Ayoba Entertainment Web Designs

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is an affordable website design company, offering all the services needed to get your website designed, up and running and Search Engine Op;mized, there for the world to click on and to take on your services. We specialize is SEO, which means, not only will your website look great, but also get the hits your business deserves! Welcome to our website ...


As you may have no=ced already... the internet is becoming more and MORE popular! -­‐ friends are talking about "this" website and "that" website ... TV ads, Radio Ads, Magazines, newspapers are all quo=ng their websites addresses ... FACEBOOK has become enormous as well as so many other websites! Millions of People from all over the world are on the internet everyday looking up informa=on and if your business does not have a website, then how are these people going to find your services / products online?! ... instead, internet surfers are finding other websites that may be in compe==on with you! So enough said -­‐ with the Internet industry BOOMING, it is obvious that having a website, is very important!! The Package Special below includes everything to get a website up and running (Hosted too)! Popular for businesses who don't have a website. SEE BELOW for details. Special Package 1 – 10 Webpages Domain name SEO 6 months free hos;ng(R234 .co.za) Free changes/updates to you websites(Photo’s, text, small addi;ons) Free submission to Google, Yahoo, msn, Aardvark and Ananzi.


Website maintenance fee on request… tebza@ayobaentertainment.co.za

AN OVERVIEW OF HOW WE WORK & THE SERVICES WE OFFER! What we look at when we design your company/business a website: We look at Domain names, Web Design, Presenta;on, Meta Tags (Search Engine Op;miza;on), Hos;ng as well as making sure you are happy with what we have developed, BEFORE you pay! When you read below, you will no;ce how much we take Search Engines into considera;on. Domain Names: First thing we do is look for an appropriate / logical / suitable Domain Name for your businesses website. We will ;p you on what we think is the best Domain Name for you, always keeping in mind that keywords in domain names are very important regarding search engines! We will always recommend .co.za domain names, simply because this is South African related, but we do also register.com domain names. Once you have chosen your Domain Name, we will then go ahead and register the name upon your approval, so that it is secure with us and cannot be registered by someone else, while we are in progress, developing your website. Web Design: AYOBA Web Designs makes sure that your web design has a good layout. A good layout means that your website will be user friendly, more compa;ble and easy for "spiders" from search engines, to crawl your website and pick up the necessary keywords and informa;on. We do not use frames or flash presenta;on in our web design simply because its known to "block" "spiders" from reading further into your websites text informa;on. So AYOBA Web Designs only does sta;c web design. A high number of tables within tables is also not a good idea for web design. Why? ... because, search engine "spiders" bable to access text informa;on that's "deep" within those tables. AYOBA Web Designs , of course makes sure that our web design does not have that problem.

Presenta;on: AYOBA Web Designs, always urges clients to send high quality / professional, if not, at least decent looking photo's of their business to make their web design / website have that abrac;on that their business deserves. Good photo's makes a website look Good. Bad photo's (over exposed / under exposed / poor quality photo's) will definitely bring down your websites presenta;on a lot. We do touch up photo's clients send us, for a beber presenta;on for their web design, but there's 'so much' one can do to a photo. What's great about hos;ng with AYOBA Web Designs, is that if you would like to replace photo's on your website with improved ones, we will do this service for free. See Hos;ng below for more details and our web design package on our services page. Meta Tags (Search Engine Op;miza;on / SEO) AYOBA Web Designs company, makes sure that each of our website designs are fully Search Engine Op;mized! Ranking on the 1st page is everyone's goal, although obtaining this page rank is something all designers cannot guarantee on any search engine. Reason being is because hundreds of website are been indexed and crawled daily ... all wan;ng top posi;on on the search engine rankings, so there is a lot of tough compe;;on out there. But, the key to meta tags is to cleverly phrase your keywords to match what your target market would type in search engines to find the product/service you provide. When AYOBA Web Designs develops your website, the first thing we do is full in the meta tags: TITLE, DESCRIPTION, KEYWORD meta tags… and once we are finished with your web design development... we then go through your website again, to fill in all the other necessary meta tags, links that help with ranking on search engines. Hos;ng: Hos;ng with AYOBA Web Designs, has its benefits, where we do changes to basic informa;on on your website (photo's, text, rates, and other minor changes) for no charge -­‐ only of course, if you host your website with AYOBA Web Designs. All in all, AYOBA Web Designs company provides an excellent, helpful, speedy, professional and affordable service to all new and exis;ng clients. Welcome to AYOBA Web Designs!


Recently, businesses have been struggling to cope with the latest recession that has impacted the world, including South Africa. We have to start budge;ng and no doubt, watch our expenses! Therefore, we have decided to introduce the Template Design to your lej, especially for businesses who are in serious need of cukng expenses. We have a number of designs (although, s;ll a very stunning presenta;on) ... has been kept basic (hence the drop in price)... with search engine op;miza;on included.. this is definitely a deal not to miss out on. So contact us now and get your business a website that will ul;mately increase your business.

