Teach First Annual Review 2010

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Annual Review 2009/2010

Our mission is to address educational disadvantage by transforming exceptional graduates into effective, inspirational teachers and leaders in all fields.

Message from the Participant President 2010/11 Jason Arthur (’08) The Teach First Participant President is elected annually following a rigorous hustings process to represent the views of fellow participants both internally and externally in order to support them make as large an impact as possible in the classroom. In September 2010 Jason Arthur left the classroom after two years as a Teach First Participant to join Teach First staff and endeavour to implement his manifesto pledges. I was honoured to be elected by my peers to represent participants both within Teach First and externally, through our relationships with our partner schools, universities and supporters. The appointment was bitter-sweet for me; on the one hand I was sad to leave the classroom and pupils I taught at the Lammas School and Sports College in East London. On the other hand, I was delighted at the prospect of joining the staff team to actively support the development of the Teach First movement through my commitment to representing teachers working ‘in the field.’ My main priorities for ensuring that I achieve this goal focused on the improvement of our online portal for participants, ParticipantNet, so that it becomes a centralised hub of information. Through this portal, participants will be able to access resources, engage with the Teach First mission, express their opinions on educational disadvantage and track their progress throughout the Leadership Development Programme. My predecessor Charlotte McCormick (’07) spent a lot of her presidency working on improving resource sharing and I aim to build

on her achievements by further developing the existing ambassador and participant directory which enables participants and ambassadors to get in touch with each other more easily and utilise each other’s knowledge, skills and experiences. Since I took up this position I have had the privilege of working with colleagues from across the world, as a result of Teach First’s relationship with Teach For All, a global network of independent organisations that are working to expand educational opportunity in their nations by creating movements of leaders. As a result of the relationships that I have built up, I hope to continue to create more international opportunities for participants and ambassadors with the Teach For All network. I have spent large amounts of time visiting and spending time with participants across the country, and I continue to be impressed with their dedication to having a transformational impact on the pupils they teach. I honestly can’t think of a better way to work towards achieving the Teach First mission and can’t wait to get stuck in to the second part of the year and represent participants into 2011!

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A message from our Chair and Founder & CEO There remains a clear and urgent need for the work of Teach First. 13.8% of children in England live in severe poverty. (New Policy Institute 2009) Young people from areas of high income deprivation continuously attain well below their more advantaged peers. In turn, our leading universities are deeply unrepresentative of the population as a whole. Just 16% of youngsters eligible for free school meals progress to university, in comparison to 96% of young people educated in independent schools. (The Sutton Trust 2010) We are immensely proud of our achievements over the last year. Staff, participants, ambassadors and supporters, with the advice and guidance of our Advisory Council and trustees, have made great strides in increasing our impact in schools and in society as we pursue our mission of tackling educational disadvantage. Our growth continues and the year 2009/10 saw record numbers of graduates applying to join Teach First and over 550 participants placed in schools. 92% of the 2008 cohort completed their two years on the Leadership Development Programme, with 83% achieving ambassador status, boosting our ambassador numbers to a community of almost 1,200 who remain dedicated to addressing the Teach First mission. Teach First became the coordinator of the National Initial Teacher Training Partnership (NITTP) which involves 13 universities engaged in the development and implementation of the Teach First Masters and PGCE programme. This is a major initiative which has impacted on the success of the 2009 cohort with 97% gaining PGCE at good or outstanding. The commitment of university tutors to the partnership has been a significant factor in this success.

We are grateful to George Iacobescu CBE and the Canary Wharf Group for providing us with our home for the last seven years pro bono. As we continued to grow, it became necessary for us to find a new home. Thanks to the support of Credit Suisse EMEA Foundation and other partners, Teach First’s National and London Regional offices have now moved into new premises at More London. At the heart of these offices is a purpose built Assessment Centre which will allow us to effectively assess the ever-increasing number of graduates eager to be part of our movement to address educational disadvantage. Elsewhere, the West Midlands team also settled into a new home. A personal highlight this year was the Teach First Awards celebration – bringing together over 400 members of the Teach First community to celebrate the outstanding commitment of Teach First teachers and supporters, and showcase the talents of students from schools in challenging circumstances across the country. This year also saw the biggest ever Teach First Week take place. Almost 40 high profile figures from the worlds of business, politics and the arts – including the then Secretary of State, Rt Hon Ed Balls MP, Dame Vivienne Westwood, DBE, RDI and Huw Edwards from the BBC – went back to school to teach a lesson which gave them a flavour of how hard our participants work every day.

