TCSI Class Magazine Year 8 (B) E2 2021

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Year 8B Class Magazine 2020-2021

IT'S BETTER IN TCSI Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere. -Chinse proverb

APRIL 2021

Year 8B Class Magazine 2020-2021

IT'S BETTER IN TCSI Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere. -Chinse proverb

APRIL 2021


Editor's Note

Inhale, exhale. If there's one routine that


2 Editors 17


we were supposed to develop in the past year, it was taking deep breaths to


Big writes

realize that taking virtual/campus classes is a tough job. The completion of


homework or testing is a bummer, and at times, impossible. We (the editors) mapped our breaths as we stood on the fringes and watched the world undergo transformation during the

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Poems Entertainment Our class

crisis. A lot has changed and will continue to do so in 2021

-Huda Aziz Sunset

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APRIL 2021

s e t i r w Big Sunset

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APRIL 2021


By Salar Qureshi

One day, as I was watching the night sky on an outing trip with my friend, Shawn. We noticed a particularly bright clump of stars. As we stared at them, we noticed they were getting brighter, and it was getting hotter. As we took off our jackets to put them away, we heard a resounding BOOM. “What was that?” I cried. “To heck if I know...” Replied Shawn. As we advanced to the source of the sound it was getting hotter and hotter with every passing second. When we finally reached it, we noticed that it was a rock and an extremely hot one at that as it was radiating waves of heat. "It isn’t anything from this world, it’s texture and color is too different.” Stated Shawn who was an aspiring geologist. At this point, the heat was unbearable and small object started to rain down on us. At first, we thought were just bugs that were landing on our head but then we put our hands out. Small black things hit our hands and I grabbed one. It was a ROCK! Shawn and I looked at each other, confused. We heard another large explosion and I raised what was going on. “Shawn. We need to run...” I said in a deathly calm voice. “Why?” He exclaimed. “IT’S A DAMN METEOR SHOWER, THAT’S WHY NOW COME ON SHAWN!!!” I yelled franticly. We started running desperately to the car when a meteor fell right in front of us. Blocking our path and stopping us. As we went around it, we were just in time to see our car being crushed by an enormous meteorite. We yelled in shock and started running in the opposite direction. As we dashed away from the meteorite, panting and frantic, we eventually reached the end. It felt like an hour, but it only was 15 minutes. “Remind me to never come here again” I gasped out. “As long as you do the same” Shawn panted. We lay down on the ground and didn’t speak for a full 5 minutes. Trying to catch our breaths. “You want to go home man...” I sighed out. “Please” Shawn pleaded.


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APRIL 2021

THE AMAZON RAINFOREST The Amazon rainforest

By Huda Aziz

The Amazon rainforest is the world's largest tropical rainforest, also known as the Amazon jungle. It's lush, humid, and thick, and its home to 2.5 million insect species. The canopy is home to the bulk of the wildlife. Location The Amazon rainforest is located in South America, with 60 percent found in Brazil, followed by 13 percent in Peru, 10 percent in Colombia and minor amounts in Bolivia, Venezuela and other countries. Life Approximately 10,000 plants, 2000 birds and mammals, 428 amphibians and 2200 fishes have been scientifically classified in the region. Along with 16,000 tree species and 40,000 plants species. Among the largest predatory creatures are the Jaguars, Black Caimans and Anacondas. History Access to the forest was strictly restricted in the mid-1900s. In 1970, construction began on the Trans-Amazon highway, which was a major threat to the rainforest. Some of the rainforest was destroyed and used for livestock between 1991 and 2000. Between 2000 and 2005, 18 percent of the Amazon was lost due to deforestation. There were a number of fires in August 2019 that devastated half of the area and much of Brazil. The rainforest most likely developed during the Eocene epoch (from 56 million years to 33.9 million years ago). It appeared after the Atlantic Ocean had widened sufficiently to provide a warm, moist climate to the Amazon basin following a global reduction in tropical temperatures. The rainforest has been around for at least 55 million years, and most of the region was free of savanna-type biomes until the current ice age, when the climate was drier and savanna was more common.


