Literary Editor
Nancy Schuster
Art Editor
Donna Gressly
;I Assistant Art Editor
Business Manager
Bette Bodor Nancy Orcutt
0 .N
EDWARD W. SEAY President
To t h e Members of t h e Class of 1957:
ENTENARY is rich in tradition. There is about the College a spirit of comradeship, of concern one for another. There are no unnecessary barriers at Centenary; there have never been. Its friendliness tends to reach into the subtle and endearing phases of personality. The one great yearning of its classrooms is the binding of souls together with the bonds of friendship. There are even dearer parts to the courses than subject matter, and at times the nature of interpretation takes second rank to the nature of human beings. As graduates you wilI soon take your places among the growing body of Centenary alumni. I hope you will carry from the institution the inspiration and benediction of its traditions. I hope you will carry from it memories that bless, friendships that endure, and a tender longing to see again the buildings of Centenary, to stand under their refreshing shadows, to recapture the spirit of which their bricks and mortar are the reality and the symbol. The best wishes of the faculty, staff, and administration go with you. EDWARD W. SEAY President
Page four
We dedicate the HACK of 1957 to Miss Phyllis Forbes as a token of our especial affection for one who has made our two years at Centenary the happiest of our lives. W e have found in her a haven in our troubles, a source of wisdom in all our perplexities. Never failing to s,oothe our ruffled feelings, joining in our fun and laughter, the "General" has shown us that with faith and persistence nothing is impossible. She represents the best of Centenary as we have known and loved it. For her innumerable contributions to our well-being she has earned our lasting gratitude and an abiding place in our cherished memories of the College.
Page jive
Prologue T h e lights grow dim, fade almost completely. The orchestra tunes up with a discordant yet strangely thrilling crescendo. With an expectant hush, the curtain rises. You, "Fair Lady," made your stage entrance in September, 1955. The halls, the classes, the field, the tower-these were your theatre. In this new role, you found valuable all the tutoring and counsel of the past. Suddenly, you realized that your portrayal was unique and alive. Before the final curtain fell, you understood the changes in t h s principal character, which were a result of a special seasoning of lessons, friends, and life. When our play had reached the finale, the applause, the acclamation, and your feeling of accomplishment were your bouquet. As you, "Fair Lady," peruse this book in your tomorrow, may its pages reflect the dreams and aspirations, which were so strengthened through your years at Centenary that they will inevitably attain rich fulfillment. THE CAPTIONS ARE ALL TAKEN FROM THE LYRICS OF THE SONGS OF MY FAIR LADY, ALAN JAY LERNER A N D FREDERICK LOEWE'S MUSICAL ADAPTATION OF BERNARD SHAW'S PYGMALION.
Page szx
Pdge seven
Puge eigbt
Page nine
Page ten
Page eleven
Faculty and Dedn of the College
Administration rr.
. . W h o tukes -ROO^ cure of me."
Deun of the Chupel Religion
Deun of Residence Page twel've
Virginia G . Perry English
Alexandria Spence Assistant Dean Foods
M. Louise Jewett
AIice Gordon English
Page thirteen
Ernest R o c b e l l Dalton Director o j Pghlic Relations Economics-SociclLogy Polikical Science
Walter E. Glaettli French-Spanish Frank T. Reed Philosophy
Phyllis M. Forbes Social Science Martha T. Dunbar Chemistry
Page foivrteen
Marjorie T. Bingham Biology
R. Elwood Backenstoss French-German History Lois B. Backenstoss Director of the Nursery School
Albert W.Parsans Ma~hemutits
Janet Bower Psychology Barbara Welles Psychology
W. Norman Grayson
Director of Music Piano-Orgal2 Margaret Scott Voice
Gilberta Daniels Goodwin Art
Howg~dT. &app C.zrmmerci6t Art
Page fifteen
Roma Ternon Appdied AR
Rheta George
Eugeue W. Youngken
Theatre Arts Agnes Sheehan
Elizabeth Gregory
Ellen B. Dalton
Secre&ia/ Sdudies
Page sixteen
Helen J. Lott Sectetarinl S~rrdies
Marjorie Fitch Secretcllial &dies
Mary P ubach Secretarzar Studies
Bette Rhoads Physical Education Ellen L. Granahan P b y ~ Education
Alice Ehert5 Pby~icalEducation Carol L. Bondy Pby~icalEducation
Sandor Nagy Fl
Page seventeen
Frederick B. Odell Director of Admi~sions
Raymond W. Aiken Associate Director 0.f Adaissions
John L. Hesse Director of Sttident Activities
Paul T. Gardner Bursar Page eighteen
Mabel W. Kel~ey Admissiotzs Cotsnselor
Gar1 W. Tideman Compdroller
Margaret Rahfield Director o f Alumni SeruiCe.r and Placement
Ruth Scarborough Librarian
Ruth King Assistant Librarian
SECRETARIES O F ADMINISTRATIOP Seated-Margaret Nunn, Jean Palmer, Joan Sickle. Standing-Jane Ford, Helen Sedlar, Shirley Thomas, Edwina Bartholomey, Helen Sokolowski. Absent-Judith Anderson.
Ann Fitzgerald Director of Do~miforjes
Charles bnaw Steward
Helen Morgan Execulive Assistan!
LIBRARY STAFF Antoinette Pool, Hazel Caldwell, Ila Osmun
Katherine Doud Supervisor of Dining Roon~ Page nineteen
"l've grown accustomed to her face
. . . her smiles, her
frowns, her ups,
her downs . .
S e n i o r Class Officers
Class M o t t o "Faith, honor, loyalty."
............................................................JUDITH B E ALL
Vice-president .................................... ELEANOR SWALLOW ~ e c r e j q............................................................
Class H y m n Leads forth in beauty all the starry band Of shining worlds in splendor through the skies Our grateful songs before thy throne arise."
("God of Our Fathers")
Page twenty-two
Class Song rC-
Setting by Jean and Peggy Atwater with the assistance of Mr. W. Norman Grayson, Director of Music.
Faith, ho-nor, H d s wi*
joy -a1
- fr - + b a q i + t r
Lu- m;l- ;- ty
true t o o u r ~ c A o ewe'll el-ways Cbe, '
Our deep de-vo-ttbn w i l l not die, rr r e LII ways Wru .f;-icnd-~hi~r dl/n - m i n
qo forth
m a d c t h r o ~ ~ b e n d ~lo*-kq of ecs, R4- ty ie- err long a - r n r i o s ,
J 8
4 on-word s4r;vr. t h e W;S- dom & $s a-ttoined.
M find
- vy
and t h e
wh;ta. Page dwenty-three
Student Court 1, President 2; Sludent Cojrnril 2; Phi l o f a 2; Orienlation Cornmillee; Pvesidenls Club 2; Aqr/a/ir Club 1, 2; Theta Epsilon N u . I
Marian personifies honor! When she speaks we are oddly moved and, as President of Court, her words command our attention and reflection. Equally developed in Marian is her abounding sense of fun. Who else could sing nursery songs, change a room around at two in the morning, and still be every part of a well-poised and perfect young lady? "In 1hy face, I see lhe ?nap of honor, truth, and loyalty."
HACK Board 2; Studenl Council 2; Phi Iota 2; Orienlation Committee; Delta Psi Omega; Guild 1, 2; Vice President o f the Senior Class; Delta Sigma Sigma.
"Ellie" is deeply concerned with each individual and abides by her honorable beliefs in any situation. She is a capable leader and has proved this by the way she has guided the Freshman Class. Expecting no recognition in her different tasks, "Ellie is a wonderful friend, companion, and advisor. Her theme song?-"Virginie!" "He is the freeman, whonz dl1 the truth makes free, dnd all are slaves besides." Page twenty-four
Student Council 1, 2; Phi Iota, President 2; Phi Theta Kappa 1, 2; Orientation Committee; Presidepts Club 1 , 2; President of Freshman and Senior Class; Theta Epsilon Nu.
If a true picture of a typical Centenary girl could be drawn, our choice must be "Judy." Efficient, poised, enthusiastic, and intelligent, she is a composite of all the qualities that make for leadership and success. "Judy," a true and loyal friend, has earned the respect and admiration of all. "Steadiness is the foundation of all virtue."
OrientatMn Cornminee; Guild 2; W . A. A. Board, Corresponding Secretary 2; Prychology Club 1, 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
"Beanie" possesses all those qualities which distinguish a true friend from a passing acquaintance. Cute and fun loving, she is never without something to say. Because of her understanding of people, her ability to guide others, and her warm personality, "Beanie" is assured a bright future. "That good d i f u ~ e dmay more abundant grow." rage rwenry-~tx
Phi Iota 2; Orientatioa Committee; Cenlenary Singers I; Pvesidents Club 2; W . A . A. Board, President 2; Leaders Corps 2; Aqudic Club 1, 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
"Sue" is a redhead, a very special one. Yes, she is excitable and fun loving, but her straightforward sincerity, perseverance, and level headedness are so very apparent to everyone. The companion, the teammate, the handyman, the friend are inseparable characters in a top-notch personality. They reach out to include us all; we accept, and we value. "Put me down as one who loves his fellow man."
!, 2; Tbeta Epsilon Nu, Secretary 2 .
Enthusiastic and sparkling are but two words that help describe "Melly's" personality. Her expressive blue eyes always show her happy-natured self. Along with being a wonderful friend, she has constantly been generous with her advice and help to others. A touch of sophistication and a dash of adventuresome spirit will certainly lead Diane to future happiness. "She has a certain churm und
is tinct ion."
SPILLED INK I , Editor, 16: Phi Iota '16; Orientariotz Committee; Presidents Club '56; The& Epsilon Nu.
You're bound to see unpredictable "Widcie" either banging the typewriter for that last minute deadline, or lost in the midst of a happy party. Her mischievous and hilarious doings amuse one and all, and her outlook on life is typical of her favorite expression, "Don't worry about it." She gives a little of herself to everyone, and she should have a successful nursing career. "As charms are nonsense, nonsense is a charm."
Guild 2; Outing Club, Board 2; Psychology Club I , 2; Thera Epsilon Nu.
When you see that blond pony tail bouncing down the halls, you know its "Joanie." She brings with her a friendly smile and a love for l i f e a n d monkeys! Receiving that special letter or phone call puts her into moods that Centenary will miss. You can be sure that "Joanie's" gaiety and true friendship will be excellent assets to her nursing career. "Wi/hout love and laughter there is no joy."
SPILLED INK I , Mitor '57; Phi Iota '17; Guild 1 ; Presidenis Club '57; Leaders Corps 2; Chorale 1, 2; Deha Psi Omega 2; Delra Sigma Sigma.
A well-ordered mind is reflected in the neatness and capability of "AudieM-no wonder bridge is one of her very favorite pastimes! Sports, music, and traveling are also main interests of this drylyhumored "miss." Fun to be with, she will meet future challenges with sensible and thoughtful solutions.
"Impossible, Sir? Don't t d k to me of impossibilities!"
Student Activities 1 , 2; 18. A. A. Board, Senior Represenlajive 2; Leaders Corps 2; Theta Epsilotx Nu. ;/
Her impeccable character and charming ways make Lois an outstanding friend. Good sportsmanship has played an active role in forming her habits and personality traits. Neat, well-groomed, and good-humored, Lois never fails to be pleasant company. This bridge lover and night owl looks forward to a secretarial position.
"A kind word is never lost, it keeps going on and on."
Phi loia 2; Orientruion Committee; Presidents Club, President 2; It". A. A. Board 2; Leaders Corps 1, 2; Music Club 2; Aquaiic Club, Vice President 1, Presiden! 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
"M. J." is a sophisticate with an added warmth and sweetness, and is always found rushing about the campus-long blond hair a-flyin'! "Oh, Blarney!" typifies her reaction to situations that would send most of us into a rage. Her serenity, grace, and professional swimming ability have earned Mary Jane the admiration of all. "Your noblest natures are most credulous."
Chapel Choir I; Centenmy Singers I ; Pipers I ; Guild 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
"Bets," whose curly brown hair always seems to be getting in her way, has the hearty laugh, the twinkling eyes, and the friendly personality that create an atmosphere of fun and frolic. Conti~ually "on the go," this efficient, adept, and understanding "miss" is bound to be a success in her chosen field. "Your laugher warms my heart like a rich red flowing wine."
Phi Iota 2; Orientalion Committee; Guild 1, President 2; Presidents Club 2; Student Activities 1 , 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
Laughter, sincerity, good judgment, a Binghamton accent, and excitement were combined to produce this lovable personality. There is never a dull moment with Sara, as her ideas are endless. She laughs and the whole world laughs with her! And yet, her understanding and honest love for people cause others to seek her in moments of sadness and happiness. "She tidled the feet of the sober m d they laughed."
SPILLED INK I ; Phi Iora I ; Orientation Committee; Guild 2; Presidents Club 2; Szudent Activiries 2, Freshman Representative 1; Psychology Club 1, 2; Theta Epsilon Nu, Freshman Representative I , President 2.
;! This energetic pixie with the unceasing flow of words is happiness personified. Sincerity is reflected in her smiling eyes and is combined with a rare leadership ability. Stir all these qualities thoroughly together to give an appealing flavor of lovableness, and you've got none other than our "Fauncie."
"Devoted, anxious, generous, devoid of guile and with her whole heurt's welcome i n her smile.'>
Studen! Council 2; Phi I o ~ a2; Orierrtotion Committee; Guild I , 2; Presidents Club 2; Studen! Acjivi!ies 1, President 2; Psychology Club 1, 2; Thela Epsilon Nu.
Although small in stature, this little lady has more than enough personality to triple her size. The "Golden One," with her sweet manner, is a good listener to others' problems. Her extreme dislike for bugs and worms will be remembered by many. Though full of fun, "Zebra" never forgets the little considerations.
"She zuas like a little clockwork toy."
Orientalion committee; Chapel Choir 1; Centenary Singers 1; Guild I , 3ecre/ary 2; S!udent Ac!iz~i!ies 2; Psychology Club 2;Vire President 1 ; Theta Epsilon Nu.
Her hair is golden; her eyes, dark brown. She smiles, revealing deep-dimpled vivaciousness, and then-"Hi, Chicks"! "Bonnie" is honorable and kind in all situations. When good looks accompany a lovely personality, who can deny "Bonnie" a happy and meaningful future?
"The sunshine of life is made up of very lirrle beams that are bright all the time."
Page jhirty-fwo
Phi Iota 2; Orientation Cornmitree; Presidenls Club 2; Delta Psi Omega 1 , 2; Delta Sigma Sigma, President 2.
From the excited group we hear a delightful yelp-and that's your introduction to "Lynd," our favorite noisemaker, who is overflowing with contagious fun. Seriousness and joviality have never before been so well mixed in a person, and the gods were generous when they added a lovable personality and superb leadership ability. "Nothing great was ever accomplished zui/hou! enthusiasm."
Guild 2; Student Activities 2; Deba Psi Omega 2; Outing Club, Board 1; Psychology Club 2; Della Sigma Sigma. ;/
"Kathy" is usually the center of fun. Her infectious laughter can be heard in the lounge at almost any time. A good listener and a loyal friend, she possesses that "something special" that makes people want to be with her. The near future will most likely find her keeping house for one lucky Phi Sig.
" A smiling face and a true heart are qualities to be cherished.'"
Phi lota 2; Orientation Commi~lee;Guild 1 , 2; Presidents Club 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi, President 2.
Loveliness of face and character, athletic ability, and a leader among leaders-this is our Lee. Somehow Lee has quietly and without fanfare worked her way into responsible positions. Here's to "Sully," a bit of stardust rocketed to earth, whose presence among us will never be forgotten. "Her air, her manners, all who
S ~ W
Student Court. Vice President 2 : Student Council. Hall President 1 ; brienrazion ~omm;'ttee,Chairman; *sigma Epsilon Phi.
"Rusty" ought - t o have a sign on her door"Consulting hour, morning, noon and night." "Rusty," with her tact, understanding, patience, and her abundance of other good qualities seems to have the knack of putting things on an even keel. Not lacking a sense of humor, her leadership and dignified charm are sparked by playful sarcasm and a merry giggle. "A perfect woman nobly planned to comfort, and command." Page thirty-four
w m , to
Guild 2; Presiden~rClsb 2; IF'. A . A . Board 2; Ouling Club I; Riding C h b , President 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
An avid horse enthusiast, full of pep and understanding, is "Jan." Her infectious laugh captures us like an epidemic of fun. With her cute, happygo-lucky personality, "Jan" can't help but be loved by all, and that knowledge in itself assures much happiness throughout her life.
r f J o y o ~ n eis s s nature's garb of health."
Guild 2; Siudep Acjiuiiies 1, 2; Theta Epsilon Nu, Vice President 2 .
"Sis" has a charm which is distinctly a part of herself--quaint, refreshing. Intuitive and perceptive, she loves to analyze people. Those who know her have a feeling of dependence upon her, and she in turn is always willing to help others. Warmth and sincerity are overflowing in this future nurse.
"Helpfulness is a role she plays with native ease." Page thiriy-five
SPILLED I N K 1, News Editor 2: Ar/ Club 1, 2; Thela Ep.ri'on Nu.
An enthusiastic conversationalist, endless savoirfaire, a creative thinker, and a depth of understanding r a h "B" a true and worthy friend. With "Beth's" unlimited sense of fair play and delightful mischief, a great deal of happiness comes into the life of this future nursery school teacher.
" Oh, call it by some better name for friendship sotrnds so cold."
IV. A. A. Board, 'Publici~yManager. 2; Aquafir Clxb !: 2: Theta Epsilon Nu.
A friendly smile and pleasant attitude are Carol's most easily recognized traits. She is sparked with a cheerful, bouncy manner that is radiated to everyone. he Aquatic Club takes up most of "Stob's" time, but she is also a conscientious student. Mischievous, but yet very honorable, Carol's associates of the future will gain an efficient worker and a loyal friend.
" Where the ungels and devils get together.'' Page thrly-six
Guild I . Bom:d 2 ; S i ~ r l r n lAr/jr*iiies 1, 2; Ouliag Club, Board 2; Theta Epsilon Nu. "Joanie" is a girl whose happy personality appeals to all those who know her. Considerate and always willing to do anyone a favor, she fits into any group. Sports are an outlet for "Joanie's" enthusiasm and energy. Although a carefree person, she has a great sense of responsibility which will be necessary in her future as a secretary.
" A faithful and hue friend is a living treasure."
I F ?
Guild 2, 13oard I ; Studen: Activities I , Seruelary-Trea~urer 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
With sparkling blue eyes and a friendly smile, Nancy is always ready to cheer others and lend a helping hand. Her ability to be a tme confidante is appreciated by all her many friends. When there is a job to be done, she always manages to accomplish it with ease and efficiency. Nancy's ability to mix business with pleasure is envied by all. " V i i h eyes seehing the sun and heart loving the day!' Page thirjy-seven
Student Cour! 2; Orien/u!ion Comnzillee; Delta Prj Omega 2; Delra Sigma Sigma.
How better can we describe "Susie" than to say, "peppy and gay, tiny in size, but with a keen mind and loving heart." "Susie" can help lead a hockey team to victory in the afternoon and in the evening dance like a petite doll. Liveliness and sweetness make a combination we wish everyone could have.
" Her greatest assets are to smile when others ale silent and to speak when no one else dares."
Aquatic Club 1; Chorale I ; Delra Sigma Sigma.
