 2; Student Court, Secretary 2 .
"Mare". . . Tall and slender . . . Weekends at the Phi Psi House . . . Often seen in her room or sorting mail . . . Sparkling eyes . . . Fond of talking and singing . . . Wonderful to everyone . . . Hates catching trains and buses . . . Understanding and a good listener . . . Lovely brown hair . . ."Really". . . Good conversationalist.
185 Betsy Brown Road, Port Chester, New York
August 9 Centenary Singers 1 , 2; Guild I ; Social Committee 2; Delta Sigma Sigma 1, 2; Delta Psi Omega 1, 2.
"Bobbie". . . Slave to time . . . Forever traveling . . ."That's terrible". . . Pet aversion-fire drills . . . lnfedious smile . . . Faithfully waters her African violets . . . Conscientious . . . Winning smile . . . Quiet, but not always.
H d l P r w i b e ~ ~I t; S13m;r Coonid I ; W.A. A. B Q ~ B 2; Ceu$&w Sisger~ I , B D M ~2; Qrie~t@isrt Cew-
m j t t r ~2; ~ j a p dChi* 2; &(IS& & d e n Na 1, 1; O&R Ch& ~ o c k e y ,hirnmf*g, V Q E E P ~ ~ S ~ .
GEab 1, 2; The&
B w d 2; A13-8~
*"BetsR. . . %cia1 & ~ k r . . xed hdr and fteddes . . . Quick to help others , . . Sense: of hwnor , . . h v m b p b b i e j p irnd goldtish . . . Walks b h h hitt&&es . . . Detests schedules . , .""Oh, I" so u p t " . , , Knows e-verybcdy . . . Voluntee@ far ever-ything and snything . . . L e s to
Long Hill Road, Millington, New Jersey October 13 HACK 2; Guild 1, 2; SPILLED INK I ; Luborajory Technicians Club I ; Theta Epsilon Nu 1 , 2; Modern Dance Clwb I ; Swimming, 'Volleyball.
"Chris". . . Tiny, blond, blue-eyed . . . Perpetual smile . . . Loves to laugh . . . Conscientious . . , Friendly and cheerful . . Found busy at the typewriter . . . Enthusiastic swimmer . . . "Oh, no" . . . Plans to be a medical secretary . . . Radiates cheer and good will.
Page one hindred five
Memdc, New Jersep May 14
258 Clinton Place,
2974 Midvale Road, Avondale, Canton, Ohio
August 9 Cenienary Singers 1, 2; Psychology Club 2; Theta Epsilon N u 1 , 2.
"Joie". . . Blond pony-tail hairdo . . . Easygoing . . . Never worries ( ? ) . . . Understanding . . . Dislikes being teased about her accent . . . Talks in her sleep . . . Plans for a secretarial job and marriage.
Page one hundred six
"C. J.'" . . Tall, kutiful brown hait, hazel eyes . . . Likes to make people laugh . . . Friendly to all . , . Ekes the music of David Raee and madern dance . . . UsuaUy seen id V& W i d e lounge . . , Hectic weekenib eveqwhere . . . Worries abut future. . . N w Yo& and magazine work . , , Marriage, of msourse . . ."Oh,come aov,"
4 North Court, Port Washington, New York March 3 HACK I ; Thela Epsilon Nu 1, 2; Centenary Singers 1, 2; Cosrnopoliian Club 2.
. . Wants to be a nursery school
. . . Beautiful smile . . . Cheerful . . . Friendly . . . Enjoys swimming, dancing, weekends . . . Loathes getting up in the morning . . . Found in someone else's room . . . Tall, fair, blond . . . "Oh dear !"
WaryS m i t L
811 Bradford Avenue, Westfield, New Jersey C~lild 2; Cosmopol~ran Cl#b 2; Camarrr Club 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi 1,2.
"Smitty". . . Secretarial work, then oil~iriage. . . Dislikes bees . . Pizza, dancing . . . Twinkling eyes, cute, and petite . Always taIking and laughing . . . Lots of pep . . ."Why Do I Love You?" . . Spmish temperament . . . "Oh, I'll die !"
. .
V a n Joon
320 Walnut Street, Roselle Park, New Jersey
July 9 Sigma Epsilon Phi 1. 2 ; Guild 2 ; Modern Dance Club I; Cosmopolitan Club 2.
"Dean". . . Mischievous . . . Forever sewing . . . "How about that?". . . Always cheerful . . . Big brown eyes . . Pet aversion--onions . . Designing school after graduation . . . Loves to shop . . . Full of pep.
Deepwood Road, Darien, Connecticut July 25 Cosmopolitan Club 2 ; Sigma Epsilon Phi 1 , 2 ; Psychology Club 2; Modern Dance Club I .
"Ginny". . . Cheerful . . . Pleasant . . . Determined . . . Neat . . . Pet peeve is writing letters . . . Appreciates art . . ."Okay, okay, you talked me into it". . . Plans to get married and raise eleven sons.
Page one bundred nine
128 South Euclid Avenue, Westfield, New Jersey
July 24
I \
HACK 2; Guild 2; Psychology Club 2; Delta Sigma Sigma 1, 2.
1 West Ayer Street, Methuen, Massachusetts
August 28 Centenar Singers 2, Secreiary I ; S;cude~t Council ~ r e a u r d2; Guild 1, 2; Chapel Chair 4 Delta Sigma SJgm 1, 2.
"Canmie''. . Dislikes messy rooms and empty 'mail boxes . . Likes classical musir, iano, singing, people in general, and sports , . hort, black, natural w l y hair, snappy brown eyes .-.Always talking, friendly . . . Has t h e for everyone Can be found rushing around campus doing a little of everything . . ."Came on, you kids !". . Katherine Gibbs claims her next year.
Page one hundred ten
.. . .
"Mac". . . Brown wavy hair . . . Animated personality . . . Is seen knit$ing everywhere . . ."fsn't it terrific?". . . Thoughtful . . . Alwavs readv to " make new friends . . . Bright blue eye; . . . ~ b n d of her stuffed animals . . . Always there when needed most . . . Plans to be a nurse . . . Sunshine smile . . . Sentimental music . . . Full of fun.
4 9 Heighrts Road, Edgewood, New Jersey April 301 SJgm I , Tredsu~m2; P ~ y c B o i aCL ~& B a r d Club lj GatM 2; Phi Theid lCap&a 2; PdJXdP GZP~1 , Tpemwe~2.
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"Bobbie". . . Hans to raise 4pihvlee "Indians"... D i s h blifid dates, aspaaps, and strawberries . . , Likes neatness, tm friends, children . . . Curly bait . Unselfish . . . Coasi$emte . . Goad spm . .,. FuU of pep . . . WwaUp famd getfin long distance phone d l s &nd ntshi:04 arsuu ."For the Iave of we!'"
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Page one hundred sixteen
Secretary Treasurer
......................................... A T R C I A
To you, Class of Fifty-three, we pledge our lasting love; Our two years here at C. J. C. will hold the meaning of Friendships strong and true, memories fond and dear of you. Your colors bright, the green and white, will always be in view. O h Fifty-three, we thank you for the course you've set this year; Our hearts are singing to the joys that we will hold so dear. We sing with praise to the goal you've set for our Class of Fifty-three.
Green and White
First row-Mary Jane Arrington, Sue Anderson, Patricia Anderman, Nancy Andrews, Barbara Adler. Second rowJeanne Anderson, Ruth Adams, Joyce Amerman.
