Volume 4, Issue 1
Mailing List Members to Date: 342
October 15, 2011
S P E C I A L P O I N T S O F I N T E R E S T :
From the desk of...Virgil Wilson Sr.
Our Mission/Our Members/Our Vision
Devotional - “God allows the storms” - Virgil L. Wilson Sr.
Devotional - “We’re purchased, not kidnapped” - Joe Mathis
Devotional - “What is your cheese?” - Darnell Johnson
Poem - “EASTHAM - Billy Henry
Devotional - “Eternal Life with our Father- Bro. Carrillo
Message of the month - Active Frontline Ministries - Yuri Luckette
Devotional - “Being Transformed” Jimmy Tennison
Testimony - Don Davis Jr.
Devotional - “Why” - James Lee Evans
Praise Report - Ken Whitley
Beto M.V.P. Squad - Revy Rev.
Devotional - “Which on are you” Leroy Ford
Devotional - “Set free in Jesus Christ” - Pastor Derek Hooper
Devotional - “The test of Faith” Kent Northcutt
Devotional - “Trusting God through your storms - Earnest Thomas
Devotional - “Pressing towards the goal” - Frances Whitlock
Helpful Hints
Trivia Answers/New Trivia Questions/Did you know/Christian humor/Truth’s
Stamp Drive
Praise Reports/Shout Outs
Birthdays/Anniversaries, etc.
l e t t e r
f r o m
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f o u n d e r
Evans with “ROOTS”, Mr. Leroy Ford continued with “To be the best; you have to How many of you knew do more than the rest”. Sisthat the September newster Whitlock brought some letter completed the third year of the newsletter? heat with “Created for EterWOW! God truly is awenity”, and Brother Luckette some in how He shows back-doored that with his message of the month. you that you are doing Brother Tennison talked what He’s called you to do. So first off let me about “Seek All”, and Mr. thank any and everybody Choice showed up with an who has contributed to the untitled message that spoke volume! Stay strong my newsletter in any shape, for, or fashion. Most of all brother and one day you will be all the way in. then you who have prayed for the ministry and me and came a powerful testimony my wife’s marriage. May by Bro. Roc, and Bro. Johnson, you and those brother the blessings of the Lord on “N-wing” keep on keepfind you always. ing on, you’re doing an Now, last months newslet- awesome job in the name of ter was the BOMB! I don’t the Lord! Bro. Schwartz, know about anyone else, it’s been awhile, but “One More Round” was so on but I got blessed beyond measure from every article time. I was just sharing with Shy almost the same thing that was printed. My brother Hernandez started of how the enemy wants to it off with “Let the Healing steal, kill, and destroy our Begin”, my brother, friend faith, wonderful CONFIRMATION! And last but and mentor followed that certainly not least, Bro. with “A Red Sea Situation”, (Mr. Thomas), next Northcutt closed out with in line was Mr. Rose, I something we should allove Joshua Chapter 7, a ways ask ourselves, “Who are You?” Again, thank all lot of meat in that event. Then there was Mr. Joseph of you for allowing GOD to
use you to keep this newsletter afloat and to minister the word of God to those in need. There’s a lot more of you out there who receive the newsletter but haven’t submitted anything, it’s time you bless someone with what God has done and doing in your life. Freely you have received, freely you shall give! Also, the stamp drive has been a blessing and a great BIG thank you for everyone who has donated. However, if you look at the top of the front page every month you will see that the mailing list grows every month, thus more stamps are needed. So I solicit even more of you to bless us with some stamps, even you brothers and sisters in white who make store on a regular basis, pick up a few extra stamps and send them in. Your contribution will be much appreciated and needed as we start our fourth year of encouraging each other and reaching the lost! Be Blessed V.L. Wilson Sr.
Our Mission
Our Members
Our Vision
The mission of “The Day of the Lord Ministries” is to embrace offenders, ex-offenders, and their family members with love through the various groups under our umbrella; to assist them in becoming equipped with the things they’ll need to be productive citizens, and loving family members.
Membership in The Day of The Lord Ministries includes all persons participating in any of the stated Ministries who choose to embrace our stated vision and values
To be an instrument through which the power of the Holy Spirit can minister to offenders, ex-offenders, and their family members. Causing them to be self confident as they learn their purpose; to develop a new attitude toward their circumstance and rise above it.
“…The Lord has His way in the whirlwind and in the storm…” Nahum 1:3 “GOD ALLOWS THE STORMS” When the rain and storms come and disrupt your planned weekend, have you found yourself upset? When Hurricane Katrina nearly took New Orleans off the map, did you praise God or question Him? The above scripture declares that God has His way in the storms! The same is true for the storms that surface in our life, God is having His way. There’s nothing that can happen in our life that God hasn’t ordained or allowed. The Bible says Job was blameless and upright, who feared God and shunned evil (Job 1:1). Yet we see God giving Satan permission to have his way with Job except for his life (vs. 1:6-12). We see God allowing David to run for his life from Saul, (1 Samuel 18:8 – 2 Samuel 1:16) and all He allowed Paul to go through (2 Corinthians 11:23-29). T.D. Jakes said in the song “911”: “the storms come to make us strong”! But they can’t make us strong if we don’t receive them in the right way and complain about them. Jonah knew that the storm that had risen was for him, so he came to his senses and told the men to throw him into the sea (Jonah 1:1-16). We can’t run and hide from God or the storms He allows in our life. The next time a storm arises in your life, receive it with thanksgiving, because God is in the midst of it having His way! Be Blessed! Virgil L. Wilson Sr. “We’re Purchased – Not Kidnapped” by Joe Mathis “You are not your own, you were bought with a price” 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 Every Christian rightfully belongs to Jesus. First, because He created is. Secondly, we belong to Him because He purchased us. Jesus will not take us by force, or against our will. He does not want to kidnap Hiss bride, but instead, He is longing for us to be intimate with Him, a trusting bond of togetherness. Jesus spoke in John 14 of “making His home with those who love Him.” In Revelation 3, He says that “He will come in and eat with him that will open the door, (of your heart) to Him.” This is what He expects of those He bought with His own blood. He deserves it, doesn’t he? If we are not intimately loving, enjoying, and giving ourselves completely to our Savior, then with whom, (or what) are we sharing these affections? The truth is, we should be in debt to Jesus. It doesn’t feel good to buy something with your hard-earned money only to lose it or to have it break. If we expect satisfaction, pleasure, and dependability from our purchased possessions – then so does our Lord! Live for Him today and be a good investment for Jesus! Joe Mathis #1200592 “Jesus, being infinite, suffered for a finite amount of time, what you, being finite, would have suffered for an infi-
nite amount of time.” He suffered upon the Cross an eternity of hell for everyone of us!!! He died to appease the wrath of God so that Justice & Holiness could be satisfied. WORTHY IS THE SPOTLESS LAMB OF GOD!!!
