1958 HACK CENTENARY COLLEGE FOR WOMEN Hackettstown, New Jersey
Long ago in a&nt
S;veece there was the joyous h y when two
W s s e s , Hour and Seaon, opened the gates to thore who sought thz promise
of &ount
of things to c o w and all the heav-
enly fnlits were revealed to them. Hmor, /oy, knowledge, v i ~ t q
light and beauy were all within thrir rmh. Days of s~arching and discovery, days of compnionship and happiness, days of obstacks and their surmountings, all lfd to fuJ6llmnnt. Ihe crops wtre abundant and the harvest bountiful cAt Centdwary, to those wbo se(& it, /uJfi'llmen, ii awrrd
To them the gaps will never b: clos~d
..- '
ARNEST thinking people agree that education for efficient, wholesome living is the most important business of our ' democratic society. W e believe with John Dewey that when the school introduces each student of society into membership within a small community and saturates her with the spirit of service we shall have the deepest and best guarantee of a larger society which is worthy and harmonious. W e believe that true education comes when we create within a student the spirit of tolerance, when we make her alive to that which is lovely and ennobling, and when we train her mind in such a way that she comes to understand herself, her needs, and her responsibilities, and her relationships with others. In other words, we believe that education is living, and living implies a spiritual, physical, and mental growth that is continuous. W e believe in the kind of religious education that tends to make the heart strong, to develop courage, to promote respect, and to lead toward widening sympathies and understandings. W e believe that the feelings of awe and reverence toward the beautiful or the wonderful in the student's world should be fostered, and the student should be encouraged to see God in the things about her and in this way experience truly religious living. Long after your days at Centenary have ended, we hope that you will continue to cherish and appreciate these beliefs. If so, our job has been well done and your college years have been we11 spent. EDW ARD W . S E A Y
TO the Members of the Class of 19-58;
President Page twelve
E dedicate this yearbook to Frederick B. Odell for many reasons.
W e are grateful to him for his deep, sincere interest in the welfare of Centenary, for his selection of the type of girl that makes our college what it is. W e appreciate his inspirational talks in chapel, revealing a philosophy of life that is a challenge to us all. W e have always felt that we could depend upon him and Mrs. Odell for help and advice at not only the Peith meetings but at all functions on the campus. He has given us so much besides his support and friendship that repaying him would be impossible. By dedicating the yearbcok to him we have attempted in our only way to thank him for his contribhtions to our life here at Centenary.
Page thirtsen
Faculty and Administration
MARY D. BIGELOW Dean of Residence
Page fourteen
the CoUege
W ILLIA M M . ORR Dean of he Chupel Religion
ERNEST R. DALTON Director of Pablic Relrlions Econornic~-Sociology Politicdl Science
R. ELWOOD BACKENSTOSS French-German History
LOISB. BACKENSTOSS Djrecior of the Nursery School
Page sixjeen
Commercial Art
W. N ORMAN GRAYSON Director of Music Piano-Organ
Applied Art
GEORGE GANSZ Choral-Instrumental Music
STEFAN GEORGE Radio-Television
RHETA GEORGE Speech-English
AGNES SHEEHAN Secretarial S/r/diej
HELEN J. LOTT Secretarial Studie~
Page eighteen
MARY RASBACH Secve~arialStudies
MILLER Secretarial Studies JEAN
D OROTHY G. MULKEY Secvetavial Studies
BETTE R H O A ~ Physical Education
MARY E. FRYE Physiccll Education
SANDRA G. THORNTON Physical Education
Page nineteen
FREDERICK B. ODELL Director of Admissions
MARCY S. ANDERSON Director of Student Activities
JOHN L. HESSE Associrlte Director of Admissions
CARL W. TIDEMAP Comptroller ,
EDITH CHEYNEY Resident Nurse
page twenty
MABEL W, KELLEY Admissions Counselor
MARGARET RAHFIELD Director of Alumni Services and Placement EDITH N. MGHBERGER Resident Nurse
RUTH KING Assistant Librarian
H ELEN MORGAN Executive Assistant
A NN FITZGERALD Director of Dormitories
KATHERINE DOUD Supervisor of the Dining Room
Page twenty-one
S e n i o r Class Officers President ................................. ELIZABETH GRIER Vice-president
.....................P ENELOPE
Class H y m n Once to every man and nation Comes the moment to decide, In the strife of truth with falsehood, Some great cause, God's new Messiah, Offering each the bloom or blight, And tlYe choice goes by forever 'Twixt that darkness and that light. "Once to Every Man and Nation."
Page ~zuenty-fozrv
Class Colors Black and White
Secretary .....................................XAROLE YATES Treaszlrer ....................................A NN WHIDDEN Advisor ..........................................MRS. VERNON
Class Motto "Knowledge is virtue."
C l a s s Song Memories that linger, Throughout our lives will last. Dawning in our hearts, From years that quickly pass. Years at C. C. W. Years decreed by fate To join our lives together As the Class of '58.
CHORUS Black and White, humble ever, W e are filled with pride for thee. High stands your tower, Where friends will always be. Pdge twenty-five
Student CoirrtI President 2; S l d e n t C o t ~ t Z i 2; Phi 80kx 2; Orienfafl'on C6mmii&e 2; Presidenb Ciub '2; 1.A. A. Board, Recording Secrekzry 1; Phi Th&a Kappa 2; Outing Ciub I ; Theta Eprilon Nu.
. ..
"Judy'' . . "Too many meetings" . . . "Gee-deeho!" . . . A rare combination of honor and understanding . Gains respect by e x d i n g in so many fields.
"Friend of truth, soul sincere; Action fai~hful,honor clear; Bake no promise, severed no private end, Gdined no title, lost no friend."
Student Council 1, 2; Phi Ioja 2; Phi Thela Kappa 1, 2; Orientation Committee 2; Presidents' Club 1;
W . A. A. Board
Class President I ; Class VicePresident 2.
"Penny" . . . Bringing out the best in all . . . Tops in more than height . . . Ambitious worker . . . Warm leader for the freshmen . . . Never too late to laugh . . . Never too busy to listen . . . "Poor Bebe" . . . Natural athlete . . . Loves life and people.
"The heart to conceive, The under~tandingto direct, And the hand to execute."
HACK Board I ; Student Court 2; Student Council I , 2, President 2; Phi lota 2, President 2; Orientation Committee 2; Presidents' Club 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.
Memories of medical terms . . . Always on hand for a good time . . . Usually seen dashing to a meeting . . . A beam on her face.
"Hasten, nymph, and bring with thee lest and Youthful jollity."
HACK Board 1, 2; Student Activi~ies 2; Board 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.
A special knack for decorating Reeves . . . That after-dinner relaxation with the "Ten Top Tunes" . . . An afternoon nap . . . Our strawberry blonde . . . Loves mischief.
"My heart is like a singing bird." Page twenty-seuen
HACK Board, Edilor 2; Phi lo$a 2; Orientation Commitlee 2; Guild 2; Outing Club I; President? Club 2; Thela Epsilon Nu.
"D. J." . . . sunny side of the street . . . Never ';now what to expect next . . . Impish smile with ,:yes to match . . . High ideals . . . Originality is an asset . . . "You devil." "Wit is the god of moment, Genius, the god of ages."
HACK Board 2; Delta Psi Omega 2; Outing Club 1; Aquatic Club I; Delta Sigma Sigma.
Joanne . . . Personality reflected in flashing eyes . . . Collecting jazz records . . . Always laughing
. . ."Get
" A smile on her lips and mischief in her eyes." &
HACK Board 2; SPILLED INK 1, 2, Ediror 2; Phi Iota 2, Secretary-Treasuver; Phi Theta Kappa 2; Orientation Committee 2; Presidents' Club 2; Outing Club I ; Poster Club I; Theta Epsilon Nu.
"Judy" . . . Hurrying to a class . . . H o ~ m dof the art studios . . . Neat as a pin . . . Munching an apple . . . "Really neat." "Friends, books, a cheerful heart and conscience clean are the choicest companions we have here."
W . A. A. Board, Senior Representative 2; Otcting Club I; The Black Silhouettes 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
"Hobey" . . . Pep and energy rolled into one . . . Look in the bakery if you can't find her . . . The Nassoon record for the 100th time today . . . Sports . . . "Darn near died !" "There's rcdinbow tint and gleam within my heart."
Student Council 2; Phi Iota 2; Orienta/ion Commitfee 2; Guild 1, 2; Ouling Club I ; Class Vice President I ; Class President 2; Presidents' Club 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.
"Hi, ya' " . . . Apt to be in a contagious good mood . . . Versatile . . . "I've got another meeting!" . . . Friendly . . . Dependable and above all-willingness to learn, to help, to understand. "The worth of character, the power of kindness, and infltlence of exumple."
MARY KIRKPATRICK SMITH Guild I , 2; Cosmopolitan Club I ; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
"Oh, you're kidding!" . . . Studies, sleeps, sleeps, studies . . . A globe trotter . . . "Patty" . . . or is it Mary? Kind and good natured.
"There are often voice and word itz u silent look."
Student Court, Freshman Representative; Phi lola 2; Orientation Committee 2; Guild 1, 2; Presidents' Club 2; Riding Club I , Secretary 2; Thela Epsilon Nu, President 2.
"Frithie" . . . Typical American girl with a British citizenship . . . "Sure, I'll help." . . . The glow that never dies . . . Unassuming leader . . . Sweetness personified.
"Yet graceful ease and sweetness void of pride, Might hide her faults if she had faults to hide."
HACK Board 2; Orientation Committee 2; Guild Board 2; Outing Club; Theta Epsilon Nu.
"This is fantastic! . . . Midnight revivals . . . Wit her power . . . Character her virtue . . . Always willing to help . . . That special friend, Kimo.
"Great feelings bath she of her own which lesser SOUIS may never know."
Phi Iola 2; Phi Theta Kappa 1, 2; Orienjation Committee 2; Guild 1, 2; Outing Club 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi, Pvesident 2.
"Go Diok!" . . . Sincerity of purpose and loyalty of endeavor . . . Uncanny vitality and enthusiasm . . . "Oh, those eight o'clocks!" . . . Known for her cheerfulness and genuine thoughtfulness . . "Lyn."
"I warmed both hands before the fire of life."
Student Council, President of Dormijory 1, 2; Outing Club I; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
"Dors" . . . Unfailing generosity and hospitality . . . Willing sympathizer . . . "She was a changed woman!" . . . Admired for her cheerfulness and kindness . . . The beautician.
"And let my door stand open wide T o the snozu, the rain, and the sun."
Phi Ida 2; Pbi Theta Kappa 1, 2; Oriebfstion Committee 2; Guild 2; Outing C h b I;. Deb# Sigma S i w , Pvesiderrt 2.
"Peggy" . . . "Be gone!" . . A bright spot of sunshine'on a blue Monday morning . . . Sincere . . . The soul of optimism atrd integrity . . . Sparkling and spontaneous. . "Gtay as the song in her n d r e ; Bright as the sun in her smile.''
Guild 1 , 2; Student Activilies 2; Phi Thela Kappa 2; Aqualjc Club I ; Della Sigma Sigma.
"Tish" . . . Sincere simplicity . . . Manner unaffected . . . Bundle of bubbling enthusiasm . . . Swimming . . . "Let's go to the movies??" . . . Talking . . . Secretary. "The smiles that zuin, the t i n ~ sthat glow, But tell of days in goodness speni."
Phi Iota 2; Orientdion Committee 2; Centenary Singers 1 , 2; Chapel Choir 1, 2; Guild 1, President 2; President? Club 2; Student Activities 2; Outing Club 1; Theta Epsilon Nu.
"E-wing" . . . Sugar 'n spice and everything nice . . Possessor of that natural look . . . Helpfulness her byline . . . Sincerity her trademark . . . "Did I ever tell you?"
rrI hate nobody. I am in charity with the world."
S~udentCouncil 2; Phi Iota 2; President? Club 2; Strdent Activities, President 2; Leaders' Corps 2; Ouling Club 1; Theta Epsilon Nu.
A blonde flurry of fun and excitement . . . Conscientious . . . Infectious laughter and a merry twinkle in her eyes . . . "Neat!" . . . An alarm clock that never stops ringing . . . Casual . . . "Sandy." "Gracious to all, to none subservient, Without offense she spoke the word she meant."
Page thirty-fozrr
Phi Iora 2; Orientation Committee 2; Presidents' Club
2; W . A. A. Board, President 2; Outing Club, Treasurer 1; Theta Epsilon Nu.
"Well, frankly!" . . . Whiz in all sports . . . Optimistic . . . Unspoken understanding . . . Responsible and efficient . . . A winning personality . . . "Sheil." "They are never alone that are accompanied with noble thoughts."
2; Outing Club I ; Theta Epsilon Nu.
"Elwin" . . . "A penny saved is a penny earned." . . . The quaint New England charm. . . Without laughter nothing is pleasant . . . Adept seamstress . . . Favorite pastime-Jacks. "Courage and loving kindness are approved Superior virtues set above the rest."
Phi Iota 2; Phi Theta Kappa 1, 2; Orientation Committee 2; Presidenls' Club, President 2; Delta Psi Omega I, President 2; Dance Club 1; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
The dignified president of Delta Psi . . . Haunting a certain area of the south . . . Interested in everyone . . . Shining star on a darkened stage . . "Break a leg!"
" I gear no earthly powers, But CdW for crowns of flowers."
Guild I; Delta Psi Omega I ; Outing Club I; Sigma Epsilon Nu.
"Lindy" . . . Vivacious and petite . . . "Did ya ever?" . . . Where to, "Lindy"? . . . Always manages to finish her work . . . Versatile . . . Talented.
"Whose little body lodged a great mind."
Camera Club 2; Riding Club 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
"Bets" . . . Green eyes twinkling . . . Enjoys the out-of-doors . . . Wonderful horsewoman . . . "I swam!" . . . Her spontaneous laugh . . . Warm nature.
"Only those who have the patience to do simple dhings will acquire the skill to do dificult things easily."
Student Council 1, Hall President; Chapel Choir 2; Cenfenary Singers 1, 2; Camera Club, President 2; Presidents' Club 2; Pipers 2; Sigma Epsilon Nu.
"Um-humpt !" . . . Expressive voice . . . Sense of humor plus . . . Diligent in studies . . . Wise in circles of music . . . Always smiling.
"One cool judgment is worth a thousand hasly counsels."
HACK Board I ; Sludent ,Council, Hall President 3 Outing Club I ; Cheerleaders 2; Della Sigma Sigma.
"Nance" . . . Loves to play bridge . . . Redhead without the temper . . . Loves to eat, but on perpetual diet . . . Good music a pleasure to her ears . . . A funny hat and a good party . . . "Never more !"
"When I describe her to thee, How sweet and fair sbe seems to be."
Outing Club I ; Cheerleaders 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.
Packing for week ends . . . Knitting socks . . . Friendly to all . . . "Jeekers Crow" . . . Variety is the spice of life . . . A voice heard in the crowd.
"Good things are lwice as good when they are short." Page thirty-eight
W . A. A. Board 2; Outing Club 1; Cheerleaders I , Cap'ain 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Coffee time in the Grill . . . Seen under a large sombrero . . . Many moods . . . "Heh-Heh" . . Southern belle . . . Contagious laugh.
" A witty woman is a treasure, A witty beauty is u power."
Chapel Choir 2; Centenary Singers 2; Pipers 2; Eversharps 1; Delia Sigma Sigma.
"Joy" . . . Starts the fun with her favorite pantomime . . . Friendly and good natured . . . Dazzling smile . . . Talented in music . . . "Good grief! Charlie Brown." "The sense of humor is the oil of life's engine."
CONSTANCE IRENE CANN Psychology Club 2; Delta Epsilon Phi.
"Connie" . . . Quiet and unassuming . . . Always thoughtful . . . Psychology over bridge . . . "That's-funny !" . . . Reads the tea leaves.
"What is thine is mine, and all of mine is thine."
Psychology Club 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.
"Annie" . . . Pretty and natural curls . . . "Forget it!!" . . . "Need a fourth for bridge??" . . . Bohemian . . . Loyal.
"She is wealthy in her friends."
Cosmopolitan Club 2; Camera Club 2; Outing Club I ; Theta Epsilon Nu.
"Shrimp" . . . Always present when mischief is brewing . . . Varied interests . . . Steno 'till the wee hours . . . " G o s h . . . Dimples.
"To be happy i s lo be friendly."
Cosmopolitan ,Club 2; Outing Club 1; Library Committee 1 , 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
"Susie" . . . Week-end jaunts . . . "I'm impressed" . . . Echoes continually from Brotherton Lounge . . Sophisticated . . . Oh, those brown eyes!
"Merrily, merrily shall 1 live not."
LINDA A NN BRUMBAUGH Outing Club 1; Psychology Club 2; Riding Club 1; Sigma Ep~ilonPhi.
Pony tail bobbing . . . Heart laughing . . . Fondness for dog and horse shows . . . "You're too much !" . . . Sports enthusiast.
"Good humor is success."
MARY LOU WILCOX Cosmopoliian Club I ; Outing Club 1; Psychology Clr5 1, 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Mary . . . Conscientious and dependable . . . "Oh, gosh!" . . . Such a cook . . . A real knack for making friends and keeping them.
"She is a girl of sleadfmt mind." Page f orty-two
Cosmopolitan Club 2; Outing Club I; Chorale 1 ; Sixma Epsilon Phi.
Always on time . . . The looks of an elegant pixie . . . "Whoops" . . . Miniature size . . . "My goodness!" . . . Laconic expressions.
"Good things come in small packages."
SPILLED INK 1, 2; Cosmopolitan Club 1, 2; Outing Club I; Theta Epsilon Nu.
"Jinx" . . . Vivacious spirit . . . "Oops, I've done it again!" . . . Easy to live with . . . Loves writing and receiving those letters . . . Future in fashions.
