co n t e n ts feature 25 In t r iq u in g Peopl e o f Ce ntra l Tex as
style 34 A r tfu lly Ins p ired
entertaining spirits 47 Ve ry Mer r y B erry Mo j ito
travel 48 Ge taway Train : Ra il Fun On the Texas Eag le
health & fitness 53 F i t in F ou r Fitn e ss Cha l l e nge Pa rt Three 60 D ec k the Halls with He a l thie r C h oices : 8 Tip s to He l p yo ur Wais tline Su r v ive the Ho l idays
10 14 16 18 20
calendar spotlight: Cinemark scene we l l fe d h e a d n eig hbor
in every issue 6 e d i tor ’s letter 66 b a rb w ired 4
A HOLIDAY OFFER EVEN SANTA CAN’T BEAT! There’s no need to wait for Santa! You can start your holiday shopping right now with extra cash from Texas Partners when you borrow up to $12 hundred for 12 months at a rate of 12 percent APR* or less. Use the extra cash for whatever you want – gifts for the kids, a new Christmas display for the yard or even for a family get-together! See your nearest Texas Partners branch for details, give us a call, or apply online. Hurry and beat Santa to the punch because this offer only lasts a short time!
*Annual percentage rate. Some applicants may qualify for a lower rate based on credit qualifications. Offer valid through Dec. 31, 2013.
2445 North Main Street • Belton, TX 76513 • 254.933.2097 809 South Main Street • Copperas Cove, TX 76522 • 254.547.7795
1011 Wales Drive • Killeen, TX 76549 • 254.526.3081 6935 West Adams Avenue • Temple, TX 76502 • 254.773.8852
editor’s letter
May your walls know joy, may every room hold laughter, And every window open to great possibility. —Mary Anne Radmacher
Happy holidays and best wishes to you and yours this merry season! On behalf of the entire staff and myself here at Tex Appeal, we’d like to say Thank You to all our loyal readers, supporters, and advertisers for another great year in Central Texas! This month we are proud to feature just a handful of some of the Intriguing People who we are so excited to call our Central Texas “neighbors.” What makes someone intriguing? There are so many things—unique personal hobbies, professions, talents, great accomplishments, world experiences and travels, their lineage to Bell County, and more! This year we selected a great group of Central Texans to share with you, I hope you will enjoy reading about them as much as I have enjoyed interviewing and writing about them. As you can imagine, trying to narrow this feature down to only a handful of individuals is next to impossible. So many intriguing people—so little time and so few pages. This is surely one feature we could run monthly for the next 50 years without ever running out of someone to highlight. If you know someone intriguing, by all means…do tell! Send us your recommendations for who we should highlight in 2014 and be sure to include a little note on why you find them so intriguing. We are also proud to feature our Neighbor of the month, Leslie Hardege Gilmore, a former Killeen High School graduate and the new executor director of Peaceable Kingdom. Leslie and her organization play an integral role in Bell County and throughout Texas through empowering and serving children with special needs. Learn more about Leslie and the great work Peaceable Kingdom is doing on page 20. I hope you enjoy a wonderful holiday season with your loved ones this month and that Santa is good to you. And please take a moment to reflect on all the many magnificent things we have to be so thankful for in Central Texas! Best wishes till next year!
Teresa K. Hernandez | Editor HOW TO REACH US: Email: Letters and emails should include full contact information. We reserve the right to edit letters for clarity and brevity.
your voice We’d LOVE to hear from you. Leave us a comment on Facebook. Find us at:
Please note the following corrections to the Cowgirl Cornmeal Mix and Cowgirl Christmas Cornbread recipes in Jarring Fun Homemade Gifts, on page 45 in the November issue. Cowgirl Cornmeal Mix: 1 tsp. black power should be 1 tsp. black pepper. Cowgirl Christmas Cornbread: 1 cup mix should be 1 cup milk.
O N THE COVE R E l d o n W. J o ersz TEMPLE P H OTO G R A P HY S k eeb o Rei che r t
BELTO N C OV E R DE S I GN L ea h S ch u m a ch e r
Tex Appeal Life & Style in Central Texas
Published by Frank Mayborn Enterprises, Inc. Killeen Daily Herald 1809 Florence Road, Killeen, TX 76540 Temple Daily Telegram 10 S. Third Street, Temple, TX 76501 PUBLISHER Sue Mayborn DIRECTOR Lucie Fralicks, 254.774.5264 EDITOR Teresa K Hernandez, 512.734.6912 COPY EDITOR Lee James GRAPHIC DESIGNER Christeen Clark, 216. 407. 2777 PHOTOGRAPHERS Priscilla Z Photography Skeebo Reichert Jewel Avenue Photography
Tex Appeal Magazine is published monthly by Frank Mayborn Enterprises, Inc., 10 S. Third Street, Temple, TX 76501. The cover and content of Tex Appeal Magazine is fully protected by copyright and cannot be reproduced in any manner without prior written permission. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: For the United States, $24 per year, 12 issues. Mail check to P.O. Box 6114, Temple, TX 76503-6114 or call 254.774.4444. POSTMASTER: SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO: Tex Appeal Magazine, P.O. Box 6114, Temple, TX 76503-6114. TEXAPPEALMAG.COM
7 8
alk ex TT
pg 20
December Calendar
pg 10
1 Advent Begins
5 International Volunteer Day
1 World AIDS Day
10 International Human Rights Day
1-5 Hanukkah Continued
13 National Day of the Horse
2 National Mutt Day
21 Winter Solstice
3 International Day of Persons with
24 Christmas Eve
25 Christmas Day
4 World Wildlife Conservation Day
27 Visit the Zoo Day
TREE OF ANGELS De ce mbe r 3, 6pm-9pm
L I G H T A L I G H T; S H A R E A N I G H T Decemb er 5, 5pm-7 pm
The community, family, and friends who have lost a loved one as a result of a violent crime are invited to join us as we honor their memory this holiday season. Hosted by the Bell Coryell Count Crime Victims Coalition. For more information contact Lisa Hatfield at 254.501.7698. Bell County Expo Center 301 West Loop 121, Bel ton
C H R I S T M A S S T RO L L PA R A D E De ce mbe r 5, 5pm
Christmas Décor will decorate the Ronald McDonald House with Christmas lights. To celebrate the lights and open the Christmas season, we will have a party to officially light the lights. There will be refreshments and entertainment from local school children. Lights may be “sponsored” for $10 per light, which is the amount we ask each family to pay for a night’s lodging. KWTX weatherman Brady Taylor, Santa Claus, and Ronald McDonald will host the event. Ronald McDonald House 2415 South 47th St., Temple
Enjoy a Christmas stroll down Main Street in Salado. For more information contact 254.947.8634 Salado
T H E S A L A D O C H R I S T M A S S T RO L L Decemb er 6-8 a nd 1 3 -15
C H RO M E & C A RO L S F E S T I VA L O F T R E E S De ce mbe r 5, 6pm-9pm The United Way of Central Texas will be conducting its third annual Christmas Tree Fundraiser, 100% of the money raised goes directly to helping local Central Texans in need through our agencies. There will be 10 Christmas trees, including decorations and presents, raffled off to be taken home immediately. In other words, it is a turn-key Christmas for those lucky winners. Each tree will be underwritten by local companies and will have a different Christmas Carol theme, which will reflect the business sponsoring it. Tickets will be sold to guests the night of the event and who then they will be able to place their tickets in the raffle boxes of the trees. Dinner will be served, alongside with a cash bar. Live music will be provided by the “Funk Factory”. It will be a night of dinner, dancing, enjoying friends. Horny Toad Harley-Davidson 7454 S General Bruce Dr, Temple
For more information contact 254.957.5040 or visit Throughout the Village of Salado
S A L A D O H I S TO R I C A L S O C I E T Y TO U R O F H O M E S Decemb er 6-8 History is alive this Christmas in Salado during the Salado Christmas Stroll. You are invited to experience Salado’s history brought to life by interpreters at the historic homes and sites built over a hundred years ago. Most of the properties on tour are privately owned and open to the public exclusively for this tour. Join us to experience Salado’s unique heritage of homes and sites, many of which are recognized by Texas Historical Commission and National Register of Historical Places. Tickets: $12 before November 28; $15 after November 28. For more information contact 254.947.8634 or visit Salado
COPPERAS COVE CITY CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING Decemb er 6pm-8pm Join us as we light our Christmas tree in the field behind the Copperas Cove City Hall. 507 S. Main St., Copperas Cove
KRIST KINDL MARKT D ec e mb e r 6 - 8 Established in 1995, the Krist Kindl Markt is a popular event that features vendors with Christmas crafts, collectables, holiday gift ideas, and yummy food. Friday 4-8pm; Saturday 10am-10pm; and Sunday 10am-3pm. Downtown Copperas Cove
The lawn you want. Minus the work you don’t.
