TecnA Plastics & Rubber - Settembre 2024

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18 Filtec: The origin, the product offering, the strengths

TecnA Plastics & Rubber

September 2024

Issue 11 - Year VI


Fabiana Da Cortà Fumei

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Fakuma 2024: Focus on efficiency and circular economy

The industry will meet at Fakuma international trade fair for plastics processing next October and this year’s trade fair highlights will once again include the “Fakuma Roundtable” panel discussion and, for the first time, Career Friday

The industry will meet at the 29th Fakuma international trade fair for plastics processing in Friedrichshafen from the 15th through the 19th of October, 2024. For many companies, this industry highlight is one of the most important trade fairs anywhere. This year’s trade fair highlights will once again include the “Fakuma Roundtable” panel discussion and, for the first time, Career Friday. Efficiency will be a key topic at Fakuma 2024 – on several levels and from a variety of perspectives. Increased efficiency in terms of materials and energy consumption is crucial, as are process efficiency and the efficient operation of production systems, because in light of current shortages of qualified personnel, consistently high levels of quality can only be achieved reliably with easy-to-use control systems and digital assistance. As a result of the new Energy Efficiency Act, German plastics processors will be challenged to an even greater extent to realise their full potential. Fakuma exhibitors will provide tools

and solutions for the challenges of efficiency, the conservation of resources and sustainability.

The overall focus of Fakuma is thus on digitalisation, automation, flexibility, energy efficiency and sustainability. The establishment of closed-loop material flows, product optimisation targeted at recycling and the processing of recyclates for high-end applications are at the top of the agenda again in 2024. Innovations in the field of injection

moulding technology are being eagerly awaited – systems with allelectric drives that make machines flexible and powerful, and raise them to a new level of efficiency. Fakuma is advancing a significant development: holistic product conceptualisation and the promotion of recycling and degradability. Design for recycling – this goal is taking shape to an ever-greater extent. Future-proof solutions for packaging, recycling compounds

Traditionally, impressive injection moulding machines have always been fascinating eye-catchers and crowd-pullers. Photo: Schall
The industry will meet at the 29th Fakuma international trade fair for plastics processing in Friedrichshafen from the 15th through the 19th of October, 2024. Photo: Schall

and alternatives to metal are therefore just as much in focus at the trade fair as machines for grinding and crushing, cooling systems and energy-efficient mould temperature control technology, systems for process monitoring and data acquisition, as well as innovations from the field of industrial 3D printing.

The increasing use of renewable instead of fossil-based raw materials is also one of the key topics.

For many companies, Fakuma is one of the world’s most important trade fairs. The industry highlight has retained its relaxed atmosphere, while at the same time becoming increasingly international. Fakuma’s typical expert visitors are highly professional, thus making it possible to engage in intensive, top-quality discussions. They value the trade fair’s strong thematic focus on their own needs and requirements. Plastics processors get immediate answers to their questions at the event and find out how they can improve their operations, increase their efficiency and strengthen their business resilience. Fakuma is a genuine working trade fair –pragmatic and highly practical.

The tried-and-tested format is highly esteemed by all involved parties. Career Friday for pupils, students and entry-level employees will be a new feature this year in keeping with the motto “Mould Your Dreams, Mould Your Future”.

Together with the trade fair advisory board, the trade fair promoters are launching this campaign in order to disseminate information about a broad range of career opportunities in the plastics industry. The event will be held as an integral part of the trade fair in Friedrichshafen on the 18th of October, 2024. Career Friday will provide the target group with the unique opportunity of visiting Fakuma’s international exhibitors at their booths and gathering firsthand information. The goal of the campaign is to inspire young people for careers in the plastics industry. The 29th Fakuma invites all pupils, students, teachers, university representatives and young professionals to visit the trade fair highlight free of charge on Career Friday, and to discover the world of plastics processing.

The Fakuma Roundtable will be a further highlight taking place

on at 4 p.m. on Tuesday the 15th of October, 2024. The panel discussion is entitled “Digitalisation – Top or Flop?”, and is intended to clarify which digital tools really help the plastics industry. Panellists including professor Dr. Braungart, founder and scientific director of BRAUNGART EPEA, Philipp Lehner, chief executive officer of the ALPLA Group, Guido Frohnhaus, director of technology at Arburg, Professor Dr.-Ing. Hans-Josef Endres from the Institute of Plastics and Recycling Technology at Leibniz Universität Hannover and professor Thomas Seul from Schmalkalden University of Applied Sciences will discuss the current level of digitalisation in the industry, as well as what still needs to be done. The discussions are also intended to reveal the extent to which digitalisation can solve the challenges faced by the industry, i.e. sustainability and the shortage of qualified personnel. The Fakuma Roundtable will be moderated by Dipl.-Ing. Markus Lüling, editor-inchief at K-Profi. All interested parties are cordially invited to attend the discussion – participation is free of charge.

The increasing use of renewable instead of fossil-based raw materials is also one of the key topics. Photo: Schall

Regeneration and compounding lines with co-rotating twin-screw extruders

Binova offers its customers something unique, with reduced material handling within the production plant, and proven reduced energy consumption

The technology of Binova’s plants, whose protagonist is the corotating twin-screw extruder, is capable of processing post-consumer polyolefin material in the form of ground sheet from a washing plant without the use of a cutter compactor.

The material is heated and melted totally under vacuum; thanks to this process, the creation of “frost” is inhibited, guaranteeing a high quality end product. The plant is capable of compounding film production waste with high residual moisture, together with special granule blends.

The presence of a high vacuum degassing system distributed over

almost the entire length of the extruder cylinder also allows the granulation of highly printed films.

Mixing of raw materials takes place directly in the machine; from this process a perfectly homogeneous material is obtained, and consequently the quality of the final product increases.

The plant will be supplied complete with an intermediate material transport and storage station.

The production of this technology is totally made in Italy, with special attention paid to the quality of all components.

The competitiveness of a single step Being able to do this type of processing in a single pass makes the

line very competitive; Binova offers its customers something unique, with reduced material handling within the production plant, and proven reduced energy consumption compared to plants on the market today: for LDPE-based polyolefin materials, consumption will be no more than 0.26/0.27 kW/kg while for polypropylene or polystyrene-based materials, such as PP, PS or HIPS, consumption is guaranteed to be around 0.22/0.23 kW/kg (excluding process water cooling).

In a nutshell, Binova manages to achieve 30 percent energy savings with its co-rotating twin-screw (which has a higher degree of optimization than a traditional single-screw line), Software and remote control

The line is equipped with software that controls all production, even at high work rates. The system has an automatic OP control panel with Internet connection, which can also be managed remotely. In this way, the technician or production manager can check the status of the line process data, even remotely. Remote control can also be used to perform troubleshooting or finetuning in real time.

New Trade Shows

This year Binova will be exhibiting at the NPE show in Orlando, USA, May 6-10, 2024; we look forward to seeing you at our booth.

The power of knowledge: Why plastics recycling awareness matters

By promoting responsible plastic use, developing sustainable alternatives, and investing in better waste management systems, we can work towards a cleaner and healthier planet for all

Plastic is everywhere we look, from packaging to clothing to medical equipment. Its versatility and durability have revolutionized our lives, but its growing presence also raises concerns about environmental pollution. The main arguments against plastics are based on the detrimental effects it has on the environment, human health, and wildlife. These arguments highlight the urgency of addressing plastic pollution. By promoting responsible plastic use, developing sustainable alternatives, and investing in better waste management systems, we can work towards a cleaner and healthier planet for all.

Recycling is often presented as the answer, but its effectiveness hinges on one crucial factor: awareness. The importance of it lies in the power to increase participation of the community, when people understand the benefits and process of recycling, they’re more likely to participate actively. Clearer sorting at home reduces contamination, a major issue that can ruin entire batches of recyclables. Through accurate information it is also possible to reduce contamination from nonrecyclable materials like food scraps or hazardous waste that can significantly impact recycling efforts. Education campaigns can help people identify what goes where, ensuring cleaner recycling streams and higher-quality

recycled materials.

Consumers with a deeper understanding of plastics and recycling can make informed choices. They can look for products made with recycled content, putting pressure on manufacturers to use sustainable materials.

Shifting behavior is a critical point, awareness campaigns can promote a cultural shift towards responsible consumption and waste reduction. People might be more inclined to use reusable alternatives and avoid single-use plastics altogether, reducing the burden on recycling systems in the long run. We know that plastics recycling awareness empowers individuals to become active participants in the solution. And some ways to raise awareness are create educational

campaigns with clear and accessible information campaigns can be disseminated through schools, community events, and social media. Standardized labelling with universal labeling systems on plastic products can simplify sorting and reduce confusion for consumers. Of course, manufacturers can play a more significant role in educating consumers through packaging labels and by promoting responsible disposal practices.

Awareness starts at home, this is why FIMIC’s CEO, Erica Canaia, has been sharing knowledge with the people on LinkedIn to raise awareness about plastic recycling and to demonstrate what is fake and what is true about what is been told in social media.

Educate and tell the truth about plastic, it’s not an evil destructive material as it has been demonized, that’s the main goal that led Erica to win the award Plastic Recycling Ambassador during the last edition of The Plastics Recycling Show Europe in Amsterdam.

Plastics recycling is a complex issue, but it’s a crucial component of a sustainable future for plastics. By fostering public awareness, we can unlock the full potential of recycling and empower individuals to make a collective difference. Together, informed consumers, responsible manufacturers, and effective recycling systems can create a more circular economy for plastics, minimizing waste and environmental impact.

Erica Canaia

Caldara Plast: The green side of technical compound

Caldara Plast’s mission is to give a second life to waste, which today can no longer be considered a second choice but the first choice of companies that care about the environment

Large production capacity, speed and availability are the most suitable terms to describe this Lombardy-based production company. Caldara Plast is increasingly convinced that the use of regenerated plastic material must increasingly be the first choice of companies that care about the environment. Caldara guarantees its customers compliance with all legal authorizations for waste collection and storage, as well as with all relevant European and international regulations (RoHS, REACH, etc.). The company is also ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 certified.

Caldara Plast wants to let stakeholders know that plastic is a versatile material, recyclable and reusable countless times in the production process, thus reducing the environmental impact. The world production of plastics in increasing and the recycling of plastics allows a reduction of up to 90% of CO2 emissions compared to its production. Caldara Plast’s mission is to give a second life to waste, which today can no longer be considered a second choice but the first choice of companies that care about the environment. For an increasingly greener future. Because the future belongs to companies that care about the environment.

It is the choices of companies that underline their green vocation. Caldara Plast customers know that, for the same price, they are choosing a regenerated compound that will help them to be more sustainable too.

Under the guidance of brothers, Massimiliano, Attilio and Alessandro, Caldara Plast is increasingly distinguishing itself on the market as an industrial recycling company capable of providing a 360-degree service: from recovery of waste material, scraps, offcuts etc. to the supply of regenerated compounds, including the line of “Caldara 2nd Life” certified products. On the recovery side, the company offers suppliers the possibility to give a new life to production waste. On the compound side, the company offers customers regenerated compounds, such as industrial-grade granules and modified raw materials, all produced according to their needs. Caldara Plast is a valuable partner for customers that want to develop new formulations, thanks to the specific skills of the company’s specialised technicians able to meet all their needs.

The thermoplastic granules are intended for the automotive, furniture, household appliance and electrical industries both in Italy (70%) and internationally (30%). The main compounds produced by the company are sinLAC ABS, sinBLEND PC/ABS, sinCARB PC, sinSTYR PS, sinMID PA6 E PA66, sinTRON PPS, sinPOM POM, sinGLASS PMMA, sinKRYL SAN, sinTER PBT, sinPET PET.