Tall, smart, and attractive, "Sandy's" humor and comical sayings keep her friends in laughter. Although a serious and conscientious. student, she loves to take time to relax and chuckle over the latest jokes and cartoons. Her future will inevitably be interesting, and knowing "Sandy," fascinating.
"Chdracter is before money or property or anything else; money cannot buy it." Page ~bir~y-eight
Chlr 1; Cenoenssy Svkgsw 1; GwiM I, 9; Pryc f a e b g ~C k 6 I , %i Che~~esrkers 2; Xh&& E~sfdosN&
Aiendly G ' ~on" is w u d y fomd psepltring far a we& end of housp!paaies and fun nlid wearing i~ certain Phi Delt sweatshirt, b o k for my ludiecous situation and yorr are sure to &ad"G4lnie" in the middle of it. fimpletely natutal and always kt ease, her hilarious antics and eisdless ideas add hum~rtQ any situakion. "&5w dre yoBI de# wwh!, this m@r&&?"
SPILLED INK 2; Aqua~icClub 1, 2; Psychology Club 2; Treasurer of Senior Class; Theta Epsilon Nu.
"T," a very dependable and trustworthy person, is always happy. She studies conscientiously, but will never pass up a party when one can be found -and when one can't be found, she will be sure to make one. The future fig~dsthis "monkey" in her red M. G., working in Boston, and enjoying life to the utmost. "Life may be a 'grand sweet song' lo some, but it is written in ragtime for me:"
Gwlld 2; Student Activities I , 2; Delia Sigma Sigma, Secretary 2.
With an innocent alr, "Aud" creates an atmosphere of enchantment with a dash of deviltry. "L'm so confused," she'll say, yet difficulties are usually resolved exactly right for this blithe spirit. Her schemes, pranks, comical antics, and flair for analyzing and understanding people make this imp irresistible. N o wonder she's in love with life!
" A litrle elf played hide and seek i n the twinkle of her eye."
HACK Board, Liferacy Editot 2; Phi Theta Kappa 2; Ovientaiion Cornruittee; Guild 2; Student Activities 1, 2; Delta S ~ g n aSigma.
"What a sketch!" typifies "Nan" with her witty mannerisms and peppy conversations. Her smiling expressions are contagious and reveal an unceasing good humor. And yet, when the occasion calls for seriousness Nancy's sincerity and thoughtfulness always shine forth. Success will be her password; happiness, her reward; and the enjoyment of life -to the nth degree, her pastime.
" T h e nlind hds
iholrsand eyes, the henrt bril one."
Guild 1, 2; Psychology Club 1 , 2; Sigmu Epsilon Phi.
Zoe, a dependable and spirited girl, can often be found in Lotte lounge completing a bit of last minute homework. Her naivety helps to create her sense of humor, which adds much to the group fun. Zoe's easy-going manner and friendliness will help her attain life's most fruitful goals. "Have more lhan thou showest, speak l e ~ s~ h n ~ z thou knowest."
Chapel Choir 1 ; Centenary Singers 1 ; Guild 1, 2: Sludent Actioities I , Board 2; Book Club I ; Sigma Epsilon Phi. ;/
"Ruthy's" spirit and chatter personify her friendship. She is an ardently loyal person, and her "listening ear" has provided comfort. She works diligently, but still finds time to enjoy herself and indulge in good-humored nonsense. A carefree manner and giving nature have proven to be more than worth while to her many good friends.
"A smile cures the wounding of a frown."
SPILLED INK 1, 2; Chorale I ; Delta Psi Omega 1, 2; Aquatic Club 1; Art Club, Treamrer 2; Cheerleaders I ; Theta Epsi!on Nu.
An easy blush, a naive manner, and huge brown eyes make "Gail" distinctive. Her sweetness and gentle outlook on life make others seek her out for understanding and solutions to vexing problems. Her wholesome appearance and sunny disposition are greatly admired. The future holds plans for further education. "The blush is benutiful, but it is sometimes inconvenient."
SPILLED INK 1; Delta Psi Omega 2; Sigma Ep~ilon Phi.
Wherever fun is-Mally is-and she's usually the center of it. If you're looking for "Mally-0" you might try the hockey field or the radio studio, but most likely you'll find her in the grill yelling, "Anyone for bridge?" or busy psychoanalyzing someone. "Mal," with a charm that is exclusively hers, will long be remembered. " W i t is the salt of convevsdion."
Sigma Epsilon Phi.
"Joannie" is a girl who is cheerful and happy by nature. "Nice play, Shakespeare," can be frequently heard as her response to certain situations. In spite of her carefree ways, Joan is serious about her studies. As she strives for the good things in life, there is no doubt that she will find continued happiness either as a medical secretary or as a homemaker.
"The silent man is often worth listening to."
Student Council, Hall Presidenl 2; sigma Epsilon Phi.
"Scottie's" beaming smile and friendly "Hi" have magnetized a wealth of friends. She always seems to have a kind word and a witty remark. Althwgh "Scottie" is a fun-loving girl, she also is dependable and conscientious in her work. All her likeable traits will lead her far into a successful and happy future.
" A witjy jest and a frequent smile make a friendship very worth while."
Guild 2; S~udent Activities 1 , 2; Leaders Corps 1, 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Work a little, play a little, have a lot of fun deviltry - there's "Uriah !" Though in her green eyes glows a spark of mischief, she's as cheerful, dependable, and trustworthy as any young lady can be. Children will certainly love this friendly teacher.
- Oh, yes, wherever there's
"When a bit of sunshine hits ye after the passit~g of a cloud."
Guild 2; Arr Clrtb 2; Library Commitlee 1 , 2; Riding Club I , 2; Della Sigma Sigma.
"Pat" is a chatterbox, and we find ourselves listening to words of wisdom and maturity. Her love of outdoor sports and her sincerity in her chosen field of teaching make for a diversified personality. Good humored and intelligent, "Pat" should be a successful children's counselor. " I long lo live and live to love."
Delia Psi Omega 1 , 2; Psychology Club 1 , 2; Delid Sigma Sigma.
While "Jo" has a quiet manner and voice, those who know her best find she is always ready for a moment of fun. She may be relied upon for truth as well as discretion. If you can't locate her in the Little Theater, you will surely find her typing diligently, preparing for her future as a secretary.
"That which is passed, u dream, and that which is to conze, u wish."
C A ~ O JLOYCE PFEIFER Psychology Club 1 , 2; Chorale I ; Theln Epsilotz Nu.
Carol, in a reserved and quiet manner, is able to get along with anyone. "Fif's" easy-going nature and neat appearance are two of her outstanding characteristics. A calm manner and a long enduring patience foretell a successful future as a nursery school teacher.
"Good nature shines on hey face."
Guild 2; Camerd Club
Psychology I; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Carol, a quiet and thoughtful girl, is known as a conscientious worker. Her ability to knit keeps her busy helping others on their "first pair of argyles." A wonderful person and a friend to all, Carol has all the qualities to be a success at whatever she chooses to do in the future. "She shone in the kilchen too as in the parlor."
HACK Board, Business Maizager 2; Student Council, Hall President I ; Orientation Committee; Chapel Choir 1, 2; Cen~enarySin ers 1, 2; Evershavps 1, 2; Guild 2, &eta Epsilon Nu.
A firm believer in her own convictions, "Nan" will steadfastly abide by them. Sentimental, she has an awareness of other people's problems. Lafayette, a good party, or a song compete for her full attention. A versatile and enthusiastic conversationalist, she should have an interesting future.
" A wonzan's whole l i f e is a history o f affections."
Dance Club 1, 2; Psychology Clgb 1; Delta Sigrnis Sigma.
Letty will always be remembered for her strange New York-Chicago accent and her wonderful sincerity. Vibrant and fun loving, she is always in the mood to do the unusual. Her admiration for Harry Belafonte may explain her enthusiasm for calypso music. A career in merchandising is her goal.
" A manner blithe and debonair,"
Guild 2; Sjudent Activities 1; Psychology Club I , 2; Library Committee 1 ; Delja Sigma Sigma
Pretty as a picture, Sue Ann exemplifies the college co-ed. T o those who know her it's "Anything for you, honey!" Enthusiasm and charm endear her to many. She loves participating in campus activities, especially Cal! With her drive and ambition she'll make an excellent medical secretary.
"One who willingly embarks in any cause." Page f orty-seven
HACK Board 1; Presjdenrr Club 2; 1V. A. A. Board 2; Leaders Corps 2; Delta Psi Omega 1 , 2; Dance Club I, Prerident 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
"Dee" displays her talents not only at Dance Club, but all day long as she twirls through the halls. Her work is never finished, and she is so quick moving that it is hard to keep up with her. This generous girl will find satisfaction and happiness in the field of ballet.
"Follow my heart, m y dancing feet, D a m e as blythe as my hear/ can beat."
HACK Board I ; SPILLED INK 1; Dance Club 1; 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.
A quick expression of mischief set off by an impish dimple and a sugar 'n spice personality-this is our "Tuffy." She is a perfect angel and devil combination who bubbles with enthusiasm. This industrious and fair "miss" is bestowed with sincere loyalty and frankness which have brought her enduring friendships. " I langhed and danced and talked."
Page f orty-eigh
Guild 2; Aqwalic Club
Thettr Epsilon NII.
Sparkling "Sherry" is the sunshine of our campus. A happy combination of warmth and gaiety, she possesses a rare and genuine sincerity. Her contagious giggle and ever-ready smile are her most valuable gifts. Mills College and the study of occupational therapy are included in the future plans of Centenary's "Miss Hawaii."
"Whore nafure is so far from doing harm, that she suspecfs none."
AYL Club 2; PsyuJology Club 2; Delta Sigtna Sigmn, 'Vice President 2.
"Patti's" good looks, conscientiousness, and creative ability combine to form a magnetic personality. Her flashing smile and unique laugh are contagious. Her artistic talent is displayed at various occasions at Centenary. The majority of "Patti's" class time is spent in the nursery school. Children will love this sincere and understanding teacher.
"Ripples of zuhimsical laughter." Page f ~ r r y - h e
Guild 2; Psychology Club 1, 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Little flourishes of ecstasy, sudden brainstorms, and a sweet lovable disposition all go to make up Grace. Her humorous descriptions about her week ends at Lafayette keep us all laughing. Besides having boundless energy, she also can be an avid listener and a good friend to all. W e thank you, Grace, for just being you.
"In sorrows not dejected, and in joys not overjoyed."
Centenary Singers I ; Art Club I ; Psychology Club 2, Treasurer I ; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
If smiles are a test of goodness, "Cinny" needs no further eulogy. She is always smiling, always happy and radiant. Her delightful Southern accent and strong sense of humor are distinctive among many other admirable traits. Dispositions like "Cinny's" make us realize our own shortcomings.
"The mildest manners and the gentlest heart."
HACK Board, Assistant Art Edijor 2; Presidents Club Art Club I , President 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
A petite and perfect lady with a sweet and very friendly disposition is our Bette. Because of her sincerity and reliability, Bette's undertakings are always successful. Harboring the desire to teach art, but with other "plans" in mind, we know that Bette's future will be a happy one. "Delicacy in a woman is strengfh."
SPILLED INK 1 2; Della Psi Omega 1 , 2; Library Commitlee g, Secretary 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
When there is a job to be done, give it to "Barbie," and she'll do it willingly and thoughtfully. Sweetness and dependability are but two of her blessings. Happy and full of fun, she has a genuine love of children. "Barbie's" pep and enthusiasm will aid her in her chosen field of nursery school teaching.
"To be friendly is to be happy."
Page fifty-one
SPILLED INK 1; Art Club 2, Treasurer 1 ; Theta Epsilon Nu.
"Hi kids!" Our "Bev" is hard to miss, for all of her 4' 11" is full of vim and vigor. You'll never catch her without that shiny Chi Psi pin, or missing a nightly phone call from Kent. W e wish a life of happiness to a cute little girl with plenty of sparkle. "Small, capabte, with a dear little busy bustling manner."
Guild 2; Aqudic Club 1, 2; Art Club I , Secretary 2; Cheerleaders 2; Thela Epsilon Nu, Siudent Acliviries I .
Brimming with pep and vitality from sun up to sun down, "Judy" can usually be seen energetically engaged in frantic conversation. Her perseverance and industriousness are exhibited through her numerous activities. Her love for dancing, parties, and Phi Gam have only increased her zest for fun. "Hang sorrow. Care will Rill a cat And therefore lei's be merry."
P q e fifty-two
Stdetrt Activities 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
"Ginny" is primarily an extremely happy, contented person, missing none of the joys of life. At the same time, she is aware of responsibility and never shirks even the hardest tasks put before her. Eager to participate in all phases of activities, she finds little time for dull or uninteresting thoughts.
"I Love a teeming wit
I love my nourishment."
Chapel Choir I ; Librarian 2; Centenary Singers 1, 2; Student Ac;iuidies;/; Board 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi, Chaplain 2 .
With her easy-going, dependable characteristics, "Din" is outstanding. Her poise and common sense make us turn to her in t m t , and her listeners are fascinated by her charming Ne* England accent. "Din's" beaming smile, happy spirits, and unceasing kindness will ever assist her toward success as a secretary.
"A good disposition is more valuceble @an gold."
Orien/ation Committee; Gui!d 2; Theta Epsilon Nu, Treasurer 2.
"Happy" is what we call her, and happy she is. Her smile casts a warm glow wherever it goes, adding always to her circle of friends. Have a problem? "Haps" is ever ready and willing to help others. Among her many interests, sports and letter writing rank high. In the future, "Happy" will surely continue to spread cheer just as she did at C. C. W.
"I live on the sunny side of the street."
Guild 2: Leaders Corps 2; Aquatic Club 2, Secretary I ; Theta Epsilon Nu.
Peppy from the word "go," "Sandy" is the owner of a wonderful, contagious smile. Sigma Chi and telephone calls take up much of her time, although traveling plays a close third. Possessing the qualities of the type of friend anyone would be proud to claim, this adorable girl should be rewarded with a full and rich life. "Sunshine you cafch within her smile, and hold its radiance." Page fifty-four
Student Coancil, Secretary 2; Chapel Choir 1, 2; Cenlenary Singers 1, 2; Pipers 1, 2; Everrharps 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Someday when we are old and grey, "Jeanie" will get up and do an army cheer attired in a Scotch kilt. We are grateful to "Jeanie" for an unsurpassable understanding of her fellowman. We wish her luck and happiness, but a girl of her caliber will certainly find these wherever she may be.
". . . drives her song Like a golden nail Thru the hush of the air."
Szudenr Cowscil, Hall President 2; Chapel Choir 1; C e n ~ e n a r ~ ~ n1; g ~Della r r Sigma S i g m . 1.
Picture a rosy-cheeked, laughing girl dashing through the crowd to the mailbox-that's "Lynn." Her enthusiasm and frankness make her an interesting person to know. "Lynn" thoroughly enjoys life and makes people enjoy it with her. Her future plans include that "rose-covered cottage at the end of a California lane."
"A voice rhai war made to chatter happily a&/ d bou~eboid." Page $fly-fi~e
Chapel Choir I ; Centenary Singers I ; Thela Epsilon Nu.
"Sue's" first loves are Plainfield, Mystic, and the Chi Psi Lodge. Generosity and sincerity typify her vibrant personality. She is never too busy to lend a helping hand to those in need, and she always brings along her bright and peppy smile. A neat appearance will aid her in becoming a valued secretary and receptionist.
" 'Twar fun about which her life reuolued."
Chorale I ; Leaders Corps 2; A uatic Club 1, Epsilon
Pert and popular, "Joanie" is always on the go. Her activities in the field of sports are well known -particularly in the swimming pool and "caged" on the hockey field. Her irrepressible spirits are usually soaring, and it is a refreshing experience to be in her company.
"I will be the gladdest thing und6~the sun."
Presidents Club 1 ; Psycholo~y Club Theta Epsilon Nu.
President 2;
Hear some chatter, a laugh, and "It's too much!"? That's "Sue," or "Soffia" to those who know her better, coming down the hall. When she's not socializing, you will probably find her writing another of those frequent letters or playing golf. Lucky is the boss who acquires this capable, vivacious secretary ! "My heart is like a singing bird."
Phi Theta Kappa 2; Chapel Choir 2 ; W . A . A. Board, Tremurer 2; Leaders Corps 2: Aqudic Club 1, 2; Chorale 1 ; Treasurer of !be Freshman Class; Theta Epsilon Nu.
Anne is Centenary's readheaded bundle of vivacity. She puts her heart and energy into everything she does, whether it be art, sports, or studies. When there's a problem, Anne is the girl with the right answer. Her friendliness and consideration for others will win her friends as she goes on to art school.
"Without her, a winter room from which the fire died."
Page jiffy-seven
SPILLED INK I; Chapel Choir I, President 2; Cenrenary Sin err 2 . Vice President 1; Presidents Club 2; Aquatic ~ f u b1: Pipers 1, 2; Eversharps 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
A quiet but clever humor adds a dash of color to "Benny's" nonchalant nature. None can resist her easy-going charm and unpretentious mannerisms. A wide range of talents, including swimming and a beautiful voice, have been displayed frequently on campus. A lucky band may soon acquire a very promising singer. "Her good nafure carries a magnetic charm."
SPILLED INK 2; Chapel Choir I; Centenary Singers I; Delta Psi Omega I, Vice President 2; Sigma Epsilojt Phi.
"Hello-ooo world !" Yes, "Marge" lives and loves every minute of every day. Her personality is vivacious and literally charming, and with her there is never a dull moment. Her heart is in Delta Psi and radio scripts, but she is also a very staunch Diokosophian. Words can't express the love that her classmates have for her.
" A smile on her lips and mischief in her eyes." Pdge fifty-eight
Guild 2; Student Activities 2; Outing Club 2; Art Club 2; Psychology Club 1; Cheerleaders 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
Unaffected and bursting with vitality, Dana creates happiness wherever she may be. Friendly and bubbling with good spirits, she is helpful and conscientious. Dana has both ambition and personality-qualities which will undoubtedly take her far in her chosen' career.
" A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance,"
Guild 1, 2; Student Arlivities 2; Psychology Club 1, 2; Theta Eprilos Nu.
;! It's not only the words, but the manner in which they're spoken, that keep us always amused when in "Judy's" company. She is a considerate friend whose advice is appreciated, and she always seems to have some humorous plan afioot. The daily letters from that certain party add a sparkle to her normally bright outlook on life.
"She looked jolly and carefree as though life were a pleasant game." Pdge fifty-nine
Chapel Choir I ; Centenary Singers 1 ; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Whenever one walks into "Sue's" room, a comical remark and a bright smile will greet you. To the amusement of all, she has the habit of saying anything that comes to her mind, and is usually found doing the unusual. Her unique personality has made her an extremely interesting person to be with. "What is mind? No matter. What is matter? Never mind."
Centenary Singers 1 ; Presidenls Club 2; 1V. A. A. Board 2; Leaders Corps. President 2; Della Sigma Sigma.
"Sue" is a considerate and conscientious personalways willing to do things for other people. Her main interests include sports and getting up early(?), and she also manages to write letters and play bridge. As head of the Leaders Corps, "Sue" keeps all events running smoothly. Her frolicsome nature will be missed.
" A failhful friend is ,he medicine Pdge sixty
01 life."
Orientrrrion Committee; Presidents Club, Secretary 2; Student Aclivities 2; W . A. A., Board 2; Outing Club I , President 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
With her happy-go-lucky disposition, Mary enjoys life thoroughly. Playing bridge, watching the "latelate" show on T. V., and conversing endlessly with her many friends on any subject make one wonder where she finds time for her varied activities on-and off-the campus. Admired by all, Mary has all the attributes necessary to become an air line hostess.
