1 minute read
Be a good conversationalist
Sorry men, but this is where you’re screwing it up most often based on date feedback. This seems obvious, but a date is not an invitation for you to pitch yourself or dump your life story on someone. A date conversation should be reciprocal and roughly balanced 50/50. If you realize that you’ve been dominating the conversation for a bit, stop to ask the other person some questions. Instead of thinking about what you’ll say next, really listen to what the other person is saying, and engage with them by asking questions based on what they have already shared (rather than generic questions you’d ask anyone, like “What do you do for work?”). This allows your conversation to flow more easily and center on deeper topics that are of interest to the two of you. The goal isn’t to fill every silence, it’s to learn as much as you can about the other person. And don’t forget good eye contact!