TCSI Grade 11 Class Magazine 2020

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"True life is lived when tiny changes occur" -L eo Telstey


Issue 1/ Volume 1/ November 2020

Annual Class Magazine Year 11. Batch 2020-21

Edited by Ghaniyah Ahmar under the mentorship of Sir Kamran Ahmed

Table of

contents "How It All Started" "Long dreams" "In Search of My Self-States" "Cult" "What if the Prince never saved Snow White?"

"The Mask" "Deactivated"

Ghaniyah Verisha Simba Amaan Ammar Laiba Zainab

"An Unexpected Journey"


"Change the Story"


"I'll Be Good"


"Dark before the dawn"


A Sky of Shattered Dreams Until tomorrow

Minaam Rutba

Running away


A Murder at Westmore Theatre


This World Shall Know Pain

Abdul Shazif



Change the Story


Change the Future! Life doesn't always go the way you want it too...

Hadi Hamdan

Change the Story


Change the Story


Hidden Truth


Second Chance


Change the Story


The Lost Prince


After a Few Months


Change the Story Change the Story

Habeeb Abdur Rahman

The "Friendly" Intruding


Change the Story


Big Writes....

HOW IT ALL STARTED - Ghaniyah “Goodbye guys, we'll see you later!” Amy exclaimed, completely oblivious to what to about to

happen in the next couple of months. It was 14 th of June 2018, when they departed on their first mission to Mars. NASA had been trying to get to Mars for ages, and this time they had finally succeeded in building a satellite that would get them to Mars safely and back. Amy, Nate, aria, Jill ,and Stephanie had been chosen as the elected astronauts for this excursion, due to their excellence and superiority in their field of work. They were extremely elated due to this once in a lifetime opportunity. Little did they know, they were stepping into hell itself. The months passed by excruciatingly slowly, with them getting impatient and homesick day by day, just wanting to get to Mars, explore and head back home to receive their awards. “Guys, guys, guys! We're here, look outside!” Jill yelled, waking up the other 4, as they all jumped to their feet and hopped around with excitement. The satellite landed safely without any complications, and they immediately all got out, excitement brushing away all their fear and sense of danger. It was all barren, there was sand everywhere with no trees, no water, nothing. Just sand, no creatures in sight. They started walking around with their cameras, taking pictures, and trying to look for signs of life, or basically anything other than sand, when suddenly Nate collapsed. They all ran to his side, panicking and trying to get him back to the satellite, when suddenly Jill noticed a blood stain growing on the side of his chest. “Guys! Look! There's something here with us, something attacked Nate! We have to hurry up and get back to,” before Jill could finish her sentence, she felt somebody stabbing her with a knife, and she fell to the ground, bleeding profusely. The other 3, filled with adrenaline and fear, wasting no time, quickly picked her back up, and started running as fast as they could towards the satellite. They safely got in, closed the door behind them, and tried to get the satellite out of there, away from this estranged planet and back to earth. Amy turned on the radio, trying to get a signal and contact earth, while the other two tried to bandage up Jill and Nate. Suddenly, Amy felt a nerve wrecking pain running down her spine and before she could warn the other 2, her head fell against the controllers and she passed out. “Amy, did u get a signal?” Stephanie yelled from the other room, and upon no response from her, she started off towards the controllers to check up on Amy. “Omg Amy! Amy! Amy, wake up!” Stephanie yelled, running back to tell Aria that the mysterious, invisible creatures were in the satellite with them. As she reached the room, she saw aria passed out in a pool of her own blood, lying next to Nate and Jill. Startled, she ran back to the controllers, and tried to get the radio to work. “Help! Help! There's something here with us! I'm about to,” her voice died off as she felt a stabbing pain in her ribs, and clutching her chest, she fell to the ground, wincing in pain. “Guys, are you there? What do you mean there is something there with you guys? Are you guys ok?” came a voice from the radio. “Yah, everything is perfectly fine. That was just a false alarm, we're all good,” came Jill's voice. It couldn't be, Jill was dead, Stephanie thought, as everything went black.

“Everything went perfectly, they're all dead, we're on our way to earth right now,” Amy said to

the radio, except that wasn't Amy. All of the astronauts were dead, and the invisible creatures had possessed their bodies, and were now on their way to earth, to proceed with their plan to eliminate all humans, and take over earth. This plan had been in motion for years, and it was finally happening. Aliens had been waiting for humans to get to Mars for ages, since the only way they could get to earth was through a satellite. The plan was to get to earth, taking a virus with them that would eventually wipe out a lot of the human population, and then send satellites back to Mars to bring more aliens to earth, and infiltrate the planet. They were hungry for power, and more land and more riches, even though they already had plenty of that on Mars. Months passed by, and before they knew it, they were in earth's orbit, planning their landing, and going over their plan, to make sure everything went smoothly. “They're back, congratulations guys, how was your journey?” everybody was welcoming them back, all excited and curious to hear all about Mars, and this excursion. Interviews were being planned out, as everybody wanted to know how humans' first trip to Mars had been and whether it was possible for humans to migrate and survive there, due to the growing overpopulation crisis. Giving short, mundane replies, they excused themselves by saying that they were tired at the moment but would love to give more details maybe in a couple of days. “Omg, humans are so annoying, why were they literally bugging us so much, I just wanna get this over with and get back to Mars,” Nate complained. “Shut up! We have no time to complain right now, we have a mission to accomplish,” Amy retorted. They were in a hotel room together, their papers and the virus with them. “Ok, so basically we were told that all we have to do is inject this virus into one person and sit back and let it do its job, while we plan on getting back to Mars to bring more of us here,” Stephanie explained. They discussed the details and it was decided that Jill would be that one to carry out the honors. “Aria, are you ok? You've seemed a bit different ever since you got back, did something happen out there?” Aria's roommate Camilla asked, as they were sitting in the living room , watching the news reporter say something about the recent outbreak of a new virus. “Yah, I'm fine, I'm just tired,” aria replied absentmindedly, too preoccupied with the news to pay attention to Camilla. “Whatever you say, so what are you wearing to dinner at caitlyn's tomorrow?” Camilla enquired. “What dinner?””you know her birthday dinner.””oh yah, I don't know, I'll just wear whatever,” aria responded before walking back to her room. Camilla sat there thinking something was up, she could feel it in her gut, and she decided to get to the bottom of this. The next morning, she went to grab coffee with Hannah, a mutual friend of hers and aria's. “Did you hear the news about the new virus that's been all over the news?”” Yah bro, it's so scary, they don't even have a vaccine for it, and it's spreading so fast.””COVID-19 was the last thing we needed this year, 2020 was going to be a great year. Now we'll probably have lockdown or something. Anyways, did you notice something different about aria, like ever since she's been back, it's like she's a different person.”” Now that you mention it, she does seem different, like when I went to meet her, she didn't even recognize me, I just assumed it was because we hadn't met in a while,” Hannah replied. The entire day, Camilla kept on suspecting something, maybe it was because she had read too many sci-fi books, but she felt like something was off. The next day, while aria was out, she decided to go to

her room and look around a bit to clear up her suspicion. She couldn't find anything in there, but as she was leaving, she saw a paper sticking out from one of the books on her desk. She pulled it out, and gasped as she saw the word virus on it. Suddenly, she heard somebody opening the apartment door. She quickly took a picture of the paper, put it back in its place, and ran out, closing the door softly behind her. Back in her room, she pulled out her phone and looked at the contents on the paper. It said “inject this virus into a human, and let it spread and destroy the human race� along with a bunch of logistics and details that sounded awfully lot like COVID-19. Baffled, she sent the picture to Hannah, and they debated what to do with it. The way they had mentioned humans in the paper made it seem like this wasn't written by a human, and because of all the sci-fi Camilla had previously read over the span of her life, she came to the conclusion that aria had been abducted and replaced by an alien. They contacted friends of the other astronauts, who had been to Mars with aria, and enquired them about whether they had noticed any differences about them. They all agreed and decided to explore a bit more to figure out what was really going on. Over the next couple of days, they searched all of their rooms, eves dropped whenever they could, and tried to piece everything together. They found a bunch of papers confirming that they were in fact aliens, and that the astronauts had been killed by them. Also they found out what their plan was, with the virus and everything. They were in contact with the other aliens on Mars, planning on taking satellites there, and bringing them to earth. By the time they discovered all of this, Covid-19 had already killed so many people and caused a lot of damage overall. Now they had to find the cure as soon as possible, before things got even worse. They informed the fbi about this,but because they weren't informed about aliens and the extent of their powers, they couldn't hold them in captivity yet. They had to find a cure for the virus and send these aliens back to space. One day, as Camilla was heading to the kitchen to prepare coffee for herself, she overhead aria talking about how the cure was hidden in the satellite and how humans hadn't figured it out yet due to their stupidity. She quickly informed everybody, they found the vaccine, and gave it to the people infected by the virus, who were in urgent need, secretly as to not raise suspicion. By this time, the fbi had finished working on a massive bomb, placed in the satellite, that would self destruct after 3 months, long enough for the aliens to be out of earth's orbit, thus killing them all without causing any damage to earth or humans. This way, the satellite would be wrecked, rendering it useless, leaving the aliens with no alternative to ever return to earth. And the aliens in the satellite would be killed, which would make it impossible for them to deliver any useful information to the other aliens. Meanwhile, NASA had been pretending to be oblivious to the whole aliens situation, and pretending they were just astronauts being sent off to Mars for another mission, as to not raise any suspicion. As the day of the take off arrived, the aliens got into the satellite, not knowing that humans had figured out and sabotaged their plans. They took off into space to get the other aliens to earth with them, happy with their success. Little did they know, halfway through their journey, the satellite was going to blow up, killing all 5 of them, leaving the other aliens with no other way to get to earth.

Long dreams - Verisha A while back, I had a very fascinating case where the patient claimed to be having dreams that lasted for an eternity. At the time, I didn't quite believe my patient but…soon enough, I would find out how wrong I really was. This was around the time when my colleague, Doctor Rita, had been newly employed under my supervision in a local hospital. She and I, both specialized in cognitive neuroscience. As I recall, it was the last day of March and Rita- who at the time was taking shifts with me- had just announced that she would be going home after handing me a patient file. I didn't get many intriguing cases but this time it would be different. As I was reading the file, a pale, scrawny- and frankly- an exhausted man slouched in and took a seat in front of me. I looked at the bio and found that his name was Will Graham; he was 42 and had no family. At first, I felt the urge to ask if he was okay but obviously, if he were, he wouldn't have been in the room. Instead I asked, “Tell me what's wrong.” I waited for an answer but got none. Then I asked again, “Mr. Graham, please discuss your issues with me.” A few seconds passed and a raspy voice with a hint of desperation answered back, “Doctor, I've been having long dreams.” At first, I thought it was an awkward attempt at a joke so I didn't hold back a chuckle. Unfortunately, he could sense my uncomfortable laugh and said, “That wasn't a joke, doctor. These dreams keep getting longer and longer.” He explained in a tired exhale, “At first, they lasted 3 to 4 days but gradually, they've started to get longer. All this would be fine if they were normal dreams but most of my dreams are nightmares! I dreamt last night that I was an army soldier who was fighting a war for 10 years! I saw my friends and comrades die in front of me for 10 years! Doctor, you have to help me. I'm afraid that if this keeps up, my dreams will last forever!” I had listened silently, very well aware of his situation. After a long pause, I finally replied, “Mr. Will, they are dreams and nothing more. They're just illusions.” He replied back with a seemingly rehearsed line- as if he'd said it multiple times to others, “All that's true, but the dreams are starting to interfere with my normal life. I can't even remember what I had for breakfast yesterday!” Over my years of experience, I had never seen a man so desperate for help like Will, but asking me to believe in “long dreams” felt more of a demand than a plead. Even so, I still had my doubts about his situation. But just to prove that he was fine, I finally gave in. “Very well. We'll admit you to the hospital.” I continued with assurance, “We'll monitor your sleep patterns and run some tests on your brain to look for any disturbances in your brain-wave activity.”

The following day, I asked Will to be admitted in the hospital just as I said I would. In truth, it was an inconvenience. Why did I need to waste my time on something completely ludicrous? Unfortunately, I didn't have much of a choice in the matter. And so it went, my team and I stayed up all night in a standard examining lab just to prove a point. During sleep, a person's conscience delivers the day's acquired memories through neuron pathways into the subconscious and a dream is a side effect of this phenomenon. Many claim that they don't have dreams. It's the brain's way of processing memories, they just simply don't have any recollection of them. These Dreams only occur in your deepest sleep- in a single moment, called the “Deep Sleep Paradox�. Though many say that they dream the whole night, they usually dream for a single moment. After all, the human mind works at a fast pace. As we waited silently in the lab, Will finally reached the sleep paradox. Almost instantaneously, his brain-wave activity spiked uncontrollably. I rushed to him so I could check his eye movement but they were rapidly moving as though he was being possessed. Then it stopped as quickly as it had happened. At that moment, a cold shiver went up my spine. I knew, then, that Will Graham wasn't lying about his condition. Now that I had found out about his condition, the real issue was a cure. How was I to cure him of this illness if I had no idea what the cause was? I decided it best to continue examining and testing him while also researching ways to fix him. As the days went by, Will's health started to decline due to the continuous lengthening dreams. His dreams had reached to the point of a hundred years. He'd gone to the future and back. Many would still insist that they're still merely dreams and that nothing can be done. But the problem arose when his appearance started to change. Almost as if he had both witnessed and acquired human evolution. His head had increased in length, leaving traces of his jet-black hair; veins bulged from underneath his parched skin; the pupils of his eyes were contracted and bloodshot; nose upturned; bony fingers and feet. Not only that, but his ability to recall memories of the previous day had been completely disrupted. To him, the events that took place the previous day occurred a hundred years ago. Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, they got worse. I had recently gotten another patient whose symptoms were just as odd as Will's. Sarah was diagnosed with Thanatophobia- a fear of dying. However, her case was less severe. Sarah had an abnormal fear.

We were doing everything we could to cure her of the illness but even the antipsychotics weren't working anymore. She wouldn't eat or drink because she thought the “Grim Reaper” would “take” her away- she even reported seeing one. I had just checked up on her to see how her treatments were going. Unfortunately, nothing had changed. Then it was time to check up on Will. As I opened Will's door, I got a good look at him. He had developed a sensitivity to the light so we had to leave the blinds drawn. His way of speech had changed too, as though he had forgotten how to speak. “How are you feeling today, Will?” I asked quietly. “Hhhhhhnnnnnnnnmmmmm” his cry was so desperate that I felt guilt creep inside me. “Who…..are you? Where am…I?” “I'm your primary neurologist, Doctor Mikkelson. You've been in this hospital for almost three months now.” I replied with a rehearsed tone. “Where is……wife…? Never left….side for years hhhhnnnnnnnnmmmm….Sarah?” After seeing my confused face, Will started to anxiously look around the room- as if searching for someone. “S-Sarah! Where is….?!” As he continued to cry out for his “wife”, it took me a moment to realize that he had been talking about my other patient. With a jolt of intuition, I realized that he must've sleepwalked into Sarah's room the night she claimed to have seen a Grim Reaper. My theory had been cut short when Will started to get out of his bed. In a panic, I tried to calm him down. “Will, you were dreaming! You don't even know Sarah! Snap out of it! It was only a dream!” Instead of calming down, he bolted for the door and ran straight towards Sarah's room. By the time I got there, I could hear loud screaming. “Get away from me! I don't want to die! Please don't take me! I don't want to go!” I guessed that the scream had come from Sarah, thinking Will was the Grim Reaper. “Sarah….? W-What's wrong….? Hhhnnnnnnnnnnmmmm Don't….remember?” Disappointment had started to well up inside Will. My nurses took Will back to his dorm while I tried to calm Sarah down with some tranquilizers. When Will and Sarah both had calmed down, I went to talk to Will. After explaining to him that it was a dream and nothing more, Will finally responded, “I see…….only dream? Good times were dream…?” “I'm afraid so.” “Cure! Find cure! ” He cried desperately. “Hhhhnnnnnnnnnmmm dreams…….longer and longer-” He waved his bony hands aimlessly, looking as though he had forgotten the rest of his sentence. I had no response to that. All I could do was watch helplessly. My research was a dead end and I had no cure for him. I couldn't even cure a girl's phobia. What kind of a doctor was I?

That night I examined Will's sleep once again. As I stared into the monitor, Will's brain-waves slowly rose towards the red line, before finally flat-lining. I instantly figured that Will had reached his eternal dream. I asked myself what an eternal dream even looked like. Would he stay sleeping forever? Would his mind venture off into a made-up reality? I didn't close my eyes for a single moment as I waited for dawn. When I finally looked over at Will, to my horror I saw that his body had crumbled to a husk. As the wind rolled in through the vents, the husk particles scattered everywhere in the room. I looked around in fascination and noticed an unknown material hidden beneath them. It was shiny and hard, like a crystal. No matter how much I examined the crystals, I just couldn't get a connection between them and the long dreams. The only way to know for sure was to test it on a human subject. The next week, Rita and I were supposed to meetup and discuss new cures for Sarah. When she said that Sarah was a lot calmer and less phobic than before, a smile crept up on my face. She mentioned to me that Sarah was reporting strange and lengthy dreams and that her concern was that what if Will's symptoms were contagious. I know I shouldn't have been excited. I know I should've been ashamed of myself but the idea of eternal dreaming stuck to me. Wouldn't it be achieving eternal life if we dreamed forever? Wouldn't we live on forever? I decided to check up on Sarah myself to witness the marvel of eternal life. “How are you today, Sarah?” “Doctor, I have been having strangely long dreams. But…I feel so much better.” She continued with a faint smile, “I think I'm finally starting to react to the antipsychotics. Your treatments are working.” I noticed a slight change of appearance in her but that was a minor sacrifice for eternal life and human evolution. Not only that, but her fear of death had started to subside. Should I have been ashamed? Should I have been accused of unethical behavior? Truth is scientists and we doctors are willing to do anything in the name of science. I couldn't save Will but I could save Sarah, and that's exactly what I did. I cured Sarah of her illness.

In Search of My Self-States - Simba Change is something we all go through, we become completely unrecognisable to ourselves as time goes on, one minute you are shy and timid, the next you are loud and rambunctious. You could say that there is an unquenchable desire for change, in whatever form it may appear to us, we all seek it, oblivious of its detriment to our being. One thing about change is that it is not always apparent, it is like a snake in the grass you only notice it when it is too late. We lose pieces of ourselves as we transition through life, some we give up willingly, but others are ripped from our clutches, and slowly but surely huge holes start to form in the puzzle that is us. This slow deterioration can leave you feeling lost and without a sense of purpose, like you can no longer speak for your self-states. The quest for the lost pieces of your self-states can lead you down perilous roads, ones often filled with static and noise. This is where I would say my journey begins because I can barely remember anything before this. My life became so consumed by this pursuit that I do not even remember who I was before this. If I had to pinpoint where exactly I lost myself, if one can even recognise when they are too far gone, it all began as to say with a fire. Imagine waking up from a dream, one so real it felt like it superseded reality, seeing glimpses of yourself dark and distorted, almost unrecognisable but feeling a keen sense of familiarity with each of these monsters. Then being jolted out of this alternate reality by the smell of gasoline, a smell so intense it envelops your entire being and it is all your senses could focus on. I open my eyes to see myself surrounded by an equally mesmerising yet terrifying inferno. Covered in gasoline and smothered by embers, how I was not ingulfed by this beast, is a question that still runs through my mind to this day. I quickly ran through the intense smog, looking for any way out, several thoughts running through my mind. Who was I and how did I get here?

Running through the almost never-ending hallways, looking for a way out and only being met by more plumes of smoke, is when I saw it. A way out, with a renewed sense of life, I ran for the door barely making it as my vision was fading in and out. I put my hand on the handle and opened the door, singeing my hand in the process, regardless of the pain I was finally out and all I could do was gasp for air. My vision blurry and lungs filled with smoke, all I could see were flashing lights and the ever so loud murmur of a crowd. Then a firm hand sent me crashing back down to reality. Surrounded by firefighters and a crowd getting larger by the minute, I realised I was still alive. 'Are you ok ma'am' asked the firefighter in a whisper like cadence trying too hard not to alarm me. I nod my head in response as I barely have the energy or ability to muster up even a grunt of agreement. 'The paramedics will be taking you to the hospital so they can have a closer look at your injuries' with an escalating urgency in his voice. I did not even get time to respond before they were hauling me off to the ambulance.