" A rave compou?~dof wisdom, frolic, and fun.
;/ Phi Tbera Kappa I , Treasurer 2; Delta Psi Omega I , 2; Sigma Ep~ilonPhi.
An honor student, Diane is an eager participant in Centenary's activities. A sincere and thoughtful girl, yet always ready with a smile, she loves to assist others with their problems. 1.ntelligence and amiability will help her achieve her highest goals.
"Education has for its object the forma~ion of character."
Delta Psi Omega 2; Dance Club I ; Psychology Club I; Radio Club 1, Public Re1a:ions Director 2; Psychology Club I ; Sigmn Epsilon Phi.
Laughter, love, and loyalty-that's our little "Linda Lou," with her golden locks, big blue eyes, and smile. "Lin" has sparkling effervescence of personality which one cannot help feeling when she enters a room. Picture sophistication in berrnudas, add gaity, and you have a good idea of "Lin."
"No sky is heavy i f &hehedrt is light."
Siudent Activilies
Psycholo g y Club I, 2; Della Signtr Sigma.
Flirtatious "Suty" can be serious when called upor for help. She's proven herself considerate and truthful, yet fun-loving and animated to a marked degree. She finds life fascinating and will relatc the smallest event with relish and descriptivc ability. With a flare for the artistic, "Suty" will go far in her chosen field of designing.
"infinite riches in a litile room."
Presidents Club 2; Camera Club 1, President 2; Plychology Club I , 2; Riding Club 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Betsy loves deep discussions and arguments where she can voice her opinion, and also is an authority on both horses and riding. She is happy-go-lucky, but also has her serious moments. Her future plans are incomplete; but her perseverance should bring her success. "For I rode, my horse a thing of wiugs."
SPILLED INK 2; Psychology Club 1, 2; Book Club 1 , 2; ~ i d f Club 6 ~ 2; Theta Ep~ilonNu.
This extrovert has an irresistible and subtle humor. "Ali" has considerable depth of personality and character, and thoroughly enjoys a challenging discussion. Her sincere interest in others, and her loyalty to her friends and to Centenary are far-' famed. "Ali" should be a distinguished transfer student. "Work is often the father of plearure."
Page rixty-three
NANCY ELIZABETH WINSLOW Sludent Council 2; Chupel Choir 1 , 2; Centenary Singers I ; Libvarian 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
"Winnie's" love for music is obvious through her active participation in the Centenary Singers, the choir, and the orchestra. She is a kind and understanding girl, and her ability to make friends is easily explained by her desire to help others. "Winnie" expects to transfer and major in home economics, and her future seems assured and well planned. " W e are the music-makers And we are the dreamers of dreams."
JOAN BERTHA WOOLDRIDGE Sludeni Actiuilies 1, 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
"Joanie," with her sweet mile, makes everyone realize that she is warm and friendly to all. She is never too rushed to lend a helping hand--even if the hour is late. Vivacious is the word for "Joanie," but of more significance is her sincerity, as a more thoughtful, true friend cannot be found. "For all that is pure is by nature good."
SPILLED INK 1 , Circnlurion Manugev 2; Guild Board I ; Psychology Club I ; Delta Sigma Sigma.
Conscientious and creative, "Cathy" is known as a most likeable person. Her patience and unfailing enthusiasm set her apart, and her consideration for others blends into a wholesome personality that is sure to gain her a wide circle of friends. "There is nolhing worth so much as a mind well ins~ructed."
SPILLED INK 2; &gild 2; Psychology Club 1, 2; Delta Sigma Sigmtr.
Donna is unassuming, quiet, and sweet, and is one of the finest young ladies you could ever encounter. When there's work to be done, she is always willing to do her share. To sum her up in a nutshell, all we have to say is, "It's nice to be natural when you're naturally nice." "The sweetest garland to the sweelesf lnaicl."
Page sixty-five
Cosnwpobtan Club; Music Club 1; Psychology Club I ; Delta Sigma Sigma.
"Bunny" loves to do the Cha-cha, and will demonstrate the intricate steps on the slightest provocation. She has a serious side to her fun-loving nature, and can come up with a solution to most problems. As a futute nurse, "Bunny" will combine her qualities in a promising career.
"The day shall not be up so soon ar I to try the fair adventure of tomorrow."
Cosmopolitan Club, Secretary 2; Music Club 1; Psychology Club I ; Delta Sigma Sigma.
"Judy" is a quiet, understanding friend. A very sympathetic listener to all kinds of troubles, she can be depended upon for assistance. Her humorous descriptions of certain situations have brightened many conversations. Her loyal nature and fun-loving spirit will be admired as she continues her education.
"The guiet mind is richer than a crozun." Page sixty-six
Chapel Choir 1, Sectional Leader 2; Cenlenar Singers 1, Sectional Leader 2; Sigma Epsilon P& I.
Nancy is quiet, but has a sense of humor that those who know her best can really count on. Her musical talent and ability are observed in the Singers, Choir, and on the French horn. Responsible and reliable when needed, Nancy is constantly on the go. She is conscientious, meticulous, and always on time-a sure combination for success.
"Music makes the soul and lifts it high."
S t d e n t Activities 1, Board 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
;I Our petite Mary is vivacious, full of fun and giggles, and a true friend to all who know her. She is understanding, thoughtful, and always willing to help. Her ability to knit can easily be discovered, for there are always several projects in the making. Her love of children will be an asset in her teaching career.
"Good things are twice as good when /hey are short." Page sixty-seven
SPILLED INK 1 , 2; Phi Theta Kappa 2; Music Club 2; Art Club 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.
"Dee," as she is known by all her friends, usually finds a sensible solution to the endless problems of others. Her wonderful sense of humor welcomes a good laugh. "Dee's" patience, sincerity, and winning ways will never fail her. "Always an interesting spectator, she hides a gleam of laughley in her eyes."
Chrrpel Choir 1, 2; Cenrenary Singers 1, 2; Psychology Club 1 , 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
"Lou" will probably have a long life and a full life-full of things social and cheerful. An avid "Elvis" fan, she plays his records constantly. Her delightful "gift of gab" puts her acquaintances at ease; her kind heart will be an asset in her future career as a social service worker. "1 know a life /ha/ is a song."
Page sixty-eight
Pbi Tbeta Kappa 1, 2; Chapel Choir 1, 2; Cenienary Singers I , Secretary 2; Music Club I; Pipers 1, 2; Eversharps 2; Delta Sigma Signa.
Sincerity and a friendly air are integral facets of fun-loving "Joanie." Her lilting song and love of music reflect her inner happiness and gain her many appreciative friends. A love of travel and a curiosity about people should h a k e her future an interesting one.
"The music in my heart I bore long d t e r it w a ~ heard no more."
SPILLED INK 2; Strrdent Activijies 1, 2; BOORClub I, President Z;,Cborale 1, 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi. .I
Sunny skies on a clear, fall day-laughter and friendship woven into the threads of life-all are Anita. Her twinkling smile and thoughtfulness are as well known as her ability to cook. A clear thinker and keen observer, Anita's plans include becoming a home economist. Her sweet disposition will make all those dishes taste mighty good.
"To culiivate kindness is a .valuable part of the business of life." Page sixty-nine
Guild 2; Aquatic Club 1, 2; The/a Epsilon Nu.
A born raconteur, "Stu" keeps her audience rocking with laughter. Swimming, corresponding, milk shakes, and Iima beans are favorites with her. "Stu" plans to work in an orphanage, and all the children will love her gay personality.
"She had a witty mirth which could be acquired by no art."
Phi Theta Kappa 2; Chapel Choir 2; Centenary singer^ 2; Guild I , Vice President 2; Pipers 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.
W e will all remember "Ruthie" as one of the sweetest and friendliest girls at Centenary. She is cute and fun, and always has a "hello" for everyone. Will we ever forget her expert "hula" dances for our class talent displays? W e wish for Ruth a happy and successful future.
" A dancing shape, an image gay."
Art Club I ; Tbeja Epsilon Nu.
"Jan," who is definitely a practical joker, spends much of her idle time planning pranks. The deafening rymble throughout Lotte Hall most likely is "Jan'" teaching a half dozen enthusiastic girls to bop--"the way they do it in Michigan." Michigan State will soon acquire an inquisitive and vivacious girl.
"The o p p r n n i t y to d o mischief is fou& bundred times a day."
Sigma Epsilon Phi, Secrezary 2.
;! To the girls on her hall "Ali" is "King," and when she blows her horn a!l come to the beckoning call. She is a practical joker, and if ever in doubt as to "who did it," Alice is a likely suspect. And yet, few are sweeter or more sincere. A girl of "Ali's" caliber certainly deserves happiness in the future.
"Wilhout love and laughter there is no joy; live amid love and laughter."
Page segenty-one
Chapel Choir I, Sectional Leader 2; Centenavy Singers 1, Sectiond Leader 2; Pipers 1, 2; Guild 1; Theta Epsilon Nw.
"Lynn" is usually found waiting for, answering, or making a phone call. She's engaged to the party on the opposite end of the wire, you see. Her many talents lie in the artistic field, and include an excellent voice and a knack for writing. Her future plans-marriage, of course! "Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers."
1, 2;
Student Actioitier 1, 2; Psychology Club I ; De!!a Sigma Sigma.
Seen either with a German text, a golf club, or a grand slam bridge hand, "Sue" always has a smile for everyone. Dancing, math, and travel rank high on her long list of activities. With her understanding nature and willingness to work, we know she will find happiness and success as she goes on to further academic study.
"An honest man is the noblest work of God." Page seeenry-two
Presidents Club 2; Delta Psi Omega, President 2; Thela Epsilon Nu.
Witty remarks, quaint phrases, hilarious impersonations-all of these traits are found in "M.F.," for she is able to find the humorous side of any situation. Deeply absorbed in the theater, this capable president of Delta Psi Omega is well known for her many and varied talents. The theater world will soon gain an ambitious actress. "The stage is all men's mirror clear-those who condemn it, judgmenl pass upon themselves."
Presidents Club it; Centenary Singers I , President 2; Chapel Choir 1, 2; Pipers 2; Eversharps 2; Delta Phi Omega 1, 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
A bubbling personality and a warm smile describe "Joanie" to a "T." She will always be remembered
for her beautiful voice and her participation in the singing organizations at C. C. W. Her sincerity and enthusiasm endear her to all. A successful career in singing is assured this talented girl. "Music is said to be /he speech of angels." Page sevenlly-thee
Centenary Singers 1 ; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Knitting socks, driving a red "Chevvie," and eating "Table-Talk pies are favorite diversions for Joan. Altogether amiable and unassuming, it would be most difficult to find a more genuine friend than this diplomatic and kind person. Her ability to make life appear sunny and sweet has gained her widespread recognition. "I believed /he best of every man."
Deba Psi Omega 1 , 2; Psychology Club 2; Chorale I ; Delta Sigma Sigma.
One can always find "Sally" in Lotte lounge typing her program for "Teddy Bear Time" or watching T. V., accompanied by an unequaled laugh. W e see her lovely wavy black hair, and we feel her wonderful personality and her unquenchable enthusiasm. "Sally," we'll be sure to tune in channel "future" and look for you. "Take life seriously, and what is it worth?"
Pdge seventy-f o w
SPIUED INK I; Student Council, Treasurer 2; Phi Theta Kappa 1, President 2; Presidenzs Club 2; Dance , Club I ; Psychology Club I ; Theta Epsilon N u .
Linda is a girl who is not easy to forget. Although she has a congenial personality, she does not hesitate to be frank with anyone. As President of Phi Theta Kappa, she has helped her class in many ways. Her zest for a good time, good food, and many friends have made " P i n k a credit to any party or serious discussion. "It is a mark of intelligence, no mutter what you are doing, to have a good time doing it."
1V. A. A. Board, Recording Secre~ary I ; Sigma Epsilon Phi, Rushing Chairman 2.
An habitual &nile and a cheery "hello" accompany spirited and energetic "Sandy." Although she's usually seen rushing to and fro, "Sandy" will gladly take time to listen to problems and give advice. Dependability is the core of her character; friendliness, the reason for her pop1 "She loved to laugh, and so she lent, to other lives, her merriment." Page seventy-five.
KATHRYN FRANCES LAWRENCE Student Council. Hall President 2; Chorale 1, 2; Delra Sigma Sigma, Fieshman Representative 1 .
"Kay" thoroughly enjoys being with people. Dancing, ice skating, traveling on week ends, letter writing, and a knack for conversation are famous characteristics of this flirtatious and animated "miss." Her vivid imagination enlivens any group. The future finds this extremely versatile girl as a secretary.
"And there is no kznd o j thing in this world bzl~ w h a ~you can turn your hand to."
LORIELMACPHAIL SNYDER Gudd 1, 2; Music Club 2; Psychology Club I , Publiciry Chairman 2 ; Chorale 1; Delta Sigma Sigma.
"Lori" has given inestimable time and effort in promoting the success of "Cal." She has an unusual sense of humor that is often imitated but seldom duplicated, and her lively good nature will Iong be remembered. With her capacity for understanding and her love of children, she will be a successful nursery school teacher. "Fun is the cheapest pill that has ever yet been discovered ru2d the easiest to take."
Music Club 1 , 2; Psychology Club 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Naturally curly hair, a ready laugh, and a level head typify "Connie." Friends are drawn to her due to her special knack for helping others laugh off their troubles. Ability and ambition will mold a wonderful future for this lucky girl who plans to continue her studies in Europe. "Silejzre is deep ar eiernity, speech is shallow as time."
Guild 2; Leader? Corps 2 ; Psychology Club 2; Riding ~ l d 2; b Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Overflowing with good nature and bursting with vitality, "Skip" is known and loved by all. An avid sports enthusiast, this exuberant personality spends every spare moment on the athletic field. "Skip" is always willing and ready, whether it be to cheer her many friends or to play another hand of bridge. "I would do anything for a friend."
Page 8@@~&-Ep-$kuea
SPILLED INK 1, 2; Guild I , 2; Music Club 2; Theta Epsilon NII.
Add a dash of mischief, a bit of sauciness, and a great deal of sincerity, and this will yield one "P. B." A sparkling personality and gay spirit are her trademarks. Whether describing a New York week end or a fraternity gathering, "Pattie's" enthusiasm is only exceeded by her warm smile and friendly nature. "Gaily I went, with lciughter on my lips."
SPILLED INK 2; Guild 2; Presidents Club 2; Music Club, Vice President I , President 2; Psychology Club 2; Chorale 1 ; Delta Sigma Sigma.
She's off again! N o matter where she's boundor how (in a jaguar, perhaps ?),"Marcy" always has fun. Her English accent, her large, expressive brown eyes, and bubbling laugh make her a warm and lovable asset to any group. "Marcy" is planning to continue the study of music and will surely have a happy future.
"I give my spirit to the Food of song." Page seventy-eight
Thela Epsilon Nu.
A considerate, friendly, and genial personality are the attributes that describe "Robbie." She never fails to lend a listening ear or a helping hand when she can. Our guess is that "Robbie's" future as an executive secretary will be as happy as her past has been. "A smile is the whisper of a la~dgb."
Delta Sigma Sigma.
"Joanie's" enthusiasm and liveliness make her presence welcome. Easy to get along with and realistic in her views, "Joanie" is interesting to talk to-that is, when she's not talking herself! "Joanie" has a passion for flying and hopes to enter the air lines soon after graduation.
"This bubble earth."
Pdge seventy-nine'
Chapel Choir I ; Cenrenury Singevs 1; Thelu Epsilon Nu.
If mischief, energy, and spirit aren't accompanying "Ruthie" to her class, the "Mole" can be discovered in her room, either studying shorthand or experimenting with a new device for the longest lasting fingernails. "Ruthie" is an amicable and understanding friend. The air lines will be gaining a perfect hostess.
"Beneath her countenance lurked a sold of dark crnd friendly mischief.?
Chapel Choir I ; Centenary Singers 1; Music Club 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi, Vice President 2.
Loyal to all she believes in and to all who believe in her, "Jean" shares her happiness with everyone. This "Queen of Lotte kitchen" would do anything for a friend. She has done a splendid job of teaching others generosity and kindness through her own actions. W e thank you, Jean, for being you.
"You stand poised, treading the sunlight." Page eighty
SPILLXD INK I; Guild 1; Delta Sigma Sigma.
"Babs" finds this world a most satisfactory abode and can always find something to smile about. Writing letters to the "one and only," golfing, bowling, and tennis round out a busy day. In "Babs" we find a wonderful girl whom we shall always call our friend.
"Little deeds of kindness; little words of love."
S~udent Activities 1 Board 2; Delta Psi Omega 1, 2; d g m a Epsibn Phi.
If "Ginny" isn't curled up in hysterics, then you're apt to find her in a state of rapture, listening to an Elvis recording. At the mere mention of the word "movie," "Ginny" throws on her coat and is off to the theater. And yet, above and beyond her giggle of fun, "Ginny" is a thoughtful as well as a loyal friend.
"Then let us laugh! It is the cheapest luxury." Page eighty-one
Centenary Singers 2; Psychology Club 2; Chorale 1; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
"Jan" lives and loves every day. Her appreciation of the natural beauty of the country and her sense of fair play have made her an interesting person to know. Always understanding and sympathetic, one can usually find this busy girl helping others.
"Truly the world is a beautiful place."
Centenary Singers 1 , 2; Psychology Club 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.
Whether tutoring a puzzled chemistry classmate or listening sympathetically to a flood of troubles, dependable and concientious Celia never fails a friend in need. She lends her sense of humor to the occasion and brightens dampened spirits with her light-hearted laugh. The field of elementary education awaits her talent and ability.
" A good heart is worth all the heads in the world."
Page eighty-two
SPILLED INK 1, 2; Gzdd 1, 2; Music C h b 2; Therp Epsjlon Nu.
When "Jahnny's" not watching T. V., she can be found sound asleep-an open book and her glasses lying next to her- quite neglected. "Johnny" enjoys most of all her fabulous week ends at Cornell, and second ( ? ) . . she simply loves to talk. "Johnny" will enjoy life, because she loves people.
"06, fly not, Pleasure, pdeasant-hearted PIorlsure."
SPILLED INK l ; p ! e n t s Club 1; Cosmopolitan Club I , President 2; quatrc Club 2; Psychology Club I; Delta Sigma Sigma.
"Ann" will certainly go out of her way to help someone and is on hand when there is a job to be done. Full of class and team spirit, she loves athletics and the outdoors. Her catching smile, vivaciousness, and congeniality should make. her a very pleasant air-line stewardess. "It is more easy to be pleasant than cross."
SPILLED INK 1 , 2; Psychology Club 1, 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
"Dardee," known by her scarab bracelets and beautiful blond ponytail, can be seen dashing off in a flutter of excitement to the big week end at Princeton. Her sweet manner, sincerity, friendliness, and genuine interest in others have endeared her to many lasting friends. W e know that her love of people will carry her far in her chosen field. "Good humor is ithe clear blue sky of the soul."
SPILLED INK 1 , 2; Psycholo y Club 1, 2; Sigma Ep~ i l o n~ f i .
Friendly, dependable, and good-natured "Kitty" is never without a cheerful smile, sparkling eyes, and a "Hello" for all. "Kitty's" determined spirit, her talent as an orderly suitcase packer, and her unending supply of homemade cakes, will be long remembered. "Kitty" plans to transfer and continue her education.
