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Vision 2020 Strategic Plan

VISION 2020 Strategic Plan The strategic planning process began in the spring of 2013, concluding in May of 2014 with the presentation and approval from the school board. This process involved the school community, including members of the board, administration, faculty, staff, parents, former parents, former teachers and students. I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus - Philippians 3:14

“I am so moved every time I am around the Faculty, Students, Parents and Staff. No knock on Public Schools or other Private Schools, but I don’t believe there is anything else comparable in NW Ohio. If you feel like something is missing in your child’s education, it is worth your time to check it out. Truly wish we had discovered it sooner.” – HS Parent

Vision Toledo Christian will be the benchmark of excellence in Christ-centered education.

Behold children are a heritage from the Lord—Psalm 127:3

Highlights 

We will hire and retain the outstanding faculty and staff needed to achieve our vision.

The faculty, using our integrated curriculum, will continuously improve the quality of our current program and complete the development and expansion of our high school academic offerings.

We will focus on further developing our Christ-centered culture, creating a vibrant school environment with exemplary academic, fine arts and athletics programs and facilities.

Our growth plan will define the process for expanding facilities and enrollment.

Our comprehensive marketing plan will facilitate recruitment of students who will be successful in our school.

We will create the funding streams to ensure that Toledo Christian Schools remains accessible to all families.

As the region’s largest, nondenominational Christian school, Toledo Christian Schools provide students with a first-rate and diverse educational experience, encouraging a life-long passion for learning as well as post-secondary academic and professional success. Additionally, Toledo Christian Schools partner with the family and the local Church to develop dedicated followers of Christ. From Kindergarten through their senior year, graduates are prepared through a wide variety of social, artistic and athletic opportunities, ready to be released to make an impact on the world.

The Joy of the Lord is my Strength..

Education Strategic Initiatives: 

Increase Academic Rigor

Improve Intervention

Improve School Experience

Action Plans Increased Academic Rigor High School   

Increase number of AP courses by a minimum of 10 by 2020. Add one elective course every other year beginning in 2014-15 and then rotate the elective offerings every other year. Offer two diplomas that graduating seniors can earn: regular prep diploma and a college prep with honors diploma.

Middle School 

Implement foreign languages for 7th graders and offer French I and Spanish I to 8th graders for high school credit.

Lower School  

Replace Spanish with Latin in Lower School. Add keyboarding class for students in grades K-2.

Improved Intervention   

Expand reading intervention (WINGS Program) to eliminate waiting lists and service all students who qualify for the program. Add math and writing intervention classes for students whose standardized testing scores indicate a need for intervention. Institute a “summer academy” that would include intervention teams, keyboarding classes, and extra electives.

Improved School Experience    

Hire a part-time counselor for the lower school. Extend the library/media center hours from 7am-4:30pm to give high school students additional time to access resources. Extend high school House Mentoring System to include middle school students. Increase student service hours requirement; create a service medal for graduating seniors who exceed required hours.

Christian Life Strategic Initiatives: 

Inside our School

Outside in the Community

Around the World

Action Plans Develop Biblical Programming Outside the Classroom   

Implement monthly themes. Chapels held at a high standard of excellence. Integrate graduates as speakers.

Encourage Local Service through the Church, Community, and School     

Utilize House Mentoring System to plan TC Cares projects. Utilize student survey in Bible classes to identify types and levels of current service. Service emphasis from the top down. Develop/Communicate Students-in-Action Plan. Encourage participation in Youth Leadership Toledo, HOBY, Buckeye Boys/Girls State, and the Jefferson Award.

Develop Annual Programming to Show our Students Mission Opportunities Inspiring Them to Serve World-wide  

“Month of Missions” implementation. Research and identify professional missions organizations to coordinate and help lead domestic and international mission trips.

TC CARES in Action

Facilities Strategic Initiatives: 

Facility Improvements

Standardize Project Files

Advancement Strategic Initiatives: 

Establish Annual Campaign

Grow Endowment Fund to $1.2 Million

Establish Alumni Association and Past Parent’s Group

Action Plans Facilities Identify the Facility Needs and Create Campus Master Plan 

Reduce Debt by $672k

Secure Planned Giving Arrangements

 

Create the Campus Master Plan through survey and identification of shortterm and long-term needs. Master Plan broken down by categories of Building, Academics, Athletics, and the Arts. Implementation timeline created dependent upon resources.

Standardize the Project Files 

Create Standardized Project Files for all projects >$2,500.

Advancement Establish Annual Campaign    

Clearly establish goal each year and how funds will be used to meet needs. Create literature to market the campaign. Establish development website that explains annual fund and other giving opportunities. Meet with potential donors.

Action Plans

Marketing Strategic Initiatives: 

Analyze, Evaluate, and Implement

Create Synergy via Social Media

Increase Enrollment by 10% Annually

Increase Retention by 50%

Research, Strategize, and Implement an Annual Marketing Campaign     

Complete the annual SWOT Analysis. Research the use of a market broker. Implement Effective Market Mix based on resources. Evaluate/Develop measuring market penetration and mix. Communicate TCS’ strengths within the Toledo community.

Effectively Utilize Social Media and the Website to Inform  

Complete the build-out of the new website. Drive traffic to the Official Toledo Christian Facebook Page and the website through consistent informative updates.

Increase Enrollment 10% Annually   

Get the word out—increased visibility in Toledo through a consistent marketing campaign. Open House “Big Pushes” in the fall and spring. Differentiate ourselves in the community (Pledge of Allegiance, School Prayer, House Mentoring System).

Increase Student Retention 50%   

Target step-up grades and provide middle school and high school experiences for incoming 6th grade and 9th grade students. Strategize, research, and implement avenues for families to afford tuition. Consistently survey families for needs met, etc.

Enjoying House Field Day

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