TecnAlimentaria South Africa Edition 2023/2024 - Beverage Industry

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INTERNATIONAL MAGAZINES .it Supplemento a TecnAlimentaria N° 5 Maggio 2023 Poste Italiane SpA - Spedizione in Abbonamento Postale D.L. 353/2003 (conv. in L. 27/02/2004 n. 46) art. 1 comma 1 NE/TV - Anno 28 N°5/2023 - ISSN 2498-9541 ITALIAN TECHNOLOGY FOR THE BEVERAGE INDUSTRY SOUTH AFRICA EDITION 2023/2024

TecnAlimentaria Supplement n. 5 May 2023 - Year XXVIII


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INTERNA MAGAZINES.it Poste inAbbonamento D.L. 27/02/2004 46) comma Anno 2023 2498-9541 2023 2024 EASTERN EUROPE EDITION ITALIAN TECHNOLOGY FOR THE BEVERAGE INDUSTRY 2023 2024 N° 4 Aprile / April Technology for the Beverage Industry - International magazine in Italian/English Italiane Spedizione Abbonamento D.L. (conv. 27/02/2004 art. 28 ISSN 2498-9541 www.tecnalimentaria.it BEVERAGE INDUSTRY ITALIAN TECHNOLOGY FOR THE BEVERAGE INDUSTRY TECNOLOG A ITALIANA PARA LA INDUSTRIA DE BEBIDAS AMERICAS EDITION Supplemento TecnAlimentariaN° Luglio/July Poste Spedizione Abbonamento D.L. (conv. 27/02/2004 46) Anno 2022 2498-9541 2022/2023 INTERNA MAGAZINES .it INTERNA .it Supplemento TecnAlimentaria N°8-9 Agosto/Settembre Poste SpA Spedizione Abbonamento Postale 353/2003 (conv. 27/02/2004 NE/TV 27 2022 2498-9541 2022/2023 ITALIAN TECHNOLOGY FOR THE BEVERAGE INDUSTRY
www.tecnalimentaria.it www.edftrend.com
INTERNATIONAL MAGAZINES .it Supplemento a TecnAlimentaria N° 5 Maggio 2023 Poste Italiane SpA - Spedizione in Abbonamento Postale D.L. 353/2003 (conv. in L. 27/02/2004 n. 46) art. 1 comma 1 NE/TV - Anno 28 N°5/2023 - ISSN 2498-9541
COMPANY WEBSITE PAGES FIELD A-Z GOMMA SRL www.azgomma.it 22 Beverage & Food Industry AERAQUE SRL www.aeraque.com 9 Beverage & Food Industry AKOMAG SRL www.akomag.com 10-11 Beverage Industry ALBRIGI SRL www.albrigi.com 12-15 Beverage Industry BBM SERVICE SRL www.bbmpackaging.com 17 Beverage Industry ELVEM SRL www.elvem.it 18-19 Beverage & Food Industry ENOMET IMPIANTI SRL www.enomet.it 20-21 Beverage Industry FINPAC SLEEVE SRL www.finpacsleeve.com 5, 23-25 Beverage Industry GEA MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT ITALIA SPA www.gea.com 2, 27-29 Beverage Industry MINI MOTOR SPA www.minimotor.com 1, 30-31 Beverage & Food Industry PIETRIBIASI MICHELANGELO SRL www.pietribiasi.it 32-33 Beverage Industry SCANNY3D SRL www.scanny3d.com 3, 34-35 Beverage Industry SINCERA SISTEMI SRL www.sincerasistemi.it 4, 37-39 Beverage Industry SMI SPA www.smigroup.it II^Cover, 40-41 Beverage Industry SPECIALE F. & C. SRL www.speciale.it 42-43 Beverage Industry TECNOVAP SRL www.tecnovap.it 44-45 Beverage Industry TENCO SRL www.tenco.it 46-47 Beverage Industry VELO ACCIAI SRL www.vlstechnologies.it 48-49 Beverage Industry INDEX
South Africa Edition 2023/2024 7 BEVERAGE INDUSTRY

Akomag Srl

Akomag’s new success

Recently, Akomag has delivered, installed and tested a new machine intended for washing recycled glass bottles. The machine for the PepsiCo group is a Hydra 8.2, characterised by very high production: 37,500 bottle/h The new model, the pride of mechanical Made in Italy, reaches mechanical efficiency equal to 99.4%, successfully exceeding the standards required by the customer in the contractual phase. With this new provision, Akomag confirms itself once again as world leader in the construction of glass bottle washers.

The bottle washer has been specially designed to minimise the environmental impact, with particular attention to water and steam consumptions, and to the duration of the detergent bath. The completely automated wash cycle includes an initial bottleemptying station followed by a pre-wash spraying and first presoak bath that significantly reduces detergent bath pollution and markedly decreases consumption levels. In the pre-soak area the project also provides for the installation of a belt filter that allows to automatically remove the main impurities typical of recycled bottles (straws, paper, cigarette butts, for instance). The

washing of bottles is completed with the internal and external high-pressure detergent wash sprays, using self-cleaning and selfcentring rotating nozzles.

Mains water for spray-rinsing

In designing Hydra 8.2, Akomag focused on the final rinsing sprays using mains water. The expedients developed during the design stage have allowed to achieve extraordinary results. By installing a special valve with integrated flow meter on the mains pipe (controlled directly by the control panel), it is possible to detect the instantaneous and daily water consumption required for the proper washing of the bottles. With pride and satisfaction, Akomag technicians say that thanks to the new design the new machine has a water consumption equal to 0.098 litres per bottle. A lower value than rigidly imposed in contractual phase by the customer. The supply is completed with many other technological innovations, including sensors for slowing down or stopping the machine in case of missing or clogging of the bottles on the conveyor belts; synchronization systems of the bottle washer speed with that of the filling monobloc; control and introduction of detergent and additives in the washing bath and of sequestrants/disinfectants in the spray tanks; self-cleaning filters in the tanks; automatic bottle loading and unloading, perfectly synchronized with the movement of the main chain.

Akomag is a flexible and dynamic company that bases its policy on customer satisfaction, the quality of its systems, its assistance services and technological innovation. Akomag has been working for several years in the bottling sector and thanks to the proven experience developed in this field, the company can guarantee to its customers maximum yields, userfriendly operation and minimum operational costs, as well as long working life of its machines built with top quality materials. From the province of Parma, Akomag aims to meet the needs of all those who are looking for high-quality products.

10 South Africa Edition 2023/2024 BEVERAGE INDUSTRY
+39 0524 59 90 97 - Fax +39 0524 59 90 12 info@akomag.com - www.akomag.com
Frazione Diolo, 15/D - 43019 Soragna (Parma) Italy Tel.

