TCSI Class Magazine Year 10 (B) E2 2021

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The perlious bubble BY ANOOSHE MUSTAFA 10B It’s a perilous world out there.As a result, we all live in our own little protective bubbles.Some of us like reading.Gardening is something that some of us enjoy doing.

Some of us enjoy doing a variety of things in order to maintain that bubble around us, shielding us from the horrors of the outside world. In some ways, we live in our own little universes, realms of enchantment and wonder, so that we don’t have to deal with the real problems plaguing our planet. Some of us are zealous environmentalists. When it’s really doing its own thing and doesn’t need to be saved, because the more we try, the worse it seems to get. Some of us take drugs that cause us to lose control to the point where we have no idea how we’ll react when someone approaches us. It’s us pulling into our own little bubble in a different way than most. The most dangerous way of all, because it’s this way that causes the most harm to the people outside that person’s bubble. The drug-bubble, taker’s you see, isn’t really a bubble. It’s a jail.It’s us pulling into our own little bubble in a different way than most. The most dangerous way of all, because it’s this way that causes the most harm to the people outside that person’s bubble. The drug-bubble, taker’s you see, isn’t really a bubble. It’s a jail.It is selfconstructed, and it is a bubble that shrinks as they kill their system with the drug, or drugs, of their choice.As a result, they become more ruthless and horrifying towards people who simply want to ask them a question. They aren’t aware of how damaging their bubble is until it is too late… They can’t get out of the bubble because it transforms into a jail. By that time, the authorities had turned the bubble that was supposed to protect them into a real prison.

They have fun for a little while with others, then have to withdraw and gather their energies on their own. It’s the withdrawing which can have some great and positive things going for the artists and their bubble.Gathering their energies as it does for most cleanses their bubble their universe. But you have to be alone to do this. Gwen’s bubble hadn’t been cleansed in a long time, and she was hanging out to do some meditation and good alone time. She had spent a lot of time with her friends and out partying at gallery openings and working at workshops at her local gallery and after three months, she found she was exhausted. Her head was filled with doubts, fears and problems she never thought were possible. So, setting herself up quietly, she pulled out her palate and cleaned brushes. Then, she unwrapped a nice clean, new canvas. Doing a new painting was one way for her to cleanse her bubble. She could put her worries, concerns and fears and doubts on the canvas. It was little like writing a journal for a writer, she wrote her fears in picture form on the canvas. This time, it was different.The brushes moved almost automatically, as she meditate on a picture in her head that had been bothering her lately… a mental picture of something big, ugly and horrible chasing her down, but she couldn’t look at its face. Not at its face “Don’t bother looking.” She grumbled as the day gave way to night and she searched behind her for a light switch. She came to a halt as the room filled with light, staring at the painting of her anguish. She was astounded that the only thing she was afraid of. People, on the other hand, should communicate with each other’s bubbles and create amazing things. Artists do it in the most beautiful way possible. They can detach themselves from their bubbles and invite others to join them in their work… it’s an interactive experience for them. Because most artists are extroverted introverts, it’s fun, enjoyable, and a kind of mind-meld that takes over their little universe.



Niki was just your ordinary boy. He had happy parents who loved him, a smaller sister named Luann. He had the perfect home and school life. Acing all of his tests and good friends. It was all perfect until he had come to a near-death experience when he was 9.Niki's heart condition always worried his parents, it would sometimes cause him breathing problems and pain in the chest area. But then one stormy afternoon when he was 9, Niki began to suddenly have agonizing pain and his breathing slowed. There was nothing his parents could do but call the ambulance. BUT it was too late as his breathing slowly began to stop. Niki is now 17 but since that afternoon his whole life changes. He had begun to see things that are unknown and can't be seen from a normal human. It had made life for him terrible to live, he thought that he kept seeing hallucinations but boy was he wrong.

At the end of Niki's semester, his family had decided to go to a new and exciting place that can be adventurous. "Hey Niki, I and your father decided that we should go on a family trip for camping in the woods”, exclaimed his mother excitedly. You see, Niki's family is a really lively family who likes to challenge things and are courageous. Niki thought for a while about what his mother said, he replied, "Sure mother, we haven't camped for a while." Niki said, signing. Ever since the beginning of his semester, he hasn't got out of his house because of studies and tuitions.

Fast-forward to after Niki and his sister’s exams. His parents had planned to go camping in a very wellknown forest that is known to be in the territory of the luring creatures that existed there. The forest was called, ‘malus'. There were many rumours about the ‘malus’ forest being one of the places where evil itself exists. However, those matters didn’t stop his parent from exploring the sinister place, but rather they felt more challenged to know whether those rumours were true.

When the family started their drive toward the haunting forest, the air in their car started to drop a few degrees. The tiny hairs on their body rose, making the air around the family thick. The adults didn’t know why they felt there was something wrong with the wood, nevertheless, they ignored it thinking it just the cold wind, and their minds filled with these thoughts.

As the family arrived at their destination at almost midnight. The trees branching above them, casting their shadow, making the bark of trees look as if they would come alive at any moment. The moon radiated its reflection into the small lake, near to where they will be camping. The cry of the wind howling and owls hooting in a distance can be heard. As the adults begin to unpack their supplies, Niki and Luann take charge of setting up the sleeping bags. After the parents were done unpacking their supplies and food from the can, Niki’s dad settled to go and collect some logs from the surrounding of the forest. So, he set off, with a flashlight in his hand, to explore and find some log to cook their dinner.

After 1 and a half hours their father had returned safely in one piece, he had some scratches around his face, but there was something oddly uncanny about his dad. Niki could sense a hint of magic in the air, but not the good kind. Since his father came from collecting wood, his aura changed from being lively, happy, and talkative to being emotionless and almost robotlike.

Niki knew that something must have happened to his father that makes him like this because Niki noticed that his dad’s eyes were all black. The inner and outer areas of his eyes were dark as squid ink has been poured into his dad’s eyes. And the way he sat or spoke, it was as if someone or something is controlling him.

After his father came back, Niki helped his mother with cooking steamy chicken soup for dinner, as they all weren’t really hungry, but didn’t want to sleep on an empty stomach. Eventually, after they ate, Niki and his mother organized the stuff so they can get ready for bed. But as Niki was helping, he noticed his father sitting at the further end, of one of their tents, knees curled up to his chest. He was breathing hard and muttering a random chant over and over again “tenebris voluntas occidere (darkness will kill)” while he whimpered and sniffled.

