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Scanny 3D Srl
Via Archetti, 15 - 63831 Rapagnano (Fermo) Italy
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Personalización: productos a la medida del cliente.
La fortaleza de la empresa radica en su capacidad de personalizar el software, desarrollar soluciones personalizadas y proporcionar dispositivos extremadamente confiables y precisos, muy compactos y fáciles de usar.
El software Pack-Sim presentado por Scanny3D se integra perfectamente con el escáner láser 3D y proporciona una solución completa a las empresas del sector del envasado / embotellado: las funciones del software permiten alinear automáticamente el modelo 3D, gestionar los baricentros del frasco (tanto en caso simétrico y asimétrico) y definir las cuotas de simulación para el cálculo de los perfiles alveolares. El plug-in realiza una verdadera simulación del movimiento del frasco sobre la maquinaria de las líneas, generando automáticamente el perfil de la estrella completa y del tornillo (y contratornillo), y permitiendo una mayor fiabilidad en el diseño y un aumento sustancial de la productividad de la empresa, gracias al considerable ahorro en términos de tiempo y costes de desarrollo.

Sincera Sistemi srl, over the last decade, has become the leading player in a movement of technological renewal that has involved a sector traditionally bound to craftsmanship, such as that of winebottle sealing with wax. The company has turned its motto ‘Technology in Tradition’ into its leitmotiv, thus pursuing a project focused on innovation and quality, where the customer is always at the very heart; Sincera Sistemi’s machines, although born from a standard base, are then adapted to customers’ needs, thus becoming in fact tailor-made. Customers, being rather heterogeneous in terms of geographic origin, product quality placement and company size, have contributed, through their own sectorspecific needs, to the widening of Sincera Sistemi’s product range. The company has established from the outset a deep connection with all major realities in the wine industry, expanding its customer portfolio over the years to also include breweries, distilleries, vinegar and oil manufacturers. Generally, the company can follow from micro-producers to large wine groups with millions of bottles per year, never lacking in punctuality, following a precise logic of quality and service tailored to the real needs of the customers.
From the very beginning, the aim to ease the craftsman’s work has been a powerful reason to keep searching for an innovative solution, which would not depart completely from the centuries-old tradition of wax sealing.
The sealing process has grown from being almost out of fashion to being increasingly used by manufacturers who have seen renewed potential in it. It is a fairly simple process to do, but depending on the number of bottles involved, it can be quite time- and money-consuming, not to mention the danger of accidents due to the rather precarious condition of the techniques in use until the introduction of new technologies, such as those of Sincera Sistemi.
The product range includes several machines, starting from the manual up to the fully automatic one. Sincera1 manual machine, the entry-level device, perfectly conjugates easier operation and no exceeding money effort. It is small but very sturdy and can process bottles (mainly bordelaise/burgundy) ranging from 0.75 up to 5lt, by simply adjusting or changing supports. For those interested in higher throughput, Sincera2 and Sincera 4 represent bestselling products of the company worldwide. Both devices are semiautomatic, which means that the operator should just arrange loading/unloading of bottles, but the whole cycle is automatically performed by the machine itself. Technologically speaking, they are user friendly thanks to the touchscreen which allows to set most features such as temperatures, times, stamping option (if available) and even a preheating process. This option is useful when scheduling production over the week because operators can have the machine ready for operating at a specific hour of the day, without wasting time. These two models now feature an all-stainless steel design; an interactive LED system helps the operator to immediately identify the status of the machine, through the different colours of the Plexiglas protective panels. In terms of operation, both models are equipped with a slideout system of the tank, thus allowing easier maintenance. Increasing customer demands led to the development of Sincera SL14, the automatic machine, suitable for both inline positioning and as a stand-alone solution; its average production is approx. 1200 bottles per hour, but it may vary according to bottle dimensions.
The solutions offered by Sincera Sistemi are not only limited to the models currently on the market, but also include additional accessories or bespoke machinery to suit each customers’ needs.
Nonetheless, the real innovation, beyond machinery, has been to introduce the use of a more reliable and flexible product such as soft wax, capable of combining superior quality and better performance on the bottle.
Waxing bottles is a choice that a has a major impact on the quality of the final product, either a bottle of wine or a prestigious spirit. On a cost level, it has more or less the same value of high-quality capsules, although market fluctuations and recent supply chain crisis have caused the price to rise steadily and delivery dates to lengthen. Since wax is sold per kilo, companies can purchase only the quantity needed for the production of a given product, without incurring the effort of purchasing many pieces that is often required with capsules.
The technological solutions offered by Sincera Sistemi therefore allow customers to innovate without leaving their tradition behind.