H O L I DAY U N D E R T H E S TA R S D ec e mb e r 6, 6 p m Killeen Community Center 2201 E. Veterans Memorial Blvd., Killeen
TA B L E RO C K ’ S 2 1 S T A N N UA L P E R F O R M A N C E A C H R I S T M A S C A RO L D ec e mb e r 6, 7, 14 & 14, 7pm Join us for a Salado tradition, Tablerock’s 21st Annual performances of Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol. This performance features a cast and crew of 58. Performance begins at 7pm each evening. Tickets are available at the gate: $10 for Adults, $5 for students and $3 for children under 12, or online at The concession stand opens at 6:30 for sandwiches, cold and hot drinks, chips and candy. For information on groups call Tablerock at 254.947.9205. Goodnight Amphitheater
ROYA L S T R E E T, S A L A D O J I N G L E B E L L DA S H 5 K C E N T E X R AC E S E R I E S D ec e mb e r 7, 8 am
Only one lawn service can give you a Scotts® Lawn. Go to or call 1-888-8SCOTTS (72-6887)
to request a free estimate
For more information contact the Killeen Parks & Recreation at 254.501.8889. Killeen Community Center 2201 E. Veterans Memorial Blvd., Killeen
B R E A K FA S T W I T H S A N TA D ec e mb e r 7, 8 : 30 am -10:30a m Benefitting the Children’s Special Needs Network this kid-friendly breakfast and meeting with Santa makes this the perfect family event. Advance tickets $10 or $15 at the door. For more information visit or call 254.933.7597. Cultural Activities Center’s Stasburger Hall 3011 N 3rd St, Temple
M U S I C A L B E N E F I T F O R H I S TO R I C C O L L E G E PA R K D ec e mb e r 7, 7p m - 10 pm Carol Meyer Willingham and Jason Francis will perform in recital to benefit the Historic Salado College park at the house of Dr. and Mrs. Douglas B. Willingham on Main Street. Reservations required, call for information: 254.947.9248. Corner of Main Street and Thomas Arnold Road, Salado
H E A RT O F T E X A S B OW L D ec e mb e r 7 Four top-rated junior college football teams compete at Bulldawg Stadium. For more information contact 254.547.7571. 2846 Tonkawa Road, Copperas Cove TEXAPPEALMAG.COM
L A K E B E LTO N C H R I S T M A S B OAT PA R A D E O F L I G H T S De ce mbe r 7, 6pm-8pm
H E B 6 T H A N N UA L F E A S T O F SHARING DINNER Decemb er 17, 4pm-8pm
Start time begins at dusk. Sponsored by Dead Fish Grill and Frank’s Marina and Marine Outlet. Lake Belton
Join H-E-B as we serve Killeen area residents, Fort Hood soldiers and surrounding community guests a free holiday meal at the 6th Annual Feast of Sharing dinner. The holiday dinner with all of the trimmings is planned for Tuesday, December 17th at the Killeen Civic and Conference Center. Killeen Civic & Conference Center 3601 S. WS Young Dr., Killeen
C O P P E R A S C OV E C H R I S T M A S PA R A D E De ce mbe r 7, 10a m-11 :3 0a m For more information contact Doreen Vasseur at 254.542.2851. Ave. D, Copperas Cove
C OW B OY C H R I S T M A S BA L L Fe aturing Micha e l Ma rt i n Mu rph ey De ce mbe r 14, 6pm Guests are encouraged to dress in western wear to keep in tradition and keep with the atmosphere. All proceeds will benefit the Bell County Youth Fair Livestock Show and Rodeo Scholarship Fund that is given out every year to high achieving Bell County youth as they attend and maintain the high standards of education at their college/ university of choice. For more information, call 254.933.5305.
Be l l Co unty Expo Cent er, Ga rt h A rena 301 We st L o o p 121, Bel to n C H R I S T M A S O N T H E FA R M De ce mbe r 14, 10a m -6pm Old fashion holiday fun! Hosted by Aware Central Texas serves Bell/Coryell and McLennan Counties in the prevention of abuse through education, encouragement and mentorship. Help us support children and families of Central Texas by helping us make more smiles, more laughter, and more memories at Christmas on the Farm. Pictures with Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus; Reindeer Rodeo; rides; activities and arts and crafts; games and more! Admission 50 cents per person or $2 max per family. Bell County Expo Center, Garth Arena 301 West Loop 121, Belton
The Nutcracker Ballet December 13-15 Sponsored by Metroplex Health System. The Christmas Ballet everyone loves features Clara, Sugar Plums, and the famous Nutcracker. Join us for more Christmas magic this December from Ballet Renee and The Newcomb School of Ballet. December 13-14 at 7pm and December 15 at 2pm. Adult $15; Senior/Military $13; and Student/Child $5. For more information contact 254.526.9090 or visit Vive Les Arts Theatre 3401 S. WS Young Dr., Killeen
T H E S TO RY O F S C RO O G E Decemb er 20, 7 pm Sponsored by Connell Insurance. Local actor, composer, musician, and worship leader Paul Q-Pek brings his own twist to Dickens’ classic! Join us for the glorious return of his one-man, one-of-a-kind musical journey through the world of Ebenezer Scrooge, Tiny Tim, Bob Cratchit, and some very persistent ghosts! Adult $15; Senior/Military $13; and Student/Child $10. For more information contact 254.526.9090 or visit Vive Les Arts Theatre 3401 S. WS Young Dr., Killeen
C O P P E R A S C OV E C H A M B E R O F C O M M E RC E C H R I S T M A S OPEN HOUSE Decemb er 20, 1 1 a m-2 pm
Calendar Event Submission Guidelines If you would like to have your event featured in the Tex Talk calendar, please email the title, date, full description of the event and activities, including the address and contact information/web address to:
*DEADLINE for January submissions is December 10.