At night, when they all were sleeping Niki abruptly woke up from his slumber as he heard growling and agonizing cry of his father. So he wants to look over at the side his dad was sleeping and saw him sitting on his sleeping bag, legs crossed together, and moving his head back and forth. It looked like he was in a nightmare and speaking to himself things like “LEAVE ME ALONE!” “Don’t kill my family” “STOOOPPP!!!!” .Niki was concerned about everything that was going on with his dad, ever since they came to the forest. But, out of the blue, his father instantly stood up and started running towards the deeper part of the woods. And Niki saw that because it was very early in that like maybe 5 am. So following his instincts, he started to first wakeup his mother to tell her how dad was acting not like himself and that he ran to the words, barefooted. However, when he tried to wake her up, his mother was unresponsive and deep into her dream, so rather than wasting his time in waking his mother, he followed in the direction his dad had run to.

Niki kept walking vigilant eye on the lookout for wild animals. He continuously called out for his father, “Dad~, where are you?”.Heshouted, but only heard the wind blowing but in an instant, the winds pick up speed and began to harshly blow through Niki’s body. It started to get very cold and he noticed something peculiar about the sky he didn’t notice before, it had hues of yellow, green and white. The rocks nearby were going against gravity and floating in mid-air.

That was until Niki saw it. A devil-like creature that resembled a deer, it was as long as the sky can reach, it had filthy and dirty skin that look like the colour of the soil. Its eyes were glowing white and as soon as the creature's eyes landed on him, it screeched. The mysterious creatures started running toward Niki even though it was standing feet away from him, it ran after Niki in godly speed. Niki ran as fast as he possibly can for his life; he didn’t know if he was still dreaming or whether an actual creation chasing after him, maybe to steal his soul or to eat him as a meal. He didn’t know when he had stopped but the creating was closed to him. But before he could escape again, he felt a force around his body, making Niki halt in his tracks. He was too afraid to behind him and see the creature in his full form standing before Niki. Will this be the end of Niki’s time in the world or would he be able to save himself from the creature’s magical hold?



The year was 2127 and the world as we knew it was gone forever. Everything had changed so fast. We were living in a world filled with technology, the time where the sun fueled electricity and your clothes changed their color at the touch of a button. Everything was great, the world was spinning and we were learning more everyday. That was until the Asteroid came. I was only eighteen at the time, too young and inexperienced for what was about to happen. I remember the day so well; I’d been at school. Then there was a loud bang and the ground started to shake, the windows smashed from vibrations and the room was filled with screams of terror. You could see the fear in our teacher’s eyes. The shrill alarm sounded around the school as we piled out the building.

My heart stopped when I saw the growing cracks in the ground. What was happening? I tried to contact my mum on phone but it was no use. Nobody’s phones were working. I watched in confusion as my clothes returned to original white color as they lost power. Something was very wrong. All order quickly vanished as panic took over. Everyone scattered from the school and I ran as fast as I could, aiming for one place, Home. As I sped through town I saw people crying and screaming as they watched their homes shatter and fall to ground. There were fights breaking out in the streets and fires spreading from car accidents. This was really bad. The moment I saw my house my life stopped, half of the building had crumbled and I could hear the cries of my four year old brother coming from inside. I wasted no time as I scrambled through what used to be our living room. The only thing that was fueling me on was the need to get to my brother. He was screaming with his all might, I took him in my arms and held him close to my chest. “It’s alright Daniel” I cooled looking out frantically. I took out my brother, kicking and screaming and ran out of the house just before it completely collapsed.

The earth changed that day and so did I. No one saw it coming. As the asteroid passed away, the world went into chaos all technology malfunctioned and the weather became hostile. First it was tornadoes and earthquakes and then it was the heat. People started to panic and half the world’s population perished within the first six weeks. Nothing was ever the same, people split off into groups some made camps in rundown cities and others took off on their own, trying to stay out of harm’s way.

Daniel and I joined a group of thirty, mostly families from my old street. I didn’t know where else we were supposed to go, so we followed the group wholeheartedly. It became clear after the first few weeks who we looked to for leadership. A middle-aged madman named Nathan made most of the decisions; he was the one who kept us alive for so long. It wasn’t long before our numbers became to dwindle. People from other groups became savages the worst taking over the towns and cities. We learned how to survive on very little and kept to save areas we travelled. Overall it wasn’t a bad way to live, we had friends around us and our little group became our family. We should have known that it wouldn’t last forever. One night a group of six travellers approached our camp. I was weary of them the moment they entered, but it seemed that everyone else was happy with our new friends including Nathan. We traveled together for a few weeks and they became a part of our family. We were foolish to trust them. We had been walking all day looking for somewhere to make camp for the night. We usually kept away from the big cities but our new friends led us closer and closer. I could see Nathan wanted to find shelter somewhere else, but from the looks of things we didn’t have enough time to be picky. There was a sand storm approaching and we needed to find shelter.

Slowly and cautiously we entered the town walking past broken buildings, no one was around and I kept my eyes peeled for any form of life. Daniel was clung to my side like always, all was quiet. The only sound came from our boots as they echoed on the ground with each step. We saw the shadows first, boxing us in like sheep to the slaughter. We had been tricked. Our socalled friends had led us into a trap.We tried to fight back but in the end it was futile. Nathan was the first one they killed, his body covered in blood as it lay lifelessly before us. Time seemed to freeze as we saw our leader dead on the ground. The adults of the group were attacked while some tried to flee. They were all killed before our eyes.

Only ten children were left standing beside me crying out in fear. We were captured and put into a dark and dingy building already filled with children of all ages. Daniel cried into my legs and I stooped down to comfort him “Don’t worry Dan, everything will be alright,” I promised as I found a damp corner that was empty. I knew it was a lie; we were probably going to all die. It was just a matter of time. I didn’t want to tell him the truth. I didn’t want to believe it.Every night two of them would come and choose us. Once you were chosen you never came back. Everyone stayed silent and kept to themselves. Even the children from my old family became strangers. The fourth night they came surveying their choices. Daniel clung to me and I tried my best to hide him from their eyes. One of them looked at me an evil grin forming on his face. “That one” he called pointing a finger straight at my brother. “NO!” I yelled as they tugged Daniel from my arms. I stood up scratching and clawing at the man who held my brother. I was kicked to the floor, but I stood again screaming and hitting. It was all a blur of fear and emotion but the moment I hit the ground for the fourth time my heart sank. My arm was broken and my nose was poring with blood. I couldn’t force myself to stand and fight any longer. I was curled up on the floor of my tears mixing with my blood as I watched them walk towards the door with my crying brother in their arms.

