Awarded Research Grant Proposal

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December 6, 2013 UWRF Undergraduate Stipends & Expenses Grant Proposal Project Title: UWRF in Germany: Study Abroad Promotional Video Student Researchers Name: Jonathan Reid Falcon ID: w3072386 Email Address: Expected Graduation Date: May 17, 2014 Undergraduate Standing: Senior Name: Alec Philippi Falcon ID: w3074512 Email Address: Expected Graduation Date: May 17, 2014 Undergraduate Standing: Senior Faculty Mentor Name: Erik Johnson College: CAS Department: Theater Arts (Digital Film and Television) Date: December 6, 2013 Time Period Funds are Intended to be Utilized Funds from the UWRF Undergraduate Stipends & Expenses Grant will be utilized March 15-21, 2014 as part of a spring break trip to the RheinMain University of Applied Sciences (HSRM) in Wiesbaden, Germany. Introduction High school students deciding on a college to attend increasingly rely on internet research. To cater to a new generation of students with short attention spans, visual presentation is critical. The UWRF in Germany: Study Abroad Promotional Video will be an exciting and relatable visual representation of the cultural similarities and differences between German students and American students. The main goal of the video is to encourage students to expand their global perspectives and investigate studying abroad during their time at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls (UWRF). A secondary goal is to use the video as Undergraduate Research and Creative Scholarly Activity (URSCA) promotional material. The three to four minute video will be filmed as a joint effort between UWRF students and students at the RheinMain University of Applied Sciences (HSRM) in Wiesbaden, Germany. Page 1 of 5

December 6, 2013 Students Jonathan Reid (Professional Writing major, Digital Film & Television minor) and Alec Philippi (Digital Film & Television major, Journalism minor), along with faculty mentor Erik Johnson (tenure-track Assistant Professor), will travel to Wiesbaden, Germany during spring break 2014 to learn about the German culture, gather footage, and collaborate with German students in the HSRM Media Management department. Background The relationship between UWRF and HSRM began fall 2012. Under the direction of Provost Fernando Delgado, Professor Erik Johnson and two UWRF students worked on a similar exchange project. Through last year’s project, Professor Johnson began a working relationship with Wolfgang Schiffler of HSRM’s Media Management department. This year, the relationship between UWRF and HSRM continues. Professor Johnson and Provost Delgado have already been in communication: a spring break trip to Germany is in the early stages of planning. Erik Johnson’s contacts in the industry—both locally, and in Wiesbaden—and Provost Delgado’s blessing and support will give the students the backing they need to complete the project. This grant requests funds to provide stipends for the time and effort the students will put into producing a video that can be used as promotional material for years to come at UWRF. Statement of the Problem The UWRF in Germany: Study Abroad Promotional Video addresses a number of problems on campus. Currently, the URSCA website and the Global Connections website are severely lacking in visual appeal. A scholarly creative activity, such as the UWRF in Germany: Study Abroad Promotional Video, once uploaded to Kaltura, would solve this problem. Similarly, some students feel that they would have gone on a study abroad trip while at UWRF had they been introduced to the idea sooner. A promotional video shown during Week of Welcome that highlights study abroad trips in a relatable and comfortable presentation would solve a lack of student interest in study abroad programs. Finally, many students are unaware of the “Year of…” initiative. A promotional video made in Germany during the “Year of Germany” would solve this problem by providing the university something visual and lasting to show to prospective students, current students, and donors. Significance The University of Wisconsin-River Falls (UWRF) has named the 2013-2014 academic year, the “Year of Germany.” The 2013-2014 “Year of Germany” program will be an example for future “Year of…” programs at UWRF. The UWRF in Germany: Study Abroad Promotional Video will commemorate the “Year of Germany” campaign and fit nicely with the program’s aim to “take a wide-ranging look at Germany from its earliest history right up to current events.” Jonathan and Alec, along with students who view the finished promotional video, Page 2 of 5

December 6, 2013 will have a better understanding and appreciation of the country of Germany, German culture, and international students. The administration—including Chancellor Dean Van Galen—continually demonstrate a commitment to academic excellence. Both Alec and Jonathan display academic excellence in and out of the classroom. Both students presented video presentations at the Fall Gala 2013 and Jonathan received a Summer Scholar Grant award and a Falcon Travel Grant in 2013. The administration also values developing students with an informed global perspective. The UWRF in Germany: Study Abroad Promotional Video project will develop such a perspective for not only the student researchers involved, but also the students who view the finished promotional video production, whether at the Spring RSCA Day 2014 dissemination or when played officially by the university during Week of Welcome or other promotional capacities. Digital Film & Television (DFT) College of Arts and Sciences in the Department of Theatre Arts has a young, but rich history of excellence. Recently hired tenure-track Assistant Professor Erik Johnson brings years of television and film production experience and creative teaching methods which balance technical production with creative expression. The UWRF in Germany: Study Abroad Promotional Video will continue to build on the excellence of the DFT program and encourage future DFT students to explore, participate, and be successful in Undergraduate Research and Scholarly Creative Activity (URSCA). Objectives The UWRF in Germany: Study Abroad Promotional Video has separate objectives for the creation of the promotional video and the dissemination of said promotional video. The creation of the video (planning, filming, editing) will complete the following objectives: -Continue the relationship between UWRF and HSRM -Teach the students field production in an international, multicultural setting -Provide hands on experience with state of the art film and editing equipment -Develop technical production skills and creative expression The dissemination of the video will complete the following objectives: -Encourage students to study abroad -Provide a better understanding and appreciation of other cultures -Foster a global perspective in the audience -Encourage students to explore, participate, and be successful in URSCA -Represent UWRF’s commitment to academic excellence on a global stage Research Methods The final product of the UWRF in Germany: Study Abroad Promotional Video project will be a three to four minute video exploring the cultural similarities and differences between American students and German students. To avoid coming across as dry and boring to new Page 3 of 5