We were pleased this year to have been supported in all three national political parties’ election manifestos as well as the Coalition agreement. Thanks to this cross-party support, the generosity of our corporate partners and a £4million grant for expansion, our growth is set to continue in the next year and beyond. Starting with the North East our aim is to have our participants and ambassadors in half of all schools in challenging circumstances in England by 2015. We are also putting in place a strategy for further expansion into primary schools. Beyond the two year Leadership Development Programme, we are delighted with the impact that our uniquely empowered Ambassador Movement has made. The vast majority of our ambassadors have stayed engaged with our mission working across all sectors, with almost twothirds engaged in one of our six social change initiatives. We already have one Teach First Headteacher, and through the support of our Teach On initiative and Aspiring Heads network, I am sure we will soon have many more.

While we celebrate the successes of the year, we are also mindful of the challenge that still remains. As we move through an age of austerity, we need to continue to work smarter and with a close eye on our cost effectiveness and impact measurements. Educational disadvantage in the UK is an injustice that affects us all. Looking forward to 2011 and beyond, we remain focused on our mission and committed to transforming the lives of the most disadvantaged children and young people.

Dame Julia Cleverdon DCVO, CBE Chair

Brett Wigdortz Founder & CEO

Two Teach First Ambassadors, Tom Ravenscroft (’07) and Alex Shapland-Howes (’07), have now joined the Board of Trustees along with Lou McCrimlisk from Citi, Mary Meaney from McKinsey and Vanessa Ogden, Headteacher at Mulberry School for Girls. We are delighted that John Rink who has been on the board since 2007 has now taken up the role of Deputy Chair.

“I think Teach First is really important in terms of the kind of people it recruits – it’s breaking the mould of stereotypes of teachers which I think is really important, because teaching has always been an incredibly hard profession, teachers have always been incredibly dedicated, but it hasn’t always had that social respect that it deserves.” Emily Hourmouzios, (’08) Bexley Business Academy

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Achievements and performance In 2008 the trustees approved Teach First’s 2012 Mission Impact strategy which laid out the charity’s three year strategy taking us up to our ten year anniversary. Within each of the four visions, the trustees approved ambitious, stretching goals which served to drive the activity of each department.

Therefore, although we missed our target for recruitment to the 2010 cohort, we are confident that those who made it through the rigorous assessment centre are the very best people who will see through their commitment to supporting and inspiring disadvantaged young people for the next two years and beyond. We are delighted that 16% of the 2010 cohort are BAME participants, up from 14% in 2008/09, and we are committed to increasing our diversity going forward.

Our completion rates for the Leadership Development Programme continue to compare favourably with other routes into teaching. At the end of the year, 92% of participants who started the Summer Institute training in 2008 completed their two years in teaching with 83% also graduating as a Teach First Ambassador having demonstrated their commitment to the mission and participated in our development opportunities. As Teach First Ambassadors they will continue to actively commit to the mission of Teach First in the classroom and beyond.

Every year, improvements are made to ensure that all our participants have a positive experience of the Leadership Development Programme and are inspired to remain engaged with our mission long-term.

Vision 1: Teach First achieves sustainable growth in its intake and Leadership Development Programme while improving consistency and quality. Goal

Overall outcome

620 participants start Summer Institute

560 participants started Summer Institute

17% of the total participants starting Summer Institute are BAME participants (black, asian and minority ethnic.)

16% of the total participants who started Summer Institute are BAME participants

Participants are allocated to regions between 85% and 115% of the agreed total regional allocation targets

This goal was met nationally in all regions apart from the East Midlands

95% of participants are placed in a school with at least one other participant or ambassador by the start of Summer Institute

92% of participants were placed in a school with at least one other participant or ambassador by the start of Summer Institute

85% of current participants are satisfied or very satisfied with their experience with Teach First

81% of current participants were satisfied or very satisfied with their experience with Teach First

85% of 2008 participants who start Summer Institute finish their two years teaching and become ambassadors by 31 August 2010

83% of 2008 participants who started Summer Institute finished their two years teaching and became ambassadors by 31 August 2010 (92% finished their two year teaching commitment and gained QTS)

Our graduate recruitment team worked hard on campuses up and down the UK this year, leading to the submission of over 5000 applications, including 8.5% of all Oxbridge finalists. From these applications, our selection team held 110 assessment centres and selected 560 outstanding graduates that started the six week Summer Institute, marking the start of their journey on the Leadership Development Programme. This increase in participants from 445 last year makes Teach First the country’s 4th largest graduate recruiter and secured our place at number seven on the prestigious Times Top 100 Graduate Employers list, up one place from 2009. 6 Teach First Annual Review 2010

Teach First is proud of its high quality threshold when it comes to our recruitment and assessment procedures and is dedicated to ensuring this quality is sustained in our graduate intake so that participants and ambassadors continue to have the maximum impact on raising the achievement, access to opportunities and aspirations of their pupils. In addition to excellent subject knowledge, applicants are assessed against a competency framework which covers the hard and soft skills needed to be an excellent and inspirational teacher and leader.

