1959 Hack Yearbook

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1959 H A C K

CENTENARY COLLEGE FOR WOMEN A Two-Year College Hackettstown, New Jersey Published by the Senior Class, Volume 55

Editot Liternvy Editor Art Editor Assis/nnt Art Ediiou B~dsinessMannger Advisor :i



HE sea tells us something, but it tells not all. It gives us what we seek in it, but not in its entirety. There is always something hidden. Since ancient days man has sought

to conquer the sea completely, to obtain every treasure which it holds. Man is searching to find all that he car. in the time that he has. The sea is endless-as endless as is man's search for this knowledge which God holds in His hand. The sea has brought us to Centenary. Here we have sought with the best of our talent and with the best of hers. Two years is but the rippling of a wave in time. However, for us these years here have illuminated many treasures. They have given us the keys to the currents of successful exploration.

To the Members of the Class of 1959:

1 1



HE sea envelops those who know not how to man a ship, steer a crafk-o!,qha_rt a . , , course. It>,:Y





EDWARD W. S EAY President



Your yearbook theme-the boundless sea-is symbolic of the two years you have been preparing yourselves for greater adventures in your search for a happy way of life. O n this educational vessel you have had all types of ships' officers, training you for your next journey. Thc educational waters have been becalmed at times, stormied at others. Some of you may have been a little seasick, but all of you now are prepared :/to go forth to new horizons of smooth sailing. Eager as you may be to graduate from this ship, carry with you the captain's thought: "You have made for yourselves a trusted and true friend in Centenary. This is now a familial vessel, a home to which we hope you will return often; for here you will always find constant the encouragement of your aspirations. Bon voyage."

EDWARD W. S BAY President



HE gates of Centenary were opened to us as freshmen by our class advisor, Miss Ruth E. Scarborough. As she introduced us to the various educational and .social aspects of the college, we began to lean on her positive, gracious, and thoughtful guidance.


Our problems became her problems. With our gradation from freshmen to seniors, we became further indebted to her patience and understanding. At times she sorely needed all her virtues to see us ready to don our caps and gowns. In all our associations she has continually extended a warm welcome, but never a good-by. Her sincere interest in us not only as a class but also as individuals leads us to this unanimous expression for her unselfish and whole-hearted giving by the dedication of the 1959 Hack to her in a continuous warm welcome and not goodby.


M ARGARET E. HIGHT D e m of the College

BOARD OF TRUSTEES Fitst rozi*-Mr. Joseph R. Ferry, Miss Esther M. Hay, Mrs. S. Ainsworth Hird, Dr. J. Edgar Washabaugh, president; Mrs. Sam H. Clark, Miss Beatrice F. Keller, Mr. John M. Reeves, vicepresident. Secotzd row-Rev. Henry J. McKinnon, Mr. Charles S. Van Auken, treasurer; Dr. Harold N. Smith, Mr. Richard C. Fowler, Mr. Hugh E. Barnes, Rev. Roland L. Luerich, Dr. Edward W . Seay, president of the college. Third row-Dr. 0. C. Nelson, Mr. Charles A. Van Winkle, secretary; Mr. Robert S. Curtiss, Mr. Fred J. Brotherton, Dr. Ralph E. Davis, Dr. William L. Lancey. Absent from the p~ciure-Bishop Frederick B. Newell, Mr. Wilber M. Rush, and Mr. William L. Swenson.

W ILLIAM M. O R R Dec/crn of the Cbclpel Religion

ERNEST R. DALTON Direrior of Public Reldiotzs Cbuirntcln o f Soricrl Scielll-e Division Eco~zotnics-Sociology Politictrl Science

MARGARET RAHFIELD Direci!or of Alr-rmtzi Sevvices and Placen~e~&


A LEXANDRIA S PENCB Assi.~/antDean Chuirnzdn of Pru.rrcbicd arrd Applied Arfs Division Foods

J. SPENCER CHURCHILL Chairman of Humanities Division English








- -. French-Spanish Chaivman of Natural Sciences, Mathematics Division Chem;islry



ALBERTW. PARSONS Directo~of Testing Psychology

LOISB. BACKENSTOSS Director of he Nursery School

W. NORMAN GRAYSON Chai~munof Fine Arts Division Director of Music Piarsct-Orgm

G E L ~ EL. GANSZ Choral-instrumental Music



HOWARD T. KNAPP Csmmercidi! Art



E U G L ' ~W. ~ YOUNGKEN Theatre Arts

E L L I N B. DALI-ON Foods



Radio and Television




H E L E N J. LOTT Secretavial Studies



Secretarial Studies

MARY E. FRYE Physical Edurdiotz

BETTE M. RHOADS Chnirn~nnof Phjfsical Edrrc~ltjonDivisiou Phj1"cal Edtdcation L Y N N E M. MORLEY Physical Education

ALICE M. EHERTS Physical Educcrtion

FREDERICK B. ODELL Director of Admissions

MARCY S. ANDERSON Director of Student Activitie~

EDITH CHEYNEY Resident Nurse

L. HESSE Assistant Director of Admissions JOHN

CARL W. TIDEMAN Conzptroller


M ABEL W. KELLEY Admissions Cozlnselor

PAUL T. G ~ N B R Bursar ,

KATHERINE DOUD Sup4~uisouof the Diniag Room

RUTH B. KING Assistant Librarian and Cataloguer

H ENRY G . D U RFBE History


H ELEN MORGAN Executive Assistant Ofice of Administration


TALMADGE C. WRIGHT Munuger of the Bookstore


EDWINHUEY Assjsrfmet, Bursar's Ofice

Antoinette N. Pool, secrerary; Gladys R. Cool, library assistant; Ila M. Osmun, order librarian.

Sittitzg-Jean G. Palmer, college receptionist; adwlna L. Bartholomey, assistant, Bursar's Office; Helen Sedler, assistant, Bursar's Office; Shirley M. Thomas, secretary to the president; Shirley G. Huey, secretary to the dean of residence. Standing-Joan Irene Sickle, secretary, Office of Administrations; Helen E. Sokolowski, secretary, Office of Alumni Services and Placement; Mabel D. Force, admissions counselor; Ethelda Fahnestock, secretary to the director of testing; Margaret F. Nunn, secretary, director of public relations; Jane W. Ford, recorder and wretary to the dean of the college.

rr - L


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#',d I&-

A l m a Mater 'Mid the silent hills surrounded, Ripened by the flight of time, And with honors still unbounded, In her strong and lusty prime, Alma Mater proudly raises Halls and tower tall and strong, And her children sing her praises, Sing them loud and sing them long. Ever shall her children love her, Forming still a noble band; While the flag that waves above her W e shall bear to every land. Let us laud her colors glorious, Loyal to the Black and Blue, Let us wave the flag victorious, Pledging each one to be true. And when age at last steals o'er us, Softly, like the sinking sun, Visions will appear before us, Of the course that we have run; When our lives have told their story Failing lips shall make the plea: "Alma Mater ! live thy glory ! Alma Mater, dear C. C.!"


S e n i o r Class Officers P~esidelat ............................. P A U L I N E DREKER Vice-President

............G A Y L E


Class C o l o r s Class Hymn Be Thou my Vision, 0 Lord of my heart; ~ o u i h be t all else to me, save that Thou artThou my best thought, by day or by night, Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light. Be Thou my Wisdom, and Thou my true Word; I ever with Thee and Thou with me, Lord; Thou my great Father, I Thy true one; Thou in me dwelling, and I with Thee one. "Be Thou My Vision."

White and Blue

Secretary ................................ .KARENJOHNSON Treasurer .....................................



C l a s s Song

Class M o t t o "Keep mine eyes on things above." :/

Girls of all nations, United as one, A class undivided are we. In friendly relations Our new lives begun. To you we offer this plea. May we always remember Our lives these past years, And never surrender Our gladness with tears. REFRAIN Together we praise thee; Voices ring true. For you do we honor The white and the blue.


Barb . . . Sunshine with just a bit of seriousness . . . Friendly to all . . . Easy to know . . . Happy to help others . . . Sweetness and sincerity . . . "Forget it." "Deeds, not words, shall peak me."

Hack Board 1, 2, Editor 2; Guild 1, 2; Delta h i Omega 1, 2; Cosmopo1i;an Club 1, 2; Psychology Club 1, 2; Phi Iota 2; 0rienta;ion Commitjee 2; Presidents' Club 2; Honor Committee I ; Delta Sigma Sigma, Chaplift 1 .

Bobbi . . . Generous . . . Captivating personality . . . Numerous admirers . . . Revolves in an orbit of friends . . . Bewitching eyes . . . Dramatic beauty . . . Fantastically capable . . . Theatrical . . . That certain sea.

"The world is all before me.

DOROTHY VIENNA SPACH Hack Board 1, 2; Spilled Ink I, 2, Associae Editor 2; Orientatior Committee 2; Guild 1 , 2; Delia Psi Omega 1, 2; Psyqplogy Club I ; Delta Sigma Sigma.

Doll . . . That Ipana smile . . . "Lost three more pounds" . . . Perpetual mail friend . . Fur-covered scale . . D.U. . . . Jewel of sincerity . . Lovable as a teddy-bear . . Bubbling with laughter.




"Cast away cave.r; sing away sorrows."





Spilled Ink 1,2, Edirow-in-Chief2; Phi lo& 2; Presiden!.? Club 2; Aquatic'CL~b 1, 2; Class T~earrrrer1; Tbetu Epsilon Nu.

Carole . . . Considerate . . . Friend to all . . . "Hey, you guys!" . . . A smile goes a long way . . Appealing eyes . . . Anchors aweigh ! . . . Has high ideals and lives up to them.


"Chdrdcfer m&es

its own destiny."

C O N S T ~ C ELAINB E CUFF SpjIIrC I d I, 2# ~CtmL&ion M m g 2; ~ H d l Preddunt 2; S ~ d e Cwnci3 ~ t 2; T k a E p s i b Ns.

. . .. .

Connie . Qiet and thorlghtfd, bilt energetic tao . ''Tenhis anyone?' . . . Oh, that natural curl . . Conscientious . . "Let's check the mail!" . . . Seaetafy in the big city.


"Mw every f.kougbd sir~cere!~


Cbaif T; Cenfearrry Singws 1; SttuCem Athities 2; Dormirosy P~eside~ft I ; The.& Ep~ilmzN*.


Margie . "'Hey, you wys, let's eat !" . . . Happygo-lucky . , That much-needed sleep! , , A cheery, devoted friend . . . "It's tweedy!" Water sports . . , Carem in fashion.



"If *umy were 3 a c a s e ~f of&&, ,


I'd lie@


Stden: Coud 2, Secrerary; Phi Tbe$d Kappa 1, 2, VicePresident 2; &ientation Committee 2. Cosmo#eli~an CIwb 1; BarketMI 1, 2; Hockey 2; voile ball 1; Softball 1; Stwient cotrncil I ; sig971~1 ~psirOtlphi.

Patty . . . A real delight to know . . . "You turkey" . . . Writing out those pink slips . . . Sports minded . . . Promising future.

"Nothing is

impossible to a willing heart."

BARBARA VIRGINIA ROY M u ~ i cClub 2; Camera Club 2, Secretary 2; Delta Sigma Sigma. .

Barbie . . . Unfailing generosity . . . Serious intent, but yet a lot of fun . . . "O.K.,dearie" . . . Princeton graduates . . . Sincere interest in others.

"The will to do, the s a d to ddre."

Phi Theta Kappa I ; Art Club, Secvefary I; Phi lord 2; Presidenls' Club 2; Ovienldtion Cornmiflee 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi, President 2.

Peggy . . . "Lots of luck!" . . . Sparkling blue eyes . . . Dancing happiness . . . Outgoing . . . Witty . . . Superior abilities . . . Advertising.

"Women of a few zuovds are the best women."


S~wdent Actiuities 1, 2; C k s Hockey Team I; Delra , Sigma Sigma.

Beaver . . . "Oh, get serious!" . . . "Oh, really!" . . . Pixie cut and sparkling humor . . . Amiable . . . A laugh a minute . . . Orderly . . . Conscientious . . . Teach nursery school.

"Humor is the. harmony of the heart."

Presidenlr' Club 2; Cenfena~ySingerz I , 2; Chapel Choir 1 , 2; Orientation Committee 2; Phi Iota 2; Pipers 2, Delta Sigma Sigma, President 2.

Tammy . . . Twinkle in her eye . . . Winning smile . . . Good listener . . . Loves afternoon naps . . . Always going to meetings . . . "Juzt a minute. I'm deciding what to wear."

"Charm s~rikesthe eye and merit wins the soul.':

GRETCHEN GERECKE Hach Bo-aid 1; Gan'rld



Sigtna Epsi1~ta PBi, Sec~e-

#dry 2.

Gretch . . Sweetest ever . . . Industrim , . . Brown eyes radiating warmth . . . '"ah, d~rn!"' . . . All who meet her love her. "la pi&:t md s e t p ~ n c eshall be y;aur ~kength.')

G ~ i l d1; Stpdietrr Colrazil 1; Theta Epsilon Nn.

Gmce . . . The paisley kid . . . Always composed . . . Happy chatter . . . Epitome of organization . . . Manhattan tower . . . Casual manner.

"Amid6ility skives by its owe light."

Phi Iota 2, Secretary-Treasurer 2; Orientation Commit; tee 2; Guild 1, 2, President 2, Bodrd I; Presidents' Club 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.

Liz . . . A contagious sparkle of enthusiasm . . . Perpetual smile . . . Lengthy week ends at Bowdoin . . . Dreaming of those "seven hills" . . . Calm, deep, still water.

"Sweet innoce~zceatzd beauty meet in one."

BARBARAALICE CANDELL Hack Board 2, Ad Edilor 2; S t d e n t Corrri 2; Guild 2; Aquatic Club I, Vice-President I; Riding C h b 2; Theta Epsilon Ng.


. .

Barb . . Ginger, pep, and good fellowship . Combination of sports, friendliness, and frolic . . . Paintbrush master . . . Regal poise and sophistication . . . She goes with hustle and bustle.

"If she aims nt the sun, she may hit a siar."

Phi loia 2; Orienlation Committee 2; Chapel Choir I ; Centenary Singers I; Presidents' Club 2; 1V. A. A. Board 1, 2, President 2; Leaders' Corps 2; Thela Ep~ilonN u .

Parksie . . . That Boston accent . . . Three lovessports, food, and music . . . Majoring in pingpong . . . "Let's eat!" . . . Earmuffs . . . Second home is Denman Gym . . . Enthusiasm plus.

" A good woman possesses a kingdom."

Chb 1, 2; Uhta GgmmiMee I : @idiqg CJub 2; ~ e h ? i g m a Sigrra. Judy ~ a i t - ~ o ,i n. ~ Poi$& Swinging sophisticate . conbgiow laugh . . Qus flower fram Hawaii . . BeautiSul dancer , . The Vogue lwk . . Looks, personality, talent-they can't be beat! Dare

.. . .




... . .

"She walks like .a gddgss; she Ioa& a


Phi Iota 2; Orientation Committee 2; Presidentr' Club 2; Student Activities 1, 2, President 2; Dance Club I , 2; Sludent Council 1, 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.

Mare . . . Contagious enthusiasm . . . Quick wit can change sorrow to a smile . . . Able leader . . . Always organized . . . A joke a minute . . . Tall and lithe.

"The force of her own merit makes her way."

LINDA LEE Guild 2; Student Aciivi~ies2; Hull President 1; Student Coumcil I ; Theta EpsiEon Nu.

Lee . . . People are her challenge . . . Vivacious individual . . . Expressive countenance . . . ' W e e one" . . Endearing way about this curly haired Miss . . . Generosity is her way of life.


"Little deeds of kindness, litlie words of love help make the e&b happy."

Student Activities 2; Delta Psi Omega 1, 2; Cosmopolitan Club 2; Dance Club 1, 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.

Joycer . . . Casual . . . Witticism . . Neatly tailored . . . Giggles galore . . . Behind a contagious laugh lives a deep sincerity . . . "Come on, you guys." "Modesty and unselfishness-these ure virtues fuhich men praise."

Cosmopoli/an C h b 2; Riding Club 1; Hockey 1, 2, Captain 1; S t d e n t Council 2; Delta Sigma Sigma, ,)khiitg Chairman 2.

Margie . . . Stylish in dress . . . Memories of Hawaii . . . "But, really, we're only friends" . . . Sparkling brown eyes . . Always ready for a ' good time.


"A thing of beauty is a jo;y forever: 1t.s loveliness j~~crea.ses.~

Gaidd 2; Sjgntrr Epa&tz PB3,


Sne . . . Blondy . . . Working for her B.A. . . . Sophistication . . . What a riot . . .A place fat evetythhg, and everything in place , . A black leather jacket and motorcycle bow.


rrHe~ voice war ever svff, gentle, r~tedl w , m excblenf ibdng in m y womdn?'

DONNA LEE FOZJLKE Sjude#zlt Adkiiie~2; HJE Fvgi-idm-11; S&EBI


2%- EpstEm &g, Donna . . . Never without a comment . . . "'Get serious" Spanhnmus get subtle wit . . . kt's have another cup of w f f e . . . Ebp.bisticati& that lends itself to authirity. 1;


' T h e powar of Zhougbf8 lthe magic of wit."'

Spilled In& I; Gvild 1, 2; P~rcbology Clvb I ; Delta Sigma Sigma.



Anzi . . "Five feet two, eyes of blue" . G q d natured . . . "I'm going to start my diet today" . . . Meticulous . . . Mania for traveling. "She is a woman because her nature is kind and @able do every creature."

SANDRA GAY GRAMMES qyild 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi. Sandy . . . Casual sophistication . . . Lives for week ends . . . Golf . . . "How will I ever learn all these medical terms?" . . Sweet.

"It's her uature to be good natured."

J m m ANN B m a a w $lrr*a@@fAskxvi;1iw I ,

2; D e k S i m Sigmu,

. . . Great sense of humex . . Life af the party . , . That

Brandy . . , Amiable

. . , A~nazing.

Jersey shore , . . Maine..

"A cbeerfuf counsenatzcza bat opgns r gciwd berw:t!'

Sfdmr ArtEui8ies I , 2; Della Bigw S i g m .

Pizwn . . . Frieed to all . , . h1woys looki* for a p t t y . . .There's a serious side undet all the fun . . . "The kid is coaf' . . B?g b~owneye . . . "'Hey, Brandy !'"



"A IigbC heart B.cts a hdpfry ending."

Presidents' Club 2; 1V. A. A. Board 1 , 2, Serrefary I ; Aquatic Club 1, 2, President 2; Thefa Epsilon Nu.

Trish . . . Good things come in small packages . . . "Please?" . . . Vivacious blond . . . Responsible and efficient . . . Good-natured. "Large was her bounty ntzd her solrll sitzcere."

Szdeur C s ~ n d l3; W. A. A. B d , Vice-P+vsdenl. 1; L a a d d Corps 2; GsiCd 2; Theta Epsi'os Nn.


Mare . . I?k$ and enthusiasm plus . . . Always p i n g somewhere . . . Honest sincerity . . , Let's get serious . . . Athletically inclined . . Forget it . . . "'How about a cigarettet keed."


''TQlemrr y ~ bme u not Bne of two; bdeats -sar y o m in. pLmty.''


Linda . . . Sports enthusiast . , , Bepndable . . . . A real tiper . . . MEent.

"Just think, at this time next yeat" ,

"'She w s czrer f& md sever pro~d,had tong#@ at wfJi an6 yet n # w ZwdP

MAMLYFJ GMCE FWDZ'GK GYFM r, $ :c+pait wsi FSJWMD~Y ebb 1, 2;

. .

&dmg G k b 2,. De;IW S l g m Sf@m.


&r . . Wise-in thought . . MidGght mi&c f q , . . Lives the c m of life . . . "&haaqsi-~~'. . . &me of humor . . .Deep& h s t ,


"Elme k a &us dftd id#~fy.Jo&gf v i e ~ d . ~

Guild 1, 2; Psychology Club 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.

Jan . . . Never too late to laugh . . . Never too busy to listen . . . Reserved . . . "Gad" . . . The wee small hours . . . Thoughtful and sincere. " A smile for each, a friend to all."

G~iIii2; S&mt

Ac~iGiicr2. A p a ~ i cC h b 2; P ~ y ~ k o l &b I , 2; d d SigfkW rip^, Arden . . Those dark, dashing Armenian eyes . . . Vivacious . . . "'I thought I'd crack up" , . . Wanderful with children . . . Frankness.

. *?

"A keen wit and


sense of humor md~Rher ztlhevgoe's."

ever s h

ANNE LORANE BIRD Chorale I ; Library Committee 1, 2; Dells Sigma S i g m .

. . . Mischievks blue eyes . . . Angelic . . . Patient determination . . . "Crunch" . . . The diplomatic type . . . Quick sense of Anne smile

humor. "There w a d laughing device i n her ey<

Music Club l4 2, Tremurer 2; Preside&d

Club 2;

L i 6 w y ~ommrtbeq President 4 Delta Sigmcr Sigma


Abbie . . Spontaneous laughter . . . Enthusiak connoisseur of art and music . . . "'Do you mind ?" . . . That early morning gaiety. "1 see a $mile from her bright eyes."

GzttId 2; Cormopoli~an Clrrb 2; P~ycbology CIub C b o d e 2; S i g m Epsilon Phi.


Moosh . . . ?',easing combination of sweetness and sincerity . . Generously endowed with one hnge dimple . . Gum, gum, gum . . . Midnight harr-ar~T~~&Hmmp;'--

. .

"A kind heart is a fountain of gladsess making everything in its vicinity freshen into smiles."

Psychology Clxb 1, 2; ~Che+ad.ws t;%Eidiimg Ckb I , 2; Delia Srgrna S i g m .

Gayle . . . Big brown mischievous eyes . , . Casual air . . . "Oops, forgot my homework!" . . . Those week end jaunts . . . Rock 'n' roll . . . Vivaciousness. "Happy is the womaB who to all caw sny, T m happy because I have lived today."

DIANNE SMITH Hack 1; S t f i e s t Activiriss I ; Co~mopoliranClub 1; Psychology Club 1, 2; Delta Sigma Sigma,

Di . . . Patience is a virtue . . . "It's the greatest" . . . Fun lover . . . Bridge . . . Bookworm . . . Efficient as a machine. "Patience is the best remedy for every trouble."

MARJORIE MARILYN BURGET Cosmopoli~anC1 b 2; Psychology Clrb 1 ; Sigma Epsilon '/a Phi.

Mouse . . . Friendly and good-natured . . . "Lotsa luck" . . . Small but mighty . . . Sympathetic and understanding . . . A laugh a day.

"Thy modesty's candle to thy merit."



GaiU 2; Agsldic CEaB 1, 2; Deha S i g m Sigma, Karen . . A helpful hand is alw&pa necessity . , , Recerds by theadoten . . A lo^^ of fun . . Sincerity io her smile.




"Lovab/e, hq2py, dnd ~^i)ase.re,to mndray fricg~~dx 5/36 is most dea~."

Guild 2; Aquatic Club 1,


Delta Sigtna Sigma.

Carolyn . . . Love those houseparties . . . Thoughtful and dependable . . . "Roommate, how do you spell-?" . . . Avid Sinatra fan . . . On a perpetual diet . . . "Is the mail in?"

"Kindjzess is the golden cbdin of z~~bich life is made."

ASPASIASTEPHEN STURGES Guild 2; Student Activi~ies 2; Psychology Club 1; Delta Sigma Sigma.

Steve or Beaver . . . A pro with the Hula Hoop . . . Well Lord and Tailored . . . Sense of humor . . . "I'll never tell" . . . Fourth for bridge? . . . Magnetically warm personality. "For a light heart lives long."

KAREN MACGREGOR WOOLLEY Silrden; Arzivi/ies 2; Guild


Sigmn Epsilon Phi.

Karen . . . Lives at the shore . . . Friendly . . . Lively personality . . . Petite . . . "Come to my house for the week end" . . . Secretarial career . . . Cooks dinner in Lotte kitchen. "For a zuonzan is woman a~zdmasfer of her otuiz fate."

FRANCENAA NN RAYMOND $b#denr Adviries 2, Board 2; Chapel Chair 1; Cenle-

nary Singerz I ; Theta Epzilon Nu,

Andy . Casual

. . Enthusiasm plus . . . Hard worker . . . . . . Art . . . Music . . . Drama . . . Ned as a pin . . Pleasing persanaIity.

"Variety is the mother af enjoyment."



Dance Club I ; Psychology Club I ; Sigma Epsilon Phi.

Poopsie . . . Snapping blue eyes . . . "Don't know what to tell you" . . . Air of casualness . . . Mischief maker . . . The hand that helps.

"She is modest, but not bclshful, free and err.r)l, brrl not bold."

G i l d 2; Pspbology C l ~ 1; b Sigma Epsilor Pbi. Chipper . . . doer, not a thinker . . . The casual gal . . . "Really nice" . . Bowling? . . . Neat and attractive . . . Long blond tresses.


"Oh, richly full the w e n hair over the mrlx'den's shoulders fair."

SOPHIA HELENE NOWS Chapel Choir 1; Centenar Singers 2; Gaild 1; Leaderr' Corps 2; ~ i e t aEpsilon Nu.

Dutchie . . . Five foot two, eyes of blue . . . Oh, those 10:30 phone calls . . . Livens up Lotte during the week but on week ends no Dutchie . . . "Could you die!"

" No sleep till morn, when youth and pleaure meel."



