商圈設計指引成果專冊 Design Guidelines for Commercial Distrct
Design Guidelines for Commercial District
* 各商圈現行之英文翻譯多元,本書將以 commercial district 作為集合用詞,代指所有商圈。
The current English translations for various shopping areas are diverse. In this book, the term "commercial district" will be used as a collective term to refer to all such areas.
Commercial districts are places of commercial activities in the daily life of Taiwanese people that fuse local lifestyle, history, and culture. The Administration of Commerce, MOEA, has long been focused on upgrading commercial services, improving the operating environment, and promoting low-carbon, sustainable operations, all with the goal of enhancing the competitiveness of commercial districts. In this process, we have integrated resources from different parties and launched various innovative measures, enhancing both the quality and vitality of commercial districts. While elevating sustainable development of cities in Taiwan, we also create shared values for both urban and rural developments to thrive together.
In 2024 , the Administration of Commerce and Taiwan Design Research Institute jointly launched the "Aesthetic & Design-Driven Commercial District ”project, and integrated resources from the central and local governments, commercial district organizations, and professional design teams, adopting a "usercentered" perspective to probe deep into the charm at the core of commercial districts and rediscover the aesthetic value and service experience of commercial districts. Aesthetics is more than just a makeover, it also reinterprets commercial district image, corporate identity, and local features, allowing consumers to perceive the core values of this soil in commercial districts, while also realizing the geographical culture, historical context, and sociological significance embedded in commercial districts. Through the valueadded aesthetic design, we hope to not only enhance the shopping experience for consumers but also bring local communities closer together. Commercial districts with unique features can attract foreign visitors, turning commercial districts into important venues of emotional interaction and social connection.
Through sharing this year ’s value-added aesthetic design experience, we hope to provide all sectors references and examples to jointly build robust and charming Taiwanese commercial districts.
As a platform for interdisciplinary co-creation, Taiwan Design Research Institute joined the Administration of Commerce, MOEA, to launch the "Aesthetic & Design-Driven Commercial District ”project for the first time this year. Through introduction of design, we aimed to enhance the environmental quality and brand image of commercial districts.
Through the guidance process, we not only surveyed the current status of commercial districts and combed through their development history, but also involved stakeholders in the different stages of call for design proposals, consensus building, design execution, and result promotion, to promote the unique values of commercial districts, including Changhua Siaosi business district, Tainan Confucius Temple commercial district, Tainan Guohua Youai business district, and Kaohsiung Hamasen shopping district, facilitating comprehensive upgrade of brand image, service experience, and public spaces of these commercial districts.
Through these value-added aesthetic designs, we hope to not only enhance consumers ’commercial district experiences, but also bring local residents closer together, ultimately facilitating sustainable local economic development. Through design power, we hope that commercial districts across Taiwan can continue to grow and innovate in the future, becoming robust and attractive living spaces.
1 Seng, P. & Scharmer, O. ( 2006 ) . Community action research. In Reason, P. & Bradbury ( Eds. ) , Handbook of Action Research, 195 - 207 . Sage Publications.
Integrating Stakeholder Resources for Design and Co-creation of future Commercial Districts
Commercial districts are not only places for consumption and tourism but also critical venues integrating stakeholder resources and linking service solutions. They epitomize a city ’ s economy, while also providing a sample of the thinking behind municipal services. This year, the Administration of Commerce, MOEA, commissioned Taiwan Design Research Institute to execute the "Aesthetic & Design-Driven Commercial District ” project at Changhua Siaosi business district, Tainan Confucius Temple commercial district, Tainan Guohua Youai business district, and Kaohsiung Hamasen shopping district. Through discovering development issues of the commercial districts and providing guidance, aesthetic design has been comprehensively introduced to elevate the overall values of the commercial districts.
With gradual digitalization of guidance policies and promotion of sustainable strategies, this year ’s project focused on service experience, building a mechanism of guidance and design introduction, while centering on the Double Diamond Model to explore commercial district user needs. Through defining problems, and finding and developing design solutions, we brainstormed diverse ways to introduce aesthetics and design, and continued to innovate and iterate through interdisciplinary cooperation among central and local governments, commercial district organizations, and design teams, ultimately elevating innovative charms of the commercial districts.
Iteration and Empowerment of Research and Guidance
In order to clarify the development characteristics of the commercial districts and evaluate mechanism of design participation, this year ’ s project used the“ Community-based Action Research ” 1 framework in aim to create a field of collective reflection and facilitate collaboration and interaction among stakeholders. Through expert discussion, user survey, and onsite visits, we gradually iterated and innovated the guidance process to involve stakeholders in all five stages of the action research, from inventory of current status, design communication, consensus building, design implementation, to maintenance and promotion, allowing researchers to discover discussion-worthy scenarios and cases, while also using the results of iteration as the foundation of the next step guidance and design practice. The results of each stage not only reflected the viewpoints of stakeholders and participants, but also included reflections on and improvement strategies of the existing guidance mechanism, enabling guidance and design to adapt to dynamic and changing needs and challenges.
Based on participatory actions, design thinking was utilized to carry out aesthetic transformation of commercial districts, elevating the aesthetic values of the four demo commercial districts, while also strengthening collaboration and consensus among stakeholders. In the process, we continued to monitor changes in the development of the commercial districts, incorporating reflections and innovative designs to facilitate sustainable development of the commercial districts. Through interdisciplinary collaboration and design empowerment, these commercial districts will become important drivers of local economic development, while also creating more possibilities for commercial districts in Taiwan.
Figure: Research Framework of Project Adapted from Community-based Action Research Knowledge Creation Process (Seng & Scharmer, 2006 )
Developing Guiding Principles for Commercial District Development
Through expert guidance, explore the current status of the commercial districts and identify development potentials, finding key directions of guidance.
Before execution of this year ’ s project, 18 expert consultants from different domains, including branding, architecture, landscaping, urban design, commercial district guidance, industry management, and editing, were invited to a seminar to jointly discuss current status of the commercial districts and suggest directions of responses, developing executive strategies and directions of design guidance and promotion.
Current Situation
Highly Homogeneous Goods and Services
Expert Suggestions
● Identify and clarify the unique value of the commercial district, and develop unique merchandise and services through self-innovation or interdisciplinary co-creation.
● Focus on overall service experience for observation and reflection during exchange visits to other commercial districts, and find ways to differentiate.
Design Guidance Principles
Insufficient Infrastructure Information Signage
Lack of Long-term Planning for Commercial District M&O and Development
Weak Community Sense of Identity and Connection
● Integrate functionalities of infrastructures and provide friendly pedestrian and rest areas.
● Design related signage system and optimize overall customer experience.
● Types of shops should meet the commercial district ’ s core values and incorporate local features.
● Planning of activities and services should aim at target customers of the commercial district, providing services and spaces meeting their needs.
● Build spaces suitable for exchange and interaction, and establish local sense of identity.
● Enhance young people’s understanding and recognition of community culture through actual participation in commercial district activities, and encourage them to return or attract new entrepreneurial talent.
Brand Design for Commercial District Image Flow Design for Service Experience
Difficulty of Collaboration among Stakeholders
Lacking Activities of Unique Cultural Experiences
● Forge consensus among all stakeholders and strengthen a sense of honor for the local community through marketing and promotion.
● Establish an open communication platform and strengthen internal and external information sharing and collaboration of the commercial district.
● Combine natural or cultural resources of the commercial district and create unique tourism routes to enhance attractiveness.
● Offer consumers activities of in-depth experience on local culture.
This year ’ s design guidance principles were formulated according to the experts ’suggestions. Through brand design for commercial district image, existing unique features of the commercial districts were highlighted; through flow design for service experience, the overall service experience of the commercial districts was improved; through transformation design, crowds stayed longer at the public venues, which have even become places of interaction and exchange among commercial district users.
● Brand design for commercial district image: Discover and highlight unique features and values of the commercial districts.
● Flow design for service experience: Optimize overall service and consumption experience.
● Transformation design for public venues: Create spaces for people to gather and exchange.
User Survey
Understanding Consumers ’Perceptions on the Commercial Districts
Through collection of consumer feedback, we combed through the key factors that could enhance the experience of the commercial districts, identifying for the guidance program appropriate targets of transformation and feasible directions of design introduction.
A commercial district is a service-providing venue, shaped by the interactions among people, services (shops), and the place. The study adopted purposive sampling, and distributed online questionnaires that focused on aspects like service scenarios and experiential value to gather insights into consumers ’motivation, frequency, and purpose of visiting the commercial districts, in order to analyze the perceived value of the commercial districts among the public, as well as how the overall service scenarios created by these commercial districts affected the public ’ s impressions of them and willingness of recommendation.
Analysis of the questionnaire results 2 shows that service scenarios of the commercial districts have significant positive impact on the experiential values of consumers, raising the levels of consumer satisfaction and willingness of recommendation.
