Prayer Diary Autumn 2015

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AUT UM N ’15



‘SING TO THE LORD’ 1 Chronicles 16:23




Life after the cyclone

Birth of our Saviour brings hope

Prayer for a devastated nation

Following Jesus where the need is greatest


WELCOME COME AND PRAY ‘India was hands down the best experience of my life. It was inspiring, amazing and heartbreaking but most of all so faithstrengthening and fun!’ Charlotte Adams, who went on a Tearfund prayer trip to India last year. Some of the most memorable prayer times I’ve ever experienced have been overseas visiting Tearfund partners and the people we support. A couple of years ago, we spent a day filming Yiv Toch in Tonle Batie, Cambodia. She was struggling to get enough income from her job in a textile factory, but she was more concerned for her husband, who was not yet a Christian. Yiv Toch had come to faith a few years before and was being supported through the local church to raise chickens for extra income. Yiv asked our team if we would pray with her for him to come to know Jesus. Of course we agreed, but we were surprised when she left to fetch him... So we prayed with Yiv Toch and her husband, and later learnt the amazing news that he’d given his life to Jesus! Of course, it’s not possible – or necessary – for all of us to visit and pray with people in poverty overseas. But for those of you who do feel called overseas, Tearfund run prayer trips to visit our partners. The next trips to Brazil, Malawi and India take place 28 March to 4 April next year, with orientation over the weekend of 16 and 17 January. The deadline for applications is 31 December, visit tearfund. org/prayertrip for full details or call 020 8943 7777 – it may be the best experience of your life!


Peter Shaw twitter @TearTimes | email Photo: Layton Thompson/Tearfund

Following Jesus where the need is greatest


CONTENTS 04 Rebuilding Vanuatu Lifting up these cyclone-hit islands 05 Thinking theologically Prayer for Tearfund’s conference 06 Bringing gender justice Confronting violence against women 07 Instability in Niger Prayers for communities in conflict 08 Nepal earthquake Lifting up the reconstruction work 09 Embracing equality in Peru Challenging injustice in prayer 10 Leaving something behind Celebrating kindness and generosity 11 Healing in the heart of Africa Lifting up the Central African Republic 12 God’s light in the DRC Prayer for this troubled African nation 13 Looking to Paris Prayer for the crucial climate talks 14 Peace and provision in Zimbabwe How God is answering prayers 15 Inequality in Zambia Praying for outcast people 16 The wonder of Christmas Celebrating the birth of Jesus 19 Protecting Mekong migrants Prayer for China, Thailand and Laos 20 Build each other up Your prayers for South Sudan 21 Justice for poor communities Praising God for advocacy success 22 Small group prayer How to be world changers


23 Prayer resources More opportunities to pray


Copyright @ Tearfund 2015. All rights reserved. Permission is granted for the reproduction of text from this publication for Tearfund promotional use. For all other uses, please contact us. Cover image: Worship at Big Church Day Out Photo: Jenny Barthow/Tearfund

Photo: Daniel Denness/United Vision Nepal

Following Jesus where the need is greatest


Sonia, age 10, and her mother, Martha are rebuilding their lives after the cyclone.

REBUILDING VANUATU: 27 SEPTEMBER – 3 OCTOBER We are continuing long-term recovery work to help the people of Vanuatu after Cyclone Pam brought mayhem to their South Pacific nation in March this year. Winds of up to 180mph slammed into the 65 islands that make up the archipelago, flattening homes and crops and destroying bridges and roads. This week, we pray for the islanders’ ongoing recovery...

SUNDAY 27 SEPTEMBER Through our friends at TEAR Fund New Zealand and their local partners in Vanuatu, we are responding on the main island of Efate and on Tanna, one of the islands which bore the brunt of this super-storm. Pray for families as they try to meet costs such as school fees with very reduced incomes, due to the loss of coffee plantations. MONDAY 28 SEPTEMBER ‘People are doing their best to replant and rebuild,’ says Helen Manson from TEAR Fund New Zealand. ‘Schools are still largely damaged and students are using temporary

God that crops such as island cabbage, Chinese cabbage and kumara (sweet potato) are starting to grow again – but the cyclone has caused food shortages. Ask God to bless the efforts of farmers so that families enjoy a bountiful harvest of vegetables. WEDNESDAY 30 SEPTEMBER Tearfund partner Nasi Tuan aims to rebuild the damaged gardens that supplied cash crops for 3,800 households in three Area Councils of Tanna affected by Cyclone Pam. Their early efforts were hampered by poor weather conditions, but

‘PEOPLE ARE DOING THEIR BEST TO REPLANT AND REBUILD’ classrooms. Most people have rebuilt at least a basic house with local materials or roofing iron.’ Pray for the rebuilding of infrastructure, homes and particularly schools in Vanuatu. TUESDAY 29 SEPTEMBER Because it’s a poor, remote series of islands, many people in Vanuatu rely on locally grown produce for food. Praise Photo: Helen Manson/Integral Alliance

they have propagated more than 10,000 seedlings. Ask that these seeds will reach the right people and grow successfully. THURSDAY 1 OCTOBER We were overwhelmed by the prayers and gifts offered to our Vanuatu appeal – thank you! Praise God that the success of the appeal means that Nasi Tuan has expanded its

tool distribution and training programme to support 5,000 families: that’s more than half the population of the island of Tanna. FRIDAY 2 OCTOBER Patrick Joseph, who lives on the island of Efate, was trained in disaster risk reduction by a Tearfund partner. Before the cyclone struck, he put his training into practice to protect homes. ‘We put sandbags and stones on the roofs because we weren’t sure if the houses would be strong,’ he said. Pray for Patrick as he trains more people to be prepared for future disasters. SATURDAY 3 OCTOBER Shortly after the cyclone, President Baldwin Lonsdale of Vanuatu said that the disaster wiped out all of the country’s development. Lord, we lift up the people of Vanuatu who have lost so much. We ask for you to give them strength and resilience as they rebuild. We pray for the support to continue to reach those most in need. Amen.