WHAT IS YOUR CHEESE? As a mouse peeks his small head out of a kitchen’s base board wall. His nose is captured by a sweet aroma of cheese floating in the air. He looks to his left and right to make sure there is nothing lurking in the dark that may stop him from finding what he now desires to have; as he takes his course and moves quickly across the kitchen floor. He runs upon this contraption that holds a large chunk of cheese. Eye balling this device it seems that a voice deep inside himself tells him not to go any further, to turn around and just leave, to not chance his life; but whatever voice of reason that might have spoken to his conscious was overrode by his lustful desires to have that cheese. “I am so fast and quick.” He tells himself. “I can move with lightning speed and grab my cheese before it knew what hit it.” Well you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to know that the mouse never got what he so desires. We are no different than that little mouse. For we also have been captured by the sweet aroma of cheese. The big question of course is, “what is your cheese?” is it money, sex, fame, power, drugs, alcohol, family or your freedom. What is your cheese? What is overriding God’s word to where you will not listen to Him but listen to your lustful desires? Satan has set the trap and believe you me; you’re not clever enough, smart enough, or quick enough not to get caught by it. Just look where you are right now in your life; was that cheese well worth it? Was it worth losing connection with your family? Was it worth hurting others? Was it worth hurting yourself? Was that cheese worth all the pain you caused? Let’s stop allowing our lustful desires from doing the talking. Let’s shut-up and listen to God’s word. Let’s hear that still voice within that speaks reason. If you want to stop going for the cheesed, whatever your cheese may be, change your thinking. (Romans 12:1-2) “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service (v. 2) And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” Don’t allow the cheese to renovate your mind, let the word of God renovate it. Don’t allow drugs, alcohol, sexual immorality just anything for your satisfaction to invade your mind; overrule God’s word and overthrow Jesus love and overpower the Holy Spirit. Whatever your cheese is has allowed you to be entrapped in this place called prison. Don’t let it go any further and destroy you totally; your dreams, goals, your ministry. Don’t let it hurt your family any more than it already has. The question is: Who are you going to listen to, the cheese or God? (Revelation 3:20) says, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.” Please listen to God’s voice and open unto Him and not the cheese. God bless you and I pray this inspires and motivates someone. In God’s Time Rev. Darnell Johnson Beto Unit
EASTHAM I use to be considered a monster, way back in the day; But divine intervention through GOD, helped me to discover the err of my ways. Being known as a lonely place, that sits high atop a lonely hill; Where countless amounts of lives were lost, and numerous amounts of blood was spilled. Just listening to the introduction, “I”, may sound a little bit like Calvary; Not that “I”, could ever compare to it, for “I’m” only in the dreaded penitentiary. Way back in the early 80’s, I was known as the deadliest place in the nation, A place, people literally feared coming to visit, for a short stay, or for a permanent vacation. But, along about that time, a Chaplain named Vance Drum came riding into town; Preaching repentance of sins, like John the Baptist, and somehow, started turning this thing around. “Now I make my boast in GOD,” and in all manner of Christian oriented programs; Being considered by many, now a model unit, that’s what “GOD” can do, for a place like EASTHAM! Billy Henry Eastham Unit
“ETERNAL LIFE WITH OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN” GOD THE FATHER, GOD THE SON, GOD THE HOLY GHOST! God brings us first to His image. Then He restores us back to Him as a Son, and then you become born again as a Son. Then God gives you the Holy Ghost, the power to do His will on earth, and to also not to return back to the world, and miss the full potential of Heaven that causes prosperity! Our success is in “BEING BORN AGAIN”! John 3:1-21 (Born Again), Galatians 3:8-9 (BLESSED IN FAITH), and Galatians 4:18-19 (CONFORMED TO HIS IMAGE). Bro. Carrillo Eastham Unit ACTIVE FRONTLINE MINISTRIES MONTHLY MESSAGE It is said that as human beings, we have 3 major fears: 1. Fear of rejection, 2. Fear of being made a fool of, and 3. Fear of change and success At this point in your life, which one of these fears have you not overcome? How long will you be comfortable with where you are in life. Think about it. Active Frontline Ministries Beto One
“BEING TRANSFORMED” As I sit here, as the Holy Spirit speak to me on being transformed. Let us realize that this being transformed is a daily process, because we all have been conformed to the things of the world. Roman 12:2 says And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of the mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. CONFORMED means to be part of, TRANSFORMED means to change; here we will see that transformed and repent runs together, because repent means to turn from. Here we will look at a few principles… Conformed or Conforming oneself to the outer fashion or outward appearance, accommodating oneself to a model or pattern, see (Suschematizo) occurs elsewhere in the NT only in 1 Peter 1:14, where it describes those conforming themselves to worldly lusts. 1 John 2:15 says do not love the world or the things in it, if you love the world the Father is not in you. See the things of the world will pass away, the sphere of evil operating in our world under the dominion of Satan (see John 12:31, 14:30 and 16:11). World is literally “age” referring to a godless system. We are not to accept the pattern of and age whose god is the devil, (2 Corinthians 4:4). Transformed, being transformed, have to take place in your mind, to be Christ-like it all starts in the mind. So by a renewed mind committed to the ideals of the kingdom of God, we have to repent change get away from the mass trash, let go and let God (Ephesians 4:23) says be renewed in the spirit of your what? MIND. To “renew” is “to renovate” implying a restoration to freshness or to an original state. The “mind” constitutes the intellect or understanding, that’s described in the word “mind set”, being “transformed” by the renewal indicates a literal “change in form or formulas of thought or being”. Prove means to show something is true. To test by practice in everyday life that God’s will for us, let’s look here a “will”. (Matthew 12:50) says whoever does the will of my Father in Heaven is my brother and sister and mother. Will, thelema, used objectively of that which is willed, designed, or desired (Matthew 18:14, Luke 12:47 and John 5:30), and subjectively of the emotion being desirous (Luke 22:25, John 1:13, and 1 Peter 3:17). God will for us is Good and Acceptable and Perfect. It indicates a complete change for the better, an adjustment of one’s moral and spiritual vision. Here it stresses the work of the Holy Spirit in transforming lives. In closing (Colossians 3:2) says set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. It will all pass away, but Heaven is eternal. AMEN “BEING TRANSFORMED”. May God Greatly & Richly Bless each of you is my prayer. Evangelist Jimmy Tennison
A PERSONAL TESTIMONY by DON DAVIS JR. Many would say that I come from a very dysfunctional family. My daddy was an alcohol and mama a devout Christian. There were eight kids, (4) boys and (4) girls. Being the oldest of the boys, I was always looked at and considered mt daddy’s favorite, however, at the young age of (14) my daddy was brutally shot and murdered. Due to the rumors and circumstances; I blamed the death on mama. At a young age I had now adopted a personal hatred for any and all females. I became rebellious towards mama and all females. Needless to say at every opportunity I was granted, I would use that opportunity to hurt and harm females. Mama moved the family to Waco, TX and quickly placed us in school hoping to help us deal with the death better. However, no matter what she did or where she put me, I was lonely and felt empty inside. However, in school there is where I met the one guy that seemed to share my dislike for females so he and I became friends immediately. The only difference was that h was an openly, admitted homosexual. Needless to say, I was soon introduced to the sinful world of homosexuality at the young age of (15). I will not go into any details and give Satan any glory! My entire life had now been transformed; the way I walk, talk, and even dressed. However, no matter what I did and no matter how much of a change I saw in myself, I still wasn’t satisfied! The emptiness and loneliness was still there. I became confused and wanted my old innocent lifestyle back. I wanted to feel normal again, but it was too late. I was