December 6, 2013 students, the video will not simply be documentary in nature: the video will be a narrative with fast pacing and upbeat music. The main technique used in the video will be a split screen effect applied in post-production editing. The left half of the screen will follow a week in the life of an average UWRF student and the right half of the screen will follow a week in the life of an average HRSM student. This will allow the video to highlight cultural similarities and differences. On-screen titles or voice-over narration will also supplement visuals in order to communicate the video’s intended objectives of encouraging participation in study abroad programs and developing students’ cultural and global perspectives. Creation of the video will take place in three phases: pre-production, production, and postproduction. Pre-production activities will take place before spring break and include storyboard creation, script writing, shot list creation, securing on-screen talent, and gathering filming equipment. Production activities include filming scenes in River Falls, Wisconsin prior to leaving for Wiesbaden, Germany and also filming scenes while in Wiesbaden, Germany over spring break. After returning to River Falls, Wisconsin, students will complete post-production tasks including digital editing, automated voice replacement, color-correction, and final distribution. The video will be filmed using UWRF video production equipment rented from UWRF media services, which will keep production costs low. Nikon DSLR cameras will be used to film. A lavaliere microphone kit will also be rented through media services. Camera equipment including tripods, lights, and steady-cam rigs will be used on loan from HSRM while in Germany. Talent used will be student volunteers on campus at UWRF and on campus at HSRM. Video editing will be completed using Adobe Premier Pro and Adobe After Effects video editing software. The videos will be published through the Kalutura video platform, YouTube, Vimeo, and on DVD discs. Other distribution methods will be available at the request of the university. Timeline Funding will be utilized over spring break 2014 (March 15-21). Pre-production will start well before the trip and post-production will take place after spring break through the end of the semester. January 27-March 14: Pre-production and production -Story-board, script, shot list, securing on-screen talent, filming scenes in River Falls -Seven weekly meetings with faculty mentor Erik Johnson March 15-21: Production -Travel to HSRM and film scenes in Wiesbaden, Germany with HSRM media management students. March 22-April 13: Post-production -Digital video editing, automated voice replacement, color correction, distribution -Three weekly meetings with faculty mentor Erik Johnson April 17, 2014: Dissemination -Video presentation at Spring RSCA Day 2014 Page 4 of 5

December 6, 2013

Each student will work the following hours to complete the project and earn stipend funds: -40 hours of pre-production (story-board, script, shot list, securing on-screen talent) -30 hours of filming (scenes both in River Falls, Wisconsin, USA and in Wiesbaden, Hessen, Germany) -30 hours of post-production (digital editing, automated voice replacement, color correction, distribution) Dissemination Plan To fulfill the requirements of the UWRF Undergraduate Stipends & Expenses Grant, the UWRF in Germany: Study Abroad Promotional Video will be presented at the Spring RSCA Day 2014. Beyond the RSCA Day, the video can be used as promotional material for study abroad programs, future “Year of…” programs, Week of Welcome, URSCA, DFT, and CAS promotional materials. Online dissemination of the final video is imperative given the video’s main purpose as a visual promotional tool. Budget The UWRF in Germany: Study Abroad Promotional Video requests the full collaborative Undergraduate Stipends & Expenses Grant of $2,500 for two students and $500 for the faculty mentor. $2,000 is to be devoted to student stipends (100 work hours per student at $10 per hour as listed in the timeline) and $500 is to be devoted to offset student lodging while in Wiesbaden, Germany. $1000 – Stipend for Jonathan Reid $1000 – Stipend for Alec Philippi $500 – Student lodging ________ $2500 – total $1,250 air fare per student* *Funds for air fare expected to be funded on behalf of the Provost, Fernando Delgado Since living expenses in Germany cannot be covered by UWRF grant funds, student stipend money will help reimburse student expenditures related to food and living costs once the trip is completed. Alternative funding solutions will be negotiated with Provost Fernando Delgado by faculty mentor Erik Johnson. As of the December 6th, 2013 completion of this grant proposal, specific details of trip funding were unavailable to the students, but assurance was made that plans are in place to cover travel expenses through avenues unrelated to the UWRF Undergraduate Stipends & Expenses Grant. All questions or concerns regarding travel expenses should be directed to faculty mentor Erik Johnson or Provost Fernando Delgado.

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