(=owopvTit#ts Qub 1+-P i Tb&.&pa 2;.CJ&x i"r%asuwv 2; '2 eta l7p.ri~ns%

Sugie . . . Sincere %adfriendly . . . ~ e t i i & in ways . , . '"What shall Z ewes do?" . ..,WiU make a capable secreQrp; .

"If is


~ C F B I $tkrat

A& plmdy @f ffTwd$.'*

Spilled Ink 1; Chorale 1; Sigmd Epsilon Phi.

Barb . natured

:I . . Small,



but not forgotten . . Good"You're kidding" . , . Quiet and reserved.

"Silence does litde havna and ofien does ln~cb good."

Hdd B6ad 2; Studen$ Court 2, Seniov Representajive; Phi The& KapN 2; Studen! Ac/iui#iet 2; Cosvia#aIitan Clsb I ; Bs chobgy Wub I ; Book Club 2; ~ i e j Epsilon a Nu.

Bxins . . . That ivory look . . . Eficiency expert . . . "Lots of luck'' . . . Just enough sophistication . . . Leans toward individuality . . . Artist . . . A twinkling eye and a ready smile.

"The value of thought cannot be told.''


h~E & E ~ T

Hack &omd 2; S U ~ ~ ~E Be Jl

F r d m z Reples8jzC~smops&n Câ‚Źi& f; Psycbdtyrr Ch.4 X . h i (=ad& 2; D&%i~bry P+%?~d*tz* 2; I";kgta &zd~?1


Nfz, Jo . a n Ise lociated bp hex gie;gJe . . If it-4 different, she likes it , . Tin so tsxeitedr' . Fers~nalEg.plus . . Unlimited enthasiasm , Willing and eilicirnt. '

. .




. . ..


"Db, PO&#, rl c&tznot hold th#@ zbie ~@#gb.'"

Chapel Choir


2; .Cenlenary Singers 1 , 2; Thela Epsilon Nu.

Madge . . . Big blue eyes . . . "On my diet again" What was it about, Spence? . . . Dreamer . . . Grill is her domain . . . Loves horses.

" And ne'er did Grecian chisel trace a nymph, a Niad, or a Grace o f finer or lovelier face."


1, 2; Cosmopolitan Club 1, 2; Psychology Club 2; Librar~~Commit;ee 2; Thela Epsilon Nu.

Boss . . . "Sleepy time gal" . . . Loquacious . . . "T.G.I.F." . . . Ardent fan of the favorite fall sport . . . Conscientious worker.

" The best spirit is rhat which is untamed."

LINDA ALLEN STAPELTOX Spilled Ink 2; Psychology Club I; Presidents' Club 2; Leaders' Corps, Presidenr 2; W . A. A. Board 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.



Linder or Stape . . . Meticulous Miss . . . Staunch New Englander . . . Sharp but subtle wit . . . Athletically inclined . . . "Get serious" . . Exceptional integrity. "While I live let me not live in vaiu."


REBECCA A N N ASHE Hack Board 2; Chapel Choir 2; Cenienary Singers 2; Pipers 2; Guild 1, 2, Tveasurev. 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.

Becky . . . "How are ya" . . . Those cups of coffee in the Grill . . . Music is her life . . . silently respected . . . Willing to lend a hand to any cause.

"The ncqr~iringof culture is the developing of n hunger for benrtly."

Spilled Ink 1 , 2, Adverfising Manager 2; Riding Clrrb 1 , 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.

Witty . . . Always ready for a good time . . . Many nickels for the jukebox . . . Perpetual live wire . . . "Lots of luck" . . . Good nature ancl good sense. "Trz~egoodness springs fro~lr matz's o ? ~ t ?becr~t."



G d d I , 2; DeZia Psi Omega I , 2; Cclfmopadifas C h b 1r Ridjag &&b 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi. :/


K d . . . Loves hillbilly m i c . , Makes the simplest tale a hilarious comedy . . "Nice play> Shakapearc': . . . Sincerely interested in others An enthusiastic and hard worker.


... "OJ a good begi't9niag rowcfR,a g ~ o dend."



Leaders' Corps -2; Aquatic Cllrb 1, 2; qield Hockey 1; Delta S j g m Sigma; lirrsbing Chat*man 2.

Judie .

. . Those big brown eyes . . . A heart big . . . Pep personified . . . A certain

as the sun

setiousness beneath her jovial exterior . . . "Forgit-it" , . . On the go. ''Wit Is the salt of corzversatio~,''

ALICE MARION KINGSTON Spilled Ink I; Centenary Singers 1, 2; G d d 1, 2, Board Member I, Vice-President 2; Del# Sigma Sigma.


Pols . . . Exuberant conversation . Meet me in the Grill . Sparkling eyes go well with her cheerful smile . . "For-@-itv . . . Easily pleased and pleases easily*



"The cham and playfulness of her t4."

Hack Bowrd 2; Della Psi Dlt~ega1, 2; Cheerleaders 2; Music Club 1; Student Ailitdies I ; Theta Epsilon Nu, Secretary 2, b s b i n g Cbaizman 2.

L.G. . . . Casually f ashionablk . . . Well-blended enthusiasm, intelligence, and hutnor . . . Regular week end per to Philly . . '"Rooms?" . . . Never too busy to lend an ear . . . The littlest cheetleader.


"Without love and laughter there h no joy."

MQLLIE, CARR S P ~ D E L el Chair 1, 2; Cmteaary Singers I , 2; NPWJ 2; Couril 1; c k s Pwj-~rn,1; pru&af Clrb 2; H a d &@ad 2, &#vury 33difg1 9; The& i!i!pJ-iE~aRu. iC;&


Mollie ,

. , &le

leader ihtoqgh the "green year"

. . . 'Mimy, I slept through breakfast again!" . . . "Alexander khe Great!''. . . Actpired taste for letter wsitiag . . . Inn* quality of friendliness.

'The had ~16kkvect S # ~ C ~ S Swba has Irraghea! uftetz, mid lowid wcbJ"


BARBARA CONNELL Sludent Court 2; Student Council 1, Hall Presiden! I ; Guild 2; Thela Epsilon Nu.

Barb . . . What a tweed . . . Has a talent for cutting down Christmas trees . . . That Boston accent . . . "Really? Oh, no!" . . . Our glamour choice. "None know thee br46 lo love thee; none nume thee but to pruise thee."

Cwmo&oliar C l d 1; Psychology Club 1, 5 Tveds~~rer 2; T681zt ,?@ar(i10f~ Nu.


Ann . . , Watm vivacious persastalltgt . . L a p cims from the ,wotd go "Get serious!" . Maqia for Maine . . . A wonderful person to k?ve arwnd.



Cosmopolitrin Club 1 ; Psycbolagy Club 1, 2; Student Council 2; HaII President 2; Thela Epsilon Nu. &I

Debby . . . Fond of the Grill . . . Ardent Yankee fan . . . "Oh, well, what can you do?" . . . Lau_gh . . . A smile f ~ one r never t a k k p~eover a smik for another,



"The s o d of sweet delighf can never be defiled."

Gnidd 1, 2; Sfruden~Ac~iuifie*2; crtlawr, Club 2; D e k Sigma Sigma,


. . . Ever-present d



. . . Partial to


summer sports . . "Oh, shine!"' . , Ardent cinm a Wn . . . A hand h t &Ips and ah ear that listens.



Hack Board 2; Guild 1, 2; Stndent Acliuities 1, 2, Secretary-Treasurer 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.

Casey . . . Winning personality . . . A combination of honor and understanding . . . "Love you bunches" . . . Full of exuberance. "What wisdom can you find greater than kindness."

Spilled Ink 2; Cosmopolitan Club I; Camera Club 2; Psychology Club I; Thela Epsilos Nu.

Judy . . . A bundle of energy . . . Never know what to expect next . . . "Turn out that light" . . . Keeps things jumping . . . A personality warm and bright as a candle. "Personality und humor go hand in hand."



CosmopoQan Club I; Camera Club 2; Psychology Club $12; Thela Epsilon Nu.


Frittsie . . Comical antics make her a well-liked individual . . . Efficiency and neatness combined . . . "My hair is so curly" . . . The cheeseburger kid . . . "We need a fourth." " Wit, how precious to nzan'~taste."

Ch~rpelChoir 1, 2; Centenary Singers 1, 2; Pipers 2; Guild 1 , 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.

Lanie . . . As deep as the ocean . . . Air of oblivion . . . The sophisticate . . . . Brings forth sudden humor . . . "Oh, those medical terms!" . . . True concern lies deep within.

"All yonr


dye queenly."


Pegs . . . A of fun . . Alwgys map. t~ i~dulgein a g&d coeverrsttiola . . . "Oh, my gpsh!'' . . . Skerity has given her meay f:'iends,

1V. A. A. Board 2, Corresponding Secretary 2; Aquatic Club 1, 2; Theta Ep~ilonNu.

Judy . . . Quick blushes . . . In love with life . . . "You all" . . . The other half . . . Congenial to all. "Not by years but by d i ~ p o s i ~ i o ;is n zuisdo,)~ acquired."

Cosmopolitan C l f b I , 2; Ar/ C h b 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.

.I Lynn . . . Life is too short for sorrow . . . Artistic ability . . . A quiet but impressive peronality . . . Never a harsh word . . . A ray of sunshine. "Fersonal bea1.t~is a greater recommendation thau a ktter of introduction.'"

Hdckey I;



Sandy . . A quiet kind of humdr' . . . Serious purpose in Iife . . . Sports and cars . . "hineee, please don't change the room right now" . Friendly and lquaciarrs.



spirZed b k I , 2j-Chnla 1; Theta Bpsr'Jan Nu. Lainee . Grat inventor of nicknames . , Early to bed and late to rise . Lengthy week ends at home . , . ""Lsts of ludr" , . . Happily dependable, wonderfully sincere.




"My crmr2 i~ orr t ~ ybeart, nnat nrj bed?"

Hack Board 2; Student Activities 2; Co~mopolitan Club 1 , 2; Art Club 1 ; Psychology Club I ; Sigma Epsilon Phi.

Onn . . . Subtle sense of humor . . . "You dreamer" . . . Betty Crocker of 1958! . . . Frankness . . . An appreciation for the lighter side of life . . . Thoughtful . . . Lives on coffee.

"And all things of Heaven blow happiness to me."

VIRGINIA DICKINSON BARTHOLONEW HacR Bourd 2; Strrdent Aclivities 2; Cosmopolitnn C 1 ~ 6I , 2; Camera Chb 1, 2; Art Cilrb 2; Ddta Sigma



. .

Ginny . . . Hilarious sense of humor . "AImost" . . . Can always be found in the Grill . . . Sincere and understanding . . "Mother Vi" , . Zest for fun.



"She knew the ruses $hat would brighten tbe eyes of the ingenious ~outgg?'

Hack Board 2; Spilled Ink I ; Studen) Activities 2; Deka Sigma Sigma.

B.A. . . . An understanding attitude of life . . . Sleepy head . . . Many friends . . . Loves good music . . . Always ready with a smile . . . "Who, me worry?" . . . A love of food. "To you, friendship is a royal thitzg."

SUSAN PURDYHOYT Hark Bodvd 2; Spilled Ink I; Guild 2, Board 2; Student Acfi~ities2; Aquatic Club 1, 2, Chairman of Rating Board 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.

Suz . . . A realm of giggles . . . Year-around tan . . . "You say you're going on a diet" . , . Full of fun . . . Happy is her heart. "She was born zuith the gift of laughter."



Chapel Choir 1, 2, Presiden~2; Cenrenary Singers 1, 2, Vice-president 1; Presidenif Clrrb 2; Cosmopolitan Club 1; Music Club 2; Pipers 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.

Judy . . . Always on the go . . Regal stature gives her a sophisticated air . . . Far away places amidst her daydreams . . . Music is her food for thought. "Fezu things are impossible lo diligertce and skill.''

Huck Board 2; Spilled Ink 1, 2; Leaders' Corps 2; Cosmopfian Club I ; Sigma Epsilon Phi.

Cindy. .. A good friend to all. . . A heart full of laughter . . . "Think it over" . . . Gregarious . . . Snow boots for Syracuse . . . Ardent supporter of A. T. and T. '"Tis the h ~ m n ntouch in /he world /h/ co~rn~s."

Delta Psi Omega I; Psychology Clab 2; H o c k ~ y1, 2; Brske~ball 1, 2; Sigmr Epsilon Phi 1, 2, Vice-Pvesideni 2, Rushing Chairman 2.


Veit . . . A do-ordie attitude A voice that d o e s through the halls , . Keen wit that keeps us constantly surprised , . . A friend to all.


"To Jive is


fwsction. Thab is all rheve i's to


Spilled Ink 1, 2; Chapel Choir I; Centenary Singers 1; Cosmopoliian Clrrb 2; Music Clwb 2; Camera Ciwb I; Sigma Epsilon Phi, Treasurer 2.

Willy . . . Devoted to a cause . . . The heart of Santa Claus . . . A flare for writing music . . . "Let's have a coffee break" . . . Loyalty overflows from within.

" A fdithfill friend is the medicine of life."




&W.1, 2;.Cmmpolirpn C i d 3;

5PIdZ.t.d.f d

Re&# S i g w S$&sSrr. Gail . . O ~ d s w i n gwith @iendIiams . . . Ready fm week end . . Competent con; keatianalist , . "'You2te kidding" . . . H ~ P every khou~htis sincere.






. . .






BIari ~ bid, W8ong.r ipe&+ir.'

Chapel Choir I , Vice-President, Accompanisl; Cenlenary Singers 1, 2, Secretary-Treasurer 2; Sluden; Activities 2; Psych4legy Club I ; Sigma Epsilon Phi.

Lulu . . . Musical ability . . . Tigertone record for the hundredth time . . . "Let's g o downtown. for dinner" . . . Oh, th0s.e long black eyelashes!

"She zuas capable of imuginit~gall, of arrangirzg all, nnd of doing everything."



HacR Board 1, 2, Head Typist 2; Delia Psi Omega 1, 2; Del~aSigma Sigina, Vice-president 2.

Joanie . . . Her heart sparkles as does her ring . . . Sweet and petite . . . ''Live it up!" . . . Love marks her life . . . A smile crosses her beauty . . . June bride. "Dear to them. that love her, great to $bent t b d know her."

MARY ANNE L o m m ~ Tennis 2; D ~ b uS i g m Sigt~.

Lorentz , . . Procragtinatian personified . . . After. . "I'U rimer go on a blind date agsin!" . . Pert and cute . . . "That's


n w n nap . -. "Jazzbd'




nH~ppinex~ k my b~bEr,"

LINDA HAWKINS C h ~ p e lChoir


Cenlenary Singer$ 1: Sttidepr Activities

1, 2; Cosmopoli#an Club 2; Riding Clrrb I ; DeZia Sigma Sigma, Trea11r8r 2.

,Hawk . . . Fun, friendly, and well liked . . . Good natured . . . Happy with life . . . "Oh, now, wait a minute!" . . . A quick wit . . . Unselfish and dependable. "The love of. fan hinders no/ 1/38 sgcress of h e r underlakkzg."


Hrrtb Board I ; . S&eek Actiuities 3; C u m p o I i ~ nQrzb I, 2; R?dfeg 1; Delia S g m e 8i&u, $amtag 2.


. . . Biapd flurry of 8uun ahd excitement , . . Loves life . . . Gay a d d~kefree, . . Has her serious moments . . . "Oh, forget it l" . . . Last I


word in clslitki *'I bctw 1 he& with roo* for due52 joy,"'

SANDRA LYNNE MOODY Cosmopolitan Club 1; 2; Psychology Club 2; Chorale I ; Pire Warden 1; Sigma E p s i l ~ sPhi.

Sandy . .

. Bubbling blonde , . . Bulky sweaters

. . . Dislikes

that breakfast line . . . Week ends in New York . . . Long naps . . . "I beg your p&tdon."



yorrng he&, everythi~zgis fun."

Hack Board 2; Sbi4led Is& 2; G~lild 2; Studenr Aclivilies 2; Delta Psi Owegu 1; Theta Epsilon Nu.

Nance . . . Always willing to lend a hand . . . Extrovert . . "Are you sure?" . . A remark for every masion . . Devoted to theater . . Mastery of the switchboard . Pixie haircut.






"The windy satisfac~ionaf the tonpe."'

ELEANOR LEE DRINANE Hack 2; Spilled Ink Z, 2; Ggild 2; Siudent Arliuitias 2; D i h Psi Qrnagu I ; Deba Sigma Sigma.




Lee . Casual . . Language major . . Talks incessantly . . "Hatch-er !" . . Reserved . . . "Where are the cards?" . Sincerity personified.


. .


"Work bears witness who does wsU."

MARILYN SIMMON~ VOGT Had Board 2; GuiJd 2; Strrdent Acri~iiinI , 2; Camera C l ~ 1, b 2, Xrea~cier2; Delta Sigma Sigma. +

Merlsie . . . Contagious laughter . . . A wonderful friend . . . Mischievous . . . Empty mailbox . . . Thoughtful and understanding . . . "Okaysy." "T O know, to love my neigbbor well."



Guild 1, 2; Stdent Aciiuiiies 1, 2, Board 2; Della Psi Omega 2; GPn~eraClub 2; Delia Sigma Sigma.

Carol . . . Dramatic . . . "Break a leg" . . . Sweet girl . . . Sincere and understanding . . . Those week ends off campus . . . Freckles.

"And so ber qr/ick imaginalion revet& ifxseJf every ~cene.~'





Sludent Couticil 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.

Bonnie . . . Quiet yet thoughtful . . . Deep science interest . . . Dependable . . . A good word for everyone . . . Understanding.

" H o ~ uslueelel jar, m y nzeek, my q u j e ~one."

Cosmopolitan CIub 3, 2; Psychology Club 1; Sigma :I Epsilon Phi.

Em . . . Kind and understanding . . . Great interest in other people . . . Ardent listener . . . Wonderful sense of humor. " She thrrt gives gently, goes scrJely, and nlso far.."

DANA ARNOLD Theta Epsilon Nu.


Dana . . Our natural beauty . . . "Oh, I wish someone would write!" . . . Tall and slender . . . Where to this week end, Dana? . . . Sophistication. ' 2 n d h& face is lily clear and dropped itt duty to the Iw of its owa beauty."

Deb Psi Ome a I , 2; Student Council 1, 2, Tresswsr 2; ~ a J f ~ r e s i # e n 1;$Tbeh Epsilog Nu.

Elie . . . Very French . . . An exuberant continenrd . . . Vivacious . . . Beautiful smile . . , &ways writing letters . . . Dana why . . . "Nothing aggravates me mote than-" . . "It's magnificent."


" V i r t ~ ei ~ the - pwformance of pleasant dcbions."




Presidents' Ciub 2; Student Acriviries 2; Psychology Club 1, 2, President 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.

Hooles . . . Keen sense of humor . . . "Yes, dear" . . . Enthusiastic . . . Cheerful and understanding . . . Always eating Clark bars . . . A human cornedy.

"Laugh and be mewy; remember the world is better with d song."

BARBARA ANN YOUNG Guild 1, 2; Cosmopolitan Club 1, 2, Secretary 2; Cheer@zders 2; Thekc Epsilon Nu.


Youngie . . Oh, that laugh . . . Fun, energy, inspiration . . . "Anyone for a bicycle ride?" Rah, rah, Centenary ! . . Me type at one a.m. ? . . Laughter over deep pools of thought.



" A good laugh is sunshine in the horrse."



Cha el Cboir 1, 2; Centenary Singers 1, 2; Pipers 2; Stvfen! Activities 1. 2; A q ~ a t i cC k b 1, 2, Secfetary 1, Treasurer 2; &ding Club 1, 2; Delja Sigma Sigma.

Sloads . .


Busy day

. . . Basso

profundo .


My kingdom for a horse . . , "No kidding" . .


Loves to laugh . . Friendly is the word . . . Unpredictxble and lovable. "Fair was her sweet fact: yet fairer was her





Aqualic Club 2; Hockey 1, 2; Thela Epsilon Nu.

Brownie . . . "Unbelievable" . . . "No sweatshirts this year?" . . . What a character . . . Never a dull moment . . . Those brown eyes . . . "Me hardy !" 't

"A cheery grin ulill let you in where mighty kings are bdrred."

Spilled Inh 1, 2 , Assistant News Editor 2; Guild I ; Dormilory President 2; Sjudent Council 2; Theta EpdIon Nu.

Nan . . . Warm, charming, serene . . . Wealth of friends . . . Sparkling eyes and dimples . . . Talent at the keyboards . . . "Don't you love that song?" . . . "Cha-cha-cha!" . . . Effervescent versatility. "One sincere ~hordghtca9z move both heavetz arzd earth."



Pbi Tbeta Kappa r , 2; Guild 1, 2; Pesidentr' C h b 2; Stden; Activities 2; Delta Psi Omegu 1, 2; M~sicChi 2; Camem Clalill, 2, P r e ~ i d2;~ Sigma Epsilon Phi.


Joan . . Always has a comeback . . . Hard worker . . "None of this tomfoolery" . . . Loves to eat odd concoctions . Considerate.


. .

"And the thoughts of ' y o u ~ haue lofig, lung fhougbts."


,Wi .


Psychology Club 1, 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.

Donna . . . Pert, personable, purposeful . . Sparkling brown eyes and dark complexion . . "Are you helpless?" . . . Enjoys good music.


" The nlildest manners and the gentlest hedt.t."

Deftn Pii &sag# 2; Cosrnopolifatl Cj& a; P~jd~lm C l ~ 1b, 2; Deita Siguxd S&g~i%

Chahla . . . Llur European imp& . . , Cheery . . . Eyes li&t up with fdennant$s. . . y-~riid ink1esest5.s. . . "How 'bgut & k ~. . . "I like you.

Yau'rt hiceI'"

"&fE-voir~dand wid~-eyedw i ~ h n z . ~

Co~nv&ditr(nClwkr 2; Psychlogy Chb 2; 30s Phi.




Gail . Loves to meet new people . . Lwe that dixieland . . Blond ear rnds . . Net him in O m n City . "Anybody want tfs ga ta tbe Grill?'"

. ..


"She bm ib# gjfS f ~ fehiq r !$8 ars H cetrzef mithoai eopnplkht ar w~rry?'

Costnopo!i!an Club 1, 2; Chorale 1; Sigma Eprilon Phi.

Ann . . . Plajh a crazy game of pool . . . Seen but not heard . . . "What's on TV?" . . . A blond in April . . . A redhead in September . . . Gay laughter. "Genlle of speech, beneficetzt of mind."

Spilled In& 2; Ddfa Sigma Sigm&

Jan . . , Oh, that chemistry! . . . Witty , . . Snippy-saappy . . . I'm in a csnstant whirl . Perpetual laugh . , . Oh, that Cal open house!



SHEELRILL A NN MAWY Hhck B m ~ d 2; ~pilted InR 1, 2; S I ~ C I Ac*&iaz I; 2;Lleizq Psi Onreg@1, 2; BsCfa Sigma Sigma.

S k r y . . . Knits with ane hand, pl.ap md@ with the other . , '"That's for sure" . Hares to get up . . . Marb an the calendar , Expert golfer.



of ~zovelfyrrrles most-

. . ..


CosmopoIikzn Club 1, 2; Libra72 Corrncil 1, 2, SecretmyTreasurer 2; the^ Epsilon Nu.


Serno . Laughing eyes and warm friendly smile . . . Welcome addition to every party . . . . "Xet's not kid Partial to brown and white ourselves" . . A little white hous'e, picket fence.



"Good nature is one o f life's fichest gifts."

Guild 2; Psychology Club 1, 2; Theta Ep~ilon Nu.

Jude . . . ~ l d h dbombshell . . . Pert and pretty . . . Hop-ta . . . Quicksilver mine . . . Writes so many letters . . . "About the way" . . . Meticulous.

"Sak your food with humor, pepper it with wit, and sprinkle over /he charm o f good fellowship."

Chapel Choir 1; Cenlenavy Singers 1; Student Council 2; Hall President 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.

Zo . . . Long-legged beauty . . . Loves those fashions . . . "Hush y'all" . . . Another Texas success . . . Oh, those eyes . . . Our fencer.

"As gracioi/s as she is tall, ns kind as she is gracious, with virlues greater than both."

Delta Sigma Sigmd.

Griff . . . "I felt like a penny waiting for change" . . Bubbling over with personality . . . Those Iaughing eyes tell all . . "Drive me foolish."



"Nalhing great was ever achieved without enjhu~iasm."

RUTH ESTHER BRODEUR Chapel Cill~ir1 ; Centenary Singers 1; Student Activizies 1 , 2; D ~ h aPsi Omega 1, 2; Co'osmopolim Club 1; Delta Sigma Sigmd.



T ~ o z i e. . "How are ya, dear?" . . That New England accent . Knack for interior decorating . . . Long nights spent in the sewing lab . . . Never a dull moment.


"Born with tibe gift of laughter.'"



Spilled Ink

2; Gsild 2; Student Ac#iui$ies 2; Cosmopolirrm Cls6 1; Psycbolopy Club 2; Chorale 1; H d k 2; Delta Sqma Sigma,

Missy . . . Neat as a pin . . . Sailing . . . Always wears a smile.. . Naturally curly hair . . "Miss mah haney" . . . "'I think maybe so!"



"Her happiness Rever w ~ e t s ;ber friendship never falters."





Guild 1 , 2; Leaders' Corps 2; Delta Psi Omega 1 , 2; All-Stur Basketball Team I ; Class Volleybull Team I ; Sigma Epsilon Phi.