" A gentle womun by gentle deeds is known." Page f arty-three
CYNTHJALEE ERICKSUN SPlUED INK 1, 2,: Chapel Choir 1, 2; Cente~ary Singers I , 2; Ptpets 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
... . .
Creative and adventwous Versatile . . . "Cyndi" . . . Diverse interests . Reading . . . Writing . . . Singing . . . Looks for individuality.
"He who walkedh with w i ~ emen shdl he wise."
CONSTANCE ELSIE LOHBECK HACK Board 2; Phi Theta Kappa 1, Secretary 2; Chapel Choir 1, 2; Centenary Singers 1, 2; Aqrratic C2ub 1, 2; Library Committee 1, 2; Theta Epsilon NU.
"Connie" . . . Capable . . . Friendly , . . A cerk i n kind of smile emanating from inner warmth . . . All around wonderful friend. "Thy modesly is a candle to ~ h merit." y
Page forty- f o ~
Chapel Choir 1; Centenary Singers I; Guild 2; Della Sigma Sigma.
Winning personality . . . "Peggy" . . . Subtle humor . . . "Get serious" . . . Personal philozophy places emphasis oa happiness . . . Witty.
"Chardcter makes its own desiiny."
Phi Thela Ka pa 2; Chapel Choir I; Cenlenary Singers 1; Cgeerlem'ers 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
"Dallas" . . . Bursting with energy . . . A system for everything . . . The record player announces her presence . . . "Is it really??"
"Reaon mixed with pleasure, wisdom with mirth."
Outing Club I ; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
"Judy" . . . Cute, petite redhead . . . Her smile casts a warm glow . . . Interests: water skiing, football, baseball and music . . . "Don't stare at me." . . . Always presents a band-box appearance.
"Smiling and modest, she makes many a gain.'
Outing Club I ; Chorale; Phi Theta Kappa 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Well groomed . . . Refined . . "You must be kidding me!" . . . Pleasant company . . . Happy future.
" To study hard, think quietly, talk gently, and act frankly-ibis is my symphony." Page f orty-six
Guild 1, 2; Ouling Club 1; Phi Theta Kappa 2; Arr Club 2; Sigma Ep~ilonPhi.
"Ca" . . . Quiet and reserved . . . Good friend and diligent worker . . . Artistic talent . . . Paints beautifully . . . Always willing to lend a hand. "Good hearted; quiet, and determined."
Guild, Treasurer 2; Delta Psi Omega 2; Phi Thekt Kappa 2; Sigma Epsilon Nu.
"Val" . . Keen sense of humor . . . Beautiful tresses . . . Diligent worker for Delta Psi, "Diok and the Guild . . Private secretary and New York City . . . "Let's go to the novies!" A smile for everyone.
"Know then thy~elf." Page f orfy-seven
Riding Club 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
"Gret" . . . With the red short hair . . . "Much good, sweetie!" Bundle of niceness . . . Easy .going . . . Pleasant, cheeriul and willing to help.
"Well limed silence bath more eloqueltce fhdn speech . I 1
Riding Club 2; Chorale 1; Theta E p s i 1 o n ' ~ u .
"Neat" . . . Conversationalist . . . Classic features . . . Well groomed . . . Enthusiastic equestrienne . . . Known for her twinkling eyes . . . Carefree and happy.
"Beauty is its own excuse for being." Page forty-eight
Guild 2; Riding Club 2; Sigma Eprilon Phi.
"Suzie" . . . Pep and enthusiasm plus . . . Excels in riding and swimming . . . A love for animals . . . "Ah, so" . . . Petite and cute . . . "Silly goose !"
" A quiet mind is richer than a crown."
Genrenary Singers
1, 2; Camera Club 2; Ouring Club 2 ; . Delta Sigma Sigma.
"Pat" . . . Loves beautiful clothes and music "Paraphernalia!" . . . Has a way with the needle . . . Interest ex:ends to the fashion and entertainment worlds.
"Obliging and cheerful; industvious and kind." & g e forty-nine
Camera Club 2; Riding Club 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
"Ardie" . . Lends a cheerful note to any group . . . An adept equestrienne . . . Photographer, bowler and swimmer . . . "Hewowoo!!!" . . . Sweet and gentle manner. "She mast be seen to be appreciated,"
Camera Club 2; Sigmtr Epsilon Nu.
"Sally" . . . Quiet and reserved . . . Equestrienne . . "Gee, Dad!" . . . Photography . . . Always ready to listen. "The better part of valor is discrelion."
JuorrH ANN Hawm Strrit,nt Actit itie .r 2; Ortilg C/nb t ; Dalta Sigtntt Sigtnt.
"JLrdy" . Busy as a bcc . Uncxpectcd laLrghs . Manf intercsts Honcsty and franl<ncss sprinklecl with thoughtfulne;s.
"ll'it it
l/:e llou er of tl.ta intrtginatiott."
Juorru Canor V,rrrcnN Oating C/tb 1: I)e/t;r Si,gttt,t Sigtna.
Alwal's "J.
Little girl with a big hcarr . . Oh, Stcphan l" A chin.r facc with the angel's touch Capablc and
Roast duck
tt tirte.t lf/hdt a r)rilizetion."
Ptrra fi[11 otte
CAROL ELIZABETH BRIGGS Chapel Choir 1; Ou~ing*Club 1; Psychology Club 2; Delta S i ~ n z aSigma.
. . .
"Mercy doooo!" . An appreciation for the lighter side of life . . Uncanny vitality . , . Blue eyes . . Friendly smile . . Witticisms . . "Bsiggsie."
"Oh, world! Oh, life! Oh, time!"
SUSANNE REMINGTON Presidents' Clrrb 2; Outing Clztb 1; Psychology Club I ; Theta Epsilon Nu.
A well-ordered mind . . . Capable . . . Neat as a pin . . . "Fourth for bridge??" . . . Desires to travel . . . Frequents the Grill . . . "Sue." "What I can do, can do no hurt to try." Pdge fifty-two
Bansana ANN JouNSoN Delta Sigma Sigma.
"Minni" Vivaciolrs Poised Interest in boats . Enjoys bowling..."Myword!"
and sedate music and
"Beauty is silent eloquence."
ANrra DnNNr TuzpNnu The BlacA Silhc,aettes 2; Delta Sigrna Sigma.
"Dianne" Broadway
Dancing feet
Fascinatioa for
with a srnile "Minnie" . . Pony tail . . Sprrkling eyes. Efficiency
"I ant the daughter of Earth and, Water, And the nttrsling of tbe Sl.y." Page
Orchestra 1; Camera Club 2; Porrer Club 1 , 2; Psychology Club 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.
"Cool Ooo" . . . Comical antics . . . Alcost countless are her talents from the magic touch of her paintbrush to the click of her camera . . . Musical ability.
"To draw, to sketch, to paint is my delight."
BARBARA ANNE WOLF Psychology Club; Delta Sigma Sigma.
They named her "Foxy" . . . A measure of mischief . . . Spontaneous wit . . . Service with a smile . . . Never a dull moment.
"Gentleness succeeds betler than violence."
Guild I ; Ouiing Club 1 ; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Takes all in her stride . . . Serious intent with time out for fun . . . Pleasing personality . . . A true friend . . . Delightful to know.
" A pleasure to meet, far better to know.',
Sigma Epsilon Phi.
One can only see that smile . . . Neat as a pin . . . Kind and practical . . . Easy laugh . . . Everyone's friend. "The highest reward for man's toil is not what he gets for it but what he becomes by it."
Cosmopolitan Club 2; Ouling Club 1; Psychology Club 2; Della Sigma Sigma.
Blonde and blue eyes . . . Unpredictable mischief . . Fun-loving sarcasm . . . Pleasant, cheerful and willing to help.
"The most 1 can do for my friend, 1s s.imply to be her friend."
Guild 2; Cosmopo1i;an Club, Secrelary 2; Oufing Club I ; Psychology Club 2; Della Sigma Sigma.
"Boots" . . . Rosy-cheeked and laughing . . . Generous and friendly . . . Easy going . . Vivacious companion. "How are you, dear world) this morning?" Page fifty-six
ANonp,r YonstoN EvnNs Cosrnopolitan Clab
2; Outing Clab 1; Aquatic Club
2; Psychology Club z; Delta Sigma
"Bunny" .
. . Tail,
slender and dreamy eyes . Attractive
. . Artistic talent . . . . Full of fun 'Warm smile
Sewing wizard
"Beatttifttl ai rrueet, and young as beaulit'ul."
Jawrcr Pnrrz Ouilng Club 1; Psychology Clab z; Delta Sigrna Sigrna.
"Peltzie" . Casual in a crisis . . . $Vant to play . . . An appreciation for the gifts of life...Zestforfun.
"Comeliue and be merry witb me." Pa ge
!..N:: . ..i
fif t y-: euen
Presidents' Club 2; Cosmopolitan Club, Vice-Preriden~ 2; Outing Club 1 ; Psychology Club 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.
"Jan" . . . A charming redhead . . . "Neat!" . . . A bundle of vivacity . . . Flashing smile . . . Happy talk. "Cheerful company shorlens the mile."
ARLENE CLAUDIA WHITE Camerrt Club 1, 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
A future planned around a B.S. degree topped with a nurse's cap . . . Her proficient piano plnying . . . An interest in the Cosmopolitan way . . . Small but certainly not forgotten.
"Liked for all she is."
Guild 1 , 2; Sigma Epsilon Nu.
Casual . . . Carefree . . . "Barb" . . . Easy going manner often interrupted by bursts of "Sell Out !" . . . Busy planning for that all-important careermarriage.
"A sunny /emper guilds the edges of life's darkest cloud."
Phi Theta Kappa 2; Chapel Choir 1, President 2; Presidents' Club 2; Piperr 1, 2; Et~ersharps2; Orchesfra 1, 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Happiest when busiest . . . "Sandi" . . . Musically talented . . . Violin . . . Piano . . . Always on the go . . . Looks to the bright side of life . . . "What, What, What?" "Her shining voice rang like stars. dropped in r glass."
JoaN Manm Cosrrrro Cbapel Choir 1, Librarian
Librarl Committee 1,
2; Cenlenilj Singers 1,2; 2; Signa
Secrelar1,-Treasurer Epsilon Pbi.
Always found with a twinkle
in her
Entertainment for all Loves music . . \7illing to do a favor for anyone . . . Singing and the piano.
thou art aloot!"
Canorr Hopn Mrnslcn Z; Cosmopolitan Club l; Camera Club 2; Pslchology Club Z; Booh Club 1, President 2;
Presid.ents' Club
Sigma Epsilon Nu.
Lovely dark
"Hail to thee, bhthe ipirit/" Page sixty
wit . . . Capable . . . Interesting.
Guild 2; Outing Club 1; Psychology Club 1, 2; Theta Epsilon Nu, Secretary 2.
Love for people . . . Pleasing personality . . . Out-of-doors is her domain . . . Generous and understanding . . . Attractive.
"Kindness is the golden chain of which life i s made."
Student Court 2; Chapel Choir 1, Sectional Leader 2; Centenary Singers 1, 2; Psychology Club 1, 2, Secretary 1; Theta Epsilon Nu.
The twinkle of an eye . . . A witty saying . . . Sincere . . . A wonderful friend . . . Finds relaxation in the realms of music . . . Generous.
"For I have promises t o keep, And miles to go before I sleep."
BARBARA ADAMS GARRETT Guild 1 , 2; Outing Club I; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
"Barb" . . . Pep and fun packed into one . . . Twinkling eyes . . . Sweet and sincere . . . Sailing . . . Forever busy . . . Has that extra sparkle.
"She looked jolly and carefvee, as though life were a pledsant game."
Studen1 Council, Hall President 2; Guild 2; Chorale I; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Bubbling personality . . . Always ready for a good time . . . The Grill . . . A letter from "that certain someone" . . . Friendly to all.
rrSpeakless than thou knowest."
Aquatic CIub I , Chairman of the Rding Board 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
"Dee" . . . Expert swimmer . . . "Oh, really?" . . . Blonde and stylish . . . Air of graciousness . . . Deep thoughts behind that faraway look. "Grace was in all her steps; In every gesture, dignity."
DOROTHY E N A WILLIAMS Cha el Choir 1, 2; Centenary Singers 1, Sectional L e J e r 2; Shdeni Actiuitier 1 , 2; Sigma Ep~ilon Phi.
"Dottie". . . Our reserved, serious-minded, typical little Southern lady . . . Sewing . . . Loves music . . . "I reckon." "Let gentleness my strong enforcement be."
Paga sixty-thee
Poster Club 2; Book Club 2 ; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Laughter is her middle name . . . That Buffalo accent . . . Friendly disposition . . . Good sense of humor . . . Golf and writing letters. "Common sense is the foundation of achievement."
Postev Club I , Treasuver 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Artistic ability . . . "Is there time for just one more hand of bridge?" . . . A career in New York City . . Understanding way . . . Always a helpful hand for "Diok."
" With malice toward no one, W i t h charity for all."
Chapel Choir 2; Centenary Singers 1, 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
A quiet one with an impish smile . . . "Who is that phone call for?" . . . Always has an attentive audience for her story telling . . . A determined spirit . . . Hates to get up in the morning . . . The flair for fantasy.
"She knew not those sweet words she spoke, NOYher own sweet way.J'
L I....
".,(I 6.i
. . . .....................,.. ........ ., . . .'.., . . . . . .,_ ................ < ..;. , .....
Chapel Choir 2; Centenary Singers 1, 2; Outing Club 1, 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
"Baba" . . . Always looking for a good time . . . "Come on, you guys!" . . . Golf . . . All-around girl . . . Music is my name.
"Her amiable charactev shows through as a ray of sunshine after a storm." Page six~y-five
Student Council 2, Dormirory President; Psychology C!ub I ; Della Sigma Sigma.
"Lou" . . . Curly brown hair . . . Sparkling eyes . . . Days just aren't long enough . . . Letters . . . Golf . . . An afternoon nap . . . Pizza . . . "I must find time for my homework!" "For beauty lives with kindness."
SPILLED I N K 2; Psychology Club I , 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.
A twinkle in her big brown eyes . . . Easy-going charm . . . "Betty" . . . Gay and contagious laughter . . :"I'm not really hungry, but I'll eat!" "Happiness creeps through a door you didn'i know you left open."
Page sixt y-six
Studen6 Council, Hall Pre~ident 2; Cosrnopoli~an Cl~rb 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.
Contagious smile . . . Time for everyone . . . "Hi! How ya doing?" . . . Blazing her trail with generosity and thoughtfulness . . . Inner glow mixed with impish charm.
?'The puvsuit of the perfect is rhe puv~uit of sweetness and light."
Cojmopolitan Club 2; Chorale 1, 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.
"Ginny" . . . Mischievous laugh . . . Loves a good time . . . "Do you want anything from the Grill?" . . . Conscientious . . . Can be pictured surrounded by little children.
"As pure in thought ar the angels are.''
Camera Club 2; Outing Club 1; Sigma Epsilon Psi. "Joanie" . . . Eficient . . . Ready smile . . . "Don't worry about it!" . . . Happy-go-lucky . . . Musical . . . Artistic . . . Bubbles with conversation.
"ln her tongue is the law of kindness."
Cosmopolitan Club 2; Sigma Epsilon Psi.
Always on time . . . Genuine interest in others . . . Keen sense of humor . . . Petite and blonde . . . Finds travel fascinating.
"Let mildness ever attend thy tongue."
SPILLED INK 1 , 2; Guild 1, 2; Della Sigma Sigma.
"Debbie" . . . Interesting . . . Always on the go . . . "I had such a good time!" . . . Swimming . . . Diligent worker . . . Sparkling personality. " To a young heart anything is fun."
Chapel Choir 1 . 2; Centenary Singers 1, Librarian 2; Guild 1; Studenc Activities 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
Little one . . . Willing to lend a helping hand . . . Concerned with the "why" and "wherefore" . . . Keynote of the realm of song . . . Loves a good time. "Life is like a play upon the stage: it signifies not how long it lasts, but how well it is acted."
Cbapel Choir 1, 2; Centenary Singers I , 2; Guild 1; Outing Club 1; Aquajic Club 1, 2; Della Sigma Sigma.
With a song in her heart . . . A desire to travel the seven seas . . . Fond of outdoor life . . . Swimming and water ballet . . Knack for creative writing . . . An interest, in music.
"Patience i~)he best remedy for every trduble."
Chapel Choit 1, 2; Centenary Singers I , Sectional Leader 2; Pipers 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.
"You're right!" . . . Gold in her voice . . . With a natural love for Swedes . . . Fond of modern jazz . . . Connoisseur of art.
" We are, when we will it, masters of our own fate." P#ge seventy
Book Club I , Secrehwy 2; Delia Sigma Sigma.
Sharp wit . . . A friendly smile . . . "Opps, where's my purse?" . . . Patient determination . . . Sadsfaction in helping o:hers, especial!^ handicapped children. "Devoted, anxious, devoid of guile W i t h her whole heart welcome in her smile."
Chapel Choir, Sectional Leader 2; Cen;enary Singers 1 , Seclional Leader 2; Phi The/a Kappa 2; Class Treasurer I ; Sigma Sigma Delta.
"Judy" . . . Poise and grace . . . Sincere desire to help . . . "Hmmm" . . . Determination . . . Loves life.
" A quaint precision rules her days."
HACK Board 2; Delta Psi Omega 1, Secretary-Treasurer 2; Outing Club 1; Delta Sigma Sigma.
"Cookie" . . . A pixie playing tag on a midsummer night . . . Dependable . . . A pleasant smile . . . Questioning blue eyes . . . A sincere and honest friend.
"The world is a slage, and she is n stnr."
HACK Board 1, 2; Outing Club 1, Apuaiic Club 1, 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.
. . . Vivacious little blonde . . . Grill "Go 'Cal' !" . . . Bundle of niceness . . . Talkative . . . Swimming.