“What Teach First does is that it brings enthusiasm, commitment, and willingness to make something successful. And I think when you’ve got all those ingredients there can only be success at the outbreak. So the children that go to a so-called disadvantaged school will not feel that they are in a disadvantaged school because they will be getting the best.” Andy Nicholas, Advisory Principal, Bexley Business Academy

09/10 560 Our year in numbers

‘10 participants recruited

83% participants became ambassadors

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Vision 2: Teach First is a highly effective graduate Leadership Development Programme which enables its teachers to maximise their impact on their pupils’ educational achievement, access and aspiration Goal

Overall outcome

33% of 2nd year participants demonstrate our definition of maximum impact on pupil learning

71% of 2nd year participants that returned their data demonstrated our definition of maximum impact on pupil achievement (41% of data was received)

80% of 2nd year participants agree or strongly agree that their Leadership Development Officer (LDO) enabled the development of their leadership and teaching practice for the benefit of pupil learning

61% of 2nd year participants agreed or strongly agreed that their Leadership Development Officer (LDO) enabled the development of their leadership and teaching practice for the benefit of pupil learning

85% of 2nd year participants agree or strongly agree that their two year experience has significantly developed their leadership abilities

90% of 2nd year participants agreed or strongly agreed that their two year experience significantly developed their leadership abilities

80% of headteachers are satisfied or very satisfied with the impact of their participants in school

85% of headteachers were satisfied or very satisfied with the impact of participants in their school in the areas of achievement, aspirations and access

“Teach First does a fantastic job recruiting academic high-flyers with real leadership potential to become great teachers, especially in some of the most challenging schools and in specialist subjects. I am committed to expanding this programme so we can have the very best teachers available in all of our schools and improve the quality of the teaching profession across the board.” Michael Gove MP, Secretary of State for Education, June 2010

The University of Manchester study, which has now Commission an independent evaluation to conduct a also included a comparison to a control group, has study of the impact of participants in schools as compared been completed and the final report is due to be to an appropriately matched control. published in November 2010 Create internally driven research methodologies to measure impact and value for money embedded across the organisation

The Leadership Development Programme is continuously evaluated and improved in order to ensure that our participants can maximise their impact on the pupils they teach. In the last year, the impact of the programme was strongly felt by participants and headteachers alike. • 90% of second year participants agreed or strongly agreed that their two year experience significantly developed their leadership abilities. • 85% of headteachers were satisfied or very satisfied with the impact of participants in their school. In addition to this annual feedback, a longitudinal study into Teach First’s impact in schools will report in the autumn of 2010. Funded by the Goldman Sachs Foundation and conducted by the University of Manchester, it is thought that the study will give us clear statistical evidence of the impact of Teach First teachers and inform the future development of the Leadership Development Programme and ambassador initiatives. 8 Teach First Annual Review 2010

Research guidelines have been drawn up to guide internal data gathering and surveys and a programme of training sessions has been created and will roll out in the next two months

For the first time this year Teach First led the National Initial Teacher Training Partnership (NITTP), strengthening our relationships with our teacher training providers to ensure improved delivery and consistency of participant experience across the regions. This has also been the first year that participants undertaking the Leadership Development Programme have worked towards a Post Graduate Certificate of Education (PGCE), in addition to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS). A PGCE is a transferable qualification, which enables participants to teach anywhere in the world. Participants also have the opportunity to work towards a Masters qualification in either Education, Leadership or Educational Leadership. The Masters is completed through a Masters institution – the Institute of Education for London participants, The University of Warwick for those in the East and West Midlands and the University of Manchester for those based in the North West and Yorkshire.