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APRIL 2021


By Rudaba Abrar

Black, pitch black, locked eyes, silence… Gently, light seeped gradually into my eyes as I awoke. Lingering in my empty mind was only a damp cloth being thrown over my face and the world blending together becoming a blur. Frantically, I looked around swivelling my head back and forth trying to pin where I was. An idea urged to form in the void of my thoughts yet nothing came together except the image of the cryptic man that took me. Dark obsidian-like hair reflecting only the darkness you see when closed off to every jot of glimmering light, an immensely masculine facial structure, but the one feature that stood out to me most were his eyes holding heavy dejection. When I looked into them all I saw was agony and pain so strong that tears began to cascade down my cheeks. I could see in his eyes a cry for help, a scream so loud it echoed and even its echoes carried sorrow. They seized me pulling me deep in but then I saw a glow, a small speck of light; hope. The train came to a halt with a piercing screech, and I swiftly bolted out with a crooked figure following close behind me. I almost escaped but he grabbed my arm with a tight grip leaning closely to my ear and whispering faint words of desolation stopping me from going. Trying to wiggle my way out was of no use as he grasped my arm tighter with each movement constricting the little freedom I had. Hastily, he ran and with no other option, I followed as closely as his shadow which carried secrets even the blood that flowed through his veins couldn’t get a hold on. The breeze pushed me back brushing my face and setting my hair free as it danced through it until we finally reached to where he wanted to be; a bridge. Unhurriedly, he took the anchor away from his frozen body and pushed his broad shoulders to point in my direction.


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I have no one.” He whispered with a strain in his shaking voice, “I just needed someone, someone to be there as I loosen my grasp on life letting it slip away.” Speeding off onto the bridge, the seconds to think got shorter. “No!” I shrieked. To my disbelief he stopped running and stood there motionless. Even with the despondency swallowing him whole he paused. Gathering all my emotions, I walked towards him and sat at the edge of the bridge. Though the misery absorbed him and saturated his heart trickling slowly into his mind he lowered himself and sat beside me. His thoughts were like a caged bird yelping to be freed. We sat and watched as darkness towered over the sky. The blanket of obscurity laid itself flat as twinkling stars showered over it illuminating every corner. Streaks of light flashed from one place to the other as the radiant shooting stars left their paths. He let his story ooze out of him escaping his head. Listening immersed in his story, I pieced everything together. He then stood up again, but this time heading back. I went with him but for a brief moment peered back and thought of the scene. The opaqueness of the night was like mysteries, resentment, rage and gloom and the glowing stars symbolised hope and contentment. It was almost like his eyes.


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APRIL 2021

Reality began to slowly reveal itself again, and I snapped back in the train. At first, I looked around and the now unshackled boy was nowhere to be seen. But after he burst in and hurried me out without saying anything, a look of panic stuck across his face as he threw me out the carriage onto a patch of grass. As waterfalls ran out of his eyes he whimpered, “Sometimes we can’t rewrite destiny to fit our desires.” Those were his last words before the train ignited a raging fire. Ash rained down on every patch of the surrounding area. Deafening screams blared in the distance until it all soothed down to just the crackling of the fire, whistling of the trees and swaying of the grass. I got up and paced back and forth panting heavily trying desperately to slow down the thumping of my heart to a steadier beat. Unpredictably, a small note fell from my pocket and what was written left me incredulous. It was the exact location of the bridge where he was going to end it all. Every now and then I go there just to feel the sensation of once being able to glare into the eyes of the night.


