TecnAlimentaria South Africa Edition 2023/2024 - Food Industry

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INTERNATIONAL MAGAZINES .it Supplemento a TecnAlimentaria N° 5 Maggio 2023 Poste Italiane SpA - Spedizione in Abbonamento Postale D.L. 353/2003 (conv. in L. 27/02/2004 n. 46) art. 1 comma 1 NE/TV - Anno 28 N°5/2023 - ISSN 2498-9541 ITALIAN TECHNOLOGY FOR THE FOOD INDUSTRY SOUTH AFRICA EDITION 2023/2024
Via Tretti Marotti, 4 Grisignano di Zocco 36040 (VI) - Italy T +39 0444 414735 F +39 0444 414719 E info@teknostamap.com PLANETARY MIXER TK 2
www.zmatik.com Z.MATIK Srl Via Dell’Artigianato IV Strada, 6 35020 Candiana(PD) Italy Tel: +39 049 95 999 35 info@zmatik com r ev olu ti on a r y t r a d iti o n From pastr y shops to hotels, catering, and much more

www.tecnalimentaria.it www.edftrend.com

TecnAlimentaria Supplement n. 5 May 2023 - Year XXVIII


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EASTERN EUROPE EDITION ITALIAN TECHNOLOGY FOR THE FOOD INDUSTRY 2023 2024 INTERNA MAGAZINES.it Supplemento TecnAlimentaria Febbraio Poste inAbbonamento D.L. 27/02/2004 46) comma Anno 2023 2498-9541 FOOD INDUSTRY Technology for the Food Industry - International magazine in Italian/English www.tecnalimentaria.it N°5 May Maggio 2023 Italiane Spedizione Abbonamento D.L. (conv. 27/02/2004 28 2498-9541 ITALIAN TECHNOLOGY FOR THE FOOD INDUSTRY TECNOLOG A ITALIANA PARA LA INDUSTRIA ALIMENTARIA AMERICAS EDITION Supplemento TecnAlimentariaN° Luglio/July Poste Spedizione Abbonamento D.L. (conv. 27/02/2004 46) Anno 2022 2498-9541 INTERNA MAGAZINES .it 2022/2023 INTERNATIONAL MAGAZINES.it Supplemento TecnAlimentaria Agosto/Settembre Poste SpA Spedizione Abbonamento Postale 353/2003 27/02/2004 comma NE/TV N°8/9 ISSN 2498-9541 2022/2023 ITALIAN TECHNOLOGY FOR THE FOOD INDUSTRY
INTERNATIONAL MAGAZINES .it Supplemento a TecnAlimentaria N° 5 Maggio 2023 Poste Italiane SpA - Spedizione in Abbonamento Postale D.L. 353/2003 (conv. in L. 27/02/2004 n. 46) art. 1 comma 1 NE/TV - Anno 28 N°5/2023 ISSN 2498-9541 ITALIAN TECHNOLOGY FOR THE FOOD INDUSTRY SOUTH AFRICA EDITION 2023/2024 .it INTERNATIONAL MAGAZINES South Africa Edition 2023/2024 FOOD INDUSTRY 6
4G GHIDINI SRL www.4gghidini.it 10-11 Food Industry A-Z GOMMA SRL www.azgomma.it 8 Food & Beverage Industry AERAQUE SRL www.aeraque.com 9 Food & Beverage Industry AGRIFLEX SRL www.agriflex.it 12, 14-15 Food Industry CAMA GROUP www.camagroup.com 4 Food Industry CM TECHNOLOGIES www.cm-technologies.biz 17 Food Industry COLOR SERVICE SRL www.colorservice.net 18-19 Food Industry COREMET www.coremet.co.za 20-21 Food Industry CUOMO F.LLI www.cuomoind.it 2, 22-25 Food Industry ELVEM SRL www.elvem.it 16 Food & Beverage Industry ESCHER MIXERS SRL www.eschermixers.com 5, 26-27 Food Industry FIC SPA www.fic.com 28-29 Food Industry GENERAL SYSTEM PACK SRL www.gsp.it 38 Food Industry GRUPPO FABBRI VIGNOLA SPA www.gruppofabbri.com 31-33 Food Industry IFP PACKAGING SRL www.ifppackaging.it 38 Food Industry INOX MECCANICA SPA www.inoxmeccanica.it 34-35 Food Industry LABELPACK TRADE SRL www.labelpack.it 36-37 Food Industry MINI MOTOR SPA www.minimotor.com 39 Food & Beverage Industry OCRIM SPA www.ocrim.it 40-41 Food Industry OLOCCO SRL www.olocco.eu 42-43 Food Industry PIETRIBIASI MICHELANGELO SRL www.pietribiasi.it 44-45 Food & Beverage Industry PND SRL www.pndsrl.it 47-49 Food Industry RE PIETRO SRL www.repietro.com 50-51 Food Industry TECNO PACK SPA www.tecnopackspa.it 38 Food Industry TEKNO STAMAP SRL www.teknostamap.com 1, 52-53 Food Industry UMBRA PACKAGING SRL www.umbrapackaging.it 54-55 Food Industry Z MATIK SRL www.zmatik.com 3, 56-57 Food Industry ZANICHELLI MECCANICA SPA www.zacmi.com II^Cover, 59-61 Food Industry ZANIN F.LLI SRL www.zanin-italia.com 62-63 Food Industry South Africa Edition 2023/2024 FOOD INDUSTRY 7

Technology in technopolimeric material

Mould and mould-flow design for thermoplastic articles

Mould design for elastomeric articles

Print of technical details in thermoplastic materials

Print of elastomeric technical details

Ultrasound soldering – high frequency – hot blade

Quality service: analysis on technical articles produces and test of in/outcoming materials









Tel. +39 030 892 59 53

4G® GHIDINI Srl is specialized in producing stainless steel ball valves and fittings. Founded in 1978, with over 40 years of experience, 4G® GHIDINI has always set the product and service quality as its main objective. Product quality is ensured by using raw materials exclusively sourced in the European Union and by processing them entirely in the production site located in Lumezzane, Brescia. Service quality relies on prompt stock availability of all the proposed items, added value in terms of offer and timely deliveries.

All the products are designed, manufactured and 100% tested before being marketed, following a correct certified construction practice and with the aid of highly advanced machinery to guarantee end-users a highlevel product.

The company is UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 certified. Product traceability is guaranteed throughout the entire production process, from the entry of raw materials to subsequent processing, up to the finished product. 4G® GHIDINI product is 100% Made in Italy, no import particulars are used.

4G® GHIDINI products are used in the most varied industrial applications, including pharmaceutical, biotechnological and cosmetic industry; food and beverage; chemistry, process, water treatment and energy production.

Pharmaceutical industry needs the best technologies to meet the needs of its productions in sterile and aseptic environments. 4G® GHIDINI valves with integral seals without dead points eliminate the deposits of fluid inside them; high performances and certifications make them

the ideal product for clean applications. The valves, easily removable, guarantee ease of cleaning and quick maintenance. Food industry requires components such as ball valves and fittings that together with performance and reliability guarantee suitability for contact with foods through certifications such as “MOCA” 1935/2004/ CE and FDA. For this sector 4G® GHIDINI provides specific solutions, such as predispositions for washing with CIP system, for sterilization by steam and for PIG product recovery systems. All 4G® GHIDINI valve models are available also in the version with heating jacket, ideal for the use in chocolate production.