“STOP” a small boy who looked two years younger than me screamed as he stood from his place at the back of the room. I met his eyes and he gave me a small smile. “Take me instead,”he offered fearlessly walking over to the men. I watched frozen in my place as the men contemplated the trade. With a crude laugh they grabbed the boy and tossed my brother aside. I didn’t even know his name. After that day people seemed to band together, there was no more silence and we were no longer strangers. We decided to fight back the next time they came. There were only seven of us who were able to give a good fight, but it was enough. The next time we made our break for freedom. We had the element of surprise on our side and we made it out of the city and hid in the nearby caves. There is only one goal now. Survival.


Lisa Barn. That was the name of the beautiful, kind, and unfortunate girl who had no idea what her future was holding for her. Lisa had long dark brown hair that went down her long back. She had beautiful brown eyes and deep tan. She was 24 years old and was looking for a place to hide away from her crumbling world. She decided she needed to drive, she didn’t know where she was going but she knew she wanted to escape. Driving for over 5 hours will physically do a lot to someone, especially at 11 o’clock at night. Lisa's eyelids started to dry and her stomach growled out of hunger, and she had to use the bathroom. Just as she rounded a narrow bend in the road a deer jumped out in front of the car. As tired and unaware as she was, Lisa screamed and swerved off the road. When she looked over her shoulder she saw the deer trout back into the woods as if it never noticed the danger it was in. Now Lisa’s car was stuck on the side of the road and she was at a loss for what to do. It was then that she saw the ever so dim light shining through the trees. Cautiously she crawled out of her car and made her way towards the light. Through the leaves of the trees an empty cabin was seen by her.

Once inside she started a fire in the fireplace and laid down with a blanket on the couch. The steady clicking of the grandfather’s clock was putting Lisa to sleep. As she started to fall asleep she heard a loud, crashing bang against the door that seemed to shake the whole house in its very foundation. She was unknowing of the situation and as she tried to lay back down another bang came to the door and this time no more than 5 seconds later the power in the cabin went out. At this very minute there were thousands of thoughts going through Lisa’s head. There was no other explanation for what happened other than someone being outside.

She was out in the middle of the woods with no car, no working phone, and no lights. Whoever was outside could get into the house whenever they wanted. Even if she made it through the night and into the day, it wouldn’t change the fact that she was still out there all alone. She ran to the kitchen grabbed a knife and hurried up the stairs to her bedroom where she locked herself in. As she backed away from the door her back hit the wall and nearly made her jump out of her skin. She slid down the wall and cried for what felt like hours. In that time she never heard a single thing besides her echoing sobs.

As she realized this, she thought to herself, “Maybe there was no one out there after all. Maybe a tree branch fell on the power line or something. That would explain the power situation.” She slowly got up and went to the bedroom door unlocking it. She crept down each step on the stairs waiting at least a minute on each step to listen for any noise. Finally, after hearing nothing, she came to the conclusion that she had just imagined the worst case scenario. That was until she saw him. He was a tall man. He had a muscular frame and was wearing a ski mask. He was outside on the porch just staring at her through the glass. One look at his 6’4 body and Lisa knew she didn’t stand a chance against him, as she only stood at 5’2. Lisa felt as if her entire body had shut down. She couldn’t move, blink, or breathe. When she eventually gathered up enough courage she backed into the bathroom where she hid, and then silence. Nothing. Not even her breathing could be heard, until the loud thundering crash of the front door hitting the ground rang in her ears. He had gotten in. All hope was lost. Lisa knew she had to think quickly or she was going to die. She could hear his big feet dragging on the wood floor of the cabin. Lisa couldn’t understand why all this was happening to her, why her? The doorknob jiggled. She had to do something and fast. She reached for the curtain rod of the shower. Up on her tippy toes stretching her arm as long as it would go eventually grabbing it and using all her force to break the window leading outside into the woods. As she jumped out of the window she cut the side of her leg on the broken glass but it didn’t matter, Lisa was only worried about escaping out of the cabin. The man heard the glass break and ran around the outside of the house where he found her. She tried to run but he was too fast. He managed to grab the back of her jacket and pull her towards him. She could scream but what goods a scream if there’s no one around to hear it. After all, a scream is only a scream when it is heard. She was then later on taken to a forest 2 hours away from where she was first taken by the man. It was 2 am and no one was around to help her. During the car ride Lisa fell asleep and woke up with a bruise on her head which indicates that she was unconscious which means that even if she escaped the cabin that she was in, she would be lost in the middle of the forest with no sense of direction and will not have any basic necessities to survive for many days. A few hours later the man comes back with some tools and that is not a good sign if you’re stuck in the middle of nowhere with a stranger. Lisa sees them and asks “what are those for” and the man goes silent and slowly starts torturing her. This goes on every day for a week until she heard someone else coming and tried screaming for help, but a scream is only a scream when it is heard.

Is the Environment


By Umar Mirza 10b

Earth is the only planet in the universe that supports life. I do not understand what is the real worth of the environment but some of them that are willing to help us to understand its importance as it plays an important role in keeps living things healthy in the environment. It provides food, shelter, air and fulfils all the human and animal needs whether big or small. Environment is the source of natural and is necessary to provide and maintaining the physical and mental health. It purify air pollution, water, etc to support the living things of life. It regularly its functioning the vital systems that are important for the ecosystem. Moreover, the environment that keeps a close on the environment to maintaining the culture and quality of life on earth. It balance between living things and environment. Environment that always regulates the various natural cycles that happen every single day. All cycles keep maintaining to the natural balance between living things and the environment to keeps things healthy inside and outside. The environment has always helps us and other living things to flourish and grow over the period of time. Also it provides us fertile land, water, air, livestock, shelter and many more essential things for us to survive the life. The environment is the total of the natural that surroundings around us. Environmental protection that always refers to the protection and saving of the environment from the dire impact of human and activities of human. Environmental protection is an important issue because the environment is on its way to degradation. Environmental protection indicate taking care of and rescuing the environment.Awareness about environmental protection must be spread so that the familiar people will know about the need and requirements of environmental protection. Environmental degradation can be kept under check in some ways. People should be encouraged in order to plant double trees than the number of trees we have cut down for the activities of human. Forests and vegetations are also being cleared extensively for the farming and construction purposes. Saving water is yet another most effective measure for environmental protection. Water is a vital resource, and it is important for survival. The amount of fresh drinkable water on the earth is very less when comparing to the enormous population.

