TCI Membership Dossier 2017

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Membership Dossier TCI Membership dossier 2017

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Index TCI at a glance............................................................... p.3 Who is the TCI Network?............................................... p.4 Who leads the TCI Network? TCI Secretariat

p.6 p.7

Benefits for members................................................... p.8 Knowledge and expertise Networking and internationalization Visibility and profile Other benefits

p.8 p.9 p.10 p.10

How to apply for a TCI membership.............................. p.12 Step 1. Choose your membership type Step 2. Fill in and send the application form Step 3. Proceed with the payment Your membership is now active

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For a complete description of TCI’s origins, mission and overall organization, visit

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Who is the TCI Network? Organizations and people who work actively on improving the competitiveness of regions and clusters throughout the world. Organizational members include development agencies, government departments, multilateral organizations, academic institutions and companies dedicated to fostering economic development.

Organizational members:

Individual members are cluster practitioners with at least two years of proven experience in cluster and competitiveness projects: - Business leaders - Cluster managers - Policy makers - Researchers - Consultants Member Directory

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Who is the TCI Network? Practitioners representing many backgrounds and world regions. The variety of backgrounds enriches the network and the networking possibilities in all the regions of the world. While our core members come from Europe, our presence in other geographical areas like Latin America, Africa or Oceania reaffirm the global nature of TCI, one of the most important assets of our organization. TCI Network 2016 - Members' background and geographic distribution

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Who leads the TCI Network? TCI’s leadership includes leading practitioners and researchers from around the globe. Board of Directors

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Board of Advisors

TCI Secretariat The TCI Secretariat is located in Barcelona, Spain.

Patricia Valdenebro CEO

Leire Oiarbide Network Coordinator

Jacqueline Glarner Communications Officer

You are welcome to contact us for any further information about the TCI Network: Tel: +34 93 309 48 34 Address: Passeig de GrĂ cia 129 08008 Barcelona - Spain

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Benefits for members TCI membership is driven by TCI’s value proposition: TCI is global. The global reach provides access to contacts and experiences otherwise not available. This differentiates us from existing economic development organizations that are largely national or in some cases supranational (EU).

TCI is a network. TCI provides access to others; that is our key function. All other activities and services are built around this core function. This differentiates us from think tanks or consultants that provide services to external parties.

TCI is driven by practitioners. The issues we engage in are the issues relevant for practitioners, which might involve academic research that we make accessible. This differentiates us from global academic networks.

TCI is focused on achieving competitiveness and enable innovation, focusing on the role of clusters and other collaborative initiatives. We do engage in a broad range of such issues as well, but only if there is a particular insight to be drawn from or for our specific perspective. This differentiates us from other economic policy or economic development groups with a much broader agenda.

Knowledge and expertise  

Key information about clusters, competitiveness and innovation systems on a global level Latest trends in competitive strategies and cluster-based policies

Best practices in cluster development and management

News about cluster initiatives and competitive regions worldwide

Experiences on methodologies for economic growth and regional development

Gain access to leading insights and expertise on competitiveness, clusters and innovation


Participate actively in TCI conferences

Host or participate in a peer review Receive the TCI monthly newsletter Use TCI Secretariat, website and social networking platforms for your specific requests

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Benefits for members Networking and internationalization 

Contact with leading competitiveness actors and relevant organizations active in cluster and regional development in an open, flexible and practical context Access to potential international cooperation partners with deep expertise in clusters and competitiveness

Interest groups on competitiveness topics to build on strengths and expertise

Regional initiatives and local contact points to exchange experiences and best practices in a dynamic regional dialogue

Exploit the unique access TCI offers to a global set of relevant practitioners’ contacts

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Be present and look for partners in the Member Directory and the Map of Competencies Participate in TCI groups in social network platforms Take advantage of specific participatory conference formats Contact speakers and experts from our database Participate in a regional initiative or run a local contact point Exchange staff with other TCI members Submit joint proposals to multilateral organization programs

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Benefits for members Visibility and profile   

Reinforce your international visibility through our website and members directory Showcase your information on clusters and regional competitiveness Inform about your ongoing projects, RFPs, job openings, and events

Identify yourself as TCI member and show how your organization is connected in the relevant global community

Get the recognition of practitioner or organization working towards improving competitiveness in regions and cluster

Showcase your activities and enhance your visibility among a large group of international peers


Include TCI logo in your corporate image Be part of our Member Directory and corporative publications Get your certificate of membership Showcase your activities through TCI conferences, website, social media and newsletter. *Showcase your promotional materials in TCI conferences through the space offered in the TCI stand. *Host conferences in cooperation with TCI. Get support, suggestions on content and structure from TCI, an experienced conference organizer.