Standing-Mary Barto, Joan Banse, Jane Ayares, Dottie Baer, Barbara Ashworth, Ruth Bailey. Seated-Adele Barthold, Marian Bacon.
First row-Janet Bowie, Janice Bernhardt. Second rowGail Bird. Third row-June Beyrodt, Joyce Bayer. Absent --Barbara Bennett, Virginia Bigelow. Page one hundred eighteen
Yvonne Carmichael, Barbara Cook, Elizabeth Case, Elizabeth Coates, Barbara Coles, Joan Cetrule, Joyce Conover. Absent-Dorothee Carousso.
First row-Mary Cushman, Dorothy Corin, Jean Denise, Lois DeLorenzo. Second row -Nancy Davis, Patricia Demarest, Nancy Cunningham. Absent-Maureen Daly. Page one hundred nineteen
First row-Barbara Eastman mst : Fe tricia Drury, Gail Dodge. Second row-Betty-Lou Drexler, Anne Earhart, Willa Elliott. Absent-Diane Drumheller.
Ruth Gaudino, Lois Furcht, Joan Frazer, Elizabeth Geib, Anne Gellert, Marcia Gates, Carol Geiger, Cynthia Garnaus.
Standing-Carol Filardi, Patricia Fletcher, Marjorie Forster, Jo-An Flett. Seated-Nancy Fendler, Ann Frank, Drusilla Fox, Joan Floyd.
Standing-Carolyn Gordon, Carolyn Good1 Lou Ann Grant. Seated-Doris Glazier, Cynthia ~ i b s o n , Joan Gosnell, Ann Giessow, Joan Goetze.
ding -osel e Hall, E beth Hayes, Nancy Hayden, Margaret Hay. Seded-Corliss Harding, Diane Haines, Rhea Green. Absent-Joan Healy. !
Standing-Sally Heath, Beverly Holmes, Norma Hoefgen, Leigh Hinsie, Cynthia Hildreth, Ruth Hezinger. Seated-Nancy Heppenstall.
Standing-Louise Hoppe. Seated-Barbara Johnson, Johnson, Joan Ann Ingersoll, Claire Tohnson, Marjorie ~ g l r n e sJudith , ~ u b b a r d Sally , Holmes.
Betsy Laws, Jean Krenkel, Judith Krupnick, Delia Lane, Gertrude Lai, Magdalen Kraft, Joan Laikin, Grace Kurkjian.
Page one h:mdred twenty-two
ton, ~ a r b a r a~ e h r , - ~ a r ~ a rLoeei wenthal, Mary Long.
Standing-Sandra Longyear, Judith Marin, Sarah Mallard, Nancy MacLaughlin, Susan Loud. KneelingBarbara Loth, Ruth Lupton. Absent -Judith Ludington.
. First
row- Cynthia -May Miller, Nina Modersohn, Karen Nelson, Elizabeth Morris. Second rowPatricia Mooney, Mary Mortimer, Madalyn Montana, Sue Nelson.
First row-Janet Neumann, Beverly Oetjen, Barbara Patch, Stella O'Brian. Second row-Eleanor Paradee, Eleanor Pahl, Mitzi Petrovits. Absent-Eleanor Osmers.
First row-Mary Elizabeth Rickards, Violet Pochari. Second rowBeatrice Riley, Doris Pollack. Third row-Nadine Ridcerby. Fourth row -Charlotte Pugh, Shirley Reeve, Phyllis Roberts.
Page one hundred twenty-four
F i r ~ trow-Evangeline Roby, Ellen Rosenau. Second row-Mary Jane Rowsom, Betsy Ross, Joan Robinson. Third row-Joyce Roddiffe, Thora Rodman.
~ranazng-Cynthia Schroeder, Carol Scales, Mary Elizabeth Schmidt. Seated-Amelia Schneidereith, Marilyn Schad, Virginia Schneider, Alice Sandford, Elizabeth Schneider.
1 I
F j , r row-Dorothy Scully. Second row-Laurine Sebet, Adele Slack, Virginia Smillie, Celina Silverglit, Elizabeth Third row-Susan Si Irene Sella. gmund, Smith.
Page one hundred twenty-jige
First row-Elizabeth Stickney, Lois Stengel, Nancy Steele. Second row -Elizabeth Stewart, Sally Smith, Susan Starkman, Susan Solomon. Third row-Lois Sonderburg.
First row-Lois Sutton, Carol Sweet, Elizabeth Thomas, Adele Stitzer, Susan Swain, Karen Tappen. Second r o w Jacqueline Sward, Betty Summers.
fi I
I . . . . .
Standing--Gara Van Schaack, Rosemary Vimont, Mary Katharine Towse, Patricia Van Dyke, Doris Tighe, Carolyn Uncapher. SecltedVirginia-Lee Turner, Patricia Van Arsdale. Page one bundred twenty-six
Stunding--Gail Wainwright, Joyce Virtue, Marjorie Webstet, SeabedGladys Webster, Diane Vatson, Doris Voltmann, Judith Weaber. Absent-Diane Wallace.
Standing-Shirley Williams, Elizabeth Westbrook, Shirley Wikinson. Seated--Cynthia White, Mary Ellen Wilson, Mary Jane Williams, Ruth Wilcox, Audrey Whitcomb.
First row-Marcia Zingg, Megan Worthington. Second row-Marie Wuischpard, Ann Witter, Joella Zahrndt. Absent-Ruth Withers. Page one hundred twenty-seven
HE annual student publication at Centenary is the yearbook, the HACK. The HACK Board is comprised of Seniors and Freshmen who are interested in journalism or business manage. ment. The staff hopes that the HACK will be cherished for the memories of the friendships and happy days at college. By the use of campus pictures and the words of our Alma Mater as an introduction, we have tried to express the spirit and love we feel toward our college. The girls and their activities are the two
Page one hundred thirty
things which primarily make up Centenary life. Therefore, our book is divided into these two main sections: Seniors and Freshmen, general activities and sports. The HACK Board works industriously with their advisor from May until the following February planning and producing the yearbook. A NNE A LLEN Editor Associate Editor .............................................. LOUISEL ANE Business Manager OAN THORNTON Advisor MISSBOUTON
President ...................................... SUSAN TWEEDELL Secretary ................................ BARBARA SILVERMAN Advisors ............................... D R. A N D MRS. SEAY MISS HIGHT
HE honorary society at Centenary is PHI IOTA. Monthly meetings are held at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Seay to discuss topics and problems affecting the students. This organization promotes unity between the student body and the administration. The members are Susan Tweedell, Student Court President; Donna Cameron, Student Council President; Barbara Silverman, Senior Class President; Anne Allen, HACK Editor; Bernice Gaal, SPILLED INK Editor; Joy Kelley, Guild President; Elizabeth Kilkenny, W. A. A. President; Carol Feisner, President of Presidents Club; Catherine Carter, Cal President; Carol Neumann, Peith President; Gwen Whitney, Diok President.
President .................................. ROXANNE BUNINO Vice President ...............................MARY BALLARD Secretary ............................ MARJORIE MACLEOD Treusurer ................... .................J OAN THORNTON Advisor
...................................................... M I S
HE national scholastic honor society for junior colleges is Phi Theta Kappa. The members are required to rank high in character, scholarship, leadership, and setvice to the college. Senior members are Charlotte Anderson, Mary Ballard, Roxanne Bunino, Donna Cameron, Carolyn Feisner, Judith Gingell, Joanne Carkhuff, Peggy Kahn, Marjorie MacLeod, Mary Magill, Marianne Magnusson, Barbara McGraw, Virginia Nestell, Charlotte Payne, Bernice Ritter, Eleanor Stillman, Joan Thornton, Barbara Walker, Gail Warden, and Jane Williamson.