Following Jesus where the need is greatest


THINKING THEOLOGICALLY IN BANGLADESH: 4 – 10 OCTOBER Biblical values are at the heart of all we do at Tearfund. We take time to reflect on what the Bible has to teach us about our work as we follow Jesus where the need is greatest. Join us in prayer this week for people at Tearfund’s Thinking Theologically conference in Dhaka, Bangladesh. SUNDAY 4 OCTOBER About 80 people are preparing to travel to Dhaka today to take part in the conference. Give thanks that their churches and organisations have released them from work for this week of reflection, and pray that they will travel safely. MONDAY 5 OCTOBER Thinking Theologically aims to deepen people’s understanding of mission and encourages them to let God’s word shape their work with people in greatest need. Pray that God’s Spirit will be with the speakers and that participants will be open to being challenged, inspired and encouraged by what they hear. TUESDAY 6 OCTOBER Throughout the conference, people will share with each other what they believe they have heard from God. Pray that

God will bless their relationships and that they will continue to connect with and support each other in their faith and through their work when they return home. WEDNESDAY 7 OCTOBER More than 50 per cent of the global population now live in cities, and Dhaka is one of the most densely populated in the world. At the conference today, we’ll be discussing how the church can live out its mission in an increasingly urban world. Pray that the church will be able to meet the challenges and take up the opportunities that urbanisation brings, as we work to release people from poverty in cities. THURSDAY 8 OCTOBER Today is the last day of the conference: participants will make commitments about what


Photo: Peter Caton/Tearfund

they plan to do with the things they have learnt, and we will commission them as they are sent back out to their churches and organisations. Pray that they will hear God’s call, be able to share what they have learnt, and be confident that God has equipped them to serve others and introduce them to the love of Christ. FRIDAY 9 OCTOBER Throughout the gospels, we see Jesus taking time out to pray and commune with his Father. Pray that those who attended the conference, and other Tearfund partners and staff, will be able to set aside regular time to pray, reflect on the Bible and seek God’s will for their work. SATURDAY 10 OCTOBER Pray for Bangladesh, and for the church there as it seeks to serve the country and share the good news of the gospel. Suchitra, Tearfund’s Bangladesh Country Representative, asks that we pray particularly for justice and peace, and for Christian leaders to be role models for the next generation of Bangladeshis.

Following Jesus where the need is greatest


BRINGING GENDER JUSTICE: 11 – 17 OCTOBER More than half a million women die in pregnancy and childbirth each year. Genderbased violence causes more deaths and disability among women aged 15 to 44 than cancer, malaria, traffic accidents and war.* This week we’re praying for restored relationships, justice and healing. SUNDAY 11 OCTOBER In conflicts across the world, sexual violence against women is rife, reflecting the lack of respect many men have for women. Pray for any areas of the world you know to be in conflict, that women who live their and their rights will be respected and protected. MONDAY 12 OCTOBER In one of the Central Asian states where Tearfund works, it is common for husbands to abandon their wives and children. One desperate mother, Maria, was helped when a Tearfund partner provided her with hairdressing training. Now she wants to employ other mothers too. Pray that God will turn men’s hearts back to him and to their families. TUESDAY 13 OCTOBER Many women contract HIV because poverty drives their husbands to work far away from home in big cities where some live promiscuous lives and return infected. Lift up the work of Tearfund partners like Diaconia in Brazil, who help families to develop sustainable livelihoods

Photo: Ralph Hodgson/Tearfund

in their own communities so that men don’t have to go to the cities to work. WEDNESDAY 14 OCTOBER Thank God for all our partners around the world who are empowering women to embrace their God-given potential. Kusum Bala in Bangladesh was living hand to mouth with her family, barely surviving from her husband’s income. Our partner, Participatory Action Development, helped train her to grow crops at home: now her whole family benefits from the income. THURSDAY 15 OCTOBER Suad, from Egypt, underwent female genital mutilation (FGM) when she was 12. Today, aged 30, she has learnt through training from Tearfund’s partners that it is a cruel and dangerous practice. ‘I will not let my tenyear-old daughter go through FGM,’ says Suad. Pray for Suad and other Egyptian women, that they will turn away from this brutal traditional practice.

FRIDAY 16 OCTOBER Nsanzimana from Rwanda attended Tearfund’s Positive Masculinities training. He says, ‘Before I used and managed the family assets on my own and did not consider my wife’s opinion. My wife had no right to the money. But after these workshops my wife and I decide together on how best to use our money, land and other family assets.’ Praise God for this amazing change! SATURDAY 17 OCTOBER Edith Hien Oho, 15, works in a gold mine in south-west Burkina Faso. Tearfund partner ESO Radio has been educating the community about the dangers of child labour and particularly the vulnerability of young girls to sexual abuse. ‘That is why I said [on the radio] that we must go back to school before it is too late,’ says Edith. Pray that the message will reach more communities. * WHO, World report on violence and health, 2000

Following Jesus where the need is greatest


INSTABILITY IN NIGER: 18 – 24 OCTOBER This has been a very difficult year for Niger. Violence continued as Boko Haram militants carried out a number of deadly assaults in the country. The security situation remains unpredictable and fear and tension are still widespread, despite forces from Nigeria and neighbouring Chad uniting to combat Boko Haram. SUNDAY 18 OCTOBER Pray for those affected by recent attacks who are in the process of rebuilding their homes and livelihoods and recovering from trauma. Pray that God’s love and comfort will touch their hearts and that his strength will empower families to overcome their difficulties. MONDAY 19 OCTOBER In January, homes, schools and orphanages were burned down and and many lives lost in the capital, Niamey, and in the southern town of Zinder. Pray that God’s peace will return to Niger and that any further attacks by Boko Haram against Niger and neighbouring countries will be prevented. TUESDAY 20 OCTOBER The attacks in January resulted in about 60 churches being burned down. Pray that God will make provision for new places of worship, as those affected can continue to rebuild their lives and communities. WEDNESDAY 21 OCTOBER Thank God for the gradual recovery made possible through the faithful service of Tearfund partners who are supporting local organisations to provide relief aid and trauma counselling to those who have lost homes and loved ones. Ask God to fill these workers afresh and renew their strength. Photo: Richard Hanson/Tearfund

THURSDAY 22 OCTOBER Ask God to raise up the church in Niger so that they will unite to support each other, especially those who have been left traumatised and the most vulnerable of victims who fear further attacks. Pray for God’s grace to increase over the work of the church for the furthering of his kingdom here on earth. FRIDAY 23 OCTOBER ‘No longer will violence be heard in your land, nor ruin or destruction within your borders, but you will call your walls Salvation and your gates Praise.’ Isaiah 60:18 Pray for peace and stability all over the nation of Niger and for a strong and effective governance at both central and local levels.

