2012 Proposed Guidelines and Rules

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GUIDELINES & RULES of WORS WORS Guidelines & Rules to Race By are in place to provide consistency from race to race within the Wisconsin Off Road Series. They are designed to support a safe, fair, and enjoyable racing experience for all involved. WORS Guidelines & Rules to Race By apply to all WORS events and all participants in WORS events!

CLASSES WITHIN EACH CATEGORY A competitor’s racing age determines their age class. Racing age is a racer’s age as of December 31 of the current year.

WORS events are scored in these classes:

First Timer: Men & Women racing age 15 and over, non-series. Times or any other road associa•on must (results) for this category will only be CATEGORY DESCRIPTIONS race WORS Comp or above. Winning First Timer: (15 and older as of •me in this category will generally posted at the event, not online. 12/31/12) A non-series category for be approximately 65 minutes (course Junior (age class): Boys & Girls: 7-8, 9-10, individuals looking for a casual ini•al length of 12-18 miles dependent upon 11-12, and 13-14. exposure to WORS. Race distance is course & condi•ons). Citizen (USA Cycling Cat 3): Men: approximately half that of the Ci•zen 11-14, 15-16, 17-18, 19-29, 30-39, 40Comp (USA Cycling Category 2 men): 49, 50-59, 60 & over, Clydesdale** 39 race. A Comp compe•tor is a racer looking & under and Clydesdale** 40 & over. Junior (age class): (Boys & Girls for top level Category 2 compe••on. Women: 11-14, 15-18, 19-29, 30-39, racing age 14 & under) Races for this *Male USA Cycling Mountain 40-49, and 50 & over. category start at least 1/2 hour before Category 2 compe•tors looking the Ci•zen race and are 3-6 miles in Sport (USA Cycling Cat 2): Junior for State and Regional recogni•on length (1-2 laps of a modified Ci•zen (male ): 13-14, 15-16, 17-18, Junior should compete in this category. course). (female): 14 & under, 15-18. Men: 19Compe•tors with 5 top 10 overall Citizen (USA Cycling Category 3): finishes (not age class) in WORS 24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45(Men & Women) A Ci•zen compe•tor Comp category for the year must 49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65 & over, shall be a new or recrea•onal racer advance the following year or pe••on Singlespeed 19-39, Singlespeed 40 & with limited riding •me. Racers with 2 WORS in wri•ng as to why they over, and Clydesdale** 39 & under and or more years of racing experience and should be exempt from mandatory Clydesdale** 40 & over. Women: 19training more than 4 hours per week, upgrading to Cat 1. In WORS races, 29, 30-39, 40-49, and 50 & over. should compete in the Sport category Comp compe•tors will generally Comp (USA Cycling Cat 2, 19 & over): or above. Women with 3 top 5 and share the course with the WORS Men:19-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, men with 3 top 10 overall finishes (not Elite compe•tors, but race a shorter 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, Masters 55 & age class) in WORS Ci•zen category for distance. Winning •me will generally over (open to all categories), Comp/ the year must advance the following be approximately 90 minutes (course Open Singlespeed and Clydesdale**. year. Winning •me in this category length of 18-24 miles depending upon Women: Open. will generally be approximately 40 terrain & course condi•ons). Cat 1 (USA Cycling Cat 1 license minutes (course length of 8-12 miles Pro, Cat 1 (WORS Elite): (Men required): Male: 15-18, 19-23, 24dependent upon condi•ons). & Women) WORS highest level of 34,35-44, and 45-54. Female: 15-18, Sport (USA Cycling Category 2*): compe••on. Either an Interna•onal 19-29, 30-39 and 40 & over. (Men & Women) A Sport compe•tor Pro or USA Cycling Mountain Category A competitor that registers for is an experienced racer of average 1 annual license is required to register a category they are ineligible for ability. Women with 3 top 5 and men and to compete in this category. will be Disquali!ed! with 3 top 10 overall finishes (not Winning •me in this category will (i.e. A more advanced rider entering a Citizen race.) age class) in WORS Sport category for generally be approximately 100 the year must advance the following minutes (course length of 25-32 miles **Clydesdale class is for male racers weighing year. USA Cycling Road category dependent upon terrain & course an absolute minimum of 200 pounds. All Clydesdale compe•tors must weigh in at race 4 & 5 racers may compete in this condi•ons). Pro & Category 1 women registra•on. Anyone weighing in at less than category, however men compe•ng on and Cat 1 Juniors will race the WORS 210# must reweigh dressed in just bike shorts, socks and a t-shirt. Failure to weigh in or make the road at category 3 level or higher Comp distance. weight will result in the racer being assigned to on the road with USA Cycling and/ the appropriate age class with their category.


and will be given full credit for points from their original category results.