The commercial districts ’performances in “ atmosphere ” have obvious positive impact on consumers ’ experiential values of “ excellence, ”“ aesthetics, ”and “ fun. ”Logos or signage systems that showcase the commercial districts ’unique features also increase the“ fun ”level, further enhancing consumer favorability.
In general, improving the atmosphere of the surrounding environment of the commercial districts, enhancing the level of utilization of the spaces and facilities and strengthening their functionalities, and installing logos or signs that convey the unique features of the commercial districts will effectively elevate the overall experiential values of consumers, increasing consumer favorability and making them stay longer or come back repeatedly. Thus, ensuing design guidance strategy should be discussed in greater depths according to the various aspects of the service scenarios; also, internal and external resources, and network of stakeholders, that can be used by the commercial districts, should be inventoried and clarified to ensure efficient and smooth implementation of the guidance project.
2 The questionnaire was modified after pretesting and was distributed online from July 1 to 31 2024 . Purposive sampling was adopted, inviting consumers with commercial district-related experience to participate in the survey. A total of 1 , 397 samples were collected.
Sensory Perception. The surrounding environment experienced through the five senses, typically including background characteristics such as temperature, lighting, noise, music, and scent.
This includes the design and utilization of physical facilities, spatial planning and utilization to enhance service efficiency.
The physical service environment communicates with customers through explicit or implicit symbols and signage, creating perceptions of the service or product.
Experience Value
Efficiency Value
Consumer Return on Investment.
The level of convenience and efficiency perceived when shopping in the commercial district. This includes: convenience, shopping characteristics, resource abundance, parking accessibility, transportation convenience, product searchability.
Aesthetics. The aesthetic experience and feelings derived from product design and display during the shopping process in the commercial district. This includes: district atmosphere, street and architectural landscapes, interior design of stores, visual presentation of products, physical environment.
Service Superiority. Factors contributing to the perceived value of goods or services in the commercial district, including: product quality, product variety, price levels, customer service, interpersonal interactions, safe shopping environment.
The overall evaluation customers form after experiencing the service.
Fun. The enjoyment and pleasure derived from the shopping process in the commercial district. This includes: entertainment value, sensory appeals, instant gratification, window shopping, staff interactions, cultural uniqueness.
Consumers' subjective judgment and evaluation of products or locations after participating in the experience.
Onsite Visit
Evaluating Service Experience Opportunities of the Commercial Districts
Focus on commercial districts with development potentials for onsite visits. Onsite visits allow in-depth understanding of the real situations of the commercial districts, and further evaluation of feasibility and potentials of introduction of service experience.
From the service demand perspective, analysis was carried out through user journey map, chronicling the main stages in the commercial district journey, includin g“ arrival, ”“ walking around, ”“ consuming, ” and “ rest, ” which were used to analyze the current status of the commercial districts ’touch points.
From the analysis of experience touch points, we found that all the commercial districts had problems of varying degrees in the aspects of transportation nodes, recreation attractions, streets, shops, and public spaces. Thus, ensuing design guidance will focus on the aforementioned aspects to formulate design strategies for enhancement of service experience.
Figure: Dimensions and Content of the Questionnaire Research Framework
Enhancement of commercial district aesthetics should focus on breaking the boundaries between different agencies to realize sharing and connection of resources, maximizing the utilization of public spaces and private outdoor spaces. Through integration of the commercial districts ’surrounding geographical and cultural features, natural landscapes, and local stories, these elements can be ingeniously blended into products and services, which will enhance the distinctiveness and memory points of the commercial districts and improve overall experience and service efficiency, ultimately extending consumer stay at the commercial districts.
With the surge in domestic tourism, commercial districts have undergone a shift from reduced foot traffic during the early stages of the pandemic to a recent influx of visitors, and businesses have constantly been seeking breakthroughs and innovations. The primary objective this year focused on assisting commercial districts in uncovering or enhancing their unique features and values while building resilience. Based on preliminary research and suggestions of interdisciplinary experts, the implementation process for this year's design guidance was developed, which is outlined on the next page:
Implementation Process of the "Aesthetic & Design-Driven Commercial District” Project:
Visiting and inventorying the consumption environment of the commercial districts from the user’s perspective, and interviewing stakeholders (local governments and commercial district organizations), to understand the operations of the organizations and current status of venue utilization.
Call for Design Proposals
Recruiting design teams openly to visit the commercial districts and evaluate possible directions of design transformation, and inviting experts from various fields to form the jury for review, selection and contracting executive design teams.
Forging Consensus on Transformation
Through the form of workshops, we can communicate with each other and build consensus based on the value delivered by the commercial district from the perspective of different stakeholders, as well as the existing problems, challenges and possible solutions in the commercial district.
Conducting numerous sessions of communication and coordination according to the opinions of the jurors and stakeholders to confirm target of transformation, and then carrying out the construction and controlling and managing the procedures and quality according to the planned timetable.
Dissemination and Maintenance of Achievements
Confirming ensuing actions of maintenance and management, providing guidance on utilization of social media to carry out promotion of transformation targets, attracting other commercial districts and the public to come and perceive first-hand the methods and outcomes of value-added aesthetic design for commercial districts.
In the process of facilitating development of commercial district, design involves a wide range of stakeholders, and the implementation of the guidance program requires frequent and close interactions among these stakeholders. By clearly understanding the development trajectory of the district, addressing diverse needs, and strengthening communication networks, implementation of aesthetic design can be carried out smoother, ensuring that all parties are on the same page during the process, jointly moving towards the goal of upgrading the commercial district.
This year, as the communication platform for various stakeholders of commercial districts, the Taiwan Design Research Institute invited local governments, design teams, commercial district organizations, and local businesses, to jointly examine the district’ s historical and cultural values and conduct inventory on overall environment of consumption and traffics, identifying existing pain points and needs.
Through diverse design strategies, the project gradually established and improved the commercial districts ’brand identities, highlighted their unique features, enhanced service experiences, and increased their visibility. This innovative model of interdisciplinary integration leverages design thinking, design strategies, and design introduction to drive the overall development of the commercial districts.
Specialized in design, we adopt user-centered approach to connect diverse stakeholders and establish communication and coordination interface, systematically utilizing design strategies to address diverse needs, collaborating with commercial district organizations and design teams to find solutions for the needs, and ultimately realizing transformation through design aesthetics.
Local Governments Shops
Shops are both service providers and users within commercial districts, making them a critical frontline group. Most shop owners prioritize economic considerations, and if changes in the commercial district are perceived as having little relevance to their business, their willingness to participate decreases. Through design, connections between shop owners and the commercial district can be identified and strengthened. This fosters a shared goal of shaping the overall appearance of the district, enhancing their willingness and direction in providing services, and promoting the positive revitalization and operation of the commercial district.
Design Teams
Based on the design strategies derived from the commercial district evaluation, execution tasks for design teams are assigned through an open selection process. These design teams bear the mission of aesthetic enhancement, tasked with identifying methods to implement the design strategies within the commercial district. Leveraging their expertise in spatial and identity design, they are responsible for planning and executing design transformations. Notably, they excel in translating local historical context into compelling visual imagery and engaging experiences that resonate with the public, serving as the key contributors to the revitalization and unique charm of the commercial district.
Commercial District Organizations
The commercial district organization is an autonomous group established according to the Civil Association Act, with approval from local authorities. Its members typically include the chairman, directors, and other key staff. As an intermediary between the government and commercial district businesses, one of the organization's key goals is to successfully apply for and utilize various government subsidies or facilitate external partnerships to revitalize the district ’s development. Since most members of the commercial district organizations are also business owners within the district, they not only understand the district's needs and challenges but also play a critical role in uniting businesses, maintaining operations, and promoting new ideas. However, it is not just the influx of external resources that drives success consensus on business operations within the district is a crucial factor for sustained growth. Through commercial district branding and design, the organization can more effectively and directly communicate the district's unique features, thereby enhancing the potential for collaboration with external partners and strengthening internal unity and consensus among the businesses.
The central government is responsible for formulating nationwide policies and guidelines, while local governments play a key role at the regional level by integrating resources across agencies and facilitating communication. In the planning and management of commercial district guidance program, it is essential to clearly understand the complex interactions within the district and to respect the opinions and needs of organizations involved. Governments at all levels should clearly define the division of responsibilities for each stage of implementation, promote effective interdepartmental communication, and jointly promoting the realization of the commercial district ’s overall goals, achieving the vision of cooperation and sustainable development.
Consumers are the primary users of services in the commercial district. This group includes both domestic and international visitors, with varying demographics such as age, interests, and lifestyle habits, which influence their reasons for visiting the district. Design can play a crucial role in understanding the distribution of consumer groups, fostering connections between them and the commercial district, and helping the district prepare effectively to meet diverse needs.
