A Two-Year College Hackettstown, New Jersey
Published by the Senior Class, Volume 56
Sandra Clungeon
Literary Editor
Carolyn Luther
Art Editor
Elizabeth Nutt
Business Manager
Gladys Seemuller
Stefan George
IWE our fm p a ~ sm+ CcnEenary ean CM: l i k e d b the arnanatbnr 8.f tke wn at it wries frrpm d 6 c;y 4wy.) gmgrussrrr; b m seasan b reason, the sun haw h e n selecaQd tot. tA?r y+smxts )fa& -&em&. Center af the w h r e e rmd rouFca ef all light, k l t f l q warmth and.eksn@i~g &era p i rr r;ofleefIah ef I I E k Fdam the ~ m p l d r i ~ a*woo mekdd inPo u p a ~ ~ ~ ~ recsrd R s n t tks Irole*rQgs~ of our rolkege I h ,
Fer km pars we ham tM this analwy, ktualb cre~tcedfax us and by we, this sunrhima radkkm #m qsmitrum d & R ~ h d b ~ ~ l g ~ i ~ t %c8Qknowtedge. a, Frem th$s weking to pr@eot mnd gwfrm 'mdT#tdtsnI Yiht k m s k x ewIxe$ an inner mdlan~e whieh h e eannDI dim. The theme m fhb dflb, fhc W-sMti Hack server fa u n b the wparate dements +dswr arpwIenee. Hem on flte bwix~nOM tfIb-ac.)r Dn w.t.Oty*yut wch
Faculty Seniors
Officers 26, Phi Iota and roommates 28, club presidents and roommates 35, DuBois and roommates 41, Hammond and roommates 44, North and South and roommates 48, Brotherton and roommates 59, Lotte and roommates 70, Van Winkle and roommates 80, Academic Honors 90. Classroom Life
Officers 98. Organizations
1 12
136 150
Alumni Association
Patrons .......................................................................................................................
160 1.69 170
Natatorium Sketch ..........................
Campus Map ..............................
. -
"WE ARE FAR FR,OMFINISHED" OW that Dr. Edward W. Seay,
president, i s two years embarked on his second ten-year program, Hack notes his past achievements and presents his future ones.
President Seay has instituted and culminated innumerable progressive realities since he became president in 1948. He changed the face of the campus (building, buying, moving, renovating), he increased the student body from 328 to 540, he improved quality, quantity, and status of the faculty. In 1958 the college celebrated his tenth anniversary with a testimonial dinner, while the student body expressed felicitations with .a special edition of Spilled Ink. In the fall of 1959 the board of trustees to honor his contributions to the college--his dedication to its welfare-unanimously passed o resolution for the renaming of the main building to The Edward W. Seay Administration Building.
DR. EDWARD W. SEAY President
May the sun, which themes this yearbook, send its creative rays into the hearts of all Centenarians to aid President Seay in the accomplishment of his second-decade vision. This dream-including a fine arts building, a dormitory, and gymnasium-started this June with the new swimming pool that will also house a dance studio and additional faculty offices. In addition, he plans further to increase faculty-staff salaries and to enlarge the college endowment to at least $2,500,000. Hack wishes to express appreciation for his administrative accomplishments, his educational leadership, his gracious humanity, his manifold guidance which have enriched our lives and prepared us for the future.
DEDICATION T was September 14, 1958, when we were first formally introduced. Your knowing smile eased our initial nervousness and ill-disguised confusion traditionally characteristic of college freshmen. Since that first meeting you have helped us to dispel much of our confusion and uncertainty. You have instilled in us a realization of the power and responsibility of the individual, and by your own example you have awakened us to tl clearer understanding of personal integrity and inspired us to renew the purpose of our own lives. In your own quiet, yet compelling way you have given us insight into our shortcomings as well as our attributes. Your most precious gift has been your faith in each one of us, not only as students but even more significantly as women. Your belief in us has made us believe in ourselves. You have given us a portion o f yourself and we are grateful, for it is that portion of life which illuminates the road ahead and enables us to reflect the best that we are.
Faculty Residences
Faculty Residence
President's House
dean of the college, Studenf Court and Student Council co-adviser, Phi loto adviser.
B o a r d of T r u s t e e s
Fir* row-Dr. 0. C. Nelson, Charles k Van Winkle, secretary of the boardi Miss Beatrice F. Keller, Mrs. Sam H. Clotk, Joseph R. Ferry, and Dr. J. Edgar Washabough; president of the board. Second row--Carl W. Tidsman, comptmller of the colLege; Fred J. Brotherton, Charles S. Van Auksn, treasurer of the board; Richard C. Fowler, Dr. Edward W. Seay, president of the collegei William L. Swenron, the Rev. Henry J. McKinnon, and Wilbur M. Rush. Abrent from the picture-Hugh E. Barnes, Robert S. Curtirr, Dr. Ralph E. Davis, Miss Esther M. Hay, Dr. William L. Lancey, the Rev. Raland 1. Luerich. Bishop Frederick B. Newell, John M. Reeves, vice-president of the board.
MARY D. BIGELOW dean of residence, Student Court and Student Council ca-crdviser, Phi Iota adviser.
the chspel, religion, Guild adviser. .
DR. ERNEST R. DALTON assistant to the president, chairman of social science division, economics, political science, Sigma Epsilon Phi co-adviser.
ALEXANDRIA SPENCE assistant dean, chairman of practical and applied arts division, foods.
STEFAN GEORGE director of public relations, placement, Hack adviser, Spilled Ink co-adviser.
chairman o f humanities division, English.
history, Phi Theta Kappa and '61 class adviser.
English, Book Club co-adviser.
librarian, Library Committee adviser.
DR. R. ELWOOD BACKENSTOSS French-German, Delta Sigma Sigma co-adviser.
French Spanish, Cosmopoli tan Club adviser.
chairman o f natural science and mathematics division, chemistry, Camera Club adviser.
W. NORMAN GRAYSON chairman of fine arts division, director of music, pianoorgan, Music Club adviser.
GEORGE GANSZ choral-instrumental music, Centenary Singers, Chapel Choir, Chorale, Pipers, and Eversharps adviser.
director of testing, psychology, Psychology Club adviser.
art, Art Club adviser.
LOIS BACKENSTOSS director of the nursery school, Delta Sigma Sigma co-adviser.
HOWARD T. KNAPP commercial art.
applied art.
theater arts, Delta Psi Omega adviser.
AGNES SHEEHAN secretarial studies.
ELLEN B. DALTON foods, Sigma Epsilon Phi coadviser.
secretarial studies.
RHETA GEORGE speech-English, Spilled ,, co-adviser.
PRlNClE MAPHET secretarial studies.
ALICE EHERTS physical education, Leaders' Corps advie=*
secretarial studies.
secretarial studies.
physical education, Riding Club and '60 class adviser.
director of admissions.
chairman of ~ h.v s i c a educal tion division, physical education, Aquatic Club and Women's Athletic Association adviser.
JOHN L. HESSE LYNN M. MORLEY physical education, Dance Club adviser.
assistant director of admissions, Theta Epsilon Nu coadviser.
admissions counselor.
natural science, biology.
director of student activities, Presidents' Club and Student Activities Committee adviser.
executive assistant, office of administration.
director of dormitories.
radio and television.
RUTH B. KING assistant librarian and cataloguer.
night nurse.
TALMADGE C. WRIGHT manager of the bookstore.
resident nurse.
assistant, bursar's office.
supervisor of the dining room.
night nurse. .
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T h e Sun
LIBRARY 110 M. Osmun, order librarian; Antoinette N. Pool, secretory; Gladys R. Cool, library assistant.
SECRETARIES Top row-Margaret Nunn, secretary, assistant to the president; Joan Sickel, secretary, office of admissions; Helen Sakolowski, secretary, office of alumni services; Lillian Gilmore, secretory, office of admissions; Jeon Palmer, college receptionist; Jane Ford, recorder and secretary, dean
of the college; Marguerite Sundheim, secretory, director of testing; Edwina Bortholomey, assistant, bursar's office. Bottom row-Helen Sedlar, assistont, bursar's office; Shirley Huey, secretary, dean of residence; Shirley Thamas, secretary, president of the college; Doris Fagon, secretary, director of public relations and placement.
H a s M a n y Rays
KITCHEN STAFF Top row-Adam Dobrowolski, Joseph Nohodil, John Brown, Lewis Hart, Hugh Muirhead. Third row-Hoyden Reese, Harry Besecker, John Zelnik, Albert Gasser, Jack Gardella, Clarence Ulmer, Joseph Lawson. Second row John Dutko, James McKiniry, Charles Orloski, Albert Stutr, Richard Cavanaugh, Roymond Shimley. Bottom row Nellie Cook, Myrtle Ruth. Not pictured-Eda Williams, John Fessler.
HOUSEMAIDS Top row-Mary Dehann, Victoria Grogan, Teresa Dannef, Stella Chowanski, Helen Stapler. Bottom row Stella Kowalick, Elizabeth Rush, Helen Parks, Lillian Hart. Not pictured-Elizabeth Grover.
BOILER R O O M STAFF John Hann, A. R. Skinner, Robert Alexander, Clarence Perrine, Wendell Dannef.
Brotherton Hall
Hammond Hall
Lotte Hall
Van Winkle Hall
DuBois Hall
Class M o t t o "She conquers who conquers herself."
Verna Lea Payer President
Arden Davis Vice-President
Class Hymn God of our fathers, whose almighty hand LeadZIforth in beauty all the starry band O f shining worlds in splendor through the skies, Our grateful songs before thy throne arise. "God of our Fathers" Gail Coates Secretary
Class Song Now let us unfold to you
Unfurl now the black and white,
Our hearts with colors true.
Symbols of search for right.
Proudly we sing as one.
Forever we follow you.
Love, pure honor, and faith-these three
Guide us, protect us through unity,
With lasting friendship as goals have we.
Bind us together with loyalty.
Wisdom shall lead us in courage and truth
May friendship last for the rest of our days
To the ideals we strive for, now in our youth.
As proudly we sing-and forever we praise.
Barbara Anderson Treasurer :/ Mary Frye
Ann Lynne Meredith
Gail Ada Stadler
Phi lota 2, President: Orjentation Commit)ee 2; Guild 1, 2, President 2; Presidents' Club 2; Cosmopof~tan Club 1, Vice-President; Hack 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
Student Court 2, President; Phi lota 2; Phi Theta Kappa 1, 2; Guild 1, 2; Orientation Commiflee 2; Presidents' Club 2; Music Club 1; Student Council 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.
Lynne . . . Dependable . . . Vivacious and spon:aneous . . . Loves those Westerns . . . "I can't find it anywherel" . . . Tactful and poised . . . Loves literature and London . . . "Yes, I really am going to live in
Gail Persuasive public speaker Loves life Sincere, strong, and respected leader Idealistic Going Dutch Shooting for the s!ars.
East Africal"
Polly Stuart Eggleston
Karin von Rieck-Eggebert Whaley
Phi lofa 2; Phi Theta Kappa 1, 2, President 2; Guild 1, 2, Treasurer 2; Preriden:~' Club 2; Cosmopolitan Club 1; Music Club 1; 0rienta:ion Committee 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
O r i e n t d o n Committee 2~Riding Club 1, 2) Library Cemmithr 1, 2, Secretary-Tt.qrvrsr 2, Shrdent Counoil I , 2, Dormhory Prerfdenr I, 21 D.Sfrr STgma Sigmn.
Pol Bubbly and talkat:ve Loyal friend Keepo those needles clicking Diligent Snappy dresser Gung-ho . . Early American Westward-ho! . "Tee heel you fool!"
. . . Coliscientiorrr . . . Fascinating wnxersafionalist . . . High ideals . . . Great loyalty to her rbeli'e6 , . .
... ...
. . . Germany's
good-will ambassador to CCW
Down deep there lies a subtle wit.
Sara Anne Leon
Heather Lynne Bernard
Student Court 2; Phi lota 1, 2; Phi Thefa Kappa I, 2; Orientation Committee 2; Chapel Choir 1 8 Centenary Singers I, Assistant Librarian; Guild 1; Presidents' Club 2; Dormitory President 1; Student Council 1, 2; President 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
Phi lota 28 Orienhltfon Commithe fr Presidents' C h b I , 2&P U ~ Activities I, 2 President 4 P ~ h o l e g yClub 28 C l w s PreHdenf l i Shfdmt Coundl 1, 2) Thsta Epsilon Nu.
... ...
Sal Adaptive ways and delightful charm The epitome of organization Musically inclined Proud she's an aunt Loves to have a good time , "Bless your heart!" . . High goals ahead accompanied by enthusiasm.
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Feather, , Such enthusiasm! , versatie Thoughtful on all occasions Conscientious worker Likes Huve lag, will tmvel sports-especially skiing , What is this about the plant? , Very capable freshman class president.
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Linda Lenore Berlinger
Barrie Hamilton Allison
Dance Club 2; Psychology Club 1, 2; Music Club 2; Hockey 1, 2; Tennis 1; Student Council 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
Spilled Ink 2, Sports Editor; Student Activities 1, 2; W A A 1, 2; Leaders' Corps 2; Psychology Club 2; Hockey 1, 2; Basketball 1, 2; Softball I; Tennis 2; Volleyball 1, 2; Theta Epsilon Nu, Rushing Chairman 2.
Linda B Loves to get up in the morning Understanding "Can't wait until this week end!" . Excellent hockey player Loves sports-especially Penn football games . Blushes easily Tall, blonde hair, beautiful blue eyes.
. .
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. .
Spicey Peppy Enthusias:ic . Into everything Did you say you were athletically inclined? . Always ready for a good time Loved by all . Every inch packed with dynamite What did you
lose today, Spicey?
Ann Karpeles Dothard
Sandra Christie Clungeon
Phi lofa 2, Sec-etary-Treasurer; Orientation Committee 2; Guild 1 , 2; P:.esidents' Club 2; W A A 2, President; Leaders' Corps 2; Class Secretary 1 ; Music Club 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
Hack 2, Editor; Phi Iota 2; Orientation Committee 2; Phi Thefa Kappa 2; Presidents' Club 2; Music Club 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
. . . Cute blond with
freckles and a winning smile . . . Typically collegiate . Lively personality spiced with charm and poise . A capable leader "Love that Phi Gam pin!" . Happiest when surrounded by little children.
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you know what I mean?" . Dimples Never a dull moment Sweet and petite . Unpredictable . Philosophizes with great depth . Bundle,,of fun . . Enjoys a good dancer.
. .
Eileen Genevieve Boyd
Guild 1 , 2, Board 2; Student Activities 1, 2; Music Club 2; Psychology Club 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
. . . "Oh,
. . ...
Janine Elise Evans
. .
Schultzie Creativity unlimited . Human relations Speaks like a symphony . The mind to expert perceive and the ability to execute Spirited and wise Potential author of a best seller "See you later, girls!"
.. . .
Sigma Epsilon Phi, Vice-President 2.
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Eileen Enthusiam personified Late-night philosopher Diok's unbeatable rushing chairman Loyal friend A natural mermaid Addicted to modern art Smiling fireworks Madison Avenue versus River Hideaway?
... ...
Susan May Hewitt
Gail Marie Christiansen
Spilled Ink 2, Editor; Phi Iota 2; Orientation Committee 2; Chapel Choir I ; Centenary Singers I ; Guild 1, 2; Presidents' Club 2; Psychology Club 1; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Student Court I , 2; Phi Iota 2; Phi Theta Kappa 2; Guild 1, 2; Presidents' Club 2, President; Psychology Club 1 ; Library Commiftee I , 2, President 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
. . . The ...
little mother
Singer and artist
supreme Angel face . Willing to help others . Always talking, talking, talking! A cat lover? . Hopes to be a nursery school teacher.
. .
. . . Hard worker . . . Can't wait till the week end Only five meetings tonight? . . . "Let's go eat" . . . A hollow leg . . . Always doing steno . . . Marriage Gail
to David.
Joan Ward Reynolds
Geraldine Alice Mace
Spilled Ink 2, Librarian; Guild 1, 2, Board 1, Vice-President 2; Cosmopolitan Club 1; Music Club 1; Psychology Club 2; Theta Fpsikn Nu.
Orientotion Committee 2; Guild 1, 2; W A A 2, Publicity Chairman; Leaders' Corps 2; Music Club 2; Aquatic Club 1, 2; Swimming t-am 1, 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
. . . Pixie face . . . Good natured . . . Peter Gunn fan . . . Avid letter writer . . . Loves dixieland . . . Always sweet and sincere . . . What i s your motto
Gerry . Outgoing and friendly . Those week ends Loves lavender . a t University of Delaware "Fiddlesticks" . . Swimming . Contemporary cards Dick and Diok . Listens to problems Takes life in her stride.
. . . "Eat,
drink, and be merry, for tomorrow :!we
... ..
Verna lea Payer
Nancy Alan Aufhammer
Phi l a b b wantetion Comrni@)so 2, Ch-of Choir T i Centenary Slngert I'+ PrsbCd~~tr' Ckb 2, WAA I, Rsmrbing Secrefury, Aquatlc d u b 1, 4 Hockay 1, 4 Bmk*tball 1, 4 Swimmin$ 2; Class hesfdent & ! SWd~ntCouncll 23 Thetcr Eprifen Nu. Cauneil 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
Phi Iota 2; Student Council I; Orientation Committee 2; Guild I; Presidents' Club 2; Student Activities 1; Cosmopolitan Club 1; Hockey 1; Tennis 1; Theta Epsilon Nu, President 2.
. . . A Ldrigh resident . . . Tall, stafely, poimd , . . Spontaneous laugh . . . Our efffcient prrsidank . . . "Would you please close the claset duor?". . . Last minute dush to breakfast . . . Qlrhe a linguist . . . A Birdie
confident friend
. , . "Bless
Nancy . Sweetheart of the Peithosophians .A Outgoing enthusiasm for everything smile for all . Sincere interest in fellow men . Oh, that MasonDixon line! Meetings and more meetings Tennis, anyone? . . Sailing . . Business interests.
Margaret Ellen Davis
Veronica Anne Dragna
Chapel Choir 1, 2; Centenary Singers 1, 2, President 2; Pipers 2; Guild I; Presidents' Club 2; Softball 7; Student Council I; Dormitory President 1; Theta Epsilon Nu.
Phi Iota 2; Orientation Committee 2; Chapel Choir 1, 2; Centenary Singers 1, 2; Pipers 2; Evershurps 2; Presidents' Club 2; Student Ac)ivities I; Delta Sigma Sigma, President 2.
Peggy She brightens the spirit . . Effervescent Sing for us, Peggy An actress and lovable Always with good intentions . . Beams in every "I'll get up at five and do it" "Hi, direction :! love."
... ...
Ronni Quiet, but bubbling personality Sincere . . Many friends "Let's get organized!" Loves Never too busy to listen "Think red and white I should go to class?" . . . Goal-find a cure for cancer.
... ...
Helen Bradley Foster
Jacquelyn Alexa West
Phi Iota 2; Phi Theta Kappa 1, 2; Orientation Committee 2; Presidents' Club 2; Cosmopolitan Club 1; Book Club 2; Aquatic Club 1; Art Club 1; Vice-President; Sigma Epsilon Phi, President 2.
Sp;llsd Ink 5, Featvre Edifor; CosmopoSiton Club I, 2, Vice-President 21 Murlr Cluh 1, S m f a : y r Psychatoqy Club 1; Swimming I r Delta Psi Omega 2; D r l f a Sigma Sigmm.
Brad Individualist with a quick wit Fidel Castro A seeker of knowledge ful for laughs."
. . . Oh, that . . . "Wonder-
. . ..
Jackie , Find"$ middle-aged men mentally- stimulating "Look, I'm a bird" , Boho Desk covered with crystals and framistors , , Mania for eating dining room compclnSon'r leftovers Nonaanformist parsonifled Proud pmessor of a pilo+'r license.
Brenda Nicolai
. ..
Ann Willard Cork
Student Activities I; Cosmopolitan Club 1, 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Spilled Ink 1; Art Club 1; Psychology Club 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Nicky Our import from the West The seventh . Wonderful co-chairman for Diok rushing dwarf An eternal, bouncy bubble Slow at German studies, but fast at becoming a true and sincere friend.
Annabelle Subtle humor . The rebel A passion for incongruity . Impulsive Once had a Mischievous one moment, understanding goldfish An artist at heart A great capacity the next for fun.
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Barbara Jeanne Batchie
Miriam Jean Kressler
Student Court 2, Vice-President; Phi lota 2; Phi Theta Kappa 1, 2; Orientation Committee 2, Co-Chairman; Chapel Choir I ; Centenary Singers I , 2; Pipers 2; Student Activities I ; Cosmopolitan Club 1; Student Council I ; Hall President 1 ; Theta Epsilon Nu.
Phi lota 2; Orientation Committee 2, Co-Chairman; Student Activities 1, 2; Hall President 1; Student Council 1, 2, Vice-President 2; Music Club 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
.. ..
Barb . . A sunny smile and a friendly "Hi" have Musically talented gathered a wealth of friends Love for people . Pleasing personality . Understanding Laurel princess.
Miriam Conscientious worker . Personality plus . Sincere and understanding . Vivacious . "That's the funniest thing I've ever heard" Take a Capable leader Dependable Perfect nap roomie.
Sally Elizabeth Betts
Carol Rae Nigrosh
Student Activities 1; Psychology Club 2; Tennis 1, 21 Volleyball 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
Orientation Committee 2; Student Activities 1, 2; Riding C:uh 1; Hall President 2 ) Student Council 2; S i g a a Epsilon Phi.
.. ...
Sal . . . Those big, brown eyes . . . That deep voice . . . Cute as a button . . . Oh, that laugh . . . Darling, mischievous, domestic . . . Sincerity urges a mountain :I
of friends.
... ...
Cookie . . . Jovial and studious . . . 9os:onian accent . . . Regular week-end per to Philly . . . "I can't tell you how happy I am" . . . Pony tail . . . Radiant smile . . . Stylish taste in clothes.
Joanne Carey Smith
Margaret Joyce Scott
Chopal Choir 1, 2, President 2; Pipers 1, 2; Centenary Singers 1, 2; Eversha.-ps 2; P:esidentsn Club 2; Psychology Club 1, 2; Hack 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
Chapel Choir 1, 2; Centenary Singers 1, 2; Pipers 2; Presidents' Club 2; Cosmopolitan Club 1 , 2, Presidenf 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Extremely dependable Conscientious "A friend in need i s a friend indeed" ,Finds
satisfaction in a job well done Always ready for Music expert. a screamin' time .
.. .
Peg . Always on a diet, diet, diet! Was that Such innocent, blue eyes you singing bass? . Conscientious . "Anyone for golf?" . Music enthusiast Who says you can cook? "No,
.. .
Gail Christine Coates
Stella Yates Brewster
Chapel Choir 1, 2, Assistant Librarian 11 Centenary Singers 1 , 21 Piper; 2; Cosmopolitan Club I; Class Secretary 2; Hack 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
Phi Theta Kappa 2; Chapel Choir 1, 2; Centenary Singors 1 , 2, VicePresident 2; Pipers 2; Cosmopolitan Club 1, 2; Swimming I; Hock 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
Stel Dreaming of Alaska? Big, brown eyes Conscientious Reliable Did and lashes! . you say French, Spanish, and Italian? 6:30 a.m.
. . . Neat and vivacious . . . Sincere interest in ... ... ... ... ... ...
people Glows with personality Responsible Fun loving "Hit it" Finds and efficient satisfaction in caring for others "Can you stand it?"
... ...
comes around mighty early "I'll just never make it in time!"
Elizabeth Hasbrouck Nutt
Anna Klinger Whitacre Guild J, 2; Presidents' Club 2; Aquatic Club 2; Book Club 1, 2, President 2; Library Committee 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
. .
Anna K Bubbles over . "Shall I bleach or dye . Has many men my hair today?" . Meticulous Always has a group scattered through the land So generous . . . Go . around her laughing go . . . go.
. .
Hack 2, Art Editor: Presidents' Club 2; Camera Club 1, 2, President 2; Art Club I; Library Committee I:Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Dianne Elizabeth Mansfield
Dianne Energy unlimited Always happy Hates Tuesday anyway . . I'm hungry Laugh much . "Is anyone going south this week end?" . Sentimental scientist!
. . . Responsible
Barbara Alpern
Guild I; Student Activities I; Cosmopolitan Club I; Hockey Volleyball 1, 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
Vivacious sense of humor
. . . Proficient artist . . . Lover of ancient Egypt and .22 rifles . . . "One of these weeks I'm going to get organized" . . . Good friend . . . sincere.
. .
bpil!ed Ink I, 2; Sfudent Activitier F; Psycho!ogy Club b a l l I r Guild I; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
2; Volley-
Barb Never too busy to lend a helping hand Understanding confidairte Literary advocate Conscientious Congenial Cooperative "What's this little old action?"
... .. ..
Judith Lawrence
Mary Josephine Brandt
Presidents' Club 21 Dance Club 2; Art Club 1 , 2, President 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Phi Theta Kappa 1, 2, Vice-heridenf 2! Chapef Choir I I Confanary Singers 7; Presidents' Club 1, 2; Music Club 1. 2, President PI Book Club 1 , 2 , Riding Club 1 , 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
Judy . . . Lore for the unique . . ."Another poster!" . . . Truth and beauty personified . . . Perfect diction . . . Finely developed cultural backgrrrund . . . Womanly awareness . . . Anything for a friend . . . "The dance is so expressive" . . . Joie de vivrel
Mary Jo , Sophisticated, gay, and friendly A true comedienne Dependable, responsible, intelligent Talented in all endeavors Excellent at Avid equestrienne and piano, painting, and singing golfer "Daarling."
Dorothy Ina Kramer
Roberta Gay Wolk
Psychology Club 1 , 2; Riding Club 1 , 2; Cosmopolitan Club 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.
Spil!ed Ink 1, 2, Advertising Manager 2 ; Book Club 2; Delta Sigma Sigmo.
. ..
Dotti . Petite and trim . . Mind of a genius . . Perceptive The underReliable and sensible . standing negotiator "You want a date?" . . "I'll call back later" . . Week-end traveler wi;h the unbroken record . Talented . . Individualist Wild : guitar.
. .
... .
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Bobbie . Effervescent, contagious laugh Happygo-lucky, yet has set purpose for future life Reliable, contributing member to her activities . True Trustworthy Lover of life . . Worldly friend and intelligent . Interested in people.
... ..
Kimberly Glori Breining Presidents'
Anita Louise Srniley
Club 2, Vice-President; W A A 2; Dance Club President 2.
. ...
Kimberly . . Independent . An air of mystery Sea nymph Dancer-graceful and expressive Sensitive and poised Ambitious.
... ...
Presidents' Club 2 ; WAA 2; Leaderr' Corps 21 Riding Cfub 1, 2, President 21 Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Smiles Finds people challenging Thoughtful Well-marked calendar Good conversationalis: Forever saccharin and the at every sport she tries Roy, her love; Dirk, her life white falcon1 "Everything happens for the bestl"
... ... ....