" A sunny disposiiion is the soul of success."
Page eighly-forrr
Student Cotmcil, Hall Presidenr 1; Orienlation Committee; Guild 1 , 2; Psychology Club 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
This starry-eyed brunette with the winning smile is charm and graciousness personified. "Bobbe's" love of people is exhibited through her generous and understanding manner. Not only does she have a heart of gold-she is also willing and capable of handling many responsibilities. The future looks bright for "Bobbe" - we envy her potential students ! "There's rainbow tint and gleam within my henrt."
Student Court, Secretary 2; Phi Theta Kappa 1 , Secretary 2; Orientalion Canmiftee; Delta Sigma Sigma.
"Barb" is full of spirit, with a devilish twinkle in her eyes. You couldn't ask for a more loyal and thoughtful friend than Barbara. She works diligently, whole-heartedly, but she insists on finding time to write "those" letters. "Barb" is capable, reliable, and you know she'll always be smiling. "For the good are always merry." Page eighty-fire
Deha Sigma Sigma.
"Ei" often seem; bewildered by the bustle of our busy world. Understanding and forthright, her friendship goes out to one and all. Spicy repartee makes her a delightful addition to any group, and the fact that she is not easily upset by trifles may be the answer for her happy disposition. Children will certainly love this nursery school teacher.
"Happy am 1, from care I'm free! W h y aren't they all con~entedlike me."
Della Sigma Sigma.
"Susie," so cute in her ways, has a love for sports and music. Genuine and loyal, "Susie's" friendship is valued and lasting. She has her serious side, and yet enjoys a rich sense of humor. "I'll never get all this work done" can be heard emanating from her as she sits behind shorthand books and the typewriter. A secretarial job and marriage are among her future plans.
'Haste thee, Nymph, and bring with thee Jest, and yo~ribfulJollity."
Chapel Choir 2; Delta Sigma Sigma, Treasurer 2.
A heart-warming and jovial personality, an impeccable character, and a keen sense of humor endear "Deak" to all. Her unceasing line of witticisms and her spontaneous laughter are combined perfectly with an excellent quality of understanding. "Ann" will certainly always be surrounded by friends, and gaiety. "Honest good humor is the oil and wine of merry meeting."
Radio Club I , Station Manager 2; Phi Theia Kappa 2; Sfudent Activities 1, 2; Dellu Psi Omega, SecretaryTreasurer .?; Caypra C1wb 2, Treasurer 1 ; Delia Sigma Sigma.
Up in the air, on the air, Marlene still has both feet on the ground. Her hilarious comments and sparkling wit allow no one to be unconscious of her presence. Intellectually and socially, Marlene is alive. To add to these attributes, she is an honor student, and will certainly be a welcome personality to the held of radio and television. "If I couldn't laugh, I couldn't live."
Siudent Aciiuiiies 2; Riding Club 2; Music Club 1; Psychology Club I ; Della Sigma S i g m .
Karen is the chiej supporter of the Coca-Cola Company and an avid fan of Kansas State (. . . so far away!) From Karen radiates the light of sincerity and friendliness, and her conversation is often peppered with a bit of sarcasm. Generosity and a willingness to help others will be respected assets as she goes on to a secretarial career and to attain her "Mrs." degree. "She looks paliently before her with good courage."
Music Club 2; Theta Epsilon N u .
Nancy is one of the most engaging and exuberant girls we could ever meet. Her personality is magnetic and her sense of humor is irresistible. She will often be remembered for saying, "Oh, my dear," and for her love of jazz. Well liked by all, Nancy is certain to find happiness.
"I loved you for the bouyant fun that made perpelual holiday."
Chapel Choir I ; Centenary Singers I ; Dance Club, Treasurer I, Secrelary 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.
A dash of sophistication plus a little gremlin mischief typify "Ginny." Long dark tresses and a lovely figure make her outstanding, and her graceful modern dancing is often displayed at C. C. W. Maturity, conscientiousness, and neatness will aid her as she goes on to further academic study. We forecast an interesting life of fulfillment. "Grace was in all her steps. . dignity."
. . In every gesture
Student Council, A,eshman Represenratiue 1 ; Guild I; Delta Psi Omega.$; Library Cornmiltee 2; Psychology Club I ; Delta gigma Sigma, Rushing Chairman 2.
"Bunny's" unpredictable mischief and unique wit add to her naturally buoyant nature. A definite leader within a group, her perseverance and imagination are outstanding. Few can match her friendly interest in the individual or her eagerness to help others. "Bunny," a genuinely sincere person, is admired and respected by all. "Worthy of all that is, said nbout hev."
Chapel Choir 1 ,
Cetztettary Singers 1; Guild 2; Delia Sigma Sigma.
"Jeanie" can be found either playing jokes on the girls in the dorm or playing her last hand of bridge. The hardest tasks for her seem to be getting up in the morning and waiting for that certain date. Her easiest accomplishments are a ready laugh and an affinity for lasting friendships.
" A merry heart rnaheth a cheerful countenance."
Guild 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
This kind and considerate girl will long be remembered for her practical jokes in DuBois, her love for water fights, and her dislike for early rising. Judy loves eating in the grill, and yet her "hour glass" figure never gains an ounce. A very charming manner and a frequent smile will be welcome in any walk of life. "Sweet
P a p ninety
folly, sweet is play."
SPILLED INK 1, Associate Editor 2; Orientajion Conzmitiee; Theta Ebsilon Nu.
"Pinky" with her curly hair and sparkling eyes has a natural kindness and sincerity which make her a friend worthy to all. Her interest and concern for others become obvious in her words and deeds. "Pinky" will be long remembered for her high code of life and the happiness she has brought to all of us. "The smallest good deed is befter than the greatest good intention."
SPILLED INK 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
Sylvia is a combination of grace in motion and intensity in repose. Her deepest loves are the state of Virginia, her studies in medicine-and coffee!! Honest., open, and sincere, she is at ease in any situation. Sylvia is a happy, genial girl with incredible dreams, always reaching for the best life has to offer. She will surely attain her ambitions and aims. "Whdt she undertakes to do, she does well."
Guild 1, Board 2; Camera Club I , Secretary-Treasurer 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
Seldon~angry and always smiling, Gail will be remembered for helpidg those in need. Although serious, she loves a good sense of humor. With her efficiency and conscientiousness Gail will be an expert in the held of medical science. "He zuho sows courtesy redps friendship."
Camera Club
Theta Epsilon Nu.
A more appropriate nickname than "Sunshine" would indeed be difficult to find for this intelligent and charming "miss." Far from home, but never complaining, she spreads her cheerful outlook to 'those about her and makes one glad to know her. Her ambition at the moment is to obtain a degree from the University of California. Her presence among us has invited everyone's admiration. "This little seed of life and love, Just lent us for a day."
Centenary Singers 1 , 2; W . A. A. Board, Freshman Representative 1; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Gail has the sincere interest in everything around her that makes her a very versatile girl. Friendly, with an appropriate story or joke for every occasion, she has a way of making one laugh away trouble. Gail's love of life is almost infectious.
"And says again /ha6 life is good."
SPILLED INK I ; Chapel Choir 1 ; Cenienary Singers 1, 2; Pipers 2; Evpsharps 2; Studen; Actiuities 2; Outing ~ l u dBoard 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
Extremely generous, though very casual and "tweedy," Sally usually has a subtle and clever comment on the tip of her tongue. Very rarely does she get excited about anything, and for calming one's nerves, she's the best medicine. "Sal," a wonderful and true friend, will have an adventuresome life.
"The ready word /he wit will soon supply." Page ninety-ihree
Chapel Choir 2; Cenlenary Singers I ; Sigrna Epsilon Phi.
Thoughtful and sweet, Barbara is the kind of person who's a pleasur~to know. As an avid baseball fan, she defends her team to the end. Her talents lie in playing the piano, and in her ability to be as good a listener as she is a counsellor. "Barb" deserves the best of everything as she goes on to further her education in libexal arts. "Sweeter than the honey from the honeycomb."
Sigma Epsilon Phi.
"Beat Yale," is a phrase we have come to anticipate whenever "Sue" appears. Her ardent admiration for Princeton is only offset by her loyalty to the baseball Giants. Her lively sense of humor and snappy repartee are as consistent as her honesty and interest in others. "He is well paid who is well satisfied."
Chapel Choir 1, 2; Guild 1 , Bouvd 2; Delia Sigma Sigma.
"C" is always considerate and cheerful, and never has a harsh word for anyone. She loves fun, providing it comes after her work. For the past two years, she has always been available to those who have needed help. We wish for Cynthia happiness and success as she continues her studies at medical school. "Energy and persisfence conquers all."
EPNICE PHILLIPS Sigma Epsilon Phi.
When "Eunie" enters your room, you know there's going to be a good time. She loves to tease, and, in turn, takes her share with a grin. "Eunie's" interests include knitting and reading the classics. Combining her love of children with an interest in nursing, she should have a happy future.
" A kind heart and a capable head."
Page ninety-fie
Delta PJi Omega 2; Dance Club 1 , 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
If you see a pert and peppy dark-haired girl in the grill, the telephone booth, or indulging in unceasing chatter, she'will probably be Sheila, or "Little One." Her love for argument has led to many fervent and extremely interesting conversations. Gay and effervescent, Sheila has a big smile and a friendly "Hi" for one and all. "Oh, all mankind I challenge thee."
Delia Psi Omega 2; Sigt,ta Epsilon Phi
This mature, sophisticated girl has a certain charm that has gained the respect of many. Always poised and sedate, "Jan" will be an asset in the field of theater, radio, and music. Her perseverance and industriousness will be necessary in her plans to study in England at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts.
eloquence in her voice, in her eyes, in her air."
SALLIE CHRISTY PUGH Student Actiui~ies2; Delta Sigma Sigma.
Though small in size, "Sallie" makes up for it in pep and enthusiasm. Her eyes suggest mischief, but her friends realize her serious side. Centenary will miss the sound of her gay, contagious laughter. An inquisitive and alert mind will aid her as a medical secretary. "lust a litlle handful, but a barrel full of fun."
Student Council, Hall President 2; Student Acrivities 2; Leaders Corps 1; Chorale 1, 2; Della Sigma Sigma. 'I
Constantly chatte'king gaily, "Trish" is everyone's friend. Her simplicity is sincere and natural, and her manner is completely unaffected. T o be altogether dependable and helpful is high commendation, of which "Trish" is worthy. Her flair for design should be an asset in her future as a fashion coordinator.
"An agreeable companion upon the road is as good as a coach."
Page. nin$/y-seve?t
Chapel Choir 1; Centenary Singers I; Guild 2; W. A. A. Board, Vice Presidenl 2; Aquatic Club 1, 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
"Jack called," could mean nothing but another trip to Penn State for the girl with the curly hair and miracle grin. "L," with her many talents and practical jokes, can be found running up and down the athletic field or driving Trevorrow crazy with her cooking products. W e know Lynne today as a loyal friend and capable leader. What comes next-secretary, nurse, or Mrs. ?
"Always willing, always game-work or play she's just the same."
HACK Boavd 2; SPILLED INK 2; Student Court I; Chapel Choir 1; Cenrenary Singers 1; Guild 2; Student Activities 2; Psychology Club I; Theta Epsilon Nu.
"Well, kiddies" - here's "Sheppy." There will never again be such a combination of wholesome fun and sophistication as we find in Carol. Whether she's at a bridge game or swimming, her constant smile, lovely hair, and twinkling eyes, along with her unceasing "happy talk," make "Sheppy" a gay companion.
"I warmed borh hands before the fire of life."
Page ninety-eight
Guild 2; Leaders C o ~ p s1 , Serretary-Treasurer 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
There is no describing Mary Lou except in terms of "Red." She comes by this title honestly with her flaming red hair and flushed cheeks. Mary Lou is endowed with a pair of swift moving legs -be it dashing to and from class or down the hockey field. Her deep-rooted sense of loyalty and devotion to her friends cause her to be held in high regard by all. "Happiness is not a station you arrive at, but a manner of traveling."
Aquatic Club 7, Treasurer
Theta Epsilon Nu.
There's never a dull moment when "Bets" is around. She is always gay, and her spirit for her class and Centenary has yet to be surpassed. Athletically inclined, hockey and swimming rate high on her list of favorite pastimes. Considerate and understanding, this likeable girl is very easy to get along with. "The best way to have friends is to be one."
Aquatic Club 1; P~yrhologyClub 2; Della Sigma Sigma.
When you hear that Rochester accent you know that it's "Marsh." Whether she's shouting for "Cal" or singing along with the jukebox, she seems to bring a certain sparkle only surpassed by her dependability and wrIlingness to work. Centenary's loss will be the University of Rochester's gain as she goes on to complete her studies. "Rrpples of laughter, torvents o f friends,"
Delia Pri Omega 1, 2; Psychology Club 2; Delia Sigma Sigma.
"Barb's" love of life endears her to all. When there is a job to be done, Barbara will always be there. Sincerity and dependability, along with a good nature, all add to "Barb's" vivacious personality. W e will miss teasing her about her loyalty to Long Island and her "Island accent." Best of everything to "Barb" as a future medical secretary. "She does good l o herself who does good to her friends."
HACK Board I ; Ps chology Club 2 ; Library Commii. tee 1, Social Cnairman 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
"Molly-0" enjoys many phases of college lifeparties at Lafayette, chatting in the lounge, collecting stuffed animals, and giving her time and energy to campus activities. Gentle and sweet, Molly is not really the shy person we first thought her, but friendly and gay by nature.
"There is no duty we so underrate as the duty of being happy."
Presidenls Club 2;lBooR Club 1, 2; Library Commiziee I , Chairman 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
A gentle and personable girl who is so much fun to be with describes "Suzee." She finds the world a wonderful place and does not bother examining its faults too minutely. Colgate rates high with her, as her week ends off campus denotes. Her sincerity and interest in others make her a true and loyal friend. "Softly speaks and sweetly smiles."
Guild I , 2; Psychoiogy Club I , Treasurer 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Marcia's light sense of humor and colorful perscnality will turn a cloudy day into a bright one. We will always remember her for she gave us encouragement when we needed it the most. Marcia's understanding of people will help her to become an excellent teacher.
"She fills her space wilh deeds."
SPILLED INK 2; Music Club 2; Psychology Club 2; Chovale 1 ; Delta Sigma Sigma.
"Barb's" first love is music, and in her we find an accomplished pianist. Her laugh and "green hair" are the topics of much teasing, but who else except Barb could take it with so much good nature? W e are sure that she will make the most of her future, which includes attending Katherine Gibbs School. "Life is not life
h g e one bundred
l wilhoul music."
Chapel Choir 1 ; Centenary Singers 1 , 2; Aquatic Club 2; Atr Club I; Chorale, Secrelary I; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
With an infectious laugh and a sunny disposition, Jill is loved by all. Her genuine interest in others is very apparent and appreciated. Whethenplaying the piano, singing, swimming, sailing, drawing, or just having a wonderful time, "Jill's" unceasing enthusiasm never fails to cheer those around her.
" A jewel of melody in a selting of common sense."
ill if
Centenury Singets I ; Dunce Club 1, 2; Chorale I; Riding Club 2; Sigma E p ~ i l o nPhi.
3%uri%-aij a m reveE51%beingZidmakingothers happy. Her jovial countenance is a pleasure to behold. She also possesses an inborn understanding of people and their problems. Marijane's talents are many, and she participates in dancing, riding, golf and travel.
"All nature wears one universal grin." Page one hzindred three
NANCY COE NEWNAM Sludent Council 1 ; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
"Nan" is a tall, slender brunette known for her sincerity and charming air of friendliness. Her quick mind and flashing sense of humor are combined with a pleasant and enviable disposition. Nancy is a reassuring person to be with and is a true confidante. Lafayette seems to be a main source of interest at the moment. "She seems a part of fresh days lo me."
Student Activi~ies1, 2; Delta Psi Omega 1; D e l ~ aSigma Sigm4.
Nancy will never be found without her sweet and friendly manner. "Holy Moley!" is often exclaimed by this fun-loving personality. An excellent piano player, she loves to relax and listen to good music. Few are 'nicer than this personable girl, who is likely to be an excellent secretasp.
" A smile is the silent repection of happiness." Page one hundred four
HACK Board 1, 2; Orientalion Commitfee; Guild 1, 2 , Student Activities I , Board 2; IV.A . A . Board 2; Cheerleaders 1 , Captain 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Seen leading the cheers at Centenary's games, Carol is full of spirit and enthusiasm. She is never without a smile, a quip, or a friendly "hello" for all. Her deep and sincere love and understanding of people, and her capable acceptance of responsibility will take her far as an air-line stewardess. "Enthwiusrn is the genius of sincerity."
HACK Board I ; hientation Committee; Riding Club, Treasurer 2; Delfa Sigma Sigma.
This lively girl is one of the most good-natured and loyal persons we will ever have the privilege of knowing. "Annie's" abilities range from horseback riding to gifted swishes of the paint brush. Always neat and alert, her amiability and talents will win her many friends and success. "How soon u smile can chdnge the world."
Chapel Choir 1, 2; Centenary Singevs 1; Guild 1, 2; Psychology Club 1, 2; Riding Club 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
If "Barb" can't be found in a chattering group, you may be sure to find her enjoying her favorite pastime, horseback riding. She is one of the most sincere and down-to-earth girls on campus. Her sensitive perception and ability to impart knowledge are assets in her chosen career as a nursery school teacher. "Nods and becks and u~reatkedsmiles
. . ."
~ d i . 3 jotrial counte~anrts ,is accepted ~ E S U * ~ *brownyes and W n g &mpTkts,.A &wming wit ~~nil~z&le. and ~ W O I ad&& in4 persdily. 8She is reli&3&a d mp&1e=af @eat ackie~;emectts, P B ~ C&gnm&wb-m&tnes, v?ersat1"Liy>4' &err$ t t t b & k & &tii bum eedd ody lead & ti diE@X&f-ent:
Guild I ; Sludent Aclivities 1 , 2; Psychology Club I ; Delta Sigma Sigma.
"Terry" is a level-headed, dependable girl who is never too busy to help others. Her devotion to Lehigh and her active participation in Cal will be long remembered. With sparkling eyes and a cordial manner, "Terry" will lead a creative life through her interest in drawing, painting and sculpturing. "My smiles must be sincere, or not at all."
Guild 2; ~ d f i Club c 1 , 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Friendliness, tactfulness, sincerity, and understanding have gained Joyce a personality loved by all. She can usually be found looking for a dime, or inserting one into a coke machine. "Oh, the pain of it all," is always heard when homework time is nigh. An avid conversationalist, smiling Joyce will be welcomed wherever she goes. "Mine is a world of feeling and of fancy."
HACK Board, Art Editor I ; SPILLED INK 1, 2; Orientation Committee; Theta Epsilon Nu.
When you know Donna, you have a true friend. She has a wonderful sense of humor and doesn't mind if the joke is on her-occasionally! Her pet peeve is losing something, and when this happens escape quickly, but "don't panic!" The name "Donna" means never a dull moment! " As merry ar the day is long."
Guild, Board I, Treasurer 2; Psychology Club 1; Chorale I; Thela Epsilon Nu.
"Bobby," upon first impression, is shy and reserved, but the reserve wears off quickly and you find a girl who is energetic and refreshing. Knitting is her weakness, but her humor and contagious giggle are quite distinct. Her love of the "Zate" house and her addiction to coca cola are further statistics on a girl who is nice to know and fun to be with. "Good humor is success."