Albrigi Srl

Via Tessare, 6/A


Località Stallavena di Grezzana (Verona) Italy

Tel. +39 045 90 74 11 - Fax +39 045 90 74 27

info@albrigi.it - www.albrigi.it

Albrigi Vera: A story made of passion, work, respect

The story of Stefano Albrigi and his company begins long ago, in 1954, when Stefano’s father starts his own business. Stefano grows up in an environment where the sense of entrepreneurship is strong, combining the observation of the day-today work in a mechanical workshop with a personal passion for technology to apply to cellars and wine. A passion that leads him, still in his youth, to spend much of his free time studying the work of oenologists and cellarmen, trying to understand those secrets that make Valpolicella one of the areas with the greatest wine vocation nationally.

After some professional experiences in other companies, Stefano returns to his father’s company, bringing a wind of innovation. But his drive does not end here, and in 1989 it leads him to set up his own business, making use of the acquired knowledge to create high-quality systems.

Stefano, focusing on innovation, quality, and attention to detail, quickly leads Albrigi Tecnologie to become a brand known all over the world. Over time the company transforms, evolves, not only in the production processes, but in the organization, in the continuous training of its staff, and in customer support. Alongside a vast range of products for the oenological sector with a natural inclination to build innovative systems for processing liquids, Albrigi manufactures increasingly articulated and customized systems for

sectors where the quality of the product and the finishes are essential elements. Systems specifically dedicated to the food, chemical, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, oil, biotech and nanotech, and petrochemical industries. Today Albrigi, with an operational structure of almost 30,000 square meters, has 60 employees and faces, with the enthusiasm and determination that distinguish its founder, the challenges and opportunities that a market open to the world is able to offer.

Combining the name Albrigi with the word Tecnologie (Technologies) has a precise meaning: born in the wine sector, where there is absolute respect for traditions, we always try to introduce the most advanced technologies in the products we create. This is why there is a constant collaboration with institutions and universities in search of the most innovative and effective solutions. Not only in the product, but also in the manufacturing processes, in the processing, in the use of sustainable products, to guarantee the best result. The goal is to provide customers with systems built with the technology and efficiency of a modern company combined with the expertise and care of an artisan company, to combine these two souls which, if skilfully merged, can lead to the production of excellence. Aiming for excellence in the creation of systems for the processing of food, chemical, cosmetic, pharmaceutical liquids, and bio- and nanotechnologies, for Albrigi means thinking about the needs of the end

customers and the processes that they will have to carry out with that equipment. This means evaluating how to maximally optimize the processes, automating operations in the cellar or in the plant, facilitating maintenance and cleaning, respecting the environment. Because Albrigi’s work does not end with selling a product, but with providing a complete range of services: financing services, start-up services, technician training, after-sales assistance, implementation of existing plants with Industry 4.0, and used items collection. Used items that are offered to customers,

12 South Africa Edition 2023/2024 BEVERAGE INDUSTRY

keeping the services unchanged, exclusively with Albrigi Tecnologie warranty. Today, Albrigi products tread the stages of South America (southern Brazil and northern Mexico and Chile and Argentina at the top), South Africa, Far East Asia (Japan at the top), North America and Canada, Australia, Europe (France, Switzerland, Spain, and Croatia), Russia, and the countries of former Soviet Union. Dealing with needs and mentalities that are distant from our national ones often forces us to question ourselves and this is always a source of enrichment for us and for our activities.

Following the evolution of the market and the production needs, Albrigi creates both external and internal covered systems for the storage and mixing of food liquids in compliance with the safety standards for those who use them, therefore the HACCP, FDA, PED, ASME, UL, ANTISEISMIC, and ATEX standards are the fundamental rules that dictate the basic requirements of Albrigi Tecnologie systems.

All systems include pumps, pipes, weight and level sensors, litre counters, manual and pneumatic valves, saturation with inert gas, nitrogen, CO2, argon, dedicated highperformance electrical control panels, essential tools for any system with PLC for the management of the transfer processes that operate both manually and automatically with remote process control, managed by customized programs with algorithms, reducing manpower by 70%. A wide range of systems to condition new and existing process plants and tanks: with air gaps, heat exchangers, thermoplates, pipe insulation, thermal power plants, steam generators, and diathermic oil. Albrigi Tecnologie’s steam generators and conditioning units can be used with low, medium, and high pressure; the excellent performance and energy saving, including the recovery of dispersed energy, are the result of a design and construction designed to ensure maximum reliability and durability. They meet the high demands of medium and large systems and guarantee considerable energy savings.

Washing is a very important phase for a technological system in any sector, to

prepare all the equipment and systems for the processes they are designed for. Albrigi Tecnologie is specialized in the study and application of fully programmable fixed manual and automatic washing systems, and in the complete sanitization and sterilization of every corner and surface, always respecting the environment, reducing pollution by 80%. Albrigi Tecnologie was the first in the world to develop a system that carries out any type of process recovering every litre of product, reducing the treatment work by 80%, in some cases even by 95%. Amazing data that makes its customers save a lot of money.

Respecting traditions in sectors, such as the food and wine one, where the secret of the genuineness and originality of a product lies in the past. Respecting their customers, their requests and needs, and ultimately those of their own customers. Respecting the work of its employees, guaranteeing their safety and well-being at the workplace. Respecting the territory that hosts us, being an integral part of its development and social fabric. This is Albrigi Vera.

South Africa Edition 2023/2024 13 BEVERAGE INDUSTRY Albrigi Srl Via Tessare, 6/A 37023 Località Stallavena di Grezzana (Verona) Italy Tel. +39 045 90 74 11 - Fax +39 045 90 74 27 info@albrigi.it - www.albrigi.it

Elvem Srl

Via delle Industrie, 42 - 36050 Cartigliano (Vicenza) Italy

Tel. +39 0424 51 39 72 - +39 0424 35 410

Fax +39 0424 35 405

info@elvem.it - www.elvem.it

ELVEM for 50 years guided by the bright side of energy

ELVEM, a leading manufacturer of electric motors, has always operated at the forefront of innovation and technology.

ELVEM is the result of the passion and dedication of a family that has been in the industry for more than 50 years, supported and flanked by excellent employees.

From day one, ELVEM has acted by providing customers with customized solutions, meeting their every need with reliable and sustainable technological solutions.

With a highly specialized team of engineers and technicians, ELVEM has a wide range of electric motors that cater to various applications, including the food&beverage industry.

With a stock of more than 160,000 finished motors (including electric motors in IE4 efficiency, and Permanent Magnet synchronous motors), components and semifinished products, ELVEM guarantees ready solutions to every product sector.

ELVEM is committed to providing support to all customers in more than 40 countries around the world, working closely with each customer every day to gather feedback and understand their needs.

The motors supplied are accompanied by certifications and technical support, ensuring maximum reliability at all times. ELVEM is always looking for new solutions to expand its current boundaries, aiming to be a concrete and solid reference in the world of electric motors. That’s why it is constantly oriented to invest in machinery and technologies that allow it to innovate and develop new products to offer to its customers, consolidating its reputation. ELVEM strives each new day as if it were the first, guided by light, the bright side of energy.