The great market demand for regenerated products and the desire to make them more and more recognisable, has led Caldara Plast to certify the quality of its materials. Since 2020, the company has obtained the “PSV - Plastic Second Life” and GRS (Global Recycle Standard) trademark issued by the IPPR (Institute for the Promotion of Recycled Plastic) for a series of products.. These certifications guarantee the customer complete traceability of all components of the finished product and ensure that they contain a minimum percentage of recycled plastic, as well as meet strict environmental and social parameters in the production chain. info@caldara.it - www.caldara.it

Filtec: The origin, the product offering, the strengths

The key word? Customization

Founded by the Baracco family, Filtec is an Italian company active for over 30 years in the sector of filtration and granulation of plastic materials. Gianfranco Baracco, the founder, thanks to his consolidated experience in the thermoplastic automatism sector, has been able to combine passion and competence to create an innovative and dynamic company since its early years. After over twenty years at the helm of the company, the lead has passed to his son Giovanni, who, together with his collaborators, continues to drive Filtec with the same determination and vision as his father. Among the key collaborators stands out Maria Elena Veronese, Sales & Marketing Director, Giovanni’s right hand in many operations.

With over 5,000 m2 of factories and an approach that encourage the

craftsmanship and the Made in Italy quality, Filtec is not just a manufacturer of machinery, but a reliable partner for its customers, offering tailor-made solutions and guaranteeing constant performance over time. Today the company offers a complete range of machinery for the granulation and treatment of plastics. Among the best-known products are the Underwater Pelletizer (UW), with a fully immersed cutting system, and the Water Ring Pelletizer (GRO). These systems are appreciated for their versatility and ability to process a vast selection of thermoplastic materials, from masterbatches to compounds, and from glues to the most common polyolefins. In addition to these, Filtec’s production also includes vibrating screens, horizontal and vertical centrifuges, screen changers and water filtration and cooling systems. Thanks to this wide offering, Filtec responds effectively to the different needs of the market, guaranteeing systems tailored to customer needs and therefore highly customizable based on specific production needs. Without doubts this great capacity for customization and craftsmanship

represents one of the key factors of Filtec’s success. The attention to the customer covers all phases of the project, also involving him in the creation of the entire system, starting from the study of the solutions that best suit his needs. This elasticity in customization allows Filtec to maintain a competitive advantage in the long term, making it a complete, responsive and efficient supplier.

Aware of the importance of managing external relationships in an effective and virtuous manner, over the years Filtec has implemented a multilingual Help Desk system that facilitates relationships with customers from all over the world. This service allows the company to manage all requests for assistance and spare parts in a timely manner, thanks to a dedicated management system and excellent warehouse organisation. Finally, the company’s investments in new technologies are also in this direction to keep its systems at the cutting edge. The adoption of advanced software and integrated CRM systems allow a virtuous organization in sales and purchases, while ensuring a high level of quality and reliability of performance.

Filtec: Virtuous model in the culture of recycling plastic materials and equal opportunities

Alongside its activity as an industry leader, Filtec has been for years a virtuous model in the field of environmental sustainability and plastic recycling. The company is an official partner of the European project “Are you R”, aimed at raising awareness among the world’s

Underwater pelletizer

population of the importance of recycling plastic materials. Thanks to its cutting systems, Filtec actively contributes to the recycling chain. The plastic pellets obtained by Filtec customers with these cutting systems are reused to create new products, thus reducing the dispersion of plastics into the environment.

At the same time, the Italian company is also committed to the recognition of equal opportunities through involvement in Women in Plastics, an Italian community founded last year by women active in the plastics sector. The activities of the group, in which Mrs. Maria Elena Veronese participates, aim to highlight women active in a field still too often considered “for men” and have brought (and will continue to bring) a breath of fresh air and opportunities of exchange in the sector, creating training and information opportunities from which Filtec will also benefit.

Upcoming Filtec events

These last months of 2024 are for Filtec full of events, which will see it involved in various leading trade fairs in the sector around the world. From 10 to 12 September, it will participate in the PRS Middle East

& Africa scheduled in Dubai with a stand located at position P406. On 11 and 12 September, the company will participate in the Compounding World Expo Europe in Brussels, at stand C624. From 15 to 19 October, a company delegation will travel to Germany for the 2024 edition of Fakuma, a landmark event global for the processing of plastic materials. It will be possible to meet Filtec at stand A6-6405 in pavilion A6. From 4 to 7 December the company will close the year on a high note with Plast Eurasia scheduled in Istanbul, where it will exhibit at stand 1105AHall11.

In these prestigious events, Filtec will have the opportunity to interact with the main players in the plastic recycling sector, present its products and share its know-how. Furthermore, the company will make a virtual showroom available to visitors which will allow them to explore the machinery interactively, providing a detailed and realistic vision of the characteristics and potential of the systems.

In summary, thanks to tireless work oriented towards continuous improvement and a strong vocation for environmental sustainability,

Filtec today represents Italian excellence with a global presence

Participation in international trade fairs, attention to recycling and the very high quality of the offer consolidate Filtec’s position as a leader in the sector of filtration and granulation of plastic materials.

Follow Filtec: LinkedIn, Facebook, Website

To stay updated on Filtec news, you can follow the company on LinkedIn and Facebook. These social platforms are constantly updated with information on events, product innovations and company initiatives. Furthermore, by visiting the website, you can learn more about the company, explore the full range of products and services offered and contact the team directly for any needs.

Gianfranco Baracco
Giovanni Baracco and Maria Elena Veronese
Vented vibrating screen

FB Balzanelli, automatic coilers and full automation for pipes packaging

Owing to its constant technological research, FB Balzanelli is synonymous with cutting-edge technology and high quality in automatic and semiautomatic coiler sector

Present for almost 30 years in the field of automatic and semiautomatic coilers, FB Balzanelli is synonymous with cutting-edge technology and high quality. FB Balzanelli can manufacture coiling machines for coiling large and smalldiameter flexible pipes and create packing and palletizing systems to optimize coiling and storing processes for different types of pipes. The core of the company’s mission is constant technological research.

FB Balzanelli has always been at the forefront of proposals in the field of automatic coilers such as sideby-side coils, the fully pneumatic strapping unit, or the special towing device to reduce tube ovality.

FB Balzanelli manufactures three series of automatic coilers:

Smart, Premium, and Excellence.

The various features provided by the three series allow clients to always make the best choice for their production needs.

SMART Series

The first step in automation

Each pipe manufacturing process has its own characteristics: if a pipe is produced at standard speed and size changes are not too frequent, the Smart series is perfect! Simple

machines that can meet standard production requirements but with the same coiling quality as other high-end machines.


Quick settings with advanced features: great value for the quality. If extrusion lines are getting faster and end customers are asking for medium quantity orders and some different coil sizes, the Premium series is the right solution! It offers the right balance between performance, setup time, and ease of use.


Highest performance combined with top-level automation

High-speed extrusion lines, highquality products, reduced labor costs, and frequent production changes for on-demand orders are some of the reasons why the Excellence series is the best solution. You can find more info at www.fb-balzanelli.it

Keep posted at the company’s LinkedIn page:

Break Machinery expands the range, new sizes for the DUO Screen Changer

Break Machinery has recently developed a new filtering machine, with a screw discharge system, that delivers many advantages

The Padua-based company has recently developed a new filtering machine, with a screw discharge system, capable of bringing numerous advantages to the line into which it is integrated, whether new or existing, and for which three patents have been granted.

Break DUO is designed for the filtration of various types of plastics. It enables the processing of materials with high percentages of impurities (up to 15% by weight depending on the type of pollutant) and can handle different types of contamination.

The DUO guarantees high process stability and helps extend the life of consumables (filter and blades).

Furthermore, while maintaining its small size, the presence of two filters

allows for a large filtering surface area and increases the productivity of the entire line, working up to 12.000 kg/h.

In order to meet the different market demands, Break has created variants of the DUO, which is now available in 4 sizes: 1400-1750-2800-3500.

DUO has a single filter chamber, in the centre of which is positioned a scraper impeller. The latter is positioned between the two perforated plates that in turn support the breakers, one fixed to the bottom of the chamber and the other to the cover.

Finally, there is a discharge screw positioned in the centre of the various elements and in communication with the inside of the impeller; the worm screw conveys the contamination to the outside, and does so continuously.

Scraping operating mode

The melted plastic material (1) is conveyed into the filter chamber (2) and passes through two opposing filters (3).

Between the two filters is a scraper disc (4), equipped with interchangeable blades, which rotates to remove the contamination deposited on the filters by channelling it into the scraper disc itself (5).

The centre of the scraper disc is in communication with an independent discharge screw (6) that ejects the contaminated material.

The melted plastic material filtered (7) from the two filters rejoins the exit channel (8) to pass on to the next process.

Duo 5600 and 7000 Twin, screen change without downtime

Those involved in plastic regeneration need to process materials that are increasingly contaminated, but they also need to be able to increase production volumes and, in many cases, it is required that the process can continue without interruption.

The Break Machinery team has developed a new solution that has a dual function:

• Keep the size of the system components small to facilitate filter replacement, while increasing the filter surface area

• Ensure process stability and continuity,

DUO 5600 and 7000 Twin allow outputs of up to 10.000 and 12.000 kg/h respectively.

Duo Twin consists of two Duo screen changers of the same size (2800 or 3500) operating in parallel. When it becomes necessary to change the filter in the first machine, the flow of that branch of the line is

interrupted, and production remains active only on the other branch, connected to the second filter changer. In this way, production is not interrupted and the filter can be changed, without having to stop the line. The same process is then carried out for changing the filter in the second machine.

GreenPlast preparations underway for Milan 2025

Decarbonization, circular economy, recycling, reuse, and micro- and nanoplastics are just some of the topics of relevance in the plastics industry, and Greenplast has the precise goal of embracing these issues that are now fundamental to the entire plastics and rubber industry

Decarbonization, circular economy, recycling, reuse, and micro- and nanoplastics are just some of the topics of relevance in the plastics industry. They are increasingly featured in the news and have a significant impact on public opinion. It is thus indispensable to keep up to date on market trends and innovations in materials, products, processes, and

production technology because real changes are underway and we have to stay abreast of them.

GreenPlast debuted in 2022 with the precise goal of embracing these issues that are now fundamental to the entire plastics and rubber industry. It is the first Italian exhibition/ convention for the sector, focusing on sustainability and energy efficiency, organized by Amaplast (Italian association of machinery and moulds manufacturers for plastics and rubber) through its operating company Promaplast, which is also the organizer of Plast.

Following up on the successful first edition - which was populated by 170 exhibitors (80% Italian, 20% from abroad) occupying 6,000 square metres of net exhibition space and drawing in over 20,000 visitors from 55 countries -, applications are now being accepted to the second

edition, which will take place from 27 to 30 May 2025 at the Fiera Milano fairgrounds in Rho Pero (Milan).

The collaborative relationship among all the players in the supply chain will accelerate the transition to a circular economy of plastics, reductions in harmful emissions, and the promotion of a more sustainable use of the material, which is indispensable for many areas of the economy and able to play a fundamental role in achieving sustainability and maintaining the competitiveness of the Italian industrial system. The compound annual growth rate (CAGR) for the various applications of recycled materials shows very positive dynamics and potentials for development in all sectors.

The second edition of GreenPlast will again be part of The Innovation Alliance: four fairs - Ipack-Ima, Print4All, Intralogistica Italia, and GreenPlast - taking place simultaneously, occupying nearly the entire Fiera Milano facility in Rho Pero with visitors having full access to all halls.