Page one hundred thirty-one
H E student government at Centenary is a democratic organization which includes all the students. At the head of the association is the student council, whose officers and members are elected by the student body each year. The presidents and representatives of the Freshman and Senior classes, the day students' representative, the Hall presidents, and the co-chairmen of the Social
Committee are members of the council. The council discusses all types of school problems, initiates and amends the rules and regulations governing the student body, with the assistance of Dean Hight. Students are urged to attend council meetings and to give council representa-. tives any suggestions that they might have for improving conditions at Centenary.
President ...................................................... D Vice-president ......................................... Secretary .........................................
Tredsurer ................................. CARMELINA VINCIGUERRA Advisor ....................................................................... M I S HICHT
Page. one hundred thirty-two
HE judicial branch of Centenary's Student Government is the Student Court. Its duty is to judge situations which have contradicted the rules and regulations of the college. In doing this, the Court enforces the standards which have been set by the Student Council. Each offender is given a hearing where she pleads her case. If she is found to be guilty, the Court decides upon a fair penalty. Its decision is based upon thorough knowledge of the circumstances and is influenced only by good judgment.
Court is composed of a president, vice-president, secretary, and three representatives from each class. They are assisted and advised by Dean Hight. Members of the Court are elected by the student body, after being nominated on the qualifications of integrity, impartiality, and understanding. Democratic government is the basis of all or-
Vzce-President Secretary Advisor
ganizations at Centenary. Student Court is run for and by the students. Through proceedings of Student Court and Student Council, the opinions of the Centenary girls are heard and unbiasedly judged in fair representation. The Senior Representatives are Lynn Stephenson, Marilyn Regan, and Judith Thompson. The Freshman Representatives are Sallie Light, Phyllis Roberts and Drusilla Fox.
Page one hundred thirty-three
UR Chapel Choir plays a very important part in the Sunday night vespers, creating an atmosphere of reverence and beauty with their hymns and chants. During the Christmas season they take part in a special program presented by the drama and music departments. At this time the Choir sings traditional Christmas carols which add greatly to the spirit of the season. They are very aptly directed and accompanied by Mr. Edgar Smith. The Senior members are Beverly Buchanan, Roxanne Bunino, Constance Clark, Cynthia Cooper, Denise Ellis, Carolyn Feisner, Miriam Machlet, Margaret McKee, Janet Quaintance, Priscilla Sawyer, Barbara Silverman, Betsy Stedman, Lynn Stephenson, Eleanor Stillman, Susan Tweedell, Jill Vannote, and Carmelina Vinciguerra. The Freshman members are Marian Bacon, Dottie Baer, Nancy Button, Nancy Fendler, Marcia Gates, Ruth Gaudino, Cynthia Gibson, Leigh Hinsie, Norma Hoefgen, Doris Kirchner, Delia Lane, Betsy Laws, Lois Le Comte, Mary Long, Barbara Loth, Susan Loud, Marilyn Mattheiss, Nina Modersohn, Karen Nelson, Virginia Schneider, Susan Sigmund, Betsy Smith, Virginia Turner, and Diane Watson. /
President ............................................ ELEANOR STILLMAN, Vice-President
Librarians...LYNN STEPHENSON, N ANCY FENDLER Advisor ...........................................................................
OFFICERS President ................................................... CAROLYN FEISNER Vice-president ............................................. LAURINESEBER Recording Secretary ................................. CAROL JILLSON Corresponding Secretary.................. SYDNEY C OLEMAN Advisor .........................................................................
HE Centenary Singers is a group of one hundred ten girls who are chosen for their musical ability and interest. They are under the direction of Mr. Edgar Smith. Within the Centenary Singers is the concert group, made up of seventy members. A girl in the concert group may be challenged at any time by a member of the Singers who is not in the concert group and who wishes a place in it. The girl who has the greater skill in reading music is the one chosen for the concert group. The Centenary Singers Board is the governing body of the organization. It is made up of the sfficers and a representative from each voice section of the Singers. In the spring the Centenary Singers presented a concert at Town Hall in New York City. In addition to singing at Centenary events, they performed at concerts throughout the year at nearby colleges. The Singers were greatly honored when such noted contemporary composers as Irving Mopper and Henry Cowell dedicated music to them. In past years, they have sung at Carnegie Hall and have appeared with Percy Grainger. Centenary is indeed proud to claim these girls who have worked diligently to gain such honors.
Vice-President Secretary Treasurer
.................................JA N E T
......................................................... ............................................
Page one hundred thirty-six
P E N T E N A R Y ' S philanthropic organization is the Guild. Each year the Guild sponsors the Religious Emphasis Week. This is a week devoted to a series of special religious services, conducted by a visiting minister. Once a month members conduct a chapel service, in which the girls present their own ideas about various religious matters. Another annual event is the crippled children's Christmas party. They also organize entertainments for the nearby Veterans' Hospital, mental homes, and orphanages. This year they conducted the Centenary Community Chest drive and the goal of one thousand dollars was surpassed. This money was divided among seven major funds to which Centenary has always contributed. Guild also has a social life which includes the annual hayride and pancake supper. The members of the Guild Board are Anne Cornell, Lynn Stephenson, Charlotte Skinner, Constance Clark, Mary Katherine Towse, Beverly Oetjen, Bea Riley, and Barbara Johnson.
HE seventy members of the staff of SPILLED INK, the college newspaper, in attempting to maintain a high standard of journalism throughout the2year, have presented both the bright and serious side of the news. A special news column is set aside for certain original stories and poems by any girl of the student body. The membership, chosen on a competitive basis, which includes reporters, artists, business administrators, and typists, is subdivided into four staffs. These and the Board members, including the Feature Editor, Mary Lou Steuber, the Art Editor, Carol Tomajan, the Sports Editor, Jane Marston, and the Circulation ~ a n a g e r ,Norma Strohm, work together under the capable leadership of Bernice Gaal, Editor-in-Chief, to see that the paper is printed on time and that its contents are correct and complete. In this way the SPILLED INK staff works as a team. Centenary students and subscribing parents receive ten issues of the paper during the year, the outstanding issues being the April Fool and All Freshmen editions. SPILLED INK-the voice of Centenary.
OFFICERS Editor-in-Chief .......................................
Associate Editor .............................. MARY-FAITH B UTLER Business Manuger ................................. CAROLYN KOPF Advisors............... MISSLOCKHART, M R. BLATCHFORD
Puge one kut2dred thfvty-sewn
H E Presidents Club was organized to unite the presidents of all extra-curricular activities into one body wherein problems which were more or kss of common interest could be discussed. Attempts have been made to co-ordinate and dassify the predominating difficulties in inter-club activity, to encourage student participation in clubs, and to acquaint the presidents with correct parliamentary procedure. The members of this organization, the presidents or chairmen of all campus clubs, meet once a month with Miss Shaw to consider current club problems.
President ................................................... CAROLYN F EISNER Secretary ................................................. ROXANNE BUNINO Advisor
S o c i a ! Committee
HE Social Committee makes possible many extra-curricular activities which are an important part of college life. Their first responsibility is to provide entertaining weekends for the girls who remain at school. The committee arranges blind-dates for all social functions.
Among the social events were the Hi-Hop, Halloween dance, Orange Key dance, and the Midyear Fling. In addition, the Social Committee manages Friday night movies, the formal dinners, and sets up the front hall bulletin board. The Senior members are Jean Kratt, Carolyn Kopf, Carolyn Martens, Lucia Nagler, Carol Neumann, Barbara Oettler, and Sally Schmidt.