* Exclusive benefits for organizational members

Other benefits  Beneficial rates on TCI services and activities.  Right to attend and vote at the TCI General Assembly. The General Assembly of members is the supreme body of TCI and meets once a year, generally during the Global Conference.  Right to vote and eligibility for TCI Board of Directors. The Board of Directors governs, administers and represents the association. Make it happen!


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Get a discount code for registering with TCI members’ promotional fee in TCI activities. *Organizational members get a discount for up to 10 people in the organization Accept the invitation to participate in TCI social network platforms

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Benefits for members What the network says: Getting value from TCI

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How to apply for a TCI membership The entire application and payment process is carried out through our website: - APPLY HERE Please enter the website and go through the application process.

Step 1. Choose your membership type You can apply for a TCI membership as organizational or individual member:

Organizational Member Development agencies, government departments, multilateral organizations, academic institutions and companies dedicated to fostering economic development If your organization is supporting an active program on competitiveness and clusters in your city, region or country and you and your colleagues want to enjoy the full benefits that TCI can provide, your best option is to apply for an organizational membership. Each organizational member can indicate up to 10 contacts, who all enjoy the same benefits as individual members (except voting rights, which are limited to one per organizational member). TCI organizational membership fee: 2000 € Special fee for cluster organizations* with up to 5 employees: 500€ Special fee for developing countries **: 500 € * A cluster organization is an organisation involving companies, research organisations and/or government agencies with the ob ec ve to enhance the growth and compe veness of a cluster. ** Developing countries: low or lower-middle-income economies according to the World Bank classification

Individual Member Cluster practitioners with at least two years of proven experience in cluster and competitiveness projects If you are an individual practitioner actively working in the field of clusters and competitiveness, and want to make part of the TCI Network and benefit from its potential, your best option is to apply for an individual membership. TCI individual membership fee: 200 €

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How to apply for a TCI membership About the membership fees TCI is a private non-for-profit association financed through annual membership fees. Members are committed with the objectives of the organization and contribute to the support of the association by paying the annual fees. The fees are established by the General Assembly of members which is the supreme body of the organization and meets once a year. Membership fees have remained stable over the last years.

Duration & renewal A membership year runs from January 1 to December 31, regardless the month the membership was formalized. The annual membership is automatically renewed at the beginning of the year and members receive a notification and invoice from TCI Secretariat.

Step 2. Fill in the online application form You will be asked to fill in the following information:

Organizational member:  

  

General contact details Brief description of your organization specifying cluster and competitivenessrelated projects and experience Logo of your organization Up to 10 contacts in your organization Invoicing details

Individual member:   

General contact details Short biography specifying cluster and competitiveness-related experience Invoicing details

Step 3. Proceed with the payment Methods of payment  Credit card.  Bank transfer to TCI account on "Banco Sabadell” Account Number: 0081 0460 38 0001278628 Swift Code: BSAB ESBB IBAN: ES8300810460380001278628 Address: Moll Barcelona s/n, World Trade Center, East Building, 08039 Barcelona, Spain  You can also pay through PayPal secure paying system.

Payment deadline 1 month from the date of the invoice.

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How to apply for a TCI membership Your membership is now active Your membership will be effective as soon as the payment has been received by TCI, when you automatically become a TCI member and start getting the member benefits. You will receive: - a welcome email with tips on how to get the most out of the TCI Network, including resources available and an invitation to join the online community, such as an invitation to join the TCI Members Group in LinkedIn, where cluster practitioners interact and share news and inquiries. - a code to apply for TCI members discount when registering to a TCI activity. We will invite you to participate in our mapping of TCI competencies. You can indicate your competencies in your profile, which will be visible and accessible to the cluster community. Your personal/organization profile will be published on the TCI Member Directory. You can edit the information anytime. As an organizational member you will get additional visibility and recognition through: - Inclusion of your logo o in the home page of the TCI website o in the next edition of the corporate brochure o in the monthly newsletter o in the exhibition area on TCI events -

Showcase of full organization profile on website


Opportunity to send your corporate materials to distribute and showcase at TCI events


Formal welcome on next monthly newsletter


Opportunities to host conferences in cooperation with TCI

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