TCI 2016 Poster

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19th TCI Global Conference

Challenges for innovation clusters

The three-day programme offers:


LLENGES A H C S E G N GLOBAL CHA USTERS L C N IO T A V nges, O FOR INN ders global cha si n co e m e th nce

fere r tively than eve This year’s con p ru is d re o m d faster an raphic which happen tion, the demog sa iti ig d , n io at f globalis l values. before. Think o cus on societa fo r e at re g a d n these shift to cities a isations react to n a rg o d se a b rrence e How can clust uring the confe d e u g lo g ia d e ructure th osen: changes? To st es have been ch m e th d a ro b r u the following fo


rself in the to u o y e rs e m m • I how they boost

8 TO 10 NOVEMBER 2016: BRAINPORT EINDHOVEN REGION (THE NETHERLANDS) LIVES AND BREATHES CLUSTERS AND ECONOMIC COMPETITIVENESS At THE event of the year the worldwide network of policymakers, cluster managers, entrepreneurs, opinion leaders, academia and visionaries gather to discuss economic development, business policy and the value of cluster-based efforts.

cover clusters and dis lopment economic deve rs, academia e n o ti ti c ra p in • Jo rs from over e k a m y c li o p d an untries 50 different co ourself how y r fo e c n e ri e • Exp tion during the c n fu rs e st u cl Dutch Cluster Tours m by keynotes fro • Get inspired onaries worldwide visi

1. Cities and competitiveness Cities and metropolitan areas are a key driver of value creation and a key partner in enhancing competitiveness. This theme reflects on the growing importance of cities and how clusters can help cities succeed.

2. Modern cluster policy

xperiences • Exchange e in ith your peers and insights w ing sessions interactive work network with d n a p u t e e • M practitioners

A decade of cluster-based policies has generated a rich set of experiences of what works, and what does not. Here, the most effective ways to organise cluster policies are explored.

uster experienced cl nity the TCI commu f o rt a p e b d n a

3. Managing learning networks This theme emphasises the need for organisations and clusters to be able to respond effectively to changes, absorb knowledge and form new collaboration structures in order to stay competitive in the ever accelerating cycles of innovation.

4. Food clusters


Clusters are a potential way to sustainably develop the Food sector, increasing efficiency and competitiveness. Food clusters can learn from others when it comes to supply chain integration, crossovers, new business models and entrepreneurship.

Register before 30 June 2016 and benefit from an early bird discount. Partners

Touring Day - 8 Novembe r

Join the Cluster Tours to experience cluster prac tices in the Netherlands and dis cuss their challenges. Tours ar ound the agro & food, high tech ind ustries, automotive, health, clean tech and materials clusters, amon gst others, are part of the programm e.

Summit Day - 9 Novembe r

Enjoy a number of inspir ational, internationally-renowne d speakers in a stimulatin g environment of stories, br iefings and dialogues. Sherry Co utu, Dominique Foray, Ron Bo schma, Claire Ruskin and Mukesh Gulati are some of the promine nt speakers, with Christian Ketels as MC.

Working Day - 10 Novembe r

Get down to work with your colleagues on this highly interactive learning day. Ta ke home innovative ideas, new ins ights and perspectives, new pa rtners. You are invited to contribu te by submitting to the Call for Contributions (General Tr ack and Academic Track) on the website.

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