Rushed into an emergency room on a stretcher by a pair of paramedics, the led lights flooding my vision and the sound of my wheels turning getting impossibly loud. All I could focus on was the sound of my heartbeat, so loud it sounded like a hummingbird flapping its wings. The next thing I remember was the doctor telling me to breathe. 'Can you breathe for me; we want to see if we have to put on a ventilator' with a facade of calmness on his face. An immense send of fear suddenly rushed over me because I realized, I might not make it. My vision fading in and out, I eventually passed out and the calm but stern voice of the nurse arose my senses. She sounded so familiar, but when I opened my eyes to greet her, she was not there. I was instead met with the piercing grimance of a police officer, who to my surprise was very soft spoken 'We would like to ask you a few questions about the incident down at the station, if that's okay with you' he said almost muttering as he was trying not to shock me. I rub my eyes viscously, as if trying to wake myself up from a dream although to my dismay, I am very much awake.

I work up enogh energy to get out of bed and follow the officer. I needed answers and this could be a way of getting them.We arrive at the precinct and I felt oddly acquainted with it, but not the form it currently possesses, but some distant almost phantom like recollection of it. The officer takes me to the interrogation room and several officers walk in and out, each with a look of astoundment on their faces, until one finally sits down. With a notepad in hand, he asks me generic questions about why I was there and if I had any malicious intentions, to which I sternly answer 'No'. He keeps on prying and I eventually burst and say, 'I don't even remember who I am'. Both of us frustated as it looks like neither of us would get what we wanted; I ask to go to the bathroom.

I burst into the bathroom, frustated and exhausted and I walk up to the sink and look into the mirror disturbed. I do not even recognise myself, I smash the mirror and cut my hand in the process. Blood dripping into the sink, I look at the several shards of glass on the floor and I see it, flashes of realities that seem familiar yet so distant. I hear voices I feel like I have not heard in hundreds of years call out to me. I run of the precinct, there was nothing they could do for me there. Only I could find the missing pieces of my being and it begins with finding out why the fire was started that night.

Cult - Amaan Pre-teen student Cole is bullied by his neighbor Jeremy, but his babysitter Bee stands up for him and scares Jeremy off. The following day, when his parents go out for an overnight stay at a hotel, Bee and Cole spend quality time together until he has to go to bed. Cole is encouraged by a text from his other neighbor and best friend Melanie to go see what Bee gets up to after he goes to sleep. He sees Bee and several of her high school friends (Max, John, Allison, Sonya, and Samuel) playing a game of truth or dare formatted as a game of spin the bottle. However, as Bee kisses Samuel on a dare, she pulls two daggers from behind her back and stabs him in the skull. The others collect Samuel's blood, revealing themselves to be members of a demonic cult. Cole hurries to his room where he calls 911, puts on his shoes, and finds his pocket knife. He pretends to be asleep as Bee and the cult members enter his room to draw a sample of his blood. After they leave, he tries to escape out the window but Bee stays in the room, and Cole passes out from the exhaustion and loss of blood. Bee and her cult question Cole, while fending off his questions by saying it was a science project. When the cops arrive, Max kills one of them with a poker, but the cop accidentally shoots Allison in the chest, while Bee and Max kill the other cop. Bee forces Cole to give them the police code to call off the other cops. While Allison complains about being shot, Cole rushes up the stairs; John pursues him, but is pushed over the banister, landing on a trophy that impales his neck. Cole escapes out his bedroom window and hides in the crawlspace under his house. Although Sonya finds him, he traps her in the basement and then ignites a firework rocket and bug spray, blowing her up. After showing appreciation for Cole's ingenuity, Max chases Cole up a tree house; he is killed when he falls and is hanged by the rope swing. Cole escapes to Melanie's house, but Bee follows him. While hiding in a room, Cole apologizes to Melanie for dragging her into this situation and assures her that he is going to take care of things. He asks Melanie to call the police, then she kisses Cole before he leaves. Cole returns to his house to find Allison, who tries to kill Cole with a kitchen knife; she is instead shot in the head with a shotgun by Bee. Bee explains to Cole that when she was young, she made a deal with the Devil to get whatever she wanted by sacrificing innocent people and spilling their blood on an ancient book while reciting its verses. Although she wants him to join her, Cole refuses and burns the spell book. He rushes to Melanie's house to take her dad's car, and drives it to his house while Bee tries to rescue the book from flames in the living room. After crashing the car into her, they have one last emotional farewell before Cole climbs out of the wreckage. As the police and emergency crew arrive, Cole tells his parents that he no longer needs a babysitter. Later, a firefighter going through Cole's house is attacked by Bee. Two years after the events of the first film, Cole is now a junior in high school. He is unable to convince anyone except for his best friend Melanie that a satanic cult led by his former babysitter Bee really tried to kill him. However, Cole finds out that his parents have enrolled him in a psychiatric school, and he escapes with Melanie alongside her new boyfriend Jimmy, and their friends BoomBoom and Diego to join a lake party. At the party, Cole witnesses the arrival of new student Phoebe at the lake after finding a stuffed toy and directions to the lake. Later, Cole's friends play a party game on a boat when Melanie suddenly slits Boom-Boom's throat with a boathook and saves her blood. Melanie, Jimmy and Diego are revealed as cult members. With Boom-Boom's blood as a sacrifice, they need Cole's blood as an offering of an "innocent" to make their wishes come true. Original cultists Sonya, Allison, Max, and John also appear, having been resurrected so they could partake in the ritual by sunrise. However,

Phoebe suddenly appears, looking for gas for her jet ski, and provides Cole with some time to evade the cult members and escape with Phoebe on her jet ski. Once on land, Cole explains everything to Phoebe, who believes him, while the cultists give chase. Sonya makes the first attempt to kill them, but they end up running her over with a car left by a stranger and decapitate her with a surfboard. Allison finds them, but the two trap her between a narrow wedge of rocks and rip her head off. The two board a boat and drive off, but Max catches the raft attached to the back of the boat and is able to pull himself onto the boat. However, Phoebe sets him on fire with a can of silly string and a lighter, then shreds him with the boat's propellor. Diego and Jimmy supernaturally disintegrate when they attempt to back off from their pursuit of Cole. Cole and Phoebe arrive at Phoebe's old family cabin, where they take refuge and hope to wait out the night. In the cabin bunker, Phoebe reveals to Cole that her parents died because she crashed into them in a fatal car accident. Cole comforts her, and the two have deep conversation about their

flaws. Melanie calls Cole's father Archie, who has been searching for him alongside Melanie's father Juan, and fakes being drunk so that he can pick them up, hoping to lure Cole out. Cole and Phoebe come out of the bunker armed with crossbows and John accidentally kills himself when a chandelier crashes on him. Archie gives Cole a sleeping drug so he can take him to his car as Melanie kills Juan with a machete and captures Phoebe at knifepoint While stopping for gas, Cole regains consciousness, locks Archie out of the car, and drives back to the lake to save Phoebe. In a cove, Melanie holds Phoebe hostage before Cole shows up and volunteers to be sacrificed. Bee emerges from the water and is revealed to be Phoebe's babysitter who was responsible for the car accident that killed her parents. She made a deal with the devil to save Phoebe's life in exchange for her soul. Sonya, Allison, Max, and John are resurrected again, and the four alongside Melanie drink the blood of Cole mixed with Boom-Boom's blood. However, since Cole has had sex with Phoebe, the ritual backfires and the five melt and disintegrate. Bee, who did not drink the blood, reveals that she orchestrated everything so that Phoebe and Cole could unite and defeat the cult, having had a change of heart after Cole's love confession after her initial defeat. However, since Bee is still technically a demon, she drinks the blood and disintegrates to save the two. Archie shows up and, having witnessed Bee's death, now believes what Cole said was true. As the sun comes up, Cole and Phoebe embrace in a hug. However the two can't find the devil's book, Cole stresses to find the devil's book. They wearily scan they area but no chances of the book, Phoebe reckons that Bee must've destroyed the book herself, this eventually releases the load of the two. Meanwhile Cole's dad finally believed “That it happened”, worn out Cole is reunited with his dad. Archie has a change of expression he later takes Cole and Phoebe to a gas station at the nearby highway, he leaves without the regret of Juan realising that he was junkie who was dragging him along the way. He also thinks that Juan's self centred attitude and giving lack of attention of Melanie caused this chaos. Archie is astonished by Cole and Phoebe's bonding despite knowing each other fairly for only a day. Archie decides to convince his wife not to keep Cole on redundant medical intake and dropping the idea of psychiatry school. 2 months later, an unstable infuriated man named Davis drives down to the seashore near Phoebe's cabin. He's urged to pull his own hair out after losing his dream job he thought he would never lose. He takes a moment to sit at the seashore and wonder what went soo wrong. Davis decides to placate himself by going for a short swim. He dives deep into the sea to wipe out the negative energy inside him and start over. Davis sees right through the crystal clear water and finds himself a book which he takes with him on the way back to the shore. Davis looks into the book and… it's not just a book... it's the DEVIL's BOOK. The book is still intact, Davis isn't thinking straight after having a bad day, Davis has desires like everyone else. Davis wants vengeance. Davis has formed an alliance with the devil. Davis shall be the next leader of the DEMONIC CULT!

What if the Prince never saved Snow White? - Ammar In a cottage, in the woods, Snow white takes an apple from a stranger. She ends up taking a bite of the poison apple which leads her falling to the ground. The Evil Queen, still in disguise, laughs and leaves Snow's sleeping body on the floor. The Evil Queen had finally fulfilled her malicious task of getting rid of Snow. She would once again be the fairest in the Land! The dwarves arrive just after, finding Snow White in an ageless sleeping curse. They knew this was the work of the Evil Queen and they had to save Snow but how? The dwarves weren't specialized in magic and didn't know how to wake her up but they had to find out soon. Meanwhile, in the palace, the Evil Queen checks in with her Magic Mirror. The Mirror said that she was finally the fairest in the Land but Snow White could still be awoken by the Prince's kiss. "I don't need to worry about that, I locked him up and there's nothing that can save her!", she says as she laughs. 2 years later~ Since Snow White was asleep and couldn't stop her, the Evil Queen had wreaked havoc over the entire kingdom. The kingdom had fallen into its lowest point. The people were left to starve, the economy was crashing and the Queen would just sit on her throne laughing at all the misery the people were experiencing. She found pleasure in their pain. She would kill anyone who would try to escape. The people were trapped. Meanwhile, in the cottage, the dwarves had made a clear cofin for Snow White to lay in. They were going to find the prince to help wake Snow up but little did they know that Snow's soul was trapped in her dreams the whole time. Snow White had been trying to wake up for 2 years. Her dream world was similar to the real world and she had to travel through her dreams to find a solution to waking up but it was difficult as her physical body was still asleep. Snow's soul needed to figure out how to save herself from the curse and wake up as she couldn't rely on the prince anymore. She walked around the cottage but it all was warped and blurry since she was still her dream relm. She stumbled upon a floating fairy-like spirit. It was Snow's dream spirit. It was there to help her out of this curse. Snow's dream spirit told her to go to the castle and confront the Queen. "How can I confront her?", she asked, "this is still a dream. I couldn't fight her because none of this is real"

The spirit explained that the sleeping curse was linked to the Queens Magic Mirror. If she went to the Castle and destroyed the Magic Mirror, it would stop the Queen's Magic and wake her up. Even though she was in a dream, she could still destroy the magic as even magic has it's limits. In the real world, the dwarves had reached the castle. They found out that the prince was locked up and they were going to try to save him. They slowly made their way to the musty dungeon. It was dark and each cell was full of corpses. They found the prince! He looked terrible, he was clearly starving and weak from being there for two years. They tried to break the locks and get him out. It took a while but they were successful. They quickly helped him up and out of the dungeon but one of the Queen's guards had seen them. He quickly ran after them. The dwarves and the prince ran and lost him. They just had to climb over the castle wall to escape. All the seven dwarves made it out but just when it was the Prince's turn, the Queen found them. The Queen and all her Gaurds surrounded him. The dwarves watched from behind the wall. The Queen hadn't spotted them. "I should have killed you", said the Queen as she signaled the guards to kill him. They stabbed the prince and killed him. He slowly bled out to his death. The Queen laughed. The dwarves were terrified. They had lost the only thing that could wake Snow up. They had to get away before they could get caught so they had left the poor prince to die alone in the dungeon. While this happened, in the dream realm, Snow had reached the castle. She was ready to destroy the mirror! She grabbed a rock and went to the Queen's room where she had found the Mirror. The Magic Mirror knew why she was here. "Foolish girl, u can't defeat me. This is my curse!", said the mirror. The mirror used its magic to break Snow's legs. She screamed in pain as she bled everywhere but as painful as it was, she was reminded that this is all still a dream and she knew that magic still has loops around it. "It might be your curse but this is my dream!", she said in pain as she grabs a rock and throws it at the mirror, shattering it into a hundred peices. The magic was weakened and the Queen was powerless. Just then, she wakes up! The curse was broken. She was back in the real world. The dwarves were back and saw that Snow was up. The rejoiced but now they had to make sure the Queen would be gone for good. Now that the Queen was powerless, it was upto Snow to make sure she could harm no one again. Snow grabbed a sword and with the help of the dwarves they headed to the castle. The Queen didn't know what was wrong with her magic but she felt weak. She knew that Snow White was her undoing. Just then, Snow arrived at the Palace confronting the Queen. She plunged the sword through the Queen's heart which killed her. Without her magic, the Queen was finally dead! A few months later, the kingdom was restored to the once happy place it was, with Snow white as its new Queen. Everything was back to normal. Snow sat on her throne as the kingdom was finally at peace.

The Mask - Laiba Emma was your average girl, she had good grades and wonderful parents and everything a girl could ask for , but she has possessive boyfriend who would do anything for her . Emma recently broke up with him and is now living happily with her parents . “darling, get up it's time for school “ I heard my mon's sweet voice . I yawned and stretched before heading towards the powder room and getting ready . As I trudged down the stairs , I grabbed an apple and took a bite out of it . It was as red as a beetroot, though it wasn't a beetroot ,it was an apple. I kissed my mom's soft cheek and headed outside , starting the bike that my boyfriend gifted me . I rode off to Clamsworth junior high- my school . When I reached I walked towards my locker and collected my books for my Econ class , it's my favorite subject. I sat towards the window and started making notes when suddenly I felt someone's eyes on me . I turned around and was met with red eyes with dark circles , they were creepy, intact he was creepy , he was just plain weird . Scared, I shifted my seat far from his gaze . Halfway through the class , I could still feel someone's eyes on me , it must be him , I thought to myself . I looked and it was indeed him . He wouldn't stop staring at me . I looked at his desk , nothing but his phone and it looked familiar , it was the phone my boyfriend had . I shook my head to forget about it and pay attention to the class . I am at home now , I cant stop thinking about that man, something is off about him . He seems like he knows me . I decided to take a walk outside to get fresh air . “Mom, I am goingbout just for a sec” I exclaimed “Sweetie, be careful “ my mom replied . I went outside and when I was done I felt someone running towards me , I was too slow and react and the next thing I know is being hit with a bat. I woke up and saw I was in someone else's bed “Water” the guy came with a glass “ Who are you and where am I ?” I questioned him , demanding answers . He just looked at me , but didn't answer . “ wait, you are the guy in my Econ class “ I said with realization . “ I like you “ he said in a formal tone “ WHAT!?” “Why are you acting all normal all of the sudden “ I questioned him once again “STOP WITH THE QUESTIONS!” He shouted , his veins popping from his neck . Wow I thought to myself bipolar much . He saw me scared and his eyes softened “ Look, I am sorry , it's hard to explain” he said calmly “ What's your name?” He hesitated and he avoided eye contact “ Jeremy” he said “ Jeremy Hopkins” . Something seems odd , but I can't figure out what . “ Can I go home please?my parents will be worried “I pleaded with tears in my eyes . He shook his head “ You know you will be in trouble right, police will arrest you , you creep” I spat “ I am not a creep, I love you” he said and went out of the room .

Hours later , I was starving and he came back with food . It was Mac n cheese , my favorite meal of all time , how did he know about it ? I greedily finished it and thanked him . He hugged me without my permission and I sniffed his perfume , it reminded me of my boyfriend, he wore the same cologne . Out of nowhere , he slammed his phone and went out crying . He changes his moods rather quickly I thought to myself . He came back with a knife and started carving his name on my wrist “ Stop, you creep” I cried out “ God, it hurts “ I pleaded . He stopped once he was done and looked at me with hurt in his eyes “ Oh no, no , I am so sorry Emma , please forgive me, what have I done ?” He grabbed his air and started yanking it . He quickly rushed and came with a bandaid and alcohol to stop the bleeding . “ Let me go please, I promise I won't tell anyone “ I said “ Lies” he replied “ I love you, I always have , but you betrayed me , you left me “ he cried “ what are you talking about?” I asked him curiously , I have never been with him . He came to realization on what he has said and wiped his tears with his sleeve . “ Forget that, I didn't mean it “ with that he left the room. He came back with a blanket and plays a movie and it turned out to be my favorite one . “ How did you know I liked this ?” Silence no words, except his expression of regret . I decided to watch the movie , halfway through I felt my eyes closing and I slept . I woke up and remembered the strange dream I saw . “ good morning “ he said with shy grin , but it quickly faded once he looked down at my wrist. He shook his head and kissed my cheek . Tears ran down my eyes, “ if you love me , let me go “ I said “ I love you , that's why I can't let you go “ he replied . He went out and I quickly ran towards the kitchen and grabbed butler knife and went back to my bed hiding the knife behind . He came back and I faked crying “ oh, no don't cry , please don't cry” he cooed , he hugged my and as I was about to stab him , he grabbed my wrist and I struggled to let go of his grip . “ I saw you on camera ,Emma” he said . He forced my hands down the table and started playing the knife game , where he stabbed between my fingers , he kept increasing his pace “Jeremy, stop “ I pleaded and he did . What a psycho I thought to myself . He threw the knife away and I winced at the sound it made . He started crying “ What is wrong with you ?” I asked him with shock “ you aren't on drugs or something “ I asked . “ I just want you so much “ “ why me , why not other girl” I asked “ because you are everything I ever wanted : smart, brave, confident and so much more “ he reported “ here, let me show you the house” he said while holding my hands , I got up and followed him . He opened the first door and the walls were decorated by my pictures “ where did you get these from” I asked “ I have my ways “ he winked , I cringed . There were guns and all sorts of knifes and other tools . He led me out of the room and we went to much more bigger room . It was empty with pungent smell and dark with chair in the middle . We went to third and last room and it was all bright colored with optimistic vibes . Wow I thought to myself , I was out of words to describe sudden change in styles of each room . “ oh, it's 12:06! My favorite program will start “ he exclaimed , he led me quickly towards the hall and grabbed blanket from cupboard . I saw flies and all sorts of creature come out of it . Halfway through the show , I saw him asleep . Yes! This is my chance to escape I thought to myself . I rushed towards the kitchen , but there were no useful tools there . I then reached for first room , but unfortunately I was locked, so was the third room . I need to hold my horses and think quickly of a way to get out of this hellhole. As I was walking towards the hall I saw a butcher knife lying down I quickly grabbed it and went towards him . I was ready to stab him and I did stab him thrice, I then stabbed his face only to realize plastic come out , I quickly yanked it and it turned out to be a mask , underneath it was my ex boyfriend . I was shocked , I had just killed my ex boyfriend . I quickly ran and searched for keys and found them in his pockets . I went out and ran for my life till I reached my home

DEACTIVATED - Zainab I told Kathy that I'll do it.. I'm scared but I don't know any better. She begged me not to because she knows how we will never be able meet again, at least not in the same way. Because once you've deactivated your life, you become another person who has also deactivated theirs. I mean the idea of deactivating my life seems peaceful to me right now, but i don't quite know for how long i should do this. My parents aren't the least bit aware of this but i have to do it, I need this. I get to be selfish when it comes to me, i wanted to do this. I guess my life right now is average but i don't enjoy it at all, i dont feel anything. Not happiness and not sadness. I want to be able to feel, at least something. Maybe when i come back as another person, their life will be desirable. I go to school everyday, see my only two friends who i think secretly hate me, come back home and sleep the day away. It's not like i can change my routine or try to do things differently, i just can't get on with anything. However, now that i feel a change coming, i should rush and do what i have to. I think i will deactivate myself for a week. I won't feel that anyway, but let's see. As i head up to the sacred quarters where i press the button to deactivate my life for a week and come back a changed and wholly new person. Of-course I won't remember anything, so I'm not bothering myself much. There is not much to remember anyways, my whole life has been too boring. I don't remember if i've left a note at home for my family but it doesn't really matter now. "Are you sure you want to go ahead with this?" A voice came up surrounding me. I said, “Yes, just complete the procedure.� "So how many days do you want to be gone for?" I thought to myself, technically I;ll be gone forever but whatever. ;5 days, “I spoke up. Okay then let's get this started with.; I was then asked to go to the chambers in the headquarters and lay down in an empty box that was big enough to fit a whole sedan. My heart was racing and i was thinking to myself if this was a bad idea. However, i knew there& no turning back now. I saw a person come into the room and switch the lights off. There was something in the darkness that was like a promise, the darkness in that way was like a sanctuary, a place I would leave as a completely new person. The darkness would relieve me of my past life so I closed my eyes, relaxed my mind and trusted the process. Five days would have gone by but to me, it felt no more than five minutes. I get up in the same chamber, feeling a bit different. Yes! Finally I'm a new person. I start wandering around the halls of the chambers. From the corner of my eye, I noticed a man standing. I went up to him and asked if I need further instructions on what to do. He glanced at me for a second and handed me a bunch of papers. I didn't even read the papers but I felt as if the information was being transferred to my brain on its own. I didn't know what I was feeling, was it a kind of thrill or did I start having doubts; I think it was all a bit much to take in.

