#TCI2019 Final Agenda

Page 1

Monday October 7, 2019 Start






Registration at FMCCA


Possibility to pick up your badge for the conference

Day 1 - Tuesday October 8, 2019 Engage / Exchange / Inspire Changing clusters in a changing environment Start






Registration at FMCCA




Departure from the FMCCA to visit the Clustertours (with presentations, visits and network lunch) Agrifood Tour (Flander's FOOD) Antwerp Smart City Tour (The Beacon) Coastal Marine Tour in Ostend (The Blue Cluster) Creativity Tour (Flanders DC) Digital Logistics Tour (VIL) Energy Community Tour (Flux50) Health & Life Science Tour (Flanders.Health, Health House) Social Economy Tour (De Kringwinkel, Arop, HERWIN!) Sports Tour (Flanders Bike Valley) Sustainable Chemistry Tour (Catalisti)


General Assembly

Darwin Hall

For TCI members only 19:00


Conference Welcome Reception

Marble Hall

Welcome by Merete Daniel Nielsen – Cluster Excellence Denmark Director and Co-founder & TCI Network President Tom Verbelen – Director of External Relations and International Affairs city of Antwerpen Short teaser on the theme of the conference Olivier Vanden Eynde - Managing Director Close The Gap

Day 2 - Wednesday October 9, 2019 Engage / Exchange / Inspire Changing clusters in a changing environment Start






Registration at FMCCA




Official opening of the conference

Queen Elizabeth Hall

Merete Daniel Nielsen – Cluster Excellence Denmark Director and Co-founder & TCI Network President Jan Jambon - Minister-President of the Government of Flanders 09:15


Boom time conference ice breaker



Globalisation, Robotics, and the Future of Work

Queen Elizabeth Hall Keynote

Queen Elizabeth Hall

Richard Baldwin - Professor International Economics at the Graduate Institute in Geneva 10:10


A longstanding cluster approach within Flanders


Queen Elizabeth Hall


Queen Elizabeth Hall

Koenraad Debackere - General Manager KU Leuven 10:30


Towards a sustainable and cluster based regional growth: challenges for Flanders

Moderator: Ifor Ffowcs-Williams - Member of the Board of Advisors of TCI Network Panelists: Jan Van Havenbergh – Managing Director Catalisti Frederik Loeckx – Managing Director Flux50 Danny Van Himste – CEO DHL Express Belux & President of VIL Jan Vander Stichele – President of the Board of Director Lotus Bakeries & President of Flanders' Food Karin Vercauteren – Head of the Materials Technology Centre at Agfa Materials NV & President of SIM Dirk Fransaer – Managing Director VITO Mark Andries – General Manager Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship Merete Daniel Nielsen – Cluster Excellence Denmark Director and Co-founder & TCI Network President 11:10


Coffee Break




Building cluster organisations for the future

Speakers' session

Queen Elizabeth Hall

Speakers: "Catalonia Strategy to promote shared value through clusters" Joan Martí Estévez - Catalonia "Innovation Management in regional clusters" Göran Andersson and Glenn Gran - Sweden "Biomedical clusters worldwide: success factors and best practices" Evgeniy Kutsenko - Russia 12:30


Group Picture

Zoo Gallery







Opening of the afternoon session

Queen Elizabeth Hall



Cluster partnerships in Europe and beyond


Queen Elizabeth Hall


Queen Elizabeth Hall

Ulla Engelmann - Head of Unit Advanced Technologies, Clusters and Social Economy at European Commission 13:55


Digital Hubs X.0

Wim De Waele - General Manager at The Beacon 14:15


Transfer to the rooms




Break-out sessions on cluster partnerships

Different rooms

Proven methodologies to increase cluster collaboration

Table Workshop

Room: Gorilla 3

Clusters for innovation and transformation Moderator: Gerd Cleynhens

Round Table

Room: Toucan

Moderator: Veerle Desmet

"Intercluster collaboration to boost cooperative projects" Eloi Montcada - Spain

"Botswana Economic Diversification Through Cross-pollination of Cluster Initiatives" Mbakiso Morapedi - Botswana

