c o n t e nts feature 24 A ll A b oar d... Cl a ssic styl e s b ack on track in 2013 37 B e a u ty’s in the Bag: T he e s s entials fou r wo me n ca rry 41 Hollywood Hai rstyl e s: Re e l Glam ou r Re turns
home and garden 53 Mas ter Chef Secre ts: 2 5 mu s t- haves fo r the kitche n
travel 58 B ag gage Check: Smar t Tip s for Pa cking L ight
health & fitness Mens ’ Health S cre e nings S ave Lives 63 Cro s s Train in g 61
10 c a l e n d a r 14 s p o t l i g h t Metroplex Health System 17 s c e n e 19 n e i g h b o r 22 well fed head
in every issue 6 editor ’s letter 66 b a rb w ired 4
September 2013 Tex Appeal
editor’s letter
ashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street. Fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening. — Coco Chanel
your voice To Kactus Kate, Saddened to learn about the demise of your garden, but so proud of the courage with which you solved your problem: When you can’t beat’em You EAT ‘em!! I love the recipes; however, I will likely substitute some dryroasted cashews for the dryroasted grasshoppers. Enjoyed your story, —Mary Etta Heemer Killeen
Are you ready to fall in love all over again with cooler temperatures, tailgate parties, and glowing fireplaces? It’s time to start pulling out the jackets and boots and all of those favorite rich and hearty recipes that not only warm-up your belly on cool evenings, but fill your heart with lots of great memories. A cast iron skillet of steaming hot cornbread topped off with melting butter, a big pot of dad’s homemade venison chili, or a heaping bowl of grandma’s creamy chicken and dumplings – the flavors of fall are always the best! As all of the leaves began to turn and new autumn colors sweep across the landscape, new fashions are also sweeping in with new textures, warmer colors, and fabrics. Fall styles that feature “reel” classic designs are popping up on fashion runways all over Europe and Paris. Temple fashionisto, John Bittrick shares the latest styles and trends this season with Tex Appeal on pg. 24 in All aboard…Classic Styles Back on Track in 2013. Women in Texas will be happy to learn that big hair is finally making a come back this fall. It’s all about big screen glamour with soft curls, saturated with shine, and ultra-sexy. Think Hollywood legends--Jayne Mansfield and Elizabeth Taylor--classic looks with lots of Tex Appeal. Read more about the “film noir” influence on hairstyles on pg. 41, Hollywood Hair, Reel Glamour Returns. Tex Appeal has your fall fashion forecast in the bag this month, along with a few other great bag-related topics! You’ll be ready to lose all that excess baggage after you learn the secrets to packing light like a pro-traveler in Baggage-Check on pg. 58. And in Beauty’s in the Bag on pg. 37, we visited four local women to learn more about the essential beauty products they always carry. After this issue of Tex Appeal, I have no doubt you’ll discover the secrets behind pulling together some “reel” glamorous looks and creating your own signature style this season! And remember the advice of Coco Chanel, “Fashion changes–style remains.” À la prochaine!
Teresa K. Hernandez Editor | thernandez@texappealmag.com
September 2013 Tex Appeal
Hi Teresa, I want to compliment you on Tex Appeal Magazine. I look forward to receiving each monthly publication. It is very informative and so nicely done. Thank you, —Ruth Psencik
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We hope you enjoy reading this issue of Tex Appeal Magazine. Please let us know what you think about our monthly publication by sending your comments to tkhernandez@texappealmag.com.
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Tex Appeal Life & Style in Central Texas
Published by Frank Mayborn Enterprises, Inc. Killeen Daily Herald 1809 Florence Road, Killeen, TX 76540 Temple Daily Telegram 10 S. Third Street, Temple, TX 76501 Publisher Sue Mayborn Editor Teresa K Hernandez thernandez@texappealmag.com Copy Editor Lee James Graphic Designer Christeen Clark 216.407.2777 christeen@maccrisdesigns.com Photographers Priscilla Z photography THE MASTER’S IMAGE PHOTOGRAPHY
Cover MARGARET ANN GARZA OF AUSTIN Photography and Styling Priscilla Z Photography Make-Up Artist ANDREA BETANCOURT Hair Stylist Emily Rivera
Tex Appeal Magazine is available by subscription for $24 a year. If you would like to have each month’s edition delivered to your home, please mail a check with your address and contact information to: Tex Appeal Magazine, PO Box 6114 Temple, TX 76503-6114. texappealmag.com
September 2013 Tex Appeal
alk ex TT
sp ot l ight:
Metroplex Health System pg 14
S eptember C a l e n dar pg 10 Furnishing a Community with Hope pg 19
C a l e n d ar sce n e sp o t l ight we l l fe d hea d n eighb o r
B e lto n A rea C hamber o f C o mmerce 2 1 st A n n ua l Fa l l G o l f C l assic S epte mbe r 9, 11a m-4pm This year the Golf Classic will be supporting the Military Family Relations Committee. The Chamber supports groups and events such as Belton ISD Student to Student, the Belton Area Military Spouses Network and Military Family Town Hall events for families in Belton ISD. All of these projects began with the Chamber MCEC Committee. This year’s format promises to be more fun than ever! We always have a full tournament and expect to sell out again quickly. Lunch served 11am. Tee time 1pm. For more information contact: jennifer@beltonchamber.com. Wild Flower Country Club, Temple
G reater K i l l ee n C hamber o f C o mmerce A n n ua l Ba n q u et S epte mbe r 12, 6pm-9 pm This is our area’s most prestigious gathering of the business community and our opportunity to celebrate our members. Guests include chamber members, business executives, and Fort Hood, government and community VIPs. The evening begins with a cocktail hour, followed by a delicious dinner, annual awards, and the event concludes with an exciting speaker. Tickets and table reservations are available by contacting Katie at 254.526.9551 or katherine@killeenchamber.com. Killeen Civic and Conference Center 3601 S. W.S. Young Dr., Killeen
F lyi n g V iki n gs C ar & V i n tage P l a n e S h ow Septe mbe r 14, 10:30am-3 :3 0pm Come out and see over 150 cars and vintage aircraft from across the state. Six children will be flying with the Flying Vikings. Arts, crafts, games, treats and live music for the entire family. 100% of the proceeds will benefit children with special needs. Rain date: September 21. Temple Airport 10
September 2013 Tex Appeal
C a l e n d ar
Labor Day
Patriot International National 11 8 Literacy Day Day Grandparent’s Day 8 Talk Like POW/MIA R.E.A.D. in 19 National 21 National 28 America a Pirate Day Recognition Day Day National 29 Coffee 29 VFW Day Day
TexTalk 2
Livi n g P ro o f Live S im u l cast with B eth M o o re S ept emb er 1 4, 8:3 0a m-3 :15pm You are invited and welcome to attend at Seaton Brethren Church. Lunch provided. Admission: Love offering. For more information call 254.721.7340, 254.913.6054 or 254.985.2694. 2561 State Hwy 53, Temple
5 th A n n ua l C e n tra l T e x as F o o d, W i n e a n d B rew F estiva l S ept emb er 1 4, 201 3, 3 pm-9p m Join us for a great day of food, brews and Texas wines. For more information call 254.699.4999 or visit www.hhfoodandwine.com Admission $25 pre-sale/$30 at the gate. Harker Heights Community Park
J o h n s o n B ro s . F o r d Li n c o l n G o l f To u r n ame n t a n d L u n che o n S ept emb er 16, 8a m-6pm Beginning in 1986, the Temple College Foundation has hosted an annual golf tournament at the 18 hole course at Wildflower Country Club. Our corporate sponsor, Johnson Brothers’ Ford Lincoln of Temple, is joined by numerous community partners who attract more than 240 golfers for a day on the links. Over $5000 in prizes are given away throughout the tournament and golfers are treated to breakfast and lunch if they play in the morning, or lunch and dinner for afternoon players, a golf shirt, a sleeve of golf balls, as well as snacks and beverages throughout the day. Over 75% of the students who attend Temple College receive some form of financial assistance. The Foundation is responsible for providing more than $100,000 a year in scholarships. We rely on the Annual Golf Classic for that funding. Your day on the links helps 300 students attend classes, purchase books, and find housing. For more information contact 254.771.1177. Wildflower Country Club 4902 Wildflower Lane, Temple
Yo u n g P ro fessi o n a l s B u si n ess L u n che o n S eptem ber 19, 11:45a m-12:45pm Join the Greater Killeen Young Professionals for their Monthly Business Luncheon. These lunches give the area’s young professionals the opportunity to connect with and learn from our community’s current business and civic leaders while meeting and networking with each other. Along with the networking opportunity and a delicious lunch, each luncheon will feature a different business or civic leader giving a presentation specifically designed for young professionals. No RSVP is required, free for GKYP members, just $5 for non-members and lunch is provided. For more visit www.gkyp.org or contact Jenna at jenna@killeenchamber.com. Workforce Solutions of Central Texas 300 Cheyenne Drive, Killeen
C h o c o l ate & W i n e W eeke n d S eptem ber 20 - 2 2 Throughout Salado. For more information contact dcharbonneau@saladotx.gov or visit www.saladoevents.com. 254.947.8634. Salado
M arket Days S eptem ber 21, 8a m-4pm Buying, selling and trading in downtown Belton. Come see our vendors and farmer’s market in our historic downtown on Central Ave. Enjoy food and entertainment. Every 3rd Saturday of the month. For more information visit downtownbelton.com. Downtown Belton
Wa l k M S H arker H eights S eptem ber 21, 8a m-12pm Walk MS: Harker Heights 2013 offers family, friends, neighbors and co-workers the opportunity to mobilize in support of Texas families impacted by MS. Participants can walk or run a one-mile route and enjoy complimentary food and entertainment before and after the event. Canine companions are also welcome. Visit walkMStexas.org to register to walk, volunteer or make a donation. Contact Trenton Foster at Trenton.Foster@nmss.org or 512.340.2705, or visit www.WalkMSTexas.org. Carl Levin Park 400 Millers Crossing, Harker Heights
Be Kind to Editors & Writers Month Library Card Sign-Up Month National Hispanic Heritage Month Sept. 15-Oct. 15 Prostate Cancer Awareness Week Sept. 15-21 Constitution Week Sept. 17-23 National Keep Kids Creative Week Sept. 22-28
C a l e n d ar
3 1 st A n n ua l T emp l e M o d e l T rai n S h ow S epte mbe r 21-22 Central Texas Area Model Railroaders present the 31st Annual Temple Model Train Show, Saturday 10am-5pm, Sunday 11am-5pm. Model railroaders exhibit and swap meet, operating modular layouts demonstrations, videos and clinics. For more information, contact Ron Miller at 254.749.0700 or Ed Neil at 254.778.8294 or go online at www.centramod.net. Admission $5, $1 discount for seniors and active duty military and dependents with ID, 12 and under FREE with adult.
