November 2013
c o n t e n ts feature 24 A Royal C eleb ratio n 32 C e leb ration Unde r Wra ps
entertaining spirits 31
A b s in the Eggn og
style 49 C elebrate!
home 43 J ar r ing F u n: Ho me ma de gifts
health & fitness 56 F i t in F ou r Fitn e ss Cha l l e nge Pa rt Two 61 Qu itter s Wan te d T h e Great A m e rica n Smo ke o ut
10 13 16 18 20
calendar Spotlight: Pecan Plaza scene we l l fe d h e a d n e i ghbor
in every issue 6 editor ’s letter 66 b a rb w ired 4
A HOLIDAY OFFER EVEN SANTA CAN’T BEAT! There’s no need to wait for Santa! You can start your holiday shopping right now with extra cash from Texas Partners when you borrow up to $12 hundred for 12 months at a rate of 12 percent APR* or less. Use the extra cash for whatever you want – gifts for the kids, a new Christmas display for the yard or even for a family get-together! See your nearest Texas Partners branch for details, give us a call, or apply online. Hurry and beat Santa to the punch because this offer only lasts a short time!
*Annual percentage rate. Some applicants may qualify for a lower rate based on credit qualifications. Offer valid through Dec. 31, 2013.
2445 North Main Street • Belton, TX 76513 • 254.933.2097 809 South Main Street • Copperas Cove, TX 76522 • 254.547.7795
1011 Wales Drive • Killeen, TX 76549 • 254.526.3081 6935 West Adams Avenue • Temple, TX 76502 • 254.773.8852
editor’s letter
n attitude of gratitude creates blessings. —Sir John Templeton
We celebrate life this month, and we are excited to feature celebrations across Central Texas. Not restricting ourselves to only the holidays, we decided to feature some inspiring ideas that can be used year round. The beautiful fall weather and lush lawn at Cathedral Oaks in Belton presented the perfect setting for a magical event. This fairy tale inspired celebration and all of its amazing details, and decadent treats will leave you wishing for A Royal Celebration of your own, page 24. Celebrations Under Wraps on page 32 offers some great ideas for creating fancy packages. Plus, put a lid on your shopping list this year without taking a single trip to the mall when you make the delicious recipes in Jarring Fun Gifts on page 43. Every celebration deserves a “little” style, and we found plenty of little things to celebrate at Callie’s Boutique, The Shoppes on Main, The Rustic Redhead, and Lucky Be-Be’s on page 49. However, for Central Texans who have lost a loved one due to a violent crime, the holiday season is a somber time of the year. In Tree of Angels on page 20, learn how the Bell/ Coryell County Crime Victim Coalition and its president, Lisa Hatfield, unite these families annually to help them celebrate and honor the lives of their loved ones. We hope this issue will encourage and remind you that no one needs a single excuse or holiday to throw a celebration. Celebrate life. Daily. Best wishes,
Teresa K. Hernandez Editor
your voice Inspiring Role Models I look forward to the end of each month because I know my Tex Appeal Magazine will be in with my subscription to the Killeen Daily Herald. I have enjoyed the magazine immensely and wanted to compliment you on your choice of “models” for the fashion sections. I applaud you and your staff for choosing beautiful yet believable looking women that aren’t all wearing a size 2. These lovely ladies serve as an inspiration that all of us can find clothes that accentuate what we were given without promoting the negative body images that most magazines do. Bravo! Debbie McKinney Belton I am thoroughly impressed with the Tex Appeal Magazine and always excited to read it when it comes! Beverly Rose Temple LOVE your magazine!! Annette Fuson I’m an avid reader of your magazine and love the stories! Myka Allen Johnson Killeen We’d LOVE to hear from you. Leave us a comment on Facebook. Find us at:
O N THE COVE R Gra c e F o t h erg i l l, Ken dall Dollar, Kat i e M c Do n a l d, Br y l yn n B e ave r s BE LTO N FA S H I O N S BY C a l l i e’s Bo u t i que TEMPLE P H OTO G R A P HY P r i s c i l l a Z P h o tograp h y
BELTO N HOW TO REACH US: Email: Letters and emails should include full contact information. We reserve the right to edit letters for clarity and brevity.
C OV E R DE S I GN L ea h S ch u m a ch e r
Tex Appeal Life & Style in Central Texas
Published by Frank Mayborn Enterprises, Inc. Killeen Daily Herald 1809 Florence Road, Killeen, TX 76540 Temple Daily Telegram 10 S. Third Street, Temple, TX 76501 PUBLISHER Sue Mayborn DIRECTOR Lucie Fralicks, 254.774.5264 EDITOR Teresa K Hernandez, 512.734.6912 COPY EDITOR Lee James GRAPHIC DESIGNER Christeen Clark, 216.4 07.2777 PHOTOGRAPHER, Priscilla Z Photography CREATIVE STYLIST Ann Vandergriff CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS The Rustic Redhead Photography, Jewel Avenue Photography, Teresa K. Hernandez
Tex Appeal Magazine is published monthly by Frank Mayborn Enterprises, Inc., 10 S. Third Street, Temple, TX 76501. The cover and content of Tex Appeal Magazine is fully protected by copyright and cannot be reproduced in any manner without prior written permission. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: For the United States, $24 per year, 12 issues. Mail check to P.O. Box 6114, Temple, TX 76503-6114 or call 254.774.4444. POSTMASTER: SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO: Tex Appeal Magazine, P.O. Box 6114, Temple, TX 76503-6114. TEXAPPEALMAG.COM
pg 20
N ove m b e r C a l e n d a r pg 10
1 2 3 11
National Family Literacy Day Sadie Hawkins Day Daylight Savings Ends Veterans Day
13 World Kindness Day 21 Great American Smokeout 28 Thanksgiving Day 29 Black Friday
3-9 National Animal Shelter Appreciation Week 10-16 National Hunger & Homeless Awareness Week 11-17 World Kindness Week 24-30 National Family Week T E X A S R E N A I S S A N C E F E S T I VA L Nove mbe r 1-D e ce mber 1, 9a m-8pm
T E M P L E J A Z Z O RC H E S T R A C O N C E RT N ovemb er 2 , 7 :3 0-9:3 0pm
The Texas Renaissance Festival is an interactive theme park that embraces different eras, including the 16th century and beyond. The 55-acre theater is filled with live entertainment and food. The festival opens weekends beginning October 12– December 1 and Thanksgiving Friday. A different theme each weekend makes every day a new adventure. Themes include Oktoberfest, Pirate Adventure and Barbarian Invasion. Weddings, picnics, group events and camping complete the festival experience. School Days (Nov. 5-6) invites all public, private and home schools for a day of G-rated fun and an educational adventure and host UIL style competitions. Discounted tickets for Opening Weekend! For more information visit Todd Mission, Texas
Temple Jazz Orchestra fall concert - professional musicians playing together in a big-band format. Come enjoy a fun and entertaining evening! Tickets $10.00 adult, $5 student. For more information contact 254.298.8555. Temple College, Mar y Alice Marshall Performing Arts Center Auditorium 2600 S. First St., Temple
T H E BA N D O F A N G E L S Nove mbe r 1-D e ce mber 3 1 The Band of Angels is helping sponsor the Care Packages for the Troops for deployed service members. Our goal is to send 100 care packages down range every month to the deployed troops until they return. We are also asking for locations to set up drop off boxes to collect goods for care packages. Joni Schildman at 315.813.4041 or email at Drop off locations: Harker Heights Chamber of Commerce 552 E 2410, Suite B, Harker Heights Harker Heights American Legion 225 Cox Drive Harker Heights
WA L K TO E N D A L Z H E I M E R ’ S N ovemb er 2 , 8-1 1 a m The Alzheimer’s Association Walk to End Alzheimer’s is a national event which brings together family, friends, caregivers and concerned community members who want to make a difference. Since 1989, this event has raised more than $300 million to help those battling Alzheimer’s disease. Join the movement to reclaim the future for millions. Register for Walk to End Alzheimer’s, form a fundraising team and stand up to this devastating disease. Olin E Teague Veterans Center 1901 S 1st St., Temple
A M E R I C A N C H E E R P OW E R PAT R I OT I C O P E N C H A M P I O N S H I P N ovemb er 3 Come join us for a fun, patriotic themed cheerleading competition! Admission: $10 Military & Senior 60+ $5; children 6 and under free. For additional information call 800.500.0840 or visit Bell County Expo Center, Garth Arena 301 West Loop 121, Belton
2 N D A N N UA L RIDER CUP CLASSIC Nove mb e r 4 , 10 : 30 am-5pm
C Z E C H H E R I TAG E P RO G R A M “ H A RV E S T ” Nove mber 9, 1 1 a m-1 pm