"Your pleasures spring like daisies in the grass; Cut down and up again as blithe ar ever."
S P Z W D INK 1, 2; Psychology CZab 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
"Mousie" . Can be found either eating in the Grill, writing letters, or "hacking around . . . "Oh, I just love it!"' . . . Keen sense of humor . . Vivacious personality.
"She is not only witty in her~elf,btrc the cause of w't in other men,"
Chapel Choir 1, 2; Cenienavy Singers 1, 2; Psychology Club 1 , 2; Sigmar Epsilon Pbi.
"Pat" . . . Understanding . . . Never lets your spirits drop . . . "It's real neatsie!" . . . Musical ability . . . Enjoys a good joke with a tea1 comeback.
"A wit thdt loved to play, not wound." Page ~eventy-three
Student Council 2; Student Actiuijies 1, Board 2; Psychology Club I , Treasurer 2; Cheerleaders I ; Theta Epsilon Nu.
Her ambition is to take to the skies . . . Genuine sleep . . . Current events . , . Very neat . . . Nicely dressed.
. . . Eight hours of
"He is the freeman, whom all the truth makes free, and all are slaves besides."
Student Court 1, 2; Orienta~ionCornmiltee 2; Chorale 1, 2; Psychology Club 1 , 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
"Bet's" . . . Happy heart . . . "I'm sorry!" . . . Generously endowed with dimples . . . "Forget it!" . . . A pleasing combination of sweetness and sincerity.
"And /hose about her shall learn /he perfect zunys of honor." Page seventy-four
HACK Board 2; Outing Club 1; Dance Club I , Secretary 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.
"Too much" . . . Pretty brown hair and sparkling blue eyes . . Quiet . . . Wonderful sense of humor . . . Easy to know . . . Congenial . . . Keeps things jumping.
"Every natural action is graceful."
HACK Board, Business Manager 2; Outing Club 1, Delta Sigma Sigma.
Congeniality expressed in a happy smile and a hearty "Hi" . . . Writing letters and socializing . . . Capable and efficient . . . Sincere and dependable. "For those who strive; S I ~ C C is ~ Scertain." S
HACK Board 2; Student Council I, Hall President 2; Phi Theta Kappa 1, 2; Cenlenary Singers I ; Psychology Club 2; Delfa Sigma Sigma.
"Betty" . . . Beaming smile . . . Steady climb to the top . . . Easy to know . . . Carefree . . . Always busy . . . True sincerity . . . A real gem !
" A pretty girl is like a melody."
Cosmopolitan Club 2; Ouring Club I; Psychology Club 2; Della Sigma Sigma.
"Pinky" . . . Rosy cheeks and a ready smile denote her inner warmth . . . Midnight reminiscing . . . Sincere . . . "Oh, you idiot!" . . . Thoughtful. "Pafienceis a necessary ingredient of genius." Page seuenty-six
HACK Board 1; Cosmopolitan Club I ; Outing Club I; Aquatic Club 2; Delta Sigma Sigma, Secretary 2.
"Connie" . . . Bermuda shorts . . . Oh, those eyes! . . . A friend irGdeed . . . A friendly way . . . Temperament of candy . . . "Do you know what ?"
"Modesry ~ e l d o mresides in a heavt that is not enriched with noble uirtues."
HACK Board 2; SPILLED INK 2; C o s m o p o l i ~ aClub ~ 1; Outing Clrrb 1; Delta Sigma Sigma.
. .
"Elze" . . . Vivacious . Neat as a pin . Contagious laugh . . "What are you doing?" . . . Interesting.
"May worth win heartr end constancy keep them."
Pdge seuenty-seven
Sfudenr Aciiuities 2; Leaders' Corps 2; Outing Club I ; Delta Sigma Sigma.
Tall grace . . . Tweeds and femininity . . . Friend to all . . . Large, large, brown eyes shining through . . . European aspiration.
"Far from the rnndding cvowd's ignoble strife."
Cenfenary Singers 1, 2; Chapel Choir 1, 2; Pipers 2; Orchestra 1, 2; Student Aciiuiiies 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.
"Judi" . . . Attractive . . . Good sense of humor echoes down the halls of Lotte . . . Honest and dependable . . . "You know what I mean ! "
. . . Laughter
"Only the artist carries his happiness with him."
Student Aclivilies 2; Leaders' Corps, Serretary-Treasurer 2; Chorale 1, 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.
"Sal" . . . Atomic smile . . . "Where is that part?" . . . Love that laughter . . . Deepest trust . . . "Well, I never!" . . . Ever-ready ear . . . Many interests.
"Yorr cannot shut the window of the sky through which Aurora shows her brightening face."
HACK Board 1 ; Outing Club I ; Delta Sigma Sigma.
"Don" . . . Comical smile offset by deep, deep eyes . . . Bubbles of enthusiasm . . . "Isn't that something?" . . . Loves good music, Cape Cod, bridge, cokes, dancing and a good time.
"She looked happy and carefree-as if life were n pleasant game." .Page seventy-nine
SPILLED INK 1, 2; Camera Club I; Psychology Club 1, 2; Delfa Sigma Sigma.
"Janie" . . . "Found in the lounge or upstairs checking her weight . . . Knack for conversations about famous people . . . "Who has my thermometer?" . . . Loves golf and travel . . . Cheerful.
"Never an idle moment, but ready in heart atzd hand."
SPILLED INK 1 , 2; P~ycbology Club 1, 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.
Time is scarce between phone calls and letters . . . Finds fun in any locale . . . "I must lose weight by this week end!" . . . Sincere . . . Interested in others.
"Earth 6/15 her lap with pleasures of her own." Page eight?
HACK Board, Art Editor 2; Presidents' Club 2; Student Activities 1, 2; Phi Theta Kappa 2; Cosmopolitan Club 1; Poster Club 1, President 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
"Peanuts" . . . Enthusiasm, leadership and contagious laugh . . . Weakness for exotic perfume . . . Artistic talent . . . Enjoys golf . . . "Wait ! I must lose weight!"
" A picture is a poem without words."
HACK Board 2; SPILLED INK 2; Cosmopolitan Club I; Outing Club I; Theta Epsilon Nu.
"Jeannie" . . . Pleasant to look upon . . . Unconcealable freckles . . . Surprised blue eyes . . . Boundless generosity . . . So many friends . . . Legal secretary. "Your Iaughter warms my heart like a rich red jlowing wine." Page eighty-one
ANNE LINDSAY DRAPER Guild 1, 2; Studenl Ac2i&lies 1, Setrslary-Trernwer 2; D e b Psi Omega 1, 2; Library Committeg 1, 2; Tbels E~J~~oFJ Nu.
Appealing giggle . . Fun loving . . . "Everything's exciting" . . . -Around the world with coffee cups . . . Everyone and everything counts . . Will some day teach the YittIe peoplk"' her h e qualities.
"Trifis make perfection m d perfection i~ no trifle!'
SALLY LEE WHITFORD SPIZLED INK I, Associdte Edhor 2, OO*n#dos CornmzILaa 2; G d d 1, 2; 'Delta Psi Omew 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
. .. .
"Sal" , . Sincere and understanding : Fall That Iost article . . Bridge and hockey . coffee , . Loves a good time . . Fine qualities . . . A wonderful friend.
"Such high-bred mmners; ~achgood-nutuued.u~id,"S Page eighty-twa
Ersru Scorr RrcnanosoN HA.CK Boad 2; SPILLED
Leaders' Corps 2;
Delta Psi Omega 2; Aquatic CIab 1, 2; Club z; Delta Signza Sigma.
"Pin" . . . NTise in thought . . . Witty in words Carefree in laughter . . . Active on the stage of life . . . Friendly to all . . For the future-
warm happiness.
"I thall wear uhite I
flannel trouJerr, and. ualA upon tbe beacb baue heard tbe mermaidt tinging, eacb to each."
ANNr Sl,rnn
lllu:ic Cltb 1; Outing Club t; Delta
Sigma Signa.
"Sally" The outdoors is her domain Her generosity goes way above the norm "Should I dye my hair?" "And all
h a tuind.y day witb tbe ub)te
clouds f,y,ing,
And tbe full f.ung uying,"
ocean rpray, and tbe sea gulls
Page eigbtT+bree
Outing Club 1; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
"Pat" . . . The voice . . . "Party, anyone?" . . . Unforgettable . . . Concern for others . . . Kind . . . "Where's my roommate?"
"A spirit intense and rare, with trace on trace of impudence and energy."
CAROL JOANN LEWR Centerzary Singerr I ; Grrild 1; Outing Clrrb 1; Theta Epsilon Na.
Long distance phone calls . . Blonde hair . , Lotte's best friend . . "Zapp" . . . Always laughing.
"Victory belongs f o the most persevering."
Student Activities 2; Outing Club I ; Delta Sigma Sigma.
"Chris" . . . Sparkling eyes . . . Vibrant energy . . . "I'll never forget!" . . . Lively imagination . . . Lovable scatterbrain . . . Interesting companion. " M y fingers speak rhythm and melody."
Cosmopolitdn Club 1; Outing Club I ; Delta Sigma Sigma.
"Joanie" . . . "But on the other hand!" . . . Understanding . . . Musical ability . . . Song writer for N. B. C. . . . Always laughing . . . " T A B U . . . Bermuda shorts. " W e are the music makers, And we are the dreamers o f dreams."
HACK Board, Art Editor 2; Student Courf 2; Leaders' Corps; Outing Club I ; Psychology Club 2; Theta EpsiIon Nu.
"Sue" . . . Vibrant smile . . . The world admires sincerity . . . A whiz with the paint brush . . . Dark eyes . . . Loved by everyone.
"ln thy fare 1 see the map of honor, trulh, and loyalty."
Presidents' Club 2; Oufing Club 1; Psychology Club 2; Library Committee, President 2; Secretary of the Senior Class; Theta Epsilon Nu.
Bright eyes with a merry twinkle . . . Responsible . . . Friendly to all . . . Pleasant thoughts reflected in her face.
"Thou bast no sorrow in thy song, Nor winter in thy year."
Studen/ Council 1 ; S1uden.t Activilies 2; Poster Club 1; Delta Sigma Sigma.
Artistry and a D. A. . . . Neat as a pin . . . Interesting . . . Classical music . . . "Is the mail out yet?"
" O n wings of the wind!"
Student Activi.ties 1; Delta Sigma Sigma.
"Sally" . . . Tweeds and cokes . . . Hard work on the curve of a grin . . . Easy to know . . . Talents . . . Capable . . Music in the Grill.
"For her heart is like the sea, Ever open, brave and free."
Student Council, Dormifory President 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
"Margo" . . . "Don't worry about it!" . . . Statuesque . . . Telephone booths . . . Subtle humor . . .Inclined to come out with the unexpected . . . So nice to be around.
" She walks i n beauty, like the night o f clolrdless climes and starry skies."
SPILLED INK I ; Psycbology Club 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
"Mole" . . . Keen sense of humor . . . A Vogue sample . . . Devotee of the social whirl . . . Unpredictable . . . That Providence accent . . . Picture of domesticity.
" Drawn from purple hills afar, Drawn d o w n into a restless sea."
Student Council, Hall President 2; Phi Theta Kappa 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
"Sal" . . . Enthusiastic, sparkling, mischievous . . . Contagious giggle . . . Understanding . . . Remarkable memory . . . Sincere . . . "I'm going to bed early tonight!"
"This wit of one man, the wisdom of many."
Phi Theta Kappa 1, Vice-president 2; Sigma E p ~ i l o n Phi.
"I'm so excited!" . . . Sincere friend . . . I could have danced all night . . . O h ! those eyelashes!! ! . . . "That's really great! . . . Serious . . . Those many airplane trips.
"Whatever is worth doing at all; Is worth doing well."
Canon Many Hoovnn Cenlenar1 Singers
Chapel Cboir
1; Riding Clab l,
Sigma Epsilon Phi.
"Molly" . Enthusiasm plus Loves the arts . . . Advocate of sports and the great out-of-doors . "Hi, therel" Disiikes time schedules. "That hand that tnade you fair ltath rnacle yoa goocl.,,
JoaNNE Parnicra SavrNo Outing Club 1; Cbeerlea.ders 1; Sigma Epsilon Pbi.
Impish sense of
Eyes .,:iir:':.',r
Exact replica
Friendly of five foot
of blue perfection.
"Soltly speaks, and sueetly smiles." Page ninety
Guild Board 2; Psychology Club 2; Chorale 1; Delta Sigma Sigma.
"Mickey" . . . Calm and friendly . . . A ready listener . . . Happiest when helping others . . . Must have that coffee break . . . "Oh, man!"
"Her character is an assemblage of good qualities."
SPILLED INK 1, Feature Editor 2; Guild 1; Board Member 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.
"Sandy" . . . Smiling and laughing . . . Scurrying about . . "I'm really going on a diet tomorrow" . . . Genuine concern for others . . . Will assure you that Bermuda is still "paradise."
" 'Tzuas her thinking of others that made think of her."
SPILLED INK 2; Leaders' Corps 2; Oujing Club I ; Theta Epsilon Nir.
"Well, let's play bridge!" . . . One whose witticism can enliven any group . . . Pirouetting ballerina . . . Carefree . . . Winning personality . . . "Prissy."
" A little work, a lztlle play to keep us going onand so, a good day."
SPILLED INK 2; Outing Club I ; Psychology Club 2; The/a Epsilon Nu.
"We're just good friends" . . . Dark glasses hiding a mischievous twinkle . . . "I better start packing" . . . Good listener . . . Naturalness combined with sophistication.
" A lovely lady, garmented in light from her own beauty."
Student Council, Freshman Repvesentatiue 1 ; Guild I , Vice-President 2; Music Club 1, 2; Chorale I ; Sigma Epsilon Phi, Chaplain 2 .
"Annie" . . . Sparkling eyes tell all . . . Never a dull moment . . . Friendly . . . "You loce, white man!" . . . Varied interests. "Her ways are ways of pleasa~ztness."
Student Activities 2; Music Club 2; Chorale 1, 2; Sigma Ep~ilonPhi.
"Bev" . . . Long eyelashes . . . "Scrounge!" . . . Easy going . . . Contagious giggle . . . Swimming . . . Versatile.
"A soft answer turneth away wrath."
Aquatic Club 2; Thetd Epsilon Nu.
"Nance" . . . Charming . . . "Is he tweed?" Such a pretty profile . . . "Did I ever take Spanish?" . . . Keen sense of humor . . . "Be serious!" . . . Swimming.
" A thing of beauty is a joy forever."
Outing Club I , Secretary 2; Riding Club 1, 2; Theta Epsilon Nu, Treasurer 2.
"Our plants are dying!" . . . Exists on a diet of pills . . Pert and pretty . . . Conversationalist . . . 6:40 a.m. . . . "Mercy, but I'm annoyed!" . . . "Telephone, Jeanne."
"Gentle thoughts and calm desires, Heart with equal love combined."
Guild 2; Outing 'Club I ; Riding Club I , Treasurer 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
"Divine and misery" . . . A tweed in all sense of the word . . . Always speaks her mind . . . Lemon squeezes . . . Vim, vigor, vitality . . . St. Louie's own "Morey."
" A little humor now and then Is relished by the best of men."
Presidents' Club 2; W . A. A. Board 2; Leaderr' Corps
1, 2; Riding Club I , President 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
Small, but definitely not overlooked . . . Phone calls . . . Those talking hands . . . Fair and neat . . . "Misery" . . . Equestrienne . . . "Jackie."
"To you he gave his laughter and his jest." Pdge ninety-five
Studenr Court, Senior Representative 2; Chapel Choir 1 , Vice-President 2; Centenary Singers 1, 2; Outing Club 1; Pipers 1, 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
"I'm serious!" . . . Loves mischief . . . Anything from a safety pin to good advice . . . "Judy" . . Melodious voice . . . Organized always.
"Education h a for its object the formation of rhuracter."
BARBARA ALYCE VENNARD W . A. A. Board, Vice-President
2; A q M i c Clrrb I , Vice-president, Rating Board 2; .Chtlrale 2; Theta Bpsrlon Ng.
"Are you kidding?" . . . Enthusiastic supporter of good causes . . . A natural from head to toe . . Library from seven 'ti1 ten . . Sparkling . . . "Barb."
"So the soul, seeiing through the durk Heauenwurd, a doee without an ark." Page ninety-six
Guild 1, 2; W.. A . A. Board, Publicity Manager 2; Cmmopob/an Club 1; Theta Epsilon Nu.
Can be located by her laugh . . . That midnight oil . . . "I have a question" . . . A practical joker with a warm heart . . . All around good sport.
"Nothing is impossible to a willing heart."
HACK Board 2; Phi Theta Kappa, Treasurer 2; Guild 2; Student Actiwfies 2; Leaders' Corps 2; Outing Club 1; Aquatic Club, Secretary 1, 2; Riding Club 2; The/a Epsilon Nu.
"Judy" . . . Those expressive eyes tell her mood . . . Ambitious by nature . . . "Are you kidding?" . . . A study bug . . . "That's ridiculous!" . . . Sympathetic listener . . . Versatile . . . En route to success.
"The moving finger writes And having writ, moves on."
Page ninety- even
Siudent Council, Hall President 2; Guild 1, 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
"Mitch" . . The cosmopolitan traveler . . . "Hey, chicker!" . . . Sample shoes . . . Insight and wisdom . . . Sympathetic listener . . . Practical . . . Enthusiastic.
"Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm."
Centenary Singers 1; Outing 'Club I; Psychology Club I; Riding Club 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
"Mittens" . . . Sugar and spice and everything nice . . . "Please ask, don't demand" . . . Oh, those light bIue eyes and that long blonde hair . . . "Sh-hh-h-h, there is a great educational flick on T. V.-Dracula."
"With firmness in the right, As God gives us to see the right."