Guild 2; Co~.mopolitanClub I ; Outing Club 1 ; Delta Sigma Sigma.
"Casey" can usually be found laughing in the lounge with "just one more" bridge hand in front of her. Happy as she usually is, "Casey's" personality includes patience and understanding. Her hopes for the future include a secretarial job and marriage. W e hope that, no matter what path "Casey" travels, she will find happiness waiting for her. "Joy is in my heart."
Guild I ; Student Activilies 1, 2; Cormopoliian Club I ; Outing Club 1 ; Sigma Eprilon Phi.
"Joycie" with the impetuous manner and laugh can always make the group a happy one. Her lovely eyes are an outstanding feature. Bridge, travel, politics, and foreign languages are among her main interests, and next year will find lucky Joyce studying abroad. "Oh, clear sweet laughter of my heart pow out." Page one hundred nine
Student Actizlities I , 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Talkative and enthusiastic -that's "Moff ." Her motto in life is, "Work hard and play hard," and she's quite successful at both. Although quiet at times, "Moff will long be remembered for her smile and her schemes. She is bound to be an efficient and highly esteemed secretary. "The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it."
Student Council, Hall President 2; Guild 2; Psychology Club I ; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
You have only to hear, "I, don't know, I only live here," to know "Mort" is around. She delights in bringing a smile to anyone's face and is always adding to her own happiness by increasing that of others. W e have seen evidence of her understanding and sincerity in her handling of hall meetings in Van Winkle. "Make hay while the sun shines."
Page one bundred len
Student Activitier I , Board 2; Della Sigma Sigma.
Carol's friendly charm and neat appearance play a large part in her popularity. Although famous for her wonderful knack of being able to catch "40 winks" at almost any hour of the day, she can be depended upon to do any job well. There is little to be found in life that this kind and considerate girl does not love. "The niost manifest sign of wisdom is co12tint1ed cheerfulness."
Guild 2; Studen1;p4cfivities 1, 2; Psychology CIub 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Her quick wit and sparkling brown eyes reveal her readiness for any harmless mischief; but when the situation calls for a level head and common sense, Anne is the person to see. A neat appearance and an aptitude for secretarial studies will be great assets in her future career. " A studious exierior oft conceals a wealth of mir~h ." rage one Dunarea ereven
Dance Club I ; Thela Eprilon Nu.
"Woodie" is known visually for her striking model's figure, and audibly for her mischievous wit. Although quite serious at times, this vivacious "miss" has a love for the unusual. A sunny smile and a charming manner will be assets to "Woodie" as she enters the medical secretarial field.
"She was tall and slim, with easy grace."
ALISON K ING RAMSEY Dance Club I , 2; Della Sigma Sigma.
Wits are born, not made-and "Audie" is a born comedienne. Yet, she can always be depended upon for sincerity, understanding, and thoughtfulness. This playful and outgoing personality will be loved by the students in her future nursery school class.
" A girl of sterling worth 1s more [ban all the gold on emlh."
Guild 1, 2; Music Club 1 , 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
"Jo's" complaisant manner, gcaciousness, and zest for fun are but a few of the qualities which endear her to our hearts. Her "fourth for bridge?" can be heard in the lounge, and her love for that last cup of coffee makes her a frequent visitor to the grill. Piano playing and tennis are two of her favorite pastimes. "The boy next door" is going to change this "Miss" to "Mrs." "For the friendship of two the patience of one is nere~sary."
1 , 2;
Aq~aticClub 1, 2; Thela Epsilon Nu.
Pert and petite, vivacious and sweet, describe Karen perfectly, while her soft, curly hair is envied by all. She is a tonic for our bad moods, and a booster for our good ones. Her unpredictable jokes, marvelous originality, her contagious giggle, and her abundance of school spirit make her an important contribution to the Class of '57. "A joyous measure trod by your joyous feet, A tale of laughter told by your bright tongue."
Psychology Club 1, 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.
"Whitie's" quiet sense of humor and adaptability to any circumstance have proven invaluable aids to this cheerful person. Never shirking a chore, she can always be depended upon when an extra helper is needed. She has shown a great deal of interest in archery, and excels as a ballroom dancer. A "certain man in her life" could be the reason for that starry-eyed look. "Swif! to hear, slow l o speak, slow 10 wrath."
Guild 1 . 2; Music Club I ; Psychology Club 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
A smooth temper and an even disposition make "Liz" a most pleasant companion. Talkative and always ready with a helping hand, "Liz" will derive much satisfaction from life. Her main forte is her love and understanding of children, which will certainly insure a successful teaching career. "Fall merry am I."
Riding Club 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.
Light blonde hair, a bright smile, a friendly word, and an abundance of pep characterize our "Janie." This sports enthusiast derives most of her pleasures from water skiing and hockey, excelling in both. Always pleasant, always agreeable, "Janie" deserves the best.
"An amiable disposition has she."
HACK Board 2; &den! Activities 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Vivian's rapid speech is typical of her dashing nature. Full of vim and vigor, "Viv" is the type who enjoys a good week end, a good meal, a good movie, and a good time. Her fine taste in clothes reveals a girl who will be a success in the field of merchandising.
"What is this life, if full of care W e h a ~ eno time to stop and stctre."
Page one hundred fifteen
Student Activities 1, 2; Delta Psi Omega I ; Outing Club 2; Psychology Club I ; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Norma is a petite, likeable girl of many interests, including sports cars, hamburgers, jazz, letter writing, and, of course, Bucknell. She never lacks words, no matter what the situation, and firmly believes that her pronunciation of "can't" and "path" are by far the best. W e know this little girl with the big smile will win the hearts of all those she encounters. "Each liltle dame h a a way thul's most endearing."
Delta Psi Omega I ; Outing Club 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Nancy's delightful humor and sincerity are easjly detected. Whether planning a practical joke, riding at Millburn, listening to records, or simply relaxing and doodling, this hard-working and honest girl always maintains her pleasant disposition. The near future will contain either a secretarial career or further schooling. "She touches nothing, bt/t she adds u charm."
Page one, hmdred si&-eee
SPILLED INK 1, 2; Sludenl Court 2; Student Council 2; Guild I; Della Psi Omega 1, 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
A love of life, a love for people, a talent for golf, and a sense of devoted responsibility are found in Mary Gail. "M. G." has the most alive combination of sincerity and fun which includes us all as her friends. A bouncin' uke, a rich voice, her eternal " P e i t h spirit prove she's a sunshine girl. "We're all happy, so why not shout about it!" "E~zthusiasmis the genius of sincerity, and ~ r u l h accomplishes no victories without it."
HACK Bomd I; Phi Tbera Kappa 2; P ~ y c h o l o Club ~ y I,.?; Student Cyurt 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi. 1.
Here is a girl who can be depended upon for kindness and sincerity. Smiling, good-humored "Dutch" finds the world smooth moving, and helps the rest of us to find it so. She combines seriousness with a happy giggle and a light-hearted disposition. A strong determination to achieve the highest goals has led her to select the University of Connecticut for further study. "Gentle of spirit, beneficent of mind."
2; GM-U 2; &sic
CljUb, fr~srrrer21
2,r; Tbeta E$xJlva Nrr.
Urlb who can alwrtys be heard sayiag, "That's the funniesk thing I've h a r d in my whale entire
life!'' is aa expert at amsword p d e , bmhia& hait, singing off key, tripping, and keeping d o a t in Aquatics Qub. Th~u&tfuk m&derate, and &~ient, Urla plans enter nutsing &bol where she will be a welcome ddition. " A wit that loved
pfq)z l ~ urowd." t
SPILLED INK 2; Guild 2; Music Club 2; Theta Epsilon Nu. "Kathi" can often be found sitting at her typewriter saying "Oh isn't that a shame!" at each mistake, which illustrates her sweet and goodnatured manner. She's always happy and ready to have fun. "Kathi" is one of those people we seem to like on sight, as she is continuously smiling. W e know she will make lasting friends wherever she goes.
"Happiness b the soul's calm sunshine." Page one hundred eighteen
Chapel Choir I , Sectional Leader 2; Cenienary Singers I , Sectional Leader 2; Guild 1 ; Della Sigma Sigma.
"Baynesie" added a flavor to our class that made every activity more spirited. She has an ingenious sense of humor and many times, with seeming calm, has set our sides aching with laughter. Her wealth of sympathy and gay personality were an essential part of our Senior Class.
"Nofhingis impossible to a willing heart."
Chapel Choir I , Sectional Leader 2; Centenary Singers Sac~ional Leader 2; Delia Sigma Sigma. , 6,'
Considerate, kind, and always agreeable is "Sandi." She possesses a winning smile and a friendliness that make her liked by all. Colloquially speaking, she is "calm, cool, and collected." Her "Surethat's fine!" will echo down the halls after her. Possessing artistic talents, she should attain her goals in future radio work.
"Sweet, sensible, and sincere is dowry worth a hemisphere." Page one hlrndved nivfeteen /
Chirpel Choir 1; Centenary Singers 1; Music C l ~ b1, 2, Theta Epsilon Nu.
Grace's s~ncerityhas won her many lasting friendships. Neat and sweet, her absentmindedness is as humorous as it is famous. She enjoys a good chat and loves to laugh. Strong ambition and high ideals predict a bright future for this happy girl at Drexel Institute of Technology, where she plans to major in Interior Decorating.
" I go musing along, thinking of diverse things."
Guild 2; Outing Club 2; Psychology Club 1, 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
"Jackie's" versatility and long red hair leave everyone amazed. Her abilities range from the domestic -sewing and cooking-to the athletic and scholastic. "Jackie" can often be seen knitting on that eternal sweater and chatting with friends. Her willingness to work and her efficient ways will assure her a successful future as a secretary.
"Almost to all things could she turn her hand."
Della Psi Omega 2; Secretary of the Senior. Class; Sigma Epsilo)~Phi.
Jane is a competent girl with a genuine naturalness and a fine sense of humor. She literally whistles along with responsibility, and we've certainly found her dependable. Jane is a Baltimore fan due to a very important reason-Paul! A medical secretary with Jane's warm heart and sincerity cannot be duplicated. "There zuus room in her beart for mat~y."
Phi Thetri Kap a 1 , 2; Cenrenary Singers 1; Dance C h b 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
"Beth" can usually be found in Van Winkle lounge having a coke or studying. As a member of Phi Theta Kappa, "Beth" is serious about her work, but still finds time to have fun. She also enjoys art. Upon graduating from C. C. W., she plans to continue her education in New York. "Let knowledge grow froin more to more." Puge one hundred twenly-one
A ~ / i t ( i / fi ,~2; ~ .C O J ~ ~ ~ Cbb Q &I ;~P$pchEogy ~ R C h h I , 2;%#a Sig%~ltSEgm.
Just look for a darIing gid with.&pixie hairat, firtxkb, and prgeaus dgrk lashes, and you are sure t\3 hsd '"C~thp."Hem refiaed manner, sprinkled with a dash of gaiety, makes her someone v & q s p e d to know. Northwrestem University w ill certainly love this chming '"miss."
"Eva l h f @e fornt#rrs @ f tborgbt a d songaJJ
SPILLED INK 1, 2; Psychology Club 1; Student Council, Hall President 2; Library Committee 1, 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
Here's a girl whose happy nature is reflected in her smiling eyes and tinkling laughter. "Kathy's" sweetness and sincerity are outstanding character traits, while her swinging blond pony tail is the most visible physical feature. Her passion for phone calls and week ends shows us an adorable girl who will not be forgotten.
"She ~hines good deed in a naughly world."
ELAINE HAMILTON GIBSON Guild 2; Della Psi Omega 1, 2; Delfa Sigma Sigma.
"Johnee" can always be found behind the curtain prompting for the latest play. Her soft-speaking and easy-going manner creates a feeling of warmth and well being wherever she is. Her determination and eagerness to please make "Johnee" a valuable friend. Sincerity, neatness, and a sparkling sense of humor will lead her far in her chosen career as a legal secretary. "She found her climate in her heart and it was summertime."
Student Council, ;bite President 2; Chapel Choir 1 ; Centenary Singers, Assis~ant Librarian I ; Psychology Club I ; Theta Epsilon Nu, Rushing Chairman 2.
Sweet and sincere, Jean'has a strong determination to do what is best for everyone, and a talent for following up her decisions and promises with action. A special Dartmouth man holds the key to Jean's happiness. "Her voice zuas always soft and gentle, an excellen1 thing in a woman."
Psychology Club 1, 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.
To truly appreciate "Missy," one has to learn of her dry humor and demure personality. As an equestrian, her blue ribbons attest to her ability, while golf may bring her many more honors. Her soft-spoken southern accent adds to her charm, while her subtle sense of mischief is an unfailing producer of gentle fun.
"Her ways are ways of pleasantness."
HELEN LOUISE WARD Phi Theta Kappa 1, V i c e President 2; Chapel Choir I ; Centenary Singers I ; Psychology Club 1, 2; Pipers 1; Delta Sigma Sigma.
A sweet disposition combined with loyalty and a well-developed personality endear Helen to her many friends. Her talents lie in singing and entertaining at the piano. Meanwhile, her attentive ear will listen to your problems. A radiant smile and a big "Hi" accompany her wherever she goes. "The sign of wisdom is continued cheerfulness." Pdge one hundred twenty-four
Guild 1 , Board 2; Costnopolitan Club; Music Club 2 ; Book Club 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.
Harriett's sweet, sincere manner proves her a very worthy friend. She possesses the rare quality of being a good listener. Tranquillity is another of her virtues and her assistance may be depended upon in any difficult task. This future air-line stewardess should find life pleasant and stimulating.
"Kind tongue that never zuounded, sweet mirth that leaves no scar."
Cosmopolitan Clu4 2; Music Club I , 2; Camera Club I , 2; Book Club'.i?; Art Club 2; Theta Epsilon N u .
"Paula" possesses a quiet, natural charm topped with a happy smile. Her benign manner and helpfulness towards others have obtained for this ~fraifan+w-~u s rnnumerable t n e X s F p s i = r knowledge and interest in golf, photography and the piano make her a fascinating person to know.
"I~'Jodd how much she conveys without saying anything, just by d look."
Guild 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Honest, dependable, with a knack for conversation, is Caroline. If you talk to her long enough, you can't help acquiring her "you-all" and her definite viewpoints. Because of Caroline's desire to help improve things, she should lead a very useful and interesting life.
"Whdt we believe, we must believe wholly and without reserve."
Aquatic Club 1, 2; Riding Club 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.
"Kathy" is unaffected, but is also complexity itself. One moment she is intensely serious, and the next, animated beyond words. Her humor pops out in the most unexpected places. With kind words, a sympathetic manner, and boundless energy, "Kathy" has proved to be a true and faithful friend.
"Uplift my dreaming suddenly in flight, and fill my soul wirh jagged colorings."
Page one hundred fwenty-six
Chapel Choir 1; Cenjenary Singers 1; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Nancy's conscientious ways and neat appearance are qualities to be admired. Although she is usually quiet, you will find that she has an irresistible sense of humor. It can be said of "Nan" that her gentleness and warmth are surpassed only by her strength of character.
"Asking nolhing, receiving naught, but minting her words from the fund of her thought."
Chapel Choir 1 ; Cenlenary Singers 1, 2; Music Club 1 ; Came!? Club 1; Delta Sigma Sigma. rl
Because "Pat" is a very sympathetic and an attentive listener, she has found many true and lasting friendships. Her calm and serene nature gives one a feeling of assurance and ease. "Pat" is known for her two fabulous collections-stuffed animals and recordings. Her future includes a secretarial career and the inevitable marriage.
"To understand the dificulties of others is to forgive." Page one hundred twenty-seven
Student Council 2; Book Club 1, 2; Library Commitjee 1, 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
"Pat's" cheerfulness and happiness are apparent in her friendly smile. Her industrious manner makes her a conscientious student with a flare for perfection. Dancing, hiking, animals, and sewing are fun and meaningful interests in "Pat's" life. A willingness to work will undoubtedly bring success to "Pat" in her secretarial career. "What sweet delight a quiet life affords."
Student Activities 1 , 2; Psychology Club 1, 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
Ann is never too busy to be a good friend and a sympathetic listener. She has a fondness for the outdoor life and animals, and takes great pride in raising dogs. Her sincere interest in people and her conscientious study of secretarial subjects will assure Ann success as a secretary. "For her heart is like the Secl, ever open, brave, and free." Page one hund~edtwenty-eight
Student Gowncil, Class Representdive 2; GYiU 2; Leaders Corps 2; Camera Clwb 1; Psychology C l ~ bI ; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Harriette can always be seen with a smile on her face and her helping hand outstretched. When anyone says "fun," she's the first one ready. With mischief in her eyes and determination on her face, our "'Harxett" is always cheerful, except perhaps on her dreaded "miserable Monday." Who cm forget her IovabIe sincere personality, her "puns," those delicious congo squares or "Butch"' ?
"The finest friend,
Tbe first to welcome, foremost to defend.'J
Page one hzrndred twenty-nine
. .Please don't explain, show me!"
Freshmen Class Officers President .....................................................................................................................................................
Vice-President ......................................................................................................................................
Secretary ................................................................................................................................................
Advisor ...............................................................................................................................................................
Page one hundred thirty-two
Class Song Memories that linger, Throughout our lives will last. Dawning in our hearts, From years that qu~cklypass. Years at C. C. W . Years decreed by fate T o join our lives togetherAs the Class of '58.
Class Colors Black and White
Chorr~s Black and White, humble ever, W e are filled with pride for thee. High stands your tower, Where friends will always be.
"ne hundred thirty-three
Top, left to right-Katharine Appel, Jean Andrews, Judith Abbe, Anne Agee, Louise Altman, Priscilla Anderson. Bottom-Elizabeth Alsop, Myrna Alvarez.
Top, left to right-Christine Chacona, Joan Buechler, Susan Caplan, Virginia Bump. Bottom-Sally Carter, Linda Brumbaugh, Constance Cann, Karen Bryant.
Left to right-Pat Bates, Dale Bederson, Mary Billings, Dorothy Augenstein, Joan Bogardus, Barbara Bloom, Phyllis aima an, Blaustein.
an ice
Top, left to right-Carol Bomeisler, Heather Bruce. Middle-Carol Briggs, Marjorie Braun. Bottom-Barbara Bruggeman, Gail Brach, Betty Jane Broadbrooks, Martha Bowe. ;!
I i I-.
Top, left to right-Judith Clogg, Nina Cline, Jane Chapman, Priscilla Church. BotromSally Clappier, Patricia Clark, Susan Cobden, Sandra Churchill.
Top, left to right-Kristin Coleman, Deborah Conger, Margaret Coldren, Joan Costello, Carol Comstodc. Bottom - Anne Cooke, Marjorie Conn, Ellen Cohen.
Top, left to ~ight-Victoria Day, Muriel Dang, Deborah Deyo, Sarah Daniell, Jeanne Dittel. Bottom-Bonnie Davis, Jean Detwiler, Ann Cullen.
Top, left to right--Cynthia Erickson, JO Ann Dix, Andrea Evans, Judi Donnan. Bottom-Mary Ann Elliott, Amy Duryee, Anne Draper, Linda Dix.
Top, left to right-Judy Ewing, Nancy Faure, Judy Flinn. Bottom-Annette Frith, Elizabeth Eyerly,. Shelia Flaherty, Jane Ewing, Lynne Flatow.