I'm now supposed to be living my life as a Sophie. She lives alone in her one bedroom apartment in the city. My life has officially changed, the excitement I had was all over my face and I could feel it. I somehow knew the route to my new home and it felt relaxing to be there. I looked at myself in the mirror. I used to be a blonde girl with tan skin, now I'm a brunette with lighter skin. As I was going through the apartment to look for everything I could find about my new self, I heard the doorbell ring. I was scared but also thrilled to know who is about to be in my life now. I saw a girl standing through the eye hole and wondering why I'm taking too long to answer. It turned out to be Keshia, my best friend in this life. She barged in and asked why I'be been ignoring her calls and anyone that has tried to communicate with me. Of course, I couldn't tell her so I just said I had been having a hard time and just wanted to be alone for some time. She was quick to understand and pulled out an invite to a party later that day if I wanted to blow off some steam. I had always been an introverted person before but I guess it's time I come out of my shell. Sophie isn't an introvert; she's an outgoing person with many friends and acquaintances. So I agreed to come to the party and asked Keshia to help me pick out dresses and go along with me. We dressed up to go to a formal yet quite informal birthday party of a girl we had been friends with. It was a great setting, the vibes were refreshing and I felt my best. Had I known I could be living like this before, I would've deactivated earlier but better late than never, I guess. I loved this new lifestyle and everything about myself. Nothing was boring or lifeless anymore. I sure did miss my friends but I'll get over them some day. I also had a job as a preschool teacher in the daytime and a part time job at a company raising funds for the needy. It seems a lot but with the information that was transferred to me, it was a lot easier to handle everything. The past few weeks were exhilarating, everything was going so smoothly. Then, today, my friends and I decided to go to this recently opened, fancy restaurant down the block. I had a feeling about something being wrong but I just brushed it off. While we were sitting and waiting for our appetizers, I noticed a family seated a few tables away from us. I recognized the parents even from the back of their heads! They were my parents, the past ones. And I saw the real Sophie with them, they looked blissful and seemed to be having a splendid time. That's when I realized why Sophie had given up her life, her parents had been in an awful car crash a few years back and had died because of that. She had a great life but not what she needed the most. A family was all she ever wanted, and two parents who would have been there for her all the time. No wonder she wanted to deactivate and change her life. It occurred to me how I'm never going to have a family like I did before. My heart sunk that I left them for nothing and just because I was bored with my life. I had been extremely selfish and I don't think I can ever forgive myself. Then, again, I gave someone else something I had and now at least she will be happy and as for my parents, they have gotten a daughter who appreciates them.

An Unexpected Journey - Manal “The last day of school was stressful,” Eliana says to herself, while walking back

home. Tired and in need of caffeine she settled on the wooden chair at her favorite cafe. The darkness of the walls blanketed around her, comforting and warm like a long lost friend as she stared out into the bustling city outside. “Just the regular Cafe con Leche”, she nodded to the Italian barista as he approached her table. The aroma of the coffee beans filled her nostrils and immediately calmed her. Eliana could feel her heart slow and her muscles exhale in relief. After a coffee break, she headed towards home. Suddenly, she hears a car arriving behind her, she turns back to see a black BMW SUV with four men running towards her. They wore pitch black clothes with a black mask on their face. Eliana starts shivering with fright and panic. She tried to run as fast as she could but she couldn't move her feet. She felt powerless. Before she could think of anything, a black cloth was put on her face and she fell down helplessly. The next time Eliana opened her eyes, she saw herself in a blue-themed room with no windows and just a single door made of wood. The room was filled with silence. As she tried to get up, every muscle in her body ached reminding her of the incident that occurred few hours ago. Eliana looked at herself she was wearing the same clothes. A reddish-blue suit that her mom gave on her birthday with her favorite black Prada shoes. Her attention fell on her wrist, she was wearing a transparent watch with a red button on the side. Suddenly, a hologram of a lady popped in front of her. She was a middle-aged woman with salt-and-pepper hair worn in plaits with bright green eyes. She wore a fringed blouse with a swishy skirt. She said, “Welcome Eliana, my name is Amanda and I'll be your guide on your mission to save the planet Earth. You can ask me anything you need to.” Eliana stood puzzled in front of her, “Save the planet? You must be kidding me! Why have you kidnapped me? Let me out of here” cried Eliana. “Firstly, a virus called the 'T-Virus' has infected 99.9% of the population overnight and you are the chosen one of the 2 people to save Earth otherwise there will be no tomorrow for human beings,” says Amanda. Eliana tried pinching herself in hope for this to be a dream but was disappointed to know this was reality. She had to face it in order save the planet Earth. A tomorrow for the human beings. Eliana takes two steps forward and asks, “Who is this second person? And what is my mission?” “You will get to know about her soon. She will have the same watch as yours so you can easily recognize her,” says Amanda, “Your mission is to kill Magnus, a monster who has the antidote of the virus, you have to kill him to get the antidote. Keep in mind that after every 24 hours to complete this mission, after 24 the antidote will disappear. The antidote is airborne and it will surely reach every corner of the planet. Good luck!” Eliana advances forward and unlocks the door and sees a long aisle with a door at the other end, which opens the very next second. Eliana moves forward and finally is able to see the face of the female, it was Elizabeth. The only best friend Eliana had. They first met up in university and clicked with each other immediately. Elizabeth was beautiful. She had ocean blue eyes with blonde hair that fell over her shoulders. She had a soft personality just like Eliana. Eliana was relieved to know Elizabeth was with her. They had a short chat before they realized that they were on a mission. Eliana presses the red button on her wrist machine and Amanda pops up, Eliana asks, “Amanda, where can we find Magnus?” Amanda replies, “You can find him in Metropolis. When you enter Metropolis, you will see a sign, on which it is written 'DEADLY', right under the sign will be a staircase leading to Magnus, but be careful there are few challenges you need to go through to reach Magnus.”

“How can we fight this battle without any weapons?” asks Elizabeth. “Ten kilo-

meters from here you will find a bunker and in it, you can get whatever you need.” Eliana and Elizabeth use the main door to exit the building they were in. The sun shining high and in front of them were two motorbikes. They were designed with finest street art Eliana had ever seen. Eliana was an artist herself. She was an Art teacher for more than 5 years. Both of them hoped on them and started their journey towards the bunker. A few minutes later they had arrived at the bunker. They were amazed to see the bunker filled with weapons and equipment. Eliana had seen some of them in crime movies. Both of them were ready and geared up. Metropolis was far, and after roughly 12 hours, they were at Metropolis. The place terrorized them. There stood tall building that were never ending. What could have once been a lovely rose garden was now a hostile thorn bush, and the swings where children used to spend moments of joy and innocent childhood were now creaking in the most haunted way. Eliana and Elizabeth were terrified by how the place was alone and isolated. Both of them were tired from the long journey they had and decided to take a nap for a few hours. Unfortunately, when they woke up, they had only two hours left. They hurried to the staircase they saw before sleeping. The staircase led to a huge underground room. Abruptly the door behind them shut… They could see the door to cross the huge room, six laser gunners stood on each end shooting a laser at both of them. Eliana pressed the red button on her wrist machine, which created a shield around both of them. Both crossed the huge room and then saw a long aisle which led to another room. Suddenly Amanda pops up and says, “You'll need a magical sword to kill Magnus, the sword will be present after you cross this aisle. Be aware there are traps in this room.” A rhino suddenly started charging towards them. Eliana shouted in Panic, “Press the red button on the wrist machine.” Micro-seconds later, they disappeared. While the rhino stood still, Eliana re-appeared and shot a bullet on the rhino's head, and it fell on the floor. Elizabeth also finally re-appeared and both of them entered the last room. Eliana picked up the magical sword. Moments later they could hear loud footsteps. A fifteen feet tall creature stood in front of them. His body was covered with spikes and his tail fell through the room. As he opened his mouth, it gave a clear view of his sharp pointy teeth. Two red gigantic eyes focused on Eliana and Elizabeth. Elizabeth started taking bullet shots at Magnus. Meanwhile, Eliana took the cover of the rock and protected herself. Eliana charged at Magnus with her sword, while Elizabeth distracted him. Eliana got hit on his arm, but she didn't give up; she pressed the button on her wrist machine and took a leap in the air and bashed the monster on the neck… the monster was dead. Moments later a bottled-flask with a green pigment inside was on the floor. They took the antidote and got out of the battle arena. Eliana and Elizabeth stood still in pride. Both held the antidote together and threw it down, which broke the bottledflask and the world could now finally see tomorrow.

Change the story - Addan Another lovely day begins with a bird chirping outside the window, the sun illumining the sky with light in a gradient of blue and orange. Lucas stands up right and starts to stretch but distracted by the deer outside his front lawn feeding on his newly grown plants which sort of irritated him, but Lucas was a humble person and decided that they are gone for good and anyways he has more sapling of the same herb. As usual he got ready for work, he is a keen inventor and likes to invent whatever he wishes and craves to make a business out of it, he also has a couple of his friends who embrace the same goal. He didn't earn much hence he was enforced to stay with his family, he is the eldest sibling out of his two brothers. Lucas was enjoying his morning coffee until he realized that the time was running fast and he had to arrive at the meeting on time just as he planned the night before. He quickly buckled up and drove off to the meeting point, he swiftly rushed out the car and entered the café where he found all four of his colleagues waiting, to be more precise Lucas works with four other people who are Anthony, Jhon, Sara and Tom. He drops down his speed as his eyes met with theirs and slowly walked to the them breathlessly, “Hello fellows” said Lucas to which Tom replied “Hello Quicksilver” and they all had a little giggle. They all were told to work on projects previously and they were ready with their creative ideas. Tom wanted to start first, his idea was to create games for portable devices such as mobile and tablets however many people didn't agree with it because they would need more experienced people for game designs and sound works. Anthony and Sara didn't bring any ideas with them. Jhon had an idea of starting a business with small mobile shops and ending up with a successful company by selling cases and accessories for devices, everyone agreed with him up till Lucas spoke up. Lucas had been working on this project for more than a year since their last idea flopped, he hadn't been contributing much but this might change that. Lucs made a 3D model of a headset, but not any headset, these ones are aimed for people who would want to take a break from this life and enter another, he opened the presentation on his pc . “yes, you guessed it right, it's a VR headset which messes with your genetics to make every little detail in your head feel real, it would trigger your sensory neurons without a stimulus, it can give you illusionary senses. It's like controlling your dreams” said Lucas, he briefly explained his thoughts and everybody dissolved into his thoughts as he sounded pretty convincing and his reasons were justable enough to be accepted. From the table they were in came a loud round of applause as they were pretty impressed by his geniuses and everybody agreed on it as to which tom said “If this turns out to be successful then we 'all are kicking you out”, and they all again had a laugh but this time it was a bit more uncomfortable.

Within two months they were ready with the blue print and the materials required, everything was going so quick but their drawback was that they had to work really hard and sometimes even independent if they weren't able to meetup but they all had hope so they didn't give up. And just like that 8 months had passed and everything was ready all they had to was test the VR headset. They didn't have much collaborators with them so they had to test everything by their selves and then find people with different conditions to wear the headset to see if it can have any possible health symptoms while they were ready with the benefits. They were ready to try it, Lucas was the first to have a go, he was nervous and gently grabbed a seat, while his team was gathering around him waiting for his reaction. With his shaky hands he grabs the VR headset and places it on his head, takes a deep breath and closes his eyes as he turns on the device and lets the machine do its job. The VR takes control over his brain and he slowly feels sleepy and tired. He opens his eyes, just as he does that, he appears to be in his home and nothing feels different and however he can easily move around and do whatever he desires, so far so good he thought and rest of the time he just having fun wondering around a huge world just inside his little head. He was really enjoying it unit he was interrupted by Sara. She gently pulled out his VR set and asked “is it working” and he replied “yes, just the way I planned”. They all were happy and proceeded to continue with their idea of starting a business out of this. He drove back home with joy and as tired as he was, he slept early. He woke up the other day ready to go to work, he went to the usual meet up place just to see no one of his expectation in that café, he texted them but no replies. So, he called john, john picks up and Lucas says “Guys where are you”, john replies “sorry Lucas” and dials off. That's harsh he though, after a while Lucas gets a mail which outlines that he has been kicked out of the company by Tom and everybody was on Tom's side, he couldn't believe his eyes, he flourished with anger as he keeps his phone away and takes a seat near a table beside him. He was so confused. Since then his life has changed, he became an Alcoholic and didn't seek respect for anyone, just like that his family problem were out of hand and it was all because of Tom and he knew he would take revenge one day, and that day would be today. Lucas got buckled up with all the objects he needed and went out in the idea of basically killing him. He drove to the location of his apartment and raged in the building and proceeds to the receptionist asking for Tom's floor. The receptionist mindlessly believed Lucas saying that he is a close friend of and got his floor number effortlessly, he got his room number and trudged towards the lift, as the elevator came to a stop, he emerged out the lift with a thought of how easy it was to sneak a gun into the building. lights through the hallway lead straight to Tom's room. With a cray look in his eyes he raged in smash opening the unlocked door, he reloads his gun and starts searching the room for him and as soon as he found him sleeping on his bed he aims for his head and pulls the trigger. All his rage inside him turns into regret and visual confusion he sits on a wheel chair by the bed and gets his mind busy with his thoughts and eventually deep thinking then he blacked out. He opens his eyes just to see blackness and his head literally feeling heavy, he raises his hand to touch his head and is surprised by the VR headset still on him, he removes it and sees everyone sitting in front of him in a circular pattern and had he never been this relived and happy in his whole life like he was at this moment. Lucas ends up explaining the whole story to them and it was just because of what tom said earlier in the café. They released the product and were a famous business group all throughout the globe. He was finally standing on his feet and his family was proud of him, unlike like the thought he got earlier they all ended up being very good friends.

I’ll Be Good - Shanzay [pov: male, 16] It had been a few weeks since the new school year started, new students, new subjects… but the same old bullying, the same old pushing me into a corner and kicking me till they felt good about themselves. The students all giggled as they threw bottles and books at me, the teachers turned a blind eye to the scribbles on my desk, to the new insults that decorated the chalkboard every morning. Despite all this, something had changed, there was another. Another pair of eyes that would stare, but these were farther, too far for me to reach from where I was now. They looked at me without intent, empty and glassy, almost as if they reflected my own. The cold water tingled against my skin as I wiped the dirt off my face. Looking in the mirror, I saw a ghost, void of emotion, one that had died years ago. Then in the distance I saw the eyes that were once mine, staring back at me. I waited for him to speak, to spit the same words as everyone else. Nothing. My body had gone numb, I felt the sole of the shoes meeting my jaw but nothing else happened. A tingly feeling travelled from my nose till my lips. Salty. I could smell the sickening scent of my own blood, I could feel the sticky feeling on my forehead, trailing off my face, dripping on my clothes. “Get away from him”, called a stern voice followed by some mumbling and the patter of feet against concrete fading into the distance. I looked up to see the same eyes, they were closer, but for some reason I still could not reach them. “Stop staring and get up, you look like a mess”. His monotone voice echoed off the walls of the empty parking lot. I shook my head and pulled my knees up to my chest, wiping the blood off on my jeans, the rough texture of the cloth rubbing like sandpaper against the wounds. He stood there for some time; I could feel his gaze lingering. “You don't talk much do you?”, he spoke with a hint of … was that sympathy? I couldn't be bothered with him and unconsciously let out a sigh. It didn't seem to bother him, maybe he was used to one sided conversations. I could hear him shuffle his weight on his feet before finally deciding to sit next to me, mimicking my position as his hand reached for my hair. “What do you think you're doing?”, I blurted smacking his hand away, hurting myself in the process as my fingers hit against his wrist. “Petting your head?” “Huh? What do you think I am? Some kind of pet?”. “N-No, I just- isn't it a form of affection?”, he looked at me obliviously, waiting intently. When I didn't reply he started again, “Affection. Isn't it what humans do?” “Don't say that like you're not one”. He was avoiding eye contact. This was not the same person, he felt closer somehow, I could reach him. His eyes did not reflect mine, instead they shone like honey under the sun rays that seeped through the cracks in the walls.

“Do you think I am one?”, there was a long pause, the air thickened and an unsettling feeling creeped up my back. “Mother says I'm a monster, she says I hurt people” “Do you?” “I… don't know. I've seen blood on my hands before, but I'm not sure if its mine or someone else's”, he spoke without hesitation, as if there was nothing to hide from this complete stranger he just met getting beaten up in the parking lot at dusk. “Oh, we still don't know each other's names” “We don't need to, we won't be talking after this”, I

muttered getting up and making my way to the exit. “I'm Haruto, you can call me Haru.”, he said in a hurry, getting up and scuttling the opposite way. “Katsuki” I let out before continuing my way. I regretted every day that led up to today, every moment I had let him get close to me, every moment I had been vulnerable; every breath I had breathed while talking to him. The more I replayed his words in my head, the worse it got, a little echo constantly repeating, “How about we have a sleepover? My place?” and to my dismay I had answered yes to get him to stop. Things only managed to get worse from that day. Entering the house, I finally understood the unsettling feeling that crept over me that day. All it took was one glance at me, and it triggered something in his mother and she started off with a lecture I assume Haru had to listen to on a daily basis, because he seemed unfazed. “As if your personality split wasn't enough, now you've brought this scrawny, beat up kid home. What do you think is going to happen? He'll give you the desperate love you crave? He's going to leave once he sees the real you”, his mother spat as he grabbed my arm and took me upstairs, away from his mother's rage. “Please don't mind her, she's been like that since dad left”, he sighed. His voice was void of emotion and once he looked me in the eye, I knew he had changed. His eyes were once again empty and too far to reach. He was now the so-called monster his mother called him and I wished I had realized this in the moment because the minutes after that have left scars too deep to heal. “How come Tsuki never stands up for himself?”. The nicknames were another red flag, but I turned it down, I did not want to accept the fact that he would hurt me even though I knew what was coming. “Fighting back isn't really my forte… not anymore anyways, it never helped me”. “How come?” he whispered and shuffled closer. He was asking too many questions… “Well, fighting back made someone I cared about hurt themselves because they didn't realize I was hurting until I told them, and the bucket had over-flowed at

that point”, I mumbled as I felt my voice crack. All those months and years of shutting people out and building a wall and it decided to come down at a moment like this. “Don't your parents say anything?” “W-Well mom was never really around, and dad felt that my life would be better if he didn't have one because I hurt him, I fought back”. We'd had this conversation before so why did I feel the need to tell him again, why did I feel so suppressed. I could feel him getting closer, staring, waiting for a reaction. I tried holding back but the bucket had started over-flowing again. His fingers inches away from my skin, making my hair stand. I ran as he lunged after me and I managed to get in the bathroom and lock it just in time. I couldn't take it, I shouted. I screamed and cried that I didn't want to be his friend in the first place, that I never intended to open up. I went too far and accidentally told him that I didn't want to be close with him because I intended to end it a week from now, I was finally going to give up. Sobbing. White noise filled my head as I heard him break down and ask me to not hurt myself, as he apologized for being a “monster”. When had he changed back? How much of this had he heard? An hour of crying slowly softened into sniffles and then everything went dead silent. I could hear my blood rushing through my ears as I slowly opened the door. What I saw made me feel like the floor had disappeared, I felt my head weigh me down as I saw him laying there next to empty bottles of painkillers through teary eyes. All the other memories from that day were fogged up, the blaring sirens, the red lights and medics flooding into the house. It had been a few days; the flowers had started to die and I started running out of things to promise to change if I could just see his eyes shine like honey under the sun again. I promised to let my walls come down, I promised to love and I promised to be good if just he would wake up. I promised to never hurt anyone again as I sat there next to his hospital bed, face buried into my knees. I didn't want a repeat of what had happened to my father. I wanted to be able to change this story because he changed mine. He gave me a happy ending, and he deserved one too. I lifted my head and my eyes met with the ones that shone like honey under the sun.