South Africa Edition 2023/2024 BEVERAGE INDUSTRY

Enomet Impianti Srl

Via Guazzi, 26A

61036 Tavernelle, Colli al Metauro (Pesaro-Urbino) Italy

Tel. +39 0721 89 75 27 - Fax +39 0721 87 61 08

info@enomet.it - www.enomet.it

ENOMET was founded on 9 January 1996 by the current Administrator P.I. Giacomo Cocci who, thanks to the experience gained since 1979 in the wine sector, decided to set up his own business. Over the years, the company has grown due to the experience and innate inventiveness of the founder, as well as the arrival into the company of the children and highly qualified staff who have added value and new ideas.

What ENOMET does

Its business is focused on the study and development of new technologies, on the design of machinery and processing lines, on the construction and marketing of oenology systems. Over the years, oil and beer production plant have been built. In addition to mechanical construction, ENOMET is also able to develop complete turnkey wine cellar projects, taking care of the architectural and technological parts and proposing innovative systems, making use of various patents. ENOMET has the ISO 9001:2015 certificate.

The mission

A whole life dedicated to wine and his men. The luck to have fun with your work. The opportunity to meet and work with great oenologists and wine producers. ENOMET’s mission has always been to listen, to understand problems, to propose solutions.

Pioneers always exploring innovative and highly topical techniques. Leaders in ion exchange, in the recovery of fermentation gases, in the design and construction of innovative machines from grape harvesting to bottling, in the construction of complete wine cellars.

The vision

ENOMET’s little way brought it up and now it wants to keep climbing. ENOMET will continue listening, understanding problems and suggesting solutions with passion and competence. It wants to continue the way taken many years ago, highlighting its presence in the current markets and meet new ones. Strengthening the research and development of new technologies in the oenological sector but especially in other sectors in which ENOMET aims to expand in the next few years: olive and brewing.

ENOMET products

• Reception and processing of grapes: Destemmers, sorting lines, receiving tanks, stalk shredder, stalk aspirators.

• Pumps: Elliptical rotor pumps, single crew rotor pumps, lobe pumps, peristaltic pumps, piston pumps, floating stator pumps, coaxial pumps.

• Pressing: Membrane presses for soft pressing.

• Musts cleaning: Dynamic flotation units

for the clarification of the musts.

• Filtration: Rotary vacuum filters, kieselguhr filters, plate filters, cross-flow filters, microfiltration housing, reverse osmosis.

• Refrigeration: Chillers, heat exchangers, refrigeration plates, electrical panels for to control fermentation temperatures.

• Tartaric stabilization: Manual and automatic ion exchange deionizers.

• CO2 recovery: Plants for the recovery and reuse of fermentation carbon dioxide.

• Sparkling wine and fizzy wine: Complete plants for Classic and Charmat Method.

• Nitrogen: Nitrogen generators and plants.

• Batonnage: Automatic devices for mixing liquids inside the tanks.

• Tanks and accessories: Stainless

South Africa Edition 2023/2024 BEVERAGE INDUSTRY

steel tanks and autoclaves of all types. Removable stirrers.

• Bottling: Bottling systems of all types, manual and automatic. Rinsers, fillers, corkers, labellers, capping machines.

• Barriques and tonneaux accessories: Supports for barriques and tonneaux, manual stirrers, filling, emptying, washing.

• Sanitization: Steam generators, dry nebulizers.

• Oxygen dosage: Micro oxygenators.

The market

ENOMET’s main activity is in Italy but since 1996 the company has been exporting its products to over 53 countries around the world. Exports currently account for about a 35% of sales.


Currently ENOMET team consists of 16 people, including the founder and current Administrator, divided between the production department and offices. The various phases of ENOMET’s activity, from design to construction, are mainly managed by its Technical Office in symbiosis with the Research and Development team, that if necessary benefit of qualified external consultants. The installation of the

systems, even when managed by external companies, is always followed directly by ENOMET internal technicians.

ENOMET technical assistance service enables the company to carry out maintenance and repair, in Italy and abroad, even on machinery not of its production

(after checking them).


ENOMET is located in Italy, in Tavernelle di Colli al Metauro (PU), on the Adriatic coast. Call them directly at (+39) 0721 897527 or e-mail to info@enomet.it

South Africa Edition 2023/2024 BEVERAGE INDUSTRY Enomet Impianti Srl Via Guazzi, 26A 61036 Tavernelle, Colli al Metauro (Pesaro-Urbino) Italy Tel. +39 0721 89 75 27 - Fax +39 0721 87 61 08 info@enomet.it - www.enomet.it

Technology in technopolimeric material

Mould and mould-flow design for thermoplastic articles

Mould design for elastomeric articles

Print of technical details in thermoplastic materials

Print of elastomeric technical details

Ultrasound soldering – high frequency – hot blade

Quality service: analysis on technical articles produces and test of in/outcoming materials










Finpac Sleeve Srl

Finpac Sleeve: The queen of low- and high-speed labellers “Labels? Forget the labels! If anything, we are talking about fine dresses since we cooperate with the most renowned world brands in the bottling sector. I’ll tell you more, the image we are coining for this type of material is of a dressmaker about to design – thanks to the use of sleeve –tailored dresses.”

Finpac Sleeve General Manager, Erik Granzon has a clear view. Frankly speaking, this image he describes of a dressmaker suggests a label-container combination, like tailoring. All that thanks to sleeve labelling of both low- and high-speed machines.

Erik Granzon is optimistic (as any manager should be), a visionary man as we will discover soon, and just like the great monarchs of the past who were also the Defenders of Faith, he as a contemporary man is also a Defender of the Environment because he strongly believes in and is committed to sustainability. He immediately tells us his definition of Finpac Sleeve products “We dress these wonderful

products with a multifunctional material that, at the same time, gives an important sense of lightness.”

That is the history and goals of Erik Granzon, General Manger, and Ilaria Zilio, CEO of Finpac Sleeve, told by themselves through simple albeit important questions. Let’s start from the beginning with Ilaria Zilio. Once upon a time...

Once upon a time there was Finpac, and still there is. Established 35 years ago by two members, now old people, who passed over me the honour of running this wonderful business reality, high-speed labelling machines. The brands that use this system have always aroused my attention and fascinated, too. I wanted to be a diplomat or a psychologist, but I dared not tell my father and then thought “why now, let’s try”. Sooner, I fell for these machines and was thrilled to create and develop my own projects.”

Woman, and charismatic. All easy since the beginning?

On the contrary. The beginning was very demanding, as it is today, in a sector that is

mainly for men. I was young and unexpert. There were judgements and prejudices about me, and I had to instantly prove my capacity more than others. In the company, I had to grow not only professionally but also personally, as to arrive where I am now.

Basing on your experience, would you prefer to work with men or women?