On the other hands, activities of human are the major cause of environmental degradation as most of our activities that we do harm the environment. It causes environmental degradation is air pollution, water pollution, harmful chemicals, global warming, greenhouse gases, etc that affect environment, life and living things on earth. Activities of human are very serious issues that affect earth and do not take care of our Mother Earth. Yet, activities of human that cause global warming which is more than the natural causes global warming. Even, the earth is changing every year that affect environment and because of modern lifestyle of human. There are more activities of human that affect and damage environment such as industrial production, burning fossil fuel, mining, cattle rearing or deforestation. The number of trees has diminished to a great extent. Trees are our only source of oxygen in the earth that we breath to survive; clearing trees and plants results in depletion and a decrease in the amount of oxygen available in the air and also the level carbon dioxide is increased. This puts the entire humanity at risk. The loss made would be compensated. While affecting environment worsened, the natural resources that are provided from environment to create a situation in the future that there will not be resources for consumption. The most basic necessities of living air would be polluted that it will affects humans and other living things and some people could use bottled oxygen to breathing healthy. The three types of environment includes the physical, social, and cultural environment. However, increasing the activities of human lead to exerting more pressure on the surface of the earth which it many causing many disasters in an unnatural form. Also, the natural resources we are using at a pace that will be vanished in the next decades from the earth and there would be less environment resources. But we know that environment is keeping us alive and stay healthy for survival and without the blanket of environment, we won’t be surviving any longer. And the contribution of environment to the life can not be repaid. Even what the environment is done for us and in return we give nothing but damaged and degraded it. The demand for water increases leaps and bounds, while its supply keeps decreasing. Hence wastage and excessive use of water must be curtailed. Global warming is a very serious issue and is not even a single issue but a plenty number of environmental issues. Global warming is rising in the surface temperature of the earth that already changed the various life forms on the earth. The issues that cause global warming are divided into two categories include natural and human influences of global warming.

However, the climate is continuously changing for centuries. The global warming happens due to the greenhouse gases which are carbon dioxide, it trap the solar heats rays and prevent it from escaping the temperature of the earth increase. Global warming melting ice causes increase the level of flood and tsunami which will sink some islands and cities due to increase the level of sea. There is no point of recover them as it’s already destroyed and melted. Species that include polar bears, penguins, etc would be extinct due to climate change and global warming, even birds migrate to other places where there is more environment and shelter from destroyed environment places. They can not adapt the habitat that would changed their living or temperature. Even most animals will go extinct if deforestation is continuing for the activities of human. Ice are melting in Antarctica which causes increase the level of sea, flood, tsunami, etc. Also it will release deadly diseases that scientists had never discovered before, according to the expert scientists. Disease are more serious that affects animals and humans a lot due to climate changes and different weather. There are some issues which are activities of human are industrial that is using fossils fuels to be burned in order to power the machines and releasing the carbon dioxide to increase the air pollution and affect the purify air. Deforestation is a human influence because human have been cutting down trees to produce papers, wood, build houses or more. If human continuing deforestation, the level of carbon dioxide would be increased and release in the atmosphere and atmosphere stored the carbon dioxide and released them to the trees to produce oxygen to breath. If human continue deforestation, carbon dioxide stay at the atmosphere. The environment protection is urgency as there is danger that the environment is in right now due to activities of human that the situation is under a dire threat. The environment is already being damaged and there’s no point of return and recover environment. No matter how much hard we try, there is no point that can undo the destruction that is already been inflicted. To protect the environment, the pollution rates must be decreased. Air, land, and water pollution needs to be kept under check. Utmost care must be taken whereas disposing of wastes on water prices; reduced use of vehicles and transportation to make sure that the air pollution must be reduced; careless dumping of solid wastes on the ground can be decreased in order to regulate land pollution. The demand for water increases leaps and bounds, while its supply keeps decreasing. Hence wastage and excessive use of water must be curtailed. The demand for water increases leaps and bounds, while its supply keeps decreasing. Hence wastage and excessive use of water must be curtailed. People need to be more aware and responsible. They should understand the urgent need to be careful in their day-to-day dealings with nature and the environment. They should be more cautious. We need to lessen the human impact on the environment as much as possible.

The Reconciliation BY MAHAM BATOOL 10B

Robert is a tenth grader who has an adventurous mind and a strong desire to travel. He loves exploring various places, observing each and everything to come to conclusions of his own. Recently, Robert made up his mind to visit a dark and spooky forest which his friend had suggested. The thing is that he does not want anyone to go with him. He thinks that anyone’s interference might lead to wrong conclusions and more of distractions. He does not want to miss on anything. The only interference which he was fond of was his uncle’s It was Thursday afternoon, Robert came back from school and sat to eat his lunch. All he was thinking was about the spine-chilling forest he Robert is a tenth grader who has an adventurous mind and a strong desire to travel. He loves exploring various places, observing each and everything to come to conclusions of his own. Recently, Robert made up his mind to visit a dark and spooky forest which his friend had suggested. The thing is that he does not want anyone to go with him. He thinks that anyone’s interference might lead to wrong conclusions and more of distractions. He does not want to miss on anything. The only interference which he was fond of was his uncle’s It was Thursday afternoon, Robert came back from school and sat to eat his lunch. All he was thinking was about the spine-chilling forest he was about to visit in a few hours. He started packing up and kept a map, some snacks, extra clothes andthe most precious thing which he took everywhere, his family locket.“Mom, I am leaving for a sleepover to my friend’s place so please don’t wait for me on dinner” Robert said informing his mother. “Okay honey, have fun” his mother agreed on his decision. He knew lying to his mom was not an effective way to start this adventurous journey, but he convinced himself that there was no other option. He had his own motorbike for travelling to school. However, he decided to walk instead so that no one in his area notices his absence. He wore a hoodie with a cap which covered his face with black sunglasses. To maintain the feeling to be on a mission. He did not greet anyone around him. Rather, he walked faster so that he could reach the forest rapidly, without wasting any time. When he arrived on his destination, he saw a signboard saying “Danger, enter at your own risk.”




Robert started having second thoughts about this mission. He never visited a place as dangerous as this one. However, he told himself that risks are worth taking at least once in a lifetime. With that, he continued his journey. As he was walking, he came across various creatures such as bats, snakes, honeybees. The forest started to get darker and darker. As Robert looked up, he could not see a sign of any kind of light. All the trees were untamed with large leaves which blocked the sunlight. Robert did not get terrified. He contemplated about the conclusions he would put together in his mind after going through all of this. He remained motivated and determined to continue his task. He did not look back even once just so that he does not start to have second thoughts of returning home. The forest was pitch black; it was 9:00 pm. Robert was all by himself. He observeda cave nearby. He decided to make his way towards it, to rest and make further plans by using his map about what else he would need to explore in the forest. In the cave, he recalled his dad apprising him about many older generations of his family who desired to be detectives. Solving theories about various things such as accidents, robberies, spies etc. It was that moment he realized, that he wanted to pursue this job in his future. He also loved solving mysteries, exploring different ideas and making conclusions for his satisfaction. All of a sudden, he heard his uncle’s voice, who died nearly 5 years ago while investigating a case of someone who was murdered in his house. Robert was very close to his uncle since he was a child. Both his uncle and him had common interest in video games which involved solving mysteries and theories. When his uncle died, Robert was extremely lonely as there was no one he could play or share his inventions with. After hearing his voice, he was in an severe shock and followed it. It led him towards a tunnel. That tunnel was congested, with full of spider webs, an irresistible smell and above all, several voices all at once uttering the same thing “Come…unite with us… save us from this misery.” He had never been this frightened and yet so curious to discover further about what hid behind that mystical cave.As he walked further, the voices began to get louder and louder by each step. Among all the voices, the loudest one was his uncle’s. And that was a source of encouragement for him to continue what he had started.