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APRIL 2021


By Abdullah Lodhi

Vampires and werewolf have always been a myth but lt is said that they are sworn enemies. The werewolves hate the vampire because the vampires forced them into slavery, which triggered a war that lasted centuries. Vampires and werewolves are the same, each side thinks that they are the superior race, and they feel the need to go against each other to prove it. Both the sides have a weakness vampires can be weakened by vervain and werewolves can be weakened by wolfsbane. The werewolves arranged a truce with vampires for a long period of time until one dark night some vampires killed a werewolf in Mystic Falls. The werewolves found the body and planned to retaliate “they killed one of ours we will kill 10 of them!” said the werewolves. They find out where some of the vampires hang out, they trapped them and killed most of them and left one to send a message “Tell your people not to mess with us this is just the start if they try anything again there will be consequences” said the werewolves. When the vampires get the message they were furious and decide to punish them in a way they will never forget, “We should torture all of their loved ones and then kill all of them in front of them!” said the vampires. The vampires sneak into the werewolves hangout then captured some of the werewolves and took them to a black site to torture them, “Where are we what are u doing with us” said the werewolves. “You know how it works an eye for an eye hahaha!” Said the vampires. They tortured the werewolves all night and then hanged them where every werewolf can see the bodies.


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APRIL 2021

The werewolves found all the bodies and to pay respect to them they buried all the martyrs. “They were all good people they were our family and we have to honor them by taking our revenge and finish this once and for all we may be less in number but we can do it together!” Said the werewolf, the werewolves marched towards all the vampires together and called them out. “Well well well look at who is here you can not defeat us we are stronger faster and a lot more than you” said the vampires. “You may be more than us but our body is filled with revenge you killed all of our loved ones we have nothing to lose we may die today but not before We see your dead bodies”. Both the creatures run towards each other. As they are running the werewolves throw darts filled with vervain towards the vampires to weaken them and both sides attack, the werewolves started killing all the vampires one by one but then when the vervain started to wear off the vampires had gone wild they bit and scratched until some were left. “Any last words” said the vampires and as they were about to kill all of them they heard a loud sound, “what is that sound.” said the vampires and then they see a army of hybrids coming to attack them. The hybrids were the fastest strongest and the most powerful, they were werewolves and vampires. The hybrids killed the vampires one by one by one till all of them died. “Why did you help us” said the werewolves. “The vampires were reckless and tyrants they had to go and i know what it feels like to have your family killed.” Said the hybrids, “thank you for saving us” said the werewolves. Both the creatures went different ways and lived in peace.


APRIL 2021 | 10


By Malaika Kakar

I woke up to the email regarding my school trip to the Greek museum. I decided to go along with my friends. Worst decision of my life! It was extremely boring, to the point that I felt like dying! But the museum was beautiful though; ancient Greek letters carved onto the walls, pillars with beautiful designs related to Greek mythology. Our guide, however, had decided to make us all sleep because of his boring lectures. Yawning, I turned around, looking at the beautiful statues, my eyes happened to land upon a secluded dark corner, away from everyone's prying eyes. When I looked more carefully, something sparkly hit my eye. I thought it was a trick of the light, but a second later, something sparkled again. Without a second thought, I started walking towards it. The closer I got the more the sparkling increased. Suddenly, there was a huge flash before my eyes, like a bolt of thunder, before everything blacked out…. I was awoken by the sounds of people talking in an odd language. When I looked around, I was greeted by an unfamiliar view; lush green gardens, springing waterfalls, gentle breezes and people dressed in tunics flowing with every step they took. Everything felt surreal, almost magical! However, something did not feel right. An air of unease lingered about. A crowd of people were discussing something amongst themselves in the same odd language, but surprisingly, I could understand exactly what they were saying. They were talking about a viral outbreak in Athens, but the gods were unable to find a cure. I had never been as confused in my entire life as I was then! Why were these people talking about Athens? What gods? What was going on? Just where was I? I needed answers. I walked up to a woman, but I was not sure as to how I would communicate with her. Much to my surprise, I was able to fluently talk in the odd language I heard before.