For the chemical industry, the valves and fittings made entirely in Aisi 316L from

bar ensure maximum compatibility with the most aggressive fluids and the most critical conditions of use; the possibility to configure them ad hoc allows to obtain the maximum yield.

The valves can be installed in hazardous areas given the ATEX II 2 G-D T4 certification. Products also comply with the technical regulation EAC TR CU 010/2011 and EAC TR CU 032/2013.

The different types of connections allow 4G® GHIDINI to customize ball valves according to customer’s needs, making them suitable for installation on any system.

Strengthened of the past and present challenges, 4G® GHIDINI is ready for the future ones.

South Africa Edition 2023/2024 FOOD INDUSTRY 10
Via Ruca, 400 (Z.I) - 25065 Lumezzane (Brescia) Italy
info@4gghidini.it - www.4gghidini.it

Agriflex Srl

Via Barsanti 6/8 - 47122 Forlì, Italy

Tel. +39 0543 79 61 53 - Fax +39 0543 72 51 52 info@agriflex.it - www.agriflex.it

Tailor-made solutions for the food industry since 1975

Agriflex has been designing, manufacturing and installing systems for storing, conveying, dosing and automatically controlling raw materials for the food industry

Founded in Italy in 1975, Agriflex headquarters are based in Forlì and extend over a covered surface area of more than 5,000 sq m, divided respectively into areas dedicated to production and assembly, installations and systems, quality control, storage and offices.

The company has also a plant in Serravalle di Berra (Ferrara) for the production of specialist components.

Over time, Agriflex has gained worldwide presence also thanks to the establishment of an important network of industrial and commercial partnerships around the world.

From the initial concept to design, from manufacturing to installation: Agriflex follows every project closely and offers tailor-made solutions.

South Africa Edition 2023/2024 FOOD INDUSTRY 12

Color Service Srl

Automatic Dosing System: Accurate, reliable and eco-friendly Color Service is an Italian excellence and since 1987 has positioned itself as a leading supplier of automatic dosing systems for any kind of powder and liquid product.

With a start in the textile field and thanks to years of experience and know-how, Color Service introduced its unique technology into many markets segments (rubber, tire, cosmetics, plastics) before orienting his innovation into the food industry, where the dosing of powders and liquids requires considerable precision, speed and traceability.

Weighing is a key element of the food production process for quality compliance: dosing the proper amount of ingredients is extremely important to fulfill recipe specifications and constant quality requirements.

In most cases, the food industry’s weighing department employs operators who manually dose raw ingredients, resulting in difficult and complicated management in terms of weighing accuracy. To support this necessity, our technology is designed to solve problems associated with the manual weighing of any kind of powders and liquids applied in the food industry and it is developed with the goal of achieving a safe, fast and precise dosing. The aim is therefore the development of high-efficiency systems that allow to minimize the production costs and boost productivity while also improving final product quality, essential for the competition of all companies.

According to customer’s requirements, Color Sevice offers to the market two solutions of automation: a complete full automatic and a semi automatic weighing system.

Full automatic dosing system

With the full automatic dosing system, all processes are automatically monitored and data are recorded in the software integrated with the customer’s management system. The activity of the operator is exclusively confined in the loading of products into storage silos of various capacities through high-performance vacuum for powders and pump for liquids that guarantee fast loading with low air consumption.

During the dosing, a multi-scale conveyor completely aspirated through a dedicated dust extraction system allows high dosing accuracy of recipes that can be dosed directly into a bucket or in identified bags created in a completely automatic way: this is a fundamental characteristic that allows each individual recipe to be traced. The full automatic system, guarantees high dosing accuracy, batch traceability and modularity of storage stations and according to product consumption and production requirements, the system offers several storage modules of different capacities that could be interchangeable or expanded in the future.

Semi-automatic dosing system

On the other hand, the semi-automatic weighing system can offer a good compromise: the robotic storage of powder products with the manual weighing assisted by a PC. In this way, according to the recipe, the system

drops the right box and transfer it to the weighing position, where the operator, guided by the PC can dose the product.

Key benefits of our automatic dispensing system

By investing in an automatic dosing system, the customer will be able to benefit from a repeatable production process that runs 24 hours a day, is reliable and fast, in which human error is definitively eliminated and which allows leading to high-quality end products with uniformity features throughout time. Systems are userfriendly and software is intuitive and easy to use, allowing a quick and easy understanding.

“Dosing right the first time” as a consequence of accurate and exact dosing of powders and liquids, results in a reduction of product waste, energy/water consumption, processing times and, as a consequence, cost.

From the ecological point of view, Color System technology reduces to zero the exposure for operators to dangerous substances or toxic ingredients and provides absolute control of the dust emitted during the weighing with the use of special suction devices, ensuring total operator safety and environmental protection.

Another significant advantage is the traceability of recipes. Indeed with a manual weighing, in case of non-conformity, it is impossible to identify all the products that are affected by this problem downstream and it is difficult to trace the causes upstream that can be represented for example by an incorrect mixing proportion or from a non-conformity of a specific ingredient. Without expensive labor costs due to manual batch processing and profit loss due to recipe formulation mistakes, companies can begin to boost profits, while offering a superior and uniform product to their customers.

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Tel. +39 0444 36 60 00 - Fax +39 0444 59 24 69 info@colorservice.net - www.colorservice.net
Via Divisione Julia, 15 - 36031 Dueville (Vicenza) Italy

CoreMet Mineral Processing

CoreMet and Virto-Cuccolini: delivering the best solutions for solid/liquid separation and powders or granules classification processes

An effective material handling and classification system is one of the fundamental pillars for many companies operating in the most varied manufacturing sectors. Within many of these processes, the classification of materials through industrial screening is an important step that can determine the quality of the finished product.

For this reason, CoreMet, a company based in Pretoria, South Africa, with an extensive knowledge and experience in dry and wet processing screening across a wide range of industrial materials and ingredients, provides clients with fit-for-purpose solutions from concept to implementation. CoreMet, whose multidisciplinary team is well experienced in detailed plant design, construction and commissioning; selects the best suppliers to support its client’s needs within their process value chain from the start to finish. As it is gradually cementing its material handling footprint in various material processing industries such as heavy minerals, gold, PGMs, diamonds, coal, powder minerals, food and pharmaceuticals; CoreMet turns to Virto-Cuccolini, a historic Italian manufacturer specialised in the construction of industrial vibrating sieves for the classification and separation of powders and liquids.

Virto-Cuccolini and CoreMet’s partnership started in 2017 and offers quality and cost-effective solutions to junior and large companies, to cover different needs, such as:

• Quickly cleaning the product from unwanted pieces during the first phase of the production line. This is achieved with safety screening, created precisely to prevent undesired particles from entering the production cycle.

• Separating a product by particle size. This is the basis for creating, from a bulk ingredient, multiple products of different fractions that cover different market needs.

• Separating materials from free-flowing liquids or even from dense liquids, such as sludges.

• Recovering waste material to transform and use as a new product or as a new second raw material. This is a helpful way to start achieving more sustainability in the production process.