Judy . . . Whiz in sports . . . Collects '33 albums . . . Mail from California . . . Loves typing? . . . hlodel's figure . . . Advice to the lovelorn . . . "Kinda' makes you wonder, doesn't it?"

"Things don't trsrfz up in /his world zsnless somebody /urns them rsp.''

Avt Club 2; Deb& Sigma Sigma.

Jeanie . . . That certain smile . . . Pleasing personality . . . "Boy, am I snowed!" . . . That Veronica Lake hair . . . Brown and white moves on . . . Blue and gold is gone forever.

"Her eyes as stars of twilight fair, like twilight's too, her dusky hair."

Cbdpel Choir 1, 2; Centenary Sisggss 1, 2, Librarian 2; Pipers 1, 2; Costnopolitan Club 2; Psychology Clrrb 2; Delia Sigma Sigma.

Sue . . . Naturalness combined with sophistication . . . Fascinating dark eyes . . . "Oh, be serious!" . . , Voice of an angel . . , A page out of "Vogue." "Sweeter is y o ~ rsinging to the ear than horzey to the Lip."

Phi Theta Kappa I , 2; Presidents' Club 2: Dance Club I,

2; Book C f ~ b1, 2, P~esident 2; Riding Club 1, 2,

Treqgursr 2; Sigma E p ~ i I mPhi.



Susie Sweet sophisticate . . . Tweed . . Equestrienne . "Easy-you're not serious" . . What a sparkler . . . Horses, horses, horses.

. .


"Forwlrr$ and fiofic gZee was theve, the will to do, the soul to dare."



Art Chb 2; S i g w B$tiEon Phi.


Bunny . . . Well-drasd . . . Understanding . . . Skill with a paintbrush , . , "Good heavens, Henry!" . . . Liws for that phone call . Hair styles.

. .

"lb's nice k be n a r d if yo# are WraEdy ice;''

CAROLINE HARE MCNETT Chapel Choir 1; Centenary Singers 1; Cbos~Le2; W i n g Club 1, 2; Della Sigma Sigma.

Callie . . . Apple eater . . . Always with a smile . . . H9rsewoman . . . Modern jazz . . . Sing like a bird . . . Ready smi!e, ready hand. "A roguish smile, a merry jest, a depth of he& you'd never guess.

SUZANNE NICOLE HARRISON Student Activities 2; Delia Psi Omega 1, 2; Camera Club 2; Riding Club 1; Sigma Epsilon Phi.

. . .

Sue . . . Quick wit . . . Classic features . "Break a leg" . . Lives for week ends . . Sophisticated wholesomeness . . . Flair for acting.


"Go and cdch u fulling


Spilled Ink 1; Guild 2, Board Member 2; Chorale 1; Thela Epsilon Nu.

y .

. Lynnie . . . wlnkllng green eyes . . . Carefree . . . Flashing smile . . . Contagious giggle . . . Keen sense of humor . . . Dark hair . . . Ivory complexion.

"Blessed with temper zuhose unclouded ray car1 make tomorrow cheerful as today."

Hskck 2; Ckapei Ghob a, 2; Centeanry Singers 1, 1; Cosmapolikas Club 1, 2; Psychology C1.d 2; D e l ~ 5 i g m Sigma.

Joanie . . . Lovely blonde hair . . . Radiant smile . . . Her fudge sundaes , . . The "isknd" , . . "You'll get aver it" . . . A great fun lover,

''Fairer thdn Phoebe" f - p h i r s regioned


Spilled Ink 2; S d e n r Activities 2; Delta Psi Omega 1, 2, Secre~avy-Treasurer 2; Castnopo21ian Club I , 2; Psychology Club 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.


Ginger . . . Cinnamon toast . . . Cherie . . Always looking for a little yellow dog . , . Sweet . . . Bundle of fun . . Delta Psi is her playmate . . . '"Fiji,"


"Llving .in )he sunshine of noon and loving the stardx~tednight."

Spilled Ink 1, 2, Business Manager 2; Leaders' Corps 2; Psychology Club 1 ; Sigma Epsilon Phi.

Jan . . . An all-around gal . . . Sense of humor . . . Smile for everyone . . . Happiest when surrounded by small fry . . . "Oh, me" . . . Also likes hockey and art . . . Mischievous.

"The smiles that win."

Hack Boy+ 2, Art Edilor; Sigma Epsilon Phi.

Sal . . . Very handy with the knitting needles . . . "If I don't get some mail tomorrow" . . . Our Rembrandt . . . Makes good pizzas . . . What a record collection. "Art is power."



Psychology Club 1, 2; Cormopolit~rnClub I , 2; Spilled Ink 1, 2; Delba Sigma Sigrnd.


Jaanie . . Knit-Knat . . .'Or would you rather go roller skating . . I'm going to Canada for the week end , . I lost my red sweater . . . Dusty mailbox.



"'A lot of chatfey and a bundle of cheerfulness."

MARY ELIZABETH NELSON Cosmopolitan Club 1, 2; Psychology Club 1, 2; SINdent Activities ?.; Spilled Ink 2; Hack Board 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.

Mimi . . . Has anyone found a steno pad? . . . "Well, dear" . . . Plain pizza, please . . . There must be something wrong with the mail service . . . A fourth for bridge. "Our ideals are our better selves."

KAREN HARVEY NEWTON Presidenjs' Club 2; Ridit~gClub 1, 2, Vice-President Presidenr 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.


Kitty . . . Perpetual live wire . . . AccornpIished horsewoman . . . "Wade through Lafayette" . . . Good conversationalist . . . Big smile for all . Amiable . . . Aspires to nursery school teaching.

. .

"Nothing was eQer achieved without enthusiarm."

Guild I ; Olr/ing Ciub 1 ; Sigmls Epsilon Pbi. :1'

Laine . . . Perpetual smile . . . "I dare you!" . . . Smart dresser . . The hand of Picasso . . . 3 3 m m - d Deadc~:.Xi ErpocEtZF a laugh.

' 2 m r r y beart d

e for ~a nzeurier cosmrenctnce."

PATRICIA FURZE RANDALL Back Board 2; Phi Tbelu Kappa 1, 2; Riding Club 2; Sigma Epsilon Pbf.

Tish . . . Never a dull moment . . . Heard before seen . . . Affable . . . Practical joker . . . Limitless energy , . . "My Baby Loves the Western Movies" :. "I've got to gain weight."


"A combinatian of good nattcre dnd good sense."

KATHERINE DALTON HITCH Hack Board 2; Chapel Cboir 1; Centenary Singers I; Dance Club 2; Cbaraf 2; Theta Epsilon Nu. .


Katie , . . Enthusiasm plus , . Friendly and outgoing . . Understanding coupled with frankness . . Likes a geod time . . Alto haxmny . . Carefree . , Whiz at painting, skating, and dancing . . "Tough nuggies."







"Understanding is the wedth of wedtb,"

Student Acfiuities 2; Cosrnopoliran Club I ; P~yrhology Club 2; Chovale 1 ; Sigma Epsiloa Phi.

Migraine . . . Serious yet cheerful . . . Neat as a pin . . . Forever making schedules . . . "Oh, please" . . . Loves homemade pastry . . . Seeks adventure.

" Deep conrev12 arrd light-heclvted ga.:ely."

Glarb DskJa Sigma .P Grace . . . .Cheerful and wiUing helper . . . C0-5mf






Expressive eyes . . . "You know'" . Unbounded energy . . . Canscientious.

tfAtfje~live~ mmy, smdiug a& sweet; h~ppy, g o d fia/iuedr da& and petite."

G o r u l e I , 2; Psychology Club 1, 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.

Topper . . . That Colgate smile . . . "Those days are gone forever" . . . It's about that diet . . . Fifteen-minute snows . . . "Hitz" . . . "Boy, am I confused" . . . Light on her toes. "They're only trl~lygreat who are truly good."

Spilled Ink


Datzce Qub 3; Dslfa Sipail Sigmd.

Lynn . . . Witty . . . 'You'll die when you hear this" . . Good pianist . . A l w ~ y stalking . . . Happy-go-lucky . . . Such charm.



"kleu@vvoid of hwnar

k g iz;.'

eve? rapdbje

~f ~^ek~b-

Hack Board 2; G i l d 1, 2; Skudent Activities 2; Sigmrr

Epsilon Phi,


Sue . . Loves clothes . . . '"Oh, please" . . . That pixie look . Smile for everyone . . "Oh, I need a haircut!" . . What a talker!

. .



"Youth is the time for pieamre."

SARA ELIZABETH FUDGE Siudent Aaivilies 2: Delta Pri Omega 1, 2; Cosmapotita? Club I ; Sigma Epsilon Phi. '/

Sally . . . Good-natured . . . Loves eight o'clock classes . . . "What's this mess?" . . . "I'm hungry" . Wonderful companion . . That special gleam in her eye.


"A smile for each, a friend




Linda . . . "Cads!" . . . "Dinner downtown maybe?' . . . Infectious giggle . . . Cont"agims smile . . . Pert and pretty , . Lively snd witty , . A friend to all.



"Her &I, her mmniws

who saw ruZ#i.re."

CONSTANCE END:COTT Cosnropali~aaCI'YB 1, 2; Hncdr 1, 4 Psyc&03ogy CIxQ 2; DeIdd Sigma Sigma.

"Ko-KO" . . . FuLI of fun . . . Faithful lettes wvliter . . . Bubble gum , . . Sleep talker , . . "W'angWang BIues". . "What?When 7 Where ?"" . , . Bahston accent . . . '"ame Difference!"'


"Gdety is tbe so&$ h8dth."

GABRIELLE DEHART S~SCWWARZ Spilled Ink 2; Stdent Ac8iaities 2; Della Psi Omega 2; Cosmopolitan 1, 2, Vice-President I ; Dance Club I , 2; PsyckoIogy Club I ; Detfn Sigma Sigma.

. . , Pretty smile and bright brown eyes . . . Take a nap . . . "I want my children!" . . . Prima ballerina . . . Summer sports . . . Charm Gabi

bracelets. "The best elixir is a friend, bur if she be joyful t h d is best,"

C h p d Cbuk 1, 2# Ssrriotral W w 2; Centenary Singefl 1, $; .Piper$ 2; Cosmop~liraaC i d 1; ~ o m i 1 p ~ t h g Cgmmijtee f ;:#/#dani Conmil 2; Ball President 2; D e k Sigma SJgms.


Anne . Friendly smile a d cheery helh . . . Oh, b e musical scales . . Lows to tease her roammate . , Chicken, anyone l , . ."I've gat to get away" . . . Little eyebrows.



"Twe re be9 word and her wonk m8 hw friend$."

THAISMARIEMCALEECE Sidetar Al;ties 1 , 2, Board Member 2; Hack Board 2, Assisant B~~siness i%ftl~#&6'~ 2; Cborak 1, 2; Orientdion Committee 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.

Tha . . , Always in a ray of golden sunlight . . . A certain smile . . . Self-possessed charm . . . Beautiful tumbling hair . . . The eyes of an angel * --Gabriella . . . an enchanted island. "WJB bolllly and wisely i~ the ligbt thou hast."

B m m



S i l M bk 2; dlrie~~kr/ioaCemadflee 2; P~resMw#+' &Nb 2; ~ o s t w p o l i wc~ 1 2, fi$~i.Bslr3; 1; Sigma Epsilm Pbt'.


Barb . . "OH!OH!ON!"'. . . Bubbles in sparkling champgne Competent . FIock ~f fcipnds . . Sincere enthusiasm . That Mona Lisa smile . Sppathetir cham . . P d l y grubbed loak Degree in ha&iness.


. .

"Gad ~


.. . .



4f. kjSr~t."

l r i C~ Qg W~ C rl~ m d t i t ~ d e

Spilled Ink 2; Orimtaliott Cornmiltee 2; Theta Epsilon ,, .I


Char1 . . . Casual sophistication . . . Figure of fashion . . . Frostiness fades under the radiant rays of her smile . . . Candor . . . Myriad charms beneath outward solemnity . . . Beats there a heart so true.

" A zuinning wny-a

pleasdnt smile."

Psgrcbology Club 2; Library Cornmiltee I, 2; Sigmd EpslEon Pbi. .

Flit . . . Always interested in the other fellow . . . Small, but aIways noticed . . . "Tell me about it" . . . Considerate . . . Flirtation accentuated by a sinile and wide eyes. "She that is

af a

marry heart hatb n conrinival fe@~#.'~

Orienrruion Cornrnirsee 2; Preridenrs' Club 2; Stdent Activities 2; W , A. A. Board 2; A q ~ i cClub 2, 2, P~esident 2; Prychplogy C l ~ b1; Studen: Co~mcil 2; H d l Preszdent 2; Sigma Epsilon Pbi.

. .

Sally . . . "Oh, Oh !" . . . A matchless grin . Personality and good looks , . Persistent smile . . . Wow! What a dancer . . . Music maestro!


"Life i s


tije a





Hack Board 2; Dance Club 1 ; Orientaiion Commirree 2; Student Council 2; Theta Epsilon Nu, Vice-Pre~ident2.

Sue . . . Gracefully tall, dark, and pretty . . . "I can't bear it" . . . Loves big cities, but loyal to Uniontown . . . That Ivory complexion . . . Gentle personality . . . So understanding.

"The most I can do for my friend is simply to be his ffiend."

GAYLORD N. MOUNT spilled Ink 1, 2; Orientalion Committee 2; Guild 2; Presidents' Club 2; Music Club 1, 2, Treasnrer I , Prkxident 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.

Gay . . . Soft dassical music . . . Always seeking something extra . . "I'm hun-ga-ry!" . . Long hours at the organ . . . Constant knitter,



"Coneeul~dtalent may bring rep~tatiotz.~'

BRENDA NICKERSON HALL Cba el Choir 1, 2; Ceatenary Singers 1, 2; Presiden~s' Clu! 2; Art C k b 1, -2, Pre~idenj$ Sigmn Epsilm Phi.

Nicky . . . Studious . . . Loves to paint portraits and landsapes . . . Always writing Ietters . . . Boston accent . . . "Oh, hush!" . . . Sunny disposition. "A quiet tongtle shows a wise hiad."

Owlenlairalr .Comneitt%e 2; Hall $#dot 2; Aqwk C3trb I , 2; Sigmd EpsZIo~cMi.


. . .

Sdlie , . White gloves and pearls . Enchanting elegance , Mptic mermaid . . Source of merriment. . Always an mirnratid gljmtner in the whirlpool of life.

.. .

SUZANNE BEATRICE GIRARD Orienk#ion Commiftee 2; Hall Senior 2; Student COIIRcil 2, Vice-Presiden~2; Delra S i g m Sigma.


Sue . . Wide-eyed . . . Gracious spruce . . . Quiet at first, but look again . Guileless . . Lofty values . Serene . . Homemaker of tomorrow.


.. .


"Her voice was ever soft, gentle, and low-dn excellent thivg in w0na.m."


SALLY RUTH BUCK Huck Board 2; Spilled Ink 1, 2; Grcjld I, 2; Student Activities 2; Dance Club 2; P~ycbalogyChb 2; Chorale 1; Signu Epsil0-i~Phi.

Buckie . . . Gun-ho Midwest . . . Smiling strawberry blond . . . Personification of sincerity . . . Potpourri of interests . . . "My life is one big intamption."

"A l o 9

friend, a jolly companion."

LYNNE STEWART CANTLEY Orimgr~~ion Co;slmi~tee2; Cbapel .Choir 2; Centat~~rg Singws 2; Ggi3d 1, 2; Sigma BpsiJm Pdi, bard 2.

Lynne . . . Peppy and pehte. all in one . . . Early to bed, early to citise . . . We&-end jauats . . . Lively and gay . . . Y got a phone all!" ".%dflt?.i~BCYRJ



Dance Club 1, 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.

Bridget . . . Works hard, plays hard . . . A foreign b e a ~ ~ t.y. . Model's clothes, model's figure . . . A matchless pearl . . . "Let me look once" . . Striking blonde with striking eyes.


" A lrldy richly clrld is she, bedutiful exceedingly."



Chapel Choir 1, 2; Centenary Singers 1, 2, President 2; Preside ts' Clab 2; Sixma Epsilon Phi.


Julie . . . St. Louis woman . . . Can't resist New York City . . . What a sense of humor . . . "That's just about enough" . . The voice of an angel . . . Shall we dance?


"Thy voice is like a celestial melody."

YIEVASEELY LUCE Chapel Ch~ir1, 2; Cen#er?rtry Sjn&m 1, 2; G&ld 1; Cl& 2; Pipers 2; Sktuimf COYIPC~~ 5 3e~slary; D r l ~S&ma Sigma.


Sineere interest in others and a bubbling person. Willing to help others . . Ready to laugh . . "PtJell, SQ whi~t!'' . . At home wit6 music as sten~gmphy.


. .




"if made is tbe food of .lawe, plaj @nP

LINDA FOX Dance Club 1, 2; Theta Eprifon Nu. Foxy . . . Knows when it is study time and studies . . . Sense of humor plus . . . Methodical and organized . . . Perfect housekeeper . . . "Chetters" . . . A good friend and genuine person.

"Diligence is the nzother of good forfane."

Hall President 2; Sludent Council 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi, Cbaplin 2.

Ann . . . Elflike twinkle in her eyes . . . Peppy little blonde . . . "Which one today?" . . . Generosity and thoughtfulness are her virtues.

"You are one-half woman and one-half dream."

W . A. A. Board 2 . Aquatic Cfub 1, 2; Hockey 1, 2; ~ a k e t b a l 1, f 2; Theta Epsilon Nu. :i

Jean . . . Innate desire to have fun . . . @ck on the draw . . . Her friends are many and'loyal . tt-tM@fremr.TF&, you all?"



"En~gyand persi~dence conquer all.'"

WENDY A NN MORRISON Phi Thela Kappa I , 2; Chapel Choir I ; Centenary Singers I ; Presidents' Club 2, Vice-President; Delta Psi Omega 1, 2, President 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.

Wendy darling . . . Stardusted eyes . . , Respected, dependable, and desirable . . . Resides in Little Theater . . . "Oh, oh, oh!" . . . Likes all and is liked by all . . . Name in lights.

"How fur the litbe candle throws its beurn."



Cbapd C b ~ k2; Crurnnry S i r r I ; Lhl& Psi O m # 1, 2, vice-Fresidsat 2; deta E p ~ d oNs, ~

Loise . . . Hang a star on her door, and she will be happy . . . A. touch 61 "B'oho" . "Might as well" . . 13ramaticaIly effervescent . , Asphs to acting.

. .


"A pdssion for tShr d r m d i c


ark is i n l i k ~ itf t ./be

nsme of mm."

Use . . . "I got a letter!'" . . . Conkgiws gig&? . . . Willing listener and helping hmd . . . L o w music, baseball, animals, and Pittsburgh . . ... Always lorganized . , . Perfect secretary.

Hack Boa~d 2; Spilled Ink 1, 2, News Ediior 2; Chapel Choir 2, 2; Centenary Singers 1, 2; Signaa Epriion Phi.

Nance . . . Sincere concern for others . . . Constant chatter . . . "I've got to get organized" . . . Diligent worker . . . Loves to visit. "Pleasant is she, dnd full of good intent."

Jrnl~a ANNE DIENER GktA 2; Aq*ufic Chib 1 2; Hall ?wid@ 2; StwdPnt CwndJ 2; ~ j ~ r n E&sllm a Phi.

Judy . . . Jovial and studiaas , . . Loves a good tim . . "Yes, wd!" . . Nmt . , . G o d taste in clothes . . . Water-nymph . . Sure to become a vexy h e nurse.




"I will be d e p&mn



d l pafiexwe?

PATRIGIA A m MQORE G*y"M 2; S~dm1Ac#it,Zties 2: Aqw#?cC k b 1, 5 Board Member 2; DDk SSfgmaLSSgma.


Pat . , . Cudg b m n hair . . Swimming and tennis anthrmiast . . . ''That's nifty" . . . Laves that xadio , , . Kindness is an asset,

"Her ~8iztfetv4W I ~ S3 e g ~ t d ~v#Ie.'" n

PAULINE ELIZABETH BRITT Spilled In.4 1, 2; Cosmopolitan Club 2; Psychology Club 2; Della Sigma Sigma.

Pauline . . . Casual . . . Fun-loving . . . Naptime is any time . . "Anybody got a weed?" . . . Sincere friend . . Pondering over latest social development . . . Best things come in small packages.

. .

"Those who jest in good taste are c d e d wilty."

Cosmopolitan Club 2; Riding Club 1, 2; Della Sigtua :! Sigma.

Dalzie . . ."Gentlemen prefer blondes". . . Always a boy on the string . . . "But it's natural, q e d e l ~ e s t r i e m r e . ~ . ~ m ~ d ~ i s ~ o s ~ tion . . . Future airline hostess. "Like bubbles in a fveshrt of spring




Ckapel Choir 1, 2, Srcliaa fmder 2; Ceaknary Sis a s L . w d t p 2; Gdd .2; CosmopbXi~an I, 2; T ~ 8$szlolr M Nirr.


1, 2j Sect&

Ma1 . . . h g dark tresses , . . Smatt dresser . . . Yemtile interests and abilities . . . y ye ah!" . , That walk . . , Partial to sports q m . . . Sweet with giggle.


'% g o d hart's zuorrh gold."



$pidid I#& 1, 2, Pbata 2; Psyrholsgy

phy E2ite 2; CZUK~ Delta Skgmc.

~ W I I S ~ CCigb



Jude , ., . Blue eyess, fed fury . . Vim, vigor, Pnd laziness . . . "You're sure to fall in love with aid Cape C a d . Staunch advacate- of- Hem.

. .

inpay. '"Tiis the h u m fo#eh ik ibis wddd bbaf #aunts."

Cosmopolilan Club 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.

La-doo . . . "Listen, you all" . . . Wit . . Innumerable friends . . . Sincere and tactful . . Vitality plus . . . Actress and music lover . . Exotic Explorations.

"An ounce of mirth is worth a pound of

. .


H a d B o d 2; S&ardmzt AcciU3ties I, 2, Dwrdiom Gh~irnzsnI , 3; Fpsmpp&zn Cblcb 2; Theta Epsilos N ~ L . Sue . . . sp&ilknadc for decorating R e v s . . . Six-thirty a.m. comes all. too soon! . . . Always sees the midnight sun . . . ' a h , Ladew, let me tell you" . . . M e c i ~ l o u splus.

Studen; Council 2; Dotmilory President 2; Phi Theia Kappa 1 , 2, Treasuver 2; Aquaric Club I ; Sixma Epsilon Phi.

Janie . . . Thoughtful silence . . . Conscientious . . . Keeps those needles clicking . . . Appealing smile . . . Dignified . . . Creative in the kitchen Dependable . . . "Lots of luck." "Silence move musicnl than any




Phi Theta Kappa 1, 2, Secretary 2; Psychotagy Cia6 f, Vice-president 1; Sigma Epsilon Ph.

Jeanie . . . Those vivacious eyes . . . Warm smile . . . Friendly to all . . . Clever . . . Hanest and dependable . . . Good sense of humor . . . "Off to radio" . . . "Really?" "A fdiihful: friend is the medicine of life."

Co~rnopolitan Club 2; Riding C k b 1, 2; Delra Sigma Sigma.

Janie . . . Friendly . . . Summers at Stone Harbor . . , Blond curly locks . . . Another phone call? . . . Around the college campuses in two years . . . Meticulous . . . Unpredictable . . . "What a day."

"True friendship is like sound beaith; the ~ n I t i e of it is seldom dnowa unril it be lost."

Spilled Ink 1, 2, Feature Editor 2; Cosmopolitan Club I;, 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.

Betsy . . . Enthusiasm . . . Pretty clothes . . . Impish smile . . . "Make me get up-no matter what !" Yen for travel . . . Always looking toward the future . . . "You little goos." "Good zuithorrt effort, greut without foe,"

N d B o d 4 MI Th& K@pa 2; Thela Ep~itonNti, Cdapiin I .

Karen , . . Full of pep aad humor . . . "'All right, p i guy<" . . Engaging personality . . . Sunny smile and twinkling eyes . . . Talkative .. . . Considerate.




H&L Boaad 2; Spiihd Ink 1, 2; Pbi Tbettz Kap@ 1, 2; Signrs ?$J~~MP pbi. Platypus . . Rare wmbination of h o w and


understanding . . . Ready for fuca . . . Never leaves a joh half done . . . Happy beart . . . C;enerosiky plus . , , Knack for writing . . . "Get serious ." "Silence is $68 mmather of tridh."



LUCINDA WAIGHT THOMAS Chapel Choiv 1, 2; Centenary Singers 1, 2, Sectipnal Leader 2; Pipers 2; Gulid 2; Stdent Council 2, Class R t - p r e s m ~ i v e2; Theta Epsilon Ng.

Cinda . . . Sparklifig hazel eyes revealing happiness . . . Accomplished tennis player . . . "Got to write that letter" . . . Unassuming . . . Interest in creative writing.

" T h d which benefits us is cheerfulness."

Spilled Ink 1 . Guild 1, 2; Cosmopoliian Club 2; ~ s ~ c h o l o ~ ~ '1; k lChorafe ub 1; Sigma Epsilon Phi.

Marg . . . Outgoing . . . Philosophizes with great depth . . . "Just look at m y waistline!" . . . Intellectually curious . . . Uninhibited. " Life isn't life tuithout happiness."