The 2nd Annual Rider Cup Classic will be held at Berry Creek Country Club and all players will be teeing up for R.O.C.K. Scholarships! Register online. Checkin at 10:30am with a shotgun start at noon followed by a reception at 4pm. For more information contact Kailin Miner 512.930.7625. Berry Creek Country Club
Enjoy crafts, language lessons, puppets, and shell corn with an antique corn sheller. Cost is $2 per child. For more information visit or contact Kenny Lange at 254.899.2935. Czech Heritage Museum 119 W. French, Temple
1 9 T H A N N UA L G O L D S TA R G A L A N ovem b er 7, 6 p m
One man’s junk is another man’s treasure. Come out and browse advertising memorabilia, primitives, shabby-chic, Americana, China, linens & quilts, art glass/ pottery, depression glass, sports collectibles, kitchen cupboard, Mid Century mod, vintage Texas, Architectural, military, books, vintage toys, coins, antiques, coins, estate jewelry, and much more! Adults $4 and kids under 12 free. Saturday 9am-5pm and Sunday 11am-4pm. Bell County Expo Center, Assembly Hall 301 West Loop 121, Belton
Join more than 400 guests for an evening of gourmet dining, live auction, raffle and live entertainment by The Temptations, who are known for hit songs such as “My Girl” and “Just My Imagination.” This year’s goal is to raise $150,000 toward expanding the services and programs offered by the Metroplex Behavioral Health Center to address the needs of children, adolescents, adults and the military community. Killeen Civic and Conference Center 3601 Sout h W S Young Drive, Killeen
5 2 N D A N N UA L S C OT T I S H G AT H E R I N G & HIGHLAND GAMES Nove mb e r 8 - 10 Come celebrate all things Scottish! Bagpipes and drums; Highland dancers; Scottish athletics; men in kilts; colorful clan tents; plus, shopping, food and fun! For more information call 254.947.5232 or visit Salado Ci vic Center North Ma in Street, Salado
J O E L G U Z M A N & S A R A H F OX Novem b er 9, 7 : 30 - 9 : 30pm Guzman & Fox are brilliant performers and preservers of several American musical traditions from Conjunto to Jazz. This couple sets the standard. For more information visit or call 254.773.9926. Cultural Activities Center 3011 N. 3rd St. Temple
C I T Y W I D E G A R AG E S A L E Nove mber 9-10
M A R K E T DAYS Nove mber 16, 8a m- 5pm Buying, selling and trading in downtown Belton. Come out and visit our vendors in our historic downtown on Central Ave. Enjoy food and entertainment. Every 3rd Saturday of the month. For more information contact the Downtown Business Merchants Association at Downtown Belton
N I G H T AT T H E M U S E U M Nove mber 1 9, 7 pm Learn “Tarock.” Tarock Champion Jimmy Coufal will teach the ancient game of Tarock. Free to the public. For more information, visit or contact Becky Vajdak at 254.899.2935. Czech Heritage Museum 119 W. French, Temple
Aviation History Month Adopt a Senior Pet Month Lung Cancer Awareness Month Military Family Appreciation Month National Family Caregivers Month Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month PTA Healthy Lifestyles Month
E M P T Y B OW L Nove mbe r 23 Salado Family Relief Fundraiser. For more information contact 254.947.5040. Salado
W R E AT H F O R V E T S W R E AT H P R E P Nove mbe r 23, 10a m Come out and join Wreath for Vets to fluff and prep all the wreaths for the wreath laying ceremony at the Central Texas State Veterans Cemetery. For more information contact 254.690.5321 or email Killeen Special Events Center 3301 WS Young Dr., Killeen
A S A M I S H OW: A RT S & C R A F T S M A R K E T Nove mbe r 29-D e cemb er 1
designs, woodcrafts, art, candles, gourmet foods, boutique clothing, fashionable accessories, unique gifts and more! Adults: $6; kids 12 & under free. Friday 9am-5pm; Saturday 9am-5pm; and Sunday 11am-4pm. For more information visit Bell County Expo Center Equestrian Arena Exposition Exhibit Area 301 West Loop 121, Belton
W R E AT H F O R V E T S C E R E M O N Y & L AY I N G O F T H E W R E AT H S N ovemb er 3 0, 10a m Join us in honoring our Veterans at the annual Wreath for Vets Laying of the Wreath Ceremony. Featuring keynote speaker, Lt. Gen (Ret.) David Richard Palmer, historian and former superintendent of West Point (1986-1991). Central Texas State Veterans Cemetery 11463 State Hwy 195, Killeen
Come out and do your Christmas shopping! Browse aisles full of home and garden dĂŠcor, jewelry floral
Calendar Event Submission Guidelines If you would like to have your event featured in the Tex Talk calendar, please email the title, date, full description of the event and activities, including the address and contact information/web address
*DEADLINE for December submissions is November 8.
Wrap up all your special occasions and holiday shopping at Pecan Plaza
From start to finish, you’ll find everything you need for your next celebration at Pecan Plaza. Save the date and order your invitations, it’s time to get the celebration underway. Impress your guests with a delicious menu of assorted party platters, an amazing cake and lots of fresh baked sweet treats. And find everything else you need to decorate for the big night--gorgeous home and table décor, serving platters and accessories, party favors, service ware, and even a variety of yummy specialty dips, salsas and other party favorites.
latest and greatest designs, décor, and styles for your home and entertaining, plus fashion apparel, jewelry, shoes, handbags, luggage, and accessories. You’ll find everything you need to create gorgeous gift baskets, seasonal decorations and ornaments, and gifts for baby and bridal showers, teachers, weddings, and more. Locally owned and operated, the shop owners in Pecan Plaza are proud to feature many unique handcrafted items, Texas-made specialty items, USA made products, and exclusive collections and brands that are generally found only in Austin, Dallas, or other major cities. More importantly, the businesses in Pecan Plaza offer an enjoyable and relaxed shopping atmosphere and provide plenty of good old fashioned Texas-style hospitality and personal customer service.
ome in today and let us help you get your holiday shopping under wraps and in the bag!
Pecan Plaza has
been Temple’s center for locally grown and owned retail since 1979.
Pecan Plaza celebrates families! Choose from a wide selection of fun and unique gifts and décor for every age and occasion. There’s something special waiting for you at Pecan Plaza.
There is always a reason and a season to celebrate at Pecan Plaza. Find something for everyone on your list! All of the specialty shops in Pecan Plaza carry a wide array of unique gifts and items you simply won’t find anywhere else in Central Texas. They say “variety is the spice of life” and when it comes to shopping at Pecan Plaza, you’ll discover its true! Pecan Plaza has all of the TEXAPPEALMAG.COM
254.773.GIFTS | NEW TO TEMPLE Gifts galore! You’ll find something for everyone on your list when you shop at Best Wishes Gifts! Featuring a wide array of beautiful and unique gifts all made right here in Texas and the good ole USA, Best Wishes Gifts specializes in those hard to find specialty brands and items, including one of Oprah’s favorites the One Minute Manicure, made in Spring, Texas. Feel good about giving a quality made gift made in the USA, delicious specialty-flavored gourmet coffee by Fireside Coffee, beautiful Arthur Court Designs aluminum service ware, handmade decorative crosses, wind chimes, Switchables nightlights, and “light a candle-feed a child” when you purchase a Bridgewater Candle, a company that makes a donation from each sale to orphanages worldwide. Start your holiday shopping at Best Wishes Gifts and see how easy it is to “wrap it all up” in one stop!
254.773.8331 | All celebrations start with an invitation, and Paperdoodles can provide you with superior and personalized paper products and gifts for any occasion. With 8 years of experience in the business, this southern chic shop is off to a fresh start under the new ownership of Temple’s own, Susie Winkler. Customer service is key to Susie, and she offers in-house printing as well as exclusive product lines such as: Coton Colors Happy Everything plates, Merck Family’s Old World Christmas ornaments and gifts, and designs by Smathers and Branson. For those with college ties, Paperdoodles also offers collegiate and Greek gifts as well, which would make great stocking stuffers for when the kids come home for the holidays (or care package stuffers if you just can’t wait). From the first invitation to the final thank you note, Paper Doodles really has it all. If you want to add something special to your holidays this season, make Paperdoodles the source of all your festivities.