Local Residents
Local residents are the inhabitants and business owners within the commercial district. In Taiwan, local election of village chiefs provides residents with a direct and powerful channel to express their opinions. It is recommended to clarify the actual power structure among the diverse stakeholders within each commercial district and establish communication channels and shared interests. While focusing on creating an enhanced consumer experience within the district, design efforts should also aim to balance the living interests of local residents, addressing and overcoming the current conflicts between residential and commercial interests in the district.
Conducting Full Inventory on Current Status and Potential Development Spaces of the Commercial Districts and Finding Appropriate Figures for Discussion of Transformation Plan.
Starting from the perspective of the "user," clarify the issues and needs related to the aesthetics of the commercial district, and draft an initial direction for implementation. This will serve as a basis for subsequent communication with the design team or management units. At this stage, the evaluation focuses on the interface between the commercial district space and user interactions, assessing the current situation and resource allocation from three key aspects: the district's image, service experience, and public spaces. The goal is to identify responsible parties for each aspect, establish suitable roles, and ensure a smooth communication process.
Tool | Evaluation Charts for Current Status and Needs of Commercial District
Commercial District Image
Develop unique brand identity of the commercial district that helps with its branding.
Strengthen related images of the commercial district ’ s cultural features at the entrance, while also adding functionalities.
The commercial district has unique and diverse business types that can enhance the connectivity between the businesses and local culture and history.
Clear out clutter from public spaces and standardize street objects.
● 店家形象
● 服務體驗
店家營業 時段
● 公共場域
○ 5 年內 ○ 20 年以內 ○ 20 年以上
整體風格 ○ 傳統懷舊 ○ 現代創新
招牌新舊 ○ 完整易識別 ○ 破損模糊
其他 ○ 有 ○ 無 ○ 有 ○ 無
○ 有 ○ 無
動線指引牌 ○ 有 ○ 無
店家指引牌 ○ 有 ○ 無
歷史介紹 ○ 有 ○ 無 代表識別物 ○ 有 ○ 無
○ 上午 ○ 下午 ○ 晚上 ○ 半夜
○ 僅假日 ○ 僅平日 ○ 假日及平日
公共座椅 ○ 有 ○ 無
垃圾桶 ○ 有 ○ 無
公廁 ○ 有 ○ 無
搭配商圈活動更換 ○ 是 ○ 否 固定裝飾 ○ 完整 ○ 需翻新 其他
公園 ○ 是 ○ 否 廣場 ○ 是 ○ 否
交誼廳 ○ 是 ○ 否
(上方內容為舉例,商圈組織可使用 附錄 空白清單 勾選與評估)
提供友善的休憩設施,或串連服務需求, 創造居民、店家與遊客彼此的互動可能。
選用便於維護不易損壞的材質,導入 統一清晰的圖示。
提供友善的休憩設施,或串連服務需 求,創造居民、店家與遊客彼此的互 動可能。
設計能結合地方文化的裝飾物,且 選用便於維護的材質。
需要自發性的清理和維護,保有場 域的美觀,以及安全性。
Years in Business Specialty Products
Rest Space Spatial Ambience
Within 5 years ○ Within 20 Years
Over 20 Years Overall Style
Traditional and Retro
Modern and Innovative Sign Condition
Integral and Legible
Damaged and Blurry Other __________
Yes ○ No
Yes ○ No
● Service Experience
Guide Map
Business Hours Wayfinding Signs
Yes ○ No
Yes ○ No Shop Directories ○ Yes ○ No History
Yes ○ No Representative Identifier
Yes ○ No Other __________
Morning ○ Afternoon
Holidays Only
Weekdays Only
Holidays and Weekdays
● Public Venues
Public Chairs ○ Yes ○ No
Facilities in Rest Area
Garbage Cans
Public Washrooms
Pedestrian Space Street Decorations
Renew shop brand imagery.
Yes ○ No
Yes ○ No
Decorations changed according to activities of the commercial district
Yes ○ No
Permanent Decorations
Integral ○ Need to be Replaced Other __________
Yes ○ No
Yes ○ No
Yes ○ No Other __________
Carry out sign design and define color scheme.
Provide friendly rest facilities or link service needs to facilitate possibility of interaction among residents, shops, and visitors.
Choose durable materials easy to maintain, and introduce standardized and clear icons
Provide friendly rest facilities or link service needs to facilitate possibility of interaction among residents, shops, and visitors.
Design decorations that incorporate local culture, and choose materials easy to maintain.
Needs to be proactively cleaned and maintained to ensure cleanliness and aesthetics, as well as safety.
(The charts above are only examples. Commercial district organizations can use the attached blank chart for evaluation)
Next, based on the current conditions of each commercial district and the direction for aesthetic design enhancement, outline the design specifications and publicly invite design teams to join the implementation process.
Present the Unique Cultural Landscapes and Features of the Commercial District through Different Design Techniques.
After the first phase of inventory and strategy formulation, a public call for design teams was made. The selected team conducted field visits to the commercial district to understand the design objectives and engage in discussions with local businesses. Based on the design strategy for the district, the team proposed an overall design plan tailored to the district's characteristics and needs. Subsequently, experts from various fields, including space design, brand strategy, and district management, were invited to form a selection committee. The committee evaluated the proposals based on the following criteria and selected the most suitable design team.
Tool | Evaluation Chart for Design Team
Brand Strategy
Design Planning Capability
Design Planning Capability
Design Planning Capability
Knowledge on key issues, comprehensiveness of proposal, brand philosophy and positioning, design strategy and application.
Alignment with requirements, strategic connection, design feasibility and appropriateness, overall design quality presentation
Track record and cross-domain collaboration experience, budget allocation and rationality, feasibility of schedule planning, onsite Q&A.
Expected improvement outcomes, subsequent benefits and scalability.
釐清需求:使用第一階段的「商 圈現況與需求確認清單」。
備妥商圈的空間圖與照片,連 同 ① ② 提供給設計團隊評估。
溝通期間務必尊重專業,共創價值。 ① ②
本身特色:列出商圈獨有的特色是 什麼?最吸引消費者的是什麼?
邀集相關決策者與設計團隊溝通 討論,並主動向團隊提供可以 來訪現勘的時間(至少半天)。
How can commercial district organizations cooperate with design teams?
Clarify needs: Use the“Evaluation Charts for Current Status and Needs of Commercial District”in Stage 1
Own unique features: List the unique features of the commercial district and which ones are the most attractive to consumers?
Prepare spatial diagrams and photographs of the commercial district, and submit with ① And ② to the design team for evaluation.
Invite related decision-makers to communicate and discuss with the design team, and proactively let the team know the appropriate time for onsite visit (at least half-day).
Respect the professionals during the communication and co-create value.
Gather consensus among different stakeholders on design transformation.
After the design team confirmed the design, in order to smoothly assist the design entry and clear the communication channels among all stakeholders, a many-to-many workshop format was adopted to invite all parties to jointly select the value combination to be conveyed by the commercial district. Use "Customer Journey Map (CJM)" as an auxiliary tool to discuss the current problems and corresponding change strategies, thereby condensing the development goals and directions of the commercial district in subsequent design, transformation, management and maintenance.
In addition, in order to reach consensus, different communication modes can be flexibly selected according to the purpose, effectiveness, design goals and techniques of communication. During the coaching implementation stage of this project, single or multiple communication modes will be flexibly used according to the actual situation. See the table below for details.
Tool | Modes of Communication
Quickly understand or clarify issues raised by a single stakeholder, providing immediate responses or assistance.
Immediate clarification, communicating and coordinating according to the needs or positions of individual stakeholders.
When involving two or more stakeholders, use this method to discuss and resolve issues. Provide comprehensive and detailed explanations or announcements of project content to all stakeholders.
Quickly focus on suggestions from multiple perspectives and explain them to multiple stakeholders at once, gathering feedback from all parties and facilitating mutual communication.
Hold meetings with multiple stakeholders to coordinate on specific issues, build consensus, and promote or maintain subsequent outcomes.
Establish consensus through discussion and communication, addressing differing positions and opinions.
Commercial District Value Proposition Discovered in This Year's Consensus Workshop
In this year's commercial district consensus workshop, we introduced the roles of three stakeholders: co-creators, providers, and demand-side stakeholders, who collectively selected the values provided by the commercial district both currently and in the future. Among them, there was clear consensus on the values of Nostalgic Sentiments and Design and Aesthetics. Additionally, the values of Profit Generation and Interpersonal Connection were particularly eemphasized by the providers and the demand-side stakeholders. However, due to the differing positions of the stakeholders, there were slight variations in the values they prioritized. Providers were more concerned with whether the commercial district could continuously generate profit for the businesses, while demand-side stakeholders were more focused on whether the district could promote interpersonal connections.
Design Teams Participating in the Transformation
Existing Values Conveyed Expected Values
Profit Generation Help to Profit Nostalgic Sentiments Rekindling Positive and Wonderful Memories from the Past
Relevant Agencies of the Commercial District
Design and Aesthetics Provide Attractive Format or Design
Demand-side Residents and Consumers Visiting the Commercial District
Interpersonal Connection Connect with People
Nostalgic Sentiments
Preserve local historical and cultural characteristics, adapting to the existing tourism features.