75 per cent of Guatemala’s indigenous people live in poverty Many families in Niger live in fear of Boko Haram

SATURDAY 24 OCTOBER God of heaven and earth, you who have declared the heavens as your throne and the earth as your footstool, we praise you for you are an awesome God. Thank you for the nation of Niger which you have called to yourself and you know each person by name. Thank you that they are all precious in your sight. May they come to know you and the fullness of your grace towards them each and every day. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Following Jesus where the need is greatest


THURSDAY 29 OCTOBER In the weeks following the earthquakes, A powerful earthquake struck Nepal on 25 April. More than Tearfund’s partners in 8,700 people were killed and about 14,000 injured. Then Nepal stepped up their a second earthquake struck on 12 May, killing a further 65 work warning children people. Tearfund staff and partners trained in emergency and their parents of the response travelled to Nepal immediately after the first dangers of trafficking. quake. This week we pray for the ongoing relief efforts... Pray that children will stay safe. With many survivors losing their SUNDAY 25 OCTOBER TUESDAY 27 OCTOBER homes and livelihoods Within days of the first While the earthquake was a in the disaster, traffickers are earthquake, Tearfund partners crushing blow to an already likely to target their vulnerability reached remote Nepali villages impoverished nation, there is still and try to entice them to let their where nearly all homes had much to be thankful for. Because children go, with promises of been destroyed, to deliver the main earthquake happened education or a better life. vital medical care and aid to on a Saturday, that meant large survivors. Pray for the many poor school buildings were standing FRIDAY 30 OCTOBER communities devastated by the empty. Otherwise, many more In Tear Times and the Prayer Diary earthquake: ask God to comfort children may have been killed by last year, we introduced you to them and give them the strength falling debris. Ishoori, a church leader in rural to rebuild. Nepal, who ran an after-school WEDNESDAY 28 OCTOBER club in her church for children Looking back on the first few vulnerable to trafficking. Please weeks after the earthquake, pray for Ishoori who is safe and Steve Collins, head of our work in well but who lost her grandfather Nepal, said, ‘It’s been a difficult in the earthquake. month for survivors… But the amazing generosity of Tearfund SATURDAY 31 OCTOBER supporters is enabling us to bring In the six months since the much-needed hope.’ Pray for earthquake, Tearfund partners Steve, his wife Jude and their – enabled by your prayers and two children, Amy and Paul, who generosity – have helped more lived in Nepal’s capital – they are than 60,000 people get through all safe and well but have been some of the most challenging through a traumatic year. weeks they have ever faced. Pray for the many whose lives were left in tatters, like Tuk Bahadur Adhikari, 62, who lost his home MONDAY 26 OCTOBER in the quake. The focus of Tearfund’s emergency response is on shelter, sanitation and protection. Teams have been trekking over landslides and mountains to some of the remotest unreached communities – following Jesus where the need is greatest. Pray that Tearfund and partner staff, who have seen and endured much, will find comfort and rest in Christ.


Photo: Jude Collins/Tearfund

Their home destroyed, Bhim’s family now live in a temporary shelter

Following Jesus where the need is greatest


EMBRACING EQUALITY IN PERU: 1 – 7 NOVEMBER Many of Tearfund’s partners are influencing their governments, persuading them to create and implement laws that protect and provide for people living in poverty, and encouraging them to spend public money wisely. This week, we pray for our partners’ advocacy work. THURSDAY 5 NOVEMBER Tearfund’s partner Agape helps prevent violence against children in a poor suburb of Lima. Delfina used to beat her children, but after attending Agape’s parenting workshops her mindset changed. ‘I realised that I was wrong,’ she says. ‘From then on I began to treat them with more affection.’ Pray for children to be kept safe from abuse across Peru. Rural communities in Peru, such as this one on the outskirts of Lima, are badly affected by deforestation

SUNDAY 1 NOVEMBER Helen Baquero, Tearfund’s Peru Project Officer, did an internship at Tearfund after university, and never left. ‘At university we learnt to make money for ourselves, but after my internship I wanted to work with the poorest people in society,’ she says. ‘My prayer is always that we keep this vision and build God’s kingdom.’ Lift up all Tearfund’s staff and partners in Peru. MONDAY 2 NOVEMBER The remote indigenous community of Aylambo lacked even the most basic services. Tearfund’s partner Warmis helped them apply for government funding to construct a school, health clinic, access road, clean water supply and community sanitation. Praise God that all these requests have been granted, ‘I couldn’t stop thanking God,’ says the local pastor, Andrés. Photo: Ralph Hodgson/Tearfund

TUESDAY 3 NOVEMBER Carmen could not read or write when she joined Warmis’s workshops for women. Since then, her life has changed beyond recognition. ‘I can sign my name,’ she says proudly. ‘I can make sweaters and sell them because I now understand my accounts, and I can even recognise counterfeit currency.’ Praise God for such empowerment! WEDNESDAY 4 NOVEMBER Rural communities in Peru are badly affected by deforestation, climate change and natural disasters. Tearfund’s partner Shalom trains people to adapt their farming practices and care for God’s creation. ‘Before, we felt alone – now we feel closer to God,’ says Román. Pray for protection, resilience and provision for communities struggling with climate change.

FRIDAY 6 NOVEMBER Originally from a poor community himself, Pastor Alejandro is now an energetic church leader in the Peruvian Amazon. ‘Before working with Shalom, I spent all my time building churches and caring for people’s spiritual lives,’ he says. ‘I now understand that spiritual and physical care must go hand in hand.’ Pray that Peru’s churches will continue spreading the message of God’s love in word and deed. SATURDAY 7 NOVEMBER ‘So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them.’ Genesis 1:27 Peru struggles with inequality of many kinds, but in God’s eyes all are equally cherished and loved. Praise God for falling poverty levels in Peru, and pray for a society where everyone can reach their God-given potential.

Following Jesus where the need is greatest


LEAVING BEHIND SOMETHING AMAZING: 8 – 14 NOVEMBER This week, let’s praise God for those who choose to remember Tearfund in their will. Their kindness and generosity go a long way to enabling us to follow Jesus where the need is greatest, and we are deeply grateful.

and Audrey West. Let’s pray for people like Eric who are feeling the loss of loved ones today, and ask God to draw especially close to them now.

Peter and Olive Davison

SUNDAY 8 NOVEMBER ‘Colin was a kind and generous man who always put others before himself,’ says Colin’s niece, Kirsty. ‘As a family, it is comforting to know that Colin’s legacy continues through others.’ Thank God for Colin Ashdown and all those like him who live selflessly. MONDAY 9 NOVEMBER ‘Barbara was delighted to be able to remember Tearfund in her will and we know you will put her gift to good use in your ongoing ministry,’ write Julian and Hilary about their friend, Barbara White. Praise God for the hope, help and transformation flowing through gifts like Barbara’s. TUESDAY 10 NOVEMBER ‘Mum lived a life that was guided by and devoted to the Christian faith,’ says Patricia, daughter of Connie Applethwaite. ‘She was blessed with a gift for prayer and was always willing to give.’ Ask God to give you a spirit of generosity.