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Ellen Jane Kaufmann
Judith Ann Clark
Spilled Ink 2) Student Aclivities 1 , 2; Psychology Club 1, 2 ; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Aquatic Club 1, 2 ; Riding Club 1, 2; Chorale 1, 2; Swimming 1; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Ellen . So nice to talk to Outgoing Diets with desserts . Knows all about the Philippines Helpful to everyone who asks her advice Top waitrps Sense of humor plus.
Clarkie Always ready to lend a helping hand A sailing enthusiast . . Equestrienne High hopes for a nursing career EfFiciency plus So very Lose something? "I just can't find it!" thoughtful
... ...
. ..
Nancy Brooks Fowler
Anne Belcher Swicegood P:esidentsq Club 2; DeNa Psi O m e g a 1, 2, President Epsilon Nu.
2; Theta
Swice . . Sense of humor! "Shorthand, you're not Thea:er or TV . Both of course! serious?" Rainbow of ribbons . "What, me worry-oopsI mean hurry?" Casual . "Well, I'm not the typical suburbia!"
. .
Hack 1; Presidents' Club 2; Psychology Club 1, 2, Vice-President I, President 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
. . . Friendly
and outgoing
. . . Mature
on life.. ."Bad news". .Enjoys those trips to Boston..
Oh, those dark-brown eyes . . Respected and admired Secretary for a doctor.
Diana Stanley Brown
Jean Alastair Nordstrom
Della Psi Omega 1 , 2; Theta Epsilon N u .
Guild 1 , 2; Psychology Club 2; Book Club 1; Theta Epsilon Nu.
Dedie Monograms and shetlands "Of course . Well, maybe not our family's!" it's the family plaid1 . Fun loving Backstage story "A new 0. Henry?" . ."Me play flower drum?" Like Eng-
Sandy Sweetness and sincerity "Oh, you just Combination of honor and undercan't imagine" standing . Sending letters to that paradise island Long, blond tresses Optimistic Medical secretary.
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Ipnd? Rather!
... ... ...
... ... ..
Betty .Elise Nilssen
Sandra Lee Smoll Presidents' Club 2; Student Activities 2; W A A 2; leaders' Corps 1, 2, President 2; Hockey 2; Basketball I; V o l l e y b d l I; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Sandy . Full of pep and vigor "Today I'm going on a diet" Who? What? Friendly . . . Sense of humor Secretarial work and marriage.
Marilyn . . Perfect housekeeper Well organized . Albany interests . Swimming MusicLots of laughs Johnny Mathis and Kingston Trio . Early to bed and late to rise "Whoopee-dee" . Secretary and marriage.
... ...
Activities I; W A A 4 Aqualic Club 1 , 2; President 21 Delta Slgma Sigma.
91 Student
Betty Bubbling personality Loves to meet new people Good friend and genuine person Early "Swimming, anyone?" to bed, early to rise "Roomie, can I eat this?"
. ..
Kay Louise Thornton
Marilyn Emily Koelln Spilled Ink I; Student Activities 1 , 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Presidents' Club
Hack 1 ; Spifled Ink 1; Chapel Choir 1, 21 Centenary Singers 1, Librarian 21 Pipers 2; Guild 1; Music Club I + Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Kay . . . Strawberry blonde . . . Philadelphia accent . . . Conscientious worker . . . Unusual eyes . . . Sense of humor . . . Considerate . . . Honest and dependable . . . At home with music and stenography.
Barbara Diane Margulus
Carol Wyder Gaede
Studen) Activities I; W A A 2; Cormopotikn Club 1, 2; Psychology Club 1, 2~Cheerleaders 1, 2; Riding Club 1, 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Spilled Ink I; Orientation Committee 2; Hall President 1, 2; Studmnf Activities 1; Cosmopolitan Club 1, 2; Student Council 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
... ...
. .
Barbie Conscientious &nd thoughfful , Extremely That St. Louis accent Been talking to outgoing anyone in your sleep lately? "How 'bout that!" "Now listen a minute!" Elementary education.
. ..
... ...
.. .
Gates . . . "That's close" . . . Subtle . . . Understanding . . . Amiable . . . Knitting socks . . . Mind of her own . . . Always ready for fun.
Lois Lund Voorhees
Ina Louise Bardwell Cosmopolitan Club 1; Music Club I; Psychology Club 1, 2; Sigmo Epsilon Phi.
. . ... . ..
. .
Ina . Conscientious, serious, orderly . Sense of *Friendly Ready smile, ready hand . . humor Sports Camping . Organ Interior decorating Two-way conversation (while asleep, that is) "Did you say Alfred?" Pediatric nursing.
... ..
. ..
1; Student Activities I; Aquatic Club 1, 2, Secretary Psychology Club 1; Delta Sigma Sigma.
... ...
Lois . Vivacious Infectious laugh Phone Diving The knitter Life is just a bowl calls Early riser Little girl with a big of cherries smile Understanding . Career.
... ...
... ... ..
Cynthia Steward Maxcy
Susan Walker Stevens
Spilled Ink I; Guild I; Dance Club 1, 2; Theta Epsilon N u .
Orientation Committee 2; Cosmopolitan Club I; Psychology Club I; Volleyball 1; Student Council 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
Cindy The peppy five foot two, eyes of blue Nimble wit Infectious laugh . Dependable
... .. ... Good natured . . . Ski week ends . . . "What a riot" . . . Europe this summer . . . Physical therapy.
. .
1; Guild I; Aquatic Club 1, 2, Treasurer 2; Theta Epsilon N u .
. . . Good . . . That peculiar ... . . Laboratory technician . . . "Too much" . . . Older men . . . Swimming . . . Skiing. :/ Sue Cade
. . . Friendly
to all
Jeanne Plimley Eaglesham
Susanne Cady Spilled Ink
Susie Sparkling blue eyes Mischievous Sews beautifully Those summer sports at Quonoc Loves kids A friend Hontaug . "It's unreal" to all.
natured and a good sense of humor laugh A summer in Europe .
Music Club 1; Psychology Club I; Riding Club 1; Aquatic Club 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
. . . "We're having brownies tonight" . . . Sweet
. . . Personality plus . . . Full of fun . . . Loves summer sports
. . . Nursing
Carol Janice Nicol
Helen Jean Atwater
Spilled Ink I; Cosmopolifan Club I; Art Club I; Psychology CJub 1; Theta Epsilon Nu.
Phi Thsta Kappa 2; Chapel Choir I; Centenary Singers I; Class Treasurer 1; Student Council 2, Treasurer; Thefa Epsilon Nu.
R.B. .
... .. . . .
Calm, cool, and collected "Oh, those Princeton week ends and Wednesday nights!" Riding "Don't sweat the small stuff" . Human comedy.
Joan Louise Malnati
Virginia Flory Black
Spilled Ink 1; Student Activities I;Delta Sigma Sigma.
Spilled Ink I; Student Activities I; Leaders' Corp 2; Cosrnopolifan Club 1; Hockey 2; Badminton 1; Student Council 1; Dormitory President 1; Delta Sigma Sigma.
. . . Amiable . . . Serious side under the fun . . . "Yeah, O.K., now let's" . . . Must have something settled . . . Sincere . . . Animals . . . jazz. R.B.
Jeanie . . . A ray of sunshine . . . Happy . . . Sincere . . . Kind . . . Dependable . . . "Oh, no!" . . . Flair for music . . . Bowling . . . Carloads of energy.
Ginny . . . "Oh, . . . With a glint
... . .
come on" Cute Vivacious in her eye . Golf champ To teach small fry . Just a good gal to know.
Carol White Rushforth
Marilyn LaVey Moore
Chop.1 Choir It Cenknrrry Singers Ir GuiJd 1, 2; Studenf Adivities 1; Theta Epsilon Nu.
Student Activities I; Music Club 2; Orientation Committee 2; Student Council 2; Holl President 2; Spilled Ink 1; Guild 1; Theta Epsilon Nu.
Card Friendly . Helpful Talkative Conscientious "Thai's life in the big city" Working What's the b i g attraction at Wesleyan.
LaVey A contagious sparkle of enthusiasm . Complete extrovert . Plays the bongo drums with ease A double for the famous Kim Phone, LaVey!
... ... ...
... ...
Susan Eleanor Nenetz
Gail Elaine Bryfogle
Chapel Choir 11 Centenary Singars 1; Cosmopolitan Club I; Psychology Club 1, 2; Student Council I; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Guild 11 Music Club 2, Riding Club I; Hockey I, Coptaini Thelo Epsilon Nu.
Sue of fun
Snooks Sleepy-time gal Loves to laugh That special Phi Delt Seriousness of purpose Dimples Bubbling personality Understanding "Oh, quit it."
. . . Quiet . . . Sincere . . . Hard worker . . . Full . . . "C'esf la vie" . . . Knitting . . . Sweet . . . Dependable.
... .. .
... ...
Elsa Ruth Boepple
Lynn Frances Bishop
Music Club 1, 2, Treasurer 2; Riding Club 1; Delta Sigma Sigma.
Student Activities 1; Dance Club 1 , 2; Lacrosse 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
. . . Sincere . . . Reasonable . . . Quiet unless . . . Joyous . . . Screams at mealtime . . .
Bepo inspired
. ..
Silver hair and a dark tan "He's nice, but I'm not Oh, those piano recitals. snowed"
. . . Vivacious . . . "Hey, ... . .. ...
Psychology Club 1, 2; Riding Club I ; Theta Epsilon Nu.
Neetie Outgoing, friendly, and fickle Loves "lsn!t that cute" .. water skiing in Nantucket
. . Conscientious
Linda Jane Broyhill
Anita Emily Ozias
babes" .
of appearance John . . Kind and considerate . Party girl Looks plus personality.
Considerate and understanding Sparkling eyes and a beautiful smile.
Student Activities 1; Music Club 2; Camera Club 1; Delta Sigma Sigma.
. ..
Tillie Always off on a week end Loves to dance, . Thoughtful of others and does to rock and roll whatever she can for people . . Always reading interesting books.
Sally Virginia Truax
Cynthia Blanche Richter
Guild 1; Cosmopolitan Club I t Student Activities 1; Student Council 2; Orientation Committee 2; H d l Presidenf 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
Guild 1 , Student Activities I; Delta Psi Omega 1, 2, Vice-president 2, Cosmopolitan Club 1; Delta Sigma Sigma.
... ...
. .. ...
Trux Sincere concern for others Petite and neat Lives for the week ends "Yum, thal "I can't handle it at all" cheese cake at Lindy's"
. . . Bundle of
friend to all.
. . . "Let's
go to New York"
... .. .
. . . Clothes . .
Anonymous letters from Lehigh Daily trips to the scale Coffee ice cream Original lipstick colors
... . . . Generous . . . "I've
got to wash my hair."
Dorothy Helen Bisacca
Ruthann Huffman
Psychology Club 2; Student Activities 1; Delta Psi Omega 1, 2, Secratary-Treasurer 2, Business Monoger 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
Guild 1; Student Activities 1; Music Club 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
. . . Sincere and tactful . . . Oh, that summer . . . Full of fun . . . A friend to all . . . "Hey, you .kids" . . . In love with life.
Ticki life
... ...
Sincere . Friendly . Always neat in appearance -lt*s . . . F",, loving , . . u~~~ do you spell it?A loyal friend . . N~~~ summer it's the big trip.
Judith Ann Powell
Barbara Ann Stone Student Activities 1; Theta Epsilon N u .
Stoney . Unpredictable . "I'm big on it" . Great sense of humor . . "Just adorable" . . Friendly
and understanding
Enjoys sports.
Hack 1; Psychology Club 1, 2; Librcrry Committee 1; Spilled Ink Student Activities 1; Theta Epsilon N u .
. . ... ...
Owl Friendly to everyone . Things are best Efficiency plus Loves a good expressed by lunch . Very enthusiastic A pretty face surtime rounded by natural, blonde hair.
Grace Ann Schweitzer
Susan Parmly Spencer
Dance Club 2; Student Activities 1; Cosmopolitan Club 1; Theta Epsilon N u .
Student Activities 1; Psychology Club 2; Theta Epsilon N u .
. . . Considerate . . . Friendly . . . Reliable . . . . Smiling and sweet . . . Light and petite . . . Happy and good natured . . . Oh, pony tail, oh
Peewee . . Quiet
pony tail, w b ~ r eart thou, pony tail?
. . . Sincere and friendly . . . Optimistic outlook personified . . .
. . . That laugh . . . Procrastination
"That's the way the ball bounces."
Suzanne Louise Wyatt
Brenda Lynne Bailey
Spilled Ink 2; Orientafion Cornmiwee 2; Delta Psi Omega 1 , 2; Student Council 2 ; Delta Sigma Sigma.
S p i l k d Ink 1, 2, Circulafion Manager 2, Studant Adivlicr I8 Psychology Clvb I , 2; Art Club 2) ~ u s i ed u b 24 Sigma Epribn Phi.
.. ... . ...
.. ...
Suzie . Striking blonde Sweet and sincere . Dreaming of California Ambitious attitude Considerate Acting . . Art and music . Modeling . . "Oh, my gosh!" Hollywood or bust!
Bren Bouncing bundle of energy Mfschievous eyes Spontaneaue laughter Living it up Sympathetic understanding Enduring friend . , Dancing Music Sports , "Just precious" "That bugs me" . Secretary.
Jean Ann Ball
Judith Ann Waters
Spilled Ink 2; Delta Sigma Sigma, Rushing Chairman 2.
... ...
... ...
Jeanne Top drawer Sparkling eyes . . Serious C'est la vie "Follow your heart" . moods Minnesota doll . Modeling Golf Acting . Figure skating . . "Oh, it's darling" "Really fabulous" What will it be, Vogue or TV?
. .
... ...
... ... . ..
Spilled Ink 1 , 2; Music Club I , 2i Psychology Club 2; Student Cound l 2, Secretc~ry;Delta Sigma Sigma.
... .. . ... .. ... ...
Judy Radiant smile Cute and pert Intriguing eyes Sincere and conscientious Talents galore Music . Art Dancing , Swimming "Ye-es" "Guess who called tonight?" : "Oh, my heavens!" Secretary.
. ..
Barbara Janet Pickard
Betty Jeanne Mirkin
Cormopoliian Club 1; C a m ~ r a Club 2, Psychology Club Y o l k y b a l l 1; Thefa Epsilon Nu.
. .. ... ... ...
1 , 2;
Bobbi Casual sophisticatian Serious Determination plus Subtle wit Lives for those week Southern men "Oh, I have so much fa ends do" . Model's figure Fourth for bridge.
. .. . .
1, 2; Cosmopolitan Club 1, 2; Psychology Club 1; Delfa Sigma Sigma.
... ...
. . . Sincere and . . . "See you
Mirk Dancing feet Full of fun Amiable vibrant Conscientious 'round the campus" That dark hair this algebra."
. . . "Can't get
Nancy Jane Lau
Beverly Sarah March
Spilled Ink 1; Chapel Choir I; Centenary Singers 1 ; Cosmopolitan Club I; Music Club 1; Psychology Club 1, 2; Theta Epsilon N u .
Guild 1, 2; Cosmopolitan Club 1; Psychology Club 1, 2; Hack 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.
... .. .
Always smiling Vivacious Witty Good really" . . . Lehigh week ends . Unpredictable Clever . . taste in clothes Coquettish eyes . "Talk to me."
. . . "Oh,
Bev . . . Level headed . . . Always packing . . . Sincere . . . Reserved . . . "I've never heard anything so ridiculous" . . . Week ends at Lafayette . . Loves children . . . Very understanding . . . Leo.
Sally Ann Ricker
Mary Bowman Haines
Guild 1; Student Activities 1, 2; Riding Club 1; Tennis Team Club 1; Book Club 2; Theto Epsilon N u .
.. .
I; Art
Sally . Oh, that laugh Week-end trips to Princeton . . Full of pep and enthusiasm "Con, turn Long, blonde hair . . Warm off the alarm clock" . smile
. . . Tennis,
. . . A true friend.
Orientation Committee 2; Guild I; Delta Psi O m e g o 1, 2; Cosmopolitan Club 1, 2; Music Club 1; Delto Sigma Sigma. .
. . . Early
morning classes
. . . "Break a leg" . . . . . . Quiet . . Quick to
Loves the theater Those dark-brown eyes ,. . . . Sincere Rooter at all the games .
memorize lines.
Constance Vivian Abell
Gail Eby
Orientation Committee 2; Guild 1, 2; Student Activities 1 , 2; Library Committee 2; Book Club 2; Theto Epsilon Nu.
Orientation Committee 2; Student Activities 1, 2; W A A 2, Treasurer; Leaders' Corps 2; Cosmopolitan Club 1, 2; Hockey 1 , 2; Basketball 1; Softball I; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
; Connie . . That blonde hair . Loves pastels The little green sprite . . Trips to Tigertown . "Ricks,
wait up!"
. . . Oh,
. .
that closet . . . Memories of Colgate Wall Street . . . Gay and vivacious.
. . . Sports . . . Close friend . . . "This darn knee ... ... ... .. .. .. Gail
brace" Seen streaking down the hockey field . . . Figuring out shorthand Known for her wise advice Naturally wavy hair . Quiet . Sensible .
Kristin Ann Jaffe
Constance Mae Gelpke
Student Activities I ; Cosmopolitan Club 1, 2, Secretary-Treasurer 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Orientation Committee 2 ; W A A 2, Secretary-Treasurer; Cosmopolitan Club 2; Leaders' Corps 2 ; Varsity Hockey 1, 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Krisabelle . . . Vivacious personality . . . Lifelong friend . . . Dartmouth . . . Sailing . . . Tennis . . . Loves animals . . . "Big Secret" . . . Long, brown hair . . . Mysterious eyes . . . "He's so cute" . . . Secretarial work and
Connie Warm and bright personality . . Late to bed, early to rise . Quiet and understanding manAthletic "I've got to get organized" . ner .
.. ...
Those Princeton men.
Christine Ellen Vogel
Mary Luikens Metcalf
Hock 2; Cosmopolitan Club 1, 2; Camera Club 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Hack I ; Spilled Ink 1; Orientation Committee 2; Cosmopolitan Club I ; Psychology Club I ; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Chrisabelle . . . Enthusiastic . . . Helpful and sincere . . . Hard worker . . . Art . . . Fashion merchandising . . . Water skiing . . . Kentucky or Germany . . . Famous walk . . . Curly, red hair . . . Passion for steno . . . Beautiful figure . . . qplimal lover . . . "C'est la futz!"
. . Smart dresser . . . "Lots of luck" . . . Medical . . . Quiet . . . Sincere . . . Efficient . . . Big, . . Variety of interests . . . "Checked the
secretary brown eyes
mail yet?"
Judith Ann Weber
Harriet Ann Kaufmann
Guild 1 , 2; Psychology Club 1 , 2; Studenf Council 2 ; Theta Epsilon N u .
Art Club 1 , 2; Delfa Sigma Sigma.
. . . Auburn hair . . . . . Neat as a pin . . . . . . Loves all music . . .
Web . . . Sweet and considerate Green eyes . King's College . Tennis, knitting, and swimming
Work for a few years then marriage.
Harriet . Gentle, understanding . . Neat . . Accomplished artist . Enjoys listening to all music except
. . . Seamstress . . . Studious . . . . . A July wedding and commercial
progressive jazz "Oh, Heavens!" ,
art career.
Mary Lynne Thomas
Carol Rudnick Guild 1 , 2; Arf Club 1 , 2; Chorale 1 , 2 ; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Guild 1 , 2 ; Psychology Club 1 , 2 ; Delfa Sigma Sigma.
. . . Always
. . . Attracts
A willing helper . . Brown hair and green eyes . . . Meticulous . Bryant College . . Tennis, swimming, and knitting . . Piano . . . "Honest to John" . . . Work
.. .
then marriage.
Carol Expresses individuality Lover of progressive jazz . . Handy with needle and thread
Another steno pad . . . Dresses in the height of fashion . "Shall I do it tonight or wait until tomorrow?" Medical secretary.
Judith Ann Johnston
Carol Ann Van Ness
Orienicrhbn Committee 21 Chapel Choir 1 , 2, Centenary Singer* 1, 2; Pipws 21 Sfwdmt Activities I; Cormopolitan Clyb I, PeJta Sigma lnteliectual~~~~~~i~~ sigma.
Sigma Epsilon Phi.
~~d~ . . E~~~ going ... .. . . . Industrious . . . Swimming . . . Reading . . . Scientific research . . . "Hey, roomie, rise and shine" . . . Labatosy technician.
... . ..
Llbrrary C o h m t f f m I, S, Y h - P r ~ l i h f& Slam* E p r i l m Phi.
... ... . .. . ... ... ...
Aldrich Talentsd "How mony days to my week Endless telephone calls Quiet Sincere end" Ladylike M ~ d e f ndancing Tap Boating Organ Se~etarialpwrsuits , Will continue studying organ and business at University of
... .. . . . . . .
. .
... . ..
Judith Ann Gleirn
Helen Aldrich Shoup D a m Club 1 ,
Carol Ready ko help Lovable hall senior , Willing to please Outgoing Cheerful and "Oh, well, 1 don't care" Good natured friendly What, me worry?
Lk lj. Qrlentation C a m i f h a 4 Guild 2; Student Cauntif 1;
Sigma E N b n Phl.
.. . ... .. .. .
Judy.. Good ncftured "iCeQ fw Philly, myone?" W T M s r horns AI-ys smiling Understemding , , , Lqal frS9md1, b p p y arfd helhful Herd worker E~syre h w .
. ..
. ..
Carolyn Marie Hurley
Phyllis June Springman
Guild 1, 2, Chapel Chairman 2; Cosmopolitan Club 1; Delta Sigma Sigma.
Spilled Ink 2, Associate Editor; Phi Theta Kappa 2; Student Activities 1; Psychology Club 1, 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.
.. ..
.. .
Carolyn . Sweet and sincere . Dependable Dancer . "It's fantastic" . Friendly and liked by all . Crack-of-dawn riser Honest with everyone Individualist . . Loves jewelry Subtle sense of humor. . The most beautiful hair.
. . ...
.. ...
. . ..
. . Neat appear. . . Tennis . . . . . . Secretarial
Phyl . Well liked and trustworthy . ance . Happy with life Cooking Psychology Sensible Vivacious
... ...
Dolores Louise Pieper
Jane Adams Ross
Spilled Ink 1; Chapel Choir 1, 2, Vice-President 1, 2; Centenary Singers 1, 21 Eversharps 1, 2; Guild 2; Cosmopolitan Club 1; Student Council 2; Delia Sigma Sigma.
Spilled Ink 2; Guild 1, 2; Psychology Club 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
. . .
Laurie . Always a laugh up her sleeve . . "Heh, kiddo" . . Artistic . . Loves people Mischievous . Never unoccupied . Soft, shiny hair Vibrant . An angel's voice Good listener "Have smile 2 you seen?"
.. ...
... . ..
Mother Adams Carefree and gay . Loyal friend . Maine, Maine, Maine! . The Kingston Trio . . Thinking of others . Archery . . Cooking Swimming Faithful to typewriter . . Early to bed, early to rise . Secretarial position.
. ..
. .
. .
. .
Sally Ann Roe
Lucy Ann Haskins
Chopel Choir 1 , 2; Centenary Singers 1 , 2; Guild I; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Delta Psi Omega 2; Music Club 1 , 2; Psychology Club 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Sal Sincere, loyal, and understanding That friendly hello Personality plus Tweedy Pixie . . . Late nights and long papers ."Get serious!" . . . Singing.
Luce . . . At home with confusion . . . Speaks in notes . . . Backstage of Little Theater . . . Everyone's roommate
. . . Magnanimous personality . . . "Doesn't
one have any lunch she doesn't want?"
Beverly Anne Turner
Susan Dunning Andrews
Phi Theta Kappa 1, 2; Guild 2; Delia Sigma Sigma.
Chapel Choir 1, 2; Centenary Singers 1, 2; Guild 1; Student Acfirities 1, 2, Board 21 Librmy Committee 1, 2; Music Club 1, 2; Psychology club 2; ~ o club ~ k 2; Riding club 1 , 2; Swimming . 1, . 2; Sigma ~ i z i l o nphi.
Bev . . . sleep much? . . . Funny and fun . . . Friendly . . . Likes horses . . . "This i s ridiculous!" . . . Thoughtful and considerate . . . Always a cheerful smile . . . "Get with it!"
. . . Secretary.
Sue Disorganized and absent minded Fascinated by people "Remind me" Perfection on the organ Longest hair in senior class Always new interests.
Kay Jean Chapiin
Elizabeth Ann Rice
Gulld 1, 2; Student Acfivitisr 1, 2; Psychology Club 2~ Theb EpriJon Nu, Chaplain 2.
Guild 1, 2; Cosmopolitan Club 1 , 2; Aquatic Club 1 , 2; Sigmo Epsilon Phi.
Kay smile
Ann Loves a good joke . Beautiful smile Sincere Week-end pers for Lehigh White cap Operator of that red boat Swimand dentistry ming Ice skating . . Water skiing . "What Marriage. happenedl"
. . . What
... itl"
fun and great to talk to Bright dance Understanding Sincere Midnight cleaning sprees , "I don't believe "Wake me up i n a half hour" Katharine Gibbs and marriage.
. . . Music,
... . . ...
... ... ...
. . ..
... ..
Louise Anne Parker
Elizabeth Esty Seamans
Guild 1, %J Studenf Avlivlties I, 21 Aquatic Club 1 , 21 Psfahology CIub 2~ Sigmcr Epsilon Phi.
Spilled Ink 2; Guild 2; Cosmopolitan Club 1, 2; Music Club 1, 2, Secretary 1; Softball 1; Theta Epsilon Nu.
Weaser . . . Neat and cute . . . Thoughtfulness plus . . . Considerate . . . Height of organization . . . Bubbling personality . . . European trip . , . Swimming . . . "Listen to this" . . . Future elementary school teacher.
. . . Greatest roommate . . . Full of pep . . . . . . Stories of hospital work . . . Skiing . . . . . . Volkswagen . . . Curly, brown hair and . . . "Hello, baby!" . . . Nursing and traveling.
Betsy Sincere Sailing freckles
Nancy Elizabeth Glenn
Barbara Margaret Bodor
Guild I; Student Activities 1, 2; Cosmopolitan Club 1; S i g m a Epsilon Phi.
Spilled Ink I; Guild I; Student Advities I; Volleyball I; Della S i g m a Sigma.
. ..
Nancy . . Blonde "5'2, eyes of blue" Quiet Thinks of others first Oil paintand considerate ing and figure skating Tennis Johnny Mathis "Let's eat" . Dental assistant.
. .
... ..
Barb Full of fun Faithful le:ter writer . Kind, gentle, and shy . Twinkling eyes Hairdos Modeling Late to bed, late to rise . "Hey, kids" Elementary school teacher.
... ...
... ..