This initiative is designed to promote and facilitate opportunities for contact, networking, and development, laying out the full panorama of the industry to visitors and leveraging the complementary nature of the four sectors: plastics and rubber; packaging and packing; printing and converting; and logistics. www.greenplast.org

Sirmax celebrates 60 years of excellence and technological innovation

High-performance compounds, broad product portfolio, internationalization and sustainability are the four key concepts that explain Sirmax Group’s growth and success

High-performance compounds, a broad product portfolio, internationalization and sustainability. These are the four key concepts that explain the growth trajectory and success of the Sirmax Group. The Group’s successes are marked by an important milestone this year: The company’s 60th anniversary. Founded in Isola Vicentina in 1964 under the name Sirte (Società Italiana Resine Termoplastiche, Italian Thermoplastic Resins Company), the company – headquartered in Cittadella (Padua) and specialized in the production of thermoplastic granules for various application sectors –has always based its growth on the ability to have an ambitious and far-sighted vision, while adapting to the changes and needs of the market, and always remaining close to its customers.

The production of high-performance compounds and the vast number of materials handled – the first key concepts – have always been fundamental, and three milestones in Sirmax’s history are proof of this. The first one was reached in 2016, when the acquisition of a local company allowed Sirmax not only to grow by external lines, but also to expand its product portfolio by incorporating and developing even more technically high-performance engineering polymer and styrene resin families. The second was reached 2019, when a brand-new plant in Poland was entirely dedicated to the production of thermoplastic elastomers. A third milestone was the acquisition in 2020 of a 50% stake in a university spin-off, Smart Mold, which specializes in injection molding engineering and the design of products with innovative simulation systems.

Internationalization is the second key concept for understanding Sirmax. The presence of foreign markets has always been seen as a way to be close to Sirmax’s plastic buyers. For this reason, plants were opened first in Poland in the early 2000s, then in Brazil, India, and the USA, bringing the same expertise and technology as the parent company to each production site. Sirmax has internationalized by shortening its customers’ supply chain and creating its own local, loyal, and flexible supply chain downstream. It is precisely thanks to this ‘short’ supply chain, which is well-organized and can be

adapted quickly to market demands, that it has been possible for the Veneto-based company to face difficult times, such as the Covid crisis.

Sustainability, the third key concept, is the Sirmax Group’s present and future. Since 2019, which is when the group began to invest heavily and consciously in the circular economy, Sirmax has been processing plastic from urban waste collection through integrated plants and its own technologies, creating formulations based on precise customer requirements with the same approach and expertise with which virgin raw materials – the company’s core business – are processed. The company therefore produces compounds ready for use in applications in the household appliance, automotive, electrical, furniture, and accessories sectors. Thanks to the integrated recycling and compounding process that takes place within its plants, Sirmax is able to process postconsumer plastic waste (selection, washing, shredding), and to ennoble it with the addition of mineral fillers or reinforcing fibers until it becomes a material suitable for the production of durable goods. These goods are stronger, higher-performance structural components with a lower carbon footprint. This process has made it possible to create innovative product families that can replace the use of virgin materials but with a lower carbon footprint due to the recycled raw material content.

Today, Sirmax is entering a new chapter. The company is celebrating its 60th anniversary by looking to the future, which is made up of a more structured approached to management, greater openness to the market, and greater internationalization, while maintaining the proximity to customers that has distinguished it to date. Globally, many regions are growing, and many challenges must still be faced. For example, the current “Making in India” policy helps grow domestic manufacturing and reduce Indian industrial dependence on other countries, primarily China. It is no coincidence that Sirmax has decided to focus even more on India: After establishing two factories, active since 2017, a third is about to be built. This new facility, which will become operational in 2026, will be the Group’s 14th.

Sirmax will be present at Fakuma fair 2024, hall B2 - booth 2209.

Lawer : Weigh smarter to work bette r

With its automatic weighing systems, Lawer can optimize the production process ensuring accuracy, repeatability, traceability and efficiency

Precision, repeatability, traceability, and efficiency of manpower are essential elements that companies in the color masterbatch sector are looking for to produce their products. Lawer, with its automatic weighing systems can optimize the production process ensuring accuracy, repeatability, traceability and efficiency, reducing the need of manpower and eliminating the “human error” factor.

Within the range of products offered by Lawer, there are two specific solutions for the color masterbatch and plastics industries, one for the production (SUPERSINCRO) and one for the laboratory (TD-MATIC).

With Supersincro it is possible to load products from silos (cap. 380 l), hoppers (up to 1.850 l) and big bags, depending on the customer’s needs and the available space. The machine can also have a storage

station with manual or automatic interchangeable silos (cap. 20 or 70 l), where it is possible to keep products of rare use or products which is needed very little quantities. The loading system can be by gravity or vacuum, is facilitated by tools such as loading pumps, bag transport trolleys and barcode scanners, which ensure the correct identification and handling of the products. Moreover, Supersincro, thanks to advanced suction systems and filters, prevents the escape of volatile dust, creating a healthy and safe environment for the operators.

A double dosing screw (equipped with anticlogging devices) allows to weigh the products directly in bags of different sizes (from 9 to 36 l) created automatically by the machine. The bag is then automatically sealed and released on a conveyor belt or in a box, ready for the next process. All the weighing process, thanks to the last generation of servo motors, can also contribute to reduce energy consumption up to 30% compared to traditional technology.

Supersincro is a smart system that can communicate with a management software and provide useful data for the quality control and the optimization of the production, such as CPK for repeatability and OEE for production efficiency. Furthermore, Supersincro is compliant with industry 4.0 regulations, which means that it can connect and exchange data with other machines and systems in the factory.

TD-MATIC is a laboratory machine, able to automatically weigh little quantities of powders thanks to a

micro-dosing screw inside the silo. It can be configured with a multilevel rack with 82 or 112 mini-silos, with a capacity of 2,7 l each, and 36 beakers (cap. 1600 cc) where to put the weighed recipe.

The three axes robotic arm is specifically studied for mini-silos handling, to move them from the parking to the weighing station (resolution of the scale 0.001 g) and also for the beakers handling. TDMATIC is equipped with an efficient suction system which allows to keep the weighing area clean and to avoid internal contaminations.

TD-MATIC communicates with a Lawer management software, every mini-silo is identified by a barcode and a RFID tag, to avoid human errors and to permit the traceability of the recipe. It generates sophisticated reports and permits integration with external systems (MES) thus falling into the Industry 4.0 concept.

Lawer, an Italian company specialized in automatic industrial weighment systems since 1970 offers customized solutions for each customer, based on their specific needs and goals. Lawer also provides after-sales service and technical assistance, ensuring the reliability and durability of its products. Lawer systems are the ideal choice for companies that want to produce color masterbatch with high standards of quality, efficiency and safety.

Lawer will be present at FAKUMA exhibition, Hall A7 – Booth 7211.

Plastics Recycling Show Europe moves to halls 1 & 5 from 1-2 April 2025

PRS Europe, the world’s largest event dedicated to plastics recycling, where you can see the cutting edge of recycling technology, find inspiration from the leading innovators and seek out partners with the know how to make plastic products circular

The Plastics Recycling Show Europe is moving to the flagship Halls 1 & 5 at RAI, Amsterdam for next year’s event, which takes place from 1-2 April 2025. The world’s largest event dedicated to plastics recycling, PRS Europe earlier this year attracted a record 11,273 attendees, more than 480 exhibiting companies and organisations and over 70 expert conference speakers.

“Without question PRS Europe has become the place to be for anyone who is interested in the circular use of plastics,” says Ton Emans, Plastics Recyclers Europe President. “Here you can see the cutting edge of recycling technology, find inspiration from the leading innovators and seek out partners with the know how to make plastic products circular. This year has been a brilliant showcase for our industry, what is has achieved and what it can achieve in the future.”

Plastics at Beiersdorf said,” PRS Europe brings all the stakeholders of the recycling industry together. In order to implement recycled plastics for high end applications, collaboration is the key and it is a great environment to build up those collaborations.”

Commenting on PRS Europe’s preeminent position in the industry, Andreas Witschnigg, Research Development at PreZero Polymers said: “Everybody has realised that recycling is not only a topic for the recyclers but it’s a topic for the whole industry. If you look who is here at PRS Europe, it is the whole chain. Everybody understands that recyclability and circularity are topics for all of us.”

Erica Canaia, CEO of FIMIC, who was announced as 2024 Plastics Recycling Ambassador at the Plastics Recycling Awards Europe said: “This show is the show of plastic recycling. Everybody has to be here. I’m so excited to be here and coming again next year.”

Dr. Orkun Kaymakçı, Packaging Development Expert - Sustainable

Hugo Maria Schally, Adviser for international environmental negotiations, DG Environment, European Commission, who addressed the conference, said during his visit to PRS Europe: “This is assembly of an amazing amount of companies and businesses that have made it their business to look at the sustainability of plastics.”

Commenting on the successful launch of the PRS Europe Boat Party which also returns for 2025, Casper van den Dungen, Vice President of Plastics Recyclers Europe added: “This year that we have actually two events, the show was bigger

than ever and we had the boat trip. This was an amazing surprise that will be talked about for a long time, because you could connect with people and work together in an enjoyable atmosphere.”

The Plastics Recycling Show Europe brings together key players from the plastics and plastics recycling sectors to showcase innovative technology, share best practices, network and do business. Every part of the circular plastics value chain is represented at the event, including plastics recycling machinery and equipment suppliers, AI-powered sorting technology, plastic material suppliers and compounders, preprocessors, mechanical and chemical plastics recyclers, waste management specialists and industry associations.

The Plastics Recycling Awards Europe 2025, which will be presented on the second day of PRS Europe 2025, are now open for entries. Participants from every part of the plastics recycling chain in Europe are invited to enter including brand owners, retailers, product manufacturers, product designers, packaging producers, raw material

suppliers, plastics recycling machine manufacturers and suppliers of recycled plastic products.

The seven award categories cover key areas of plastics recycling innovation and the major market applications for the circular use of plastics are: Plastics Recycling Ambassador; Automotive, Electrical or Electronic Product; Building & Construction Product; Household & Leisure Product; Plastic Packaging Product; Product Technology Innovation and Recycling Machinery Innovation.

The closing date for entries is Friday, 18 October 2024.

“Winning a Plastics Recycling Award Europe is a significant achievement for any brand committed to sustainability,” said Matt Barber, Global Events Director at Crain Communications. “While we expect this year’s competition to be stronger than ever, I very much encourage all organisations to showcase their achievements by entering.”

Plastics Recycling Shows are now being held in four global locations annually: Amsterdam, Dubai, Singapore and Mumbai.

▪ Plastics Recycling Show Middle East & Africa, Dubai 10-12 September 2024

▪ Plastics Recycling Show Asia, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore 13-14 November 2024.

▪ Plastics Recycling Show India, NESCO Bombay Exhibition Center (BEC), Mumbai 4-6 December 2024

▪ Plastics Recycling Show Europe, RAI Amsterdam, 1-2 April 2025

For more information and online entry to the Plastics Recycling Awards 2025 visit: https://prseventeurope.com

Smart & green robots ?

SYTRAMA offers innovative, green oriented and hitech solutions in the world of plastic moulding

Technology applied in Industry 4.0 revolutionises the new concept of doing business. Roboline, with more than 40 years of experience in the automation industry, is increasingly reducing physical distances with the adoption of innovative solutions.

RoboLine, with its Sytrama brand, is increasingly becoming a benchmark for the plastics industry worldwide, producing robots and automation systems for various applications. Its robots have been manufactured and developed over the years to meet all the needs of different customers. RoboLine has subsidiaries and partnerships all over the world. To compete in the market with the best players, it adopts high-quality parts and technological standards in all its products, following precise safety standards.

Sytrama, thanks to its team of experts, its up-to-date technology, and the use of innovative tools, paves the way for maximising productivity and lowering costs. “The aim is to satisfy our customers’ needs in the best and smartest way possible,” comments CEO Domenico Ghilardi.