Photo above: Josephine M. Photo, right: David Tonge Jaggard

WEDNESDAY 11 NOVEMBER Peter and Olive Davison died within 11 weeks of one another. ‘They were a loving couple, married for 68 years. They dedicated their lives to their five children and serving the Lord,’ says their daughter, Josephine. Pray for families you know, that God will keep them in loving relationships together. THURSDAY 12 NOVEMBER ‘I would like you to talk not so much about me as about my Saviour, the Lord, Jesus Christ, who I came to trust as a child. I invited him into my life and he has been with me ever since, guiding me, guarding me, keeping me.’ These are words written by Elsie Tonge in preparation for her own funeral. Praise God for people like Elsie who walk through life so close to God. FRIDAY 13 NOVEMBER ‘My mum and stepfather were great – I miss them. My mum looked after me all these years in my bad health. They were a great couple,’ says Eric, son of John

SATURDAY 14 NOVEMBER Dear God, we praise you for those mentioned this week and for many others who’ve left legacies to Tearfund – for the blessing they were to other people in both life and death. Thank you for their generosity and we lift up the work being done as a result of these gifts. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Elsie Tonge

If you would like to know more about how to include a gift to Tearfund in your will, call Kirsty on 020 8943 7729, email her on or visit

Following Jesus where the need is greatest


HEALING IN THE HEART OF AFRICA: 15 – 21 NOVEMBER In the last two years, the people of the Central African Republic have suffered hugely as a result of religious, tribal and territorial conflict between two groups, the Seleka and the Anti-Balaka. Thousands have been killed and many more left coping with anger, uncertainty and fear. At the time of writing, much of the country has been peaceful, people are returning home from emergency camps and an election is planned. But, as one of the world’s poorest countries, CAR is vulnerable, fraught with tensions, and needs our prayers... SUNDAY 15 NOVEMBER Despite the gradual return to normality, Harvey, a former IT professional, his wife Raquelle and their three young sons still feel unable to leave the camp they’ve been living in for more than a year in Bangui, CAR’s capital. Their fear speaks of the trauma they’ve suffered. Pray for everyone still too scared to go home. MONDAY 16 NOVEMBER Having fled the Anti-Balaka, Adamou’s family were surviving on leaves when Tearfund gave her tools and seeds so she could grow enough food for her family and have some left over to sell. Thank God that he makes people resilient, even in the most extreme circumstances.

Photo: Niek Stam/Tearfund

TUESDAY 17 NOVEMBER Clean water and good hygiene are essentials, never more so than in a disaster situation. At the girls’ school in Boda, Tearfund has helped pupils form a committee, spreading the word about drinking clean water and washing hands. Thank you God that you teach us good things. WEDNESDAY 18 NOVEMBER Lynette was 14 when her parents and siblings were killed and she was raped by the Seleka. She hid for weeks in the forest until she felt safe enough to return to her village and join a school where Tearfund partner Jupedec are helping traumatised children. She asks for prayer for the other children at the school, that they will know peace.

THURSDAY 19 NOVEMBER Peter is 13. His mother died when he was five, so when his father was shot by the Seleka, he was taken in by his grandmother. He used to have nightmares, but they’ve stopped since he’s had help from Jupedec. He prays that God will heal his wounds and help him forget what has happened. FRIDAY 20 NOVEMBER James Wabwire is Tearfund’s food security specialist in CAR. He knows how fundamental food is to peace. The fighting left many people hungry but simple things like helping people grow their own crops makes a huge difference. Pray that our work to help people feed themselves will be blessed and will bring peace. SATURDAY 21 NOVEMBER Boris is a Tearfund staff member who is from CAR. As the pastor of a church in Bangui, he and his family encountered the troubles firsthand. He says, ‘I want to pray for the heart of every Central African, because the heart of the people is wounded. Change starts in the heart of the people.’ Amen. Names have been changed this week to protect identities.

Food distribution at at a theological college in Bangui

Following Jesus where the need is greatest


GOD’S LIGHT IN THE DRC: 22 – 28 NOVEMBER Due to the violence around them, many people in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) are forced to flee their homes regularly and leave their livelihoods behind. This week we pray for them and celebrate how, through Tearfund’s partners, God is helping them in practical ways. SUNDAY 22 NOVEMBER Pray that the church in the DRC will be a place of refuge, encouragement and hope for people who live in fear of violence. Pray that people will know the power, deliverance and peace of God. MONDAY 23 NOVEMBER There are many displaced people in the city of Beni, who often experience food shortages and sickness related to poor hygiene. Thank God for Tearfund’s partner, Programme de Promotion des Soins de Santé Primaires, which is working to provide food vouchers, latrines, hygiene training and clean water for 250 displaced families. TUESDAY 24 NOVEMBER Many of the displaced people in Beni are sick, injured or bereaved: 100 civilians were recently beheaded in the area. Yesuri is a grandmother who had her leg amputated after an attack. Please pray that God will

Photo: Aubrey Graham/Tearfund

meet the bereaved and injured in their pain and bring comfort and peace to people like Yesuri. WEDNESDAY 25 NOVEMBER ‘Our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against... the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.’ Ephesians 6:12 Pray for peace in DRC, that perpetrators are brought to repentance and justice, and that victims receive grace, protection and strength from God. Ask that people will be able to return home safely. THURSDAY 26 NOVEMBER After being away for five years, Masumbuko and his family moved back to South Kivu and began rebuilding their home. After a Tearfund/USAID project taught him about hygiene, Masumbuko says, ‘We used to always have at least one child suffering from diarrhoea but now none of them do.’ Praise God for improved health and sanitation in South Kivu. Pray this training will reach more families.

FRIDAY 27 NOVEMBER Maombi is a widow who lives in Bugoyi village with her five children. After training from a Tearfund partner, she planted 1kg of garlic and harvested 30kg. She plans for a greater harvest next time as the money she earns through selling garlic helps pay for school fees, medical care and clothes for her children. Praise God for this initiative and pray that Maombi’s garlic harvests will continue to be bountiful. SATURDAY 28 NOVEMBER Dear Lord, thank you for the work you are doing in DRC and that you care for every person living there. Please lift the spirits of Tearfund staff and partners who carry out food, health and sanitation work on the ground. We ask for an end to the violence and help for displaced people to rebuild their lives. Amen. Mugisa and Chantal at the Heal Africa Transit Centre for traumatised women in Goma

Following Jesus where the need is greatest


LOOKING TO PARIS: 29 NOVEMBER – 5 DECEMBER Our journey of faith sometimes feels significant and at times it feels ordinary. This week is a significant one for issues relating to climate change and for the world’s poorest people who feel its impact the most. Let us offer our ordinary, everyday prayers and actions to God to stand in solidarity with them.