Racers wishing to receive an overall in WORS or par•cipate in WORS team compe••on must register with WORS. Series registra•on may be either completed online at www.wors.org by April 15, 2012 or by downloading a form from the website or using the one from the 2012 WORS Racer Handbook and mailing it with the appropriate registra•on fee to WORS, postmarked no later than April 4, 2012. These deadlines are to allow for number assignment and no•fica•on in •me for racers to register for the first WORS event of the year using their number. Series registra•ons a•er April 15th should take place at the WORS tent onsite at a WORS event. A racer must have a series number for a result to count toward a series overall, WORS team compe••on, or to pre-register for all but the first race they wish to have counted in their series overall score. Points for series overalls will be figured retroac•vely for up to three races for first •me Ci•zen registrants, but only one race for all others!

CHANGE WITHIN CATEGORY: Those making a change

(To receive retroac•ve credit a compe•tor must write that they are reques•ng retroac•ve credit along with their number from the race(s) for which they are reques•ng retroac•ve credit on their series registra•on form).

WORS will inform those registering by April 15th of their series number by e-mail and will begin assigning numbers on April 1st (specific number requests will not be given priority a•er March 31st). Those registering a•er April 15th will receive their number assignment at the WORS tent at their first event. A racer may not compete in Sport with a Ci•zen number and vice versa! WORS •ming system will not accept an incorrect number and your data will fail to appear on the results.


between age class, Clydesdale or Singlespeed within the same category will pay a $10 administra•ve fee, turn in their series number plate and have 75% of their previously earned series points transferred.

ENTRY FEES RACE ENTRY FEE*: Pre-Registra•on Online at www. wors.org or Mail-in: Elite (Pro/Cat 1) - $32, Cat 1 Juniors (Racing age 15-18)- $25 (UCI Interna•onal or USA Cycling Mtn Cat 1 license required). No One Day license op•on.

Comp & Sport, 19 & over - $27 With USA Cycling Mountain Annual License, $32 with One Day License. Ci•zen, 19 & over - $25 With USA Cycling Mountain Annual License, $30 with One Day License. Sport, Ci•zen, & Junior 18 & under - $18 With USA Cycling Mountain Annual License, $23 with One Day License. First Timer - $22 One Day License included. Online Race Registra•on for each event closes at midnight on the Monday just before the race. Mail-In entries: Must be postmarked at least 8 days (Saturday in most cases) before the day of the event to avoid being assessed late fee at race registra•on.

Late/Day of Entry Fees: $6 more, all categories. All USA Cycling Mountain License holders must present their license at race registra•on to avoid being charged for a one day license fee. Elite (Pro/Cat 1) Racers are required to hold either a UCI Interna•onal or USA Cycling Mountain Annual License (membership) and must present their license at race registra•on.


numbers are available at the WORS tent at a cost of $5 for a new series number plate (plas•c) or $1 for a temporary INDIVIDUAL EVENT AWARDS: First Timers - All finishers number plate. Back number replacements are 50 cents receive an achievement medal. Par•cipants must be present at the awards ceremony to receive their award. Junior, each. Ci•zen, Sport, & Comp: the top finishers in each age and CHANGING CATEGORIES sex class, at each event, will receive custom WORS medals. UPGRADING: Racers upgrading during the series will pay The number of places awarded is based on the average number of racers in each class the previous year. See the a $5 administra•ve fee and have two op•ons: 1) A racer Medal Distribu•on Chart. Cat 1 classes are awarded “WORS may turn in their series number plate at the WORS tent to Cash” (see chart page) dependent upon the size of the field have a percentage of their accumulated points transferred within their respec•ve age class. Pros (UCI interna•onal to the new category (70% for a one category upgrade, 50% license) and Cat 1 overall compete for a cash prize list per for a two category change) and be issued a new series the chart on the next page. The total prize list and depth number or 2) Keep their original category points intact of awards, is determined by the combined number of Pro and start with zero in the new category. In either case all and Cat 1 compe•tors in the race with the total number results applicable to the team compe••on will register. of male Pro and Cat 1 compe•tors determining the Men’s Comp racers moving to Cat 1 using op•on 1 transfer 60% prize list and the total number of female Pro and Cat 1 of their points from the Comp overall (not age class) to Cat compe•tors determining the Women’s prize list. There are 1; op•on 2 is unchanged. no age classes and Cat 1 racers are eligible dependent upon DOWNGRADING: Those who feel circumstances warrant their overall placement in the Pro/Cat 1 race. their moving down in category must pe••on WORS in Cat 1 racers winning money from the Elite prize list are wri•ng with the reason for the downgrade. They will have excluded from age class “WORS Cash”. to reregister with WORS, pay a $10 administra•ve fee,