Top, left to right--Gail Freeman, Margaret Funking, Carolann Flynn. Bottom-Elaine Fulton, Arden Forster, Judy Fordham, Betty Flynn.
Top, left to right-Eleanor Gerardo, Sandra Gerrard, Betty Grier, Ann Gay. Bottom-Sue Gordon, Barbara Garrett, Marlene Genitempo, Helen Geyser.
Top, left to right-Mary Ann Griffin, Arlene Hale, Linda Gundlach, Grethel Huber, Sallie Gurney, Louise Mah~pey.Bottom-Madeline Manno, Lois Grosman.
Top, left to right-Elizabeth Hatch, Carolyn Hardy, Hope Harlow, Patricia Hart. Bottom -Barbara Hartman, Linda Harris, Brenda Hartell, Frances Fiducia, Jeffra Hamilton.
Left to right -Ann Hemminger, Nancy Heydt, Ellen Heater, Nancy Hengeveld, Honora Hauswirth, Jeanne Heffron, Judith Hawie, Nancy Heyman.
Top, left to right-Ann Gwynne, Diane McCullough, Valerie Mollenauer, Mary Ann MacIninch, Sara Lorenz. BottomPatricia Holt, Elaine Hocking, Irma Honkanen, Carda Hoover.
Bottom-Peggy Koch, Norma Kwas, Susan Lewis, Carol Lehr.
Top, left to right-Mary Louise Hutchison, Betty Lou Jacobsen, Sara Jane Jasper, Nancy Imschweiler. Bot/om -Joanne Jacob, Karen Huebscher, Margaret Hylan, Pat Ingram.
Left to right-Shirley Anne Gunzer, Donna Jones, Nancy Karp, Barbara Joly, Carol Johnson, Letitia Joy, Sally Johnson, Barbara Johnson, Ann Johnson.
Left to right-Susan Kibbe, Andrea Klein, Janet Kerruish, Carol Kerlin, Barbara Knoop, Jane Kerr, Abby Kluppel;/ berg.
Left to right--Constance Lohbeck, Susan Lovell, Barbara McCoy, Noel Loftman, Joan McCausland, Susan Lowe.
L e f ~to right-Lesley Lorenzen, Jane Kelting, Lisa May, Virginia Maxton, Anne Menge, Jane Markowitz, Elaine Massad, Nancy Martin.
Top, left to right-Mary Morey, Judith Moulton, Miriam Morreale, Marcia Moore. Bottom - Doris Mowen, Mimi M~uphy, Maryjane Morrell.
Top, left to right-Phyllis Ruehle, Lynne Meyer, Nancy McLaughlin, Chalice Porter, Bottom - Nancy Hackett, Barbara Rossy, Gretchen Manternach, Alice Russell, Marian Rudderow.
Top, left to right-Francis Palmetto, Jane Oellermann. Bottom-Elizabeth Olson, Linnea Ogren, Jane Oxenhandler, Nancy Newell, Lynne Needle.
Left to right-Janice Peltz, Carolyn Perskin, Barbara Pflug, Carolyn Parker, Myrle Perkins, Brenda Porter, Barbara Pierce.
Top, left to right-Mary Potts, Susan Price, Carra Rainey, Gayle Preston, Gloria Quintana, Ann Priestly. BottomPenelope Reed, Lucy Read. ;!
Top, lefl 10 righl-Margaret Rutan, Patricia Rohn, Sue Remington, Joy Riddell. Botkortz -Vickie Wells, Sherry Horn, Judy Rhimer, Joy Schwettman, Audrey Rosenweig.
Top, lefr to right-Marguerite Sayles, Joanne Savino, Josephine Mitchell, Marilyn McQuillan. Bof/om-Nancy Ricketts, Patricia Robinson, Shelia Rowe, Elsie Richardson.
Left l o right-Marcia Hoffman, Marilyn Scharg, Coral Schmid, Louise Schell, Peggy Sherman, Elizabeth Selfridge, Daryl Seltzer.
Left to right-Mary Tsongas, Judith Van Rees, Linda Tanzer, Dian Van Voorhis, Deborah Taylor, Diane Tuzeneu, Lorraine Warren, Sally Todd, Jill Thomson.
Left to right-Martha Slaughter, Judy Smith, Beverly Smith, Sandra Sivier, Gail Shipp, Elizabeth Sifflard, Joan Smith.
Top, left to right-Sara Standish, Patty Smith, Barbara Stahl. Middle-Barbara Stirrat, Nancy Stauffer, Sally Smith. Bottom-Sandra Shippe, Anne Starr, Arlene Stein.
Top, left to right-Alicia Suarez, Gail Stitzer, Elisa Strachan, Nancy Stover, Nancy Straub, Betty Storck. Bottom-Virginia Sullivan, Nancy Storr.
Top, left to right-Elissa Vartanian, Valerie Volkrnan, Barbara Vennard, Lois Van Rensseiaer. Bottom-Judith Vaughn, Doris Waldron, Marion Vreeland.
Left to r i g h t S u z a n n e Wells, Jackie Warner, Ellen Wall, Nancy Weaver, Joan Wear, Phyliss Warren.
Top, left to right-Linda Wiese, Sandra Sutorious, Mary Lou Wilcox, Betty Ann Whitman, Ann Whidden. Bottom-Dana Wilbur, Sally Whitford, Arlene White.
Left to right-Dorothy Williams, Carole Yates, Barbara Wolf, Wendy Wilde, Margaret Wilson, Sally Wilson, Gail Zoller.
" Y o u said that yon would do it, und indeed you did."
T h e Hack STAFF Editor ................................................................................................................................................. Literary Editor ...................................................................................................................................
GRESSLY Assistant Art Editor ETTE BODOR Business Manager ................................................................................................................................. NANCY ORCUTT ;! Advisor MISS RASBACH Art Editor
EEKS before the official opening of the 1956 academic year, the editors a n 4 staff literally rolled up their sleeves and went to work to produce this yearbook. Many suggestions were interchanged and exciting ideas were enlarged, embellished, and finally incorporated into what
Page one hundred forty-six
we hope yo11 will long cherish-your 1957 HACK. Everyone concerned with this project became an enthusiastic and untiring worker under the inspiring guidance of the Editor-in-Chief, Peggy Atwater. It was she who coordinated all the efforts
of her officers and staff. Nancy Schuster, Literary Editor, was responsible for all the written material, while the Art Editor, Donna Gressly, and her assistant, Bette Bodor, proved their talents with their drawings. All financial details and the chore of providing funds through advertising were ably undertaken by the Business Manager, Nancy Orcutt. Our deepest gratitude and thanks go to the very deserving Business and Literary staffs. Miss Mary Rasbach, our faculty counselor, supervised our combined forces and was helpful with her advice. Our thanks go to her for her encouragement. The word and picture story we have assembled may be likened to the lovely, intricate pattern of a patchwork quilt. Its central figure is Centenary
College for Women; the thousands of stitches, the memories you retain; the glowing colors, the extracurricular activities; while the board enclosing the entire design is the faculty and administrative staff; the many hands which sewed the patches into a pattern of continuity, the friends you made. In the far-distant future you may recall, through the HACK, the many threads, the patches, the colors, and the design that you and your associates wove so skillfully. Working for the yearbook has been a wonderful experience for each of us, and it is our fervent hope that the HACK will keep fond memories alive for you, the Class of '57.
rage one hundred forty-seven
Student C o u r t OFFICERS Prerident ..................................................... R U N SHIPLEY Vice-president .......................................... L E E LEONARD Secretary ............................................. B A R BHAMPSON Advisors MISSHIGHT AND MISS BIGELOW
HE Student Court of Centenary is the judicial branch of the Student Government Association. It is made up of ten elected members, including its four officers and three representatives from each class. Since its aim is to uphold the */ standards of the College, the Court strives to encourage integrity and responsibility in each individual. The Honor Code, which is the backbone of the court, is a new experience for most girls. For the purpose of maintaining the highest ideals of American womanhood, the Court was established to offer to those who had made mistakes its assist-
Page one hundred forty-eight
and guidance. In doing this, it relies upon the Honor Code for substantial encouragement and support.
The chief goal of the Court this year is strengthening the Honor Code through reporting one's self for any violation of the rules. With the cooperation of each student, this aim has now become a vital part of Centenary life.
Student Council OFFICERS President ............................................................ C O L SNYDER Vice-president ................................................... J E N RIT~ERT Secretary ...................................................... J E N GILPATRICK Treasurer ........................................................ LINDA PINKNEY Advisors..................... MISS HICHT A N D MISS BIGELOW
HE members of the Student Government Association of Centenary have strived to obey, to uphold, and to strengthen the constitution, rules, and regulations of the college which are based upon the ideals of individual duty, loyalty, and honor. The Student Council is the governing organization of Centenary College for Women. Representatives are elected by the student body from both the freshman and senior classes. The aims have been to administer an active, effective, and democratic student government, to afford each student an opportunity to work constructively for her college, and to promote, develop, and practice a sense of responsibility in each girl as a part of the college community, as a part of life-beyond Centenary. W e are all members of the Student Government, sharing responsibilities and privileges. The Student Council has worked along with the Honor Code toward what is believed to be a wonderful way to live--cooperation and consideration by everyone, for everyone. The Council promoted many activities during the college year. Only girls charged with enthusiasm and spirit could have made this year so successful. Page one hundred forty-nine
Presidents Club OFFICERS
Presiden/ ...................... ....................MARYJ ANE F ORINCER Secretary-Treasurer ................................. M ARY ATKINSON Advisor
.......................... .................................................
Serrelnry-Treasurer ..................... M ARGARET ATWATER Advisors.................. D R .
HI IOTA is the honorary leadership society of Centenary. The organization consists of the twelve major campus clubs' leaders. The members unite with the President and Deans of the College in order to promote and maintain high standards of living on the campus. The aims of this society are to direct its combined judgment toward improving the standards of the College; to promote ;harmonious relationships between the students and faculty; to discuss the problems of student life; and to give each member of the faculty the opportunity to submit suggestions for consideration and action. Phi Iota meets once a month at the home of President and Mrs. Seay. They are guided in their discussions and decisions by President and Mrs. Seay, Dean Hight, and Dean Bigelow.
Page one hundred fifty
HE main purpose of the Presidents Club is to coordinate all activities offered by the various organizations on campus. As a result, one main function of the club, under the guidance of Mr. Hesse, is to set the schedule of club meetings so that various clubs will not conflict with one another. Each president of a campus organization is a member of this club. Any important questions or problems which may develop within any of the groups are discussed at the monthly meetings. As a result of these meetings, a feeling of unity, cooperation, and fellowship among the presidents are perpetuated.
Phi Theta Kappa
Student Activities
President ...................................................... LINDA PINKNEY
President ............................................................ GAIL ZABRISKIE
Vice-president ............................................... H ELEN W A R D
Secretary-Treasurer .......................................... N ANCY ASAY
Secretary ............................................... B A R BHAMPSON
Advisor ......................................................................... MR.HESSE
Treasurer ............................................................... DIANELEWIS Advisor ....................................................................
H I THETA KAPPA, known more familiarly as "Phi Thet," is the National Honorary Scholastic Fraternity of junior colleges. Promotion of scholarship and development of character among the students of the various chapters are the basic fundamentals of this organization. These two factors, together with recognized qualities of citizenship and active participation in their school, are the requirements for "Phi Thet" membership.
Throughout the year the society sells newspapers, gives teas in recognition of the girls that are on the Dean's List, and presents the Phi Theta Kappa Faculty Show. With the proceeds from these activities two members, representing this Chapter, are sent to the annual convention.
HE purpose of the Student Activities Committee is to assist and plan social activities for the benefit of the students of Centenary. This committee sponsors two informal dances each year. The Fall Informal, and the Mid-Year Fling. It also decorates for special dinners such as Thanksgiving and Christmas, and plans activities for most week ends.
The official Board consists of a Chairman, the Secretary-Treasurer, and a Board of six studentsDiana Newcomb, Virginia Wiebke, Carol Bethune, Ruth Meier, Mary Putnam, and Carol Marquardt. The Chairman, together with the Board and the members, strive to please every social taste in its planning of activities.
) '{ 1
Spilled Ink HE SPILLED INK is Centenary's campus newspaper. For fifteen years this publication has supplied the students, faculty, alumni, parents, and prospective students with an interesting paper. It is written by and for the students, and encourages them to display their talents in creative writing and art work.
The members of the staff are composed of freshmen and seniors chosen on the basis of competitive contributions. SPILLED INK is made up of five staffs: Business, Circulation, Reporting, Typing, and Art. A great deal of credit goes to each girl who contributes toward the successful functioning of the paper. The reporters work hard each month keeping an eye peeled for news, covering their beats, and thinking up ingenious topics for features. The paper not only includes the regular news articles, editorials, sports, resumes, and inevitable gossip columns, but also gives students an opportunity to see some of their own poems, cartoons, and original stories in print. The typists are kept busy transcribing illegible scrawIs into neat print, while the business staff is floored by an avalanche of bills. This year it has been the aim of the staff to improve the caliber of the paper, so that it will be an excellent reflection of life at Centenary.
~ d i b r'SG Editor '57
Associate Editor
Circuln/ion Manager......CATHERINE HENDRICKSON News Editor
Advisor ............................................................. M s . GEORGE
The Guild
President .............................................................. SARA F RENCH Vice-President .................................... R UTH CHRISTENSEN Secretary ...............................................................
Treasurer ........................................ E
Advisor .............................................................................. MR. O RR
NE of the busiest organizations on campus -not working for themselves, but for others-is the Guild. Thanksgiving time finds the girls preparing food baskets for needy families. The spirit of Christmas soon follows, and the Guild gives a party for a children's home with gifts, Santa, and Christmas carols.
Religious Emphasis Week is an important week in each girl's life. During this time, the Guild brings the school into closer religious harmony by having an outside speaker, holding dormitory discussion groups, and showing religious movies. Another outstanding program sponsored by the Guild is the Community Chest. Through the work and cooperation of the girls in the Guild, each project is accomplished with a feeling of satisfaction and fulfillment.
Page one hundred fifty-three
Centenary Singers HE Centenary Singers is a prominent organization at Centenary composed of sixty-five young ladies with musical ability who are selected from auditions given in the beginning of the year. Besides Christmas caroling in the front parlors and providing entertainment for Parents' Day and the annual Christmas and Easter vesper programs, they make recordings, perform on radio and television, and go on concert tours in the eastern United States. In the past, they have made European tours, have sung at Town Hall in New York City, and have performed with the New York Philharmonic Orchestra. Throughout the year, the Singers entertain numerous men's colleges and attend professional concerts in New York. Thk Pipers is a group of girls chosen from the membership of the Centenary Singers who display showmanship as well as musical ability. As a general mle, the repertoire consists of standard, popular, and novelty tunes. A tapping foot and an entertaining grin are always present when the Pipers are on stage. All in all, the Centenary Singers and the Pipers enjoy performing as much as their audience enjoys their performance.
Page one hundred fiffy-four
OFFICERS President ............................... i................................. JOAN SANDS Vice-president .......................................... N ANCY HEYMAN Secretary ...............................................................
WINSLOW Librarian ..................................................... NANCY Assistant Librarian ......................................... Y
Sectional Leaders............ E L E A N ~ N R IMMO, MARILYN DARROW,N ANCY GETCHELL, BAYNESMACLEA Direclor ...................................................................... MR.GANSZ
The Chapel Choir
HE Chapel Choir sings for us at Sunday night vespers throughout the year and also in special programs on Christmas and Easter.
Shce some af the members of the Choir alc also members of the Centenary Singers, they acompany the Singers on their annual tour and to Town Hall in the Spring. Membership in the Choir is granted on the basis of interest in music and voice quality discovered through auditions held at the beginning of the year.
President ..............................................
Assi~tmtLJbrmim ....-....................-.....Jom BOGARDTJS
The Choir sings the famiIiar hymns loved by all, as well as anthems by such masters of music a s Mozart, Handel, and Bach, and is indeed an inspiration to the Centenary Family.
D e l t a Psi Omega OFFICERS President ................................... M ARY F A I T H NEWCOMB Vice-president .................................... MARJORIE W RI G H T Secretdry-Tredsrcrer ........................M ARLENE SCHAFFER Advisov .......................................................... MR, YOUNGKEN
HE 1956-57 season of the Centenary Little Theatre saw the production of two fulllength and three one-act plays. The season opened with an enjoyable production of the new British comedy, "Chalk Garden." The students enjoyed working with Bette Caine Johnson from New York, and the audience was impressed with the superb performance of Mary Faith Newcomb, as Madrigal. The March play proved to be an interesting production of Molnar's "Liliom." It was noted for the expressionistic staging and moving per-
formance. Dad's Day week end brought the final production of three unusual one-act plays, including Menotti's "The Telephone," which combined the beautiful voices of Joan Sands and Dick Eikenberry. The dramatic "Portrait of a Madonna," by Tennessee Williams, and the amusing "Hands Across the Sea," by Noel Coward, were also presented at this time. This was a rewarding year for Delta Psi Omega, the national dramatic fraternity on campus, and the Little Theatre group.
Art Club OFFICERS President .................................... . . ^ BODOR Secretary UDY HARTMANN Treasuver ........................................................... GAL EMRICK Adviso~ M R . GOODWIN
RTISTIC ability and interest are the requisites for membefship in this club. The Art Club's activities include the making of gay posters which advertise the college's various events. Also, its members enjoy lectures and demonstrations of painting, sculpturing, and art and craft methods. At least two movies a year are sponsoted by the Art Club, At the end of the year, an auction sale of art work by students and faculty is held in Reeves. This gives the facullty, friends, and students the opportunity to purchase original works. An annual dinner marks the completion of an interesting and instrudive yeat.
Camera C l u b OFFICERS President .......................................................... BETSY ARNOLD Vice-president .................................... MARIAN RUDDEROW Secretary-Treasurer .....................:....GAIL B ERGENBACK Advisor ............................................................... M I DUNBAR
HE Camera Club meets once a month to hear speakers, plan activities, and to promote interest in photography as a hobby. The members spend their time developing, printing, and enlarging pictures, with the excellent facilities avail/ able, and each the club tries to add to the equipment. They also discuss the scientific aspect of taking pictures such as proper timing, correct lighting, and placement of subject. The club is maintained for the members' own benefits, and the only requirement for membership is that one must use, to full advantage, the darkroom. By using and enjoying the club and its facilities, the members thereby expIore the fascinating and satisfying world of photography.
Page one hundred fifty-seven
B o o k Club
OFFICERS President ...............................................................
Vice-president ......................................... A L E WOCHELE Secretury-Treusurer
Advisors ...................................... DR.
n R . AND MRS. DU BOIS' admiration and love of literature have inspired the members of the Book Club ever since its founding in 1929.
Music Club OFFICERS President ......................................................... M I A FLATOW Vice-president ................................................... JOAN TONNA Secretary
Treasurer ...........................................................
EVERAL years ago, a student at Centenary decided to gather a small group of music lovers together for the sole purpose of listening to and discussing classical music. Since then, the club has greatly expanded, and its contributions have ppt been small. I t has given numerous records and new albums each year to the library.