in too deep and it was taking full control of my every being. However, I started looking for a way out of my situation. I turned back to the church. I can recall sitting there waiting on the preacher to say or declare that God could and would save and deliver those bound by the shackles of homosexuality. See, I desperately needed to (HEAR) those words. I heard many ministers talk about how God loved and would save and deliver those that were bound by murder, the drunkards, the whoremongers, the liars, and many other sinful things that had people shackled down. However, I never heard not one minister declare that God would save and deliver those bound by homosexuality… Whereas, I begin to ask myself; “was there deliverance for me”? Needless to say, my lifestyle as a homosexual begins to escalate, and in (1979), I was on my way to prison. While incarcerated, I formed one of the largest homosexual gangs in the state of Texas. Again I will not go into detail and give Satan any glory! I continued looking for deliverance. I needed to (HEAR) the chaplain say; “God would deliver the homosexual.” Week after week I would walk out of the chapel still asking myself, “was there deliverance for me?” Finally, during one of the services, the chaplain spoke of homosexuality, my heart begin to beat really fast, and I asked myself, could this be the moment that I have been waiting for? However, as I continued to listen, his words seem to pierce my heart. See, he begin to talk about how wicked and evil the men and boys of Sodom and Gomorrah were. How they attempted to have sex with the angels of God. In the end they were all destroyed by fire and brimstone (Genesis 19: 1-29). He went on to (Leviticus 18:22), there the word of God says; You shall not lie with male as with female, it is on abomination.” Abomination means (disgusting). So, according to this man, there was no deliverance for homosexuals. As I continued to listen, he gave homosexuals over to a “reprobate” mind. Reprobate in the Greek means worthless, castaway, and rejected. CONTINUE ON THE NEXT PAGE
See, I was looking in all the wrong places for my deliverance. While it is good to sit under the anointed teachings of Gods ordained ministers, I was WAITING on a minister to verbally declare that God would save and deliver those bound by homosexuality. Whereas, I depended on (MAN) for my salvation. The word of God (Jeremiah 17:5) says: “Cursed is the man who trust in man.” I placed my trust in man only and was on my way to busting hell wide open… someone finally challenged me to begin reading the Bible for myself, and I accepted this challenge. The more I read, the more I learned. I found out that “God is not slack concerning His promises, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering towards us, not willing that ANY should perish but that ALL should come to repentance.” (2 Peter 3:9). Not willing that ANY should perish - - I am somebody to God so that ANY also meant ME! PRAISE GOD! Recently, on (March 10, 2011), I went to the alter call just as I’ve done before, BUT, this time, I accepted Jesus Christ by faith alone. See, I can now answer the question, was there deliverance for me? (YES!) Today praise God I am saved, sanctified, and filled with the Holy Spirit. Today, I’m delivered from the shackles and bondage of homosexuality. Today, I’m a new creation, old things have passed away. Today I know that, NO temptation has overtaken me except such is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow me to be tempted beyond what I am able, but with the temptation will also make a way of escape, that I may be able to bear it.” Today, I’ve learned that I can come boldly to the throne of grace, that I may obtain mercy and grace to help in time of need, and today, I understand what the Apostle Paul meant when he said; “Not that I have attained, or am already perfect; but I press on, that I may lay hold on that which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead. I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” (MAY GOD RECEIVE ALL THE GLORY AND HONOR!) Bro. Don Davis Jr. Eastham Unit “WHY” Why when we do something that we shouldn’t do we complain? Why do we stop doing the things that pleases God for things of the world? Why do we always want to fault others for our mis-doing? Why don’t we place the blame of what we do on the right person; “OURSELVES”? Why don’t we ask God to forgive us of our transgressions? Why can’t we admit that we are the center of all our problems? Why don’t we just stop saying when I fall that “I’m only human”? Why don’t we admit when we are wrong and ask God to change us by His grace? Why don’t we show the love of God like we suppose to? Why, why, why don’t we do the things that are going to glorify God? Why do we discourage our brother/sister when they fall? Why don’t we rally around our brother/sister and help pick them up? Why do we put more emphasis on the world than God? Why don’t we be thankful for what God has blessed us with? Why, why, why, why….. We should glorify and praise our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus everyday of our lives, and stop asking why we don’t do it; and start doing the things that will glorify our Father in Heaven!! Praying for you all May God bless You Lord Jesus Christ Ministries Joseph Junior Evans #604541 Michael Unit
PRAISE REPORT BY KEN WHITLEY I would like to share a praise report even though I am not a Christian. On July 14, 2010 my mother passed away, she was only (61) and one week away from her 62nd birthday. I signed up for Kairos back in May 2008 and waited (3) years o get in to be apart of the weekend walk. I was accepted this year from May 5th - May 8th. By the way, May 8th was Mother’s Day and my first without my mother. I almost didn’t attend for I knew it would be an emotional day for me. Well on May 7th the team members, their wives, and sometimes children sit down and write you letters. I was given (35) that day but I chose to wait until that night to read all the beautiful cards and letters. I laid them on my chest as I lay in my bunk and began to read them all. I got to #34 and I closed the letter and thought to myself and actually said a little prayer hoping I would be able to make it the following day in the Kairos weekend walk which again was Mother’s Day. I opened the last letter and this is what it said: Dear Kenneth, This is the day that the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad. Greetings my friend and welcome to this years Kairos weekend.. I trust you met God during the meetings. He was there for you and now hopefully resides in your heart. God is such a wonderful change in my life. I pray you will allow His Son to become your Savior and abide in your heart. I pray you will keep His commandments in your heart and meditate on His majesty. Lean and depend on God. Let Him be your refuge, your strength, your way-maker when you find you don’t have a way. Let God be your EVERYTHING. Sincerely, Barbara Needless to say I cried and cried for “Barbara” was the name of my dear mother and this was like a sign that I had been waiting on to hear for (10) months. The following day I got to tell this story just like it happened and I got to meet the lady Barbara who wrote this exact letter for this was her first Kairos...imagine that! Her son, Jerrod Beal inspired me to go up ad tell what I have just written! It truly was a weekend I will never forget. Thank you for allowing me to share this story with you. I hope that it has touched someone’s heart as much as it touched mine. Sincerely & Respectfully, Ken
BETO M.V.P. SQUAD Laylo thank you for going far and beyond...Billy Boy did you read Big G’s “Expectations”? For I expect God to use you in a mighty way...Humberto “Big G” Garcia, my big brother from another mother what can Rev. say none other then, I truly love you bro. You are an inspiration to me. Keep allowing God to use you… Yuri “Solo” Luckette, you are truly a “G” now little bro. which stands for “godly”. I’m glad to work side by side with such an awesome man of God...Toby (The best hugger on the unit) keep shining that light...Leon, you use to be called “no love”, now you’re nothing but God’s love...To the whole Beto ministry team “family!”...Bro. Northcutt keep doing God’s work...Terrance Brown, I’m not leaving a soldier behind real talk… Joemar, T-Baby and AL·T, you already know Rev. is going to be on you like ink on paper - God has a plan for your life...Joe Mathis and Woods, keep being that power source in brothers lives, especially in I-wing… Church Mouse, your walk speaks so loud that I hear every word you preach… Bro. Bradford, you are truly a spiritual coach - whip them into a spiritual being...I thank God for all my brother’s on Beto. These are the guys that have been such an encouragement to Rev. and I want everyone to know these guys are going to take the world by storm - A revival is about to take place; I hope the world is ready! Revy Rev. loves you all and I’m so glad God allowed little old me, to have the privilege to cross each one of your paths. Rev. Darnell Johnson Revy Rev.