Design and Aesthetics
Create a new aesthetic brand for the town, connecting surrounding facilities and store services.
Profit Generation
The livelihood of the business owners depends on the joint management and development of the commercial district members.
Interpersonal Connection
Emphasize the local living atmosphere and promote the connection of activities among the businesses in the commercial district.
By selecting value elements, the commercial district can initially define its core value proposition and establish future development goals. Based on this foundational direction, subsequent design strategies can be discussed, and specific actions for transformation and maintenance can be formulated.
Implementing Design Plans and Ensuring Smooth Implementation Process and Results that Meet Expectations.
In the transformation process, the cooperation model of stakeholders determines the smoothness of the overall process. Before implementing the design, communication and confirmation are crucial steps. For instance, it is important to ensure that the design complies with relevant government regulations and that consent is obtained for any private property matters involved. At this stage, it is essential to ensure that all stakeholders understand the project timeline and the details of the tasks to facilitate smooth collaboration. If any issues arise during the process that require urgent discussion, a common good mindset among stakeholders must be established. Quick coordination with the design and construction teams is necessary to ensure the project proceeds smoothly.
It is recommended to create a project management chart for commercial district's transformation items to monitor progress and provide a reference for related meetings. The management charts should include columns for: transformation project, planned vs. actual schedule, stakeholders (such as communication across agencies), communication timeline, responsible persons, and notes. During the transformation process, scheduling regular progress meetings and using updated visual aids of the transformed design to facilitate communication not only helps stakeholders better understand the progress but also enhances their sense of involvement. For issues arising during the transformation, stakeholders can proactively coordinate with relevant agencies for necessary follow-up improvements.
Maintenance and Promotion —— Dissemination and Maintenance of Achievements
Ensure Long-term Attractiveness and Aesthetics through Promotion Activities and Maintenance and Management.
After the transformation is complete, it is important to assist the commercial district organization in using social media to spread the results of the transformation and leverage brand identity to build a comprehensive image of the district. At the same time, for the maintenance of public space facilities, the commercial district organization should work with the local government to establish the responsible maintenance agency and define specific execution processes, ensuring the long-term cleanliness and upkeep of the district's environment.
Tool | Modes of Communication
Social Media Promotion
Facility Maintenance and Management
Continued Feedback Collection Timely Upgrade and Transformation Brand Identity Guidelines
Collaborating with a marketing company to conduct both online and offline activities can help promote the results of the transformation and enhance the attractiveness of the commercial district.
Promote the commercial district's brand identity design guidelines to the businesses, such as the application of colors and icons.
Confirm the maintenance management unit, develop a maintenance action plan, and invite businesses and residents to participate in the oversight process.
Continuously collect feedback from businesses, residents, and consumers to promote the ongoing enhancement, maintenance, and promotion of the commercial district's aesthetics.
Based on the development of the commercial district and market demand, upgrade the district in a timely manner to maintain its vitality and attractiveness. For example, align with technological advancements by introducing and applying digital payment tools, offering consumers various payment options to improve shopping efficiency and enhance the overall consumer experience.
After understanding the process of the Aesthetic & Design-Driven Commercial District project, the following will describe the actual transformation cases of four commercial districts this year
❶ Changhua Siaosi Business District, ❷ Tainan Confucius Temple Commercial District, ❸ Tainan Guohua Youai Business District, and ❹ Kaohsiung Hamasen Shopping District. These cases will cover multiple aspects such as brand image, service experience, and public spaces, listing specific executable design projects, as well as analyzing the details and key considerations of the design transformation.
Types of Commercial District Design Transformation
The brand of a commercial district represents its overall image and value proposition. By examining key elements such as the district's historical context, local culture, and industry characteristics, a comprehensive brand strategy and identity system (including supporting graphics, colors, and fonts) can be developed. Once implemented through street furniture and public facilities within the district, this strategy can establish the district's distinct identity, enhancing its recognition, visibility, and appeal.
① Entrance Image
An entrance image that can be effectively recognized helps the public identify the boundaries of the commercial district. However, since the district is a public space, the entrance image should be integrated into the environment. Through overall landscape design, it should become part of the experience. In terms of its form, it is important to avoid superficial and hollow structures like archways or signs that are merely directional but lack aesthetic appeal. Instead, by incorporating interdisciplinary design expertise and deeply integrating the district's historical and cultural characteristics, the entrance can become an iconic check-in attraction, which is highly beneficial for increasing the district's visibility.
② Signage System
An easy-to-read and clear wayfinding system, such as guide maps, attraction directories, and historical information boards, can provide the public with a sense of security about the commercial district environment and enhance trust in the district's service experience. At the same time, it helps guide visitors to specific destinations, offer systematic and in-depth experience of the area.
③ Shop Signs
Shop signs, with their profound brand stories and values, serve as an important bridge between the businesses and the public. Over time, these stories become richer, and the image becomes clearer. Enhancing the shop signs can captivate the public, renewing their perception and evoking a fresh sense of connection and emotion.
④ Street Furniture
Street furniture serves as a key connector for the service areas within a commercial district. A subtraction approach should be adopted for the environment in response to the placement of furniture, revitalizing old and unused spaces. Moreover, it should integrate the district's brand image, creating an overall atmosphere for the street that makes the public ’s experience more complete, while also strengthening the public's memory of the commercial district.
The Changhua Siaosi Business District is located in Changhua City. Siaosi Street, during the Qing Dynasty, was a shortcut connecting the old city's West Gate and North Gate. With the construction of the Changhua Railway Station, the convenience of rail transport made this area a commercial hub at the time, where ready-made clothing, fabrics, inns, and restaurants gathered to form a bustling market. Over time, these industries gradually declined, but Siaosi Street still retains its unique charm.
Today, the alleyways still feature decades-old food stalls and traditional buildings ( such as the Gaobin Pavilion and Hongye Grand Hotel ). With the addition of creative startups, Siaosi has been infused with new vitality. Once known for its textile industry, Siaosi is now gradually transforming into a place where nostalgia and youthful styles coexist, becoming a slow-paced destination for visitors.
Despite its convenient geographical location and transportation access, the Siaosi Business District is not very wellknown, and the Siaosi Bansian or "house shrew" brand imageries were originally used only as ground decorations in the alleys.
The Siaosi Business District has a rich cultural history, but its industries are not as thriving as in the past. The district's physical facilities have not been wellplanned or improved, and the unique character and overall appeal of the area still need enhancement.
Through commercial district identification and design guidelines, the visual image and visibility of the Siaosi District can be reshaped, strengthening its connection with Changhua City and creating memorable features.
Introduce design into the public space. Through cleaning and beautifying the streets and alleys, and incorporating tangible wayfinding elements with cultural imagery, Siaosi ’s historical context and modern life are linked, connecting scattered points into a plane, and creating a continuous and diverse consumer experience throughout the district.
Establishing a unique identity for the commercial district creates an effective communication channel with consumers.
Based on the local cultural context, the new brand " Siaosi Bansian " (combining Siaosi with " Bansian ," the ancient name of Changhua) is created to express that Siaosi is not just a commercial district but also has charming features in the alleys and neighborhoods, full of warm hospitality and rich food culture. The new logo design is inspired by the historical textile industry of Siaosi, using " threads " to outline the image of the " house shrew " (money rat).
Creating opportunities for discovering surprises in the alleyways through addition of signs and maps.
Continuing the concept of brand identity, simple lines are used to outline ground markings that guide consumers to explore the alleys of Siaosi and its landmarks. These lines extend from the ground, transforming into maps, benches, and other street furniture, providing information and resting spots for both tourists and local residents. As the house shrew weaves through the space, a continuous path is formed, linking tangible street elements. This enhances the practicality of the guide system and adds an element of fun and experience to exploring the alleys.
在串連整體空間的材料選擇上,設計團隊選用了多項環保材料: 設計團隊 嶼人設計工作室 / 翔漾有限公司 / Studio Yu 共同提案分享 | 永續材料與技術選用 ①
地面標線使用冷塑型止滑塗 料,該塗料不含溶劑, 施工 時不產生額外碳排放 ,且具高 抗滑、耐磨及抗紫外線特性。 ③
重新塑造小西伴線氛圍的同 時,設計團隊也積極探索新 技術,致力於實現環境友善。 ②
座椅線條延伸至天際線的 燈具,選用太陽能照明, 有助於降低碳排,對環境 友善,促進環境永續。
上:彰化火車站前三角公園 | 改造前後
下:小西藝術巷弄 | 改造前後
Top: Triangle Park in front of Changhua Train Station | Before & After
Bottom: Siaosi Art Alley | Before & After
Design Team Jointly Proposed by Hidden Domain Studio, Hsiangyang Co., ltd. and Studio Yu. | Using Sustainable Materials and Techniques
For material selection that connects the overall space, the team chose several eco-friendly materials:
The ground markings use coldplastic slip-resistant paint, which is solvent-free. This type of paint does not produce additional carbon emissions during construction. It also offers high resistance to slipping, wear, and UV rays, making it durable and environmentally friendly.