Climate change has had a devastating effect on farmers in Nicaragua

SUNDAY 29 NOVEMBER Today is the first Sunday of Advent. May the hope of God’s light shine brightly in a world of great challenges and complex problems. Pray for communities and countries, like Vanuatu and the Philippines, who are most affected by adverse weather and the changing climate. MONDAY 30 NOVEMBER The UN climate meeting of world leaders to negotiate a climate change deal starts in Paris today. ‘The current economic and environmental situation in our community is becoming increasingly difficult, especially for us who are entirely dependent on agriculture,’ says Jesús Gómez, a pastor who lives in the community of Lima, Nicaragua. Pray for Jesús and his community. TUESDAY 1 DECEMBER ‘We were worried that we wouldn’t have seed to plant this year,’ says Pastor Jesús Gómez. Climate change has become one of the biggest problems in Central America, hitting the poorest and most vulnerable people hardest. Pray for our world leaders and for negotiators and representatives in Paris, that they will put the interests of people like Jesús first. Photo: Richard Hanson/Tearfund

WEDNESDAY 2 DECEMBER Earlier this year, we launched our Ordinary Heroes campaign, encouraging people to speak out for change, alongside making lifestyle changes. Ask God to prompt you to take a small but significant change today. Could you think about taking a holiday in the UK next year, reduce the amount of meat in your diet, or switch energy supplier to a renewable company like Ecotricity? THURSDAY 3 DECEMBER Earlier this year, Tearfund launched a major new report, The restorative economy, which sets out a long-term vision for a more just and sustainable world. Pray that its content and ideas will enter the public domain and be influential; pray that the biblical concepts of jubilee and shalom that the report promotes will take root in our societies and economy.

FRIDAY 4 DECEMBER Long-term recovery work is underway to help the people of Vanuatu after Cyclone Pam brought destruction to the South Pacific nation. Pray for the recovery work being carried out by Tearfund partners. Give thanks for the generous gifts of Tearfund supporters and pray that the resources continue to be used well. SATURDAY 5 DECEMBER Thousands of Christians will gather for a church service today, part of a series of events and marches in Paris to speak up for poor and marginalised people during the Paris climate summit. Many people are making pilgrimages to Paris to speak up, pray and stand in solidarity with poor people. Pray that the church’s voice will be authoritative and influential.



PEACE AND PROVISION IN ZIMBABWE: 6 – 12 DECEMBER Zimbabwe continues to face political instability and deep poverty, but God is moving in power through the work of our partners based in the country. They are making a massive difference in the communities where they work and are seeing God answering many prayers. Young boy in Manzvire Village, Zimbabwe

SUNDAY 6 DECEMBER Tearfund partner Ebenezer runs an Agricultural Training College, which brings many benefits to its community but which recently came under threat of being closed because of the land it was built on. However, after visiting the project, Vice President Phelekezela Mphoko announced that Ebenezer could keep the land. Praise God for his faithfulness and mercy in answering the prayers of the community. MONDAY 7 DECEMBER Please pray that Ebenezer will continue to forge good relationships within the community and the government. The unity displayed in efforts to save the college was unprecedented; please also pray that local people will be encouraged and seek more opportunities to work together to improve their lives. TUESDAY 8 DECEMBER Thobekile’s role is to strengthen the capacity of Tearfund’s church partners so they can help shape the Zimbabwean development agenda. However, she has found that many people

Photo: Clive Mear/Tearfund

are ‘almost afraid to hope that things can be better’. Pray that God will help Thobekile inspire communities and partners to dream bigger: nothing is impossible for our God!

‘LORD, SHINE YOUR LIGHT ACROSS ZIMBABWE, BRINGING HOPE AND A FUTURE’ WEDNESDAY 9 DECEMBER Earlier this year, our in-country team carried out a strategy review to evaluate Tearfund’s work within Zimbabwe and discern what God wants to do through us there over the next few years. Pray for continued wisdom and insight as the team put plans into motion; pray that they will keep in sync with God, be spurred on by righteous anger towards injustice, abuse and inequality, and have the grace to respond appropriately.

THURSDAY 10 DECEMBER Give thanks that God enabled our Country Representative Ben Nicholson to return to Zimbabwe after a long delay in getting his visa renewed. Praise God for the way he has sustained Ben and his family during the wait. Ben describes the experience as an ‘incredible journey’, knowing God’s peace and provision throughout. FRIDAY 11 DECEMBER Earlier this year Zimbabwe was rocked by xenophobic attacks, stirring up fear and intimidation across the country. The attacks have provoked emotional responses from Zimbabweans, some rational and some strongly negative. This situation opens up a way for Christians to stand up as peacemakers. Pray that Zimbabweans will not let the seeds of vengeance, fear and hate take root among them, as a result of these attacks. SATURDAY 12 DECEMBER Dear Lord, we thank you for bringing breakthrough in the tough situations faced by our partners and staff in Zimbabwe. Shine your light across the nation, bringing hope and a future to those who are living in poverty and fear. Amen.

Following Jesus where the need is greatest


INEQUALITY IN ZAMBIA: 13 – 19 DECEMBER According to the World Bank, inequality in Zambia is higher than in many other countries in sub-Saharan Africa, with huge income gaps between rural and urban areas. This week, we support in prayer the work of Tearfund partners who are addressing these inequalities, with life-changing results. SUNDAY 13 DECEMBER Unable to feed her children or pay the rent, Edith contemplated suicide in 2007. Then she encountered Tearfund partner Jesus Cares Ministries (JCM). The baking course run by JCM gave Edith new skills and income. Today she has a thriving business and her own house with electricity, her children have left school for good jobs, and Edith has a close relationship with the Lord. Praise God for freeing people from the captivity of poverty. MONDAY 14 DECEMBER Through JCM, mum-of-eight Grace has learnt how to make her one-acre garden grow with an abundance of tomatoes, onions and cabbages. Seeds and know-how from our partner mean Grace can sell produce and now afford to send the children to school. She’s also bought a plough to open up more land – a far cry from her days scratching a living as a labourer for others. Give thanks for the turnaround in Grace’s life and pray that people she meets will be inspired by her example. TUESDAY 15 DECEMBER Proverbs 3:13 says, ‘Blessed are those who find wisdom, those who gain understanding.’ Goats can be a successful livestock moneyspinner in Zambia if people have good husbandry skills. Ask God’s blessing on our partner, Brethren in Christ Church (BICC), which is equipping people to have sustainable futures.