DUMB DOGS, ILLEGITIMATE SONS, RIGHTEOUS SERVANTS! WHICH ONE ARE YOU? I’m sure this title and question have sent some of you through the roof! But if you’ll get out your Bible (I use the KJV) and come with me to Isaiah 56:10 the Bible says: His watchman are blind! They can not bark; sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber! Vs. 11 Yea, they are greedy dogs which can never have enough, and they are shepherds that can not understand; they all look to their own way, every one for his gain, from his quarter. I had to stop for a moment and get my laugh on, because I’ve watched dogs do dumb stuff for years. 1. Stray dogs stroll through the neighborhood sniffing trees, they don’t have common sense, for common sense would tell it not to sniff trees! Because all male dogs love to cock their legs and pee on trees. So here comes another sniffing dog, he gets his nose full of old pee. He gets mad, cock his leg, pee on top of the other dogs stuff, then scratch like crazy to mark the spot with his masculinity! He sticks his chest out, raise his head and strolls off, but his nose is still full of pee, “He’s a dumb dog!” 2. Ole dog be laying in the yard wagging his tail, he looks up and see ole tail going off, he jumps up and chases his tail for the next two hours, “Dumb dog!” 3. I go out and buy my dog a state of the arts dog house, it have A/C and heating. I fix him steaks to eat, because I want him to bark when trouble comes, I want him to guard my property when I’m not home. I desire to treat him well so he will serve me well. But low and behold, I’m coming home from work and see my dog up on the corner, running with heathen dogs, they are strays who have no place to go. They are forced to live the way they do. Now my dog who has had the best, is now full of flees, they are all over him and he is eating out the trash can when I pull up, “He’s a dumb dog!” 4. What about the dog that runs out in the street, to chase car tires and get’s molly whopped, (Hit hard!) He yelps and cry out with pain all day, recovers all night and is back to chasing tires in two days. “He’s a dumb dog!” His job is to guard my house, to enjoy the finest things in life,, receive great benefits with pay, paid time off, once I’m home. Do you know of any one around you or even yourself who keep running around in circles chasing the same old dumb dreams that they or I can do crime better, my sin is small and it’s not hurting anyone. God isn't mad about it. People who think that they can prostitute their bodies, engage in immoral sexual activities with the same sex and it’s all good. What about the believers who allow the worldly pleasures of life to sneak up on you, here are a few for prisoners, “Say Brother I got a gambling ticket, there is no place in the Bible that say you can’t gamble! But there is a place in the Bible that says; Matthew 6:26 Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not , neither do the reap, nor gather into barns, yet your heavenly Father feed them. Are you not much better then they? While the gambling ticket is not in the book, all the sinful players that you yoke yourselves to, watch you participate and are informed by Satan that you are putting your trust in yourself and not in God. “Say Brother, I have a few pictures of some choice ladies in lingerie or nude men, they are going for 2 stamps or 1 dollar in soups! (smile) When you buy them with you Christian professing self, you give place to Satan and if you use them to lust off, you allow Satan to use you to yoke some other person to your secret sin. We’ve all done dumb things for years, why continue doing them? The Bible also says Romans 14:21, It is good neither to eat flesh, nor to drink wine, nor any thing (or do any thing) that will cause your brother (or sister) to stumble, or is offended, or is made weak! Why are we still so selfish, many of us in prison and in the free world? It’s clearly seen the things we do are affecting people in a negative way. But fleshly desire will always cause blindness when it’s sinful! CONTINUE ON THE NEXT PAGE...