The seat lines extend to the horizon, incorporating lighting fixtures that use solar-powered illumination. This choice helps reduce carbon emissions, making it environmentally friendly and promoting sustainability.
While re-shaping the atmosphere of Siaosi Bansian, the design team is also actively exploring new technologies, striving to achieve environmental friendliness and sustainability.
上:高賓閣旁空地 | 改造前後
下:長安街及陳陵路口 | 改造前後
Top: Open Space by the Gaobin Pavilion | Before & After
Bottom: Changan St. and Chenling Rd. Intersection | Before & After
商圈品牌識別 Commercial District Brand Identity
利用錢鼠及布業文化線條的連續性,巧妙串聯 小西巷各文化特色元素作為品牌識別的核心。
Ingeniously connecting the various unique cultural elements of Siaosi Alley by utilizing the continuity of the line outlining house shrew and the textile culture to form the core of the brand identification.
Specialty Stores Important Landscapes Culture and History Everyday Life
Commercial District Stories | Shop Renovations | Creating a New Atmosphere for the Commercial District
The shops in the Changhua Siaosi Business District joining the guidance program ranged from new establishments to businesses founded over 80 years ago. The design strategy involved rebranding traditional, long-established local eateries to showcase a fresh image, and enhancing new shops ’unique features through style refinement, creating shopping experiences with unique local culture through blending the new and the old.
Interior Design
Selecting furniture and décor to enhance the visual identity and through a standardized furniture system, the previously cramped and cluttered interiors have been improved, elevating the dining experience for customers.
Outdoor Visual Identity and Interior Design
Through brand identity reinforcement, the exterior, once barely noticeable on the street, is now more prominent. Inside, visual barriers are used to separate the “ front ”and “ back, ”and the product display space has been improved.
Store Visual Image Design
The 60 -year-old iconic store is rebranded to showcase a new visual image. The storefront, which was once obscured by a sunshade, has been given a makeover to offer a refreshing experience for both new and returning customers.
Upgraded Stall Image
The retro stall image is preserved while incorporating a youthful visual design, making the food stand on the street corner more eye-catching and attractive to passersby.
Signage and Identity Information Design
The brand image is restructured with a new vertical sign and canvas, integrating the two previously separate sides of the storefront visually. The use of a minimalistic strategy simplifies the menu and wall information, making the overall space neater and more orderly.
Tainan Confucius Temple Commercial District is located in the West Central District of Tainan City, and it is one of the most historically and culturally rich commercial districts. Centered around Taiwan ’s oldest Confucius Temple, with the Pangong Stone Archway serving as the main entrance, the district includes areas such as Fuzhong Street and Fuqian Road. It is home to several historical sites and cultural landmarks, making it a popular destination for tourists. The commercial district is filled with long-standing shops and distinctive hostels, offering a wide variety of experiences, including crafts, snacks, and cafes. Visitors can appreciate traditional craftsmanship, sample local specialties like fresh fruit ice and Taiwanese oden, and visit wellknown stores such as Lili Fruit Shop and Fook Ji Meatballs. The district regularly hosts events like the Confucius Ceremony, the Sixteen-Year-Old Ceremony, and temple fairs. Additionally, it is close to cultural attractions like the Tainan Art Museum, making it an ideal place to delve into Taiwan ’ s history and Tainan ’ s vibrant cultural life.
Figure: Tainan Confucius Temple Commercial District
Although Tainan Confucius Temple Commercial District is located next to the famous historical site, its image and products lack in-depth connection with the cultural heritage. This results in a noticeable experience gap for consumers who visit the temple and then proceed to the commercial district.
While the district's streets have a certain level of infrastructure, the lack of subsequent overall planning has led to a somewhat cluttered appearance, which can create a disorganized visual experience for visitors.
Strengthen cultural brand identity by establishing image recognition and application standards based on local culture.
Conduct integrated planning of the cultural district, such as setting color schemes and signage design standards for the streets, beautifying the main road of Fuzhong Street, and introducing design to signage and demonstrative public spaces.
Tainan Confucius Temple Commercial District adopts the image of the Pangong Stone Archway for its identity. Historically, the Pangong Stone Archway was the gate that separated the inner and outer areas of the government school. Today, this boundary has been reversed, transforming it into a symbol of the inner academy. The commercial district aims to offer diverse experiences based on the Confucian Six Arts, becoming a space that connects education, culture, and economic activities.
Design Team
MCMarchi | Embrace and Thrive with Local Culture
The cultural symbiosis of Tainan Confucius Temple Commercial District has long emerged naturally. The design team has simply reintegrated the unique brand qualities of the commercial district in an inclusive and harmonious manner. The commercial district is positioned as the modern interpreter of Confucian culture, named the "Six Arts District." Through innovative approaches, the six arts of Confucianism are integrated into the various handcrafted goods and service facilities within the commercial district, creating a modern version of the "Six Arts Academy." Through a process of learning and transformation, the Confucian philosophy is promoted, and cross-disciplinary collaborations with local brands are fostered, strengthening the relationship between the commercial district, local tourist attractions, and shops, and resulting in co-prosperity of local economy.
Extracting historical architectural elements to shape the local cultural identity.
The Pangong Stone Archway , located at the outermost entrance of the Confucius Temple, is the only stone archway in Taiwan still fully preserved, serving as a key landmark for the commercial district. The design merges the image of the stone archway with the Dacheng Gate of the Confucius Temple to create the logo of the commercial district, symbolizing the revival of the old commercial district in a fresh yet elegant manner. The identity design can be applied to commercial facilities within the district (such as patio umbrellas) or future collaborations with the Confucius Temple ’s merchandise and activities, further enhancing the brand value and sense of belonging between the commercial district and the Confucius Temple.
Simplifying the design to mitigate visual noise, and enhance spatial unity through brand identity.
In Tainan Confucius Temple Commercial District, where residential and commercial spaces are mixed, the first step is to clear out debris affecting entrances and streets (such as private plants and damaged equipment). Then, a color design specification for the streets is introduced to ensure visual consistency between businesses and public spaces. In terms of spatial design, elements from Confucianism's Six Arts rites (Li), music (Yue), archery (She), driving and riding (Yu), literature (Shu) and arithmetic (Shu) are integrated into street furniture and rest areas. Carefully selected materials and lighting design create a classical atmosphere, making the streets clean and elegant, transforming them into a place that combines education and leisure.
Top: Canopy over Fuzhong Street | Before & After Middle: Fuzhong Street West Entrance Sign and Rest Area | Before & After Bottom: Fuzhong Street Bulletin and Rest Area | Before & After
Commercial District Stories | Merchandise Development | Promoting the Intersection
Culture and Commerce to Drive Business Opportunities for
the Commercial District
Tainan Confucius Temple Commercial District is home to numerous long-established stores, personal studios, and Taiwanese businesses dedicated to the local market. However, many of these products have not fully integrated the spirit of the local culture, making it difficult to showcase the area ’s distinctiveness and uniqueness. To address this, Tainan Confucius Temple Commercial District collaborated with the Tainan City Confucius Temple Cultural Foundation, bringing together businesses and craftsmen within the district to incorporate elements of the Confucius Temple’s architecture, history, and traditional wish-making customs into products, gift boxes, and shopping bags, redefine the target audience (such as tourists or visiting students), and improve product packaging and marketing. The limited edition merchandise of the Confucius Temple launched through this collaboration not only revitalized nostalgic brands but also added to the cultural atmosphere of the district. Consumers are now able to experience the history of the Confucius Temple in an engaging way, creating a more immersive shopping experience with memorable cultural connections.
Woven Pen Holder Woven Gateway of Learning
The pen holder echoes Taiwan's first school, weaving a cultural tapestry that carries both history and the future.
Ceramic Fortune Poem Vessel Fortune Vessel
Symbolizing peace and blessings, the "Fortune Vessel" features fortune-telling poetry based on Confucius' life philosophy to offer blessings, wishing everyone peace and tranquility.
Handmade Soap Entering Virtue Lucky Soap
Modeled after the "Entering Virtue Gate" emblem of the Confucius Temple, this soap not only purifies but also symbolizes protection, guarding one's skin and health with its auspicious design.
Seed Craft Autograph Tree Wish Pendant
Also known as "book-bag wood," this autograph tree craft combines the guardian deity of scholars, the "Kuixing," carrying heartfelt wishes for academic success in the pendant.
Calligraphy Fan Analects Calligraphy Fan
A fusion of the wisdom of the "Analects" and local craftsmanship, this fan invites the user to appreciate the profound meaning and elegant spirit of Confucianism with every gentle motion.
