Education Nonprofit/Volunteer

Young Professionals Woman-Owned Business

Small Business Large Business

Education Nonprofit/Volunteer
Young Professionals Woman-Owned Business
Small Business Large Business
In the spring of 2021, several women from the original Women Who Lunch group met with the former chamber president and CEO, Page Michel. The meeting’s objective was to honor and recognize women in the community with membership in the Texas CityLa Marque Chamber of Commerce who have made significant contributions to the success of their organizations by inspiring others to strive for excellence. The meeting outcome: the Texas City-La Marque
Chamber of Commerce Women in Leadership Awards (WILA) was born.
WILA 2021
The inaugural Women in Leadership Awards (WILA) hosted by the Texas City-La Marque Chamber of Commerce was held Sept. 15, 2021, at the Doyle Convention Center, in Texas City. A large crowd of more than 300 guests attended, celebrating six women in the following categories: education, nonprofit/volunteer, young professionals, woman-owned business, and small and large businesses.
The six women honored were Debbie Fuller, Texas City ISD/Guajardo Elementary, Education; Judy Garcia, CASA of Galveston County, Nonprofit/ Volunteer; Colleen Martin, City of La Marque, Young Professional; Courtni Tello D.D.S, Tello Smiles, WomanOwned Business; Bonnie Baty, Karat Creations Jewelry, Small Business; and Monica Eaton, Texas First Bank, Large Business.
In 2022, the following women received the prestigious WILA honors: Dr. Melissa Duarte, Texas City ISD, Education; Amy Reid, Galveston County SBDC, Nonprofit/Volunteer; Tracy Pryor, HCA Houston Healthcare Mainland, Young Professional; Lori Carnes, Carnes Funeral Home, WomanOwned Business; Judy Slocumb, The Independence Village, Small Business; and Anita Jones, Linde, Large Business.
WILA 2023
The 2023 Texas City-La Marque Chamber of Commerce luncheon was held May 10 at The Chandelier Reception Hall in Texas City. The WILA honorees were: Caytlyn Stanley, Hospitality Health ER Galveston, Young Professional; Kathy Vasquez, Vettrus Supply, Woman-Owned Business; Debbie Simmons, Anchor Point, Nonprofit/Volunteer; Gina Welsh, Santa Fe Texas Education Foundation,
Education; Dr. Kimberly Grimsley, Exodus Consulting & Psychological Services, Small Business; and Ezmine During, Valero Texas City Refinery, Large Business.
Nominees were judged on the core tenets of WILA Leadership — champion/advocate/mentor of others; connector and collaborator; servant-leadership who gives back; an empowering leader who uplifts others and adds value; a passionate and joyful leader who works with humility, empathy and integrity.
Caytlyn Stanley exemplifies the virtues that point toward a Women in Leadership simply by who she is. She exudes optimism, kindness and hope for her fellow man. Caytlyn is a oneof-a-kind human who lives out the foundation of Hospitality Health’s ER purpose, Hebrews 13:2 “Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.”
She carries excellence and those around her benefit from this character. Caytlyn believes in teaching those who work alongside her and helping them become the best they can be whether in work or life. She knows when the people beside her are accomplished and confident it makes collaboration successful.
Caytlyn’s optimistic disposition is what makes her achieve at work and life. Her presence invites others to engage and therefore allows for top-notch partnerships on all fronts.
She masters opportunities with strength and resolve, and it is reflected through the many accomplishments in the communities she serves through Hospitality Health ER. Caytlyn’s work ethic is unmatched and if you were to ask any of her co-workers, they would tell you she is their biggest champion!
Caytlyn was part of the remarkable pivot of Women in Business and the conception and launch of WILA. This is just a testament of her champion heart!
“Caytlyn believes in teaching those who work alongside her and helping them become the best they can be whether in work or life.”
Kathy Vasquez is described not only as a leader but a role model. She honorably served in the United States Navy for 10 years. Kathy was one of the first women to serve on board a U.S. Navy Destroyer, the USS McFaul DDG 74. She was thrilled to be one of the first but knew it came with many challenges and responsibilities. She made it her mission to lay the groundwork for future women. But, as a single mom, she knew a career in the military would not foster the home environment she wanted for her son. So, Kathy began her journey in the HVAC industry as a service dispatcher in 2002.
In 2009 when her son graduated, she wanted to reinforce her belief of “you must be willing to take chances and believe in yourself,” so she decided to take a job as a business development manager in Buffalo, New York. She had no friends or family in the area but had the drive to succeed.
Unfortunately, after less than a year of being in that position, she was diagnosed with cancer, and she had to make the decision to move to Houston for treatment at MD Anderson. She was determined not to let cancer slow her career down and immediately found a job in the HVAC industry. Today, she is cancer free.
Kathy has worked in the HVAC industry for more than two decades in many facets, including Regional Sales Manager, Business Development Manager, Manufacturer’s representative and now as President/ Owner of Vettrus Supply.
Vettrus Supply procures HVAC, plumbing, electrical and building supplies and is committed to purchasing the best products at competitive pricing. The company also provides training opportunities for all persons in the industry by displaying featured items of all trades in the showroom.
Kathy has worked her entire adult life in a male-dominated community and admits that it has come with many obstacles. But, she is proud to say the number of women in the industry is rapidly growing, and she is honored to call so many of them her friends. Vettrus Supply is not only a procurement company but also a family that is dedicated to building relationships with suppliers, customers and members of the community, while helping to promote economic growth.
Kathy is grateful and attributes her time in the Navy to teaching her not to cower and, most of all, to always do the right thing.
It is said that Debbie Simmons, CEO and founder of Anchor Point is a force — a true agent of change — filled with passion for the lost, abandoned and broken.