Dark before the dawn - Doha Give up Jessica. You can't do this anymore. You have nothing unique. Stop chasing your dreams. These painful words only used to exhaust me, and sadly I was forced to question my existence. From being demotivated by everyone to finally losing my selfesteem, I grew up. Honestly, it just added an insult to my injury. I was an introvert and a laconic girl. I was very sensitive to criticism. But the best thing I remember about my childhood is my teacher once said," Dear Jessi, Do remember, every dog has his day." Well, I was not smart enough to interpret the purpose of the statement at that time. Due to my shyness, no one used to expect anything from me. When I first told my parents that I would like to become a fashion model, they laughed, and my mom looked straight dead into my eyes. They were exaggerating about all the awful things that would happen to me. I did not understand why they made a big deal out of it. My classmates and friends often used to judge me because of my appearance and short height. And it was that one terrible day when all my classmates, gathered in the school area to bully and harass me. That was the last straw for me. I cried my eyes out, and yes I had suicidal ideations. I was simply convincing myself that I was not good enough or that I was unlovable. But it was based on nothing, but my negative thoughts and feelings and what people told me. For me, the easiest thing was to quit, to end my life. Silent tears slipped down my face. I felt dead inside. My tongue felt dry. My eyes were scruffy. I was alone. Forever alone in the vast world. They all left me. This loneliness was a vice on my heart. It used to kill me everyday just a little bit more, taking my inner light and replacing it with darkness that overshadowed me each moment. Depression, followed me everywhere after that. Then, my whole life, faded into the darkness. My hands were shaking as I was about to cut my fist with a pointy, shiny blade. My last words were isn't there any another solution? I did not want to die, only felt that I should, or must, as I had my pain and my reasons. I was thin and cold. I held my arms to my sides. I peered up at the clouds and the only thing I could remember that time was those three magical words my teacher told me “Never give up�. I questioned myself, who are people to decide my future? Why do I have given them opportunity to make fun of me? Why can't I just clap back at them? I realized that the easiest way is to quit everything and not go until the end, because the path is difficult and we are not used to inconveniences. We want everything to be easy and at once. But no one is ready for harsh realities. I

stared at the mirror, looking at my dark skin and freckles. The short term solution was to unplug from the fear and the social pressures. Follow your passion, be prepared to work hard and sacrifice, and above all, don't let anyone limit your dreams. This thought came to me as someone embedded this in my brain. I could not stop myself thinking, and I realized how foolish I was a moment ago. I was about to end my life just because some people have nothing to do with their lives so they judge others quickly and make them feel inferior. But no! not this time because my suicide attempt gave rise to a new Jessica, which was much more powerful and confident. I felt that spark of passion which enlightened my heart. I washed my miserable face, took a deep breath. Threw the blade out of the window and laid down on the bed. People say when the fear leaves us, we are able to access our higher brain, the part of us with logic, empathy, self control and steady determination and that's what exactly happened with me. The next day I woke up with a relaxed mind. I put a smile on my face and walked out of my room. I went to my parents and tried to convince them to let me join the beauty pageant. My mother disagreed, as she thought I might not have a secure career. But my father somehow knew that this time I was unstoppable, he could see the fire ignited in my eyes. Well, he allowed me to participate in the contest, and I filled the form. I think the best way forward is to find inner wish, this innate desire and passion, and then to see how to scale or walk around your obstacle. Finally, after a lot of struggle, I entered the contest and saw many teenage girls with the same zeal and passion as me. As I gave my first interview, a fire was lit in my belly, and I was on cloud nine. Ding dong our doorbell rang, and within the blink of the eye, I rushed towards the door. It was the postman. I received the parcel and was mesmerized by the packaging. Imagine how would you feel if you open the package and sees an elegant “ You are selected � note on it. I screamed at the top of my lungs. This was the happiest moment of my life, and yes this was it. This was enough to answer all those people who criticized my appearance. Honestly, I was in tears but this time, it was the tears of joy. I can't even put that feeling in words. Anyhow, life is not as easy as people say. I thought my life is all resolved by now, but little did I know that the new challenges are waiting for me. When I joined the contest, I had to leave my parents and my city. It was tough, and I often used to cry at night, but the only thing which kept me motivated was my dream, my passion and my desires. Unluckily, I lost the very first competition which was very disheartening because I always had those people in mind, who used to criticize me.

I had a fear which was overcoming me again and again. Adrenaline flooded my system. It pumped and beat like it is trying to escape the ugly reality. Sweat started trickling down my neck, and I thought my heart would explode. But I did not give up. My life was never easy. I never had an amazing childhood like most kids do have. I always experienced the darker side of life. Being continuously getting rejected by seven companies, I thought that I won't be able to achieve what I have desired or maybe god has written something else in my destiny. It is quite funny, but I used to stand in front of the mirror and used to question myself that "When is my story going to change?". "When will my life take a 360 turn?" After a month of hardships, continuous rejections, I got a chance in American modelling academy. There I was trained for almost 3.5 months, and I became eligible to stand as a candidate for a beauty pageant. As it is said every cloud has a silver lining, I put my heart and soul in it and considered this as my last chance. Many gorgeous and intelligent women were standing beside me. It all felt obnoxious at first, and I was very nervous. But the moment as I was about to step on the ramp. I looked myself in the mirror again and considered how lucky I am. I reminisced my purpose, my father's last words and all those jobless critics. I walked with a bright smile on my face and wore the confidence people give me. The moment they were about to announce the winner. My heartbeats were fluctuating, and my hands were shaking. Miss Toronto 2020 is none other than the stunning, lively Jessica Marvell. These words changed my story. For me, it was an impish glee. The excitement poured out of me like sunshine. All the mundane worries of my life had been muted. (everyone claps) “Wow, Jessica, It was such a heartwrenching and definitely an inspiring story. We wholeheartedly thank you for joining us tonight. Any last message you would like to give to your die heart fans?”. “Sure,” Petrick. “The issue I am going to address is that never lose hope. I lost everything, over and over. I restarted with nothing, over and over. And so each painful punishment became another lesson and another chance. But you only need to remember one thing: never give up, fight, battle. It doesn't matter that you have lost one battle and even dozens of battles. Life goes on! Your biggest enemies are hiding in you – laziness, fear and doubt. Be a warrior of your dream, a knight of your goal and a soldier of your wishes!” “Once again it was lovely meeting you, Jessica. So ladies and gentleman here we call it a day with everyone's favourite, the world's most renowned model Jessica Marvell.”

A Sky of Shattered Dreams - Minaam Finally, after ten long years of acting courses, waiting in long queues for auditions, daydreaming about my billboard with my favourite actors, getting rejected by many directors because of my complex, it was the first day of my shoot for the lead role in 'The Past' alongside Tom James! I was the most trending upcoming actor; my posters were all over the town and people would recognize me whenever I would go out. My dream had finally come true! The spotlight was shining on me and I felt like on top of the world, my mom, standing in the crowd wiping her tears of joy. Those five minutes of my heart racing and my adrenaline pumping. Five minutes of the uninterrupted jolt of primetime happiness and “Action!”, the director shouted. The moment I had been waiting for was finally here. As I said my lines, I could feel the words coming straight from my heart, as if they were imprinted in my brain and everything looked like a fantasy, a dream. I was so lost in my character until I heard a gunshot. The next thing I saw was a sea of people running in different directions. There was noise everywhere. I heard someone's cell phone ringing, a child wailing who probably lost his mom in this overcrowded place. Women shouting and crying and all I could think of was my mother. My brain was shuttering and I was completely motionless, struggling to breathe. It was like I lost my hearing sense. My eyes were desperately looking for my mom and then suddenly my eyes got transfixed. I saw her, lying on the floor with blood running out of her chest, her white dress soaked in her blood and her teary red eyes looking right at me. I ran towards her and picked her up. My hands were covered in her blood and I was screaming my lungs out, asking for help and crying as I heard her moaning in pain and losing her breath. I thought I was losing her but there was hope in me again as I heard the sound of the ambulance from far. We took her to the nearest hospital as soon as possible as she was losing blood and consciousness. The only thing I could do was hold her hand and give her hope, “Just a little bit more, you can do it, just please don't leave me”, I repeatedly said this, as tears rolled down my cheeks. I knew I was losing her but couldn't let her lose hope. As we reached to the hospital, she was transferred to ICU and by looking at her condition the doctor said she had lost a lot of blood so they weren't sure if she was going to make it.

I was devastated and numb. I didn't want to talk to anyone and just pray that she comes out of the room alive but the police couldn't just let me pray for her peacefully. They interrogated me for an hour, asked me everything about my past disputes or anyone I suspect but I was just waiting desperately for the doctor to come out of the room and tell me about my mom. As he came out, by seeing his expressions I could feel that the news he was about to give me would break me into pieces but he said “Thank god she is fine but I am sorry she won't be able to walk again”. I didn't know how to react, should be I happy that she's alive or sad that she won't be able to walk again? He told me they were going to discharge her after a week but I was supposed to be with her 24/7. The police told me they were further going to investigate the case and inform me about it. It was the day of her discharge and my director had called me several times to the shooting set for which I refused to for the past days but this time I had to visit. I hired a caretaker for a day as a I didn't have enough money and went over to my director to hear what he had to say. I thought of asking him for a pay but as I reached there, I found out that I was being replaced by another actor and that I was out of the cast. I was shattered to hear that, so I asked my director if it was true and he confirmed that because the show was being delayed and that he couldn't waste his time more. I begged him to wait for some time and give me some fees so that I could permanently hire a caretaker for my mother but he refused to do so and told me to leave. My dream, my career, my life, my mom, everything was ruined in just a minute, because of just a gunshot. I didn't want to go back home with a miserable face in front of my mother so that she doesn't blame herself for what happened to me. Just like every fake person around, I had to put on a happy face to cover my tears, my pain. Just as I thought nothing could add more to my sorrow, I received a call from one of the police officers and he informed me that they couldn't find the culprit and they have declared this as a hit and run case. I thought of appealing to the high court but I didn't have enough money or power to deal with it. I forgot about everything and went home to my mom and just as I thought, she knew something was off, I mean after all she is my mom. Well, I didn't tell her the truth as I didn't want to hurt her but I told her that the shoot was delayed till next 2 months and that the case is shut. She didn't react much because of which I knew she didn't buy my story and just said “Oh ok, who cares about the case anyway.” Weeks passed and I hadn't found a job and we were running out of food, so I searched for jobs related to my career, like one-day plays or side roles. This was the first time I really missed my alcoholic father. Even though he never really cared but at least he would send us money until my mother and him completely separated. I would sometimes get side roles but mostly directors and producers would avoid working with me as they thought after the accident at my last workplace, their reputation would experience a fall. They thought I was kind of a bad luck to their play or company, so I was mostly sent back with nothing. I didn't have any other choice but to do part time jobs in a café or restaurants.

As time flew by, the show I was supposed to be working in was aired and my mom saw the trailer of it on her phone. I got back home from work, and saw her lying on the floor and blood coming out of her stiches. I instantly called an ambulance and took her to the hospital. The whole way she was unconscious and I just prayed to god that please don't make me suffer from the pain of losing my mother. The moment her hands left mine and she went into the emergency room, I couldn't control myself, I cried until my face was puffed, I had bloodshot swelled eyes. I didn't care about anything but my mother who was leaving me too. The doctor came out and sadly said “I am sorry she doesn't have much time; you can say goodbye to her”. At first I thought I was having a nightmare, I went blank. I kept staring at him for a minute straight and just didn't know what to do. I didn't have the courage to face her, to tell her that she was leaving this world, to see her leaving me. As I stepped into the room, she started crying. She knew I had been replaced and as I was afraid, she had blamed herself for this and just couldn't bear the pain of her child losing her job, her dream career. “I am sorry and I love you” were the last words she said to me. Now here I am, sitting alone, on a cold night, under a tree, thinking about what I was going to become after my show and how my dreams were shattered. It took me my whole life to reach there and just five minutes ruined everything. Well, I can't escape my fate. All I can do is not give up and wait for my story to change.

Until tomorrow - Rutba 7th June 2015, Livingston, United States of America 7:45 A.M I was already awake since at least an hour, maybe even longer. The first time I looked on my alarm clock it was 6:34 and now 1 hour and 11 minutes later, I still wasn't able to stand up. I felt like I was bond to my bed. While I was awake I looked through the window. Outside, it was storming. Small drops of rain were sliding down the glass pane and the tree in front of the window was hitting against it. These sounds made me anxious, because I know somewhere, my parents were driving here There were days, when I wished I wouldn't wake up, so that I could stay in my dream world. I hoped I would fall asleep again, could dream of these happy days where I still smiled. It was sad, that these days were gone for a long time already. With that thought, I closed my eyes again and imagined the past. My siblings playing in the garden where my father had build a small playground for us four. One sister, two brothers and me. I loved them. I still do. My siblings were rough players. I once broke my arm, because Terry, my oldest brother, pushed and I fell onto the hard stone ground. But I was smiling. A week later I did the same thing. He didn't fell onto his arm, but on his head. There was blood everywhere. I tried to clean it away at first, because I knew my parents would come home soon. But while I did that, I realized: He still laid there.Nobody was home, not even my sister who was the second oldest. So, I did nothing. I just sat there and cried. And cried. And cried.When my parents came home, it was already too late and they couldn't help him anymore. He died seven years ago, on the 9th July 2008. When he was only 12 years old, because of brain damage and blood lose. I started crying. Right now, I still felt the hate of my siblings and parents, because of what happened. When they look at me, especially when I smile, they just look blank at me. Telling me without any words that I should be guilty my whole life for what happened, when I was only 8 years old. I hated it that they couldn't let the past be the past. 8:21 A.M. The first nurse came into my room, holding a tray of food and some pills and smiling at me. She put the tray on my table beside my bed. "How are you feeling?;, she asked me and sat on my bed, while she was handing me my pills. I swallowed them and after that I drank a swallow of water, before answering her,"You already know the answer to the question."She smiled and we talked after that a bit, before she left the room again. Alone, again. Being alone reminded me of my past again. After the incident with my brother, I was often alone. My city wasn't really big and the news that I have killed my brother spread within days. My freinds of course believed it.They didn't want me to play with them anymore.So I often sat alone in my room and began searching new hobbies. Like reading, but it got boring. I often asked my brother to play with me, since I always thought he was the kindest of my siblings, but he just started crying and ran away. After I have been here since almost 5 weeks and the only contact that I had were doctors, nurses and sometimes other patients when I was allowed to go out for a small walk.

It was three years ago, I was only 11 years old, almost 12. It was on the birthday of my grandmother. She just got 78 years old and we celebrated with my whole family. We had fun, well ... they did.Back then, I thought I'm going to be sick. A flu. In a week everything will be over and everything would be like before. How stupid. I just have known that spitting blood wasn't just a normal flu.I didn't told my parents, nor my siblings. They wouldn't have cared.So, when the party was going to end. I collapsed. Before that I felt my knees shaking and then my vision got blurry. My stomach hurt. Then my vision began turning black until I felt nothing anymore.At least until was laying on the ground, everyone in the room looking at me and being unsure if I was just faking it. I wasn't.They realized that when I began spitting blood and breathing heavy until I even started screaming. After that I was unconscious again.The next thing I could remember was the hospital and damn, I hated it so much. 12:02 A.M. Nothing happened. I was fine again. Still laying on my bed and watching TV.The nurse from before came into my room and with her my doctor. The doctor, he looked worried. Good news. ;Sadly, your lung collapsed completely. The left one. We can't do anything, you already know that;, he explained. ;Your heart, it also stopped for a second. Since then, it began beating slower. I don't know if you noticed, but ...; I actually did notice, but I didn't think it wasn't that bad. I mean my heart beat was never regular, so I thought it was normal since now I was relaxed. But apparently, I'm wrong. He looked out the window, ;. Did he just started crying? I looked at him and felt numb. It was weird. Should I say something or ...? I wasn';t used to something like that. This never had happened before.Normally doctors don't cry. None of my doctors did. Most of them didn't even show any sort of emotion at all. But he cried? ;I;m sorry, but we aren't sure if you are going to see the next ... sun rise. Let';s hope there is going to be a miracle, because right now ... things are looking worse than ever before; ;Your organs are shutting themselves down, too fast. We didn't expect something like that to happen. We thought ...; We thought there was more time left;

After that he just left the room, without looking back at me. He didn't even finish his sentence.I looked on my tray next to my bed and was going to take the pills, until I realized that I also started to cry. The second time this day. Some tears dropped down on my hands, which I was holding in front of my mouth, so I could swallow my pills.But I threw them on the ground. Why should I take pills when I will not even survive this day? Why do I know that the 7th June 2015 is going to be the day that is written on my grave stone. I imagined my parents standing next to the grave stone, crying and saying goodbye to me.What am I thinking? They wouldn't do that. I'm only 15 years old, I spent the last two years in different hospital all over the state and now, I know the day was come. This was my last day, the last time I see the sky, the nature.The last words that my parents ever spoke to me were: Bye, hope you will get better.It wasn't the words they said, but how. There was no emotion to this, they didn't want me to get better.Because they hated me, as much as I hated them. 7:39 P.M. I closed my eyes. My heart beat was slow and I could barley feel it anymore. My breathing was still working, but very irregular. One time I breath fast, the other I almost stop breathing.I felt to heavy and light at the same time. I couldn't feel my limbs anymore and the mattress beneath me was not there anymore. But then, my body felt to heavy. I couldn't move anything, because there was a magical strength pressing them down. I just wanted to sleep and that's what I did. At 7:39 PM I fell asleep, I wasn't dead yet. Just slept. I dreamt about good times. Times when I was happy. Seven minutes later my heart stopped, the doctors didn't even try to reanimate me. At 7:46 PM at the 7th June 2015 I died, because of cardiac arrest in the age of only 15. My life only lasted for 15 years and it was over.

Running away - Isha “Hi sweetie, my name's Carol. What will you have?” said the waitress.

“I'll have the country omelet and a full stack of the Belgian dark chocolate pancakes.” I ignore my

mother's voice in my head telling me I should have ordered some stupid low-calorie option. I don't really know what people do when they run away. I went to the nearest cafe because I was hungry. Also, I don't know if you can call it running away when you're nearly twenty two years old. But that's what I'm calling it. I'm running away. But I'm going to eat first. And then I'll figure it out. I have a backpack full of clothes and absolutely nowhere to go, but I've decided that I'm going to go anyway. I told my mother I was going to the library to study with Sydney. but the truth is, I don't even know a Sydney. And I turned in the paperwork to drop out yesterday. I figured I'd just run away, you know, Like in the movies! I could waitress at a diner and live in a crappy apartment with a weird neighbor. I know that I won't be able to do that. I know I'll just end up back at home in a couple of hours, telling my mother exactly what I did. But until then, I can pretend like I actually have a plan. “Okay, honey. Here's your omelet, and your pancakes. Do you want ketchup or hot sauce?” “No, thank you,” I replied. “Alright. I'm going on a break, so if you need anything, Emily over there will help you,” said the waitress. “Sounds good, thank you!” I answered. I pick up my fork, ready to eat, but I set it down again. I feel the tears coming. I think they will be subtle, just some water gathering in my eyes. But the tears are not in the least bit delicate. They come in a rush, like a waterfall. It hurts my chest to cry this much, but I can't stop. Suddenly, I feel an arm around me, holding me close. “It'll be okay, sweetie. Everything will be just fine.” I am still crying, but I instinctively gather into the stranger's embrace. It is comforting to have someone holding me, letting me cry. I feel comforted. It feels good to cry after holding in everything for so long. I slowly start to calm down and look at the person holding me. It's Carol. She looks at me and smiles. “What's going on?” “I, uh, I'm...I'm running away.” “You're running away?” She asks, worried.

“Don't worry. You don't have to call the police or anything. I'm 21. It's more like moving out, really.” “Where are you moving to?” “No clue.” “Do you have a job?”


“Did you tell anyone?”

“No. Not even my parents. They think I'm still in school. And that I'm studying with Sydney.” “Who's Sydney?” I laugh. “I have no idea. I just made up the name.” “Why are you running away?”