Industry 4.0 technology has totally changed the way of doing business for many companies in recent

years. Sytrama has adopted a remote assistance system for this purpose, using the Site Manager communication module, which is already in use with many customers. The cornerstone of this solution is having a direct link between the robot and RoboLine service department, that can view the robot’s operator panel on his screen, identifying ongoing problems and, if necessary, intervening with changes to the program, just as if the technician was directly on site.

Via Site Manager, Sytrama robots can be connected (via Ethernet or Wi-Fi) with the company’s network system, allowing the customer’s management software to collect data (such as work cycle, operating hours, robot and IMM cycle time, etc.) in every production phase (Smart Factory). The interface used for data exchange is based on the OPC-UA standard.

To this proven system, Sytrama is adding an Augmented Reality (AR) tool to support its service and training department. Thanks to this technology, Sytrama guarantees all its customers the possibility of having AR software for remote support and training. This development changes the way it interacts with its customers,

improving its support and allowing it to be more competitive in the market.

These solutions allow a reduction in travel and intervention costs. The economic benefits are therefore accompanied by a “greener” vision of the company, also reducing the emissions associated with transfers. In addition, robots can be supplied with an energy-saving system through which compressed air consumption is drastically reduced during the vacuum requiring phases of the cycle.

Another feature present on Sytrama robot range is the Energy Recovery System which, like the KERS System in the F1s, allows energy to be accumulated during axis deceleration phases and allocated to other phases where peak power is required.

Always focused on safety, Sytrama has been using the “Safe” version of the robots’ drives for years, being the first Italian manufacturer to adopt them. This drives version allows the operator to carry out maintenance or adjustment operations inside the cell in complete safety conditions, thanks to SLS (Safe Limited Speed) and SMS (Safe Maximum Speed) concepts adopted.

Be smart, chose Sytrama as a reliable partner in your automation!

Solids Parma 2024: second edition successfully closed

30% more exhibitors; more visitors than the previous edition; next appointment on 11 and 12 February 2026 at Fiere di Parma

The second and last day of the exhibition also saw the companies in the spotlight with their technological proposals for the processing, transformation, analysis, transport and storage of materials in powder, granules and bulk solids.

‘We are very happy with how the event went: we opened with the presence of more than 30% more companies than last year, and we can already say that the number of visitors has also increased considerably,’ said Ginevra Colombo Ercole, Event Manager of SOLIDS Parma. ’We decided to make this event biennial and to place it in February and no longer in June. A choice agreed with our partners, exhibitors, and the industries we work with, which we believe will allow us to expand and provide increasingly

adequate responses to the needs of our target market’.

There was also a lot of time dedicated to in-depth studies, starting with the lecture on the ‘Flowability of powders and granular materials’, held by Eng. Santomaso, Associate Professor at the Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Padua. Flowability is a property that describes the ease with which powder particles flow or move relative to each other and is an important parameter in various industrial applications, such as powder handling, conveying, dosing and mixing.

Good powder flowability can have a fundamental impact in industry by improving process efficiency, ensuring uniform mixing of powders in a product, preventing blockages and clogging in handling systems, and reducing the risk of explosions, which can occur when powders are dispersed in the air.

Plastics was another focus in the round table on recycling organised by RePlanet Magazine. One of the speakers was Valentina Brunella, Professor in Industrial Chemistry, Polymeric Materials Group, Department of Chemistry at the University of Turin, who said: ‘At the University, attention to industry has increased, both in terms of collaboration and in the introduction of topics related to degree courses. The University, thanks also to funding

from the Region, PNRR funds and others, has state-of-the-art equipment that a company does not necessarily have at its disposal or has the expertise to use. This is why we often work on ad hoc projects and research involving end-of-life materials that companies ask us to put back into circulation, including polymeric materials: PET is the one that lends itself most, but there is also a great deal of attention to devulcanisation. Plastic,’ Prof. Brunella concluded, “must not be abandoned, it is a material with incredible strength not only at the beginning but also at the end of its life”.

Then, it was back to talking about Super Intelligence in the talk show organised by Tecnoedizioni, dedicated to cutting-edge technologies and innovations that are revolutionising industry. In this regard, particularly interesting were the advanced industrial automation systems brought by PROTEO Engineering, one of the first Italian companies to measure itself against the paradigms linked to Industry 4.0 and, today, Industry 5.0. In particular, capturing the attention of the professionals present at the fair were the enabling technologies for processing granules and powders that highlight the ability to integrate

artificial intelligence (AI), centralised operating units (COUs), digitisation and virtual assistants, such as ProMate, into the industries’ plant systems, making them extremely efficient and state-of-the-art. In the afternoon, to close the series of conferences on hot topics in the sector, there was the meeting on preventive maintenance software integrated in screening systems, with the case history brought by Cuccolini S.r.l Virto Group, and the one on regulations and safety in grounding with experts from ATEX Italia.

SOLIDS Parma will return on 11 and 12 February 2026, at Fiere di Parma.

FAP: Success through innovation and sustainability

FAP takes pride in contributing to a greener world where sustainability is not just a demand but a reality

Italian company FAP leads the way in manufacturing machinery for foam production (extrusion lines & downstream equipment) and converting (laminators, welders, cutters), from conception to creation. By redefining the future of the foam industry, FAP demonstrates that it’s possible to combine high quality with environmental responsibility. Thanks to the Italian Foam Centre and internal laboratory foam extrusion line, FAP actively adapts to changes and developments in the foam markets. FAP supports its customers in successfully diversifying their products, discovering new perspectives, and exploring production opportunities in alternative niches.

That’s why today, the extrusion technology of physically foamed branched polypropylene is gaining significant interest due to its superior material properties: lightweight, strong, thermoformable, 100% easily recyclable and reusable, non-toxic and non-allergenic.

It offers outstanding energy absorption, excellent thermal insulation, and resistance to chemicals, oils and water, and high temperatures. Additionally, it is impact-resistant and can be laminated gluelessly with a wide range of materials (e.g., PE, metal foil, metalized BOPP films).

These characteristics make foamed PP the ideal material for various applications across major industries, such as Construction, sound and thermal insulation for interiors and roofing, insulators for contraction and expansion joints, and protection for substrates or waterproofing membranes, vibration damping in road and railroad construction, and Automotive, insulation and energyabsorbing panels, consumer packaging. Unlike other foams, which are difficult and expensive to recycle, PP foam offers a commercially viable alternative that can be recycled efficiently at a lower cost while maintaining or even improving performance properties. For example, the average cost of processing 1 m3 of industrial waste physically foamed polypropylene will cost the manufacturer only 6.4% of the cost of raw materials for 1 m3 of finished products.

In 2023-2024 FAP and Borealis have joined forces for a special project to achieve better process stability in the foaming process. By leveraging their expertise in polypropylene resins and foaming technology, the partners aim to improve physical foaming processes to offer innovative, resource-efficient, and environmentally compatible material solutions.

“Our decades of experience in foam extrusion and many years of laboratory have expanded our understanding of what is possible in the physical foaming of polymers. In this collaboration with Borealis, we have further refined our unique counter-rotating twinscrew extrusion technology. The result is superior quality and unique characteristics of the finished foam product”, Francesco Poli, FAP CEO. The advanced twin-screw extrusion technology from FAP allows producing foamed innovative materials of the highest quality and unique characteristics. PP foam extruders are among the most flexible on the market, allowing a wide range of productions to be carried out with a single line, thereby increasing the competitiveness of the production process. Specialized screw designs provide homogeneous mixing of material and gas, improving integration of various components and significantly reducing recipe changeover time and process waste. Precise control of parameters such as temperature, pressure, material flow, screw speed and gas flow further improve production efficiency.

Compared to conventional polyethylene and polystyrene resins, physically foamed PP can withstand

high operating temperatures of up to 125°C. For example, foamed PP extruded on the FAP EXT753 line (thickness 5 mm/density 50 kg/m³) offers:

• Thermal conductivity 0.034°C W/m

• Compressive strength at 10 % 0.05 MPa (5 302 kg/m2)

• Water absorption within 24 hours 0.7%

• Application temperature from -40°C to 125°C

• Impact noise reduction index 24 dB

• Elongation at break 65.5%

• Residual deformation when compressed by 50% in 72 hours: 10% FAP takes pride in contributing to a greener world where sustainability is not just a demand but a reality. www.fapitaly.com

Francesco Poli and Fabrizio Poli

Gravimetric systems of the Trio range for high quality mixes

Modular and easy to use, this range of equipment can be applied on all extrusion lines, blow moulding machines and injection presses to dose gravimetrically, mix up to a maximum of 6 components. It ensures a very high level of precision

Founded in 1975, Engin Plast has a long experience in the business of dosing units, supervision systems, recovery and conveying of plastic and non-plastic materials. Its mission has always been focused on creating innovative and customized solutions, capable of guaranteeing a tangible and lasting benefit. Machines and systems are all designed and manufactured at its factory in the province of Ferrara in order to provide its customers with high quality and reliable products over time. The range of equipment offered by Engin Plast is intended for all application in the plastics market such as extrusion, blow moulding, injection, in-line and off-line recovery scraps.

Trio gravimetric dosing system

Gravimetric systems are equipment for dosing plastic materials by electronic balance applied to the dosing units. The configuration of these systems can be different depending on the application and on the type of raw material to be dosing. The TRIO range is mainly based on the weight sum technology (batch), i.e. all the materials are weighed in a single scale sequentially and cover the entire range of applications required by the market starting from small-sized models (min. capacity 20 kg/h) up to reaching capacities of 2000 kg/h.

Gravimetric dosing systems applied to the extruder feed allow to obtain advantages in terms of precision and repeatability of performance over time, furthermore they allow to reduce to a minimum the typical tuning operations of volumetric systems.

TRIO range can be applied on all extrusion lines, blow moulding machines, injection presses to gravimetrically dose and mix up to a maximum of 6 components

(polymers in granules, masterbatch, regrind material). The gravimetric system can be installed directly above the process machine in place of the feeding hopper, or it can be positioned on the ground to feed one or more lines. In recent years Engin Plast has worked on various fronts, specializing in processing of difficult materials such as powders and/or regrind materials; the modularity and ease of use of the machine as well as management and supervision with software allow full integration with the customer’s plants and systems already in use. The control of the dosing units is implemented with the use of a touch screen panel, with an intuitive operator interface created by a synoptic software. All process parameters can be collected and analysed both locally and remotely. Engin Plast has recently developed a gravimetric batch dosing system suitable for feeding extrusion lines capable of treating 100% of regrind material. The TRIO T7 and T10 models are the evolution of this need, capable of dosing very light regrind materials 0.2 kg/l bulk density, reaching significant flow rates of up to 2000 kg/h, particular attention has been paid to the mechanical parts to be able to overcome the critical points (mixing of the various components, conveying, storage, etc.) that these type materials can create.

Dosing, conveying and grinding system

Today Engin Plast is able to provide at its customers integrated system solutions and the logic of which is that create an automating interaction of the various systems such as storage, conveying and dosing systems for raw materials on an extrusion line, also providing, when required, an in-line grinding/waste recovery system, in addition to all this is the provision of an advanced control system for the management and supervision of the plant.

The Engin Plast proposal is completed with the range of TRIX granulators, which offers integrated solutions between the recovery, management of production waste and their reuse in mixtures created by TRIO dosing systems in eco-sustainable transformation processes.

Plastpol is where you do business on the international arena

Energy efficiency and sustainability come at the top of priority lists

The four Plastpol days were packed with thousands of energetic conversations, budding business ideas and contract conclusions. The event has again turned out to be the largest and most important meeting in Central Europe, the plastics and rubber processing industry’s development booster. The latest technologies, complete production lines and raw materials were presented at expo stands. 603 companies from 31 countries in Europe, Asia and the Middle East showcased their offer to over 15,000 people from various parts of the world.