09/10 85% Our year in numbers

Headteachers satisfied with the impact of participants in their school Teach First 9

Vision 3: Teach First Ambassadors are mobilised, equipped and inspired to address the Teach First mission as leaders in all fields Goal

Overall outcome

80% of 2nd year participants agree or strongly agree that they understand how they are able to impact the mission as an ambassador

96% of ‘08s and 91% of ‘09s understand how they are able to impact the mission as an ambassador

67% of all ambassadors have actively engaged with the mission during the year through the ambassador initiatives

64% of all ambassadors actively engaged with the mission during the year through the six ambassador initiatives

85% of all engaged ambassadors agree or strongly agree that they are better equipped to further their impact on the mission through the ambassador initiatives

83% of engaged ambassadors agreed that they are better equipped to further their impact on the mission through the ambassador initiatives

A framework for the measurement of the impact of ambassadors on the mission to be defined and approved by the trustees by August 2010

A framework has been finalised and will be presented to Trustees at the December 2010 meeting

“I think that for me, the power of Teach First is that eventually it will seep into the fabric of society and help us all recognise the real importance of what teaching is.” Ndidi Okezie, (’03) Burlington Danes

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The recruitment, training and development of inspirational teachers is the first step on a journey of life-long engagement with Teach First. We are building a movement of ambassadors who make a long-term commitment to tackling educational disadvantage whether they continue their careers leading in the classroom, in business, in the public sector or elsewhere. The ambassador community is now 635 strong. Over the year, the Teach First ambassador department actively engaged two thirds of the ambassador community in the Teach First mission through participation in the ambassador initiatives with an additional 16% engaging in the ambassador community by utilising the network. This takes the total number of engaged ambassadors up to 80%. The largest of these initiatives, Teach On, is the network of support and leadership development for nearly 300 ambassadors teaching and leading in schools in challenging circumstances, and 100 of them attended the Teach On Institute in July. An estimated 50,000 pupils were reached by the Teach On community across the academic year. In addition, the Aspiring Heads Network was launched in March 2010, providing access to expert advice and support for ambassadors seriously committed to becoming headteachers within the next 10 years. Ambassadors who are part of the Teach On network benefit from personalised support and guidance through a network of high quality professional development opportunities such as the Teach On Task Force visit to New York sponsored and supported by The Sutton Trust, which provided 12 ambassadors with an opportunity to observe good practice in an overseas context.

In the other social change initiatives, the number of students mentored through HEAPS (Higher Education Access Programme for Schools) continues to grow and in 2009-10 we were able to have an impact on the futures of 4,000 young people in all Teach First regions through various initiatives related to HEAPS, including the sixth form mentoring programme and the HEAPS Access Bus. Of the second cohort of HEAPS mentees, 72% are attending university this October (2010). The HEAPS initiative also gained national recognition through winning the 2010 London Education Partnership third sector ‘Reaching Out’ Award. In addition, 24 of our ambassadors who are part of the Policy First forum (a platform that enables our ambassadors to share their views on current educational issues through debates, focus groups and publications), embarked on a new project focusing on the role of culture and ethos in schools in challenging circumstances. Their initial findings, including the views of over 250 ambassadors and participants, will be shared at the 2010 political party conferences and the report will be launched in Westminster in November. The Social Entrepreneurship Programme, launched in 2008, engaged almost 100 ambassadors who are leading or supporting social ventures and saw 14 ambassador-led ventures and charities continue to grow from strength to strength. Demonstrating the leadership skills developed during their two years as Teach First Participants, 39 ambassadors are now school governors and 13 are charity trustees through our Governance for Change initiative. The final initiative, Supporting Teach First, provides ambassadors with a wide range of opportunities to engage with the core activities of the organisation and support participants in their progress at school. During the academic year, over 26 ambassadors provided formal coaching support to participants whilst 322 ambassadors provided broader support such as career advice and e-buddying August 2010 saw the first of six planned cohort reunion events, bringing together the ’03 ambassadors to share memories, achievements and stories of how they are still working to tackle educational disadvantage.

09/10 64% Our year in numbers

Ambassadors actively engaged with the 2010 mission through the ambassador initiatives Teach First 11

Vision 4: Teach First is a continuously improving, professional, efficient, stable and sustainable organisation Goal

Overall outcome

Teach First raises £3 million in 2009/10 from charitable sources not including school fee income, or national government funding

Teach First raised £3,022,538 from charitable sources not including school fee income, or national government funding

85% of stakeholders agree or strongly agree that they gain value from their relationship with Teach First

92% of stakeholders agreed or strongly agreed that they gain value from their relationship with Teach First

Respondents to a reputation audit show positive awareness of the Teach First brand/reputation

(N/A) The update survey will be carried out in early 2011 (a year after the baseline survey was carried out)

Teach First achieves an unrestricted surplus on reserves in excess of £1,000,000 by 31 August 2010

This goal was exceeded

80% of Trustees, Finance Committee and Leadership Team agree or strongly agree that financial and management reporting about the organisation’s performance and impact is timely, accurate, relevant and informative for decision making

90% of Trustees, Finance Committee and Leadership Team agreed or strongly agreed that financial and management reporting about the organisation’s performance and impact was timely, accurate, relevant and informative for decision making