Ronald McDonald House Toy Drive
Main Street Fright Fest
MW Builders Business After Hours
James Staats
Past ChairmenLunch Wildf lower Country Club
Business Networking Breakfast Chamber
BJ3 Business Link Lunch
Photos courtesy of Temple Chamber of Commerce TEXAPPEALMAG.COM
Likeable Leadership By Dave Kerpen
I Am Malala BOOKS
Creative Confidence
By Thomas Kelley, David Kelley Too often, companies and individuals assume that creativity and innovation are the domain of the “creative types.” But two of the leading experts in innovation, design, and creativity show us that each and every one of us is creative. In an incredibly entertaining and inspiring narrative that draws on countless stories from their work at IDEO, and the Stanford David and Tom Kelley identify the principles and strategies that will allow us to tap into our creative potential and allow us to innovate how we approach and solve problems. Hardcover, 304 pages Published October 15, 2013 by Crown Business
By Malaya Yousafzai, Christina Lamb The highly anticipated memoir of Malala Yousafzai, the schoolgirl from Pakistan’s Swat region who stood up to the Taliban. ‘I come from a country that was created at midnight. When I almost died it was just after midday. We’d finished for the day and I was on the open-back truck we use as a school bus. There were no windows, just thick plastic sheeting that flapped at the sides and a postage stamp of open sky at the back through which I caught a glimpse of a kite wheeling up and down. It was pink, my favourite colour.’ In 2009 Malala Yousafzai began writing an anonymous blog for BBC Urdu about life in the Swat Valley as the Taliban gained control, at times banning girls from attending school. When her identity was discovered, Malala began to appear in Pakistani and international media, campaigning for education for all. On October 9, 2012, Malala was shot at point-blank range by a member of the Taliban on the way home from school. Remarkably, she survived. In April 2013, Time Magazine named her one of the 100 Most Influential People in the World. I Am Malala tells the inspiring story of a schoolgirl who was determined not to be intimidated by extremists, and faced the Taliban with immense courage. Malala speaks of her continuing campaign for every girl’s right to an education, shining a light into the lives of those children who cannot attend school. This is just the beginning. Hardcover, 352 pages Published October 8, 2013 by Little, Brown and Company
NY Times Bestselling author and serial entrepreneur Dave Kerpen explores new topics as a reader, writer and thinker. Praised by bestselling authors and industry CEOs such as Jeffrey Hayzlett, Chris McCann, Christian McMahan, Chris Stout, Chester Elton, Jim Tobin, and Adam Grant, Likeable Leadership explores the integral traits of what makes a leader likeable, leaving readers motivated to improve their careers and personal lives with Dave’s action items. Whether you’re a CEO of a Fortune 500 company, an entrepreneur, a recent college grad, or anywhere in between, Dave’s anecdotes will inspire you and help you to become a better leader inside and outside the office. Kindle Edition, 421 pages Published October 29, 2013 by Likeable Publishing
Pickles, Pigs and Whiskey By John Currence James Beard Award-winner John Currence shares his rugged and fancy style of cooking through 130 delicious recipes, color-ful personal stories, music pairings, and beautiful photography. John’s fun-loving personality rings true throughout the book with his personal stories and history, and his original recipes for Pickled Sweet Potatoes, Whole Grain Guinness Mustard and Fire-Roasted Cauliflower. Pickles, Pigs, and Whiskey is at once irreverent, and also a serious look at Southern food today. John’s upbringing in New Orleans, time spent in his grandparent’s garden, experience living in Western Europe, and schooling along the Eastern Seaboard all inform this volume of recipes which reflects where today’s Southern culinary landscape is going. This book illustrates why Southern food is finally recognized as a driving force in the American culinary movement. Hardcover, 288 pages Published October 1, 2013 by Andrews McMeel Publishing
How Children Succeed By Paul Tough
Why do some children succeed while others fail? In How Children Succeed, Paul Tough argues for a very different understanding of what makes a successful child outside test taking. Drawing on groundbreaking research in neuroscience, economics, and psychology, Tough shows that the qualities that matter most have less to do with IQ and more to do with character: skills like grit, curiosity, conscientiousness, and optimism. How Children Succeed introduces us to a new generation of scientists and educators who are radically changing our understanding of how children develop character, how they learn to think, and how they overcome adversity. It tells the personal stories of young people struggling to stay on the right side of the line between success and failure. And it argues for a new way of thinking about how best to steer an individual child – or a whole generation of children – toward a successful future. Hardcover, 256 pages Published September 4, 2012 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Hyperbole and a Half By Allie Brosh
The creator of the immensely popular “Hyperbole and a Half” blog presents an illustrated collection of her hilarious stories with fifty percent new content. In an illustrated collection of stories and essays, Allie Brosh’s debut Hyperbole and a Half chronicles the many “learning experiences” Brosh has endured as a result of her own character flaws, and the horrible experiences that other people have had to endure because she was such a terrible child. Possibly the worst child. This amalgamation of new material and reader favorites from Brosh’s blog includes stories about her rambunctious childhood; the highs and mostly lows of owning a smart, neurotic dog; as well as moving, honest, and darkly comic essays tackling her struggles with depression and anxiety. Her book is one that fans and newcomers alike will treasure.
An Astronaut’s Guide to Life on Earth By Col. Chris Hadfield
Colonel Chris Hadfield has spent decades training as an astronaut and has logged nearly 4000 hours in space. During this time he has broken into a Space Station with a Swiss army knife, disposed of a live snake while piloting a plane, and been temporarily blinded while clinging to the exterior of an orbiting spacecraft. The secret to Col. Hadfield’s success-and survival-is an unconventional philosophy he learned at NASA: prepare for the worst-and enjoy every moment of it. In An Astronaut’s Guide to Life on Earth, Col. Hadfield takes readers deep into his years of training and space exploration to show how to make the impossible possible. Through eye-opening, entertaining stories filled with the adrenaline of launch, the mesmerizing wonder of spacewalks, and the measured, calm responses mandated by crises, he explains how conventional wisdom can get in the way of achievement-and happiness. His own extraordinary education in space has taught him some counterintuitive lessons: don’t visualize success, do care what others think, and always sweat the small stuff. You might never be able to build a robot, pilot a spacecraft, make a music video or perform basic surgery in zero gravity like Col. Hadfield. But his vivid and refreshing insights will teach you how to think like an astronaut, and will change, completely, the way you view life on Earth-especially your own.
Think: A Need, A Want,
A Book
MondayFriday 10AM6PM Saturday 10AM5PM
2010 SW HK Dodgen Lp, Ste 107 • Temple • 774-9695 In Exchange Plaza - across from Leslie’s Pool Supply
Hardcover, 304 pages Published October 29, 2013 by Little, Brown and Company
Paperback, 369 pages Published October 29, 2013 by Touchstone TEXAPPEALMAG.COM
Where Love Grows By Teresa K. Hernandez Photos by Priscilla Z Photography
illeen resident, Leslie Gilmore has made a career out of sharing her heart with children. After college this former graduate of Killeen High School, returned to Killeen Independent School District to teach before becoming the district’s communication director. In 2002-2006, she also worked as the coordinator for school programs at Peaceable Kingdom. Recently however, Leslie has returned to Peaceable Kingdom to fulfill an even larger role, as its new executor director. “It was hard to leave KISD, I loved my job. But this has been such an amazing opportunity, I just couldn’t pass it up. Children are a big piece of my heart and combined with Peaceable Kingdom’s mission to empower children with special needs, it’s a perfect fit for me. Not only do I get to work with children, but I get to help this wonderful organization grow and thrive so we can serve as many children as possible,” says Leslie. Jim and Daurice Bowmer of Temple first established Peaceable Kingdom in 1984 as a fishing retreat for chronically ill children and their families in memory of their 11 month old grandson, who died from a heart ailment. Residing on 120 beautiful acres south of Killeen along the Lampasas River, Peaceable Kingdom offers four comfortable homes for overnight guests, a large game room, 72 seat theater, miniature golf, swimming pool, fishing, dinosaur tracks, a sports court, and 2.5 miles of nature trails. Guess can enjoy a wide range of activities, including archery, hi-lo ropes course-staffed by certified instructors, arts and crafts, and an abundance of outdoor nature related activities. In 2012, Peaceable Kingdom merged with the nonprofit Dallas-based Variety-The Children’s Charity of Texas to enhance their sustainability and continue their shared vision and mission to provide a variety of assistance, services, and programs to children with special needs. Today, the Peaceable Kingdom operates full-time to serve more than 5,000 children annually through their environmental education-based field trips, weekend retreats and summer camps.