The Music Club annually buys a membership in the Metropolitan Opera Guild; therefore, it receives a subscription to the OPERA NEWS and eight tickets for the purpose of attending a dress rehearsal. The club also sponsors Christmas singing in the front parlors. Thus, the Music Club forms a link between students, faculty, and members. Page one h u ~ d r e d fifty-eight
The purpose of the Book Club is to provide a means whereby girls can discuss the current and classical books with a group in an effort to obtain a better understanding - of literature and to come to the realization that reading is most enjoyable. Through the interest in reading, new horizons are found and fascinating reading enjoyment is the reward. The club's advisors, Dr. and Mrs. DuBois, open their home for the informal meetings held every other month.
Cosmopolitan Club OFFICERS President ..................................................................... A NN PETER Vice-President Secretary ...................................................... J I Treasrrrer .............................................. Advisor
President Vice-president .............................
Secretary .................................................................. Treasurer ...........................................................
Advisor ........................................................................
HE interest in all aspects of foreign culture draws the %embers of the Cosmopolitan Club together each year. At the monthIy meetings, the club has various speakers, panel discussions, and films pertaining to the languages, customs, and social and economic problems of foreign countries. Joint meetings with members of similar clubs from Lafayette and Lehigh prove to be enjoyable events. Highlighting the activities of the year are an annual trip to the United Nations, a meal at a foreign restaurant, and viewing a foreign movie.
D R . B O W ER
GREATER understanding of human behavior and experience is provided through the Psychology Club. Psychiatrists, psychoIogists, criminologists, and other speakers come to the monthly meetings to explain the problems of today's society. They are often equipped with interesting movies to illustrate their points and the steps necessary for further advancement. Occasionally there are joint meetings held with the Psychology Clubs at nearby men's colleges. As members of the Psychology Club, girls are offered many enlightening and rewarding experiences. Page one hundred fifty-nine
L i b r a r y Committee
Chdirman ......................................... Secretary ..................................................
Socidl Chairman .......................................... M OLLY MOSIER Advisor
HE club's main objective is to have a wellorganized and actively functioning Student Library Committee that is primarily concerned with the interests and values of the library. The members inspire student use of the library and formulate policies for the general improvement of library functions. The committee also serves as hostesses in the library on special occasions, :I recommends book purchases, publicizes library activities, makes recommendations, and endeavors to aid the library in serving the students and faculty more effectively.
,Chief Engineer .......................................... M ALLY H OLMES Station Manager ...........................MARLENE SCHAFPER Public RelationS Manager ........................... ~
Advisor ..................................................................... M R. G EORGE
HE Advanced Radio and T V Workshop is a group of enthusiastic girls on Centenary's campus. These ten girls work under the supervision of Mr. Stefan George. Training and practical experience are given in writing, directing, and engineering programs ranging from children's stories to longer dramatic features. Throughout the year, they put on shows. Every Wednesday at 1:15, the Radio Workshop broadcasts by remote control through Station WGPA in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. The freshmen broadcast on WCRV in Washington, New Jersey. Television shows are planned for this year. The climax of their busy year is Radio Day, when they simulate a full day to a continuous series of programs as done on a commercial station.
Page one hundred ~ i x t y
D e l t a Sigma Sigma
Prerident ......................................................... LYND STRADLEY Vice-president .................................... PATRICIA ROBINSON
T v e w r e r ............................................................ A NN DEACON Advisors ........................... D R .
HE glowing colors, red and white, which designate Delta Sigma Sigma--or, as the sorority ----------is popularly called, "Calli1ogian"--resent the warm and friendly atmosphere of this
group. As always, "Cal's" main interest lies in its active participation in campus affairs, and its members are sparked with a spirit of friendship, unity, geniality, and unquenchable enthusiasm. The girls hold a pride in the work they are doing with the other sororities in such activities as the Song Contest, Sweetheart Ball, Dad's Day, and the Literary and Scholastic Contests. "Callilogian" plays a large and wonderful part in college life at Centenary, and the strong ties become stronger with the passing years. "Cal" will live b r e v e r i l l the Ateart-L i k pod members.
Page ohe hundred sixty-one
Theta Epsilon Nu
OFFICERS Prefdent .................................................... CAROL FAUNCE Vice-president ........................................... W ILLS BUTLER Secretary ......................................................... D A N E MELLON Treasurer ........................................... R
"Pledged to the gold and blue . . ." Throughout the year, in co-operation with the other sororities, "Peith has worked with enthusiasm to make our inter-sorority events such as the Song Contest, Sweetheart Ball, and Dad's Day, a success.
"Friendships will last throughout the years
~dvis&.r ........................................... MR. A N D MRS. ODELL
. . ." With our fine advisors, Mr. and Mrs. Odell,
EITH' sisters true . . ." Spirit, unity, and " feIlowship-define Theta Epsilon Nu, or "Peith as it is better known.
the friendliness of the " Peith girls has created a feeling of loyalty and unity that combine to make this year memorable in " Peith history. "Forever 'Peith.' "
Puge one bundved sixty-two
Sigma Epsilon Phi
President ...........................................................
Vice-Pre~ident.............................................. J E
Secretary ........................................................... A L E TOMLIN Tredsuver ......................................................... N
' I...................................... D Chaplain ...............!
Advisors ....................................... DR.
IGNITY with enthusiasm typifies Sigma Epsilon Phi, more commonly referred to as " D i o k among its spirited members. Diokosophian
is proud to claim its long existence on campus, and possession of the motto, "Those who live according to the custom and color of wisdom." The members actively participated in all the inter-sorority projects which included the Song Contest, Sweetheart Ball, the Literary and Scholastic Contests, and the popular Dad's Day. The senior members had a unique and successful Open House, and the Penny Carnival "Diok" Booth, a bake sale, was so lucrative that it was awarded a prize. Through all their activities this year, the sisters took great pride in reaching for their goal of "working for 'Diok.' "
Page one hundred sixty-three
H E Women's Athletic Association is the or. ganization which is the backbone of the athletic life at Centenary. Whether you are active Women's Athletic in team sports, belong to one of the clubs, or are an ardent Centenary rooter, you are a member. There are three main functions of the W. A. A. Association It promotes an active interest in athletic and recreational activity; it stimulates a spirit of co-operation and good sportsmanship; and it assists each girl in the development of physical and mental efficiency through participation in intramural and intercollegiate activities. OFFICERS The Board, made up of twelve members, is the governing body of the W. A. A. Each member President ............................................................ S U N EDOW plays an important part in the development of an Vice-Pre~idenb......................................... LYNNE ELLIOTT interesting and challenging program for all. The W . A. A. sponsors five major clubs: The Aquatic Recording Secreiary .....................................UDITH CLOGG i/ Club, the Dance Club, the Outing Club, the Corresponding Secretary ............... MARIAN DAWSON Leaders Corps,' and the Riding Club. In the spring a traditional W. A. A. Awards Chapel is Trearurer ..................................................... A NNE THOMSON held to give individual awards based on intraAdvisor .................................................................... MISSRHOADS mural competition-Seniors versus Freshmen. This is the W. A. A. of Centenary College for Women. The members of the board are the leaders, but without the co-operation and support of the student body, it could not be what it is today. Page one hundred sixty-four
Leaders Corps HE Leaders Corps provides an opportunity to those Seniors interested in becoming active leaders in the college sports program and in the recreational field in general.
The activities of the Leaders Corps include assisting the physical education instructors within their regular classes; officiating, scoring, and timing at intramural and faculty games; acting as hostesses to visiting sports groups; and teaching lifesaving. The Leaders Corps is beneficial to its members because it helps them assume the responsibility and obtain practice-teaching experience.
OFFICERS President .......................................... S UZANNE HAMILTON Secretury-Tredsurer ..................... MARY LOU LEICHHL -----------
Advisor ..................................................................... MISS EHERTS
Outing Club HE Outing Club is the organization at Centenary which attracts the girls who are interested in riding, ice skating, skiing, and all the other sports that the outdoors offers.
This year the Outing Club started off its season by sponsoring a trip to New York City to see the National Horse Show in Madison Square Garden. The next attraction was the annual trip to New England for a ski week end. In February the Club went to the "Ice Follies of 1957."
OFFICERS President .....................................................
Vice-president .......................................... SHIRLEY G UNZER Secretary .......................................................
Treasurer .............................................. S HEILA F LAHERTY Advisor
A new organization has been added to the Outing- Club. Due to the convenient facilities offered for riding, all etfuestrians and those interested in matching and testing their riding skills gathered to form the Riding Club. In the spring the Club held several overnight and breakfast rides. 4 L U year as a We know Granahan, future.
~ ~ & M ~ y e d i t S h t growing organization on the campus. that under the able guidance of Miss the Club will continue to do so in the
Pre~ident......................................... Y Vice-president .................................... B
Treasurer ...................................................E
Secretdry .........................................................
Aquatic Club
Advisor ..................................................................MISSRHOADES
The value of this Club to college life is shown by the great number of interested active members.
Page one hundred ~ixty-six
F [F OFFICERS President
Vice-president .......................................... D ALE BEDERSON Secretary .......................................... G
Treasurer ..................................................... N ANCY HEYMAN Advisor
LTHOUGH the Dance Club is one of Centenary's youngest organizations, it has received such continually increasing interest since its inception as to place it among the most popu-
Dance Club
lar organizations on campus. The Club has reached its maximum membership of twenty girls and has acquired, in addition, a substantial and encouraging waiting list. The purpose of the Dance Club is essentially twofold. The first is to promote a genuine interest in the modern dance; second, to increase and further perfect the techniques of those who have already had contact with the medium of expression and of those who have not. During the past year, the Club has tried to achieve these goals through lectures and classes, with practical application through recitals.
" I coztld have ddnced ull night."
Are you ready? Hep, Hep! What? You mean we're losing? Tally-ho ! Go, team, go! such form.
Page one hundred seventy
Here's to our basketball team! Swish ! Congratulations, All-star Champs! TouchC!
Vinter holiday at North Conway, N. H. ~ w!"! "Just you wait . . ." Bermuda bound ! Watch the birdie! C. C. W. "water boys." "I'm just an ordinary girl . . ." "There'll be crumpets and tea . . ." (served by our favorite chef !) Ye Old "Curiosity Shop." "Aoc
Page one hundred seventy-one
Beamine "B'hood" wins Inter-dorm Basketball Court iesters. Championship. And, may we present our favorite faculty Centenary sings at the dedication of Brotherton Hall. The Hi-Hop was hoppin'! Good evening. Boop boopy doo ! Pipers on review. Class of '73.
Page one hundred seventy-two
One chocolate r - D! What is it? Caught in the act! "Spruced up and lookin' in me prime." Sitting pretty. More fun than walking! How "Loverly ." Janitresses on parade. Dahling ! I'll say two hearts .
Page one hundred seventy-thuee
Senior Directory on the street where you live." Name Abbott, Grace E. Addenbrook, Zoe Aker, Joan E. Altree, Joan D. Anderson, Dana K. Arnold, Betsy Aronson, Diana L. Asay, Nancy L. Atkinson, Mary C. Atwater, Margaret R. Austin, Carol A. Avis, Janet L. Ayers, Harriette P. Baird, Patricia Banks, Mary D. Basta, Deanna M. Bavier, Janet
Beall, Judith M. Benedict, Nancy C. Bennett, Joan A. Bergenback, Gail F. . Berkowitz, Catherine J.
Page one hundred seuenty-four
Address 11 Celia Terrace Belleville, New Jersey 301 Buckingham Road Pittsburgh 15, Pennsylvania 2925 Swede Road Norristown, Pennsylvania Maple Drive, Maplewood Terrace Greensburg, Pennsylvania 161 2 Clay Street Chillicothe, Missouri Fox Hill Farm Greene, Rhode Island 1050 S. W . 29th Street Fort Lauderdale, Florida 1900 Sunset Avenue Wanamassa, New Jersey 3207 Swarthmore Road Wilmington, Delaware 33 Dogwood Road West Orange, New Jersey Valley Road New Canaan, Connecticut 1006 West Washington Avenue Jackson, Michigan Branchville New Jersey 37 Alban Road Waban 68, Massachusetts 4608 Kanawha Avenue Charleston, West Virginia Wake Robin Road Westport, Connecticut R. F. D. No. 1 Naugatuck, Connecticut Evergreen Hamlet Pittsburgh 9, Pennsylvania 223 Parkview Avenue Bronxville, New York Smoke Rise, 199 Hemlock Lane Butler, New Jersey Dell Avenue Kenvil, New Jersey 2010 Ohio Boulevard Terre Haute, Indiana
October 20 June 8 August 18 February 27 September 27 December 1 4 February 2 September 15 April 1 May 6 July 4 March 24 March 25 April 17 May 4 October 21 May 8
May 14
December 3
June 3
July 16
August 29
Bethune, Carol A.*
2231 Greenside Place Scotch Plains, New Jersey
May 30
Black, Anne E.
1808 Lambert's Mill Road Scotch Plains, New Jersey
June 3
Blank, Gail P.
408 Chicago Boulevard Sea Girt, New Jersey
November 2
Bodor, Bette A.
214-33 33rd Road Bayside, New York
July 1 5
Boggs, Grace M.
1825 Manor Road Havertown, Pennsylvania
March 3
Bowers, Jane E.
Providence Road Wallingford, Pennsylvania
August 15
Bowyer, Katherine S.
104 St. John's Road Baltimore, Maryland
July 15
Bridges, Jill T.
3 Longfellow Road Marblehead, Massachusetts
January 19
Brody, Sheila M.
975 Walton Avenue New York 52, New York
June 2
Brown, Jean S.
8 Reynolds Hill Mystic, Connecticut
September 29
Buckley, Norma E.
16 Ronaele Road Medford, Massachusetts
March 3
Buckley, Virginia A.
78 Pine Street Rockville Centre, New York
September 23
Burke, Meredith C.
140 Washington Avenue Garden City, L. I., New York
March 15
Bush, Leslie VanNess
18 Winding Way Verona, New Jersey
July 18
Butler, Willis B.
200 Oakridge Avenue Summit, New Jersey
February 15
Calhoun, Constance C.
Walnut Hill Harrods Creek, Kentucky
November 3
Campbell, Harriet DeG.
High Point Road Westport, Connecticut
June 2
Cassett, Mary Gail
8 0 Lake Forest St. Louis 17, Missouri
April 10
Chris~nsen,Ruth A.
Valley Road Millington, New Jersey
August 24
Cragin, Harriett G.
12 Sunnydale Road West Hartford, Connecticut
January 8
Cunningham, Constance B.
105 North Rumson Avenue Margate, New Jersey
June 15
Daley, Cynthia L.
1026 Forest Road Charleston 4, West Virginia
December 8
Daly, Linda L.
17 Hill Street Rye, New York
March 29
70 103
116 53
Page one hundred seventy-five
Darrow, Marilyn J.
7 Rual Place Delmar, New York
March 18
Davis, Audrey K.
233 West Atlantic Boulevard New Jersey
October 20
Davis, Nancy E.
9 Blossom Road Rumson, New Jersey
April 30
Dawson, Marian R.
5525 Penrith Road Seattle 5, Washington
August 20
Deacon, Anna C.
3019 Midvale Avenue Philadelphia 29, Pennsylvania
July 24
Decker, Urla S.
23 Gower Road New Canaan, Connecticut
January 27
Defino, JoAnn
87 Rarnsey Road Middlesex, New Jersey
July 8
Dow, Suzanne L.
105 New England Avenue Summit, New Jersey
February 14
Dusey, Janet P.
Brunswick Avenue Lebanon, New Jersey
July 21
Dutcher, Carol J.
329 Hamilton Street Bound Brook, New Jersey
January 8
Eisenstaedt, Karen R.
11 North Lexington Avenue Havertown, Pennsylvania
September 21
Ellicott, Jane D.
101 Tyrone Road Baltimore, Maryland
February 22
Elliott, Lynne F.
1109 Cornell Avenue
January 14
Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania Emrick, Frances G.
264 Mill Spring Road Manhasset, L. I., New York
February 15
Evans, Barbara L.
685 Woodgate Avenue Long Branch, New Jersey
November 3
Ewein, Arlene G.
109 John Street Garden City, L. I., New York
June 9
Farrar, Beverly L.
99 Hillside Avenue Verona, New Jersey
March 2
Farrar, Caroline C.
15 15 Bridge Road
January 16
Charleston, West Virginia ;! Faunce, Carol H.
45 Hedges Avenue Chatham, New Jersey
September 25
Fischer, Letty Sue
377 Delta Road Highland Park, Illinois
September 5
Flagler, Laurean S.
26 North 6th Street Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania
April 11
Flatow, Marcia
300 Hollywood Crossing Lawrence, New York
February 22
Fordemwalt, Celia
323 Union Avenue Middlesex, New Jersey
J ~ 26Y
Page one hundred seventy-six
1045 Dinsmore Road Winnetka, Illinois Old Tavern Road Orange, Connecticut 61 East Main Street Mystic, Connecticut 1412 Juni er Avenue Elkins Par 17, Pennsylvania 8 Edgecomb Road Binghamton, New York 11 Fulton Place West Hartford, Connecticut South Com o Road Westport, onnecticut 51 East 90th Street New York 28, New York 145 Rockland Avenue Portland 5, Maine 7 4 Marion Place Rockville Centre, New York P. 0.Box 97 McLean, Virginia 2 Forest Hills Drive West Hartford, Connecticut 206 Pingree Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 10 Grace Court Alley Brooklyn 1, New York 12 Richard Circle West Newton, Massachusetts
February 7
Gressly, Donna J.
Foringer, Mary Jane Forsberg, Barbara A. Francis, Suzanne Frank, Joan I. French, Sara Fried, Elizabeth C. Gault, Judy Gerry, Elizabeth S. Getchell, Nancy L. Gibson, Elaine H. Gilpatrick, Jean A. Ginn, Sally E. Grafton, Marion W.
November 28
Page 30 106
June 20
February 22
March 16
May 11
July 23
June 21
September 22 August 23
67 123
December 26
May 11
March 27
February 16
June 8
201 Wilson Avenue Beaver, Pennsylvania
July 28
Haik, Joyce B.
237 88th Street Brooklyn 9, New York
March 9
Hamilton, Suzanne H.
7 4 East Princeton Road Bala-Cynwyd, Pennsylvania
September 27
Hampson, Barbara A.
209 Forest Avenue Glen Ridge, New Jersey
August 10
Hannah, Barbara
11 1 North Broadway White Plains, New York
October 18
Harris, Marcia L.
121 Church Street Winchester, Massachusetts
October 8
Harry, Cynthia A.
30 Inwood Road Chatham, New Jersey
September 8
Hart, Susan B.
11 Bainbridge Road West Hartford, Connecticut
July 25
Hartman, Dorothy C.
1305 Homestead Lane
March 23
Gray, Susan Greer, Judith
Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Page one hundred seven~y-~euen
Name Hartmann, Judy L. Haviland, Joyce E. Heckmann, Gale Hendrickson, Catherine E. Herms, Susan Hickman, Patricia L. Holland, Marcia E. Holmes, MalIy S. Hyde, Beth Israngkura, Paula Johnson, Barbara I. Johnson, Judith L. Jones, Eunice M. Keenan, Nancy L. Korb, Eileen R.