Co-Chairmen...............A NN DAVIS, BARBARA CLUCAS Advisor Page one bundred ~hji~y-ejgh:
ELTA PSI OMEGA is the dramatic fraternity for junior colleges, and Centenary is proud to have this organization on campus. In order to become eligible for membership, a girl must show genuine interest and complete a specified number of hours either in acting or in working backstage. There are three plays produced during the year. A girl may become a pledge after the first play and then be initiated into Delta Psi Omega after the second production. Our new, ultra-modern Little Theatre will contain facilities to provide better experience for dramatic enthusiasts, and also give much pleasure and enjoymedt to the audience.
President .......................................... B A R B TITTERTON Vice-president .................................... SHELLEY WHEELER Secretary .............................................................. A N Y DEAN Business Manager ............................................... I VOGT Advisor . YOUNGKEN Page one hundred thirty-nine
OFFICERS Presidepzt ............................................ SANDRA MARKOWITZ Vice-Presidenf ........................................ Secretary
Tredsurer Advisor
OFFICERS Presidlmt ................. Secretavy . . . . . .
HE Cosmopolitan Club, a fusion of the Language and International Relations Clubs, was formed a year ago and has since increased its membership and broadened its fields considerably. At pach monthly meeting a speaker comes to Centenary to talk on his country and his travels. Joint meetings with nearby colleges are held in order to broaden the club's outlook. The club is proud to be a member of the Association of International Relations Ciubs, a national organization, and tries to promote a closer bond between Centenary and the other countries of s h e world.
.Page one hundred forty
GENUINE interest in music of the past and present is the only qualification necessary for membership in the Music Club. During the meetings the girls have the opportunity to learn about and listen to their choice of records. Discussions are held concerning the background of the music. Throughout the year the club sponsored several trips to various concerts and operas, thus enabling the members to see an impressive performance, as well as listen to inspiring music. This worthwhole organization gives to the students a greater appreciation and understanding of the accomplished composers and their works.
HE Psychology Club was organized primarily for the students who wanted to obtain a broader knowledge of this comparatively new field. At regular meetings, speakers, who are specialists in various phases of psychology, presented lectures and demonstrations. Several films were also shown to help clarify certain points under discussion. One of the outstanding events of the year was the field trip to an institution where the d u b was able to observe practical psychology.
OFFICERS President ................................................................. PEGGY KAHN Secretary ................................................... GRETA PEARLMAN Treasurer ..........................................U
Advisor .............................................................. MRS. GOODWIN
HE attractive and original posters seen on
campus, which announce the many events at Centenary, are the products of the Poster Club. This club serves all organizations by providing posters at small cost. The members demonstrate both skill and interest in drawing. In the spring, an art auction is sponsored by the club at which the students' paintings are sold. The auction promotes an interest in the arts, and the proceeds provide reproductions of famous paintings for the front parlors.
OFFICERS President ............................................................ LEE LOUTTIT Vice-president ..................... MARY KATHARINE TOWSE Secretary ............................................ J Treasurer
................................................... ~ ~ G D A L EK NRAFT
Advisor ....................................................................
m. GARBER Page one hundred forty-one
7 -, ' 8 %
HE Camera Club is composed of girls interested in all phases of photography, as a hobby or a profession. This year the dub organized a developing service to raise money for special equipment. Lectures, field trips, slides, and movies aided them in their understanding of photography. Club members took informal snapshots during the year of many of the student activities. The dub sponsored a contest which encouraged students to exhibit their best snapshots and awarded prizes for the most original pictures. The activities of this club offer valuable experience to its members in the fascinating art of photography. OFFICERS
President ..................................................................
Vice-president .......................................... B A R BBURGESS
Secretary Treasurer Advisor
STIMULATING introduction to literature, both past and present, is offered to the members of the Book Club. Led by their advisor, Dr. DuBois, the girls obtain an understanding of many types of literature. At their monthly meetings, Dr. DuBois reads many of the great essays, poems, short stories, and plays. The members also review current best sellers and become familiar with the styles of their authors. This club tries to increase the school's literary appreciation by organizing and conducting chapel programs at which current fiction and non-fiction books are reviewed. ;!
OFFICERS President ............................................................ LUCINAGARCIA Secretary ........................................... ROSEMARY HILLDRINC Treasurer ...................................................
Advisor ........................................................................ D R . DuBors Page one hundred forty-two
President ............................................... GWEN WHITNEY Vice-president ................................. BETTY-Lou TANNER FRESHMEN Patricia Anderman, Jeanne Anderson, Jane Ayares, Janice Bernhardt, Virginia Bigelow, Virginia Burt, Betty Case, Joan Cetrule, Dorothy Corin, Nancy Cunningham, Lois De Lorenzo, Carol Filardi, Jo-An Flett, Joan Frazer, Cynthia Garnaus, Elizabeth Geib, Doris Glazier, Joan Goetze, Lou Ann Grant, Rhea Green, Joan Healy, Cynthia Hildreth, Leigh Hinsie, Judith Hubbard, Barbara Johnson, Sandra Kolb, Jean Krenkel, Judith Krupnick, Mary Long, Sandra Longyear, Barbara Loth, Susan Loud, Judith Ludington, Ruth Lupton, Nancy McLaughlin, Judith Marin, Mamre Marsh, Marilyn Mattheiss, Ann Matthews, GJpdys Merrick, Martha Metzger, Ann Modersohn, Mary Mortimer, Sue Nelson, Eleanor Osmers, Doris Pollack, Bea Riley, Joyce Rockliffe, Thora Rodman, Betsy Ross, Mary Jane Rowsom, Carol Scales, Mary Schmidt, Elizabeth Schneider, Amelia Schneidereith, Susan Sigmund, Celina Silverglit, Sally Smith, Susan Starkman, Elizabeth Stewart, Susan Swain, Betsy Thomas, Carolyn Uncapher, Joyce Virtue, Doris Voltmann, Diane Wallace, Marjorie Webster, Shirley Wilkinson, Mary Ellen Wilscn, Ann Witter, Megan Worthington, Marie Wuischpard.
Secretary ................................................................... AN WILSON Advisors ...................................... D R .
SENIORS Julie Abbandonato, Daisy Adams, Anne Allen, Janet Altschuler, Joyce Anderson, June Armend, Nancy Bagby, Janet Barker, Betty Berger, Joan Croy, Nancy Dean, Lorraine Eidschun, Ann Fitzpatrick, Althea Gibson, Joanne Graham, Enid Hoberman, Joan Hoffmann, Janet Isaacson, Peggy Kahn, Joy Kelley, Jean Kratt, Joan Kulzer, Marilyn Latchford, Jane McDowell, Bette McFarland, Sarah Marin, Sandra Markowitz, Margaret McKee, Beverly Miller, Helen Noyes, Greta Pearlman, Bernice Ritter, Jean Schultze, Elena Schiffman, Joan Smith, Sally Snodgrass, Mary Stecko, Virginia Stegmuller, Marie Sterner, Phyllis Stensland, Mary Louise Steuber, Jacqueline Stirone, Susan Strain, Betty-Lou Tanner, Jeanne Van Loon, Inge Vogt, Gail Warden, Nadine Warner, Betty Wasmuth, Shelley Wheeler, Gwen Whitney, Jane Williamson, Jan Wilson, Paula Wilson.
Page one hundred forty-three
President .............................................
1Vice-President C GOODING Secretary ...................................................... B E T WALTMAN .............................
