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Indeco Sales, Maco Mfg. and Artcobell in 2018
B & D Family Partnership consists of three companies in the educa onal furniture industry. Indeco Sales, Maco Mfg. and Artcobell. Indeco Sales was founded in 1968 and has grown to become one of the na on’s largest distributors in the K – 12 educa on furniture market. Maco Manufacturing began in 1972; Maco produces furniture for libraries, media centers, classrooms and science lab casework. Artcobell was purchased by the family in December 2016 and is a leading manufacturer of K – 12 educa onal furniture. Indeco Sales has showrooms and distribu on centers in Lubbock, DFW, & Houton. Lee Mays started both Indeco Sales and Maco, he is considered a pioneer in the industry. His career started with Artcobell which was founded in 1962 by R.V. Hardegree, but Artcobell can trace its roots back to American Desk Mfg which began in Temple in 1927. American Desk was purchased by Artcobell in 1997. Lee Mays is commi ed to manufacturing and selling pr that are made in the USA. We have a warehouse at 508 Cori Dr. in Belton with a wide selec on of scratch and dent furniture at very low prices. You are invited to come see our newly renovated showroom in Belton at 805 East Fourth Avenue. Buy American made
The family tradi on con nues with Indeco, Maco and Artcobell. In 2022 these companies were sold to four family members of the 3rd genera on, Kevin Goldston, Wayne Goldston, Jus n Mays and Noah Mays. Indeco connues to grow with more than 60 employees. Indeco has showrooms and distribu on centers in Lubbock, DFW, Belton, San Antonio and Houston. Artcobell now occupies the Maco facili es and all of the Maco products are manufactured by Artcobell and marketed as Artcobell products. Artcobell employs more than 250 people on average. Indeco has been in business for more than 50 years and Artcobell has been in business for more than 60 years. The 3rd genera on s ll hold the same tradi onal values as their grandfather, the founder, Lee Mays. Indeco con nues to focus on serving their customers and offering quality products at compe ve prices. They create more value for their customers through addi onal services tailored to their needs. Artcobell has a strong na onwide network of dealers who sell their products. The owners are focused on improving and growing these business and learned from the previous genera ons the importance of reinvesting. With con nued increased spending in educa on, they expect consistent growth and feel that central Texas is a great place to be located.