Photo: Mark Lang/Tearfund

WEDNESDAY 16 DECEMBER Nebbon and Febby Nkando used to spend a lot of time and money taking their children to hospital, due to illness caused by bad hygiene practices. Since BICC helped them understand how diseases are spread, that’s changed. Pray more Zambians can be freed from avoidable and life-sapping illnesses. THURSDAY 17 DECEMBER Busy mum Bepher used to walk miles each day to fetch water from a spring. When it was dry, she’d go to a shallow well nearby but, because livestock as well as people used it, drinking its water often made the family sick. Praise God that, since BICC put in a deeper well, protected from animals, incidents of illness have fallen.

Grace Banta, a member of a Jesus Cares Ministries self-help group in Zambia

FRIDAY 18 DECEMBER Learning how to prevent disease and the importance of safe accommodation has transformed Major from a small-time chicken keeper into a profitable poultry breeder. That means his children are going to school and he’s building a new home. Pray God’s blessing on our partners as they share life-enhancing knowledge with Zambian families in poverty. SATURDAY 19 DECEMBER Lord, we lift up the people of Zambia to you and pray that you will break down the inequalities caused by poverty that shackle so many. Father, continue to bless the work of Tearfund partners as they equip Zambians to fulfil their potential, sharing your love and care for all – whatever their circumstances.


THE WONDER OF CHRISTMAS: 20 DECEMBER – 2 JANUARY Tearfund will be sharing the message of hope through Jesus to many thousands of people this Christmas. We’ll be doing that through a musical tour of Scottish churches to Christmas cards, Sing Christmas carol events and through our partners across the world – thanks to your prayers and support. This week, we pray for all these activities and reflect on the birth of our Saviour, Jesus Christ. SUNDAY 20 DECEMBER Today is the last date of the Tearfund Scotland music tour. Scottish Christian musicians Yvonne Lyon, Steph Macleod, Allan McKinlay and David Lyon have visited a dozen churches this month, performing Christmas songs and sharing about Tearfund’s No Child Taken anti-trafficking campaign. Pray that those who came will be inspired and moved to offer their support. MONDAY 21 DECEMBER Last year churches, community groups and even sports stadiums held Silent Night Carol events – an initiative organised by Tearfund in partnership with HOPE and Sports Chaplaincy UK. Last year 1,200 people enjoyed a carol service at Bolton Wanderers stadium. Pray that people will be bold in inviting people to events this year.

Photo: Cally Myddleton/Tearfund

TUESDAY 22 DECEMBER ‘She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.’ Matthew 1:21 As people prepare for the coming festivities, pray that families across the world will be touched by the true message of Christmas – of the Son of God sent to save us from our sins. WEDNESDAY 23 DECEMBER Donations collected at Silent Night Carol events last year raised £115,000 for families caught up in conflict in Syria and across the world. Pray for families still suffering because of conflict today – particularly for people in Syria, Iraq and the Middle East. Pray that people will be challenged by Jesus, the Prince of Peace, to put an end to conflict.

CHRISTMAS EVE 24 DECEMBER Following on from the success of Silent Night Carols, this year HOPE and Tearfund are partnering once again to take part in Sing Christmas – an opportunity to engage with villagers in a country pub, sports fans in a stadium or families from your local schools. Pray for the many Sing Christmas events that have already taken place, that people will be touched by the story of Jesus. CHRISTMAS DAY 25 DECEMBER ‘Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.’ Luke 2:11 Father God, thank you for the gift of your Son, Jesus. We pray that more people will choose to follow Jesus this Christmas. Amen.

Following Jesus where the need is greatest

SATURDAY 26 DECEMBER ‘It just swept over me, the wonder of it all/ That in the person of his Son/ God came to this poor world undone.’ (Mary Topham, The wonder of it all) Christmas Day is often a busy time with friends and family. So take time today, if you are able, to reflect on the birth of Jesus. Read Mary Topham’s poem on page 18 for inspiration. SUNDAY 27 DECEMBER Last year thousands of Tearfund supporters sent Christmas messages on cut-out card angels to children rescued from trafficking in Nepal. The children were really encouraged and many wrote back. ‘May God bless you,’ wrote Bina, 16. ‘I am very happy to read the Bible verse, “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.”’ Let the words of Romans 12:12 inspire you today. MONDAY 28 DECEMBER ‘The gifts are beautiful and do send again. I always pray for you. I love you,’ wrote Samjhana, seven, in response to the message she received from a Tearfund supporter. Pray for children like Samjhana today: the people of Nepal have suffered greatly this year because of the earthquakes and their aftermath.


TUESDAY 29 DECEMBER ‘I am very happy to receive your gifts that you sent us. You have sent it from far away and it is very beautiful. I will pray for you,’ wrote Rita Pun Magar, aged 16, when she received a decorated angel from a Tearfund supporter. Pray for Rita Pun Magar who lives at a trafficking rescue centre in Nepal, that she would be released from the trauma of her past.

THURSDAY 31 DECEMBER Thousands of Tearfund Christmas cards will be adorning shelves and mantelpieces across the country, with images and Bible verses telling of the hope that can be found in Jesus. Pray that people will be encouraged by the messages they read from Christian friends, and that they will be inspired that followers of Jesus care for them, and for poor people across the world.

WEDNESDAY 30 DECEMBER Tearfund’s partner Red Viva has been helping the indigenous Wayuu community to deal with a crippling drought in northern Colombia, which has left many children with poor nutrition. Red Viva have been giving them food supplements to build up their strength. Last Christmas, when they realised the children had never heard of Jesus, the team shared the nativity story with the whole community through drama, mime and music. Pray that the community will remember what they learnt last year about Jesus and be open to him.