1 – 5 pages Domain Name 6 Months Free Hos;ng (total R234)! Free basic changes! We fully SEO (Search Engine Op;mize) your website. Google SEO Search Engine Submissions Graphic Design

PRICE LIST 2014 Free Logo with your Website If you commission us to design a website, you also have the op;on of us designing the logo for the same company for free (max 2 concepts). Free Cover Design If you've wriben a book, or produced a film or album, and you need the cover designed, we will undertake this task for free. Terms & condi-ons apply.

Brand Pack Logo Design (2 concepts) + Double-­‐Sided business Card Design (2 concepts; includes repro ready file but excludes prin;ng) + Email Signature (1 concept) + MS Word Leberhead (1 concept) =R1 300.00 Separate items total R1600 , so you save R300.00

Web Pack Logo Design (2 concepts) + 5 page website (2 concepts) + Informa;onal Slideshow Banner (3 slides) + Web Hos;ng (Package 01 with .co.za domain) + Directory Submissions = R 3950.00 once off = R468 / year thereaher (for the hos=ng) Separate items total R4950.00 , so you save R1000.00

PRICE LIST 2014 Brand + Web Pack Logo Design (2 concepts) + Double-­‐Sided business Card Design (2 concepts excludes prin;ng) + Email Signature (1 concept) + MS Word Leberhead (1 concept) + 5 page website (2 concepts) + Informa;onal Slideshow Banner (3 slides) + Web Hos;ng (Package 01 with .co.za domain) + Directory Submissions = R 4900.00 once off = R468 / year thereaher (for the hos=ng) (Separate items total R 6300.00, so you save R 1400.00)

Websites! Responsive site(Mobile compa=ble) Standard








Maintenance Rate

Hourly rate or Monthly rates

Branding! Logo Design 2 concepts, as needed

R 250

Banner’s Feather+Wing Banner’s

1 Concept with possibility of tweaks. Includes repro-­‐ready file, Excludes prin;ng.


Promo;onal Stand

1 Concept with possibility of tweaks. Includes repro-­‐ready file, Excludes prin;ng.


Banner Wall

1 Concept with possibility of tweaks. Includes repro-­‐ready file, Excludes prin;ng.


Pull Up Banner

1 Concept with possibility of tweaks. Includes repro-­‐ready file, Excludes prin;ng.


Business Card! Single Sided Business Card

3 Concepts, Includes Repro Files, Excludes Prin=ng

Business cards design and print-­‐ready artwork R250

Double Sided Business Card

3 Concepts, Includes Repro Files, Excludes Prin=ng

Business cards design and print-­‐ready artwork R500


Extra Card made up for addi;onal staff member

Brochures! Single Sided Flyer

1 Side of a single page, up to A4 size. 1 concept with possibility of tweaks. Includes repro-­‐ready file, Excludes prin=ng.

Double Sided Flyer

Both sides of a single page, up to A4 size. R950 1 concept with possibility of tweaks. Includes repro-­‐ready file, Excludes prin;ng.


Single sheet folded once to produce 4 surfaces. 1 concept with possibility of tweaks. Includes repro-­‐ready file, Excludes prin;ng.


Tri-­‐Fold / Z-­‐Fold

Single sheet folded twice to produce 6 surfaces. 1 concept with possibility of tweaks. Includes repro-­‐ready file, Excludes prin;ng.




Mul=ple sheets folded into a booklet. 1 concept with possibility of tweaks. Includes repro-­‐ready file, Excludes prin=ng.


Poster Design

1 concept with possibility of tweaks. Includes repro-­‐ready file, Excludes prin;ng.


MS Word Lekerhead

1 concept with possibility of tweaks. Includes built in Con=nua=on Sheet.


MS Word Quote+Invoice

1 concept with possibility of tweaks. Includes Free MS Word Leberhead.


Tradi;onal Leberhead

1 concept with possibility of tweaks. Includes repro-­‐ready file, Excludes prin;ng.


Email Signature

1 concept with possibility of tweaks. Includes Set Up Guide.



Web Hosting! Gold Home (R39)

2 Gig storage

Unlimited web traffic

75 emails accounts

Pla;num Home(R49)

3 Gig storage

Unlimited web traffic

200 emails accounts

Bronze Pro (R65)

4 Gig storage

Unlimited web traffic

500 emails accounts

Silver Pro (R99)

10 Gig storage

Unlimited web traffic

2000 emails accounts

Gold Pro (R165)

20 Gig storage

Unlimited web traffic

5000 emails accounts

Pla;num Pro 50 Gig (R399) storage

Unlimited web traffic

unlimited emails accounts








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