Guild Board 2; Student Aciiuijies 2; Outing Club 1; Theta Epsilon Nu, Freshman Repuesentatiue, VicePresident 2.
"Huh?" . . . Page out of T O W N AND COUNTRY . . . Sunshine with a bit of seriousness . . . Our own Betty Crocker . . . Early to bed and early to rise . . . Friendly to all. "From the crown of her head to the sole of bet fool, she is all mirth."
W . A. A. Board I , Corresponding Secretary
2; Outing
Club 1; Riding Club I ; Theta Epsilon Nu.
"Renew . . . Eyes that tell a story . . . "Oh, really" . . . Sports cars are fascinating . . . A light heart lives long . . . Collector of ivy trinkets. "Brilliant eyes portray the depth of her soul."
2; Gilld 2;
Outins Club
Ep:ilon Nil.
"Does anyone have a crossword puzzles
dime?" Devotee of A human conedy Little girl with a big rnind Vim, vigor, vitality . . . Candid opinions.
"To learn uthat lessonr life may pue; To do my d.uty at I see; To loue m.y't'r)entls, ancl lauglt and liue."
Gan ANN Zorrnn SPILLED INK z; Theta Epsilon Nu.
distinguish Sincere "I'll sew it later" . . . A warm smile and shining eyes That certain dash of impishness.
Those qualities that
"Her aoice uas
euer tofl, genlle, and excellent lhing in 1uomAn."
Page one bundred
Hnarurn Hnnnrcr Bnucn Chapel Cboir 1,2; Centenary Singers 1,2; W. A. A. Board, Tteasurer 2; Leaders' Corp-r 2; Ouling Club 1; Theta Epsilon Na.
Aiways keeping a schedule and
budget "Can't get that chemistryl" Gaiety . A mirror reflecting success
"The:ecret of
Arrcr \TarroN Russrrr SPILLED
/NK l,
Atlt,ertising Editor Tbetd Epsilon Nu.
2; Outing Club 1;
"Addie" Contagious enthusiasm Explosive laughter . . . That tweedy look . . . "No kiddingl" . . A
cultured pearl on blue velvet . . . "$Zhere did that Hi-Fi come from?" "Keep your eleJ on lhe stats." Page one hundred one
Chapel Choir 1; Centenary Singers 1; Leaders' Corps 2; Outing Club, Vice-President 1 ; Aquatic Club 1, 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
"Hello, Gunner! Yes, you are there?" . . . Active in the business of living . . . "Let's go to the movies!" . . . What a whirl! . . . A champ on the fields.
"Life's a pleasant institution; Let's take it as it comes."
NANCY ~ . ~ A R IHEYDT E Presidents' Club 2; W . A. A. Board 2; Leaders' Corps, President 2; Outing Club 1; Theta Epsilon Nu.
"Nana" . . . "Oh, you're kidding!" . . . Conscientious . . . Knack for keeping calm, cool and collected . . . Dislikes late sleepers.
"The world is her oyster, and with her understanding, she will open it."
Pdge one hundred two
N,rNcv HnyuRN 2; Centenary Singers 1, 2; Dance Club 1; Pipers 2; Et,ersharps 2;Theta Eprilon Na.
Cbapel Choir 1,
"Nance" fr-rdge
. Casual sophistication . . Loves hot
sundaes . Theatre
esting . . . "It's just terrible."
"A dancing sbape, an intage gay, To haunt, to slartle, and utaylay."
Jor Canol Chapel Cboir
Centenary Singers 1,2; Pipers 2; 1; Theta Epsilon Na.
Dance Club
"Eek-eee" Usually seen napping between bridge hands Possessor of the magic needie Dancer extraordinaire Sincere . "Joyous."
"Tbere are pioneer souls that blaze their palhs u,here bigbway! neuer ran."
Page one bundred tbree
Guild 1, Secretary 2; Student Activijies 2; Leaders' corps 2; Delza Psi Omega 1, 2; Outing Club 1; Theza Epsilon Nu.
"It's all in the mind!" . . . Colorful imagination . . . "If you can't convince them, confuse them" . . . A laugh and a voice . . . Burns the midnight oil . . . "Kiwas." "Impossible, sir? Don't speak to me of impossibilities!'
SUZANNE WELLS Outing Club I; Delta Sigma Sigma.
"Sue" . . . Those two meals a day . . A good word for everyone . . Coffee break . . . "Are you kidding?" . . . Likeable . . . "Wake up, little Susie."
"Life's value is friendship."
Page orze hund~edf o ~
Leaders' Corps 2; Oujing Club 1; Aquatic Club I , 2; Theja Epsilon Nu.
"Ginger" . . . Style is the dress of thought . . . The world belongs to the energetic . . . Always finds time for another hand of bridge . . . Let's get organized next week! !" "Life is very short and very unrerfain; Let us spend it as w e b as we can."
1, 2;
Guild 2; Thela Epsilon Nu.
"Babs" . . Always on the go . . . Mischief's favorite child . . . "Forget it!" . . . A lively spirit, a heart so true . . . Friendly to all. "Model 10 thy inward greatness, Like little body with a rnighly heart."
Page one bwdved five
Sludent Council, Senior Class Represen/a/iue; Guild I , 2; Board Member 1, 2; Oujing Club I ; Thela Epsilon Nu.
"Are you kidding?" . . . Just the girl if you need a pal . . . Complete faith in human nature . . . Tennis . . . "Hee-jious" . . . Pleasant and cheerful.
"The most essenfial rhing for happiness is the gift of friendship."
Guild 2; Studen; Artiviiie~; Ouling Club I; The14 Epsilan Nu.
"Hi, Dum, Durn" . . . Mischievous . . . Sociable Pleasant, cheerful, willing to help . . . "Bets."
"Mirth is the medicine of life."
Guild 2; Outing Club I; Riding Club 2; Delta Sigma Sigma, Vice-President 2.
"Lady Jane" . . . Gentlemen prefer blondes . . "Peace be with you, my child" . . . That naive look . . . She charmed us all . . . "What's behind it?" . . . "Janie."
"Rare compound of beauty, frolic and fun; W h o relished a joke and rejoiced in a pun."
HACK Board 2; Student Court I; Student Council, Vice-President 2; Orientalion Commi/tee, Chairman; Phi Theta Kappa 2; Guild 2; Oujing Club I; Riding Club 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
"As a matter of fact" . . . A keen sense of humor . . . See the world via college week ends . . Our candidate for LIFE'S cover . . . Interesting.
"Her ways ave ways of plearantness."
Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Happy and determined . . . To be an individual at all times . . . Originality . . . The world is her stage.
"Oh, Mankind, I challenge /bee."
HACK Board 2; Presidenr? Club 2; Cosnzopoli/an Club 2; Music Club, President 2; Aquaric Club I ; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
"Nance" . . . Genuinely optimistic . . . Perceiving and inquiring mind . . . Quiet charm and white gloves . . . Versatile.
"A cullivaled mind is one lo which the founlain of knowledge bar been opened."
Cha el Choir I; Cen~enary Singers I; Cosmopoli~an Ciu! Musjr Club 1, 2; Dance Club I; Psychology Club.
Spain . . . A certain uniqueness in finding something in everything . . . Understanding . . . That European touch . . . Ready smile.
"With fire and gold of sky and sea, And the peace of long zunrrn rain."
Della P J ~Omega 1 , 2; Ouling Club 1; Della Sigma Sigma.
"Peggy" . . . Gaiety . . . Considerate . . . Friendly . . . Good humor. . . Youthful.
"When the angels and the devils get together." Page one hundred nine
Outing Club 1; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
"Little One" . . . A hand that helps, and an ear that listens . . . Hostess at the late show . . . "Enough of this noise!" . . Pert and peppy . . . Meticulous.
"Ah, she was blithe as the morn under the sunny sky."
Orientation Cornmiltee 2; Studen! Ac/ivi/ies, Board Member 2; Ouring Club 1; Aqivatic Club I , Treasurer 2; Sigma Epsilon Pbi.
"Ginny" . . . Always sees the midnight sun . . . One of Neptune's daughters . . "Let's go to the Grill" . . . Starts the day with a smile . . . To do many things and do them well.
"'Tis well lo be merry and wise. 'Tis well lo be honest and true."
Student Council I, Hall President 2; Orientation Committee 2; Guild 1; Outing Club I; Sigma Epsilon Phi, Vice-President 2.
"Well, listen to this!" . . . Understanding . . . Change of mind is a woman's privilege . . . An interesting conversationalist.
"But sweeter still than laughter, and greater /ban longing come to me."
Student Council, Dormilory President 2; Orientation Committee 2; Chapel Choir 1; Centenary Singers 1; Student Activities 1, 2; Cheerleaders 1.
"Monk . . . Excitable . . . "It's quiet hour" . . . Florence Nightingale cap . . . To the library for VOGUE . . . The flash of quick silver . . . Work with a smile.
"impulsive, earnest, prompt to act."
Studen) Council 2; Guild Board 1, 2; Buden, Activities Board 2; Outing Club I : Psychology Club 2; Chorale 1 , 2; Hall President 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
Combination of enthusiasm and gaiety . . . As friendly as her smile . . . Never at a loss for words . . . Full of fun. "Poised and proud with sparkling warmlh."
Chapel Choir I , Assistant Librarian 2; Centenary Singers, Singers Board 1, 2; Guild 2; Outing Club I ; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
"Joanie" . . . Always going somewheres . . . Contagious giggle . . . Loves music . . . Collects souvenirs . . Varied interests . . . Friendly.
"When Duly zuhispers low, 'Thou must!' The Youlh replies, "I canJ."
Guild 2; Outing Club 1; Chorale I , Presidenl 2; Thela Epsilon Nu.
The best things come in small packages . . . Forever making schedules . . . Sense of humor . . . A good friend . . . Time out for fun . . . Musical ability. "My zuhole life I have lived in pleusant thoughts,
as if life's business were a summer mood."
Phi Thela Kappa 2; Guild 1, 2; Ouring Club 1; Chorale 1 ; Della Sigma Sigmn.
"Andy" . . . Playing bridge . . . Impetuous wit . . . Spirit of adventure . . . Straightforward and conscientious . . . Tall and blonde.
"She tickled the feet of the sober and they laughed."
HACK Board 2; Psycholo y Club 2; Ar; Club 2; Sigma Ep st on Phi.
"Dottie" . . . That winning personality . . . Neat and well groomed . . . Sincere . . . Friendly.
"A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance."
HACK Boavd 2; Psychology Club 2; Art Club 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
"Phyl" . Full of fun . . . Contagious laugh . . Willing to please . . . Easy to get along with . . . A friend indeed. "She is pretty to walk with, Witty to talk with, And pleasrmt, too, to think on."
Chorale 1, 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
"Peg" . . . A highly valued friendship . . . Quiet, yet gay . . . Serious . . . Good sense of humor . . Whiz on the keyboard . . . "Oh, I don't know !"
"Modesty is the grace of the souls."
Outing Club 1; Tbera Epsilon Nu.
A grin as wide as the world . . . A sweater and a pin . . . Eyes suggest mischief . . . "Roommate, how do you spell?" . . . Packing for her week-end trips. "It is a mark of intelligence no matter what you dre doing, to hdve a good time doing it!'
Ouling Club I; Delia Sigma Sigma.
"Sandy" . . . A Hi-Fi fan . . . Shoes and jewelry . . . Much shopping in New York? . . . Artistic ability . . . Appreciates the best in life.
"High erected thoughts seated in the heart of
Guild 1, 2; Ouling Club I; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
"Lo" . . . A happy face and a smiling heart . . . Kindness in little things . . Loyalty in a deed . . . A blend of thoughtful silence and carefree laughter.
"Thoughts of love and kindness are Fne and firm and clear."
HACK Board 1, 2; SPILLED INK 2; Siudent Activilies 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
"Jo" . . . Has a "listening ear" . . . "Hi, Chicks!" . . . Beautiful clothes . . . Loyalty . . . Diligent worker.
. . Good sense of humor.
"The silent man is ojlen worth lisiening lo."
SPILLED INK I ; Psychology Club 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
As gay as her pony tail, as friendly as her smile Friendly to all . . . "Who is the phone call for?" . . . Nat King Cole . . . Interesting.
"Mine is a world of feeling and of fancy." Page one hgndred Jeventeen
Studen! Council, Senior Class Representative; Guild 2; Student Activities 1, 2; Outing Club I ; Theta Epsilon Nu.
"Gret" . . . Undisturbed tranquillity . . . True femininity . . . Simple pleasures . . . "Oh, you're kidding!" . . . A keen sense of humor.
"How small a part of time they share, That are so wondrous, sweet and fair."
Guild 2; Outing Club I ; Thela Epsilon Nu.
A mischievous wit with a touch of sophistication
Hair falling over right eye . . . Language and the theatre . . . Those after dinner journeys . . . "McCaus."
"She was a woman of fair countenance." Page one hundred eighteen
MARILYN MOORE MCQUILLAN Guild 2; Owling Club I ; Theta Epsilon Nu.
"Yesss!" . . . Spontaneous animation . . . Versatile . . . Debonaire . . . Last minute rush . . . Prone to distractions.
"She has a certain charm and distinclion."
D e l h Psi Omega 2; Guild I ; Psychology Club I ; Sigma Epsilon Nu.
"Mac" now" .
. . . Jovial . . . Jazz . . . "Let me see . . Loves the Village . . . My philosophy is . . . Willing to help.
"The discovery of /ha/ zuhich is. /rue, and the prdctice of that which is good." Page one hundred nineteen
HACK Board I, Literary Editor 2; Phi Theta Kappa 2; Orientation Cornmiltee 2; Music Club 2; Outing Club 1; Delta Sigma Sigma.
"Lainie" . . . Looking down from lofty heights . . . "Certainly" . . . Smoldering depths and sparkling radiance . . . Continental . . . Laughter fading into shades of thought . . . Impish intellect.
"Sfeadfasf, serene, jmmovable Shines on fhal inextinguishable light."
HACK Board 2; Delta Psi Omega I; Vice-President 2; Music Club 2; Dance Club 1; Delta Sigma Sigma, rush in^ Chairman 2.
"Mimi" . . . Shades of the world in a look . . . Friendly . . . Vitality . . . A spirit aloft . . . T O each his own . . . The wee hour and the last hand of bridge . . . A creative mind conquers all.
"Then I am the skipper of the skies, Sfrange lyrics toriffenon my lips, Strange sounds in my eyes."
Page on&k ~ d r i dIwe#b .
Thela Epsilon Nu.
"Tory" . . . Curly top and blue eyes . . . Bridge is her middle name . . . Spends the wee hours in the lounge . . . Willing to help . . . Fun to be with.
"Good nature is the very air of a generous. soul."
SPILLED INK 1 ; Ouling Club 1; Della Sigma Sigma.
"Joanie" . . . Dashing off for the week end . . . Twinkling dark brown eyes . . . "What's trump?" . . . Sleepwalking again . . . Friendly to all . . . Good things come in small packages.
"Charm, wi/, and personality-dl fhese God bestowed upon her.''
Presidents' Club, Secretrtry-Treasurer 2; Student Activities 1V. A. A . Board 2; Aquatic Club I , Presidenl 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.
1, 2;
"Barb" . . . Artistic . . . "That's cool" . . . That amazing wit . . . One of Mischief's favorite children . . . Picture of happiness. " What delighjful hosrs are these - Life and Lover
Aquatic Club 1, 2; Thela Epsilon Nu.
"Corali" . . . Mixed emotions in a whirlpool of babbling laughter . . . Stuffed animals . . Mischievous smile . . . A ready hand to help those in need.
" The arl of saying appropriate words in a kindly way is one that never goes out of fashion." Page one bundred ~wenly-jwo
--7 I . '
SPILLED INK 1; Guild 2; Outing Club 1; Chorale 1; Delta Sigma Sigma.
"Lyn" . . . Varied interests . . . Well liked by everyone . . . "Say it!" Pondering over the latest social development . . . Well groomed.
"Nol /hat I Io.ued work less, but I love fun more."
Chapel Choir 1, 2; Cenlenary Singers I , 2; Guild 2; Student Activities 2; Della Psi Omega 2; Outing Club I; Theta Epsilon Nu.
"Rudie" . . . Seen moving in an aura of sunshine . . Determination and perseverance . . "Wait'll you hear this" . . . Gem with many facets . . . Little things count.
"So of cheerfulness or a good /emper, the more i/ is spent the more of it remains." Page one hundred twenty-three
Guild 2; Della Sigma Sigma.
"Barb" . . . Sparkling brown eyes and a cute smile . . . Sweet disposition . . . Understanding . . . Favorite pastimes-travel, music, dancing and ice skating . . . "Great!" "Sensibility is the power of woman.''
De!ja Sigma Sigma.
"Cos" . . . Curly head . . . Conscientious and fun loving . . . Bowling and tennis . . . Humorous descriptions . . . Music . . . Willing and dependable. "Something attempted, Something done."
Page one br~ndred~ w e n f y - / o m
HACK Board I ; SPILLED INK, Business Manager I , 2; Outing Club I ; Psychology Club 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
"Sandy" . . . Short curly hair . . . Serious appearance but happy disposition . . . Favorite pastimes-sports, knitting, music and writing letters . . . "I'd better get some mail!" "He is well-paid tha! is zuell-sa!isfied."
HACK Bonrd I ; SPILLED INK I , Nerus Editor 2; Outing Club 1; Delia Sigma Sigma.
"Les" . . . Sports . . . "Golly, was I shook" . . . Infectious grin . . . Music and fashion . . . Those midnight laughing sessions . . . Poise and grace. "Seeing only tuba! is fair, Sipping only wha! is stueel."
Guild I ; Della Psi Omega 1 , 2; Cosmopolitan Club 1, 2; Della Sigma Sigma.