Commercial District Stories | Shop Renovations | Creating a Commercial District with Thematic Features
By focusing on aspects such as space, signage, branding, and product packaging, we provide design guidance for each store in Tainan Confucius Temple Commercial District. Cultural elements of the Confucius Temple are incorporated into the public space planning, including street colors, and these elements are also integrated into the spatial planning and product development of the stores, creating a distinctive Confucius Temple-themed shopping experience.
Site-Specific Store
A chocolate and coffee specialty store with a focus on creating the uniqueness of a site-specific store. By adjusting the display space and traffic flow, the image of the chocolate specialty store is strengthened, creating a suitable starting point for both relaxation and shopping in the commercial district. Gift boxes and bags incorporate elements of the “ Confucius Temple Dacheng Hall" and "Commercial District Pangong Stone Archway,” and cookies shaped like the "owl" on the ridge of the Dacheng Hall roof represent Confucius’ s spirit and strength of "teaching without distinction."
Featured Store
The feature store at the entrance of Fuzhong Street. Design by subtraction is first adopted to clean the environment, then the three colors of the traditional nylon bag, “Qie Zhi Bag,” is incorporated to perfectly blend traditional and street aesthetics, achieving a harmonious visual effect.
Stores in the Alleys
Through renovation of the ceiling and walls, functions of pottery display and product placement have been added; the interior traffic flow and façade have both been improved to more effectively attract customers to enter the shop and participate in DIY experience.
Open Spaces at Alley Entrances
The open space is made more spacious. The space is beautified with greenery to not only facilitate community exchange, but also keep people staying longer, facilitating co-prosperity and development of the commercial district and surrounding community
Commercial District Entrance Shop
The soft roofing decoration and color system are coordinated with the street's colors, and the use of wood integrates columns and food carts; plants are also repotted and placed, enhancing overall aesthetics and harmony.
Rebranding Feature Shop
Through reshaping its brand identity, the fresh fruit ice store not only keeps existing identity elements, but also makes use of the universal font, extending design supporting graphics, and establishing brand colors. This not only makes the store’s brand image more systematic but also updates the spatial design to match the existing identity.
The Tainan Guohua Youai Business District, located in Tainan's West Central District, was historically known as the “ Cross Machi, ” and was once a renowned hub for imported goods in Tainan. It attracted various international trendsetting industries while also becoming home to many traditional delicacies of Tainan. Recognized by both domestic and international media as a mustvisit culinary destination in Tainan, the Guohua area showcases the fusion of old and new eras of Tainan. For younger generations, the district offers a mix of century-old stores and trendy shops catering to their tastes, while for elders, it serves as the perfect place to revisit memories of Tainan. Within the commercial district, the century-old tree known as the “ Couple Tree ” stands as a significant cultural and spiritual symbol, attracting local residents and believers to come for worshipping. These trees enhance the district ’s cultural depth and emotional connections.
Figure: Yungle Market
Tainan Guohua Youai Business District
問題發現 Problem Found
街區橫跨不同商業區塊,各自發展但缺 乏整體意象規劃。
設施新舊疊加,缺乏統一規劃設計及環 境管理。
The district spans across various commercial zones that have developed independently, lacking overall image planning.
New facilities have been added to the old ones, which lack unified planning, design, and environmental management.
痛點解決 Pain Point Solution
依屬性梳理並重新設計改造街區,為其 建立色彩計畫及識別,整合至入口意象 與公共場域。
採用空間減法設計,改善動線引導,並 制定設計運用規範,供組織未來維運管 理使用。
Categorize and redesign the district based on its attributes, establishing a color scheme and identity to be integrated with entrance image and public spaces.
Apply design by subtraction to improve traffic guidance, and formulate design utilization guidelines for future maintenance and management by the organization.
The Tainan Yongle Market's signage redesign centers on“bustle and hustle , ” using a bold and distinctive brand identity to create a lively and energetic visual image. It instantly conveys the bustling market atmosphere and its rich culinary culture.
The design of the Asakusa Shopping Center ’s brand identity focuses on “ trendy vibe , ”featuring a fluid and clean font. In addition to ensuring visual clarity, this design further accentuates the shopping center’ s modernity and unique creative and cultural features, aiming to attract young crowds and culture enthusiasts.
松樹代表長壽與永恆,與愛情意象結合,即象徵夫妻間的長 久愛情和堅韌聯結。
Witness the Century-long Love of Pine Trees, Encounter Blessed Romance at Youai Pine tree represents longevity and eternity, which is combined with an imagery of love to symbolize enduring affection and steadfast bonds between couples.
Fusing local features with branding to highlight local life and cultural symbiosis.
The Tainan Guohua Youai Business District is Tainan ’s culinary hub, with Yongle Market gathering a wide variety of traditional Taiwanese snacks, attracting food enthusiasts in droves. To convey the lively atmosphere and rich food culture of the market, bright colors and dynamic pictures are selected for the design of the market ’s signage, allowing every visitor to perceive the market's vibrancy and diversity.
The commercial district is also near the cultural and religious landmark the “ Couple Tree, ” an important place of worship for residents and believers. By incorporating the elements of “ pine tree ” and “ love, ” the brand identity has been reimagined to create a visually appealing and meaningful image, which can be applied to local events like the “ Couple Tree Feast. ”
Design Team —— INPIN Design Institute | The Challenge of Communicating "Design" with Stakeholders
The biggest challenge when implementing designs is striking a balance between aesthetic features and commercial needs . Take sign designs for Yongle Market as an example: Do individual vendors have fixed preferences for colors, styles, or fonts? Do the visual designs take into consideration the products sold by the shops? Is there any sense of discord between the original trademarks and the newly designed signs? In addition to these considerations, differences in the shops' business hours often make it difficult for them to participate in discussions and meetings, and it is also inevitable to touch on the issue of blurred boundaries between public and private spaces in the process.
To address these challenges, the design team adjusted its strategy. First, we created several sign design options and then visited each shop individually. During these visits, we discussed the specific details vendors wanted to be shown on the signs (store names, phone numbers, year of establishment, or products), as well as their preferred color schemes. This design process was filled with complexities, which were issues the design team must resolve through constant communication and coordination. However, once the new signs were installed, many business owners, who were initially unfamiliar with design, began to notice the benefits. Some even took the initiative to replace some facilities (such as repainting or replacing steel doors), resulting in even greater improvements to the area. Thus, whether the shops can see tangible positive outcomes of design transformation is the key factor determining the success of design projects!
Top: Yungle Market | Before & After
Middle: Couple Tree | Before & After Bottom: Asakusa Shopping Center Entrance Image | Before & After
First apply design by subtraction to the space, then standardize street furniture, enhancing recreational comfort for the commercial district.
To create an open, bright, and comfortable public space while ensuring clear and intuitive pedestrian traffic flow, Asakusa Shopping Center has incorporated several initiatives launched by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, including the Aesthetic & Design-Driven Commercial District Project, Outstanding Market and LOHAS Stall Certification Program, and Post-Pandemic Traditional Market Enhancement and Transformation Project. Through the integration of these initiatives, related agencies collaborated and forged consensus, removing clutter and adhering to the same design rules on colors and signs. At the same time, multifunctional street furniture (such as car stoppers combined with greenery or lighting ) was introduced to create a visually open and easily maintainable public environment.
Located in Gushan District, Kaohsiung, the “Hamasen Shopping District” gets its name from the“coastal railway line ” ( Há-má-seng ) during the Japanese colonial period. This area is not only one of Kaohsiung's historical origins but also a former hub of economic activity, transportation, and distant-water fishing. The district retains numerous historical sites from the Japanese colonial period, inviting visitors to stroll through its grid-like alleys, admire the unique charm of old houses, and uncover traces of life tied to the distant-water fishing industry. Moreover, the district offers a variety of culinary delights, including traditional Taiwanese snacks, summer refreshments, and foreign cuisines from around the world. On weekdays, Hamasen serves as a hub for students of the National Sun Yat-sen University, while on weekends, it transforms into a must-visit destination for tourists exploring Kaohsiung, connecting to major attractions such as the Takao Railway Museum, Pier- 2 Art Center, Cijin Island, Sizihwan Bay, and Shoushan Mountain. Blending history with modern vibes, Hamasen Shopping District is a unique and captivating tourist destination.
Figure: Hamasen Shopping District
Problem Found
商圈位於各景點交界處,缺乏引人注目 之識別,經常遭消費者忽略。
街區呈現棋盤式分佈,因住商混合、店 家分散,缺乏動線指引。
The commercial district is situated at the crossroads of various attractions but lacks eye-catching identifiers, often leading to it being overlooked by visitors.
The streets are arranged in a grid pattern, but due to the mixed residential and commercial zones and the scattered distribution of stores, there is a lack of clear traffic guidance.