MARSHA CRANDALL BRAYTON Psychology Ciub 1, 2; S~udeizt Council 2; Hall President 2; Sigm~tEpsilon Phi. Marsh . . Sincere . . . Well-organized . . Chocolate desserts . . . Friendship and loyalty . . A sense of responsibility mixed with fun . . Mischievous smile . . . "'Sort of."


"Loss of dncevity is loss of vital powv.''

CAROLLOUISE ELLIS Agwtic . C l d I, 3; Tbe& E~J~Io?~ N#.

Carol . . . Energetic . . . Giggles . . . Strains of



"Music Man" . Incessant chatter . . . Creative a work . . . "Shase busy week ends . . . Fun l~ving. Mefmaid . "~kat."



"KtzmIedge is a freajuvk, ?,I!ptr@rice is dt.hey to it!"

NANCY MARIE HEYDT Pvesidenr~' Club 2; W . A. A. Board 2; Leaders' Corps, Preside#/ 2; Outing Club I; Theta Epsilon Nu. (1.918)

Nana . . . Pixie smile . . . "Oh, you're kidding!" . . . Statuesque beauty . . . Dislikes late sleepers . . . Sweet and gentle, fair of face.

"So delightful, so fair, pleasing w!thor~t egort, happy without a foe."

AquiJic Club 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.

Wendy . . . Mad knitter . . . Summer memories . . . "Tee hee" . . . Interest in others . . . "Turn up the television!" .

. . Another day, another diet.

"Her dispositiotz is as friendly as her smile."

Phi Theta Kappa 2; Student Activities 1, 2; Book Club 1, 2, Vice-President 2; Student Council 2; Cheerleader5 2; Theia Epsilon Nu.

General . . . Cheerleader . . . Loves good Italian food . . . "Quiet Hours!" . . . "Guess I'll listen to Tchaikovsky; love that beat" . . . Gregarious orator . . . Intelligent . . . Mama hen to all her brood. "The world is her oyster, and with her 14nderstanding she will open it.''

Spilled Ink 1, 2, S p o ~ t s Editor 2;

W .A. A. Board

2, Sejzior Representatiffr 2; Leaders' Corps 2; Delta Psi Y 2; S i g m Epsilon Phi. Omega I ; P S ~ C ~ O Z O ~ Club

Arkie . . . Zo, oh no! . . ."Get serious". . . Tea, anyone? . . . Arkie reports sports . . . N o more studying. It's spring . . . Jack, Jack, the professor's son . . . Conscientious listener. "I am my brother's keeper."

Cosmopoli#dn Club 1, 2, Treaswer 2; Prychology Club 1; Library Comsiitee 2; Del& Sigma Sigma.

. . . Bridge . . . A good word for everybody fun . . . Massachusetts accent . . . Midnight oil . . . The squirrels are taking over Be$

. . . Lover of

. .

the world! . "Oh! That's dose."

"Friendship is the gift of the Godr dnd the mosf Preciozt~boon to man."

Cosmopolitan Club 1, 2; Psychology Club 1; Sigma Epsilon Phi.


Trish . . gubtle wit . . . Going home? . . . Sunday plane ride? . . . Always up to something ,As&air+Jes-,Pa+,7h~e

for bridge? . . . "You're darn tootin'!"

"Has~ethee, Nymph, and bring with thee j e ~ tand youthf ul jollity."

Dance Clab 1, 2; Theta Epsilon Nn.


Lynn . . . "Oh dear!" . . . Fun loving . . Poised Very neat . . . Beguiling eyes . . . Good looking . . . Slim figure . . Many phone calls . . . Lives for week ends . . . Likes to sleep . . Dances . . . Merchandising.




"Shs is pretty to walk with atad witty to id.4 with."

SANDRASUE SIMPKINS Dace .Club, W C ~ ~ ~ X I, ~ $$e$~&wy ~ ~ I # 2; I Nornklpruitzg

CommjfLa I ; Tksta Epsllolf Ntl.


"Not too bad, not too p o d either!" Vivaciaus . . . Eatsy ta talk to . . Good philosophy of life . High-stepper . . Stabesque beauty . , . Domestic . . Bridge ,: . Merchandising or teaching, . Sons


. .


. .

"Tmperdttce L de greatesz sf a& uirt.ur~.~

BARBARA RUTH HATCHER Hack Board 1, 2; Spilled Ink 1, 2; Guild 1, 2; Student Activiries 2; Book Club 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.

Hatch . . . Homework after the Late Show . . . "Is he tweed?" . . . Mad scientist with dry humor . . . Classical music . . . Tri-lingual conversation . . . "C'est la vie" . . . A dreamer.

" It is always the adventurer who acco?nplishes great things."



Gz~ild 1; Sludent Activities 2; Aquatic Club 2; Della Sigma Sigma.

Marcy . . . Phone calls from far away places . . Mischievous . . . "Hatcher, lock the door!" . . Pixie . . . Casual . . . "What's for dinner?" . . Sentimental.

. . .

"The laughter of man is the contentment of God."

ELIZABETH A NN BOYD Aquatic Club I , 2; HaU President 2; Studetu Council 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.

Liz . . . Conscientious worker . . . Generous and understanding . . . "Quiet Hours!" . . . Gregarious at: times . . . Warm smile and winning ways.

"She'd be a welcome link in dny chain of friendship."

Hach Board 2; Cosmopolitan Club 2; Sigma Epsilon

Phi. Jules . . . Jazz . . . Beautiful hair . . . "It's about the way" . . . Happy-go-lucky . . . It's nap time . . . Tidy housekeeper . . . A good listener . . . The late J.T.

"Think no more lass; laugh, be jolly."

SUSAN R H C ~ E L M Ckapei Goir 2; C e @ m r y S ~ . I I ~ M 2; JAg~/rwi~ C h b 2; S $ ~ z a Epsilox Phi.


.. .

Susie . . , "04 really!'' "No kidding!"' . What fun and gteat ts talk to . Industrious . . Loves tennis, swimming, and riding . . . What a gal! Our fgworite transfer student!


"Liuely and qtldd, fjrpy md toeat.''

Guild I ; Sigma Epsilon Phi. .I

Gloria . . . "Well, gang" . . . Arizona state . . . A happy future . . . Turtles . . . Conscientious . . . W o w a r e I X p T n e ~ nEi v 1 6 ' T . T "Poor David."


" A silent /ongue dnd a zuorkiug mind."

Guild 1, 2, Secretary 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.


D . . . Sincere and friendly . . . Fun-loving . . Dependable . . Our talented flute player . . . Wonderful personality with a tinge of quietness.


"She is so free, so kind, so upr n disposiiion."



Sigma Epsilon Phi.

Dot . . . Little girl with a big smile . . . "Golly" . . . Conscientious and fun loving . . . Those brown eyes. "That Light ruhose smile kindles the Universe."



Guild 1, 2; Leaders' Covps 2; Aquatic Club 1, 2; Class Secretary 2; D&a Sigma Sigma.


Karen . . . Carloads of energy . . Capable worker . . Leader of successfuI 1958 Community Chest . . . Vibrance and sincerity intermingled . . . "You're kidding me" . . . Kindness of an angel.


"1 would rather be adorned by beauty of character than by jewels."

Guild 1; Art Cirrb 1; Riding Cia& 1; Tbeta Epsilon Nu, Trearwer 1 .


Pat . . A ;f)alette of bright colors . . . Dark eyes reveal expressive thoughts . . . "Divine, simply divine" . . . Constant companion . . . Picasso personified . . Popular package of fun.


*'My 2tyle and my ~entimentr.are &y own, purely



Freshman class advisor, Miss Mary Frye, is presented flowers by Arden Davis at the Freshman Talent Show.

Freshman Talent Show performers Jean Atwater, Gail Christiansen, Suzanne Feaster.

Freshman Talent Show skit showing Anita Sullivan, Muffy Axt, Liz Henn, Marilyn Van Dyke, Lois Voorhees, Bonnie Brock, and Jean La Vecchia.

Freshman Class Officers Presidnzt





Vice-president ....................................... BARBARA TBIMAN Secretnry ............................................................A NN DOTHARD J EAN ATWATER

Trebsslrer Advisor



C l a s s Song

Class C o l o r s


Black and White

Now let us unfold to you Our hearts with colors true. Proudly we sing as one. Love, pure honor, and faith-these three With lasting friendship as goals have we. Wisdom shall lead us in courage and truth T o the ideals we strive for, now in our youth. Unfurl now the black and white, Symbols of search for right. Forever we follow you. Guide us, protect us through unity, Bind us together with loyalty. May friendship last for the rest of our days As proudly we sing-and forever we praise.

Top roua-Elva Allizon, Toni Rozs, Marilyn Anderson, Susan Andrews. Bottom rozu-Barbara Alpern, Dorcas Allen, Barrie Alll:on, Constance . Abell, Barbara Andercon. - ,.

Top row-Barbara Stone, Sandra Bear, Lynn Benish, Margaret Baxter. Bottom row-Diana Beck, Linda Berlinger, Barbara Batchie. Sheila Bell.

Top TOW-Jean Atwater, Jean Ball, Ina Bardwell, Botfom ~ m ~ - ~ r e n d a Lynn Bishop, Heather Bernard, SaUy Betts, Bar~ a n ~ca k~k r Marilyn , Bailey, Nancy Barwig, Nancy Aufharnmer. bara Blodgett, Dorothy Bisacca, Virginia Black.

Barbara Bodenstab, Dorothy Bogdanowicz, Sharon Bottomley, Gloria Breining, Elsa Boepple. Top row -Barbara Bodor, Stella Brewster, Eileen Boyd.

Top row-Joan Burling, Barbara Britz, Mary Jo Brandt, Diana Brown. Bottom row-Barbara Brown, Barbara Brock, Gail Bryfogle, Linda Broyhill.

Susan Chapman, Judith Calvert, Martha Carner, Kay Jean Chaplin, Joan Chamberlain, Susanne Cady, Nancy Lee Casebolt, Julie Cheshire.

Top row-Ann Cork, Gail Coates, Sandra Clungeon, Julie Chesterman, Judith Clark. Bottom row--Gail Christiansen, Susan Clapp, Mary Jane Copeland.

Margaret Ellis, Polly Eggleston, Valerie Edmunds. Andrea Eastman, Jeanne ~ a ~ l e s h a m Susan , Elford.

Top row-Su: : DuPuy, Rita de Genaro. Bottom row -Margaret " Durham, Veronica Dragna, Ann Dothard, Shirley Dyer, Marianne de Sabato.

Top row-Carol Euler, Carol Fausel, Patricia Falcone, Joanne Buhlet. Boltom row-Susan Feaster, Charlotte Erickson, Janine Evans.

C otte Fry, M la G larol G; ,nst --..: Gelpke, S ----i G ---.---,, Judith --...-. Gail Gerhart.

Bevedy Frank, Bonnie Lee Friday, Joyce Freedman, Nancy Fowler, Carol Fighera, Brad Foster, Alexandra Ephrussi.


Top row-Carlene Frank, Karen Graff, Judith Gleim, Susan Gutman Bottom rozu-Susan Gibson, Nancy C ras, Nancy Glei


Top row-Linda Hamilton, Deborah Hanson. Bottom row-Lucy Haskins, Nancy Harrigan, Mary Haines, Helene Haskell, Jean Halliday.

Top vozu-Carolyn Hurley, Katherine Honegger, Katherine Horter. Botrom row-Laurie Horner, Nancy Howar, Neva Hickman, Joyce Hoffman.

Dale House, SL Hewitt, A Hergesheimer, Ruth Hemminger, Bonney Herrmann, Elizabeth Henn, Gail Zoeller.

Top roul-Gail Eby, Elaine Kinley, Beverly Ek~ngs.Bottom row-Marion Kirk, Nancy King, dargare~ dlog.

Top row-Judith Johnston, Judith Japp. Bottom roru-Salley Huggler, Mary Dee Ives, Kristin Jaffe, Wendy Jesser.

Ruthann Huffman, Harriet Kaufmann, Beverly Henrich, Ellen Kaufmann, Karen Johnston, Joan Jolly.

Top row-Ellen Kratz. Bottom row-Carole Kramer, Dorothy Kramer, Miriam Kressler, Marilyn KoelLn, Janis Koss, Dale Jagemann.

TOP row-Ann Lang, Jean La Veccchia. Bolrom row-Sally Leon, Nancy Lau, Sally Roe.

Top row-Martha MacGregor, Diane McAfee. Bottom zozu-Geraldine Mace, Barbara Lutz, Joan Malnati, Lois Maccubbin.

Top row-Carolyn Luther, Barbara Litchfield, Marguerite Lofft, Anita Lipp, Judith Lachman, Judy Lawrence. Bottom rozu-Barbara Lloyd, Janet Lotz.

Dianne Mansfield, Ann Meredith, Pamela Mein, Cynthia Maxcy, Barbara Margulus, Charlotte Martino, Beverly March, Diane McKaba.

Top row-Anne Morris, Betty Mirkin, Mary Metcalf, Sandra Morrison, Barbara Mott. Bottom row-Marilyn Miller, L~za Moore, Marilyn Moore.

Top rotu-Baruard Mylowe, auxin Nemetz. Bottom row-Joyce Murdock, Carol Nicol, Brenda Nicolai, Lucile Mueller.




.. r

Top row-Elizabeth Nutt, Anita Ozias, Carol Nordstrom, Linda Nigrosh. Bottom rozu-Jean Osterkamp, Betty Nilssen, Nancy North.


- -

Top uozu-Mary Paton, Joan Palmer, Verna Payer, Louise Parker. Bottom vow-Nancy Payne, Fredrica Palmieri, Judith Parish.

Joan Reynolds, Jane Rhinesmith, Susan Powers, Harriet Purdy, Elizabeth Rice, Carolyn Reed, Joan Rayner.

Jean Pillers, Patricia Pierce, Barbara Pickard, Judith Powell, Dolores Pieper, Susan Pettit. :/

Jane Ross, Sandra Rose, Marlene Ritchie, Fernanda Rose, Elizabeth Rogers.

Top row-Cynthia Richter, Margaret Rodgers, Susan Phillips, Sherin Rinehart. Bottom rowJoan Roberts, Sally Ricker, Susan Rockefeller.

Top ow--Carol Rudnick, Marguerite Rowe. Bottom row-Margaret Sauer, Patricia Rutt, Ruth Ruston, Carol Rushforth, Carol Rossi.

Top r o w - w a a y s aeemul~er,brace Ann acnweitzer, Margaret Scott, Linda Schmidt. Bottom rozu -Elizabeth Seamans, Susan Schackne, Ann Scheuer.

Helen Shoup, Anita Smiley, Jacqueline Shea, Kathryn Simon, Sandra Smith, Joanne Smith, Suzanne Sisman.



Top row-Phyllis Springman, Letitia Stephens. Bo&om row-Sandra Smoll, Gail Stadler, Elizabeth Stanley, Judy Spear.

Gail Sylvester, Mary Thomas, Kay Thornton, Jane Thomas, Barbara Teiman, Anne Swicegood, Marilyn Van Dyke.

Anita Sullivan, Elizabeth Strawbridge, Carol Baur, Diane Stephens, Margaret Stirling, Susan Stevens, :I Judith Swensen.

Suellen Van Riper, Christine VOgel, Mary Ellen Uibel, Sandra Veldran, Carol Van Ness, Sally Truax.

Jane Townsend, Linda Tompkins, Jacquelyn Twining, Judith Tjadtn, Faith Tymeson, Elsa TI-.." KOOS.

Top row-Judith Weber, Susan Wignall, Loretta Whenman, Karen Wilbur. Boltom row-Judith Waters, Anna Whitacre, Susan Weeks.

T o p i.oli,--Judith Volkman, Sue War[-en, Karen Von den Deale, Karin von Rieck-Eggebert, Eileen Vogcs, Lois \'oorhccs. l?o//o;)/ r.orr~-Sally Wnrner.

Top row--Carol Wolf, Suzanne Zacher, Roberta Wolk, Suzanne Wyatt. Bolrom row-Marie Williams, Barbara Zimmerman.

Patricia Borak, Noel Curr, Liitua Jaccvy, MaLl4yll Kerr, Susan Koch, Lynne Laughorn, Lynne Lavin, Susan Spencer, Marjorie Steiner, Barbara Lee Young, Marjorie Megargee.






, *


. . .- .


....' .. . . . . .. . *


..r .

. .- . . .

SALLY CALL, As~istant Art Editor

* . ., .

. ...

Hack Staff

-- . .




. '




T h e Hack


N May 1958 preliminary work on the 1959

edition began. Ideas were collected and sifted during the summer. When the staff returned in September, active work began. T h e aim of H A C K this year has been to make the yearbook historically valuable as well as currently comprehensive. Innovations this year are the use of color on the title page, president's page, and dedicatory page; a change from the four-sided senior portrait

first time in the history of HACK a picture of the Board of Trustees; a complete index where one can easily find quick reference to every person, building, or place mentioned in the book; for the first time in many years, the use of midnight-blue ink; an aerial shot of the campus with a companion diagram; the business staff has supplied the volume with many more pages of advertising. T o symbolize our endless search for knowledge,

-Elk Marl Anne Dr I, Vi lomew. Juay usey, Susan noyr, ~ n a l smcnleece, assistant Duslness manager. ~econdrow-aauy Fudge, Toni Voges, Andrea Eastman, Val Edmunds, Ann La Beverly March, Barbara Teiman, Joan Jolly, Mary Metcalf, Gladys Seernuller, Elise ~dminston,?usiness manager. Thivd vow-Judy Platt, Pat Randall, Jill Halliday, Nancy Fowler, Gail Sylvester, Linda Schmidt, Nancy Bicknell, Marguerite Rowe, Barbara Mylowe, Judy Powell. Fourth row--Jean Veit, Katie Hitch, Judy Volkman, Karen Hoehn, Linda Golden, Jane Thomas, Lee Drinane, Barbara Hatcher, Pat Falcone, Rita de Genaro. P,


to the circular; roommate pictures have two rounded sides compared to the-usual four straight sides; the ex p anded use of buildings and grounds as dividers introducing- sections; an endeavor to present a historical year-round picture from February 1958 to February 1959 in the Activities section; the introduction of a new section to be known as Campus Visitors; providing the Alumni Association with a full page; introducing for the

we have chosen the endless sea as the theme of the 1959 HACK. W e now leave the port of Centenary, which is but another point -of our continuing - search for the riches of life; and now we embark, each of us, to our own quest. This book pays its own tribute to the H A C K staff and to its co-workers as well as to Mr. Howard Niper, official college photographer, and Mr. Robert W. Kelly, publisher.

Student Court


HE initial purpose of the Student Court is to uphold and maintain the standards set forth in the Honor Code. It strives to promote integrity, it encourages respect for the regulations and the traditions of the college, and it helps to maintain high standards and ideals. The Student Court is made up of ten members, including three officers, the president of Student Council, and three representatives of each class. The court functions as a unit$ and the decisions are achieved only by a unanimous vote. This year the chief goal of the Student Court was to strengthen and support the H~~~~ code and to offer to those who have made mistakes assistance and guidance. Only with continued cooperation can the ideals of the Honor Code be fully realized. Only with continued, wholehearted support, can our Honor Code reach the perfection that we wish it to achieve.

OFFLCERS President













First row-Miss Mary Bigelow, Nancy Creighton, Carol Tolk, Pat Rose, MISS Margaret Hight. Second row-Gail Christiansen, Suzanne Sisman, Mary Curtiss. Third rous-Brinda Cowart, Barbara Connell, Barbara Gndell.

Student Council HE Student Council is the governing or-


ganization of Centenary College for Women.

These legislative members of the Student Government Association strive to uphold, to follow, and to strengthen the rules and regulations of the college which are based upon the ideals of individual responsibility, loyalty, and honor. OFFICERS President ...................................................

The objectives of this organization provide each


student with opportunities to develop a sense of


individual reponsibility and to work constructively



Secretary ................................................................. Treasurer





for her college with representatives from both classes elected by the student body.


Advisors .................................... DEANS MARGARET HIGHT AN D


First vow-Miss Mary Bigelow, Peggy Davis, Debby Johnson, Vieva Luce, Sue Girard, Eliane de Gunzburg, Polly Dreher, Margie Wechsler, Carol Tolk, Second row--Jo Eberhart, Cinda Thomas, Linda Gardella, Jane Eller, Susan Nemek, Ginny Black, Ann Lothgren, Miss Margaret Hight. Third row--Nan Thompson, Judy Diener, Liz Boyd, Carolyn West, Miriam Kressler, Marsha Brayton, Julie Chesterman, Heather Bernard. Fourth roucGayle Hanna, Barbara Batchie, Jane Rhinesmith, Bonnie Runyon, Karin von Rieck-Eggebert, Sharon Bottomley, Barbara Blodgett. Fifib row--Xonia Kargl, Ann Mavon, Peggy Davis, Mary Rosenquest, Marion Kirk, Faith Tymeson, Jane Thomas, Harriet Purdy.

Pivrt r-Miss Mary Bigelm, Mts. M w d S a q , Elirrbeth Joyce, Chyle H a w , Dt, Edtrratd b y , MI Margaret Hight. Ssco~d ow-Susie Foxrest, Gail Parks, Polly Dzeher, Peg: Pauky* Mshtg Bexnquat Bobbi Contatable, HidIq> Cam1


Talk, hhy Fmkbiwr, Cam1 S b h t .

P h i Iota OFFICERS President .......................................................... GAYLE H A N N A

AND h h R Y


HI IOTA, the honorary leadership socieg consists of major campus organization heads. Aims aid to direct its combined judgment toward improving standards of the college, to promote harmonious relationships between students and faculty, to discuss problems of student life, and to give each faculty member the opportunity to submit suggestions for consideration and action. Phi Iota, meeting monthly at the president's house, is guided in discussions and decisions by President and Mrs. Seay, and Deans Margaret Hight and Mary Bigelow.


First ,"-Pat

Hedley, Mrs. Marcy AndtLJvAL. Second row-Polly Dreher, Carole Sleght, Liz Joyce, Julie Meier, Peggy Pauley, Carol Tolk, Sally Walton, Susie Forrest, Kitty Newton. Third row-Sue Byrne, Joan Ross, Gayle Hanna, Gay Mount, Mary Rosenquest, Abby Greene, Brenda Hall, Pat Devlin, Bobbi Contestable.

P h i Theta Kappa OFFICERS



Secretary Advisor


Treasurer .................................






O N O R is synonymous with Phi Theta Kappa, the National Honorary Scholastic Fraternity for two-year colleges. Fundamental purpozes are to promote scholarship, develop character, and activate fellowship among the various chapters. Candidates must maintain high scholastics, possess good citizenship, and participate in activities. Each semester the association gives a Dean's List Tea. Besides selling newspapers and magazines, "Phi Thet" sponsored a Sock Hop. Proceeds send delegates to the National-phi Theta Kappa convention and contribute to the scholarship fund.


First row--Jane Eller, Pat Rose, Pat Hedley, Joan Musick. Second row-Karen Hoehn, Sue Byrne, Linda Gardella, Brinda Cowart, Carol Tolk. Third row-Joan Ross, Judy Platt, Peggy Pauley, Pat Randall, Sue Rhett.


F i r ~ ttow-Mary Rosenquest, Judy Casey. Secoi~d

row-Linda Lee. Jane Wilgus, Ann Raymond, Mrs. Marcy Anderson, Thais McAleece, Sue Engel, Carol Steves.

Student Activities OFFICERS

President ...................................




Advisor ....................... MRS,MARCYA N D E R S O ~


H E Student Activities Council is ar organization, the main purpose of whick is to direct and integrate the social and recreational activities on campus. I t strives to please every social taste in its planning of events. T h e council holds dances throughout the year, beginning with the Hi-Hop. I t is also responsible for the Mum dinner, holiday dinners, fun nights, inter-dorm activities, and the bulletin board announcements. T h e council consists of the president, secretary-treasurer, and four student members.


Firs) row-Sue tiutman, Janet Bockrath, Lee Drinane, Linda Stapleton, Ruth Teal, Mrs. Rheta George, Carole Sleght, Dorothy Spach, Betsy Pettit, Judy Sailer, Nan Thompson. Second row-Julie Cheshire, Barbara Mylowe, Sue Gerhardy, Judy Waters, Jean Ball, Ann Lang, Nancy Davis, Gail Sylvester, Charlotte Stickney, Gabi Schwarz, Barbara Witt. Connie CUDD.Cindv Rav. Third rowMargie ROW^, Judy ~ l a t t ';~ a u l i n e~ r i i t ,Toni Voges, Ginny Black, Susie Feaster, Brenda Bailey, Dee Woodward, Barbara Thompson, Lynn Duncan, Gladys Seemuller, Mary Metcalf. Fourth row-Joyce Freedman, Carol Nicol, Sally Warner, Barbara Bodor, Joan Roberts, Joan Malnati, Margie Steiner, Faith Tymeson, Jacqueline Shea, Judy Volkman, Marilyn Anderson, Carol Rossi, Marjorie Axt, Charlotte Martino, Ellen Kratz, Gay Mount, Barbara Hatcher, Judy Powell, Nancy Bicknell, Sherry Mackay.