At first, he ignored the voices thinking that it must be voices of animals’ roars. But as he rushed towards them, he started getting hypnotized and started seeing spirits of dead people. He was assured that they were dead people because as he rushed forward, the people he saw behind, started to disappear. The last person he saw was his uncle. The tunnel led him towards an even larger cave which included additional 3 tunnels. One of the souls told him that one of the caves leads towards hellfire, another cave guides to paradise and the last one gives a chance to reunite a soul of a person with his dead body. Robert thought of reuniting himself with his uncle by placing his uncle’s soul in his dead body. This is the only way to bring him back to life so that he could help Robert build a successful future and guide him towards becoming a professional detective. The soul explained further, “You only have two chances to enter each cave. If in case you enter hellfire, you will have to stay there for at least 15 minutes. You will only have one chance left to enter another tunnel. Then, it would be your fate if it leads you towards Paradise or reuniting your uncle’s soul with his dead body.”After saying this, the soul disappeared into thin air. Robert took a deep breath and made his way towards one of the caves. He started feeling utmost heat attacking towards his face. He recognized that he had entered hellfire. He made his way backwards, but he remembered he is supposed to spend 15 minutes in the hell. He encountered many creatures such as snakes, scorpions, and bad souls. It was terrifying to watch. Robert saw what nobody of his age could only imagine seeing.The first 5 minutes went by exploring and staring at unusual creatures. The next 10 minutes were left where Robert was running from these insects and saving himself the whole time. He still had his backpack where he sensed something shining. It was his family locket. As if the souls of his dead grandfathers were giving him a signal that it was time to escape the hell. He rushed towards the entrance of the tunnel and sighed.He stared at his locket. It reflected a number which said “1.” At first, he was not able to comprehend the meaning of it. After a while, he registered that the tunnel which led towards hell was at the third number. So, the number “1” meant that he was supposed to make his way towards the first tunnel. He wondered if the first tunnel would lead him towards his uncle’s dead body. Anyways, he entered the tunnel and after taking some steps hesitantly, he entered a room.The room was extremely gloom. There were several coffins placed in it. He wondered if he would be able to find his uncle’s coffin. One of the coffins started glowing into different colours. He slowly strolled towards it. Surprisingly, his locket’s design matched the design of the coffin. He gently opened it.To his shock, he found his uncle’s dead body.

Tears started running from his eyes. He couldn’t believe that the same coffin which was buried deep in the ground 5 years ago, could be present in this room as well. It was surely a miracle. A miracle which no one could ever imagine would happen. It was surely not possible to bring the dead back to life before this happened. His locket started to carve out some random word which said “Alohomora.” Robert was confused while reading the word in his head. Was he supposed to say them out loud? He pronounced them the loudest he can. There was a rush of a wind around him. He saw it with his own eyes. One of the souls entered his uncle’s body. He came back to life. He started taking deep breaths and was confused for a second. “Uncle, is that you?” Robert asked him shakingly. “Yes, it’s me…I missed you buddy.” His uncle said wearing a smile on his face. Both locked themselves in a long hug. “Let’s escape this forest as soon as possible, it is dangerous for us” His uncle told him. “Yes, of course we should” Robert responded. Both Robert and his uncle returned home safely and started their journey towards making Robert a successful detective. They went to solve various cases. His uncle took Robert wherever he went. His uncle continued his career. After some years, he was known as the most successful detective in his town.

A wild dream BY AIN AHMED 10B

Sunday morning it is another similar day, kids are running towards the school, people are going to work. Everybody is busy minding their own businesses in this large city while my school bus is waiting downstairs for me. Like any other day hustle and bustle is going around my house. Dad cannot find his socks, my brother does not know what to wear, moms occupied in kitchen and were all getting late.

I am Scarlet, a 12-year middle schooler. My dad is a heart surgeon, and my mom is a well-known prosecutor. My brother is class president and a smart student while I am just an average person with low grades and no goals. Everybody near me is in a huge competition to achieve their objectives and fulfill their dreams. While everybody wants to be something or someone qualified, I just want to be happy. Well, I am class loner too.

I like being alone rather than making friends or communicating with people. People call me a day dreamer and unfortunately that is true. Thinking about fantasies makes me glad. Imagine life would be so much more fun if humans could fly, going to school would have been convenient too. Who needs a bus when you could fly? Today was an exhausting day. Every night in terrace I adore looking at moving cars and bright stars. Like every night I went tonight too and saw a shooting star. It was bright and shining like diamond.

I closed my eyes and wished for time to stop and world to pause. Opening my eyes, I saw an adorable sight, each and every car and person froze on their spots. In half belief I went to check on mom and dad. They both froze too while talking. I was surprised and did not knew how to react. After acknowledging the situation, I decided to go out and witness a paused world. Walking on the street I could see the things I never observed before. It was definitely a new world. People in cars were mostly employees. They were wearing a tired look on their face.

I wanted to do everything, I could not when people were around me. I danced on streets, screamed in malls, and painted on walls. It was late night; I did not had dinner and was starving so I went into McDonald’s and made myself a burger. After pulling some pranks on people on the street, I felt drowsy, so I copied our class nerd’s homework incase time begins again, and I have to attend school. I was tired so I slept as soon as I went to bed. Waking up I figured out everything was same. World seemed a peaceful place for the first time ever. I spend the day enjoying visiting random shops and places but while having fun I did not realize I came far away from home. I tried to search my way out but neither internet nor GPS was working.I was struck in middle of nowhere. After walking for a while, I came across a park which was closed several years ago. Me and my friends passed by it several times but never had guts to go inside. It looked old and creepy like a haunted forest and rumors like it is surrounded by strange wild animals were all around. Now when time was stopped and nothing could move except me, there was no reason not to explore the creepy park. I crossed the barriers and begun walking. I was scared and anxious. It looked like a thick, humid, and dense forest. The trees were staring at me like silent sentries and the air was stuffy.