I believe that the best work environment needs a balance of women and men. Every person is different, and therefore generalizing is a mistake. I believe that male and female peculiarities can team and improve analytical skills, for a higher attention to details, with the goal of increasing corporate performance. Is there some advice you would have liked to follow and that you didn’t?

Looking back to my path today may generate different decisions, but I am sure that my entire path, especially the most negative and difficult aspects of it, have contributed to making me the woman and the professional I am today, and ready for future challenges.

South Africa Edition 2023/2024 BEVERAGE INDUSTRY
Erik Granzon, General Manager - Finpac Sleeve Via Gallarata, 46 - 20019 Settimo Milanese (Milano) Italy Tel. +39 02 89 77 55 24 info@finpacsleeve.com - www.finpacsleeve.com

Erik Granzon has been appointed as General Manager of Finpac Sleeve by dr. Zilio to broaden the presence and success in the packaging market. How should a figure like yours be to establish a relationship with collaborators?

As far as I am concerned, I have always accepted different challenges and that has led me, not without efforts and commitment, to that level of professionalism that characterizes me.

Allow me some advice, I think that we need to be real and coherent to lead as per our values. It is crucial to create commitment and planning ability to generate a new version, to generate enthusiasm and passion necessary so that every collaborator is part of the project with the right trust and freedom. Always looking for new ideas. What’s your secret?

As it often happens in life, when your goal is your professional growth, some inspirations are generated even when you stop for a while, not only when you analyse your sector but also when you look at other markets. My own experience gained in events thanks to the precious support of international staff has driven me to accept this new challenge in the world of packaging, even though we are talking about two totally different worlds, in terms of technology and innovation.

Then I thought that in life we need some madness. Don’t you agree?

The world of packaging opens endless new frontiers

Today, Finpac Sleeve is present in 130 countries across the globe, and therefore its present goal is entering different distribution channels by creating personalized and exclusive solutions through our machinery. That’s why we have thought of launching a low-speed machine that combines technological know-how and nobility of the sleeve with designer’s creativity. The idea is entering the world of low outputs (i.e. wine, beer) because we know that the demand of fine products is high.

One of our goals is bringing wellness and beauty to the world of packaging. You started with high-speed machine and have been highly innovating. Who has envisaged this path?

I think that one of the most appealing aspects that made me love Finpac Sleeve may be the possibility of creating innovative designs that – combining with our product –generate elegant containers while keeping the technical features unaltered.

In our history there has always been great attention to sustainability. Now, it is a trend Attaching sustainability to ephemeral fads has always made me smile. You can’t think about sustainable economy without acting for the environment.

In conclusion… constantly growing. Which are your next projects and events in the world of packaging?

I thought you would ask this question and I hope you wouldn’t mind my looking back at our projects and answer that we are working on it. As regards our events in the world of packaging, we want to keep up and continue our development. To this regard, I can also say that we are completing customer-focused projects to meet beverage requirements.

Open House Beverage Division

Finpac Sleeve opens its doors to show the world its latest process and packaging technologies, from small to high speeds. Finpac Sleeve premises will house a wide selection of machinery and machines developed to meet the requirements of the beverage industry: From big multinationals to small-size workshops, and suppliers who will be able to see firsthand the technology purposely designed to satisfy the entire production cycle of a product.

Trade Fairs

• CibusTec, 24-28 October, Parma

• Gulfood Manufacturing, 7-9 November, Dubai

• Brau Beviale, 28-30 November, Nuremberg

South Africa Edition 2023/2024 BEVERAGE INDUSTRY Via Gallarata, 46 - 20019 Settimo Milanese (Milano) Italy Tel. +39 02 89 77 55 24 info@finpacsleeve.com - www.finpacsleeve.com Finpac Sleeve Srl
Ilaria Zilio and Erik Granzon, CEO and General Manager - Finpac Sleeve

Gea Mechanical Equipment Italia Spa

GEA high pressure homogenization: better together

GEA is the technological forerunner and market leader in the field of high pressure homogenizers and piston pumps, available for different application types and industrial sectors.

Homogenization is a key process that is widely employed in the dairy, food & beverage sectors, but it offers many benefits also in the area of pharmaceuticals and chemicals thanks to continuous research and innovation in new applications, including nanocellulose and nutraceuticals. Increased product stability is one of the main results of high pressure homogenization, with the finished product benefiting from enhanced organoleptic properties, flavour, and colour.

Passage of the product through the homogenizing valve at high pressure makes it possible to avoid typical phase separation phenomena in liquids, guaranteeing micronized and more uniform particles, thus facilitating the assimilation of nutritional ingredients, an especially important factor in baby foods and nutraceuticals.

Thanks to the various different valve designs, selected in accordance with the process product, the particles are reduced to the required size using the lowest possible pressure, thus guaranteeing high

efficiency and savings in the use of energy and resources.

“We have recently launched a new range of homogenizing valves capable of reducing energy consumption by 30%” confirms Domenico Gambarelli, Managing Director of GEA Homogenizer. “Our strategy is based on the desire to accompany customers at every stage of business ‘scale up’ and development of their products, thanks to a machine portfolio ranging from laboratory to industrial production.”

From R&D to production scale

GEA Homogenizer portfolio embraces all aspects of homogenization, from table top machines for R&D centers and laboratories all the way to the large scale production equipment, with the intermediate step of pilot-plant machines up to 1500 bar. The compact and practical Laboratory product line represents cutting-edge technology for testing the homogenization effect on final products, in order to validate with experts which parameters could better suit customers’ requests, setting them up to gain the best possible configuration. With a user-friendly design and created for continuous operation, the Laboratory machines are perfect for processing emulsions, dispersions and nanoparticles; they are ideal for testing small amounts of product and providing

the same quality results achievable with industrial machines. Thanks to the minimal number of components, this practical product line exclusively guarantees easy installation and maintenance.

Pilot-plant homogenizers are standalone solutions, designed for continuous operation, easy maintenance and high usability. They are suitable for both small scale and industrial scale production with an easy plug-play installation and operation. When it comes to production scale GEA can offer different product lines according to the markets’ needs, in terms of capacity, process layout and options configuration available.

The One Series is the product line that embraces the combination of convenience and reliability to deliver unmatched benefits.

• Simple: One offers a simple design construction, complete with all the options needed to be easily integrated into the system, as ready-to-use and low maintenance units.

• Versatile: available in five versions, One homogenizers can meet any production need (from 300 l/h up to 10.000 l/h - 250 bar)

• Reliable: constant engineering improvement, excellent quality standard of production and the competence of personnel are the winning drivers to guarantee long lasting machine.

South Africa Edition 2023/2024 BEVERAGE INDUSTRY
Via da Erba Edoari, 29/A - 43123 Parma, Italy
Tel. +39 0521 96 54 11 - Fax +39 0521 24 28 19 gea.com/contact


Mechanical Equipment Italia Spa

These 3-piston homogenizers are manufactured to ensure easy maintenance and simple installation into small-medium productions of dairy products, beverages and soft chemicals. The high-efficiency, abrasion-resistant homogenizing valve guarantees correct micronization for excellent quality and long physical stability.