Fra nk Maybo rn Convent i o n C ent er, Tem ple S a l a d o C hamber o f C o mmerce G o l f To u r n ame n t S epte mbe r 27, 11a m Four Person Scramble. $85 per player, or save $30 and sign up a team for $310. Entry includes: green fee, 1/2 cart, lunch, drinks, and chance to win prizes. Check-in starts at 11:30am, lunch 12pm. Shotgun start is 1pm. For more information contact: chamber@salado.com, 254.947.5040.
Mill Creek Golf Club 1610 Club Circle, Sa l a d o
Central Texas Astronomical Society Bell County Star Party S epte mbe r 28, 7pm- 10pm This is a free event and your attendance can be registered on the CTAS website if you so desire. Dress appropriately and bring folding chairs and red flashlights. Red flashlights can be made by putting red plastic over the lens of an ordinary flashlight. In the event we have weather that will not permit viewing, we will post the cancellation on our web site by 5pm. Please check the website: www.centexastronomy.org for directions and more information on CTAS and this event. Guests attending are encouraged to bring their own telescopes for some personal help tips from CTAS members or just enjoy those set up by members or call Dean Chandler 254.778.7892. Overlook Park, Belton
September 2013 Tex Appeal
W. C . C l ark S ept emb er 2 8, 7 :3 0pm-9:3 0 p m W. C. Clark, Godfather of Austin Blues and Soul, W.C. Clark has rocked for 30 years, and proves with every show he is still the master. For more information visit: www.cacarts.org. Cultural Activities Center 3011 N. 3rd St., Temple
LO C A L FA R M E R S M A R K E T Belton Saturdays, 8am-1pm Downtown on Water Street in front of The Gin Copperas Cove Mondays, 3pm-6pm & Saturdays 10am-2pm VFW 1506 Veterans, Ave. Harker Heights Farmer’s Market Every Saturday, May-September 8am-12pm at Seton Medical Center 850 W. Central Texas Expressway Killeen Tuesdays, 3pm-6pm; Fridays, 3pm-6pm; Saturdays, 9am-1pm 717 N. 2nd Street, downtown Killeen Temple Tuesdays and Thursdays; 7am-1pm 212 S. Main St. Troy Saturdays, 9am-1pm Troy Community Center 201 E. Main St. Scott & White Healthcare Farmers Market Every Wednesday, 9am-1pm (May 1- Sept 25) Healthy cooking demonstrations, 9:30-10:30am and 11:30-12:30pm On lawn north of the Vasicek Cancer Center 2401 S. 31st Street, Temple
Celebrating 35 years of healing in Central Texas Healing lives. One community at a time. Metroplex Health System is the primary healthcare provider for West Bell, Coryell and Lampasas counties. Serving over 140,000 patients per year, with over 300 physicians offering 43 medical specialties and a variety of wellness services, Metroplex is a true community hospital. The 232-bed, multi-campus facility is one of 44 campuses in 10 states operated by Adventist Health System, one of the largest Protestant health care providers in the nation employing 79,000 people in the U.S. and serving 4 million patients annually. In 2008 Metroplex retained a 32 percent partnership with Scott and White Healthcare one of the nation’s largest multi-specialty group practice systems with more than 700 physicians and scientists.
Metroplex Health System consistently fulfills its responsibility to its Central Texas community, not only by providing high quality medical care, but also by committing resources to a variety of annual programs and services through education, prevention, and for the support and benefit of the community. These resources offer a relief of poverty, research, education, health promotion and spiritual well-being. Committed to its responsibility to give back to the community, Metroplex Health System designates community benefits such as immunizations, free health screenings, subsidized health services, community education, wellness programs, and training for health care professionals. 14
September 2013 Tex Appeal
In May of 2012, Metroplex Adventist Hospital was presented with the Texas Health Care Quality Improvement Bronze Award by the TMFÂŽ Health Quality Institute, the Medicare Quality Improvement Organization for Texas. The Texas Health Care Quality Improvement Awards honor Texas hospitals that are performing quality initiatives aimed at improvising outcomes in patient care by recognizing those hospitals that have improved their performance on specific national quality measures.
Metroplex earns Bronze Award, top 3% in Texas quality health care
Extending the healing ministry of Christ
sp o t l ight
The Seventh-day Adventists began healthcare work back in the mid-1800’s to show people that God cares for them through the caring, healing hands of others. This ministry tradition continues today through its vast international efforts, offering clinics, hospitals, and many other healthcare services to people around the world. Adventist Health System is a not-for-profit healthcare organization that emphasizes Christ at the center of care. Founded in 1973 to support and strengthen Seventh-day Adventist healthcare organizations in the Southern and Southwestern regions of the United States, Adventist Health System has grown to become the largest not-for-profit Protestant healthcare provider in the nation.
Frank Sharkey, RN-Intensive Care Unit
“I love the fact we are all one big family and team. Thanks to medical technology, we’ve made huge advancements over the years in our routine procedures; which not only increases the level of quality and care we provide, but also improves the patients’ treatment experiences.” Frank Sharkey, RN has been working in the ICU department for 22 years. He has watched the hospital grow from one floor to five, increase their staff and specialties, and the expansion of many critical care programs. “In the early days, we didn’t have electric beds and record-keeping, everything has changed dramatically—but for the best.” Metroplex Health System received the Gallup Great Workplace Award, recognizing the organization as having one of the bestperforming workforces in the world. The Gallup Great Workplace Award is based on the most rigorous workplace research ever conducted. “The winners of this award have established a new global standard for engaging people,” said Tom Rath, who leads Gallup’s Workplace and Leadership Consulting practice. “When compared to the millions of workgroups we have studied around the world, the awardees have worked tirelessly to ensure that each employee has an emotional connection to the company’s mission and growth.”
Sue Dunn, Volunteer
“I am so proud of being a volunteer here and for having the opportunity to work alongside such a marvelous group of people—they’re the best! We are a great family with a wonderful history.” For over 33 years, Sue Dunn has been volunteering at Metroplex Hospital, where she manages the Gift Shop. Nothing pleases Sue more than delivering a hospital gift to all newly admitted patients–a fresh bud vase. “The hospital funds the bud vases for all admitted patients and the patients are always so shocked and surprised when I come in with the flowers. It’s so much fun. Such a small gesture of kindness can really have a big impact on the patients’ hospital experience. It says a lot about our organization–we truly care about our patients.”
Metroplex Health System and more than 1,000 employees, physicians and volunteers operate at: • Metroplex Adventist Hospital in Killeen • Rollins Brook Community Hospital in Lampasas • Metroplex Behavioral Health Center in Killeen • Home Care of Metroplex, serving Central Texas • Metroplex Rehabilitation Center in Killeen • Metroplex Open MRI in Harker Heights • Metroplex Sleep Center, next to Metroplex Adventist Hospital • Metroplex Ambulatory Surgery Center at Metroplex Adventist Hospital • Sue Mayborn Women’s Center at Metroplex Adventist Hospital • Center for Wound Care & Hyperbaric Medicine in Killeen
Metroplex Health System
2201 S. Clear Creek Rd. Killeen, Texas 76549 • 254-526-7523 For more information visit www.mplex.org texappealmag.com
Healing from the heart.
Leanne Starkovich, Director of Health Information
“I am proud to work at Metroplex Health System because not only is the organization focused on providing quality medical care, it is also committed to being a spiritual ambassador to our patients, our employees and our community.”
Commitment to our patients and community is most evident in our Continuous change, growth, and progress in technology has actions. Three years ago, Metroplex occurred over the last 35 years and one employee, Leanne Health System in union with other Starkovich has personally played a major role in it. Leanne first hospitals in the Adventist Health began her career in health information almost 36 years ago, back System implemented a unique when it was still referred to as “medical records.” Compliance, patient satisfaction initiative for technology, insurance, and security is continuously evolving in the health industry and Leanne’s department must evolve with patient services known as the it. Long gone are the days of hand-written medical records, today Patient Experience. The program everything is electronic and computerized. Ensuring Metroplex’s fosters staff training, education, health information system and all of its patients’ records are in satisfaction surveys, services compliance, secure, and updated is the priority of Leanne and monitoring and technological her staff of 40. improvements and it’s purpose is to help us understand how well we are fulfilling our mission of Extending the Healing Ministry of Christ. It is not just about what is done, it is about how it is done.
“Experiencing the flu several times over the past few years between me and my five children I was thrilled to find out Metroplex had a community service available for the flu vaccine. I had called around to local drug stores and discovered there was a shortage of the vaccine and it was going to run more than I expected, so I Googled Flu Shot clinics. The shots were free and the nurses were so patient and calm with the kids, especially with my daughter who was a bit nervous as we stepped up to the table. I felt the nurses cared.”
Today I was seen for LT carpal tunnel release with Dr.Bidner. This is my second surgery at Metroplex. I am familiar with surgery. I work at Darnall as a X-ray tech. The difference is I am usually helping the doc with a procedure. I don’t get the privilege to interact with the patient. I am extremely proud to have had the honor to be around such a great bunch of people. The staff was super friendly. When I left, my husband noticed how I radiated with positivity. Please keep up this contagious attitude.
I was in room 136. I will like to say a big thank you to two nurses, Nurse Anne and Nurse Mary. They showed real passion and professionals in doing their job. May God richly bless them for taking good care of me and my Dr. Cedric Day, OB-GYN bundle of Joy Gabrielle. “This is a very close-knit organization. Everyone here is so friendly and helpful. All of the employees at Metroplex strive to make the experiences of our patients comfortable and pleasant.” The circle of life all began at Metroplex Hosptial for Dr. Cedric Day, where he was born 33 years ago. After completing his four year residency at Scott and White Hospital, this Central Texas native has come full circle, returning to Metroplex Hospital as an OBGYN physician and to the very department where it all began.
My Mother was very pleased during her hospitalization. She was visiting from Germany and does not speak English. The nurses saw to that and always found somebody who could speak German so she did not feel so lonely. Thank you to all the nurses and staff, who made my mother’s hospital stay very pleasant.