Suellen Van Riper
Marilyn Anderson
Student Activities 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Spilled Ink I ; Guild I; Leaders' Corps 7, 2; Hockey 1; Basketball 1; Softball 1; Delta Sigma Sigma.
Sue . Dimples and a winning smile Wonderful Ice skating Swimming . sense of humor Kingston Trio and Johnny Mathis College football games "What's your trouble, bubble?" Airline reservationist.
... ...
. .
Marilyn Always working . Sweet and sincere Composed . "Mail? Are you kidding!" AthEarly to bed, early to rise . . letically inclined Sew, anyone? "Be a good girl" . Marriage and secretary.
.. ... ...
Linda Reid Schmidt
Marguerite Kay Rowe Hack 1; S p illed Ink 1; Cosmopolitan Club I; Psychology Club 1, 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
... . ..
Marge Proud Possessor of long hair A letter a day . . Sincere Water skiing . Bowling . Sailing . Shopping sprees . Unique accent . . That smile . . . "Next stop, Japan" . . Future elementary school teacher.
.. .
.. .
Hack 1; Student Activiiies 1; Cosmopolitan Club 1; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
. . . "Let's go
Lin A blonde that prefers gentlemen to dinneru , . Intelligent sophistication
... ...
the ~~~~~~~i~~ pinu . ullm writing Continue education and marriage.
Margaret Jane Ellis
Susan Patricia Pettit
Hock 1; Spilled Ink 1 ; Chapel Choir 1; Centenary Singers 1; Cosmopolitan Club I; Psychology CIub 2; Book Club 1; Sigmo Epsilon Phi.
Student Activities 1; Cosmopolitan Club I, 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
... ..
Friendly, sincere, and honest . Writing . Peg Music . Swimming Likes a good laugh Diligent worker . What a tweed . Big week end . "How queer!" . . Elementary teacher. coming up
Sweet, innocent, and completely feminine
. . . Unselfish . . . Sharp Dreaming of Silver Bay "Squelch!" .
. . . Personality plus . . . . . Loves people . . M~~~~~ . . Airline stewardess.
Barbara Ruth Zimmerman Orientation Commiifee 2 , Dormitory President 2 ; Guild 1, 2; Cosmopolitan Club 1 , 2; Student Council 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
. . . Fun-loving pixie face . . . Dependable . . . Gum, gum, gum . . . "Hey, you kids!" . . . Dar-rling . . . Beta fan . . . Considerate . . . Very friendly . . . Lots of fun . . . Hard worker . . . Loves bridge. Bonnie
Mary Jane Copeland Sigma Epsilon Phi.
. . . Constant companion . . Figure of fashion . . . . . . Sense of humor . . . ends . . . Albany or bust . , . "Hey,
Midge Quiet, but sweet . . Connoisseur of art . "Early to bed, early to rise"
Love those week
do you know what!"
Judith Ellen Tjaden
Barbara Ruth Brock
Orientation Committee 2; Hall President 2; Dance Club 1; Student Council 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
Student Activities 1, 2; Music Club 1; Psychology Club 2; De:ta Sigma Sigma.
. . .
Judy . Oh, that laugh . . Always getting a cup of coffee . . Can she draw . . . Always up to something . . Anybody have an extra telephone Never eats
-so-o fattening
... . . . Love that girl.
Bonnie . Sophisticated and fashionable . Conscientious worker with definite ambition Loves music Sweet talk with expressive eyes . . Quiet, but . A friend to all Thirst for knowledge. likeable
... .
Karen Madell Wilbur
Janis Koss
Guild 1 ; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Spilled Ink 1, 2; Chapel Choir 2, Librarian; Centenary Singers 1, 2; Pipers 1, 2; Eversharps 1, 2; Riding Club 1, 2, Secretury 1 ; Delta Sigma Sigma.
. . . Warmth . . . Winning smile . . Sarcastic wit . . . "0. Henry's favoritel" . . . "Anyone seen my brown-plaid skirt?" . . . Never too busy to lend an ear . . . "Make me get up-no matter what!" . . . Generosity plus . . . "I'm impressed!" Karen
. . . "Good grief, . . . Always happy.
Janis . Always thinks of others Real worker Charlie Brown"
Marjorie Ann Axt
Julie Cheshire
Spilled Ink 1; Riding Club I ; Softball I ; Hack 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.
Hack 2; Spilled Ink 1; Phi Theta Kappa 1 , 2; Camera Club 2; Cheerleaders 1, Head Cheerleader; Sigma Epsilon Phi, Secretary 2.
Muffy . Rutgers fan Contagious giggle Friend to all Diets and splurges "I've got a problem" . Absent minded Must be something "Oh, you're funny!" wrong with the mail service
... ...
Julie Cute, lively, vivacious . Full of fun and Known and liked by everyone Ambilaughs tious and very sincere Capable and responsible Interested in art and horseback riding.
Ann Virginia Hergesheimer
Jane Phillips Thomas
Chapel Choir 1, 2; Centenary Singers 1, 2; Pipers 2; Singers' Board 2: Theta E ~ s i l o nNu.
Spilled Ink 1, 2; Delta Psi Omegcr 1, 2; Cosmopolifan Club 1; Psychology Club I; Student Council 1; Hall President I; Theta Epsilon Nu.
... ... ... ...
Hergie Petite Sincere Thoughtful "Let's not go to breakfast" Oh, that red Triumph Always harmonizing R.U. Rah! Rah! Future airline hostess.
.. .
Katherine Ann Honegger student courr 2; phi lheta ~ a p p1, ~2; Student Activities 1, 2; Library Commi:tee 2; Cosmopolitan Club 1, 2; Chorale 1 1 Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Friendly and well liked . . Good natured Kayzie Oh, so industrious "There are worlds to be conquered" . Night owl What's for dinner?
... . .
... . ..
Janie Friendly and competent Organized "Tonight I'm going to bed early!" Loves classical music . Swimming "Think I'll go to Annapolis Plans to go into merchandising. this week end"
Judith Lynn Volkrnan Hack 1; Spilled Ink 1; Student Activities 1; Cosmopolitan Club I; Psychology Club 1; Delta Sigma Sigma.
Judy . . . Full of life . . . Ready to listen and help . . . vivaciouspersonality . . u~eally. . olsnVtthat calypso greatw . .~ l as good ~ as~ ~~k~~~ ~ . . .t Likes bridge and tennis . . . Secretarial future.
Lois Rosalind Maccubbin Cosmopalitan Club
G a i l Elsa Gerhart
1; Psychology Club 2; De!ta Sigma Sigma.
Lois Friendly and happy . Sincere . What Tigers prefer brunettes, do they? appealing eyes!
. . . What,
no special mail today?
. . . "On,
Chapel Choir
I; Centenary Singers 1; Cosmopolitan Club I; Psychology Club 2; Theta Epsilon N u .
. . . Friend
to all
. . . Spends
hours at studies but
Jacquelyn Anne Twining Spilled Ink
I; Psychology Club 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
. . . Mischievous,
brown eyes
. . . Friendly . . .
Sunshine with a serious side A nursing transfer . Loves sports cars Who has those Tigertone "Oh, I wish." blues now?
... ...
has a good time when it's the time for play . Her Considerate trademark: a D.A. and sparkling teeth . of others "That's really neat!"
Patricia Ellen Pierce Student Activities
.. ..
1; Art Club I; Psychology Club 1, 2; Volleyball 1; Delfa Sigma Sigma.
Patsy . The blonde with the Boston accent Sensible . Easy going . Great help with sorority . When she's excited, she's and class functions Close friend Interested excited! , "Fabulous"
. .
. ..
in what people have to say.
Joyce Elaine Murdock Guild
Ruth Hemminger
1, 2; Student Activities I; Cosmopolitan Club I; Cheerleaders 2; Basketball I; Delta Sigma Sigma.
Joy . . . Exceptional interest in others . . . Quiet, shy . . . Blushes easily . . . Interested in languages, history, and international relations . . . That envied natural wave . . . Likeable and thoughtful . . . Yo, ho . . . Scrounge . . . "Meals? O f course I never go."
2; Dance Club 1, 2, Secretory 2; Book Club 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi, Chaplain 2.
Ruth Individualist . . . Seeks new experiences, new people, new lands . . High spirits with ingredients of Triple portions at every meal . a live wire Babs and Ruth-double trouble When in doubt, laugh!
Margie Hard worker come from"
I; Chorale I ; Delta Sigma Sigmcr.
Guten Tag, bonjour, buenos dias . Very neat "Where did all this dust Strawberry-blonde curls Tennis and music Mostest.
. ..
. .
Barbara Lee Litchfield
Laura Marjorie Megargee Music Club
Cosmopolitan Club
I; Psychology Club 1, 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Babs Makes friends readily Extrovert A way with children . Gift of empathy Perpetual and heart-warming smile . Anticipation for Worcester week ends Prone to pranks Late-hour giggles "Tough one to lose!"
. .
Susan Sinclair Weeks
Carol Louise Fausel Cosmopolitan Club 2; Art Club 1 , 2, Treasurer 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
. .
. . ... ...
Carol . "Really" Humorous and intelligent . Willing to help . Likes modern art and Dali Friendly smile and hello . Never unoccupied Paintbrush master The hand that helps Sincere.
Student Activities I ; Cosmopolitan Club 1; Delta Sigma Sigma, Vico President 2.
Susie Delightful to know Always thirsty . "I'm starved" "Anyone going to Worcester this week end" Weakness for contemporary cards More skirts than places to wear them "Oh, do I lead trumps?" . Serious side.
... ...
Mary Ellen Uibel
Margaret Louise Stirling
Spilled Ink I ; Chapel Choir 1 , 2; Centenary Singers 1, 2; Psychology Club 1, 2; Hockoy 1 , 2; Basketball 1, 2; Volleyball 1 , 2; Softball 1; Delta Sigma Sigma, Treasurer 2.
Student Activities 1; Cosmop~litan Club I; Aquatic Club I; Theta Epsilon Nu.
. . Good natured . . . . . . Very efficient . . .
Mary Ellen . Athlete superb . Understanding and thoughtful Early to bed, early to rise How Mary Ellen?:,. "Forget it"
many letters today, Secretarial career.
Peggy Week ends at Rutgers "Just had the mos: embarrassing moment of my life" . "Really top drawer" . Wide-eyed looks of amazement Common sense and hidden intelligence The crazy
hat with the madras band.
Sandra Deane Veldran
Nan'cy Lee Casebolt
Student Court 2; Phi Theta K a p p a 1, 2; Delta Psi O m e g a 1, 2; Volleyball 1; Delta S i g m a Sigma.
Guild 1, 2; Student Activities 1, 2; Psychology Club 1, 2; Chorale 1, 2; S i g m a Epsilon Phi.
Sandy ing eyes the shore
. . . Unselfish and dependable . . . Those laugh. . . What dimples! . . . Oh, that summer at . . . "How obnoxious!" . . . "It's about the
. . . "Don't forget that week-end p~rmission" . . . A whiz at sewing . . . What luck! . . . Baby food and graham crackers . . . Those roommate-styled haircuts
. . . "Oh, if only I didn't have five eight o'clocks!"
Sherin Baumann Rinehart
Anita Madeleine Lipp
Orientation Commiftee 2; Student Activities I; Delta Psi O m e g a 1, 2; Art Club I; Volleyball 1 ; Student Council 2; Delta S i g m a Sigma.
Guild I; Student Activities 1 , 2; Cosmopolitan Club 2; Delta S i g m a Sigma.
Sherin Here and there Always talking! Loves hillbilly music and the Kingston Trio Cheerful Never a dull moment with 101 and understanding pounds of fun "Forget it, babes!"
... ...
Anita . . . CCW viewbook model . . . A sincere friend . . . Considerate . . . Those midnight snacks . . . Pakistan school teacher . . . Easy laugh . . . "Get a load of tonight's steno!" . . . "Aw, come on, Nance, cut my hair" . . . "Holy smoke!"
Bonney Ann Herrmann
Dale House
Student Activities 1; Psychology Club 1, 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
. ... ... . ..
B. Bon . . A contagious sparkle of enthusiasm Organized Love those Clark bars Lives for week ends u~olly how , do you spell~~~d & T ~ lored?" Misery, I slept through breakfast again Homemaker of tomorrow.
Student Activities I ; Hockey I ; Tennis I ; Basketball 1; Aquatic Club 2; Theta Epsilon Nu, Secretary 2, Rushing Chairman 2.
. ... ...
Casa eyes Flashing sm:l= . Epitome of casualness Enjoys languages Al~ ways on the go . What have you broken now? Sincere Likes sports Enthusiastic and hard What a tweed! . "Forget it[" working
... ...
... . .
Marilyn Ruth Miller
Martha Carol Carner Spilled Ink I ; Student Activities I ; Psychology Club 1, 2, Secretary I , Treasurer 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
W A A 2, Vice-President;
Molly Friendly to all Good listener Smiling, strawberry blonde Three loves: Bob, food, and "Love those house parties!" Plays a sleep "Just a minute; I'm deciding crazy game of pool ; what to wear."
Butch Full of fun So lively and witty! . Sports enthusiast What a joker Friendly to all That raccoon coat . . Never a dull moment when in her midst "Bologna!"
Aquatic Club 1, 2, Vice-Presidenf Hockey 1, 2; Basketball I ; Softball I ; Delta Sigma Sigma.
. ...
Joanne Frances Buhler
Nancy North Dancc Club
1, 2; Riding
Cosmopolitan Club
1; Theta Epsilon Nu.
No No Quiet A reliable friend Whar bubbly laughter! Skier, mountain climber, dancer Whai i s it about the trampcline? Activity keeps
her in shape for modeling Snow queen a N o No!"
. . . "That's
1, 2,
I, 2;
. . . Good buddy . . . . . . Honest . . . Depend-
. . . Golfer . . Secretarial
all types of music tary
. . . Can
. . . Plans to
be an executive secre-
get very absorbed in the subjects she's interested in.
Kathryn 1. Simon
Business Manager 2; Psychology Club Sigma Sigma.
Sue Interested in others Cares whaf happens to others
A devoted friend
Susan Mae Gutman Spilled Ink
I; Music
. . . Conscientious student . . . Dignity . . . Understanding . . . Enjoys listening to Jo
Loves music.
Aquatic Club
1, 2;
Psychology Club 1; Riding Club Theta Epsilon Nu.
Tennis 7 ;
Kate A calm voice Sharp wit A searching mind for the finer things in life Like M.G.'s much?
. . . An avid tennis player . . . Say, silversmith?
you want to be a
Barbara Blodgett
Diana Chrrdbourne Stephens Stvdant Activities 1. 2, Psychology Club 2; Theta Epsiien
. . . Friendly . . . Those week-end taai trips . . . "Jus? one more cup and cigl" . . . Those wee hours in the morning . . . The bigger the bai'fer . . . "Aw, Diney
ceme on, you gwys!''
Cosmopolitan Club 1; Aquatic Club 1; Book Club J; Student Council I; Hall President 1; Theta Epsilon N u .
Blodg . . . Casual beauty . . . A fourth for bridge? . . . What better pastime than thumbing through the Daily News? . . . "I won't cut my hair" . . . Embarrassed much? . . . "You kids, what am I going to do?"
Suzanne Jane Sisman
Susan Jane Warren
Student Ceurf 1; Guild 1, 2; Student Aetivifies 1, P$ Club 2; Hockey 1. 2; D e l h Sigma Sigma) Seerstary 2.
Orientotion Committee 2; Hall President 2; Guild J; S:udenf Activi. ties I; Student Council 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
Suzie Bubbling Friendly "They said Her "Beauty 'hello,' but I couldn't see that farl" Bucket" , A real sweetie And bringing up the rear is our Suz "I'll be ihere in a minutel"
Sue . . A natural clown Likes moose and special Loyal to the Jersey shore but colkinds of tigers lege in South next year "Have to make that taxi!" Anyone for bridge? "Why not?"
... ..
... ...
Jean Carol LaVecchia Student
I; W A A 2; Baseball 1; Delta S i g m a Sigma, Rushing C h d r m a n 2 .
... ... ... ...
Lavec Vivacious Many admirers "I've got Short memory, long lists Natuso much work" ral-born dancer Flair for acting Those sports Berserk Loves lunches Makes the cars simplest tale a hilarious comedy.
... ... ...
Susan Carol Rockefeller Student Activities 1, 2; Cosmopolitan Club I; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Rockie A true friend . Life of any party . Faithful to grill hours . . 101 faces Ever heard Dreamer . . Dates? Just make her laugh? Little boy haircuts "What a stitch." them tall
... ...
... ...
Wendy Forster Jesser
Barbara Linda Tompkins
Guild I , Board I; Cosmopolitan Club I; T h e f a Epsilon N u .
G u i l J 2; Student Activities 1; Music Club 1; Psychology Club 2; Chorale I ; Hockey I; Basketball I ; T h e b Epsilon N u .
. . . Heart and
. . . Sarcastic wit . . .
"Oh, you're cool" Generosity i s her way of life Procrastination personified . "A little respect" Honorary Phi Delt.
. .
... . ...
Linda . Miss Maintenance . "Let's motivate" "Hey, you all" "Some people's children!" Hates waiting for people but not vice versa Usually found in a daze or in mild hysterics Salad eater Loves afternoon naps.
... ...
Jean Halliday
Elizabeth Anne Rogers
Hack 1; Guild 1, 2; Student Activities 1; Hockey 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
Orientation Committee 2; Chapel Choir 1; Centenary Singers 1; Music Club 2; Student Council 2; Dormitory President 2 ; Theta Epsilon Nu.
. . . Enthusiasm plus . . . Easy to know . . . That eleven o'clock laughter . . . Who said Mexico? . . . A homemaker of tomorrow . . . Loves dietetic food . . . Syracuse bound! . . . "Holy Moly!" Jill
Liz Gracefully tall, dark, and pretty Witty in a subtle way . "Who can say?" . . . Clothes conscious Late sleeper . . "Jumping with Jonah" . Bright eyes Respected by all who know her.
. .
Fernanda Ruth Rose
Judy Spear
Guild 2; Student Activities 1, 2 ; Psychology Club 1 , 2; Basketbdl 1, 2; Baseball 1; Sigma Epsilon N u .
Orientation Committee 2; Guild 1; Student Activities 1, 2; Student Council 2; Hall President 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
Nan Friendly to all Those horrid 8 a.m. classes! Always sleeping or eating Easy going . . A talent Where to this week end for modern dance? "Get serious!"
Judy Brown
... ... ...
. . . An air of casualness . . . Long week ends at . . . Well organized . . . Blushes . . . Strains of "I Miss You So" . . . An understanding ear . . . Ready for fun . . . "Pshaw!"
Karen Truesdale Graff
Diana Jeanne Beck
Dolta Psi O m e g a I, 2; Music Club 1, 2, Vice-President 1; Riding Club 1, 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Student Activities 1, 2; Cosmopolitan Club I; Psychology Club I; Riding Club I; Chorale I, Secretary-Treasurer; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
K-ran North Carolina i s her life Little Theater Willing to help Seeks an education enthusiast
in everything she does . . . Nothing new i s uninteresting "I may look busy, but I'm only confused!"
. . . Blonde hair . . . Twinkling eyes . . . "The . . . "Hey, roomie! Don't you think I'm losing . . . Friendly . . . Vivacious . . . Country at heart . . . Horse training on "that farm" . . .
Dinny Big Buck" weight?" girl
Soc. major!
Doris Ellen Cox
Alexandra Elizabeth Ephrussi
Spilled Ink I; Centenary Singers I; Delta Sigma Sigma.
Doris friend
. . . Mischievous smile . . . Clarkson . . . A . . . Honest and sincere . . . Vocal music children . . . "This time next year."
true and
Music Club I; Camera Club 1, 2, Vice-President-Treasurer chology Club 1; Chorale 1; Delta Sigma Sigma.
. . . Sweet,
2; Psy-
friendly, and thoughtful Energetic Ambitions should strictly be left to Caesar! "I'm not going to be here this week end" Sports car enthusiast.
Joan Hartman Rayner
Carol Joan Baur
Psychology Club 1 , 2 , D d i a Sigma Sigma.
Riding Club 1; Delta Sigma Sigma.
. ..
... ...
Joanie Industrious Always composed Wonderful sewer "Oh, I'm getfing so fat!" "Anyone Thoughtful and sincere. for tennis or golf?"
. ..
. . . House-party happy . . . Stylish in dress . . .
Cee Jay Poppin' with pep Daffy for dixieland Hazel-eyed bombshell
. . . "Unbelievable."
Susan Schackne
Sandra Lee Morrison
Student Adivitier 12 Psychologr Club 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.
Chorale 1; Delta Sigma S i g m a
... ...
Sue Lots o f laughs , "You know" Incessant Never a dull moment Art enthusiast chatter Sincere Perpetual twinkle in the eye Forever considerate.
.. .
... ...
Sandi Dark, laughing eyes . lovable That certain smile "My diet" Easy to know
. . Unpredictable
. . . Happy chatter . . . . . . "Be serious!"
Joan Elton Chamberlain
Susan Debo Phillips
Cosmopolitan Club 1 ; Camera Club 1, 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.
Guild 1, 2; Student Activities 1, 2. Publicity Chairman 2; Psychology Club 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
Joan Self-possessed charm J u t enough Wants to be a career girl sophistication
Knack for interior decorating look
. . . Quiet
- .
~ sincerity.
~ scrubbed ~
. . . Full of fun . . . Ever-present smile . . . Sleeps mucho . . . Lives on coffee . . . Warm, vivacious personh l ~ ality . . . Conscientious workcr.
Suzie ~
Dorcas Winslow Allen
Barbara Kay Lutz Guild 1 ; Student Activities 1 ,
Psychology Club 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Lotta Outgoing . . Vivacious Always ready for a good time Her wit ever flowing Don't forget that tennis racket . "Huh!" Happy-go"Want anything at the grill?" lucky
Spilled Ink 1 ; Guild 1, 2; Student Activities 1, 2: Aquatic Club 2; Psychology Club 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
... ...
Warm, vibrant personality Sincere and Dee Notorious giggle Dependable understanding . and conscientious . Always willing to help.
Susette DuPuy
Patricia Ann Falcone
Pipers 2; Chapel Chair I , 2; Centenary Singers 1 , 2, SecretaryTreasurer 2; Music Club 1 , 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Psychology Club 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.
Dupe . . Fourth for bridge Diary keeper . . Just That faraway look "I'll be back loves apples . Friendly in a minute" . Where did the time go? . Hard worker "It's really quite amazing!"
... . .
... .. .
Pat Warmed by the smile of a young child White house and a picket fence Always ready for Larry, Larry, Larry Lives for week ends. fun
... ...
..* * I.,
Susan Doerrie Koch
Rita Frances de Genaro
Cosmopolitan Club 1; Music Club 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Psychology Club 2; Riding Club 1; Delta Sigma Sigma.
Sue . . Little things mean a lot Energy plus Cape Cod Another Kingston Trio album . Weekly dusting ritual "I'm just exhausted" That daredevil . . Long, blonde hair Ohio . "Movies, :/anyone?" . . Thoughtful.
... ...
. . ... ..
. . . Seems to
Rita smile
favor Lehigh . . Warm, friendly o f little feet Perfectionist . . Horses, horses, horses Sense of humor.
. . . Patter
... ...
Ruth Elizabeth Ruston
Joan Ann Jolly
Cosmopolitan Club I; Delta Sigma Sigma.
Guild 2; Student Activities 1; Cosmopolitan Club I ; Riding Club 1 , 2, Treasurer 2; Hack 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
. .
Rusty . A real lady Mischief behind quiet sophistication . L~~~~~ fashions L~~~~ of chopped liver . Individualist Understanding . Boy in every port.
. .
Joany - - . A loyal and iolly friend . . . "Hey, gang!" . . . "How do you spell that?" . . . Her delight, a blue ribbon in the ring . . . Fashionably late . . . Sense of humor and a smile for everyone.
Mary Bunnell Curtiss
Janet Helen Cornell
Student Court I, Class Representative; Leaders' Corps 2; Psychology Club 2; Hockey I; Softball I; Library Commitfee 1, 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
Guild '1, 2, Board 2; Cosmopolitan Club 1 ; Music Club 1; Psychology Club 2; Spilled Ink 2, Librarian; Theta Epsilon Nu.
Peepers . Laughter is her food for thought Friends encircle her Understanding . Generous . Future Ph~s.Ed. teacher . Always willing to help.
- .
. .
... ..
. .
Jan True and sincere friend . Loves to meet new people Understanding ear Warm personality . . Conscientious Ever-present smile . . . "I've iust got to get another record!" . ~ ~ ~ ~
... ..
A love for bridge.
Gladys Elsie Seemuller
Elaine Kinley
Hack 1 , 2, Business Manoear 2; Aquatic Club 1 , 2; Rating Board Spilled Ink I; CosmopoEitcrn Club 7; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
.. ...
Glad . "Hey, Speed!" "A hand that helps, the Third finger, leff hand Water eyes that smile" Quiet strength Capable homemaker nymph and deep thought.
Guild 2; Aquatic Club 1, 2 ; Psychology Club 1, 2; Library Committee 1, 2; Swimming 1 , 2 ; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
. ..
. . ...
Lainey Blondie . Working for her RN and Mrs. Always laughing Versatile . , Loves those cat naps Ready to go "Oh, what con I wear tomorrow?"
Carol Lee Fighera
Janet Arlene Lotz
Hall President 2; Student Council 2; Hack 2; Orientation Committee 2; Guild 1 ; Psychology Club 1, 2; Aquatic Club 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Guild 2; Student Activities 1; Psychology Club 1 , 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.
.. ..
Carol Lee . "Oh, I'm so excited!" Bubbling . Pert and pretty . . Kindness of an personality angel . Unselfishness personified To know her i s to love her . Reflects the sunshine of humanity.
Fun, friendly, and well liked . Sparkling Lotsie brown eyes . Neat and attractive . . Moments of Summers at Beach Haven ."Eleven seriousness o'clock-time for Zzzz's!"
. . ...
Sandra Allison Bear
Ann Folsom Lang
Centenary Singers 1 , 2, Board 2, Section leader 2; Chapel Choir 1, 2; Pipers 2; Spilled Ink I; Sfudent Activities 1; Hack 2; Cosmopalitan Club 1 , 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Spilled Ink 1; Student Activities 1, 2; Delta Psi O m e g a 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
. .
San "Well, tomorrow's another day" . Always Sparkling smile . . Quiet until you get to singing . . Petite and pretty . Fried chicken! know hcr . . Oh, those letters from Oklahoma . Good things
.. ..
.. ..
... ... .. . .
Pupes Package of fun Varied interests That New Hampshire accent Sympathetic listener . . The wee small hours . Procrastination personified . Copper dazzle? . Quick wit . . "Come on, be a sport!"
come in small packages.