"Moina" . . . Happy-go-lucky with a heart of gold . . . Can dance the cha cha . . . Can be heard shouting, "Hallelujah" almost any time . . . Pizza. "Since life's so sweet and I shall live but once, Sorrow, take flight."
Della Psi Omega 1, 2; Cosmopolitan Club 1, 2; Ouling Club 1; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
"Golly," with a Spanish accent . . . Studies mixed with mischief . . . Dark eyes tell her mood . . . Neat. . . Yearns to travel.
" A sense of value is the mosl important elernen/ in human personality."
SPILLED INK I; Studen1 Court, Secretary 2; Phi Thela Kappa 1, 2; Thela Epsilon Nu.
"Barb" . . . T o learn is satisfying . . . Interesting . . . Sunshine on a rainy day . . . To ask her is to have it done . . . Talent for fun. "Elegant as simplicity and warm as ecsiasy."
HACK Board 2; Outing Club I ; Treasurer o.f he Senior. C l a s ~ Theta ; Epsilon Nu.
A ready smile . . . Magician with the drawing board . . . "Can't say at the moment; however, time will tell" . . . Small sized imp . . . Good humor . . . Boundless energy. "A violet by a mossy done, half hidden from an eye." Page one hundred ttuen~y-seven
Phi Theta Kappa 2; Aquatic Club Phi.
1 , 2;
Sigma Epsilon
"Norm" . . . Always ready for a moment of fun . . . Honest, thoughtful and conscientious . . . "B good!" . . . Enthusiastic . . . Success in the future.
"Bold thitrgs in n quiet way."
Guild I ; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
"Lise" . . . Petite and jovial . . . "You all!" . . A good influence . . . Vivacious and thorough . . . Looking to the future.
"Wise to resolve and patien/ lo perform."
Pagt one hundred $went?-eight
HACK Board 1, 2; SPlLLED INK 1, 2; Gui!d I; Ouling Club I; Della Sigma Sigma.
Music, bridge and food . . . Aversion to the mornings . . . Fun-loving personality . . . "I should worry" . . . Grill . . . Friendly . . . Understanding.
"1'16 fight against any odds And gain the victory."
HACK Board 2; Chapel Choir I; Cenlenary Singers I ; Guild 1; Oujing Club I; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
"Imsch" . . . What a wardrobe . . . Always on the go . . . "Time to eat" . . . Good humor with a zest for life . . . A voice heard down the halls of North . . . Beautiful soprano . . . Giggle, giggle, giggle.
"Fortune favors the bold." Page one hundred twentynine
Gatr MacKnNzrn .L4usic Club
2; Pslcbology Club z; sigtna Ept)lon Pbi.
Aiways ready for a good time . . . Sophisticated wholesomeness . . . That quality An appreciation of the esthetic. of giving
"An unext)ngui:bed laaghter
sbakes the skies."
EnEN KartranrNE HEATER Orientation Canmiltee 2;
Mtric Clab Z; Signa Epsilon Pbi.
Intelligent, witty and
"A merry heart Page one hundred thirty
clever . . "Oh, to see the "See what I .
Artistic ability
doeth gaod. liAe a rneclicine."
Orienra/ion Cornmillee 2; Chapel Choir 1, 2; Cenlenrrry Si~rgers1, 2; Music Club 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
"Betsy" . . . Poise . . . Charming manner . . . Voice of an angel . . . Swimming . . . Born leader . . . Always smiling.
"She drives her song like a golden n i l , Through the hush of the air."
Delra Sigma Sigma.
La Senorita from Venezuela . . . Conscientious . . . The world of nature . . . Wise in the ways of the world . . . Sensitive . . . Kind and thoughtful.
"Tdll, cool, und gende, you ure hereBe you the sun we need to shine!"
Page one hundred thjrty-one
Student Council 1, Secretary 2; Orientation Committee 2; Outing Club 1; Secvelary of the Freshman Class; Delta Sigma Sigma.
"Barbi" . . . A smile for all . . . "Fourth for bridge?" . . . A guiding hand . . . Late hours in the lounge . . . Sincerity and enthusiasm. "Enthr~siasnzis /he genius of sincerity, and truth accompl,ishes no vic~orieswithout it."
Orientation Committee 2; Chapel Choir 1; Centenary Singers 1, Assistan1 Librarian 2; Psychology Club 1, 2; Singers Board 1, Pipers 1.
"Potsy" . . . Peppy from the word "go" . . . Contagious smile . . . Lovely eyes . . . Beautiful voice . . . Personality plus. "Higher, still higher From earth thozl springest."
Student Council, Dormilory President 2; Leaders' Corps 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
"Judy" . . . Hockey . . . A keen sense of humor . . . "Seriously?" . . . Contributes creative ideas . . . Always ready to help . . . "Neatsie."
"Modest, and hind, and fair With the freshness of spring in her hair."
Psycholo~yClub I ; Thela Epsilon Nu.
"Kay" . . . The center of fun, most likely its cause . . . That certain way of handling people and situations . . . Sincere . . . Born with a hockey stick in her hand.
"True as steel, sincere and independent." Page one hundred thirfy-ihree
Studen) Council, Hall Presideni 2; Phi The/a Kappa 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
"Sue" . . . Star gazer . . . Versatile . . . "I know what you mean!" . . . Happy . . . Turning on an orb of friendship and loyalty . . . Studying relieved by those letters . . . Voice of an angel, feet of a deer. rrDoing easily w h ~ ofhers ~t find dificrrlt is talent."
Chapel Choir 1, 2; Centenary Singers 1, 2; Delia Psi Omega 1, 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
"Posy" . . . Amusing imitations . . . That faithful typewriter . . . Neatly dressed . . . Many chuckles . . . Expressive gestures . . . Dependable friend. "Life is not life at all without music." Page one hundred thiriy-four
Budent Council 2; Aquatic Club 1; Riding Club I ; Tbeia Eplison Nu.
"Cobo" . . . Loves to have a good time . . . Proud possessor of Hi-Fi . . . Early to bed . . . "Laaaaaaa" or "We've got to do something about it" . . . Art and music.
" A ruell-dressed person wilh characier to ma~ch."
Cosmopolitan Club 1, 2; Music Club 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.
"Mu" . . The unexpected . . . Sunshine in her smile . . . A generous friend . . . Keen wit . . . "Oh! I can't find it!" . . . Hawaiian dancing and flowers in her hair.
"Her ways are ways of pleasan/??ess, Her palhs are paths of peace." Page one hundred thirty-jive
Camera Club, Secrelary-Treasurer 2; Aquatic Club 1, 2; Delta Sigtna Sigma.
She keeps the children spellbound with her vivid imagination . . . "Did you get a letter?" . . . One of Neptune's most interesting pupils . . . A charming smile . . . Genuinely friendly. "Nor ever faltered in your zuork, Nor ever failed a friend."
Siudent Council I; Phi Theta Kappa I , President 2; Chapel Choir 2; Presidenrs' Club 2; Delia Sigma Sigma.
Trim and talented . . . Swimming, skating and singing . . . A mixture of light heartedness and seriousness . . . "Certainly" . . . Quick wit . . . A smile that glows. "Just as my fingers on !he keys make music, So the self-same sounds on my spiril make a music too."
Student Council, Hall Presidenl 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.
Character and personality . . . Loves to tell stories . . . "That'll be the day!" . . . Week-end extravagances . . . Her "happy talk" . . . Fun to be with.
"The smile /ha/ bubbles from a hear! /ha/ loves i/s fello~uma~."
Presidents' Club 2; 1V. A. A. Board 2; Dance Club I , Vice-Presiden! 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
"Cookie" . . . Vim, vigor and vitality . . . Pony tail and the "cha-cha-cha" . . . Loves to talk on the telephone . . . "Hi, gang!" . . . Understanding and sincere . . . Hi, chicken!''
"I cannot be as calm as yo11 Seeing /he sky so deeply blue."
Page one hundred ~birly-seven
SPILLED INK 1, 2; Sludent Council, Dormilory President 2; Cosmopolitan Club I ; Outing Club I ; Delta Sigma Sigma.
"Mari" . . . Charming blonde . . . Many friends . . . Smiling eyes . . . Crew neck and knee socks . . . Versatile . . . Heart of gold marked with charming wit.
"Oh, world, I cannot hold thee close enough."
Delta Sigma Sigma.
"Sue" . . . Theatre and drama . . . "Pledge it!" . . . Progressive jazz . . . Southern accent . . . Sense of humor . . . Profound thoughts behind a mask of laughter.
"Love alters no! w i ~ hhis brief hours and weeks, Bul bears il out even lo the edge of doom." Page one hundred ~hirty-eight
SPILLED INK 1, 2; Cosmopolitan Club I; Po~terClub I; Orcbes/ra I ; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
"Barb" . . . Blue eyes . . . A keen sense of humor . . . Always has time for fun . . . A sense of responsibility . . . A happy future.
"Amiability shines by its own light."
HACK Board I ; SPILLED INK 2; Cosmopolitan Club, Treasurer I ; Outtng Club 1; Delia Sigma Sigma.
"Fran" . . . A bit of mischief, a dash of liveliness mixed with heart warming sincerity . . . "Oh, dear!" . . . Carefree . . . The latest hit on the jukebox . . . Loveable traits. "loy is not in things, it is in us."
Page on# bunched Xhjrly-nine
SPILLED I N K 1, 2; Chapel Choir 1, 2; Cenienary Singers 1, 2; Guild I ; Pipers 2; Delia Sigma Sigma.
"Sally" . . . Sincere . . . Beautifill voice . . . Serious yet cheerful . . . Attractive . . . Understanding and helpful. "Love, sweetness and goodness in her person shine."
Chapel Choir 1, 2; Cenienary Singers 1 , 2; Della Sigma Sigma.
"Barb" . . . Loves good music . . . "Have you finished knitting THE socks yet?" . . . A thoughtful and true friend . . . Understanding and dependable . . . Happiness and success in the future. "IVe ore us rulm in our deligh! as in /he rresret7t moon-so brigh! among the scatlered stars."
Pup (1131 b u i ? d ~ $arty ~d
Oujing Club 1; Delta Sigma Sigma.
"Susie" . smiling .
. . Vivacious and adorable . . . Always . . Ready to help . . . Seriousness and humor well blended.
"A light heart lives long and well."
Outing Club I ; Della Sigma Sigma.
"Barbie" . . . Good things come in small packages . . . Pert, peppy and adorable . . . "Such is life" . . . Hammond . . . Constant chatter . . . Barrel of fun . . Merchandising.
"1 have a heart with room for all joys."
Page us# k#~dfedfa*-or
Delta Sigma Sigma.
. . . A sincere and true friend . . . Dark . . Swimming and ice skating . . . Jovial . . . Always willing to help people in need.
"Sue" hair .
" N o sky is heavy if the heart is light."
Music Club, Treasurer 2; Outing Club I ; Chorale I; Sigma Epsilon Phi, Treasvrer 1.
"Chally" . . . A model's figure . . . "C'est la vie" . . . Many friends . . . Sincere . . . Loves a good time.
"Her air, her manners, all who saw admired." Page one hundred forty-two
Centenary Singers 1, 2; Chapel Choir 1, 2; Pipers 1, 2; Eversharps 1, 2; Delta Signza Sigma.
. . . A soothing voice among the multitude
. . . Versatile . . . Musical . . . Friendly to all. "Music is well said to be the speech of angels."
Centenary Singers 1, Secretary-Tvea~urer2; Chapel Choir 1, 2; Pipers 1, 2; Eversharps 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.
"Pat" . . Inquisitive nature blended with determination . . . Musical . . . A punctual miss . . . Vim, vigor and vitality . . . A smile for everyone.
"There is sweet rnusic here that softer falls Than petals from blown roses on grass." Puge one hundred forty-three
Student Court 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.
"Bet" . . . Many friends . . . Radio and T. V. . . . "Mail in?" . . . Versatile . . . Full of fun.
"Paradise is open to kirtd hearts."
Aquatic Club 1, 2; Library Commitlee 1, Social Cbairman 2; Della Sigma Sigma.
A combination of pep, understanding and friendliness . . . A keen participant in life's whirl . . Good natured with a lively sense of humor. "Virtue is like a rich stove-best plain set."
I Page one hundred fovty-five
Freshmen Class Officers President
Vice-Presideni Secretary
.................................. M.
MISS S C A R B ~ R ~ U G ~ I ,
Class C o l o r s
Class S o n g
Blue and White
Girls of all nations united as one, A class undivided are we. In friendly relations our new lives begun, T o thee we offer this plea. May we always remember our lives these past years And never surrender our gladness with tears. Together we praise thee, Our voices ring true, To you do we honor, The white and the blue.
Page one hundred forty-eight
IRft to right-Barbara Anziano, Karen Anderson, Virginia Bach, Dana Arnold, Rebecca Ashe, Harriette Adams, Marcia Babcock.
Top, left to right-Barbara Bess, Margaret Betts, Judith Baynton, Virginia Bartholomew. BottomMargaret Barr, Martha Beach.
Page one hundred forty-nine
Top, left to right-Nancy Bicknell, Janet Bockrath, Elizabeth Boyd, Joan Boecker, Barbara Bosserman. Bottom-Winnifred Branch, Anne Bird.
Left to right-Judith Lesnick, Eleni Stacy, Joan Van Winkle, Dorothy Jean Smith.
Left to right - Marsha Brayton, Marguerite Brown, Ruth Brodeur, Laura Brown, Judith Bran. dow, Dorrit Briggs.
Top, left to right-Judith Casey, Judith Cann, Barbara Candell, Lynne Cantley. Bottom-Nancy Carson, Francine Carletti.
Top, left to right-Sally Buck, Susan Brown, Susan Byrne, Jane Bunting. Botiorn-Marjorie Burget, SalIy Call, Joanne Caesar.
I Back, left to right-Lili Damon, Constance Cupp, Nancy Creighton. Fronl-Joanna Cragun, Ann Crown, Lane Crowell, Brinda Cowart.
Top, left to right-Jean Coleman, Barbara Connell, Gay Cornelisse. Bottom-Judy Coleman, Barbara Contestable, Marilyn Clark, Suzanne Colegrove.
Top, left to right-Anne Drimll, Judith Diener, Jane Donaldson, Pauline Dreher. Bottom-Eleanor D r i ~ !, P . . 3evlin.
Page one hundred fifiy-one
Left lo right-Dorothy Davenport, Judith Decker, Carole Davidoff, Judith Deacon, Elaine de Gunzburg, Kathy DeCesare, Margaret Davis.
Back, left to right-Barbara Edgell, Lynn Duncan, Laine Dunkle. Front-JoAnn Eberhart, Estelle Eisenberg, Janet Eastwood.
Top, left to fight-Suzanne Fisher, Susan Forrest, Elise Edmiston. Botfom -Edyth Fay, Barbara Fischer, Merle Flitter, Mary Finkbiner.
Top, left to right-Joan Elfenbein, Jane Eller, Carol Ellis. Bottom-Grace Eriksen, Linda Eppel, Suzanne Engel, Constance Endicott.
Page one hundred fifty-two
Back, left to righl-Marilyn Fosdick, Donna Foulke, Sally Francis, Judith Fritts, Suzanne Fricke. Fronl-Margaret Friedman, Linda Fox.
Back, left to right-Joan Gallagher, Sally Fudge, Janet Gilmore, Carol Gartner. Front-Linda Gardella, Ellen Gerry, Gretchen Gerecke.
Left to right-Linda Golden, Suzanne Girard, Sandra Grammes, Nancy Goodstadt, Gail Glick, Abigail " eene, Betsy G1;
Page one ktt~zdredfifty-three
k f t to right-Brenda Hall, Mary Ellen Hall, Gloria Griggs, Susan Griffith, Ruth Guiler.
Back, left to right-Ann Hufnagel, Margaret Huber, Karen Hoehn, Katherine Hitch. FrontAldine Hitzel, Su: Hoyt, L'--'I Hooley.
Page one hundred ppy-JOUY
Top, left to right-Karen Johnson, Arden Isbirian. Bottom-Deborah Johnson, Wendy Hutton, Elizabeth Joyce, Phyllis Johansson, Harriet Hurwitz
Back, left to right-Ann Mavon, Julia Meier, Ellen Miller, Sherril Mackay, Brenda Maigren. Front-Martha Maclay, Barbara Mansheld.
Back-Joyce Kesert. Front, left to right-Dale Kennedy, Julie Kunkler, Joyce Kohn, Patricia Klee, Polly Kingston, Xonia Kargl.
Back, left to right-Holly McKallor, Deborah McCandless, Caroline McNett, Virginia McAllister, Thais McAleece. Front-Janice McCaughey, Penelope Mack.
Left to right-Vieva Luce, Virginia Lytle, Ann Lothgren, Mary Anne Lorentzen, Julia Lindveit, AIthea Lyman, Eva Lowgren.
Left to right-Gail Parks, Bette Piller, Elizabeth Pettit, Grace Pastore, Margaret Pauley, Elizabeth Peplow.
Back, left to right-Judith Oberhuber, Mary Norman, Mary Nelson. Front-Judith Parker, Sophia Norris, Judith Parker. Top, left to right-Sallie Mills, Wendy Morrison, Marilyn Murray, Joan Musick. Bottom -Jean Miller, Sandra Moody, Gaylord Mount, Patricia Moore.
Page one /Ju;zdred fifty-six
Left to right-Cynthia Ray, Patricia Randall, Judith Platt, Elizabeth Polley, Vickery Reed, Ann Raymond.
Left 10 -Susan Rhett, Patricia Rose, Mary Jane Richardson, Lynn Reinhardt, Susan Rose, Gayle Reilly, Elizabeth Roberts.
Top, left to fight-Elizabeth Rudolph, Mary Rosenquest, Judith -Sailer, Barbara Roy. BottomBonnie Runyon, Joan Ross, Nancy Rugh, Karen Newton.