Main advantages:

• Easy operation

• Ready-to-use

• Ideal for small-medium dairy and beverage industries

• High versatility and smart installation

• Small-medium production

• Long lasting core components

• Reduced maintenance cost

• Safe sanitary design Engineering for a better world Dedicated designs and configurations of the machines are engineered by the Product Engineering & Development department to comply different customers’ requests: according to the applications you can choose several solutions. Thanks to GEA’s commitment to efficiency and reliability, the core components of the homogenizer are engineered based on the pressure range, product formulations and process conditions.

GEA’s primary objective of providing customers with environmentally friendly

solutions goes hand in hand with the latest set-up and continuous improvements on production technologies in order to guarantee premium performance and bestever efficiency levels.

GEA homogenizers support the reduction of the utilities consumption offering options for new machines and retrofit accessories on existing installed base to optimize the use of energy, water, steam and oil. Always by the customers’ side

The Process Technology Center, renovated and refurbished in November 2019 and based in Parma near the production site, is a unique resource for customers, who can evaluate the performance of the homogenization process directly in the field with samples of their product.

Highly qualified staff can support customers in the development of new products and establish the most efficient process conditions to ensure scalability of the result even on industrial flow rates. The optimization of the process and machine configuration allow to achieve the desired homogenization effects and have better results on the quality of the finished product, such as:

• Improved physical stability and therefore shelf-life

• Improved mouth feeling and taste

• Increased product standardization

• Improved viscosity

• Decreased need for additives and stabilizers

• Improved dispersion and emulsion quality Materials selection, constant design innovation, excellent performances make GEA the ideal partner to find out innovative technological solutions for your processes. Find more on gea.com/homogenizers

South Africa Edition 2023/2024 BEVERAGE INDUSTRY
Via da Erba Edoari, 29/A - 43123 Parma, Italy
Tel. +39 0521 96 54 11 - Fax +39 0521 24 28 19 gea.com/contact

Mini Motor Spa

Mini Motor wireless technology: COA – Can Over Air

New patented technology known as COA to become the benchmark in the field. Mini Motor was established in 1965 but it wasn’t until 1974 that the company came into being as the industrial electric motor manufacturer it is today. The company started with metals and electricity, later adding electronics and

computer engineering to its competencies. Industrial automation and mechatronics were then introduced in the late Seventies and early Eighties. These were two strategic traits for Mini Motor and already in its DNA at the time of its inception. Research, development, and innovation: COA – Can Over Air, Mini Motor’s new wireless technology.

In 2012, Mini Motor set on a road of R&D and design innovation with the introduction of on-board drives on gearmotors and servomotors. As a result of this, a wide range of products were designed and developed for several years. At the same time, the company was working with various types of fieldbuses, initially with analogue fieldbuses (Canopen and Modbus) and then the more advanced ethernet buses (Profinet, Ethercat, Powerlink and Ethernet IP).

All this led to a considerable reduction of wires and drag chains but, most importantly, to greater electrical panel efficiency, as the drive system was delocalised and built into the motors.

In 2018, at the end of this phase, the focus shifted to a new, ambitious, and exciting project: Mini Motor wanted to do more for the general economy of a machine. And so, it created COA - Can Over Air. Mini Motor has developed a proprietary wireless bus based on ZIGBEE technology at 2.4 Mhz

that enables wireless control of the motor. The information is simply sent via a coordinator provided by Mini Motor that acts as a transparent wire, making it possible to remotely manage format changeovers or speed and torque changes. This new patented technology, known as COA, is set to become the benchmark in the field, just like the wire had been.

The new range will be identified with the letter “W” at the beginning of the code and can be adopted on all Mini Motor products with built-in drives in the DBS and DR series and on the very latest FC - Fast Change range for high-speed format changeover. Mini Motor always has a foot in the door of the future. Join Mini Motor in this road to innovation.

South Africa Edition 2023/2024 BEVERAGE INDUSTRY
Via E. Fermi, 5 - 42011 Bagnolo in Piano (Reggio Emilia) Italy Tel. +39 0522 95 18 89 info@minimotor.com - www.minimotor.com

Pietribiasi Michelangelo Srl

Via del Progresso, 12 36035 Marano Vicentino (Vicenza) Italy

Tel. +39 0445 62 10 88 - Fax +39 0445 6216 31

pietribiasi@pietribiasi.it - www.pietribiasi.it

Pietribiasi Michelangelo is specialized in the construction of equipment for the dairy industry, soft drinks, juices, beverages, and ice-cream.

Today, the Pietribiasi name is among the more well-known in the dairy and beverages sector and the company is internationally acknowledged, particularly in the realization of “turn-key” projects regarding process of liquid foods.

Looking deeper into the company’s products range, Pietribiasi covers the development, project design and supply of complete

lines for the processing of milk and its derivates like cream, fermented products (yoghurt, sour cream/Smetana, kefir, labneh, etc.), fresh soft as well as semi-hard and hard cheese, mozzarella/ pasta filata/pizza cheese, butter and other products processed from cow, sheep, and goat milks. Wide experience in UHT plants and aseptic lines.

Pietribiasi is also very well-known for ice cream mix preparation and pasteurization.

Another core business is the production of CIP plants and own centrifugal separators and mozzarella lines

South Africa Edition 2023/2024 BEVERAGE INDUSTRY
PND Srl Via Brancaccio, 11 - 84018 Scafati (Salerno) Italy Tel. +39 081 850 93 68 - pietribiasi@pietribiasi.it

Scanny3D Srl

Via Archetti,

15 - 63831 Rapagnano (Fermo) Italy

Tel. +39 0734 51 04 10 - Fax +39 0734 51 04 10

info@scanny3d.com - www.scanny3d.com

Scanny3D S.r.l. is a company specializing in the design and production of 3D laser scanning systems and the development of CAD-CAM software for various industrial sectors. Since its debut in 2004, technological innovation and research have always played a central role for the company, contributing decisively to its growth and evolution over the years, which has allowed it to offer more and more products. versatile able to meet the specific needs of customers in various sectors.

The constant mission of the R&D department, which makes use of highly specialized personnel with decades of experience, is in fact to design systems that are increasingly accurate, reliable and easy to use thanks to the use of cuttingedge technologies, in particular in the field of 3D, allowing to convert the technological innovation present in the products into process innovation for companies that choose the solutions provided by Scanny3D Srl.

Scanny3D products are 100% “Made in Italy”, are designed and developed entirely in Italy and are currently distributed all over the world thanks to a network of resellers divided by product sectors.