Mary Dravo lves
Beverly Colt Ekings
Phi Theta Kappa 1, 2, Secretary 2; Cosmopolitan Club 1, 2; Dance Club 1, 2; Hack 21 Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Student Activities 1, 2; Cosmopolitan Club 1, 2; Riding Club 1, 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
Bev . Late to bed, late to rise Love those red Consumes more coffee than an army . Cotnails tage cheese with ketchup . Smiles and giggles . . Knee socks Loves to play "Do you know?"
. . . "Are you serious!" . . . Contagious laugh . . . Always ready for a good joke . . . Oh, those late hours1 . . . Loves a good challenge . . . Shimmering, blonde hair . . . Busy as a beaver making posters . . . Svjeet and sincere. 1.
.. ...
. .
. .
Marlene Ritchie
Elizabeth Walter Strawbridge
Guild 1 , 2; Cosmopolitan Club 1; Psychology Club 1, 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.
Camera Club 2; Art Club I , Secretary; Delta Sigma Sigma.
. . . . ... ..
... ...
Dimples . "What a laugh" Sincere, sweet, quiet, fun loving . Boston accent Princeton Sparkling eyes Cannons . . . Merchandising . Air of casualness . Loathes 7 a.m. bells . A hand that helps and ears that listen.
... ..
... ...
... ... ...
Debby Vivacious Loquacious Neat Never too busy to listen The wee small hours Sailing . Learning to drive an Austin-Healy Charm bracelets "You're so strange" A small world with tea for two. :I
... ..
Gail Kathryn Sylvesler
Deborah Hanson Studen: Activities 1, 2; Delta Psi Omega I, 2; Cosmopolitan Club Hockey I; Chorale 1; Theta Epsilon Nu.
Betty . The quiet, silent type Organization "Dearie, the thing i s " . . . Loyal friend Subtle sense of humor . , serious . Loves life . Ready to do a favor Sees good in everyone , Hard worker.
DrBa Psi Omaga 1, 2; Spilled Ink 1, 2; News Editor 2; Hack 7 3 Orientation Commiftee 2; Guild I ; Music Club 2; C m e r a Club 1, 2; Riding Club I , 2; Chorale I, 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
. . . The suitcase student . . . "Me, study?" . . . . . . "Ten more pounds and I'll b e flying high" . . . "Don't call me dearie!" . . . Gail
"A fourth for bridge?" A famous procrastinator
. . . So too.
easygoing, forgiving,
.Carolyn Dodge Luther
Pamela Ruth Mein
Hock 2, Liferory Editor; Guild 1 , 2; Phi Theto Kappa 1, 2; Psychology Club 1, 2; Library Committee 1, 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Carolyn . . . Witty Friendliness personified Busy week ends Gordie "That's my boy!" EfFiciency plus Starts the day with a smile Enjoys a good time August wedding bells.
... ...
... ..
W A A 2, Corresponding Secretory; Hock 2; Music Club I ; Psychology Club 1; Chorale 1, 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
. . . Understanding,
Maingy of humor sad"
carefree, and a good sense Mr. Pennypacker, how A Johnny Mathis fan Sociability plus.
. . . W.
& J.
. . . "Oh,
Karen Ruth Von den Deale
Sandra Sebring Smith
Spilled Ink 2; Guild 7 , 2; Student Activities 2; Psychology Club 7, 2; Hock 2; Sigmo Epsilon. Phi.
Chorale 1, 2; Music Club I ; Psychology Club 1, 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
... ...
Karen "For crying out loud!" Full of life Always willing to help Marching for Diok "A full mailbox gathers no dust" The tiny freshman Contagious laugh. with the bouncy ppny tail
Sandy Nelly-Belle "Shot down again" "A letter from Barney? I don't believe it" Sparkling, Subtle wit brown eyes . . . Casual sophistication Sleep, what's that? Jaunts to Amherst "Variety i s the soul of pleasure."
... ...
Elva Lege Allison
Faith Tymeson
Chorale 1; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Hack 2; Spilled Ink 1, 2; Psychology Club 1, 2; Hall President 1) Student Council 1; Sigma Epsilon Phi, Treasurer 2.
. .
Elva Sarcastically humorous . Hard worker . Always studying . Generous, sensitive, and senti-
... ...
mental Our Elvis "Well now, what are we going to do about that?" Sympathetic listener Crazy in a nice sort of way.
Lynn . . . Full of pep A smile for everyone Tall and slender Nice dresser True Red Sox
. . . Massachusetts
... ...
Jewel of sincerity
Wealth of friends
Self-possessed charm . . . Casually fashionable Midnight revivals Runs when the phone rings "Sleep, what's that?" . . "Fourth for bridge?"
Nancy Frances Baker
Linda Coleman Jacoby Spilled Ink I; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
... . . . Airline career.
Spilled Ink 2; Cosmopolifan Club I; Student Activities 2; Aquatic Club 1, 2; Psychology Club 2; Hockey 1, 2; Swimming I, Captain; Theta Epsilon N u .
Nance . . . Big, blue eyes . . . Always on the phone . . . "My big toe's been asleep since September 27" . . . Easy going . . . Mailbox that never needs dusting . . . Tomorrow the diet starts . . . "I've got insomnia."
Lynn Diana Benish
Suzanne Marie Zacher Spilled Ink 1 ,
2; Student Activities I; Psychology Club 2; Delra
Chapel Choir
Sigma Sigma.
. . ... .. sunrise . . . English . . . Music.
Sue Spontaneous, but reserved . Kindness Individuality Tiny waist . "Just five more minutes"
To bed at
1 , 2; Centenary Singers I, 2; Pipers 2; Guild 2; Student Adivties 2; Theta Epsilon N u .
. .
. . "At ... "My Stevie" . . . Loyal to the blue and white . . . Little
Lynnie . Sweet and sincere, a smile for all . this time next year" . Burns the midnight oil
girl with a big heart.
Corothy Ann Bogdanowicz
Gail Russell Zoeller
Student Council 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
. . ...
Dottie . . Quiet and sincere . That certain smile . Cheerful . Understanding Varied interests include sewing, cooking, and letter writing . "Gee whiz" . Secretary in the big city.
. .
2; Guild 2; Student Activities 2; Psychology Club 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
. . . Her
hair has the radiance of golden sunlight . "Far above Cayuga's waters" . . Early to bed, early to rise . . A winning smile and a kindly word.
Marguerite Boone Lofft
Barbara Ann Brown Hack 2; Guild 1, 2; Student Activities 2; Psychology Club 2; Book Club 1; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
. .
Brown . Epitome of neatness and efficiency . Always seen in the phone booth Understanding and considerate "Really sharp" Those Pittsburg colloquialisms . "Diet starts tomorrow" . "Let's eat in the grill" . . Everyone's interest at
... ...
... . .
Chapel Choir 1, 2; Centenary Singers 1, 2; Pipers 1 , Activities I; Delia Sigma Sigma.
... ...
Mag Infectious giggle Loves apples Plays the piano . . "I know I'm going to fail!" Future Sweet and plans-to be a successful secretary agreeable.
Charlotte Clopton Erickson
Margaret Ruth Baxter Chapel Choir 1 , 2; Centenory Singers 1, 2; Pipers 1, 2; Guild 1, 2; Psychology Club 2; Theta Epsilon Nu, Vice-President 2.
.. .
Peggy . . Pep and personality "Good grief, Charlie Brown" . . A real knack for making friends . Psi U Cornell Sincere and dependable "Let's have a donkey roast!" . . Wonderful
.. ..
... :/
Chapel Choir 1; Centenary Singers I; Student Activities 1; Delta Sigma Sigma.
. . ... . . . .
Char Friendly . Efficient plus . Always full of Real wit Loyal . . . "Can fun and laughter I have your pickle?" . "Get serious!" . Sings beautifully . Will be an efficient secretary.
. .
Barbara Anne Mott
Anne Morris
Sfudent Activities 2 , Secretary-Treasurer; Art Club 1; Theta Epsilon Nu.
Hack 2; Spilled Ink 1 , 2; Student Activities 1 , 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.
to to know vivacious, and well liked Willing to help others . Talkative.
. . . Considerate . . . Sincere in her ways . . . . . Connoisseur of food-most anything . . . Diet? . . . Energy to spare . . . . . Bubbling
Annie Trusting
. . . Traveler . . . Airline hostess . . . "Come fly with me."
Margaret Judith Sauer
Susan Mary Gerhardy
Cosmopolitan Club I; Psychology Club 1 , 2 ; Library Committee 1 , 2 ; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Spilled Ink 1 , 2; Student Activities 1 , 2; Thefa Epsilon N u , Treasurer 2.
Puss . A heart of gold . . Lives by the clock There's a lot to get to know "Now what am I Baseball at midnight. going to do?" .
.. .
. . . The
sophisticate . . Piercing, brown eyes Warm smile . . Unpredictable . . . Loves sprees
. . . "Queenie" . . . Braves fan . . . Merchandising California? . . . "You know what?"
Joan Charlton Button
Beverly Ann Henrich Spilled Ink I; Student Activities 1, 2, Board 2; Chorale 1, Librarian; Delta Sigma Sigma.
. . . Outgoing and friendly . . . Loves to kid around "I have to write that letter tonight" . . . Dark, deep-set eyes . . . Capable . . . What a sense of humor . . An executive secretary with a glass collection?
Psychology Club I, 2; Book Club 1,
. . . Trying to ..
2, Vice-president 2;
Epsilon Nu.
keep a schedule
hef fa
"Hi, baby!" . Tall, blonde, with out for fun . sparkling personality . . Constantly eating . Loves
Always time
. .
those Monday mornings?
Joan Roberts
Noel Gove
Spilled Ink 1; Guild 1; Student Activities I; Cosmopolitan Club 1; Delta Sigma Sigma.
Spilled Ink I; Cosmopolitan Club 1; Dance Club 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.
Joanie . . Friendly and considerate . . Red hair . Cheerfulness and such contagious laughter . But, "Want oh, those Navy Blues . Just loves typing!
. .
to play bridge?"
. . . Collects glasses and for the future.
.. ...
makes plans
. . . . .
.. .. . . .
Gove . . Pert, petite, and purpos~iul . Conscientious . A smile for everyone . "Have to cut my hair" . A charm all her own . . Fashion plate . . Twinkle in her eye Loves football . Bundle of fun.
Carol Virginia Rossi
Susan Elford
11 Phi Theta Kappa 21 Psychology Club 1, 2; Sigma
Spilled Ink I; Student Activities 1; Psychology Club I , 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.
Spilled Ink
Ears Up a t 6:30 a.m. Usually seen running Partial after little children . Summers in Maine Really knows how to knit Hates to Lehigh Fort L.-spring vacation That smoky clothes Wednesday feeling.
Carol Bahston accent . A ready smile Conscientious, but always ready for fun Trustworthy An ardent listener "What's +rump?" . "But I've got to get it donel" The road ahead-Boston for secretarial work.
. .
... ... ...
. .. ..
Martha Jane MacGregor
Charlotte A. Martino
Student Activities 1 , 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.
Spilled Ink 1; Phi Theta Kappa 2; Orientation Commiftee 2; Student Council 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.
Janie The Brooklyn sophisticate . Week ends Always off to have a away-never see her around Waitress much, Jane? . Pessimism plus puffer . Always found sleeping late . Loves the shore . . Who's a fat baker?"
Epsilon Phi.
. . ..
. ..
Chuckie . . A smile and word for everyone .. Thoughtful . Fun loving Sincere 5'2" . . . Eyes of brown . "Get serious" Reliable and Ardent Johnny Mathis fan Unresponsible inhibited gaiety and laughter.
. . ...
... ...
Arden Laird Davis
Susan Greer Feaster Spilled
I; Cosmopolitan Club 1; Cheerleaders 1, 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.
. . . Pert and
. . . "Is it 10:30 yet?" . . . . . . A place for everything and . . . Idiocy personified . . . Art
Competent seamstress nothing in its place
Spilled Ink 1; Phi Iota 2; Phi Theta Kappa 1, 2; Orientation Committee 2; Class Vice-President 2; Book Club 1, 2, Secretary 1; Student Council 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
. . . "Got another
i t for you" go
. . . Rutgers . . .
. . . 202
. . . "Sure, I'll do . . . Always on the
V.W. is the information booth for freshmen.
Salley Louise Harris Huggler
Susan Thomas Gibson
Student Activities 1; Cosmopolitan Club 1; Leaders' Corps 1, 2; Hockey 1, 2; Thefa Epsilon Nu.
Spilled Ink 1; Guild 1 , 2; Book Club 1, 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
. ...
. . . "I can't
believe it!"
That certain look . Unpredictable . . Huggs . Sincere Independent out on the hockey field . "It's about the way" . Salley without a crewneck
. .
and the grill without Salley :I
. . . Nursing.
Gibber hands eyes laugh
. . . "I'm
. ...
not in the mood" . . Tiny feet and see Charlie" Warm, blue Loves interesting people, salads, and a good . R~~~ full of ~~~~~h posters M~~~
. . . "I wanna
... ..
Barbara Gail Anderson
Judith Ellen Calvert
Spilled Ink 1, 2; Chapel Choir I; Centenary Singers I; Cosmopolitan Club r; Closs Treasurer 2; Theta Epsilon Nu.
Student Court 2; Guild 1, 2, Board 1; Lacrosse 2; BaskeTball I, 2, Hockey 2; Theta Epdlon Nu.
Barb . Always with a smile Liked by all "Guess who iust called?" Loves music and clothes.
. . . Sincere and thoughtful . . . Knack for cook. . An expert on traveling tactics . . . Efficient ... going to the Naval Academy!w . . . Unselfish and dependable . . . Loves to dance . . . Navy wife. Nancy ing .
Margaret Irwin Kellogg
Nancy Wallace Gingras Student Activities 2; Cosmopolitan Club I , 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.
... ..
Judy A friend to all Energy to burn A heart full of laughter . An understanding attitude Always on the go Faraway places toward life "Germany, here I comel" amidst her daydreams
Cosmopolitan Club
1; Book Club 2; Psychology Club 2; Delta Sigma Sigma.
. .
Marg Full of mischief and fun . Silent riser Loves to eat sweets for diets Tree worshiper "Oh, I can't wait for you guys to come home to Jackson" Nursing or secretarial work.
Diane Hope McAfee Chapef Choit 1; Centenary Singers 1; De:ta Psi O m e g a I , 1; Dance Club I , 2, Vice-President l~ Delta Sigma Sigma.
Diane Long, dark tresses Tho dance , "Oh, . Tommy and those West Point week ends honestly'? Frankie-boy . Vivacious A sinile for all . . What an actress . A genuine friend.
. .
Elizabeth Jane Stanley Student Activities I ; Guild 1 , 2, Secretary 2; Sigma Epsilon Phi.
Betsy . Hates getting up in the morning Always writing letters . . . Partial to maroon and white Friendly and conscientious Loves to sew Incessant conversationalist . "That's really casual" American University . Marriage in June '61.
. .
. .
... ...
Alma Mater
'Mid the silent hills surrounded, Ripened by the flight of time, And with honors still unbounded, In her strong and lusty prime, Alma Mater proudly raises Halls and tower tall and strong, And her children sing her praises, Sing them loud and sing them long.
Ever shall her children love her, Forming still a noble band; While the flag that waves above her W e shall bear to every land. Let us laud her colors glorious, Loyal to the Black and Blue, Let us wave the flag victorious, Pledging each one to be true.
And when age at last steals o'er us, Softly, like the sinking sun, Visions will appear before us,
Of the course that we have run; When our lives have told their story Failing lips shall make the plea: "Alma Mater! live thy glory! Alma Mater, dear C. C.!"
Joan Ross, Margaret Pauley, Patricia Rose, Judith Platt, and Gloria Griggs were on dean's list for four semesters. Nol pictured-Brinda Cowart.
Academic Honors
Joan Ross, Carol Tolk, Patricia Hedley, Margaret Pauley, Patricia Rose, Judith Plaft, and Gloria Griggs were on dean's list for three semesters. Not pictured-Brinda Cowart.
CAROLYN DODGE LUTHER Highest academic averago during 9rethman y w r of the elera of '6Q.
PHI META KAPPA Top row-Phyllis Springwan, Gail Christiansen, Stella Brawlur, Halen Faster, Gail Sladler, Charlotte Martino. Secsnd row--Beverly Turner, Kafhsrina Haneqaw, Arten Douls, Joan Abater, Berbara Batchio, Sandra
Clungwn, Carol Rod, Sata Leon. B s h m raw--Prarident Edward W. Seay, Carolyn Luther, Pcrlly Egglaston, Mary l o Brand?, Mary I-. Sandra Vsklmn, Julia Charhire, Dean M a r a t Hight.
GLORIA ANN Highest academic avelrage during senior year i n the class of '59.
Busy tlngcws and active minds master the keyhoard.
Howard Knapp osrists students with their projects in commercial art closs.
Classroom L i f e
Aldrich Shoup learns the intricacies of the'oqjan under the guidance of W. Norman Grayson. Miss Elizabeth Gregory, Marlene Ritchie, Gbdyr Seemullar, and spring suite i n the making.
"The Three Boors" becomes an experience i n creative dramatics for children's literoturg class,
Sara Leon inspects *niched product while other sfudents ond Mrs. Ellan Dalton, inrtrucfof, watch.
Nursery school children at ploy under direction of student instructors.
Chemistry students prepare for their laboratory work.
Dr. Walter Glaettli demonstrates proper pronunciation for his French class.
Wing and paintfng rtuduns Cao~l the proper bebniqucr for wnstructinpl tbn h m i a n
Spence Hall
North Hall
Smith Hall
Nancy Reiff President
Freshman Class Colors Blue and White
Class Song From these short years at Centenary We'll ifurn our thoughts to worlds unknown; But though our journey takes us far, Never shall we be alone. The blue and white which now we wear Will surely always be The thought that lives within our hearts:
A cherished memory.
Ann S9anley Vke-President
Miss Phyllis Forbes Adviser
Karen McElroy Secretary
Kristen Ostergard Treasurer
Top row-Connie Beier, Nancy Biddlecombe, Nancy Becker, Barbara Bergh. Bottom rowBarbara Bidwell, Ann Barr, Ann Bell, Jr.
Top row-Linda Andersen, Katherine Appel, Gwendolyn Armour, Janet Arfmann. Boftom row -June Adams, Janet Allen, Carla Alvarez, Heather Allison.
Top row-Lois Arvidson, Barbara Barkwill, Janice Auer, Nancy Ashton. Bottom row-Ann Baldwin, Nancy Baker, Valerie Augur.
Top row-Ellen Buffington, Sally Buchert, Linda Bullock, Joan Bourdelais. Bottom row-Dorothy Blitz, Allwina Bloom, Margaret Boyer.
Top row
Mae Campion, Susan Byers, Elizabeth Cann. Boffom row -Barbara Burnett, Madelynne Canger, Susan Byron.
Top row-Anita Catling, Ottilie Carpenter, Lucy-Martine Cardon, Constance Chace. Bottom row-Judith Catino, Carolyn Casazza, Judith Cawood.
Top row-Lois Childs, Bette Cohen, Carolee Clark. Bottom row-Barbara Clarihew, Nancy Cornstock, Lois Christenson, Mary Ann Chalfant.
Top row-Susan Coyle, Cynthia Crandell, Helen Datesman. Bottom row-Judy Corbett, Bette Creveling, Nancy Cooley, Dona Couzens.
Top row-Barbara Dawley, Eunice Davidson. Bottom row - Margaret Dexter, Erica Dickinson, Carolyn Devins, Barbara Day, Sherry Dixon.
:1 Top row - Patricia Dolan, Gail Donovan. Bottom row Susan Eising, Jane Dumler, Donna Dopson, Karen Dunn.
Elna Frederickson, Judith Fredericks, Alice Gibison, Nancy Gaff, Barbara Gardner, Judith Gast, Elizabeth Garretson. f o p row-Heidi Ellsworth, Eleanor Feiler, Barde Ensign, Donna Farris, Susan Epps. Boftom rowSue Fippin, Marilyn Drake, Joyce Fierro.
Top row-Margot Foster, Margaret Fitzhugh, Elizabeth Fobes, Susan Fleming. Bottom rowJan Foster, Christie Foster, Priscilla Forster. Elsie Gillespie, Jacqueline Gordon, Eileen Grace, Elizabeth Gilbert, Beth Goodridge, Constance Godwin, Harriet Glassman.
Sandra Gransaull, Millicent Hall, Kate Green, Janet Hagemann, Jo Ann Hack, Anne Hall.
-- --
.. .
Top row-Margaret Hinkel, Marjorie Hinkel, Virginia Hoff. Boffom row-Sydney Hodson, Nancy Held, Susan Hobson.
Victoria Hopkins, Ellen Hornikel, Sandra Holroyd, Marion Hornaday, Joyce Hunt, Judy Horstmeyer, Susan Hughes.
Top row-Harriet Hampton, Jeanne Halvorsen, Nancy Heimert, Carol Harvey. Bottom rowLouise Hart, Polly Hare, Celinda Hardy.
Top row - Leanore Illis, Diana Johnson, Sallyann Jennings, Judith Isenegger. Bottom row-Patricia Jacobsen, C a r o l lannuzzi, Barbara James, Mary Graves.
:t Lynne Kleban, Karen Kover, Karen Koechling, Louise Kirschner, Helen Kolawoksky, Carol King.
Susan Jones, Alice Kimball, Nancy Keely, Betty Jones, Ann Kenarney, Elaine Kern.
Top row-Jo Ann McVey, Charlotte Mc.Farlin, Sally McKean, Mary McDonough. Boffom rowBarbara
MacGregor, Joan McElroy.
Anne Layman, Tanja Larson, Martha Lambert, Judith Krummenacher, Patricia Lambert, Letitia Lacava, Dorothy Langenberg.
Top row-Barbara Lehman, Carolyn Layton, Lynn Kluberg, Susan Lindner, Susan Lobb. Bottom row-Dona LeVan, Maxine Lichtig, Nancy Lipschutz.
Top row-~udith McCullough, Sally Lovelr, isbeth Lorenz. Bottom row-Georgeanna Long, Nancy Loewinger, Elaine Lynch.
Top row-Valerie Massabni, Carol Mante, Margaret Maxwell, Sheila Mallon, Mary Martin. Bottom row-Marcia Mansfield, Nancy Martens, Patricia Matchett.
Kathryn May, Lynn
Joan Miller,
Morse, Barbara Miller, Diane Morton,
Janet Mittell.
Top row Sally Neaves, Sheila Neary, Doris Nicholson. Bottom row - Loretta Neuberger, Nancy Nash, Margery Newba ker.
Top row-Laraine Packard, Ann Pascale, Suzanne Osborn, Frances Nikola, Carol Nodop. Bottom row-Kristen Ostergard, Marilyn Parsons.
Top row-Carol Price, Molly Power. Bottom row-Irene Perelman, Judith Post, Susan Pederson, Ann Pentecost.
Top row-Judith Reichstetter, Gretchen Robblee. Bottom row Alicia Quigley, Gail Rodgers, Georgia Roberts, Nancy Reiff, Margaret Reed.
Top row-Nancy Schutte, Nancy Schuetz, Gail Scagliarini, Judith Sayles. Bottom row-Barbara Scholp, Barbara Schmitz, Marijean Schofield.
Top row-Roberta Rush, Gail Sanderson, Valeska Ronalder, Elizabeth Salter. Bottom row-Joan Sandfort, Patricia Ryan, Jacqueline Rosenblatt.
Loretta Sherman, Cynthia Shockley, Gayle Sickinger, Mary-Ann Selvaggio, Joan Shimer, Michelin Securda, Sharon Scott.
Top row-Sarah Skelton, Ann Stanley, Janet Stolarz. Boftom row-Priscilla Stanley, Carol Smith, Suzanne Stevens, Deborah Sisbower.
Top row-Jeanne Toothill, Janice Kilgore, Deborah Thomas, Barbara Tichenor, Judithe Truppo. Bottom row-Maxine Tichenor, Janine Thomas, Wendy Taylor.
Emilyn von Deck, Patricia Tucker, Mary Wachtel, Careline Tuinman, Wendy Ward, Judith Van Wetering, Judith Ward.
Sally Swan, Mary Sully, Lois Taylor.
Mary Williams, Barbara Williams. Bottom rowJean Wisdom, Nancy Wiseman, Carol Wire.
Marjorie Watts, Jane Wheatley, Jane Whidden, Natalie Weinberg, Elaine Whitman, Ann Watson, Carolyn Wetlesen.
Ann Yeatman, Amy Worthington, Linda Wittich, Beatrice Wright, Frances Zacher, Susan Witte, Jean Wisehart.
I l l
Suzanne Helms, Helen McAleese, Susan Pollock, Jane Myers.
Trevorrow Hall
Reeves Student Union Building
Denman Gymnasium
Stefan George
Elizabeth Nutt
Art Editor
Gladys Seernuller
Carolyn Luther
Business Manager
Literary Editor
Sandra Clungeon Editor
Hack Board
Top row-Faith Tymeson, Beverly March, Pamela Mein, Anne
Morris, Mary Iver, Barbara MacGregor. Third row-Carol Nelson, Kathryn May, Joan Jolly, Joan Reynolds, Stella Brewster, Lynne Meredith, Sherry Dixon. Second rowSandra Bear, Carol Lee Fighera, Carol Rushforth, Karen
Van den Deale, Judith Waters, Eliza~ernStanley. Bottom row--8arbara Brown, Christine Vogel, Gail Coater, Joanne Smith. Not pictured--Marjorie Axt, Ruth Hemminger, Julie Cheshire, Carolyn Layton, Barbara Schmitz.
N May 1959 a brainstorming session originated the idea. Although it was hazy then,
the collecting,
and rearranging of its
parts under the guidance of many evolved that
to facilitate the ever-growing size of the class. Senior portraits are arranged by roommates with Phi Iota members preceding the separate dormitory groups.
idea into the form: the 1960 Hack. To symbolize the search for the eternal light, This book reflects multiple effort and imagination. Along with the complete index introduced last year, the Hack now includes a table of contents. In harmony with the chosen theme, sepiacolored i n k k n d a new style of type known as "Futura" are used. Because a balanced view of Centenary has been the goal of this year's Hack board,
that purpose i s revealed in the
the sun has been chosen as the theme. Between the rising and the setting of the sun are patterned the direction of our lives. Here at Centenary we have experienced both shadows and sunlight. But the culmination of these two years radiates a light we cannot forget, for it i s the golden glow by which we may illuminate our lives.
larger and more inclusive sports section as well as greater emphasis on academic and social
This year's Hack i s not only a permanent re-
activities. More informal photographs are used;
flection of college days but it i s a well-deserved
academic honors are featured separately. The
tribute to the staff, Howard Niper, school pho-
design of the senior section has been changed
tographer, and Robert Kelly, publisher.
Top row-Janet Sfolarr, Katherine Honegger, Judith Calvert, Sara Leon, Sandra Veldran, Gail Christiansen. Second row-Daan Mary Bigelow, adviser; Barbara Batchie, Gail
Margaret Hight, advirt Sally Swan, Ann Yeafman.