B&K, left to right-Bette Jean W e & , Gabrielle Schwarz, Barbara Seving, Lois Snwcrders. F r o n t Rosemarie Sdueyer, Debar& Shank, Sandra Simpkins. Page one hltndred fifty-seven
B a d , left to right-Barbara Spies, Linda Spangler, Linda Stapleton. Ffont - Mollie Speidel, Do--'\y SJ - -17, D'- - i e S r "'
Back, left to right-Karen Wenz, Chahla Vossough, Carolyn West, Jane Watkins, Jacquelyn Westermann, Sally Walton, West. Fronl-Carol Margaret Wechsler, Jane kilg"s.
I Joanne Steves, Mary Swalm. Front-Judith Stovel, Linda Stern, Aspasia Sturges.
Back, left to righi-Barbara Thompson, Carol Tolk, Ruth Teal, Lucinda Thomas. Front-Elise Tillman, Nan Thompson, Elizabeth Ann Tierney, Linda Tart.
B ~ c R I, ~ T J10 rzgnt-hary Turner, uonna rakes, Barbara Witt, Joan Williams, Patricia Vandervoort, Barbara Young. Front -Valerie Von Schaik, Gertrude Von Mourik, Audrey Vieweger, Karen Woolley, Phyllis Zonfrilli.
B a c ~ ,left to rrgnt-Barbara Hatcher, Joyce Slaybaugh, Susan Smith, Judy Leff, Margaret Williams, Carole Sleght. Front-Catherine Tonon, Judy Sload.
Buck, left to right-Linda Lee, Marilyn Vogt, Jean Veit, Mary Hedley. Front-Jennie Ladew, Linda Lee, Marian Hanna, Judith Smith, Lynn Harnmett.
Back, left to right-Lilla Hepworth, Linda Hawkins, Emily Libe. Front-Roseann Willoughby, Donna Woodward, Pamela Wonson, Linda Smith.
Y,Ic IJH,.U,
The Hack STAFF
Litcrury Edifor ...................................................................................................... A LMA LEWIS Art Editors ...........................................................................
Business Manager .......................................................................................... Advisor
LMOST as soon as the 1958 staff was elected, the work on the HACK began. Suggestions were solicited from the class, and many exciting ideas were enlarged and embellished to make this the best yearbook ever. Before the opening of the 1957 academic year, the staff started production by taking the freshman pictures, and continued throughout the year, finally putting out a written memory of your life at Centenary College for Women-the 1958 HACK.
Page one hundred sixty-two
The Staff, under Editor Donna Jones, worked untiringly helping each other and improving one another's ideas to make the finished product one the class would always cherish. Lanie Lewis, Literary Editor, deserves a special round of applause for the wonderful job she and her staff did on the senior write-ups. Art editors, Gail Brach and Sue Lewis, are to be thanked for coordinating so well the art with the theme. All the financial details and advertising were well taken care of by our Business Manager, Carol Kerlin. W e wish to thank our advisor, Miss Mary Rasbach, for the part she has played in the production of our yearbook. In the prologue the aptness of the Greek myth of the Goddesses, of the Gates to our life at Centenary was pointed out, and that myth also applies to the yearbook itself. The yearbook is truly the gateway to memories of your college life. This gateway will be available every time you open this volume. We, of the Staff, hope that we have helped to open those gates for you. Working on the HACK has been a wonderful experience for each of us, and it is our fondest wish that the HACK, the gateway to remembrance, will keep alive your college years for you, the Class of 1958.
Page one bz~ndreaszxry-znree
Student C o u r t
forth in integrity, it encourages respect for the regulations and the traditions of the college, and it helps to maintain high standards and ideals. The Student Court is made up of ten members, including three officers, the President of Student Council, and three representatives of each class. The coiirt functions as a unit, and the decisions are achieved only by a unanimous vote.
OFFICERS President ...................................................... J U D T H CLOGG vice-President
Secretary ......................................................... BARBARA PFLUC This year the chief goal of the Student Court is to strengthen and support the Honor Code and to offer to those who have made mistakes assistance and guidance. Only with continued co-operation can the ideals of the Honor Code be fully realized. Page one hundred sixty-four
Advisors .................. Mss HIGHT
Student Council
President ........................................................
Vice-President ......................................... BRENDA PORTER Secretary ................................................ BARBARA HARTMAN Treasurer ................................................... CAROL BOMEISLER Advisors .................. MISSHICHT
THE members of the Student Government As1 sociation have strived to obey, to uphold, and to strengthen the constitution, rules, and regulations of the college which are based upon the ideals of individual duty, loyalty, and honor. The Student Council is the governing organization of centenary college for women, R ~ sentatives are elected from both classes by the student body. The main objective of this organization is to afford each student an opportunity to work constructively for her college, and to promote and develop a sense of individual responsibility. The Council promoted many activities during the college year. Only girls possessed with enthusiasm could have made this year so successful.
Page one buvdred sixly-five
P r e s i d e n t s ' Club
OFFICERS P;,es.'dent .............................. ABBY K LUEPPELBERG Secretary-Treasurer .................. BARBARA BLOOM Adpisor ............................................. MRS. ANDERSON
Phi Iota OFFICERS President .............................................
Secretary-Treasurer ...............JUDITH FORDHAM Advisors
H I IOTA is the honorary leadership society of Centenary. The organization consists of the leaders of the major campus clubs. The aims of this society are to improve the standards of the college; to promote harmonious relationships between the students and faculty; to discuss the problems of student life; and to give each member of the college community the opportunity to submit suggestions. Phi Iota meets once a month at the home of President and Mrs. Seay where they are guided in their discussions and decisions by President and Mrs. Seay, Dean Hight and Dean Bigelow.
main purpose of the Presidents' Club is to coordinate all activities offered by the various organizations on the campus. Under the direction of Mrs. Anderson, social director, meetings of the various clubs are scheduled so as not to conflict with one another. Each president of a campus organization is a member of this club. Any important question or problem which may deveIop within any of the groups is discussed at the monthly meetings. As a result of these meetings, a feeling of unity, co-operation and fellowship among the presidents is nurtured.
Phi Theta Kappa OFFICERS President .............................. BETTY LOU JACOBSEN Vice-president ........................ ELISSAVARTANIAN Secrelary .............................. CONSTANCE LOHBECK Treasurer ................................................J UDITH EWNG Advisor ......................................................
HI THETA KAPPA, known as "Phi Chet" to the girls on the campus, is the National Honorary Scholastic Fraternity of junior colleges. The fundamental purposes of this organization are to promote scholarship, to develop character and to cultivate fellowship among the students in the various chapters.
Candidates for membership must maintain a high scholastic average, possess qualities of good citizenship, and participate actively in the activities of the college. During the college year the society gives teas in recognition of the girls who have made the Dean's List. It also sponsors the sale of newspapers and presents the "Phi o Thet -Faculty Show. The purpose of these two activities is to raise funds in order to send two elected delegates from our chapter to the National Phi Theta Kappa convention.
Student Activities OFFICERS Presideni
Secretary-Treasurer ..................... A NNE D RAPER Advisor
T H E Student Activities Committee is an
organization whose main purpose is to direct and co-ordinate the social and recreational activities on the campus. It strives to please every social taste in its planning of activities. The committee holds dances throughout the year, beginning with the Hi-Hop. It is also responsible for the Mum Dinner, formal dinners, inter-dorm activities, and the bulletin board announcements. The official board consists of a chairman, the Secretary-Treasurer, and a group of six student members.
STAFF Edilor JI T FORDHAM Associate Editor .................................... SALLY WHITFORD Circulation Manager .............................. BARBARA PEIRCE News Edilor .......................................... S L Y L ORENZEN Advisor .................................................................. MRS. GEORGE OMETHING is happening every minute, every day of our lives; we are constantly creating news and making history on the Centenary campus. SPILLED INK, the college newspaper, is a mirror of Centenary, because each month it reflects the events of the students and persons interested in Centenary. SPILLED I N K is composed of five departments: business, circulation, advertising, reporting and typing. Each member of the staff is an important link in the publishing chain. The Business Department keeps an efficient record of the financial status. Papers are distributed to the students and subscribers each month by the members of the Circulation Department. A growing i&rest in the paper by advertisers has made the addition of an Advertising Department necessary this year. The reporters write ninety per cent of the articles. Students not affiliated with the organization are also given an opportunity to display their literary talent. Although each department has an important job to accomplish, the staff works together as an integrated whole to consistently improve the format and content of the paper.
Page one hundred sixty-eight
The Guild
Vice-president .............................................. A NN JOHNSON Secretary ............................................................... N
Treasurer ............................................. V A L EVOLKMANN Advisor ............................................................................
HE Guild is the religious and philanthropic organization on campus.
The Community Chest Drive gives the year a successful start. At Thanksgiving the girls are busy distributing food baskets to needy families in Hackettstown. Christmas finds the Guild, in the true spirit of the season, trimming a tree in the Chapel, and giving a party for a group of orphans. Religious Emphasis Week, a week devoted to a series of special services conducted by a visiting minister, is another one of the Guild's important projects. The Book Drive for Korean students completes the full list of Guild projects for the year. Each of these activities is accomplished through the enthusiasm and co-operation of the girls.
Page one hundred sixty-nine
HE Centenary Singers is a prominent organization at Centenary composed of girls who love to sing good music. Membership totals about seventy, and these young ladies are chosen1 for their musical ability on the basis of auditions. An annual concert, Christmas carols in the parlors, the Christmas and Easter vesper programs and the musical comedy in the spring make up the activities on the campus. The itinerary of the Centenary Singers includes concert tours. They also make recordings, perform on radio and television, and attend professional concerts in New York City. In the past, the Singers have made European tours, appeared eight times at New York's Town Hall and sung with the New York Philharmonic Orchestra.
Centenary Singers OFFICERS President .......................................... BETTY Lou Vice-President
This year, the Centenary Singers made a spring tour and ~rovidedthe music for "Kiss Me Kate." The girls'look forward to another European tour this summer.
............................................. J U T
Secretary .......................................................... Librarians ..............D ANA W I L BER
Director ...................................................................... MR. GANSZ
, " 2 '
*; . ';
, . ;q
Y: ..&;. ',/:kg'at
Eversharps Members ......JEFFRAHAMILTON, PATRICIA HART, N ANCY HEYMAN,CONSTANCE RIDDELL, SANDRA SUTORIUS, D ANA W ILBER Advisor ....................................................................... M R. GANSZ
HE Eversharps is the smallest organization within the Centenary Singers. They are the "cracker-jadc" group, consisting of six girls who have been chosen from the Pipers, because of their musical ability, voice qualities and showmanship. The group sing three-part and four-part numbers. Their repertoire includes such secular songs as barber-shop quartets, show tunes, negro spirituals and the well-loved popular songs.
The Eversharps sing at the performances of the Centenary Singers and the Pipers. They are also heard at banquets, alumni reunions, teas and other social functions.
Advisor ........................................................................M R . GANSZ
HE Pipers is a group of seventeen girls who are chosen from the membership of the Centenary singe&. They sing popular and novelty tunes. Included in their repertoire are such songs as "Hi, Neighbor," "Get Happy," and "That Old Soft Shoe."
In recent years the Pipers have presented musical programs in many eastern cities as well as benefit shows for the Kessler Rehabilitation Institute.
Page one hundred seventy-one
Chapel C h o i r OFFICERS
Presiden~....................................................................................................... SANDRA SUTORIUS Vice-Pre~idenl................................................................................................ Librariuns ................................................. Director
H E Chapel Choir provides the inspirational background for our Sunday evening worship services. Special programs are also presented by this group at Christmas and Easter. The anthems performed by the choir include numbers by Handel, and Mendelssohn, as well as such contemporary composers as Flor .Peeters. Hymns, both familiar and contemporary, are also used by the organization. Auditions for membership in the choir are held each year. A person is selected on the basis of her knowledge and interest in music, voice quality, and past experience. Since most of the members of the Chapel Choir belong to the Centenary Singers, they participate in the activities of that group also.
Page one hutzdred sevenfy-two
President ........................................................................................................... J E
Secretary-Treasurer ....................................................................................... BEVERLY S MI TH Mdnager ................................................................................................................. Librarian ........................................................................................................ Director
HE Chorale is an organization comprised of thirty young ladies with musical ability who are selected by auditions given in the beginning of the year. Once a month they meet to sing informally and thus discover the exciting and satisfying world of music: popular songs, show tunes, and secular music.
Singing on the steps after the Christmas vespers and caroling in the front parlors are the contributions of the Chorale to the Christmas spirit. Throughout the year the Chorale, along with the Centenary Singers, entertains numerous men's glee clubs. Also, the organization occasionally leads the congregation in Sunday evening vespers.
D e l t a Psi O m e g a
HE 1957-58 season was opened with Tennessee Williams' "The Glass Menagerie" which achieved a high degree of excellence through the combined efforts of Abby Klueppelberg and Lois Saunders along with two professional actors. In March, The Black Silhouettes and the Centenary Singers joined with Delta Psi Omega to stage "Kiss Me Kate," another musical in the "round." It drew a very responsive audience and was received with enthusiastic approval.
President .......................................... ABBY K LUEPPELBERC Vice-President ................................. MILLICENT M URPHY Secretdry-Treasurer ...................................... A NNE COOKE Advisor
For the final production, Annouilh's "Ring Around the Moon," was chosen to add a note of fun and merriment to the season.
Art C l u b OFFICERS President ............................................. GAIL BRACH Secretary ................................... W A R PAULEY E Tredsgrer ....................................... BARBARA STIRRAT Advisor .................................................. MRS. HEASLIP
RTISTIC ability and interest are the requisites for membership in this club. The Art Club's activities include the making of gay posters, which advertise the college's various events. Also, its members enjoy lectures and demonstrations on art, sculpture and other art and craft methods. At least two movies a year are sponsored by the Art Club. At the end of the year, an auction sale of art work by students and faculty is held in Reeves. This gives the faculty, friends, and students the opportunity to purchase original works. An annual dinner marks the completion of an interesting and instructive year.
Camera C l u b OFFICERS President ........................ VALERIE M OLLENAUER Vice-president .............................. MARIAN H ANNA Secretary-Treasurer ............ A NN HEMMINGER Advisor ................................................ MISS DUNBAR
HE Camera Club meets once a month to hear speakers, plan activities, and to promote interest in photography as a hobby. The members spend their time developing, printing, and enlarging pictures with the excellent facilities available, and each year the club t r i ~ ?to add to the equipment. They also discuss the scientific aspect of taking pictures such as proper timing, correct lighting, and placement of the subject. The club is maintained for the members' own benefit, and the only requirement for membership is that one must use, to full advantage, the darkroom. By using and enjoying the club and its facilities, the members thereby explore the fascinating and satisfying world of photography.
Page one hundred seventy-five
Music C l u b
President ........................... N ANCY MCLAUGHLIN Vice-President ......G ERTRUDE V AN MOURIK Secrelary
............ ............................ A C Q U E LY N
Advisor .............. ...................................MR . GRAYSON
With access to the excellent collection of records in the college library, the club strives to relate interesting historical and technical facts about the records played at the monthly meetings. Members of the club are encouraged to speak on phases of music that they particularly enjoy. Guest speakkrs add interest to the club's agenda from time to time.
President ...................................... CAROLE MERHIGE Vice-president .......................................S Secretary Advisors ........................... D R .
HE Music Club is a pleasant way to learn more about music.
n~ and Mrs. - DuBois' love of literature
L/ has inspired the members of the Book Club ever since its founding in 1929. The purpose of the Book Club is to provide ahmeans whereby girls can obtain a better understanding of literature through the discussion of contemporary and classical books. New horizons are discovered by the readers, resulting in greater reading enjoyment. Meeting every other month at the home of Dr. and Mrs. DuBois, girls have the opportunity of sharing their literary experiences.
Highlights of a Music Club membership come in the form of trips to the various classical music centers of New York City.
Psychology Club
OFFICERS President ...........................SUSWNE REMINGTON Vice-President ..................................... Secretury .............................................
Tremrer .........................................NATALIE H ALE Advisor ......................................................... DR. BOWER
GREATER understanding of human behavior and experience is provided through the Psychology Club. Psychiatrists, psychologists, criminologists, and other speakers come to the monthly meetings to explain the problem of today's society. Interesting movies illustrate their points and the steps necessary for further advancements. As members of the Psychology Club, girls are offered many enlightening and rewarding experiences.
Cosmopolitan Club OFFICERS President .................................... ANICE BLAUSTEIN Vice-president ..................GABRIELLE SCHWARZ Secretary .......................................... N o LOFTMAN Treasurer
Advisor ................................................... DR. GLAETTLI
HE interest in all aspects of foreign culture draws the members of the Cosmopolitan Club together each year. At the monthly meetings, the club has various speakers, panel discussions, and films pertaining to the languages, costumes, and social and economic problems of foreign countries.
The highlights of the club's activitier are several meetings with similar clubs from Lehigh and Lafayette, and the annual trip to the United Nations.
OFFICERS President ............................................. C O L E Y A T E ~ Secretary O N COSTELLO Social Chairman .............................. CLAIRE SEBER Advisor ....................................N s s SCARBOROUGH
Library Committee
HE Library Committee's main objective is to have a well organized and actively functioning Student Library Committee that is primarily concerned with the interests and values of the library. The members inspire student use of the library and formulate policies for the general improvement of library functions. The committee also serve as hostesses in the library on special occasions, recommend book purchases, publicize library activities, make recommendations, and endeavor to aid the library in serving the students and faculty more effectively. The committee sponsors a chapel program and a Friday night activity. I t also plans interesting activities to emphasize the importance and value of books and the library in the lives of college students. OFFICERS Station Manager ............................ UDITH HAWIE Music Librarian EL~ZABETH EYERLY Public Relations Manager .........NORMA KWAS Advisor ......................................................MR. GEORGE
HIS year Centenary College for Women progressed from closed-circuit and remote types of broadcasting to non-commercial, educational FM broadcasting. The station's call letters, taken from the Latin motto Nosce T e Ipsum, meaning "Know Thyself," are WNTI-FM. The tower and transmitter are located on Thomas Drive, Oakhill Manor, on the Mount Bethel road, one mile northwest of the college. The broadcasting studio facilities are located in the basement of Van Winkle Hall. Television training opportunities were expanded when Centenary College for Women and the SRT Television Studios of the School of Radio and Technique in New York City formed an affiliation whereby Centenary will grant academic credit to its graduates who complete the televisio~i course offered at SRT.