Junior, Ci•zen, Sport, and Comp: The top 3 (4 in classes with more than 12 racers receiving an overall score, and 5 in classes with more than 20 overall scores) in each age and sex class will receive a plaque in recogni!on of their overall achievement. Comp and Pro/Category 1: Overall: The top 10 overall Elite men and top 5 women will receive merchandise prizes and plaques. The top five overall Comp riders will be presented with plaques to commemorate their accomplishment. Those receiving an overall award will be excluded from receiving an age class award. Classes: The top 3-5 in each Comp and Cat 1 age class will receive overall series awards (plaques), depending upon the number of overall finishers within the class (per the same criteria as Ci!zen & Sport).

AWARD PRESENTATION WORS award winners wishing to claim their award are strongly encouraged to par•cipate in the official awards ceremony for that race. Racers unable to a#end the awards ceremony are responsible for making arrangements to receive their award. WORS will have available, at the WORS tent, unclaimed awards from the previous three events ONLY! Unclaimed awards may be requested by mail by sending a $3 check for each medal or a $6 check for each plaque (to cover postage and handling) made out to WORS. Please include your name, address, phone number, name of race, category and age class, and place of finish. Mail info and check to: WORS, 8675 Rolling Hills Road, Custer, WI 54423. Mailing requests should be made within four weeks of an awards ceremony.

WORS SERIES SCORING To receive an overall series score in WORS, to be eligible for overall series awards, and to be entered in the WORS Overall Raffle, a compe!tor must first have a WORS series number (see registra!on sec!on of these Guidelines). To be scored in WORS overalls, a compe!tor must compete in a minimum of 6 series events (7 for Comp, Cat 1, and Pro) during 2011. For Ci!zen and Sport a compe!tor’s best 7 results will be used for tabula!on of their final overall points. In the Comp, Cat 1, and Pro categories the best 8 results will be used. A compe!tor who competes in more than 7 events (8 for Comp, Cat 1, and Pro) will be awarded 5 bonus points per addi!onal event completed (maximum of 30 points). DNF’s will remain 1 point. There are thirteen scoring opportuni!es over twelve races. In case of a !e, head-to-head results will be used to determine placing (first wins and then points if !e remains). If a !e s!ll remains, a !e will be declared and both racers will receive equal awards, with the next place being dropped. Special Scoring for the Subaru Cup: Par!cipa!on in mul!ple events at the Subaru Cup offers two scoring opportuni!es toward a racer’s overall. 1)Each series racer

compe!ng in the cross-country will receive series overall points based on their placement against only other series racers within the class they are compe!ng in. Subaru Cup categories & classes may vary. Par•cipa•on in the Subaru Cup Legacy Cross-Country is required to be eligible for a second overall score. 2)The second scoring opportunity at the Subaru Cup comes from a series racer’s par!cipa!on in either the Super D or the Short Track. Series points will be awarded for a racer’s placing amongst racers from their WORS category within the Subaru Cup Short Track or Super D age class (not normal WORS class) raced. VOLUNTEER POINTS: Series compe!tors who forfeit par!cipa!on in a race to help run the event may qualify for volunteer points. To receive these points, a point total equal to a racers lowest scoring race excluding DNF’s, a racer must: 1) contact the race director at least 8 days in advance of the race to apply for acceptance to the race staff, 2) work a minimum of 5 hours on race day, and 3) pick up a VP (volunteer points) form from the WORS tent, fill it out, have their Race Director sign it and turn it in to WORS Timing & Scoring. A series compe!tor may include only one VP in their overall results. The VP will either replace a compe!tor’s lowest scoring event with a point value equal to the second lowest score or one equal to their lowest score depending upon the number of scoring events they have in their overall score. POINTS: Points awarded at each individual WORS race toward series overall scores for Comp, Cat 1, and Pro overalls, as well as places within each age class for all categories, are listed in the WORS Series (Overall) Point Scale table below. Points awarded for Cat 1 age classes are awarded by combining overall finish points with age class finish points.