Student Court
HROUGH Student Court girls are brought to
realize the full meaning and importance of
President ............................................................Gail Stadler
the code of honor under which Centenary lives.
Vice-president .......................................... Barbara Batchie
The court i s established to help students accept
their full responsibility. The code of honor gives
Advisers...Deans Margaret Hight and Mary Bigelow
girls the opportunity to develop personal integrity and loyalty and helps them realize that honor i s a virtue that extends beyond college life. Studept Court, composed of three officers, the president o f Student Council, and three representatives from each class, acts as the judiciary body, deciding the severity of cases involving the violation of Centenary's legislation and the code of honor.
A faculty council, when called
upon, acts as an aid to the court in making decisions.
d Veldran
S t u d e n t Council
HE Student Council i s the legislative branch of the Student Government Association. Its
members, representatives of the senior and freshman classes, meet at least twice a month. The objectives of this organization are to recognize and to put into practice the democratic principles upon which the Student Government i s founded. This promotes an individual sense of responsibility,
enables each student to realize
the need for constructive participation in college OFFICERS
life, and presents the opportunity to display ini-
President .................................................................. Vice-president .......................................... Secretary .........................................................
Sara Leon
.. r a m
tiative and participation in college activities.
This year Centenary convened on campus a
Judith Waters
conference for student council representatives of
Treasurer ......................................................... H
e Atwater
seven iunior colleges. Topics of discussion con-
Advisers...Deans Margaret Hight and Mary Bigelow
cerned the code of honor and dormitory living.
Top row-Jean AWater, Judith Waters. Bottom row-Dean Maraaret High?, adviser1 Miriam Kressler, Sara Leon, Dean
Mary Bigelow, adviser.
P h i Iota
P r e s i d e n t s ' Club
President .........................................................
Ann Meredith
Gail Christiansen
Secretary-Treasurer .................................... Ann Dothard
Secretary-Treasurer ........................... Kimberly Breining
Advisers ......... President and Mrs. Edward W. Seay
Mrs. Marcy Anderson
Deans Margaret Hight and Mary Bigelow
HE Presidents' Club i s made up o f club presidents, editors of publications, and chairmen
o f the social committee. Its purpose i s to promote better cooperation among the clubs, to discuss qualities of leader-
Top row-Arden Davis, Susan Hewitt, Heather Bernard, Polly Eggleston, Soro Leon, Nancy Aufhammer, Veronica Drogna, Barbclra Batchie, Helen Foster, Gail Stadler, Gail Christiansen, Sandra Clungeon. Second row-Dean Mary Bigelow, Mrs. Edward W. Sew, President Edward W. Seay, Payer, Lynne Dean Margaret Highf. Bottom row-verna Meredith, Ann Dothard, Miriam Kressler.
HI IOTA i s the honorary senior leadership society. It i s composed of the presidents of thirteen organizations, the vice-president of the senior class, and the advisers. Monthly meetings are held at President Seay's house 4here members discuss the problems of student life and the perpetuation of the highest standards of living on the campus. Aims are to direct combined judgment toward improving standards of the college, promoting harmonious relationships between students and faculty, and giving each representative the opportunity to submit suggestions for consideration and action.
ship, and to unite the organizations. Its chief goal
i s to help all the clubs work together so that each may achieve its own goals. The club meets at ledst once a month to discuss problems and activities of the various clubs. The club sponsors extracurricular nights and a . formal tea. This year, for the first time, it inaugurated a mothers' bridge-tea.
Top row-Verna Payer, Sally Leon, Nancy Reiff, Sandra Smoll, Janice Kilgore, Elizabeth Nun, Nancy Fowler, Anne Swicegood, Heather Bernard, Margaref Scott, Joanne Smith. Second row--Gail Stadler, Lynne Meredith, Polly Eggleston, Mrs. Marcv Anderson. adviser: Gail Christiansen. Kimberly Breining, Belly Nilssen. Botrom row-Helen Foster, Anna K. Whiiacre, Mary Jo Brandf, Nancy Aufhammer, Susan Hewitt, Veronica Dragna, Sandra Clungeon. Not pictured-Judith Lawrence, Margaret Davis, Anita Smiley, Ann Dothard.
Library Committee
President ...................................................
Gail Christiansen
Vice-president ............................................. H
e Shoup
Secretary-Treasurer Karin von Reick-Eggebert Whaley Top row-Susan Phillips, Lynn Benish, Diane Stephens, Susan Andrews, Barrie Allison, Beverly Henrich. Bottom row -Heather Bernard, Mrs. )u\arcy Anderson, adviser; Barbara Mott.
M i Ruth Scarborough
HE Library Committee, made up of elected representatives from each dormitory, helps
to promote student use of the library. The members try to make the library a working part of the campus.
Student Activities
The committee also advises new policies for the girls using the library. On their suggestion, the library i s now open on the Sunday nights when there i s no convocation. Some of the ac-
OFFICERS President ...................................................Heather Bernard
tivities this club sponsors are national library week, an extracurricular activities night, a library tea, and a movie.
Secretary-Treasurer .................................... Barbara Mott Adviser ........................................ M r . Marcy Anderson
TUDENT ACTIVITIES promotes social life on campus. Members sponsor mixers and open
houses. They also decorate for the President's Ball and for special occasions in the dining room.
Meetings are not set for any special time but are called when necessary. Participation i s open to all. The aims of Student Activities are to promote a feeling of college spirit and unity and to make each girl's life at Centenary more socially enjoyable.
Top row-Gail Rodgers, Judithe Truppo, Mary Curtiss, Elizabeth Fobes, Katherine Honegger, Alice Gibison, Barbara Tichenor, Constance Abell, Judith Catino, Anna K. Whitacre. Second row-Aldrich Shoup, Gail Christiansen, Miss Ruth Scarborough, adviser; Karin von Rieck-Eggebert Whaley. Bottom row-Carolyn Luther, Margaret Sauer, Carolyn Casazza, Elaine Kinley, Judith Cawood. Not picturedSusan Andrews, Barbara Clarihew, Marilyn Drake, Judith Powell.
Top row-Phyllis Springman, Susan Hewitl, Joyce Reed. Second row-Jacquelyn West, Gail Sylvester, Barrie Allison, Judith Sayler. Bottom row-Sue Gutman, Brenda Bailey.
Circulation staff fold newspapers for distribution.
Spilled Ink
HE college newspaper, Spilled Ink, keeps the student body informed. This newspaper also
Editor ..................................................................
n Hewitt
helps the faculty, parents, and friends of the college to follow campus activities.
Associate Editor ................................. Phyllis Springman Advisers .........................
New columns were added, as trustee profiles, placement, fashions, sports; picture coverage was enlarged. This year, besides the regular monthly issues, the staff, along with the Hack staff, published a cartooh' book about life at Centenary. Another high light of the year was a fashion show sponsored by both publications.
Mr. and Mrs. Stefan George
Top row-Dean William Orr, odviserr Janel Cornell, Junine Evans, Carolyn Hurley, Cynthio Shocklay, Heather Allison.
Bottom row-Polly Eaglesten, Joan Reynolds, Lynne Meredith, Elizabelh Stanley.
Guild OFFICERS President ............................................................
Ann Meredith
UILD is the religious and philanthropic organization o n campus. Its purpose i s t o
stimulate the religious interest o f the student Vice-President
Joan Reynolds
Secretary ................................................ Elizabeth Stanley Treasurer ...................................................... Polly Eggleston Adviser ................................. The Reverend William O r r
This organization each year sponsors projects for the benefit o f others. At Thanksgiving time the girls i n the Guild buy f o o d and deliver Thanksgiving baskets to the needy families i n the Hackettstown area. They collect contributions f o r the Community Chest, the one time o f the year when students are asked to give to charity. During the winter the Guild sponsors religious emphasis week, one week during the year which
i s dedicated to forums, discussions, and lectures b y a guest speaker. Guild
members also participate in chapel
Thursday mornings, helping to contribute t o the atmosphere o f reverence.
OFFICERS President Secretary-Treasurer Adviser
Janice Kilgore Barbara Burnett
George Gansz
Top row-Judith Clark, Nancy Casebolt, Gail Sylvester, Carol Rudnick, Joan Sandfort, Kate Green. Third rowSusan Fleming, Jan Foster, Alexandra Ephrussi, Joan Rayner, Sally Jennings, Jane Wheatley. Second row-Helen Mc-
Aleese, Heather Allison, Nancy Willoughby, Patricia Ryan. Bottom row-Janice Kilgore, Barbara Burnett. Not pictured -Christie Foster, Sydney Hodson, Carol lannuzzi, Pomela Mein, Gretchen Robblee, Carol Ann Smith, Sandra Smith.
F a student enjoys singing and has not joined
covering the world of music: popular songs, show
the Centenary Singers or Chapel Choir, the
tunes, secular, and sacred music.
Chorale offers another opportunity to enjoy en-
Members join with the singers to entertain
semble singing. men's glee clubs at Centenary. At the holiday This group of girls, who meet once a month with Mr. Gansz, sings informally to help in dis-
season they carol in the parlors to help contribute to the Centenary Christmas spirit.
Joanne Smith, Veronica Dragno, Janis Koss, Laurie Pieper.
Pipers Eversharps
IPERS i s a small choral ensemble composed of girls selected from the Centenary Singers
on the basis of musical ability and showmanship.
HE smallest organization within the Centenary
The Pipers appear often on the program with
Singers i s the Eversharps, consisting of four
the Centenary Singers, besides performing alone
girls selected from the Pipers on the basis of
both on and off campus. These girls sing a wide
musical ability, vocal quality, and showmanship.
range of music, but emphasis i s placed on music
The Eversharps' repertoire includes barber shop favorites, show tunes, Negro spirituals, and
in the lighter vein. George Gansz, adviser.
well-known popular music. They perform on concert programs with the Centenary Singers and the Pipers to inject a change of pace for the audience. George Gansz, adviser.
Top row-Joanne Smith, Janis Koss, Stella Brewster, Laurie Pieper, SuseHe DuPuy, Gail Coates. Second row-Veronica Dragna, Barbara Batchie, Louise Hart, Nancy Biddlecombe, Nancy Heimert, Lynn Benish, Margaret Davis. Bottom row -Sandra Bear, Margaret Baxter, Kay Thornton, Marguerite Lofft, Carol Van Ness, Ann Hergesheimer, Margaret Scott.
Top row-Jean Wisdom, Betty Gilbert, Laurie Pieper, Mary Ellen Uibel, Susan Andrews, Marjorie Watts, Barbara ~ i l l e r , Ann Watson, Susette DvPuy, Stella Brewster. Sue Witte, Carol Nelson. Janis Koss, Cynthia Crondell, Linda Bullock, Judy Wisdom. Third row-Carol Price, Molly Power, Jacqueline Gordon, Barbara Batchie,
Celinda Hardy, Marguerite Lofft, Mary Alice Sykes, Wendy Tavlor, Nancv Coolev. .. Tania Larson. Marv Ann Martin.
Salter, judith Horstmeyer, Valerie Augur, Jeanne Toothill, Gail Coates, Nancy Heimert, Nancy Biddlecombe, Beth Lorenz, Veronica Dragna, Barbara Tanis, Louise Hart, Nancy Wiseman, Joanne Smith. Second row---Margaret Davis',
Sandra Bear, Ann lynn Deck, Kay Thornton, Margaret Baxter, Gwen Armour, Sheila Neary, Carol Van Ness, Ellen Bufingfon, Georgianna Long, Judith Ward, Carol Harvey, Margaret Scott, Judith Van Wetering.
Lynn Benish, Wendy Ward, Jane Whidden, Deborah Sirbower, Murphy, Marilyn Parsons, Joyce Reed, Allwina Bloom, Elizabeth Fobes. Bollom row-Anita Catling,
Centenary Singers
HE Centenary Singers
recognized for President ....................................................
Margaret Davis
Vice-president ........................................ t e a Brewster Secretary-Treasurer ................................. 4
Librarian ............................................................
are "internationally fine performances."
Members are selected on the basis of musical ability.
Susette DuPuy Kay Thornton
Besides performing on campus and exchanging concerts with men's glee clubs, the singers
Assistant Librarian ................................. Nancy Heimert Adviser. ............................................................
George Gansz
make recordings,
perform on the radio,
have a widespread itinerary throughout the year. During these tours they give concerts on the eastern seaboard and in Europe.
Chapel Choir
and at several Sunday night convocations,
the Chapel Choir serves as a source of inspira-
President ............................................................ Joanne Smith
tion for worship service.
Vice-president ..........................................Dolores Pieper Librarian ..................................................................
T many Thursday morning chapel services
J a n Koss
The choir meets twice a week, under the direc-
Assistant Librarian ....................................... T a n Larson
tion of Mr. Gansz, to Prepare sacred choral from Bath
Adviser ............................................................ George Gansz
porary composers. Members are chosen on the basis o f auditions at the beginning of the college year. Participants ,
in Chapel Choir gain invaluable voice training as well as a deeper appreciation and wider knowledge of sacred music.
Top row-Jean Wisdom, Lourie Pieper, Mary Ellen Uibel, Susan Andrews, Marjorie Watts, Barbara Miller, Ann Watson, Susette DuPuy, Stella Brewster, Sue Witte, Carol Nelson, Janis Koss, Cynthia Crandell. Third row-Betty Gilbert, Judy Wisdom, Molly Power, Judith Horstmeyer, Mary Ann Martin, Jeanne Toothill, Gail Coates, Nancy Heimert, Nancy Biddlecombe, Barbara Tanis, Elizabeth Fobes, Louise Hart, Linda Bullock, Joyce Reed. Second row-Georaionna Lona.
Celinda Hardy, Carol Price, Ann Hergesheimer, Sandra Bear, Tanja Larson, Margaret Baxter, Gwen Armour, Margaret Davis, Jane Whidden, Carol Harvey, Judith Ward, Ellen Bufington, Marilyn Parsons, Veronica Dragna. Bonom row-Wendy Taylor, Lynn Von Deck, Kay Thornton, Nancy Cooley, Ann Yeatman, Susan Lobb, Nancy Wiseman, Elirabeth Salter, Carol Van Ness, Joanne Smith, Sheila Neary, Allwina Bloom, Anita Cotling, Judith Van Wetering.
President .............................................
Anne Swicegood .Cynthia Richter
Secretary-Treasurer .............................. Dorothy Bisacca
Delta Psi Omega
Adviser .....................................................................
John Fisher
Top row-Karen Graff, Jacquelyn West, Jane Thomas, Suzanne Wyatt, Diane Brown, Lucy Haskins, Mary Haines, Deborah Hanson, Diane McAfee, Sandra Veldran, Sherin Rinehart. Boffom row-Anne Swice. good, Cynthia Richter, Dorothy Bisacca.
ELTA PSI OMEGA is the national honorary dramatic fraternity at Centenary. Its pur-
pose i s to stimulate the interest of students in the theater. In order to become a pledge,
a girl must
work on one play-behind the scenes or on the stage. After participation in one more play, she may become a
depending on
quality and quantity of her work. The goal of Delta Psi Omega i s to have all Mary Haines, Sister Johanna of the Cross, and Diane McAfee, Terese, as they appeared i n Cradle Song, the Little Theater's firsf presentation (1959-60).
of Centenary's students come to each of its plays. This year Delta Psi has presented three plays: Cradle Song,
a drama; Brigadoon,
comedy; and Pygmalion, a comedy.
a musical
A r t Club
Camera Club
Judith Lawrence
President ....................................................
Elizabeth Nutt
Vice-president ......................................... Margaret Reed
Vice-president and Treasurer...Alexandra Ephrussi
Secretary ......................................................
Adviser .............................................
Treasurer ............................................................
Suzanne Helms
M i s s Martha Dunbar
C a r Fausel
Adviser ............................................ Mrs. Gilberta Heaslip
Top row--Sue Fippin, Harriet Koufmann, Caral Rudnick, Suzanne Helms, Brenda Bailey, Helen McAleese, Mary Ellen Wachtel. Bottom row-Mrs. Gilberfa Heaslip, adviser; Carol Fousel, Judith Lawrence. Not pictured-Barbara Datesman, Joyce Reed, Carla Alvarez, Maxine Tichenor, Deborah Sisbower, Judith Post.
Top row-Alexandra Ephrussi, Julie Cheshire, Elizabeth Nutt, Nancy Willoughby, Miss Martha Dunbar, adviser; Gail Sylvester, Elizabeth Strawbridge. Bottom row-Joan Chamberlain, Barbara Pickard. Not pictured Priscilla Stanley, Sally Neaves, Erica Dickinson, Judith Waters, Judith Krummenacker, Linda Bullock, Corla Wright.
HROUGHOUT the halls posters advertise campus events. These posters are examples of
the work done by the Art Club. The club also sponsors a booth at the Penny '1
Carnival an'd has an auction at the end of the
HE Camera Club was designed especially for girls interested in learning the techniques of
developing, printing, and enlarging photographs. During the monthly meetings members work in the college darkroom where they pick up helpful
year at which the art work of students and faculty
hints from Miss Dunbar. The girls may also prac-
i s sold.
tice on their own time in the darkroom. They
The purpose of the club-to further intellectual interest in and to stimulate the appreciation of art-is further carried out by guest lecturedemonstrators who are brought to Centenary through the club.
participate in such projects as the making of Christmas cards from photographs.
The club
owns a camera which i s available to students.
OFFICERS President .........................................
OFFICERS Anna K. Whitacre
Vice-president .................................................. Secretary-Treasurer .................................
Joan Button
Priscilla Forster
Advisers..................... Dr. and Mrs. H. Graham DuBois
Top row-Joan Button, Anna K. Whiteacre, Dr. and Mrs. H. Graham DuBois, Sally Ricker. Bottom r o w 4 u s a n Gibson, Constance Abell, Margaret Kellogg, Arden Davis, Roberta Wolk. N o t pictured-Mary Jo Brandt, Priscilla Forster, Susan Andrews, Ruth Hemminger.
NYONE with an interest in literature may join. Once a month members meet at the
Nancy Fowler
Vice-president ......................................... Nancy Becker Secretary ......................................................
Heidi Ellsworth
Treasurer ......................................................... a Adviser
t Carner
Albert Parsons
Top row-Nancy Becker, Albert Parsons, adviser; Nancy Fowler. Bottom row-Heidi Ellsworth, Martha Carner.
HE Psychology Club meets once a month for the purpose of orientating students into
home of Dr. and Mrs. DuBois. Under their guid-
aspects of applied psychology. Its chief goal i s
ance members discuss books, plays, and articles;
to present an interesting and educating program
they report and comment on personal reading.
to those interested in this field. Business i s conducted during the first part of the meeting, and
Each girl is urged to seek a better understand-
the remaining time i s devoted to the program.
ing of!literature through reading and discussing. The Book Club i s the oldest club on campus.
The club shows films and has speakers from such
organizations as
mental hospitals, and the New Jersey State Prison for Women. The only requirement for membership i s a desire to have a greater understanding of human behavior.
Cosmopolitan Club
Music C l u b
President ......................................................
Margaret Scott
President .....................................................
Mary Jo Brandt
Vice-president .......................................... Jacquelyn West
Vice-president ....................................... Amy Worthington
Secretary-Treasurer ....................................... K
Secretary ................................................... Priscilla Forster
t Jaffe
Adviser .............................................. Dr. Walter Glaettli
Treasurer ............................................................ a
Adviser ........................................ W . Norman Grayson
Jacquelyn West, Margaret Scott, Dr. Walter Glaettli, adviser; Kristen Jaffe.
Elsa Baepple, Mary Jo Brandl, W. Norman Grayson, adviser; Susan Andrews, Priscilla Forster.
HE Cosmopolitan Club familiarizes the student
'HE second Tuesday of every month strains of
body with customs and beliefs of foreign
music can be heard drifting through campus;
countries. Speakers and panel discussions help
the Music Club i s the cause o f this. Under the
attain this goal at monthly meetings.
direction o f Mr.
Grayson, activities are kept
lively by way of guest stars, lectures, concerts The annual trip to the United Nations, dinner at a foreiir: restaurant, and meetings with the
on campus, New York symphonies, and general stimulation of music appreciation.
Cosmopolitan Club of Lafayette University were some of the high lights o f this year's schedule.
One of the high events of this year was the appearance
famed cellist
protege o f the renowned Pablo Casals. Entertainments are open to all.
Judith Gleim, Miss Elizabeth Shimer, adviser; Margaret Scoft, Ann Swicegood.
R a d i o and T e l e v i s i o n A radio play i s presented by each school enter-
ing the contest. Co-Program Directors Margaret Scott, Judith Gleim Music Librarian .................................... Sandra Clungeon
Adviser .......................................... M I Elizabeth Shimer
WGPA of Bethlehem, Pa., receives and broadcasts an hour program from WNTl each Wednes-. day afternoon. Future plans include a possible affiliation with radio station WNYC-FM (N. Y. C.), WPPA-FM
HE Centenary radio station, WNTI, i s run by the girls in the radio-TV course. The studio
(Pottsville, Pa.),
WDFM (University
Park, Pa.), WGPA-FM (Bethlehem, Pa.) to establish an educational network.
i s located in the basement of Van Winkle Hall; the tower and transmitter are on Thomas Drive, Oak Hill Manor, Mount Bethel Road.
Girls learn the technical details of broadcasting and writing radio shows. They handle all the work of broadcasting and write their own shows.
This year WNTl has invited 123 high schools to participate in the Theater-of-the-Air Contest.
WNTl i s on the air from 3 to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Sandra Clungeon, Jean Ball.
Top row-Mary Ellen Uibel, Suzanne Sisman. Bottom rowSusan Weeks, Dr. and Mrs. R. Elwood Backenstoss, advisers; Veronica Dragna.
Freshmen supervise as the turtles are placed at the starting line.
D e l t a Sigma Sigma Cal's answer to the roaring twenties1
OFFICERS President ................................................
Veronica Dragna
Vice-president ............................................... Secretary ...................................................
S u n Weeks
Suzanne Sisman
Treasurer ................................................... Mary Ellen Uibel Advisers.........Dr. and Mrs. R. Elwood Backenstoss
ELTA SIGMA SIGMA, better known as Callilogian (Cal), i s characterized by the spirit and unpretentious unity of its sisters. A binding
force strives for the ideal oneness in spite of separateness. Through the guidance of advisers, the Bs, comes the meaning of friendship and :/ loyalty. Spirit i s high when the sorority pulls together to produce the annual lntersorority Song Contest. The literary contest i s another high point of the year. Dad's Day, which follows, provides fun and laughter for everyone. The essence of sorority life at Centenarythe healthy cooperation and forming o f longlasting friendships and ideals-is certain to remain as long as love i s known.
T h e t a Epsilon N u
President ............................................. Nancy Aufhammer Vice-president ....................................... Margaret Baxter Secretary ............................................................... Treasurer
Susan Gerhardy
Advisers ................................. Mr. and Mrs. John Hesse
PPROXIMATELY one third of the girls at Centenary belong to Theta Epsilon Nu, or as it
i s more popularly known, Peithosophian (Peith).
Unity and spirit are characteristic o f all; and with the help of advisers, the Hesses, Peith par-
Peith's tribal heads greet visitors.
ticipates in such activities as Sweetheart Ball, Dad's Day, and the song, literary, and scholastic contests. "Happy are we; we live in unity" i s echoed as Peith girls strengthen the hands that hold them through the passing years.
Top row- Susan Gerhardy, Dale House. Bottom row Margaret Baxter, Mrs. John Hers, co-adviser; Nancy Aufhammer.
An enthusiastic speaker rallies future pledges.
S i g m a Epsilon P h i OFFICERS President ............................................................ Vice-president ................................................... Secretary .........................................................
e Foster n Boyd
Julie Cheshire
Treasurer ......................................................... Faith Tymeson Advisers .............................. Dr. and Mrs. Ernest Dalton
IGMA EPSILON PHI, better known as Diokosophian (Doik), means seekers of wisdom. One third of the student body are sisters in this sorority. The motto "Sapiens est vis," or wisdom i s power, signifies the earnest search for wisdom and the promotion of literary and social harmony. The chief goal is to further promote sisterhood. The monthly meetings, advised b y the Daltons, in addition to some special ones at the time of important activities, consist of business and discussion concerning activities which Diok participates in during the year. These include rushing in the fall, tapping, initiation, song contest, Sweetheart Ball, literary contest, and Dad's Day. This year the sorority colors were changed to blue and white.
Top row-Helen Foster, Dr. and Mrs. Ernest Dalton, advisers; Julie Cheshire. Bortorn row-Eileen Boyd, Faith Tymeson.
Open house mascots, Abel and Baker, ore strictly out of this world.
Step right up-it's Dick's open house.
Pool in Denman Gymnasium
Interior of Reeves Student Union Building
C Nursery School Play Area
Picnic Area
Athletic Field
Interior of the Centenary Little Theater
Peith's president, Susan Forrest, accepts Intersorority Song Contest award from President Seoy on behalf of her sorority.
Mulvary school shdenlr pQHtctpail6 in the &ring 1Wr EcrrFrr progrem.
Bunny Hop
Susan Forrest i s crowned queen of the Sweetheart Ball by President Edward W. Seay February 14, 1959.
Glamour Contest finalists, February 8, 1959.
Summit, N. J., high school wins the annual Theater-of-the-Air Contwt sponsored by WNTl
April 10, 1959.
dith Waters accepts souvenir from hosterring airlfne stewardess of the Freshman Formal A p ~ i 18, l 1959.
Residents of Spence Hall display their prize-winning sna\ sculpture during Winter Carnival March 1959.
lntersorority Trophy Contest won by Peithosophian.
The Little Theater's third production of the yeor, "Desk Set," was one of the features on Dad's Day.
Diokasophians enthusiostically receive Chief Lotsopoppas.
Miss Ruth Scarborough, 1959 dedicatee, accepts Rrst yearbook from Hack editor, Barbara Contestable, as President Seay applauds.
Perturbed fathers ponder their next move on Dad's Day May 9, 1959.
Students model the results of their handiwork at the annual fashion show.
Her court looks on as Barbara Cannell (second from left) learns of her selection as queen of the President's Ball.
The class of 1960 bids a singing farewell to graduates at the traditional Songs on the Steps.
Gayle Hanna and President Seay lead the recessional on Class Day June 5, 1959.
Proud father embraces lucky daughter, queen of the President's Ball.
Graduation moods.
Other members of thekrientation Committee, 1959-60.
:! Port of the Orientation Committee, 1959-60.
Sharon Scott breaks the ice, the climax of the Freshman Ice Breaker presented by the Orientation Committee.
The presenlation and signing o f the code of honor initiafes the school year.
Big Sister-Little Sister picnic, September 26, 1959.
Girls board buses for the first of many exchange dances held with students of nearby men's colleges and universities.
Lehigh, Lofayette, Princeton, ond Rutgers pay a visit.
It's Field Day-no classes!
Parents' Day brings the announcement of the Room Contest winners.
Seniors and their dotes pause far refreshment and canversalion at the Phi Thela Kappa Sock Hop October 23, 1959.