During walking straight after a while, I came across a plain area. Ground was covered with grass and far away I could see huge Rocky Mountains. While I was figuring out what to do next, I heard a noise. It was a low, inarticulate, gruff, and guttural sound, like a deer’s grunt. The most terrifying issue was if world is paused, how can somebody apart from me make a sound. In exact time I saw a massive deer like animal running towards me. It had a huge body with six spiky horns and a white light in his eyes. I panicked and ran backwards but there was no way I could run from it. It seemed like that animal was already on my head. While running relentlessly, something bumped into my back. I gained courage and looked backwards. I witnessed a terrified fawn. His leg was injured, and it could barely move. It seems like that huge deer was just a shadow of this small fawn

At first, it was frightened but when I tore a piece of cloth from my shirt and tied it around its leg it calmed down. it seemed thirsty so I took some water out of a well nearby and fed it. After few minutes as bleeding stopped and it gained some energy, it started running backwards. I was curious how that deer could move while nobody else could, so I followed him. After running restlessly for a while, we reached a place where animals such as deer’s, rabbits, goats, and sheep were caught in cages while one deer was mercilessly shot by an arrow in its back. Moreover, some men were sitting around fire. It seemed like those people were illegally capturing and hunting animals talking advantage of the closed park and that poor deer was terrified due to this environment.

After watching this cruelty, I ought to help those animals. Taking advantage of the paused time I took keys from one of those men’s pockets and unlocked the cages, opening the doors, but it was of no help as other animals were froze too. After thinking a lot about it, I brought all the animals out of cages, pushed those men inside, locked the doors and left keys outside. Little fawn was happy to see his family safe and sound.

It was getting dark. I did not want to leave little fawn in that place, but it seemed pleased to be there. I headed back. The jungle was getting more creepier, sharp hair rising shadows appeared. I came across a small unsightly pond. It was dull and dirty. I figured out; I lost my way. I thought to walk back to the plain. The winds were getting chilly, and I could hear wolf’s howl. Taking long terrified steps I reached the plain. I was not ready to go through that forest again. I did not have any source of light except for the moon. I was starving and did not had any energy to walk anymore so I sat by a rock and slept unconsciously. Walking up I saw bright sunlight and heard mesmerizing tweeters of birds.

I walked back to the forest. It was convenient to go through the forest in day light. While walking I wondered if little fawn would have been doing well. When I got out of the park time was still paused. I rushed back to home. Silence was everywhere. At first it made me happy but now I felt unhappy and lonely. I never fond of the way human lifecycle works but now spending some time thinking, I figured out that people’s motives and ambitions are the reasons they are alive. If there are no emotions like desires, then nobody will have an urge to do better. It was hard to accept but now I really wanted everything to go back the way it was. Imagining living my entire life in a paused world scared me. I felt as if it was my fault. There was nothing I could do except blaming myself.

Few days passed, I was standing near the window sipping my hot Choco, that I saw a shooting star again. It was my only chance. I closed my eyes and wished for everything to be normal again. Opening my eyes with excitement I ran towards my parents, but everything was still same. It made me hopeless, and I started weeping on the floor simultaneously I heard my mom voice “Scarlet, come down for dinner”. It was not the star who fulfilled my wish, it was my deep desires who happened to make my impossible dreams possible.

Nobody except for me knew that time ever stopped. I was happier and livelier than ever before. I tried to live a better life each day. I now had goals and desires which I had to fulfill. I anonymously reported those illegal hunters, so I hope police would have taken care of them. Days are passing and I am growing but that adventure will always stay as a secret in my heart.

Dear diary, 20th December 1960 Aren’t the stars beautiful? I find them pretty. Amongst all the people I’ve met and killed while running away in hopes of never getting caught, every single one of them told me the same thing “you do have stars in your eyes”. Hi, I’m Stella garner. Al my life I have only wondered one thing about myself, “ who the hell am I?”.imagine not having a name and giving yourself one or not knowing your age or parents or ethnicity. That’s who I am. You would never catch me staying in one place for longer than a month yet here I am in Lorenzo Keating place sitting and writing a diary while he is at some other women’s place. It’s so evident at this point I don’t even know what he’s trying to hide. I don’t love him, I don’t. I don’t have a reason to. I’m here for the money, now curse and swear at me all you want I’ll just light another cigar. Not very womanly huh? Do I seem like I care? That’s all for today then I guess, can’t wait to push him over a bridge. “Honey I’m Home” was it really necessary for him to say “honey”, Stella didn’t like it. She forced a smile and got up, she went to him and hugged him, “I missed you so much” she tried to let him go to talk but he forced her back into a hug. They stayed like that for a few minutes in silence. From far you would think ‘how cute’ but Stella hated him, his cologne, scent, clothes, everything. He made her blood boil- “evening boss, a letter for… miss garner?” Aiden, the letter boy, shook his head in confusion. “Not quite sure how to pronounce this but it spells H-A-R-L-A-N, oh its sir Harlan McCormick”. Aiden smiled brightly once he got the name right but Stella on the other hand was still. She couldn’t move at all and she felt her heart drop. She slowly went forward and took the letter. “Greeting m’lady, Surprised right? I wish I could see your face if terror. How’d ya miss your childhood best friend? I’ve been great and everything. For someone without an identity, you are quite famous hehe. Remember your mission. steal.that.necklace. Don’t forget to finish him off, Lots of love Harlan P.s: forgot to mention but I’m coming to Chesire on 22nd December. You live there now right? We can steal it together if you haven’t already.”Reading his name again. It made her want to cry again. The way she left him so abruptly if she were him I would never come to me. Of course, I love him. he’s always been there for me.” everything okay ?” Damn it, he was there. “Yeah everything’s perfect the letter is from my friend nothing to worry about” “Well that’s good, do you want to go out for dinner” “I’m too tired to go out today, maybe tomorrow?”To be honest, she forgotten about the mission, but now she had to get it done. She wasn’t sure how, but she had to

