Taylor Jackson Taylor Jackson Taylor Jackson
Opens Trussville Office Opens Trussville Office Opens Trussville Office
cially started January 1, 2021. With just four agents, they closed 106 units and thirty-four million in sales in their first year.
In 2022 Taylor grew his team to twelve agents and became a Premiere Zillow Flex partner. In September of last year, Taylor opened his first office in downtown Trussville. Taylor partnered with PLACE on October 1, 2022 to allow his agents and administrative staff to grow exponentially through their financial and growth model.
Taylor has hit ICON status three times and continues to grow. He now has some agents that are certified mentors through Exp and several that have hit record breaking goals.
We know that in 2023 Taylors team will continue to work hard to surpass their goals.
Taylor and his team are truly an inspiration.
Jasmine Kemp
Alabama State Team
eXp Realty Alabama was named State Team of the month for eXp Realty! You all are the best team we Alabama eXp agents could ask for. This group was chosen out of all the state teams in the company. Are are all so proud to have you as our leadership & looking forward to an amazing 2023!
Congrats to Kayla Cook for her sweet baby girl coming soon.
Jasper’s Joe Argent welcomes son Wiley.
Kristen McGraw is expecting a precious baby boy soon
Halie Biggs and husband welcome sweet daughter, Logan
Carter Pair is welcoming a new baby boy soon.
Penelope is showing off her exp wear
Congrats to Jon Gilkerson for getting engaged in the Phillipines.
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We had a wonderful time at our Christmas potluck.
Here is Coach Burt's #5 habit
this is Grit. When you do big things in life, evil people come out of the woodworks. — this was an interesting take on Grit and resilience. Coach Burt helped us understand that when you start bringing massive value, others will try to leach onto it. It’s important to distinguish who these people are and recognize their intentions. They can be friend or foe. Have faith to keep going —> fight for what you believe in. When people present doubt or pain the worst thing you can do is let this take over you thoughts and emotions. Affirmations are powerful motivators at this junction.
Activity > reach out to your past clients & sphere of influence. Ask: “What are you trying (or planning) to do in 2023?” ⁃ let the know you are here for the good times, bad times, and I am here for you.
It’s important to recognize the difference between a stimulus and a response. In other words, what you can control and what is uncontrollable. You can control what value (stimulus) you bring to the marketplace. How the marketplace (people) responds is the uncontrollable.
Nonlinear Thinking vs Linear Thinking ⁃ what are big problems people have? ⁃ Can you bring value to the conversation to help them see it’s not linear? Be creative.
This is the conclusion of the 5 habits of the top 1%. I hope this has brought you massive value. If you don’t retain all this info, remember:
“Money changes hands when problems are solved” Coach Burt
Gusty Gulas
1. Get Aggressive and Proactive.
When the new UAB football coach was announced I was pretty confident that we had a mutual friend. I asked my friend to put in a good word for me to the new coach and he did. While that has not panned out to anything yet my friend called me a day later and said I have another friend whose son is going to play at UAB and they want to buy a place down there. He connected us and we are currently looking at million dollar plus houses. This all came about from being aggressive.
2. Let others know you are in real estate
At my gym I started becoming more social and building relationships with others. I started mentioning that I had an amazing investment deal or have you seen the new listing on so and so street. This turned into three referrals in two weeks. Don’t be a secret agent! The more hands you shake the more money you make!
3. Get your database organized
No matter what database or excel file you use you need to get all of your contacts in one place. Add tasks to each contact in your database. Focus for 30 days and do one letter of the alphabet each day to get organized.
4. Do open houses
One of our agents picked up 6 closed deals from one open house. She was prepared, followed up, was proactive and provided a new level of service to many of those home buyers. If people are looking at a house now with interest rates a lil higher than last year then they are serious. Open houses…just do em.
5. Don’t give up
Many people are ready to throw in the towel. Don’t. You have to remember this is a business. You need to know why someone should use you as compared to the thousands of other agents they have access to. In the 2009 recession is where I made a name for myself. I had people recommending to me to go get a job cause we were barely paying bills. I stuck with it and in one years time went from about to leave the business to the top agent at the top company in the state. Get your mind right and stay positive. You can do this!.
Genny Williams
As an obsessed goal-setter and achiever, there's nothing more satisfying than knowing you accomplished what you told yourself you would. From even my earliest years in the business starting in 1997, I set yearly goals that I always achieved. Here's what I've learned:
1. Don't compare yourself to any one else who is way ahead of where you want to be. Let the super successful inspire you to higher levels in your own style. If they can do it, you can do it.
2. Make your goal scary enough to get you excited by asking yourself what would I have to achieve to make me excited and super proud of myself?
3. What goals match my core values? If hobbies and vacation is the goal, don't put unnecessary pressure on yourself to increase productivity and number of transactions. Maybe you want to shoot for higher price per sale.
4. What's truly possible? It's ok to make a doable goal and RAISE it when you achieve the first step. The energy surrounding you achieving a goal can spur you on to the next level. So, choose something that excites you, but you know is doable. Also, choose a lead source that matches your ideal client. If you want sellers, choose a seller lead source.
5. Break them into quarterly goals so that you can do sprints. You'll be much more dedicated and energized focused on short term goals.
6. Break them into daily activities using My 6 Figure Day. Download the My 6 Figure Day app and use it every day to achieve your goals.
11. Create a strong presence on review websites such as Yelp, Zillow, and Google Business Profile to build credibility and attract new clients.
12. Partner with other real estate professionals in your area to create referral networks and bring in new business.
13. Use direct mail marketing to reach out to potential clients in your target area.
14. Attend local networking events and join relevant industry organizations to build relationships and generate leads.
15. Offer valuable resources and services, such as a mortgage calculator or home value estimator, on your website to attract potential clients.
16. Use ChatGPT if you’re stuck on a message for social media posts emails texts
MEETMeet Kami Bassinger
Demopolis, AL
Kami was born in Eutaw, Alabama. She attended Auburn University and graduated with a Bachelors and Masters in business education. She taught high school in Auburn before returning to West Alabama where she taught for 4.5 years in Demopolis. She is married to Ryan Basinger and they have three beautiful daughters, Ali Taylor, Ansley, and Faith. Kami has been in a real estate agent for sixteen years. She loves getting the opportunity to build relationships with new people and cherishes the friendships real estate has brought her.
Kami joined Exp in 2019 and values all the benefits Exp has to offer. She has enjoyed working with other agents and building those relationships as well.
This is the number of rev share paid to just 31 folks in our group last year. Wow!
Do you want REV SHARE in 2023?
Here are some tips to start conversations:
1. Put a link to find out more in your email signature.
2. Be a cheerleader for the company and post something positive about eXp, the Xteam, or your experience a minimum of 2x per week on social media.
3. Be a great co op agent. How you handle yourself will attract people to you and get them asking questions. You can always ask if he or she likes his company and what they like about it? You can find out many wonderful things about somebody.
4. Meet with your vendor partners and tell them your goal about helping other agents. They will help you set up meetings.
5. Invite agents to masterminds and events.
Let's jumpstart 2023 with this HIGH ENERGY event packed with motivational and strategic content! These superstars are sharing their experience and knowledge to help you be the agent you want to be this year Whether it's freedom or increased sales, you're going to get some direction and how-tos Please make every effort to attend and soak up this event. YES! Invite your agent friends to attend and celebrate growth and success with us.
And, we are going to raise it up a notch with the best voted blues band in Alabama; Mike Lawley and KingFish band. What? Oh, yes!
We are that serious about your success. Get your carpool together and make a day of it! Can't wait to see you
If you’re in one of these states, your monthly bill has increased due to state tax.