All photos by Jewel Avenue Photography
254.770.0904 | Celebrations are our business! Filled with some of the most unique and whimsical gifts in Central Texas Zooty’s features the very best in entertaining, decor, seasonal and novelty gifts, jewelry, toys, and so much more. You’re sure to be the “hostess with the mostess” when it comes to fabulous designs, décor, and chic tableware. With everything you need to throw a grand celebration under one roof, entertaining has never been easier. Make every day a celebration with the beautiful Nora Fleming serving collection. This classic tableware has a “mini” twist that makes holidays and special occasions a snap. Change your table decor daily or seasonally with the interchangeable minis that snap on to any piece in the collection—designed to help you store less clutter and celebrate more! Make everything uniquely yours with Zooty’s monogramming and embroidery services, featuring endless possibilities for personalizing your home, jewelry, apparel and more. Stop in today and let our friendly staff assist you with finding the perfect gift and discover for yourself what makes Zooty’s Uniquely Yours.
254.935.YOGA | Celebrate life by keeping your mind and body healthy. Dedicated to helping you strengthen your mind and body, Temple Yoga offers all levels of Yoga classes. They offer all levels of classes from beginners intro to advanced, as well as a large variety of specialty classes such as Yogalates (for all levels) which combines Yoga and Pilates to build core strength, tone, and increases flexibility. Vinyasa Flow is a style of Yoga that combines a series of flowing postures with rhythmic breathing for an intense body-mind workout and internal cleansing. Kundalini Yoga is a physical and meditative discipline that combines posture (asanas), breath (pranayama), and mantras. This practice of yoga creates an overall sense of wellbeing and heightens the sense of awareness. Temple Yoga also offers prenatal and kids Yoga classes. Drop in and take a class anytime, or schedule a private session. Membership packages are also available, as well as one FREE Full Moon Yoga Class monthly. Gift certificates and senior/military/student discounts are available. A healthy mind, body, and well-being is the ultimate gift to celebrate.
254.770.0511 |
Photo by Priscilla Z Photography
Every day is a celebration when you step into Callie’s Boutique! Featuring unique fashion lines for babies and children-including accessories, shoes, and toys, as well as gifts for the entire home-décor, jewelry, body & fragrance, and more. Let us help you find that perfect gift for the new baby with our baby registry and gift wrapping is always free with any purchase. You’ll find styles for every occasion at Calllie’s Boutique with their large selection of specialty lines from exclusive designers of modern children’s and babies clothing, including the “globally-inspired children’s clothes for little citizens of the world” by Tea Collection; elegant and classic designs for both casual wear or stunning holiday collections by Isobella and Chloe. And little feet can always step out in style wearing the last designs in footwear from Pedipeds and See Kai Run. For the best-dressed celebration or gift, visit Callie’s Boutique or shop online at
254.778.3865 | Established in 1979, this award winning family owned business has been recognized as the Best Bakery in Central Texas. For over 34 years Ye Olde English Bakery and Deli has been serving Central Texas the freshest, handmade recipes daily including: Danish pastry, puff pastries, kaloches, as well as many other unique English and European recipes. Famous for creating custom designed cakes for any theme or celebration, Ye Olde English Bakery is guaranteed to put the “icing on the cake” and top off your next celebration—making it extra special, sweet, and memorable. In between celebrations, stop in and enjoy lunch in their full service dine-in deli or pick it up to go. Catering and delivery services are also available. Made in Texas and baked fresh, this is one Central Texas favorite that is sure to put you in the mood to celebrate! TEXAPPEALMAG.COM
Gre at e r K i l l e e n C h a m b e r o f C o m m e r c e A n nu a l B a n q u e t , Killeen
Easy Entertaining for Beginners
InStyle: Parties
By InStyle Magazine (Editor), Tracy Dockray (Illustrator) Find 20 of the most popular party guides published in InStyle magazine over the last five years. Playful themes, fresh and simple recipes, sexy drinks, elegant decor, handy time tables, and a non-stuffy approach makes it easy to stay on top of all the details. Hardcover, 192 pages Published October 11, 2005 by InStyle
By Patricia Mendez
Handmade Hostess By Kelly Lee-Creel Kelly and Rebecca have captured the heart of social gatherings and expressing your love for family and friends in the DIY spirit of decorating, baking, and sewing. Discover how easy it can be to plan and create stylishly themed parties for all ages without breaking the bank. Have fun stitching and crafting creative decor projects and matching party favors for your guests. Plus, each party theme comes with its own signature dessert recipe. Dozens of sewing and no-sew projects for all skill levels, ranging from chic, elegant, festive to whimsical. Paperback, 159 pages Published March 16, 2013 by Stash Books
Williams-Sonoma Kid’s Parties By Lisa Atwood
With eye-catching photography that will entice all ages, an easyto-use format, and lots of neat ideas, Kids Parties will inspire creative party ideas. From a pretty pink cupcake party with a butterfly theme, outdoor Easter gathering with a spirited egg hunt, to a spooky Halloween get-together with punch the color of blood, Kids Parties is packed with a year’s worth of fun-filled birthday and holiday celebrations for kids from ages four to ten. Find seven distinctive themed parties, each one features a budget and work plan; menu and recipes; fresh, new ideas for invitations; decorations; and party favors. Plus, suggestions for games, crafts, and other party-time activities. Many of the recipes involve kids-making pizza, decorating lollipops, and frosting cupcakes. Every menu includes great food ideas for party-goers of all ages. Hardcover, 144 pages Published September 1, 2008 by Oxmoor House 18
You don’t have to be a gourmet chef or a nervous wreck to throw a great dinner party. Whether you’re an old hand or you’ve never hosted a dinner party in your life, wow your friends and have a terrific time putting together a superb evening. Hostess extraordinaire Patricia Mendez will guide you through every step of the way. Find the answers to all your questions--what to serve, what to do, and how to do it. Everything you need to throw a party that will be the talk-of-the-town. Inside you’ll find: • 13 complete menus with delicious recipes and easy instructions • Full color photographs • Ideas for music, activities, drinks, along with themes for popular occasions • Practical advice and useful party etiquette • 13 checklists to ease you step-by-step through every phase of planning, preparation, and presentation • Confidence so you and your guests enjoy your at-home entertaining to the fullest! Paperback, 176 pages Published August 1st 2008 by Maple Heights Press
Vintage Wedding Style By Elizabeth Demos
By Alison Caporimo (author), Meera Lee Patel (Photographer)
A Gift from the heart lasts forever For every bride who dreams of making her special day unique, this gorgeous book provides tips for mixing personal touches with vintage style to create a meaningful celebration. From flea market chic to Great Gatsby grandeur, wedding stylist Elizabeth Demos features photographs from real weddings and easy-to-follow instructions for achieving the look. Simple DIY projects make it easy for brides to add their own personal touch. With over 200 photographs, 12 inspiring mood boards, creative styling ideas, and tips for sourcing accents and materials, Vintage Wedding Style bursts with brilliant and unforgettable wedding ideas, all with a hint of vintage charm. Hardcover, 208 pages Published December 19, 2012 by Chronicle Books
Parties with Pizzaz By Patricia Mendez
Good parties are fun, but great parties live forever. Anyone can host a spectacular party using the step-by-step ideas inside this book. Jean Clouser has developed a foolproof plan to turn a new hostess into an experienced hostess. This book is for anyone ready to throw parties with pizazz!