The grill i s the traditional meeting place for both faculty and students.
Ellen Kratz, author of So T h i s Is Centenary, points out some high lights of the cartoon book to President W. Seay as Susan Hewitt, editor of Spilled Ink, and Sandra Clungeon, editor of Hack, look on.
J. L - .
. .
Don't you dare speak1 It's the Mum and Hal dinner October 30, 1959.
bookstore is Centenary's center.
Students and faculty enjoy the monthly birthdoy teas held at the home of President and Mrs. Edward W. Seay.
Freshmen unite far their first class production as they present their talent show October 30, 1959.
Reeves Student Union Building is the scene of fun
night activities.
Seniors sit one out during their class Christmas formal December 12, 1959.
Susan Hewitt and Polly Egglestan stop for o chat with the maintenance crew.
Participants and students listen as a panel member clarifies his point during the annual religious emphasis week discussion.
Freshmen gain official status at the jacket ceremony January 8, 1960.
Top row-Geraldine Mace, Kimberly Breining, Miss Bette Rhoads, adviser; Sandra Smoll, Jean LaVecchia, Betty Nilssen, Anita Smiley. Bottom row-Pamela Mein, Ann Dothard,
Marilyn Miller,
Gail Eby. Not pictured-Diana Morton, Janice Auer.
Women's Athletic Association sentatives of intramural sports, presidents of Leaders' Corps, Aquatic, Dance, and Riding
OFFICERS President ...........................................................
Ann Dothard
Vice-president .......................................... Marilyn Miller Recording Secretary .................................Diane Morton Corresponding Secretary .....................Pamela Mein Treasurer ..................................................................... Advisbr
Gail Eby
s Bette Rhoads
Clubs. This year's addition to the board i s the captain of the cheerleaders. Activities sponsored by WAA include management of intramural competition in team sports, intercollegiate sports with visiting colleges, individual tournaments, and such activities as faculty-student games. With this year's change in the intramural and intercollegiate program, every girl who participates in a sport may play in games regardless of whether she makes the varsity.
HE Women's Athletic Association promotes
an interest in recreational activities and stimulates good sportsmanship and cooperation with the physical education department. The board i s made up of four officers, corresponding secretary, publicity manager, class repre-
High lights of the year are Field Day, the golf tournament, ski trip, bowling and skating parties, and the winter carnival. Prizes for success and achievement are made at an awards chapel in May.
Leaders' Corps
Riding Club
OFFICERS President ............................................................ Anita Smiley
President ........................................................
Sandra Smoll
Secretary-Treasurer ........................Constance Adviser ........................................
. Alice Eherts
Vice-president ................................................ Secretary ......................................................
Janice Auer A w i n a Bloom
Treasurer .................................................................. Adviser
Joan Jolly
Miss Mary Frye
HE Leaders' Corps i s open to seniors who have successfully completed the course in sports theory and methods. It furnishes oppor-
tunities for advanced training to those inter-
Great Meadows.
Top row--Marilyn Anderson, Barrie Allison, Mary Curtiss, Anita Smiley, Salley Huggler, Virginia Black, Gail Eby, Geraldine Moce. Bottom row-Ann Dothard, Sandra Smoll, Miss Alice Eherts, adviser; Constance Gelpke.
Top row-Jacquelyn Shea, Mary Anne Martin, Gail Sylvester, Jo Ann Hock, Karin von Rieck-Eggebert Wholey, Nancy Baker, Beverly Ekings, Kathleen Murphy, Deborah Hanson, Gail Rodgers. Secund row-Judi Clark, Janice Auer, Miss Mary Frye, adviser, and Anita Smiley. Bottom row-Joan Jolly, Diana Beck, Allwina Bloom.
.?. .
HE Riding Club, through the sponsorship of the Women's Athletic Association, stabled at and rode out of the Rocking E Ranch in
ested in becoming leaders in sports or in the recreational field in general. The activities cover a wide area. Corps workers aid instructors in the physical education classes and serve as hostesses for visiting teams; they officiate, score, and time. The girls in Leaders' Corps contribute, assist, and use what they have learned not only for work at CCW but for future careers.
Activities included breakfast rides, a gymkana, paper chase, and a trip to the National Horse Show. Last event was the annual spring horse show where a trophy was awarded to the girls in the club who had shown the most cooperation, enthusiasm, and spirit.
Top row-Jo Ann Hock, Gail Donovan, Elsie Gillespie, Margaret Dexter, Judith Wisdom. Fifth row-Erica Dickinson, Ann Rice, Marilyn Parsons, Nancy Baker, Heather Allison. Fourth row--Carol Lee Fighero, Karen McElroy, Marijean Schotield, Natalie Weinberg, Mary Graves, Nancy
Biddlecombe. Third row-Dqrcas Allen, Louise Parker, Elaine Kinley, Kathryn Simon, Jeanne Eaglesham. Second rowGeraldine Mace, Nancy Baker, Gladys Seemuller, Verna Payer, Judi Clark, Miss Bette Rhoads, adviser. Boftom raw --Susanne Cady, Betty Nilssen, Lois Voorhees.
Aquatic Club
officers are chosen the first semester on the
basis o f ability b y a six-member senior rating President ............................................................ Betty Nilssen Vice-president ..............................
Nancy Biddlecombe
board. Two freshmen are elected to office. Membership i s evenly divided between freshmen and seniors.
Gillespie Every
Treasurer ...................................................... Susanne Cady Adviser ............................................
s Bette Rhoads
aquatic show, a performance using colorful settings and props devised by members. Original costumes and effective lighting combine with the graceful,
HE Aquatic Club provides an opportunity f o r students who enioy swimming to learn new
skills and rhythmic techniques.
Members and
synchronized movement of
swimmers. Each alternate year the club arranges a symposium, or swimming clinic, with other schools.
Terpsithores OFFICERS
President ........................................... Kimberly Breining Vice-president ........................................ Sherry Dixon Secretary ................................................... Ruth Hemminger Treasurer ...................................................... Adviser
Dona LeVan, Janet Mittell, Joyce Murdock, Susan Feaster, Karen McElroy. Not piciured-Barbara Margulus.
HIS year the cheerleaders went all out to promote enthusiasm and spirit at the hockey, basketball, and softball games.
With the selection of three seniors and three freshmen, the cheerleaders organized and became more a part of the athletic program. Barbara Margulus, captain. Miss Lynn Morley, adviser.
Mary Ives, Sherry Dixon, Susan Eising, Nancy Lipschufz, Ruth Hemminger, Linda Berlinger, Kimberly Breining, Noel Gove, Linda Anderson, Carol lannuzzi, Judith Lawrence,
Carol lannuzzi
M i Lynn Morley
ANCE CLUB members are selected on a tryout basis. Main objectives are developing and improving dance techniques, providing opportunity for creativity and experience in performing. Every two years the club collaborates with other campus organizations in producing a musical. On alternate years concerts, workshops, and special programs are presented. This year a religious chapel in dance was added to the schedule. The club also performs at the annual President's Ball.
Cynthia Maxcy, Miss Lynn Morley, adviser; Aldrich Shoup, Diane McAfee, Grace Schweitzer.
1959 VARSITY TENNIS Top row-Sally Ricker, Grace Pastore, Lucinda Thomas, Goil Parks, Barbara Connell. Bottom row-Nancy Aufhammer, Sally Betts, Barbara Hatcher, Kathryn Simon.
VARSITY HOCKEY Top row-Miss Bette Rhoads, coach; Jemne Toothi!l, Sally Murphy, Diane Morton, Constance Gelpke, Cynthia Crandell, Mary Ellen Uibel, Margery Newbaker, Linda Berlinger, Harriet Hompton, Carol Mante. Botfom row-Beth Lorenz, Gail Eby, Solley Huggler, Barrie Allison, Suzanne Sisman.
Moravian College Queens College Adelphi College Montclair State College
Lacrosse players in action during a practice sersion.
1959 FRESHMAN SOFTBALL Bottom row-Jean LaVecchia, Barrie Allison, Laurie Horner, Marilyn Miller, Ellen Kratz, Marjorie Axt.
1960 SCHEDULE Feb. 15-Drew University Feb. 17-Queens College Feb. 22-Moravian College Feb. 24-Upsala
Feb. 29-Marywood College Mar.
VARSIN BASKETBALL Top row--Mary Ellen Uibel, Sandra Srnoll, Janice Auer, Jean Toolhill, Carol Manle, Beverly Turner, Margie Hinkel. BoHorn row-Gail Eby, Verna Payer, Marilyn Miller, Barrie Allison, Jean LaVecchia, Dona LeVan, Ann Pentecost.
All eyes are on the ball as a player tries to score a polnr.
Two players seek to recapture the ball.
Onlookers watch carefully as student bowler tries for a strike ball.
Top, left-Winners of the Ruth Abramson Trophy, Queens Co!lege annual invitation women's swim meet for 1959. Top row-Nancy Biddlecombe, Christie Foster, Elizabeth Salter, Miss Bette Rhaads, coach. Second rowMary Graves, Jean Wisdom, Elsie Gillespie, Judith Wisdom. Botfom row -Judith Clark.
Top, right-Members of the aquatic symposium April 11, 1959, line up for the next number.
Terpsichores present an interpretation of "Pursuit."
7 7
Sandor Nagy instructs students on proper fencing techniques.
Miss Alice Eherfs answers a question posed by crne of her mhoty students.
A fast stroke sends the birdie across the net.
Players leap to return a fast moving ball.
Sally Leon and Barbara Bafchie watch their professional Instrucfor tee off.
Whitney Chapel
Radio Station W N T l Main Studio
Dining Room in The Edward W. Seay Administration Building
Main Parlors of The Edward W. Seay Administration Building
Campus Visitors
rn Dr. John Harold McCombe.
The Reverend John Harold McCombe, pastor of Asbury Methodist Church, Crestwood, N. Y., directed the annual religious emphasis week, which opened with vespers February 15, 1959. Dr. McCombe conducted services Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday mornings and participated in a series of evening programs arranged by the Guild. This was the third consecutive year that Dr. McCombe preached in Whitney Chapel. Dedication of WNTI, Centenary's radio station, took place March
4, 1959. Dr. George Crothers, director of Public Service Broadcasts, Columbia Broadcasting System News, gave the principal address for the ceremony which was broadcast from Whitney Chapel. Preceding the official dedication were live programs by students 'I and tabed congratulatory messages from leaders in education, religion, and government. John T. Cunningham, staff feature writer for the Newark News, delivered the Charter Day address March 1, 1959. Mr. Cunningham, a recognized authority of New Jersey history, has written four books on this state. May 3, 1959, the music department presented contralto Mary Mackenzie. Miss Mackenzie's selections included an excerpt from the opera Carmen and several folk songs.
Dr. D. Elton Trueblood.
Yale University Glee Club.
The Yale University Glee Club, directed by
Paul Thomas, sang in the main parlors November 7, 1959.
Dr. D. Elton Trueblood, professor of philosophy, Earlham College, preached at vespers in Whitney Chapel May 24, 1959. Dr. Trueblood, who received his degree of doctor of philosophy from Johns Hopkins University, has received honorary doctorates from several universities and has been visiting lecturer on many cam-
Gyorgy Sandor, pianist.
puses. Hungarian-born,
master-pianist Gyorgy Sun-
dor presented a recital October 11, 1959. He made his American debut in 1939; since then he has bepn an outstanding personality on American stages. Miss Josephine Schain, member of the board of directors of UNICEF, discussed "The Individual in Today's World" at the first convocation of the college year September 27, 1959. Miss Schain i s a graduate of the Law School of the University of Minnesota.
Josephine Schain, honor conyocotion speaker.
Sir Carl Berendsen.
Dr. Benjamin E. Mays.
Richavd Hey, marriage counselor.
Sir Carl
spoke on
"United Nations Anniversary" October 25, 1959. Sir Carl, a New Zealander, has been a member of United Nations Organizations since 1944. Richard N. Hey, supervisor of education for marriage and family living from the Marriage Council of Philadelphia, talked on "The Problems of Getting Ready for Marriage" November
22, 1959. Dr. Hey spoke at Tuesday and Thurs-
day chapels and was avalable for individual counseling throughout the week. Dr. Benjamin E. Mays, who has been rated one of the top twenty American preachers, addressed convocation November 2 2 , 1959. Dr. Mays i s president of Morehouse College for Men, Atlanta, Ga. He was named on the Shomberg Honor Roll as one of twelve Negroes who have done outstanding work in building better race relations in America.
Rufgers University Glee Club.
Rutgers University Glee Club, under the direction of F. Austin Walter, appeared here October 31, 1959. Dr. Howard Anderson, pastor of the University Church, Bloomington, Ind., and chaplain to students of the Christian Church at Indiana University, began the 1960 religious emphasis week with convocation January 10. Dr. Anderson took as his theme for the week "The Relevance of Religion for Our Day." His topics included "All Men Are Created Equal," "I Am Responsible," and "I Am Honest." Dr. Anderson holds the degree of bachelor of divinity from Butler Univer-
Philip J. Scharper, editor of New York publishing house Sheed and Ward, Inc., analyzed "Prophesy and the Modern Novel" at convocation February 14, 1960. Mr. Scharper authors articles on religio-cultural subjects. Formerly he was assistant professor of English at Fordham University and associate editor of The Commonweal. He received an M.A. in education and his Ph.D. from Georgetown University and an M.A. in English from Fordham.
Phillip Scharper. Levin and McGraw, piano duel.
sity; he received from the same school the honorary degree of doctor of divinity.
Levin and McGraw, well-known piano duetists, appeared as guest artists when the Centenary Singers performed at Town Hall, New York City, April 3, 1959. They are the first piano duetists to win critical acclaim for playing music originally composed for four hands a t one piano. Their program included the music of Stravinski, Berlioz, and a set of variations on children's nursery rhymes.
Cortez Peters, holder of world's portable typing championship and winner of world's professional accuracy award, gave a demonstration January 19, 1960. He was sponsored by the R. D. Crim and Royal Typewriter Company. His official record i s 141 net five-stroke words per minute for one continuous hour. Top ranking badminton players, Miss Abbie Rutledge and John Lieb, conducted a clinic in Reeves Student Union Building November 23. Miss Rutledge, Midwestern champion a t present associated with Adelphi College, Garden City, N. Y., and Mr. Lieb of San Diego, Calif., were members of the United States championship badminton team at the International Matches which took place in South America and England in 1956. Rabbi Martin Weitz, rabbi of the Temple Beth Israel, Atlantic City, N. J., was a participant in a panel discussion Tuesday, January 12, 1960. Representatives of five FM radio stations met at Centenary January 14, 1960, to formulate plans for an FM educational radio station. Representatives o f WDFM of the University of Pennsylvania, WNYC of New York City, WGPA of Bethlehem, Pa., and WPPA of Pottsville, Pa., made plans for the network. The first program originated live out of WNYC February 21. The network i s to-be expanded eventually to include some fifteen stations from Canada to Washington, D. C., and as far west as Pittsburgh. The Centenary station i s the only leg o f the station in New Jersey.
Cortez Peters, typing champion. Badminton champs Donald Kerr, Abbie Rutledge, Helen Tepke, and John Lieb at badminton clinic November 23,
1959. Rabbi Martin M. Weitz.
Educational FM network organization meeting, January 14, 1960. Top row-R. Barry Fulton, program director; Keith Stevens, special events director; Jim Brown, station monoger; Harris M. Su!livan, chief engineer, all of WDFM; Elizabeth Shimer, r a d i o / ~ V head, WNTI; A. V. Tidmore, owner WPPA; Joan Haley, business manoger WDFM; L. Edwin Rybak, chief engineer WGPA and consulting engineer WNTI; Mrs. Seymour Siegel, WNYC; Arthur C. McCracken, manoger WGPA. Bottom row-Harold E. Nelson, general manager WDFM, Penn State, and Seymour N. Siegel, director WNYC, New York.
The Centenary Alumni Association has extended honorary membership i n the association to faculty and staff who have served the college for ten years. Top row-Miss Ruth Scarborough, librarian; Mrs. Shirley Thomas, secretary to the president; Paul Gardner, bursar; Mrs. Mabel Kelley, admissions counselor; William Armstrong, superintendent of buildings and grounds, and Dr. Ernest R. Dalton, assistant to the president and divisional chairman of social science. Second row-Mrs. Hilda Sherry, assistant receptionist; Mrs. Jean Palmer, college receptionist; Mrs. Ida
N Y former student of Centenary Collegiate Institute, Centenary Junior College, or Cen-
tenary College for Women who has attended the school for at least one semester shall be a member of the Centenary Alumni Association. So states the bylaws. Active alumni are those persons who, by paying dues and contributing to the Annual Giving Fund, realize and appreciate what their college has done for them. They are aware of the need for all of us to share with the trustees, administrators, and faculty in the task of guiding the future of the college. The association consists of the national association and ten organized chapters. The chapters, along with the national association, work toward promoting a spirit of fellowship and good will toward the college. The chapters are smaller groups, so situated to make it. easier for the girls to meet socially or for business. Whether or not a girl lives in an area that has an organized chapter, she i s welcome to attend any alumni mnction, because no matter where. she is, she i s a Centenary alumna. The National Alumni Association holds its big reunion and meeting in May on the campus. The combined fund, the one appeal, cons is:^ of national dues and the Living Endowment Fund. Through the Living Endowment Fund we financially contribute to the needs of the college.
Kugelman, assistant nurse; Mrs. Gilberta Heaslip, art; Miss Elizabeth Gregory, clothing; W. Norman Groyson, divisional chairman of fine arts. Bottom row-Miss Agnes Sheehan, secretarial studies; Miss Margaret E. Hight, dean of the college; Miss Helen Morgan, admissions ofice executive assistant; Mrs. Ann Fitzgerald, director of dormitories; Miss Alexandria Spence, assistant deoa and divisional chairman of practical and applied arts. Not pictured-Dr. H. Graham DuBois, English; Howard Knapp, art; Mrs. Helen Lott, secretarial studies, and Mrs. Theresa Steward, maintenance.
Alumni Association
Miss Grace Lewis, president of the Alumni Association. Miss Margaret RahReld, director of alumni services.
Patrons Mr. and Mrs. Dunbar B. Abell Mr. and Mrs. Thurston R. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Simon Alpern Alfonso Alvarez Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Andersen Mr. and Mrs. Ernest A. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. George Appel James Armour Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Auer Mr. and Mrs. Lewis D. Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Melvin J. Baldwin Mr. and Mrs. E. George Ball Mr. and Mrs. M. Watson Bardwell Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Barkwill Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Batchie Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Baur Mr. and Mrs. Rexford L. Baxter Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. Beier Mr. and Mrs. Samuel R. Bell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clifford Bergh Mr. and Mrs. Barney Berlinger Mr. and Mrs. Ralph L. Bernard Mr. and Mrs. George J. Bisacca Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Black Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Whitmore Blodgett Mr. and Mrs. Oliver W. Bodor Mr. and Mrs. Theodore F. H. Boepple Mr. and Mrs. John D. Boyd Mr. and Mrs. P. 0.Brandt Mrs. William Brewster Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Brock Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Broyhill Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bryfogle Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Buhler Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Canger, Jr. :/ Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. V. Cann
Lucille Cardon Mr. and Mrs. G. Louis Carner Sidney Catling Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Christiansen Mr. and Mrs. F. Clarihew Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Clungeon Mr. and Mrs. George Cohen Dr. and Mrs. J. G. Copeland Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Cork
Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Cornell Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Cox Mr. and Mrs. John 'oyle, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Harrison M. Davis, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony de Genaro Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dixon Maxwell Dopson Mr. and Mrs. William R. Dothard Mr. and Mrs. V. Dragna, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. John C. Dumler Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Du Puy Mr. and Mrs. B. ,Frank Eby Dr. and Mrs. John N. Eggleston Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Eising Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Ekings, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Ellis Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Epps Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Erickson Mr. and Mrs. William R. Evan: Professor and Mrs. Nicholas S. Falcone Dr. and Mrs. Louis G. Farris S. Byard Feaster Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Feiler Dr. and Mrs. Frank E. Fierro Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Fighera W. 0.Fleming Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Fobes, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. ,Foster, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. W. Mackenzie Foster Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Fowler Mr. and Mrs. Fredericks Mr. and Mrs. George F. Gaede Mr. and Mrs. A. Gelpke Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gerhardy Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Gerhart Mr. and Mrs. Clive H. Gilbert Mrs. Richard H. Gingras Mr. and Mrs. Ben Glassman Mr. and Mrs. William H. Gleim, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Gordon, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Burton Gove Mr. and IArs. John F. Graff
Patrons Mr. and Mrs. Louis Gutman Dr. and Mrs. C. Fremont Hall Mr. and Mrs. John T. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Russell Halliday Mr. and Mrs. Howard G. Halvorsen Mr. and Mrs. H. Lloyd Hanson Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Haskins, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heimert, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hemminger Mr. and Mrs. Paul Henrich Mr. and Mrs. George L. Hergesheimer Mr. and Mrs. F. John Herrmann Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Hewitt ~ h H ~ c y e @ . Mr. and Mrs. John R. Honegger Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. Hornikel Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Horstmeyer Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin House Mr. and Mrs. George L. Huffman Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd F. Hughes Mr. and Mrs. John Hurley Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Jacobsen Mr. and Mrs. Norbert H. Jacoby Mr. and Mrs. J. Peter Jaff6 Benn W. Jesser Mr. and Mrs. Norris 0. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. James Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. George B. Loewinger Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Long Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Lotz Mr. and Mrs. Harold S. Luther Mrs. Greene McAfee Dr. and Mrs. John J. McAleese Norman F. McDonough Harry E. McElroy Mr. and Mrs. G. Edwin Maccubbin Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Mace Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Malnati Margaret and Edward Mante Mr. and Mrs. Albert F. Martin, Jr. t ; a-n c ~ h a r l e r ) v S a r ~ ~M Mr. and Mrs. Ellis C. Maxcy Mr. and Mrs. Alex D. Maxwell Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Maylone Anne B. Megargee Mr. and Mrs. Stewart B. Mein, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. H. Felton Metcalf Mr. and Mrs. Clinton L. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Spencer A. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Morris Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Morrison Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Morse Mr. and Mrs. Alex E. Motchane Mrs. Thomas Murdock Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Murphy Dr. and Mrs. M. J. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. John Kaufmann Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter Keely
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert H. Kern Mr. and Mrs. John H. Koch Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Koelln Mr. and Mrs. S. Kolokowsky Mr. and Mrs. S. Kover, Jr. Mr. Ahd Mrs. Sheldon M. Kressler
i!&LLamaacawc---Mrs. S. Lavin Mr. and Mrs. Richard La Vecchia Dr. and Mrs. Edgar A. Lawrence Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Lichtig Mr. and Mrs. Gordon M. Lindner Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Litchfield Mr. and Mrs. C. Charlton Lobb
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Neary Mr. and Mrs. Angus G. Neaves, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold L. Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Nemetz Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nicol Mr. and Mrs. Beni. Nigrosh Mr. and Mrs. N. Matthew Nilssen Mr. and Mrs. William F. Nodop *4 *d.* k&mMiss Frances Nutt Mr. and Mrs. Chase Osborn, 111 Mr. and Mrs. Warren A. Ostergard Mr. and Mrs. James R. E. Ozias Mr. and Mrs. Herman B. Packard
Patrons Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Parker Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Pascale Dr. and Mrs. Harold S. Payer Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Phillips, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William A. Pieper Mrs. J. D. Powell Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Power Price Associates, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Norman F. Rathert E. V. Reichstetter Mr. and Mrs. William C. Rice Mr. and Mrs. Carl F. Richter Mr. and Mrs. Allan M. Rinehart Mr. and Mrs. Herbert S. Ritchie Mr. and Mrs. Franklin A. Robblee Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Roberts Mr. and Mrs. John J. Roe, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. G. Ronalder Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinano D. Rose Mr. and Mrs. John J. Rose, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James M. Ross Mr. and Mrs. John Rossi Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth T. Rowe Ruby's Market Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Rushforth
Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Sandfort Mr. and Mrs. John Sauer Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Sayles Mr. and Mrs. John R. Schackne Mr. and Mrs. Russell S. Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Schmitz Mr. and Mrs. Chester C. Schuetz Mr. and Mrs. Gustav Schutte Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Seamans Mr. and Mrs. Mishal A. Securda Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert J. Seemuller Mr. and Mrs. Johnston B. Shimer Mr. and Mrs. Ransom F. Shoup The Simon Family Mr. and Mrs. Russell M. Skelton Mr. and Mrs. Clyde H. Small Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Smith Dr. and Mrs. Dean Davidge Smith Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Springman Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Stanley
Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.
and Mrs. C. W. Stephens and Mrs. S. Logan Stirling Charles Gilmore Stone and Mrs. F. H. Strawbridge, Jr. and Mrs. Frederick Sylvester
Mr. and Mrs. William Tanis Mr. and Mrs. Clayton B. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. David D. Thomas, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Thornton Barbara Tichenor Mr. and Mrs. George Tjaden Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Truppo Dr. and Mrs. Norman E. Tymeson Mr. and Mrs. E. F. J. Uibel Mr. and Mrs. John C. Van Riper Elspeth and Charles Van Wetering Mr. and Mrs. Milton H. Veldran Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Voorhees Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Ward Mr. and Mrs. Edward Warren Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. Waters The Rev. and Mrs. David Coleman Watson Mrs. J. G. Watts Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Weber Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair Weeks Mr. and Mrs. John R. West Mr. and Mrs. James W. Whearley Dr. and Mrs. Harold M. Whitacre Mr. and Mrs. John H. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Alfred C. Willoughby Mr. and Mrs. Gerald N. Wiseman Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Wishart Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wittich Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Worthington Mr. and Mrs. Marshall P. Yea:rnan Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zacher Mr. and Mrs. Viclor E. Zoeller A Friend
NlPE,R STUDIO Photography
Our association with you in photographing the Hack this year has been a most pleasurable one. W e shall miss your faces and your friendship.
To each of you we offer our best wishes and good luck in the attainment of the goals Centenary has helped to set.
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With Compliments
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Schooley's Mountain, N . J .
Compliments of
- Asphalt and Built Up Roofing
Asbestos Shingles
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Compliments of
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Canned Foods
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Compliments of
HOLLY BY GREGORY PLANTSMAN Specializing in Landscape Design and Specimens of Rare Native and Exotic Plants Located on
Shoes for Men and Boys
- Jeweler Established 1857
Sincere Best Wishes
LINCOLN HOTEL SUPPLY CO., Inc. Prime Meats and Poultry
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Compliments of Compliments
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Fresh Fruits a n d Vegetables
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Best Buy in Butter
SCHOOLEY'S MT. ROAD Phone GArden 5-3533
Compliments of
N lcCHO,LAS D'AMATO General Contractor
HACKETTSTOWN, R. D., N. J. Phone GArden 5-4441
Graduation! A glorious feeling that something worthwhile has been accomplished. Your Alma Mater is a modern school with modern concepts of living. You will want to continue the trend in the years past '60. Best wishes for the future and in keeping with your forward thinking, remember that -you Live Better
. . . Electrically.
., . .