Find-a-Doctor 254.519.8200 or www.mplex.org Whether you need a family medicine doctor or a specialist, call the Physician Finder directory line at 254.519.8200 or visit our online directory at www.mplex.org. 16
September 2013 Tex Appeal
TexTalk S ce n e
2013 Bridal Showcase Temple
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September 2013 Tex Appeal
n eighb o r
Bob Mills Furniture Store in Temple presents scholarship to Fred W. Edwards Academy student, Austin Wilson. From left to right: John Wall, Lisa Luna, Shannon Winn, Austin Wilson, and Sharon Holleman.
a community with
hen the Temple Bob Mills Furniture Store team decided to find a way to invest in their community, they identified one place where they knew they could make a positive difference and change lives.
They decided to adopt Fred W. Edwards Holleman to develop a scholarship program Academy, the alternative high school for atfor students to continue their education upon risk students in Temple. graduation. The scholarship will be available “The students that attend this alternative to help students pay for tuition or for other high school campus are struggling to overcome needs like books and school supplies. a variety of challenges in their lives - some To teach the students more about their are academic-related, while others are more own community and local career options, personal like family issues, poverty, and some students will tour the furniture store and are even homeless. These students need a little warehouse this year to learn more about extra help right now so they can stay focused the different positions available within the on their studies and company. graduation,” said We want to show these students “By visiting with Shannon Winn, a our employees, the that after graduation or college they Bob Mills Furniture students will have interior designer. opportunity to have career opportunities right here an The Bob Mills learn more about Furniture team in their own community. our company and adopted Edwards careers, as well as the Academy just a few months before school level of education or skill sets they would need ended and began gathering information to perform our jobs. We want to show these from Principal Sharon J. Holleman and the students that after graduation or college, they school’s teachers and counselors to determine have career opportunities right here in their how best to meet the school’s needs. own community,” says Winn. It didn’t take long for the furniture store’s Becoming involved in social and civic staff to get involved. They toured the school aspects of the community is important to and introduced themselves students; handed the store and its president, Bob Mills, who out Bob Mills backpacks; had pizzas delivered founded the business in 1971 with one small for students in extended day services, (teachers furniture store. The company now has six have typically paid for the additional student stores in Oklahoma and Texas with more meals out of their own pockets); purchased than 300 employees. A seventh store will lunch-sized paper bags and filled them with open soon in Midland. a juice box, granola bars, cheese crackers, etc. “One of our core values is ‘Everyone is and delivered them for snacks during state family,’” Mills said. The Edwards Academy is testing days; purchased and delivered health now a significant part of that family. and hygiene items for boys and girls (many students cannot afford these items); and discussed upcoming field trips and how they could be involved. Winn and the other members of the Bob Mills Furniture team (Office Manager Lisa Luna, Sales Manager John Wall, and General Manager Mike Thielpape) identified additional opportunities to help, including providing electronics, closed-circuit televisions, classroom supplies, even technical support. They also assist the students with tutoring, transportation, nutritious snacks and meals. Sharon Holleman, Austin Wilson, and John Wall. Bob Mills Furniture is working with Principal
September 2013 Tex Appeal
H air S ty l ist 25 4 6 9 0 1 329 texappealmag.com
W e l l F e d H ea d
B o o ks
Royal Style: A History of Aristocratic Fashion Icons By Luise Wackerl
From Louis XIV, a shoe aficionado of the Baroque Age, to the latest club-hopping progeny of the British royalty, this colorful survey of aristocratic fashion through the ages will delight royal watchers of every generation. The wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton helped reclaim the fashion credibility of Britain’s royal family, ushering in a generation of hip but genial personalities that appeal to every age and station. But royals have been setting fashion trends for centuries. This fascinating overview of aristocratic icons reaches back to the Middle Ages and from Europe to the Middle East, to profile the most renowned promoters of elegance and style ever to don their empires’ crowns. Author and royals watcher Luise Wackerl juxtaposes the fifteenth-century Duke of Burgundy’s penchant for black with Elizabeth I’s taste for virginal white. She presents history’s first “It Girls”: Marie Antoinette, Louisa of Prussia, Empresses Sisi of Austria and Eugenie of France. She relates how Queen Victoria’s sorrow and propriety transformed her country, and how an impeccably styled American’s love for Edward VIII upended the British monarchy. From the irreproachably elegant styles of Grace Kelly to Lady Diana, Jordan’s Queen Rania to Princess Letizia of Spain we move on to the newest icons, the Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie of York, whose faces and party antics grace the tabloids on a weekly basis. Hundreds of photos and a lively text make this irresistible reading for anyone interested in fashion, royalty, and the lively intersection of both worlds. Hardcover, 191 pages Published June 13, 2012 by Prestel Publishing 22
September 2013 Tex Appeal
Chanel: The Vocabulary of Style By Jerome Gautier Gabrielle Bonheur “Coco” Chanel (18831971) was undoubtedly the most influential fashion designer of the 20th century. Her clothes and accessories have remained chic, and her legendary fashion house continues to exert a powerful sway over today’s designers. Jérôme Gautier tells the story of Chanel’s iconic style through hundreds of images, many taken by the leading lights of fashion photography, including Richard Avedon, Gilles Bensimon, Patrick Demarchelier, Horst P. Horst, Annie Leibovitz, Man Ray, Helmut Newton, Irving Penn, and Ellen von Unwerth. This innovative volume pairs classic and contemporary photographs, placing fashion plates from Chanel’s time alongside those by the house’s designer-in-chief, Karl Lagerfeld. For instance, Cecil Beaton’s portrait of Chanel appears alongside Lagerfeld’s image of Cate Blanchett emulating her, and a classic plate by Henry Clarke flanks an arresting shot by Juergen Teller. Through these dazzling photographs, Chanel: The Vocabulary of Style identifies key elements that have defined Chanel’s style for generations, such as jersey and tweed, formerly considered menswear fabrics, and the little black dress, which transformed a hue previously reserved for mourning into a statement of elegance. Pearls were her staple, and she often embellished outfits with her signature camellia. Eleven chapters compare the original forms of these enduring trademarks with their later expressions over the years and to the present day, letting the vocabulary of Chanel’s style speak for itself. Hardcover, 304 pages Published November 29, 2011 by Yale University Press
Chic on a Shoestring: Simple to Sew Vintage-Style Accessories By Mary Jane Baxter
Why throw out your old clothes when they can be transformed for very little money? With an eye for all things “stylishly vintage,” Mary Jane takes throw-away items and illustrates how they can be used to create a host of covetable clothes and accessories. An old tie can be turned into a purse, knitting needle holder, cute corsage or a belt. Silk scarves can make a return as a sexy top or skirt. Chic on a Shoestring will take you step-by-step through everything you need to know about creating fabulous clothes and accessories –things you will actually want to wear. Plus, it provides great inspiration and variation for fostering your own style. Find advice on how to shop for useful treasures at markets, charity shops and vintage stores. Paperback, 160 pages Published April 16, 2012 by Kyle Cathie Limited
Kitchen Design for the 21st Century
By John Driemen, Nancy E. Hill John Drieman, the former publisher of Best Kitchens & Baths magazine, has teamed up with renowned interior photographer Nancy Elizabeth Hill to write the first truly different kitchen design book of the 21st Century. This copiously illustrated, forward-looking guide captures all the groundbreaking changes in the way we think of, and use, this important room. These kitchens are bigger, often incorporated into a family’s main living space, and include a multitude of distinct work centers. Drieman explains exactly how to create such a room, with advice on planning and budget; adding the latest appliances, countertops, and cabinetry; and making the space seem either bigger or cozier. The book’s entire second half takes readers on a photographic tour of 20 unique kitchens ranging from country casual to high tech. Hardcover, 192 pages Published February 1st 2007 by Sterling
we l l fe d hea d
The Great Gatsby
By F. Scott Fitzgerald
In 1922, F. Scott Fitzgerald announced his decision to write “something new– something extraordinary and beautiful and simple and intricately patterned.” That extraordinary, beautiful, intricately patterned, simple novel became The Great Gatsby. A portrait of the Jazz Age in all of its decadence and excess, Gatsby captured the spirit of the author’s generation and earned itself a permanent place in American mythology. Self-made, self-invented millionaire Jay Gatsby embodies some of Fitzgerald’s– and his country’s–most abiding obsessions: money, ambition, greed, and the promise of new beginnings. “Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgiastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that’s no matter--tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther.... and one fine morning–” Gatsby’s rise to glory and eventual fall from grace becomes a kind of cautionary tale about the American Dream. It’s also a love story, of sorts, the narrative of Gatsby’s quixotic passion for Daisy Buchanan. The pair meet five years before the novel begins, when Daisy is a legendary young Louisville beauty and Gatsby an impoverished officer. They fall in love, but while Gatsby serves overseas, Daisy marries the brutal, bullying, but extremely rich Tom Buchanan. After the war, Gatsby devotes himself blindly to the pursuit of wealth by whatever means-and to the pursuit of Daisy, which amounts to the same thing. “Her voice is full of money,” Gatsby says admiringly, in one of the novel’s more famous descriptions. His millions made, Gatsby buys a mansion across Long Island Sound from Daisy’s patrician East Egg address, throws lavish parties, and waits for her to appear. When she does, events unfold with all the tragic inevitability of a Greek drama, with detached, cynical neighbor Nick Carraway acting as chorus throughout. Spare, elegantly plotted, and written in crystalline prose, The Great Gatsby is as perfectly satisfying as the best kind of poem. Paperback, 180 pages Published September 30, 2004 by Scribner (first published 1925) texappealmag.com
Classic styles back on track in 2013 Your Fall Fashion Itinerary by John Bittrick
ave you felt “it” yet? That first crackle of cooler, fall temperatures? It happened to me just last week as I was getting into my car early one morning. Yep, I caught a hint of a north wind and suddenly my mind went straight to fall – fall fashions that is. With the kiddos back in school and football gearing up for another exciting season, it’s also time to update your wardrobe for the cooler temperatures ahead. Your ticket to style this year will take you on a round-trip journey through time. Fall fashions are a modern re-interpretation of some of the all-time favorite classics and timeless looks from the Big Band Era that have merged with inspiring futuristic elements. Fall fashions and accessories courtesy of Dillard’s, Temple Mall. Make-up by Andrea Betancourt and hair by Emily Rivera Shot on location at the Temple Railroad & Heritage Museum Depot.
