1 minute read
Bring your best self
I can’t emphasize this enough, because this step is so basic that it gets overlooked. Whatever the best version of you is, I want THEM on your date. No bad moods allowed. Put on an outfit that makes you feel fantastic. Spend a little extra time pampering yourself and making sure you look your best. Leave with enough time to get there early so you aren’t showing up flustered and sweaty. Give yourself a pep talk in the car on the way to your date where you affirm all of your best qualities (I’m not kidding, I do this all the time). If you don’t think you’re a catch, why would someone else?
Choose to have a good time
The whole point of a date is that it’s supposed to be fun! Please don’t do yourself the disservice of taking dating (or yourself) too seriously. You may get there and realize in two minutes that this person isn’t the future love of your life, but you already put in the effort to get ready and be there, and you’re committed to spending some time with them for better or for worse. PLEASE make an effort to get to know the person who shows up to meet you: you never know where a new connection may lead! It’s exceedingly common these days for people to make a snap decision based on physical appearance and proceed to be rude, disengaged, or make an excuse to cut the date short. But that’s just mean, and you’d never want someone else to treat you that way. Make the decision to be the kind of person who has a good time wherever you go, and I promise that positive energy will serve you much better.