Virto-Cuccolini offers a wide range of sieving equipment in Aisi 304 or Aisi 316, both with ATEX and FDA certifications. The great variety of available sizes gives the possibility to both big-scale industrial projects and small pilot plants to find the best solution. As one of the partnership’s major focus points is preserving its customers’ process quality, a continuous original spare parts supply service is available and can also be arranged on a regular basis, as well as maintenance planning.

A vibrating sieve can serve hundreds of different applications in the food industry, but also in other sectors in which separation and classification of materials constitute an essential part of the manufacturing process. The South African-Italian tandem formed by CoreMet and Virto-Cuccolini will make their highly skilled staff available to satisfy customers throughout the African continent.

In the attached pictures, a brief gallery of the most recent new products from Virto-Cuccolini, ranging from sieving equipment for pharma and food applications, solid/liquid separation like spirulina harvesting to 3D printing metal powders recovery.

South Africa Edition 2023/2024 FOOD INDUSTRY 20
Unit 4 Gateway Landing, 70 Banghoek Crescent, N4 Gateway, Pretoria, Gauteng
+27(0)87 148 5568 en +27(0)87 148 5569

F.lli Cuomo Sas

di Alfonso e Carmine Cuomo

Via F.lli Buscetto, 76 - 84014 Nocera Inferiore (Salerno) Italy

Tel. +39 081 517 71 33 - Fax +39 081 517 26 55

info@cuomoind.it - www.cuomoind.it

CUOMO is a family-run company specializing in design and production of metal packaging and food processing machinery. Founded in 1964 by three brothers, CUOMO is headquartered in Nocera Inferiore, Salerno, and run by its founders’ sons.

The company’s production range includes the following:

• Food processing machinery

• Twist cap machinery

• Metal packaging machinery

Food processing machinery

Machines, complete lines and equipment for primary and secondary packing suitable for any food (vegetables, meats, fishes, oils, milks, etc.). This kind of machinery carry out packing process of food, including thermal treatment of the filled container and final packing of filled containers in accordance with the market requests. The keystone of those production lines is the filling-closing automatic groups, where containers are automatically filled – by gravity either vacuum or volumetrically – by double seamers. The food processing machinery range allows to cover production speeds from 60 up to 1.000 cpm, for can sizes ranging between 70 gr and 5 Kg. (from 202 to 603 can size AS).

Twist cap machinery

Machinery and complete lines for production of metal lug caps, twistoff type, for glass jars. This division is dedicated to suit any need of glass packing (bottles, jars) industry of foodstuff such as jams, legumes, tuna fish, ketchup, sauces, etc. Lug caps manufacturing line based on a double die strip feed press, served upstream by a scroll shearing line and, downstream, by operational machines all rotary type, with production speeds up to 1.000 caps per minute. Fully automatic manufacturing process which allows to save on production costs.

Metal packaging machinery

Fully Automatic machines and lines for tinplate cans. Complete lines for end/ shell starting from the tinplate sheet. All machinery has been individually designed for a new generation of can making lines, allowing to reach production speeds of up to 900 cpm. Independent operational machines or multi-machine groups are available, for can body making lines, to suit customers’ particular needs.

The company’s range of machinery also includes the Automatic telescopic filler Made of stainless steel AISI 304 and in compliance with EC rules, the machine is suitable for volumetric filling of a wide range of solid products into metal cans, glass jars, plastic container, cartons, etc. The complete filling process is performed by the most advanced technologies for they guarantee filling accuracy. The machine allows fast changeover of container

sizes and easy access for cleaning and maintenance operations.

On request, the machine can be also manufactured with container tangential exit; the machine can handle a range of different diameters up to 5 Kg.

This automatic telescopic filling machine is suitable for filling the following products: tomato (whole and cubes), olives (whole and sliced), legumes, sweet corn, vegetables (sliced and diced), artichokes

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(hearts), onions, mushrooms, picked vegetables, seafood, pet food, fruits (whole, sliced and diced), hazelnuts, nuts and peanuts. Depending on product and container size, the machine can run at speeds from 40 to 1200 cpm. Among the Cuomo machines, we can also find the Automatic Seamer Mod. A480; it is a machine with 10 seaming heads, rotary can type, adjustable height tower, for seaming metal lids to cylindrical, filled, cans. This sturdy and steady machine offers outstanding performances. It is specially designed for closing filled cans (any type of product) by utilizing the most up-todated technologies. All machine parts getting into contact with product, are made of stainless steel. It is also worth highlighting that Cuomo grants customers the best after-sales, technical and any kind of assistance, in Italy and abroad, and that has always been the company’s main target, on which trust in the future is grounded and toward which the company is heading to, knowingly and with its usual inherent strength. The engineering of state-of-the-art machinery has enabled the company to deal with complex technological issues concerning sectors such as metal packaging and metal twist-off capsules, with spirit of innovation and cutting-edge technology.

South Africa Edition 2023/2024 FOOD INDUSTRY 23 F.lli Cuomo Sas di Alfonso e Carmine Cuomo Via F.lli Buscetto, 76 - 84014 Nocera Inferiore (Salerno) Italy Tel. +39 081 517 71 33 - Fax +39 081 517 26 55 info@cuomoind.it - www.cuomoind.it

Escher Mixers Srl


62 - 36034 Malo (Vicenza) Italy

Escher Mixers specializes in the production of mixing machinery for the bread and pastry-making sectors. Over the years, Escher Mixers has gained specialized knowledge that has allowed this company to develop machines and solutions to meet the needs of a variety of clients and different types of markets.

Escher Mixers machines are renowned for their sturdiness, durability, accurate finishes, and for the quality of the dough they produce.

Bakery equipment

Escher Mixers proposes Spiral and Wendel mixing concepts. Both solutions can be with removable bowl through a patented® bowl locking and motion system MR-MW Line or bottom discharge system MD-MDW Line with conveyors belts or bowl lifters which can be matched with automatic solutions with linear system and storage of the resting bowls in vertical or linear storages, rotating automatic systems-carousel, scraps recovery systems,

transverse hopper systems and star-cutting/guillotine/roller with guillotine and other customized solutions.

Pastry equipment

The range of planetary mixers with double tool for the pastry industry is characterized by the lack of oil lubrication systems, improving hygiene and reducing machine maintenance. A wide range of interchangeable tools is available for different uses and doughs.

For industrial productions, Escher Mixers has developed the PM-D Line with independent tool movement, with individual speed regulation and the possibility to reverse the motion. While the PMDB Line with the bridge structure allows automatic insertion of the ingredients, air insufflation to reduce mixing times and increase volume, dough processing with negative/positive pressure and cleaning through CIP washing system. Various bowl discharge options are available.

South Africa Edition 2023/2024 FOOD INDUSTRY 26
Tel. +39 0445 57 66 92 Fax +39 0445 57 72 80 mail@eschermixers.com - www.eschermixers.com

Fic Spa

Chilled water cooling – is it the right system for you?

With more than 70 years of innovation and a strong presence on international markets, FIC is the perfect partner when ice water is used in a cooling process.

Water is considered the safest cooling media in the food industry and the possibility to take advantage of its PCM properties (phase-changing material), makes it more convenient than ever, especially with rising energy bills.