MondayFriday 10AM6PM Saturday 10AM5PM
2010 SW HK Dodgen Lp, Ste 107 • Temple • 774-9695 In Exchange Plaza - across from Leslie’s Pool Supply
SUPER CUTE, SURPRISINGLY EASY. Whether you are a crafting pro or newbie, this book will show you how to turn a few simple things into stylish and personalized décor and gifts. Using your own creativity, learn how to make: • Brick Bookends • Berry Personalized Stationery • Faux French Lockets • Sweetheart Sugar Jars • Traveling Globes • Takeout Container Lanterns • Paint-Swatch Key Hooks • Pantone Placemats • Time Capsule Terrariums • Fond Memories Wrapping Paper • And more! Paperback, 124 pages Expected publication: October 15, 2013 by Ulysses Press
Paperback, 266 pages Published June 1, 2005 by Tate Publishing & Enterprises TEXAPPEALMAG.COM
Angels By Teresa K. Hernandez Photos by Priscilla Z Photography
You will never be forgotten, we pledge to you today, a hallowed place within our hearts, is where you’ll always stay. The holiday season is supposed to be a joyous occasion for families, but it can be a very emotional, sad, and challenging time of the year for families who have lost a loved one due to a violent crime. Overwhelming sadness, compounded by the absence of their son, daughter, mother, father, sister, or brother, combined with memories of past holidays, can create a somber season filled with constant sorrow. W Recognizing the difficulties these families experience during the beautifhuelrever a holidays led Verna Lee Carr, an advocate and advisor of People Against b een. soul has Violent Crime, to establish the Tree of Angels in 1991. Initially this trail There is a of b memorial tradition started in her small office in Austin, and today memoreiaeustiful . it is recognized in communities across Texas and the United States, internationally as well. The Tree of Angels ceremony unites families and friends to honor the memory of their loved ones by hanging an “angel ornament” on a special Christmas tree which remains on display throughout the holiday season. On March 21, 2000, the United States Patent and Trademark Office registered the Tree of Angels. In November of that same year, former Governor George W. Bush proclaimed December 4 through December 10 as Tree of Angels Week in Texas in honor and memory of all victims of violent crimes. Governor Rick Perry also recognizes this annual event and issues a statewide proclamation annually. The Bell/Coryell County Crime Victim Coalition (BCCCVC) began hosting a Tree of Angels ceremony ten years ago. “The first year we weren’t sure if many people would attend, but we actually ran out of chairs and couldn’t even don’t we loveey walk e s get everyone in the room. People had to stand in the hallway,” says the o h T way, th day. go a e us every , but Killeen Police Department’s Crime Victim Liaison and President of besiden, unheardloved, BCCCVC Lisa Hatfield. Unseys near, soo very alwa missed, s The Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge 29, donated a so dear. 9-foot Christmas tree in memory of Detective Lila T Price, who had spent the majority of her 20-year law held hose we h enforcement career investigating crimes against children. for a in our a ave we little rms “This was not only a great way to honor her service, but what better place hearhtold in owuhile s fore r to hang victims’ angels than on a tree dedicated to someone who had ver. spent a lifetime serving victims,” explains Lisa. Detective Lila Price was also Lisa’s sister. “This will be the 10th year we have hosted the Tree of Angels. It is a very emotional and TEXAPPEALMAG.COM
moving ceremony,” says Lisa. “We have so many families who come every year, some even traveling from out of state. But they all have told us, ‘If we did not have this event or missed it, there would be no holiday for us.’ “The opportunity to hang an angel in memory of their loved one and for them to know that nobody has forgotten them is extremely important and comforting.” A reception follows the ceremony, and thanks to the donations of many local businesses, it includes a variety of hors d’oeurvres, holiday treats, cake and drinks. Each year the attendance grows and requires more seating and refreshments. As a result, they have run out of room to hang ornaments on their tree and this year the BCCCVC l l i will need an additional 9-foot Christmas tree. t ss hearatdness,s r u “We had about 100 people come out the first O he in s t tear ac secre hat it o andll flow, we you, n year and we are expecting over 300 to attend this sti t to los know. year. Without the help and support of so many local meane will ever on businesses and the community, we could not host this event,” says Lisa. “The Bell County Expo Center graciously provides us with the venue and their staff sets up the chairs and tree. Then after the ceremony the staff moves the tree to the foyer where it remains on display until after New Year’s. The Killeen Wal-Mart has also been very supportive and this year they donated a thousand dollars for us to use towards the purchase of food and necessities. HEB has provided our cakes each year, Mothers Against Drunk Drivers donates the candles for the ceremony, Perry Office Plus does our printing and invitations, and the La Quinta Inn and Suites provides rooms for the families who come in from out of town. Again, I cannot even begin to stress the importance of local support.” The BCCCVC is not a registered not-for profit organization so it does not hold fundraisers for any income. It is simply a coalition of individuals from around Bell and Coryell County who N all work in victim services. “The whole purpose of were so farewel our group is to meet monthly for support, because to saypoken, yol words wer goodb ur tim it’s hard for anyone who works outside this field to knewe gone befoye, you e God it, and re we understand the toll this job takes on us dealing with knows only why. the aftermath of violence-and the sadness and grief we face daily,” says Lisa. “The Tree of Angels is a community event, even if you don’t know a victim or family personally your support is priceless. Violence affects our entire community and this event is a great way for us to just pause for a moment to remember and honor the victims, their families and children whose lives have forever been altered by violence and the tragic loss of their loved ones.”
Community Sponsors Bell County District Attorney’s Office Bell County Expo Center Bell County Sheriff’s Office Fort Hood Family Advocacy Program La Quinta Inn and Suites MADD, Mothers’ Against Drunk Driving Perry Office Plus Wal-Mart HEB To make a donation or to volunteer with the Tree of Angels memorial event, please contact Lisa Hatfield at 254.501.7698 or email:
10th Annual
Tree of Angels
Ceremony & Reception DATE AND TIME: December 3, 6:30-8:30 p.m. A community event hosted by the Bell/Coryell Crime Victims Coalition to honor, remember, and support the victims of violent crimes. Bring an ornament to hang on the tree in memory of a victim and/or support of victim’s families.Ornaments not required for attendance. LOCATION: Bell County Expo Center 301 West Loop 121 Belton
A Royal Celebration
Photography by Priscilla Z Photography By Teresa K. Hernandez and Event Stylist Ann Vandergriff 24
Once upon a time‌
Princesses came from far and wide across the land to gather for a royal celebration. Adorn in the finest dresses and jewels, these princesses spent an enchanting fall afternoon feasting and frolicking underneath beautiful and majestic oak trees at Cathedral Oaks in Belton. Handmade lace crowns and a delicious buffet of princess-size treats were all on hand and served by a wise host, fairy godmother Ann. Inspired by fairy tales, this royal celebration leapt straight out a storybook to create true life magic and childhood memories destined to live happily ever after.
The End
Life itself is a most wonderful
Fairy Tale
—Hans Christian Anderson
“Sugar and spice and everything nice… that is what princesses are made of!”
Magical Memories Captivate
your guests with a little sprinkle of magic.
of enchanted places are inspired by frilly dresses and crowns.
embrases the entire world and endless possibilities.
in your hand. Make a wish. Close your eyes and count to three‌then gently blow into the breeze.
Absinthe Eggnog 1½ 1½ ¾ ½ 1
ounces Tenneyson Absinthe Royale or other blanche absinthe ounces heavy cream Pecan Syrup teaspoon vanilla extract whole egg
e n t e r t ain in g spirits
Photo by Amiee Wenske
Combine all the ingredients in a mixing glass and shake for a moment without ice (alternatively, use a handheld milk frother to emulsify the ingredients). Add ice and shake vigorously to chill. Strain into a punch cup. You can also make this in a blender by blending all the ingredients with a scant handful of ice until thoroughly emulsified.
Pecan Syrup 1 1 ½
cup refined or raw sugar cup filtered water cup raw pecan halves
Combine the sugar and water in a small saucepan and place over medium-high heat. Rough-chop the pecan halves and add them to the sugar mixture once it has come to a simmer. Simmer for 10 minutes, then remove from the heat and allow to cool for 2 minutes. Strain out the pecans pieces and allow the syrup to cool. Store refrigerated for up to 1 month. Makes about 2 cups.
Tipsy Texan: Spirits and Cocktails from the Lone Star State. Published by Andrews McMeel Publishing, June 2013. Available wherever cookbooks are sold.
I first discovered absinthe eggnog while attending the annual Fête de Absinthe in tiny Boveresse, Switzerland, near the French-Swiss border. It was a flavor combination so beguiling that I was immediately smitten. The prevailing absinthe in Switzerland is a clear style known as blanche or la bleue, and that is what I’ve recommended here. I advise trying the single cocktail first before committing to the full batch—the flavor profile of absinthe is not for everyone. —David Allan Reprinted with permission from the publisher, Andrews McMeel Publishing, from the Tipsy Texan: Spirits and Cocktails from the Lone Star State by David Allan. Copyright 2013.
Creative stylist & photography by Ann Vandergriff,
It’s more fun to give than receive, especially when you’ve learned the secret to wrapping gorgeous gift and packages. Gift wrapping has become an art form. No longer confined to a roll of printed wrapping paper and a bow; gift wrapping now features a variety of elements including fabrics, contrasting textures, prints, patterns, ribbons, twine, raffia, floral, natural accessories such as pine cones, feathers, sea shells, and even accessories made from recycled vintage items like old buttons, jewelry pieces, or other small household items. There are no limits as to what you can use in creating unique gift wrapping. Look for fun, festive, and themed items to add to our packages and coordinate them to the fit the celebration or to personalize to match the giftee’s personality, favorite color, hobbies, or interests. Anytime you use a fabric or reusable shopping bag, or decorative containers for your gifts, the giftee scores an added bonus—pretty and usable. When a neutral meets a bright—its love at first sight! Opposites attract when it comes to pairing up colors and patterns. Bold and beautiful, don’t be afraid to mix it up.