"Speed of trust – how transnational innovation can be boosted through cluster2cluster collaboration" Leon Aahave Uhd. - Denmark

"Travel to tomorrow - The impact (of the transformative power) of your sustainable tourism policy on better cluster collaborations" Vincent Nijs - Flanders/Belgium

"Cross cluster cooperation approaches, challenges/effects/impacts, results" Els Van de Velde - Flanders/Belgium

"Designing & Developing Clusters" - Designing an innovation-centric cluster business model Evgeniya Lupova-Henry - Switzerland

"The Vanguard Initiative" Wim De Kinderen - The Netherlands

Clusters in smart specialisation discussion

Round Table

Moderator: Vicky Wildemeersch

Room: Gorilla 4

Rethinking competition Moderator: Emily Wise

Round Table

Room: Gorilla 5

"Different approaches to driving smart specialisation across regions in Australia" Mirjana Prica - Australia

"Collaborate or compite? - hot question for clusters" Doris Pold - Estonia

"Smart Clusters for Smart Specialisation - A New Role for Clusters in Regional Transformation" Michael Kaspar Keller - Switzerland

"The journey towards industrial transition: clusters as strategic agents of change for reinvigorating entrepreneurial dynamics. The case of Piedmont region" Laura Delponte - Italy

"Linking Clusters and RIS3 in Bogota, Colombia" Daniel Gomez Gonzalez - Colombia

"The changing shapes of clusters and its impact in regional competitiveness" Alberto Pezzi - Spain "Sintonías experience: a road map of resilience" Rocio Prado - Mexico

Once and Future Clusters Moderator: Corien Struijk


Room: Nightingale

"The changing role of Clusters in Innovation Ecosystems" Simone Hagenauer, ecoplus - Lower Austria/Austria Andreas Winkler, NOI TechPark - South Tyrol/Italy Gál Körmendy, Westpannon - Hungary Christian Österlind, Region Skane Region - Sweden



Coffee Break / Transfer to the rooms




Break-out sessions on thematic clusters or cluster organisations

Different rooms

Clustering for industry 4.0 Moderator: Jozef Ghijselen

Round Table

Room: Nightingale

Digital tools for clusters Moderator: Francis Baert

Round Table

Room: Gorilla 4

"Cluster dynamics as a mediating force for Industry 4.0’s potential to backshore industrial activities" Bart Kamp - Spain

"First results of the evaluation of Digital Maturity Levels of Clusters" Antonio Novo Guerrero

"Smart Industry in Brabant, A massive joint effort" Joep Brouwers - Netherlands

"Artificial Intelligence cluster building" Tbc - Netherlands

"IN4.0 Connecting Clusters: Convergence Approach" Jamie Meehan - Ireland

"International Innovation Scouting as a Tool for Cluster Support and FDI Attraction" Frank Speer - Germany

Clustering for circular economy Moderator: Werner Pamminger

Table Workshop

Room: Gorilla 3

"Clusters in the Circular Economy - Putting action behind UNs Sustainable Development Go" Merete Daniel Nielsen - Denmark "Towards a circular economy with a smart industry" Marieke Huis in't Veld - Netherlands "Linking clusters to develop biobased new value chains in Alpine Space" Jacques Bersier - Switzerland

Evaluation of clusters

Moderator: Madeline Smith


Room: Gorilla 5

"Cluster Evaluation 2.0 – New Emerging Themes for Evidencing Impact" Madeline Smith - United Kingdom

"Clusters as Drivers for Societal Change in the Forest-Based Bioeconomy: The Case of Paper Province" Paul Nemes - Sweden



Cluster S3 Final Conference "European Interregional Learning on cluster policies & S3"