Treasurer ...................................................BARBARA W ALKER Advisors ........................... MR. A N D MRS. BLATCHFORD
FRESHMEN Ruth Adams, Barbara Adler, Joyce Amerman, Nancy Andrews, Mary Jane Arrington, Marian Bacon, Ruth Bailey, Joan Banse, Adele Barthold, Joyce Bayer, Barbara Bennett, June Beyrodt, Barbara Brown, Elizabeth Burdette, Nancy Button, Yvonne Carmichael, Mary Cushman, Nancy Davis, Patricia Demarest, Gail Dodge, Betty Lou Drexler, Diane Drumheller, Patricia Drury, Barbara Eastman, Constance Fellows, Nancy Fendler, Patricia Fletcher, Joan Floyd, Marjorie Forster, Cynthia Gibson, Carolyn Goodwin, Corliss Harding, Sally Heath, Sally Holmes, Marjorie Holmes, Beverly Holmes, Joan Hoppe, Jeannette Moriarty, Jean Kaphan, Doris Kirchner, Gayle Kirkman, Gertrude Lai, Joan Laiken, Betsy Laws,.,Barbara Lehr, Nancy Linton, Lois Litzebauer,'Anne Logan, Sarah Mallard, Cynthia Miller, Patricia Mooney, Betty Lou Morris, Eleanor Pahl, Mitzi Petrovits, Violet Pochari, Shirley Reeve, Joan Robinson, Carol Roworth, Marilyn Schad, Virginia Schneider, Irene Sella, Adele Slack, Nancy Steele, Adele Stitzer, Betty Jane Summers, Karen Tappen, Doris Tighe, Virginia Turner, Patricia Van Arsdale, Rosemary Vimont, Diane Watson, Judith Weaber, Gladys Webster, Cynthia White, Mary Jane Williams, Shirley Williams, Ruth Withers, Joella Zahrndt, Marcia Zingg.
Page one hundred forty-f our
SENIORS Alice Altheimer, Charlotte Anderson, Mary Ballard, Lorraine Bell, Jeanne Blessin, Marlyn Brustad, Joan Brummer, Joanne Carkhuff, Catherine Carter, Constance Clark, Barbara Clucas, Cynthia Cooper, Anne Cornell, Patricia Criado, Florence DeHuller, Susanna Denniston, Marcia Dowd, Denise Ellis, Joan Emerson, Fairfax Flinn, Zelda Forman, Lynn Freeman, Joan Freid, Bernice Gaal, Lucina Garcia, Judith Gingell, Chadyeane Gooding, Evelyn Graham, Joan Griffiths, Janice Gwilliam, June Hagney, Doris Harper, Joan Hayward, Rosemary Hilldring, Lee Louttit, Miriam Machlet, Joyce Mackie, Jean Macomber, Mary Magill, Carolyn Martens, Barbara McGraw, Betty Myers, Barbara Oettler, Janet Quaintance, Michele Ramey, Marilyn Regan, Sally Schmidt, Lois Seibold, Charlotte Skinner, Elvia Snyder, Eleanor Stillman, Norma Strohm, Joan Tamlyn, Gloria Taylor, Barbara Titterton, Barbara Tofte, Carol Tomajan, Jill Vannote, Carmelina Vinciguerra, Barbara 'Walker, Betsy Waltman, Nancy Whiteman, Jacquelyn Wilkinson, Sally Wolfe, Jean Young, Ronell Young.
OFFICERS President .............................................. CAROL N EUMANN Secretary .........................................
Treasurer ................................................. C Advisors ............................................. M R.
SENIORS Diane Adkins, Sally Amidon, Barbara Anthony, Edna Avera, Jane Barnett, Carol Bernstein, Patricia Bierwirth, Elna Bisbee, Carla Bloecher, Beverly Buchanan, Roxanne Bunino, Barbara Burgess, Janet Burl, Mary-Faith Butler, Donna Cameron, Sally Castleman, Corinne Chapleau, Sydney Coleman, Ann Davis, Marie Di Giacomo, Susanne Edgar, Joyce Eshelman, Carolyn Feisner, Lois Fiske, Vida Goldman, Anne Grabe, Anne Harvitt, Carol Jillson, Elizabeth Kilkenny, Carolyn Kopf, Cynthia Kutscher, Louise Lane, Judith Lohpan, Joan Lundsted, Marjorie MacLeod, Marianne Magnusson, Margaret Marks, Jane Marston, Joan Max, Nancie Miller, Christina Morelock, Edith Muller, Lucia Nagler, Virginia Nestell, Carol Neumann, Caroline Norris, Charlotte Payne, Priscilla Sawyer, Barbara Silverman, Barbara Joan Smith, Joyce Smith, Joan Smorol, Dolores Snipper, Barbara Somers, Elizabeth Stedman, Lynn Stephenson, Judith Thompson, Joan Thornton, Susan Tweedell, Nancy Wheeler, Constance Zundel.
FRESHMEN Mary Anderson, Barbara Ashworth, Mary Barto, Gail Bird, Janet Bowie, Jane Brown, Nancy Brown, Dottie Baer, Eleanor Bush, Barbara Cook, Nancy Carey, Dorothee Carousso, Bette Coates, Barbara Coles, Joyce Conover, Maureen Daly, Jean Denise, Anne Earhart, Willa Elliott, Drusilla Fox, Lois Furcht, Marcia Gates, Ruth Gaudino, Ann Gellert, Ann Giessow, Joan Gosnell,. Carol Geiger, Diane Haines, Nancy Hayden, Ruth Hezinger, Norma Hoefgen, Nancy Heppenstall, Josephine H d l , Ann Ingersoll, Louise Johnson, Claire Johnson, Susan Joseph, Nancy Kolb, Magdalen Kraft, Grace Kurkjian, Joan Kern, Delia Lane, Sally Light, Lois Le Comte, Margaret Loewenthal, Eve McRoberts, Constance Meyers, Kathleen McDowell, Janet Neumann, Stella O'Brian, Beverly Oetjen, Eleanor Paradee, Barbara Patch, Charlotte Pugh, Mary Ridcards, Ellen Rosenau, Phyllis Roberts, Nadine Rickerby, Emily Roby, Virginia Smillie, Joyce Scully, Susan Solomon, Alice Sandford, Cynthia Schroeder, Laurine Seber, Lois Sonderburg, Lois Stengel, Lois Sutton, Jacqueline Sward, Carol Sweet, Mary Towse, Patricia Van Dyke, Gara Van Schaack, Elizabeth Westbrook, Gail Wainwright, Ruth Wilcox, Audrey Whitcomb. Page one hundred forty-five
omen 3
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'Vzce-President Treaszlrer
Corresponding Secretary ..................................................................................
Page one hundred forfy-eight
Recording Secretary
HE W. A. A. Board promotes interest in recreational activities and a spirit of good sportsmanship throughout the college. The Board sponsors all intra-mural and inter-collegiate games, a hockey and a basketball game with a Lafayette fraternity, and faculty games. The Board is the governing body of the Women's Athletic Association. Its members include the executive board, the president of each club under the W. A. A., one representative from each class, and the publicity manager. In the spring a traditional W . A. A. Awards Chapel is held to give individual awards. The Leaders' Corps gives girls an opportunity to learn more about the various sports. To belong to this organization a girl must pass the Leaderua ified ship Course. She is then q l to assist the instructors with their classes and officiate at all intra-mural and inter-collegiate games.
