Lifescience Industry Magazine Issue 20

Page 17

Clinical Need

Clearing the air in operating theatres

Brandon Medical, a Leeds-based medical equipment designer and manufacturer, offers a new operating theatre ultraclean ventilation system with an added layer of infection control.


he company’s latest Mediclean Ultra Clean Ventilation (UCV) with Continuous Particle Monitoring (CPM) provides a unique monitoring feature, as well as automatic cleaning of surgical smoke and airborne particles. Mediclean uses an innovative air curtain technology to constrain the flow of clean air within the clean zone and to separate it from entrainment by the surrounding “dirty air” in the rest of the room. The diffuser surface is completely flush with the suspended ceiling, without any protrusion from the UCV unit into the room. The air curtain eliminates the requirement for side screens and coanda effect air flow deflectors that would normally protrude below the ceiling. Advantageously, Mediclean does not obstruct the movement and positioning of operating lights, medical pendants or medical imaging equipment. It is easier for designers to create ergonomic equipment

layouts and easier for staff to position equipment during surgery. In addition, damage from collisions with the UCV side screens and air deflectors is eliminated. The Continuous Particle Monitoring (CPM) system measures airborne particles in realtime and uses simple visual alarms. Clinical staff can “see” when the air isn’t clean due to entrainment or surgical smoke and can take steps to protect themselves and their patients. It is impossible to see clean air with the naked eye, so CPM samples the air to accurately measure the number of particles present during surgery and displays the results as visible signals. Smoke from electro-surgery is known to be hazardous. It can contain as many as 72 harmful contaminants, including known carcinogens and intact viable DNA. CPM detects harmful particles of smoke as well as dirty air. Mediclean reacts with a visual warning of the risk to the surgical team

and, by increasing the airflow to clear the smoke away from the clean zone, it protects surgeons and staff from inhaling smoke. CPM supplements the annual UCV validation tests done in empty theatres to indicate that the UCV is working efficiently during real live operating conditions.

When particles are detected, the CPM system automatically increases the airflow from the UCV to quickly flush the contamination away from the safety-critical area, for the benefit of both patients and surgical staff. The system automatically returns to normal operation when safe operating conditions are restored.

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