痛點解決 Pain Point Solution
塑商圈品牌識別與規範;同時考慮現代 需求與在地生活習慣,確保設計應用與 社區和諧共存。
將商圈品牌元素導入空間,提供明確指 引,吸引消費者駐足商圈,光顧街區店家。
The design translates the historical and cultural elements of Hamasen to reshape the commercial district's brand identity and guidelines. At the same time, it considers modern needs and local living habits to ensure harmonious coexistence between the design applications and the community. Brand elements are incorporated into the physical space, providing clear wayfinding to attract visitors, encouraging them to explore the district and support local businesses
Continuing Hamasen ’s key development elements of coastal line and train, simple symbols are combined with the images of the coastal line, train, and connection , to create infinite possibilities. Even in spaces like the passage to Gushan Ferry Station, an outstanding identification system can effectively convey Hamasen ’s unique atmosphere, conveying to every visitor a friendly "Hello, welcome to Hamasen" vibe.
To promote the new brand image of the district and foster local identity, a one-page website was created, as well as supplies for the organization members (business cards, T-shirts), and Hamasen identity bag (canvas bag, reusable shopping bag, stickers, fans, hats), for the organization to distribute, encourage businesses to participate in commercial district affairs and activities.
Design Team —— S. Select Lab | How to Play a Bridging Role in Communication
As locals, the design team served as a catalyst and intermediary, integrating Hamasen's historical and cultural elements into modern designs. To create opportunities for exchange and interaction between residents, businesses, and visitors, it is necessary to focus on encouraging community engagement and cultivating local identity, guiding everyone to collaboratively shaping the new face of Hamasen to showcase the unique community spirit, and enable the design to continually thrive and evolve.
The true purpose of design is achieved when everyone is willing to actively participate and contribute, jointly shaping the future of the community. This deep level of communication and involvement represents the greatest challenge for the team, but also the goal we are committed to achieving. We hope the design can serve as a connector , inspiring residents and businesses to stay actively engaged in the community's transformation and renewal. This sense of belonging, nurtured from within, will become the driving force behind the district's autonomous development.
Reshaping the brand identity of the commercial district and simplifying rich geographic and cultural features.
The Hamasen shopping District boasts a unique historical background and location. The design team has transformed these unique features into a streamlined logo design: the curve symbolizes the rise and fall of ocean waves, while the circles are wheels representing a station, fusing the district ’s unique cultural and humanistic atmosphere. These elements not only come together to highlight Hamasen's geographic features, but also convey its rich cultural heritage. These identifiers will become symbols for the district's daily operations, connecting businesses and local residents. Over time, they will help build a sense of local identity, enhance community cohesion, and allow Hamasen ’s unique features be naturally blended into the local daily life and be promoted.
Using the commercial district identity and co-created images to shape brand impression at key spatial nodes.
The transformation of the Hamasen Shopping District goes beyond an external image update; it focuses on continuing the local culture and fostering community identity. This project not only collaborated with Kaohsiung Rapid Transit Corporation, displaying the district's brand identity as entrance images at the most bustling transport hubs with the largest crowds, but also worked with online shops to integrate the Hamasen brand image into their storefront designs with standalone display structures, allowing the brand image to permeate other commercial areas. One notable thing is that the images on these billboards were co-created by the professional design team in collaboration with local elementary school students from Gushan Elementary School, presenting Hamasen ’s unique features through the students ’local perspective, while also strengthening the community's sense of identification through sharing with family members.
7 / 11 將鼓山國小學生的 32 張創作, 轉化為看板圖案,建立商圈形象認同感。
7/11 Transforming 32 creative works by students from Gushan Elementary School into billboard patterns, establishing a sense of brand identity for the Hamasen Shopping District.
This year, from the initial research phase to the actual transformation and application stages, the goal was to enhance the aesthetic value of the commercial districts through design. Furthermore, we conducted a field study in Tokyo, Japan, drawing on international experiences. From the perspective of public space innovation, we delved into the development models and resource integration strategies for commercial districts.
What Can the Public Sector Do? From Single Point Guidance to Elevation of Overall Regional Value
International Case Study: Japan ’s Small and Medium Enterprise Agency
The Organization for Small & Medium Enterprises and Regional Innovation, Japan, (SME Support Japan) under the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry, is an independent administrative body that provides support services for businesses at various stages, from startup to growth and maturity. Its services cover business consultation and financial subsidies. Within this organization, the "Urban Development Promotion Office" is dedicated to revitalizing city center and enhancing regional value, and works closely with local governments and urban planning experts.
In Japan, "shopping streets" are typically composed of small, independent specialty stores. According to the 2022 Shopping Street Survey Report 3 , the most pressing issues for the 4 , 140 shopping streets in Japan are: aging store owners ( 72 %), outdated store equipment ( 36 4 %), lack of buzz and similar business types ( 30 5 %), while competition from large supermarkets and chain stores is relatively low ( 11 8 %). As the benefits of supporting individual stores have been limited, Japanese policy is increasingly shifting towards enhancing the "regional value" of these commercial areas. Starting in 2024 , SME Support Japan will transition from providing individual store support to assisting entire commercial district organizations. This shift aims to promote higher city revisit rates, residency rates, and employment rates, and further boost the overall sales and customer traffic in shopping streets, contributing to long-term regional economic development.
The development of shopping streets guidance in Japan can be traced back to the "Act on Vitalization in City Center" introduced after the 1998 Hanshin Earthquake. Subsequently, with SME Support Japan establishing the "Urban Development Promotion Office," the focus of guidance strategies shifted from addressing single, isolated issues to comprehensive, long-term sustainable planning for sustainable development. This transition encompasses not only economic aspects but also the cohesion, cultural preservation, and promotion of shopping streets . Through multi-party collaboration, this strategy has driven the development of both individual shopping streets and entire cities.
Taiwan can learn from the experiences of SME Support Japan by establishing a dedicated task force to drive the revitalization of commercial districts and regions, which initially focused on offering guidance to individual business or districts, and has since gradually shifted towards comprehensive regional planning to enhance regional value and improve local employment rates through collaboration between local governments, commercial district organizations, and experts. Also, unused spaces can be effectively utilized to integrate daily life support, cultural preservation, and economic development, creating attractive commercial districts with long-term development potentials.
In terms of commercial district guidance, the focus is also on overall urban development. In the future, the program will cooperate with the host cities of design exhibitions to promote commercial district guidance and growth through design innovation. Using overall policy and planning of a“ city ”as the vision of innovation, the scope will be gradually narrowed down to regions or streets. In this year’s guidance and transformation process, guidance for individual businesses was expanded to overall regional planning. Taking the Changhua Siaosi Business District as an example, through crosswalk design, not only were traffic flow and aesthetics improved, but pedestrian safety was also enhanced, creating a visual highlight for the urban space; in the case of the Guohua Youai Business District, the transformation was not limited to individual storefronts but considered the overall space, traffic flow, community needs, and atmosphere. Not only were the signs redesigned, the corridors were further connected by using plants as car stoppers. By considering the overall benefits of an entire city, each transformation project not only met the needs of the citizens, but also drove environmental, cultural, and urban changes throughout the region, ultimately attracting more tourists and achieving the goal of increasing the overall value of the city.
Can Corporates and Organizations Do?
Breaking Away from the Interests of the Organization to Integrate Viewpoints of Stakeholders through “Supportive Development”
International Case Study: Odakyu Electric Railway Co., Ltd.
In 2013 , a railway undergrounding project was launched along the Odakyu Line in Setagaya, southwest Tokyo. This project involved the restructuring and development of 1 7 kilometers of surface area, and was named the "Shimokitazawa Line Street Project." In the early stages of development, the Odakyu team faced eight years of public opposition. After multiple rounds of dialogue and communication, the plan was revised in 2017 . The Shimokitazawa Line Street was divided into 13 zones, each developed according to its unique characteristics. The project was finally completed in May 2022 after nearly a decade.
During the development process, the challenging terrain with its slope and the narrow pathways of the residential areas made traditional development methods unsuitable, posing significant challenges for the team. To address these issues, the Odakyu team, in collaboration with local organizations and citizen groups, established the "Kitazawa Design Meeting" and set the development goal to "enhance community sense of belonging." By adopting a "supportive development" approach, local values were introduced, strengthening residents’sense of identity, while preserving local characteristics through sustainable development. The focus of supportive development was on fostering regional and community participation. For example, after the railway was removed, a pedestrian pathway was created, which not only changed the street ’s facade but also transformed long-house-style residences into the "Bonus Track" shopping street, allowing visitors to experience the Shimokitazawa tourist route in various ways.
After the pandemic, the concept of the " 20 -minute living circle" gradually gained attention. This concept advocates for residents to meet their daily needs within a 20 -minute walking or cycling range. Odakyu, with a focus on supporting local communities, broke away from the traditional business mindset that prioritizes profit. Instead, they actively shared development ideas with both business owners and designers, attracting local residents as the primary consumer base, and driving the transformation of both the physical space and culture.