LEADERS' CORPS OFFICERS President .................................................. S
Secretary-Treaurer ........................... Advisor .................................................................... s
, ., ,line
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rn L
OFFICERS President ............................................. C O L BERNSTEIN Secretary-Treasurer
Advisor ....................................................................
HE Dance Workshop seeks to promote interest in creative dancing as an art and to provide entertainment through demonstrations of this art. To become a member, a girl must fulfill the requirements set forth by the rating board. This club presented one recital during the school year. The original choreography of the recital, with appropriate background music, created a picturesque setting for the different moods portrayed through dance.
Outstanding members were chosen to dance before the Queen and her court at the President's Reception.
OFFICERS President ................................................... M Vice-president .....................................
Secretdry ................................................ ELIZABETH MYERS Treasurer
Ruting Board Chairmun ........................... MARCIA DOWD Advisor
NLY the more accomplished swimmers are admitted to the Aquatic Club. The members are selected by an authorized test given by the dub's rating board. Rhythmic swimming practices are held once a month in which the girls work out routines and develop skills.
In the spring the annual "Aqua Rhythms" is presented. All routines, props, and costumes are created by the members. This is the h a l e , which climaxes a year of conscientious work and fun.
LL students of Centenary are automatically members of the Outing Club. Its main function is to sponsor events for those particularly interested in the out-of-doors. .
Some of its major projects are the Penny Carnival, the Winter Carnival, the Buck Hill Falls weekend, breakfast and supper rides, and several overnight hikes. Because of the wide variety of events, many students participate in Outing Club activities. The Club's activities are planned and organized by the Outing Club Board. The members of the Board, are Denise Ellis, Elizabeth Stedman, Betsy 1 Waltman, Marjorie MacLeod, and Beverly Buchanan.
OFFICERS President ............................... M ARIANNE MAGNUSSON Secretdry-Trearurer ................................... M ARIE S TERNER Advisor
Page one hundred fft.y-fwo
IGHT, team, fight" is one of the familiar cries, led by the cheerleaders, at all intramural and inter-collegiate games. With rousing cheers and songs, the cheerleaders create pep and enthusiasm, thus spurring the players on to victory. This year's cheerleaders are Barbara Burgess-Senior Captain, Joanne Graham, Joan Hayward, Marjorie MacLeod, Barbara Somers, Paula Wilson, Cynthia Schroeder - Freshman Manager, Dottie Baer, Betsy Laws, Margaret Loewenthal, and Alice Sandford.
$ & . mi-
Front Row-Sydney Coleman, Charlotte Skinner, Gail Warden, Lynn Stephenson, Vida Goldman. Second Row-Barbara Burgess, Patricia Bierwirth, Jane Marston, Chadyeane Gooding, Fairfax Flinn, Caroline Norris. Third Row-Louise Lane, Susan Tweedell, Lois Fiske, Catherine Carter, Anne Harvitt, Elizabeth Stedman, Virginia Nestell, Elizabeth Kilkenny.
Left to Righf-Sydney Coleman, Lynn Stephenson, Judith Lohman, Joan Kulzer, Chadyeane Gooding, Charlotte Skinner, Elizabeth Stedman, Constance Zundel, Lucina Garcia, Jane Marston, Donna Cameron, Susan Tweedell, Elizabeth Kilkenny, Fairfax Flinn, Norma Strohm, Vida Goldman, Caroline Norris, Carolyn Kopf.
Front Row-Lucina Garcia, Gail Warden, Judith Lohman, Jane Barnett, Caroline Norris. Second Row-Elizabeth Kilkenny, Lynn Stephenson, Jane Marston, Vida Goldman, Norma Strohm, Sydney Coleman. Third Row-Elizabeth Stedman, Chadyeane Gooding, Fairfax Flinn, Susan Tweedell, Catherine Carter, Anne Harvitt, Joan Kulzer.
Front Row-Betsy Waltman, Gail Warden, Vida Goldman, Sydney Coleman. Second Row-Susan Tweedell, Catherine Carter, Anne Harvitt, Edith Muller, Elizabeth Stedman. Tbird Row-Barbara Silverman, Chadyeane Gooding, Lynn Stephenson, Elizabeth Kilkenny, Patricia Bierwirth, Fairfax Flinn.
Abbandonato. Julia .Adams, Daisy Beury ......................................................... Adkins, Diane Louise .................................................... Allen, Anne Margaret Altheimer, Alice Kay ............ Altschuler, Janet Forest ............................................. Arnidon, Sally Jane ......................................................... Anderson, Charlotte Linnea Anderson, Joyce Anthony, Barbara Jane
95 90 39 20 72 61 42 60 95
Denniston. Susanna ..............,....................................... 56 . . DI Glacomo, Marie ........................................................... 78 Dowd, Marcia Jane 59 Edgar, Susanne Ferguson ............................................... 59 Eidschun, Lorraine Grace ............................................ 93 Ellis, Denise . 53 Emerson, Dorothy Joan .... 31 Eshelman, Joyce Adaire . . . 106 Feisner, Carolyn Margaret ................................. 31 Fiske, Lois Barbara .................. ....................................... 50 Fitzpatrick, Ann Prescott ." 93 Flinn, Fairfax Dashiell ............................................... 57 Forman, Zelda Virginia .................................... ......... 64 Freeman, Lynn Sally . . 46 Fseid, Joan Marcia ..-...................................................-.... 32 . 30 Gaal, Bernice Elizabet .................. 35 Garcia, Elvia Lucina Gibson, Althea Carol 61 Gingell, Judith A M 32 G l i b a n , Barbara , 58 ... Goldman, Vida Tucker 33 Gooding, Chadyeane Marie .-.................................. 62 Grabe, Anne Florence Graham, Evelyn Seabr Graham, Joanne Chloe ...................... ......................... 84 Griffiths, Joan 63 Gwilliam, Janice Christine ........................................ 55 ..... 88 Hagney, June W. . . . . . . Harper, Doris Ann . 87 Harvitt, Anne Marie 48 Hayward, Joan Margaret .............................................. 21 Hilldring, Rosemary Brewstet 76 Hoberman, Enid Barrie 54 Hoffmann, Joan-Marie ................................................... 7 4 Isaacson, Janet ................................................................... 58 Jillson, Carol Louise ....................................................... 106 Kahn, Peggy -Lee ................................................... 71 Kelley, Marian Joy .26 Kilkenny, Mary Elizabeth Kopf, Carolyn Mary ..-.--.. Kratt, Jean Anna ..... ................................. 98 Kulzer, Dorothy Joan . 73 Kutscher, Cynthia Ann .. ........................................... 4.2, Lane, Louise Lord 21 Latchford, Marilyn Katherine .:............................... 65
Avera, Edna Allen
Barnett, Jane 33 Bell, Lorraine Barbara ...................................................... 52 Berger, Betty Grace 64 Bernstein, Carol ..................................................................... 45 Bierwirth, Patricia Ann ................................................... 50 Bisbee, Elna Ann ........................................................... 100 Blessin, Jeanne W............................................................. 88 Bloecher, Carla Dorothy . 22 Brummer, Joan Crowther 37 Brustad, Marlyn Ann ...................................................... 101 Buchanan, Beverly ............................................................ .:... 84 Bunino, Roxanne .................................................................. 78 Burgess, Barbara Fay ...................................................... 68 Burl, Janet Eleanor 49 Butler, Mary-Faith ....................................... ........................ 85 Cameron, Donna Hilton ................................................ 23 Carkhuff, Joanne .................................................................. 35 Carter, Catherine Sue 27 Castleman, 60 Chapleau, ................................................... 99 Clark, ../Z onstance Roberta ..........L 34 Coleman, Sydney Hol Cooper, Cynthia Mary .