“Poland is the plastics processing centre in our part of Europe, thus, our Plastpol presence is a must for Engel, a global manufacturer of injection machines”, emphasised Adam Marciniak, Engel Polska.

“The expo centre is bus and throbbing with life, many guests visit our expo stand”. He adds that Polish entrepreneurs demonstrate optimism; we are entering another promising, green straight.”

Optimism dominated every exhibition day. “Most of our customers gather in one place, this largely supports our sales. Adam Polakowski, BOLE Europe Technology said we sold three machines in three days. Marta Gościniak from Dopak emphasised the expo’s double role as the place to establish relationships and present the latest technologies. -

In the near future, she emphasises that talk-shop conversations will turn into orders. Vincent Kundrat, Meyer Europe, specified that – More than fifty percent of the business meetings held here in Kielce result in contracts.

The price included energy efficiency, i.e. Plastpol contracts

High-tech injection moulding machines were sold by machine manufacturers ranked among the world leaders: Arburg, Engel, BOLE Europe Technology. The contractors also include Polish entrepreneurs.

The Italian TOYO Europe signed contracts for robots and injection moulding machines. Further injection moulding machines manufactured by the Asian manufacturer Borche were sold to the Polish Plastigo. The Polish Muehsam were conducting promising talks with great potential.

A bottle sorter worth several hundred thousand euros from the Slovak Mayer went straight from Targi Kielce to Romania.

“Innovative technologies proved very popular, and the expo stands were crowded. In other words,

energy efficiency was the key to many negotiations. The organisers find it great satisfaction that visitors find answers to their needs during our events at the exhibitors’ stands”, emphasises Andrzej Mochoń, president of the management board of Targi Kielce.

Visitors learned about the latest offers from brands including Wadim Plast, Wittmann, Arburg, Sumitomo (SHI) Demag, Engel, TMA Automation, Muehsam, Dopak and Krauss Maffei Technologies, Tools Factory.

Raw materials for the sustainable development of the plastics industry put in the limelight at Targi Kielce

Polypropylene granulates, regranulates, additives and dyes, i.e. production input materials, were equally popular. The Polish Bedeko signed agreements for the sale of bio line components. Many talks conducted by the German Kraiburg TPE, a producer of TPE compounds for the automotive, consumer products, industrial and medical sectors, have been successfully completed.

The agreement highlighting the sustainable development of the industry was signed by Polish ML Polyolefins, i.e. Central and Eastern Europe’s largest producer of PP regranulate, and one of the leading European suppliers of plastic products for households, Keeeper Group, established cooperation. The contract stipulates the supply of approximately 2,000 tons of recyclate per year. As both parties emphasise, this cooperation is the result of striving for sustainable development not only in the plastics processing industry but also in the sectors using plastics, such as trade. Plastics go green. Industry insiders’ discussions at Targi Kielce

Many discussions concerned sustainable development, energy efficiency, and the development directions for plastics conversion and processing in Poland and Europe. The PlasticsEurope Polska Foundation presented current data related to the current situation of the Polish plastics industry on the whole Europe backdrop at the “Plastics Industry in Poland and Europe” conference. “The plastics industry is a global industry, and

for many years, Europe has been the main plastics producer. Now, Europe’s share of world production accounts for 14%. China is ranked the leader. The number of plastics produced globally is increasing, in 2022, global production reached 400.3 million tons”, explained Dr. Eng. Anna Kozera-Szałkowska, Managing Director of Plastics Europe Polska. As she emphasised, the data on the production of circular plastics s encouraging as the share had increased by over 30%, i. Experts discussed the challenges of recycling plastic waste during the Waste Management and Recycling Cluster - National Key Cluster conference and the Plastics Europe Foundation. Experts discussed a sustainable approach towards green transformation in polymers at the conference held by TMBK PARTNERS.

The Plastech-Info Technical Seminar held under the banner of “Monitoring and optimisation of process parameters in plastics processing technologies” was organised by Targi Kielce together with the tworzywa. pl website, also put the industry challenges in the limelight. Jacek Szczerba, representing the tworzywa. pl website emphasised that many key issues related to the optimisation of production processes were raised, both in terms of throughput and energy efficiency. They have a pivotal impact on the economics and efficiency of the processing technologies.

Omniplast for Marta Tryc

During Plastpol, representatives of companies distinguished by their outstanding knowledge of plastics and rubber processing were once again awarded. In the Omniplast competition organized by Targi Kielce together with the website www.tworzywa.pl, several dozen company representatives among

the exhibitors competed for the title. After three stages, Marta Tryc from Kraiburg TPE emerged as the winner. She received a unique statuette and the main prize – a discount voucher worth 8,000 PLN for company.

Second place was awarded to Łukasz Kantor representing Grupa Azoty, who received a voucher worth 6,000 PLN, while third place and a voucher worth 4,000 PLN went to Piotr Matusiak from Wittman Battenfeld Polska. The winners were showered with congratulations for their expert knowledge.

Plastics and art at the Plastpol Expo For the first time, an art zone was held within the scope of the Plastpol expo - the project was initiated by PhD. Magdalena Laabs and Engineer Adam Laabs run the Laabs Art Gallery in Eberswalde near Berlin. They were supported by the Rolbatch engineering company.

Unique oil paintings of the Laabs family, as well works of art by Beata Filek, representing the “Tworzywa” magazine, Jolanta Kurzela and Claire Dubois aroused exceptional

interest. The plastic sculptures made of plastics by Tom Dierick from BEGRA also attracted attention.

“Such an extensive offer makes the Plastpol a comprehensive global plastics processing industry meeting.

We look forward to seeing you next year, from 20 to 23 May 2025 - join us at Targi Kielce”, emphasises Kamil Perz, project director.

The 29th International Fair of Plastics and Rubber Processing PLASTPOL will be held on 20-23 May 2025 at Targi Kielce.


Complete range of filtering systems by BD Plast

BD Plast’s technology can supply specific solutions capable of processing any kind of polymer while maximizing production and reducing at minimum material waste

Filtration systems are a crucial component of extrusion, remanufacturing, and recycling lines of polymeric materials. The finalproduct quality and the process’s efficiency depend on them.

BD Plast supplies a complete range of products to extrusion plant manufacturers and plastics transformers all over the world composed by manual screen changers, static filters, hydraulic screen changers, extrusion components (adapters, elbows, pipes, static mixers, diverter valves, strand dies), continuous flow screen changers, continuous flow self-cleaning screen changers, accessories (hydraulic power units, undercarriage supports, elastomers, hydraulic die changers).

Thanks to these screen changers’ versions, BD Plast’s technology can supply specific solutions capable of processing any kind of polymer while maximizing production and reducing at minimum material waste.

The strategy that has allowed BD Plast to grow and develop over the years, becoming from a small national company to a strategic partner

of important manufacturers of extrusion plants in Europe, Canada, and the United States, is to engineer and produce all the machines and their components internally, to keep every aspect of the production process under control, thus offering the market unique and customized solutions, capable of responding to even the most demanding requests. It was 1986 when a family business opened its doors in Bondeno, in the province of Ferrara, immediately engaged in the production and sale of screen changers for plastic extrusion lines, consolidating its position in Italy over time through downstream technology, with the awareness of being able to compete by the flexibility of its systems and the ability to customize products.

Thirty-six years of innovation, development of ideas, and proposals for innovative solutions have characterized BD Plast’s approach to the market, with a propensity for renewal not only as regards the supply of systems but also for strategic choices aimed at responding to various changes in the production context.

The Emilian company now employs fifty highly qualified employees, capable of contributing to the growth of the company through the design and construction of new lines of machines and products

such as adapters, elbows, and pipes, consolidating important international partnerships over time and enhancing the service, intended as a real added value for maximum customer satisfaction BD Plast can provide complete platforms that are grouped with screen changers of any type integrated with volumetric or gear pumps, complex solutions in which the company can supply all the downstream, excluding the extrusion heads.

Many requests from the market also concern continuous flow screen changer, capable of perfect continuity of the melt flow, according to a high technology developed to minimize waste in the production cycle.

“Ours is a reality which does not work through upheavals, but follows a logic of continuous improvement and, in this sense, we are also working on traditional plants to make them economically better and safer. We have a complete line of reliable and high-quality screen changers, guaranteed by the internal mastery of the entire process, from machine design to assembly at the customer premises - said Dante Boicelli, CEO of BD Plast - We manufacture 1400 systems per year, and this commits us a lot also from the point of view of our


Technical Office, which is focused on making products of different sizes and deeply customized.”

BD Plast has reached the third generation of management and still employs the founding entrepreneurial family. Clarissa Frazzoli, the wife of Dante Boicelli, has always led the administrative area with the utmost attention and, since 1988, has started the IT development process of the company, bringing it nowadays to the daily use of software and IT technologies best positioned in the Magic Quadrant for the various areas, Cybersecurity among the priorities.

The son Dino Boicelli, after a degree and a master’s degree in business administration, attended Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan and oversees the company’s marketing management.

Through the most recent IT platforms and CAD-CAM integrated design systems, the engineers of the company exploit all the experience and professionalism gained in the sector to offer the market the best technologies, allowing BD Plast to act as an extrusion partner, looking at the entire extrusion process, to grasp its problems and needs, to experiment with new responses modeled on different systems and to react in real-time, guaranteeing speed at every level of intervention, from the economic offer to the sharing of the project, up to aftersales assistance.

Customer service, both in the purchase and after-sales phase, has always been one strength of BD Plast. This sensitivity has developed thanks to constant and punctual attention that has been implemented over the years at all levels: technical assistance, availability of spare parts and components, speed of deliveries, and prompt intervention.

All these ingredients make it possible to keep the equipment efficiency and to avoid production stops. The self-cleaning continuous flow screen changer, CleanChanger©, is currently at the top of BD Plast’s range of products. The main strength of this product is carrying out the self-cleaning cycle at particularly low back pressure. Added to this is the fact that this is continuous flow equipment in which, unlike what happens with other types of screen changers, the replacement of the filtering elements takes place without stopping the extrusion line, thus avoiding waste of time and waste of materials typical of the stopping and restarting phases of the line. In addition, on CleanChanger© the replacement of the screens takes

place with the automatic ejection of the breaker plates, allowing easy replacement of the filtering elements and further timesaving. The self-cleaning capacity at low back pressure, the automatic ejection of the breaker plates, and the reduced purge times are the key elements that allow up to 400 self-cleaning cycles to be reached before having to change the screens.

Currently, over thirty CleanChanger© are operating at plastics transformers and on extrusion plants assembled by the most important Italian and European manufacturers. Some players who purchased CleanChanger© subsequently implemented a second model, a sign of high satisfaction that BD Plast product gives to the customers.

AIRFLASH® air cannons for storage efficiency and constant material flow

AIRFLASH® compressed air-cannons are a Barra Project International’s solution entirely made in Italy for stored bulk solid material management

AIRFLASH – The compressed air-cannons by Barra Project International Srl are the all made in Italy solution to solve the management problems for stored bulk solid material.

AIRFLASH compressed air-cannons generate timed shock waves able to:

• Unblock blockages and break bridges that prevent the regular flow of ensiled material (bridging phenomenon)

• Eliminate material compactions and encrustations that reduce the storage capacity of structures (ratholing phenomenon)

• Carry out a cleaning action on the internal walls of the storage structure.

What makes AIRFLASH unique?

AIRFLASH is characterized by a rich and wide range of products (cannons from 0.5Lt to 150LT and beyond thanks to the PPI Pick-Power-Impulser systems), with technological solutions and dedicated accessories that allow both to expand the area covered by the action of the single air-cannon and to contain the consumption of compressed air. Working pressure from 2bar to max 10bar.