Photography and styling by Priscilla Z Photography
September 2013 Tex Appeal
fe ature
PRINTS CHARMING While prints are certainly personal, you’ll find plenty to choose from this fall, from bold mixed media designs on leggings and pants to graphic print sweaters and lots of patterns. Do not be afraid to mix and match plaids, prints, stripes and bold chevron patterns. For fall, pick softer, more muted tones to match the color palette and create a “Town and Country” feel – a perfect look for Bell County. One of the hottest brands, Vera Bradley, will continue to be a favorite among all generations. For a fun variation, look for some TRIBAL SPIRIT. A slight variation of the “pattern-palooza” mentioned above, this look combines elements of bold Aztec prints with lots of color layered under a softer, chambray shirt.
BEYOND THUNDERDOME Remember Mad Max and Tina Turner singing, “We don’t need another hero”? Well, this is a modern reinterpretation of Biker Chic/Rocker Chic but with added “heavy metal” embellishments. The runways of New York and Paris this past year were awash with ultra-modern, fashion-forward looks. Look for metallic buttons, studded details on everything from collars to sleeves. For added fun, match up modern shapes and pops of color for an extra punch. We saw coated fabrics appear last fall in leggings and jeans, but look for them in blouses and jackets this year. Too much of a good thing may not result in a desired look, avoid leather on leather—way too much! Pull in softer colors and fabrics to “soften the blow.
Frisky business You will see a huge influence of menswear in ladies apparel from tweed, to worsted wool, pinstripes to glen-plaid checks. The tried-and-true power suit will have a whole new flair this year. Look for sophisticated silhouettes in jackets and added details for the skirts, including tulip skirts with pleated insets on the back. This trend is one that will work for seasons to come, so be sure to invest in quality garments that can stand the test of time.
September 2013 Tex Appeal
COMMANDER IN CHIC Camouflage is not just for the guys. It’s now one of the hottest trends in fashion for this fall, and we’re not talking about baggy cargo shorts either. From leggings to scarves, blouses to skirts, you’re going to see this trend everywhere, bringing a whole new meaning to the term “urban jungle.” You will also see a tremendous military influence in fashion this year with olive green as its mainstay. Look for tons of leather, trumpet skirts for added flair, jackets and leather embellishments on everything from leggings to dresses.
Firm Foundation No outfit is complete without the proper footwear. Just as every great building needs a firm foundation, the right footwear builds a look. Local retailers are already receiving their shipments of some truly fantastic fall boots, booties and more of what we saw last year: the “shoe-tie” (lower profile than the bootie, but more than just a shoe). Kick up your style this year and add a couple new pair of boots to your wardrobe. Choose one to accent your more dressy styles for business or those evenings out on the town, and a comfortable pair for your cool and casual weekend wear. 28
September 2013 Tex Appeal
PULL it all TOGETHER Now that you’ve found the right look, don’t forget to ACCESSORIZE! 2013 has been the year of the statement necklace, and this is a trend that will continue to be very strong. Start looking for statement earrings to help pull the look together. Stand out in a crowd this fall with long necklaces and cuff bracelets and get onboard with a totally fresh, modern look. Don’t forget the bag – look for a continuation of more structured pocketbooks from last year. You may be pleasantly surprised to find that cleaning out your “catch-all bag” and opting for a smaller, clean, envelope-style clutch might actually help simplify your life.
Blonde Salon
1900 E Elms Rd. Ste. 105, Killeen 254.501.3930
Photo by The Master’s Image Photography
1401 S 31st St., Temple 254.773.8331
Hairstyle by: Heather Smonko Makeup by: Melissa Tucker
Photo by The Master’s Image Photography
It’s gametime! From touchdown to downtown – game day dresses
TURQUOISE TALKS Turquoise stone necklace and earring set $69.99
Bracelet: silver tone with clear stones Necklace: large pendant with clear charcoal stones.
Bracelet $14.99
Chisholm Trail Accents
121 N East Street, Belton 254.933.2257
My Giving Tree Gift Shop & Art Gallery
121 N East St., Belton 254.939.8733
Bold, contemporary and sophisticated, these watches with cool, modern links have a fine jewelry look
Fashionista City Bock Collection
The Shoe Box
The Shoe Box
3111 S 31st St. Ste. 3195, Temple September 2013 Tex Appeal 30 254.773.4560
3111 S 31st St. Ste. 3195, Temple 254.773.4560
Photo by The Master’s Image Photography
Handbag: charcoal color with various sized stones, bling and two-handle zipper enclosure
Photo by The Master’s Image Photography
Ring: CZ stone with rope detail in band.
HANDCRAFTED! Shown here are just a few examples of the one-of-a-kind handcrafted items available every day in our gift shop
Cultural Activities Center Photo by The Master’s Image Photography
3011 N 3rd St., Temple 254.773.9926 31 texappealmag.com
BEAUTY = LOVE Hairstyle by: Stacey Tarabey Makeup by: Melissa Tucker
ALL EYES ON YOU An edgy look dedicated to the new generation of free spirits
Trends & Treasures
209 E Central Ave., Belton 254.721.0296
Photo by The Master’s Image Photography
IN THE NOW Salado's Boutique Marketplace She Martini White Tank by Elan $26.00 Short Jacket by Cecico $36.85 Cowgirl Glitz Jeans by Grace in LA $64.95 Shoes by Volatile $57.95
Marvina’s Optical Boutique
1408 SSeptember 31st St , Temple 2013 Tex Appeal 32 254.771.2522
Photo by The Master’s Image Photography
Photo by The Master’s Image Photography
201 East FM 2268, Salado 254.721.2515
Coral blouse with lacey back, coral teardrop pendant with matching earrings.
Elley Leopard Lace Up Dress by Rancho Estancia $55.99 Heart & Wings Leather Cuff $64 Brown Eagle Inlay Boots by Corral $279.99
Brook’s Western Wear
Now next to Ye Olde English Bakery
Layla Dress by Rancho Estancia $43.99 Horseshoe Necklace by Montana Silversmith $42 Antique Saddle with Blue Jean Wing Boots by Corral $269
1401 S 31st St., Temple
Shoppes on Main
22 N Main St., Salado 254.947.0888
Photo by The Master’s Image Photography
1900 E Elms Rd. Ste. 105, Killeen 254.501.3930
Towne & Reese earrings, necklace and bracelets with TOKYOBay purse. Photo by The Master’s Image Photography
Blonde Salon
Elegantly fun jewelry and accessories at a great price.
DAISY-PAISLEY Make a statement with Vera Bradley accessories, including duffles, totes, backpacks, wristlets, planners, wallets and more!
The Shoe Box
Photo by The Master’s Image Photography
3111 S 31st St. Ste. 3195, Temple 254.773.4560 33 texappealmag.com
Hairstyle by: Mollie Gilliam Makeup by: Melissa Tucker
Night Horizons Short Skirt $99
Photo by The Master’s Image Photography
Salado's Boutique Marketplace The Spotted Pig Dress by Treasure Box $42.00
Photo by The Master’s Image Photography
The Humble House
#4 Rock Creek Drive, Salado 254.947.1727
Only at Expressions... personalized styling with an edge
Expressions Hair & Nail Salon
Rockin’ Necklace $85.00 Rockin’ Bracelet $32.00 Rockin’ Earrings (4-n-1) $10.00
Photo by The Master’s Image Photography
Sumerod creates bold unique rockin' styles in many one-of-a-kind designs that really make a statement! Handcrafted in the European 8-n-1 chain maille pattern linked together one at a time.
Photo by The Master’s Image Photography
1408 S 31st St , Temple 254.771.2522
1560 N Main St., Salado 254.947.0600
Boots by Bops Purse from Royal Standards Swarovski Crystal Sunglasses Bling caps in several styles
Marvina’s Optical Boutique
The Howling Wolff
3126 S 31st St., Temple September 2013 Tex Appeal 254.774.9751
The Leopard Horse Boots by Pecos Bill $195.95 Bracelet $16.95 Cowgirl Glitz Necklace by Treska $35.95 Ring by Treska...$19.95
Shoppes on Main
22 N Main St., Salado 254.947.0888
Photo by The Master’s Image Photography
Blonde Salon
1900 E Elms Rd. Ste. 105, Killeen 254.501.3930
Sunrise Prayer Tee $165
MADE IN THE SHADES Protect your eyes with sunglasses from our designer collection. The highest quality materials and luxurious styling combine to give you a look that adds flavor to any outfit you own. We have a large selection from which to choose, including designs like the sleek burgundy design, left, from Emilio Pucci and the trendy beautifully detailed design, right, by Fendi. $600-$800
Dietz McLean Optical Photo by Priscilla Z Photography
3020 S 31st St., Temple
35 texappealmag.com 254.773.5041
TEA PARTY Tea Collection Fall 2013 Tea is a fun, unique style with lots of mix-and-match pieces to choose from for girls and boys. $25.00 - $39.00
Callie’s Boutique
Photo Master’s Image Photography 2013 36 by TheSeptember
Tex Appeal
1401 S 31st St., Temple 254.770.0511
Beauty’s in the Bag
fe ature
The essentials four women carry “I like changing up my look from time to time and trying new products and colors, but these are my mainstays. They go where I go…always.” Neutrogena Healthy Skin Brightening Eye Perfector. Brightens up tired eyes. Pacifica Tuscan Blood Orange Body Butter. Moisturizer is a must for my dry skin! Maybelline Baby Lips Chap Stick. Keeps my lips soft and kissable, and SPF 20 for UV protection. Revlon Color Burst in Shade Strawberry Shortcake. My favorite lipstick in the perfect shade of pink. NYX Mega Shine Lip Gloss Shade French Kiss. For an added layer of shine over my lipstick. Revlon PhotoReady Powder in Translucent. Keeps me shine-free all day.
Ann Vandergriff Shop Owner The Rustic Redhead Boutique Belton
“Philosophy Kiss of Hope is one of my key essentials. It locks in moisture and protects my lips from the Texas sun and makes my lips smooth and soft underneath my lip gloss.” Victoria Secrets KISS, Candy Baby. Brightens my lips with some extra shine and a hint of soft color. Lauren Ellen compact powder and brush. Adds a nice natural, light finish; and the small compact is the perfect size for my purse. Lauren Geller concealer. A quick little dab brightens the under eyes and blends out any imperfections. Philosophy Kiss of Hope. A total lip treatment and conditioner with natural oils, mango and shea butter to moisturize, plus a SPF 15 for sun protection. Keeps my lips soft and with a great vanilla-mint flavor. Bath & Body Works Triple Moisture Body Cream, Cucumber Melon. Moisturizer to soften my hands and with a nice light, refreshing fragrance. Revlon Lip Gloss, Nude. A nice neutral color with shine for a natural look that matches everything. NYC Kiss Gloss, Jay Walking Jam. Shine, shine, shine…a girl can’t have enough lip gloss.