FIC can offer a complete range of ice banks, from small compact sizes to container size.

FIC ice banks

With FIC ice banks you can reduce your peak power load. Because ice is built up overnight, you may be able to take advantage of off-peak power rates. The advantage is even bigger if you consider it vital to have a cold energy reservoir during blackout times.

FIC offers a complete range from 45 kWh to 2500 kWh. All FIC equipment is carefully tested with different methods to guarantee extended functionality and the customers’ success.

FIC falling film chillers

For mega farms, dairies, industrial bakeries and large plants running 24/7, FIC can supply ice water solutions for instant cooling down to 0.5°C.

This technology is widely used in some of the most innovative dairies, thanks to its consistency and scalability. This system is very compact and can be adopted when the available space is limited.

In this case, FIC can propose a fully customized range of falling film chillers. The number of plates and modules can be increased according to the customers demand, to meet actual and future flexibility requirements.

Falling film and ice banks can be integrated to maximize the benefits of both technologies

South Africa Edition 2023/2024 FOOD INDUSTRY 28
+39 0343 410 51
- www.fic.com
Via Trivulzia, 54 - 23020 Mese (Sondrio) Italy Tel.

RED plate banks for instant cooling

In some applications and industries, plate banks are popular for their flexibility and outstanding performances. FIC has it all: From compact machines (10 kW) up to 1500 kW, used in dairies, industrial bakeries, ice cream and breweries.

RED for large installations

All FIC products are available for different refrigerants, to meet the highest standards and different local regulations. Feel free to contact FIC and become the promoter of advanced cooling technologies in your Country!

South Africa Edition 2023/2024 FOOD INDUSTRY 29 Fic Spa Via Trivulzia, 54 - 23020 Mese (Sondrio) Italy Tel. +39 0343 410 51 fic@fic.com - www.fic.com

Gruppo Fabbri Vignola Spa

Via per Sassuolo, 1863 - 41058 Vignola (Modena) Italy

Tel. +39 059 768 411 - Fax +39 059 762 864

info@gruppofabbri.com - www.gruppofabbri.com

Over 70 years of active market experience make Fabbri Group a renowned leader in the manufacture and sale of machines and films for fresh and ultra-fresh food packaging (typically red meat, poultry, fish, cheese, fruit, vegetables, sauces, ready meals, sweets…). Thanks to over 35,000 machines installed globally and over 22,000 t of film produced per year, Fabbri Group advises and supports more than 2,500+ companies worldwide, and preserves the freshness of more than 15 billion packs commercialized every year on the total market.

Fabbri Group’s winning strategy comes from a combined supply of machines and films, completed by an extensive network of experienced, qualified, multilingual technical teams

Fabbri’s wide offer includes automatic stretch wrappers, tray-sealers, traditional, biobased and compostable stretch or barrier films, which can be neutral and/or printed according to the different applications. All Fabbri solutions can be used as standalone, in combination with all most popular packaging equipment on the market, or as a whole composite packaging system

Fabbri Group caters for everyone (retail, industry, brand-owners, and big to small food processors), covering with care all food markets: main objective for Fabbri’s R&D Dept. is offering safe and effective solutions at improved sustainability and performance, as proven by the more than 130 active patents related to both machines and films projects.

Environment, we care!

Fabbri Group’s attention has always revolved around the concept of sustainability: since the beginning, our mission has always been to “preserve

Fabbri Group offers printed film both on the basis of the customer’s design and by developing specific and customized projects for every need

without waste”. We focus on preserving food products and extending their shelflife thanks to the most appropriate and environmentally sustainable packaging solutions. Related to films in particular, Fabbri Group recognises and protects the value of resources by developing different food packaging solutions in all the most

The Fabbri films are produced in the most innovative formulations to be as environmentally friendly as possible according to the chosen application

required materials by the different markets worldwide, all of them in their most sustainable form

Performance products for every need

• Elixa: this range of stretch wrappers is ideal for retail and small packaging centers (productivity from 14 to 35 ppm)

Automac Ultra (Fabbri Hybrid) can handle trays, films, and labels in any material available on the market (traditional, biobased, compostable)

• Automac: these high-speed stretch wrappers answer all most stringent needs from the food industry (productivity from 40 to 90 ppm)

The Elixa and Automac equipment can be both optimally integrated with all major weighpack-label solutions available on the market.

• Stretch and lid films in different formulations, layouts (plain or printed) and materials (traditional, biobased,

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Via per Sassuolo, 1863 - 41058 Vignola (Modena) Italy

Tel. +39 059 768 411 - Fax +39 059 762 864 info@gruppofabbri.com - www.gruppofabbri.com

TRIOplus is one of Fabbri’s automatic tray-sealers, ideal for Retail and small industry

compostable) according to the various applications.

• Automatic tray-sealers for the food industry and retail. These machines can be adapted into complete customised lines for packaging solid, liquid and semiliquid products, such as pasta, ready meals, hamburgers, fruit and vegetables, dairy products, olives, pickled vegetables, sauces, pizzas, desserts, candies...

Some new features of Fabbri’s offer:

• Fabbri Hybrid: The stretch wrapping solution able to handle any kind of materials (traditional, biobased, compostable), ideal for multiple productions or for a gradual transition to sustainable packaging.

• Nature Fresh: The innovative and multiawarded cling film with domestic and industrial/commercial compostability certification according to EN 13432 and ASTM 6400 Standards. In its “cutterbox” version for manual packaging, Nature Fresh is highly appreciated and perfect for the Ho.Re.Ca. sector.

European-based Italian excellence requested worldwide

• 1 head office located in Vignola (Modena, Italy)

• 4 production plants (3 in Italy, 1 in Switzerland)

• 4 Italian seats and 5 foreign subsidiaries for commercial and technical assistance (Switzerland, France, Germany, UK, Russia)

• Active in around 90 countries worldwide

• A hundred dealer companies and authorised service centres

Voluntary Certifications: Quality, Environment, Health & Safety Companies within Fabbri Group also boast the following certifications:

• ISO 9001:2015 - Quality Management System (Gruppo Fabbri Vignola S.p.A., Gruppo Fabbri Svizzera S.A., Fabbri Group France S.A.S.)

• ISO 14001:2015 - Environmental Management System (Gruppo Fabbri Vignola S.p.A., Gruppo

Fabbri Svizzera S.A.)

• EMAS Regulation EU no. 2018/2026 (Gruppo Fabbri Vignola S.p.A.)

• ISO 45001:2018 - Occupational Health and Safety Management System (Gruppo Fabbri Vignola S.p.A.)

For more information and offers:

• Info: www.gruppofabbri.com

• Offers: sales@gruppofabbri.com

• LinkedIn: https://it.linkedin.com/company/ fabbrigroup

• YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Fab bri-Group

Nature Fresh CutterBox is the perfect and smartest solution for compostable packaging in the Ho.Re.Ca.