“I can't do it anymore. I can't handle the pressure. I can't deal with my parents. I can't be here anymore.” “So what? You were going to eat your pancakes and then just drive away?” I nod. “Yeah, pretty much. It's not much of a plan, is it?” Carol looked at me silently for a few minutes. “It's better than what I did.” “What did you do?” “I ran out on my kids.” “Why?”

“Same reason you're running from home. I couldn't take it anymore. I thought it was the only way to get out

of the life I was living.”

“But you have kids.”

“And you have parents. Family is family, kiddo. No matter if you're the mother or the daughter.” “Should I go back?” “I can't answer that for you.”

“I can't go back, Carol. I can't. I have spent my whole life doing exactly what my parents want. They chose

my school. They chose my major. Hell, they even choose what I can wear sometimes. I'm not living like that anymore.” “Then it seems like you already have the answer, sweetie.” I smile at Carol. I don't feel any better about my position, but I feel like I'll be okay. That I'll figure it all out. “Could I get this to go? I need to make a phone call.” Carol smiles at me and pats my back. “Sure, sweetie.” As Carol walks me out, I thank her for comforting me. “I don't get that a lot. Thank you.” “I'm glad I could do for you what I couldn't for my kids.” “I'm going to call my mother. Tell her everything. And then go my way. Maybe you should call your kids.” “They hate me. How could I call them?” “They can't hate you. You're their mom. Kids will never hate their parents. The same way parents will never hate their kids.” “I'll give it a shot, kiddo. Thanks.” I smile at her one last time. “Thank you, Carol.” I walk to my car and call my mother. “Aren't you studying?” My mother answers. No hello. No mention of where I am. She really believed me. “No, mama I'm not.” “Why not? You went to study.” “Actually that's why I called, mama. I dropped out.”

“You what?” Her voice is harsh. She is angry. But I only feel more confident. I'm going

to tell her. I'm going to live my way. “Mama, I hate college. I can't do it anymore. I don't like my major. I don't like the school. I want to do something else.” “Like what?” “I don't know. But I'll figure it out.” “No. You're going back to school. We can figure this out. Come home, and we'll talk.” “No, mama. I'm not going back home.” “Then where are you going to go?” “I don't know. I'll figure something out.” “You won't be able to do anything without a degree. You're a Senior. Why would you drop out when you're so close? Just come home, and we'll get you back in school.” “No! Mama, why don't you get it? I'm not going to go back. I'm not going to do what you want.” My mother is silent. I take that as I sign that I can keep talking. “Mama, I just need some time. I need to find myself.” “You don't believe in those stupid clichés.” “I didn't until now, mama. I have to live for myself now. I need to do things other than study and do homework. I want to have fun for once.” “You're leaving behind your entire life for fun?” I laugh. “Yeah, I guess I am. I'll call you when I can, mama. Love you.” “Wait—” I don't wait to hear her yell. I put my car in drive and leave the parking lot. I don't know where I'm going, But for once, I don't care. I have always known where I'm going, what I'm doing, and what I have to do. But this time, I don't. Because this time, I have a clean slate. I have a chance to do things my way. No rules but my own. No expectations but my own. No one to live for but myself. That is the glory of running away.

A MURDER AT WESTMORE THEATRE - Moiz 18 October It was the night of the show, so everyone reached Westmore theatre and started doing their last-minute practices backstage, now it was time to begin the show, but they all realized that James was missing, everyone was trying to contact him, but there was no sign. After a while, everyone at backstage heard a gunshot, so they rushed towards it, and when they reached there, they all were shocked by seeing the dead body of James filled with blood! Everyone was tensed and filled with fear, and that is when the police came, they told to lock all exit, and no one should go outside. Police collected the body and sent it to the hospital, and then started their investigation. First, they asked the crewmembers, “ did you see anyone?” they all replied, “No we just heard a gunshot, and when we went no one was there except James dead body”, "Then the police asked “Did James had a fight with anyone or had any enmity with anyone”, they all replied ”no” but then suddenly a crewmember said “ Yeah he fought with John 3 days ago” police asked “ where is John” the manager said” he had to go to studio to get some props for the show, he wasn't even here when the murder took place”, and that was the moment when John entered the room. John entered the room and was surprised by seeing police and everyone tensed he asked, “Is everything fine, why are you guys so tensed”, the police inspector came forward and strictly asked, “did you fought with James” John replied “ yeah but it is our personal problem” police said “ do you know James is dead”, John was speechless, then police said “you have to come to the police station with us for further investigation” John alarmingly said” are you indicting me for James murder” the police inspector said “ you are the only person we have suspicion on, you have to come with us” and then police inspectors forcefully took John with them. On the way cars, petrol finished, so they stood for a moment and called for assistance when suddenly a few cars came from behind and started firing on the police inspectors, and at that very moment, a person came and put a black bag on John's face and took him along. When they arrived at the destination, John was pulled out of the car and was taken directly inside a room, when the bag was removed from his face he saw he was in an empty room filled with dust and his hands were tied, he was really scared and shouted: “where am I!”. After about an hour two people came inside wearing black suits and glasses, John shouted “who are you, why am I being captured here!” those people kept on staring him and then left, later a woman came in the room and said, “ I came to help you”. John said “what, what do you mean? How can you help me?”, then the lady asked, “tell me about the file” John said “which file” the lady replied “ if you don't want to die tell me about the file” and then she pointed the gun at John, John replied “ I don't know anything about any file”, the lady said “ ok are you sure because if you have no information then I have no problem in killing you”, John said “ok, I am not sure is it relatable but he gave me some documents a day before show but I don't know what is inside it”, then as lady was about to listen to him , suddenly the police inspectors entered the room. The bullets were firing everywhere and meanwhile John took the benefit and ran away.

John was rushing to his home when suddenly the police inspector came in front of him. The inspector said, “come with me I'll take you to a safe place” John was not sure at first but then he sat in the car. On the way the inspector asked John “are you fine” John replied “yes, but who were those people and why they wanted the file?” the inspector said “they were terrorists, they wanted the file which contains all the secret information about them but if you give it to me, it can be used to expose them” John said “ I don't remember any file but yeah James gave me some documents a day before the show”, the inspector stopped the car and said “where is it?” John said, “its back at my home” the inspector replied, “ok let us go there then”, so then they both went to John's house When they reached John's house, John said “you wait in the car I'll get it from upstairs” then John went upstairs and got the file and gave it to the inspector. Inspector said “thanks, but I have to take you to someplace safe because those terrorists are still after you” John said “ok”. After a while they reached the place, when John came out he was confused and asked the inspector “ doesn't this place look shady “ inspector replied “ just come inside it is a very safe place for you” then they went inside the place, and as they entered inspector took out his gun and pointed it at John!. John was shocked and shiveringly asked “what are you doing?”, the inspector started laughing and meanwhile all the terrorist also came from door. John was extremely surprised and then asked the inspector “why did you do this”, then the inspector replied while laughing “ it all started from last month, when James came to me and requested that he wants to join my agency, I accepted him in the team and gradually he became one of my best man, then about a week ago he came to my office under my absence in office and took the file, that carried all the information about whole worlds terrorist, and ran away. Since then I was behind them and trying to locate him, until when I heard that he is participating in a theatre play, so at the show night I reached out to him and asked him for the file but instead of contributing he just hit my knee and started running so I shot him and ran away, then while on my way back my agent told me that he saw James giving some document to his friend John.” and since then you know everything. The inspector was going to shoot John but then suddenly all police inspectors entered the place and set their targets at all terrorist, Then John started laughing at the inspector and said “ I already knew about this because when I was coming with documents, I heard all your conversation that you were doing with your agent, so I called the commissioner and informed him everything and since then everything was according to my plan not yours” all terrorists were shocked and angry on themselves but then the police arrested them and took them to jail. It was 6 am in the morning when John went back to the theatre and met all his colleagues, he informed everyone about what happened with him all night and everyone was shocked. On 20 October James parents were given bravery award for the bravery showed by his sons to expose all terrorist and then after 2 days the show took place and it was victorious. After few weeks John received a letter in which it was written “ONE DAY I WILL COME BACK AND MAKE SURE YOU DON'T LIVE ANY LONGER”

THIS WORLD SHALL KNOW PAIN - Abdul Shazif “This world shall know pain, almighty push.” 16 years earlier, there was a great

3 rd ninja war. Nagato lost his parents, and at that time he was only 12 years old. He suffered a lot. He was homeless, survived without food and water for 2 days but that was not the case. All he just wanted is a peace in this world. A world with no hatred and war. He believed that this world was in a never-ending cycle of hatred and death and that in order to achieve true peace was through the experience of War. That was his philosophy. But he realises that he won't able to do it alone. He need to form a group of 10 people at least. He got little bit demotivated, but he didn't know how and when to give up. In fact he wanted to achieve his goal even if he was lonely. He continued his path, until two strange people appear. They were at same age as Nagato. Both of them also lost their parents. Their names were Konan and Yahiko. Both of them have a same dream as Nagato. Nagato felt like he belongs to them but that was just a beginning. Yahiko steals food from other houses in order to survive but inside, he didn't want to put other people in tough situations but there was no other choices. Yahiko wanted to learn and want his friends to learn types of “Jutsu” but he has no skills and knowledge about powers, chakra etc. So Yahiko decided to become someone's student who has skills and knowledge about jutsu. When three friends were walking, they saw three soldiers who were fighting against the enemy. Nagato was surprised because they were from “Land of Fire”. Reason he was shocked because two ninjas who were from the Land of Fire killed his parents, but he had no chance fighting against those three soldiers because they were “legendary Sannin”, which means they were a lot powerful and strongest ninja to ever exist. When they defeated their enemy they went back to their camps, so Yahiko decided to follow them. One of the Sannin whose name was “Jiraiya” noticed them so he called them. “Orochimaru” who was second Sannin, he was obsessed with knowledge and laboratory experiments wanted to kill these orphans. “Tsunade” who was third Sannin wasn't really interested in them. She really doesn't care what's happening in the current world. She lives in her own fantasy. Yahiko asked them to teach them ninjitsu. Orochimaru and Tsunade were not really interested, so Jiraiya decided to become there teacher. Tsunade and Orochimaru went back to the Land of Fire, and Jiraiya decided to start their training. It was first day of training for Yahiko, Konan and Nagato and of course it was a lot difficult for them to practice new jutsu. After one year of training, they finally mastered ninjitsu, but that was just a beginning. “You still have long way path”, Jiraiya. They decided to throw a party, but Nagato didn't join the party. He was depressed and sitting outside, missing his family. Jiraiya asked him,”what's a matter.” Nagato had one question for him and asked “Jiraiya sensei, what is the point of hatred in this world, why can't we live in peace and why do we even exist.” Jiraiya was shocked and couldn't come up with the answer. Nagato asked this question for three times. “Nagato, why don't you search for the answer by yourself. The truth is even I don't

really know. You see I am same as you Nagato. I don't even know who my parents are. I am searching for the answers too. Even I want to know why so much hatred in this world. I also want peace. Hey can we talk about these stuffs later. Common it's time to celebrate, don't ruin the moment”, Jiraiya. Nagato also joins the party and they started their training next day. It was more than 3 years and Jiraiya taught them skills as much as he could. It was time for Jiraiya to go and it was emotional moment for them. Jiraiya really didn't want to leave them but he had his own responsibilities. It was the final goodbye. Yahiko, Nagato and Konan walked on their own paths and Jiraiya chooses his own path. Yahiko, Nagato and Konan found small nation where everything was destroyed, so they decided to protect this nation and wanted to rule this place. People living in that area accepted him and wanted them to protect and rule this place. Nagato decided the name for the village. “How about village hidden in the Rain”, Nagato. Name was too simple but name was not really bad. One day five ninjas from unknown village were ordered to destroy village hidden in the rain but Nagato, Konan and Yahiko didn't allow them and it was hard for those five ninja to attack so they went back to place they came from. After few moments, they came back again, but instead of attacking they wanted to join Yahiko's group. Yahiko trusted them and allowed him. Konan decided to come up with the group's name. “Akatsuki sounds pretty good to me”, Konan. This was the history of Akatsuki and their journey finally started. Once there was a deal between Akatsuki and “the land of Wind”. They both wanted to be united but Hanzo, who was the leader of Land of Wind wanted leader of Akatsuki to die, which means Yahiko had to sacrifice himself. There was no choice so Nagato had to kill him. Nagato couldn't control his anger and was unconscious so he killed Hanzo and other ninjas. Akatsuki became S+ criminal which means every 5 nations targeted them. These nations include land of earth, land of fire, land of wind, land of earth and land of water. Akatsuki became worldwide famous. Yahiko was brought back to life by Nagato and the leader of Akatsuki was still alive, and Yahiko was known as Pain. Instead of 8 members, there were now 20 members in Akatsuki. One old guy came to hidden rain village to spy on the leader of Akatsuki. He saw 100 meters building and he was about to go there, but just to confirm he asked about this mysterious building to one person and no one knows about it but the people of hidden rain village says that he is our lord and he is watching everyone. Old guy thought that it was pretty lame but

anyway he decided to go in there. When he went in there he saw someone he couldn't remember but Pain remembered him. “You have become really old Jiraiya”,Pain. Jiraiya was shocked as he still couldn't remember him but Pain recognised him. Instead of one Pain, there were five other Pain who were clones. It was six against one. After few fights Pain told his real name as Jiraiya was almost dead. Jiraiya could had easily left with the information he had before Pain had the opportunity to kill him. Yahiko decided to kill him because he was a threat to his ambition. Jiraiya was killed by Pain and falls into a body of water. Pain decided to attack Land of fire as it was threat to his plan. 6 Pain, Nagato and Konoha entered land of fires. Real Pain was levitating in the sky and was about to finally destroy the Land of fire.“This world shall know pain, almighty push.” With this one blast, whole land was destroyed in the blink of an eye. No one knew what happened. 100's of people lost there lives and their loved ones. Jiraiya's student “Minato” learns about his teacher's death. His power level was so high that he killed all 5 Pain but he didn't kill the real one because he wants to know the reason. Why is he doing this. “You asked me why I am doing all this”,Yahiko. “But even if I told you why, I doubt that the knowledge would change anything at all. But let's say I take time to explain. What do you think will happen then? My goal was to fulfil the dream even Jiraiya was unable to achieve. What I want is to create peace and bring justice. What about my family, friends and village. They suffered the same as this village. How is it fair to let only you people to preach about peace and justice? The land of fire had grown too big to protect their interests. They forced other nations to war against each other and profited from it. Otherwise the people of the villages would've starved. After many wars the nations stabilised but our small nation suffered a lot and it never recovered. I also want to achieve the peace that Jiraiya visioned. Him and I are the same. Everyone feels the same pain in loosing something dear. Jiraiya and I have both experienced that pain. We live in such a cycle, where hatred is never going to end. It is the same as our history. I believe human beings cannot understand each other and they never will. This world is ruled by hatred”, Pain. “So Minato how would you confront this hatred in order to create peace? I want to know what your answer is…” “I don't know, I don't have an answer”, Minato.

KIDNAP - Ali A 9-1-1 operator Beck Johnson receives a call one night from a teenage girl, Leah Templeton, fearing for her life as a man breaks into her home. Beck calmly advises her to conceal herself upstairs. When the call is disconnected, Beck calls Leah back, a decision that costs Leah her life. The ringing phone gives her location away to the intruder. Beck attempts to dissuade him from going further over the phone. He responds "It's already done" and hangs up, leaving her distraught. The next day, Beck sees a television report confirming that Leah has been murdered. Emotionally affected by the incident, Jordan tells her Husband, Officer Paul, that she can no longer handle field calls. Six months later, she starts working as a trainer for 9-1-1 operators. Teenager Candace is kidnapped from a mall parking garage by a man named Michael after shopping with her friend, Autumn, and forced into the trunk of his car, a red Camry. Casey had taken Autumn's disposable phone after she accidentally left it in the mall, and uses it to call 9-1-1. A rookie operator, Brooke, receives the call but is unable to handle it, prompting Beck to take over. However, Casey's use of a disposable Phase phone means that her location cannot be determined by GPS, showing only the location of the Tower near the disposable phone. While Michael drives, Beck guides Candace through knocking out a light and signaling people in nearby cars. One woman who sees Casey waving her arm out of the trunk of Camry calls 9-1-1 on a phone with Phase II capabilities, allowing the police to narrow their search. When Candace tells Beck that there are cans of paint in the trunk, Beck has Candace pour the paint out of the taillight hole. This attracts the attention of another motorist, Alan, but Michael knocks him out with a shovel, and assuming him to be dead and stuffs Alan in the trunk of a black car with Candace. Alan reawakens in the trunk and begins screaming uncontrollably, and Michael stabs him, unfortunately Alan gives away an Escape Lever to Michael who rips it out. Michael stops at a gas station where Candace gets an idea to crawl out of the trunk and scream for help. A gas attendant attempts to bust the door open, but Michael violently douses him with gasoline and throws a lighter at him, burning him alive. Upon arriving at his destination, Michael removes Candace from the trunk and finds the phone in her pocket, with 9-1-1 listening on the line. Through the phone, Beck informs him that his identity is uncovered and advises him to surrender himself and not hurt the girl. Before smashing the phone, Michael responds, "It's already done", leading Beck to realize that Michael is the same culprit who killed Leah six months ago. Meanwhile, Paul, accompanied by another officer and others in law enforcement, raid Michael's home, but find only his wife and children. Finding a photo of Michael and his sister, they realize that Casey resembles her. Additionally, the house seen in the photo is eventually revealed by Michael's wife to have burned down, although a nearby cottage still remains. The police raid it, but find nobody there and leave.

Michael begins to process and torture Candace slowly. Determined to rescue Candace, Beck drives to the secondary home where she finds a number of photos of Michael with his Cancer-stricken sister. Stepping outside, she recognizes sounds from an outdoor Flag pole—exactly the same sound she heard in the background in the final moments of the 9-1-1 call. She also finds a trap door with dirt on it and an underground place located where the house once stood. Beck accidentally drops her cell phone down the cellar and climbs down in without calling the police. Navigating the cellar, Beck hides from an emerging Michael. The cellar itself pieces together Michael's backstory. Michael had Intimate feelings towards Melinda and was distraught when she fell ill and died. Michael has a prop head that he keeps in the cellar that he treats like his sister. He has also been scalping and killing young girls who have similar blonde hair, trying to find scalps that match his sister's hair, which she lost due to Chemotherapy. Beck soon finds Candace strapped down to a foldable wheelchair and attacks Michael, as he begins to Rip Candace's scalp. She frees her and both make an attempt to escape the cellar, during which Candace stabs Michael in the back with a pair of scissors. Michael pursues them and they are able to injure and kick him back down into the cellar, making him unconscious. While he is knocked out, they tie him to the same chair Candace was restrained to during captivity. When Michael regains consciousness, the two women reveal they intend to leave him there to die, and claim that Candace had escaped and was found by Beck in the woods. All anyone else will ever know is that Michael simply disappeared. Michael shouts insults and pleads with them, saying they cannot do this to him. Beck replies using his own words, "It's already done," and locks the door.

CHANGE THE STORY- Fatima I was sitting cradled in three branches at the top of an old oak behind my house. I could see over the rooftop, could see for miles. Overhead, planes lined up in the sky, heading toward Hare Airport to land one by one when I saw the hoodlum robbing a 18year old teenager in the middle off the road. I went near and saw that It was Noah, Dixie';s step brother so I mustered some courage and rescued him from the goons which helped me catch attention of Dixie. Dixie is the girl with honey sweet lips, which are lilac soft, her hair are midnight black which are flowed over her shoulders. I fell in love with her the day she was wearing a ethic dress in a rebellious way. Dixie is way above my standard and has many responsibilities being the top fashion model and the official singer of our school. Noah is a shy and nerdy canteen boy and college student, running a cafe with his friend Blake. After catching Dixie';s attention, Noah invites Dixie on a fake birthday party as a night of love. Dixie wears her most favorite dress and was on her way when she witnesses the murder of the famous scientist in the town, Taylor by his evil twin brother, the underworld don Shawn, and as a result she was forced to leave the country to save her own life, since the law had been bought out by the very same killers.The scientist had stored a secret code in a stuffed toy, a parrot which Shawn wanted so he decided to rob the parrot by killing Taylor , Taylor runs and gets into the car stopped on the red light signal.Tayler was scared and exhausted by running so he left the parrot in Dixie& car and ran to save his life but unfortunately Taylor was killed by his own brother.Unawares,Dixie leaves the toy at her home in a hurry before leaving ,and on the other side Noah was waiting for Dixie but as it was getting darker , he decided to come to Dixie';s house. When he reaches her house, he witnesses that the door was open and Dixie wasn't there but he saw the parrot and thought that was a gift from Dixie for him and picked up, ignorant of Dixie';s fate. Three years later, still in love with Dixie , but depressed by her sudden and complete disapperance,Noah stumbles across old schoolmates of her at a cafe and gets to know that she had been living in LA since the past three years. Noah coaxes Blake to help him track down Dixie in LA. They enlist the aid of a local hustler and bounty hunter, Griffin. Griffin travels to LA, which his friend Chase has already tracked down Dixie, who has become Charli, a successful singer and performer. Griffin and Chase stakeout Charli's villa to make sure they are on the right track, but as soon as Griffin sees Charli,he fells love at first sight. While he has Charli under surveillance, Noah and Blake arrive at the LA airport from Texas. Faced with a potential competitor to get Charli,Griffin tries to eliminate Noah from the picture by lying to him about Dixie saying that Dixie had taken up drinking and smoking and have two husband, six children , and also an affair with a gangster, with whom she is going to have a baby soon .He further lies about Dixie been left wheelchair bound after a dunk driving accident. Noah is heartbroken to her all this and decides to go back to Texas. He is about to board his flight, when at the last moment, he spots a picture of Dixie as Charli on a club advertisement printed across an airport Taxi.