AIRFLASH cannons have an integrable modular structure that allows:

• To use the same cannon in different operating conditions by varying the accessories following Barra Project philosophy of making re-use without product waste

• To optimize the management of spare parts

• To limit the risk of product obsolescence: each AIRFLASH cannon currently in use can integrate new technological innovations without having to be replaced.

Thanks to the shot silencing measures, AIRFLASH can also be applied near residential areas.

AIRFLASH is useful because

• It fluidifies and periodically moves the stored product

• It eliminates dead zones thus avoiding stagnation of material and limiting the risk of aging and deterioration of organic and/or degradable products

• It implements a cleaning action that allows to reduce the risk of contamination between products of different nature that pass in succession

• Protects the safety of maintenance employees/ operators: AIRFLASH has a preventive action on the formation of blockages and therefore reduces, up to eliminating, the need for dangerous extraordinary maintenance interventions for the manual release of blockages (these interventions are often highly risky for the personnel who has, in particular cases, to descent into the storage facilities).

Here we are!

Barra Project International Srl was born from the experience gained in over 50 years of work in the world of bulk solid materials management. Thanks to an agile and dynamic structure, Barra Project is able to provide targeted solutions and a high level of customization. The seriousness and reliability, the high quality of the product entirely made in Italy and the great attention to design, the willingness to experiment and the attention to the after-sales service constitute the foundations of the company philosophy.

Gamma Meccanica: Smart solutions for plastics recycling

With Gamma Meccanica’s classic Tandem technology it is possible to recycle the most “difficult” plastic waste: Heavily printed, wet and highly contaminated

Since 1987, Gamma Meccanica has been designing and manufacturing plants and machines to recycle a wide range of plastic materials.

The consolidated experience and deep competence combined with a high level of technical solutions enable the company to meet the growing needs of international markets and to offer customized solutions for each customer. Whether it is industrial or postconsumer waste, GM lines can recycle both transforming the material into perfect granules for new uses.

Main types of GM plastic recycling lines

• Compact lines for the recycling and compounding of low bulk density materials with high residual moisture.

• Tandem Lines for the recycling of heavily printed, highly contaminated materials, with high residual moisture.

• Conventional Lines with various dosing systems for the recycling of plastics that have been pre-sized or ground prior to processing.

Gamma Meccanica lines are characterized by high level of automation, maximum quality of the recycled product (granules) and improved energy savings.

Tandem PLUS technology

The new series of GM Tandem lines born to give more “added” value to waste materials is the result of constant evolution of technology.

With Gamma Meccanica’s classic Tandem technology it is possible to recycle the most “difficult” plastic waste: heavily printed, wet and highly contaminated. The ultimate Tandem PLUS line improves characteristics during the upcycling process, so it is ideal for the production of compounds from recycled materials for special applications. There are numerous advantages for customers with the possibility to obtain maximum quality of the recycled product (granules).

The regeneration and “upcycling” process can begin with a gravimetric dosing station to feed the materials in a more precise and accurate way to the COMPAC system which has the function of shredding and densifying the

waste material to be recycled. From the COMPAC the material is pushed with constant flow from the feeding screw into the extruder. Connected to the first extruder is a self-cleaning screen changer installed to remove the contaminants present in the melted polymer. There is a melt pump to dose the material from the primary extruder to the secondary twin-screw. The high-performance vacuum system is installed for removal of up to 10 times more gas and humidity in the melted material compared to other systems. At this point, the polymer is “enriched” with master, carbonate and various additives inside the twin-screw extruder which allows the production of compounds directly from plastic waste. The upcycling process ends with the cutting of the melted material inside the TDA pelletizing system.

An example of the latest Tandem Plus line is a GM160 delivered to a one of the Italian customers. The complete system has an average production capacity of 1800 kg/h of LDPE-HDPE-PP-Compound. The first part of the line consists of COMPAC feeding system and a singlescrew extruder GM 160/28D. The self-cleaning screen changer is connected to the first extruder to remove the contaminants present in the melted polymer. At the exit of the screen changer, the melt is “degassed” by the high-performance vacuum chamber to avoid defects in the granules such as “air bubbles”. At this point, the polymer is “enriched” with master, carbonate and various additives inside the twin-screw extruder. The fillers and additives are fed using a gravimetric dosing system. At the end of the twin-screw extruder is installed our TDA 6.0 water ring pelletizer.

Thanks to Gamma Meccanica’s Tandem PLUS lines recyclers or processors can recover this material with a 100% yield, without the additional drying and antioxidant process. The line can be used entirely, especially in cases of very “difficult” materials. The functioning of two extruders arranged in succession ensures a uniform granule composition. The process does not stress the material which, as confirmed by laboratory tests, does not degrade, nor requires the use of additives. This composition grants a great flexibility, an excellent quality of the granule and energy saving.

SMI solution for a competitive market

The case history of Valley Water for the bottling of Elano water

The companies influenced by the trend of strong product diversification, need very flexible and efficient bottling and packaging plants in order to reach high levels of competitiveness and optimization of production lines.

SMI manufactures bottling plants and packaging machines with an innovative design, equipped with IoT technology, providing to its customers, located all over the world, with smart solutions, able to meet their requirements in terms of competitiveness, production efficiency, operational flexibility, energy saving, easy management and monitoring of the whole production process

Valley Water invests in a modern 36,000 bph PET plant In the desert area of Wadi El Natrun, a depression about 23 meters below sea level, Elano water is extracted and bottled by the Valley Water company.

To increase the production of 0.6 L and 1.5 L PET bottles, the Egyptian company recently turned to SMI for the supply of a complete line of 36,000 bottles/hour, which is currently the most modern plant installed by SMI within the African continent and is the ideal solution to ensure efficient, sustainable and high-quality production. Investing in new technologies to increase efficiency and productivity

To preserve the quality of Elano water and offer consumers a pure, uncontaminated and healthy product, Valley Water pays great attention to every detail and, collaborating with the experts of the industry, invests in cutting-edge technologies, such as the recent bottling and packaging system supplied by SMI.

The decision to rely on SMI for the supply of a new complete line of 36,000 bottles/hour for the bottling and packaging of Elano water in PET bottles ranging from 0.6 to 1.5 L is the result of a close collaboration between the two companies, that began in 2013 with the installation of a rotary stretch-blow moulder and a shrink wrapper from the LSK range for the packaging of 0.33 / 0.5 / 1.5 L containers in PET.

SMI has also been involved in the process of automation of the end of the line of the pre-existing plant, to allow Valley Water to meet the growing demand for bottled water in Egypt, a market featuring one of the highest levels of consumption per capita in the world and in which consumers tend to choose healthy drinks. The new technologies supplied by SMI allow the company to achieve greater production capacity and efficiency, improved market competitiveness, high energy savings and reduced environmental impact.

Restyling of the bottles to improve performance

The main aspects considered by SMI designers for the Valley Water project were: on the one hand, the study of the line layout to ensure optimal use of space, high quality, production efficiency and plant flexibility; on the other hand, the analysis of the design of existing bottles, making the know-how acquired in the design of PET containers available to the customer.

Starting from the containers used by the customer and keeping the “core concept” unchanged, SMI’s designers studied the restyling of the 0.6 and 1.5 L bottles, produced by the new ECOBLOC® integrated blowingfilling-capping system, aiming to emphasize the iconic image represented and to improve the resistance and stability of the containers.

These objectives have been punctually achieved by enlarging the maximum diameter of the bottles and lowering their height, with the result of optimising the centre of gravity of the same.

The base of the bottle was also subject to a restyling process, with the aim of improving the mechanical properties of the containers during filling. Thanks to these measures and the supply of new moulds for the stretchblowing of 0.6 and 1.5 L bottles of Elano water, now also produced by the 6-cavity stretch-blow moulder supplied in 2013, the entire packaging and palletising process of the Wadi El Natrun plant has become more efficient and sustainable.

SMI solutions for Valley Water

Consumer purchasing choices are also strongly influenced by environmental issues. To demonstrate its commitment to supporting sustainability issues, the Egyptian company Valley Water uses PET bottles as eco-compatible and recyclable packaging of Elano water, produced in factories equipped with the latest generation green technologies that allow reduced environmental impact and significant energy savings. The complete line of 36,000 bottles/hour supplied by SMI to Vallery Water for the bottling of Elano water, allows the customer to optimise the space within the production plant to have an efficient and performing line able to meet the growing demands of the Egyptian market for a high-quality product. The new turnkey system consists of an EBS 16 E ERGON ECOBLOC® stretch-blow moulder with a HEVF filling and capping system; a WP 600 ERGON case packer; an APS 3070 L ERGON palletiser; conveyor belts, labelling machine, encoder and control systems.

Main advantages

ECOBLOC® ERGON HEVF blowingfilling-capping system:

• Compact solution for the blowing and filling of 0.6 L and 1.5

L PET containers: rinsing machine and air conveyors between the blower and the filler are not required

• Reduced energy consumption

• High-efficiency rotary stretchblow moulding system equipped with motorized stretch rods, for productions up to 36,000 bottles/ hour

• Precise management of the stretch rod stroke and accurate control of its position, as well as significant energy saving

• Preform heating module with energy-efficient IR lamps

• Two-stage air recovery system, which enables to reduce energy costs

• Easy management of the format changeover

• Filling system with high-precision flow meters installed near each tap

• Walk-in frame to easily access the filler and capper

• Filling chamber completely isolated from transmissions that do not come into contact with any type of liquid

• The machine frame is inclined towards the drainage points resulting in a higher level of hygiene

WP 600 ERGON wrap-around case packer:

• Continuous packaging through a wrap-around system: smooth production process, without jerky movements

• Ideal solution for packaging in impact-resistant 4x5 cases (0.6 bottles) and 3x4 cases (1.5 L bottles): higher protection of the product during transport

• Possibility to graphically customize the cardboard box

• Extremely ergonomic machine structure

• Easy and safe maintenance operations

• Highly intuitive, graphical interface, touch-sensitive screen and advanced realtime diagnostics and technical support.

APS 3070 L ERGON automatic palletizing system:

• Single-column system with two Cartesian axes for palletizing cardboard boxes arriving from the WP 600 ERGON in 1000x1200 mm pallets

• Extremely flexible modular structure, easily adaptable to the logistical conditions of the line

• High operational flexibility that allows the creation of multiple palletizing patterns

• Eco-sustainable solution, thanks to the use of ICOS motors equipped with integrated digital servo-drive (driver)

• Optimized TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) thanks to low management and maintenance costs.

More than 50 years at the forefront of technology

Tovo Gomma grants its customers innovative and green solutions not only at the cutting edge of technology and highperformance, but also eco-sustainable and complying with the strictest safety and environment regulations

For over 50 years, Tovo Gomma has been offering innovative solutions to its customers, developing and producing highly sophisticated black and coloured compounds, widely used in several application sectors, complying with the strictest regulations in terms of safety and environment, as confirmed by the obtained company certifications and by ESG Ecovadis® accreditation. The holistic approach to customer satisfaction allows the co-creation of value through a wide range of products (organic compounds, silicone compounds, compact rubber sheets and foam), the

consolidated experience of R&D and the direct internal management of all strategic processes of the supply chain.

The proven experience in the supply of high-performance products for complex applications, places Tovo Gomma at the forefront in the development and optimization of compounds suitable for several purposes, as: injection and compression molding, extruded profiles with specialization on complex geometries and highefficiency productions, hydraulic and industrial flexible hoses.

The products portfolio includes also compounds with specific characteristics, as flame resistance, compatibility with food and drinking water contact, suitability for pharmaceutical sector, as well as green alternatives at low environmental impact that maintain a high standards of performances, ensuring constant transformation parameters.

The focus of Tovo Gomma is the “green production” intended as a preventive business management strategy applied to products, processes and work organization, whose objective is to minimize emissions and/or discharges at the source, reducing risks to human and environmental health, and simultaneously increasing competitiveness.