Traditional bows can get expensive at $1-4 each, and even harder to store. If not packed properly in boxes, they can get mashed and mangled rendering them ugly and useless. However, there are lots of pretty things to add to packages aside from bows,many of which, aren’t even found in the gift wrapping section. Strips of tulle, ribbon, printed fabrics, bandanas, or plastic beads can be tied around packages or used to create big soft bows and tassels. Tissue paper is very inexpensive and can be used in a variety of ways. Stuff it inside of gift bags, boxes, or containers, or use it to create little flowers or rosettes with it. To make a rosette, first roll the sheet of tissue paper tightly until if forms a long rope. Starting at one end, wrap it into a tight circle until the entire rope has been used. Add a dab of glue (hot/cool glue gun) and then its ready to stick to a package. Arrange in a small grouping or mix and match the sizes and colors to create your own design. Dollies. Another versatile paper for celebrations. Dollies are traditionally used on serving plates and platters; however, they are also beautiful on packages. Use them as they are--flat and taped to the gift, or use them to roll and create little flowers with them. Easy, versatile, and inexpensive tissue paper and dollies are easy to pack and store with your gift wrapping supplies.
What size box should I use? Always use a strong shipping box.
Will wrapping it in a ton of newspaper be enough to protect it from breaking? Always use large bubble wrap and packing peanuts.
Is my tape going to hold? Do not use duct tape, use a strong shipping tape.
Can I wrap my box in brown paper? NEVER, NEVER, NEVER. The paper gets snagged in the postage machines and ripped off. No paper—no address or return address, which means your package will never gets delivered or returned.
Green Monday December 9th (the busiest shipping day of the year) Ground Service December 16th 3 Day Service December 19th 2 Day Service December 20th Overnight Service December 23rd
Shipping advice courtesy of Eagle Express shipping center in Harker Heights.
presented by
McLane Children's Scott & White
OV. Cameron Park Zoo 1701 NN . 4th St. i9 n Waco Enjoya 10K, 5K, and 1-Mile run. Bring your family and Our Sponsors
friends to join in the fun and excitement!
1-Mile starting at 7:45 am 10K starting at 8:15 am and 5K starting at 8:30 am All races are certified race courses. Entry Fee: Early registration, $20 per race; Late registration, November 6th through race day, $25 per race and will end at 7:45 am. All participants under the age of 12 MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY AN ADULT.
Door prizes. All proceeds go to future zoo projects! Show your race number to visit the zoo after Stampede and get 10% off when you shop for your favorite holiday gifts in the Zootique Gift Shop. Enjoy the 7th Annual Wildlife Wonderland Experience. (10 am - 2 pm)
To register call 750.8415 or go online TEXAPPEALMAG.COM
Come Celebrate With Us!
TEMPLE 7348 W. Adams Ave. Ste. 400 254.228.5548 HARKER HEIGHTS 716 Indian Tr. Ste. 220 254.393.0182
CELEBRATIONS I t’s th e m os t wonde rful t i m e o f t h e y e a r From holidays to birthdays to anniversaries o r j u s t b e c a u s e , i t ’s t h e little touches that make each celebration unique. This month we feature ways to make your event or holiday a little more special. Whether a one of a kind piece of custom jewelry, a beautiful venue, custom lighting or perfect party gifts; we have ideas for you. Celebrate a special occasion with a wine country tour or hire the perfect party planner to make your event an affair to remember.Any way you slice it, the perfect celebration takes the cake!
Photo by Priscilla Z Photography
Killeen Arts & Activities Center
R.K. Bass Electric, Inc
As the season of celebration approaches, let us take time to look at our own celebration. We at R.K. Bass Electric would like for you to join us in celebrating the recovery of the construction market in our area. We have consistently seen new projects come out to bid and more come under contract.
801 N. 4th Street, Downtown Killeen 254.501.6519 |
The Killeen Arts & Activities Center (KAAC) located in downtown Killeen is the newest facility for all your meeting and special events needs. The KAAC boasts over 25,000 square feet in 12 separate spaces that are suitable for both business and pleasure functions. From the beginning, the design motivation for the KAAC was to blend the existing architectural elements with modern technology thus offering elegance and total convenience to any event. From art exhibitions, weddings, civic and community events to concerts; the redesigned Performing Arts Center features the latest technology in sound and lighting. If your event calls for an outdoor space, take advantage of the beautifully landscaped grounds which includes our courtyard and our large covered pavilion. The staff at the Killeen Arts & Activities Center is fully committed to ensuring complete satisfaction for each and every event hosted at our facility. No matter what type of event you have in mind, we have a space for you. The KAAC is the facility you are looking for in Killeen!
1200 E FM 2410 Rd, Harker Heights 254.698.8751 |
We have been in the electrical construction business for the past 29 years in Central Texas and have seen the area slow down and boom a few times. Some of us call it feast or famine. R.K. Bass Electric has the experience and expertise to come through no matter which side of the economy we are on. As an organization, we have a three tiered approach to success. First is planning. It is essential to not only preplan for the upcoming project but also to continue to update the plan as the project progresses. The second is to execute. Proper execution and time management are critical for a successful project. We stay focused by following the procedures we have put in place to help us exceed our customer’s expectations. Third is to quantify. We measure every aspect of each project to ensure maximum efficiency and productivity. This ensures a successful project for the owner and the contractors on the team. Following our three core principles gives us a reason to celebrate - not just because the area has started to recover but also because as a company we have learned to survive through feast and famine. We know that all projects are eventually completed but we are also concerned with the costs. We analyze not only the financial cost but also the impact on our key relationships. This also allows us to build on our relationships and look forward to the next project. In short, we would like our neighbors and community to join us in the celebration of all of the good things happening in our area. Thank you for allowing R.K. Bass Electric to be a part of the electrical construction and service in the area. We are blessed to live and work in Central Texas. God bless you and your family during this holiday season.
Bead Bistro
L’Avventura Dolce
A Very Merry
Newlywed Dale Koebnick came to the Fort Hood area in 1984. She graduated with honors from Central Texas College (CTC) in 1989 with a degree in Computer Science, specializing in micro-computer programming. After additional study, she was hired at Metroplex Hospital as the Director of Information Technology. During her tenure she served on the United Way board as secretary and later president, the Computer Science Advisory Board at CTC and also participated in Mission Trips with the hospital. After almost 22 years Dale felt driven to explore her creative side and was bitten by the “bead bug.” After many bead shop visits, classes, etc., the Bead Bistro idea was born and 5 months later in April, 2012 the doors opened. There are beads of all shapes, sizes, colors and materials. Dale has classes for beading, wire wrapping, metalsmithing, clay and more. The classes have been extremely successful and the classes fill up quickly. “I love, love, love my bead shop. What a blessing!” Bead Bistro just moved to a larger space & now boasts 2 classrooms and more product. Dale loves watching how excited her customers get when they walk in the door and see all the beads. Her ultimate goal is to keep her customers excited with new product and a chance to learn new jewelry making skills.
Did you know Central Texas has close to 40 wineries and is the second-most visited wine area in the country next to Napa Valley? L’Avventura Dolce, LLC (The Sweet Adventure) offers wine tours and transportation services within the Central Texas area. Recent wine tours leaving the Killeen/Ft. Hood area have included visiting wineries in the Salado and Georgetown areas, Florence, Lampasas, Bend, and San Saba. We plan on visiting Pilot Knob and Perissos in November and several trips, including an overnight trip are planned for Fredericksburg in December. Currently, tours leave from the Killeen/Ft. Hood area with future pickup locations planned for Belton. Private parties can be booked with a minimum of 14 up to 23 guests and the pickup location can be anywhere within the Killeen/Ft. Hood, Harker Heights, Belton/Temple areas.
A Very Merry is a full service event planning company that specializes in unique parties for children, adults and businesses looking to host a memorable event. Recognizing a need for something beyond the typical jump house or bowling birthday party options, co-owners Melissa Davis and Sarah Nelson created Bell County’s first full service company offering themed party packages for any occasion.
2501 S. WS Young Dr. Ste 311, Killeen 254.432.5307 |
Texas Hill Country, Central Texas 512.569.9218 |
L’Avventura Dolce, LLC plans on offering additional services in 2014 to include brewery and casino tours. Email us today at: to book your next tour or transportation service and check out our website at
3000 S. 31st Street, Ste 300, Temple 254.760.1561 | 254.217.3155
Keeping cost and stress low for clients is central to our mission. Knowing all too well how quickly that ‘Hello Kitty’ or Inflatables birthday party can turn into a $1,000 event, A Very Merry strives to alleviate the financial and creative burden from their clients so they can sit back, relax and enjoy their special event. In addition to our fabulous party packages, we will offer summer camps, parents’ nights out and holiday events in Summer of 2014. Let us know how we can make your next occasion an exceptional event to remember.
