FOC Test

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CompRes Chevy Chase, Leeds Road, Selby, North Yorkshire YO8 4JH T: +44 (0) 1757-702 053 F: +44 (0) 1757-290 547 E:

CompRes is available by subscription and is published 10 times a year for the FERRARI OWNERS’ CLUB

FERRARICOMPETITIONRESULTS PIRELLI CALENDARS We understand that the 2006 Pirelli Calendars promised to the first drivers to register for either of the race series have now reached their destinations. The ten competitors whose alacrity in registering has been rewarded are Witt Gamski, Gary Culver, Alan Cosby, Simon Bartholomew, Colin Campbell, Jon Goodwin, John Shirley, Ross Warburton, Stuart Anderson and Richard Atkinson-Willes. Pirelli are understandably sniffy about unauthorised reproduction of pages from their eminently collectable calendar so I am unable to give you a taste of the 2006 version. However, we send three cheers to them for generously providing us with this complimentary batch.

2006 SPORTING CALENDAR Included with this issue is a copy of the Club’s 2006 Competition Calendar, colour coded to assist with fitting in the gardening around the huge number of events in store for you this year. Although we believe the list is accurate, do double check the dates as we go through the season as fixtures are liable to change.

CLUB ANNUAL AWARDS Another enclosure with this edition of CompRes is a copy of the list of the Club’s Annual Competitive Awards for 2006 together with the methods by which they are awarded. The system is substantially the same as in previous years although with the demise of PMFC and the advent of the Pirelli Ferrari Open series, there have been some tweaks to take account of the new situation.

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You will see we have listed all the results of last season’s competitions, suitably accompanied with a few photos to relieve the monotony of the text. We congratulate all those whose names are in the list and hope that as many as possible will attend the Prize-Giving Luncheon at Whittlebury Hall on Sunday, 23 April to receive their awards and/or cheer their fellow competitors.

PRE-SEASON KARTING AND DINNER The full details and application forms for this year’s Pre-Season Team Karting race and Dinner, on Saturday 25 March, were sent out to competitors and CompRes subscribers a couple of weeks ago and entries are already flowing in. As we mentioned in the previous issue, last year we had a record breaking total of 100 drivers taking part in this annual event and we would like to match that again this time. Please note that our block booking for rooms at the nearby Hilton Newbury Central expires in a day or two, so it is essential for those requiring accommodation to make their reservations straightway. We also need to know the numbers for the Dinner at the Valle d’Oro Italian restaurant in Newbury, so your attention is urgently needed to complete and return the booking form.

RACE SERIES We are finalising arrangements with Pirelli for dedicated clothing and personalised items for competitors in our two race series, the Pirelli Ferrari formula

classic and the Pirelli Ferrari Open. Although registrations are going well there are a number of ‘names’ who we understand are intending to compete this season but have not yet registered. If you haven’t already completed the registration paperwork we urge you to do so without delay. This ensures you in the ‘loop’ so that you receive all the latest information and don’t miss out on any of the freebies.

HILL RECORDS In this issue we have compiled lists of all the current class records on all the hills featured in the Club’s hillclimb Championship, now known in shorthand as the PFHC. We are indebted to BRIAN JACKSON for his painstaking logging of the times achieved on the hills over the years. Next month it is the turn of the circuit racers. We shall be publishing a table of all the existing lap records in the PFfc. The new Pirelli Ferrari Open, of course, has no previous ‘form’ but we shall be publishing the final lap records from the 20-year history of the Pirelli Maranello Ferrari Challenge, which may serve as a guide for runners in the new fledgling series.

IT’S A BOY! Congratulations to our old pal CHRIS MEEK and his wife, Svetlana, on the birth of their son Charlie Yuri. Charlie arrived on the grid on 25 February 2006, recording a useful 8lb 13oz (3.99kg) on the weighbridge. I have no doubt, even as I write, that Charlie will already be having a seat fitting for a new Ferrari.

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