WORS Series (Overall) Points Scale Place Points Place Points Place Points Place Points 1st 200 16th 133 31st 78 46th 33 2nd 192 17th 129 32nd 75 47th 30 3rd 186 18th 125 33rd 72 48th 28 4th 181 19th 121 34th 69 49th 26 5th 177 20th 117 35th 66 50th 24 6th 173 21st 113 36th 63 51st 22 7th 169 22nd 109 37th 60 52nd 20 8th 165 23rd 105 38th 57 53rd 18 9th 161 24th 101 39th 54 54th 16 10th 157 25th 97 40th 51 55th 14 11th 153 26th 93 41st 48 56th 12 12th 149 27th 90 42nd 45 57th 10 13th 145 28th 87 43rd 42 58th 8 14th 141 29th 84 44th 39 59th 6 15th 137 30th 81 45th 36 60th 4 All other competitors finishing a race are awarded 2 points. *DNF’s reported to WORS Timing the day of the race will receive 1 point!

2009 guidelines and rules to race by

Medal Distribution For Each WORS Race Class # of Places Junior Male Female 7-8 3 3 9-10 5 3 11-12 5 3 13-14 3 3 Citizen Male Female Juniors 11-14 4 3 15-18* Juniors 15-16 3 Juniors 17-18 3 3 19-29 5 5 30-39 5 5 40-49 5 5 50-59 5 NA 50 & over NA 4 3 NA 60 & over Clydesdale 393 NA

Clydesdale 40+ Sport Juniors 13-14 Juniors 15-16 Juniors 17-18 19-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65 & over SS 19-39 SS 40 & over Clydesdale 39Clydesdale 40+

3 Male 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

NA Female NA 15-18* 3 19-29* 5 30-39* 5 40-49* 5 50&over* 3 NA NA NA NA *Female Age Classes

Pro and Cat 1 Individual Event Awards

Male 3 3 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 NA Male 3 3* 3* 3* 3*

Comp 19-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 Masters 55+ Clydesdale SS Open Women Open Cat 1 15-18 19-23 24-34 35-44 45-54

* Same criteria as “WORS Cash”

Female NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3 Female 3 19-29 3* 30-39 3* 40+ - 3*


Cat 1 class winners receive: WORS Cash* Awards, per chart at right in addition to medals . Cat 1 racers are eligible for the WORS ELITE PRIZE LIST, however those placing in the overall are excluded from age class “WORS Cash”. *WORS Cash is redeemable for onsite registration at WORS events or WORS merchandise. WORS Cash has no cash value and must be redeemed in increments of $5. Racers must participate in the Awards ceremony to receive “WORS Cash”.

USA Cycling Pro Men and Women compete for WORS ELITE PRIZE LIST There are NO age classes.

# of Racers in class 3 or fewer 4-5 6-9 10 - 14 15 or more

1st 10 $ 15 $ 20 $ 25 $ 30

2nd 3rd 4th 5th



10 15 $10 $ 20 $15 $10 $ 20 $15 $10 $


(This scale applies equally, but separately, to each class within Cat 1)

WORS ELITE PRIZE LIST # of Racers 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 14 or fewer $110 $75 $60 $45 $30 $ 125 $85 $65 $50 $35 15-24 $ 25-34 150 $100 $75 $50 $40 $30 $ 35-44 175 $120 $80 $60 $50 $40 $35 $30 $ 200 $135 $90 $70 $60 $50 $45 $40 $35 $30 45-54 $ 55-64* 225 $150 $100 $75 $65 $55 $50 $45 $40 $35 $ 250 $165 $110 $80 $70 $60 $55 $50 $45 $40 65-76** 75 plus*** $275 $180 $125 $95 $80 $70 $60 $55 $50 $45 *55-64 Racers 11th-12th $30 **65-74 Racers 11th-12th $35, 13th-14th $30 ***75 plus 11th-12th $40, 13th-14th $35, 15th-16th $30 (This scale applies equally, but separately, to the total number of Pro and Cat 1 men and women racers)


ORS Guidelines are reviewed and modified each year to reflect changes in the series. Should you have a question or input regarding the Guidelines please contact us at don@wors.org or (715) 498-9677. WORS staff and the race directors of all WORS events make final decisions regarding the Guidelines and Rules.