Life & Style in Central Texas
Photo by Priscilla Z Photography
Temple Railroad and Heritage Museum 315 West Avenue B, Temple 254.298.5172 |
The beautiful Grand Lobby of the Railroad and Heritage Museum at the Santa Fe Depot is a popular venue for weddings, receptions, meetings, banquets, reunions, and a variety of other special events. This historic setting offers classic turn-of-the-century elegance for your one-of-a-kind event. The Grand Lobby can hold up to 230 guests and is available to rent from 8:00am to 1:00am. Guests can also enjoy the Santa Fe Gardens outside the depot. The garden gazebo is available to rent for events and get-togethers, as well. Kitchen facilities are available to meet the needs of the caterer of your choice. Have your event at this unique Temple destination. Contact us for more information or to set up an appointment to view our facilities and discuss your next event.
Bell County Museum
201 N. Main Street, Belton 254.933.5243 | THE BISON: AMERICAN ICON Join us as we celebrate the bison. Few animals conjure the power and symbolic presence of the North American bison. Whether painted on a tipi or an artist’s canvas, minted on a nickel, or seen grazing in Yellowstone National Park, the image of the bison stirs in us deep loyalties to the North American landscape. Wild and fundamental, the bison is a familiar part of our shared heritage. The Bison: American Icon, an exhibition running through January 7, 2014 at the Bell County Museum, explores the meaning and significance of this iconic creature from the Plains Indian culture of the 1800s through the commercial and national symbol of the present. Along the way, The Bison charts the dramatic changes that occurred to the creature and its habitat, and to the people who depended on it for their daily existence. A trip to the Bell County Museum is a unique way to celebrate any occasion. Be sure to visit the gift shop and take home a reminder of your special day. For more information about the museum, visit or call 254.933.5243.
Jarring Fun homemade gifts { Story and Photos by Teresa K. Hernandez }
handcrafted gift is the perfect way to “mix up” a celebration. Personalized presents make big impressions and create lasting memories. It is always more fun to give than receive and this is especially true when you create these inexpensive and easy-tomake homemade gifts. Family, friends, neighbors, and teachers are sure to enjoy and appreciate these thoughtful gifts. Unlike most gifts that eventually wind up in storage or a yard sale, these homemade gifts will continue to be treasured and each time they get used, you will be remembered. Unique jars, containers, or even sacks will turn into exciting gifts when you fill them up with these delicious recipe mixes. On a card or tag, be sure to provide the instructions for how to mix, use and serve it. To ensure a lifetime of enjoyment, include the recipe for the mix itself. These recipes will not only become new family favorites and seasonal traditions, but don’t be surprised to learn they are being “re-gifted.”
Chai Tea Mix
2 ½ tsp. ground ginger 2 tsp. ground cinnamon ¾ tsp. ground cloves ¾ tsp. ground cardamom (optional) 1 tsp. ground allspice 1 tsp. ground nutmeg ½ tsp. freshly ground black pepper 1 ½ cups unsweetened instant tea or decaffeinated instant tea 1 ½ to 2 cups sugar 1 cup nonfat dry milk powder 1 cup powdered nondairy creamer 1 cup French vanilla-flavored powdered nondairy creamer Combine all of the spices and the tea in a food processor or blender. Blend for 1-2 minutes or until the mixture is a fine powder. Pour into a large bowl. Add the sugar to the blender and process until it is a superfine powder. Add sugar to the bowl of spices and blend in your milk powder and creamers. (Use a large bowl with a lid and shake until mixed thoroughly.) Fill your gift jars! Yields: 5 ½ cups
Serving Directions: Add 2 heaping tablespoons of Chai Tea Mix into a mug and fill with either hot milk or boiling water.
Hot Cocoa Mix 1 (11 oz.) 1 (16 oz.) 2 c. 1 (24 oz.)
container of nondairy coffee creamer box of nonfat dry milk powder confectioners’ (powdered) sugar, sifted container of chocolate-flavored instant powdered drink mix (DO NOT USE COCOA)
Combine all of the ingredients in a large bowl and mix well. Store in a sealed container. Yields: 16 cups
Serving Directions: Add 2 heaping tablespoons of cocoa mix to mug and fill with hot water. Don’t forget the marshmallows! 44
Flavor the holidays this year with a little Texas flair. This quick and easy mix creates the perfect gift to share with your family and friends and is sure to warm many hearts, spirits and bellies. Gift in either a jar or sack. One serving makes a family-size serving of Texas-style corn muffins or cornbread – a delicious recipe for cold evenings and the perfect sidekick to complement your favorite chili, soups or stews. Yeehaw! This gift is twice as nice when you add the recipe directions for Cowboy “get-a-long” Puppies. A pure chuck wagon delight, these tasty little corn fritters are great for serving as hot appetizers with a tartar sauce dip, or when paired with chili or southern-fried catfish. Create a custom gift card to hang on your Cowgirl Cornmeal Mix and provide the directions for how to make Country Christmas Cornbread or the Cowboy “get-a-long” Puppies, or include the directions for both. For a gift that is three-times as nice, include the directions for the Cowgirl Cornmeal Mix itself. Your family and friends will get a lifetime of enjoyment out of this delicious mix and are sure to think of you each time they rustle up a batch.
Cowgirl Cornmeal Mix 1 (32 oz.) 1½ 1/3 ¼ 1½ 2 tsps. 1 tsp. 1 tsp.
package of self-rising yellow cornmeal mix cups all-purpose flour cup dried onion flakes cup sugar tbsp. garlic powder ground red pepper chili powder black powder
Mix all of the ingredients together until well blended. Divide into three portions (2 2/3 cups each). Put each portion in a plastic zip bag. Yields: 3 portions/3 gifts
Cowgirl Christmas Cornbread 1 package (2 2/3 cups) Cowgirl Cornmeal Mix 1 cup (4 oz.) shredded sharp cheddar cheese 1 cup mix ¼ cup butter or margarine (melted) 6 slices bacon–cooked and crumbled 2 large eggs, slightly beaten Combine all of the ingredients in a bowl and mix. Pour into a greased 8-inch square pan or 8-inch cast-iron skillet. Bake at 4000 for 28 to 30 minutes or until golden. Yields: 9 servings
Cowboy “get-a-long” Puppies 1 package (2 2/3 cups) ¾ cup 1 (7oz.) can 1 (2 oz.) jar ¾ cup Vegetable oil for frying
Cowgirl cornmeal mix sliced or chopped green olives mexicorn, drained diced pimiento, drained boiling water
Combine the first 4 ingredients in a large bowl; add water, and stir well. POUR oil to the depth of 2-3 inches in a dutch oven or large saucepan (a deep fryer works great!). Heat oil to 3750. Using a serving spoon (tablespoon size) carefully drop a dollop of the batter into the hot oil. Cook a few at a time—careful not to crowd them – for 1 -2 minutes or until golden brown. Drain on a baking rack or paper towel. Serve alongside a bowl of Texas chili or southern-fried catfish, or as a hot appetizer with tartar sauce. Yields: 3 ½ dozen
Charming Presentations
Handcrafted bags, tags, and cards are a wonderful way to personalize all of your gifts. Renew the holiday spirit by creating one-of-a-kind Christmas cards and gift tags using recycled Christmas cards, wrapping paper, scraps of fabric and other miscellaneous embellishments. No-Sew Gift/Treat Bags Burlap or linen (amount will vary, based on desired bag size) Fabric glue Fabric paint & stamps (optional) Foam paintbrush Raffia, Ribbon, or twine to tie bag Cut your fabric to the desired size. If decorating with stamps, make sure the fabric is right-side up and wrinkle-free. Using the foam paintbrush, apply an even coat of paint to your stamp. If your paint is applied to our stamp too thin, the print will be faint, if you get drips—too much paint was applied to the stamp. It is a good idea to practice on a scrap piece of fabric before applying to your bag. Allow to dry well before proceeding on to the next step. Keeping the wrong sides of the stamped fabric facing and the raw edges aligned, fold it in half lengthwise. On one side, turn the raw edge under one-fourth inch. Overlap the remaining side’s edge and glue together. Ensure the raw edges are aligned and inside the bag. Allow to dry. Turn the bottom edge under one-fourth inch and glue the edges together. Again, be careful to ensure the raw edges are aligned and inside the bag. After the bag has dried thoroughly, turn the bag inside out—all of the glued seams should be on the inside. Put your gift inside the bag and using a festive raffia, ribbon, or twine, tie around the top of the bag.
Celebrations are in the bag! Turn a plain ole paper lunch bag into a unique and festive gift bag. After placing your gift inside, fold the top of the bag over and using a hole punch, make two holes about two inches apart. Pull the left end of the raffia through the left hole and the right end of the raffia through the right hole and tie off in a festive bow. Decorate. Add your own creative touches with rubber stamps and colored-ink pads, paint pens, ribbons or other embellishments.