He is overjoyed, and assumes that Griffin made a mistake, not being aware that Griffin is in fact trying to deceive him. Things are about to get more complicates,sicne not only has Griffin to content with Noah ,there are two people already in her life, trying to catch her in their web of deceit. Local plumber, Alex has been currying favors for Charli by pretending to be a paraplegic on crutches. Every time Charli meets someone she likes, Alex eliminates the competitor using a unique trick. He edits and prints out a fake newspaper featuring an article showing that person as a crook, and comes over to Charli and shares "the news" with her while acting all shocked himself.. On the other hand, there is Charli's physically disabled live-in friend Tommy ,who also has a soft spot for her. Having heard of the death of Dixie's disabled brother a year ago, Tommy has since faked being run over in a car accident and now acts like he himself is disabled and mentally challenged, thus managing to stay close to Charli by seamlessly filling in the void . Nonetheless, Griffin begins his attempted seduction of Charlie.. Having wired the villa, and thus overheard what Charli craves in a man, Griffin shows up at the local shopping mall, pretending to be an architect. Charli, who is shopping at the mall, is ambushed in the parking lot by a bunch of thugs (who it later transpires are simply mugs hired by Griffin himself). Griffin intervenes, and after seemingly beating the living daylights out of the supposed thugs, professional with a heart of gold. Somewhat awed,Charli offers Griffin an invitation for tea , which he accepts. When Griffin arrives at her villa later in the evening, he is confronted by several obstacles,Charli's aunt Gigi,the jealous Tommy and the family's pet dog.Grifin is easily able to charm Gigi, but has to drug the dog, who dies due to an overdose while the sisters are making Grifiin a drink in the kitchen. Crisis is avoided when Griffin is able to revive the dog by electrocution using wiring from a lamp in the living room. The parties then quickly depart to the grand opening of Charli's latest album at a social event, where Griffin now comes face to face withAlex, who puts Griffin on the spot right away, as he himself is pretending to be an architect. With Charli and company under surveillance, Griffin now intercepts Alex trying to discredit him at Charli's home. Later, when the shocked Charli confronts Griffin about him being an alleged impostor, Griffin is able to fast-talk his way out of the situation and convince the gullible Charli that he is indeed not an architect, but a captain on a ship, something his mother does not approve of, thus the ruse. Tommy, however behaves in a somewhat jealous manner and puts Griffin in a confusing situation, involving him jumping on Griffin's back and then accusing the latter of having twisted and bitten his arm. A food bill from a bar drops out of Tommy's pocket during his supposed accusation. This arouses Griffin's suspicions about his supposed "condition".

The next day using that food bill, Griffin and Chase track down Tommy at a local disco where, unaware that he is being followed, Tommy shows up every week, for a little fun and dance away from his daily existence as a fake disabled victim.Griffin confronts Tommy while he is on the disco floor and threatens to expose him in front of Charli. At the end, Griffin lets Tommy go, on the condition that the latter will no longer attempt to get in his way of seducing Charli.The scene now shifts to the harbour, where Griffin has invited Charli over for a cruise. While he is coddling her on the harbour front, Charli spots Noah and Blake sitting at the grounds. Unaware that Noah is in LA searching for her, she is overjoyed to see an old friend from her past. She introduces Noah to Griffin, unaware that they know each other quite well already! Noah, however, seeing Griffin and Charli all smiles and happy, simply wants to leave them alone out of his love for Dixie. He just wants her to be happy, even if it is with Griffin and not himself, much to Blake's frustration. While he tries to leave the scene, pretending that he and Blake have a flight to catch, Charli convinces Noah to stay one more night in Dubai, and come over for dinner later in the day. Alex shows up later at the party, and pulls Charli aside to reveal his latest newspaper creation, showing Griffin as an international crook, murderer and serial killer wanted by many crime agencies the world over, as Alex explains is to trap and seduce innocent girls like Charli and then destroy their lives. Griffin overhears the conversation and while Charli is occupied elsewhere, chases Alex outside in the club parking lot. Alex drops the pre tense of being crippled, throws his crutches on the ground, and runs for dear life. Later, Griffin, Alex and Tommy are seen sitting in a bar nearby after a confrontation, exposing each other as fraudsters and having a drink together, cursing their luck at the emergence of Noah as the new love in Charli's life. With Griffin having bugged Charli again, the trio now listen to Charli's views about them and find out, in a hilarious manner, that all is not what it seems, since she views Alex as a brother ,, Tommy as something similar to brother, and Griffin as a fraud and murderer. They then go to Charli's house, where she is having coffee with Noah. Griffin uses a gun to shoot some specially medicated pills into the drawing room to be consumed by the dog. One of them is consumed by the dog, but the other is consumed by Gigi.The effects are hilarious as Gigi suddenly becomes hyperactive and so does the dog. Confusion ensues as the dog attacks Noah and he ends up throwing it out the window.The next day, Noah goes to Charli's house to propose to her and finds that she has been sent an anonymous letter, informing her that he indeed had hired Griffin to follow her. In a spate of anger, she sends him out of the house. Later, when he goes to Griffin's house to confront him about this, he finds Alex and Tommy there as well, who also reveal themselves to have been conning Charli.Alex reveals that he had written the anonymous letter to Charli and goes on to reveal his trick with the newspapers, disgusting Noah. Meanwhile, Shawn and his family, including Sunny, (his illegitimate son, who has also been obsessed with Tanya since college) arrive at Natasha's house and interrogate her about the stuffed toy.

Realising that his father had used his obsession to track down Natasha, Sunny turns on his father and kidnaps her. Sweety informs Alex about this and he along with Griffin, Noah and Tommy follow them after having gotten directions from Blake, who saw them from a taxi. The chase takes them to the middle of a desert, where after some confusion, it is revealed that Taylor had stored the code of a vault in the stuffed toy. The vault had carried a secret solution, two drops of which could decrease a person's age by 25 years. The night Taylor had died, he had found that his brother wanted to use the formula for his own consumption and had tried to escape in Charli's car as she had been passing by. He had slipped the toy into a package, a birthday present she had been carrying for Karan's fake birthday dinner, thus explaining how he had the toy. Khurana used the toy to counteract his forgetfulness. Charli sent him out of the car at first, but, undergoing a change of heart, had gone back later just in time to witness Shawn's son Sunny kill Taylor. Griffin intervenes and cleverly destroys the toy after having it speak the code into Charli's ear, making sure she cannot be killed, the code being in her mind now. A gunfight ensues, during which Charli discovers Tommy and Alex's deceit, much to her shock .After the commotion, Sunny, wanting the solution all for himself, to sell to a Chinese buyer and make millions, kidnaps Charli. Alex and Griffin follow them on bikes and finally manage to catch up with them. After beating up all the men, they take Charli to her house where a further argument ensues as to who should be more worthy of Charli. The argument ends when Noah arrives with Xerosn and tells Charli about Alex's newspaper scams, one of which had exposed Xerson as a drug dealer and addict earlier. Xerson and Charliare reunited. Wishing them luck, Noah leaves in sadness after the others are left cursing.Charli realises her love for Noah and stops him as he is leaving, saying that she and Xerson had had no future ever since their earlier break up. She then accepts and reciprocates his love and they finally unite. This tearful union is once again being witnessed by a grumbling Griffin, Alex and Tommy along with Sunny. Griffin impatiently tells them to stop cursing and asks them to admit to the fact that they were never worthy enough for her. He then turns to Chase and suggests, in a whisper, that they try to find out where Noah and Dixie are going for their honeymoon and they eagerly put on a pair of earphones. In the last frame, the camera pans to Dixie and Noah walking away towards the sunset, hand in hand. At the end, the narrator says that after all the effort he had undertaken to acquire the solution, Shawn had become too overexcited and had consumed the whole quantity instead of two drops. He had ended up becoming a baby and Sunny unwittingly became his father.

Change the Future! - Hadi My name is Amber, despite the name I'm actually a boy. I don't exactly know why my parents gave me the name and I've never asked them why but I've grown comfortable with it. I love to think of stories and one day I'd like to become an author. I haven't really written any stories so I decided to give it a try. Little did I know I would get an extremely good story right away. You see, this isn't a fictional story it's something that I have personally experienced and I would love to share it. It was a Monday morning; I wake up normally like I would any day and proceeded opened the window. It was snowing, as usual and to a point where even snowmen would freeze. I would usually like the warm sun once in a while but a chilly, snowy morning almost seemed perfect. Why is it perfect? Well I'm getting a day off from school and on a Monday too. I dread Mondays because of extra classes and an off day is all I needed to stay in my humble abode (my room). The warmth of my blanket made it easier for me to think of new ideas. My mom would bring a me some hot chocolate which would make me even more comfortable but I remembered she and dad were out for the week. This would mean I'm left with my older brother. My older brother, Oliver, was responsible for me when our parents are out. I was really happy that Oliver was going to take care of me while we were both off from school. Oliver is a really inspiring older brother, he's someone I look up to and someone I want to be like. He's kind and always stood up for me when I was bullied because of my name. He's a student that gets really good grades and wants to become an astronaut when he grows up. He even comes to my room to talk once every day and shares ideas and facts with me about what he's currently studying. I was surprised to see that he didn't visit my room today like he usually does maybe he was busy studying or catching up on homework. I thought really hard about what my story was going to be about and a good title to go with it. It seemed that mom's hot cocoa had a great effect on my thinking and creativity. So, I got out of my blanket and went straight to the kitchen where I found out we were out of chocolate. Hence, I decided I'll make some coffee. With that I started boiling the water. That's when I felt something strange. A weird feeling of dizziness struck me and it felt like everything was shaking. Pictures started to appear in my head. I saw broken pieces of the pot I was boiling the coffee in but the pot itself appeared fine. The whole kitchen was mess, the stuff that was kept in the cabinets were laid out on the floor as if it had been ravaged by an animal.

The cabinets were closed and the stuff kept in the closet were all fine too but I could still see the broken pieces of glass and the mess was still there. I touched the salt bottle in the cabinet and I could feel it. When I touched the broken bottle, which was the same as the one in the cabinet, my hand passed through it. The image of the whole mess started to feel fuzzy as I touched it and my hand just passed through. I couldn't tell the difference between what was reality and what was in my head. The image in my head had disappeared and the whole kitchen was back to normal. I turned off the heater on the pot, ran up to my room and laid down on my bed to process what went through my head. I felt extremely bad headaches and to make it worse the lights in my bedroom started flickering and each time it flickered it grew brighter. This happened to a point where I got off the bed and went to Oliver's room. As I ran down the hallways and up the stairs to his room, I saw scratch marks on the walls and the wooden walls had large holes in them. Oliver's room door had been broken and laying on the floor was Oliver, bruised and bleeding on the floor up against the bed. I ran into the room to help my brother up but my hand that was supposed to help him up passed through him. I panicked and started to scream my brother's name but he never answered. I could hear his feint breathing and was murmuring something. He was saying my name but very softly. I knew at that moment he was worried for me but he didn't know I was there before him completely fine. A few minutes had passed and I started to notice my brother sweating. I could start to see a fire starting in the house and everything started to burn. Weirdly I couldn't feel the heat at all. I ran out of the room to go look for help in the village but I couldn't get pass the main door. I couldn't open the door since my hands kept going through the door knob. I couldn't pass though the door like a ghost either and same was the case with the windows. The fire raged across the house and burned down everything eventually burning me alive as was unable to get back up to Oliver's room.

I woke up. It was all a dream, so I thought. As I got up from my bed to see that it was night time I heard the doorbell and ran towards it. To my relief it was Oliver, who had come back with groceries. I sighed and was comforted with the thought that it was all a “dreamâ€?. I decided to tell my brother about it and how it felt extremely realistic. Later, the doorbell rang while I talked to Oliver and we both went to get the door thinking it was our parents coming back home early. My brother checked through the peep hole to check who it was first and he didn't recognise the person as our parents. He said quietly that the person seemed a bit intimidating and it wasn't someone from our village. He told me to go back into my room and he opened the door after I had gone into the room. I could hear the person at the door talking in a hoarse voice with my brother. The mysterious man wanted to let himself in in which my brother responded with no and immediately closes the door as the man abruptly tried to push himself in. My brother sighed and told me to come back out of the room. I questioned who it was and if it was someone, he knew in which my brother replied that he didn't. I went back into my room and Oliver went to his to study and call mom and dad and tell them about the strange encounter. A few moments later I heard the door crash open and heard multiple people barging into the house. I peeked through the side of my room door and saw that the people were ravaging through the kitchen cabinets and with their axes they starting to swing at the walls. I heard barks of dogs and heard them scratching the walls. I closed my lights beforehand luckily and took the chance to hide in my closet. The people barged into my room looking all over like animals. My breathing was unstable now, I was scared as the people started checking the closets. They didn't find me behind the clothes and luckily dads coat was there for me to hide behind. Later on, the people left the house and I ran up to my brother's room. Everything in the vision I saw started to become real as if I could see the future. I went in my brother's room to find him in the same position as before. The house started burning as it was in the vision but this time, I decided not to leave my brothers side and look for help as the vision foresaw me being engulfed by the flames. Just as I thought I was about to give up villagers rushed in to rescue us where I shouted to let them know our location. The villagers took me and my brother and climbed out the window as the fire had spread completely at the bottom floor. In the end I was safe but my brother was injured. I was able to avoid being engulfed by the flames because of my ability to see the future. One could say I changed my future‌

Life Doesn’t Always Go the Way You Want It To.. - Hamdan

All Characters Are Fictional Except: David Beckham Ole Gunnar Ryan Giggs Cristiano Ronaldo What you're about to read is a story of a man… Now I know what you're probably thinking what's so special about this man? Well this man dreamnt of becoming a footballer. Okay now you get the gist! So, let's start the story… On the 28 th of October 2000 a little boy was brought about to Mister Kazmi & Miss Kazmi in a small town in Pakistan called Chakwal. This boy came from a poor background, Mister Kazmi his father was a farmer but hardly his crops ever made it through the brutal summer of Pakistan. Even when the Kazmi's were poor their house looked like a mansion too many people but when you stepped inside the reason the house looked so big was due to big front yard. Now some of you might think why did a poor family have such a big yard half of it was used for planting crops but the rest was in no use at all. Mister & Mrs. Kazmi named their son Ali. While growing up Ali helped his father out on the farm every day after school because after all he was the only son. Ali studied hard because he was on a mission to work hard and become a big man so he could provide for his family. He made his father proud every year by scoring the best grades in his class. But in Year 5 something caught Ali's eye no no it wasn't a beautiful woman it was football he saw some kids kicking a ball around in his school ground. He immediately fell in love with the sport. He played every day in school. He impressed everyone even his school coach who hated him. The school coach was so proud that he asked Ali to join the school team. After applying for the team, he was their best player he would score 5 solo goals and win the match for his team. He became a superstar. Everyone was speaking about this once unknown kid. Ali Kazmi was the hottest news of the Steps Private School. But Ali's family wasn't happy at all. Why? Because they thought football was a waste of time and there was no potential career for him in playing football. I know right the same old Pakistani typical thinking. Well Ali being a fan of football he wanted to play for The Red Devils Okay! I'll tell you their actual name Manchester United the biggest club in world football history. He wanted to play for the club with the best players had played for Cristiano Ronaldo, Ryan Giggs & David Beckham. He wanted to play in the Theatre Of Dreams Old Trafford. But his family thought that was just wasting his time they told him he could become a cricketer instead but Ali refused he replied by saying “After all I have always thought for the better of this family why can't I do something I like for once?”

He continued playing football but always made sure he scored the most grades in every subject in his class. He even saved five rupees which was his monthly money for a month!!! He kept doing so for six months until he finally had enough to buy a football. But when his father found out his father took his football and ripped it apart with his bare hands. Being fifteen years of age Ali kept playing and kept becoming better and better. But one day the club that Ali had always dreamt of playing came to Pakistan to scout the best youth they travelled from city to city. They had finally come to Chakwal this was Ali's chance. And what do you know he went for it he was lucky the manager Ole Gunnar Soljskaer had also come he became a star of the manager. The manager was so impressed he asked Ali if he could come to his house. Ali took the manager to his house. Ole Gunnar asked Mr. Kazmi that he wanted to sign Ali for the Manchester United youth squad but his father replied, “Your taking my son away from my family for a stupid sport I can't allow that Sir. So, I ask you to leave right now!” The manager left saying, “Your kids a superstar!” That was a day that Ali never forgot. After that Ali dedicated his life to his parents. He stopped playing football he studied twice as hard. He got a scholarship to go and study in Turkey. At the age of 20, Ali looked for a job in Turkey he got one as the CEO of WWE Turkey. He was reaching high peaks at a very young age. At 24 his parents settled with him in the United States because he had been promoted as the CEO of the whole WWE company. He became so rich that he bought the English Football Club Leeds United. He has become a multi-millionaire and one of the best businessmen in the world. He sacrificed it all for his parents he left what he used to loved to do. He dreamt about becoming one of the best footballers but life is not what you expect it to be. Instead of becoming the best footballer but instead he became the one of the best businessmen in the world. Ali didn't want to become a thorn in what his son wanted to become and you won't believe what he wanted to become a FOOTBALLER!!!

Change the story - Jasim “What was my goal in life, how did I see my-self tomorrow?” Said the warrior as

he was laying down on the high, castle roof hearing the shout and cries of battle below, “I have achieved nothing but killing millions of souls I have seen nothing but the scenes of battle and death and for what? Nothing but the laughs of the ones in higher status, who sit around and watch while we send ourselves to deaths door. Guess it doesn't matter at least with my last act I have sparked the fires of revolution.” The warrior slowly dies watching the night sky “not a bad way to die, at least I got to watch the night sky one last time” said the warrior before he died Then when opened his eyes again he was surprised to see whiteness all around him and feel his light body “I'm not dead he thought” “Hello” said a voice and immediately the warrior looked all around “who-who are you” said the warrior “you know who I am” replied the voice, it seems it had no ill intentions towards him but the cautious warrior said “I really don't know” the voice chuckled and said “don't worry you'll remember but for now enjoy your new life”. “Wait what are you talking about?” The warrior said before the world started spinning and all became dark and silent. Then he was alone. “Am I stuck here forever?” he thought He didn't know long it had been. Until finally he felt he was being moved with the rush of cold air and muffled sounds of people talking, he opened his eyes to see what was happening and saw that he was on a bed in a clean cabin and there were two people above him greeting him with warm eyes and smiles “who are these two?” He thought. “Congratulations” said a nearby voice “its healthy baby boy”. “look honey our baby boy he's so cute” said a weak female voice “and he has your eyes.” “Yes and he has your smile” said a strong and sturdy male voice “what should we call him?” “How about Kane”. Said the female.

“Yes, Kane is a good name and a name of a warrior and a survivor.” “Are these two my parents?” Thought Kane “maybe I'm still dying and experiencing my entire life again.”