Criado, Patrlua :................................. Croy, Joan Roberts ............................................................... Davis, A M Denison ....................................................... Dean, Brouard Nancy --. DeHuller, Florence Audrey Page one hundred fifty-six
52 86 48 29 70
Page Lohman. Judith Carroll .................................................. 38 Louttit, Lee Anne -.79 Lundsted, Joan 94 Machlet, Miriam 53 Madcie, Mary Joyce ............................................................ 110 MacLeod, Marjorie Ann .......................................... . 68 Macomber, Jean Ethel ................................................. 80 Magill, Mary Elizabeth - 104 Magnusson, Sigrid Marianne ................................... 85 Marin, Sarah DeForest ......................................-........... 96 Markowitz, Sandra Enid -.............................................. 40 . 45 Marks, Margaret Dennery .................................-.... Marston, Jane Gordon .................................................. 38 Martens, Carolyn Teresa ................................................ 56 97 Max, Joan Louise ......................................................... McDowell, Jane 69 McFarland, Bette Louise ................................................ 98 McGraw, Barbara Ann .................................... .......... 37 McKee, Margaret 90 Miller, Beverley Jane 71 Miller, Nancie Caroline ................ :............................... 25 Morelock, Christina Joan 105 Mullet, Edith -....................................................................... 97 Myers, Elizabeth Louise .............................................. 75 92 Nagler, Lucia Gerald ........................................................ Nestell, Virginia Ann ...................................................... 83 Neumann, Carol Julia . 29 Norris, Caroline Sophia ................................................. . 27 .. 47 Noyes, Helen Adelaide Oettler, Barbara Elsie ...................................................... 104 Payne, Charlotte Marie 73 Pearlman, Greta Kay ...................................................... 41 Quaintance, Janet Warren . 51 Ramey, Irene Michele .................. ................................ 43 Regan, Marilyn Blanche ............................................... 81 Ritter, Bernige Elaine ................................................... 89 . . Sands, Blanche L~la............................................................ 40 . . Sawyer, PrlsclIla Dorothy 107 Schiffman, Elena 66 ............................ 49 Schmidt, Sally Ann Schultze, Jeanne Mina 51 Seibold, Lois May ............................................................... 103 Silverman, Barbara Marion . . 25 Skinner, Charlotte Woodmff .... 67 Smith, Barbara Joan ......................................................... 34 Smith, Joan Mary 108 ;
Snodgras. Sally Elizabeth ......................................... 42 Snyder. Elvia Ann 70 Somers, Barbara ..................................................................... 44 Stecko, Mary ........................................................................... 86 Stedrnan, Elizabeth ......................................................... 105 Stegmuller, Virginia Rose ........................................... 109 Stensland, Phyllis Ann ................................................... 77 Stephenson, Elizabeth Lynn ....................................... 67 Sterner, Marie 39 Steuber, Mary Louise 96 . 103 Stillman, Eleanor Louise Stirone, Jacqueline Mary Strain, Sue Hermoine Strohm, Norma Win .............. 99 Tamlyn, Joan Barbara Tanner, Elizabeth Lou ................................................... 43. . % Taylor, Gloria Jean 101 4 * Thompson, Judith Allane 94 . . . Thornton, Joan V ~ v ~ a...................................................... n 22 Titterton, Barbara Ruth .............................................. 36 Tofte, Barbara Ann 76 36 Tomajan, Carol ..................................................................... Tweedell, Susan Collier ... 23 Van Loon, Jeanne 108 Vannote, Jill Barnes . 74 Vinciguerra, Carmelina .................................................. 110 .......................... Vogt, Inge Dora 66 Walker, Barbara Diane ...................................................... 111 Waltman, Betsy Jane 62 Warden, Gail Carolyn ...................................................... 100 .. 109 Warner, Nadine Adele Wasmuth, Elisabeth S. 107 Wheeler, Nancy Elizabeth ............................................. 82 Wheeler, Shelley Ann 102 Whiteman, Nancy Lee ...................................................... 24 Whitney, E. Gwendolyn ................ 28 Wilkinson, Jacquelyn ................................................... 65 Williamson, Jane Helen ............................................ ...... 57 Wilson, Jan Rae .................................................................. 28 Wilson, Paula Sue 41 Wolfe, Sally Ann 81 Young, Jean Shirley ....................................................... 89 Young, Ronell Elissa ...................................................... 46 Zundel, Constance Smith : ........................ 102
Page one hundred fifty-seven
, ,
Mr. and Mrs. S. Abbandonato Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Adams Mr. and Mrs. James L. Adkins Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Adler Mrs. M. Kennedy Allen Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Altheimer Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Amidon Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Herbert R. Anderson Mrs. Spencer Anderson Mr. and Mrs. George Anderman Mr. and Mrs. George Andrews Mr. and Mrs. William I. Armend Mr. and Mrs. James Arrington Mrs. Edna M. Avera Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Baer Mr. and Mrs. Clyde W. Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur J. Bailey Mr. and Mrs. John D. Ballard Mr. and Mrs. George Banse Mr. S. Meyer Barnett Dr. and Mrs. Theodore J. Berger Mr. and Mrs. Norman C. Bernhardt Mr. and Mrs. Maurice J. Bernstein Mr. and Mrs. Kurt T. Beyrodt Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Bierwirth Mrs. Truman M. Bigelow Mr. and Mrs. Chester C. Bisbee Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Blessin Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bloecher Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Bowie Mr. and Mrs. Harvey H. Brustad Mr. and Mrs. M. Luther Buchanan Mr. and Mrs. Rocco Bunino Mr. E. P. Burl Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Burt Mr. and Mrs. William L. Bush Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Cameron Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Carkhuff Mr. and Mrs. W. Carmichael Mr. and Mrs. Georges Carousso Mr. and Mrs. George V. Carter Mrs. James H. Case, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Castleman Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Cetrule Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Clucas Mr. and Mrs. Latimer H. Coleman Mr. and Mrs. Ross Coles h4?. and Mrs. George H. Conover Mr. and Mrs. Martin Cook Mr. and Mrs. John W . Cornell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Criado Mr. and Mrs. William M. Cunningha1 Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Davis Mr. and Mrs. A. J. DeLorenzo Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Di Giacomo Mr. and Mrs. George Lennox Dowd Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Drexler Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Drury Mr. J. W. Eidschun Page one hundred fifty-eight
Mrs. Jawood H. Elliott Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Eshelman Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Feisner Mr. Basil Filardi, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Fletcher Dr. Irvine M. Flinn, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Forman Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Forster Mr. Richard D. Fox Mrs. Rose B. Frank Mr. and Mrs. George M. Freeman Dr. and Mrs. Albert Gaal Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Garnaus Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Gates Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Gibson Mr. and Mrs. Harry Giessow Mr. and Mrs. George M. Glazier Mr. and Mrs. Russell H. Gooding Mr. and Mrs. Herbert M. Gosnell Mr. and Mrs. George A. Graham Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Grabe Mr. and Mrs. Essex G . Griffiths Mr. and Mrs. J. Ernest Gwilliam Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hagney Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Harper Mr. and Mrs. A. Harvitt Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Hay Mr. and Mrs. L. Marvin Hayden Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Hayes Col. and Mrs. John M. Hayward Mr. and Mrs. Samuel B. Heppenstall, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick M. Hezinger Dr. and Mrs. L. E. Hinsie Mr. and Mrs. Russell B. Hoagland Mr. Herman E. Hoberman Mr. and Mrs. William F. Hoffmann Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Holmes Mr. and Mrs. Philip H. Hubbard Mr. and Mrs. Walter K. Ingersoll Mr. and Mrs. M. Isaacson Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Jillson Mr. and Mrs. S. Edwin Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Leon Joseph Mr. and Mrs. M. Julich Mr. and Mrs. William Orre Kahn Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kaphan Mr. and Mrs. William H. Kelley Mrs. Nathalie Kilkenny Mr. and Mrs. Hugh B. Kirkman Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Kolb Mr. and Mrs. Adam P. Kopf Mr. and Mrs. William Kratt Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Krenkel Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Krupnick Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Kulzer Mrs. Charles F. Kutscher Mr. and Mrs. George J. Laikin Dr. and Mrs. Henry Lancheinz Mr. C. L. Lane Chief Judge and Mrs. Bolitha J. Laws