FRIDAY 1 JANUARY For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16 It’s the start of a new year, and – praise God – we have been given new life through Jesus Christ. Ask God to give you boldness and courage this year to share the good news of Jesus with others. SATURDAY 2 JANUARY Lord, help us to keep Jesus and the hope that comes from him in our thoughts, and reflected in our words and actions in the coming months. We ask you to help us to remember and uphold people in need this year – particularly those living in extreme poverty around the world. Help us to be generous with our prayers, time and resources. Amen. West End Has Faith performance in support of Tearfund

Photo: Cally Myddleton/Tearfund

Following Jesus where the need is greatest


THE WONDER OF IT ALL By Mary G Topham It just swept over me, the wonder of it all That in the person of his Son God came to this poor world undone In such humility. With Mary on her ass to ride And faithful Joseph by her side They made their way to Bethlehem But found no shelter at the inn And no one else could take them in. So in a stable he was born The Christ of God that wondrous morn Amidst the cattle and the hay As in his mother’s arms he lay In such simplicity. And in the babe that day began The great unfolding of God’s plan Of full salvation brought to man At such a cost and what a price Was paid by God’s great sacrifice At Calvary. Continuing still that plan unfolds Until one day the story’s told When Jesus Christ appears again In glorious majesty to reign. With hearts and voices we exclaim ‘All glory be to his great name!’ The wonder of it all, the sheer wonder of it all.

A passionate supporter of Tearfund and faithful follower of Jesus, Mary Topham died in 2012 aged 98. This poem is taken from The wonder of it all, a selection of Mary’s poems compiled and illustrated by her friend Lalage Carswell as a tribute to Mary. All proceeds of the book are being donated to Tearfund. For details of how to order visit

Following Jesus where the need is greatest


PROTECTING MEKONG MIGRANTS: 3 – 9 JANUARY Tearfund’s work in the Mekong Sub Region (MSR) focuses on poor areas of China, Thailand and Laos. Vulnerable migrant communities live precariously and are at high risk of exploitation. Our partners work to ensure that basic human rights are upheld for these migrants. SUNDAY 3 JANUARY Bless China International has followed Jesus’ example by engaging with outcast people and sharing a meal in the homes of people living with HIV. This has forced surrounding villages to recognise their misconceptions and re-engage with people living with HIV. Thank God for relationships that save people from isolation. MONDAY 4 JANUARY When she was 19, Tik lost both parents, dropped out of school and became unemployed. Through World Concern’s youth programme, Tik has learnt a lot: ‘I knew about trafficking before but not the details, and the information about AIDS was new to me.’ Pray that Tik can use this knowledge to educate and protect others in her community.

TUESDAY 5 JANUARY With no land of their own, Mrs Jiam’s family paid 40 bags of rice each year in rent. Their remaining income went mainly on medical treatment, which often left them in debt. Thanks to a Tearfund partner, the family built a latrine, improving their health and saving money. Mrs Jiam says, ‘My life has changed for the better.’ Thank God that simple solutions can bring huge change. WEDNESDAY 6 JANUARY Khantin’s friends left Laos to find work elsewhere. At the age of 18, her dream is to stay and support her family. Through World Concern Laos, Khantin has been trained as a hairdresser. ‘I want to open a salon in the future because there’s no salon yet in our village,’ she says. Thank God for new opportunities and big dreams.

Children playing with sand on the bank of the Mekong River

Photo: Ralph Hodgson/Tearfund

THURSDAY 7 JANUARY Mr Nyoun struggled to provide for his family, until Tearfund’s partner introduced a new rice variety, better suited to the local soil. Mr Nyoun tripled his rice yield within the first year. ‘We have so much more now,’ he says. ‘Before, I didn’t know about this variety of rice. It has lots of benefits.’ Pray that more families will switch rice varieties and enjoy better yields. FRIDAY 8 JANUARY After she lost her husband, Manichan and her son discovered they were both living with HIV. To avoid discrimination she moved away from her community and pulled her son out of school. Once World Concern Laos had delivered HIV-awareness training, Manichan joined a selfhelp group, learnt about healthy living and is now much happier. Pray for strength for all those who remain ostracised by their communities. SATURDAY 9 JANUARY Dear Lord, thank you for the example Jesus set of welcoming everyone into his company. We ask that you will forgive us for the times that we are not loving and pray that you will teach us to be more welcoming in our own communities. Show us the people around us who need to know your acceptance today. Amen.

Following Jesus where the need is greatest


BUILD EACH OTHER UP: 10 – 16 JANUARY In the spring edition of the Prayer Diary, we asked you email your prayers or encouraging Bible verses for our team in South Sudan. We had an overwhelming response, and this week we use some of these prayers to lead our devotions.

SUNDAY 10 JANUARY ‘Lord, while the world is looking at events elsewhere, thank you for continuing to pour out your Spirit on South Sudan,’ prays Geoff. ‘You never forget those on the margins. Build that country anew, through your people, so that when the world once again looks this way, it will see you have performed the impossible. Thank you that you never let go.’ MONDAY 11 JANUARY ‘May God our Father be everpresent with all who serve the people of South Sudan in his name, by his grace and power,’ prays Peter. ‘Take heart in his promise. Hebrews 13:6, “So we say with confidence, ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?’” TUESDAY 12 JANUARY ‘Lord, please be with all those who are working in your name in South Sudan and give them courage, strength, wisdom and a clear understanding of what you would have them do, especially when times are hard and even dangerous,’ prays Gladys. ‘Please bless them and the people with whom they work and give them your peace and the assurance of your presence. In the name of Jesus, Amen.’

WEDNESDAY 13 JANUARY Let’s join Janet in the prayer of Psalm 145:15–16: ‘The eyes of all look to you, and you give them their food at the proper time. You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing.’


THURSDAY 14 JANUARY ‘We pray that you may have the wisdom to know his will for you and the people you serve; we also prayed for the strength and resilience to keep doing the amazing work that God has called you to in his service,’ write Peter and Chris. ‘Praise God for Tearfund’s partners and the work that they do to support those in need.’ FRIDAY 15 JANUARY Let’s join Susan in prayer, ‘for the people of South Sudan: that they may know something of the love of Christ through the bore holes dug by Tearfund workers.’ Christine adds, ‘I pray for those who have lost their crops through drought or floods; that with the help of Tearfund and partners they can rebuild their crops, put food on the table and enable their children to have a good education to get them out of the poverty trap.’ SATURDAY 16 JANUARY ‘My prayer is that all in South Sudan will come to know the Lord,’ prays Andrew. ‘I pray that peace will reign. And truces will be seen.’ Lord, we ask you to bring this into being.



First day of the feeding programme in Twic East, South Sudan.



SUNDAY 17 JANUARY Thank God for the perseverance of our partner, Mopawi, in Honduras. For more than 25 years, they have called for justice for the indigenous people in the La Mosquitia region, who have been at risk of being forcibly removed from their land. As a result of Mopawi’s ongoing advocacy work, the National Congress has finally agreed to give all the indigenous people in La Mosquitia the right to own the title to their land. Please pray for smooth and swift implementation of this agreement. MONDAY 18 JANUARY Tearfund partner Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia has persuaded its government to tackle corruption, by reforming the way that the central government budget is channelled to constituencies across the country. Pray for wisdom for church and community members in each constituency, as they participate in local decision-making processes to determine how this constituency development funding should be spent.