In 2021, Tovo Gomma introduced an Environmental Management System (EMS). It is a framework that

helps an organization achieve its environmental goals through consistent review, evaluation, and improvement of its environmental performance. The permanent review and evaluation will identify opportunities for improving the environmental performance of the organization.

When considering this continuous improvement cycle, there are two reflexive steps connecting this guide with others, especially those related to environmental assessment: the plan and the check.

Tovo Gomma has several goals, among the most important are: the “preventive maintenance” makes possible to avoid the generation of defective products that need to be reprocessed or discarded, oil spills, leaks or excessive consumption; “technological updating” allows to improve productivity, or allows new operations that lead to an improvement or innovation in the product, as well as reducing energy consumption; the “minimization and efficient consumption” of materials, water and energy consumption; the “recycling” of the maximum waste in the plant and if not, select the appropriate authorized managers, prioritizing recovery over final disposal.

In 2024, Tovo Gomma has started the “zero waste” plan, an ambitious but shared objective at all levels. The objective is easily measurable and is the most practical and tangible issue for everyone.

Business connections and advanced technologies

Plast Eurasia Istanbul Fair

preparing to be chosen by the industry for the 33 rd time

The 33rd Time Plast Eurasia Istanbul 2024, the 33rd International Plastics Industry Fair is preparing to gather the actors of world plastics industry under a single roof, on December 4-7, 2024. The fair will be held at Tüyap Fair and Congress Center, in collaboration with PAGEV (Plastics Industrialists Research Development and Education Foundation) and organized by Tüyap and it will retain its position as the leading fair of the industry by maintaining a stable growth. As the biggest plastics industry fair organized in Eurasia on an annual basis, Plast Eurasia Istanbul Fair 2024 continues preparing to host thousands of industry professionals in both national and international arenas. Major fair of the industry makes a name for itself every year

In 2023, 1,375 exhibitors from 43 countries showcased their products and services during the Plast Eurasia Istanbul Fair, which offers a commercial environment extending

over a vast geography, and found the opportunity to strengthen its brand image, make new business connections and gain worldwide recognition. 67,249 professional visitors from 118 countries met key players of the industry, where 16% of the total number of visitors consisted of foreign visitors. Industry representatives who will meet for the 33rd time this year will get the chance to view the most advanced technologies and the latest products and services in the plastics industry under a single roof.

Thousands of product ranges to be exhibited at Plast Eurasia Istanbul

The Center of Technology and Innovation Plast Eurasia İstanbul, the most prestigious plastics industry fair in the Eurasia region which shapes the future of the plastics industry intends to break its own records this year, again, in respect of the number of exhibitors, exhibition halls and visitors. The Fair will showcase a wide variety of products, including plastics machinery, machinery equipment and sub-industry products, molds,

recycling technologies, heat and control devices, automation systems, cooling systems, raw materials and chemicals, and semifinished goods. The leading fair of the plastics industry will continue shaping the future of the industry by bringing together the latest trends and solutions in the industry.

Free ticket advantage continues Do not miss the chance of viewing thousands of products that will be exhibited by the leading brands of the plastics industry and use the free ticket opportunity that will last until September 9 to join this excitement and keep up with the pulse of the industry.


The importance of research and innovation

MIX’s internal Testing Facility has been enhanced with brand new machineries

Since 1990 MIX s.r.l. has been designing and manufacturing mixing systems and industrial components for bulk solids handling. During these years, MIX has had the opportunity to come in touch with many different products, learning that each process is unique and deserves a custom manufactured mixer to fulfill its purpose. Thanks to this continuously growing experience, MIX is able to design and manufacture batch and continuous mixers, dryers, reactors, granulators, sterilizers, heaters, coolers and blenders suitable for

the most complicated industrial processes. MIX firmly believes in the importance of research, development and innovation.

Recently, MIX has enhanced its internal Testing Facility with brand new machineries and is now able to execute trials with harder parameters as temperature up to +200°C and pressure up to +5bar or vacuum.

Powders, granules, fibers, pastes can be tested in the new laboratory, even in classified hazardous atmosphere (ATEX).

The handling of chemical reactions, the measurement of moisture content of the products and the

increase or decrease of pressure and temperature in the mixer is now fully automated. MIX laboratory allows the control of all parameters, during every step of the process.

As usual, MIX guarantees the confidentiality of the processed information and that the results obtained during the trials in the testing facility are scalable and repeatable with industrial mixers; Thanks to the new laboratory it is now much easier to determine the characteristics of each raw material and, therefore, identify the most suitable mixing techniques for obtaining the desired final result.


To quickly react to new market trend and better satisfy customer demand, YIZUMI and Chengdu Dongri Machine Company jointly research and develop the integrated ReactPro Solution to achieve one-step injection moulding of the polyurethane and plastic

In recent years, there has been an upsurge of lightweight by replacing metal parts with plastic.

Automobile manufacturers attempt to find new processes and technologies to improve the appearance of automotive trims.

Simple moulding process used in the past can no longer meet the new requirements in colour, tactility, intelligentization and other aspects. As a new type of ‘intelligent’ material, Polyurethane (PUR) has some better properties, such as good flexibility, high wear-resistance and well self-repairing performance.

Furthermore, it is superior in free colour matching, bright colours, and friendly to ‘smart inserts’. Therefore, it has been widely used to the injection moulding products with decorative skins, high-quality paint or functional coatings.

To quickly react to new market trend and better satisfy customer demand, YIZUMI and Chengdu Dongri Machine Company jointly research and develop the integrated ReactPro Solution to achieve onestep injection moulding of the polyurethane and plastic. That is to produce high quality thermoplastic parts and polyurethane surface on the same machine, showing better appearance, comfortable tactility, and superior functionality.

The YIZUMI UN260C-BTP ReactPro Multi-component injection moulding machines integrate the PUR reaction injection moulding equipment with vertical rotary table mould technology, which can offer rapid and precise moulding, and efficiently produce different kinds of decorative products with 3D depth of field effects or different patterns. The machine can not only save material cost and ensure product performance but also allow PUR covering on the surface of irregularshaped plastic parts, therefore leading to more sophisticated visual and tactility. Through the PUR filling moulding process, this machine can achieve PUR moulding thickness of 0.1- 50mm, with wider application.

PUR thin-layer parts are mostly used for decorative parts such as centre consoles and operator panels, which can achieve different visual effects, including gloss, matt or 3D depth of field. Moreover, they have the characteristics of scratch resistance, aging resistance, fingerprint resistance, and selfrepairing. While PUR thick-layer parts can be used for car armrests and other trims, featuring strong aging resistance and weather resistance, and as well as rich visual effects.

Compared with the traditional process, this solution integrates the injection moulding machine and the polyurethane reaction moulding equipment to achieve a one-step moulding, which greatly improves the production efficiency, reduces the cycle time and the production cost, also avoids pollution, making it more energy-saving and environmentally friendly. From the customers’ perspective, UN260C-BTP ReactPro is a cost-effective and valuable solution, which will be used in a wide field of applications, e.g. automobile, 3C products (Communication, Computer and Consumer products) and household appliances etc.

Value advantage

• The integration of injection moulding machine and polyurethane reaction moulding equipment can achieve one-step moulding of two materials (plastic + PUR) with short cycle time, high efficiency and low cost.

• Applied with rotary table mould technology to achieve fast and accurate moulding is a new exploration of ReactPro one-step moulding mould.

• This machine can achieve PUR moulding thickness of 0.1- 50mm, with wider application.

• It allows multiple product effects, such as 3D depth, different patterns, scratch resistance, and self-repairing, agile, intelligent and efficient.

• It can allow IML/IMD/IME/INS processing with the support of automatic system, to conduct film mounting under the PUR thin-layer, ensuring that products not only have beautiful appearance but also more functions.

• The injection moulding machine control system can not only offer editing functions to meet special

mould and process requirements, but also provide various integrated solutions of special process control software.

• PUR reaction molding system

a. Support zero-downtime operation to maintain the stable system

b. Flow Range≥3g/s

c. Machine Capability Evaluation

Index CMK>2.3

d. No bubbles on the product surface to achieve Class A surfaces

• The communication control system of integrated PUR reaction moulding equipment can achieve unified adjustment of process parameter, with well-designed and user-friendly control panel.

Medical extrusion lines: Turnkey solutions for all needs

Tecno System is leader in the manufacturing of complete extrusion lines for medical tubes that stand out for high quality and possibility of customization

Tecno System is one of the leading companies in the design and development of complete lines. A crucial business for the company is represented today by the manufacturing of complete extrusion lines for medical tubes.

Tecno System’s constant efforts in quality control and strict standards on internal and external processes ensure that the products fully comply with relevant national and international regulations. One of the strong points and flagships offered by Tecno System is the micro medical extrusion line. These lines can generate monolumen, multi-lumens tubes (up to 18 lumens), mono-layer and multi-layer (up to 5 layers). The tubes can have an OD ranging from 0.40 mm up to

a maximum of 14 mm and can be made from many thermoplastic materials. Micro-extrusion semifinished products are widely used in a variety of biomedical sectors, including cardiovascular, epiduroscopy, neurology, gynecology, urology, and more. Extrusion of bump tubing, which is a tube that changes in diameter along its length. Is quite interesting typically, the end of the tubing closest to the person operating the device (known as the proximal end) is larger, while the end further away (the distal end) is smaller. This kind of tubing, sometimes called taper tubing or draw-down tubing, can have different diameters not only at each end but also along its entire length. Usually, the smaller end is inserted into the body, while the larger end connects to the medical device.

Manufacturers can make bump tubing from various materials and in different configurations. They can customize the length of the transition zones between diameters and the overall sizes to fit specific needs.

The flexibility and precision of all these tubes make them an ideal choice for medical applications that require reliable performance and compliance with the highest quality and safety standards offered by Tecno System.

Another business of pride for Tecno System is the basic PVC catheter extrusion line is usually equipped with a extruders model TM 60-25 with 15” Touch Panel and a medical extrusion head model HD 2-12.

About downstream, there are a cooling unit model R 50/5,5, a belt haul-off unit model TT800, and an appropriate diameter gauge system

(ODAC 14 x/y/j) that ensure the accuracy of the entire tube before being rolled up by a semi-automatic double winding station model TS2600 equipped with an electronic roller system). Alternative configurations are available for customer, for example, relying on the extruder series haul-off unit, the possibility to choose from several options like frosty kits, wall thickness monitoring systems, and many others.

Tecno System is keen to underline a key feature of its lines: they are perfectly suitable also for spiral smoothbore medical tubes with rigid or semi-rigid spirals and for combining different polymers. These lines are powered by two extruders (TM45-25 and TM60-25 series) with a 15” digital touchscreen and a 1.2316 steel medical extrusion die-head ensures high quality standards for this type of thermoplastic tubing extrusion, while a spindle trolley CM 50 series can be easily handled by operators to move and set up dies with diameters ranging from 12 to 50 mm. A perfect internal calibration through the spindle, in the downstream units, is

guaranteed by calibrating systems located in a special stainless steel water tank with a closed-loop water circuit to prevent any type of contamination. Water can be maintained constantly cool by a dedicated chiller that can be installed as an option on the line side, and a dedicated tube drying system allows the automatic drying of the pipes from the water in excess after the cooling processes.

All lines are totally customizable by customers in the best tailored way to meet their needs. Potential options about the line configuration are, for example, the possibility to implement double hopper loaders, different screws for different thermoplastic materials as well as maximum levels of customization for what concerns the unloading bench.

In addition, it must be said that every Tecno System’s extrusion line can be suited to the 4.0 industry standards with an appropriate OPCUA communication protocol to increase exponentially the potential opportunities through digitization of the processes: real-time information, remote control of the

line and hyperconnectivity between machines themselves are some examples among the practical implications of this innovative approach.