Becky Griffon Office Manager Linnemann Realty Killeen
September 2013 Tex Appeal
“I could not live without my Chanel powder. It’s bright and light and just perfect. These are my ‘Fabulous-Five,’ I always keep ‘em in my bag for those quick, refreshing touch-ups during the day.” Chanel Pressed Powder. Light rose adds just a touch of shimmer and brightness to my face. MAC Blush in pink. Adds the perfect hint of color. MAC Haute & Naughty Too black Lash. Makes my lashes thick and rich like fake lashes. Flowerbomb. A hand lotion and roller ball perfume with a soft floral bouquet fragrance. Clinique All About Eyes. This gives my under eyes a refreshing boost after a long day. Elizabeth Arden sheer gloss. A little shine with a handy mirror attached to the side of tube.
Deborah Kaita Vice President Store Manager Macy’s South Central Temple
“MAC cosmetics are my favorite. I love the quality and their eco-friendly recycling program. For every empty package I return, MAC rewards me with a free lipstick.” MAC lipsticks. In colors– Girl About town, Bombshell, Love Forever, and Good to be Bad. MAC Dazzlegloss extra amps. A great shine over my lipstick—and never gets on my teeth. MAC Haute & Naughty Too black Lash. Makes my lashes thick and rich like fake lashes. MAC blush in red compact. The perfect purse size. MAC make-up brush. Prada “Candy” perfume. Smells sweet like cookies. Round Zebra Rhinestone compact. My mirror on the go. Kenra Thermal Styling Spray. Travel sizes perfect for touches up at the office.
Teri Worley Owner & Travel Agent Teri’s Travel Harker Heights
September 2013 Tex Appeal
H o l ly w o o d H a i r s t y l e s
fe ature
Reel Glamour Returns
By Teresa K. Hernandez
Hair trends are taking center stage this fall with classic hair styles that transcend big screen glamour and drama. Inspired by Hollywood legends Elizabeth Taylor, Kim Novak, and Susan Haywood, the Film Noir influence this autumn and winter captures sheer sophistication, seduction, and the luxurious looks of the early 1940s to the late 1950s. Hair trends embrace vintage elegance for the modern, powerful woman. Ultra-chic, big soft curls with lots of radiant shine, these styles offer plenty of room for personal adaption and variation. This season’s luxurious looks have been reimagined with modern twists to appear effortless, thus creating timeless styles for both work and play.
10 1
S ha m p oo .
t ip s f o r u lt r a he a lt h y, s u p e r s hiny, m e g a gl a m h a i r
This is the single product that can make or break your hair. No matter how many conditioners, thermal sprays, or shine serums you use, they can’t fix bad shampoo. Using a salon quality shampoo with a mild PH level (optimal level 5.0-6.0) is essential for maintaining beautiful, healthy hair. A shampoo that creates a lot of lather is also a bad sign. This means a high level of detergent, which will not only strip the natural oils out of your hair, but also fades out color, leaving you with dull, dry, frizzy hair. Some cheap shampoos may make the hair feel soft temporarily; however, they are only coating the hair with wax, which over time builds up and weighs the hair down, making it lifeless and dull. Baby shampoos and Prell are two of the worst for stripping hair; in fact, Prell will literally strip wax off the floor. If your children have dry, fly away, frizzy hair—chances it are it’s their shampoo. In just one
wash using a good quality shampoo, you can visibility see a difference— increased manageability, shine, and less frizz and fly-aways. Naturally curly or waving hair requires more moisture than normal hair. Salon shampoos formulated for “dry, damaged hair” work best on natural curly hair. Heavy and rich with intense moisture, these shampoos eliminate frizz. Another way to add more manageability and shine to curly hair is to skip the shampoo all together. Shampoo only a few times a month. In between shampoos, simply rinse your hair well with water and apply a conditioner. Normal to dry hair should also skip a few shampoos. If your hair tends to get oily at the crown, or weighed down with styling products, wear it up for a day or two and hide the problem. This will help you extend a couple extra days between shampoos.
Photos by Priscilla Z Photography texappealmag.com
2 3
Cold wate r.
Hair & Make-up by
EcoBlue Salon and Spa, Harker Heights
September 2013 Tex Appeal
Washing your hair with hot water causes the cuticle to open, which not only leaves your hair dull and frizzy, but allows your color to wash out. Always wash your hair in cool water to keep the cuticle closed and smooth for shiny, sleek hair.
Le ave -i n c ondi ti oner s .
Always apply a leave-in condition to your hair before you start to add styling products. Start at the ends of the hair where it is naturally the driest and work up. Naturally curly hair should use a heavy leave-in condition, while thinner, fine hair can use a lighter leave-in moisture spray.
4 5
T he rmal he at p rote c tor s p r ay.
After applying your styling products and before you blow dry your hair, spray in a thermal heat protector. This protects your hair from the intense heat of hair dryers, flat irons, and electic rollers. Even if you dry your hair naturally, a thermal heat protector can protect your hair from UV rays.
Hair & Make-up by
EcoBlue Salon and Spa, Harker Heights
Sun p rote c ti on.
A day at the beach or pool can wreck your hair and fade your color. Always wear a sun hat to protect your hair and shade your face. If you are going to be in and out of the pool or salt water, apply a coat of conditioner to your hair to prevent your hair from absorbing the chlorine or salt. Carry the conditioner with you and reapply often. texappealmag.com
6 7
S h i n e ser u m s.
A few drops of a shine serum will not only increase shine and smooth your hair, but it can help reduce frizz caused by humidity.
. Stay hydrated for your hair, skin and 2 nails. Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day, more if you are outdoors in the heat and sun.
September 2013 Tex Appeal
Hair & Make-up by
The Salons at Tuscan Square, Temple
8 9
R e g ular s ni p s . Have your hair trimmed regularly, (ideally every 6 weeks) even if you are trying to grow it out. Sniping off split ends prevents breakage and frizz, and helps hair to grow longer, faster.
Hair & Make-up by
Be.YOU.Tiful Salon, Belton
Baby we t hai r
. Wet hair is more fragile than dry hair, so never rub it roughly with a towel. Instead, squeeze the water out of the hair gently with a towel and pat dry. Use a large tooth comb to comb it out gently. Avoid ripping a brush through tangled wet hair, this causes breakage.
B e n at u r al .
Regardless of the current styles and trends in hair, it is always better to be true to yourself. Straight, wavy, or curly—embrace it and work with it, instead of against it.
September 2013 Tex Appeal
Hair & Make-up by
Blonde Salon & Spa, Killeen
Photo by The Master’s Image Photography
The Master’s Image Photography 815 N. Main Street, Belton 254.933.0033 | themastersimage.com Amy Jeffreys, Photographer Along with her partner, Lanell Thompson, Amy Jeffreys has brought a new level of custom portraiture to Belton, TX. In a world that seems full of photographers, here’s why The Master’s Image Photography Studio continues to stand out as an industry leader. TRULY CUSTOMIZED CLIENT EXPERIENCE. Before the first click of the shutter, Amy and Lanell have gotten to know each client, from the tastes and style to the décor in their home. Long after their clients have left the studio, they are still planning, scouting locations, making arrangements, and building custom sets to ensure that each session is a completely unique experience. ONE-OF-A-KIND DESIGN. Amy not only teaches photo editing and retouching to aspiring photographers, she also uses her graphic design background to provide clients with products completely customized to appeal to their tastes and showcase the beauty of their images. From cards to albums, each piece is a one-of-a-kind design. Partnering with some of the best labs in the country, Amy has been able to create completely new products, that were previously unavailable in the industry. HEIRLOOM PRODUCTS. Only the best will do for The Master’s Image Photography’s cherished clients. Amy meticulously pores over each image before it is sent to professional photographic laboratory artisans to be created. From mounted wall portraits to albums hand-made in Italy, every piece of art is archivally treated to ensure its protection for generations as an heirloom. 48
September 2013 Tex Appeal
QUALITY. This third generation professional photographer has been well trained in classic photographic techniques, and uses this strong foundation mixed with a fresh perspective to create art that is both creative and timeless. As a member of Professional Photographers of America, Amy makes ongoing education a priority, and is currently working toward her Master’s Degree. Her work is currently hanging in the gallery of one of the most prestigious professional labs in the country. Please call for an appointment to come visit this unique studio on Main St. in Belton, (254) 933-0033. Peruse the online galleries at themastersimage.com or stay up to date with their work by following them at facebook.com/themastersimage.
In photography and in life, always follow the light. Amy Jeffreys, Photographer
Photo by Priscilla Z Photography
Titan Total Training
2329 S. 57th St., Temple 254.742.2020 | titantotaltraining.com Ike Shaw, Owner Three years ago, Ike Shaw began holding boot camps in a black top parking lot. With about 70 attendees braving the blistering summer heat, Ike knew he wanted to expand his business and provide bootcampers with an indoor facility where they could escape the crazy Texas weather. Titan Total Training (T3) was opened a year later. This day would also mark another milestone in Ike’s life. On the very same day that Ike was embarking on the T3 business venture, he found himself in a catastrophic automobile accident resulting in devastating neck injury. This was both physically and mentally challenging for Ike, but he was determined to keep a smile on his face and move forward. With the help of several friends, family, and the Central Texas community, Ike bounced back with more determination than ever. He created and began to live T3’s motto, “Hard Work plus Dedication equals Transformation.” Ike constructed new plans, goals, and perspectives for his T3 Wellness Center. “I want people to be confident and show them they can achieve things that they don’t think they can do. We should be more active to keep our community a healthy place, not only physically, but mentally and nutritionally as well.” In fall of 2012, Ike acquired T3X, formerly Exhale Fitness, to offer a variety of fitness programs in addition to the T3 boot camp. The goal of T3 is to give the community a home away from home where they can come and enjoy working out with their second family. It’s a place of encouragement and “no worries”.