Debbie believes our communities are only as strong as our most vulnerable families. That is why she has spent the last 10 years establishing the work of Anchor Point to impact families, locally and nationally. Anchor Point is in Galveston County and is sole owner of Obria, (medical clinic), Hope Family Center (the hub of Anchor Point’s crisis care, life on-life education and coaching), Hope House (which is maternity housing), and Hope Community (which supplies support and education). These local ministries serve the community at large, including the underprivileged, struggling families and women in crisis.
From the start, Debbie has been one to work hard and color outside the lines, always willing and able to go where others don’t dare go. This is true whether it is helping abandoned and broken children, getting out of bed in the middle of the night for rescues with heartbroken moms, working to save desperate kids and their caregivers or waging war on all fronts to help young pregnant women find healing and success in their personal and professional lives. Debbie is a warrior, a hero and a champion for the underdog with unlimited empathy.
As a licensed and ordained minister, she also holds a master’s degrees in Organization Management and Christian Education and a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering. Her nine adoptive children and ten grandchildren are living testaments to her calling to help others learn to love without regard to risk.
Through her leadership, Anchor Point has developed one-of-a-kind programs, such as Pathway to Hope Therapeutic Camp, a sexual abuse recovery group, All Star Dads — mentoring programs for fathers — prenatal and parental classes, a maternity home and much more.
Debbie Simmons is a servant leader who follows the adage, “Don’t follow me for what I say, but what I do.”
“From the start, Debbie has been one to work hard and color outside the lines, always willing and able to go where others don’t dare go. ”
Gina Welsh has done so much for her community; she loves SANTA FE!
Gina is a connector. She is always looking for ways to link people together with common ideas, passions and struggles so, together, they can accomplish their missions and reach the real goal — Santa Fe Strong.
Gina has her own passion — Santa Fe Texas Education Foundation. Her persistent work ethic and noteworthy dedication combined with her love makes her a force to be reckoned with. She is eager to hop on board to try new things because she is an achiever and there is a promise it will happen.
Gina is optimistic and real, which makes her approachable. Her cheerful demeanor is contagious, and no one can have a bad day around her. She encourages others, speaks the truth and listens intently and cares. If you have ever had the chance to participate in a project or commission with Gina, you will quickly find the same passion. A person who advocates for Santa Fe Education Foundation is a protector for all.
“She encourages others, speaks the truth and listens intently and cares.”
As an advocate for proper mental health services for our communities, Dr. Kimberly Grimsley has worked tirelessly with various local government and NGOs to expand and implement a range of mental health services for Galveston and Brazoria Counties. She continuously works with community leaders to expand necessary services that have been limited or unavailable in this area.
Her work with various community organizations, along with her continuous collaborations with various groups and individuals, is ensuring that tailored services based on the needs of our communities are being addressed.
Dr. Grimsley is readily available to assist in crisis and believes that serving others is her greatest strength. She frequently will take time to give back to community organizations and makes herself available for members of the local communities, family and friends. Dr. Grimsley continuously pushes those around her to improve their situations, and she is a champion for continuing education and self-improvement.
Dr. Grimsley located and founded her business in Texas City due to a realization of a serious need to improve the mental health services in our communities. She continues to work tirelessly with local organizations, such as the Galveston and Brazoria County Juvenile Probation Department, the Galveston and Brazoria County Adult Probation Department, the Gulf Coast Center and the Galveston County Courts, to safeguard against these needed services that are not met. She also works closely with the Texas City Police Department, the College of the Mainland Police Department and Alvin Community College to protect and provide our future and current law enforcement officers with the mental health services they deserve.
“Dr. Grimsley is readily available to assist in crisis and believes that serving others is her greatest strength.”
In his nomination of Ezmine During as the WILA Large Business honoree, Jim Macpherson, soon to be retired from Valero Texas City Refinery after 32 years as Refinery Financial Controller, stated, “ It is my honor to nominate Ezmine on behalf of our Refinery Leadership Team for this award. Her dedication as our Lead Accountant, and soon to be new Refinery Financial Controller, has demonstrated her ability to balance a demanding blend of operations, maintenance, projects and administration with equal attention.”
As Refinery Controller, Ezmine has graciously combined the refinery needs as well as corporate objectives. She has done so with common understanding so that each individual or group always comes away better informed. Ezmine consistently champions such things as individual face-to-face training as well as computer-based training, understanding that not only does the individual benefit, but the development of a stronger individuals is paramount to the betterment of the team as a whole.
In addition to Ezmine’s functional leadership at the refinery, she affectionally demonstrates her servant’s heart.
Ezmine is the chairperson for Valero’s annual United Way campaign and continuously goes above and beyond to bring attention to their campaign with a focus on the many needs of the agencies.
Ezmine helps to coordinate a monthly day of caring where extra attention to the United Way agencies’ needs are highlighted and addressed continuously throughout the year on top of their annual campaign.
Ezmine proudly leads refinery volunteer events with high energy and enthusiasm and in doing so is a recipient of the Valero Volunteer of the Year as a testament to her compassion.
“Ezmine proudly leads refinery volunteer events with high energy and enthusiasm and in doing so is a recipient of the Valero Volunteer of the Year as a testament to her compassion.”
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