Dear diary, 22th December 1960 My heart burned, it ached. I didn’t know what to do and now he’s coming. Its been two days but I still don't have a plan. You know, I never realized how much of a gentleman he was, Harlan I mean, until he wrote me that letter. I’m glad I never liked Lorenzo, or else he would’ve seen my dark times. The hours I spent crying and crying. Not knowing if I would be special to anyone again. Not knowing when this feeling of hatred, love and jealousy would end. It felt like hell. Worse than hell. It felt like someone was purposely stabbing little knives into my heart. But hearing and reading his name gave me peace. I could finally breathe again. I wish to meet him soon today. Stella got dressed and sneaked out the window to go to the train station alone. Not once has she ever gone somewhere alone. What if she was kidnapped or killed or assaulted by disgusting men. But Lorenzo saw. She didn’t want to harm him in any way that night. Lorenzo grew furious at the sight of her leaving the house alone, not because she couldn’t but because it’s just not that safe and its midnight. She ran as quickly as she could to the train station, it wasn’t too far. She took a short cut and quickly went there, on the other hand, Lorenzo kept chasing but got lost in the short cut and ended up in front of a bridge above the lake. She saw him. Luggage bags in his hands. She saw him, it was definitely him. A tear escaped from her eyes and ran to hug him. Its as if the world had just… freezed. No one and nothing mattered anymore, except for the stupid necklace. “I saw him get lost in the short cut”. “Are we really doing this right now, I mean we could do this tomorrow” “Stella I’m sure but I’m more concerned at the fact that you don’t even care if he was following you” “Oh please I could care less of what he does anymore ” You both arrived at the sight of Lorenzo trying to cross the shaky bridge “Hey loser what’d ya doing there” A much shaken Lorenzo turned around and gasped at the sight of Stella next to him. “I have a favour accept it and I’ll save you”. It was easy, it was straight forward and easy because he trusted her. He believed her and thought that she would certainly keep her promise. Stella never keeps promises. One of the ropes break and the bridge goes down a bit. Stella starts to walk towards the middle of the bridge, another rope out. Stella screamed loudly for help but quickly collected herself and went to Lorenzo. “Give it to me” “What will you do with it” “That’s not your business” Stella, followed by Harlan, went side by side of Lorenzo when suddenly he stopped and turned to look at Stella. “You love him don’t you” She pushed him. She pushed him into the water without thinking twice. “YOU STILL HAVENT ANSWERED ME” He’s still… alive?. Stella slowly looked down and saw him hanging by a rope. “Just answer me please” “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you”

He slightly chuckled and said “I know you probably don’t care but let me just say this. You might not think of yourself as a good person but to me, you are the purest soul I’ve ever met. To me, you made my world so much brighter” Harlan was angry, you could feel it. “STELLA PUSH HIM OFF THE BRIDGE RIGHT NOW” “PLEASE STELLA, let me just say this. I saw stars in your eyes, at first I thought they were for me but I now understand. The stars that I saw were shining for someone else’s sky” “It’s only between you and me now” “Stella I swear to god if you don’t push him off I will push you both” The silence was way too loud. The birds were flapping their wings while the trees rustled. Nothing, in particular, was happening yet it felt like the world was about to finish. “I’m sorry Lorenzo and thank you” Stella finally pushed him, he fell and he drowned. It was all over now Was it a happy ending? No. was it a sad one? Debatable. Rather it was an ending that was fulfilling to Stella and Harlan’s life. It was time to forget and continue to move on just like always. It was the start of a new chapter.

By Areeba Nomani 10B

THE LIMITS TO CURIOSITY By: Sana Faisal 10B It all began in a car. Rather, a black vintage Aston Martin, to be specific. Our luggage stacked up in the trunk, moving and crashing into the surface of the car every two minutes. We finally moved into our new home in Pittsburgh. Oh what a pleasure it would’ve been to move into a beach house, with the warm rays of the sun painting my face gold, and staying up till three in the morning eating ice cream sundaes with neighborhood friends. It wasn’t what I imagined it to be at all. The sun rises at eight thirty in the morning and sets at five, all restaurants and entertainment venues close down at nine pm, and it rains ninety percent of the time. I already had that gut feeling that this was going to be unexplainably tough for me but oh well, here’s to new beginnings, I guess?

3 months later. I’m still in the exact same situation I was in months ago. Except I made one friend, who by the way is some kind of relative to my very old ancestor. Something like that. Marcus helped us a lot with our luggage’s when we were moving, so the least I could do was give him some company. Unfortunately, he was an orphan, but he lives with his grandmother, who’s very elderly. Her hair is so long, silky and straight, her posture is as normal as ever and let me tell you this, she is probably one of the wisest people I have ever met. She has a way with words and acts. One thing that has always left me in curiosity ever since I moved here in Pittsburgh, was this rusty, unearthly looking well. It was about the size of a Jacuzzi. A strong metal lid was always placed on top of it and it was strictly ordered for us to never open it. And the most unbelievable and questionable thing was that nobody who stepped a foot onto this dying earth knew about what is inside this well. I mean it not like there’s a phantom or some possessed creature living inside who eats our souls up. They don’t even exist so what is there to be scared about?

It was a tranquil Friday afternoon, Marcus and his grandmother had invited me over for lunch. I sat on one of her so-called ancient hazel chesterfield couch from the 80’s. I’m surprised she’s kept it looking perfectly brand new after having it for almost 40 years. She served us great English tea along with my favorite Milano Cookies! We three had some general discussions and she questioned how I liked it here in Pittsburgh. Of course I had to sugarcoat my opinion, because if I could, I’d book a flight and get myself out of here in the blink of an eye. It was four o’clock, so I decided it’s time for me to go home.

Before I left, I had to get this doubt out of my mind and at least ask someone about the well, so I asked Marcus’ grandmother. Suddenly, she had a pale, frightened and startled look on her face. It was as if she had started shivering and got goosebumps. I was in a state of shock and confusion. She put down the tray of tea and biscuits, grabbed my arm and strictly told me that no matter if the world was crushing into pieces, a huge tsunami was coming towards us, we are never to look inside of the Banshee well. I didn’t speak for a minute straight. She stated that there was a paranormal spiritual creature that remains inside the well, and anyone who even dares to take a peek inside, that creature doesn’t hesitate to steal the soul of that individual. She had a sister who was playing innocently in the streets, suddenly she had that burning urge to discover what inside that petrifying Banshee well, and unfortunately, she never came back home. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. This is all complete nonsense. These kinds of creatures… don’t exist? I was in a complete state of confusion so I left and ran back home.

Around nine thirty, I started getting ready for bed. Those exact words that Marcus’ grandmother had said kept replaying in my mind repeatedly. Phantoms… spiritual creatures… ghosts? That cannot be real. No one in their right mind would ever say that to someone, it only happens in the movies. Unless, I go out tomorrow and look inside the well myself. I need answers, and if no one is willing to tell me, then I’m going to have to hit the road myself. I need to know what’s in that well that is frightening everyone. After minutes of planning my mission, I finally decided that I will go to the Banshee Well at one in the morning and take the risk. I’m going to prove to the entire town that there is nothing to be hallowed about, and that all this is just an old historical myth made by make-believers. I then got my outfit prepared, switched off my bedside lamp, and slept eventually.