South Africa Edition 2023/2024 FOOD INDUSTRY 33
Gruppo Fabbri Vignola Spa

Inox Meccanica Spa

Strada Solarolo, 20/B-C-D

46044 Solarolo di Goito (Mantova) Italy

Tel. +39 0376 60 82 82 - Fax. +39 0376 60 81 80 info@inoxmeccanica.it - www.inoxmeccanica.it

Research, development, and technology are at the core of our projects, aiming to strengthen and preserve our region’s traditions and history

Inox Meccanica’s dream has become reality thanks to a life dedicated to an ongoing pursuit of simplicity, quality and constructive efficiency. That is a fruitful marriage that increases speed in production processes. Here they are the driving forces shaping this company’s industrial automation concept. As global market leader since 1975, Inox Meccanica designs and manufactures machinery for meat processing and packaging, focusing on sausage products. Thanks to the experience developed over the years, Inox Meccanica jumped into a diametrically and complementary field, immerging itself into the world dedicated to washing and sanitation of all sorts of production tools and containers, finding the sector cleverly cross-cutting.

1968 is the year of its first patent; a date opening the door to a pride that has persisted for almost fifty years. With the desire to satisfy its customers’ most peculiar and diversified requests, Inox Meccanica has achieved around 50 commercial partnerships which allow it today to cover almost 60 countries all over the world. It manufactures more than eighty machines for industrial plants each year, entirely handmade in Italy, in a workplace covering more than ten thousand square meters. However, the beating heart of Inox Meccanica headquarters consists of almost 100 employees divided between production, warehouse, technical/electrical department, administration, and sales. Staff to whom this company provides an on-going training to ensure a highly competent workforce. So

far, meticulousness has assured the attribute “quality” to Inox Meccanica branded products which, together with a selected dealer network and strategic business partnerships, have ranked the company at the peak of the national and international market. The distinctive quality note associated with the Italianness of Inox Meccanica AISI 304 stainless steel products, coupling with an after-sales service, makes the company’s global expansion visible, reaching all the way to the Americas and Australia.

Upon request, the sales procedure is inclusive of tests if the customer needs to put Inox Meccanica machines to a trial with specific needs and with their own food recipes.

Thanks to an exclusive Pilot Plant Inox Meccanica can test industrial production, both for the development of new products and for the optimisation of traditional production processes. However, the testing does not end just with the packaging procedure. After that, in fact, the food can also be evaluated from a microbiological aspect in the new laboratory, and from an organoleptic and taste angle in a modern, purpose-equipped tasting room.

With its technology Inox Meccanica tries to help its customers achieve higher yields, more efficiency in processes and, above all, products with a high quality level.

Inox Meccanica has been supplying, for 35 years, complete services of innovative technology for automatic industrial machines for meat processing.

The product portfolio is very broad and ranges from machines for pressing, forming and automatic stuffing products in net and casing and the PIC 99 BCE is an example of this.

Since 1987, PIC 99 BCE has been representing the best solution to form, stuff, tighten and clip single muscle products – such as belly-bacon, pork neck, bresaola, hams, loins, roasts and muscles in general – in fibrous, collagen and plastic casing and elastic stockings. You can stuff products in casing and net at the same time with great time and labour savings.

Thanks to the electric pusher, the automatic tubes rotation system, the loading belt and a 1100mm mold, clients can speed up the stuffing process and get more regular and consistent results. The use of the PIC 99 BCE brings several advantages, such as time savings, lower waste of casing and net and a significant reduction of packaging costs.

Thanks to its experience Inox Meccanica can say that PIC 99 BCE is the best solution on the market for the production of long bar to improve and increase yield in slicing.

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Labelpack Trade Srl

Via Monte Cervino 51/F

20861 Brugherio (Monza Brianza) Italy

Tel. +39 039 91 56 551 - Fax +39 039 91 56 569

info@labelpack.it - www.labelpack.it

LABELX®: top-of-the-range automatic labellers from LABELPACK®

Automatic labellers of LABELX® line are a reliable and high-performance solutions for:

• Integration in flow-pack packaging lines,

• Vertical bagging machines,

• Cartoning machines,

• Heat-shrink packaging machines,

• Packing lines, v …much more.

LABELX® ES, the main model of this line, is available with three different label widths: 140 mm, 250 mm and 350 mm. This model offers an extensive range of accessories to make its integration in any automatic packaging line easy. Advanced management electronics, available in any model, guarantees high speed and truly accurate application. All operation parameters are easily controlled from a colour touch screen operator panel.

By integrating a thermal transfer printing unit, LABELX® becomes a sophisticated print&apply system that applies labels on single packs or high-production packages offering many optional functions, such as:

• Non-stop function of the production line,

• Control on label application,

• Control on correct readability of the label,

• Conformity of the barcodes.

The LABELX® line has been expanded with the following versions:

• LABELX® RM features double motorization; the model is equipped with reel stand of 400 mm. diameter for

satisfactory uptime, with application speed up to 80m/min,

• LABELX® JR for medium and low productivity; the model can be equipped with thermal transfer print units to print variable data and barcodes

LABELX® and LABELX® JR are also the core of the two labelling systems, and purposely studied by LABELPACK® for the food sector:

• COMPACT, the entry level series of automatic labelling systems available in 8 standard models, offers a great deal of customizable solutions with LABELX® JR labellers, to apply labels up to 140/250 mm height,

• MODULAR, the series of top-level automatic labelling systems to meet high throughput; it features all elements to be integrated in Industry 4.0 processes.

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Olocco Srl

Via del Santuario, 41 - 12045 Fossano (Cuneo) Italy

Tel. +39 0172 69 25 79 - Fax +39 0172 69 25 78

olocco@olocco.it - www.olocco.eu

VDL Industrial Products and Olocco: A successful partnership Leader in the field of valves and components for pneumatic conveying and dosing of powder and granular products, Olocco has a strong market position in Europe, Asia, the Middle East, South and Central America.

Founded by Mario Olocco in 1970, in 2010 it was taken over by his sons Umberto and Andreana, and today it has 30 employees and a turnover of around 9 million euros in 2022.

A reality that becomes part of VDL Groep BV, a family-run group based in the Eindhoven Brainport region, the Netherlands.

Founded in 1953, since 2017 the third generation of the Van der Leegte family has been at the helm of the group with over 16,000 employees, operating in 19 countries, thanks to over 100 manufacturing operating companies in various fields of specialization. In 2021, combined annual sales amounted to €4.995 billion.

Umberto remains manager and managing director of the company which will be renamed VDL Olocco, which has become the 107th operating company of the group. Andreana will also remain active in the company as administrative manager.

The president and CEO of VDL Groep BV, Willem van der Leegte, says: “One of the ambitions is to further strengthen our

position in the food industry. With Olocco we add specialist knowledge and skills, and high-quality machinery. The benefits of the synergy between VDL Industrial Products and Olocco will lead to a broader and more complete product package for customers around the world”.

“We have had a pleasant cooperation with VDL Groep BV for 30 years. It is great that they understand the ethics and dynamics of a family business, as well as the needs of the next generation. The diversity of sectors in which the various companies are active VDL will also offer many opportunities for our businesses. We look forward to further shaping and interacting with this newly initiated partnership,” said Umberto Olocco.

The Olocco building in Fossano, Italy, with (left to right): Carlos Ooijen (Managing Director of VDL Industrial Products), Andreana Olocco, Umberto Olocco (Managing Director of Olocco), Willem van der Leegte (President and CEO of VDL Groep) and Rémi Henkemans (Senior Vice President of VDL Groep)

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Pietribiasi Michelangelo Srl

Via del Progresso, 12 36035 Marano Vicentino (Vicenza) Italy

Tel. +39 0445 62 10 88 - Fax +39 0445 62 16 31

pietribiasi@pietribiasi.it - www.pietribiasi.it

Pietribiasi Michelangelo is specialized in the construction of equipment for the dairy industry, soft drinks, juices, beverages, and ice-cream.