80% of staff agree or strongly agree that they have the necessary skills, guidance and training to do their job effectively

93% of staff agreed or strongly agreed that they have the necessary skills, guidance and training to do their job effectively

75% of staff who are in permanent employment at 1 Sept 2009 are still retained in employment at 31 August 2010

71% of staff who were in permanent employment at 1 Sept 2009 were still retained in employment at 31 August 2010

“Credit Suisse is a long standing partner of Teach First and has been consistently impressed with the high quality of teaching and education they inspire among their participants. We are committed to addressing disadvantage and improving education and employability of young people and are delighted that we have Teach First as an outstanding partner in this endeavour.” Mark Seligman, Chairman Credit Suisse EMEA Foundation

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Despite difficult economic times, we have continued to secure the support from both public and private sources, demonstrating the strength of commitment to the mission of Teach First and belief in the work we do. March 2010 saw the charity’s National and London regional office move from premises in Canary Wharf to new offices at 4 More London Riverside, next door to City Hall, thanks to the Credit Suisse EMEA Foundation, the Garfield Weston Foundation and More London Development Foundation.

Will Davies joined Teach First in April 2010 as Director of Human Resources with a focus to support the ongoing growth of the organisation. He has a strong background in commercially focused HR roles with experience across a blend of generalist HR and specialist Learning and Development positions.

James Westhead joined Teach First in October 2009 to head up the External Relations department where he leads on fundraising and development, communications and data and impact. Prior to this, James worked for BBC News as its In addition to their generous financial support, Credit Suisse education and social affairs correspondent. also provided crucial advisory services which enabled us to Teach First was proud to be positively mentioned in all find premises that suited our needs and move swiftly, with three of the main political parties’ manifestos during the minimal disruption to our day to day activity. 2010 general election campaign. On coming to power, the The new premises, which includes a purpose built Coalition Government delivered on the commitment in both Assessment Centre at its core, will transform the way parties’ manifestos to support the expansion of Teach First the charity works allowing it to deal with the ever by awarding us an additional £4 million grant. This funding increasing numbers of graduates who are applying to be will cover the start-up costs associated with our expansion part of the movement. into the North East and other parts of England and further into Primary education. Our staff team continues to grow. In this year we have gone from 110 employees to over 150 and growing. Two new Directors joined our Senior Leadership Team this year.

09/10 92% Our year in numbers

Stakeholders agree they gain value from Teach First relationship

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Teach First teacher recognised as outstanding educator who brings science to life

Teach First Ambassador goes global to continue his fight against educational disadvantage

In June 2010 Teach First Ambassador Kate Campion-Smith was named the Outstanding New Teacher of the Year in London and the South East at the annual Teaching Awards. Kate, who is a science teacher at Teach First partner school, 1,200-strong Cator Park comprehensive in Beckenham, was recognised for her outstanding combination of passion and ability that has resulted in the largest ever uptake of triple science at the school.

Before Nigel Ball embarked on his Teach First journey he studied English Literature and Linguistics at York and after graduating travelled to Malawi as the Project Coordinator of an education project. He then spent time as a teaching assistant in a special needs school and on a cycling adventure in the Andes before joining Teach First in 2006 where he taught English at Salford City Academy.

Kate is a Cambridge graduate who joined Teach First to embark on the Leadership Development Programme in 2007. As well as taking two of the most challenging Year 11 groups for science at Cator Park, Kate mentors gifted students and makes time to engage pupils with low confidence and few aspirations to succeed. Kate continues her dedication to improvement beyond the classroom as a sixth form tutor helping students improve the quality of their university application forms. When asked about this support, a parent of a pupil taught by Kate responded with: “None of us have been to university so didn’t have a clue about applications; Kate’s advice is invaluable.” On receiving the accolade Kate said: “It’s amazing to be at the Teaching Awards, and to have all the hard work of so many people recognised. I would not be a teacher if it was not for Teach First and I wouldn’t still be teaching if it wasn’t for the students.”

Kate presented with her Outstanding New Teacher of the Year award by Oscar winning actress Emma Thompson.