This i s the sketch by La Pierre and Litchfield, architect firm, Patterson, New Jersey, of the natatorium and dance studio which will be built adjoining Reeves Student Union. Construction started in June and the building is estimated to be ready by February,
Compliments of
Bergen-Passaic Chapter of the Centenary Alumni Association
Compliments of
Fairfield County Chapter Centenary Alumni Association
What Does A Yearbook Mean? For you, a yearbook means memories. Throughout your life it will help you recall old friends and relive the good times of your student days. And for your publishers, too, a yearbook means something special. As former members of yearbook staffs, we bring to our professional duties a deep personal interest in the goals of a yearbook editor, as well as a real understanding of his many problems. To this we add more than a quarter-century of experience publishing many scores of school and college yearbooks. But what we offer you is more than balanced by what you give to us-the happiness of sharing in student projects, the delight of finding each year new and younger friends.
Index * Indicates Seniors.
t Did not graduate.
'Abell, Constonce Vivian, B. March l b 5 0 , 121, 130 162 Inwood Ave., Upper Montclair, N. J. Adoms, June Etto-100 The Edword W. Seay Administrotion Building-187 'Allen, Dorcos Winslow, B. Aug. 8-73, 154 1 Hampton Rd., Port Washington, L. I., N. Y. Allen, Janet S m i t L 1 0 0 Alexander, Robert-21 'Allison, Borrie Hamilton, B. Jan. 729,121,122,153,156,157 84 Park Ave., Branxville, N. Y. 'Allison, Elvo Lege, B. Feb. S 8 0 26 Stratford PI., Binghomton, N. Y. Allison, Heather Homilton-100, 123, 124, 154 'Alpern, Barbora, B. March 5-46 821 Ridgeview Dr., Pittsburgh 28, Pa. Alumni Association-169 Alvorez, Corlo Maria-100, 129 Anderren, Linda Christine-100, 155 'Anderson, Borboro Gail, B. Oct. 1 6 2 7 , 87 10 Delwaod Ave., Chotham, N. J. Anderson, Dr. Howard-167 120, 121 Anderson, Mrs. Marcy S.-18, *Anderson, Marilyn, B. Oct. 28-57, 153, 156 3 North Lone, Barrington, R. I. 'Andraws, Susan Dunning, B. Oct. 955, 121, 126, 127, 130, 131 165 Sagamore Rd., Millburn, N. J. Appel, Katherine Ann-100 Aquatic Club-154 Arfmann, Janet-100 Armour, Gwendolyn Florence-100, 126, 127 169 Armstrang, Mr. William C., Jr.-19, Art Club--1 29 Arvidson, Lois Claire--100 Ashton, Nancy Carol-100 Athletic Field-139 'Atwater, Helen Jean, B. Sept. 24--43, 91, 119 33 Dogwood Rd., West Orange, N. J. Aver, Janice May-100, 152, 153, 157 *Aufhammer, Noncy Alan, B. Feb. 1 4 3 2 , 120, 133, 134, 156 Gibson Island, Md. Augur, Valerie Jo Ann-100, 126 *Axt, MorjoriqjAnn, B. Nov. 7-60, 117, 156 O l d Mill Rd., Sea Girt, N. J. Bach's Drug Store-174 Backenstors, Mrs. Lois-1 5, 133 Backenstoss, Dr. R. Elwood-14, 133 'Bailey, Brendo Lynne, B. July 2 0 - 4 8 , 122, 129 540 American Ave., Dover, Del. Baker, Nancy Elizobeth-100, 153, 154 'Baker, Nancy Frances, 8. Dec. 2 b 8 0 , 154 237 So. Choncellor St., Newtown, Po. Boldwin, Ann Elizabeth-100 *Ball, Jean Ann, B. Oct. 1 3 4 8 , 132
32445 Jackson Rd., Chagrin Falls, Ohro *Bardwell, Ina Louise, B. Jan. 1 0 - 4 1 120 Huntleigh Ave., Foyetteville, N. Y. Borkwill, Barbaro Hine- 100 Barnes, Hugh E.-12 Borr, Ann Elizabeth-100 Bartholomey, Mrs. Edwina-20 'Batchie, Barbara Jeanne, B. Feb. 234, 91, 118, 120, 125, 126, 157 Austin Rd., Mohopoc, N. Y. 'Baur, Corol Joan, B. April 2-72 9 Poddington Circle, Bronxville, N. Y. 'Boxler, Margaret Ruth, B. April 1582, 125, 126, 127, 133, 134 98 Curren Dr., Elmira, N. Y. 'Bear, Sandra Allison, B. Dec. 9-77, 117, 125, 126, 127 345 Lynbraoke Rd., Springfield, Delaware County, Po. 'Beck, Diano Jeanne, B. March 23-71, 153 6920 Cresheim Rd., Philadelphia 19, Po. Becker, Nancy Jane-100, 130 Beier, Connie Edna-100 Bell, Jr., Ann-100 'Benish, Lynn Diano, B. Aug. 9-81, 121, 125, 126 137 Hortsdale Rd., White Ploins, N. Y. Berendsen, Sir Carl-165 Bergen-Possaic Chapter-187 Bergh, Borboro Arlene- 100 'Berlinger, Linda Lenore, B. July 11-29, 155, 156 1442 W. Ashbourne Rd., Wyncote, Pa. 'Bernard, Heather Lynne, B. Sept. 26-29, 120, 121 22 McBride Ave., White Ploins, N. Y. Besecker, Harry-21 Betts, Judson-1 7 'Betts. Sally Elizabeth, B. Jan. 1 1 3 4 , 142, 156, 176 17 Sylvan Rd., Darien, Conn. Biddlecombe, Noncy Anne--100, 125, 126, 127, 154, 158 Bidwell, Barbara Joan-100 Bigelow, Miss Mary D.-12, 110, 118, 119, 120 Bingham, Mrs. Marjorie 1 . ~ 1 5 'Bisocco, Dorothy Helen, B. July 1-6, 128 Eastover, Lenox, Moss. *Bishop, Lynn Frances, B. June 2 4 5 Route 45, Budd Lake, N. J. 'Black, Virginia Flory, B. Nov. 18-43, 153 Loch Rd., Franklin Lakes, N. J. Blitz, Dorothy Virginia-100 'Blodgett, Barbaro Ann, B. May 6 4 8 51 Enclosure, Nutley 10, N. 1. Bloom, Allwina Keller-100, 126, 127, 153 Blue Coal Corporation-1 86 'Bodor, Barbara Margaret, B. March 1 6 5 7 214-33 33rd Rd., Bayside, N. Y. *Boepple, Elsa Ruth, B. April 2 5 4 5 Deer Track Lane, Valley Cottage, N. Y. *Bogdonowicz, Dorothy Ann, B. June 1&81 Box 337-A, Hackettstown, N. 1. Book Club- 130
dookstore-147 Bourdelois, Joan Corol-100 'Boyd, Eileen Genevieve, B. Sept. 15-30, 135 176 N. Broadway, Nyock, N. Y. Boyer, Margaret M a c y 1 0 0 'Brandt, Mory Josephine, B. Feb. 19-37, 91, 120, 130, 131 14 Ridgetop Dr., Richmond Hts. 17, Mo. 'Breining, Kimberly Glori, B. Oct. 1 Q 3 8 , 120, 152, 155 483 Jerusalem Rd., Cohasset, Mass. 'Brewster, Stella Yotes, B. Sept. 3-35, 91, 117, 125, 126, 127, 129 Bond Rd., Kittery Point, Me. 'Brock, Barbara Ruth, B. March 28-59 59 Cloremont Ave., Bloomfield, N. J. Brotherton, Fred J.-12 Brotherton, Inc., Fred J.-179 Brotherton Hall-24 'Brown, Barbara Ann, B. Jan. l k 8 2 , 11 7 204 Andover Rd., Fairless Hills, Pa. 'Brown, Diana Stanley, B. April 14-39, 128 144 Merriweather Rd., Grosse Point Farms 36, Mich. Brown, Jim-1 68 Brown, John-21 *Broyhill, Linda Jone, B. Feb. 2 7 4 5 Box 794, Lenoir, N. C. 'Bryfogle, Goil Elaine, B. Nov. 30- 44 508 S. Main St., Muncy, Pa. Buchert, Solly Minette-100 Bufington, Ellen Ruth-100, 126, 127 'Buhler, Joonne Frances, B. Sept. 13-67 61 Brunswick Rd., Cedar Grove, N. J. Bullock, Linda-100, 126, 127, 129 Burnett, Barbara Anne-101, 124 'Button, Joan Charlton, B. March 24;-84, 40 Hickory Dr., Maplewood, N. J. Byers, Susan Louis+lOl Byron, Suson Cothrine--101 'Cady, Susanne, B. Jan. 1 3 4 2 , 154 Avon, Cann. Calder, Norma Coverly-101 'Colvert, Judith Ellen, B. July 4--87, 118 Church School Rd., Doylestown, Pa. Camera C l u b 1 29 Compion, Mae Elizabeth-101 Campus Sundial-25 Conger, Madelynne R.-101 Cann, Elizabeth Fairlie-101 Cordon, Lucy-Mortine-101 *Carnetu!Mortha Carol, B. Aug. 1 7 - 4 , 130 5755 Broadway. Indianapolis, Ind. Corpenter, Ottilie Elizabeth-101 *Casebolt, Nancy Lee, B. Oct. 4-65, 124 90 Cedar Court, Cheshire, Conn. Casazza, Corolyn Joyce-101, 121 Catino, Judith May-101, 121 Catling, Anita Patricia-101, 126, 127 Covonaugh, Richard-21 Cowood, Judith Anna--101, 121 Centenary Little Theater-139 Centenary Singers-129 Central Connecticut Ghapter-184
Chace, Constance-1 01 Cholfant, Mory Ann-101 *Chamberlain, Joan Elton, B. Feb. 6 7 3 , 129 70 Fremont St., Apt. 4-J, Bridgeport, Conn. Chapel Choir-127 'Chaplin, Koy Jean, B. Feb. 18-56 1600 East Ave., Rochester 10, N. Y. Cheerleaders-1 55 'Cheshire, Julie, B. Sept. 2 5 6 0 , 91, 117, 129, 135 937 N. Monroe St., Ridgewood, N. J. Cheyney, Mrs. Edith-19 Childs, Lois Elaine-101 Chorale-124 Chowonski, Stell-21 *Christiansen, Gail Marie, B. March 30-31,91, 118, 120, 121 24 Old Salem Rd., West Orange, N. J. Christenson, Lois Diane-101 Clorihew, Barbara Ann-101, 121 Clark, Carole-101 Clark, Mrs. Sam H.-12 'Clark, Judith Anne, B. Nov. 4-38, 124, 153, 154, 158 1 North Ct., Port Washington, L. I., N. Y. Class of 1 9 6 G 1 7 5 Class of 1961-177 'Clungeon, Sandra Christie, B. Aug. 81,30,91, 120, 132, 147 8505 Polton Rd., Philadelphia 18, Po. 'Cootes, Gail Christine, B. April 7-26, 35, 117, 125, 126 339 Hillcrest Ave., Trenton, N. J. Coca-Cola Bottling Company-176 Cohen, Bette Sue--101 Commencement-147 Comstock, Nancy Jane-101 Connell, Barbara-143, 156 Contestable, Barbara-142 Cook, Nellie- 21 20 Cool, Mrs. Gladys R.Cooley, Nancy Lee--102, 126, 127 'Copeland, Mary Jone, B. March 31-59 69 S. Manning Blvd., Albany, N. Y. Corbett, Judy Ann-102 *Cork, Ann Willard, B. Dec. 1-33 4605 Staunton Ave., Charleston 4, W. Vo. 'Cornell, Janet Helen, 0. Oct. 13-75, 123 1493 Wyoming Ave., Schenectody, N. Y. Cosmopolitan Club-131 Cotrell & Leonard, lnc.-184 Couzens, Dona Joyce-102 Cowart, Brindo-90 'Cox, Doris Ellen, B. Oct. 2-71 218 Varsity Ave., Princeton, N. J. Coyle, Susan-102 Crandell, Cynthia Howley-102, 126, 127, 155 Creveling, Bette Jane-102 Crothers, Dr. George-164 Crowe, Miss Ellen-16 Cunningham, John T.-164 'Curtiss, Mary Bunnell, B. Dec. 10-75, 121, 153, 156 22550 Calverton Rd., Shaker Hts. 22, Ohio Curtiss, Robert S.-12 Dad's Day-1 42 Dalton, Mrs. Ellen 8.-16,
92, 135
Dalton, Dr. Ernest R.13, 135, 169 D'amato, Nicholas-185 Dannef, Teresa-21 Dannef, Wendell-21 Datesman, Helen Barbara-102, 129 Davidson, Eunice Sara-102 *Davis, Arden Laird, B. Dec. 31-26, 86, 91, 120, 130 17 N. Crescent, Maplewood, N. J. 'Davis, Margaret El!en, B. April 632, 120, 125, 126, 127, 129, 156 Echo Rock, Box 162, Cornwall, N. Y. Davis, Dr. Rolph E.12 Dawley, Barbara Ann-102 Day, Barbara Gayle-102 'de Genero, Rita Frances, B. Feb. 7-74 279 Elm Ave., Teaneck, N. J. Dehann, M a r p i 1 Delta Psi Omeg-141 Delta Sigma Sigma-133 Summit, N. J., High School-141 Denman Gymnasium-115 Pool-1 38 Interior-1 62 Devins, Carolyn M i c h a e C l O 2 Dexter, Margaret McAllister-102, 154 Dickinson, Erica Patricia--102. 129, 154 Dining Room-163 Dixon, Sherry Anne-102, 117, 155 Dobrowolski, Adam-21 Dolon, Patricia Ann-102 Donovan, Gail-102, 154 Dopson, Donno Anne-102 Dorcas, Mrs. N e l l i e 1 9 *Dothard, Ann Karpeles, B. March 30--30, 110, 120, 152, 153 6143 Nassau St., Philadelphia 31, Pa. Doud, Miss Katherine M.-19 'Dragno, Veronica Anne, B. Sept. 2832, 120, 125, 126, 127, 133 573 Winthrap Rd., W. Englewood, N. J. Droke, Marilyn Gibbs-103, 121 DuBois, Mrs. H. Graham-130 DuBois, Dr. H. Graham-14, 130, 169 DuBois Hall-24 Dumler, Jane Marie--102 Dunbor, Miss Martha-14, 129 Dunn, Karen Ellen-102 'DuPuy, Susette, B. March 2 6 7 4 , 125, 126, 127, 129 364 North St., Greenwich, Conn. Dutko, John-21
:! 'Eaglesham, Jeanne Plimley, B. March 2-2, 154 391 Forest Ave., Glen Ridge, N. J. 'Eby, Gail, B. Ju!y 20--50, 152, 153, 156, 157 323 Windsor Ave., Wayne, Pa. *Eggledan, Polly Stuart, B. July 9-28, 91, 120, 123, 149 75 Prospect Street, Milford, Conn. Eherts, Miss Alice--17, 153, 158 Eising, Susan-102, 155 *Ekings, Beverly Colt, B. Aug. 6 7 7 , 153 3 Ravine Rd., Wellesley Hills, Mass. 'Elford, Susan, B. Oct. 27-85 95 Palmer Ave., Mamaroneck, N. Y.
'Ellis, Margaret Jane, B. April 6-58 Wintergreen Hill, Painesville, Ohio Ellsworth, Heidi Elissa-103, 130 Ensign, Barde Kingsley-103 'Ephrussi, Alexandra Elizabeth Margaret, B. July 271, 124, 129 241Avenue of the Americas, New York 14, N. Y. Epps, Susan Devereux-103 'Erickson, Charlotte Clapton, B. Oct.,7-82 1172 Mansion Ave., Collingswood, N. J. 'Evans, Janine Elise, B. Aug. 1-30, 123, 125 George St., Harrington Park, N. J. Eversharps-125 Faculty R e s i d e n c e l o , 11 Fagan, Doris-20 Fairfleld County Chapter-187 *Fatcone, Patricia Ann, B. June 1-74 265 Cook Ave., Yonkers, N. Y. Farris, Donna Louis-103 Fashion Show-142 *Fausel, Carol Louise, B. Oct. 2 0 6 4 , 129 69 Hawthorne Ave., Glen Ridge, N. 1. 'Feaster, Susan Greer, B. May 6-86, 155 391 North Broad, Pennsgrove, N. J. Feiler, Eleanor Bertha-103 Ferry, Joseph R.-12 Fessler, John-21 Fierro, Joyce Alice-103 'Fighero, Carol Lee, B. Nov. 30-76, 117, 154 Lower State Rd., Doylestown, Pa. Fippin, Sue-103, 129 Fisher, John G.-16, 128 Fitzgerald, Mrs. Ann-18, 169 Fitzhugh, Margaret Elizabeth-103 Fleming, Susan Jane-103, 121 Fobes, Eilzabeth Kirk-103, 121, 126, 127 99 Forbes, Miss Phyllis M.-14, Force, Mabel D.-20 Ford, Mrs. Jane W.-20 Forrest, Susan-140 Forster, Priscilla Barton-103, 130, 131 Foster, Christie Ann-103, 124, 158 'Foster, Helen Bradley, B. Dec. 7 - 3 3 , 91, 120, 135 Glen Oban Farm, Route 1, Box 2, Arnold, Md. 124 Foster, Jan MacKenzie-103, Foster, Margot North-103 Foster and L e e 182 Fowler, Richard C.-12 'Fowler, Nancy Brooks, B. Jan. 6 3 9 , 120, 130 Ridge Rd., West Oronge, N. J. Fredericks, Judith May-103 Frederickson, Elna Wilt-103 7, 17, 27, 153 Frye, Miss Mary E.Fulton, R. Barry-168 'Gaede, Carol Wyder, B. Aug. 1 3 - 4 1 O l d Woods Rd., Saddle River, N. 1. Gaff, Nancy Helen-103 Gansz, Mr. George-15, 124, 125, 127, 129 Gardella, Jack-21 Gardner, Barbara-103
Gordner, Mr. Poul T.18, 169 Gorretson, Elizobeth Ann-103 Gost, Judith Adele-103 'Gelpke, Constance Mae, B. Feb. 2-51, 153, 156 629 Col. Dewees Rd., Glenhordie Farms, Wayne P. 0.. Pa. George, Mrs. Rheta--16, 122 George, Mr. Stefan-1, 13, 122 *Gerhordy, Susan Mary, B. May 2-83, 133, 134 8253 North River Rd., Milwoukee 17, Wis. 'Gerhort, Gail Elsa, B. Aug, 6 6 2 21051 Avolon Dr., Rocky River 16, Ohio Gibison, Alice Nevin-103, 121 'Gibson, Susan Thomas, B. Aug. 2-86, 130 1824 Selma Ave., Youngstown 4, Ohio Gilbert, Elizobeth Ann-103, 126, 127 Gillespie, Elsie Kloyer-103, 154, 158 Gilmore, Mrs. Lillian-20 'Gingras, Noncy Wallace, B. Jan. 17-87 33 Franklin St., Annapolis. Md. Glaettli, Dr. Walter E.14, 93, 131 Glossman, Horriett Joyce- 103 'Gleim, Judith Ann, B. July 1 6 5 3 , 132 596 Seminole St., Orodell, N. J. 'Glenn, Noncy Elizobeth, B. Dec. 25-57 E. Saddle River Rd., Saddle River, N. J. Godwin, Constance Springer-103 Goodridge, Beth Ann-103 Gordon, Mrs. A l i c e 1 4 Gordon, Jocqueline Elizabeth-103, 126 Gosser, Albert-21 'Gove, Noel, B. Dec. 28-84, 155 89 Bacon St., Winchester, Mass. Grace, Eileen Susan-103 'Groff, Karen Truesdole, B. May 1-71, 128 80 Woodland Pork Dr., Tenofly, N. J. Gronsaull, Sandro May-104 Groves, Mary Meodor-105, 154, 158 Grayson, Mr. W. N o r m o n 4 3 1 , 169 Green, Kate MocBeth-104, 121 Gregory, Miss Elizabeth-16, 92, 169 Griggs, Glorio-90, 91 Grill-14 7 Grogon, Victoria-21 Grover, Elizabeth-21 Guild-123 *Gutman, Suson Mae, B. July 4 6 7 , 122 35 Sanford Lone, Stamford. Conn. Hock-1 17 153, 154 Hock, Jo,An-104, ~ockelts'townDoiry Company-182 Hackettstown Gazette-174 Hockettstown Nurseries, lnc.-184 Hockettstown Village Bakery-182 Hackettstown Window Cleaning Company-184 Hogemann, Janet Louise-104 'Hoines, Mary Bowman, B. Feb. 2-50, 128 8011 Crefeld St., Philadelphia 18, Pa. Haley, Joan-168 Hall, Anne Louise-104 Hall, Millicent Emily-104 'Hallidoy, Jean, B. June 6 7 0
59 School St., Hingham, Mass. Halvorsen, Jeanne Phyllis-104 Hommond Hall-25 Hompton, Harriet Louise-104, 156 Hann, John-21 Honno, Goyle-143 'Honson, Deborah, 0. Oct. 24-78, 128, 153 3 Old Brook Dr., Worcester, Moss. Hardy, Celinda Jane-104, 126, 127 Hare, Polly Anne-1 04 Hart, Lillian-21 Hart, Lewis-21 Hart, Louise Elaine--104, 125, 126, 127 126, 127 Harvey, Carol An-104, tHaskins, Lucy Ann, B. Oct. 7-55, 128 Happy Volley Form, Branchville, N. J. Hatcher, Barbara--156 Hay, Miss Esther M.-12 Heoslip, Mrs. Gilberto-129. 169 Hedley, Patricio-90 Heimert, Nancy-104, 125, 126, 127, 129 Held, Nancy Lee-104 Helms, Suzanne--1 11, 129 'Hemminger, Ruth, B. April 20-63, 117, 130, 155 75 MI. View Rd., Millburn, N. J. *Henrich, Beverly Ann, B. Aug. 12-84, 121 . 221 2 Commonwealth Ave., Auburndole 66, Moss. 'Hergesheimer, Ann Virginia, B. Jon. 13-61, 125, 126, 127 433 W. Upsol St., Philadelphia 19, Pa. 'Herrmann, Bonney Ann, B. Nov. 5-66 1440 S. Shore Dr., Erie, Po. 133 Hesse, Mr. John 1.-17, Hesse, Mrs. John 1 . ~ 1 3 3 'Hewitt, Suson May, B. Nov. 2-31, 120, 122,147, 149 R. D. 3, Box 177, Flemington, N. J. Hey, Richord N.-166 91, 110, 118, 119, 120, 169 Hight, Miss Margaret E.-12, Hinkel, Margaret Okeson-104, 157 Hinkel, Marjorie Ann-104 Hobson, Suson Margaret-104 Hodsan, Sydney Jean-104, 124 Hoff, Virginia Margaret-104 Holroyd, Sandro Anne-104 'Honegger, Katherine Ann, B. April 7 4 1 , 91, 118, 121 181 Sylvan St., Rutherford, N. J. Hopkins, Victoria Mae-104 Hornodoy, Marion Adney-104 Horner, Laurie-1 56 Hornikel, Ellen-104 126 Horstmeyer, Judy Kay-104, 'House, Dale, B. Jon. 6 6 6 , 133, 134 6701 Castor Ave., Philadelphia 49, Po. Huey, Mr. Edwin-19 Huey, Mrs. Shirley-20 'Huffman, Ruthann, B. March 9-46 26590 Scenic Dr., Franklin, Mich. 'Huggler, Solley Louise Harris, B. Sept. 22-86, 153, 156 412 E. Loncaster Ave., St. Dovids, Po. Hughes, Suson Bellomy-104 Hummer, John-184 Hunl, Joyce Ellen-104
'Hurley, Carolyn Marie, B. July 1-54, 123 113 Ridge Rd., Rutherford, N. J. lannuzzi, Corol Ann-105, 124, 155 Illis, Leanore Barbara-105 Isenegger, Judith Ellen-105 'Ives, Mary Dravo, B. Aug. 7-77, 91, 117, 155 5321 Concord Pike, Wilmington 3, Del. Jacobsen, Patricia Ann-105 'Jacoby, Linda Coleman, B. Feb. 3-80 91 Jacoby Ave., Pittstleld, Mass. *Jaffe, Kristin Ann, B. June 9-51, 131 19 Richmond Dr., Darien, Conn. James, Barbara Scott-105 Japp, Judith-156 Jennings, Sallyann-105, 124 *lesser, Wendy Forster, B. April 15--69 c/o Kellogg International Company, Kellogg House, 7-10 Chandos St., Cavendish Square, London W-1, England Jewett, Miss Louise-1 4 Johnson, Diana Lansbury--105 *Johnston, Judith Ann, B. March 22-53 92 Dimmig Rd., Upper Saddle River, N. J. 'Jolly, Joan Ann, B. April 25-75, 117, 153 35 Nassau Blvd., Garden City, L. I., N. Y. Jones, Betty Lee--105 Jones, Susan Colegrove-105 June Dairy Butter-184 'Kaufmann, Ellen Jane, B. act. 9-38 105 Beaumont St., Son Francisco 18, Calif. *Kaufmann, Harriett Ann, B. April 1-52. 129 182 Spring St., Ossining, N. Y. Keely, Nancy Ellen-105 12 Keller, Miss Beatrice F.169 Kelley, Mrs. Mabel W.-18, Kelly, Robert W.-188 *Kellogg, Margaret Irwin, B. July 11-87, 130 1512 W. Washington, Jackson, Mich. Kenarney, Ann Marie--105 Kern, Elaine Ethel-105 Kerr, Donald-168 Kerr's Pharmacy-182 Kilgore, Janice Kay-1 10, 120, 124 Kilpatrick Hall-96 Kimball, Alice Louis-105 King, Corol Elizabeth-105 King, Mrs. Ru,th 0.-19 'Kinley, ~ l a i n d ! ~ .March 2-76, 121, 154 116 Ashland Rd., Summit, N. J. Kirschner, Louise May-105 Kleban, Lynne-105 S. Kleinhans & Company-184 Kluberg, Lynn Tanner-106 Knapp, Mr. Howard T.92, 169 CKoch, Susan Doerrie, B. May 23-74 114 Clark Circle, Needham, Mass. Koechling, Karen Jean-105 'Koelln, Marilyn Emily, B. Aug. 7 4 0 8 Round Hill Rd., Poughkeepsie, N. Y.