Address 20 Huntington Road Garden City, L. I., New York 43 Haddonfield Road Short Hills, New Jersey Wissahickon and Mt. Airy Avenue Philadelphia 19, Pennsylvania 30 Decker Avenue Staten Island 2, New York Whippany Road Morristown, New Jersey 591 Warwick Road Haddonfield, New Jersey 2 110 Elmwood Avenue Rochester, New York 9 Huron Avenue Abington, Pennsylvania 43 Rossmore Place Belleville, New Jersey 44 Ruam Jai Lane Bangkok, Thailand 949 Palmer Road Bronxville 8, New York 25 North Street Binghamton, New York 366 South Buckout Street Irvington, New York 67 Meadow Lane Doylestown, Pennsylvania 658 South Forest Drive West Englewood, New Jersey
Birthday October 13 September 6 February 18 February 5 September 28 March 17 November 17 February 11 November 18 October 21 September 18 February 22 September 1 2 March 19 March 28
Kulter, Lois H.
51 5 Cynwyd Circle Cynwyd, Pennsylvania
April 18
Lgncellotti, Virginia L.
87 warwick Street Brooklyn 7, New York
October 27
Lawrence, Kathryn F.
170 Carlton Terrace Teaneck, New Jersey
December 29
Lederer, Katherine A.
790 Bluff Street Glencoe, Illinois
March 25
Glenhardie Road Wayne, Pennsylvania
February 9
Leonard, Eileen R.
2500 Norfolk Road Cleveland Heights 6, Ohio
June 29
Lewd, Diane B.
18 Burrows Street Mystic, Connecticut
August 5
McNaugher, Isabel L.
6850 Reynolds Street Pittsburgh 8, Pennsylvania
January 2
MacArthur, Jane11 M.
3765 Brookside Road Toledo, Ohio
August 24
;I Leichel, Mary Lou
Pdge one handred seuenty-eight
Nume Macdonald, Roberta G. Mackta, Sue Ann MacLea, Alice Baynes Maclean, Sandra Macmillan, Isobel M. Marks, Theo C. Marquardt, Carol A. Mathewson, Ann Maxwell, Donna J. May, Gaywood T. Meier, Ruth J. Mellon, Diane S. Michaels, Kathleen L. Michel, Audrey J. Miller, Vivian L.
81 Beechwood Drive Shrewsbury, New Jersey 10 Fairview Terrace Maplewood, New Jersey 406 Dunkirk Road Baltimore 12, Maryland 40 Hibbard Road Winnetka, Illinois 37 Sherwood Avenue Madison, New Jersey 1004 North George Street Rome, New York 820 Prescott Avenue Scranton, Pennsylvania "Kingdom," West Tisbury Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts 86 Surrey Lane Tenafly, New Jersey 30 Hilltop Road Chestnut Hill, Pennsylvania 120 Midland Boulevard Maplewood, New Jersey 111 Yorkshire Road Pittsburgh 8, Pennsylvania Wepawaug Road Woodbridge, Connecticut 1205 Emerson Avenue West Englewood, New Jersey 5 1 Stoneleigh Road Bridgeport 29, Connecticut
February 7
September 29
November 21
November 26
March 23
May 10
December 24
June 18 March 31
65 112
November 21
August 11
December 26 February 9
126 40
June 6
115 110
Moffat, Harriett P.
Box 453 Moscow, Pennsylvania
November 7
Moore, Barbara J.
Mayfair Lane Alexandria, Virginia
June 1
Morton, Barbara F.
318 Park Drive Neenah, Wisconsin
March 10
Mosier, Molly H.
103 Liberty Avenue New Rochelle, New York
March 28
Muirlidad, Patricia A.
Box 325, Petersburg Road Hackettstown, New Jersey
May 8
Nelson, Ruth H.
58 Old Short Hills Road Short Hills, New Jersey
February 26
Newcomb, Diana S.
1241 Washington Street Hollistown, Massachusetts
February 9
Newcomb, Mary Faith
120 Elmwood Road Verona, New Jersey
June 2
Newnam, Nancy C.
547 Walnut Swarthmore, Pennsylvania
April 26
Pdge one.-hundred seventy-nine
. . . Nume '
Nimrno, Eleanor M. Nirandara, Sangchan* * * Orcutt, Nancy J. Ott, Nancy P. Peter, Ann V. Pfeifer, Carol J. Phillips, Eunice Pinkney, Linda N. Plenge, Carol A. Pugh, Sallie C. Pursley, C. Gail Putnam, Mary C. Ramsey, Alison K. Reagan, Katharine Rice, Sharon
October 15 178 Westemelt Avenue. Baldwin, L. I., New York 253 Rajavithi July 19 Bangkok, Thailand October 15 56 Chestnut Street Binghamton, New York November 29 R. D. NO. 1, BOX 260 Belmar, New Jersey August 26 50 Hillcrest Parkway Winchester, Massachusetts April 24 34 Lancaster Avenue Maplewood, New Jersey June 27 1152 West Water Street Elmira, New York 67 North Hillside Place July 8 Ridgewood, New Jersey March 31 Ludlow Road Asbury, New Jersey October 27 28 Atlanta Avenue East Williston, New York 1998 Middlefield Road July 9 Palo Alto, California September 1 627 Goodrich Avenue St. Paul 5, Minnesota 214 Woodland Terrace March 7 Alexandria, Virginia March 1 17 Tennyson Road Wellesley Hills, Massachusetts R. R. No. 1,Box 303,Wailua, Kapoa May 18 Kauai, Hawaii
Page 119 92 46 104 83 45 95 75
86 97 77 67 112 33 49
Ritsert, Jean M.
December 29 608 Sus uehanna Road Hunting on Valley, Pennsylvania
Roberts, Katherine A.
4334 Roland Court Baltimore 10, Maryland
September 12
Robertson, Barbara A.
Emerson Road, c/o Jericho P. 0 . Brookville, L. I., New York
October 27
Robinson, Nancy R.
78 Collins Avenue Bloomfield, New Jersey
November 6
119 Ardmore Avenue Haddonfield, New Jersey
May 18
Sands, Joan A.
28 Lincoln Street Phillipsburg, New Jersey
February 26
Schaffer, Marlene Ann
408 Burlington Road Paramus, New Jersey
September 18
Schier, Barbara A.
65 Elderfields Road Manhasset, New York
December 19
Schneider, Elizabeth A.
3906 Monticello Boulevard Cleveland Heights 21, Ohio
June 2
;! Robinson, Patricia K.
Paqe one hundred ..eighty
Name Schuster, Nancy E. Schwarb, Judith M. Scott, Patricia Seeley, Sylvia T. Seigenfeld, Susan Shepp, Carol H. Shipley, Marian G. Sigling, Jacqueline M. Simmons, Bettina Slauson, Sandra M. Smith, Sandra L. Snyder, Carol H. Snyder, Loriel MacP. Soeffing, Georgia L. Stallard, Suzanne Stobbe, Carol A. Stradley, Catherine Lynd Sullivan, Lee M. Swallow, Ethel E. Swenson, Joyce K. r!
Taggart, Virginia A. Tatro, Carolyn B. Thomson, Anne F. Tomlin, Alice L. Tompkins, Jo-Ann M.
625 Cumberland Avenue Teaneck, New Jersey 1157 East 22nd Street Brooklyn 10, New York 166 Ta pan Avenue Bellevil e, New Jersey 10 Booth Place Belle Haven, Alexandria, Virginia 25 West 81st Street New York, New York 158 Midway Avenue Lansdowne, Pennsylvania 7303 Maryland Avenue St. Louis 5, Missouri .61 Pickwick Drive East Syosset, L. I., New York R. F. D. No. 1 Pound Ridge, New York 18 Lilac Lane Manhasset, New York 438 George Street Ridgewood, New Jersey 325 Pembroke Avenue Wayne, Pennsylvania 337 East 237th Street New York, New York 706 Vernon Road Philadelphia 19, Pennsylvania 932 Revere Drive Hillside, New Jersey 76 Highland Road Glencove, L. I., New York 1000 Sproul Road Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania Box 102, Sherman Road Gates Mills, Ohio 2 Lake Drive Pelham Manor, New York 147 Traincroft Medford, Massachusetts Parker Road Chester, New Jersey South Bedford Road Pound Ridge, New York 11 Lodges Lane Bala-Cynwyd, Pennsylvania 84 Oviatt Street Hudson, Ohio 829 Berkeley Avenue Plainfield, New Jersey
May 10 Febmary 17 December 30 December 20 March 7 February 19 December 14 January 23 June 6 July 10 November 24 April 27 February 24 April 7 June 8 November 9 January 23 December 22 February 9 September 26 October 19 August 3 April 22 June 28 January 1 2
Address Tonna, Jean Tonna, Joan Turgeon, Sarah P. Tully, Clare M. Turner, Karen A. Vange, Joan H. Vaught, Diane P.** Vogel, Kathleen M. Wallace, Tricia A. Wallbank, Suzanne M. Ward, Helen L. Webb, Anita M. Werner, Nancy K. Wick, Marilyn K. Wiebke, Virginia C. Wiegand, Patricia R. Wilhelm, Marijane Willey, Joan R. B. Winslow, Nancy E. Wochele, Alice I. :I
Wooldridge, Joan B. Wright, Marjorie E. Zabriskie, Gail
493 Salisbury Street Worcester, Massachusetts 493 Salisbury Street Worcester, Massachusetts 46 Green Village Road Madison, New Jersey Box 732 Summit, New Jemey River Road Trenton, New Jersey 7 0 Rugby Road Cedar Grove, New Jersey 61 Chapel Road Manhasset, L. I., New York 1001 Wychwood Road Westfield, New Jersey R. D. No. 1 Centre Valley, Pennsylvania 2 10 Mountain Boulevard Watchung, New Jersey 16 Pasadena Road Bronxville, New York 33 North Washington Avenue Hartsdale, New York 11 Devonshire Drive Darien, Connecticut 3040 Warrington Road Shaker Heights, Ohio 1 Ridge Street Crestwood, New York Khakum Wood Greenwich, Connecticut 275 Maple Avenue Rockville Centre, New York 1825 Sudbury Lane, N. W . Washington 12, D. C. 79 Stevens Avenue Portland, Maine 1188 Cleveland Heights Blvd. Cleveland Heights 21, Ohio 1979 Summit Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota Yardley-Newton Road, R. D. Yardley, Pennsylvania 135 Willow Street Brooklyn 1, New York
* Did not graduate **Graduated in the Class of 1957 ***Graduated in February 1957 Page one hundred eighty-two
February 21
February 21
January 10
February 16
January 1 9
January 18
February 16 January 4
October 5
February 5
August 4
June 18
February 21
April 12
June 27
August 25
January 25
April 20
May 12
October 1 0
July 5
August 5
January 14
PATRONS Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Abbott Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Altree Mr. and Mrs. Harold Asay Mrs. DeNyse W. Atwater Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Austin Dr. and Mrs. Chester E. Beall Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Benedid Mr. and Mrs. Edwin G. Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Berkowitz Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Stuart Bowyer Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Brintnall Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Buckley Brig. Gen. Thomas L. Buckley Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Bush Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Butler Mr. and Mrs. Louis King Cassett Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Daley Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Darrow Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Davis Mr. and Mrs. S. Lewis Davis Mrs. McEachern Dawson Mrs. Horace P. Deacon Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas DeFino Mr. and Mrs. R. H. DeLuca Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Dusey Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Ewein M. Eisenstaedt Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Ellicott, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin H. Emrick Mr. and Mrs. John A. Farrar Mr. and Mrs. Howard R. Flagler, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Flatow Mr. and Mrs. John Foringer Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Francis Joan I. Frank Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S. Fried Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Funking Mr. a n i Mrs. James F. Garrard Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Gault Mr. and Mrs. Albino Gerardo Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Gibson Mr. and Mrs. Ray N. Gilpatrick Mr. and Mrs. Sidney B. Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Grafton Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Grier
R. F. T. Gundlach The Gunzers Mr. and Mrs. George Haik Mr. and Mrs. N. T. Harnpson Dr. and Mrs. John W. Hardy Mr. and Mrs. Everett Harry Mr. and Mrs. Francis L. Harrigan Frances Hartell Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hartman Mr. and Mrs. Harold K. Haviland Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Herms Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hemminger Mr. and Mrs. Nels 0.Hendridcson Mr. and Mrs Harold E. Heydt Mr. and Mrs. Harry Heyman Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Marquardt Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Massad Mr. and Mrs. Allen H. Mathewson Mr. and Mrs. George May Capt. and Mrs. Benjamin May, U. S. Navy Mr. and Mrs. E. M. McCausland Mr. and Mrs. R. E. McCullough J. P. McLaughlin Dr. and Mrs. W. M. McNaugher Howard Michaels Mr. and Mrs. George J. Michel Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Miller Mrs. W. Kenneth Moffat Mr. and Mrs. William R. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Morton Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Mosier Mr. and Mrs. Philip D. Moulton Mr. and Mrs. James L. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Francis Newell Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. NewNam, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon H. Nimmo Dr. and Mrs. R. D. Orcutt Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Palmetto Mr. and Mrs. Franklin B. Parker Mr. and Mrs. Henry Peltz Mr. and Mrs. H. Perskin Mr. and Mrs. Mathew H. Pfeifer Elsye Pflug Mr. and Mrs. William H. Plenge
Page one hmdred eighty-three
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hickman Mr. and Mrs. H. 0. Holland Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Huber Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Hyde Mr. and Mrs. Ray F. Imschweiler Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Ingram, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Jacobsen Mr. and Mrs. Ernest W. Johnson Mrs. Alvin H. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. G. Clifford Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Guy F. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. J. Dean Jolly Mr. and Mrs. Meeker B. Jones Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Kerlin Mr. and Mrs. Louis S. Korb Mr. and Mrs. Julius G. Kulzer Dr. and Mrs. William Lancellotti Mr. and Mrs. Jesse H. Lawrence Leo M. Lederer Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Lehr Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. LePori Mr. and Mrs. Albert A. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Bradford R. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. William R. Lichtenberg Mr. and Mrs. Rickard N. Loftman Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Lorenzen Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mackta Mr. and Mrs. T. Raymond MacLea Mr. and Mrs. L. W. MacLean Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Markell Mr. and Mrs. N. Markowitz Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Marshall Mr. and Mrs. E. Harold Ruehle Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Rossy Dr. and Mrs. John Rohn Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Roberts Dr. and Mrs. Ernest F. Ritsert Mrs. W. A. Ricketts Mr. and Mrs. Stuart H. Richardson Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Rice, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Remington Mr. and Mrs. Maurice J. Reagan Rear Admiral Donald J. Ramsey Mr. and Mrs. James Sands Mr. and Mrs. John G. Schaffer
Page one hz/ndred eighty-four
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Schuster Mr. and Mrs. W. Schwettman Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Scott Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Selfridge Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Shipley Mr. and Mrs. Arnold G. Shipp Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Slaughter Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Slauson Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Donnelly Smith Mr. and Mrs. John S. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Smith Mrs. Donald B. Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Snyder Mr. and Mrs. John J. Soeffing Mr. and Mrs. Carton S. Stallard Mr. and Mrs. Colan V. Standish Mr. and Mrs. Lester G . Straub Mr. and Mrs. John K. Storr Dr. and Mrs. Oscar H. Stover Mr. and Mrs. Harold Swenson Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Tatro Mr. and Mrs. John B. Thomson Mr. and Mrs. Edwin F. VanRees Mr. and Mrs. S. L. VanRensselaer Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Vennard Mr. and Mrs. William Volkmann Mr. and Mrs. William Wallace, I11 Mr. and Mrs. Marvin S. Wallace Dr. and Mrs. J. Harold Walton Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Warner Mr. and Mrs. Edward V. Warren Mrs. J. Wasserman Mr. and Mrs. Everett S. Webb Mr. and Mrs. Claude A. White Mr. and Mrs. William Whitman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Whyel Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Wiebke Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Wilhelm Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Willey Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt A. Williams Mrs. George C. Wilson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Warren E. Winslow Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wochele Mr. and Mrs. Donald K. Wolf Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Wooldridge, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Roger Yates
For the Smile of Health Drink More Milk
PURE BRED CHAROLAISE The Silver Cattle with the Golden Fzctzlre
Page one htrtzdred eighty-five
Sincere Best Wishes
NICHOLAS D'AMOTO General Contractor
MINE HILL ROAD HACKETTSTOWN, R. F. D., N. J. Phone: GArden 5-4441
Page one hundred eighty-six
Established 1857
Wholesale Fraits
- Vegetables -
Frozen Foods - Eggs - Sea Food
Page one .hundred.eighty-seven
v WIRE'S ELECTRICAL SHOP miss jo Slip into these smart Spald~ngmoccasins -you'll see they really set the pace in foot-comfort. Miss Jo features full flexible soles. Handsewn vamps and a choice of the finest brown or deep red leathers. Available In width AAAA-C.
THE GENEVIEVE SHOP Ladies' and Misses' Wearing Apparel
We wish to express our warm thanks for your friendship and patronage during the past year.
Lots of Luck in the future.
. Page one hundred eighty-eight
0 STREET ~ ~
Purveyor of quality meats, fancy poultry, and game to all first-class hotels, schools, steampships, and summer resorts, etc. Deliveries guaranteed to any part of the world.
U. S. Inspected and Passed Est. 317-A
Page one .hundred eighty-nine
HOOVER'S Compliments of
HACKETTSTOWN Botany-Yarns - Hosiery Lingerie
Nurseries, Inc.
Page one,hundred ninety
Our association with you in photographing the
HACK this year has been a most pleasurable one. We shall miss your faces and your friendships. To each of you we offer our best wishes and good luck in the attainment of the goals Centenary has helped you set.
Page one hundred ninety-one
vI I
E. T. LYNCH, Owner :I
Page one hundred ninety-two
=7ur:.-> .A 1
---- - - -
Builders of
Puge one hundred ninety-three
of the
Page one hundred ninety-four
Special Chartered Bus Service
Every Form of Insurance
Limousine Service
and Real Estate
Puge one hundred ninety-five
VALLEY VIEW Compliments of
Phone: 56-1-5
KNAPP'S Hallmark Cards
R. C. WILLIAMS & CO., Inc.
BRONX 59, N. Y.
Phone: GArden 5-9022
Compljnaents of
Men's Clothing 140 WEST 57th STREET
Furnishings as2d Shoes .d
NEW YORK 19, N. Y.
Page one hundred ninety-~ix
7 -
Phone OR 3-5408
A FRIEND Patronize the Vending Machines in Your College
Compliments of the
Compliments of
. Pdge one hundved ninety-~eeven
* & BOSTR~M 1
F ;
Permanent Waving
Eaton's Fine Stationery
Phone: GArden 5-4878
Phone GArden 5-3533
Page one hundred ninety eight
Wholesale and Retail
"All Kinds of Sea Food" 181 SPRING STREET
NEWTON, N . J. Phone: 1030 Residence 348-W
Compliments of
Distributors of
Your Friendly Variety Store
KRAFTS Paint and Wallpaper Store
Seabrook Farms Frozen Foods Hotel Bar Butter Wholesale Fruit and Produce
Quality Canned Goods
Phone: GArden 5-3223
Engraved Stationery 108 HIGH STREET 501 WASHINGTON STREET
Page one hundred ninety-nine
I ;I
Page two hundred
Two hundred and one
Two hundred and two
STRAND THEATRE HACKETTSTOWN, N . J . The Best in Screen Enieriainment
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Two hundred nnd three
o f you and your classmates upon your school life achieve immortality in a carefully planned and executed yearbook. From the arid desert o f Arizona, and the sultry green island
of Puerto Rico, t o the snow-blanketed slopes o f Northern N e w England, we have traveled, happy and proud t o have been an instrument i n the translating into print, the humor pathos, excitement, and sentiment found i n the campus l i f e o f over seventy-five colleges and preparatory schools. As former members o f yearbook staffs i n our school days, w e bring into our professional duties a real understsndiq o f the many
confronting each
earb book
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