Its currently one-fifty, and I’m all set for the plan. I made sure my parents were dead sleeping so they wouldn’t prevent me from completing my mission. I then headed out the door and to the Banshee Well. It was four degrees outside and I only had a burgundy cotton scarf and Tuscany mittens I found lying on my table to keep me warm. I had finally arrived, and I started regretting my decision, but there’s no backing out now. This is the moment of truth. I started rubbing my hands together, and I walked steadily towards the Banshee Well, to remove the aged rusted metal lid from the top. This is it, this is the moment of truth. My hand touched the lid and suddenly, I felt an icy shiver scorch my entire body. It felt like a million electrical wires buzzing and bursting inside of me. I was stuck, and I couldn’t do anything about it, nor could anyone help me. This was the moment I realized it was the end. Out of the blue, the shiver broke off. All I could hear was the sound of Marcus yelling my name continuously. My eyes opened. What was Marcus doing here at two in the morning? Instantly, he started telling me off about how insanely mad I am and how dangerous and menacing it was what I was doing. From the bottom of my heart, I could really care less about what he was thinking. I need answers and the only way I could get them is to find it out by myself. He told me to go back home and sleep or else he would tell his grandmother and my parents. Jerk much? I then went home because no one, and I mean it no one should know about what happened this night, and I’m counting on Marcus to keep his mouth zipped.

Before I left, I had to get this doubt out of my mind and at least ask someone about the well, so I asked Marcus’ grandmother. Suddenly, she had a pale, frightened and startled look on her face. It was as if she had started shivering and got goosebumps. I was in a state of shock and confusion. She put down the tray of tea and biscuits, grabbed my arm and strictly told me that no matter if the world was crushing into pieces, a huge tsunami was coming towards us, we are never to look inside of the Banshee well. I didn’t speak for a minute straight. She stated that there was a paranormal spiritual creature that remains inside the well, and anyone who even dares to take a peek inside, that creature doesn’t hesitate to steal the soul of that individual. She had a sister who was playing innocently in the streets, suddenly she had that burning urge to discover what inside that petrifying Banshee well, and unfortunately, she never came back home. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. This is all complete nonsense. These kinds of creatures… don’t exist? I was in a complete state of confusion so I left and ran back home.

Around nine thirty, I started getting ready for bed. Those exact words that Marcus’ grandmother had said kept replaying in my mind repeatedly. Phantoms… spiritual creatures… ghosts? That cannot be real. No one in their right mind would ever say that to someone, it only happens in the movies. Unless, I go out tomorrow and look inside the well myself. I need answers, and if no one is willing to tell me, then I’m going to have to hit the road myself. I need to know what’s in that well that is frightening everyone. After minutes of planning my mission, I finally decided that I will go to the Banshee Well at one in the morning and take the risk. I’m going to prove to the entire town that there is nothing to be hallowed about, and that all this is just an old historical myth made by make-believers. I then got my outfit prepared, switched off my bedside lamp, and slept eventually.

Its currently one-fifty, and I’m all set for the plan. I made sure my parents were dead sleeping so they wouldn’t prevent me from completing my mission. I then headed out the door and to the Banshee Well. It was four degrees outside and I only had a burgundy cotton scarf and Tuscany mittens I found lying on my table to keep me warm. I had finally arrived, and I started regretting my decision, but there’s no backing out now. This is the moment of truth. I started rubbing my hands together, and I walked steadily towards the Banshee Well, to remove the aged rusted metal lid from the top. This is it, this is the moment of truth. My hand touched the lid and suddenly, I felt an icy shiver scorch my entire body. It felt like a million electrical wires buzzing and bursting inside of me. I was stuck, and I couldn’t do anything about it, nor could anyone help me. This was the moment I realized it was the end. Out of the blue, the shiver broke off. All I could hear was the sound of Marcus yelling my name continuously. My eyes opened. What was Marcus doing here at two in the morning? Instantly, he started telling me off about how insanely mad I am and how dangerous and menacing it was what I was doing. From the bottom of my heart, I could really care less about what he was thinking. I need answers and the only way I could get them is to find it out by myself. He told me to go back home and sleep or else he would tell his grandmother and my parents. Jerk much? I then went home because no one, and I mean it no one should know about what happened this night, and I’m counting on Marcus to keep his mouth zipped.

Product prototype of a gumball machine


Omaima qaisar

What makes this number unique: 8,549,176,320? Answer: It has each number, zero through nine, listed in alphabetical order. Arnold Schwarzenegger has a long one. Michael J. Fox has a short one. Madonna does not use hers. Bill Clinton always uses his. The Pope never uses his. What is it? Answer: Their surname. What five-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it? Answer: Short. What has cities, but no houses; forests, but no trees; and water, but no fish? Answer: A map. How can 8 + 8 = 4? Answer: When you think in terms of time. 8 AM + 8 hours= 4 o'clock. Find a number less than 100 that is increased by one-fifth of its value when its digits are reversed. Answer: 45 (1/5 of 45 = 9, 9 + 45 = 54). You’re in a dark room with a candle, a wood stove, and a gas lamp. You only have one match, so what do you light first? Answer: The match.

What has to be broken before you can use it? Answer: An egg I’m tall when I’m young, and I’m short when I’m old. What am I? Answer: A candle What month of the year has 28 days? Answer: All of them What is full of holes but still holds water? Answer: A sponge What question can you never answer yes to? Answer: Are you asleep yet? What is always in front of you but can’t be seen? Answer: The future There’s a one-story house in which everything is yellow. Yellow walls, yellow doors, yellow furniture. What color are the stairs? Answer: There aren’t any—it’s a one-story house. What can you break, even if you never pick it up or touch it? Answer: A promise What goes up but never comes down? Answer: Your age What has many keys but can’t open a single lock? Answer: A piano






1.A man stands on one side of a river, his dog on the other. The man calls his dog, who immediately crosses the river without getting wet and without using a bridge or a boat. How did the dog do it? The river was frozen 2. I left my campsite and hiked south for 3 miles. Then I turned east and hiked for 3 miles. I then turned north and hiked for 3 miles, at which time I came upon a bear inside my tent eating my food! What color was the bear? White, since the only place you can do that is the North Pole and polar bears are the only kind of bears that live there. 3. A woman shoots her husband. Then she holds him under water for over 5 minutes. Finally, she hangs him. But 5 minutes later they both go out together and enjoy a wonderful dinner together. How can this be? The woman was a photographer. She shot a picture of her husband, developed it, and hung it up to dry. 4. What is special about these words: job, polish, herb? They are pronounced differently when the first letter is capitalized. 5. I am taken from a mine, and shut up in a wooden case, from which I am never released, and yet I am used by almost everybody. What am I? Pencil lead 6. What is harder to catch the faster you run? Your breath

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