“The Variety Club” because they represented multiple facets within the entertainment business. The club received its official charter from the State of Pittsburgh on October 18, 1928. However, a few months later on Christmas Eve 1928, the manager of the Sheridan Square Theatre in Pittsburgh found an infant abandoned in the theatre. The baby girl had a note pinned to her clothing: “Please take care of my baby. Her name is Catherine. I can no longer take care of her. I have eight others. My husband is out of work. She was born on Thanksgiving Day. I have always heard of the goodness of show business and I pray to God that you will look out for her. — A Heart-Broken Mother”
When the mothers could not be found, the Variety Club members agreed to act as her “Godfathers,” underwriting her support and education. In honor of the Variety Club and the Sheridan Theatre, the baby was named “Catherine Variety Sheridan.” When news spread about Variety’s founding fathers caring for the abandoned infant it inspired more donations than any one child could ever need or use. The Variety decided to use the extra clothes, food, money and toys that were donated to help other disadvantaged children. From this humble beginning this small group of dedicated individuals has grown into a multinational children’s charity. Over the years, Variety has been honored with the generous support of some of the biggest stars in the entertainment industry, including Cary Grant, Barbara (Mrs. Frank) Sinatra, Frank Sinatra, HSH Princess Grace of Monaco, Gregory Peck, Burt Reynolds, Carol Channing, George Burns. Variety believes every child with special needs deserves to reach their potential regardless of their social or physical limitations. By providing funding for therapy, wheelchairs, walkers, specially designed adaptive bicycles, vehicle modification for wheelchair accessibility, prosthetic limbs, life experiences like throwing out the first pitch at a major league baseball game, or even going to the movies for the first time, Variety aims to strengthen not only a child’s physical abilities, but their confidence as well. Today there are over 52 chapters in 14 countries and Variety reaches communities across the nation and globe to offer financial assistance and services directly to children and organizations who serve children with special needs. Variety the Children’s Charity of Texas is dedicated to empowering children with special needs throughout Texas.
… Peaceable Kingdom’s
mission to empower children with special needs, it’s a perfect fit for me.
History of Variety Variety the Children’s Charity of Texas originated “for the love of a baby” 86 years ago. On October 10, 1927 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, a group of 11 young men—all affiliated with show business met at the William Penn Hotel for the first meeting of their newly formed social club. The young men decided to the name the social club,
Student body includes more than 3,200 students from 23 countries; 90% of full-time freshmen live on campus. UMHB was chartered in 1845 by the Republic of Texas and has operated continuously ever since. More than 60 majors are offered across seven colleges (Business, Christian Studies, Education, Humanities, Nursing, Science, and Visual and Performing Arts). The low student-to-faculty ratio cultivates an environment where students can grow and thrive. Over 90% of the students at UMHB receive some form of financial aid. UMHB is located in Belton, in the heart of Central Texas, 60 miles north of Austin on Interstate 35.
Peaceable Kingdom Programs and Reservations The Outdoor Education Program (OEP) provides an adaptive outdoor science curriculum and interactive learning activities through an outreach program at the retreat’s nature preserve. The OEP targets special education and mainstream students enrolled in 1st12th grade at many different Texas school districts. The Weekend Retreat Program operates late August through May to allow hospitals, support groups, churches, etc., to visit the retreat to enjoy respite and recreation. Sleeping accommodations, meeting rooms, and delicious meals are all part of your weekend stay. Call for pricing 254.554.5555. The Summer Camp Program encourages children with chronic illness to participate in one of twelve week-long, diagnosis specific camps by arrangement with their hospital or professional organization. It encourages physical achievement and social development through specialized activities. Public Access Retreats are also available to reserve for private events such as family/ class reunions, weddings, corporate team-building, or for events hosted by other community organizations. For more information on how to book an event for your group, please contact Laura Nickel at 254.554.5555 or email, M-F 8:30am – 4:30pm. 9051 FM 2484, Killeen, TX 76542.
How to Apply for Support
Variety offers financial support for families who have children with special needs within the following giving areas:
Variety Freedom
Equipment, products and other services designed to improve a child with limited mobility’s access to his/her community
Variety Caring
Assists children with their medical needs other than mobility related resources
Variety Future Kids Services and events created for children who are disadvantaged or have any type of special need For more information on Variety or to make a donation or volunteer, please contact: Corporate Office Variety, the Children’s Charity of Texas 1301 S. Capital of Texas Highway, Ste. A230 Austin, TX 78746 512.328.KIDS (5437) Program Office Variety of Texas 11300 N Central Expressway, Suite 602 Dallas, TX 75243 214.346.0920
featu re
Intriguing People of Central Texas
By Teresa K. Hernandez
Photos by Skeebo
A Val Dorman BARTLETT 26
Roots & Revival could do something like that as a class project and they all said YESSS! They even informed me of an abandoned car sitting out behind the school. So when we returned from the field trip they showed it to me, and turns out, it was an old police car the city of Barlett owned. The city graciously gave it to us so we could turn it into our class project and we’re going to enter it in the 2014 Houston Art Car Parade,” explains Val. Inspired by the old buildings downtown and the history of Bartlett, the students choose Roots & Revival as their art car theme. Using old vintage photographs (copies) from the local library they are going to incorporate them onto the car to show the history of the town. From its hay day as a booming little farming community to the Great Depression, and now to the popular location for movie sets, which has once again, inspired an influx of tourism and new residents. Their concept also involves peeling back a hole in the roof of the car and welding a large bird busting out of it surrounded by flames—the Phoenix. “This is really a community based project. They are going to create a piece that reflects Bartlett using the mythological legend the Phoenix to symbolize its revival and rebirth that has brought this sleepy little town out of its ashes, once more making it a thriving community for all eternity. After the parade we will set it on permanent display at the Chamber of Commerce,” says Val.
Working with the kids
As a child, Val Dorman grew up in a family who not only had a deep appreciation for art, but professional ties to design. In fact, her grandmother was an accomplished designer. “I grew up in Chicago, so we were always visiting museums, galleries, or other art-related events,” says Val. Therefore, it was no coincidence that Val herself developed a love and eye for art and design. In college, Val earned her degree in art and design before she moved to New York to work and study under industry experts. However, after spending much of career working in commercial design, Val yearned to do something more creative, and something that would offer her a greater sense of fulfillment and purpose. She has found this teaching special education and art at Bartlett. “Working with the kids is so much fun. I love watching them grow and develop their skills. Most of them thought art was going to be easy or boring, they had no idea it could be so challenging. Now, quite a few of them have discovered their natural talents they never knew they had. In fact, I have quite a few who are so talented, they could sell their work right now,” says Val. Val has taken her art class to visit many galleries and museums, and the one that stood out and really inspired them the most, was the Art Car Museum in Houston. “They loved the cars. They were really inspired by how the artists used symbolism and a variety of techniques to transform an old heap of scrap metal, a junker car into a beautiful work of art. I asked them if they thought they
is so much fun. I love
watching them grow and develop their skills.
The Houston Art Car Parade is the largest Art Car Parade in the world. It first began in April 1988 with 40 cars and an estimated audience of 2,000. Today this annual parade is the highlight of the Houston Art Car Weekend, a three-day celebration to inspire “drive to create.” The driving force of its message is that “art is an integral part of everyone’s everyday life.” This fun weekend event is family-friendly and FREE. Festivities also include a Main Street Drag, the legendary Art Car Ball, and an awards ceremony brunch. The parade invites anything on wheels to enter, including unicycles, lawnmowers, and go carts. Most of the entries are made by the general public, however, many recognized artists also participate. With each passing year, the parade continues to grow and attracts not only larger audiences, but more participates and an increase in the level of creativity, skill, and quality of the entries. In 2013, there were over 270 vehicles with entries from 23 states, Canada, and Mexico and attracts well over 250,000 spectators.
Allie & Ben Guenther BELTON
Art & Soul their creations on the road and have exhibited at numerous shows across the state, including Round Top Antiques Week; Marburger Farm Antique Show; and the Dallas Market Center. The couple’s passion for art is what inspires their custom-designed furniture. “Art isn’t something that simply hangs on the wall. A piece of furniture can be a work of art and the focal point in a room, and turn into a real conversation piece. We find vintage pieces that can be transformed for a new purpose and function and then like a blank canvas, we turn it into a piece of art. We have a 25-step process we apply to each piece and that is how we achieve such a high gloss, smooth, candy-coated finish on our furniture. It is extremely time consuming, but the results are amazing,” says Ben. “Inspiration just takes over and when it does, we end up creating art for the heart and soul. Our mission is to continue pursuing our passion for “creating.” It is important to us to share our creations and not only support local artisans within our community, but to promote and inspire a movement where art has a place in every home and workplace. A well-designed space contributes to and inspires dreams and greatness. We hope to carry on this inspiration and to create more jobs for Texans in our community,” says Allie.