“Exercise should be convenient and stress free. I want to provide a place where people of all levels of fitness can show up, not worry about bringing their own equipment, or not having a sitter for their children. It’s all here and at no additional cost!” says Ike. T3 is currently expanding its facility from 5,000 square feet to 13,000 square feet to accommodate additional fitness services and classes, adding a high quality nutritional supplements shop and Power Blends Smoothie Bar®. With this expansion, Ike dreams of continued growth and additional locations. T3 is unique in that it offers personal training in a group setting and soon will have 99 class sessions per week, catering to schedule availability and various fitness levels. T3 specializes in providing high-energy total body training instructed by certified and highly qualified fitness professionals. From the exercise newcomer to the elite athlete, T3 has something for everyone. Don’t wait to start your transformation. Visit T3 today during their Grand Opening and take advantage of special offers from Ike!
Work + Dedication ” “ Hard= Transformation Ike Shaw, Owner of Titan Total Training texappealmag.com
Photo by Priscilla Z Photography
Alter Salon
American Bank
Shoppes on Main in Salado
Monica Stewart, Owner
Travis Dunn, Branch Manager
Lara Tracy, Co-owner
Monica Stewart opened Alter Salon in January of 2013. With over 11 years of experience, Monica has always dreamed of owning a salon that provided a fun, friendly and relaxed environment.
Travis Dunn fell into banking almost by accident. “I went to what was supposed to be a practice interview and they offered me the job on the spot,” he laughs. “Thirteen years later I’m still in the banking industry and I’m doing exactly what I want to do. I get great satisfaction out of helping customers buy a car, build a house, expand their business – helping make their dreams a reality.”
A warm, friendly, family-style marketplace, where everyone feels welcome and receives excellent customer service is the main goal of Lara Tracy, co-owner of The Shoppes on Main in Salado.
2419 N. Main Street, Belton 254. 939.2031 | altersalon.com
Quoting a classic movie, The Breakfast Club, she states, “We think you’re crazy to make us write an essay telling you who we think we are. You see us as you want to see us, in the simplest terms and the most convenient definitions. But what we found out is that each one of us is: a brain, and an athlete, and a basket case, a princess, and a criminal.” What this quote means is that everyone’s tastes are different yet we all can identify with one another in some way. It’s Alter’s job to give you a look which reflects your unique personality. So whether you like to keep it classic or rock bright pink highlights, Alter Salon can help! See our work on Facebook at: facebook.com/salonalter or follow us on Twitter at: @altersalon
September 2013 Tex Appeal
7286 W. Adams, Temple 254. 770. 5000 | abtexas.com
Dunn moved back home to Temple from Dallas when American Bank of Texas offered him the local branch to manage. With assets of approximately $2 billion and a network of 32 branches in 22 cities across the state, he says the bank is big enough to finance large deals but small enough to know the customers’ names. “The best part about working for American Bank is that loan decisions are made by Texas bankers who understand our market. I hope to help with the continued growth of Temple and surrounding towns by staying involved and connected with the community and the people.”
22 N. Main St., Salado | 254.947.0888 theshoppesonmaininsalado.com
Hard work, determination, and three generations of family is the driving forces behind Lara’s success. Creating a retail shopping dynasty, she assisted in transforming the online family business into four brick and mortar locations; followed by the opening of The Shoppes on Main in Salado, a 5,000 sq. ft. “boutique marketplace” in June. Featuring over 25 independently owned shops, this unique marketplace offers shoppers women’s apparel, jewelry, accessories, flip flops, cowboy boots, baby apparel, furniture, home décor, home fragrance to beautiful handcrafted art by local artisans and craftsmen and more, all under one roof. Lara invites you to stop in today and discover for yourself why The Shoppes on Main in Salado is one of the ‘best spots to shop’ in Central Texas.
Photo by Priscilla Z Photography
Photo by Priscilla Z Photography
Photo by Priscilla Z Photography
Temple College Biotechnology
Temple College Computer Aided Design
Temple College Criminal Justice
Dr. David Sprague, Department Chair of Biotechnology at Temple College
Mr. Steven Taylor, CAD Instructor
Dr. Lesley Keeling-Olson, Department Chair of Criminal Justice at Temple College
2600 S 1st Street, Temple 254.298.8638 | templejc.edu
The students in the Biotechnology program at Temple College inspire me the most. Some are young people starting out their educational careers. Some are individuals who are changing professions or transitioning from the military. They are motivated to do what it takes to learn. The biotechnology program, which began in 2007, is tailored to the needs of the institutions that hire our graduates. Each student is trained to enter a local lab, ready to get to work immediately with a minimum of general in-lab training. Students who want to complete their bachelor’s degree at another university have marketable skills that will enable them to work while they attend school. Looking ahead, the Biotechnology department hopes to continue building partnerships with other educational institutions in the community that will allow a majority of Temple College biotechnology credit hours to be transferred so students pursuing a bachelor’s degree can do so more easily.
2600 S 1st Street, Temple 254.298.8442 | templejc.edu
The Temple College Computer Aided Design program’s mission is to train experienced and aspiring professionals in various engineering fields to use CAD® software to produce designs, drawings, illustrations, and presentations. Temple College has maintained a drafting department for many years and it has evolved along with the industry. The instructors are either currently working in the industry or have recently retired. The CAD department strives to have current information, technology and futuristic ideas for our students. We use the most updated software and hardware available to the field. Our students work on projects using a 3D plotter. The classes are set up to imitate what students will find in business so they are ready to go to work after graduation. The future is limited only by our imagination. It is estimated that we will be doing 3D modeling without the use of monitors, using imaging on a desktop, a wall, or wherever our imagination leads us.
2600 S 1st Street, Temple 254.298.8634 | templejc.edu
The mission of the Temple College Criminal Justice Department is to provide quality educational opportunities that allow students to achieve their career goals and to meet the demanding challenges in the criminal justice field. The department prepares students to be excellent employees for criminal justice agencies in the Bell County area or to pursue additional educational opportunities. Students enter our program with a desire to make a difference in the lives of others. This includes policing our streets, working with offenders, guiding troubled youth and other careers in criminal justice. All instructors bring real-world experience to the traditional classroom and the online environment. We are passionate about criminal justice and want to instill that passion in our students. We have strong partnerships with many local agencies that allow our students to make connections that have a significant impact on their future. texappealmag.com
Photo by Priscilla Z Photography
Edward Jones Investments
4112 Williams Dr., Ste. 106, Georgetown 254.913.9694 | paul.krause@edwardjones.com Paul Krause, Financial Advisor When I was in retail banking, my goal was to provide superior customer service. But it wasn’t until I joined Edward Jones as a Financial Advisor in 2012 that I truly felt I could make a change in people’s lives. Whether it is managing client’s retirement accounts, exploring Social Security benefits, providing insurance options or starting a 529 plan to fund a child’s education, there is no better feeling than providing value for individuals for life’s most important decisions. Edward Jones is focused long-term individual investors. Our investment philosophy emphasizes quality and diversification. Meeting face to face builds strong relationships. I look forward to growing my business in the Central Texas area by shaking new hands each day and being able to provide solutions for some of today’s biggest concerns/questions. I would like to become a recognized and respected individual in the region that people can trust will help to achieve their long-term goals. 52
September 2013 Tex Appeal
The Greater Killeen Young Professionals presented a check to the Friends of Texas A&M University Central Texas for its scholarship fund. From left: Dr. Mark Nigliazzo, president-TAMUCT; Lenna Barr, treasurer/secretary-GKYP; Ramon Alvarez, vice president-GKYP; Jill Ferenc, past president-GKYP; Jennifer Hetzel, president-GKYP; LTG (Retired) Pete Taylor, president-TAMUCT Foundation; Bobby Hoxworth, chair-Friends of TAMUCT. The GKYP has raised more than $60,000 for the scholarship fund since 2010.
The Greater Killeen Young Professionals (GKYP) was formed in 2008 to give young professionals access to events and programs that would allow them to grow professionally and help grow the community. Currently, GKYP offers its members opportunities for networking, profes sional development, and community service: • Monthly socials: First Thursday of each month at a local business, allows attendees to meet other young professionals in a relaxed, informal environment. • Monthly business luncheons: Third Thursday of each month at the Workforce Commission, gives attendees the opportunity to not only meet other young professionals, but also to meet and engage with community leaders. • YP’s in the Killeen area give back to the community through a variety of service projects throughout the year. GKYP has made its presence known in the community through several annual events: • Rock the Foundation • Totally Awesome 80’s Prom! • GKYP Annual Kickball Tournament • Central Texas Young Professionals Summit & Leadership Conference Yearly membership in GKYP is only $50/year for an individual and $75/year for a married couple. Corporate memberships are also available. For more information, visit www.gkyp.org or Facebook.com/gkypro.
home & garden
Master Chef Secrets
25 must-haves for the kitchen By Teresa K. Hernandez
Stocking your kitchen with the essential tools is the key to making cooking enjoyable, fast, and fun. Many people claim they “hate to cook” or that they “can’t cook,” and you would understand why if you stepped into their kitchens. Even a short, 30-minute recipe that requires only a couple chopped ingredients becomes very laborious when using a dull knife; and then cooking with a cheap, thin pan that causes foods to stick or burn only escalates the problem. No wonder people choose to eat out or warm up a pre-made convenience meal from the freezer. texappealmag.com
However, bad experiences with cheap products are the very reason most people form the notion they “can’t cook.” As a result, they won’t invest in any quality kitchen products. After all, why buy a nice, expensive, set of cookware or knives if you don’t like to cook, right? Actually, you should. A sharp knife will make chopping a couple ingredients fast and easy. Using a quality-made pan that conducts heat evenly not only cooks food better and prevents sticking and burning, but also makes the clean-up a breeze. These two products alone could change your entire view about cooking, and your ability to do so. There are a ton of kitchen gadgets on the market and for the “non-cook,” this can be overwhelming. While many of these gadgets do appear to make tasks easier and quicker, it’s also more objects to buy, wash, and store afterwards. It shouldn’t take dozen tools or gadgets to cook a family dinner. A sharp knife cuts through onions like butter and chops faster than it would take you to drag out a large, bulky food processor, set it up, and hand-wash each piece before you put it back again. Remember K.I.S.S.? Keep it simple silly? Well, it works in the kitchen too! Even if you have no desire to ever attempt advanced-level recipes and only plan to cook simple family meals like Hamburger Helper, spaghetti, fresh salads, a few side vegetables, or bake the occasional birthday cake, cupcakes, or brownies, make it easy on yourself by properly outfitting your kitchen. You will be amazed at how much easier, faster, and even more enjoyable cooking becomes when you have the right tools.
s tyl e
25 Must-Haves for the kitchen
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Sharp set of quality knives. Hands-down the most
important tool in your kitchen. A quality-made knife stays sharper longer and can be re-sharpened and used for years to come. Avoid putting your knives in the dishwasher, because over time it ruins the handles, especially the finish on wooden handles.