Photo: Geoff Crawford/Tearfund

TUESDAY 19 JANUARY With support from our partner Warmis, church leaders from Luz Resplandeciente (‘Shining Light’) Church in Cajamarca, Peru, spoke repeatedly with their local council officials about the need for provision of drinking water and sanitation. Their determination paid off and everyone in the community is now benefiting from these services. Pray that this example will inspire more communities to speak out. WEDNESDAY 20 JANUARY In coalition with other organisations, Serve, a Tearfund partner in Afghanistan, successfully convinced the Ministry of Education of the need for a new national law on inclusive education. Pray that this will richly benefit marginalised children all over Afghanistan, including those with visual and hearing impairment, who will now have the opportunity to attend governmentfunded schools. THURSDAY 21 JANUARY In Brazil, our partner, Instituto Solidare, has been running Escuela de Fe e Politica (‘School of Faith and Politics’) to train church leaders to understand the rights of people living in

This week we pray for the many Tearfund partners who are speaking out in advocacy, holding their governments to account for creating and implementing laws that protect and provide for people living in poverty. We’re calling on leaders to be transparent and accountable in how they spend public money allocated to development work. and encouraging them to spend public money wisely.

poverty in their communities and the responsibilities of the government towards them. Pray that communities will be blessed through this training. FRIDAY 22 JANUARY Our partner, Christian Council of Tanzania (CCT), regularly trains community members in how to track government budget expenditure and challenge irregularities. Praise God for the courage of community members in Chibelela District who, with support from CCT, exposed the misuse of funds intended for local educational needs and managed to get the money redirected. SATURDAY 23 JANUARY ‘Let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!’ (Amos 5:24) Give thanks for all Tearfund’s partners whose passion for justice and righteousness motivates all that they do. Ask God to give them courage, wisdom and perseverance as they speak out for – and with – people who live in poor communities.




‘In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.’ John 16:33


In 1971, a time of great political unrest, Graham Nash from Crosby, Stills and Nash wrote the song Chicago, which became an anthem for a generation. The chorus goes: ‘We can change the world/ Rearrange the world.’ Civil rights were a big issue, war still raged in Vietnam, and many young people – desperately trying to change the world – were beaten mercilessly by the police. The same generation who fought to bring about change became the ‘me’ generation, searching for self-fulfilment – the yuppies of the 1980s. That generation – my generation – learnt a painful lesson: it’s hard to change the world unless you connect to a world-changing power. That’s why we look to God. If we try to tackle injustice and nothing happens, it’s easy to become cynical. But perhaps that’s the line of least

Photo: Margaret Chandler/Tearfund

resistance. In his book, God’s politics, Jim Wallis writes, ‘Cynicism... protects you from disappointments. Ultimately cynicism protects you from commitment. If things are not really going to change why try so hard to make a difference, why become and stay involved? Why take the risks?... Cynics are finally free to just look after themselves.’ Wallis also says: ‘Cynicism protects you... from seeming foolish enough to believe that God could and will change.’


Believing Jesus’ words such as those in John 16 involves a choice. We are following Jesus, who leads us to change local communities, to change regions and, in doing so, change the world. The Bible contains story after story of people who, through obedience to God, changed their world: Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Joshua, Deborah, Gideon and many more. Ask God to help you to put cynicism aside, and choose to be a world-changer too.

‘IF THINGS ARE NOT REALLY GOING TO CHANGE WHY TRY SO HARD TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE?’ JIM WALLIS, GOD’S POLITICS I believe that, as followers of Jesus, we should build lives on the opposite of cynicism – choosing to hope instead. Here at New Wine, along with organisations like Tearfund, we have made a choice to hope that, with God’s help, this world can change. This is not head-in-the-clouds optimism, but a conviction, born out of the witness of scriptures and history, that the world can change.

Mark Bailey is leader of New Wine ( and Lead Pastor of Trinity Cheltenham. Change a Nation is a partnership between New Wine and Tearfund working together to see the local church rise up and a nation changed. For details visit

Following Jesus where the need is greatest


PRAYER RESOURCES Here are more resources and opportunities to pray with Tearfund for people in poverty. email URGENT PRAYERS BY EMAIL Tearfund’s weekly prayer email, One Voice, features prayer updates from around the world. Delivered every Friday, the email has downloadable content giving you the flexibility to use it at your Sunday service, small group meeting or on your own. Sign up at JOIN A LOCAL PRAYER GROUP If you would like to meet with others to pray for issues that affect poor communities around the world, then join a local prayer group. Call 0208 977 9144 or email and find out if there’s a group near you – or consider starting one.

twitter FOLLOW US ON TWITTER To receive regular prayer updates delivered to your smartphone, tablet or computer, you can follow Tearfund on Twitter. (You will need to have or set up a Twitter account at Visit

ORDER EXTRA COPIES OR AUDIO AND BRAILLE VERSIONS OF THE PRAYER DIARY Audio and Braille versions of the Prayer Diary are available, free of charge, upon request. You can also order more copies of the Prayer Diary for your church or group and sign up to receive extra copies regularly. Please call Tearfund on 0208 977 9144.

URGENT PRAYER ALERTS We have launched a prayer alert service on WhatsApp (a smartphone application), to share urgent prayer requests by text message and the occasional image or audio to help you pray. 1. Add +44 7752 590723 (our dedicated WhatsApp number) to your phone’s contacts 2. Text ‘UPDATE’ via WhatsApp to us on the above number 3. We will add you to our prayer list and send you regular prayer alerts Anna Chilvers at a Tearfund nutrition programme in South Sudan


Photo: Tearfund

‘Father, there is so much pain and conflict across the Middle East. We pray that timely help and support reaches all who are in need. We pray for leaders throughout the region and ask you to turn their hearts towards peace. As leaders around the world consider how to respond, please grant them wisdom and insight. Amen’

100 Church Road, Teddington TW11 8QE Tŷ Catherine, Capel Cildwrn, Llangefni LL77 7NN Challenge House, 29 Canal Street, Glasgow G4 0AD 241 Newtownards Road, Belfast BT4 1AF +44 (0) 208 977 9144 email twitter facebook Photo above: Stella Chetham/Tearfund Registered Charity No. 265464 (England and Wales) Registered Charity No. SC037624 (Scotland) 31425-(0815)


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