Pornography: Many are secretly into it, the people who work this industry are bound to out of control lust, out of control sex habits denial, and other strong holds. When you tap into their lifestyle you yoke up with them spiritually. Galatians 6:1-2 says Brothers if a man (or woman) be over taken in a fault, you who are spiritual, restore such a one in the spirit of meekness, considering yourself, lest you also be tempted. Vs. 2 Bear each others burdens. And so fulfill the law of Christ. It don’t say help to incarcerate them spiritually, or yoke up with them spiritually and play in their mess! Those of you who go clubbing, what are you going there to do or see? Are you preaching in the parking lot? The clubs are full of flees, women and men with diseases, lost in bondage, they are strays. And here you are with your saved self up in here rubbing up against all that! Look at Matthew 9:32 as they went out behold they brought to him a dumb man possessed with a devil, 33. and when the devil was cast out, the dumb man spoke: and the multitudes marveled. As believers, we are called to watch over the world. We are called to notice people with sicknesses mentally, physically, psychologically and emotionally! We are called to speak out or proclaim God’s word to the lost! We are called to guard the word of God in our hearts. That the thief (Satan, and dumb people of the world possessed with devils don’t yoke us to them to commit sin against God!) Dumb dogs and dumb men or women respond without thinking, and without the authority of God through His Holy Spirit actively living in you, we all can be called dumb dogs, sleeping on God’s best for us, refusing to do what is right, loving to lay and play in mess and sniffing the trees of sin with the residue of sin on our noses! But look what God said through Peter in Acts 2:38 “Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. And God said in Jeremiah 3:22 Return to me backsliding children, and I will heal your backslidings. Behold or look I want to make you righteous men and women, no longer dumb dogs sleeping on my job said the Lord! Think about this and ask yourself which am I? DUMB DOG, ILLEGITIMATE SON, OR A RIGHTEOUS SERVANT who is dying to self to do the will of God! Rev. Leroy Ford Eastham Unit “SET FREE IN JESUS CHRIST” “I once was lost and bound by the sins of darkness, I was help captive as a prisoner with no way out. Drugs and alcohol surrounded me were I couldn’t even see anything else. The drugs stripped me of all my dignity and self worth. It caused me to live a life of fear and lies. It took everything away from me. I lost even self respect for myself. Alcohol caused me to act out in foolishness and stupidity. I act loud and didn’t care what others thought. I was bound by the chains of darkness that held me captive for so many years. Then one day as I set in my prison cell. I remember that day I gave my life to Jesus Christ at a young age. How I remember that wonderful day. I got on my knees and asked Jesus to forgive me of all my sins. I asked Him back into my heart and make me whole again - Jesus Christ came back into my life and set me free. I’ve now been delivered from drugs and alcohol or any other thing that used to hold me captive as a prisoner in darkness of evil. I once was lost, but now I’m found. Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior of my life forever! Jesus Christ set me free, Praise the Lord, in Jesus I’m now set free”! Pastor Derek Hooper
“THE TEST OF FAITH” Many are caught up in a sexual whirlwind and have gone astray. We are looking for Love, Joy, Peace, Happiness, and Contentment in all the wrong places and faces. And once the reality of our situation slaps us in the face; we begin to portray Debra Cox; instead of “How Did You Get Here—it’s How Did I Get Here”… Ladies, please allow me to share some truth with you, manipulators are modifying their game to the point where they are seeking prey in the church house. You can meet one of these single guys—”hold up, married man mess around too” but you can meet someone in church and start talking about “John 3:16 - God so love the world that He gave His only begotten son” if you want to, thinking he got your best interest. And the next thing you realize is that you are either laying down and/or getting up out of bed with a man you only known a few Sundays ago. Again, wondering “How Did I Get Here, How Did This Happen To Me.” Well; I’ll tell you how it happen Miss “think I know everything,” I got it going on, you can’t tell me nothing, bible thumper church going young lady. The same way GOD allowed, and I repeat, GOD allowed - Gave Permission to Satan to test Hiss most faithful; servant JOB> not once, yet twice. JOB Chapter 1, 2, 42. This is the same way Satan used “John, Charles, Ricky and Mike” to test you. yes, Satan is in the church house, I’m pretty sure you know that. Right? but the most important thing you need to know is, this test was for YOU and YOUR salvation. To allow you to see your strengths and weakness. To see where you have grown and areas where you still need work. Because the minute WE think that WE got it altogether, got it all figured out, is when we realize that WE REALLY DON’T. The moment adversity, tragedy occur or we are faced with some form of obstacle, we lose our equilibrium. No form of self-control. OUR thinking become wrap, we forget all about the Creator and the principles of the Bible. All that we been taught and learned from attending church or the most important thing; Activate that learn knowledge whether through Prayer, Faith, or Scripture. Understanding that He gives and He takes away. That He allow us to go through things to strengthen us, to establish a trusting relationship. He wants us to lean on Him and depend on Him for All-Things and not just for Some-Things… Proverbs 3: 5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall *direct your paths: Say ladies, before we continue, let me stop for a moment and ask you a question. Would it be safe to say that we may have consume the knowledge, yet not properly digested it? Think About That One...OKAY! By now you may be wondering, how will I be able to identify this deceitful individual. Right? Well, to be honesty with you, it’s rather difficult. Because he don’t look like, talk like, not act flamboyant. He’s Presentable, Respectable, Fun, Lovable, Knowledgeable, and in some cases able to quote scriptures like you wouldn’t believe. which makes him Attractive, Desirable, and Incognito. He’s also patient and consistent, yet very determine to get you, His Prey... Therefore when he approach you and you begin to feel attractive and desirable from his offers “Would you like to go out to eat, Can I join you and your friends for brunch, Do you think we can do bible study together sometime,” or other compliments, please question his motives. But most importantly, pray to GOD for guidance and directions. Because this handsome young man just may have awaken something in you that’s been neglected far too long. Due to you being lonely and single, and we know being lonely can lead to years of regrets. So before you act, allow Him to act IN you and FOR you. Because GOD allowed HIS most faithful servant JOB to be tested, what makes you any different? This could be the testing of your faith...YOU NEVER KNOW!!! KENT NORTHCUTT - 1241935 BETO UNIT 1391 FM 3328 TENN. COLONY, TX 75880
“And there arose a great storm of wind, and the waves beat into the ship so that it was now full.” V39 “And he arouse and rebuked the wind and said unto the sea, peace be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.” TRUSTING GOD THROUGH YOUR STORMS There are some of us, even now, that are traveling through a storm of life. I pray this word will encourage you in the Lord. There are times in life when it seems like everything is coming at you all at once, nothing seems to come together, or work out. At times you don’t understand why these things are happening. Especially when you know that, you’re a child of God. You know you’re in fellowship with Christ, you love the saints of God. You have a prayer life, you go to church. You’re obedient to His will, you’re a witness of His grace, goodness and mercy. Yet there are disturbing storms in your life, they are frustrating, hurtful and disappointing, even to the point that you’ve lost your joy. Family problems, financial problems, marital problems, problems with relationships, job related problems, health problems, and problems with so called friends. And instead of them getting better, the situation gets worse. Seemingly, prayers are unanswered, and one might began to wonder, where is God when you need Him because you’re at a point where you feel your ship is full, and you just can’t stand for one more situation to go wrong. Well my friend, these are storms of life and storms are inevitable. They are going to come in everybody’s life. The Lord has told us in Job 14:1, “Man, that is born of a woman is of few days, and full of trouble.” He’s already told us to get ready. So in spite of how your storm appears to be, you’ve got to keep on trusting God even through your storms. Now there is something very important about storms that we must understand. Not one single storm occur in our life, without Jesus knowing about it before hand. David teaches us how to trust God through our storms. Notice in 1 Samuel 30:1-6 how he dealt with his storms. When he and his men came back from war, to their home in Ziklag, they discovered the Amalekites had invaded their city, striking and burning it down. The Amalekites took their women and children away to be held captive. David and his men were going through a great storm of life, so much so until they cried until they had no more power to cry. Not only was David crying for the city and the men that was with him, but the Amalekites had also taken David’s two wives captive. And coupled alone with that, his men were now talking