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Le Comte Mr. and Mrs. M. W . Russell Lehr Dr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Light Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Loewenthal Mr. aria Mrs. Eugene W. Lohman Mr. and Mrs. William Longyear Mr. and Mrs. T. Robley Louttit Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Field Lum Mr. and Mrs. S. John Lundsted Dr. and Mrs. B. M. Lupton Mr. and Mrs. Byrd McDowell Mr. and Mrs. Hugh D. McDowell Mr. and Mrs. Lewis M. McGraw Mr. Howard A. McKee Mr. and Mrs. Colin MacLeod Mr. and Mrs. Stanley B. Macomber Mr. and Mrs. Bror K. M. Magnusson Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Mallard, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Marin, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Markowitz Mr. and Mrs. Sidney L. Marks Mr. and Mrs. J. Lee Marsh Mr. and Mrs. William C. Martens, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Mattheiss Mr. and Mrs. George J. Max Mr. and Mrs. William M. Merrick Mrs. Milton A. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Miller, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. G. Modersohn Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Montana Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Mooney Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Morris Mr. and Mrs. Clarence L. Mortimer Mr. and Mrs. Raymond F. Muller Mr. and Mrs. Karl B. Nagler Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Nestell Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Neuman Mr. and Mrs. Waldemar Neumann Mr. and Mrs. Victor P. Noyes Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Oettler Mr. and Mrs. William P. Pahl Mr. and Mrs. W. Charles Paradee Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Payne Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Pearlman Mr. and Mrs. Zaltan Petrovits Mr. and Mrs. Jac ues Pollack Mr. and Mrs. Wi liam B. Quaintgnce Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Ramey Mr. and/Mrs. Carl L. Ritter Mr. H. C. Robinson Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Rockliffe Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rosena~z Dr. and Mrs. A. Franklin Rowsom Mr. and Mrs. Jaines W. Scales Mr. and Mrs.. Harry G. Schad Mr. and Mrs. Max P. Schiffman Mr. and Mrs. William H. Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. James P. Scully Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Seibold
Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Silverman Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Smillie Mr. and Mrs. Carleton G. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Preston Smith Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Charles Snipper Mr. and Mrs:C. A. Snodgras Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eaton Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Stecko Mrs. E. W. Stedman Mr. and Mrs. James H. R. Stephenson Mr. and Mrs. Louis M. Steuber Mr. and Mrs. Allen P. Stillman Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Stitzer Mr. and Mrs. Herbert A. Strain Mr. and Mrs. Fred W . Strohm Mr. and Mrs. John E. Sward, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Tamlyn Mr. Alvin G. Tanner Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Tapyen Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lee Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Thomas Dr. and Mrs. J. Allan Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Thornton Mr. and Mrs. Louis Tofte Mr. and Mrs. John S. Tomajan Mr. and Mrs. James C. Tweedell Mr. and Mrs. John Tynan Mr. and Mrs. Andrew G. Uncapher Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Van Arsdale Mr. and Mrs. J. Van Dyke, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Van Loon Mr. and Mrs. Frank Virtue Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Vogt Mr. and Mrs. John G. Voltmann Mr. and Mrs. Grant Wainwright Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Walker Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Wallace Dr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Warden Mr. Laurence M. Warner Mr. and Mrs. John G. Watson Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Weaber, Jr. Mrs. Jean Webster Mrs. Violet C. Webster Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Wuischpard Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Wheeler Mrs. Evelyn Wheeler Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Whitcomb, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Roland C. Whiteman Mr. and Mrs. Ernest L. Whitney Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Wilkinson Mr. and Mrs. B. K. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Williamson Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. William L. Withers Mr. and Mrs. Lawrie L. Witter Mr. and Mrs. Lewis S. Wolfe Mr. and Mrs. Ross R. Worthington Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Young Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Zahrndt Page one hundred fifty-nine
Puge one handred sixty
Page one hundred sixty-one
Official Photographer to 1952 HACK
3 STREET ~ ~
Purveyors of prime meats, fancy poultry, and game to all first-class hotels, schools, steamships, and summer resorts, etc. Deliveries gtlarunteed to any part of the United
Page one hundred sixty-three
Science and Art Building Lotte Hall
HENRY AHRENS, Proprietor
Puge one hundred sixty-four
THEODORE G. PLATE, Jr. JEWELER Established 1857
NICHOLAS D'AMATO General Contractor
OLD BUDD LAKE ROAD Phone Hackettstown 425
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Compliments of
THE GENEVIEVE SHOP Ladies' and Misses' Wearing Apparel
We wish to express our warm thanks for your friendship and patronage during the past year.
Lots of luck in the future.
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Importers :,r
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NEW YORK 16, N. Y.
Every Form of Insurance
Botany Yarns
and Real Estate
- Hosiery
- Millinery
JAMES A. SMITH & SON Compliments of
Special chartered Bus Service Limousine Service
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BRILLIUM Laundering SANITONE Dry Cleaning
* * * P. 0. BOX 149
COFFIN & COFFIN Architects 125 EAST 46th STREET
NEW YORK 17, N. Y.
Serving C e n t e n ~ ylunior College
:,H. E
KENNETH FORD COFFIN B.Arch., A.I.A. ARTHUR H. SMITH, B.Arch. Architects' Representative
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WILLIAMS & HIBLER Compliments of
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UNITED CLEANERS & DYERS Qualily Workmanship-Excellent Service Compliments of
178 MAIN STREET Telephone 816
For Complete Dry Cleaning and Dyeing Service See
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Compliments of
Compliments of
Compliments of
Altering The Best in Ssreen Entertainment PHONE 759M
Page one hundred seven~y-lhree
Phone: 1030 Residence 348-W
Wholesale and Retail
"All Kinds of Sea Food"
Electrical and Gas Appliances Television
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Compliment of
Eaton's Fine Stationery 139 MAIN STREET
5c ~ O C2 5 STORE ~
W e Buy Our
New Jersey's Oldest and Largest Athletic Outfitters
140 WEST 57th STREET
NEW YORK 19, N. Y.
Page one hundred seventy-four
Compliments of
* * *
Men's Clothing,
Everything in Wearing Apparel
Furnishings and Shoes
Phone 759-J
A. AXFORD, Proprie;or
Telephone 829
Phone 90
* * * Page one hundred seventy-five
SINCE 1856 It will soon be a century since The Gazette began its weekly recording of events, large and small, that form the history of this community. An important segment of that history deals with Centenary Junior College from its inception to its present and continuing development. The years have brought a fine relationship between college and town which we sincerely hope to see extended thru the period that lies ahead.
Delicatessen and Luncheonette
108 HIGH STREET HACKETTSTOWN, N. J. Telephone Hackettstown 490
Compliments of
Compliments of
Fishing Tackle
Telephone 208 :I
Cut Plowers and Potted Plants Member of Florists' Telegraph Delivery Association