Kolakowsky, Helen Stephanie-105 'Koss, Janis, B. Jan. 11-60, 125, 126, 127 21 Crestmont Rd., West Orange, N. J. Kover, Karen Elise-105 Kowalick, Stell-21 *Kramer, Dorothy Ina, B. April 10- 37 466 S. Center St., Apt. 5, Orange, N. J. Kratz, Ellen-147, 156 'Kressler, Miriam Jean, B. Dec. 30-34, 119, 120 448 E. Spring Ave., Ardmore, Pa. Krummenacher, Judith Karen-106, 129 Kugelman, Mrs. Ida--19, 169 Lacava, Letitia Ann-105 Lambert, Martha Suzanne-106 Lambert, Patricia Camill-106 Lancey, Dr. William 1.-12 'Lang, Ann Folsom, B. Jan. 2 6 7 7 336 Court St., Keene, N. H. Langenberg, Dorothy Jean-106 Larson, Tanja Virginia--106, 126, 127 *Lau, Nancy Jane, B. March 2 4 9 226 107th St., Stone Harbor, N. J. 'LaVecchia, Jean Carol, B. Dec. 24- 69, 152, 156, 157 Wood Rd., Morris Township, N. J. *Lawrence, Judith, B. Jan. 12-37, 120, 129, 155 4675 Palisade Ave., Riverdale, N. Y. 71, N. Y. Lawson, Joseph-21 Layman, Anne Springer-106 Layton, Carolyn Ann-106, 117 Leaders' Corps-153 Lehman, Barbara Ann-106 *Leon, Sara Anne, B. Feb. 829, 91, 92, 93, 118, 119, 120, 157 40 Laurel Ave., Binghamton, N. Y. LeVan, Dona Day-106, 155, 157 Levin and McGraw-167 Lewis, Miss G r a c e 1 6 9 Library Committee--121 Lichtig, Maxine Suson-106 Lieb, John-168 Lincoln Hotel Supply Company, In<.-183 Lindner, Susan Margaret-106 'Lipp, Anifa Madeleine, B. April 28-65 28 Somerset Rd., Tenafly, N. J. Lipschutz, Nancy Ellen-106, 155 *Litchfield, Barbara Lee, B. Dec. 29-63 32 Spenser Dr., Short Hills, N. J. Lobb, Susan Mitchell-106, 127 Loewinger, Nancy Ellen-106 'Lofft, Marguerite Boone, B. Aug. 20-82, 125, 269 New Jersey Ave., Collingswood, N. J. Long, Georgeanna Carolyn-106, 126, 127 Long Island Alumni Chapter-1 80 Lorenz, Lisbeth Mildred-106, 126, 156 Lotte Hall-24 169 Lott, Mrs. Helen J.-16, Lotl, Dr. Leigh M.-14 'Lotz, Janet Arlene, B. July 31-76 515 W. Ruscomb St., Philadelphia 20, Pa. Lovell, Sally Louise-1(M
Luerich, Rev. Roland 1.-12 *Luther, Carolyn Dodge, B. Jan. 3-1, 79, 91, 121 67 Elm St., Summit, N. J. 'Lutz, Borbaro Kay, B. Nov. 6-73 4706 Staunton Ave., Charleston, W. Va. Lynch, Elaine Patricia-106 *McAfee, Diana Hope, B. March 18-88, 128, 155 2611 Rockville Center Pkwy., Oceanside, N. Y. McAleese, Helen Louise-1 11, 124, 129 McCombe, Dr. John Harold-164 McCrocken, Arthur C.-168 McCullough, Judith Schuyler-106 McDonough, Mary Ellen-106 McElray, Karen Colleen-99, 106, 154, 155 McForlin, Charlotte--106 McKinnon, Rev. Henry J.-12 McKean, Sally Reed-106 McKiniry, James-21 McVey, JoAnn Catherine-106 'Moccubbin, Lois Rosaline, B. Sept. 13-62 148 Gallinson Dr., Murray Hill, N. J. 'Mace, Geraldine Alice, B. Sept. 6 3 1 , 152, 153, 154 1216 Norbee Dr., Normandy Manor, Wilmington, Del. MacGregor, Barbara Jean-106, 117 'MacGregor, Martha Jane, B. Jan. 29-85 242 Henry St., Brooklyn 1, N. Y. Mockenzie, Mary-1 64 Main Parlors-162 Majeske, Joan Paula-106 Mallon, Sheila Anne-107 'Malnoti, Joon Louise, B. Jan. 1 6 4 3 1054 State Rd., North Adoms, Mass. 'Monsfleld, Dianne Elizabeth, B. Sept. 17-36 3677 Traver Rd., Shaker Heights 22, Ohio Mansfield, Marcia--107 Mante, Carol Lynne-107, 156, 157 Mophet, Princi-16 'March, Beverly Sarah, B. Oct. 18-49, 117 1949 Elk Ave., Pottsville, Pa. tMargulus, Barbara Diane, B. July 2 6 4 1 6821 Pershing Ave., St. Louis 5, Mo. Mortens, Noncy Gail-107 Martin, Mary Anne-107, 126, 153 *Martino, Charlotte A., B. Jon. 2 6 8 5 , 91 1602 Northview Blvd., Norristown, Pa. Massobni, Valerie Anne- 107 Motchett, Potricio Irene--107 'Moxcy, Cynthia Steward, B. May 5 - 4 2 , 155 31 Me~lboroughRd., New Haven, Conn. axd dell, Margaret Ann-107 May, Kathryn Elizabeth-107, 117 Moylone, Lynn Adoms-107 Mays, Dr. Benjamin E.-166 *Megargee, Laura Marjorie, B. Feb. 1 4 3 260 Cheswold Lane, Haverford, Pa. 'Mein, Pamela Ruth, B. Sept. 2 6 7 9 , 117, 124, 152 121 Llonfair Rd., Ardmore, Po. *Meredith, Ann Lynne, B. Jon. 20-28, 110, 117, 120, 123 "Trevone," Copsem Lone, Esher, Surrey, England 'Metcalf, Mary Luikens, B. Dec. 6 5 1 344 N. Stanwick Rd., Moorestown, N. J.
Miller, Barbara Page-107, 126, 127 Miller, Miss Jean-17 Miller, Joon Dalton-107 'Miller, Marilyn Ruth, B. Nov. 20-66, 152, 156, 157 19 Robbins Dr., Eost Williston, N. Y. 'Mirkin, Betty Jeanne, B. June 1 5 4 9 462 Baldwin Rd., Maplewood, N. J. Mittell, Janet Eleanor-107, 155 *Moore, Marilyn LoVey, B. March 7 4 4 189 Montclair Ave., Montclair, N. J. Morgan, Miss Helen-18, 169 Morley, Miss Lynn M.-17, 155 'Morris, Anne, B. Oct. 30-83, 117 137 Huntsvil!e Rd., Kotonoh, N. Y. *Morrison, Sondra Lee, B. July 2 6 7 2 24 Cowdrey St., Yonkers, N. Y. Morse, Marian-107 Morton, Diane Radcliff-107, 152, 156 Motchane, Catherine Notolie--107 *Mott, Borbaro Anne, B. Dec. 12-83, 121 25 Wildwood Tar., Glen Ridge, N. J. Muirheod, Hugh-21 Muller, Marene Ann-107 'Murdock, Joyce Elaine, B. Sept. 21-43, 155 5 Diana Rd., Morris Plains, N. J. Murphy, Kathleen-107, 126, 153 Murphy, Sally Perkins-156 Music C l u b 1 3 1 Myers, Jane Ferguson-1 11 Nagy, Mr. Sandor-17, 158 . Nohodil, Joseph-21 Nosh, Lucy Ruth-107 Nosh, Mary Anne-107 Nash, Noncy Adoir-108 Neary, Sheila-108, 126, 127 Neaves, Solly Ann-108, 129 Nelson, Carol Joyce- 110, 117, 126, 127 Nelson, Harold E.-168 Nelson, Dr. 0. C.-12 *Nemetr, Susan Eleanor, 6. Dec. 1 4 4 472 Manor Lone, Pelhom Manor, N. Y. Neuberger, Loretta June-108 New Jersey Power & Light Company-186 Newbaker, Margery-108, 156 Newell, Bishop Frederick 8.-12 Nicholson, Doris Leigh-108 'Nicol, Carol Janice, B. March 5-43 622 Green Grove Rd., Neptune, N. J. 'Nicoloi, Brenda, B. May 21-33 1150 S. W. King Ave., Portlcnd 5, Ore. 'Nigrosh, Carol Rae, 6. May 13-34, 149 42 Lowell Rd., Brookline 46, Moss. Nikola, Frances Ellen-108 'Nilssen, Betty Elise, B. Dec. 30--40, 120, 152, 154 325 Herrick Ave., Teoneck, N. J. Niper Studi-173 Nodop, Carol Ann-108 *Nordjtrom, Jean Alostoir, B. June 8-39 553 Prospect St., Nutley, N. J. North Hall-96
'North, Noncy, B. April 1 2 - 6 7 38 Woodcliffe, Lodue 24, Mo. Nunn, Mrs. Margaret F.-20 Nursery School Play Area--93 'Nutt, Elizabeth Hasbrouck, B. Jan. 4-1, 36, 120, 129 2864 Eaton Rd., Shaker Heights 22, Ohio Orientation Committee--144 Orloski, Charles-21 Orr, Rev. William M.-13, 123, 164 Ort, Charles G.-182 Osborn, Suzanne Elizabeth-108 Osmun, Miss lla-20 Ostergard, Kristen Mogruder-99, 108 'Ozias, Anita Emily, 8. July 14-45 8 Wells Lane, Short Hills, N. J. Packard, Loraine Gail-108 169 Palmer, Mrs. Jean G.-20, Palmer, Potricia 1.-18 'Porker, Louise Anne, B. April 1 6 5 6 , 154 130 Crestvue Manor Dr., Pittsburgh 28, Po. Parks, Gail-156 Parks, Helen-21 18 Porrish, Mr. Lewis T.Parsons, Mr. Albert-15, 130 Parsons, Marilyn Jane-108, 126, 127, 154 Pazcale, Ann-108 Pastore, Grace-1 56 Patrons-170 Pauley, Margaret-90 *Payer, Verno Lea, B. May 4-26, 32, 120, 154, 157 23 Church St., Bethlehem, Pa. Pederson, Suron Gronger-108 Pentecost, Ann Williams-108, 157 Perelman, Irene Hazel-108 Perrine, C l o r e n c c 2 1 Peters, Cortex-168 Peterson-Owens, lnc.-181 *Pettit, Susan Patricio. B. Morch 28-58 Fieldstone Dr., Basking Ridge, N. J. Phi lot-120 Philadelphia Alumni Chapter-180 *Phillips, Suson Debo, B. June 6 7 3 , 121 23 Scudder Rd., Westfield, N. J. 'Pickard, Barbara Janet, B. May 3 4 9 , 129 7121 Atlee PI., North Springfield, Va. Picnic Area-145 'Pieper, Dolores Louise, B. June 18-54, 125, 126, 127 111 Wotchung Ave., Chatham, N. J. 'Pierce, Patricia Ellen, B. March 2 6 6 2 42 Ookwood Rd., Newtonville, Mass. Pipers-1 25 Plate, Theadye G., Jr.-183 Platt, Judith-90 Pocono Produce Company, lnc.-176 Pollock, Suson Elizabeth-1 11 Pool, Mrs. Antoinette--20 Past, Judith Ann-108. 129 'Powell, Judith Ann, B. Aug. 1 1 4 7 , 121 152 Pondfield Rd., Bronxville, N. Y. Power, Molly Thomas-1 08, 126, 127 Presidents' C l u L 1 2 0 President's House-1 1 Price, Corol Hunt-108, 126, 127 17 Prince, Mr. Eugene V.Psychology C l u b 1 3 0
Putziger Blazers, Sylvia--178 Quigley, Alicia-109 Radio-Television-132 Rohfield, Miss Morgoret-169 'Royner, Joan Hartmon, B. July 17-72, 124 52 Emerson Rd., Wellesley Hills, Mass. Reed Construction-174 Reed, Margaret Joyce--109, 122, 126, 127, 129 Reese, Hoyden-21 Reeves, Mr. John M.-12 Reeves Student Union Building, John M.-114 Interior-138, 148 Reichstetter, Judith Ann-109 Reiff, Nancy Jean-98, 109, 120 Reliable Furniture House-1 80 'Reynolds, Joan Ward, B. April 30-31, 117, 123 21 Beach Dr., Darien, Conn. 152, 154, 156, 157, 158 Rhoods, Miss Bette M.-17, 'Rice, Elizabeth Ann, B. Morch 10-56, 154 507 S. Seventh St., Chombersburg, Pa. 'Richter, Cynthia Blanche, B. Sept. 1 3 4 6 , 128 Box 904, Choumont, N. Y. 'Ricker, Sally Ann, B. Aug. 10-50, 130, 156 2721 Harrison St., Evonston, Ill. Riding Club-153 'Rinehort, Sherin Baumann, B. Oct. 1 8 6 5 , 128 9 E. Young St., Samerville, N. J. 'Ritchie, Marlene, B. Oct. 20-78 191 Howard St., Melrose, Mass. Roamer Linen Supply Company-178 Robblee, Gretchen Ann-109, 124 Roberts, Georgia Bellows-109 'Roberts, Joan, B. Dec. 4-84 47 Audubon Rd., Wellesley Hills, Moss. *Rockefeller, Susan Carol, B. Dec. 2 4 - 6 9 744 Samson Ave., Madison, N. J. Rodgers, Gail Alden-109, 121, 153 'Roe, Sally Ann, B. Oct. 13-55, 126 12 Raynor's Lone, Bellport, L. I., N. Y. Roehrich Flowe-1-184 'Rogers, Elizabetn Ann, B. Feb. 12-70 410 Clark St., Westfield, N. J. Ronolder, Volesko Ellen-109 *Rose, Fernonda Ruth, B. Morch 18-70 Beverly Rd., Burlington, N. J. Rose, Patricia-90 Rosenblatt, Jacqueline-109 'Ross, Jone Adams, B. Sept. 6 5 4 45 Munroe St., Northompton, Mass. Ross, Joon-90 'Rossi, Carol Virginia, B. Aug. 13-85, 91 80 Sachem Rd., Needhom 94, Moss. *Rowe, Morguerite Kay, B. Sept. 2-58 89 Maple St., Hornell, N. Y. 'Rudnick, Carol, B. July 2-52, 124, 129 2072 W. Market St., Pottsville, Po. Rush, Elizabeth-21 Rush, Roberta April-109 Rush, Wilbur M.-12 'Rushforth, Corol White, B. May 1 4 4 4 , 117 146 Woodbridge Dr., New Canoon, Conn. *Rustan, Ruth Elizabeth, B. May 6 7 5 45 Boulevard, Nopalean I, Luxembourg City, Luxem Europe Rutgers University Glee Club-166
Ruth, Myrtle-21 Rutledge, Abbie--168 Ryan, Patricia Ann-109, 124 Rybak, L. Edwin-168 Solter, Elizabeth Guion--109, 126, 127, 158 Sondor, Gyorgy-165 Sanderson, Gail-109 Sandfort, Joan Karen-1 09, 124 'Sauer, Margaret Judith, B. Feb. 13-83, 121 2 Guest Lone, Cragmere, Wilmington 3, Del. Sayles, Judith Ann-109, 122 Scagliarine, Gail M a r y 1 0 9 Schain, Josephine--165 14, 121, 152, 169 Scarborough, Miss Ruth E.'Schackne, Susan, B. Sept. 30-72 24 Cherwing Rd., Yonkers, N. Y. Scharper, Phillip--1 6 7 'Schmidt, Linda Reid, B. March 24--58 70 Euclid Ave., Hastings-on-Hudson, N. Y. Schmitz, Barbara Ruth-109, 1 17 Schofield, Marijean-109, 154 Scholp, Barbara Ellen-109 Schuetz, Nancy Lee-109 Schutte, Nancy Jean-109 'Schweitzer, Grace Ann, B. May 2 8 4 7 , 155 56 Coleman Ave., Chatham, N. J. Scott, Mrs. Margaret-15 *Scott, Margaret Joyce, 8. April 27-35, 120, 125, 126, 131, 132 Scott, Sharon Elizabeth-109, 145 'Seamans, Elizabeth Esty, B. Feb. 27-56 Church St., Amherst, N. H. 12, 91, 110, 120, 140, 142, Seay, Dr. Edward W.-6, 143, 147 Seay, Mrs. Helen-110 Securda, Michelin Louise--109 Sedlar, Mrs. Helen-20 Selvaggio, Mary-Ann Therese-109 'Seemuller, Gladys Elsie, B. April 21-76, 154 307 Colonial Ave., Moorestown, N. J. Shaw, Mr. Charles J.-19 tSheo, Jacqueline Patricia-153 Sheehan, Miss Agnes-16, 169 Sherman, Loretta Lee-109 Sherry, Mrs. Hilda M.-169 Shimer, Miss Elizabeth M.-18, 132, 168 Shimer, Joan Oakley-109 Shimley, Raymond-21 Shockley, Cynthia Keith-109, 123 *Shoup, Helen Aldrich, B. Jan. 2 6 5 3 , 92, 121, 155 400 Morris Ave., Bryn Mowr, Pa. Sickel, Miss Joan 1.20 Sickinger, Gayle Arden-109 Siegel, Seymour N.-168 siegei! Mrs. Seymour-168 Sigma Epsilon Phi-142 'Simon, Kathryn L., B. April 9-67, 154, 156 7707 Chapel Rd., Elkins Park 17, Pa. Sisbower, Deborah Jean-110, 126, 129 'Sisman, Suzanne Jane, B. May 25--68, 133, 156 1046 Yorkshire Rd., Grosse Pointe 30, Mich. Skelton, Sarah Margaret-1 10 Skinner, A. R.21 'Smiley, Anita Louise, B. Nov. 12-38, 120, 152, 153 152 Beacon Ave., Warwick Neck, R. I. Smith Hall-97 Smith, Carol Ann-1 10, 124
Smith and Son, James A.-174 'Smith, Joanne Carey, B. May 7 3 5 , 117, 120, 125, 126, 127 29 High St., E. Williston, N. Y. 'Smith, Sandra Sebring, B. Aug. 9-79 Forge Hollow Rd., R. F. D. 1, Litchfield, Conn. 'Small, Sandra Lee, B. Sept. 20-40, 120, 124, 152, 153, 156, 157 157 S. Third St., Quakertown, Pa. Sokolowski, Mrs. Helen-20 Songs on the Steps-143 South H a l l 9 7 Spear, Judy, B. Nov. 16-70 63 Rockledge Rd., Hartsdale, N. Y. Spence, Miss Alexandria-169 Spence Hall-96, 141 'Spencer, Susan Parmly, B. March 1 7 4 7 307 S. 93rd Ave., Omaha, Neb. Spilled Ink-122 'Springman, Phyllis June. B. June 22-54, 91, 122 99 Woodside Rd., Maplewood, N. J. 'Stadler, Gail Ada, B. Jan. 31-28, 91, 118, 120 36 Cottage Cf., Hamilton Square, N. J. Stanley, Ann Ruth-98, 110 'Stanley, Elizabeth Jane, B. Dec. 13-88, 118, 123 211 Leighton Ave., Silver Spring, Md. Stanley, Priscilla Elizabeth-1 10, 129 Staples, Helen-21 'Stephens, Diane Chadbourne, B. March 8-68, 121 62 Crest Dr., Little Silver, N. J. Stevens, Keith-168 *Stevens, Susan Walker, B. Aug. 26--42 1 Putnam Park, Greenwich, Conn. Stevens, Suzann+lIO Stewart, Mrs. Theresa-169 'Sterling, Margaret Louise, B. Oct. 27-64 53 Hillside Rd., Larchmont, N. Y. Stolarz, Janet Elizabeth-110, 118 'Stone, Barbara Ann, B. Jan. 22-47 12 Ellsworth Lane, Ladue 17, St. Louis, Ma. Story, Susan-1 10 'Strowbridge, Elizabeth Walter, B. Jan. 29-78, 129 Lancaster and Morris Aver., Wynnewood, Pa. Student Activities-121 Student Council-119 Student Court-118 Stutz, Albert-21 Sullivan, Harris M.-168 Sully, Mary Linda--l 10 Sundheim, Marguerite-20 Swan, Sally Anne-1 10, 118 Swenson, William 1.-12 'Swicegood, Anne Belcher, B. Aug. 29-39, 120, 128, 132 670 Forest Ave., Larchmont, N. Y. Sykes, Mary Alice-1 10, 126 *Sylvester, Gail Kathryn, B. June 29-78, 122, 124, 129, 153 17 Great Oak Dr., Short Hills, N. J.
Taggart, Carol Louise-1 10 Tanis, Barbara Ann-1 10, 126, 127 Taylor, Lois Jane-1 10 Taylor Memorial Library, William M. and May D.-115 Taylor, W e n d y 110, 126, 127 Tepke, Helen-168 Terpsichores-155, 158 Theta Epsilon Nu-134, 141 Thomas, Deborah Coral-1 10
'Thomas, Jane Phillips, B. Aug. 1 7 4 1 , 128 215 Ridgemede Rd., Baltimore 10, Md. Thomas, Janine A l i c e 1 10 Thomas, Lucinda-156 'Thomas, Mary Lynne, B. Jan. 5-5 .2 1632 Williams Way, Norristawn, Pa. Thomas, Mrs. Shirley M.-20, 169 *Thornton, Kay Loyise, B. Dec. 1 4 0 , 125, 126. 127, 129 151 8 Powder Mill Lane, Wynnewoad, Pa. 10, 121 Tichenor, Barbar-1 Tichenor, Maxine Lynne-1 10, 129 Tideman, Mr. Carl W.-12, 18 Tidmore, A. V.-168 *Tiaden, Judith Ellen, B. April 13-59 765 Wooded Rd., Jenkinlown, Pa. Tolk, Carol-90 *Tompkins, Barbara Linda, B. April 1-69, 156 1001 Malvern Ave., Ruxton 4, Md. Toothill, Jeanne Elaine-110, 126, 127, 156 *Truax, Sally Virginia, B. July 2 6 4 6 3 Hollis Dr., Ho-Ho-Kus, N. J. Trevorrow Hall-1 14 Tri-County Raoflng-1 80 Trueblood, Dr. D. Elton-165 Truppo, Judithe Mae--1 10, 121 Tucker, Patricia Ann-1 10 Tuinman, Careline-110 'Turner, Beverly Anne, B. June 1 6 5 5 , 91, 157 245 Johnston Dr., Watchung, N. J. 'Tymeson, Faith, B. Sept. 18-80, 117, 135 787 Vose Ave., Orange, N. J. *Uibel, Mary Ellen, B. Jan. 5-64, 125, 126, 133, 156, 225 Sylvan Ave., Gloucester, N. J. Ulmer, Clarence-21 Unit Vending Co.-178 Valley View Holly Nurseries-182 Van Auken, Charles S.-12 'Van Ness, Carol Ann, B. Jan. 9-53, 125, 126, 127 11 Pine St., Chatham, N. J. 'Van Riper, Suellen, B. April 15-57 6 Berkeley PI., Radburn, N. J. Van Wetering, Judith A n n e 1 10, 126, 127 Van Winkle, Charles A.-12 Van Winkle Hall-25 *Veldran, Sandra Deane, B. Feb. 1 4 6 5 , 91, 118, 121 86 Wheaton PI., Rutherford, N. J. Vernon, Mrs. Roma F.-16 Vey and Sons, William G.-176 'Vogel, Christine Ellen, B. Nov. 18-51, 117 2 Helen Ct., Elberon, N. J. 'Volkman, Judith Lynn, B. Oct. 2 3 6 1 45 Cooper Lane, Larchmont, N. Y. Von Deck, Emjlyn Sounders-1 10, 126, 127 'Von den De'dle, Karen Ruth, B. April 7-79, 117 609 Crooks Ave., Clifton, N. J. 'Vaorhees, Lois Lund, B. July 1 2 4 1 , 154 57 Crestline Rd., Strafford, Wayne, Pa. Vrooman, Inc., George 8.-182 Wachtel, Mary Ellen-1 10, 129 Walter, F. Austin-166 Ward, Judith Fenrich-1 10, 126, 127 Ward, Wendy Miller-1 10, 126
'Warren, Sue Jane, B. Sept. 21-68 73 Woodland Dr., Fair Haven, N. J. Washabaugh, Dr. J. Edgar-12 *Waters, Judith Ann, 8. Nov. 2 3 4 8 , 117, 11 9, 129, 141 18 Pennroad Ave., Trenton 8, N. J. Watson, Ann Coleman-1 11, 126, 127 Watts, Marjorie Alice-1 11, 126, 127 'Weber, Judith Ann, B. May 2 6 5 2 200 E. 13th Ave., Conshohocken, Pa. 'Weeks, Susan Sinclair, B. April 2 9 4 4 , 133 94 Papermill Rd., Plandome Manor, L. I., N. Y. Weinberg, Natalie Harriet-1 11, 154 Weitz, Rabbi Martin W.-168 Welles, Mrs. Barbara D.-15 'West, Jacquelyn Alexa, B. Aug. 4-33, 122 14 Avenida Corono, San Pedro, Calif. Wetlesen, Carolyn-111 'Whaley, Karin von Rieck-Eggebert, B. Feb. 15-20, 121, 153 1801 Ocean Ave., Brigantine, N. J. Wheatley, Jane Redshaw-1 1 1, 124 Whidden, Jane Ray-1 11, 126, 127 'Whitacre, Anna Klingler, B. Sept. 30-36, 120, 121, 130 2953 Silver Lake Blvd., Silver Lake, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio Whitman, Elaine Ellen-1 11 Whitney Chapel-163 'Wilbur, Koren Modell, B. Jan. 3 4 0 52 Cleveland Ave., Binghamton, N. Y. Williams, Barbara Ann-1 11 Williams, Eda-21 Williams 8, Hibler, lnc.-178 Williams, Mary Ellen-1 11 Willoughby, Nancy Jane-1 1 I , 124, 129 Wire, Carol Elizabeth-111 Wisdom, Jean Leslie-1 11, 126, 127, 158 Wisdom, Judith Anne-111, 126, 127, 154, 158 Wiseman, Nancy Gay-1 11, 126, 127 Wishart, Jean-1 11 Witte, Susan Elizabeth-1 11, 126, 127 Wittich, Linda Edith-1 11 Whitehead Company, Frank-185 Whitehouse Chevrolet, In<.-1 82 WNTl Radio Studio-162 *Wolk, Roberta Gay, B. Jan. 22-37, 130 5516 Northumberland St., Pittsburgh 17, Pa. Woman's Athletic Association-152 Worthington, Amy Jane--1 11 Wright, Beatrice Carla--1 11, 129 Wright 6. Ditson-176 Wright, Talmadge C.-19 'Wyatt, Suzanne Louise, B. June 1 3 4 8 , 128 814 Woodbine Ave., Penn Valley, Narbeth P. O., Pa. Yale University Glee Club-165 Yeatman, Ann Pennock-118, 127 Zacher, Frances Louise-1 11 'Zacher, Suzanne Marie, B. March 19-81 32 Ostego Rd., Worcester, Mass. Zelnik, John-21 'Zimmerman, Barbara Ruth, B. Nov. 2 L 5 9 1015 Buckingham Rd., Grosse Pointe 30, Mich. *Zaeller, Gail Russell, B. March 21-81 35 Robin Hill Rd., Scorsdole, N. Y.