about stoning him because they blamed David for what had happened. There are times in our storms, where we feel so all alone. David teaches us how to trust God through our storms because verse 6 reads, David encouraged himself in the Lord. David remembered that he had been in storms before, even alone, and the Lord faithfully brought him out, in essence, he was saying to himself, if God brought me to it, I know without doubt that God will see me through it. He encouraged himself in the Lord. He remembered the Lord was with him, even in the storms. We must always remember as we travel through our storms, to encourage ourselves in the Lord, knowing that He has promised never to leave us, nor forsake us. The disciples Jesus commanded to go over to the other side in their boat, knew that Jesus was on board, they had seen him perform miracles, they saw him raise the dead, they witnessed him feed 5000 men with 2 fish and 5 barley loaves, they knew who He was. And yet in the midst of a storm they panicked, became fearful, they lost their joy, lost their faith, they lost their trust in our Lord. When they woke him up. Jesus spoke to the storm that they were in and afraid of. The wind stopped blowing, waters laid down and obeyed themselves like little lambs. He then spoke to them concerning their fear and faith. Allow me to encourage you in the Lord, as you travel through your storms. Storms of life have an appointed time and they will cease, the time will come when the Lord will speak to your storm. Remember, He’s brought you out before, He’ll bring you out again. Be encouraged in the Lord! Keep the faith. BE ENCOURAGED! IN HIS SERVICE; EARNEST THOMAS Michael Unit
PRESSING TOWARDS THE GOAL...LETTING THE PAST GO! Everyone has their own view point on what they feel letting go of the past is. Paul said in Philippians 3:12-14 “Not that I have already attained, or am already perfect, but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God is Jesus Christ.” we can and do learn from Paul’s words the things which we need to do. We all know our past brought us to this very moment. A moment in which we have surrendered to Christ and submitted to the will of God. Our past helped shape us into the person we are today; a child of God striving to become who God called us to be in Christ Jesus. When Paul wrote these words he knew he had not arrived yet and was still a work in progress. He was striving - reaching forward and keeping his eyes on the prize. The crown he’d receive when he was called home. He said he done this by forgetting what was behind him. Some people feel that you have to literally close the door to people, places, and things of your past, but most of us know the reality of that is it can’t be done. However, I feel Paul meant something else when he stated those words. Paul couldn’t win his race if he allowed the shame of his past to overtake him. He had completely failed Christ by becoming the worst of sinners: He persecuted the very believers that professed the name of Christ Jesus. He could allow past failures or mistakes to be a stumbling block in the race he was running. We as believers can’t either. We’ll forever have a connection to the past; we have family, children, friends, ex’s, baby daddy or baby mama’s that will always be apart of us. what we must do is not allow them to trip us up. we know that not everyone from our past belongs in the present, much less the future. Yet as a Christian I do believe that we are called to be a witness to those we may see from our past. We are no better than they are; we used to be the thief, drug addict, hustler, pimp, prostitute, etc. that they still are. The only Jesus they may encounter is the Jesus in you. God says he doesn’t want one sinner to perish. So, He gave us the ultimate sacrifice slain on Calvary’s tree, to heal the broken and to save you and me. We don’t have to seek out people from our past to be a witness to them but if you see them I think you should share Jesus with them. You’d never catch me tearing through my old stomping grounds looking to preach the gospel. Yet if God placed me there I’d do it. However He chooses to use me is His business, I am His. He took and made me a new creature in Christ. He stripped me of my past, my old nature, and my old way of thinking. My shame from my childhood abuse, my anger and hate from the abuse I suffered at the hands of “men who loved” me, the death of my son, the adoption of my daughter, my murderous intent, my sins, shame, all of my past is covered by the blood of Jesus! I let go of my past and walk in freedom today. No one has to tell me I’ve done this because God affirms it to me daily. Men and women - children of the King...do not ever allow the enemy to tell you that you haven’t changed or let go of the past. As long as your in Christ Jesus your past, present and future is covered. Continue to daily press towards the goal of eternity. Don’t stumble over your past. Walk with dignity knowing you aren’t who you use to be and you never have to be the old you again! Be Blessed by His Grace & Mercy always.
In Christ’s Love, I remain Frances Nichole Whitlock (Hebrew 10:23) Hobby Unit
Incarcerated World, My name is Michael Robinson; nice to meet you all. Well this letter or should I say story is a “reach - out” letter to those that act like they really don’t understand that life of responsibilities just doesn’t stop just because we’re incarcerated. Really I have a story and the title of this story is “A World within a World”. The devil tend to seek and destroy and my whole aim is to show you all “The devil is a Lie.” Sometimes we miss the soul purpose of why God incarcerated us in the first place. Reminiscing we find ourselves questioning the do’s and the don’ts. And what we should have done and what we could have changed. Our energy, strength and motivation makes us think not to make the same mistake twice. Comprehending our faults separating right from wrong. Eventually recognizing within our being we truly can do better for our self and our family. It starts within our world first. The devil tend to make us think that sentimental value rules what surrounds us and truly it don’t. If we as people think first about our families, and how they already have it hard out there struggling trying to keep a roof over their heads plus food on their table. Really we shouldn’t have nothing to say at all but praise God daily for holding our families together and out of harms way. But instead of telling God thank you for what we do have and the few family and love ones we do have on our side we blame, we fight, and disrespect out of anger. In a world within a world nobody wants to fell abandon or lonely especially not forgotten, hurt, or thrown away. We have a fight and a struggle but we have to understand our families have the same fight and struggle but some have it worse then others. We can and will overcome just put God first. The world just doesn’t stop just because we’re incarcerated. And things do happen unexpectedly sometimes. Responsibilities is a must no matter how we may look at it. And the devil is vey good at blinding us from the truth. We have 3 meals a day, a roof over our heads, plus lights and water. I refuse to want my family to struggle, for one it’s not their fault I’m here. And I wouldn’t want my family to fail because of my none appreciative actions. Whoever may have your back or our sides at the time of need deserve more appreciation then what we give them. My incarcerated people despise the devil mind games and reach higher and humble yourself. Don’t be discouraged people we can make it I promise you. and lets praise God daily because we do have people in our lives that truly care. Some people don’t have nobody. So let’s surround what God put in our lives with unconditional love and happiness rather than frustration and disappointment. And please never forget about our #1 King Almighty, our Creator in so many beautiful ways. A GOD that can move water, who can heal just by our faith and our asking. a GOD that’s built for any problem that comes forth, He can solve. A loving GOD. A almighty GOD of no confusion but to save and restore. A beautiful GOD that whenever in a time of need He just want let you down. He might not come when we want Him but He’s right on time. And in this world within a world we really need Him the most. And whoever thinks I’m talking about them I’m not...I’m talking about myself in…. “A WORLD WITHIN A WORLD” Respectfully, Mr. Michael Robinson
Pastor J. Chism Justice and Prison Outreach 713-659-3237 ext 4020 jchism@stjohnsdowntown.org
St. John’s Downtown UMC 2019 Crawford Houston, Texas 77002
Rudy and Juanita Rasmus Senior Pastors
WWIH Wives with Incarcerated Husbands
BIC (Bound in Christ)
Provide a support group for women who have husbands/spouses incarcerated. Meetings held monthly to encourage and lift the wives of incarcerated husbands. (Refreshments typically provided)
BIC is founded by Liz Compton and is a support group for men and women… meetings are held every 3rd Sunday at Saturn Road Church of Christ 3030 Saturn Road Garland Texas 75041 (972) 271-2444
Please contact Shyrolon “Shy” Wilson at the ministry’s PO Box or have your wives to call (214) 462-2009 for more information or directions. NEXT MEETING: 3rd Friday of EVERY month @ 7:00PM - Building the Kingdom Community Church
HELPFUL INFORMATION FOR THOSE WHO ARE HIV+ MT Training Center -- Adult Vocational Education: They offer truck driving; and other forms of job training (even if the person may have a criminal background), they also have English as a Second Language Classes. The contact person is Anita Cantu Address: 1801 Great Southwest Parkway, Grand Prairie, TX 75051 PH 972-262-5395 Brothers & Sisters in white, I’m pleased to inform you that the Magnificent House is a good halfway house to parole to: Magnificent House P.O. Box 25415 Houston, TX 77265 write Mrs. Rose Mary Badarni for acceptance letter.