Inspiration just takes over
In the fall of 2012, Allie and Ben Guenther had a REVELation, and they decided to follow their hearts and set a plan into motion where they could leave their fulltime employment and pursue their passion for art and décor full time. The first step was to immediately list their house for sale on Facebook, and much to their surprise, their house sold within a matter of hours after being posted. They then sold everything they owned, purchased a truck and an RV travel trailer, and loaded up their dogs and headed north to Belton. “When the house sold within the first 24 hours, we felt pretty confident that things were coming together for a reason and we took it as sort of a confirmation that the timing was right for us to make this jump. We are now living on my parent’s property in our RV and using some outbuildings as workshops and doing what we love every day, ‘creating’,” says Allie. Ben pursued fine arts in college and graduated with a degree in sculpture. He spent eight years working as a sculpturist for theme parks. With an eye for design, Allie’s passions are in interior design in both residential and commercial. The Guenthers have discovered a unique niche for themselves. Combining their talents and passion for bold colors, patterns, and unique pieces they work to create new pieces and to recreate vintage pieces into artistic accessories, sculptures, and accent pieces. Naming their business REVELation Décor, they have taken
and when it does, we end up creating art for the heart and soul.
Photo courtesy Allie Guenther
Dr. Jerry G. Bawcom BELTON 30
e n t e r t a ining spirits
Crusader a Chick-fil-A Express and a Starbucks. The building will also feature a band hall, student life offices, and a third floor ballroom that can be used to host conferences and banquets. Adjoining the neighboring Crusader Stadium and Mayborn Campus Center, The Bawcom Student Union will create a central location for all student activities and recreation. Since his retirement, Dr. Bawcom and his wife continue to remain active in UMHB activities and the within the Belton community. The couple also enjoys traveling abroad and this past year they have visited Italy, Ireland, and Greece.
students throughout their
For over 17 years, Dr. Jerry G. Bawcom served as the President of the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor, where he led an unprecedented crusade to increase academics, expand campus resources, and accelerate the success of athletic programs and other vital initiatives. However, Dr. Bawcom’s degree-driven crusade did not end after he stepped down as president. He went on to serve another three years as chancellor, where he continued to support the university’s mission and goals through a host of fundraising, public relations, and community events. Upon his retirement as chancellor in 2012, the University of Mary HardinBaylor Board of Trustees awarded Dr. Bawcom President Emeritus. “It is so rewarding to follow students throughout their years on campus and to watch them blossom into good leaders and citizens who go on to do meaningful work and share that leadership in their own communities. One of the things I am the most proud of, is the fact that students can come to UMHB and live out their faith,” says Dr. Bawcom. In honor of the former president and first lady, Dr. Jerry and Vicky Bawcom and their commitment and service to the university and students, the university has announced it is dedicating the new student union building in their name. The 107,613 square foot building will offer students a variety of fresh, home-style cooked meals and dining options, including
It is so rewarding to follow years on campus and to
watch them blossom into
good leaders and citizens…
W Eldon Joersz TEMPLE 32
The Sky’s the Limit “We’re at a stage in our lives where we’d like to give back and help others. We assist schools who have students who have an urgent or emergency need. Things like a child who doesn’t have a coat for the winter, or needs a new pair of shoes, of their family needs food or other necessities. We don’t have a lengthy application process so they just call us and we get them the items they need right away,” says Eldon. Aside from holding the World Air Speed Record, Eldon also received the Defense Distinguished Service Medal, Legion of Merit, and the Defense Meritorious Service Medal for his service in the Air Force.
We’re at a stage in our
When he was 10 years old, Eldon Joersz remembers thinking to himself, “One day I am going to fly a fighter jet.” However, he kept this ambition to himself and never shared it with anyone. “Growing up in a small rural town in North Dakota, that was a goal that seemed next to impossible to achieve,” admits Eldon. “However, I was determined to do everything within my power to set myself on the right path towards accomplishing this goal. If I didn’t succeed, it was not going to be for my lack of trying.” In college Eldon joined the ROTC and graduated from North Dakota State University with a ROTC commission. During his Air Force career Eldon held numerous positions, including a pilot instructor for the T-38 Talon and SR-71. He was a pilot in Vietnam and flew a F-105 Thunderchief out of the Takhli Royal Thai Air Force Base in Thailand; and was also a wing commander of the 410 BMW of the Eighth Air Force at K.I. Sawyer Air Force Base in Michigan. On July 28, 1976, Eldon and Ltc George T. Morgan Jr. set the World Air Speed Record in a SR71A Blackbird 61-7958 at Beale Air Force Base. Flying at 2,194 mph (3,529.56 km/h) the pair broke the world record of Daniel Andre and Robert L. Stephens of 2,070 mph. Today, Eldon’s World Air Speed record still remains unbroken. “I am really surprised our record was never broken. However, due to the changes in technology and warfare today, America is no longer building jet planes for speed anymore. We certainly could build a faster plane if we wanted too, however it would be very expensive and it really isn’t needed,” explains Eldon. After retiring from the Air Force, Eldon embarked on a second career with Lockheed Martin, where he worked in advanced development. “I am very fortunate, I had a great career in the Air Force and a great second career with Lockheed Martin, it was a great company to work for,” says Eldon. Now in what Eldon refers to as his fourth stage of life, retirement (First-childhood, Second-Air Force, Third-Lockheed Martin). Eldon and his wife Carol are enjoying spending time with their family and grandkids, caring for Carol’s mother, and beginning a new non-profit, C N A for Kids, (Carol n’ Al).
lives where we’d like to give back and help others.
Artfully Inspired
Photo courtesy Allie Guenther
REVELation DECOR high.styled, re.furbished vintage & original art
MAKE A STATEMENT with high-styled, one-ofa-kind, refurbished vintage furniture. WELl DESIGNED SPACES INSPIRE GREATNESS PG. 34: Large acrylic painting, Dreamscapes, by C. Hebert. LEFT: Blue art glass by Salado Glassworks. Paper mache White Angel Wings by Ben Guenther, REVELation DECOR. Photo courtesy Allie Guenther
Photo courtesy Allie Guenther
Find select pieces of our art & furniture on display at Salado Glassworks at #2 Peddlers Alley, Salado. Call us for a design consultation today.
210.542.0422 Photo courtesy Allie Guenther
Photo courtesy Allie Guenther
gift guide CENTRAL TEXAS is the place to find the PERFECT gifts ‘Tis the season to rejoice and celebrate! From the table to the tree, you’re sure to find everything you need to make all your holiday celebrations spectacular this season. Find unique, handcrafted, personalized gifts and delicious treats. Don’t forget the gift certificates to make everyone on your list feel extra special.
Give a gift from the heart of Texas, shop local and spread the joy!
Ballerina Bling
Jewelry Scarves at $12 and up Purses at $39 and up Pistol Cases at $44 and up
Snoozies! are made of soft Sherpa fleece for a snug, cozy fit. They are machine washable and come in tweens’ and women’s sizes. Available in animal print, too!
Chisholm Trail Accents
121 N. East St., Ste A, Belton 254.933.2252
Unique Wine Tours Texas wine country tours originating from Central Texas
L’Avventura Dolce
Texas Hill Country, Central Texas 512.569.9218
Best Wishes Gifts
1401 South 31st St., Temple 254.773.GIFT
s a m t s i hr
Your Local Jeweler
You’re Invited...
Watches, bridal rings, fine jewelry, clocks and more
Starfire Designs Trunk Show featuring new collections and pieces by renown artistan, Charlie Wharton.