Today, the Pietribiasi name is among the more well-known in the dairy and beverages sector and the company is internationally acknowledged, particularly in the realization of “turn-key” projects regarding process of liquid foods.

Looking deeper into the company’s products range, Pietribiasi covers the development, project design and supply of complete

lines for the processing of milk and its derivates like cream, fermented products (yoghurt, sour cream/Smetana, kefir, labneh, etc.), fresh soft as well as semi-hard and hard cheese, mozzarella/ pasta filata/pizza cheese, butter and other products processed from cow, sheep, and goat milks. Wide experience in UHT plants and aseptic lines.

Pietribiasi is also very well-known for ice cream mix preparation and pasteurization.

Another core business is the production of CIP plants and own centrifugal separators and mozzarella lines

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PND Srl Via Brancaccio, 11 - 84018 Scafati (Salerno) Italy Tel. +39 081 850 93 68 - pietribiasi@pietribiasi.it

Via Brancaccio, 11 - 84018 Scafati (Salerno) Italy

Tel. +39 081 850 93 68

info@pndsrl.it - www.pndsrl.it

PND: A new generation of peelers for Williams pears

Founded in 2000, PND is one of the leading companies in the production of fruit processing machinery. More than 1,400 machines sold and 23 years of activity, during which it has invested in innovation, specializing in the design and development of advanced systems for ready-to-eat products’ companies and for already established industries in canned, frozen and dehydrated products. Its business relates to export, which is worth 90% of the total turnoverer. PND operates, in fact, on a global scale and is strongly present in Europe, South America, the United States, Asia, Australia and Africa. A developed company know-how and an optimal integration in the production processes enabled the implementation of new strategies of approach to the processes of manufacturing and transformation of products in the supply chain.

There are 19 machines in the catalogue that are easy to intuit, use and maintain. Strawberry, apple, pear, kiwi, melon, pineapple, mango, peach, lemon, watermelon, citrus; each fruit has different

intrinsic and external characteristics and responds to different market needs. It is in fact possible, through targeted requests, to carry out additional operations, for example to combine a machine suitable for cutting into wedges and cubes with the peeler. A vision enabling to pay attention to technological performance, perfectly tailored to the needs of those who choose them. Quality, solidity, production and performance make these machines an ideal partner for processing.

It is impossible not to mention the PEARL6, six-headed peeler, coring machine and segmenter for Williams pears. Unique in its kind, many advantages and advanced

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technologies detach it from competitors in terms of characteristics, user friendliness, maintenance costs and accessibility for washing and sanitizing all components.

The machine, built according to Directive 2006/42/EEC, has a production capacity of 72 fruits per minute and can be fed both manually, through an operator, and automatically. The shift is made simply by switching the mode with a key selector on the control panel, without moving the automatic loader. The structure is entirely made of stainless steel and all the mechanical parts are insulated and safeguarded by appropriate casings, to protect

users. It is also equipped with an HMI touch screen monitor, through which it is possible to view the processing and adjust the phase systems, optimizing the product. The peeling adapts to any size of pears and different degrees of ripeness and texture; in fact, very ripe fruits are also processed, without spoiling the pulp. The optimization of the stem and flower system of the product determines an increase in performance and the transmission system with toothed belts allows, instead, the elimination of any noise. All tools, blades and consumables, then, are easy to replace and adjust.

Relying on PND means, therefore, receiving personalized assistance: as a matter of fact, customer care is quick and effective and covers every latitude. The company, available for any ordinary and extraordinary maintenance, has highly specialized and trained multilingual collaborators, and an after-sales service that meets any request.

Within an increasingly globalized and competitive market context, knowing how to provide high quality products and constant care is an added value that makes the difference. Its key strength? Listening to the customer. The customer is in fact constantly assisted, from the design to the purchase and commissioning of the machinery.

Discover the PND world by visiting the website www.pndsrl.it where you can take a look at the catalogue of the available lines and the different machinery, as well as view all the national and international fairs in which the company participated and will participate.

For further information you can write to info@pndsrl.it groups, so that the customer can save on the cost of the single piece and order all the necessary spare parts at once.

South Africa Edition 2023/2024 FOOD INDUSTRY 49 PND Srl Via Brancaccio, 11 - 84018 Scafati (Salerno) Italy Tel. +39 081 850 93 68 info@pndsrl.it - www.pndsrl.it

Re Pietro Srl

Popping machine RP-EVO is the press of the latest generation manufactured by Re Pietro Srl to produce both cereal cakes and no-fried snacks, products that following a worldwide trend are having a constantly increase in demand. With this new press, the highly innovative attitude of Re Pietro Srl is setting new standards in cereal cakes and snacks production, by offering one solution that will revolutionise and simplify the manufacturing of these products. In fact, once the mould has been chosen and installed, the popping machine RP-EVO transforms the cereals and/or the micro-pellets into fragrant cakes or crunchy snacks. Its efficiency and flexibility allow to have a wider range of products, using one press only. Nowadays these products not only are appreciated as

healthy alternatives to conventional bread, but they are also valued for their versatility by professionals and consumers: they are perfect as carbs supply during meals, as crunchy snacks for a quick bite or as fancy decorations to dishes and desserts. You may wonder how many moulds and which shapes can allow you to produce both cakes and snacks with the new press. Round big and small, round with ridges, triangular or square, hexagonal and rectangular just to name a few. But Re Pietro can also produce customised moulds based on the customers’ requests.

Popping machine RP-EVO – focus on Structure in nickel coated steel, certified food contact material, electric panel in stainless-steel with a side rotating and swivelling touch screen control panel set at eye’s level for easier use.

Equipped with a hydraulic system that produces the high pressure needed for the expansion of the cereals or micropellets turning them into fragrant cakes or crispy snacks. The volumetric dosing is carried out by a pneumatically operated feeding plate. The moulds which shape the popped cakes and snacks are made by hardened steel coated with titanium nitride, to guarantee solidity and a longlasting life, and to prevent the sticking of the products on the moulds. The moulds, as well as all the parts that get in touch with the products, comply with the MOCA specification for food processing machines as per Reg. No.1935/2004 CE (MOCA compliance). The upper and lower moulds are heated by cartridge heaters separately controlled by thermoregulators. Each press has got its own PLC (Siemens S71200) and 7” control panel. From the HMI it is possible to set up each production phase, to save the recipes and check any malfunctioning thanks to its efficient diagnostic system. Popping machine RPEVO is another milestone in the production of Re Pietro Srl, where the manufacturing of food processing machines and plants has always been approached with an eye to innovation and development, relying on 90 years of solid experience. In fact, the company, surrounded by paddy fields in the southern outskirts of Milan, celebrates this year the 90th anniversary of the great intuition of its founder Mr. Carlo Re, who saw the potential of rice and its processing. Without forgetting the incredible added value of the Made in Italy quality.