But the scene did not change Kane watches as the parents requested about the health of their newly born child while the doctor and nurse asked for the father to leave “sir I know you have received a newly born child but you must leave because we need to check if the mother or child has any sickness during birth” “Nonsense I will not leave my wife and child here beside look at them they are as healthy as they should be “ “Sir I must insist that you should leave” said a nurse guiding the father out the room. “Wait is this actually real” thought Kane “did-did I really get reborn?” Chapter 1: Magic It has been 2 months since I have been reborn I now have a complete grasp of what I could find out. first seem to be retired army specials since their posture and body indicates they have been in many battles together. Dad especially, he seems to have battle scars but, the thing is the scars are not from human attacks. no they seem to be from different strange attacks like the giant slash on his chest it looked as if a giant bear had slashed him, or like the two deep scars on his back which are parallel to each other and they kind seem to be growing, there was no other to describe them. While mum seem to be able to hold out to be on her own but instead of physique she seems to have another type of ability. I keep wondering about it but can't seem to figure it out, but the most wondering question seemingly is that father and mother seem to be stronger and higher than the average person, but they seem to be living in a small rural village in a forest high in the mountains, though I don't know if it kind of seems like we are concealing or hiding ourselves from someone. Second our home is a clean cabin with a bedroom, living room, kitchen and study room, with a garden in the back. Third and the strangest is one thing which is similar back to my world is that it seems that humans of this world can also control Qi in this world. Qi the life-force of all things it can help increase strength and senses of the human as to an extent of being able to withstand a direct hit from a boulder 10 times bigger a carriage

but the most important thing it could do was lengthen the age the average human could achieve, some masters could achieve the highest peak in which they could live for more than five hundred years, but… there seems to another force in this world which is more abundant in this world than in my world and completely opposite to control with. “I'm home” said father limping, as he entered the cabin. His arm was tied up in a sling and he wore a bandage on his forehead. “He's injured!” I thought “how did he end in a state like that?” “welcome home” said mother as she walked out from the kitchen, then gasped to see father in an injured state “what happened?” Rushing to father with a hug. Nothing there were more monsters than usual” replied father “that's why we got a bigger harvest today but in return most of us suffered injuries and broke more than half our equipment. Too bad we didn't have a healer on our side” father chuckled but then started coughing, small at first but then louder and louder until he had to lay on the sofa so mother could see the wound he got. Monsters? Adventures? Healers? What kind of job does father do? “Henry we talked about this, I am not going to start adventuring again especially with other people, because you and I both know I can't reveal too much about myself, you on the other hand can easily blend in with other adventures.” She said while opening the bandage on his arm, head and body. What is she going to do? I thought why is she opening fathers bandages? When mother finally opened all of fathers bandages and just when I thought she was going crazy she started chanting some kind of poem under breath and her hands started glowing. It was then when I could see the other force in this world move towards mother until the entire room was basked in warmth and then when the light was gone I saw one power of the other force in this world could do, all of fathers wounds were healed, nothing remained except some small scars, maybe this world isn't as same as my old world.

Change the Story - Maheen Day or Night. It was always the same story. Everybody always knew each other, their similar tactics disguised by minute changes of name and circumstance. Adults had always called children a nuisance except for Mr. Adrien and Ms. Lavender. School taught the same lessons, proverbs, and facts. No one wanted to leave the town, it was perfect. A stable income, a comfortable home and safe environment. However this monotony was bound to break; everyone knew it. When? No one knew. It had been an hour or so spent together. Excitedly, Valeria was detailed Riley about her evening dress and Riley could not help kicking the football into the goal. Each time, Riley missed out on some “critical news”, Valeria would threaten to leave. Finally, they decided to head back home and get ready for the evening. Mr. Lee, was hosting a dinner and it broke the usual routine so the kids were grateful and it meant meeting each other, dressed neatly and they could hang out at home instead of laying in the grass or finding a nice seating spot on the trees. Mr. Lee and Mrs. Lee welcomed everyone with a handshake or a hug and soon after, guided their guests to the living room and Valeria instantly invited the kids upstairs to her room. At first, it was awkward for everyone in Valeria's room however Sam decided to break the ice and began speaking about their last day at school before the weekend. A while later, it became comfortable and everybody had someone to talk to. Downstairs, the conversation between the adults was united and totally demoralizing. Mr. Lee complained to each person about his computer access known to someone else. This “someone else” would leave his work untouched but review his work. Someone who always seemed to figure out his next move and passwords. It must have occurred to the children that this would be a great day for everyone to unite however it seemed like a purposeful invite over to discuss this one issue. When food was served, the children came rushing downstairs and in line, grabbed the silver spoon to pour large spoonful's of noodles and salad. Some went to sit upstairs, whereas Riley, Sam and Valeria decided to stay downstairs. They sat down the opposite room to where the adults were seated. Valeria chose to use the back hallway instead of the main lobby to reach there. They could see the heads of the guests and begun to discuss and laugh at their priceless reactions without knowing the context. When their attentions fell upon Mr. Adrien. “Mr. Adrien, comes so frequently. I cannot tell whether it is for pleasures sake or work but I have to say Mr. Adrien sure does have good humour” Sam and Riley begun thinking about him “ I guess so, it is Ms. Lavender too whom knows how to have some fun” Sam exclaimed. “Honestly, I find Mr. Adrien a little too sophisticated. His 'posh' manners and speech don't make too much sense. Why would someone with his qualification live in this town. I mean, he doesn't even have family here, he said it himself ” Riley added. Valeria shrugged her shoulders and went to get another round of food with Sam.

Riley heard light smooth steps, and a shadow of a tall, muscular structured man without bulges stood outside and opened the door. Riley hid behind a chair and trying to identify him. “ Listen, we need to initiate this by Thursday. Everything is going by plan, the

council will start by Monday and Thursday we will have it all assured. Will they agree? I know a way they will. This experiment it'll work”. Just at that moment, Sam and Valeria entered the room with immediate regret and looked for Riley and saw her behind the arm chair. Mr. Adrien, also, noticed and cut the phone call. “ Aah, don't want to spend time with the rest” “No, we get along here just fine” “I'll you two to it” he leaves the room and closes the door. Riley laughs as she come out from behind. Both Sam and Valeria look her in the eyes sharply. Riley tells the all that she heard and the latter discard it as petty. It was monotonous week, and all three from their separated routes intersected at one point and began to discuss their homework. They decided to go to the woods to collect the samples of fungi needed and it also gave them an excuse to visit their tree house and check its state. In their eyes, everything was overgrown. Grass reached their knees, more leaves and

Hidden Truth - Qudsia What hides behind the lies are truths that failed to get to the light. What lies behind your betrayal may have been honest at first sight. What concealed my pain is what keeps reminding me of you every night. You fed me lie, after lie, after lie. You did it in such a way as if I were sitting in front of you holding out a dinner plate begging to be fed. The pain that are given by close ones are sharper than the enemy's knife. If the lies come for your dad, whom you think as your ideal, is like a poison. Flashback “Where are you son? We are getting late.”. “Yea, dad just give me two minutes” “Son fast” “Ok dad” It was my first day joining my father's company. I was so excited, that I couldn't sleep. My happiness was coming from my eyes. I just couldn't express my feelings. But I was bit nervous, as it was my first day. Anyways, father will be there so no problem. As he is my everything. I trust him blindly. When my mother died, by my close friend's dad, I was desperate. My eyes were full with revenge. But my dad was there to support me and encourage me. He said “Life goes on even if your close ones die. You shouldn't stop living your life. Stand up and grow more.” It's 9:30am in California. And we are about to reach the office. I was thinking on my way that if my mom was alive today, she would be proud of me. And next week is Mother's Day. When I reached my father arranged a special welcome for me. He does it every time. He does so much for me. I love him a lot and if someone says against him something, I consider them as my enemy. My cabinet was on 12 th floor. It had such a breath-taking view. I could see whole city. When I set on the chair, I felt really fortunate to take my father's company forward. My happiness was unlimited. Today's day was just an introduction day, meeting with staff. I went home early than my father, as he was busy in a project. On the way I saw my ex best friend whom I hate so much. He eyes and expressions wanted to talk with me but his mouth didn't. Who cares? I also don't want to see his face. We just went on our paths. I felt guilt not on my brain but inside my heart. My heart said just once meet him! Just once! But I stopped myself there because there will be no friendship between us, only hatred. I started to fire up. This fire inside me will destroy whole world. The revenge of killing my mother will keep me alive.

I picked a book from my shelf and started to read it. Flipping the pages. Suddenly, I felt something strange. The feeling of incomplete story. A hidden secret. I couldn't share it with others. Even not my father. Ding Dong. Here comes my father. With KFC. I was feeling hungry. My stomach growled. Guess what? My father forgot cold drinks. So, I had to go and bring, as my father was tired, that's why I don't want to him to go again. On the way, I found an old man. The map of wrinkles on his face told of the most incredible journey. His eye lines told of laughter, of warm smiles and affection. The old man's thick, groomed moustache was sliver-white. His wide forehead had numerous lines. He made a signal to stop. I stopped the car. He walked towards me. My mind was surging perplexity. Why he was coming towards me? We don't know each other. Does he need a help? “Open your eyes! Look around”, said man. I was speechless. I didn't know what to say. “Don't be confused son. Discover the truth”, calmly said man. “Go to your left two men will be standing there. They know everything.” Man added. I went to the place, according to that man. Guess what? I saw James (ex-best friend) and Mr. Johns (his father). Anger boiled deep in my system, as hot as lava. It churned within, hungry for destruction, and I know it's too much for me to handle. I was going back, until James stopped me. He said, “Don't go. Just once. Listen to me. I am innocent, and my father even.” I didn't stop, but his father came in front of my car. Unwillingly, I had to stop. “What you want from me? Or do you want to kill me also?”, I said “No, we want to talk to you “, said James “I don't want to see your face even”, I replied “Listen to us”, said Mr. Johns “Wait a second, that old man was sent by you”, surprisingly I said “Yes”, replied James “Ahh I see. You want to cover the truth, but I know everything about you both. Criminals!”, weirdly I said, “Anyways what you want to say”. “The thing which we will tell you is painful”, said James “Greater than the pain you gave”, I said

“The killer of your mother is not us”, Mr. Johns said “Then who?”, snored me “Y…. our……. Father”, replied James

I gave a wry laugh. “What a joke”, I said “Son its true”, said Mr. Johns “Any evidence”, I replied “Yes”, said Mr. Johns “Then show”, I replied” “Not here, we have to go to your old house”, said Mr. Johns I was puzzled. As, my father didn't allow me to go there, for some reasons which he didn't tell. “Ok let's go”, I said They both became happy. We ride to our old house. It was quiet. Silence hung in the air like the suspended moment before a falling window shatters on the ground. The silence stretched thinner and thinner, like a balloon blown big, until the temptation to rupture it was too great to resist. We reached the place and entered through a rough door. I wondered why didn't father renovated this house. The house was creepy. “Now what?”, I questioned “Follow us”, answered James. I followed them. We stopped in front of cupboard. “What's this?”, I asked. “Wait”, replied Mr. Johns. There was a secret room inside the cupboard. “What”, I reacted. I wore a puzzled expression. I didn't know what to say. I didn't know. We entered the room; it was an old room. Older than the house. A dark room. The dark room was like a place out of time, a place to rest without consequence. I opened the flash light and followed them. I saw so many photos of peoples. Each one was marked with red mark. I roamed in circles to see the photos. My eyes were shocked. My body froze. It felt like soul is going out from my body. I was astonished. It felt like a criminal room. Then I saw my mother's photo, with red mark on it. I started to cry. The tears burst forth like water from a dam, spilling down my face. My crying was both ferocious and noisy. I miss her so much. James came to me, to support me. I hugged him tightly saying MOTHER. I came to my sense and pushed him. “Killer! You are a killer. Killer!”, I said to him. “Calm down”, said Mr. johns, “I have more to show you; a video”. “Show”, I replied calmly.

He showed me a video, in which my father was shooting my mother. My brain stutters for a moment and my eyes take in more light than I expected, every part of me goes on pause while my thoughts catch up. He continued saying, “He didn't only kill your mother, but also many innocents for greed. And when I got to know about him, he accused us for killing, so you could hate us.” I wasn't able to look him. I never felt that much humiliated in my life. “I am sorry. I don't how to apologize. I am so sorry.”, I said “Don't be sorry son", replied Mr. Johns, “You didn't know anything.” “I used to curse you both. I used to hate the time I met you both and became friends with. I am sorry. I can't look. I feel humiliated, the way I used to treat you both.”, I said sadly. “Your pain is greater, brother. Your heart is bursting like a volcano. We can understand”, replied James “I will take the revenge by leaving him. Father being separated by son; is the best revenge I can take. He will die every day. I used to think him as my hero, my ideal. And what did he do?”, I said. Present I can hear your voice even though I haven't seen you in years.

Second Chance - Naseera June walked and walked in the endless hallway trying to get back home but her legs wobbled and her head was spinning before she knew it her vision blackened. She opens her eyes to see a familiar face tears welled up. Her vision became clearer and it was Lilly her childhood friend who is cheerful but has a gentle heart. Jane clenched her fists because being weak wasn't something she could accept. Since young, she has always been strong and won every game in the sports day. Since young June never believed in God nor was she grateful for what she had but there was a time in her life when she used to believe in God, love and happiness but seeing her family break apart into two which was something she couldn't stop as God didn't answer her prayers or so she thought. People say that children can't understand much when they are young but that's not true. June looks at Lilly and says “Lily don't worry, I'm fine" lily knew she was lying but smiled cheerfully. Since the divorce, her mom has been working nonstop to support June and that meant barely seeing each other. Her relationship with her mom weekend with each passing day. Lily insisted on going to the hospital to do a full body check-up but Jane hates hospital so she took her back home and cooked some nutritious porridge for her and went back home. June stared at the empty room looking back to the time when she used to play with her twin sister Jane and her mom and dad would act lovey-dovey but those days didn't last long. June opened the windows letting the cold winter gush in before she fell into deep slumber. She woke up to the annoying buzz from the clock and went straight to school. As she walked into the corridors the hallway whispered with the news of her fainting. She looked at them with disdain and slammed the classroom door. The teacher ignored her existence as she didn't want to get involved with the student's problems. Bell rang and it was time for lunch so she went to the rooftop with Lily. Lily says with a worried look “ isn't it about time you try to get along with your classmates.” June said with an annoyed face “it is better to be hated than be targeted as a bully” Lily said, “I guess I can't argue with that.” Class ends and they return home. For about four months June has been feeling shortness of breath and pain in her chest but it became worse as she started coughing up blood so she decides to go to the hospital for a check-up without letting her mom know. Hesitantly she walks through the door into the white hall and asks the receptionist for directions. After testing everything she went to the doctor and he says not to panic and explains that she has lung cancer and only two months left to live. Since she was prideful she held back her tears till she got home. As she opened the front door her mom was standing with a worried look on her face as it had gotten late. She didn't stop to speak and slammed her door. She leaned her back to the door and cried as silently as possible. She hid her results under the bed in the hope her mom won't find it. She got herself up together and called Lily. She said “can you come to my house if you are free” with a sore voice. Lily was worried and asked “What's wrong?” and June said nothing. Lily rushed into the house and asked Julie who is June's mom about the situation. Lily went to June's room and slowly knocked on the door. She said to enter so she slowly opens the door. The room was dark as night and she was sitting beside the bed covering her face with her elbow. Lily walked towards her and slowly patted her back trying to calm herself down. After a while, she stopped crying and lily asked her about it. June told her about it as water threatened to fall from her eyes. Julie was worried but didn't dig deep into the matter and went back to work.

Lily stayed with June for the night and they talked about their childhood. June told Lily not to mention it to her mom for now. Lily messaged Julie telling that June has little time left to live. June took a break from school and started to focus on recovery even though the survival chance was low. She changed to a healthier diet and went for chemotherapy on a weekly basis. After much persuasion from her friend, she decides to go to visit a therapist to confide all her problems. First of all, she wanted to mend her relationship with her mother. Then she wanted to tell her mom about cancer. Last but not least she wanted her family to get together even if it was for a day. She sought help from cancer fundraisers for the treatment money. She met her mother with the help of the therapist and told her “we don't even talk anymore so how am I supposed to tell I am dying out of the blue” and Julie comforted her and said, “I'll be a better mother from now on, I promise.” Julie decided to spend quality time together with her daughter and she sought help from her ex-husband with money for the surgery. Time flew by and it was the day of the surgery and everyone came including her dad, mom, sister and her friend. She smiled and said, “For once our family is back together again so I won't have any regrets even if I die.” Then she left for the operation. Julie cried and Henry her former husband comforted her. Jane didn't know what to say as she didn't know about June's condition until she got back England last night. After 8 hours the doctor came out and said it was successful. After 2 weeks in the hospital, June was good as new and their family has never been better as their parents decided to live together once again. Jane and June attended medical college in hope to become, a doctor and Lily was studying in law school. June changed to a cheerful and lively person who is loved by those around her. Her new life began to shine with love, hope and happiness and she believed in God for bringing their family back together for once and for all.

Change the Story - Sarim This Story is about a group of friends who's life changed after a drastic change in life, from being non serious, non pious and people who always joked around didn't take anything serious always like the back benchers of the batch all of those qualities changed and they became pious and serious towards life you can say that it happened for a good reason but the story it self isn't pleasant. This story takes place in Murree Pakistan, before the partition of Pakistan and India this place was a deep isolated forest and after 1851it was used as a treatment facility for the British soldiers and those soldiers who died there were buried in a grave yard there known as THE GORA KABRISTAN aka White graveyard. After the Partition Murree was in Pakistan and the people decided to make this city a tourist place or city. It is mostly cold in Murree and in the nights it is a very dead place almost as if it is a ghost town and as dark as it can get. Minority of the people visiting Murree think it is haunted and This story will not stop people from going there but it may let them reconsider walking around after evening. My name is Shameem and During our Summer holidays our college group decided to take us on a trip to Northern Pakistan, it included my group of 5 friends, our colleagues and our professors. You see we were the jokers of our batch we didn't take anything seriously and didn't follow rules. We were in Murree that day and we reached late and we were really hungry so we decided to eat and take stroll around mall road where we did our usual joking around and explored that area then we came back to our hotels around 12am and we played cards. Then out of no where my friend Huzair suggested that we should go to murree hills to hike in the mountains, my friends looked at each other for a moment and then they agreed. Surely we couldn't go at this time because our professors were awake and they would've stopped us so we decided that we should wait for everyone fall asleep and leave. Around 3 am we took our flashlights and left for an adventure we never knew was gonna make us rethink all our decisions. We went downwards Mall road and headed towards an army guesthouse and waited for a while to find an opening but couldn't because the guards were patrolling the area so we took the exit of the guest house and went towards the silent and isolated part of Murree also known as Adroon Murree. The trail was dark and The Further and Further we went the Darker it got to a point that we could only see where our flashlights light was being illuminated. The Silence in the woods was haunting you can say it gave us a really eery feeling Yet 2 of our friends were busy doing their thing making scary noises and making jokes about the dark whilst using profanity and were impersonating the unseen likewise we had no idea where we are at this point all we saw was Huge trees with enormous height moreover out of the blue we all felt as if some really heavy Really heavy thing has sat on a tree above or that thing is moving from one tree to the other or if that is what we heard, we all wondered what the hell this was We all wondered in silence, one of my friends said it must've been a monkey and that we all should continue our trip. Me and my friends were when my friend heard a scream of woman which we didn't hear and we all thought he was playing a prank moreover we all were having second thoughts about this situation with all what happened we decided to take a U turn but perhaps it was too late. We had taken a step back when we heard what felt like some thing was sitting on the trees above our heads really fast, We were all traumatized and my friend Amaan started crying with hiccups like a new born baby and during all this we all heard a awful needle piercing scream of a woman that travelled from our spine to our hairs on our head, I for sure hadn't heard a scream like this in my life. We all took a run for it meanwhile behind us we all heard a ground shattering noise as if some big heavy thing had jumped and now has started following us we all felt the footsteps of the thing and some how by taking gods name we had managed to escape that thing and reached the

Army guesthouse and fell right infront of the guards there, we were out of breath and our bodies were hot like an iron we all were in deep shock and trauma Looking at us in pity the guards took us to their quarters and after a while I told them the entire story and when they heard the entire story they looked each other terrified, and told me Sir you are indeed really lucky that u managed to escape and came back alive. We stayed with them till dawn every one had a high Fever but Amaan got really sick, to a point that he was taken to the emergency ward. After the tour we stayed in our houses and when we met we all got to know that the reason why Amaan cried was something else besides fear. Amaan told us when he heard all that jumping on the trees he had decided to flash his light up and when he did that he saw Big Black cloth laying on the tree and in a few seconds a woman's head came out of that black cloth and like looked like that she is looking towards me, her eyes were shining red and her shadow was on the trees and during all that we heard that awful traumatizing scream. This whole incident had changed us completely and we all thank god that he saved us and now we offer all our prayers and we have discipline in our lives. Stories like this have happened with other people especially in the hours of the night. Often People who love to see or meet the supernatural entities are advised be careful what you wish for because there is a reason why we can't see or interact with them. When I had told my cousin what happened to us he told me that he had a similar encounter and that too in Murree. He had went with his parents and siblings to murree for a visit and they stayed in a guesthouse. He had gotten a room which showed the backside of the guesthouse and his parents were staying in the room opposite. He had this wish to see the unseen for a long time now. Although he had this wish he had no idea that a single encounter would make him wish he had hadn't wish for this. In the night when he went to bed along with his brother around 12 am then at 3 am he was shivering and to his surprise he looked at the window and saw the window was open well then he got up closed it and Thought I SWEAR I CLOSED THE WINDOW and went back to bed. In the morning he had his breakfast and explored the city went hiking and the usual tourist stuff forgetting what happened. He and his brother came back tired and dozed off to sleep, at around 2:30 in the morning he was cold again and thought he had forgot to close the window and got up to close it when he saw a black figure just staring at him, pure black standing still and just staring towards him. Paralyzed with fear He couldn't scream or wake his brother up. The figure approached him and got bigger and bigger but he had no face he was black like a shadow the closer he came the more his heart started to pound he was, he wanted to scream and cry out loud but he couldn't make a sound, he begged it to leave in his head thinking it would leave him but it kept on coming closer to him. Out of fear he closed his eyes and the next thing he saw was him in his parents bed with the sun shining at his having a high fever and a body ache. People say that it must be a medical condition but my grandparents suggest that I had a encounter with the supernatural, the sudden drop in temperature, Fever and body ache suggest so. I was never the same after that incident said my cousin he had stopped looking and exploring about the supernatural and wondered what would've happened if he hadn't closed his eyes. This is why when your elders tell you be careful for what you wish for otherwise you can have severe consequences just like my cousin had and well ofcourse what I had experienced with My friends, will forever haunt me. I still get nightmares to this day because of that scream.