Spilled. I n k PILLED INK, the college newspaper, is published ten times a year. This season an extra issue was devoted to the completion of Dr. Edward W. Seay's tenth year as president. The:'increase in circulation is a result of the paper's new approach to readers. T o capture attention, the publication has added to readability such features as a monthly fashion picture or sketch; Around the Grounds, calling attention to the maintenance department; Ink Splashes-5, 10, and 15 years ago items from SPI.LLED INK; Birthday Greetings to students, faculty, and staff; Slight Verse, poetry in light vein; more student creative writing and art work; a student art


First row-Dorothy Spach, Carole Sleght. Second rowNancy Carson, Betsy Pettit. Third row-Connie Cupp, Janet Bockrath, Judy Sailer, Ruth Teal, Linda Stapleton, Nan Thompson, Lee Drinane.

column; at least one photograph per page; colored ink; changes in the nameplate; and more attention paid to mechanical make-up. STAFF Editor ........................................................... R O L E SLEGHT Assoc.;ate Editor ....................................... D O H SPACH Advisor ................................................ MRS.RHETA G EORGE


The Guild

Pre~ident.................................................... ELIZABETH JOYCE Vice-president ....................................




Secretary ............................................................ DORRIT BRIGGS Tsea~urer ........................................................ REBECCA ASHE


.................................................. .... M R .



HE Guild is the religious and philanthropic organization on the campus.

Its main service effort is the Community Chest Drive held in the fall. At Thanksgiving the girls deliver food baskets to the needy families in Hackettstown. The meaning of Christmas to the members is children and gifts. The Guild combines these two by giving a Christmas party for a nearby orphanage. The Guild also sponsors Religious Emphasis Week during the Lenten Season. This is a week devoted to a series of special services conducted by an outstanding speaker. The Guild also sponsors a food sale, a clothing drive, and a book drive for Korean students. The Guild is one of the busiest organizations on campus-not for itself, but for others-through the spirit and enthusiasm of the membership.

First row-Marilyn Fosdick, Dorrit Briggs, Liz Joyce, Polly Kingston, Becky Ashe. Second row-Joan Reynolds, Judy Calvert, Sue Hoyt, Jane Wilgus, Pat Moore. Third tow-Steve Sturges, Wendy Jesser, Marilyn Clark.

First row-Alexandra Ephrussi, Sandra Morrison, Linda Schr..---, Dee Woodt.-.-, Cynthia Richter, Judy Japp, Bev Henrich. Secotrd row-Julie Chesterman, Kay Honegger, Judi Clark, Sandy Veldran, Nancy Cushman, Carol Rudnick, Debby Hanson, Bette-Jean Schlech. Third row-Caroline McNett, Nancy Casebolt, Gail Sylvester, Sandy Smith, Pam Mein, Eva Lowgren, Barbara Mylowe.



F a student enjoys singing and has not joined the Centenary Singers, the Chorale offers another opportunity to enjoy ensemble singing. Members meet once a month to sing informally and thus discover the exciting and satisfying world :bf music: popular songs, show tunes, and secular music. Singing on the steps after Christmas vespers and caroling in the front parlors are contributions of the Chorale to the Christmas spirit. Throughout the year the Chorale, along with the Centenary Singers, entertains men's glee clubs. Also, the organization occasionally leads the congregation in Sunday evening vespers.

OFFICERS President ............................................. B



Secretary-Treasurer .......................................... DUNE BECK Advisor ................................................... MR. GEORGE GANSZ

Eversharps HENEVER the Singers and Pipers perform, the Eversharps are close behind. This is the smallest organization within the Centenary Singers, consisting of only four girls. Musical ability, good vocal qualities, and showmanship are necessary qualifications for this group picked from Pipers.


The Eversharps includes in its repertoire barbershop numbers, show tunes, Negro spirituals, and the well-loved popular songs of the day. Mr. George Gansz, advisor.

Top to bottom-Judy Cann, Lane Cuowell, Louise Pieper, Janis Koss.

Fhst rot-Becky

Pipers HE Pipe!! is a group of girls chosen from the membership of the Centenary Singers who display showmanship as well as musical ability. As a general rule they sing novelty and popular tunes.


Included in their repertoire are such songs as "Hi, Neighbor," "Careless Love," and "Supposin'." Mr. George Gansz, advisor.

Ashe, Joanne Smith, Talnrny Finkbiner, Barbara Bodenstab, Marguerite Lofft. Peggy Baxter. Second row--Lane Crowell, Mollie Speidel, Ann Mavon, Jud Sload, Dorlores Piper, Janis Koss, Cinda row-Sue Smith, Judy Cann, Vieva Thomas. Luce, Nancy Geighton, Julie Meier.




President Vice-president



Secretary-Treasurer Advisor




............................................M R.


Pit.st row-Barbara Batchie, Gail Gerhart, Nancy Lau, Barbara Bodenstab, Ann Hergesh~mer,

Nancy Rodgers, Susan Hewitt, Sandra Bear, Loretta Whenman, Carol Rushforth, Peggy Scott, Lynn Benish, Barbara Anderson, Marilyn Anderson, Nancy Carson, Marilyn Clark, Joanne Smith. Second row-Sally Roe, Jane Rhinesmith, Judy Waters, Margaret Ellis, Peggy Baxter, Margie Brown, Charlotte Erickson, Carol Van Ness, Nancy King, Marguerite Lofft, Susan Nemetz, Polly Eggelston, Dee McKaba, Diane McAfee, Becky Ashe, Sue Reichhelm, Mary Finkbiner. Third row -Judy Sload, Dolores Pieper, Mary Ellen Uibel, Lane Crowell, Brenda Hall, Ann Mavon, Jean Ball, Gail Coates, Jane Garber, Veronica Dragna, Sally Leon, Polly Kingston, Janice Koss, Joan Van Winkle, Sue Chapman, Charlotte Fry, Peggy Davis. Fourfh row-Mary Jo Brandt, Verna .,Payer, Judy Cann, Liz Rogers, Nancy Payne, Cinda Thomas, Mollie Speidel, Nancy Creighton, Stella Brewster, Lynn Reed, Vieva Luce, Susette DuPuy, Julie Meier, Sue Smith.


HE Centenary Singers is an organization composed of about 70 girls with musical ability and an interest in singing good music.

concert tours in the East. They attend professional concerts in New Y o r - City.

As well as providing entertainment on campus with Christmas carols in the ,,adors, Christmas and Easter vesper programs, they make recordings, perform on radio and television, and go on

Throughout the year the Singers exchange concerts with numerous men's colleges-including Rutgers, the University of Pennsylvania, and the U. S. Merchant Marine Academy.


President ...............................................................



Vice-president .......................................... D OLORES PIEPER Advisor ............................................. M



Firs1 rout-Margie Brown, Sue Nemetz, Sue Reichhelm, Nancy King, Nancy Lau, Kay Thornt Charlotte Erickson, Nancy Rodgers, Susan Hewitt, Ann Hergeshcimer, Carol Rushforth, Barbara Bodenstab, Joanne Smith, Dee McKaba, Peggy Baxter, Judy Sload, Polly Eggleston. Second rowMarilyn Anderson, Sally Roe, Gail Gerhart, Diane McAfee, Margaret Ellis, Marguerite Lofft, Barbara Batchie, Sandra Bear, Lynn Benish, Marilyn Clark, Loretta Wheoman, Carol Van Ness, Judy Waters, Jane Rhinesmith, Peggy Davis, Becky Ashe, Margaret Scott. Third row-Jane Garber, Dolores Pieper, Nancy Payne, Cinda Thomas, Lane Crowell, Joan Van Winkle, Jean Atwater, Gail Coates, Veronica Dragna, Sally Leon, Janice Koss, Benda Hall, Mary Ellen Uibel, Charlotte Fry, Nancy Carson, Mary Finkbiner. Fourth row-Sue Smith, Julie Meier, Ann Mavon, Susett DuPuy, Stella :Brewster, Sue Chapman, Liz Rogers, Mollie Speidel, Nancy Creighton, Lyn Reed, Sue Andrews, Vieva Luce, Mary Jo Brandt, Verna Payer, Judy Cann.


At the beginning of the year auditions are held for those girls who have musical talent and an of fine music.

of great Masses to the Negro spirituals of Amer-

Since most of the members of the Chapel Choir belong to the Centenary Singers, they participate in the activities of that group also.

HE Chapel Choir brings the message of music

to Sunday evening vesper services. The material performed by the choir ranges from portions

ica's heritage. Many modern compositions are also included in its repertoire.

Delta P s i Omega OFFICERS President .................................................. W ENDY MORRISON Vice-President ..............................................


Secretary-Treasurer ................................. VIRGINIA LYTLE Advisor .................................... MR. E UGENE YOUNGKEN

HE Centenary Little Theatre's season opened with an Agatha Christie mystery, "The Mousetrap." Lois Saunders, Fredrica Palmieri, and v a n - ~ i l l i a m s(now an old-timer to CCW audiences) headed the large cast.

T Van Williams, professional actor, interrogates the guests of Monkswell Manor in the Little Theatre's first production this season, "The Mousetrap," by Agatha Christie.

In March the theatre presented the heart-warming "Grass Harp" by Truman Capote and closed the season in May with William Marchant's hilarious office comedy, "The Desk Set."

Siuing-Janet Gilmore, Ruth Brodeur, Dorothy Spach, Joyce Kesert, Linda Golden, Gabrielle Schwarz. Firs1 row-Judy Decker, Julie Kunkler, Joan Ross, Eliane de Gunzburg, Sally Fudge, Mr. Eugene Youngken. Second row-Virginia Lgtle, Gayle Hama, Sue Harrison. Third row-Joan Soule, Barbara Contestable, Lois Saunders.

Art Club OFFICERS hesident





Secretary .................................... ELIZABETH STRAWBRIDGE Treasurer Advisor






RT appreciation and artistic ability are the tools in this club. Artistry is put to work by the making of posters for college events. Appreciation is furthered by lecture-demonstrations presented by guest speakers. The club also sponsors a movie and has a booth at the Penny Carnival. An auction sale of art work by students and faculty ends the season.

First row-Barbara Roy, Joan Ross, Marilyn Vogt. Second row-Alexandra Ephrussi, Bess Nutt, Jane Wilgus, Carol Steves, Gail Sylvester.

Camera Club OFFICERS Fjrd row-Lynn Duncan, Helen Foster, Mrs. Gilberta Heaslip, Brenda Hall, Bets Strawbridge, Linda Osterkarnp, Carol Nicol. ~econdYrow-Ann Lan Virginia Bartholomew. Carol Rudnick. Harriet ~ a u f r n a n . Tean Miller, sherin Enehart, Bess 'Nutt, Maw Metcalf, judy Lawrence, Sharon Bottornley, Pat Pierce, Shirley Dyer, Lynn Reinhardt, Barbara Mott.















0 people interested in photography this club offers an opportunity to further interest and skill in the field. The meetings consist of developing, printing, and enlarging pictures with the excellent facilities available. Speakers and general discussion help members perfect their photography with proper timing, correct lighting, and placement of the subject. The only requirement for membership is interest.


#, !$


Fir.rt ~ozv-Sandy Nordstrom, Arden Davis, Barbara Mylowe. Second row-Peggy Ellis, Sue Bycne, Dr. and Mrs. Graham DuBois, Linda Gardella, Mary-Jo Brandt.

Ann Hufnagel, Nancy Fowler, Linda Hooley, Molly Carner.

Book Club

Psychology Club



President .............................................................. SUSAN B YRNE

Presidenj ............................................................ LINDA H OOLEY

Vice-President ..........................................LINDAG ARDELLA

Vice-president .......................................



......... D R . A N D


Secretary .................................................... Treasurer ........................................................ Advisor

.............................................M R .




_HE Book Club (1929), the first organization at Centenary, holds an esteemed place in the college's schedule of extracurricular activities.


Once a month the girls meet at the home of Dr. a d Mrs. DuBois to discuss literature in all its forms. Each girl is given a chance to tell of the books that she has enjoyed and also to give her opinion of the other books being discussed. The DuBois' great fund of knowledge has made for many inspired evenings and has resulted in greater reading enjoyment for the club's members. For thoze who enjoy the rew worlds offered through literature, Book Club is a way to share literary experiences.




SYCHIATRY and criminology are two subjects which come to life once a month when the Psychology Club meets. This club gives the members a greater understanding of human behavior through the interesting and stimulating discussions it holds. Guest speakers and factual movies help illustrate and clarify many points the girls discuss. These discussions and movies help give the members a clearer picture of the problems facing the psychologists and psychiatrists of today and of how they are attempting to solve them. The Psychology Club offers rewarding and memorable experiences to its many active members.


Coslnopolitan Club

Music Club


T H E Music Club is a way to learn more about 1 music. With access to the collection of records in the college library, the club strives to relate interesting historical and technical facts about the records played at the monthly meetings. Members are encouraged to speak on phases of music that they particularly enjoy. Guest speakers add interest to the club's agenda.

President ........................................... BARBARA T HOMPSON Vice-president Secretary Treasurer









Advisor ................................. ........D R . W ALTER G LAETTLI


HE Cosmopolitan Club, one of the largest organizations on campus, is for all those students who are interested in foreign countries and civilizations. During the year the club sponsors speakers, panel discussions, and films pertaining to the languages, customs, and social and economic problems in other parts of the world.

Highlights of a membership come in the form of trips to classical music centers in New York City.

The highlights of the club's activities are several meetings with similar clubs from Lehigh and Lafayette, the annual movie, and the yearly trip to the United Nations.

Barbara Young, Qnne--Meredith,

Barbara Thompson, 00s.

First row-Karen Graff, Gay Mount, Mr. Norman Grayson. Second row-Polly Eggleston, Betsy Seamans, Janet Cornell, Joanne Buehler, Third row-Ina Bardwell, Sandra Rose, Bonnie Brock, Jean Pillers, Linda Tompkins, Jeanne Eaglesham, Elsa Thur de Koos, Alezandra Ephrussi, Judy Waters, Polly Haines. Fourlh row-Judy Parish, Betsy Mirken, Pam Mein, Sandra Smith, Lucy Haskins, Barbara Roy, Joan Ross, Gail Stadler, Marjorie Megargee, Joan Reynolds.

OFFICERS Psesiderzt ....................................................G AY LORD M OUNT Vice-President ........................................... K AREN G RAFF Secretary .......................................... ELIZABETH SEAMANS Treasurer .................................................. ABIGAILG REENE Advisor ................................. MR. W . N ORMAN GRAYSON

Radio-Television OFFICERS Co-Station Afatzagers......J OAN MUSICK,JOAN ROSS Music Librarian A N BROWN Advisor ........................................... MR. STEFAN GEORGE


pjt'~6 row-Margaret Sauer, Ann Bird, Karen von RieckEggebert, Linda Stern, Judy Powell, Ann Hufnagel, Bess Nutt. Second row-Abby Greene, Carolyn Luther, Gail Christiansen, Elaine Kinley, Mary Ann Griffin, Barbara Bosserman, Sally Warner, Miss Ruth Scaboough.

Library Committee OFFICERS President secretary





SociaI Chairman

ADIO STATION W N T I was issued its licence by the Federal Communications Commission July 31, 1958, the first day of broadcasting took place December 3, and the dedication ceremony was held March 4, 1959. Broadcasting hours are 3 to 7, Monday through Friday. The tower and transmitter are located on Thomas Drive, Oak Hill Manor, on the Mount Bethel Road, one mile northwest of the college. The broadcasting studio facilities are located in the basement of Van Winkle Hall. The station is operated in all its phases by the girls taking the radio/TV courses. They acquire experience in station management, in traffic rnanagement, as librarians, announcers, engineers, and continuity writers. Centenary College for Women and the SRT television studios of the School of Radio and Technique in New York City are affiliated, whereby Centenary will grant academic credit to its graduates who complete the TV course offered at SRT.







HE Library Committee's main objective is to have a well-organized and actively functioning Student Library Committee which is primarily concerMd with furthering library interests and student use of the library.


The committee serves in an advisory capacity on library functions and policies. The members hostess in the library on special occasions, recommend book purchases, and publicize library activities and services. The club also plans'activities to emphasize the importance and value of books, reading, and research in the lives of college students.

Maw Rosenquestg de Gunzbugl 'lick, Julie Kunkler, Barbara Young, Jane Brown, Judy Decker, Joan Musick, Jo:- R.oss.



Sitling-Mrs. Lois Backenstoss, Linda Hawkins, Tammy Finkbiner, Joan Soule, Irene Polley, Dr. Elwood Backenstoss. First row-Bobbi Contestable, Jane Wilgus, Margie Wechsler ,Mary Nelson, Chahla Vossough, Marilyn Fosdick, Judy Lachman, Sue Zacker, Arden Isberian, Linda Stapleton, Debbie McCandless, Polly Kingston, Jenny Ladew, Jane Watkins, Ann Scheuer, Barbara Roy, Pauline Britt, Elaine Swalm, Ginger Lytle, Mary Ann Lorentzen, Joan Van Winkle, Ruth Brodeur, Gabi Schwan, Ann Mavon, Susie Wyatt. Second row- Karen Wenz, Sherin Rienhart, Sandy Veldran, Judy Casey, Betty Ann Tierney, Marilyn Vogt, Barbara Anziano, Pat Falcone, Sue Schakne, Judy Swensen, Noel Gove, Dolores Pieper, Beverly Henrich, Ginny Black, Nancy Gingras, Charlotte Erickson, Marguerite Lofft, Barbara Teiman, Dorothy Kramer, Bonnie Friday, Betsy Pettit, Doll Spach, Linda Hooley, Connie Endicott, Grace Eriksen, Marjorie Megargee, Joyce Murdock, Harriet Kaufmann, Ann Bird. Third row-Janis Koss, Ginny Bartholomew, Jan McCaughey, Dale Kennedy, Judy Sailer, Alexandra Ephrussi, Susie Weeks, Nancy Rodgers, Sally Warner, Marlene Ritchie, Lynne Thomas, Judy Sload, Joan Rayner, Carol Wolf, Beverly March, Marie Williams, Bonnie Brock, Elsa Boepple, Lynn Duncan, Dale Jagemann, Cindy Richter, Sandy Morrison, Carol Baur, Anita Lipp, Susie Sisman, Judy C. Parker. Porrth row--Marilyn Miller, Susie Hoyt, Joan Roberts, Joan Elfenbein, Rita de Genaro, Charlotte Martino, Linda Broyhill, Janet Eastwood, Sherry Mackay, Anne Morris, Jean Ball, Barbara Young, Susan Feaster, Betty Mirkin, Susan Gutman, Phyllis Zonfrilli, Barbara Bodenstab, Gayle Reilly, Diane McKaba, Judy Waters, Sue Elford, Pat Pierce, Lee Drinane, Karen Johnson. Pifth row--Lois Voorhees, Betty Nilssen, Judy Volkman, Kim Haskell, Phyllis Springman, Doris Cox, Sue Girard, Lois Maccubbin, Gayle Hama, Sue Chapman, Janet Lotz, Carlene Frank, Marjorie Axt, Carol Van Ness, Rebecca Ashe, Harriet Purdy. Vieva Luce, Caroline McNett, Sally Francis, Gail Lewis, Sue Smith, Judy Brandow, Polly Haines, Barbara Britz, Jean Pillars, Gail Stadler, Karen von Rieck-Eggebert, Barbara Mylowe, Martha Jane MacGregor, Marilyn Anderson, Barbara Bodor, Judy P. Parker, Joyce Kesert, Mary Ellen Uibel, Abbie Greene.

Delta Sigma Sigma



Vice-President Secretary


.............................................................. .IRENE

Tveasr/rer .................................................




PPROXIMATELY one-third of the girls at Centenary belong to Delta Sigma Sigma, or as it is more popularly known, Callilogian. One can tell a Cal girl by her friendly spirit, her cheerful smile, and her propensity for wearing red and white-the Cal colors. Cal sisters are working toward a loyal and lasting unity. With the help of her advisors, the Backenstosses (the "B's"), Cal actively participates in such activities as Song Contest, Sweetheart Ball, Dad's Day, and the literary and scholastic contests. Every Cal sister, no matter where she might be, raises her head when she hears the Cal song and knows that "Cal Is Love."

Szttj~zg-Mrs. Fred Odell, Karen Hoehn, Pat Klee, Swan Forrest, Linda Golden, Mr. Fred Odell. F i ~ trow-Jane Thomas, Heather Bernard, Miriam Kressler, Arden Davis, Carol Nicol, Sally Truax, Carol Gaede, Judy Gehman, Marilyn Clark, Margaret Williams, Judy Parish, Beverly Ekings, Karen Newton, Susan Powers, Thais McAleece, Judy Baynton, Barbara Young, Ann Hergesheimer, Sally Ricker, Connie Abell, Linda Hamilton, Nancy Lau, Sue Stevens, Spicey Allison. Secoad row-Liz Rogers, Grace Schweitzer, Karen Johnston, Wendy Jesser, Lyn Benish, Peggy Baxter, Anne Swicegood, Kay Hotter, Marguerite Brown, Dale House, Lynn Bishop, Judy Smith, Linda Stern, Sandra Simpkins, Brinda Cowart, Sandy Nordstrom, Carol Rushforth, Julie Chesterman, Sally Huggler, Judy Powell, Sue Warren, N a n q King, Andy Eastman, Valerie Edmunds. Third row-Nancy Baker, Susan Phillips, Dianne Mansfield, Anita Ozias, Judy Weber, Susan Gerhardy, Barbara Anderson, Pam Mein, Sally Leon, Peggy Davis, Elizabeth Joyce, Stella Brewster, Barbara Bosserman, Gail Coates, Joanne Smith, Dana Arnold, Pat Hedley, Ann Dothard, Janice Evans, Nancy Fowler, Jane Townsend, Deborah Hanson, Sally Betts, Peggy Davis, Patricia Devlin, Linda Fox, Laine Dunkle, Nancy Bicknell. Fourth row-Nancy Kirk, Dorothy Bisacca, Jane Rhinesmith, Ruthann Huffman, Kay Chaplin, Nancy Barwig, Linda Tompkins, Janet Cornell, Joan Reynolds, Joan Jolly, Joyce Freedman, Elsa Thur de Koos, Dorrit Briggs, Barbara Batchie, Lynda Corkery, Linda Lee, Katherine Hitch, Susan Rhett, Lynn Guiler, Charlotte Stickney, Mary Jo Brandt, Linda Berlinger, Nancy North, Lucinda Thomas, Gail Parks, Polly Dreher, Judy Coleman, Jane Brown. Fifth row-Barbara Blodgett, Diana Brown, Jill Halliday, Jean Atwater, Verna Payer, Betsy Searnans, Gail Gerhart, Polly Eggleston, Bonnie Zimmerrnan, Judy Calvert, Barbara Mott, Barbara Candell, Janet Gilmore. Grace Pastore, Nancy Creighton, Molly Speidel, Mary Rosenquest, Eliane de Gunzburg, Ann Hufnagel, Sandy Strachan, Susanne Cady. Donna Woodward, Marilyn Moore, Lane Crowell, Judy Fritts, Jean Coleman, Mary Norman.

Theta Epsilon Nu


RIENDSHIPS will last throughout the years." Unity and spirit are characteristic of Theta Epsilon Nu, better known as Peithosophian. "~lekkedto the gold and blue . . ." Peith participates in the inter-sorority events, such as the Song Contest, Sweetheart Ball, Dad's Day, and hhe literary contests. "Happy are we; we live in unity." The friendliness of the Peith girls is known to all. It has been a truly memorable year for Peith, thanks in no small part to her advisors, Mr. and Mrs. Odell.

OFFICERS President





Secretary ...........................................................



Treasurer ................................................. Advisors ........................... M R .



Sigma Epsilon P h i OFFICERS President

........................................... A R ~ R E T PAULEY



.............JEAN VEIT

Secretary .......................................... GRETCHEN GERECKE Treusurer Advisors

.................................... R .................. D R . AN D

started off the year with an Open H o u ~ e for the freshmen and went on to join efforts with the other sororities in presenting the Sweetheart Ball. All Diok members swung their hearts with the black and gold and participated in the annual Song- Contest.




The more talented Dioks wrote and placed entries in the literary contest and then joined in the fun and the when dads and daughters got together on campus. All Diok members are ever true to their motto and are "Seekers of Wisdom," giving the other two sororities competition for the scholastic trophy. "We pledge our love and loyalty" is echotd around the campus as Diok sisters strengthen the hands that hold them through the passing years.

Silting-Mrs. Ellen Dalton, Gretchen Gerecke, Jean Veit, Margaret Pauley, Roseann Willoughby, Dr. Ernest Dalton. First to+Susan Brown, Elise Edminston, Nancy Carson, Barbara Thompson, Sally Roe, Joan Rayner, Kay Thornton, Lynn Reinhardt, Sally Fudge, Susan Reichhelm, Brenda Hall, Ann Rice, Carolyn Reed, Rosemarie Schreyer, Merle Flitter, Elizabeth Boyd, Faith Tymeson, Brenda Nicolai, Sandra Grammes, Connie Gelpke, Gladys Seemuller, Mary Metcalf, Suzanne Colegrove, Julia Meier. Second vow--Karen von den Deale, Susan Hewitt, Diana Beck, Sue Pettit, Gloria Griggs, Suellen Van Riper, Ann Lothgren, Aldine Hitzel, Nancy Glenn, Kay Honegger, Nancy Casebolt, Gail Sylvester, Sue Andrews, Lucy Haskins, Elaine Kinley, Sandra Bear, Margaret Scott, Barbara Witt, Susan Byrne, Nan Rose, Brenda Bailey, Carol Lee Fighera, Susan Nemetz, Betsy Stanley, Nancy Davis, Louise Parker. Third row--Carolyn Luther, Linda Schmidt, Nancy Cushman, Eileen Boyd, Sally Buck, Elizabeth Nutt, Jean Eagelsham, Chris Vogel, Kristin Jaffe, Linda Jacoby, Jackie Shea, A M Lang, Carol Euler, Gerry Mace, Judy Diener, Ina Bardwell, Ellen Kaufmann, Barbara Litchfield, Susette DuPuy, Ruth Teal. Foavth row-Ruth Hemminger, Julie Cheshire, Janet Bockrath, Dee Ives, Elva Allison, Margaret Gibson, Sallie Mills, Jane Eller, Judy Platt, Barbara Fischer, Joyce Hoffman, Barbara Alpern, Sandra Smoll, Marilyn Koelln, Shirley Dyer, Gail Zoeller, Sharon Bottomley, Barbara Brown, Ellen Kratz, Cynthia Ray, Carol Rudnick. Fiflh row-Mary Copeland, Patricia Randall, Judy Johnson, Julie Kunkler, Sue Rockefeller, Helen Foster, Helen Shoup, Ann Cork, Barbara Margulus, Xonia Kargl,' Carol Tolk, Gaylord Mount, Karen Graff, Judy Deacon, Brenda Maigren, Joan Musick, Marsha Brayton. Judy Clark, Anita Smiley, Charlotte Fry, Martha Gerber, Judy Gleim, Gail Christiansen, Gail Eby, Margie Rowe, Marylee Patton, Sally Walton, Jane Ross, Margaret Ellis.