Bill French Jewelers
2126 US 190, Copperas Cove 254.547.3828
The Salado Yarn Co. What a great gift for the knitter on your list. Each kit includes a pattern and yarn to make 2 mini stockings for $11.00.
Shoppes on Main
22 N. Main St., Salado 254.947.0888
Photo by Jewel Avenue Photography
Country Chic & Unique
Precious Memories Florist and Gift Shop
1404 S. 31st St., Temple 254.778.2242
Thursday, Dec 12 10am - 6pm Friday, Dec 13 10am - 6 pm Saturday, Dec 14 10am-4pm
Healthy = Happy
For the Wine Lover
Fitness Classes Cardio & Weight Room Childcare Hot Tubs & Saunas
Hand painted mini wine glass ornament.
Summit Fitness Center
620 Fryers Creek Circle, Temple 254.298.5348
Holiday Hair Needs
Perfect gift for friends, family & co-workers. Comes with keepsake gift box. $13.25 ea and more than a dozen designs to choose from.
These stamped flatware bottle tags make a great addition to any bottle of wine. A great gift for friends, family, coworkers, and party hosts. $14.95/set, 2 styles available.
Kim Hay
The Salons at Tuscan Square
Shoppes on Main
5297 S. 31st Street Suite 103-A, Temple 254.913.9509
22 N. Main St., Salado 254.947.0888
Make a Statement!
Unique Gifts
Jimmy Crystal New York frames and sunglasses Made with Swarovski elements Add a little bling to your life!
Historic Bell County Church Ornaments
Marvina’s Optical Boutique
1408 South 31st St., Ste B, Temple 254.771.2522
Bell County Museum
201 N. Main St., Belton 254.933.5243
Santas Galore! Every size Santa you can imagine... Plus so much more! Custom monogramming services available
1401 S 31st St., Temple 254.770.0904
Happy Holidays!
Elegance with Style
Give a gift certificate! Available for styling or hair care products.
Amish handcrafted heirlooms made with family values and timehonored traditions
Expressions Hair & Nail Salon
Falls Furniture
3126 S 31st St., Temple 254.774.9751
2943 US Hwy 77, Lott 254.584.4105
Unique Happens Here
Gourmet Beadery
Handmade Domino Jewelry Priced from $10.00 to $20.00. Also come see our unique crystal bling bracelets priced at $19.99. Assorted colors too.
Ki Ki Creations
106 North Main St., Salado 254.855.5538
Popular jewelry making classes include beading, wire wrapping, metalsmithing and more! Gift Certificates available Come out and delight in our smorgasbord of beads!
Bead Bistro
2501 S. WS Young Dr. Ste 311, Killeen 254.432.5307
Party Hardy Holiday paper goods for tables and gift wrapping. Plus ornaments and gifts for everyone on your shopping list! Open Mondays through Christmas
1401 S 31st St., Temple 254.778.8331
3-2-1 Cakes
Holiday Gifts
These single serving cakes from The Humble House take 1 minute to make and contain 12 servings. More than 10 flavors to choose from. Buy the Gift Set for $12.99.
Unique and faith based gifts for holiday and every day
Shoppes on Main
Pizazz/Perry Office Plus
22 N. Main St., Salado 254.947.0888
214 East Central, Belton 254.939.5734
Salado Stroll
Tick Tock
Salado’s Historic Christmas Stroll December 6-8 December 13-15
LARGEST Selection of clocks in Central Texas
Open Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays
Salado Chamber
831 N. Main St., Salado 254.947.5040
Silver Spoon Jewelry Handcrafted necklaces, rings and other shingy things! Made in the USA
My Giving Tree Gift Shop & Art Gallery
Real Deals
121 N East St., Suite B, Belton 254.939.TREE
204 N. Penelope, Belton 254.933.3332
Hand-Painted Ornaments by Dee & Jane Truly a one-of-a-kind gift! Hand-painted ornaments created by two talented and gifted artists. Additional artwork also available.
Shoppes on Main
22 N. Main St., Salado 254.947.0888
Play Time Sunshine Castle Pack 2 and Spring-free trampoline
Rainbow Playsystems
110 Highway 190, Nolanville 254.466.2555 or 800.RAINBOW
e n t e r t aining spirits
very merry
berry mojito
Very Merry Berry Mojito ½ oz. Simple Syrup 1 ½ oz. Jack Daniels whiskey Splash Club soda Fresh mint Fresh berries - blueberries, strawberries, blackberries
Place berries of your choice, fresh mint and simple syrup into glass.
To maximize the fruit’s flavor, muddle together (it won’t look as pretty but it enhances the taste!)
3. 4. 5.
Add whiskey Top off with club soda
Garnish with berries of your choice and a mint leaf
Simple Syrup Simple syrup is a mixture of one part sugar to one part water. Place the same amount of sugar and water into a saucepan and bring to a boil, stirring until the sugar is completely dissolved. Let cool.
“The Very Merry Berry Mojito is a twist on the classic mojito. I wanted to create something that was light and festive but easy to make at home or at a party. All of the ingredients are easily found and add a little extra flair to your holiday gathering.” -Dustin Dowell
RED’S: Relax, Eat, Drink, Sports 201 E. Central Texas Expressway Harker Heights 254-690-7337
Design by Leah Schumacher Photo by Jewels Avenue Photography
Or you can make the “no boil” bar version by combining equal parts of water and sugar in a jar then shaking the mixture until the sugar is dissolved. This will result in a thinner syrup but just as good and no mess!
” … e s w , o w l r b o n o ’t find istle m h w o e me aro here n esom n o l und at h t en h W “
he next time you get a hankering to getaway and explore some landmarks across Central Texas, take a unique route and escape by Amtrak Texas Eagle. You can begin your journey at the historic Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe station in Temple, which was built in 1911. Originally founded as a railroad town by the Colorado, Gulf, and Santa Fe Railroad in 1881, Temple was named after Bernard Moore Temple, a SantaFe Railroad official. Today Temple continues to be a major railroad hub for freight and passengers.
The Texas Eagle travels offers a unique experience to travelers who are interested in cross country traveling or short distance trips. From Dallas to San Antonio, passengers enjoy the many scenic and panoramic views of the diverse country that makes up the vast Texas landscape. On the southbound train headed towards San Antonio, passengers cross over the fast flowing waters of the Colorado River, pass the majestic state capitol in Austin, Guadalupe State Park with all its big trees, and enjoy the lush rolling hills along the cuff of the hill country. The northbound train headed towards Dallas and Ft. Worth offers another change of scenery, one filled with wide open spaces and landscapes, cattle, oil fields, and the big silver cityscape of Dallas. Westward bound. For those interested in taking a scenic journey of the Southwest along the historic rail routes to California board the Sunset Limited in San Antonio. This connecting service travels between San Antonio and Los Angeles three times a week. TEXAPPEALMAG.COM
Amtrak Texas Eagle Route The Texas Eagle makes 27 stops, between Chicago and San Antonio, on the 1,308-mile daily segment of its route. In conjunction with the Sunset Limited, it makes another 13 stops between Del Rio, Texas, and Los Angeles, California. Of the 650 trips possible on the daily section of the Texas Eagle, the five most popular are: Chicago-St. Louis Chicago-Dallas Chicago-San Antonio Chicago-Longview Chicago-Fort Worth As recently as 1998, the Texas Eagle operated only three days a week each direction over its entire route. In February 1998, Amtrak added a fourth frequency to the train, and since May 2001 it has operated daily between Chicago and San Antonio.
Amtrak Travel Tips and Information Texas Size Seats
Traveling Texas-style in coach where seats are big, spacious and comfortable. Coach seats feature individual overhead reading lights, fold-out leg rests so you can lie back and stretch out–even sleep!–in comfort, and fold-down tray tables for books, magazines, snacks and beverages. Most cars have several 110V electrical outlets on the upper level.
