AC - V1
(YHQLQJ (FKR Monday, February 18, 2013
Monday, February 18
Village to get e1.5m facelift
â—? Major plans for Blackrock area PLANS will be published shortly for the â‚Ź1.5m renovation of Blackrock Village. Under the proposals, the harbour section will become a large open paved area with priority given to pedestrians and cyclists. The curved harbour wall will be reconstructed into a series of steps from the plaza level down to the water. New street lamps, trees and park benches that face the water will also be installed. The main road in front of The Natural Foods Bakery and the scout hall will be removed and will form part of the plaza. The road behind the scout hall will be used instead to access the Marina road and the public toilets will be demolished. Significantly, the wall of the former Ursuline Convent will de demolished, opening up a large green area and open space on to the village.
By ALAN HEALY The paved plaza will continue into the convent area with new grass areas and park benches. A new playground and extra parking will be built. The Convent Road will also be widened under the plans. Fine Gael Councillor Des Cahill said he was hopeful that construction will start this year. “Funding has been approved in this year’s and next year’s budget and issues with the convent lands have been resolved,� he said. “The design for Blackrock is very exciting and will greatly enhance the area. It is long overdue and I think everyone will be happy to see work on it commence.� The planning application from the city council will be published shortly and will give the public the opportunity to view the plans and make submissions on it before it goes to the city councillors for a final vote for approval.
At the Cork Electronics Industry Association FireBots Competition final was Eoghan O’Sullivan of Glanmire Community College with part of his team’s entry at the Schools’ Robot Competition in Devere Hall, University College Cork. See page 16 for a picture special. Picture: Clare Keogh