“Kate is an inspirational and outstanding teacher – has been since day one. Her lessons have been meticulously prepared and consistently brilliant. A well-deserved teaching award winner.” Meryl Davies, Cator Park School Head teacher

Nigel’s desire to embark on the Leadership Development Programme came from a personal interest in both education and working for social causes. For him Teach First seemed like the natural way to dive in at the deep end with both, by going straight into the classroom in a challenging school and finding out what he could achieve. Despite what Nigel admits was a very challenging first year, he completed his QTS with the top grade across all four areas. Some of his key achievements during the two years at the school include contributing to the English department’s curriculum review, helping to set up the media studies department in the new 6th form, becoming an ICT champion, and starting a school magazine written for students, by students. After graduating to become a Teach First Ambassador Nigel felt inspired to continue his work in combating educational disadvantage through his role as a Project Consultant for UK-based charity Promoting Equality in African Schools (PEAS). In this position Nigel helped in the construction, staffing, promotion and early growth of two brand new secondary schools and also helped expand the core team from three people to six. Nigel was then given the opportunity to set up the Mara Foundation working with schools in Uganda to find solutions to the many challenges they face. Through this work he still feels very much engaged in the Teach First mission. The experience that Nigel gained during two years in Salford on the Leadership Development Programme gave him an invaluable opportunity to really understand the impact that a great teacher can have on his pupils, and inspired him to continue to ensure that every child has access to a good quality education in an international context. “As a mere English teacher in a child’s life you have to work really hard with some of those kids to win them over. But when you do it, the feeling’s worth it, it’s worth them having challenged you in the first place just to feel like you’ve managed to gain their trust.”

“Teach First graduates who come in often have very high self esteem, very high expectations, high aspirations and a lot of that rubs off on the students, and you create a can do culture.” Lesley Lyons, Headteacher, Manning School for Girls, Nottingham

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An award winning year

Looking forward – plans for 2010/11

This year Teach First has received external recognition for some key achievements:

As we continue to work towards our 2012 Mission Impact strategy, the trustees and Senior Leadership Team have set the focus for the forthcoming year of activity.

Teach First’s Graduate Recruitment team won the Best Website award at the Association of Graduate Recruiters 2010 awards The HEAPS initiative won the 2010 London Education Partnership third sector ‘Reaching Out’ Award

Vision 1 Director of Graduate Recruitment, James Darley was honoured by his peers for his Outstanding Contribution to Graduate Recruitment at the 2010 TARGETjobs Graduate Recruitment Awards

The Times recognised Teach First as the 7th most prestigious place for graduates to work in the UK

Teach First in the news Our coverage in the media increased significantly throughout the year. Here are some highlights: The Economist, ‘Those who can’, 1 August 2009 500 graduates converge in the small cathedral city of Canterbury to take part in the six-week Summer Institute as part of their Teach First training before they become full-time teachers in their own classrooms in the new academic year. The Times, ‘Designs on teaching’, 31 January 2010 Fashion designer Vivienne Westwood delivers a lesson at Wembley High Technology College as part of teaching placements taking place across the country for Teach First Week. The Guardian, ‘A head for heights’, 30 March 2010 Teach First Ambassador Max Haimendorf shares his experiences of being a secondary school headteacher at King Solomon Academy at only 30 years old, making him the youngest in the country.

BBC News, ‘£4m grant to boost graduate teacher numbers’, 5 July 2010

Teach First achieves sustainable growth in its intake and Leadership Development Programme while improving consistency and quality Organisational Goal 1.1 Increase the number of graduates hired that meet the Teach First criteria (subject knowledge and competency criteria as agreed between Graduate Recruitment, Leadership Development & Ambassadors) Organisational Goal 1.2 Place participants within eligible schools in line with our growth strategy Organisational Goal 1.3 Ensure participants have a positive experience of Teach First so that they will be engaged in life long advocacy of our mission Organisational Goal 1.4 Ensure participants meet their commitments to join the Ambassador Movement

Focus for 2010/11 In line with our growth strategy, we will be looking to recruit even more exceptional people as teachers while not compromising on quality. We will also be building relationships with schools in challenging circumstances in order to be able to place our increasing number of participants in the schools where they can make the most impact. We will commit to ensuring a positive experience for participants on the Leadership Development Programme and will continue to work hard to engage our participants in our organisational mission, and secure their commitment to continuing to address the Teach First mission after the two years as part of a growing Ambassador community.

Teach First is awarded a £4m Government grant to continue attracting some of the country’s top graduates into teaching and to double its recruitment numbers to 1,140 in 2013-4. Third Sector, My Week ‘Brett Wigdortz fears for his waistline in Warwick’, 31 August 2010 Teach First Founder and CEO Brett Wigdortz offers a snapshot of his working life through a week’s diary entry, including the time he spends at the 2010 Summer Institute and preparations for official opening of the new national office.