Private rooms with service Amtrak’s bi-level Superliners offer private sleeping compartments—bedroom, roomette, special bedroom, and family bedroom. Each includes: • Complimentary meals, with soft drinks, in the dining car • Coffee, juice and daily newspaper each morning • Personal service from the Sleeping Car Attendant: help with bags, turndown service, even meals served in your room on request • Admission to Amtrak’s Metropolitan Lounge in Chicago Union Station
Dining Most Texas Eagle trips feature dining in a fine restaurant with fresh flowers on the table and chefs trained by the Culinary Institute of America. Each table in the dining car has two facing pairs of seats. If your party is less than four, you may be sharing a meal with other passengers. If you are traveling in a sleeping compartment, meals are included in your accommodation charge. 50
Trails & Rails - Heritage Appreciation On Board An innovative partnership program between the National Park Service and Amtrak, the Trails & Rails program provides Amtrak passengers with educational opportunities to foster an appreciation of a selected region’s natural and cultural heritage and renews the long tradition of associating railroads with National Parks. As part of the Trails & Rails program, National Park service guides from the San Antonio Missions National Historic Park are onboard the Texas Eagle between San Antonio and Fort Worth.
Travel by Rail and SAVE Seniors Save 15% Amtrak travelers 62 years of age and over are eligible to receive a 15% discount on the lowest available rail fare on most Amtrak trains. On crossborder services operated jointly by Amtrak and VIA Rail Canada, a 10% senior discount is applicable to travelers aged 60 and over.
High School and College Students Save 15% with a Student Advantage Card The Student Advantage Card is the nation’s largest student discount program for students 16 years of age and older to access thousands of discount locations across the country. Student Advantage Discount Cardholders will be eligible to receive a 15% discount on the best available adult rail fare on most Amtrak trains all year long. Get a full year of savings for only $20. *All travel tips and information courtesy of Amtrak Texas Eagle
RE/MAX TEMPLE BELTON PROPERTIES 4016 S. 31st St., Ste. 200, Temple, Tx 76502
Serving the Temple Area & Bell County Top Producer in Residential Real Estate Sales for the Last Three Years!
Japanese Steak & Sushi Sake, Wine & Full Bar Come see us for various Lunch Specials and Happy Hours Open 7 Days A Week 52
I highly recommend a trip on the Amtrak out of Temple. In June of this year I booked a round trip on the train bound for San Antonio. The train was right on time Friday afternoon at 4:30 pm. I had arrived a little early so I could look around the historic Temple Depot district. It was interesting to see the other passengers who were getting on and off the train, mostly families and couples and all nicely dressed and polite. The Amtrak staff members were all very courteous and helpful and showed us to our roomette onboard the train. A roomette is a small private area that comfortably seats two people facing each other. Our overnight bags were stowed in the stairwell just at the front of our car. There was plenty of room for our personal belongings and an added bonus was free Wi-Fi. It was great fun as the train rolled out of town. It’s a smooth, rolling ride sort of like the big luxury cars of the 60s and 70s. Our roomette would have been comfortable to sleep overnight if needed, but our ride was only about 3.5 hours. The seats folded together into a bed and another bunk folded down from the ceiling. The spacious, clean restroom (complete with shower and dressing area for overnighters) was immediately across the hall and at the front of the car there was ice, water, juice and coffee available free of charge. With our roomette our meals were included. On Friday evening we ate steak and baked potato in the dining car. The food was very good and we had a private booth for dining. There is also a cocktail car and a scenic car with a glass roof for a 360 degree view. Members of the National Park Service were onboard to give the history of the towns we passed through for those in the scenic lounge car. Passengers may bring your own liquor to be enjoyed in your stateroom, however the staff request no drinking in the common areas of the train. After our scenic journey we arrived in San Antonio at Sunset Station in the shadow of the Alamo Dome. It was a short cab ride to our River Walk hotel (which we found on Hotwire for $79/nt) and we were settled in for the night by 10:00 PM. The next morning we walked about a mile down Commerce Street to the Market Square and enjoyed breakfast at Mi Tierra before shopping at the market vendors and Marti’s (formerly in Laredo and known as the Nieman Marcus of the border.) We had a pleasant stroll back to Alamo Plaza and enjoyed the rest of the day on the river. Sunday morning, our train back to Temple departed about 7am and the return trip was just as pleasant. We enjoyed a wonderful breakfast on the return trip which had a few more passengers. We shared a breakfast booth with two ladies from Southlake who had been on the train for about 2 weeks and had traveled all the way to Oregon and back. They were extremely interesting and we enjoyed their travel tales. We returned to our roomette and in no time we were back in Temple around noon. Parking is free and there are no long lines (or security) to load and unload. I can’t wait to take the Texas Eagle from Temple to Dallas/Fort Worth for another weekend train adventure. When I have time I’m going to take the Sunset Express to New Orleans or go North to Chicago. The possibilities are endless and the adventure starts right here in Bell County! I only hope that this time I can take some friends and family along for the fun. All aboard! Train trip anyone? Cyd West, Harker Heights
fit in four part 3:fitness challenge F
For the third straight month Violet, Rachel, and Stacy along with their personal trainers, Jessie Oestreich, Susan Cornette, and Amy Potts have shown us what can happen when one applies a little dedication and hard work, Living a healthier and fit lifestyle is no longer only a goal of these women, it is now a lifestyle. Workouts, runs, walks, cooking and making better food choices have all become part of their regular routine. Thanks to the support of their families, these women have been able to find more balance in their lives and a little extra time focus on their fitness and health. The women’s’ commitment and dedication to this challenge has not only been personally motivated, but for the benefit of their families. Happiness and positivity is a direct result of feeling good which naturally derives from being fit and healthy. All of which, has
By Teresa K. Hernandez Photo by Priscilla Z Photography
the power to influence and make major transformations to the mood and energy inside a household. “If momma ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy”…so now that momma IS happy—everyone is happy! Changes can be difficult to make, especially when surrounded by things that are more convenient or are old and familiar such as bad habits. This is especially true when it comes to nutrition. Nothing can be more difficult than trying to make smarter, healthier food choices when dining out with family and friends who are all overindulging or when attending social events with limited options. However, learning to face and deal with these and other similar training challenges, have only continued to empower Violet, Rachel, and Stacy to remain focused, work harder, and stay the course. And more importantly, these women have proven that “slow and steady” does yield big results.