AIDS Arms, Inc. c/o Brenda Malone, Program Director Free World Bound 219 Sunset Ave., Suite 116-A Dallas, TX 75208 (214) 521-5191
If you are HIV+ and need help getting started on housing, medication program, food pantry, employment, and community voice mail write to: Aids Foundation Houston Get Started Program 3202 Wesleyan Houston, TX 77027
Society of St. Vincent de Paul 10500 Steppington Dr. #251 Dallas, TX 75230
AIDS OUTREACH CENTER 400 North Beach St. Ft. Worth, TX 76111
Samaritan House 929 Hemphill Street Ft. Worth, TX 76104-3111 (817) 332-6410 Email: stevedutton@samaritanhouse.org [FOR DISCHARGE ONLY - NO PAROLEES]
Helpful information for Inmates being released!!!
Texas Rehabilitation Commission (Check local listing in the city you’re paroling too) One Man’s Treasure Clothes Closet 519 E. I-30 Suite #211 Rockwall, TX 75087 (214) 697-5152 (For those paroling to the Dallas area only) David H. Sands, LSCW Incarcerated Veterans Re-Entry Program Manager 1418 Preston Houston, TX 77002 Brad Rhotone (Help finding Employment in the Houston area) P.O. Box 41789 Houston Texas 77241-7789 The Job Lead Generator: Victor Pratt Criminal B 6011 Harry Hines Floor 7 #112 UT Southwestern (214) 648-1740 criminalbackgroundjobhelp.com
Smokey John's BBQ, Great Food • Great Service • Since 1976 1820 W. Mockingbird Lane • Dallas, Texas 75235. Phone: 214-352-2752 • Fax: 214-352-5496 … 7-9 every Thursday night. Free food and fellowship for ex-offenders and families. Joyce Ann Brown MASS Inc. - Dallas 3737 Atlanta Street Dallas, TX 75215 214-421-0303 jabrown@massjab.org NEED ENCOURAGEMENT, HOPE LETTERS OR PEN PAL A CUP OF WATER MINISTRIES P.O. BOX 161759 FT. WORTH, TEXAS 76161-1759
Concerned Christians for Inmates P.O. Box 101094 San Antonio, Texas 78201-9094
T R I V I A – S e p t e m b e r
A n s w e r s
Trivia Questions & Answers
“ I m p r i s o n e d ”
1. What handsome son of Jacob was imprisoned after a false report from Potiphar’s wife? (Joseph - Genesis 39: 2-20) 2. What wandering preacher was imprisoned for challenging the adulterous marriage of King Herod? (John the Baptist Mark 6: 14-18) 3. What notorious prisoner gained his freedom from Pontius Pilate as Jesus was sentence to crucifixion? (Barabbas Matthew 27: 24-26) 4. What weeping prophet was imprisoned in a dungeon on false charges of deserting to the enemy? (Jeremiah - Jeremiah 37: 12-16) 5. What two things were Paul and Silas doing at midnight while imprisoned in a Philippian jail? (praying and singing to God - Acts 16:22 - 25) B I B L E
T R I V I A – O c t o b e r “ I N S E C T S ”
2 0 1 1
1. What hardworking insect does the book of Proverbs tell lazy people to learn from? 2. What insects are mentioned by the writer of the book of James as destroyers of clothes? 3. What insect swarmed Egypt in the forth plague on Pharaoh - but stayed out of the land of Goshen where God’s people lived? 4. What tiny insect did Jesus say the hypocritical Pharisees strained out of their food only to swallow a camel? 5. What stinging insect did God use to drive enemy peoples out of the Promised Land?
DID YOU KNOW? There is only one state in the United States named after a president – Washington Insects can perceive a range of light far greater than that discernable by man. Most insects can see ultraviolet light-and many varieties of beetles can see infrared light. Iowa has more land under cultivation than any other state – followed by Texas, Illinois, Kansas, and Minnesota. BIBLE BRAIN TWISTER (Find 17 books of the bible) By John Kezer I once made a remark about the hidden books of the Bible. It was a lulu, kept people looking so hard for facts, and for others it was a revelation. Some were in a jam. Especially since the names of the books are not capitalized, but the truth finally struck home to numbers of readers. To others, it was a real job. We want it to be a most fascinating few moments for you. Yes, there will be some really easy ones to spot. Others may require judges to help them. I will quickly admit it usually takes a minister to find one of the 17, and there will be loud lamentations when it is found. A little lady says she brews a cup of tea so she can concentrate better. See how well you can compete. Relax now, for there really are the names of 17 books of the Bible in these sentences. One preacher found 16 books in 20 minutes. It took him three weeks to find the seventeenth one.
TRUTH’S SIX WORD STORY: Hate is easy ...Love takes courage. TRUTH: Seems like every miracle in the bible, began with a problem. Message… TRUTH: Those who tell you 'NO', are actually telling you that you are so blessed, you don't need them to succeed!
Postage Stamp Drive Continues at The Day of the Lord Ministries
Pledges: Michael & Regina Reynolds - (108) $.64 Postage Stamps - Thank You! Paulette Booth—(78) $.64 Postage Stamps - Thank You! Vence & Regina Thompson (30) $.64 Postage Stamps - Thank You! Catrina Robinson (24) $.64 Postage Stamps - Thank You! Greg & Beretha White (10) $.64 Postage Stamps - Thank You! Keith Perkins (10) $.44 Postage Stamps - Thank You!