To view more news articles please visit www.teachfirst.org.uk/TFNews

“Teach First is a brilliant charity that does so much to address educational disadvantage and inequality in this country. Their commitment to fairness and equality, and their belief that every child can achieve are ideals close to the heart of every Lib Dem. Teach First ambassadors have worked in schools in some of the most deprived areas of the UK and are using that experience to try and change education for the better. They are exactly the sort of informed, local voices this government wants to listen to.” Nick Clegg MP, Deputy Prime Minister

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Vision 2

Vision 3

Teach First is a highly effective Leadership Development Programme which enables its teachers to maximise their impact on their pupils’ educational achievement, access and aspiration

Teach First Ambassadors are mobilised, equipped and inspired to address the Teach First mission as leaders in all fields

Organisational Goal 2.1 Enable participants to raise the achievement, access and aspiration of their pupils well beyond national expectations Organisational Goal 2.2 Ensure participants develop their leadership abilities and are equipped to address the mission long term

Focus for 2010/11 Our Leadership Development Programme will continue to improve ensuring that participants make a profound impact on their pupils during their two years and also develop as leaders equipped to address the mission long term.

Organisational Goal 3.1 Increase the number of ambassadors transitioning into relevant positions of influence Organisational Goal 3.2 Ensure Teach First is mobilising increasing numbers of ambassadors to impact the mission through the Ambassador Movement

Vision 4 Teach First is a continuously improving, professional, efficient, stable and sustainable organisation Organisational Goal 4.1 Ensure Teach First employees are high performing, engaged, and values driven Organisational Goal 4.2 Ensure Teach First obtains sufficient resources and uses them effectively and efficiently to ensure its long-term stability

“Teach First teachers are transforming lives and are a shining example of just what is possible when we aim to spread excellence to every one of our schools.”

We will continue to develop the ambassador initiatives in order to encourage and support our ambassadors as they progress into positions of influence, in schools, in business and in society. The Teach On initiative and Aspiring Heads network will particularly focus on delivering career development for those staying in teaching. Through telling the story of educational disadvantage, we will motivate more ambassadors than ever to play an active and ongoing part in our movement for social change.

Having enhanced the role of the Leadership Development Officers, they will be working with participants to ensure that they each have strategies in place to positively impact the achievement, access to opportunities and aspirations of all their pupils. Additionally we will develop a clear leadership framework which will enable us to develop and demonstrate participants’ roles as leaders who are contributing to the mission of Teach First.

Focus for 2010/11

Organisational Goal 4.3 Ensure Teach First raises awareness of itself and the impact participants and ambassadors are having on addressing educational disadvantage Organisational Goal 4.4 Ensure the Teach First movement is having a measurable impact on addressing educational disadvantage

Focus for 2010/11 Teach First will continue to attract, equip and retain exceptional people who live the Teach First values – Integrity, Leadership, Commitment, Collaboration and Excellence – in all that they do. Through improving internal training and resources, we will put in place clear and appealing recruitment and development frameworks which enhance our appeal as an employer and increase our internal capacity to fulfil our mission. We will also ensure that we secure sufficient resources to enable us to achieve our aims and be conscious of using these resources effectively and efficiently. We will enhance the profile of Teach First across all stakeholder groups, raising awareness of the issue of educational disadvantage and the significant part Teach First plays in the solution. There is already emerging empirical and anecdotal evidence that Teach First works. We will build on this by ensuring we have an impact on the Teach First mission through setting clear and ambitious goals and ensuring high levels of collaborative leadership across the organisation.

Gordon Brown MP, Former Prime Minister, March 2010

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(Year ended 31 August 2010)

The following is an extract from our accounts for the year end 31 August 2010. To read the full financial statements and auditors reports, please visit www.teachfirst.org.uk

Patron Nominations committee HRH The Prince of Wales KG KT GCB OM PC ADC (established on 23 June 2010) John Rink (chair) Board of Trustees Dame Julia Cleverdon DCVO, CBE Dame Julia Cleverdon DCVO, CBE (Chair) Lou McCrimlisk Dr. John Dunford OBE Mary Meaney Hilary Hodgson (to 22 Feb 2010) George Iacobescu CBE (to 10 Sep 2009) Senior Leadership Team (as at 31 August 2010) Peter Lambert OBE Brett Wigdortz, Founder & Chief Executive Ric Lewis Charlotte McCormick, Participant President 09/10 Lou McCrimlisk (from 1 Dec 2009) Sarah Connor, Director, Ambassadors Mary Meaney (from 1 Dec 2009) James Darley, Director, Graduate Recruitment Vanessa Ogden (from 22 Sep 2009) Will Davies, Director, Human Resources Jo Owen David Stephens, Director, Finance & Operations Tom Ravenscroft (from 1 Dec 2009) Amanda Timberg, Director, Leadership John Rink Development Alex Shapland-Howes (from 1 Dec 2009) James Westhead, Director, External Relations Sarah Shillingford Professor Sonia Blandford, Adviser to the CEO Vidhu Sood-Nicolls (to 22 Feb 2010) Founding Ambassadors Company Secretary Lord Andrew Adonis Anesta Broad George Iacobescu CBE Rona Kiley Finance and Audit committee Ralph Tabberer Sarah Shillingford (Chair) Dame Mary Richardson Dame Julia Cleverdon DCVO, CBE Stephen O’Brien Alison Grieve Jo Owen Vidhu Sood-Nicolls (to 22 Feb 2010) Peter Sullivan