First row-Debby McCandless, Gail Parks, Miss Bette Rhoads, Mary Norman, Ver . Second vow-Barrie Allison, Jean Coleman, Linda Stapleton, Sally Walton, Ruth Teal, Kitty Newton, Judy Coleman, Pat Devlin.

Women's Athletic Association


HE Women's Athletic Association promotes dass competition, sportsmanship, and spirit on the campus. Every girl is a member. The association is divided into four divisions: the Aquatic Club which presents an annual show, the Dance Club which entertains at the President's Ball, the Leaders' Corps which assists the Physical Education Department in its classes and other athletic functions, and the Riding Club which organizes a Horse Show. In addition to the clubs, the sports calendar is / made up of inter-collegiate and intramural competition in team as well as individual sports. Some of the highlights of the year are the Penny Carnival, the ski trip, bowling parties, Field Day, faculty-student games, and the Winter Carnival. Awards for athletic achievement during the year are made at the spring Awards Chapel in May. Regardless of athletic ability everyone can play an important part in the program by offering her support and spirit.

OFFICERS President Vice-president ............................................. Y Recording Secretary ...............




Corresponding Secretary ...................... UDY C OLEMAN Treaurer .................................... ...DEBORAHMCCANDLESS Advisor ...................................... 2 BETTE RHOADS

R i d i n g Club

Leaders' Corps


H E Leaders' Corps is one of the clubs in

W. A. A. and is open to seniors who have

successfully completed the course in sports theory and methods. I t gives the girls more training in leading sports events and becoming active leaders. The activities of Leaders' Corps include helping the physical education instructors in their gym classes, officiating, scoring, and timing at class and intramural games. Also members serve as hostesses for visiting teams.


ARLY morning breakfast rides, paper chases, a Gyrnkana, and the annual spring Horse Show are only a few of the many activities that the Riding Club has on the agenda for the year. At the Horse Show a trophy is given to the girl in the club who has shown the most spirit, enthusiasm, and co-operation.

The girls use what they have learned for events not only here at school but also at summer jobs.

Through the facilities at Way-Rest Farm i n Tranquility, all the riding classes and club activities are carried on during the year. The Riding Club, sponsored by the Women's Athletic Association, is open to any girl who is interested in these riding activities.



President .................................



Secretary-Tredsurer .......................................... LINDA SMITH Advisor ............................................... s


President 2 Vice-president .......................................... A


Secretary ................................................................. J A N Koss Treasurer ..........................................................A



Advisor ..................................................... MISS MARY F RY E

First row-Sue Forrest, Sophia Norris, Linda Smith, Linda Stapleton, Karen Johnson, Gail Parks. Second row -Janet Bockrath, Judy Decker, Cindy Ray, Miss Mary Frye, Miss Alice Eherts, Mary Rosenquest, Mary Nor. man, Judy Parker.

First row-Karin von Rieck-Eggerbert, GaiJ Sylvester, Beverly Ekings, Caroline McNett, Mary Jo Brandt, Dottie Kramer, Jacqueline Shea. Second r o e J o a n Jolly, Barbara Witt, Kitty Newton, Janis Koss, Sue Byrne, Anita Smiley, Judy Clark, Rita de Genaro.


Fhst row--Liz Boyd, Lois Voorhees, Judy Sload, Marilyn Miller, Trish Devlin, Pat Moore, Judi Clark, Susan Hoyt, Polly Dreher, Brad Foster. Second row-Carol Ellis, Judy Coleman, Jean Coleman, Sallie Mills, Gerry Mace, Betty Nilssen, Ela~neKrnley, Jane Brown, Wendy Hutton, Judy C . Parker, Karen Johnson. Thiid row- Barbaa Blodgett, Val Edmunds, Sue Reichhelm, Peggy Stirling, Nancy Baker, Birdle Payer, Arden Isberran, Karen Wenz, Miss Bette Rhoads

Aquatic Club


HE Aquatic Club has proved to be both enjoyable and informative. Membership is based on a series of competitive tests performed before a senior rating board of six girls. Upon being accepted into the two officers-the vice-president and secretary-are elected from the freshmen members.

OFFICERS President







Seirejary ............................................................ LOIS VOOIZHEES Treasurer

.................................................................... UDY





The skill of synchronized swimming is practlced every Monday night when the club meets for its weekly splash in the pool. Every other year the club produces a water ballet. Not only do members swim routines In this show, but also they make costumes and floating scenery. During the year the members demonstrate skil!s at other colleges, providing a wider scope for the learning of new routines.



Terpsichores OFFICERS

President .......................................................A L L Y WALTON Vice-Presjdeflt ........................................... A N MCAFEB Secretary ..................................................... SANDRA SIMPKINS Treasurer ......................................................A H AMILTON A d v i s o ~........................................... M I S L YNN M ORLEY ERPSICHORES, the dance group, is an organization which provides opportunity to develop self-expression in choreography as well as dance techniques. Requirements for membership are designated by the dance group board and its faculty advisor. In order to develop and grow in modern dance, the organization meets every Monday night. A short business meeting is followed by one hour of work in techniques and creation. This past year the Terpsichores presented a concert and danced on the lawn at the President's Ball in June.


First row-Linda Gardella second rou,-susan F~~

hes shire.


ung, Linda Golden. I Margulus, Julie


HE function of the Cheerleaders-three seniors and three freshmen selected from tryouts -is to arouse class spirit. With original cheers written by the group, they cheer at all home and away games in hockey, basketball, and softball. Miss Lynn Morley, advisor.


First row-Linda Hamilton, Sandra Simpkins, Miss Lynn Morley, Sally Walton, Diane McAfee. Second row-Gabi Schwarz, Linda Fox, Dale Jagemann, Joyce Kesert, Grace Schweitzer. Third row-Katie Hitch, Lynn Guiler, Judy Tjaden, Judy P. Parker, Mary Rosenquest, Sue Byrne, Dee Ives, Ruth Hemminger.

. ,



Dean Hight is presenting the very happy Peggy Wilson, Callilogian president, the coveted trophy after that sorority's performance in the song contest.

President Edward W. Seay crowns Margaret Wilson of Maywood as Queen of the Intersorority Sweetheart Ball held at the college, March 1, 1958. At left is Linnea Ogren, of Williamsville, New York, lady in waiting.

1958 graduate Carole Millar, winner of Centenary's

Glamour Contest.

Laurie Cochran, eight months cld, has heard that colleges are going to be crowded in the years to come. She is ma!cing certain that ,there will be room for her at her mother9s.fa!ma mater, by completing her ap~lication to enter in September. 1975. with Mrs.Mabel W. Kelley, administration counselor. Holding Laurie is her mother, Mrs. James L. Cochran, of Hackettstown.

an -

Linnea Ogren, president of Diok, holding Chief Lottsapoppas on Dad's Day, 1958.



Senior Class gift to the College.

., Participating in the 1958 senior queen activities are Carole Yates, Washington, D. C.; Penny Reed, Wayne, Pa.; President Seay; Queen Phyllis Warren, Mt. Holly, N. J.; Lainie Lewis, Paxton, Md.; Carole Millat, Mer:hantville, N. J.; Crown Bearer, Lani Niper, Hackettstown, N. J.




Songs on the Steps. Penny Carnival. Barbara Bodenstab tries a hole in one on the CAL golf coursz while her dad and President Tammy Finkbinder look on. Baccalaureate, June 1958. Lawrence E. Toombs, Drew University, Baccalaureate speaker, with Dr. Edwa~r,dW. Seay.

Jill Halliday arrives 01 npus with her parents while Tammy Finkbiner looks on.

Frc.bli~n.~n*l';tlc.nt Slio\r. Oct. 31. 1 V 5 S

Students sign Honor C

relrn upen House.

Joe Prather, Princeton Orange Key man, introduces Princeton freshmen to Judy Swensen and Sue Schakne at the HiHOP.

3AL Open House.

:ontestable, Thais McAleece, and :tee (in white) sing to Diney typical freshman.

Diok Open House.

Presentation of special Spilled

Ink issue to Dr. Seay honoring his ten years as president.

958 hockey champions.

Dancers watch Lester Lanin's orchestra perform special music at the formal senior week end, Christmas Cotillion.

Charlotte Erickson, Jean Ball, Sue Wyatt, Anne Swicegood, Beverly March, Arden Davis portray a skit from the Freshman Jacket Ceremony.

Van Winkle Inter-Dorm Basketball winners: First r-ouMary Rosenquest, Linda Golden, Linda Gardella, Mollie Speidel. Second rozo-Jean Veit, Ginny Bartholomew, Polly Dreher, Judy Coleman, Karen Johnson, Jane Wilgus. Third rozu-Cynthia Ray, Judy Baynton, Debby McCandless, Barbara Connell, Grace Pastore, Linda Stapelton.

Centenary nurses: Mrs. Ida Kugelman, Mrs. Edith Cheyney, Mrs. Nellie Dorcas in the conference room of the newly remodeled and redecorated infirmary.

Speech recital participants: Roseann Willoughby, Judith Decker, Donna Woodward, udith P. Parker, Dana Arnold, Ba ara Contestable, Carol- A Tolk, Diane McAfee.


Grill Staff: Mrs. Edwina Bastido, Mrs. Helen Grover, Mrs. Jenny Doa,fling, Mrs. Milly Drabick observe Centenary students during a quiet moment.

Visitors L







Campus Visitors

l j r . doward Anderson


S H E Reverend Howard E. Anderson, pastor of the University Church, Bloomington, Indiana, and chaplain at Indiana University, was the leader of the annual Religious Emphasis Week, taking as his theme "A Search for Religious Reality." Dr. Anderson opened his series by preaching at vespers February 9, 1958, and continued with addresses in chapel each day of the following week. The Guild, campus religious and charitable organization, sponsored evening programs in the Reeves Student Union Building during this period. Authors from the Hackettstown vicinity were guests att a tea in their honor Monday evening, March 24, 1958, at Taylor Memorial Library. Members of the Student Library Committee served as hostesses under the direction of the librarian, Miss Ruth E. Scarborough. This tea marked the start of National Library Week observance. The first annual Theatre-of-the-Air Contest given over WNTI, educational FM broadcasting station of CCW, was held Friday, May 2, 1958. Casts from eight secondary schools in New Jersey,

Literary authors visited the campus during National Library Week. Joseph Krumgold, Hope, N. J.; Mrs. Chesley Kahmann, Great Meadows, N. J.; Mrs. Edward W. Seay and President Seay; and A. M. Sullivan, Saxton Falls, N . J. Jane Daggert Grlin

W N T I Theatre-of-the-Air Contest winner, North Plainheld, New Jersey, high school.


Juil I QL Robert Mann, Robert Koff, Raphael Hillyer, Claus Adam.

Van Williams. >



N~~ yo&, and pennsylvania presented plays which the public heard over WNTI. Each participating school competed in a half-hour production. North Plainfield High School, New Jersey, won first place and received a plaque. In the picture President Seay is presenting the plaque to Miss Betsy Fetherston, president of the Dramatic Club at North Plainfield. Witnessing the presentation is the cast of the winning play, "Blithe Spirit" by Noel Coward, and the group's advisor, Mrs. Kathryn Bevens. As a part of Fine Arts Week, Sunday evening, May 4, 1958, in Whitney Chapel, the Juilliard String cuartet played in concert. Alro during Fine Arts Week, Thursday morning, May 8, Mrs. Jane Daggert Karlin gave a talk on "Religion in the Arts" in chapel. Mrs. Karlin is instructor in religious art at Drew University. The Little Theatre performed its third play of the searon, "Ring Round the Moon" by Jean Anouilh, May 8, 9, and 10. Mr. Van Williams, star of the Broadway stage and television, had the lead ro!e of the twins. Mr. Williams is well known to

Hackettstown audiences because of his former appearances in Centenary productions. Mr. John T. Cunningham, feature writer for The NewmR N e w and a recognized authority on New Jersey history, delivered the Commencement Address Saturday, June 7, 1958. His topic was "Who Are They ?" Mr. Cunningham is the author of four widely read books on the state. He has written groups of articles which dealt with the state's colleges and universities, and with scenic and historical sites. Miss Lilian Kallir, pianist, gave a concert in Whitney Chapel October 5, 1958. Born in Prague, Czechoslovakia, of Austrian parents, she made her debut at the age of four and two years later began studying violin. At sixteen she won the National Music award which led to concert tours of the United States and Europe. The United States Merchant Marine Academy Glee Club, under Mr. George Rose's direction, sang in concert December 6, 1958. The accompanist was Paul Hamburg, seventh grade student at Great Neck Junior High School, Long Island, where Mr. Rose is also director of vocal music.

John T. Cunningham, feature writer for The Newark News.

Lillian Y-'I:- -:mist.

United States Merchant Marine Academy Glee Club.


mer-r from twenty-two states, Prnama, ancl Hawaii comprise the club. This program r',,as piut of an cxchangc plan vu'he reby thc Ccr-rtcnary Sir-rgcrs appearccl on their campus at a latcr datc. Calr'in Marsh, Mctropolitar.r Ope ra baritor.rc, appcarcd in his sccond Ccntcnarl,concert Dc-


7, 19i8. Being onc of the most actirc

sirrgers of the Mctropolitan Association,

Mr. Marsh

nou' lives in New York. Dtrring tl-re months when the opere house is closcd, he tours extensir.ely. In tl're Little Theatre January 13, 1959, Mrs. Elcenor R. Ruppert spoke to the Psychology Club. Mrs. Iluppert is director of education at Clintolr Farms, State Rcformatory for !7omen, State oi New Jersey. Shc hes bccn associatecl u'ith Tcrnplc Univcrsity and lves dean of womcn rt Btrckr-rcll prior to coming to Ncw Jerscy. Or-rc of the leacling chamber mLrsic groups con-

rtizing todry, the Clarer.r.ront String Quartet, prescntccl a conce rt Febmary 22, 19f9. Tire cluartet, wl.rich hacl its ciebut in t95.1, has a repertoirc of seventy-Iir.e works, covcring liter:rtr-rrc from thc clrliest t-nasters to aclvlncccl r.noclcnrs.


Crrlvin tr{rLrsh. XfcttopolitiLn Opt-r,r brtritonc

Elcrrnct R. Ruppc'rt. dircctor-

of eilucation. Clinton Frrrs


cnront QLLLrtct \(/cistrrur Irr,in{ Klt-in.



A l u m n i Association RADUATES, who by paying dues and by contributing to the annual giving fund, appreciate what their college has done for them and recognize the need for all to share with the trustees, president, and faculty in guiding the future of their' college and active alumni. To maintain and further a strong National Alumni Association, each graduate is advised to become an active member. This way she will share in promoting the spirit of felIowship and good will toward the college - and will be aware of her opportunity to extend its educational advantages. Becoming an active member not only will enrich the heritage of the college but also will expand her own educational values. Membership fees the first year are one dollar through a special arrangement with the association, providing payment is made before graduation. Thereafter dues are three dollars yearly. Paid membership annually includes the May Alumni Day campus luncheon, voting privileges, and the three issues of The Bulletin (the best medium for keeping in touch with classmates and school news). As with household magazines, it is important to notify the Alumni Office at Centenary College of changes in name or address. This will ensure mail delivery. Besides the national 'organization there are ten area chapters: Baltimore, Bergen-Passaic, Central Connevficut, Fairfield County, Lehigh Valley, Long Island, Manhattan, North Jersey, Philadelphia, and Westchester. Choose the nearest one for active local participation. These clubs have both business and social programs. They also provide opportunity to meet and know alumni in the area. Local chapters conduct fall getacquainted parties for incoming freshmen, returning seniors, and recent graduates. These parties avail freshmen the opportunity to meet


Mrs. Niehalas J. Hook, presidmt of


Alumni Asso-

classmates and graduates before reaching the campus. I n this way many freshman questions can be answered in advance. The yearly fund drive combines dues and the Living Endowment Fund donations. Through this annual fund appeal a substantial contribution toward the needs of the college is made. The first three dollars of each annual giving check is automatically deducted for dues, unless other instructions are received. The National Alumni Association meets semiannually. The fall reunion this college year was held November 1, 1958, at the Waldorf-Astoria in New York City. This was a social reunion. The second reunion was Alumni Day on campus May 23, 1959. This was a business-social meeting. At the campus reunion Centenary looks forward to seeing her alumni return. This is an opportunity for alumni to note how their contributions have been utilized. Local chapters welcome alumni from all areas to meetings other than their own. Centenary alumni have no geographical boundaries.

PATRONS Mr. and Mrs. Simon Alpern Dr. and Mrs. Wm. S. Ashe Mr. and Mrs. Lewis D. Bailey Mr. and Mrs. E. George Ball Mr. and Mrs. Wm. West Bartholomew William H. Barwig Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Baur Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bear Mr. and Mrs. J. Nelson Benish Mr. and Mrs. Barney Berlinger Mr. and Mrs. Ralph L. Bernard Dr. and Mrs. Francis P. Bicknell Mr. and Mrs. George Bisacca Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Black Mr. and Mrs. Jos. H. Bockrath Mr. and Mrs. 0. Bodor Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Bosserman Mr. and Mrs. John A. Bottomley, Jr. Mrs. William B. Boyd Mr. and Mrs. P. 0. Brandt Mr. and Mrs. John C. Brayton Mr. and Mrs. Therman Britt Mr. and Mrs. Clarence M. Brobst Mr. and Mrs. Clair L. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Harry U. Brown, Sr. Bryfogle's Wholesale Florist Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Buck Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Buhler Dr. Richard W. Burget Mr. a$ Mrs. Earl B. Candell Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Cann Mr. and Mrs. G. Louis Carner Mr. and Mrs. Howard H. Casey, Jr. H. Clayton Chamberlain Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Christiansen Mr. and Mrs. Robert M: Clark Mr. and Mrs. William J. Connell

1 I

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Contestable Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Cornell Rear Admiral and Mrs. Kenneth K. Cowart Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Cox Mrs. Charles M. Crown Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Cupp, Jr. Wayne Damon Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Ernest A. Davis Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Deacon Mr. and Mrs. David H. Decker Mr. and Mrs. A. de Genaro Irwin A. Diener, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Donaldson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. Dragna, Jr. George K. Dreher Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Drinane Baroness De Gunzburg Mr. and Mrs. Ronald N. Duncan Dr. and Mrs. Walter J. Eastwood Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Eberhart Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Edmiston Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Ekings, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert F. Endicott Mrs. Charles R. Eriksen Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Erickson Mr. and Mrs. William R. Evans Mr. and Mrs. Irving Elfenbein Mrs. Charles A. Fausel Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Finkbiner Mr. and Mrs. John A. Fischer Mr. and Mrs. William W. Fisher, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Forrest Mr. and Mrs. San~uelD. Foster, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Foulke Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Fowler Mr. and Mrs. Russell E. Francis

PATRONS Mr. and Mrs. Werner Frank Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Fritts Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Fudge Mr. and Mrs. George F. Gaede Mr. and Mrs. George J. Gardella Mr. and Mrs. A. Gelpke Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gerhsrdy Myron P. Gillnore The Girards Mr. and Mrs. William H. Cleim, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Burton Gove Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. Graham Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Grammes Mrs. Howard Greene Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Griggs Mr. and Mrs. George H. G~riler Mr. and Mrs. Louis Gutman Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Seymo~~r Hall Mr. and Mrs. George S. Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. John R. Hanna Mr. and Mrs. John T. Hatcher Mary and Paul Hedley Mr. and Mrs. I. John Herrtnann Mr. and Mrs. J. Delano Hitch, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Hitzel Mr. and Mrs. Raymond G. Hoehn Mr. and Mrs. John R. Honegger Mr. and Mrs. Willard V. Hooley Mrs. Joseph Horner Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin House Mr. and Mrs. A. Joseph Hownr ,! Mr. and Mrs. Ha~niltonC. Hoyt Mr. and Mrs. George L. Huff~nan Mr. and Mrs. Frederick I;. Hufnagel Mr. and Mrs. John H. Hurley Mr. and Mrs. J. Peter Jaffk Paul D. Japp Benn W . Jesser Mr. and Mrs. Gottfried K. Johnson

Mr. and Mrs. James H. Joyce Mr. and Mrs. John Kaufmnnn Mr. and Mrs. William King, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kirk Mr. and Mrs. W . B. Klee, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Koch Mr. and Mrs. John Arnold Kratz Mr. and Mrs. S. Lavin Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Lce Arthur W . Litchfield Mrs. Samuel Lloyd U. Lowgren Mr. and Mrs. Torry J. Lucc Mr. and Mrs. G. Edwin Macclibbin Mr. and Mrs. W . G. Mackay Mr. and Mrs. Waldemar E. Maigrcn Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martino Mr. and Mrs. Ellis C. Maxcy Millicent Greene McAfee Mr. and Mrs. Andrew I.'. McCandless Mr. and Mrs. Duncan I. Meier, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Felton Metcalf Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Miller Clinton L. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Sydney L. Moody Mr. and Mrs. Richard Morrison Mrs. Beryl Mount Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Musick Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Newton Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nicol Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Nigrosh Mr. and Mrs. N. Matthew Nilssen Mr. and Mrs. M. Alton Norman John R. North Miss Frances Nutt Mr. and Mrs. James R. E. Ozias Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Pal~nieri Mr. and Mrs. John Parish Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Parker

PATRONS Mr. and Mrs. Lester A. Parks Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Pnuley Mr. and Mrs. Arch Payne Mr. and Mrs. Townsend B. Pettit, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Phillips, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James H. Platt Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Polley Mrs. Jane D. Powell Mrs. Nathaniel G. Randall Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Reilly H. A. Reinhardt Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Rhett Reverend and Mrs. Herbert Rhines~nith Mr. and Mrs. Carl F. Richter Mr. and Mrs. Allan M. Rinehart Mr. and Mrs. Herbert S. Ritchie Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand D. Rose Mr. John F. Rose H. H. Rosenquest Mr. and Mrs. Murray Ross Kenneth T. Rowe, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Rutt Mr. and Mrs. George Sailer Mr. and Mrs. John Sailer Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Schei~er Mr. and Mrs. Howard A. Schlech Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Schmidt Dr. and Mrs. Gabriel A. Schwarz Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Seamans Mrs. Mortimer J. Shea Mr. and Mrs. Carl Slaybaugh 'I Mr. and Mrs. John N . Sleght Mrs. P. Hoffer Sload Mr. and Mrs. Alfred P. Smith, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Dean D. Smith Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Clyde H. Smoll Mrs. Rufus A. Soule

Mrs. Margaret Spach C. W. Springman Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Stauft Mr. and Mrs. Charles W . Stephens Mr. and Mrs. S. Logan Stirling Dr. and Mrs. Mortimer J. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Leo Teiman Mr. and Mrs. John A. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. E. Thornton Mr. and Mrs. Pablo Thur-de-Koos Dr. and Mrs. A. J. B. Tillman Mr. and Mrs. George Tjaden Dr. and Mrs. N. R. Tolk Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Townsend Ernest F. J. and Helen M. Uibel Mrs. Vincent Vandervoort Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D. Van Winkle Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Veit Mr. and Mrs. Milton H. Veldran Mr. and Mrs. Milton E. Vogt Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Voorhees Dr. and Mrs. Loftus L. Walton Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. Waters Mr. and Mrs. Joe Watkins Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Weir Dr. and Mrs. Harold M. Whitacre Mrs. Rexford N. Whaley Mr. and Mrs. A. Ray Whenman Mrs. W . J. Wignall Dr. and Mrs. Ivan D. Wilbus Mr. and Mrs. William F. Wilgus, Jr. S. C. Willoughby Mr. and Mrs. Lester R. Winternitz Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Witt Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Woodward Mr. and Mrs. Alfred M. Wool!ey Mr. and Mrs. Ray E. Yakes Mr. and Mrs. William I. Young A Friend


Our association with you in photographing the Hack this year has been a most pleasurable one. We shall miss your faces and your friendships. To each of you we offer our best wishes and good luck in the attainment of the goals Centenary has helped to set.




Botdny Yarns - Hosiery


Lingerie - Millinery







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GOWNS - CAPS - HOODS For Colleges and Universities


Choral and Glee Club Robes


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Compliments of






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I~zsti/z/!iona/Food S ~ p p l i e r s Heding Oil nrzd G~soli~ze

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EASTON, PA. Distributors of

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Compliments of Compliments of


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Best Wishes lo



COMPANY, Inc. From the Home of Quality Laundry and Dry Cleaning Services

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Stroudsburg, Pa. Serving /be Fdcuhy rind Str/detz/s Phone 2433

of Centemzry College


Compliments o/

THE GENEVIEVE SHOP Ladies' and Misses' Wearing Apparei

W e wish to express our warm thanks for your friendship and patronage during the past year.