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Via G. Galilei, 55 - 20083 Gaggiano (Milano) Italy Tel. +39 02 90 85 025 info@repietro.com - www.repietro.com

Tekno Stamap designs, develops and manufactures dough-processing systems and machinery for bakery and pastry industries.

Founded in 1982 by Antonio Baldovin and Remigio Dante, Tekno Stamap straightaway stood out in the market of mechanical equipment for the food industry; over the years, it has enriched its offer with dough sheeters (manual or automatic) and planetary mixers, still today constituting the core of the company’s production. More recently, Tekno Stamap’s range of products has been further integrated with croissant machines and make-up lines for bread, pizza and pastries. This is what allows Tekno Stamap to provide its final clients (mainly resellers and producers from large restaurant services) with the doughprocessing equipment required by their activities.

Tekno Stamap manufactures internally almost all machine components, thereby actually establishing an autonomous production line: the design, development and assembling phases are entirely carried out within the company’s plants with significant advantages, among which the possibility of maintaining a highly competitive quality-cost ratio. Innovative design, state-of-the-art technology and top-notch

quality are the factors completing the offer of a by now global brand

For more than 3 decades now, Tekno Stamap has been writing its own history of success, both at a national and international level. Born as a Vicenza-based firm, it has nowadays become an affirmed global reality, with branches in Europe, Japan, South Africa, Asia and North and Latin America. The client can find in Tekno Stamap a dynamic, autonomous, reliable, flexible, and technologically advanced commercial partner and a thriving business as well.


Tekno Stamap has gained a significant share of global market thanks to its expertise, state-of-the-art technology and attention to the client’s needs. The company’s mission statement is to constantly improve the offer of appliances, all the while maintaining high quality and technological standards and investing in research and development of the production process. Tekno Stamap aims at becoming an international benchmark in the sector of professional doughprocessing machinery for the bakery and pastry industry.


for bakeries, pizzerias, fresh pasta workshops, pastry shops, restaurants



Via Tretti Marotti, 4 Grisignano di Zocco 36040 (VI) - Italy Tel. +39 0444 414735 info@teknostamap.com

Umbra Packaging Srl

Viale dei Pini 46/48 - 06081 Assisi (Perugia) Italy

Tel. +39 075 80 97 80 - Fax +39 075 80 978 127 info@umbrapackaging.it - www.umbrapackaging.it

Umbra Packaging, leader worldwide for the supply of bagging and palletising systems, sensible to customers’ needs, persists in the R&D activity to propose top-level products in terms of efficiency and technology.

Thanks to the Research & Development Divisions’ activities, dedicated to developing technologies for granular and powder materials, the company can supply a line of products for any application ensuring the best performance available in the market.

All the Umbra Packaging bagging lines are developed to work different kinds of format, from 200g to 50Kg, of any material and type of closure (seal, pinchtop, double fold, sewing), guaranteeing customers unique flexibility.

Considering the customers’ needs in terms of efficiency and reliability in the production processes, special attention has been paid to productivity. The Umbra Packaging installations can produce from 400 b/h to 3000 b/h depending on the products and formats used.

Umbra Packaging provides fully automated turn-key projects including high-precision weighing and packaging system; robotized palletizer to handle packs, bags and boxes; shrink-wrapper machine; case packer and wrapping machine.

Umbra Packaging, in line with the evolution of the global market, manufactures machines that follow all Industry 4.0 regulations.

The technologies are patented from the technological and design profile points

of view. Essential characteristic is the total automation of the entire production process, which is managed by the same PLC. Changeover is easy, efficient and fully automatic; the operator needs just 60 seconds to switch from one production to another, changing type of bags, formats and closures directly from the panel, without any manual intervention.

The company has always considered its customers as the central point of its research, and that is why all the range of machines can guarantee irrelevant maintenance costs. All the parts in contact with the product handled can be easily inspected and cleaned, fully washed, thus avoiding any possible contamination. The company supports all its customers with the internal service, available 24/7, and with the local one, efficiently organized thanks to collaborations developed all over the world, as well as through the subsidiaries located in Brazil and the USA. This has brought Umbra Packaging to be leader in the global market for the packaging of granular and powder products, also thanks to the efficiency and reliability that all its technology guarantees in the production processes. The UP team is really proud to support many of the most important companies in the world that are continuing to choose Umbra Packaging technology for the complete automatization of their production processes.

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Z Matik Srl

Via dell’Artigianato IV^ Strada, 6 35020 Candiana (Padova) Italy

Tel. +39 049 95 99 935

info@zmatik.com - www.zmatik.com

Z.matik: Modern style and cutting-edge technology

Z.matik has forty years of experience in the production of machines for bakeries and pastry shops, in particular of manual dough sheeters, croissant groups, work tables, planetary machines and cutting rollers in Aisi 304 steel. From this year the company began a real revolution, but always maintaining tradition. It starts with the manual table top and floor standing sheeters that are much more compact and ergonomic. The modern style and cutting-edge materials are captivating even the most demanding customers. The mechanics maintains some key points, but is also renewed, allowing the customer less maintenance and greater resistance. The goal is to make this range even more solid and intuitive, thus facilitating the operator especially in routine cleaning.

The new dough sheeter is good for multiple applications: from pastry shops to hotels, catering, etc. The existing options have been made even more advanced, for example the thickness detector, which allows you to calibrate the lowering of the calibrating cylinders to exactly check the thickness of the dough. Now this accessory counts a lot of digital display larger, in color and very accurate in reading.

Z.matik is certified according to the TÜV SÜD - ISO 9001 quality system and complies with all standards for food contact. Finally,

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each product is sanitized before packaging, in order to guarantee the customer greater safety of use.
www.zmatik.com Z.MATIK Srl Via Dell’Artigianato IV Strada, 6 35020 Candiana(PD) Italy Tel: +39 049 95 999 35 info@zmatik com r ev olu ti on a r y t r a d iti o n From pastr y shops to hotels, catering, and much more

Zanichelli Meccanica Spa

while a newly patented automatic system that avoids the manual removal of the rotary valve from its housing, significantly reduces the downtime for CIP/WIP too and represents a disruptive innovation in the long stable world of rotary valve piston fillers. ZACMI’s multi-head seamers underwent a significant design evolution in 2019 and now represent the benchmark for canseaming technology.

Filling and seaming in perfect harmony thanks to the latest technology Italian company Zacmi sets the benchmark in terms of turnkey lines and individual machines for all types of filling and seaming, with decades of experience and success all over the globe, it is the industry’s number one choice.

Established in 1954, ZACMI specialises in the design, construction and installation of tailor-made filling & closing lines for the food & beverage industry. The company’s expertise is backed by comprehensive and long-standing industry and application knowledge, coupled to extensive research & innovation.

The company’s popular Piston Filling machine is one element of its portfolio that has benefited from recent development – and now offers even more flexibility and capability for demanding food and beverage applications.

With over 700 machines installed in 38 countries, it really is the ideal solution for medium-to-high-speed filling applications. The machine is designed for liquid and viscous products – with or without suspended solids – and is used to fill a wide variety of different container sizes and formats, including glass/plastic jars & bottles, steel/aluminium cans and cartons. Rotary and patented vertical valves allow users to precisely tailor machines to specific applications, where highly accurate, automatically controlled volume doses are needed. With due changeovers, the machines can cover a filling range from

100 to 5,000 g at speeds up to 1,200 cpm. Available either as a customised standalone unit or mechanically (or electronically) synchronised and integrated into a line or monobloc configuration, the machine, with its automatic recipe selection, delivers increased OEE, reliability and problem-free efficiency.