在過程中,同時也需要考量多方需求,特別是涉及市府、市場處等公部門機構時,輔導者的角色變得尤其 關鍵。以台南國華友愛商圈為例,在永樂市場招牌改造中,藉由地方政府協助,統整涉及市區基礎設施的 部門資源,以確保改造方案符合各項法規並獲得支持。面對地方商家時,一方面協助設計團隊一對一溝通, 將設計分為 AB 方案供商家選擇,另一方面協助商圈組織、居民與公部門進行討論,以更好的彈性協調方 式推動整體設計落地,並確保設計方案符合公眾利益。透過協調的過程,利害關係人能更有效地整合資源 和意見,為商圈的長遠發展奠定基礎。
What can we do?
For commercial district guidance, the "supportive development" model from the Shimokitazawa Line Street was borrowed. Based on a macroscopic view and strong resources, community participation in the development plan was encouraged through dialogues with residents and local business associations, enhancing a sense of belonging and promoting the development of local culture in a sustainable way. This year, consensus-building camps were held in various commercial districts to establish a platform for dialogue between stakeholders, emphasizing the importance of forming a shared consensus. During the commercial district transformation process, special attention was paid to interaction and communication with residents, village chiefs, and district organizations to ensure that the design plans were the result of collective consensus, thereby facilitating smooth implementation.
When coordinating with public agencies and local governments, it is necessary to keep close communication on regulations and project timeline, adjusting needs accordingly. For example, in the case of the Hamasen Shopping District, we needed to secure relevant approvals for storefront canopies and conduct coordination to avoid affecting project timelines. Furthermore, based on the different characteristics of the commercial district, we designed its brand image, and facilitated cooperation with the metro on a mural plan, combining local features with urban aesthetics to promote the brand of the Hamasen Shopping District. This approach of replacing the top-down method with a“supportive”model through coordination and communication can more effectively forge consensus.
In the process, it is also necessary to consider the needs of various parties, especially when public agencies, such as the city government and market departments, are involved, and the role of the guidance provider becomes particularly crucial. For example, in the Tainan Guohua Youai Business District, during the sign transformation at Yungle Market, the local government assisted and coordinated departmental resources of the city’ s infrastructures to ensure the transformation project complied with regulations and gained support. When dealing with local businesses, on one hand, we assisted the design team in oneon-one communication, offering two design options (Plan A and Plan B) for business owners to choose from; on the other hand, we facilitated discussions between the district organizations, residents, and the public sector to implement the overall design in a more flexible and coordinated approach, and ensure that the design met the public interest. Through this coordination process, stakeholders were able to more effectively integrate resources and opinions, laying a foundation for the long-term development of the commercial district.
What Can Local Organizations and Individual Businesses Do? Through Connection of Local Businesses, Jointly Create a “Guerrilla Battlefield” for Public Spaces
The Shibuya PARCO department store, which has been established for over fifty years, reopened in 2020 . As the number of visitors gradually increased, the Park Avenue (K ō en-d ō ri) from Shibuya to Yoyogi Park became an important area. The Shibuya Koen Dori (Shibuya Park Avenue Council) is a public-private partnership organization, whose members include local groups, public entities, and enterprises, that actively promotes innovative proposals for public spaces. In collaboration with the Kokushikan University research team, the council organized events such as the Shibuya Ave. 2040 Design Competition, workshops, and seminars, aimed at promoting pedestrian-friendly public space design.
In the survey, the public's expectations for the Park Avenue over the next decade were focused on the desire for it to become a public space "centered around pedestrians." Professor Akihiko Nishimura, in collaboration with the Shibuya Koen Dori, launched the "Walkable City Shibuya" project, aiming to create a pedestrian-friendly public space. Through organizing events, the project attracted public participation to improve the walking environment. The council also organized markets and concerts, and proposed the idea of a "Shibuya Car-Free Day, ”successfully introducing pedestrian-focused design concepts and lifestyle experiences.
Taiwan can draw inspiration from the Shibuya Koen Dori to guide commercial districts in promoting pedestrian-friendly public space planning, such as crosswalk designs and consensus-building workshops, while also integrating local commercial district and community activities to spark public imagination about future urban spaces. From design proposal selection to fostering consensus for transformation, both district organizations and businesses can directly participate in design discussions, ensuring that the public space meets actual needs.
In this year's guidance process, the connection between businesses has been particularly crucial, and establishing a "linear design" that links the entire commercial district has become the main strategy. This strategy not only transforms businesses from scattered individual points of consumption into an attractive consumer route, but also utilizes the brand identity design of the shops to enhance overall appeal. Taking Tainan Confucius Temple Commercial District as an example, when considering the spots of street furniture and the market, an overall evaluation of rest areas and economic benefits was conducted, and brand identity design was assisted to strengthen the district's recognition. This method of connecting the businesses also involved close collaboration with the president of the commercial district association to ensure alignment between business needs and the design direction. Through this method, the businesses within the district worked together to improve the overall image and project benefits, gradually moving towards a commercial district with strong community cohesion.
Execution and Transformation, Gradually Moving towards a Better Commercial District
After reviewing the current situation, the following strategic directions are proposed for the Aesthetic & Design-Driven Commercial District Project: 4
The development of commercial districts requires the collaborative efforts of central and local governments, corporate organizations, and local groups, to lay the foundation for future guidance and participation mechanisms. This year, the goal was to learn from relevant experiences through to design implementation, transformation cases, and international case studies, and transform them into concrete actions, further promoting the sustainable development and innovation of Taiwan's commercial districts and public spaces.
Sustainable Urban Development: Sustainable Design Strategies from Materials to Public Space Utilization
The United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) introduced the New Urban Agenda in 2022 , which emphasizes that innovation in public space should shift from traditional design thinking that focused on "object" to a design model targeting “ place, ” focusing on the characteristics of the location and the needs of the community. In Taiwan, the development model for commercial districts has evolved from focusing solely on the uniqueness of individual shops to a broader, more comprehensive development. This shift aims to meet diverse social needs while balancing economic prosperity, social equity, and environmental protection in urban design strategies.
In this year's commercial district guidance and transformation process, there has been a particular emphasis on the selection of sustainable materials, improvements to pedestrian spaces, and convenience of overall maintenance of commercial districts. For example, prioritizing environmentally friendly building materials with universal specifications and high durability ensures lower future maintenance costs, while also extending service life and reducing resource waste. Moreover, the openness and flexibility of community spaces have been emphasized; by integrating and opening up public spaces, commercial districts are redefined not just as a place for traffic and parking but as a multifunctional space that supports social interactions, commerce, and recreation.
Cultural Coexistence and Community Participation: Building Public Spaces into Creative Hubs
Public spaces in commercial districts not only require hardware upgrades and improvements, but should also incorporate unique local features, transforming them into a brand image. According to the suggestions of the consulting agency, Ground Level Co., Ltd. , commercial districts can utilize design of arcade and installation of street furniture, or the low-rent unused spaces, to attract creative organizations, turning these areas into creative hubs. Well-planned events and festivals not only draw consumers but also strengthen the community ’s sense of belonging and identity, further promoting long-term community participation. Community engagement is key to the effective utilization of public spaces. For example, in this year ’ s implementation, from the design proposal selection (design communication) to building consensus on the transformation, both commercial district organizations and business owners had the opportunity to directly participate in the design discussions, ensuring that the public spaces truly met their needs. At the same time, this process helped to respect and integrate local historical, geographic, and cultural features, driving the joint development of commercial districts.
Collaborative Relationships for Sustainable Management: The Roles of Government and Commercial District Organizations
Both central and local governments should establish clear and close collaborative relationships with commercial district organizations, ensuring consistent expectations for the future development of the district through various communication channels. Ground Level Co., Ltd. also highlights the model of local autonomous management in Japanese shopping streets. The role of government is to provide support rather than to lead, with the commercial district organizations taking charge of revitalization efforts and collaborating with the government to relax regulations when necessary. For example, targeting streets as public spaces and encouraging regular exchanges to gather feedback and opinions as references for future planning. Using this year’s implementation as an example, the opinions of various stakeholders were gathered through consensus workshops, ensuring transparency in need exploration and design planning. In the case of the Tainan Confucius Temple Commercial District, due to its mixed-use model of residential and commercial zones, there are challenges in defining the boundary between public and private domains. To its businesses and residents, the transformation had both pros and cons. During the construction process, coordination with businesses, design team, and local residents was actively undertaken to resolve the unexpected issues. Summarizing the experiences above, future commercial district organizations can also adopt methods like organizing consensus workshop or establishing communication platform to facilitate cooperation among all parties, ensuring smooth promotion of the development of the commercial district.
The Aesthetic & Design-Driven Commercial District Project serves as the starting point for transformation. Through sharing this year ’s execution experiences, we hope to offer different perspectives and execution directions to relevant agencies, associations, and businesses, who, like us, are eager to see their commercial districts take on a new image, continually moving towards a better commercial district together.