The Lost Prince - Sufyaan

Once, Regium was a lively planet, full of flora and fauna. Humans and animals lived together harmoniously. There were never really conflicts and there never was a war. The planet was the definition of peace. But that also came to an end. A nearby planet lost many of its inhabitants by a meteorite strike and asked sister planets for help. Reguim welcomed them with open arms. And immediately after everything went downhill. Regardless of the differences between the two breeds, the inhabitants of Regium tried to make the best of it. Already the new inhabitants took the right into their own hands. They didn't keep to the agreements of Regium and therefore the first conflicts arose which quickly led to the end of the planet. The siren blasted as every night at eight o';clock exactly. Hasty footsteps filled the streets of the town. Three minutes. That was all the time they had to get inside. If you had to come from far away. You had to make sure that you could be accommodated elsewhere because when it was three minutes past eight the lights went out and the dome opened. He hastily ran through the house to make sure that all the windows and doors were locked and the oxygen level was high enough for the night. If you didn't close every window or door there was no way you would make it sunrise. His grandmother sat quietly in her chart by the television, watching the last broadcast of the evening "Locus everything is closed don't worry about The old woman in her eighties looked at her twenty-one year old grandson looked quickly over his shoulders and nodded. If you say so. Nanna without saying anything else, he took a seat on the couch. The siren fell after three minutes and the lights went out. A hell of a crackle could be heard from above the city. That could only mean one thing. the dome opened Twenty years ago, this city was built by a group that called themselves Malum They built it with the last bit of oxygen that the planet could give With scrap, reactors were built that could generate oxygen. A dome was built around the town that had survived the disaster where survivors could live. At eight o clock in the morning the siren sounded again. In the three minutes the dome closed and oxygen was released back in the city. When thesiren fell silent the normal we could start again Windows and doors were open again and everyone could walk the streets again Locus helped his grandmother open the windows and make breakfast. Even in these circumstances, the young people had to go to school. The only thing they could teach these children was the history of the planet

When Locus was at school, his grandmother prepared for the news that she had to tell one day. It was something she had promised his parents to tell when he would be twenty two years old. And that day was today. No one celebrated his or her birthday anymore. That came great and partly because nobody exactly knew what day it was, only his grandmother but she had more secrets. When Locus walked into the kitchen, he saw his grandmother sitting at the table. There was an old wooden box in front of her. He looked at his grandmother with a questioning look. He put his bag on the floor and sat opposite of her at the table. "Before you say something, I want to say something first. His grandmother interrupted him, she realized that he wanted to say something. She looked at him for a moment and then started her story. “Before you were born your parents gave a hand full of residents of a sister planet a new home here at Reguim. The first ten years everything went the way it always went. After you were born everything changed. The new residents went to work together with a group of our own and called themselves Malum. Locus looked up at that name. ;Yes. Locus that is the organization that keeps us all alive. After all, they are also responsible for everything.; Locus shook his head. "No, that is impossible." He was clearly not convinced by his grandmother';s story. ;Locus, listen, I don't have much time anymore. You are the lost prince. Your parents, my daughter and son-in-law, they were the king and queen, kept everything in check and their hospitality was extremely abused. His grandmother began to talk faster and faster. Told the entire history before eight o'clock. It was a lot to process. "So there is another life on the planet?" Locus asked. His grandmother thought for a moment. “I think so or else why would they leave the city at night? she spoke to herself rather than answering Locus&';s question. Locus nodded and thought with her. "How do I get that suit?" She waved her hand in the air. No, you're not going out there. His grandmother didn't agree with his plan. I have to find out Nanna, for us. She sighed and shook her head. I should never have told you this you are clearly not ready yet. Before Locus could go against it the serine was sounded again. The next morning, Locus was determined to find out what kept Malum hidden from the city. He planned everything down to the last detail. He investigated how he could get an oxygen suit and a vehicle to follow them. When he had all that done he left his grandmother a note. "I;m sorry, Grandma, but I have to do this." She found the note the day he left, a tear rolled from her cheek on to the note. She was proud of him but also scared for his life. “Come back to me, she held the note close to her heart, only if she could have told him that killing Malum would kill him as well….

After a Few Months- Umar I sat rested on a hammock in the rooftop of my house. I could see for miles over the rooftop. Overhead, planes lined up in the sky, heading towards Saidu Sharif Airport. Hearing the chants and celebrations in a nearby town were abnormal to me. This is unusual but not rare as people like me have witnessed something that cannot be expressed. No word in English can help express this feeling. In a few months, I never expected to transform in such a way. Life was great before but now it is too complex to express. I am Khaled. I just turned 26 but physically I am completely worn out. A few months ago, I was living my life just like a normal person. I worked in an environmental and civil company where my job was to digitalize the system in water plants and agricultural fields. Life was very tiring as I had to travel continents to continents in short periods of time. This does not mean that I was unhappy. I felt contentment when a small kid drank clean water and a senior gobbled up a piece of wheat. I found inner peace but as we all know, nothing stays for a long period time. I was FIRED! Obviously, the reason behind was because I was overqualified. I do not understand why we humans are so self-centered. Jealousy of my colleagues created problems for me and my workers. We were dragged out of our project. At the gun point, we were told to resign because if they fired us, they would have to give an explanation to the upper management. I could not even contact the upper management because all my communication lines were cut off. Things happened so quickly that I could not say goodbye to my workers. They were fine people but unfortunately, frustration and anger took over them and they split, taking their own paths.

Walking on a barren land, I had nowhere and no one to go to. I was left alone in the wilderness of forests. My phone and car were taken, and I could not see any existence of humanity. I do not why the office that I was working was in a sort of no man's land. Maybe, the office was a place to banish people who challenge the managers of the company. After walking for more than 8 hours, my legs weakened, and I had no vigor to move on. I toppled over a rock and felt dizzy. I could not stand up again, so I lay their and became unconscious after a while. Later, I sensed that someone was picking me up and trying to walk me. I did not react as I was drained out. Suddenly, a few drops of water entered my eyes and I sprang up. I saw a person cooking something on a campfire. He was unaware of the fact that I had woken up. All of a sudden, he exclaimed with excitement when he saw my eyes open. He put a blanket over me and told me to be quiet. I was amazed by the person's kindness. He fed me food, took care of me, and most of all, he did not let me die. Later, I had a conversation with him and found out that he was an forester.

Change the Story - Habeeb

I was born on June 20th 1992. I was a soldier for the US Army. I lost my family during an invasion, things changed. I did everything for my country. I was loyal to it, but I got frozen in ice for 200 years. I woke up in 2145 as I wasn't frozen anymore. When I came home, everything changed. My family and everything was gone. I didn't age, I have no memory of what happened. I met new people. The world advanced forward, the US developed. Everything was different, technology and vehicles made our lives easier. I saw fast trains, drivers and electric cars and everything is futuristic. I saw a world where life had become easier with new technology. This world had an invasion from a parallel planet named Oragnus. Aliens from that planet came and destroyed half of humanity, so the world turned to meet their new hero and protector. Yeah, so I had to travel steps on invasion from aliens as innocent lives were being destroyed. Species were dying, their planet got invaded too. We discovered that those aliens wanted to merge all the planets and turn us all into slaves. Later, unfortunately, the aliens gained our piece of technology and they were going to misuse it but fortunately, a defect got produced. The defect alien robot is the key. So, we have to travel and stop the invasions. When the time came, the planets and races reunited against that alien race. They outnumbered us, it's like a battle to the doom. We fought hard, we went to the boss' room, but suddenly the second in command shot the leader. These aliens made a promise not to invade Earth. From that moment on, there is peace for eternity.

Change the Story - Abdur rahman In life, many events affect human behavior and decision making. Basically, people have experienced some of the events in life that have such a big impact, and they have completely changed their life. For me, the event that changed my life occurred when I was in college a few years ago. Since then, January was a special month for me. This month is the month that reminds me of this event, because this event completely changed my life and I remember seeing it from a completely different point of view. My life When I joined the freshman year, I naturally noticed the freedom of new discovery. I want to experience something that I can not participate because I am very curious but I can not feel free because of this freedom. What I do not know is that the whole experience of entering university and entering college life is to completely change my life. For beginners, when I first entered college, I mentioned another place, not the place my parents raised me. For other people in my dormitory, the process of dormitory life and integration into the house feels naturally, but that is not easy for me. As I felt so comfortable in the room just like betraying my parents, the whole process was very emotional to me. They always taught that our house is the most important place. Like the room in my house, I feel that my parents are not nearby. But in general this process has taught me important lessons, important things to leave with my parents and build my own life. Another question about participating in my first year is part of the whole life changing event, which is part of my new friend. It is always easy to make friends at home, as our house is in a closed community and my parents often go to neighborhoods. When they do, they will introduce me to the neighbors' kids, so that provides a good basis for me to make friends. To make things better, most of the neighboring children went to my school. Therefore, when I entered school, I made a soft landing to make friends.

But at college, I have to make friends from the beginning, this is a very humble and insightful moment. Remember that when you read your articles in this type of article, you should remember that the audience should be able to draw vivid pictures in their minds. Furthermore, if you are describing events in a certain stage of your life, please make sure you do not explain your daily life. AdvancedWriters can write articles for you from the beginning! You can get ordered story stories written and ordered online on our website. Recently writing stories of stories about changing the moment of life has become a very popular issue at schools, universities, and universities. Some people say this is not a big deal, but for others it would be very difficult to write a paper on events that would change life. Life, in particular it must be written to attract readers' interests. "Introduction" and "Conclusion" are the first and last paragraphs of stories of stories about changes in the moment of life. The first or first part of the text introduces the reader to your subject, introduces it to the text body, and presents the point of your work. Please do not take too long to introduce. It is enough to make it 1 paragraph or 2 paragraphs. The main idea here is to make the reader interested and read the rest of the paper. In my opinion, there is a moment to change you in everyone's life. For me, this moment is June 30th, 2008. Before explaining the moment when I changed my life, I must return to where it started. Everything began when I was 8 years old. I am the only child, my parents, and we have decided that we want to join our family. I decided that it was time to adopt it. I remember what it was like yesterday; how did my parents ask me about my adoption? This is the beginning of it. We began adopting that process. Interviews, visits by social workers, followed by extensive paperwork. It is slightly overwhelming. I will wait for something that will last forever

The "Friendly" Intruding -Taha It was a cold, winter night, and Benjamin Doyle was alone at home. Laying on his bed, trying sleep after completing a late-night project that he had to submit the following week. He was about to doze off when he heard footsteps, Benjamin tried to brush it off thinking that I was probably dreaming; after all there was no one home and his parents told him that they might me be late that night or even come home the next morning. Nevertheless, the footsteps only grew louder and louder and by now he was sure it was not just a dream, a chill ran down his spine and he began to grow cold with fear and anxiety, in a rush he dived under his blanket. When the footsteps seemed the loudest, someone opened the room's door and tiptoed in while he pretended to sleep. Using the flashlight, the stranger started to look for something and when he found it, he was off in an instant but before going, he closed the door. What he took, he did not know nor did Benjamin have any means of knowing, though petrified and beyond scared, he was extremely inquisitive and desperately wanted to know three things-what he took from his room, his identity and the reason behind his arrival. He got the courage to get up, but alas to his great despair, the intruder had held Benjamin a prisoner in his own room, this wasn't the time to think of the motive of locking the door, but Benjamin did not guess that he realized that he was pretending to sleep. Benjamin wanted to somehow escape and confront this stranger. A plan was germinating in his brain. I would tie....but as I was thinking about it, my parents' words stopped me. They had always told him that under any circumstances his safety was more important than anything else. Moreover, the intruder could be armed and in any case if he attacked him, would Benjamin be able to defend himself? Therefore, more on the defensive side, I locked the door from my side and sat beside it, trying to be as alert and vigilant as possible. There were faint noises coming from the other side, which sounded like a conversation and made Benjamin realize that there might be more than one person who had intruded the house, panicked and in stress he fell onto a slumber but soon woke up to a loud thud as if someone had fallen, after sometime, he gave up all hopes and decided that the best thing would be that he goes to sleep and leave everything to fate, Benjamin must have been asleep for ten minutes when he sensed movement, he woke up only to comprehend that he was firmly gagged and two people were bringing him down the stairs.

At this point, he was annoyed, anxious, scared and hopeless, he couldn't recognize the two intruders, darkness being to credit. Benjamin started wondering in all this mess how the two intruders managed to open my room's door, as I had firmly locked it and the keys were in my pocket. Before long, they set me down again, darkness to blame, one of them ungagged Benjamin and before he could even utter a word, the lights came to life. I was awestruck and could barely believe my eyes- the entire house was adorn with decorations, and the crowd surrounding him was no other than people he knew-his friends, their parents, neighbors, family members and most importantly my parents. The two unidentified people who carried him down the stairs were non other than his own father and uncle. Benjamin was bewildered, speechless, and astounded even at the thought that it was actually his parents who had scared the living daylights out of him. Then, in unity, everyone exclaimed, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY BENJAMIN!" as the clock struck midnight , I was dazzled and ecstatic altogether. It was a well thought and brilliantly executed plan in which everyone close and important to him was involved. Benjamin's parents on the pretext of attending a party, bought the decorations while his friends helped put them up, when they found my room's door locked, they unlocked it using a spare key, which my parents possessed . He also came to know at the start, his uncle had come searching for a spare pair of scissors in my room, which he had been using for the project, as they would need it to put the decorations up. He had locked the door to reduce the noise that was being made and just in case he got up, he would not be able to come out and get a wink of the surprise in store for him. The thud he heard was my friend Nathan slipping and falling, it was a great plan and could have went very wrong but it turned into a memory I will cherish forever.

Change the Story - Alexandar After their mothers death in a suspicious fire that burns down their house 22 years prior, Sam and Dean Winchester's father goes missing during a "hunting trip". As a result, Dean tracks down Sam at Stanford University and they begin to live a life on the road, in Dean's black 1967 Chevrolet Impala with Kansas license plates. However, their father is not a typical hunter: he hunts supernatural creatures like ,ghosts vampires, sirens, and spirits and has trained his sons to do the same. Along the way, Sam and Dean save innocent people, fight creatures and ghosts, and collect clues to their father's whereabouts. Sam begins to mysteriously develop psychic abilities and visions as they travel. They also find another man with abilities similar to Sam's, whose mother died the same way. They reach out to the young man, Max Miller, offering help and seeking answers. But Max has experienced years of physical abuse and neglect and his life ends in a murder side which Dean and Sam are unable to stop. They eventually find and reunite with their father, who reveals that the creature that killed their mother years earlier is the demon Azazel (aka "Yellow Eyes") and the only thing that can kill him is a legendary gun created by Samuel colt. It is revealed that Azazel, on a baby's six-month birthday, would bleed into their mouth and kill the moms when they walk in. This is what gave Sam and Max their powers. A couple of months later the brothers and their father were involved in a car crash when a truck hit the side of the Impala. They lie inside the car, covered in blood and unconscious. Sadly their father couldn't make it so Sam and Dean deal with their father's death, who, after the car crash, traded Azazel his life for Dean's. Sam and Dean continue to hunt Azazel, who caused the fires that led to the deaths of their mother, and later, Sam's girlfriend, jessica. They receive assistance from new allies Bobby, Ellen, Jo, and Ash. Part of Azazel's master plan is eventually revealed as he gathers Sam and others with similar psychic abilities to fight each other, leading to Sam's death. Dean makes a deal with a crossroads demon to bring Sam back in exchange for his soul, which will be collected in one year and taken to Hell. Azazel opens a portal to Hell, and as hundreds of demons and souls escape, has a final confrontation with the Winchesters. With the help of the spirit of John Winchester, who escaped Hell through the portal, Dean finally kills Azazel and the portal is closed. The Winchester brothers and their allies are left to deal with the demon army that has been unleashed

and the one-year contract Dean has before he goes to Hell. Several weeks later Sam focuses on trying to save Dean from his deal and tracking down the demons that were released from hell. Along the way, the brothers meet Ruby, a "good" demon, who has an interest in Sam and claims to be able to help save Dean. Also, they meet Bela Talbot, an acquirer and seller of Occult objects, who becomes a thorn in their side. The brothers learn from Bela which demon holds Dean's contract: a powerful demon named Lilith, Lilith is the very first demon ever made, with her soul being twisted by Lucifer himself in spite against God for kicking him out. Lilith takes Bela's soul after her contract expires, but not before she warns Sam and Dean. The brothers, along with Ruby, track Lilith down and attempt to kill her. Lilith is unable to stop Sam on account of his mysterious abilities; however, Dean's contract expires and his soul is taken to Hell. As Sam and Ruby's continued attempts to rescue Dean from hell are failed, Dean is finally rescued from Hell and brought back by an angel of the Lord named Castiel. The rest of the season follows the brothers as they work with Castiel to stop Lilith's plan of breaking the 66 seals, which would allow the fallen archangel Lucifer, AKA "the Devil" or "Satan himself", to walk the Earth free once again. Sam and Dean's relationship is strained and Sam starts siding with Ruby over Dean. He begins to give into his demonic side by drinking demon blood to become strong enough to defeat Lilith. He and Dean have a falling-out. Sam sides with Ruby in his obsessive quest to kill Lilith. Dean makes a deal with the angels to save Sam, and learns that the angels want the Apocalypse to occur in order to rebuild Paradise on Earth. With aid from Castiel, Dean escapes and tries to stop Sam after learning that Lilith is, in fact, the last seal, but Sam kills her anyway, breaking open Lucifer's prison. Ruby reveals her true colors as a demon loyal to Lucifer and Dean kills her. As a result Lucifer's cage opens and he escapes from Hell. The fight to stop Lucifer and save the world from the Apocalypse began as soon as the brothers got to know he is officially out of his cage, inspired by events in the Book of Revelation. While Castiel searches for God, Sam and Dean battle both angels and demons as they fight their destiny to become the vessels of Lucifer and Michael, respectively. They attempt to stop Lucifer by retrieving the Colt from the demon Crowley and attempting to kill Lucifer with it. This fails as Lucifer can't be killed by the Colt, and they lose fellow hunters and friends Jo and Ellen in the process. Unable to defeat Lucifer, Sam and Dean, with information from the Trickster, revealed to be the archangel Gabriel, and with help from the demon Crowley, decided to collect the rings of the Four horsemen of apocalypse, including Death, which act as the key to Lucifer's prison. In the end, Sam allows Lucifer to possess him and he kills Bobby and Castiel, who is now human. Sam then manages to regain control, thanks to his bond with Dean, and throws himself (while possessed by Lucifer) and Adam (possessed by Michael) into the Cage to trap Lucifer once more. Castiel is resurrected by God and, more powerful than ever, resurrects Bobby and then returns to Heaven to restore order. Dean returns to his old girlfriend Lisa to live a normal life. But little does he know that Sam was mysteriously free of the Cage, now watching his brother eat dinner in the house with Lisa and her son Ben.

Published by Ghaniyah Ahmar with TCSI publication

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