Tag It. Punch a hole in the corner of your gift tag/card and string one strand of the raffia through it. Cut to the desired length and put the ends together and tie in a knot, creating a hanger. Slide one end of the raffia through the tag’s hanger and tie the raffia in a bow. 46
Personalize your gift tags with cards made from old photographs. Use a hot glue gun to adorn the edges with lace, buttons, pearls, rhinestones, ribbons, or other embellishments.
Party In a Jar. Create a new holiday tradition and start hosting
an annual gift jar exchange party. Invite all of your guests to create and share new recipes for gift mixes. Ask each guest to bring two pre-made jars (decorated to gift), a dish made from their jar mix, and pre-printed copies of the recipe to share. Using a small sticker or dry eraser marker, mark one of the two jars each guest brings and place it on a table. Set their second jar in a large decorated box. After a fun evening of celebrating good friendship and yummy treats, have each guest draw a number for a gift jar. After everyone has sampled the recipes, have each guest write down their favorite dish of the night on a secret ballot and place it in a box. At the end of the night, reveal the results of the “Favorite Dish” contest. The winner takes home the big box of gift jars! Annual gift jar parties will ensure you never “put a lid” on finding new ideas or recipes to share as gifts. TEXAPPEALMAG.COM
Photos by the Rustic Redhead Photography
s tyl e
Every day is a celebration with handmade children’s fashions by Dandelion Darling The Rustic Redhead 219 East Street, Belton 254.394.3826 TEXAPPEALMAG.COM
The Shoppes on Main in Salado 22 N. Main Street, Salado 254.947.0888 50
Photos by Priscilla Z Photography
Second star to the right and straight on till morning. Cute & comfortable never goes out of style. The Shoppes on Main in Salado 22 N. Main Street, Salado 254.947.0888 TEXAPPEALMAG.COM
Lucky Bebe 7480 Honeysuckle, Temple 254.773.5200 52
Photos by Priscilla Z Photography
Fashion and friends are always in season. Luxuries for your lucky little ones. Lucky Bebe 7480 Honeysuckle, Temple 254.773.5200
Happy girls are the prettiest.
Photos by Priscilla Z Photography
—Audrey Hepburn
Callie’s Boutique 1401 S 31st St., Temple 254.770.0511 NOVEMBER 2013 TEX APPEAL
The lawn you want. Minus the work you don’t.
Only one lawn service can give you a Scotts® Lawn. Go to or call 1-888-8SCOTTS (72-6887)
to request a free estimate TEXAPPEALMAG.COM
fit in four part 2:fitness challenge T
The first month of the Fit in Four Fitness Challenge proved to be just that, a challenge. From inactive lifestyles to working out 5-7 days a week our three competitors Violet Vianes, Stacy Gail Holliman, and Rachel White all had to make major lifestyle changes and create new routines in order to squeeze in their workouts. In fact, three days a week, Stacy sacrifices a little extra sleep in order to make her 5am workouts. “Stacy’s willingness to commit herself to 5am workouts at least three times a week is a wonderful testament to her desire to do this for herself; she is an inspiration! She leaves her Academy residence, travels to The Field House to workout, returns home to get her family ready for the day (which includes a precious toddler!), teaches long days at Harker Heights High School, coaches basketball (which we know requires a commitment far beyond normal school hours), and yet still gets herself motivated for the next day. Now this is what dedication looks like,” says her trainer Amy Potts. However, as if the new routines and physical challenges weren’t enough, the women have also had to make drastic changes to their meals plans, cutting out all of the sodas, snacks, fried
By Teresa K. Hernandez Photo by Priscilla Z Photography
foods, and other unhealthy food choices from their diets. “It is all about planning ahead. Rachel prepares all of her meals for the following week now on Sundays so she doesn’t have any excuses for making poor food choices,” says her trainer Susan Cornette. “She is doing some amazing work and has made some incredible changes.” We are happy to announce the final results from the first month of training and one competitor has proven that big changes bring big results! Blowing away her competitors and taking a strong lead and hold on first place, Violet Vianes has lost 10 inches, 24 lbs. for a 12.24% total weight loss. Followed by Rachel White with 5 inches, 5.4 lbs. for a 3.33% total weight loss; and coming in third place, Stacy gained 1 lb. for a .47% total weight gain. Congratulations to Violet for all of her dedication and hard work and to her trainer Jessie Oestrich of Camp Gladiators for keeping her focused on her fitness goals. Be sure to pick up the December issue of Tex Appeal Magazine to continue following the progress of our three fitness-focused competitors and to learn more about their workout plans and healthy lifestyle transformations.
New Home Sales Manager Trainer Susan Cornette, Titan Total Training First month total weight loss Total: 5.4 lbs. / 3.33% body fat Measurements
1st Month
The first month’s goal was to focus on a living a healthy lifestyle. The total fitness equation includes 80% nutrition, 10% exercise, and 10% genetics. Rachel is now exercising daily. Five days a week (when not in session with Susan) she walks/ runs for 20-30 minutes with a series of push-ups, ab crunches, and plank holds. Twice a week she does one-on-one training sessions with Susan, then works out on her own four times a week. On Saturdays, Rachel attends Susan’s RPM class, which is a high intensity interval training on a stationary bike.
Adopting a clean eating plan Rachel eats 5-6 small meals a day. Each meal pairs a lean protein with a complex carbohydrate. She focuses on getting at least 35% of her daily calories from vegetables, then lean proteins and healthy fats with a much smaller percentage of fruits, starches, and whole grains. Avoiding processed foods and drinks, Rachel is consuming up to a gallon of water a day. She also uses My Fitness Pal, this interactive app helps her track her daily food intake. Susan provides Rachel with a weekly meal plan so she can prepare all of her meals for the entire week on Sundays. Most of the recipes on Rachel’s meal plans come from Paleo cookbooks. TEXAPPEALMAG.COM
Secretary/Computer drafting Trainer Jessie Oestreich, Camp Gladiator First month total weight loss Total: 24 pounds/12.24% body fat Measurements
1st Month
Violet attends Camp Gladiator workouts 4-5 times per week. She does a 15 minute warm-up and a 45 minute high intensity interval training. Endurance training
Using high reps with low weight the workouts consist of 30-50 reps: • Squats • Shoulder press • Bicep curls • Lunges T• ricep press Followed by a ¼ -1/2 mile jog at a slower, less intense pace. Ab work includes a number of reps, usually 50 or more.
Functional training
The goal is to create muscle confusion and balance work. Focusing on Violet’s core and balance the workouts consist of 10-14 reps of the following: • One-leg deadlifts with front raise • Single arm kettle bell swings • Single leg lunge pulses 58
• Uneven push-ups • Crab kicks • One leg hops/burpies/side squat leaps • Plank work
Interval and Metabolic conditioning
This week focuses on super high interval training, which forces Violet to really push herself and work hard. It includes 10-20 reps: • Power clings • Jumping lunges • Plyo push-ups, immediately followed by a 40 yard sprint (repeated several times) • Ab workout that is core concentrated and challenging
Nutrition Plan
The biggest challenge for Violet at the moment is managing nutrition. She uses to track all of her food and is staying within 1200-1400 calories per day. Violet is cleaning up her diet and cutting out sodas and is adding more green vegetables to her daily diet. TEXAPPEALMAG.COM
STACY GAIL Holliman Teacher, Coach Trainer, Amy Potts, the Field House First month weight loss Total: +1lb./ +.47% body fat Measurements
1st Month
Three times a week Stacy hits the gym at 5am and trains for 50 minutes. Training schedule
Monday: Back and bicep Wednesday: Legs and shoulders Friday: Chest and triceps Each workout includes cardiovascular work and training the core. High intensity interval training (HIIT) helps Stacy utilize her time in the gym more effectively and helps her to burn more fat (a burn that continues even after the workout ends) than cardio alone. Balancing nutrition, muscle-building and cardio is the key to weight loss. Stacy lifts heavy to increase her lean muscle mass, which is one of the best ways to change body composition and decrease body fat percentages.
The single biggest contributor to your health is also the biggest challenge. Stacy is taking nutrition one month at a time and making the necessary adjustments based on her body’s response. She eats approximately every three hours to keep her body fueled, blood sugar levels steady, and her metabolism working. It is not about dieting, but limiting certain macronutrients-carbohydrates, fats, etc. 60
QUITTERS WANTED W h e n t h e s m o k e c l e a r s, health benefits appear By Teresa K. Hernandez
I s n ’ t i t t i m e to l o s e t h a t l i g h t e r a n d a s h t r ay a n d s n u f f o u t t h a t c i g a r e t t e b e fo r e i t s n u f f s o u t m o r e y e a r s o f y o u r l i fe ?