Failure to do so may result in disqualification. è Only registered racers may compete in a WORS event. An official WORS race number plate and back number with age class clearly marked must be displayed by each racer. No competitor shall cut, fold, mutilate, apply stickers to or alter in any way their WORS number plate. Numbers are not transferable. è All competitors must wear a properly secured helmet, complying to DOT or CPSC Standards at all times during competition as well as when pre-riding or warming up on the course. Competitors must wear proper riding attire, including a shirt, shorts, and fullyenclosed shoes during competition. è Each competitor is responsible for having their bike in good operating condition, including but not limited to: two fullyfunctioning brakes, plugged handlebar ends, NO hazardous attachments including kickstands and reflectors, adjusted hubs and headset, true wheels, and a sound frame (no cracks, severe bends or dents). Race and/or WORS officials may remove any racer from the start whom they feel is attempting to compete on an unsafe bike. Racers must start with and ride the same bike throughout any single event. è Personal listening devices which may interfere with a racer’s awareness of other racers and their surroundings are strictly prohibited on the race course. è All Competitors must be self sufficient. All repairs during a race must be performed by the individual racers. Tools and spare parts used in a repair must be carried by the racer. No off-course assistance is allowed and racers may not “cannibalize” or accept any parts off anyone else’s bike during a race. è Deviation from the marked course will result in disqualification unless the competitor reenters the course at point of exit. This includes ducking under any flagging marking the boundaries of the finish chute. A competitor that purposely leaves the marked course during competition is deemed to have retired from the race and will be scored as a DQ or DNF. è Feeding and/or “hand-ups” to a racer from a support person may occur on any part of the course with the following stipulations: 1) all those feeding must stand to the right just off course, 2) running with a racer is prohibitted, 3) feeding must not interfere with another competitor. This is an override of USA Cycling Mountain rules and is in effect throughout WORS. è Self feed bottle despensers or the like must be located in a disignated feed zone near the start of the lap. è Any competitor littering the course with a gel packet, food wrappers or other waste will be disqualified! è A competitor on their bike has the right-of-way over one pushing their bike. Whenever a competitor is off their bike, they need to make every effort to allow access to the fastest/most rideable part of the track to racers on their bikes. è Lapped racers must yield the track immediately. A lapped racer by definition is one from the same starting wave as the overtaking racer. Other racers being overtaken should make every effort to let

faster riders by as soon as the course allows. è It is the responsibility of an overtaking rider to pass safely. No racer is expected to stop their race to allow other racers to pass. However, no rider shall intentionally impede the progress of another. A rider should make his/her presence known when overtaking a slower rider (i.e. “On your left. Please!”). Especially in singletrack, await return communication from the rider being overtaken that it is safe to pass. A rider passing another is expected to do so in a manner which requires the least accommodation from the rider being passed. è The use of profanity or flagrant discourtesy directed at another competitor, race worker, or spectator is grounds for disqualification from an individual event, first offense, and WORS upon the second offense! è Mountain biking is an individual sport, and even though WORS does have a team competition, entering into agreements or forming alliances (monetary or otherwise) to control or alter the results of a race will result in disqualification from that individual event. è Pre-riding the race course after the start of the first race of the day is prohibited! On race day the only individuals riding bicycles on the race course should be those entered in the category(ies) competing at the time. Interference with another’s race by doing so is grounds for disqualification, (i.e. an Elite racer riding on the race course during the Sport race in such a way as to cause alteration of results or put Sport racers in danger). è A race may be halted or rerouted by the race director or emergency personnel in case of severe injury to a rider or life threatening weather. Racers failing to heed the instruction of medical personal and/or course marshals attending to an injured rider will be disqualified! è Protests of the results, the conduct of a racer, or any other matters related to the race, may only be filed by a competitor in the event or a race official. Protests must be reported to or filed with a timing official within 10 minutes of the completion of an event, initial posting of results in question, or a ruling to be considered valid. All results become final as of the presentation of awards. è The sale of merchandise or display of products for promotional purposes at WORS events without the permission of WORS and the individual event director is prohibited. This includes but is not limited to banners, tents, and anything not permanently attached to a vehicle that a competitor has driven to an event.



WORS races are sanctioned by USA Cycling. USA Cycling rules not specifically covered here may also apply.

Final interpretation the Rules is up to the Event Director, WORS and/or USA Cycling representatives on hand. These individuals have control over all competitors, scorers, and officials at each WORS event and their decision on these rules, and any situations not specifically covered by these rules, is FINAL!

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