Page one hundred seuenly-eignr
Delta Sigma Sigma
Vice-President Secretary Treastrrer
A d v i s o ~ s........................... DR. A N D MRS. BACKENSTOSS
N our very high esteem you will ere remain." Approximately one-third of the girls at Centenary sing these words proudly about Delta Delta Sigma, or as it is more popularly knownCallilogian. The glowing colors, red and white, can be seen on the campus where "Cal" is actively participating in such activities as the Song Contest, Sweetheart Ball, Dad's Day and the Literary and Scholastic Contests. Noted for their sincerity, friendliness, spirit, and enthusiasm, "Cal" sisters are working toward a loyal and lasting unity. This goal would not be attainable without the help and guidance of our advisors, the "B's." Page one hundred seventy-nine
Theta Epsilon Nu
"F. . ."
RIENDSHIPS will last throughout the years Unity and spirit are characteristic of Theta Epsilon Nu, better known as Peithosophian.
OFFICERS President ......................................................... A NNETTE FRITH Vice-president
Secretary Treasu:er
Page one hundred eighty
M R.
"Pledged to the gold and blue . . ." "Peith" participates in the inter-sorority events, such as the Song Contest, Sweetheart Ball, Dad's Day and the Literary Contests. "Happy are we, we live in unity . . ." The friendliness of the "Peith" girls is known to all. It has been a truly memorable year for "Peith," thanks in no small part to our advisors, Mr. and Mrs. Odell.
Sigma Epsilon P h i
LEDGLNG their loyalty to the black and gold, the "Dioks" joined efforts with the other sororities to present a memorable Sweetheart Ball, and raising their voices in song, they enthusiastically participated in the annual Song Contest. Some of B e very talented "Dioks" placed entries in the Literary Contest, and in the spring, " D i o k Dads joined in the fun and frolic of Dad's Day. Being true to their motto, "According to the color and custom of wisdom," the sorority gave keen competition for the Scholastic trophy. "Faith, Love, and Loyalty" . . . these familiar words have been heard 'round the campus, and Diokosophian sisterhood continues to strengthen with the passing years.
OFFICERS President ...................................................... L E A O GREN Vice-president ........................................... A NNE M ENCE Secretary ..................................................................
Treasurer ...................................................... CHALICEPORTER Advisors .....................................
D R.
Page one hundred and eighty-one
Women's Athletic Association OFFICERS President ......................................................................................................... H E L A FLAHERTY Vice-Presiden~....................................................................................... BARBARA VENNARD Corre~pondingSecreia, y .................................................................... RUTH W ARREN Recording Secretary .............................................................................. P A T DEVLIN Treasurer ...................................................................................................... H E A T BRUCE Advisor ........................................................................... A s RHOADS
H E Women's Athletic Association is an organization of which every girl at Centenary College is a member. It helps promote class competition, sportsmanship, spirit and enthusiasm on the campus. The W. A. A. sponsors four clubs: The Aquatic Club, The Black Silhouettes, Leaders' Corps and the Riding Club. Each club sponsors several events during the year. The W. A. A. also sponsors an annual ski trip to North Conway, New Hampshire, a trip to the Ice Follies in New York City, bowling and skating, and an All Sports Day which consists of competition between sororities. There is a specific day set aside for the Winter Carnival. Each dormitory queen is announced at a special dinner. The sports' calendar is made up of intercollegiate and intramural competition in team and individual sports. Awards for athletic achievement during the college year are made at the spring Awards Chapel in May.
Page one hundred eighty-two
OFFICERS President ............................................................ N ANCY HEYDT Secretary-Treasurer ................................. SALLY CLAPPIER Advisors ................................... MISS EHERTS, MISS FRYE
Leaders' Corps
H E Leaders' Corps provides an opportunity to those seniors interested in becoming active leaders in the college sports program. The activities of the Leaders' Corps include assisting the physical education instructors in their regular classes, offciating, scoring, and timing at intramural and faculty games, acting as hostesses to visiting sport groups, and teaching lifesaving. The Leaders' Corps is beneficial to its members because it helps them assume responsibility and obtain practice teaching experience.
OFFICERS President ..........................................
Vice-President ......................................... KAREN N EWTON Secretary ............................................................. S USAN BYRNE Treasurer .............................................................
Advisor ...................................................... MRS. REICHRELHN
HE Riding Club is organized under the auspices of the Women's Athletic Association I and offers opportunities for many riding activities. Through the facilities at Way-Rest Farm in Tranquility all riding classes and club affairs are carried on during the year. Such activities as breakfast rides, paper chases, Gymkana and the annual Spring Horse Show are part of the club's program for the year. A trip to the National Horse Show at Madison Square Garden is looked forward to by the members.
R i d i n g Club
Page one hundred eighty-three
Aquatic Club OFFICERS President ...................................................... BARBARA BLOOM Vice-president ...................................... BARBARA CANDELL Secreta~y.....................................................................J U D Y SLOAD Treasurer .............................................
Advisor .................................................................... MISS RHOADS
HE Aquatic Club, an active organization on campus, has proved to be both enjoyable and informative. Membership is based on a series of competitive tests performed before a senior rating board of six girls. Upon being accepted into the club, two officers, the vice-president and secretary, are elected from the freshmen members.
The skill of synchronized swimming is practiced every Monday night when the club meets
Page one hundred eighty-four
for its weekly splash in the pool. Each year the club produces a colorful and entertaining water ballet. Creating these water ballets and working on costumes and floating scenery provides fun for all. During the year the members are asked to demonstrate these skills at other colleges, p r e viding a wider scope for the learning of new routines.
The Black Silhouettes OFFICERS President
Vice-President ...................................... SANDRA SIMPKINS Secretary .................................................
Treasurer .................................................... M A R EDAVIS Advisor
LTHOUGH The Black Silhouettes is one of Centenary's youngest organizations, it has received such continually increasing interest since its inception as to place it among the most popular organizations on campus. The purpose of the group is to promote a genuine interest in modern dance, and to increase
and perfect the techniques of those who have already come in contact with the medium of expression. During the past year, the organization activities included a recital, participation in "Kiss Me Kate," and a at the President's Ball in June.
Prtge otte hunared ergazy-jive
ii ;"ii
Senior Directory Name Abbe, Judith Agee, Anne Alsop, Elizabeth Altman, Louise Alvarez, Myrna Anderson, Priscilla Andrews, Jean Appel, Katharine Augenstein, Dorothy Bederson, Dale Billings, Mary Blaustein, Janice Blodgett, Nancy Bloom, Barbara Bogardus, Joan Bomeisler, Carol Brach, Gail Briggs, Carol Broadbooks, Betty Bruce, Heather .I
Bruggeman, Barbara Brumbaugh, Linda Bryant, Karen Buechler, Joan Bump, Virginia
Page one hundred ninety-eight
Address 218 Cornell Avenue Swarthmore, Pennsylvania 26 Wilton Road Pleasantville, New York Overbrook Farm Middlebush, New Jersey 7 Regent Drive Lawrence, New York 452 Bouret Street Santurce, Puerto Rico 1102 Melrose Avenue Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 110 Lincoln Avenue Lockport, New York 206 Glenn Road Ardmore, Pennsylvania Fairmount Avenue Chatham, New Jersey 82 Vaughn Avenue New Rochelle, New York Fox Hollow Road Convent, New Jersey 855 Ocean Avenue Brooklyn, New York 51 Enclosure Nutley 10, New Jersey 120 Columbia Avenue Swarthmore, Pennsylvania Woodbine Road Stamford, Connecticut 22 East 88th Street New York, New York 103 Makatom Drive Cranford, New Jersey 8 Devon Road Darien, Connecticut 50 Brooklyn Street Warsaw, New York 20855 Sydenham Road Shaker Heights 22, Ohio Haverstraw Road Suffern, New York Pine Ridge Montvale, New Jersey 91 1 Kingston Road Baltimore 12, Maryland 2160 Buttonwood Lane Westfield, New Jersey 505 East Ridgewood Avenue Ridgewood, New Jersey
Birthday December 1 December 28 October 18 June 23 May 11 March 20 September 7 April 8 July 27 April 16 July 17 April 12 March 1 March 11 October 1 February 24 February 13 October 21 February 2 August 10 March 22 October 26 June 13 May 25 August 28
Page 46
Name Cann, Constance Carter, Sara Chacona, Christine Chapman, Jane Churchill, Sandra Clappier, Sally Clark, Patricia Cline, Alicia Clogg, Judith Comstock, Carol Conger, ~ e b o i a h Cooke, Anne Costello, Joan Cullen, Ann Dang, Murial Day, Victoria Detwiler, Jean Ditzel, Jeanne Dix, JoAnn Dix, Linda Donnan, Judi Draper, Anne ~ricfdson,Cynthia Evans, Andrea Ewing, Jane Ewing, Judith Eyerly, Elizabeth
Address 158 Walthery Avenue Ridgewood, New Jersey 60 Locust Street Danvers, Massachusetts 540 Sheridan Road Evanston, Illinois 405 Eighth Avenue Brooklyn, New York 524 St. Davids Avenue St. Davids, Pennsylvania 15 Elm Rock Road Bronxville, New York 14 Clark Avenue Derby, Connecticut 80 Douglas Place Mount Vernon, New York 2031 Heathfield Road Baltimore 12, Maryland 371 Circle Drive Wyckoff, New Jersey 403 Linden Avenue Haddonfield, New Jersey 2424 Park Place Evanston, Illinois 1060 Ocean Avenue Brooklyn, New York 120 Pine Woods Drive North Tonawanda, New York 2646 Aaliamanu Place Honolulu 14, Hawaii 51 Grandview Avenue Glen Rock, New Jersey 1203 Redleaf Road Carrcroft, Wilmington, Delaware 420 Station Avenue Glens~de,Pennsylvania Haviland Road Harrison, New York 862 South Vine Street Orrville, Ohio 1300 Broadmoor Drive Seattle 2, Washington USARPAC 6-2, APO 958 San Francisco, California
Birthday February 21
Page 40
October 11 December 10 January 13 February 4 February 24 August 6 October 8 December 2 August 1 October 27 August 25 June 26 September 15 April 3 July 27 February 16 August 31 May 29 November 15 March 4 April 1 9
October 7 163 Penn Avenue Dover, New Jersey July 17 20 Bennington Street Needham Heights, Massachusetts April 15 237 Berkeley Road Glenside, Pennsylvania April 4 1409 Asbury Avenue Winnetka, Illinois May 9 Light Street Road Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania
Page one hundred ninety-nine
Name Fisher, Suzanne Flaherty, Sheila Flinn, Judith Flynn, Carolann Plynn, Elizabeth Fordham,Judith Forster, Arden Freeman, Gail Frith, Annette Fulton, Elaine Funking, Margaret Garrard, Sandra Garrett, Barbara Gay, Ann Gerardo, Eleanor Geyser, Helen Gordon, Susan Grier, Elizabeth Gunzer, Shirley Gurney, Sdlie Gwynne, Catharine Hackett, Nancy ' I Hale,
Hamilton, Jeffra
Hardy, Carolyn Harlow, Helen I-Iart, Patricia
Page two hundred
Address 6638 Bergen Place Brooklyn 20, New York 14 Murchison Place White Plains, New York 210 Madison Road Scarsdale, New York 17 Gray Street Caldwell, New Jersey 29-44 214th Street Bayside 60, New York Long Lots Road Westport, Connecticut 7 May Place Port Chester, New York Schalks Road Monmouth Junction, New Jersey "Mont Calme" Paget West, Bermuda 5043 Smithfield Road Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania 120 East Hartsdale Avenue Hartsdale, New York 246 Grayson Place Teaneck, New Jersey 46 Langdon Terrace Bronxville, New York 3164 Upland Terrace Washington, D. C. 12 Anderson Avenue Holyoke, Massachusetts 727 Ridgewood Road Millburn, New Jersey 959 Harrington Avenue Norfolk, Virginia 6 Kings Highway Milford, Delaware Candlewood Isle Connecticut 600 Franklin Avenue Midland Park, New Jersey 8 Harvard Avenue Staten Island, New York 13 Fox Meadow Road Scarsdale, New York 38 Windermere Road Upper Montclair, New Jersey 111 Baldwin Street Hackettstown, New Jersey 926 Cole Drive Brielle, New Jersey 72 1 Morningside Drive Towson 4, Maryland 626 Washington Street Hackettstown, New Jersey
December 25
December 1
January 17
April 20
March 1 2
June 24
June 12 September 24 November 29 August 19 June 23 July 22 February 23 June 17 September 11 January 1 3 October 13 March 7 September 4 December 3 July 8 December 8 March 7 January 7 October 30 August 13 April 11
Name Hartell, Brenda Hartman, Barbara Hatch, Elizabeth Hawie, Judith Heater, Ellen Heffron, Jeanne Hemminger, Ann Hengeveld, Irma Heydt, Nancy* Heyman, Nancy Holt, Patricia Homer, Donna Hoover, Carda Horn, Sherry Huber, Gtetel Hutchinson, Mary Hylan, Margaret Imschweiler, Nancy Ingram, Patricia Jacob, Joanne Jacobsen, Betty Johnson, Barbara '1
Johnson, Carol Johnson, Sally Johnson, Virginia Joly, Barbara Jones, Donna
Address 23 1 Manorhaven Boulevard Port Washington, New York 101 Kensington Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey 23 Suffolk Road Wellesley Hills, Massachusetts 100 Stiles Street Stratford, Connecticut 610 Sixty-sixth Avenue Philadelphia 26, Pennsylvania 484 County Road Barrington, Rhode Island 75 Mountainview Road Millburn, New Jersey 41 Lincoln Avenue Little Falls, New Jersey Paradise Falls . Pennsylvania 88 Brunswick Street Springfield, Massach~lsetts Little Rest Farm Millbrook, New 170rk 9 Linwood Road Wellesley, Massachusetts Rohrerstown Pennsylvania 148 Center Avenue Chatham, New Jersey Route 17, Lake Road Morristown, New Jersey 1 4 Halsted Street Newton, New Jersey 175 Main Street Flemington, New Jersey 1600 Edgmont Avenue Chester, Pennsylvania 1 Garrett Place Bronxville, New York 66 Lindbergh Boulevard Bloomfield, New Jersey 570 Kenwood Place Teaneck, New Jersey 6 Hillside Road Claymont, Delaware 1 Hackmatack Street Manchester, Connecticut 40 Briarwood Raad West Hartford, Connecticut 501 East Gravers Lane Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 924 Blythe Avenue Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania High Point Road Westport, Connecticut
Birthday December 7
July 24 December 31 November 24 January 8 June 2 March 6 June 4 June 16 January 11 March 14 March 23 December 15 November 1 January 11 December 31 April 12 February 6 February 17 October 3 February 27 May 31 February 1 March 22 December 11 November 3 March 28
Page two hundred one
Joy, Letitia
510 Oakland Avenue Williamsport, Pennsylvania
December 19
Kerlin, Carol
721 Scott Street Strousburg, Pennsylvania 3465 Northeast 31st Avenue Pompano Beach, Florida 66 Thompson Street Hamden, Connecticut Old Chester Road Gladstone, New Jersey Hawleyton Road Binghamton, New York Montgomery Road Ringoes, New Jersey 448 Underhill Road Scarsdale, New York 635 Grove Street Upper Montclair, New Jersey
August 17
Kerr, Jane Kerruish, Janet Kibbe, Susan Klein, Andrea Klueppelberg, Abby Krautter, Norma Kwas, Norma Lehr, Carol LePori, Barbara Lewis, Alma Lewis, Susan Loftman, Noel Lohbeck, Constance Lorenz, Sarah Lorenzen, Lesley Lovell, Susan Lowe, Margaret McCausland, Joan McCoy, Barbara "
McLaughlin, Nancy McQuillan, Marilyn MacIninch, Mary Manno, Madeline Manternach, Gretchen
Page two hundred two
128 Burke Street Easton, Pennsylvania 91 5 Rahway Avenue Westfield, New Jersey 7803 Overbook Road Ruxton 4, Maryland 101 Ravinoaks Lane Highland Park, Illinois 6 Tanglewood Lane Newark, Delaware 247 Edgemont Terrace Teaneck, New Jersey 528 Wadsworth Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 60 Melrose Avenue Bergenfield, New Jersey 312 Clifton Road Birmingham, Michigan 1442 Valencia Road Schenectady, New York '
5 Morgan Drive Leechburg, Pennsylvania 1306 Harris Avenue Union Beach, New Jersey Harbor Road Greene, New York 4625 Fifth Avenue Pittsburgh 13, Pennsylvania 665 Whitney Avenue New Haven, Connecticut 6 North Lexington Avenue Havertown, Pennsylvania 2922 Crescent Drive Warren, Ohio
Page 33
November 14 February 5 September 26 February 18 August 17 March 21 July 19 April 2 November 30 December 6 February 10 December 25 February 10 December 15 February 26 December 20 November 6 January 17
December 8
October 12
December 10
March 29
May 10 January 7
81 118
Name Markell, Joan Markowitz, Doris Marshall, Marjorie Martin, Nancy Massad, Elaine Maxton, Virginia Menge, Anne Merhige, Carole Millar, Carole Miller, Elizabeth Mitchell, Josephine Moeller, Sandra Mollenauer, Valerie Moore, Marcia Morey, Mary Morreale, Miriam Moulton, Judith Murphy, Millicent Needle, Lynne Neumann, Betty Newell, Nancy Oell~rmann,Jane Ogren, Linnea Olson, Elizabeth Palmetto, Frances Parker, Carolyn
Birthday August 26