Lumber - Coal - Millwork Builders Supplies LOWE BROTHERS CO. PAINTS HACKETTSTOWN, N. J. Phone GArden 5-3100

























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Is ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - G u d r a n t e e d

. . Your Best Buy in Butter



Cotnpljments of

Complimerrts of

Philadelphia Alumni Chapter

North Jersey Alumni Chapter





Conzpliments of

Compliments of

Fairfield County Chapter

Lehigh Valley

Centenary Alumni Association

Centenary Alumni Club


Cot?zpljments of

Bergen-Passaic Chapter of the

Centenary Alumni Association

o f you and your classmates upon your school life achieve


immortality i n a carefully planned and executed yearbook. From the arid desert o f Arizona, and the sultry green island o f Puerto Rico, t o the snow-blanketed slopes o f Northern N e w England, we have traveled, happy and proud t o have been an instrument in the translating into print, the humor pathos, excitement, and sentiment found i n the campus l i f e o f over seventy-five colleges and preparatory schools.

As former members o f yearbook staffs i n our school days, w e bring into our professional duties a real understeinding


the many problems confronting each yearbook editor.



Abell. Constance Vivian Administration Building Allen, Dorcas Winslow Allen Hardware

142 210

Anderson, Barbara


Anderson, Mrs. Marcy S 18, 162, 163 142, 164, 168, 169, 175 Anderson, Marilyn Andrews, Susan Dunning 142, 169, 177 43, 175 *Anziano, Barbara, B. March 21, 10 Carteret PI., Garden City, L. I., N. Y. *Arnold, Dana, B. Nov. 2, 500 Great Rd., Saylesville, R. I ........................................ 82, 176, 193 *Ashe, Rebecca Ann, B. Jan . 26, 418 Fox Chapel Rd., Pittsburgh 38, Pa ....60, 164, 167, 168, 169, 175 . Athlet~cF~eld . 184 Atwater, Helen Jean 0 141 142 169 176 Aufhammer, Nancy Axt, Marjorie Ann



Backenstoss, D r. R. Elwood ................................. ....14, 175 Bailey, Brenda Lynne .............................................................................................................................................................. 142, 164, 177 Baker, Nancy Frances 142, 176, 180 -142, 164, 168, 175, 193 142, 173, 177 Y. 125 ...................... ........................ 214

*Bartholomew, Virginia Dickinson, B. Oct. 6, 29 Dartmouth Rd., Mountain Lakes, N . J.

71, 159, 171,175, 193

Bartholomey, Mrs . Edwina 20 Barwig, Nancy Joan 4 176 Batchie, Barbara Jeanne 142, 161, 168; 169, 176 .......................................... 152, 175 Baur, Carol Joan ...................................................... Baxter, Margaret Ruth 42, 167, 168, 169, 176 *Baynton, Judith Lee, B ........................67, 176, 193 Bear, Sandra Allison .-....... ......... 142, 168, 169, 177 Beck, Diana Jeanne . 142, 166, 177 Bell, Sheila E. 142 Benish, Lynn Diana 4 168, 169, 176 Bensbn & Bostrom Roofing Co. . 214 Bergen-Passaic Alumni Berlinger, Linda Lenor Bernard, Heather Lynn *Betts, Margaret Arnes, ....................... . . . 32, 161 Betts, Sally Elizabeth 142, 176 'Bicknell, Nancy, B. Dec. 20, 11 Estabrook Rd., Shrewsbury, Mass. 79, 159, 164, 176 Bigelow, Miss Mary D . 2 , 160, 161, 162 Bingham, Mrs. Marjorie T ........................................ 15 *Bird, Anne Lorane, B. Jan . 2, 763 Wyoming Ave., Wyoming, Pa ......................................... 4 174, 175 Bisacca, Dorothy Helen 4 176 Bishop, Lynn Frances 4 176 . . Black, V ~ r g ~ n iFlory a . . 142, 161, 164, 175 Blodgett, Barbara Ann Blue Coal Corporation *Bockrath, Janet Margaret, B. March 31, 1730 Woodland Rd., Abington, Pa. 97, 164, 177, 179 Bodenstab, Barbara Helen 4 167, 168, 169, 175, 188 Bodor, Barbara Ma 64, 175 Boepple, Elsa Ruth 42, 175

142 Bogdanowia. Dorothy Ann Borak, Patricia Ann .......................................... " .................................. 153 *Bosserman, Barbara Ann, B. Jan . 19, 126 Highland Pkway, Kenmore 23, N. Y 59, 174, 176 193 Bostido, Mrs. Edwina 1 2 161, 171, 177 Bottomley, Sharon Lynn -... ..142, 177 Boyd, Eileen Genevieve 132, 161, 177, 180 *Boyd, Elizabeth 'Ann, B. Jan . 28, 69 N o. Church Rd., ~ranklin,N . J. 4 , 175 *Brandow, Judith Ann, B. Jan 1, 14 Oak Knoll Rd., Sumniit, N J. 1 3 168, 169, 172, 176, 179 Brandt, Mary Josephine *Brayton, Marsha Crandall; B Feb. 14, 2405 Edgehill Rd., Cleveland Heights 6, Ohio-126, 161, 177 Brelming, Glori Kimberly 142 Btewster, Stella Yates .-............. -1 168, 169, 176 134, 165, 176 *Briggs, Dorrit Mar aret, B. March 18, 44 Sprague Rd., Scarsdale, N. Y. *Britt, Pauline ~ l i t a f e t h ,B. June 30, 1140 Wheatsheaf Lane, Abington, Pa ..................... 119, 164, 175 Brih, Barbara Lillian 1 3 175 4 143, 173, 175 Brock,, Barbara Ruth .91, 170, 175 'Brodeur, Ruth Esther, B. April 21, Be1 Arbor Dr., Paxton, Mass. Brotherton, Fred J., Inc. 215 Brotherton Hall ; 24 1 4 3 177 Brown, Barbara Ann .Brown, Diana Stanley .1..................... : 1 3 176 84, 174, 176, 180 *Brown; Laura Jane, B. Nov. 19, 55 Valley Rd., Bronxville, N. Y. *Brown, Marguerite AM, B. Nov. 23, 412 E. Broad St., Quakertown, Pa ...................59, 168, 169, 176 *Brown, Susan Virginia, B. Sept. 10, 161 McKee.St., Manchester, Conn. 103, 177 Broyhill, Linda Jane Bryfogle, Gail Elaine . 1 2 177 *Buck, Sally Ruth, B. June 6, 394 Brookside Rd., Darien, Conn. Buhler, Joanne Frances 144, 173 *Burget, Marjorie Marilyn, B. May 15, 303 High St., Mt. Holly, N . J ............................................................. 51 Burling, Joan . 143 *Byme. Susan Joy. B. Aug. 22. Lawrence Farms East. Mt. Kisco. N . Y. 93.162. 163. 172.177.179. 181





Cady. Susanne 4 3 . 176 Cal Open-House ..................................................... 191 *Call, Sally Marilyn, B. Feb. 25, 50 Fairfield Rd., Havertown, Pa. 9 7, 158, 159 Calvert, Judith Ellen 143, 165, 176 *Candell, Barbara Alice, B. Aug. 12, 22539 Calverton Rd., Shaker Heights 22, Ohio 1, 38, 158, 159, 160, 176 *Cann, Judith Bickford, B. Feb. 24, 72 Penfield Rd., Rochester 10, N. Y. .73, 167, 168, 169 *Cantley, Lynne Stewart, B. March 12, 121 Tanyard Lane, Huntington, L. I., N Y. 112 Carlin, Jane Daggert 98 Carner, Martha Carol 72 *Carson, Nancy, B. Nov 26, Highway 35, Eatontown, N . J. 117 164, 168, 169, 177 Casebolt, Nancy Lee 4 166, 177 *Casey, Judith, B. June 7, 212 Fern Ave., Collingswood, N . J. 6 159, 163, 175 Centenary Little Theatre 184 Central Connecticut Alumni Chapter 228 ..... 143 3, 176 5, 176 7, 181 6, 176 8, 193 Christiansen, Ga ......................... - ..- ....... 4, 177 . Christmas Cotlll~on 192 ~nurchill, Mrs. Dorothy 17 Churchill, Mr. J Spencer 14 Clapp, Susan Taylor 143 Claremont Quartet . 201 Clark, Judith 143, 166, 177, 179, 180 *Clark, Marilyn Louise, B. Oct. 24, 188 Springfield Ave., Rutherford, N. J .......17, 120, 165, 168, 169 Class of 1955 227 .187 Class of 1958 ...................... Class of 1959 "07 Class of 1960 09 Clungeon, Sandra Christie 143







4 168. 169. 176 Coates. Gail Christine 220 Coca-Cola Bottling Co. .lS6 Cochran, Mrs. James 186 Cochran, Laurie *Colegrove, Suzan ondon Rd., Mystic Conn. 5 177 *Coleman, Jean, B. March 8, 876 Broadview Ave., Highland Park, Ill.........................115, 176, 178, 180 *Coleman, Judy, B. March 8, 876 Broadview Ave., Highland Park, Ill ................ 69, 176, 178, 180, 193 *Connell, Barbara Jane, B. Feb. 19, 9 Dean Street, Braintree, Mass. - 64, 160, 193 *Contestable, Barbara Ann, B. Nov. 30, 146 Watchung Ave., No. Plainfield, N. J. u

1, 29, 158, 159, 162, 170, 175, 191, 193


Cooke, R. A 210 20 Cool, Mrs. Gladys R. . 143, 177 Copeland, Mary Jane .Cork, Ann Willard 1 177 Corkery, Lynda Louise .................................................................. Cornell, Janet Helen 214 Cotrell and Leonard, Inc. .................... Cottage, The .... 222 *cowart. Brinda Gertrude. B. Aug. 24. 3122 Tennyson St., N.W., Washington 15. D C

. .

58. 160. 163. 176. 144, 175

Cox. Doris Ellen *Creighton, Nancy Jane, B. July 17, 30 Whitehall Boulevard, Garden City, L. I., N. Y.

109, 160, 167, 168, 169, 176

Crowe, Miss Elle 16 *Crowell, Lane Hi Post Road, Madison, Conn ..........68, 167, 168, 169, 176 87 *Crown, Ann Marie, B. April 2, 258-01 Pembroke Ave., Gr. Neck, L. I., N. Y Cunningham, John T. 200 *Cupp, Constance Elaine, B. July 11, 1325 Mansel Ave., Willi Curtiss, Mary Bumell .......... Cushman, Nancy -


D'Amato. Nicholas Dalton, Mrs. Ellen B. Dalton, D r. Ernest R. *Damon, Annabel Lili, B. Jan. 17, 3009 Puiwa Lane, Hololulu, Hawaii Davis, Arden Laird

223 16, 177 . 1 , 177 127 4 0 144, 172, 176, 193


9 177

*Decker, Judith Ann, 144, 159, 175, 179 de Genaro, Rita Frances *de Gunzburg, Eliane, B. Aug. 7, 960 Park Avenue, N Y., N. Y ......................... 82, 161, 170, 174, 176



*Devlin, Patricia A., B. June 16, 132 Abernethy Drive, Trenton, N . J 45, 162, 176, 178, 180 *Dienet, Judith Anne, B. ATov. 5, 102 E. Main St., Kutztown, Pa .................................... ... 118, 161, 177 Dining Room -197 Diok Open-House .191 *Donaldson, Jane ............ 78 Dorcas, Mrs. Ne 19, 193 4 144, 176 Dothard, AM Karpeles :! Doud, Miss Katherine M. 18 Dowling, Mrs. Jenny 193 Drabick, Mrs. Milly 193 Dragna, Veronica Anne .. 144, 168, 169 *Dreher. Pauline Ann. B. O a. 5. 18767 Inelewcod Dr.. Rockv River 16. Ohio


26.31. 161. 162. 176. 180. 193 79. 159, 164, 175 71, 159 14 172 172 25 4 171

*Drinane. Eleanor Lee. B. Nov. 12. 200 Lyman PI.. Englewood. N. J . *Driscoll, Anne Marie, B. March 24, 134 W. End Ave., Somerville, N . J DuBois D r. H. Graham DuBois. Mrs. H. Graham DuBois Hall Dunbar, Miss Martha




*Duncan. Lynn Carol. B. Jan . 7. 21 Monfort Rd.. Port Washington. L. I.. N. Y....102. 164. 171. 175

Easton Laundries Inc. 220 *Eastwood, Janet Wallis, B. March 26, 114 Windsor Road, Tenafly, N J .......................................... 8 8 175 *Eberhart, J o h n , B. Oct. 10, 8 Gedney Circles, White Plains, N . Y. .:.......................... 58, 161 Eby, Gail -147, 177 *Edmiston, Elise, B. March 18, 148 W. Drexel Ave., Landsdowne, Pa....... 1, 117, 158, 159, 168, 177 Edmunds, Valerie Fanton 144,159,176, 180 Eggleston, Polly Stuart 144,168,169, 173, 176 Eherts, Miss Alice


Elford, Susan 4 4 175 *Ellet, Jane Wolcott, B. June 22, 23 W . PI., Hillholme, Chappaqua, N . Y ............................ 122, 161, 177 *Ellis, Carol Louise, B. Sept. 21, 110 Woodside Ave., Trenton 8, N . J. 126, 180 Ellis, Margaret Jane 144, 168, 169, 172, 177 *Endicott, Constance, B April 12, 34 Woodland Rd., Shrewsbury, Mass. 0 4, 175 *Engel, Suzanne Kathryn, B. Jan . 6, 58 E. HilIcrest Ave., Chalfonf Pa . ..2 163 Ephrussi, Alexandra Elizabeth Margaret 145, 166, 171, 173, 175 *Eppel, Linda Vivian, B. April 26, 250 Fairview Ave., Rutherford, N. J. 104 Erickson, Charlotte Clopton 144, 168, 169, 175, 193 *Eriksen, Grace Ann, B. Sept . 18, 2444 DeVoe Terrace, N. Y. 68, N. Y ......................................... 0 175 EuIer, Carol Lee 4 4 , 177 Evans, Janine Elise 144, 176



Faculty Lounge (Administration Building) Faculty Lounge (Taylor Library) Faculty Residence Fairfield County Alumni Chapter Falcone, Patricia Ann






Fahnestock, Mrs. Ethelda I. 20 Fahnestock, Mr. Galen B. 17 Feaster, Susan Greer 140, 144, 164, 175, 181 Fighera, Carol Lee 4 177 *Finkbiner, Mary Emma, B. Aug. 1, 304 Church St., Royersford, Pa. 36,162,167,168, 169, 175, 188, 189 *Fischer, Barbara Helen, B. July 16, Broadway, Woodcliff Lake, N. *Fisher, Suzanne, B. May 26, 21 Cooney Terrace, Fair Haven, N. J. Fitzgerald, Mrs. Ann 108, 177 *Flitter, Merle Rae, B. Dec. 1, 525 Burke St., Easton, Pa. Forbes, Miss Phyllis M 4 163 Force, Mabel D . 20 Ford, Mrs. Jane W. 20 *Forrest, Susan Hill, B. June 2, 715 W . DeKalb Pike, King of Pmssia, Pa .............37, 162, 176, 179 *Fosdick, Marilyn Grace, B. Aug. 5, 64 Stephan Ave., New Hyde Park, L. I., N. Y. 46, 159, 165, 175 Foster and Lee ............... 210 Foster, Helen Bradley -.. ...-................................ *Foulke, Donna Lee, B. d., Drexel Hill, Pa Fowler, Nancy Brooks *Fbx, Linda, B. May 8, 235 Old Army Road, Scarsdale, N. Y *Francis, Sally Jane, B. July 12, 61 E. Main St., Mystic, Con Frank, Beverly Ruth Frank, Carlene .4 175 Freedman, Joyce Susan ............................................ . .145, 164, 176 Freshman Election 192 Friday, Bonnie Lee 145, 175 Friend, A 2 18 *Fritts, Judith Minnig, B. April 23, 109 Third St., Garden City, L. I., N. Y . 67, 176




Fry. Charlotte Rawlings Frye, Miss Mary E. *Fudge, Sara Elizabeth, B. June 27, 360 W . Water St., Elmira, N. Y.

-145, 168, 169, 177 7 140, 141, 173 103, I59, 170, 177

145, 176 Gaede. Carol Wyder ." 15, 165, 167, 168 169 Gansz, Mr. George -................................ 145. 168, 169, 177, 193 Garber, Martha Jane *Gardella, Linda Anne, B. April 7, 67 Grant Ave., White Plains, N. Y..........128, 161, 163, 172, 181 Gardner, Mrs. Ethel F. 16 Gardner, Mr. Paul T. 18


1, 16, 159, 174 George, Mr. Stefan 36, 177 *Gerecke, Gretchen, B. Nov. 4, 909 S. Freeman Rd., Orchard Park, N. Y. 145, 164, 176 Gerhardy, Susan Mary .145, 168, 169, 176 Gerhart, Gail Elsa 145, 177 Gibson, Susan Thomas 64, 170 176 *Gilmore, Janet Loveday, B. Feb. 19, 330 Waverly St., Belmont, Mass. .145, 175 Gingras, Nancy Wallace .. *Giraid, Suzanne Beatrice, B. May 17, 28 Burd Ave., Millbourne, Upper Darby, Pa ....... 111, 161, 175 ...Glaettli, D r. Walter E. -14, 173 . 129 *Glass, Betsy Appleby, enilworth Rd., Shrewsbury, Mass. Gleim, Judith Ann .... 145, 177 145 177 Glenn, Nancy Elizabeth *Glick Gail Amanda, B. .July 1'2 412 Virrinia Ave.. Havertown, Pa . 7 , 174 *Golden, Linda Sue, B. May 9, West and Prospect Aves., Melrose Park 26, Pa. 63,159,170, 176, 181, 193 Gordon, Mrs. Alice 14 Gove' Noel 1 , 175 Graduation Day I88 GrafT, Karen Truesdale 145, 173, 177 *Grammes, Sandra Gay, B. Nov. 5, 214 S. 23rd St., Allentown, Pa. 43, 177 Grayson M r. W . Norman 5 173 * ~ r e e n e' ,~ b i ~ a Carolyn, il B. Jan . 3, Greene Acres, Christiana, Del ......................48, 162, 173, 174, 175 Gregory 2 24 Gre~ory,Miss Elizabeth -.16 *Griffin, Mary Ann, B. Jan . 9, Cumberland Center, Me. 90 174 "Griggs, Gloria Ann, B. June 8, 34 Reservoir Ave., Dover, N . J . 133, 177 Griswold's Television Service 2 14 Grover Mrs. .Helen 193 130, 176, 181 * ~ u i l e r :Ruth Lynn Gutman, Susan Ma 145, 164, 175









Hackettstown Dairy Co. 216 Hackettstown Gazette .216 Hackettstown Nurseries Inc. 212 Hackettstown Village Bakery 210 Hackettstown Window Cleaning Company -210 Haines, Mary Bowman 4 173, 175 *Hall, Brenda Nickerson, B. July 31, 24 Norton Rd., Quincy 69, Mass....... 110, 162, 168, 169, 171, 177 Halliday, Jean 146, 159 176 189 Hamilton, Linda Sanz 146, 176, 181 Hammond Hall 24 *Hanna, Marian Gayle, B. Sept 7, 427 Riverview Rd., Swatthmore, Pa. 26, 34, 161, I62. 170. 175 Hanson, Deborah 146, 166, 176 Harrigan, Nancy Lu 146 .,*Harrison, Suzanne Nicole, B. Nov. 28, 1412 Hampton Rd., Rydal, Pa. ............................................. 9 170 Haskell, Helene Elizabeth . 146, 175 Haskins, Lucy Ann 4 173, 177 *Hatcher, Barbara Ruth, B Dec. 19, 2154 Sylvan Rd.. Sprinqfield, I11..................................... 131, 159 164 .................................77, 175 *Hawkins, Linda B. March 17, R. F. D . N o. 2, Windsor, Vt. Heaslip, Mrs. Gilberta 15, I 7 I Heco Gas Co., Hackettstown Electric Co. 214 32, 162. 163 176 *Hedley, Mary Patricia, B. June 3, 72 Lakeview Terrace, Ramsey, N . J. H e m m ~ n ~ eRuth r, .146, 177 181 Henn, Elizabeth Dolores -..140, 146


. .





. .

Henrich. Beverly A Hergesheimer, Ann

147, 175 146, 168, 169, 176

Hesse, Mr. John L. ................................................................................................... 18 Hewitt, Susan May 146, 168, 169, 177 Hickman, Neva Martin 146 12, 160, 161, 162, 186 Hight, Miss Margaret E .................................................................................................................................. *Hitch, Katherioe Dalton, B. July 7, Red Coat Rd., Westport, Conn . 100, 159, 176, 181 *Hieel, Aldine Jerge, B Aug. 25, 535 Willow St., Lockport, N . Y. . 2 177 .......... 192 Hockey Champions "Hocking, Elaine Elizabeth, B. Feb. 18, 37 Mashall St., Milford, Conn . 99 *Hoehn, Karen Sue, B. Feb. 3, 15 Beechwood Road, Ho-Ho-Ku Hoffman, Joyce Herron ....... Honneger, Katherine Ann Honor Code . 2 Hook, Mrs. Nicholas J . *Hooky, Linda Jane, Li. July 20, 124 S. Union Ave., Cranfcrd, N. J .... 83, 172, 175 Hoover's 208 . 146 Horner, Susan Laurie Horter, Katherine Ann .146, 176 Hotel Clarendon .. 219 House, Dale 146, 176 Hower, Nancy F. 146 *Hoyt, Susan Purdy, B. April 19, St . Elmo Hill, Chappaqua, N. Y ............................72, 16 *Huber, Margaret, B. Oct. 22, 17 Tudor PI., Buffa!o 22, N. Y Huey, Mr. J . Edwin 19 Hue , Mrs. Shirley G. ................................................................................................................................................................... 20 Hu man, Ruthann ....147, 176 *Hufnagel, Ann Louise, B. Feb. 24, 33 Valley Rd., Bronxville, N. Y. ..65. 172, 174, 176 Huggler, Sally Louise Harris 147, 176 Hummer, John 218 Hurley, Carolyn Marie . .146 .......................... 127, 180 'Hutton, Wendy Ann, B. Oct. 9, 95 Windsor Ave., Buffalo 9, N. Y.