Secretary/Computer drafting Trainer Jessie Oestreich, Camp Gladiator Second month Lost 6 lbs. for a 3.49% weight loss Total to date: 30 pounds/15.31% weight loss
1st Month
2nd Month
Violet continues to attend Camp Gladiator 4-5 times a week and has also added in 2-3 mile runs on her off days to improve her cardio vascular fitness. This past month Violet and Jessie focused on nutrition and how to adapt a healthy eating habit into an unhealthy environment. As she continues to take more small steps towards living a healthier lifestyle her family is also making adjustments. Violet is using a variety of resources to help her family tackle the new nutrition plan, including Paleo cookbooks, the Clean Eating Diet, and Clean Eating magazines. Violet has a large selection of healthy meal options that are not only delicious enough to satisfy her family, but nutritionally on point for her to continue to working towards her weight loss goals. TEXAPPEALMAG.COM
New Home Sales Manager Trainer Susan Cornette, Titan Total Training Second month Lost 7 lbs. for a 4.08% weight loss Total to date: 12.4 pounds/15.31% weight loss Measurements
1st Month
2nd Month
Committed to making this challenge her number one priority, Rachel has made fantastic progress. She has lost 15.38 pounds of pure body fat in 2 short months. Although winning this challenge is very important to Rachel, she has set a personal life goal to maintain a healthier weight and lifestyle. Susan has assisted Rachel with fine-tuning her diet to include adequate protein and sufficient calories so she will be able to continue to gain lean muscle and fuel to propel her through tough workouts. Although Rachel would prefer to have a greater caloric deficit in order to drop the weight faster, Susan was careful not to allow that so she could maintain the weight loss over time better. Rachel has a lot of experience in trying fad diets in the past which even eliminated entire food groups or restricted calories below 1200/ day and had big results. However, that weight always came back. As a result, those methods have caused Rachel’s metabolism to slow down and caused her to steadily gain more weight. Eating 5 to 6 small meals per day that she prepares on Sunday to carry to work, Rachel has had a fairly easy time of sticking to this regimen 56
because she never feels hungry. She also knows that exercise is now a part of her daily routine, whether it is a workout with her trainer or on her own. These practices are becoming habit now. Two significant changes this month have greatly contributed to her success. First, she added an additional workout on Sundays and now walks/ runs 5 miles with Susan. This additional cardio workout has helped her to burn more fat and has increased her energy. Secondly, she has paid more attention to her hydration levels. A person’s metabolism cannot rise if they are dehydrated. She thought she was drinking plenty of water because she never felt thirsty; however, when Susan asked her to carry around a gallon pitcher of water each day to ensure she drank it all by day’s end, Rachel realized she was falling short of the required amount of water her body needed. These two small adjustments made big improvements and helped her increase her loss of body fat. Social situations have been challenging for Rachel. She enjoys spending time with friends, which usually involves dining out. Chef Brandon Letson at Wildflower’s new restaurant, Tanglefoot has worked with Susan and Rachel to create new menu items that are delicious and clean. TEXAPPEALMAG.COM
STACY GAIL HOLLIMAN Teacher, Coach Trainer Amy Potts, The Field House
Second month Lost 0 lbs. and 1.62 inches 0% weight loss Total to date: +1 pounds
1st Month
2nd Month
Stacy is in the gym, three days a week and trains for 50 minutes. TEXAPPEALMAG.COM
DeckHalls the
with healthier choices
8 60
tips to help your waistline survive the holidays
Oh you better not cry, better not pout…about visions of extra pounds dancing round in your head. You can still have a holly jolly party season without unwrapping all of your healthy habits. Leave the little round belly that shakes like jello to Santa and stay off his naughty list when you follow these ten healthy holiday tips.
Resist temptation, never shop on an empty stomach. Having a sensible meal before you hit the shops will not only improve your focus and energy, but can help you avoid the urge to pick up high calorie/fat snacks like fresh baked cinnamon rolls, pretzels, decadent cookies, or other fried food court fare.
1 2
Enjoy a healthy snack before the party. It is easier to make good food choices when you’re not ravished by hunger. Have a light dinner or small snack before the party to avoid overindulging on the holiday treats.
3 4
Perfect platters for parties.
Large platters are always a staple at holiday parties and nothing is better than a traditional vegetable platter. Bright, colorful, crunchy vegetables arranged in a festive wreath pattern are always a beautiful, eye-catching centerpiece.
Sip sensibly. Drinks made from cranberries, apple cider, and pomegranates are not only visually festive and vibrant, but they are also packed with vitamin C, B6, potassium and powerful antioxidants. Just remember, calories from alcohol add up quickly so stick to a two-drink minimum.
5 Buffets. Too many delicious options can make it hard to choose only a couple of things to try, so try them all. Create a sampler plate of everything, but in small portions—only one heaping tablespoon of each. Do the same for desserts and you’ll not only be satisfied, but full.
Exercise. All the parties, traveling, and shopping can make it hard to get to the gym, but that doesn’t mean you should skip exercise altogether. Pick up the pace when walking from the parking lot to the store to take in some short spurts of cardio, and a brisk evening stroll around the neighborhood in the cool, crisp air is always inviting and invigorating.
USE IT OR LOSE IT! Don’t let your insurance benefits go down the drain.
Most insurance policies will renew January 1, with unused benefits expiring December 31, 2013. Schedule your appointment today to keep your benefits from going to waste!
Jon A. Howell, DDS 254.778.4402 1717 SW HK Dodgen Loop Suite 114A, Temple
General, Cosmetic, Implants & Orthodontics Zero percent financing available Modern, comfortable and relaxed atmosphere Friendly and experienced staff Televisions and free wi-fi in every treatment room. TEXAPPEALMAG.COM
Delightful light dips. Lighten up your favorite dips and spreads by substituting cream cheese, grated cheeses, mayonnaise, and sour cream with lighter, reduced or no fat options. Better yet, substitute mayonnaise and sour cream with Greek yogurt—same great consistency but without losing any flavor.
Recipes under wraps. Almost any recipe can be slightly adapted to reduce calories or fat. Using reduced or no fat cheeses, dairy products, substituting applesauce for oils, egg beaters for whole eggs, and incorporating some whole grain flour into recipes can shave off excess calories and make them healthier—so you can still enjoy your favorite holiday dishes.
ADVERTISERS INDEX Atmos Energy..................................................................... 39 Bead Bistro............................................................... Gift Guide Bell County Museum.............................................. Gift Guide Best Wishes Gifts..................................................... Gift Guide Bill French Jewelers...........................................40, Gift Guide Bob Mills Furniture.............................................................. 2 Cedar Crest Hospital.......................................................... 62 Chisholm Trail Accents.......................................... Gift Guide Cinemark....................................................................... 14-15 Collage Boutique................................................................ 39 Crawford Bowers................................................................ 40 Crotty Funeral Home......................................................... 54 Dossman Funeral Home.................................................... 13 Dr. Jon Howell, DDS.......................................................... 63 EcoBlu Spa & Salon............................................................ 54 El Centro Veterinary Clinic.............................................. 55 Elmcroft of Cottonwood Senior Living........................... 39 Expressions Hair & Nails........................................ Gift Guide ExtraCo Bank...................................................... Back Cover Falls Furniture.......................................................... Gift Guide Fat Charlie’s......................................................................... 52 First National Bank of Texas............................................... 7 First United Methodist Church Killeen........................... 61 Greenleaf Landscape & Garden Center........................... 23 Groutworks of Central Texas............................................ 13 Jewels Avenue Photography................................................ 8 Ki Ki Creations........................................................ Gift Guide Killeen Arts & Activities Center....................................... 64 Kim Hays/Salons at Tuscan Square....................... Gift Guide Kiska House........................................................................ 55 Lastovica Jewelers............................................................... 57 L’Avventura Dolce/The Sweet Adventure............. Gift Guide Lochridge Priest.................................................................. 46 Lucky Bebe.......................................................................... 59 Marvina’s Optical Boutique.................................... Gift Guide Metroplex Hospital............................................................... 3
My Giving Tree........................................................ Gift Guide Olde English Maids............................................................ 51 Painting with a Twist.......................................................... 17 Paperdoodles............................................................ Gift Guide Peloton Ridge Country Club............................................. 50 Photo by Skeebo................................................................. 67 Pizazz/Perry Office Plus......................................... Gift Guide Precious Memories............................................56, Gift Guide Precision Urgent Care........................................................ 51 Priscilla Z Photography..................................................... 24 Rainbow Playsystems.............................................. Gift Guide Real Deals on Home Décor.................................... Gift Guide Re-Max/Temple Belton...................................................... 59 Rockin’ R Retreat................................................................ 19 Salado Chamber of Commerce............................. Gift Guide Salado Glassworks................................................................ 8 Salon Kinetic....................................................................... 56 Scott’s Lawn Service........................................................... 11 Seoul Garden....................................................................... 52 Shoppes on Main...............................................18, Gift Guide Solar Centex........................................................................ 40 Summit Fitness Center........................................... Gift Guide Texas Bariatric Specialists.................................................. 13 Texas Bright Ideas............................................................... 59 Texas Partners....................................................................... 5 The Rustic Redhead............................................................ 17 Topstone.............................................................................. 11 Union State Bank................................................................ 46 University of Mary Hardin Baylor................................... 22 Variety’s Peaceable Kingdom Retreat............................... 13 Veranda Bloom................................................................... 64 Whitetale Books................................................................. 19 Z Medical Aesthetics.......................................................... 23 Zooty’s....................................................................... Gift Guide The Advertisers’ Index is published for reader convenience. Every effort is made to list information correctly. The publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions.
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Slightly Sharp & Twisted
By Kactus Kate