Sturdy, thick cookware. One of the best investments you can make in the kitchen. You don’t have to purchase a complete set. Choose only the pieces you need or will use regularly. The three most important pieces used in the kitchen: large stockpot, 2-quart saucepan, 10-inch, (medium size) sauté pan and a large, deep chicken fryer skillet. Good quality doesn’t mean you have to spend $500; however, invest in the right pieces and you can use them for 10-15 years (especially stainless steel). Other perks are pieces that are oven-safe, which means you can use them on the stovetop and in the oven. This is great for slow-cooking, braising. or to make a whole meal in one dish. According to consumer testing, here are the best three reviews for cookware: Tramontina 8-Piece 18/10 Stainless Steel Triply Clad Cookware. Named best stainless-steel cookware. Offers superior construction and cooking performance for a bargain price at Wal-Mart. These pans heat food evenly and the handles stay cool. Estimated $130 Anolon Advanced Bronze Collection 11-piece set. Best nonstick cookware. No other set of nonstick cookware can measure up to this set. According to both professionals and home cooks, this cookware heats evenly, cleans up easy and has a great nonstick surface. Also, virtually no complaints about durability—which is rare in nonstick cookware. Estimated $290 Rachael Ray Porcelain Enamel 10-Piece Cookware Set. Best budget nonstick cookware. Offers the same even heating and good nonstick finish found in the more expensive brands; however, you do sacrifice some durability for the low price tag. Users claim the nonstick surface and the outer enamel do wear off quickly. Estimated $130 54
September 2013 Tex Appeal
Large cast iron skillet with a lid. Another essential piece for
Baking and pizza stones.
the kitchen. Although cast iron is not safe to use on flat-top ranges, it is one of the best, most versatile pieces you can own for baking. Great for cornbread, biscuits, cobblers, scalloped potatoes, layered casseroles, etc. Choose a piece with a lid and you can also slow-bake small roasts and other meats.
Love artisan, brick oven pizza? The secret is the high heat of a brick oven that heats evenly and fast— browning the crust making it crisp, while keeping the inside soft. Get the same results with baking stones. For the perfect pizza, set your oven on a high temperature and heat the stone first, then place your pizza on it. Stones are great conductors of heat. Unlike cheap, thin metal baking sheets that always burn the bottom of cookies before they are done, stones cook evenly. Stones come in a variety of sizes and shapes—round for pizzas, rectangle with or without rims, and even assorted baking dishes. You can never go wrong with baking stones.
Colander and strainer.
Drain and rinse pasta, vegetables, or even the grease off cooked ground meat. A handy tool for every kitchen.
Cutting boards. Ideally,
you should have several cutting boards in the kitchen. Never chop vegetables on the same cutting board you use for meats. Wood and bamboo boards are great for vegetables and also useful for serving. They make great appetizer trays for serving cheese and fruits. Plastic boards are safer for meats, however both plastic and wood cutting boards can trap harmful bacterias. Replace overused boards. The deeper the impressions are in the board, the more likely bacteria is to get trapped. Color-coded cutting boards can help reduce the risks of cross-contamination: each color is specific for vegetables, meats, fish, and poultry.
Steamer. Keep it healthy with a steamer. Steamers are a great and fast way to cook a vegetable side. Also use them for steaming tamales, or dim sum (Chinese filled dumplings), and seafood. A bamboo steamer is great for vegetables and dumplings, while a metal steamer that inserts in a sauce pan or stockpot works great for tamales and seafood boils. You can also find some small, handy microwave steamers, perfect for smaller portions of vegetables.
Stand mixer. Probably one of the largest investments you
can make for the kitchen aside from a major appliance, but guaranteed to make cooking and baking easier—and for well over 15 years or more. A stand mixer will free your hands up to do the pouring, measuring and adding of ingredients as its mixes. Ideal for whipping homemade whipping cream, butter, meringues, cakes,
puddings, even mashed potatoes or a host of other things that become thick and tiresome to mix by hand.
Basting brush. There are some things you can substitute in the kitchen—such as a drinking glass to cut out biscuits or cookies in dough, or a clean wine bottle as a rolling pin. However, nothing will help you in applying a thin, even coat of butter, egg whites, or glaze to the top of a pie crust or pastry, or a barbecue sauce or marinade on grilled meats like a basting brush. Choose a brush with natural wild boar bristles. They absorb and distribute liquids better than silicone or nylon and they don’t shed.
Tongs. Handy, handy, handy. From cooking to serving, tongs are a must-have.
8-quart measuring cup. A large measuring cup is very handy when it comes to measuring multiple cups or making large batches of a recipe. They are also perfect for mixing a small batch of pancakes, waffles, or cornbread, since you can measure and mix all in the same bowl.
Garlic press. True, you can buy jars of garlic already minced, but I challenge you to compare the flavors of jar garlic to that of freshly minced. There is simply no comparison. One of the best on the market is made by Pampered Chef. You don’t even have to peel the garlic, just put a clove in and squeeze and waalaa…minced garlic!
Thick stainless steel baking sheet with rim.
Whatever you do—AVOID thin, cheap, metal baking sheets. Invest in a heavy duty, thick baking sheet with a rim. Even if you prefer to bake with a stone, this is an essential tool in the kitchen. Ideal for defrosting large cuts of meat, making hamburger patties, laying out and seasoning meats for grilling, etc. Cover them with plastic and place in your refrigerator until grill time without worrying about contaminating other things in your refrigerator from things dripping. Also, makes a great tray for taking meats off the grill!
September 2013 Tex Appeal
Roasting pan with rack. Make your life easier at the
holidays with a good roasting pan that has a rack. From chicken, turkey, or large roasts, sometimes you just need something large and deep. Again, ideal for defrosting large cuts of meats.
9x13 baking dish. Most recipes for casseroles, lasagnas,
enchiladas, etc. use a 9x13 baking dish. Use anything smaller and the recipe will cook out of the pan and drip all over your oven. Use anything larger and you will mess up the layers— spreading your ingredients too thin and running out before you finish. Choose a nice ceramic or stoneware dish. They are much prettier to serve in, easier to transport to potlucks, better conductors of heat, and far more durable than metal pans.
Wooden spoons. Forget all those high-dollar silicon spoons and stop melting plastic spoons. Save your money and buy the spoons chefs prefer—wooden. Not only do they feel better in your hand, they conduct heat so you’ll never burn yourself again on a hot handle, they don’t scratch nonstick surfaces, won’t have a reaction to acidic foods, nor will they mangle delicate foods when stirring. Quality-made wooden spoons will last for years and are far easier to store or display than those large bulky molded spoons.
thermometer. Take the guesswork out of cooking large meats—turkey, roasts, chicken, or even steaks. Check the internal temperature before you serve.
peeler. Zip through peeling potatoes, carrots, and other fresh vegetables, or use to get professional-style thin slices of zucchini, cucumbers, etc. Skip the small cheap metal ones. Go for the ones with larger handles and betterquality blades. They glide much easier and can peel a potato in only a few strokes.
Whisk. Another “can’t
live without in the kitchen” tool. Whip up some fluffy scramble eggs, get the lumps out of gravies, or pancake/waffle mixes, or use to blend homemade salad dressing.
There is always something in the kitchen that needs to be cut—opening packages, rubber bands on fresh vegetables, or even snipping the tops off fresh herbs.
Nesting mixing bowls. A set of mixing bowls is very useful. Not only for mixing—but serving. Fresh salads, potato or pasta salads, chips, popcorn, the options are endless. One of the most versatile tools in the kitchen. Invest in a colorful nesting set that is pretty for serving and easy to store.
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Measuring cups and spoons. A set of nesting measuring cups and spoons will ensure your recipe turns out perfect every time!
Blender. Another versatile piece that serves multifunctions. It purees, whips, chops and blends. Make homemade whipping cream, fresh salsa, puree chunky soups, or ice cream shakes, smoothies, and refreshing frozen drinks.
Micro-plane grater. Basic graters are just not made for hard cheeses, fresh ginger, fresh nutmeg, nuts, onions, or citrus. Use a standard grater for soft cheeses, but tackle the hard stuff with a micro-plane grater.
Spatula. A good spatula is the key to flipping over
pancakes, omelets, meat patties, etc. The molded silicone and plastic ones are so thick, that they can mangle the edges of your delicate foods like pancakes and omelets. Choose a thinner one that will slip underneath foods easy. Stainless steel is a great option because it’s not only thinner, but strong enough for meat patties, etc. texappealmag.com
SMART TIPS FOR PACK By Teresa K. Hernandez
t is no vacation lugging around multiple pieces of heavy luggage— carry-on bags, briefcases and laptops, the giant catch-all purse. Not to mention, diaper bags, strollers and car seats if the whole family is in tow. The only thing harder than dragging all of this stuff through crowded airports, parking garages, and hotel lobbies is packing it. No matter how many times you vow to pack lighter, it rarely happens. Truth is, you’d rather have more than you need than not enough, so you’re naturally inclined to throw in a couple extra back-up outfits “justin-case,” that extra pair of shoes you “might” need, a hat or two, and a jacket. Before long, you need a dolly to get everything out to the car. A little planning goes a long way when it comes to packing. Sit down with a pen and paper and write out your entire itinerary. List your planned activities for each day—amusement park, tour, snorkeling, and a change for evening. Once you know this, you can choose the appropriate outfits to pack.
September 2013 Tex Appeal
Pack smart.
Instead of packing four dresses for your evenings out, choose one versatile convertible wrap dress that can be worn several different styles—off one shoulder, around the neck halter, or strapless; or choose one nice little black dress and throw in a couple different scarfs to change up the color or pattern and create different looks. One skirt and one pair of slacks can also create four to five totally different outfits when you change out blouses or add scarves. Even on long trips, avoid pack 18 outfits for 14 days, pack 8-10 and use a local laundromat.
Shoes are heavy
and take up a lot of space in a suitcase. Avoid packing multiple pairs, choose only two versatile pairs that will match everything. When traveling, wear a casual, comfortable pair for all your sight-seeing and your planned activities and tours, then pack a second pair to match everything else—jeans, dresses, or skirts.