The use of high-quality materials, its uncomplicated design and industry-proven components reduces maintenance costs,

With over 350 units installed around the globe – backed by 35 years of market, product and process experience – the multi-head seamers can seam any type of rigid round can, and can do so quickly, effectively, efficiently and hygienically. With agility at the forefront of operational demands of many plants, the machines can be installed standalone or mechanically/ electronically synchronised with any kind of filler. Offering fully automatic height adjustment, they are flexible enough to handle tin plate, aluminium, cardboard or plastic containers, applying a range of lid formats including open top, easy open and easy peel.

Their seaming system – controlled by a desmodromic cam – is available in 3, 4, 6, 8, 10 or 12 multi-head configurations, delivering a maximum output of 1,600 cans per minute.

Fabricated from AISI 304 stainless steel, their strong structure removes all vibration, while also supporting a fully washable

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Mantova, 65 – 43122 Parma (Italy) Tel +39 0521 49 02 11 - Fax +39 0521 24 37 01 info@zacmi.it - www.zacmi.com

design, with an automatic base washing during production; a wash-in-place system, specially designed for beverage or difficult product applications; and the option for a CIP foaming cycle. Sealed areas are also provided for the steam reduction group, the compressed-air reduction group, the electrical systems, the lubrication system and the CO2 feeding system (for carbonated beverages); all of which are easily accessible from cleaning and maintenance.

As an option, ZACMI also offers its D.S.M. for seamers technology. This Double Seam Monitoring solution checks the cans’ seaming performance in real time using special sensors mounted on the second operation cam. These record the force signal measurements and can detecting – in real time – any potential outof-range seaming operations, or can/lid defects, such as damaged flanges or foreign bodies between the can body and the lid. The system offers data exporting, collection and result reproduction –even remotely – and the option for analysis by ZACMI technicians. As well as detecting defects, by measuring the real force exerted on each seaming head, the D.S.M. technology can also be used

Zanichelli Meccanica Spa

for machine settings-regulation, ultimately helping to extend the service life of chucks and rolls.

Other innovations include: a centralised closed-circuit automatic lubrication system; a water/oil separation system, to prevent rusting and oxidisation; an advanced lid feeding featuring lid guides with replaceable wear plates for quick and simple low-cost maintenance; corrosion resistant plastic drive chains; and a rapid seaming-pressure-regulation system, which removes the need to disassemble the plate form the outside.

The company’s multi-head seaming technology is also available on a vacuum variant, both of which form part of the company’s extensive portfolio of food packaging and processing technologies, which also includes piston, vacuum, telescopic and monobloc fillers and pasteurising technology. And with innovation at the forefront of the company’s activities, you can be sure that new and improved technology is never far away with ZACMI.

This complete turnkey processing and packaging line is fully integrated, with the entire line flow control being managed from the can seamer’s operator panel. An empty-can-handling system can also be provided as an option. Another option is ZACMI’s Double Seam Monitoring (DSM) for seamers technology. This DSM solution checks the cans’ seaming performance in real time using special sensors mounted on the second operation cam. These record the force signal measurements and can detect – in real time – any potential out-of-range seaming operations, or can/lid defects, such as damaged flanges or foreign bodies between the can body and the lid. The system offers data exporting, collection and result reproduction – even remotely – and the option for analysis by ZACMI technicians. As well as detecting defects, by measuring the real force exerted on each seaming head, the D.S.M. technology can also be used for machine settings-regulation, ultimately helping to extend the service life of chucks and rolls. Customers can also connect with ZACMI’s Remote Assistance System, which is integral part of every machine – from installation all the way through the machine’s life cycle. As well as monitoring and supporting trouble shooting activities, it can also guide operators through HMI interaction and addressing software issues and upgrades without the need for a technician. The system boosts efficiency too, by reducing both start-up times and downtime.

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Fax +39 0521 243701 info@zacmi.it - www.zacmi.com
Via Mantova, 65 – 43122 Parma (Italy) Tel +39 0521

Zanin Srl

Viale Delle Industrie, 1 - 31032 Casale Sul Sile (Treviso) Italy

Tel. +39 0422 78 54 44 - Fax +39 0422 78 58 05


Zanin Srl, Italian excellence synonymous with quality, avantgarde, research and personalization, specializing in cereal malthouses, flour mixing silos, doubleaspiration, stainless steel sieve cleaners for food use, air filtering systems, Dust Stop – Zanin patented hopper for product loading with no powder dispersion, as well as drum cleaners, cereal double-aspiration sieve cleaners, sorting lines, dryers and refrigeration systems.

In the industrial sector, Zanin specializes in fertilizer handling and storage, coating Drums design and production, cleaning and transport in rail and ship unloading, port hopper design and production, belt and chain conveyors, and big bucket elevators.

Established in 1956 and always attentive to market demand, Zanin provides its best advice to find the right solutions.


Malting work is no longer privilege of big-size industrial producers; in fact, thanks to Zanin, today it is possible to produce excellence in batches of 500 kg max.

60-year experience in drying and air handling meets the requirement of producing large variety of malt and producing special flour, new bases for

bakery products, mixes for intolerant people, and malts for breweries and distillers.

As far as flour is concerned, Zanin has developed a system that receives, weighs and homogeneously mixes the various types of flour as to enable users to always grant far better products and customizable recipes. Thanks to an ISO 9001 TÜV SÜD certified production process, Zanin supplied quality machines and plants designed by means of the best 3D graphic programmes, created, tested and produced in its warehouses.

Zanin is also environmentally friendly and its machines are studied to reduce energy

and fuel consumption, and to eliminate air impurity.

Dust Stop is flagship of the company’s vision of an eco-friendlier world, a patented system that does not disperse powder in the environment during any product unloading operation.

- Food sector

Cereal malting systems – Flour treating, mixing and weighing systems – Stainless steel machines for product treatment for human use

- Agro-industrial sector

Cleaning – Dying – Mechanization – Storage and ventilation – Customized solutions –Accessories and components – Turnkey solutions

- Industrial sector Fertilizer, cereal and mineral treatment systems – Logistics and intermodal transport for port and rain structures –Personalized plants for ship and train unloading – Bucket elevators, with capacity up to 650 t/h – Belt and chain conveyors, with capacity up to 1000 t/h – Self-propelled and self-filtering hoppers –Drum Coating – Pre-cleaning for ship unloading, from 1000 t/h – Receiving system with fast loading, and conveyor for transport to the warehouse.

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INTERNATIONAL MAGAZINES .it Supplemento a TecnAlimentaria N° 5 Maggio 2023 Poste Italiane SpA - Spedizione in Abbonamento Postale D.L. 353/2003 (conv. in L. 27/02/2004 n. 46) art. 1 comma 1 NE/TV - Anno 28 N°5/2023 - ISSN 2498-9541 ITALIAN TECHNOLOGY FOR THE FOOD INDUSTRY SOUTH AFRICA EDITION 2023/2024

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