Verticalization of products

The activities carried out by the company are many and concern, in addition to the realization of reverse engineering systems (in particular 3D scanners) and the development of dedicated software, also the creation of 3D graphics and animation systems, simulation systems and augmented reality, 3D tracking systems, development of graphic interfaces for industrial automation and the provision of consulting services in various fields. The most important application concerns the packaging/ bottling sector and consists in the digitization of bottles, flacons and containers of any kind and in the design of equipment (e.g. STAR and SCREW profiles) in 2D and/or 3D to be inserted in the machinery for bottling, labelling and packaging lines. The company offers a complete, fast and automatic solution that involves the integration of a rotary 3D laser scanner for the digitization of bottles and vials with a simulation software plug-in for the creation of the profiles of the alveoli of the stars as well as the design screws to be inserted in the machinery of the filling, labelling and packaging lines.

The 3D laser scanner is a patented device that performs a 360° scan without contact, at high speed, at very high resolution (also in colour) and completely automatically. It is produced in two different sizes and allows you to digitize and analyse glass bottles, plastic bottles, containers of any material and shape and various types of caps (for example dispensers, triggers, various accessories).

The Pack-Sim software plug-in integrated with the 3D scanner is also developed by the company Scanny3D Srl and it can be customized according to the specific needs of the customers. Using the data provided by the 3D scanner, the software performs a real simulation of the movement of the bottle on the machinery of the packaging lines, for the automatic generation of the profile of the complete star and of the screw, thus simultaneously simulating the entire line/ machine.

3D scanner and simulation Pack-Sim software are fully integrated with each other to provide a quick, complete solution, compatible with industry 4.0 standards and which, in addition to facilitating the digital transformation of the user company, can be easily integrated into the production process. computerized possibly already present in the company. We can define it as an avant-garde solution for the design of the entire bottling line as from the very high-resolution 3D model it allows to create all the compartments of the input - output exchange stars up to the 3D design of screws of any type that can be exported to all major CAD/CAM software.

Personalized solutions

The strength of the company, much appreciated by customers and which at the same time allows Scanny3D Srl to stand out from the competition, consists in the ability to customize software and develop customized hardware solutions to meet the specific requests and needs of customers.

The company’s goal is to provide extremely reliable and accurate 3D scanning devices, very compact, easy to use and requiring no maintenance by the end user.

Scanny3d products are compatible with Industry 4.0 and for this reason they must be customized and interconnected with the other tools present in the final customer’s production cycle.

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Sincera Sistemi Srl

Via E. Natta 6 – 6/a

37026 Settimo di Pescantina (Verona) Italy

Tel. +39 045 51 17 941

estero@sincerasistemi.it - www.sincerasistemi.it

Sincera Sistemi Srl, over the last decade, has become the leading player in a movement of technological renewal that has involved a sector traditionally bound to craftsmanship, such as that of wine bottle sealing with wax. The company has turned its motto ‘Technology in Tradition’ into its leitmotiv, thus pursuing a project focused on innovation and quality, where the customer is always at the very heart; Sincera Sistemi’s machines, although born from a standard base, are then adapted to customers’ needs, thus becoming in fact tailor-made. Customers, being rather heterogeneous in terms of geographic origin, product quality placement and company size, have contributed, through their own sector-specific needs, to the widening of Sincera Sistemi’s product range. The company has established from the outset a deep connection with all major realities in the wine industry, expanding its customer portfolio over the years to also include breweries, distilleries, vinegar and oil manufacturers. Generally, the company can follow from microproducers to large wine groups with millions of bottles per year,

never lacking in punctuality, following a precise logic of quality and service tailored to the real needs of the customers.

From the very beginning, the aim to ease the craftsman’s work has been a powerful reason to keep searching for an innovative solution, which would not depart completely from the centuriesold tradition of wax sealing.

The sealing process has grown from being almost out of fashion to being increasingly used by manufacturers who have seen renewed potential in it. It is a fairly simple process to do, but depending on the number of bottles involved, it can be quite time- and moneyconsuming, not to mention the danger of accidents due to the rather precarious condition of the techniques in use until the introduction of new technologies, such as those of Sincera Sistemi.

The product range includes several machines, starting from the manual up to the fully automatic one.

Sincera1 manual machine, the entry-level device, perfectly conjugates easier operation and no exceeding money effort. It is small but very sturdy and can process bottles (mainly bordelaise/

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burgundy) ranging from 0.75 up to 5lt, by simply adjusting or changing supports. For those interested in higher throughput, Sincera2 and Sincera 4 represent bestselling products of the company worldwide. Both devices are semiautomatic, which means that the operator should just arrange loading/unloading of bottles, but the whole cycle is automatically performed by the machine itself. Technologically speaking, they are user-friendly thanks to the touchscreen which allows to set most features such as temperatures, times, stamping option (if available) and even a preheating process. This option is useful when scheduling production over the week because operators can have the machine ready for operating at a specific hour of the day, without wasting time. These two models now feature an all-stainless steel design; an interactive LED system helps the operator to immediately identify the status of the machine, through the different colours of the Plexiglas protective panels. In terms of operation, both models are equipped with a slide-out system of the tank, thus allowing easier maintenance. Increasing customer demands led to the development of Sincera SL14, the automatic machine, suitable for both inline positioning and as a stand-alone solution;

its average production is approx. 1200 bottles per hour, but it may vary according to bottle dimensions.

The solutions offered by Sincera Sistemi

are not only limited to the models currently on the market, but also include additional accessories or bespoke machinery to suit each customers’ needs.

Nonetheless, the real innovation, beyond machinery, has been to introduce the use of a more reliable and flexible product, such as soft wax, capable of combining superior quality and better performance on the bottle.

Waxing bottles is a choice that a has a major impact on the quality of the final product, either a bottle of wine or a prestigious spirit. On a cost level, it has more or less the same value of high-quality capsules, although market fluctuations and recent supply chain crisis have caused the price to rise steadily and delivery dates to lengthen. Since wax is sold per kilo, companies can purchase only the quantity needed for the production of a given product, without incurring the effort of purchasing many pieces that is often required with capsules. The technological solutions offered by Sincera Sistemi therefore allow customers to innovate without leaving their tradition behind.

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Via E. Natta 6 – 6/a 37026 Settimo di Pescantina (Verona) Italy Tel. +39 045 51 17 941 estero@sincerasistemi.it - www.sincerasistemi.it
Sincera Sistemi Srl

Smi Spa

Via Carlo Ceresa, 10 24015 San Giovanni Bianco (Bergamo) Italy

Tel. +39 0345 401 11 - Fax +39 0345 402 09

info@smigroup.it - www.smigroup.it

SMI: functional and sustainable packaging

The companies influenced by the trend of strong product diversification, need very flexible and efficient bottling and packaging plants in order to reach high levels of competitiveness and optimization of production lines.

Furthermore, in an economic environment that is increasingly oriented towards ecofriendly solutions in the use of plastic packaging, a growing number of companies have chosen to use rPET (100 % recyclable PET) bottles and cutting-edge technical solutions, like those supplied by SMI, in order to save energy and reduce the production environmental impact.

SMI solution for competitive market!