*Isbirian. Arden Denise. B. Aug. 19. 53 Ferris Lane. Poughkeepsie. N. Y .................................. Ives. Mary Dravo

4 7 176. 180 4 177, 181

Jacoby. Linda Coleman 153, 177 Jaffe, Kristin Ann 147, 177 Jagemann, Georgia Dale ................................................................................................................................................... 147, 175, 181 Japp, Judith Paula .................................................................................................................. L -...147, 166 Jesser, Wendy Forster .................... 147, 165, 176 Jewett, Miss Louise .. 14 'Johnson, Deborah Lesley, B. Feb. 24, Northgate Apts., Scarsdale, N . Y. 65, 161 Johnson, Judith Ann ............................. 1 177' *Johnson, Karen Nancy, B. April 3, 24 Vista Rd., N . Haven, Conn ......................... 27, 135, 175, 179, 180 Johnston, Karen Lorane 4 176, 193 Jolly, Joan Ann 147, 159, 176, 179 *Joyce, Elizabeth, B. Dec. 26, 79 S. Rd., Bedford, Mnss. 3 162, 165, 176 Juilliard Quartet 199 June Dairy Butter 227 ................................................... 198 Kahmann. Chesley ... Kallir, Lillian 200 *Karg1, Xonia Mary, B. May 3, 210 Crescent Dr., San Antonio, Texas 0 161, 177 Kaufrnann, Ellen Jane 147, 177 Kaufmann, Harriett Ann . . . .7 171, 175 Kelley, Mrs. Mabel W . (Mrs. C. Louis Gray) ......................................................... 8 186 Kellv. Robert W . 159 . 229 .., . . K ~ l l o g ,Margaret Irwin 147 *Kennedy, Dale Marie, B. Feb. 4, Cooper Rd., Denvillc, Dover, R. D . N o. 1, N . J . 119, 175 Kerr Marilvn Donavan ................................ .153 212 Kerr's Pharmacy ....... "Kesert, . Joyce,B . Qct. 7, 920 Greenwood Ave., Winnetka, I11 41,170, 175, 181 KiIpatr~ckHall ..138 1 168, 169, 176 King, Nancy Lee King, Mrs. Ruth B. 19 *Kingston, Alice Marion, B. Aug . 30, 800 W Water St., Elmira, N . Y ............................ 62, 165, 168, 175 .. 147, 174, 177, 180 Kinley, Elaine





216 Kinsey. William J ..,.... "-1 161, 176 Kirk, Marion Nancy . 135, 176 *Kiee, Patricia, B. April 20, 960 Fairway Dr., Warren, Ohio 218 Kleinhans. S. & Co. Knapp's . 218 ..-.................... . . . 15 K~~PP, ........ Koch, Susan Doerrie 153 ........ .147, 177 Koelln, Marilyn Emily 147 167, 168, 169, 175, 179 Koss, Janis Kraft's Paint and Wallpaper 210 . Kramer, Carole Francine 147 . ..147, 175, 179 Kramer, Dorothy Ina .............................................. ..- ... Kratz, Ellen Patricia 1 4 7 164, 177 Kressler, Miriam Jean .1 7 161, 177 Krumgold, Joseph ............................................................................. 198 Kugelman, Mrs. Ida . 1 193 'Kunkler, Julie Ann, B. Sept. 18, 13 Highland Ave., Tarrytown, N. Y. 61, i70, 174, 177

Lachman. Judith Dorothy 1 4 175 *Ladew. Jennie Schmid. B. Feb. 27. 1608 Roundhill. Baltimore 18. Md. -..................................... . 2 175 Lang, Ann Folsom 1 4 8 159, 164, 171 Lau, Nancy Jane 148, 168, 169, 176 Laughorn, Lyn 153 LaVecchia, Jean Carol ..............-......-.......u.........--........-..--........-....-..-......-.....-.-............-.-..........m...-..-..............--... 4 148 Lavin, Lynn Carol "............................... 153 Lawrence, Judith 4 171 *Lee, Linda, B. Sept. 20, 220 E. Wa!ton PI., Chicago, I11. 4 163, 176 Lehigh Valley Alumni Chapter ".-........................................... -...--...-..""..........228 Leon, Sara Anne 4 168, 169, 176 *Lewis, Gaij Toby, B. July 5, 867 Bluff St., Glencoe, I11. 5 175 Lewis, Lainie "........................................................................................................... ._-188 *Libe, Emily Collinge, B Dec. 28. 156 Broad St.. Phillipsburg, N J. 1 ..."...........224 Lincoln Hotel Su ply Co., Inc. *Lindveit, Julia ~ i e r e s a B , . March 3, Shore Rd., Patchogue, L. I., N. Y. 132. 159 Lipp, Anita Madeleine 148, 175 Litchfield, Barbara Lee .-.1 4 177 Llo d, Barbara Jean ......................................................................................................................................... 148 Lo t, Marguerite Boone 1 8 167, 168, 169, 175 Long Island Alumni Chap 227 *Lorentzen, Mary Ann, B. 76, 175 *Lothgren, Ann Marie, B. Nov. 9, 332 Rumstick Point, Barrington, R. I. 115, 161. 177 Lotte Hall - ............ ................... 25 Lott, Mrs. Helen J. ---.-17 Lotz, Janet Arlene -1 175 *Lowgren, Eva Marta Kristina, B. Aug. 2, Wahackme Lane, New Canaan, Conn. 49, 166 *Luce, Vieva Seely, B. April 19, 520 W . Gray St., Elmira, N. Y. .114. 161. 167, 168, 169. 175 Luther. Carolyn Dodge Lutz, Barbara Kay ....... *Lyman, Althea Talcott, B. May 14 Carter Rd., Princeton, N . J ...... 51 *Lytle, Virginia May, B. March 7, 6 Arnold Rd., Shrewsbury, Mass. 6 170, 175






McAfee, Diana Hope 'McAleece, Thais Marie

48, 168, 169, 181, 193


106, 159,163,176, 191

*McCandless, Deborah Jean, B. Oct. 2. 380 Latches Lane Merion Station, PJ.............30, 175, 178, 193 'McCaughey, Janice Ruth, B May 1, 321 Roumfort Rd., Philadelphia 19, Pa ..................................... 47, 175 McKaba, Diane Mary 148, 168, 169, 175 *McNett. Caroline Hare, B. May 3, 243 Streetsboro St., Hudson, Ohio ............................ 94, 166, 175, 179 Maccubbin, Lois Rosalind 148, 175 ./Mace, Geraldine Alice 148, 177, 180 MacGregor, Martha Jane 148, 175 'Mackay, Sherril Ann, 8. Jan . 10. 917 Midland Rd., Oradell. N . J . ... . .88, 164, 175 'Maigren, Brenda Linnea, B. Feb. 4, 524 Ridgewood Ave., Glen Ridge, N. J .... 101, 177 Mail Lounge 25 Malnati, Joan Louise -................. .1 164 Mansfield, Dianne Elizabeth ....................... 148, 176. March, Beverly Sarah 4 159. 175, 193 Margulus, Barbara Diane , 4 177. 18 1



Marsh. Calvin " 2 1 Martino, Charlotte A. . 148, 164, 175 *Maven, Ann Elizabeth, B. Nov. 27, 452 W . Lewiston, Ferndale 20, Mich . 105, 161, 167, 168, 169,' 175 Maxy, Cynthia Steward -148 Megargee, Marjorie 1 , 173, 175 *Meier, Julia Lake, B. Jan . 25, 7474 University Dr., St. Louis 5, Mo 113, 162, 167, 168, 169, 177 Mein, Pamela Ruth ............-.-.,-... . 1 166, 173, 176 Meredith, Ann Lynne .................. -........................................ 4 173 Metcalf, Mary Luikens 1 4 159, 164, 171, 177 Michael, Mr. George E -..-.."....-. 19 Mike & Betty's ................................................................................................................................... .- a.. .........208 Millar, Carole 186, 188 Miller, Miss Jean .-..................................................................................................................................17 ............... *Miller, Jqan Joy, B. Dec 12, 400 So. Main St., N o. Wales, Pa. ..... 2 171 Miller, Marilyn Ruth 149, 175, 180 *Mills, Sallie Ann, B. June 17, 915 So. Bowman Ave., Wynnewood, Pa. .............................. 111, 177, 180 Mirkin, Betty Jeanne 1 9 , 1 7 3 , 175 *Moody, Sandra Lynne, B. Dec. 18, 130 Eighth Ave., Brooklyn, N . Y. ......78 Moore, Liza Bales ........................ ., ............................................................... 149 Moore, Marilyn LaVey .. 149, 176 *Moore, Patricia Ann, B. June 3, 18 Blackwood Dr., Trenton 8, N. J. .-, ... 118, 165, 180 Morgan, Miss Helen .--.......-.....-..w.......--................-....--.-.....-v.--.......-........--.-..y...-......-..........-.-..-..-.--....-.--..........-.... 19 ............................................................................. 1 181 Motley, Miss Lynn M -.Morris, Anne 1 4 9 175 Morrison, Sandra Lee --........................................ -.-.... -1 4 166, 175 "Morrison, Wendy Ann, B. Sept. 7, 31049 Pepper Pike Village, Cleveland 24, Ohio ......-.161, 162, 170 Mott, Barbara Anne 149, 171, 176 *Mount, Gaylord N., B. Mar . 25, 605 S . Edgemere Dr., West Allenhurst, N . J . 110,162, 164,173, 177 Mueller, Lucile Idilee .....: 149 Mum and Hat Dinner 190 Murdock, Joyce Elaine 1 4 175 *Murray, Marilyn Harper, B. Feb. 11, 214 Linden Ave., Glen Ridge, N . J. 95 *Musick, Joan Ellen, B. Apr. 5, 475 N . Arlington Ave., E. Orange, N . J . 122, 163, 174, 177 Mylowe, Barbara Mary .1 4 159, 164, 166, 172, 175








Nabholtz. Doug 187 Nagy, Mr. Sandor -17 ...........8 175 *Nelson, Mary Elizabeth, B. Nov. 3, 17 Hillcrest Ave., Summit, N . J. Nemetz, Susan Eleanor 4 161, 168, 177, 189 *Newton, Karen Harvey, B. Oct. 24, 13 Dock Rd., Milford, Conn. 99, 162, 176, 178, 179 Nicol, Carol Janice 149, 164, 171, 176 Nicolai, Brenda 1 4 9 177 Nigrosh, Carol Rae 149 Nilssen, Betty Elise 149, 175, 180 Niper, Laine 188 Niper Studio : 1 5 206 Nordstrom, Jean Alastair 149, 172, 176 *Norman, Mary Elizabeth, B. Aug. 18, 118 Smull Ave., W Caldwell, N . J. -................ 45, 176, 178, 179 *Norris, Sophia Helene, B. Dec. 28, Oak Summit Rd., S Millbrook, N . Y 56, 179 North Hall .................................................................................................................................................................................. 138 North Jersey Alumni Chapter 228 New Jersey Power and Light z-.........226 North, Nancy 1 4 9 176 North Plainfield High School ".-.-199 20 Nun, Mrs. Margaret F. -." 184, 185 Nursery School Play Area Nut6.I Elizabeth Hasbrouck 1 4 171, 174, 177



Odell. Mr. Fred B. Odell, Mrs. Holly Ogren, . .Linnea ..................... .: Or~entatlonCommittee Members Orr, The Reverend William M. Ort, Charles G. Osmun, Miss Ila Osterkamp, Linda Sue



8 176 176 186, 187 190 1 3 164 ......................208 20 4 9 171



Ozias. Anyta Emily

Palmer. Mrs. Jean G . 20 . Palmer, Joan Campbell .150 Palmieri, Fredrica Ann 150 Parish, Judith 150, 170, 173, 176 *Parker, Judith Cochran, B. Nov. 1 7 Burgevin St., Kingston, N. Y. ............-....-................ 62, 175, 179, 180 *Parker, Judith Priscilla, B. Nov. 17, 2056 Manoa Rd., Honolulu, Hawaii ..................... 39, 175, 181, 193 Parker, Louise Anne *Parks, Gail B. March Parsons, Mr. Albert . Y ..................... 37, 176, 193 *Pastore, Grace Gord Patrons 2 3 Patton, Marylee Dorothy .............................................................................................................................................150, 177


Pickard, Barbara Janet .150 Picnic Area 185 Pieper, Dolores Louise 1 5 0 167, 168, 169, 175 Pierce, Patricia Ellen :........................ 150, 171, 175 Pillers, Jean Mae 0 173, 175 Plate, Theodore G., Jr . 219 *Platt, Judith Allen, B. Mar . 12, 1001 N. Ave., Springfield, Mass. 124, 157, 163, 164, 177 Pocono Produce Company, Inc. 20 *Folley, Elizabeth Irene, B. Mar. 22, 27 Westbury Rd., Garden City, L. I., N. Y. ......-..-....-....... 77, 175 Pocono Supply Company .......................... 214 Pool, Mrs. Antoinette 20 Powell, Judith Ann "-150, 159, 164, 174, 176 Powers, Susan Hunter 150, 176 Prather, Joe 191 President's House ............ 10 Purdy, Harriet I. 150, 161, 175 Putziger, Sylvia 208 Rahfield. Miss Margaret 13 *Randall, Patricia Furze, B. May 25, 9 Hamilton Rd., Glen Ridge, N. J. 100. 159, 163, 177 *Ray, Cynthia Ann, B. Oct. 7, 33 Ray Ln., Braintree, Mass. . . 1C4, 177, 179, 193 *Raymond, Francena A M , B May 1, 50 Park PI., S. Orange, N. J. 4 163 Rayner, Joan Hartman 150, 175, 177 Reed, Carolyn Snowdon .150, 168, 167, 177 Reed Construction ".225 Reed, Penny -." 188 Reeves Student Union Building, John M. ................................................................................................ 157, 184 *Reichhelm, Susan, B. July 3, Parmelee Hill Rd., Durham, Conn. 133, 168, 169, 177, 180 TReilly, Gayle Ann, B. Sept. 4, 168 Kilburn Rd., Garden City, L. I., N. Y . .50, 175 *Reinhardt, Lynn, B. Mar. 12, Presidential Apts., Philadelphia, Pa. .6 171, 177 Reppert, Eleanor R. 1 Reynolds, Joan Ward 1 5 0 165, 173, 176 27, 56, 163, 176 *Rhett, Susan Tyler, B. Sept. 13, Briar Brae Rd., Stamford, Conn. Rhinesmith, Jane Greta 5 161, 168, 169, 176 Rhoads, Miss Bette M. 17, 178, 180 Rice, Elizabeth Ann ........................................................................................................................................ 5 177 Richter, Cynthia Blanche . 150, 175 Ricker, Sally Ann ................................................................................................................... ..150, 176 Rinehart, Sherin Baumann -..-. 1 5 0 171, 175 Ritchie, Marlene 150, 175 River Crest Farm .......................................................................................................................................................................... 211 :Z26 Romer Linen Supply Co. Roberts, Joan 150, 164, 175 Rockefeller, Susan Carol 150, 177


. -





Rodgers. Margaret d n c y 150,168,169,175 Roe' Sally . Ann 148,158, 169,177 Roehr~ch ..............................................-.......-....-.......................-....w.......--....-...................-...-........-............-..-...-.......-........---......... .....218 Rogers, Elizabeth Anne ; 150, 108,169, 176 Rose, Fernanda Ruth 5 177 *Rose, Patricia Irene, B. April 3, 1 Oak Tree Lane, Great Notch, N . J .................................. 33,160, 163 Rose, Sandra Ellen . 150,173 *Rosenquest, Mary Clarkson, B. April 17, 1 Sussex Ave., Bronxville, N. Y. 40,161,162,163, 174,176,179,181,193 Ross, Jane Adams 150, 177 *Ross, Joan Betsy, B. Aug. 25, 251 Spring Valley Ave., Hackensack, N . J. 85,162, 163, 170,171, 173,174 Ross, Toni Ellen -142 Rossi, Carol Virginia .15 1 164 Rowe, Marguerite Kay 1 5 159, 164, 177 * R o t Barbara Virginia, B. May 8, 5 Raccoon Rd., N. Oaks, St. Paul 13, Minn ..........34, 171, 173, 175 Ru y's Market 218 Rudnick, Carol 151, 166,171, 177 *Runyon, Bonnie Jo, B. Aug. 24, Valley Brook Rd., Long Valley, N. J . .......-..................................... 81,161 Rushtforth, Carol White - 5 1, 168,169,176 Ruston, Ruth Elizabeth 15 1 Rutt, Patricia Ann ....................................................................................................................................................................... 151 'Sailer, Judith Deming, B. May 11, 50 Brewster Ave., Stoney Point, N. Y. 120,164,175 Sauer, Margaret Judi ..... 151,174 *Saunders, Lois Ann, 116,170 Scarborough, Miss Ruth E. 14,24,174 Schackne, Susan 5 1,191,175 Scheuer, Ann L. 5 175 *Schlech, Bette.Jean, B. July 28, 533 Maple Ave., Teaneck, N. J. 4 166 Schmidt, Linda Reid 1 5 159,166, 177 *Schreyer, Rosemarie Irma, B June 5, 2141 Jefferson Dr., Grand Rapids, Mich 1 113,177 *Schwarz, Gabrielle deHart, B. July 23, 326 Riverview Ave., Drexel Hill, Pa. 105,164,170,175,181 Schweitzer, Grace Ann 11, 176, 181 Scott, Mrs. Margaret ................................................................................................................................................................... 15 Scott, Margaret Joyce . 15 1, 168,169, 177 Seamans, Elizabeth Esty .........-...........-.....-.-......-.u................w....-.......-..m.....-......-........... " 5 173, 176 Seay, D r. Edward W ............................ 162, 186, 188, 189,192, 198 Seay, Mrs. Helen 162, 198 Seber, Clare --.. 187 Sedlar, Mrs. Helen 20 Seemuller, Gladys Elsie 151, 159,164, 177 Seip, Walter L., Inc. ..................Senior Queen Shaw, Mr. Charles J. 18 Shea, Jacqueline Patricia 151,164,177, 179 Sheehan, Miss Agnes ................................................................................................................................................................ 16 Shoup, Helen Aldrich Sickel, Miss Joan I. -......20 Simon, Kathryn L. 151 *Simpkins, Sanrda Sue, B. Mar. 13, 5 Glen Avon Dr., Riverside, Conn. 130,176, 181 Sisman, Suzanne Jane ..... 15 1, 160,175 *Slaybaugh, Joyce Elaine, B. Feb. 24, 44 Wellington PI., Westwood, N. J . 55 *Sleght, Carole Jane, B. Mar. 24, 12 Crestwood Rd., Port Washington, L. I., N. Y. ......30, 162,164 *Sload, Judy Katharine, B. Nov. 7, 3725 Latimore Rd., Shaker Heights 22, Ohio 84,167, 168,169,175,180 Smiley, Anita Louise 151, 177, 179 *Smith, Dianne, B. Nov. 6, 1723 E. Missouri Ave., Apt. 10, Phoenix, Ariz . 50 Smith Hall ""........... ".u-.-....-.-............--.......-.......-.-....-v.-....--.....--.....-.v..........u......-...................... 139 220 Smith, James A. and Son smith, Joanne Carey 5 167, 168, 169,176 8 176 *Smith, Judith Ann, B. Mar. 7, 18 Quaker Rd., Short Hills, N. J . *Smith, Linda Adams, B. Feb. 10, 26 Wilmuth Ave., Wyoming 15, Ohio 4 179 Smith, Sandra Sebring 151, 173 *Smith, Susan Harriet, B. Apr. 2, 16 Maple Ave., Madison, N. J. 93, 166,167, 168,169,175 Srnoll, Sandra Lee 152,177 Sokolowski, Mrs. Helen 20 .. Songs on the Steps 188 *Soule, Joan, B. Aug. 15, Box 96, Mattapoisett, Mass. 76,170,175





South Hall *Spach. Dor Spear. Judy ...................... .................................................................................................................................................................................. *Speidel, Mollie Carr, B. July 17, Gault Park, Westport, Conn.


Spence, Miss Alexandria Spence Hall Spencer, Susan Purdy 153 *Spies, Barbara Webb, B. Aug. 30, Linden Ln., Old Brookville, L. I., N. Y. 28 Springman, Phyllis June -152, 175 Stadler, Gail Ada 2 173, 175 Stahl, Barbara ....-187 Stanley, Elizabeth Jane .. ................................ 152, 177 *Stapleton, Linda Allen, B. May 30, , 164, 175. I78 179, 193 *Stauft, Susan Marie, B. May 30, 64 Oakland Ave., Uniontown, Pa. 109,175 Steiner, Marjorie Jane 1 , 164 Stephens, Diane Chadborne 152, 191 Stephens, Letitia Ann 152 *Stern, Linda Emma, B. Aug. 27, 253 Stamford Ave., Stamford, Conn. 89, 174, 179 Stevens, Susan Walker 152, 176 *Steves, Joanne Carol, B. Nov. 9, Summit Ave., Franklin Lakes, N. J 80,163, 171 *Stickney, Charlotte, B. Aug. 3, 20 Hampton Ct., Maywood, N . J . ......107, 164, 176 Stirling, Margaret Louise 152, 180 Stone, Barbara Ann 142 *Sttachan, Sandra Wirth, B. Feb. 10, Rosedale Ln., Princeton, N . J. .70, 176 Strawbridge, Elizabeth Walter 152, 171 *Sturges, Aspasia Stephen, B. Oct. 18, 23 Maple Ave., Flemington, N . J. 5 , 165 Sullivan, A. M. 198 Sullivan, Anita Marie -.-.2 140 Sullivan, Ginny .187 *Swalm, Mary Elaine, B. M a y 7, 26 Hill St., Middletown, N Y. 91, 175 Swensen, Judith Ann : 5 175, 191 Swicegood, Anne Belcher .--.. 5 2 , 176, 193 Sylvester, Gail Kathryn -52, 159,164, 166, 171, 177, 179







Taylor Memorial Library. William H. and May D. 156 *Teal, Ruth Kay, . B. Aug. 27, 2128 Landis h4ill Rd., Bethlehem, Pa ...............................128 164 177 178 Teiman. Barbara Jane .4 152, 159, 175 Thomas, Jane Phillips 5 159, 161, 176 Thomas, Lucinda Waight, B. Nov. 16, Middle Beach Rd . W., Madison, Conn.

. . .


125, 161, 167, 168, 176

Thomas, Mary Lynne ." 5 175 Thomas, Mrs. Shirley -20 *Thompson, Barbara Helen, B. Jan. 11, Box 245A, Pittstown N. J. 106 164 173, 177 'Thompson, Nan Louise, B. Dec. 12, 326 Dorchester Rd., Akron, Ohio ...................... ............85, 161, 164 Thornton, Kay Louise 152, 169, 177 Thorp, Milton K ............. 210 Thur de Koos, Elsa Maria . 5 173, 176 Tideman, Mr. Carl W . 18 *Tierney, Elizabeth Ann, B. Aug. 1 21 Pine Cliff Rd., Chappaqua, N. Y. 72, 159, 175 *Tillman, Elsie, B. Dec. 14, 716 W. 231st St., Spuyton Duyvil, New York 63, N . Y ...............................75 Tjaden, Judith Ellen 152, 181 *Tolk, Carol H., B. Sept. 12, 157 Toilsome Hill Rd., Bridgeport, Conn.





Thompkins, Barbara Lind *Tonon, Catherine Elizabe Toombs, Lawrence E. Townsend, Jane Callender Trevorrow Hall .Truax, Sally Virginia .Twining, Jacquelyn Anne Tymeson, Faith



163, 177, 193 152, 173, 176 54 189 152, 176 157 152, 176

Uibel, Mary Ellen ... 152, 168, 169, 175 Unit Vending Company 21 2 U. S. Merchant Marine Academy Glee Club ................................................................................................................................. 200 *Vandervoort. Patricia. B. March 17. 71 Sherwood Rd.. Ridgewoocl. N. J. -.................................................... 129 140, 152 Van Dyke, Marilyn Grace

-152, 168, 169, 175 Van Ness. Carol Ann -152,177 Van Riper, Suellen ....."..-.......-....".-.-.a Van Voorhis, Dee 187 Van Winkle Hall 24 *Van Winkle, Joan, B. Feb. 23, 215 Hollister Ave., Rutherford, N. J. -96,168 169,175 *Veit, Jean Alice, B. May 16, 4795 N. Cramer, Milwaukee 11, Wis --74, 159, 177,193 152, 166, 175 Veldran, Sandra Deane .......................................... Vennard, Barbara 187 ".....--.............-.w...-"...........".........-..........--....-...............................-..-....-... 16 Vernon, Mrs. Roma F. -222 Vey, William G . and Sons *Vieweget, Audrey Louise, B. Oct. 13, 45 Lakeview Ave., W . Long Branch, N. J . 55. Vogel, Christine Ellen ..: 152, 177 153, 159,164 Voges, Eileen Toni .80, 171,175 *Vogt, Marilyn Simmons, B. Dec. 19, 112 E. Pearl St., New Haven, Conn Volkman, Judith Lynn 153, 159, 164, 175 5 3 177 Von den Deale, Karen Ruth 153 161,174,175,179 von Rieck.Eggebert, Karin 140,153, 175, 180 Voorhees, Lois Lund 8 6 175 *Vossough, Chahla, B. Feb. 24, Amirieh, Farhang Ave., Teheran, Iran ,Vrooman, George B., Inc. 216





Wall. Ellen . . 187 *Walton, Sally Jean, B Jan . 29, 64 Breoway Dr., W . Hartford 7, Corn ..........108, 162, 177,178,181 5 164,174, 175 Warner, Sally Elizabeth Warren Phyllis 188 153, 176 warren' Sue Jane waters,' Judith Ann 153, 164, 168, 169, 173, 175 .123,175 *Watkins, Jane Ann, B. Ap. 17, 946 E. Grand Ave., Tower City, Pa. Weber, Judith Ann 153 176 ......41,161,175 *Wechsler, Margaret Ann, B. July 17, Wendover Rd., Rye, N. Y. Weeks, Susan Sinclair ......................................................... . . 15 3, 175 Welles, Mrs. Barbara D. . -15 *Wenz, Karen, B. May 18, Breiningsville, Pa. 5 175,180 *West, Carolyn Wilma, B. July 12, 56 Rowland Ave., Hackensack, N. J ............................................ 5 161- ' Western Auto Store .........-.................................... 214 Whenrnan, Loretta May 53, 168, 169 Whitacre, Anna Klingler 153 Whitehead, Frank Com 17 Whjtehouse Chevrolet, 10 Wh~tney Chapel " 96 Wignali, Susan . . 153 Wilbur, Karen Madell 153 *Wilgus, Jane Margaret, B. Oct. 17, Ocean View, Del. A, 163,165, 171, 175, 193 Williams & Hibler, Inc. 221 *Williams, Margaret Nolan, B. Mar. 22, 48 E. Main St., Strasburg Pa. ..........33,176 Williams, Marie Anne 53,175 Williams, Van i70 199 *Willoughby, Roseann, B. June 14, 3503 Thornapple St., Chevy Chase, Md . 74,177,193 Wilson, Margaret 186 *Witt, Barbara Ann: B. June 8, 5113 North Charles St., Baltimore, Md. 61,164,177,179 W N T I Radio Stud10 ......197 Wolf, Carol Lee 153, 175 Wolk, Roberta Gay .................................... ... 153 Wonder Bread ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 214 Woodward Donna Marion B. Feb. 17. 327 Nova Scotia Hill Rd.. Watertown... Conn. 107,164,166, 176,193 Wooley, Karen MacGregor, B. June 22, 11 Dixon Ave., Elberson. N. J ....................................................... 53 Wright, Mr. Talmadge C. 19 Wyatt. Suzanne Louise ,3175,193










*Young. Barbara Ann. B. Feb. 21. 2004 W . Cheltenham Ave.. Pbila. 38. Pa .......83. 173. 174. 176. 181 Young. Barbara Lee 153. 175 Youngken. Mr. Eugene 16,170 Zacher. Suzanne Marie Zimmerman. Barbara Ruth Zoeller. Gail Russell *Zonfrilli. Phyllis Theresa. B. Oct 2. Fairmount Ave.. Chatham. N. J ..............................................


53. 176 53. 176 46. 177 4 175

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