20 Teach First Annual Review 2010

National Advisory Council Andrea Sullivan Carrie Heiss Charlotte Hogg David Rendel David Thomlinson Baroness Estelle Morris Gary Wood Sir Geoff Hampton Gill Bal Graham Holley Heath Monk Hilary Hodgson Jacquie Nunn James Townsend Jania Geoghegan Jim Richardson Baroness Jo Valentine John Attree John Bangs John May John Tate Kirstie Hawkes Lesley Lyon Lynn Fabes Maggie Hughes Marina Barker Max Haimendorf Mel Ainscow Michael Wilshaw Lord Nat Wei Neil Makin OBE Pam Jervis Rhys Parry Robert Crothers Ruth Carney Stephen Nelson Steve Garnett Steve Hodkinson

Total income: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

TDA expansion grant Interest receivable Corporate contribution and other grants Donations in kind Government grants for participating schools Fees paid by schools Other

Total expenditure: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Graduate recruitment costs* Participant training costs* Ambassadors programme* Governance costs Funds passed to participating schools

£14,039,151 £3,820,000 £20,123 £5,857,317 £366,512 £1,174,998 £2,686,488 £113, 713

£12,608,465 £2,791,264 £6,694,860 £1,790,876 £156,467 £1,174, 998

*These costs incorporate costs for other Teach First departments (External Relations, Operations and Human Resources) as these departments support the three main strands.

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Acknowledgements Teach First would like to acknowledge Hilary Hodgson and Vidhu Sood-Nicolls who stood down as Trustees, for their contributions and their continued support. We are grateful for their commitment to the mission. Furthermore, we would also like to acknowledge our Founding Ambassadors for their continued support – George Iacobescu, Ralph Tabberer, Lord Andrew Adonis, Dame Mary Richardson, Rona Kiley and Stephen O’Brien.

We are grateful to the following funders who have generously given grants, donations and in kind support during the financial year. Accenture Barclays Capital BlackRock Breakthrough Social Investment Fund Canary Wharf Group CfBT Education Trust Cheshire Employer and Skills Development Group Citi Foundation Civil Service Fast Stream Clifford Chance Credit Suisse EMEA Foundation Deloitte Experian Garfield Weston Foundation

Goldman Sachs Hewitt Associates HSBC Institution of Engineering and Technology JP Morgan Chase Foundation Learning and Skills Council Lehman Brothers Foundation Europe National College for School Leadership NESTA Procter & Gamble PwC Salesforce.com UBS

Teach First would also like to acknowledge the financial support from the Training and Development Agency for Schools of £3,820,000 for expansion and to the Government for the grant of £1,174,998 that is passed on directly to schools for the mentoring costs of participants. Other donors include: Arup Bentley Bloomberg LP BT Cadbury Foundation Capital International City & Law City of London EdComs EdisonLearning Ernst & Young Financial Services Authority Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP GTI Media Hammonds LLP HSBC Private Bank

RM Rothschild Shell Standard Life Steve Garnett of salesforce.com Tesco The Dulverton Trust The Gatsby Charitable Foundation The Haberdashers’ Company The Mercers’ Company The Sutton Trust The Venture Partnership Foundation The Westminster Foundation & Grosvenor Trust Transport for London William Shelton Educational Charity

“Teach First is a model that works and there’s a huge demand from schools for Teach First teachers… it’s a brilliant idea and you just need to look at the results to see what it has achieved.” Deloitte

22 Teach First Annual Review 2010

To keep up to date with the latest news and events from Teach First, please visit our website www.teachfirst.org.uk Teach First is a registered charity, number 1098294 Telephone: 0844 880 1800

National Office and London Regional Office 4 More London Riverside London SE1 2AU East Midlands Regional Office Riverleen House Electric Avenue Nottingham NG80 1RH North West Regional Office 3 Piccadilly Place, Floor 11 Manchester M1 3BN West Midlands Regional Office St George House Hill Street Birmingham B5 4AN Yorkshire and the Humber Regional Office 1 City Square Leeds LS1 2ES

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