SMI manufactures bottling plants and packaging machines with an innovative design, equipped with IoT technology, providing to its customers, located all over the world, with smart solutions, able to meet their requirements in terms of competitiveness, production efficiency, operational flexibility, energy saving, easy management and monitoring of the whole production process.

Green solutions for the primary packaging

The EBS ERGON series of stretch-blow moulding, available both in “stand alone” version and in “combi” version, integrated with filling and capping systems (ECOBLOC® ERGON series), ensure high performances in the stretch blow-moulding of rPET, and PET bottles of different shapes and capacities from 0.10 L up to 10L mainly used for the food, beverage and detergent

industries, able to meet production requirements up to 50,000 bottles/hour. Thanks to high-tech components, low maintenance and running costs and great quality/price ratio, SMI machines are the best solution for producing plastic containers.

Main advantages of EBS ERGON series

• Stretch-blow moulding system based on a high efficiency rotary technology, equipped with motorized stretch rods for a precise management of the stretch rod cycle and a significant energy saving;

• Ultra-compact plant: the preform heating section is integrated with the stretch-blow moulding section in a single module;

• Reduced energy consumption, thanks to the preform heating module equipped with high efficiency IR lamps and to the stretchblow moulding module equipped with a double stage HP air recovery system;

• Ergonomic structure that ensures an easy maintenance and a high safety level;

• High performance low dead volume valves, that reduce pre-blowing and blowing times, therefore improving efficiency and quality of the bottles;

• Easy and fast format changeover, thanks to MotorNet System® automation and control system that ensures constant maintenance of the optimum processing parameters and the direct modification of the machine settings.

The advantages of the ECOBLOC® ERGON integrated solutions of blowing-fillingcapping.

• The integration of stretch-blow moulding, filling and capping functions into a single machine allows to considerably reduce costs, as well as the space occupied by the solution, since the rinser and conveyors between the stretch-blow moulder and the filler are not needed. This also leads to

reduce contamination risks and to reach a higher hygiene level.

• High-efficiency rotary stretch-blow moulding system equipped with motorized stretch rods, whose functioning, controlled electronically, does not need mechanical cams. This allows a precise management of the rod path and an accurate control of its position, as well as a significant energy saving.

• The carousel blowing process has been reduced, thus making the stretch-blow moulder more efficient by 17%.

• The filling process is extremely precise, thanks to the use of the flow meter, an electronic device installed near each valve that detects the flow of the product that fills each bottle by counting the pulses and sends the filling valve the closure sign, once the value of the format in use is reached.

• A wide range of products can be filled thanks to the valve terminal that is changed according to the type of product.

Design of sustainable containers

Today all the main food and beverage manufacturers aim at promoting sustainable lifestyles in compliance with circular economy and support the importance of the responsible use of resources and recycle. Their commitment starts from the use of PET plastics: a 100% recyclable and regenerable material. Thanks to an advanced CAD center for 3D design, SMI supports companies in the design and graphic realization of a wide range of 100% recyclable PET containers, featuring high quality and lightweight in order to save energy and material

Solutions for tethered caps

The tethered caps, that stay attached to the bottle after having been opened, will become an object of everyday use for European consumers from 2024, when

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2019/904 directive will enter into force. SMI, aware of the challenges posed by this directive to beverage manufacturers, offers solutions for producing containers with a percentage of recycled PET in compliance with 2019/904 and supports customers in order to evaluate the right tethered cap solution.

Green solutions for secondary packaging

Within secondary packaging, SMI offers a wide range of automatic machines for packing in an efficient and eco-sustainable way several types of containers with an output up to 450 packs per minute (in triple lane) and applications that ensure energy saving.

Depending on the type of product to be packed and on the reference market, it is possible to choose the most appropriate packer among a wide range of automatic shrink wrappers for secondary packaging in stretch or recyclable film or among packers that use corrugated, kraft or Arcwise® cardboard

All automatic packers produced by SMI are inspired by Industry 4.0 and Internet of Things (IoT) concepts and ensure cost reduction, energy saving, environmental sustainability and increase in competitiveness.

Flexible market-driven organization

In a global market where competition is getting fiercer and fiercer, the possibility to guarantee a “next door” service is for SMI a key factor to effectively and successfully support customers wherever they are, where local staff, who has been previously trained in Italy, is able to assist customers efficiently responding to their requests. For this purpose, SMI operates outside Italy through a widespread network of branches and representative offices.

South Africa Edition 2023/2024 BEVERAGE INDUSTRY 41 Smi Spa Via Carlo Ceresa, 10 24015 San Giovanni Bianco (Bergamo) Italy Tel. +39 0345 401 11 - Fax +39 0345 402 09 info@smigroup.it - www.smigroup.it

Speciale F. & C. Srl

Tel. +39 0959 31 124

info@speciale.it - www.speciale.it

Citrus extracting machines to get essential oil and juice from the fruit in one single operation

About 50% of all citrus extracting machines used the world over is of the “In-Line” kind and in Latin America this is the only system used. In recent decades, In-Line systems have been spread in Italy, Spain and in other Mediterranean Countries as well as in some Asian Countries. The company Speciale, which has been on the citrus processing sector for over eighty years, has been manufacturing this system with In-Line extracting machine Mod. SP40, juice finishers Mod. FF50, and essential oil finisher Mod. FF50E.

The success of this processing system is mainly due to the fact that it is the only that extracts essential oil and juice from citruses, performing just one operation, without ever halving citruses and therefore preventing the juice to come into contact with skin, separation membranes, or seeds. On account of this, the juice produced is essential oil free, which would jeopardize juice organoleptic quality. Following the

preliminary selection processes of washing, brushing and grading, the fruit is sent to the SP40 extractor lines.

The system is called “in-line” because a set of extractors is aligned and to get the highest quality possible of juice and essential oil, extractors process fruits of different diameter. These lines are usually composed of extractors of three different diameters, such as: up to 60mm in diameter for the SP40-2, from 60 to 80 mm for Model SP40-3 and from 80 to 105 mm for the SP40-4. The absorption capacity for each extractor is 500 fruits per minute at a speed of 100 strokes per minute.

In order to be able to treat different varieties of citrus fruit available in different parts of the world in the most efficient way, the In-line system allows for great flexibility in the adjustment of components to obtain the best extraction. In facts, when adding extra parts such as different sizes of cups, cutters and strainers to the SP40 machines, it is possible to transform the great variety of citrus fruits available throughout the world in different ways.

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Tecnovap Srl

Via dei Sassi, 1/a - 37026 Pescantina (Verona) Italy

Tel. +39 045 67 67 252 - Fax +39 045 67 03 631 info@tecnovap.com - www.tecnovap.it

Tecnovap, the Italian leader and manufacturer for the steam cleaning sector.

Tecnovap was founded in 1985 in Negrar di Valpolicella, a small town near Verona (Italy). With more than 35 years of experience, Tecnovap has impressively grown becoming a considerable partner for the professional and industrial sectors. After years of success and continuous growth, Tecnovap has set its headquarters in Pescantina (Verona), where it is still present nowadays.