The Day of the Lord Ministries, Newsletter: “The Spoken Word” has experienced amazing growth! PRAISE GOD!!! With all the inmates requesting to be added to the mailing list, we’ve reached almost 310 “snail mail readers”, our postage expenses have increased tremendously. We do not solicit cash donations, but there are so many other ways that you can get involved and help. Pledging 10 x $0.64 stamps ($6.40) will help us reach more and more brothers and sisters in white. The next time you go to the post office… please ask for an extra 10 x $0.64 stamps and just put it in and envelope and send to: The Day of the Lord Ministries PO BOX 543004 Dallas, TX 75354 Thank you for your pledge. Together we can make a difference. _________________PLEASE SEND BOTTOM PORTION WITH YOUR DONATION_________________ Name:___________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________________ City: _________________________ State: _________________ Zip Code: __________________________ # of stamps donated: __________
Brother Timothy Baiza, God Bless You Bro...keep your head up, God has mighty work for you to do. Just stay focused and faithful. In Christ Love, Evangelist Tennison Brother Lonnie Johnson Blessings to you Bro. Keep on plowing God has a blessing with your name on it. In Christ Love, Evangelist Tennison
Red, Sometimes loving you is painful, but the pruning process often is. We both got thorns in our flesh and cuts upon our hearts, but do you believe GOD for his promises to you and I? I do. I stand on them daily. (Isaiah 55: 11-13). I know we’ve gone through more than our fair share of trials these last three months, but giving up on GOD is not what I am about to do. Nor will I waver from His promises. I am going to let you be where you are at & love you in spite of: that’s the power of agape love. I miss you. I do. And no words can ever express the depth of my love for you. I’ll never be a secret because I don’t have to be. Please, heart of my heart, soul woven to my soul, know that my love is waiting for your return. In Love, Baby
A BIG SHOUT OUT TO VIRGIL L. WILSON SR. FROM YOUR HANDBALL PARTNER ON THE MICHAEL UNIT; KEN WHITLEY I want you to know I enjoyed playing with you for you had a wonderful attitude! Even if we lost. I really do miss you and your help kickin’ butt on the handball court. But if Eastham is where God wants you to be...so be it!
Gigi: I see that the Lord has blessed you with another year. Know this… You are getting better with each day. I can only love you more and more each day and I’m so grateful for each day that the Lord gives me with you. I would give you the moon, but I see that God has already hung it for you! I would give you the stars in the sky that shine so bright, but I see He’s already placed them in your eyes as each time I look into them they sparkle. So all I have left is me and this heart of mine and God said I could give it to you until the end of time! Happy Birthday Baby! I can’t wait until we have the Marriage Seminar...three (3) days in your presence and I’ll feel like I’m in Heaven! :-) Love Ya To Life! Michael
Shout out to Virgil from Bro. Thomas; I miss you brother, your brothers on the prayer team at the Michael Unit also miss you. We’re praying for you & Shy, also your ministries. We’re still going strong. Bro. E. Thomas
To My Loving Husband Rico,
Michael Schwartz:
These last few days are flying by. I can't wait until you come home so we can continue this journey as Husband and Wife. I love you so much and miss you dearly. Its truly a blessing to have you in my life.
Sweetheart, before you came into my life I just longed to be wanted, and accepted just to really know that someone loved me sincerely and though it took a while, God always had you for me as I just had to be patient and wait on His Forever Yours, timing to bring us together which always works Mrs. Tyana Sherman out when we wait – in you He has given me the desires of my heart in my partner, companion, Dionicio, husband and best friend in this world. I love you so much and He has given me more then I If only words could let you know how much I love could have ever asked, hoped for or wanted : ) you; they would be used more often. But a simple Endlessly loving you always and forever your touch, hug or kiss can do so much more. I look forward every weekend to visit you just you walking out wife Ez those doors puts a big smile on my face :-). Thank you for being there when I need someone to listen. We’ve Hello Mr. Tucker, Jordyn, Snoopy, and I use up all our minutes but I can always count on a really miss you. We're probably thinking letter . And like always I ask you if you wrote to me about you as you're reading this. This exand you'll say no but I am always surprised when I check the mail. Thank you honey! perience is life changing for the both of us. 1) I've met a great support group (WWIH) Love, your Wife and wonderful people. 2) I have come to the realization that there is no one else for Roderick Hunter: Dear Sweetheart, I love you and miss you! Myra Hunter me. 3) Your emotional support, along with prayers, have aided me through what others might call "rough times." I say that to say Andy, to the best husband on God’s green earth, this... yes, I'm there for you, but you are Sweetheart I love you more than words can say! YOUR ALMOND & JOY! there for me without being conscious of it, Mrs. Lori Charlton and I love you more and more each day. Thank you, Jodie Tucker. I love you! Jody, if you feel there is a void in your life, allow God to fill that void. He loves you and wants you to enjoy life to the fullest, believe His love! Cuzzin Lorian
Jeffrey, when you study the word of God you develop a personal relationship with the Father, then, you begin to gain understanding on how to mirror Him. Your sister Lori love you! ♥ Clyde Gilmore, some people look for a quick-fix for getting out of trouble. There is something powerful about enduring hardship, with God, you can endure. (Matthew 24:13) Mrs. Lori Charlton (The devotional lady)
Shamyia Tony: when an onslaught of problems hit your life. Do not become fearful. Fear brings torment while joy brings the victory, stand firm on the word. Still Mama Daddy this is your little angel again. I’ve been thinking about you everyday. Never forget I love you! see you soon. Taylon ~aka~ Tay-Tay
MEN & WOMEN IN WHITE, LOVE, If I speak in the tongue of men and of angels, but have not love, I’m only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophesy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and render my body to the slain but have not love, I gain nothing. (1 Corinthians 13) Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Charlton
To: My Wife Forever Mrs. Verlean Michelle Robinson I love you for always and I refuse to let what GOD put together; let the devil destroy! We have fought and overcome the worse and still made it! Please don’t let nothing take that beautiful smile off your face or your joy out of your heart. The devil is a LIE… WE’RE STUCK!!! I LOVE YOU Your Husband ~Mr. Michael Robinson~ Michael David Reynolds: I love you. I love you. I love you. I do. For better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness & in health, to LOVE & to CHERISH til death do us part. I TRULY LOVE YOU....TO LIFE. P.S., IT'S NEVER OVER UNTIL GOD SAYS, "IT'S OVER".... KEEP BELIEVING BABY!!! Regina DreShonn Reynolds Remplissez Mon Coeur DeVotre Amor
The Day of the Lord Ministries celebrates October Birthdays Brandonia Wilson
Daniel Ramos
Rodney Potts
Zikie Graham
Victor Hughes
Virgil Wilson Sr.
Erica Warren
Bernie Mac Wall
GiGi Reynolds
J.D. Dawson
Kris Feuge
Ken Whitley
LaBunty L. Salone
Clayton Autrey
Debra Carter
DeMarkus McMullen
James Bowens
Debra Brown
In Memory of... Harry W. Aguilar Sr.
Happy Anniversary Dwight & Tiffany Wallace 10-Oct Jarvis & Veter Douglas SALVATION IS FREE17-Oct ! Sam & Shirley Smith 26-Oct
Thinking of you on your special day and sending warmest thoughts your way. Asking God to hold you near and bless you with each passing year. God Bless you on your birthday. -Virgil & Shy Wilson