129 Quaker Ridge Road Manhasset, New York 300 Meadowbrook Terrace January 5 Greensboro, North Carolina 97 Shadow Lane August 23 New Rochelle, New York 928 Paoli Pike April 8 West Chester, Pennsylvania 7 Howe Avenue March 29 Shrewsbury, Massachusetts 2 Bacon Court November 10 Bronxville, New York June 30 232 South Brixton Road Garden City, New York 8314 Eleventh Avenne April 8 Brooklyn, New York 1765 Hillcrest Avenue June 24 Merchantville 8, New Jersey 1406 Center Road March 2 Lancaster, Pennsylvania 1202 Roundhill Road March 16 Baltimore, Maryland 166 Nayatt Road September 28 West Barrington, Rhode Island 36 Martindale Road August 5 Short Hills, New Jersey 28 Edgecliff Road January 1 6 Upper Montclair, New Jersey March 1 18 Warson Terrace Clayton 24, Missouri 109 Monhagen Avenue April 17 Middletown, New York Old Lancaster Road February 1 4 Devon, Pennsylvania 25 Canterbury Road February 28 Rockville Centre, Long Island, New York 3206 North Hilton Street Baltimore, Maryland Box 346, R. D. 1 Hackettstown, New Jersey Griswold Street Glastonbury, Connecticut 53 Spruce Avenue Ridgefield Park, New Jersey 159 Indian Trail Road Williamsville 21, New York 109 Orange Road Montclair, New Jersey 199 East Avenue Saratoga Springs, New York 26 Woodland Avenue Bronxville, New York
Page 121
July 29 June 22 November 27 July 2 May 23 June 28 July 8 March 7
Page two hundred three
Name Peirce, Barbara Peltz, Janice Perkins, Myrle Pflug, Barbara Porter, Brenda Porter, Chalice Potts, Mary Preston, Gayle Price, Susan Priestley, Ann Quintana, Gloria Read, Lucy Reed, Mary Remington, Susanne Richardson, Elsie Riddell, Constance Robinson, Patricia Ruehle, Phyllis Russell, Alice Rutan, Grange Savino, Joanne Sayles, Marguerite "
Scharg, Marilyn Schmid, Coral Schwettman, Joy Seber, Claire Sherman, Margaret
Page two hundred fozu
Addresr Mt. Pleasant Avenue Ambler, Pennsylvania 507 Lindley Road Glenside, Pennsylvania 2090 Broadway San Francisco, California 121 Pine Street Garden City, New York 81 Stoner Drive West Hartford, Conecticut "Hedgerows" Thompson, Connecticut 757 Hyslip Avenue Westfield, New Jersey 114 Arborlea Avenue Morrisville, Pennsylvania 3201 Queen Lane Philadelphia 29, Pennsylvania 505 Colburn Avenue Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania Calle 45 No. 7-34 Bogota, Colombia, S. A. 39 Middlefield Drive West Hartford, Connecticut 308 West Avenue Wayne, Pennsylvania 48 Seminold Way Short Hills, New Jersey 5 Helena Road Staten Island, New York 31 Fairway Bloomfield, New Jersey 125 Cedar Heights Road Stamford, Connecticut 15 Hillside Avenue Nutley, New Jersey 8 Larch Row Wenham, Massachusetts 121 Midland Avenue Montclair, New Jersey 471 Central Avenue New Providence, New Jersey 6 South Hundred Road Chester, Virginia 146 Irving Place Rutherford, New Jersey 523 Lotus Road Ridgewood, New Jersey 244 Oxford Road Havertown, Pennsylvania Seber Road Hackettstown, New Jersey 146 Longview Road Staten Island, New York
Birthday October 11 December 2 May 21 February 13 February 24 March 23 October 18 August 15 February 22 September 1 4 May 30 November 3 July 2 November 1 January 1 August 1 August 18 October 19 July 26 April 16 July 15 March 15 March 6 March 11 April 8 May 25 December 26
Page 139
Name Shipp, Gail Shippee, Sandra Sifflard, Elizabeth Sivier, Sandra Slaughter, Martha Smith, Beverly Smith, Judith Smith, Mary Smith, Sarah* Stahl, Barbara Stauffer, Nancy Stein, Arlene Stirrat, Barbara Stitzer, Gail Storck, Betty Stover, Nancy Strachen, Elisa ~uaiez,Alicia Sullivan, Virginia Sutorius, Sandra Tanzer, Linda Taylor, Deborah Thopson, Jill Tsongas, Mary Tuzeneu, Dianne VanRees, Judith VanRensselaer, Lois
Address 12 Hubert Place Ma lewood, New Jersey 67 range Avenue Fair Haven, New Jersey 430 Cumberland Avenue Teaneck, New Jersey "Glenola" Pembroke, Bermuda Sunset Knoll Norristown, Pennsylvania 1456 Hazelwood Terrace Plainfield, New Jersey 5 Douglas Road Glen Ridge, New Jersey 204 Lingrove Place Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 5 500 Normandy Place Baltimore, Maryland 421 3 Bergenline Avenue Union City, New Jersey 503 Ridley Creek Road Moylan, Pennsylvania Box 22 Valhalla, New York 2201 Blair Street Williamsport, Pennsylvania 27 Bailey Road Maplewood, New Jersey 704 Glenside Avenue Wyncote, Pennsylvania 65 Middlesex Road Buffalo, New York Rosedale Lane Princeton, New Jersey Calle 72 No. 3F-14 (Quinta Las Tunas), Maracaibo, Venezuela, S. 233 Harrison Avenue Highland Park, New Jersey 31 1 Redwood Avenue Trenton, New Jersey
March 4
November 22 February 17 December 9 February 23 November 7 April 24 December 29 June 10 July 2 March 19 March 24 November 15 June 10 August 19 November 24 May 26 December 10 A. May 20 March 22
1379 Broadway Hewlett, New York 3 Ordway Road Wellesley Hills, Massachusetts 1029 Plandome Road Manhasset, New York 20 Avalon Road Garden City, New York 1207 Eighteenth Avenue West Belmar, New Jersey
March 22
22 Margaret Boulevard Merrick, New York 2509 Maycrest Street Roanoke, Virginia
November 22
June 12 February 7 July 25 February 11
July 27
78 116
Page two hundred five
Name VanVoorhis, Rebecca Vartanian, Elissa Vaughn, Judith Vennard, Barbara Volkmann, Valerie Waldron, Doris Wall, Ellen Warner, Jacqueline Warren, Phyllis Warren, Ruth Wasserman, Gail Wear, Joan Wells, Suzanne Whidden, Ann White, Arlene Whitford, Sally Wilber, Dana Wilcox, Mary Lou Wilde, Wendy Williams, Dorothy Wilson, Margaret Wilson, Sally Wolf, Barbara 'I
Yates, Carole Zimmerman, Sue Zoller, Gail *Did not graduate.
Page two hundred ~ i x
Address 117 Belmont Circle Uniontown, Pennsylvania Pine Terrace Franklin Lakes, New Jersey 100 West Broad Street Hopewell, New Jersey Parsonage Road Greenwich, Connecticut 4 Chelsea Court Freeport, New York Finderne Avenue, R. D. 2 Somerville, New Jersey 45 Fairview Road Lynnfield, Massachusetts 1230 Newfield Avenue Stamford, Connecticut 196 Madison Avenue Mount Holly, New Jersey 73 Woodland Drive Fair Haven, New Jersey 1040 Fift.h Avenue New York, New York Cooper Road Dover, New Jersey 7 116 Cresheim Road Philadelphia 19, Pennsylvarnia 155 Lansdowne Avenue Westfield, New Jersey 285 Delaware Avenue Delmar, New York Box 23 Marshall, Virginia 42 Overlook Avenue West Orange, New Jersey Country Club Road Somerville, New Jersey 60 College Avenue Flourtown, Pennsylvania "Little Yatton" Orange, Virginia 372 Golf Avenue Maywood, New Jersey Hillcrest Tyrone, Pennsylvania RFD Belvidere, New Jersey 6208 31st Street, N.W. Washington, D. C. Sewickley Pennsylvania 13 Locust Street Valhalla, New York
January 30
December 10
June 27
April 1 4
February 23
'February 9
August 19
October 26
February 7
September 28
March 11
February 1
August 3
September 19
April 22
December 15
October 11
March 8
October 24
November 27
March 3
September 23
April 26
May 19 January 17 April 2
Pdge two hundred seven
0 STREET ~ ~
Purveyor of prime meats, fancy poultry, and game to all first-class hotels, schools, steamships, and summer resorts, etc. Deliveries guaranteed to any part of the world.
Page two hundred eight
Best Wishes
Pnge two hundred nine
Pdge two hundred tetz
Page two hundred eleven
Our association with you in photographing the HACK this year has been a most pleasurable one. W e shall miss your faces and your friendships.
To each of you we offer our best wishes and good luck in the attainment of the goals Centenary has helped to set.
Page two hundred twelve
POCONO!PRODUCE COMPANY Wholesale Frtcits - Vegetables
Frozen Foods - Eggs - Sea Food
THE GENEVIEVE SHOP Ladies' and Misses' Wearing Apparel W e wish to express our warm thanks for your friendship and patronage during the past year.
Lots of luck in the future.
Page two hundred thirteen
Agency for Greyhound Bus Lines
Page two hundred fourteen
Established 1857
hundred fifteen
NICHOLAS D'AMATO, General Contractor
MINE HILL ROAD HACKETTSTOWN, R. F. D., N. J. Phone: GArden 5-4441
of the
Page two hundred sixleen
Sincere Best -Wishes
Compliments of
Pcige ~ w ohundred seventeen
Phone OR 3-5408
Page two hundred eighteen
Compliments of
Paint and Wallpaper Store
Your Friendly Variety Store
Compliments of Complimenfs of
Compliments of
Central Connecticut Chapter THE HACKETTSTOWN
Since 1856
Page two hundred nineteen
Compliments of
Seabrook Farms Frozen Foods Hotel Bar Butter Wholesale Fruit and Produce
Eaton's Fine Stationery
HACKETTSTOWN, N. J. Phone GArden 5-3533 Phone GArden 5-4878
FOSTER AND LEE Men's Clothing Furnishings and Shoes
Botany Yarns Lingerie
- Hosiery
Compliments of 162 MAIN STREET
P~igetwo hundred twenty
HACKETTSTOWN DAIRY CO. Pull-proof eyelets
Page tzuo hundred twenry-one
Compliments of
117-1 23
Compliments of
Compliments of
Page two hundred twenty-two
Special Chartered Bus Service Limousine Service
Compliments of
Page two hundred twenty-three
GRACE'S GOLF RANGE CLASS Golf Lessons and Equipment
THE BARRIE COMPANY Engraved Stationery
Compliments of
Page two hundred tzuenty-fouu
PATRONS Mr. and Mrs. Everett G. Agee Mr. and Mrs. J. Wesley Andrews Mr. and Mrs. Lewis P. Anziano Dr. William S. Ashe, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. E. Augenstein Mrs. Joel P. Beach Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Bess, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Billings, Jr. Mrs. Catherine Holt Blaustein Mr. and Mrs. Herman Bloom Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Bockrath Mr. R. M. Bosserman Mrs. W. B. Boyd Mr. and Mrs. John V. Brach Colonel and Mrs. G. S. Branch Mr. and Mrs. John C. Brayton Mr. and Mrs. Benson A. Briggs Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Brintnall Mr. and Mrs. William G. Broadbooks Mr. and Mrs. Clarence M. Brobst Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brodeur Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Brown Mr. and Mrs. John Braumbaugh Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Buck Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Buechler Dr. and Mrs. Calthrop Bump Mr. and Mrs. Wade H. Bunting Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Caesar, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. V. Cann Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cantley Mr. and Mrs. George W. Carter Mr. and Mrs. Howard H. Ca:ey Mr. and Mrs. Leo A. Chacona Mr. and Mrs. H. Winchester Chapman Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Clark Dr. and Mrs. H. Ford Clark Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Cline Mr. and Mrs. Clinton S. Comstock Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Conant 5
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Conger Mr. and Mrs. Henry Contestable Mr. and Mrs. T. Dickerson Cooke Rear Admiral Kenneth K. Cowart, USCG Mrs. Lester E. Crowell Mrs. Charles M. Crown Mr. and Mrs. Veasey B. Cullen Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Dang Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Day, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Decker Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Detwiler Mr. Martin P. Devlin, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. George K. Dreher Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Drinane Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Duncan Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. Edge11 Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Edmiston Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert F. Endicott Mr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Engel Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Eppel, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Eriksen Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Ewing Mr. and Mrs. Gordon B. Ewing Mr. and Mrs. Paul Eyerly Mr. and Mrs. John A. Fischer Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Fisher, Jr. Mr. J. M. Flaherty Mr. and Mrs. William F. Fordham Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Forrest Mr. and Mrs. E. Sydney Forster Mr. and Mrs. Harold Freeman Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Fudge Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Funking Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Golden Mr. and Mrs. John Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. George J. Gardella Mr. and Mrs. James F. Garrard Mr. and Mrs. Albino Gerardo
Page two h~lndred/wenty-five
PATRONS Mr. and Mrs. James Geyser Mrs. Myron Gilmore Mr. and Mrs. Sidney B. Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. Graham Mrs. Howard Greene Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Grier Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Griggs Mr. and Mrs. George H. Guiler Mr. and Mrs. C. Richard Gunzer Mrs. Sarah V. J. Gurney Mr. and Mrs. Charles U. Hale Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Seymour Hall Mr. and Mrs. John R. Hanna Dr. John W . Hardy, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hartman Mr. and Mrs. Ernest V. Hatch Dr. and Mrs. John T. Hatcher The Hawie Manufacturing Company Rev. and Mrs. John Charles Heater Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hedley Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hemminger Mr. and Mrs. John Hess Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Heydt Mr. and Mrs. Harry Heyman Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Hitzel Mr. and Mrs. Raymond G. Hoehn Mr. and Mrs. Norman J. Holt Mr. and Mrs. Willard V. Hooley Mrs. Erna Elsa Horner Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton C. Hoyt Mr. and Mrs. Ray R. Imschweiler Mr. and Mrs. John F. Jacob ,! Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Jacobsen Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Ernest W. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. G. Clifford Johnson Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. J. Dean Joly Mr. and Mrs. Kinsey Jones Mr. and Mrs. James H. Joyce
Page two hundred t.wenty-six
Mr. and Mrs. Jackson L. Kerlin Mr. and Mrs. John R. Kerruish, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William B. Klee, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kohn Mr. Oliver Ladew Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Lehr Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. LePori Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Bradford R. Lewis Mrs. Murray R. Lewis Mrs. Emily B. Libe Mr. and Mrs. Robert Love11 Mr. Uno Lowgren Mr. and Mrs. David Mack Mr. and Mrs. Harry Maclay Mr. and Mrs. Waldemar E. Maigren Mr. and Mrs. Frank Manno Mr. and Mrs. Burton P. Mansfield Mr. Jerome Markell Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Markowitz Mr. and Mrs. George T. Martin Mr. D. E. McAleece Mrs. Pauline V. McAllister Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fell McCandless Mr. and Mrs. James McCoy Mr. J. P. McLaughlin Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Moeller Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Mollenauer Mr. and Mrs. Miller Moore Mr. and Mrs. Sydney L. Moody Mr. and Mrs. Philip D. Moulton Mrs. Beryl Mount Mr. and Mrs. James L. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. W . J. Nestor Mr. and Mrs. Francis D. Newell Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Newton Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Oberhuber
PAITRONS Mr. and Mrs. H. Oellermann
Mr. and Mrs. Horace B. Slaughter
Mr. and Mrs. Mandor A. Ogren
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Sifflard
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Olson
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Sleght
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Palmetto
Mrs. P. Hoffer Sload
Mrs. D. C. Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred P. Smith, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Pastore
Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Pauley
Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Peltz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Myrle Meader Perkins
Mrs. Ruth N. Smith
Mr. William H. Pflug
Mrs. Rufus A. Soule Mr. and Mrs. John F. Spangler
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Porter Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Price
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. Spencer
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey G. Priestley
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Spies
Mr. Arturo Quintana
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Stauft
Mrs. Nathaniel G. Randall
Mr. and Mrs. Fred C . Stein, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Ray
Dr. and Mrs. Oscar Hayden Stover
Mr. and Mrs. Haskell W. Reed
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Swalm
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Reilly
Mr. and Mrs. Flint Taylor
Mr. H. A. Reinhardt
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Thomson
Mrs. Margarette H. Remington
Dr. and Mrs. N. R. Tolk
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Rhett
Mrs. Austin N. Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart H. Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. William Tuzeneu
Mrs. W. A. Ricketts
Dr. and Mrs. Loftus I. Walton
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Warren
Mr. and Mrs. Horace H. Rosenquest
Mrs. Jack Wasserman
Mr. and Mrs. E. Harold Ruehle
Mr. and Mrs. Claude A. White
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Russell
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon F. Wilber
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Rutan
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Williams
Mr. and Mrs. George Sailer
Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Saunders
Mr. and Mrs. Donald K. Wolf
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Scharg
Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Woodward
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Schwettman
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred M. Woolley
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold G. Shipp
Mr. and Mrs. J. Roger Yates
Page two hundred twenty-seven
o f you and your classmates upon your school life achieve
1) immortality in a carefully planned and executed yearbook. From the arid desert of Arizona, and the sultry green island of Puerto Rico, to the snow-blanketed slopes of Northern New England, we have traveled, happy and proud to have been an instrument in the translating into print, the humor pathos, excitement, and sentiment found in the campus
I. life o f over seventy-five colleges and preparatory schools. As former members of yearbook staffs in our school days, we bring into our professional duties a real understeinding of the many prot.lsms confronting each yearbook editor.