Gorilla 1

Leveraging Cluster Policies for successful implementation of RIS3 Sharing 4 years of interregional learning and an interactive session with a specific focus on the future of Cluster Policies and S3 in Europe (Where Next?), that will provide an opportunity for an enriching discussion on hot topics and future developments in cluster policy. Cluster Policy Implementing Agencies from the Basque Country, Lubeslkie Voivodeship, Piedmont Region, Ministry of Economics of the Republic of Latvia, Hajdú-Bihar County Council, Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) and Northern Ireland will share their findings in a roundtable. In Where Next? Section (How should the cluster policy of the future address key emerging challenges) with Ulla Engelmann, Head of unit responsible for advanced technologies, clusters and social economy, DG Grow @EU Commission and James Wilson, ORKESTRA Basque Institute of Competitiveness, participants will be engaged in a Group Dynamics discussion.


Conference Dinner at the “Handelsbeurs” Welcome by Bart De Wever – Mayor of the City of Antwerp Performance by Baroque ensemble Il Gardellino Diamond Surprise

Day 3 - Thursday October 10, 2019 Engage / Exchange / Inspire Changing clusters in a changing environment Start






Registration at FMCCA




The role of universities in open innovation hubs and pre-incubation structures


Queen Elizabeth Hall


Queen Elizabeth Hall


Queen Elizabeth Hall


Queen Elizabeth Hall

Silvia Lenaerts - Full Professor, Vice rector Valorisation & Development at the University of Antwerp 09:30


Venture Capital as Catalysator for Cluster Innovation and Growth

Denis Kovalevich - CEO at TechnoSpark 09:50


Clusters for regional growth and the start up scene

Robin De Cock and Omar Mohout - both Professor of Entrepreneurship at Antwerp Management School 10:20


Towards a new European Industrial Policy: What role for clusters?

Christian Ketels - Chief Economist of The Boston Consulting Group at the BCG Henderson Institute 10:45


Coffee Break



The maturity level of your cluster organization

Elvira Haezendonck - Full Professor at Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Atrium Keynote

Queen Elizabeth Hall



Transfer to the rooms



Break-out sessions on cluster organisation and regional growth

Impact of digitalisation on smart clusters and vice versa Moderator: Bert Beck

Table Workshops

Different rooms

Different approaches on cluster policy

Table Workshops

Moderator: Gerd Cleynhens

Room: Nightingale

Room: Gorilla 5

"Smart digital ecosystem through Clusters" Vincent Dugré - Canada

"Clusterpact: tool to involve broader policy domains to contribute to increased competitiveness of the cluster" Annie Renders - Belgium

"The impact of digitalisation on the need for accelerated time-tomarket and open innovation in the context of clusters" Ines Sagrario - Spain

"Regions and clusters - mutual expectations" Cecilia Johansson - Sweden

"Smart Sensors 4 Agri-food: for a more interconnected, resilient and smart agri-food system in Europe" Veerle Rijckaert - Flanders/Belgium

"An exploratory study of developing a cluster policy in a peripheral regional economy: evidence from key stakeholders in key growth sectors" Linda Jamison - Northern Ireland "Policy Aspects of Cluster Excellence Management Training" Reza Zadeh - Spain "Clusters4Future - Germany's next generation regional innovation networks" Oliver Pieper - Germany

How to create and measure impact of excellent cluster strategy

Round Table

Room: Gorilla 4

Moderator: James Wilson

Some regional experiences on cluster building

Round Table

Room: Gorilla 3

Moderator: Jeroen Fiers

"Key success factors to define the right cluster strategy (Cluster strategy as basis to help members overcoming future challenges by means of two real cases)" Maria Pedrals - Spain

"Mapping the Evolution of the Biomedical Competitiveness Cluster of Wallonia: A Longitudinal Analysis" Conor Harte - Ireland

"Clustering to develop new and better strategies in Latin America" Carlos Tarrason - Brazil