What are the benefits of steam cleaning?

Steam cleaning is a valid alternative that enables to sanitize all kind of surfaces with an environmentally friendly approach. When delivered at high temperature and pressure, dry saturated steam easily degreases any dirt from all types of surfaces. Once the dirt is detached, it can be removed from the surface easily thanks to an integrated vacuum or by using a simple microfiber cloth. Steam also has a very important cleaning power that does not damage or scratch surfaces, even the most delicate ones. Thanks to the durable Made-in-Italy stainless steel boilers designed by Tecnovap, steam is delivered consistently over the surface, killing harmful bacteria through thermal shock. In this way, the user can sanitize applying no chemicals at all and consuming significantly less power. Eventually, steam cleaning translates into an abundant long-term saving of water, chemicals and cleaning times for your company. Why should you choose Tecnovap?

Tecnovap has always been at the forefront of innovation since the business was founded. Thanks to the experience gained through all these years of work and studies in the field, the company is still capable to valorize steam as the most reliable ecologic alternative to conventional cleaning methods. In this regard, the company has boasted a number of patents that have made its steam generators increasingly safer, faster and more powerful. Consequently, steam cleaners have become much more accessible to many national and multinational companies, which have chosen steam generators as the best option for their cleaning purposes. Furthermore, Tecnovap keeps working tirelessly to understand the necessities of every customer, by continuously designing new and specialized tools to meet and satisfy every need. With Tecnovap, steam has never been cleaner.

What are some of the best applications for steam?

Steam cleaning is so versatile that it can be found in many different working areas, but it is especially suitable for the industrial and professional sectors. For instance, steam is perfect for cleaning and sanitizing mesh and flat conveyor belts in the Food & Beverage industry. Tecnovap’s belt cleaner system is tailor-made for every customer and it can be manual, semi-automatic or even fully automatic. This conveyor belt cleaning system is designed to be paired with one of our steam generators, which can always be used for other cleaning operations inside your premises, creating an allround package for any cleaning necessity inside your company. What are the new frontiers of steam cleaning?

Tecnovap is consistently exploring new and interesting cleaning solutions. A particularly innovative application for steam is the cleaning of high-level surfaces inside industrial premises, where dust can become a risk factor for production safety. In this regard, Tecnovap has developed T.E.S.S. (Tecnovap Extreme Steam System), a new way to effortlessly clean high-level surfaces thanks to light carbon-fiber poles that can reach impressive heights from ground level.

By means of this system, no scissor lifts or other specialist equipment are required to carry out the sanitization of high-level surfaces, giving life to a very cost-effective alternative on the long term. This system can be safely operated during production hours, cancelling any existing machine downtime costs.

For more information and requests on Tecnovap’s steam generators: sales@tecnovap.com www.tecnovap.it

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Tenco Srl

Via Arbora, 1 16036 Avegno (Genova) Italy

Tel. +39 0185 79 556 Fax +39 0185 79 412

info@tenco.it www.tenco.it

The semi-automatic Enolmaster filler is a professional bottler for wine, oil, beer, liqueurs, fruit juices and many other liquid food products, including foaming products, and for bottling at high temperatures.

The operation is simple and hygienic: a vacuum pump sucks the liquid from the container, filling up, in seconds, up to four bottles at a time.

Thus, the liquid is sucked without shaking and without any contact with mechanical

parts and the filling level, set by the operator, is automatic and remains the same for all the bottles, during the entire bottling process.

Kits and accessories are available to expand functionality and use:

Recovery vessel in Pyrex glass, filling spouts for mignon or magnum bottles, or even for particular bottles with long necks, stainless steel or fiberglass filtering systems, to be able to bottle and filter any product in a single operation.

Ease of use and simplicity of washing, dosing speed and precision, small dimensions and specific materials certified for the food industry make Enolmaster the ideal bottler for oil mills, wineries, distilleries and breweries.

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South Africa Edition 2023/2024 BEVERAGE INDUSTRY 47 Tenco Srl Via Arbora, 1 16036 Avegno (Genova) Italy Tel. +39 0185 79 556 Fax +39 0185 79 412 info@tenco.it www.tenco.it

Velo Acciai Srl

Via San Lorenzo, 42 31020 San Zenone degli Ezzelini (Treviso) Italy

Tel. +39 0423 96 89 66 - Fax +39 0345 41 755 info@vlstechnologies.it - www.vlstechnologies.it

An innovative approach to liquid treatment

VLS Technologies represents worldwide a single reference point for the client for both the aspect of filtration and more complex needs that involve the whole process of liquid treatment: that is made possible by the production plant in San Zenone degli Ezzelini in the Province of Treviso, northeast Italy, as well as by an established worldwide network of agents, authorized reselling and assistance. In addition to traditional applications, the focus of VLS Technologies is also the development of innovative solutions such as cross-flow filtration systems and reverse osmosis.

VLS technologies for soft drinks, juices and sugar solutions

Thanks to its great experience, VLS Technologies can offer the consultancy and the design of technologies for the filtration and treatment of food liquids also for the sector of fruit-based drinks, soft drinks and sugar solutions.

In these areas, the most innovative technologies by VLS are designed to meet the particular production needs. Among the different solutions suitable for the treatment of soft drinks and juices we can find TLS cross-flow filter, SFT sheet filter and reverse osmosis plant, while for

sugar solutions the best technologies are FRS rotary drum vacuum filter, FVV D.E. vertical filter and FOC D.E. horizontal filter. Two rotary vacuum filters for

the Indian market of fruit juices

For the sector of fruit-based drinks, VLS Technologies has signed a partnership with one of the main Indian producers of fruit juices, that has purchased two rotary

vacuum filters with a surface of 25 sq.m to filter apple juice. FRS filters have been designed for the filtration of products with high content in solids through the usage of filtering adjuvant substances as kieselguhr. Customized FRS filters for sugar syrup: a special solution for Coca Cola

For the innovative plant of Coca Cola Thailand, partner company of the international manufacturer of drinks for the Thai market, VLS Technologies has supplied two special FRS rotary drum vacuum filters, used to filter the sugar syrup, which is then used to process sugary-based drinks.

VLS Technologies is always focusing on the customer’s needs and, through the identification of the best possible solutions, designs and manufactures tailored technologies.

Find out more at www.vlstechnologies.it

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INTERNATIONAL MAGAZINES .it Supplemento a TecnAlimentaria N° 5 Maggio 2023 Poste Italiane SpA - Spedizione in Abbonamento Postale D.L. 353/2003 (conv. in L. 27/02/2004 n. 46) art. 1 comma 1 NE/TV - Anno 28 N°5/2023 - ISSN 2498-9541 ITALIAN TECHNOLOGY FOR THE BEVERAGE INDUSTRY SOUTH AFRICA EDITION 2023/2024

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