“Campaigns such as the Great American Smokeout are important to help people make a pledge to quit smoking,” said Dr. Mani Subramanian, hematology/oncology at Metroplex Hospital. “It enforces the fact that the single most important life style change for good health is to quit smoking. And it affects everyone around you. The US surgeon general states that exposure to secondhand smoke remains an alarming public health hazard and can produce immediate effects on the cardiovascular system. This puts many people at risk, especially older adults.”
Where there’s smoke you’ll find trouble. Tobacco use accounts for the leading cause of premature deaths and is the largest preventable cause of disease in the United States. However, more than 43.8 million Americans are addicted to tobacco and continue to ruin their health by smoking cigarettes. The Great American Smokeout “Smoking is responsible for nearly 1 in is observed annually 3 cancer deaths, and 1 in 5 deaths from on the third Thursday all causes. Another 8.6 million people of November and live with serious illnesses caused by encourages smokers to smoking.” quit. No butts about –American Cancer Society it, smokers are playing with fire when it comes to risking their health, especially women. A recent study released in January 2013 shows that more women are at risk of developing lung cancer or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and of dying from it than women were 50 years ago. This has been attributed mainly to the fact that their smoking patterns have changed and are more similar to those of men. Today more and more women are beginning to smoke at earlier ages and are smoking more cigarettes per day. In the past, men were at the highest risk of death; but as a result of these changes in smoking habits, women now face risks equal to men. The study also revealed that men over 55 and women over 60 are three times more likely to die of tobacco-related diseases than non-smokers. The Great American Smokeout challenges “Smoking killed about 100 million smokers to make a plan to people worldwide in the 20th century. quit. This nationwide event If the current pattern persists, it will encourages communities and volunteers to increase kill about a billion people in the 21st awareness about the serious century.” health risks associated with –Lead researcher & retired vice president emeritus of smoking and to support the American Cancer Society, Michael J. Thun, MD smokers who are trying to quit. Studies indicate that when smokers have support from their family, friends, groups or counseling, they are more likely to successfully kick the habit. Since the Great American Smokeout first began in the 1970s, it has shifted Americans’ attitudes about smoking, increased community awareness, helped to create supportive programs, and has led to smoke-free laws across the nation.
Quitters DO Benefit. There are many benefits to quitting smoking and some begin to work in as few as 20 minutes. According to the American Cancer Society, quitting smoking reduces the risk of diabetes and allows blood vessels to work better, which improves your heart and lungs. Inside the Guide to Quitting Smoking, the American Cancer Society shares the following health benefits that quitters can expect to reap:
after quitting
(Effect of smoking on arterial stiffness and pulse pressure amplification, Mahmud A, Feely J. Hypertension. 2003:41:183)
The carbon monoxide level in your blood drops to normal. (US Surgeon General’s Report, 1988, p. 202)
3 months after quitting
Your circulation improves and your lung function increases. (US Surgeon General’s Report, 1990, pp.193,194,196, 285, 323)
Risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, and bladder is cut in half. Cervical cancer risk falls to that of a non-smoker. Stroke risk can fall to that of a non-smoker after 2-5 years. (A Report of the Surgeon General: How Tobacco Smoke Causes Disease – The Biology and Behavioral Basis for Smoking-Attributable Disease Fact Sheet, 2010; and Tobacco Control: Reversal of Risk After Quitting Smoking. IARC Handbooks of Cancer Prevention, Vol. 11. 2007, p 341)
after quitting
The risk of dying from lung cancer is about half that of a person who is still smoking. The risk of cancer of the larynx (voice box) and pancreas decreases. (A Report of the Surgeon General: How Tobacco Smoke Causes Disease – The Biology and Behavioral Basis for Smoking-Attributable Disease Fact Sheet, 2010; and US Surgeon General’s Report, 1990, pp. vi, 155, 165)
9 months after quitting
Coughing and shortness of breath decrease; cilia (tiny hair-like structures that move mucus out of the lungs) start to regain normal function in the lungs, increasing the ability to handle mucus, clean the lungs, and reduce the risk of infection.
after quitting
15 years after quitting
The risk of coronary heart disease is that of a non-smoker’s. (Tobacco Control: Reversal of Risk After Quitting Smoking. IARC Handbooks of Cancer Prevention, Vol. 11. 2007. p 11)
(US Surgeon General’s Report, 1990, pp. 285-287, 304)
Your heart rate and blood pressure recover.
20 12 2 1
after quitting
after quitting
The excess risk of coronary heart disease is reduced by 50 percent of a continuing smoker. (US Surgeon General’s Report, 2010, p. 359)
The younger you are when you quit smoking, the more health risks you can avoid; however, regardless of your age, it’s never too late to quit. Quit today and watch as your health begins to improves and save years of life that otherwise would have gone “up in smoke.” To read the entire Guide to Quitting Smoking or Helping a Smoker Quit: Do’s and Don’ts, visit the American Cancer Society at www. index or receive a free copy by calling 1.800.227-2345.
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Slightly Sharp & Twisted
By Kactus Kate
It’s time for America to grow some Pumpkin Pride. It’s as American as apple pie… we’ve all heard that a time or two haven’t we? And without question, apple pies are one of our all-time favorite pies to serve during the fall. While appropriate for the holidays, there is one place it has no place—your Fourth of July picnics and wing’ dings. That’s right folks, this great iconic “American” pie should not be in the company, much less the centerpiece of all your beautiful red, white, and blue tableware and American flag napkins. For years, the apple growers have managed to pull the dough over our eyes with their “American” pie marketing campaign. And quite frankly folks, they have successfully, please excuse the pun, left pie on our faces. Talk about “rotten to the core,” the apple growers should be ashamed of themselves for being so greedy. They already have the whole “an apple a day, keeps the doctor away” deal working, why did they have to hijack the patriotic high road too? You know who the real victim is in all of this? The true American Patriot...the pumpkin. The poor pumpkin can only sit and stare in disbelief as we wave the American flag over apple pie. Heck, there wasn’t even an apple orchard in North America until 1625! Meanwhile, we snub the pumpkin, brutally gut, carve, and mutilate it with big goofy toothless grins and scary faces. Adding fuel to the fire and humiliation, we light it up and set it out on public display like some sort of cheap, sick, seedy, freak show. And if that’s not bad enough, its was forced into a life of crime by that demented lunatic Peter… Peter, Peter pumpkin eater, Had a wife but couldn’t keep her; He put her in a pumpkin shell And there he kept her very well.
That Mother Goose is clearly one “fowl” minded chic. What kind of children’s poem is that? It’s downright disturbing. Reminds me of those creepy cases on the ID Discovery Network about evil, sadistic men who kidnap women and chain them up in dark basements. All the while, little school children are proudly carrying big shiny red apples to their teachers. Born and raised in America, it’s time we start giving the pumpkin the well-deserved respect it has earned. One of our oldest native crops, the pumpkins were very important to the indigenous people of North America. Pumpkins rolled out to greet Columbus in the 1490’s and made the long voyage back to Europe with him, where they were first introduced to Europeans through the Columbian Exchange of food, animals, and disease. 66
Pumpkins also grew alongside many famous historical figures throughout history. In fact, Captain John Smith wrote about the pumpkins growing near Jamestown in 1612, “Several forms are of one taste and very good, and do also spring from one seed.” Colonial English women made soups and stews with them and roasted them. Amelia Simmons published the very first American cookbook in 1796 and inside it--two recipes for pumpkin pudding, one with and one without a crust. Her recipe calls for cream, eggs, sugar, mace, nutmeg, and ginger. The Pilgrims also made beer from pumpkins. Not only did pumpkins feed people, but because it was a good growing crop it produced an abundant source of food for livestock. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson both grew pumpkins on their plantations to use as winter fodder for their livestock. Washington even once directed his farm manager to try drying them the way the Indians did to preserve them. Pumpkins have not only fed people throughout history, they have also been an abundant food source for livestock. Both George Washington and Thomas Jefferson grew pumpkins on their plantations to use as winter fodder for their livestock. Washington even directed his farm manager to dry them using a method the Indians used for food preservation. Deeply rooted in North America and American history, pumpkins have been entwined in our culture since the very beginning. Therefore, I must ask not what America will do for me, but what together we can do for the pumpkin. Folks, it’s time we tell apple pies to peel off and declare our true iconic All-American pie--the patriot Pumpkin. No more waiting once a year for Thanksgiving, let’s eat pumpkin cake, bread, cookies, and pies year round. And someone get a memo over to Starbucks, tell them they need to add pumpkin lattes to their regular daily menu, it’s simply un-American to start the day any other way!
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