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APRIL 2021

“Excuse me Miss,” I said, “If you don't mind me asking, could you please tell me where exactly this place is?” She looked at me as if I had a grown a pair of horns! “Young lady,” She replied, “Are you alright? Do you not recall who you are or where you are from? This is Mount Olympus, home of us gods!” To say I was shocked would be an understatement. I was stunned to silence! I just could not wrap my mind around the fact that I was in Olympus. Just how could that be possible? No matter how it all happened, I had to get back to my own time zone. I realized that if I wanted to go back I needed to gain the favour of the gods. Only they could send me back. Then it clicked to me, I could help in finding a cure for the outbreak as my grandmother had always been interested in making medicine out of herbs, and she taught me as well. From what I heard, Asclepius, the god of medicines was having a hard time finding a cure. That was it! That was my chance! Upon asking around, I found where Asclepius lived. It took a lot of effort on my part to convince him that I could help everyone, but I did manage to succeed. Together, we worked on the cure and managed to make enough for the entire city of Athens. Immediately the cure was supplied to the people of Athens. Soon enough, people started feeling better than before. Asclepius was overjoyed by the quick results. He then decided to introduce me to the twelve Olympians for he saw me worthy of a reward. Walking into the palace, I was nervous beyond comparison, but I could not help but admire the beauty of it; goldenfloored with spacious halls supported by magnificent Greek pillars, walls covered with paintings telling stories of all gods.


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APRIL 2021

I was led straight to the throne room where all twelve Olympians were present. Standing before them made me feel extremely intimidated, as I was everyone's centre of attention. “It has come to our attention that it was you who created the cure, young lady. Is that true?” inquired Zeus, who sat in biggest of all thrones present. “Yes, my Lord,” I answered. “In that case, we would like to reward for your deeds. You may ask for whatever you desire.” ,“My lord, my only wish is to have Chronos, the God of time, send me back to my time period. I have come from the future, somehow, and I simply wish to go back.” My demand was accepted and Chronos was immediately called upon. He tapped my forehead twice and the next thing I knew I was back in the museum, next to my classmates listening to the boring guide going on and on about an artefact. For a moment, I thought it was nothing but a daydream, but when I looked around, I spotted the same secluded dark corner, and then something sparkled exactly like before...


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APRIL 2021

s m Poe Sunset

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APRIL 2021

LOCKDOWN by Abdul Karim

Locked in, locked down, locked away from touch, Not before appreciating just how much I crave that gentle pressure on my skin, So warm, so connected, so reassuring. I miss the faces, I miss the smiles, A sacrifice we all make while The Bigger Picture looms dark overhead With so many sick and too many dead. It's tough on me and no doubt for you, And yet we must see this through, Onwards in our bubbles we hide, I'll see you on the other side!



APRIL 2021


by Sana Khalid

Driving through the night alone, Stopping in a spot to make through the night, Looking at the moon so bright, Watching the stars as they fall out of the sky. It’s a lonely night, Ever wondered through the clouds, Every one is speaking too loud. Walking on the road, Dancing in code, that how I reload, Looking at the moon and stars, Watching the stars as they fall out of the sky.



APRIL 2021


By Usman Kashif

I meandered desolately as the moon.

That drifts on high over the sky and space, At the top, I stopped and at once, caught sight of a group. A constellation, of shimmering stars; Above the ground, Above the sky, Sparkling and Twinkling in the night air glow. Stars that are continuous as they gleam. What's more, sparkle on the smooth way, They extended in a ceaseless line, similar to a team. Along the edge of the atmosphere like a straight bay: 10,000 or more saw I initially, Dancing in the dark sky brilliantly. A writer couldn't yet be upbeat. In a particularly jocund organization: I looked—and looked— yet little idea. What bounty or abundance the show to me had brought: For often, when on my lounge chair I lie In empty or in contemplative temperament. They streak upon that internal eye. Which is the joy of isolation; And afterward my heart with delight fills, What’s more, hits the dance floor with the Stars.


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APRIL 2021

t n e m n i a t r e t En


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APRIL 2021

RIDDLES What has 13 hearts but no other organ? What bank never has any money? What can be broken without being held? What has a neck, no head, two arms, no legs? A deck of cards A river bank A promise A shirt


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APRIL 2021


Selected by: Huda Aziz Taken from: Sunset

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s s a l c r Ou Sunset

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APRIL 2021

Happy summer vacation! We wish you have a great summer vacation full of joy and sunshine. Sunset

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APRIL 2021

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