This is it

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ESCOLA SEC / 3 MARTINHO ÁRIAS – SOURE ACTIVITIES ON THE FILM “This is it” Michael Jackson was born in 1958 and died last June. He was an African American pop singer, often called Jacko by the media. As a child he sang as the youngest of five brothers in The Jackson Five. His album THRILLER (1983) sold more than 30 million copies, and he won eight Grammy awards in 1984. He made a world tour in 1996 to advertise his album HIStory. His first wife was Lisa Marie Presley, the daughter of Elvis Presley and of other love affairs he had 3 children. Despite his great success, MJ was very shy about his private life. Today he is a legend. What’s more, media reports of plastic surgery, strange beliefs and his problems with justice only seemed to increase his fame. Behind it stood one of the greatest singers / dancers / video-makers / performers pop has ever seen. Source: Macmillan Dossier “Rock and Pop”(adapted)

1st Activity Fill in the grid with general information on the film. Directed by… Starring Music by… Distributed by… Release date Country Language Content 2nd Activity A) ENTERTAINMENT – FILM AND CINEMA 1. Basic vocabulary: Match these words with their definitions below. a) b) c) d) e)

Somebody who reviews new films A very famous actor or actress What a critic writes about a film The person who tells actors and actresses what to do one small part of a film

a)___ b)___ c)___ d)___ e)___

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

star director scene critic review

2. In the cinema: Put these words into the sentences below. credits





a) Let’s sit at the back. I don’t like being too near the __________. b) I like to sit in the front __________. c) “This is it” has got __________ but I prefer dubbed films. d) I like seeing all the __________ for the new films that are coming out. e) I usually stay at the end to read the __________ because I like to know who some of the less important actors were. Alexandra Duarte

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3. Different kinds of film: Write down the corresponding letters under the film titles according to these short descriptions. a) A science fiction film in which aliens attack a peaceful community in California. b) Hugh Grant and Andie MacDowell star in this romantic comedy. c) A historical drama with Kirk Douglas as the slave leading the revolt against Rome. d) Harrison Ford protects an innocent boy who has witnessed a murder in this thriller. e) Steven Spielberg’s war film provides Tom Hanks with one of his best roles. f) It is a documentary-style rehearsal film with backstage footage as well. g) A very popular musical. Sing along with Julie Andrews. h) A horror film with Boris Karloff as the vampire.

The Witness

Saving Private Ryan

This is it

The Bride of Dracula

It Came from Outer Space

Four Weddings and a Funeral


The Sound of Music

4. Making a film: Choose the correct ending for each sentence. “This is it” was set in… “Schindler’s List” was filmed in… “Psycho” was directed by… “Titanic” starred… “The Da Vinci Code” was based on…

…Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet. …a novel by the American author Dan Brown. …black and white. …Los Angeles, California. …Alfred Hitchcock.

_________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Talking about films: Delete the wrong word or expression in the following sentences. a) Jodie Foster won an Oscar for her performance / play in “Silence of the Lambs”. b) Cat Woman was one of the characters / actresses in “Batman”. c) Anthony Hopkins heads the cast / players. d) I got a bit confused… the plot / tale was too complicated for me. e) “The Age of Innocence” won an award for the best costumes / uniforms. f) Most American films are translated / dubbed when they are shown in Europe but some countries prefer to show them in English with subtitles. g) Have you heard the soundtrack / screenplay for “Lion King”? It’s fantastic. h) The special tricks / effects in “Matrix” are amazing!

Alexandra Duarte

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B. ENTERTAINMENT – MUSIC 1. Music genres. How much do you know about music? Put the following words in group and then give each of them a title. Band Violin Drummer Orchestra Cello Lead singer Conductor Lyrics Guitar Composer


2. Explain the difference between… a) An orchestra and a band: ____________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ b) A concert and a rehearsal: ___________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ c) A composer and a musician: __________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Michael Jackson has long been known as the “King of Pop”. But what does it really mean??? 3.1 Read the text that follows and then choose the correct option: Pop is… a) a type of food

b) the name of a song

c) a type of music

What is Pop? Pop music is a music genre that developed from the mid-1950s as a softer alternative to rock 'n' roll and later to rock music. It has a focus on commercial recording, often orientated towards a youth market, usually through the medium of relatively short and simple love songs. While these basic elements of the genre have remained fairly constant, pop music has absorbed influences from most other forms of popular music, particularly borrowing from the development of rock music, and using key technological innovations to produce new variations on existing themes. Source:

3.2 Are these statements true or false? Quote from the text to support your answer. a) Pop is a type of music that already existed in the 19th century. _____ _________________________________________________________________________________ b) It is a pure, new style. _____ _________________________________________________________________________________ c) It uses technological innovations to introduce variations. _____ _________________________________________________________________________________

Alexandra Duarte

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4. Band. Match these words with the pictures of some members of a band and then find the Portuguese equivalents. Lead singer Bass player Guitarist Drummer Keyboard player Backing singers 5. Talking about bands. Complete the sentences below with these words. gig






a) Have you heard that the U2 are going on _______________ in 2010? They are going to be playing at _______________ all around the world. They will also do a _______________ in Coimbra and I’d love to see them… b) Do you like Blur? Well, I quite like the music but the _______________ are really silly. I don’t know what they are singing about. c) What about Oasis? Their songs all sound the same. They sing one _______________ and then repeat the _______________ fifteen times. 6. Musical Instruments. Number the musical instruments.

_____ accordion _____ banjo


_____ cello




_____ clarinet _____ double bass _____ drums

6 9

_____ flute 10


_____ harmonica


_____ guitar 7

_____ harp


_____ keyboards _____ piano 12

_____ saxophone 13

_____ triangle 15 14

Alexandra Duarte


_____ trumpet

___ violin Página 4


Prepositions. Insert either by, in, at or on.

a) What CD is _____ number one? b) Their new single is _____ the top ten. c)

This music was written _____ Chopin.


I haven’t seen U2 _____ stage yet.


Who’s the guitarist _____ that band?

8. What kind of music do you like? Tick (X) the types of music you like listening to: Classical _____ Opera _____

Jazz _____ Rap _____

Rock and Pop _____

Heavy metal _____

Reggae _____ Folk _____

Hip hop _____ All _____

9. Expressing likes and dislikes. Now build sentences expressing your musical preferences. I really like listening to ____________________ because ________________________________________. I just love _________________________ because ______________________________________________. I can’t stand listening to ____________________ as it __________________________________________. 10. What about the film “This is it”? Did you like it? Did you have a nice time at the cinema? Please complete some sentences or cross out what doesn’t apply. I liked / didn’t like Michael Jackson’s “This is it” because _________________________________________. He deserves / doesn’t deserve being called “King of Pop” because _________________________________. So, the film is / is not a ____________________ tribute to MJ’s life and legacy. It proves / doesn’t prove that the “This is it” could / couldn’t have restored his reputation as the greatest entertainer / dancer / singer. 11. In a few lines, write down your opinion on the film and on Michael Jackson’s music in the blog

NAME: _________________________________________________________________________________________ CLASS: ________________________________ DATE: ___________________________________________________

Alexandra Duarte

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