Lighten up
and pack smart. Make your next vacation more enjoyable and leave all
your excess baggage at home.
tips to lighten up your luggage
1. Instead of packing full-size bottles of shampoo, conditioner, or other products—pour them into small plastic travel bottles. 2. Put all your toiletries items in large Ziploc bags to prevent any leakage on your clothes. 3. ROLL all of your garments—NEVER fold them. Folding not only takes up more room, but causes wrinkles. 4. Use the straps inside your suitcase to tie down your clothes -- this also helps reduce wrinkles. 5. A shawl wrap is a stylish way to stay warm instead of bulky jackets. 6. Always pack a couple of undergarments, make-up, glasses or extra contacts, electronics, jewelry, medicines, or any other expensive items in your carry-on just in case your bags are delayed or lost. 7. Throw in a cloth laundry bag to keep dirty clothes separated from your clean garments. 8. Space bags are a great way to compress multiple outfits into a thin layer, plus they are waterproof! Once opened, you can roll the air out of them to repack. 9. Pack a couple extra Ziploc bags to use for souvenirs or postcards—this way nothing gets wet, wrinkled, or lost. 10. Roll your shoes up in tissue paper to prevent dirty soles from touching clean garments. 11. Keep copies of your driver’s license, credit cards, and passport in your carry-on bag and/or suitcase. This way, if your purse or wallet gets lost or stolen, you will still have the correct information and contact numbers to report them lost or stolen. 12. Check if your hotel offers hair dryers in the rooms. If so, don’t waste space packing a large, bulky hair dryer. 13. Pack a reusable shopping bag in your suitcase for carrying things down to the pool or beach. 14. Don’t risk those paper tags getting torn off your luggage in cargo. Add a nice leather or plastic identification tag to your suitcase. Make sure all of your contact information is neat and readable. 15. Be sure to leave a little extra space in your suitcase for bringing back souvenirs!
September 2013 Tex Appeal
h e alth
Mens’ Health Screenings Save Lives V
By Brenda Cox, PhD
isiting the doctor is not something most men are eager to do, especially if they are not feeling sick at the time. However, it is important for men to have routine health screenings that include prostate exams. texappealmag.com
National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month The National Cancer Institute says that in 2013, about 239,000 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer and about 29,720 of those men will die from it. Fortunately there has been real progress in the area of prostate cancer treatments, as well as supportive-care options. Because of these new advances, men (especially those who find it early) who are diagnosed with prostate cancer now have more treatment options and can look forward to having a better quality of life than their predecessors. The chance of dying from the disease has decreased significantly and side effects from treatment options continue to be addressed through ongoing research. The month of September is National Awareness Month for Prostate Cancer and its goal is to spread the word about the importance of men having health screenings and the latest medical research and treatment options. So, what exactly is prostate cancer? As the name implies, it is cancer that forms in the tissues of the prostate. The prostate is a gland in the male reproductive system that is found below the bladder and in front of the rectum. The normal size of a healthy prostate gland is about the size of a walnut. Cancer begins in the cells that make up the tissues and organs of the prostate. Cells normally grow old and die off throughout our body. We get new cells during a natural process of cell division. Cancer forms when this natural process goes wrong, and new cells continue to form long after they are needed or old cells don’t die as they should. When the normal cell management goes wrong, cells may form a mass of tissue that is often referred to as a tumor. Often men may find this tumor themselves or a doctor can locate it through a routine exam. A common symptom when this tumor begins growing in the prostrate is difficulty urinating. This is because the prostate begins to squeeze the urethra, causing the normal flow of urine to slow down or stop. Prostate cancer is more common in older men, but these symptoms at any age should prompt a visit to the doctor.
Caught early, prostate cancer can be very treatable, depending on the cell growth rate and type. But, complications can result when treatment is put off too long and not monitored carefully by a health care provider. Not all growths in the prostate are malignant (cancerous). Some are benign (not cancerous), but only a doctor will know for sure, so all growths should be checked by a medical professional. When growths are malignant they can become a serious threat to life. They can invade nearby organs like the bladder or rectum, and can even spread to other parts of the body. Unlike benign
S t a ge
Local Re g i o n a l Distant
September 2013 Tex Appeal
5 - y e a r r e l a t i ve s u r v i va l rat e Nearly 100% Nearly 100% 28%
tumors, malignant tumors can sometimes grow back after they have been removed. When pieces of prostate tumors begin separating from the prostate tumor, they can travel into the blood vessels or begin to invade the lymph vessels and reach other parts of the body. During their journey through our body, they can attach themselves to other tissues and begin the formation of other tumors in other places. The new tumors begin damaging tissue around these new formations. Regardless of where prostate cancer spreads, this new cancer continues to have the same abnormal cells as the original tumor and continues to be called prostate cancer because that was its original source. You will often hear a doctor refer to a prostate cancer that has spread to other areas of the body as metastatic prostate cancer even though it ends up in the bones. Early detection is the key to preventing cancer from spreading into a life-threatening condition. Therefore, men should make it a personal priority to have regular health checkups.
fitne ss
Cross Training By Brenda Cox, PhD
Cross training has become one of the most popular forms of fitness training. Those who advocate cross training claim it prevents boredom, increases performance and prevents injuries. texappealmag.com
The primary focus on cross training has traditionally been aimed at runners. As hard as it may be for some to believe, running can be a very pleasurable activity. However, serious runners who train for long-distance races or frequent events sometimes have a fear of letting their bodies rest too long, or missing regular workouts. But a regular routine can eventually begin to create stress on the muscles and joints and cause soreness and/or injury to their body. Since the whole goal of running is for fun, workouts can often feel counter intuitive, especially if your body is in pain or is physically breaking down. Running is a unique sport. Unlike most sports that involve the contraction of our muscles, such as bending an elbow or contracting a bicep, runners take a pounding. They land on their feet as their knee and hamstrings are being stretched. These repeated jarring and pounding actions are hard on the body and can result in microtrauma to the muscles, connective tissue and joints. That is where cross training provides a solution. It includes aerobic exercises that involve other different methods of training. Based on this definition, some workouts are not a good substitute for running, such as weight lifting or pure strength training because
September 2013 Tex Appeal
they are not as aerobic in nature. That does not mean these exercises are not important for improving the core and overall strength, but these would not be a good substitute for the actual act of running. The best alternatives for running include: water running, elliptical training, bicycling and inline skating. These activities and others like them can help you maintain your cardiac health and endurance and provide the high intensity work out your body needs to maintain your fitness level all the while giving it a much needed break. Cross training actually helps the body to heal and recover. Additionally, cross training can also help prevent injuries which are caused by overuse. Once an overuse injury occurs, it is likely to reoccur until the athlete changes their routine. There is evidence that high intensity cross training helps improve running performance, especially endurance, and without beating up your joints, muscles, and connective tissues. One way it helps, other than allowing
injuries time to heal, is it allows for longer workouts and can increase motivation. If you are a veteran runner, cross training can help you stay in the sport longer. If you are a serious workout addict, it is important to understand that rest is important for your body and its ability to recover. It is recommended you have 14 “exertion-free� days a year. Researchers claim this is just enough time to allow your body to achieve a deep recovery from your training cycle and restores your hunger to work out, without compromising the level of fitness you have worked so hard to achieve. You should follow these two weeks of rest with about two to eight weeks of less competitive exercise. During this time your first priority should be to focus on activities in which you can simply enjoy yourself. Allow time for some fun, informal training such as playing basketball, ice hockey, yoga, swimming, or lifting weights. During this recovery time you can continue to run as little or as much as you want. texappealmag.com
Barb Wired
Slightly Sharp & Twisted
By Kactus Kate
Fork it over... Stir yourself up a big pot of yummy memories with a new fall food tradition. They say the first steps towards recovery, is to acknowledge and admit you have a problem. I suppose some may think my 333 cookbooks, 45-50 index cards with handwritten family recipes, a Rubbermaid box full of recipes torn out of magazines, and nearly 500 more saved to my computer indicates a problem—either I am a hoarder or I have a slight obsession with food. I can see how it may sound a little “excessive.” However, don’t think for a minute, that just because I acknowledge this… I am even remotely interested in pursuing “recovery.” I’m not. In fact, the only think I am interested in at the moment is a Neatdesk scanner. Now that would help me get all those recipes in the Rubbermaid box digitized, organized, and keyword searchable! Being a foodie does have its perks. When you send out invitations for little get-together and dinners—you never have to worry about noshows. Food is like a universal language. Everybody can relate to a delicious dish or meal. Foods, flavors, and smells trigger our emotions, bring people together, and create family traditions and memories that can last for generations. My favorite recipes and cookbooks show all the tell tale signs of lots of cooking; the print is beginning to fade in places, and there are splatters, spots, and smudges dried all over the pages. And each recipe marks a season and has a host of fond memories attached to it. Fall is one of my favorite times of the year. After cooking lighter meals during the hot summer months, thick hearty recipes for rich stews, fresh baked breads, and decadent desserts are a welcomed delight. It’s a tradition at my house to celebrate the arrival of the first cold snap of the season with a big pot of dad’s venison chili. It’s even better if the cold front arrives on a weekend, then you can put it on the stove and let it cook as you watch football or snuggle up in front of the fireplace with a good book. Just enjoy a cool weekend of “chilling with your chili.” So you see, my collection is not really excessive because for every season and reason, this foodie has just the right recipe for the occasion! 66
September 2013 Tex Appeal
Dad’s Championship Texas Chili Recipe INGREDIENTS 5 ½ cups canned tomatoes 1 lb. chopped green peppers 1 ½ tbs. salad oil 2 cloves crushed garlic ½ cup chopped parsley ½ cup butter 2 ½ lbs. lean beef or deer meat* 1 lb. lean pork* ½ cup chili powder 2 Tbs. salt 1 ½ tsp. salt 1 tsp. pepper 1 tsp. whole oregano 1 ½ lbs. chopped onions 1 ½ tsp. cumin seed *chili grind DIRECTIONS Sauté green peppers in salad oil for 5 minutes. Add onions and cook until tender, stirring often. Add garlic and parsley. Melt butter in large skillet and sauté meat for 15 minutes, add chili power and cook for 10 minutes. Add this to tomatoes and spices. Simmer covered for one hour, cook uncovered for 30 minutes. Optional: For added spice, throw in one fresh jalapeno (whole) and 1/2 cup of chopped cilantro. Serve topped with some chopped green onions, a sprinkle of grated cheddar cheese, and a dollop of sour cream.
September 2013 Tex Appeal