"Promoting clusters worldwide: Ukraine cluster policy - challenges and opportunities" Anastasiia Konstantynova - Ukraine

"Do Clustered Firms Outperform the Non-clustered Ones? Evidence of Firms’ Financial Performance in Traditional Industries" Drahomira Pavelkova - Czech Republic

"Catalysing value chain innovation in a regional chemistry & plastics cluster" Tine Schaerlaekens - Belgium

"Cluster Development through Strategy Simulations" Christian Rangen - Norway

"Cleantech Cluster Flemish Brabant goes International: How to Leverage Local Community Strengths on an International Level" Pierre Faché - Flanders/Belgium

Gender Diversity for Cluster Competitiveness


Room: Toucan

Services for cluster organizations


Moderator: Corien Struijk

Room: Pelican

Moderator: TCI board member

"Concept for a workshop dedicated to discuss the potential clusters have to address transversally gender & diversity approaches to increase the competitiveness of clusters’ members" Lucia Seel, international cluster expert, Managing Director of Lucia Seel International Consulting GmbH - Austria Christian Österlind - Cluster Policy Development Manager Nathalie da Silva - Project Manager Fabio Russo - Senior Industrial Development Officer

"Summary & highlights of the benchmark study on services for cluster organizations. Upper Austria Case: Experiences with Lego Serious Play as an open innovation tool in a cluster context" Corien Struijk - Flanders/Belgium & Christoph Matthias Reiss-Schmidt - Austria






Panel discussion on world wide clusters and macro-regional perspectives

Moderator: Marc Van Gastel – Head of Department Invest at Flanders Investment & Trade Panelists: Claire Tillekaerts - CEO Flanders Investment & Trade Piet Vandendriessche - CEO Deloitte Belgium Guy Janssens - Chief Corporate Affairs Port of Antwerp

Atrium Panel

Queen Elizabeth Hall

Marco Llinas - Vice President for Competitiveness at Bogota Chamber of Commerce / Board of Directors TCI network Tracy Scott-Rimington - Regional Development Coordinator at RDA Brisbane / Board of Directors TCI network Merete Daniel Nielsen - Director of Cluster Excellence Denmark & Director and Co-founder of TCI Network Taliya Minullina - Chief Executive TIDA Tatarstan Investment Development Agency 14:45


Official Flag Ceremony



Coffee Break / Transfer to the rooms




Break-out sessions on world wide clusters

Different rooms

World Differences in Cluster Development Moderator: Francis Baert

Round Table

Room: Nightingale

Clusters Changing Regions Moderator: Sam Abosi

Round Table

Room: Gorilla 4

"Identifying inclusive innovation clusters globally" Upeksha Amarasinghe - North America

"African Macro-regional perspectives in Energy: the case of the Natural Gaz Cluster in Gabon" Henri Varlet- America

"Institutional Clusters: Strategies for the development of SMBs in Mexico" Gerardo San Roman Munoz - Mexico

"Defining skills clusters in Canada" Asa Motha-Pollock - Canada

"A Model for Cluster Support & Cluster Organisation Development in Ireland" Eoin Byrne - Ireland

"Clusters as change agents in ‘unhospitable’ environments: lessons from Russian and Australian clusters" Evgeniya Lupova-Henry - Switzerland

Sharing Knowledge is Helping Clusters Moderator: Gerd Cleynhens

Round Table

Room: Toucan

"International Knowledge Sharing: Clustering for Competitiveness" John Hobbs - Ireland "Rethinking cluster competitiveness studies: Industrial Competitiveness Atlas" Marek Tiits - Estonia "Clusters 2.0 towards a more cooperative logistics in Europe and beyond" Vicent Pastor - Spain



Conclusions of Conference and Farewell by the President of TCI Network




Eurasian event "Competitiveness 2050: Regions and Clusters in Era of 4th Industrial Revolution" (macro-regional challenges for Eurasian regions)

Room: Gorilla 5

(session parallel with the other TCI afternoon sessions)

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