By opting for Tecno System’s solutions, the customer will be supported in each stage to simplify as much as possible the investment project. Every product, indeed, is completely designed, manufactured and tested within the historic production plant located in Consandolo (FE – Italy), enabling the company to directly supervise every single phase in the supply chain and ensuring, so, the best qualitative standards for the final product and the possibility for the customer to rely on a unique referent for any type of issue.

Ecomondo 2024: Leading the way in sustainable plastic recycling in Europe

The event will be a unique opportunity to exchange ideas, knowledge and experiences, thus contributing to the development of the circular economy

From 5 to 8 November 2024, the Rimini Exhibition Centre will host the 27th edition of Ecomondo, the event organised by IEG, a leader in the green and circular economy sector in Italy and the Mediterranean area. For years, the event has been a crucial reference point for the sector, acting as a hub for research, innovation and discussion on best practices in numerous industrial sectors.

The event will host numerous conventions, conferences and workshops organised by Ecomondo’s

technical-scientific committee in collaboration with various partners; it will be a unique opportunity to exchange ideas, knowledge and experiences, thus contributing to the development of the circular economy.

The topic area ‘Circular & Regenerative Bio-Economy’ will be the focus of discussions and innovations regarding plastics. Here, industry professionals will explore how to transform plastics from an environmental problem into a valuable resource.

In the European Union, each person generates an average of 34.6 kg of

plastic packaging waste per year. The latest figures show that the recycling rate has reached 40.7% 1. Most of the waste is disposed of through energy recovery, while half of the plastic collected for recycling is exported outside the EU. These numbers highlight the need to significantly improve recycling and plastic waste management practices in Europe.

Since 2019, the European Union has adopted new rules to address plastic waste problem and, as part of the Green Deal, has set a target of achieving 55% recycled packaging by 2030. To support these targets in 2024 stricter rules for waste shipments outside the EU were approved. These measures aim to promote a more responsible and sustainable management of plastic waste in Europe.

Ecomondo 2024 is meant to be a platform to discuss innovative strategies in the plastics sector. Central themes will include: the implementation of more efficient separate collection systems, investment in new technologies to valorise currently non-recoverable plastic fractions, the development of a national plastics strategy, and the revision of the European industrial production system to promote the use of recovered materials. These topics will be deepened through

presentations, round tables and interactive sessions. A major event on these topics will be ‘The Sustainability of the Italian Mechanical Recycling Industry of Metal, Plastic and Paper Waste’, organised by ASSOFERMET, ASSORIMAP and UNIRIMA, the three national recycling associations. The event will examine the challenges that companies in the sector are facing, including new protectionist policies limiting the export of nonhazardous waste that can be recycled.

To overcome these challenges, a strategy to favour the use of recovered materials in industrial processes, giving full recognition to urban mining is needed. This requires a revision of the European industrial production system to fully integrate recovered materials.

The sector needs tools to integrate recovered material into internal industrial processes, allowing the market to redefine export dynamics autonomously, thus avoiding imbalances in the recovery sector, in which Italy is a leader.

Ecomondo 2024 will be a key stage to make a point about the progress achieved and to define future strategies concerning circular economy. It will be an important meeting point for the main players in the sector, offering a unique platform for discussing innovative strategies and outlining the future of the green economy.

Fully controlled automated mixing plant solutions

Over the years, PLAS MEC has garnered recognition as a premier provider of mixing systems for plastic powders, having delivered thousands of mixers and accessories worldwide

PPLAS MEC celebrates a remarkable milestone: 58 years since its inception, reaffirming Italy’s global leadership in the manufacturing of mixing equipment and plants for plastic powders.

As a 100% Italian enterprise established in 1967, PLAS MEC specializes in crafting equipment and accessories for mixing various plastic materials such as PVC, PE, PP, ABS, as well as technical and special polymers like TPE, PA, PC, PU, PET, PTFE, among others. Additionally, they cater to powder coatings

resins, wood-plastic composites, masterbatch, additives, pigments, and thermoplastic rubber. PLAS MEC has garnered recognition over the years as a premier provider of mixing systems for plastic powders, having delivered thousands of mixers and accessories worldwide.

Noteworthy among PLAS MEC’s attributes is its adaptability in tailoring high-tech solutions to meet individual customer needs.

Renowned for its production of robust, enduring machinery that upholds impeccable production standards, PLAS MEC’S commitment to quality is underscored by the

decision to retain a significant portion of manufacturing in-house, ensuring meticulous oversight of every machinery detail.

PLAS MEC manufacturing range comprises mainly the following:


The combination between an optimized design of the high-speed mixer type “TRM” and the highefficiency cooler type “HEC,” an optimal solution to guarantee high productivity in PVC or WPC dry blend production thanks also to tailored complementary accessories.

COMBIMIX HC variants range from 200/800 to 2500/8500 litres capacity. Container Mixer TRR (2)

An ideal alternative to conventional turbomixers, the container mixer TRR is suitable for masterbatch, pigments, technopolymers, and powder coatings preparation mixing various recipes with a single machine. High power configuration for intense mixing and significant temperature increase requirements. Continuous improvements.

All the equipment can be compliant with the ATEX directives.

The production range of PLAS MEC extends to an array of accessories designed to facilitate every aspect of the mixing process, which include:

• Loading mechanisms to introduce raw materials into the mixing equipment,

• Transport systems to move materials within the production facility,

• Weighing devices to ensure precise measurement of ingredients,

• Storage solutions to maintain the integrity of powders before and after mixing.

PLAS MEC also offers complete automation solutions to control the entire mixing process, minimizing human error. A full remote access to the mixing plant enables customers to see and control over their mixing operations from anywhere in the world. PLAS MEC’s technical experts can provide timely resolutions, thus minimizing any disruptions.

PLAS MEC is committed to providing customers with the tools and support they need to ensure smooth operation of their plants and achieve optimal performance and efficiency in their mixing operations. Thanks to supplying and operating quality systems, PLAS MEC earns their trust and continues to consolidate its reputation as the preferred partner for companies seeking reliable and innovative solutions in the field of plastic mixing technology.

Promeco: Pioneering sustainable solutions in waste recycling

Promeco is dedicated to developing advanced technologies to combat the growing problem of plastic waste

In the face of escalating environmental challenges, Promeco SpA stands out as a beacon of innovation and sustainability.

An Italian manufacturer specializing in mechanical and chemical recycling lines, Promeco is dedicated to developing advanced technologies to combat the growing problem of plastic waste.

Innovative recycling technologies

Promeco’s cutting-edge technologies faces the limitations of traditional recycling methods. While mechanical recycling transforms plastic waste into secondary raw materials for new production processes, it meets challenges such as contamination and the degradation of polymer chains over repeated cycles. Promeco’s mechanical recycling solutions ensure efficient processing, transforming waste into valuable semi-finished products.

However, Promeco goes beyond mechanical recycling. The company’s pioneering chemical recycling technology is complementary to mechanical methods, enabling the recycling of a broader range of plastics, including mixed and contaminated materials. This technology breaks down plastic polymers into their molecular components, allowing the creation of new, high-quality materials with properties comparable to virgin plastics. This innovative approach addresses the significant issue of plastic waste that cannot be recycled mechanically.

The chemical recycling process

At the heart of Promeco’s operations is its state-of-the-art chemical recycling plant. Over 28 years of experience and continuous optimization have culminated in a sophisticated system capable of processing various types of plastic waste. The plant utilizes processes such as pyrolysis, depolymerization, and gasification to convert plastics into valuable resources. Through controlled heating and chemical reactions, plastics are transformed into raw materials that can be used in the production of new plastics, fuels, or other chemicals.

High-quality outputs

The end products of Promeco’s chemical recycling are of exceptional quality, suitable for use in various industries. This closed-loop system ensures that plastics can be continuously recycled without compromising performance or integrity. Promeco is currently involved in a chemical recycling project in Finland, where the

Promeco’s commitment to sustainable practices and environmental protection is also addressed within the company. The photovoltaic installation of the production unit in Fino Mornasco, Como, is just an example.

recycled output will be sold to Shell for further refinement into suitable raw materials for polymer production.

Environmental impact and sustainability

Promeco’s technologies significantly reduce environmental pollution and greenhouse gas emissions by diverting non-recyclable plastic waste from landfills and incinerators. The company’s efforts contribute to the circular economy by promoting resource conservation and minimizing reliance on virgin materials. Today, polymer producers are under increasing pressure to find sustainable recycling methods. Promeco’s chemical recycling technology maximizes the use of existing plastic waste, reducing the need for natural resources and supporting sustainable production practices.

Global influence and innovation

With a strong track record of successful projects worldwide, Promeco demonstrates the viability and effectiveness of chemical recycling in facing plastic waste challenges. The company’s innovative solutions not only mitigate environmental harm but also create economic opportunities by establishing sustainable supply chains and fostering technological advancements.

A vision for a sustainable future

Promeco’s commitment to innovation and sustainability is the example of the power of dedicated efforts in the fight against plastic pollution. By offering advanced mechanical and chemical recycling plants, Promeco provides a sustainable pathway toward a cleaner, greener future. However, achieving a world with minimized waste and conserved resources requires collective action and support from governments, industries, and individuals. Embracing advanced and sustainable technologies represents a significant step toward building a more resilient and harmonious relationship with our environment.

Promeco Extruder System®

Industrial machine, the future is now!

Magic MP fully electric accumulation machine with patented head and clamping has already won over the market

Magic has presented during the Open House in November the revolutionary fully electric accumulating machine with patented head and clamping.

Even the field of industrial machines have been revolutionized, the innovative ideas of Magic will give its clients enormous benefits in terms of profit and process.

Principal benefits:

• Reduction of consumption equal to -53%,

• Maximum precision of the movements. Consequent efficiency equal to 99% with a perfect repeatability of the working cycles, potential reduction of the working cycle and potential reduction of the weight of the articles to be produced,

• Reduction of the maintenance costs equal to -52%,

• Machine completely oil free,

• Very silent machine since it is free of hydraulic pumps.

Magic MP S.p.A. is an Italian company founded in 1959, specialized in the conception and construction of extrusion blow moulding machines (EBM) and injection, stretch e blow

moulding machines (ISBM) of plastic materials.

Thanks to its constant orientation to innovation Magic has become an excellence of the Made in Italy and a worldwide reference point for all the operators of this field.

MAGIC has been the first company in the world to conceive fully electric machines, revolutionizing the field of plastic and tracing a new technological greener and more sustainable road.

The clients recognize in the MAGIC machines patented technological benefits, which turn into real process improvements and consequent profit increases. Investments and efforts to give to their actual and future clients a unique and solid contact point in the production of bottles: machines, moulds and packaging solutions. Everything is internally developped and produced and commercialized with the best value for money on the market.

These investments confirm the continuity of principles, values and skills that has been distinguishing Magic Group for more than 60 years.

With his words reported below the President of the Magic Group, Mr. Ferruccio Giacobbe, devotes the

Industrial Machine, model MET T80 double station for containers up to 280 litres

moon’s landing of his company on the planet of industrial machines and he does it always in an innovative and futuristic way.

“Innovation is and always will be the engine that fuel growth and development of Magic. Up to date no one in the world has ever built a completely electrified accumulator head of big size, Magic, which always looks ahead and, driven by this philosophy, has understood that even in the field of industrial machines the complete electrification will become a determining and indispensable factor. We did it in the past with the continuous extrusion technology for machine up to 60 Tons for the production, per example, in 6+6 cavities for 5 litres containers; we do it today also with the industrial machines for containers up to 280 litres. Soon we will do in fact a second Open Day to show the world the new transfer machine with all electric technology of 80-100 Tons for containers up to 280 litres. This machine will have an incredible saving for our clients in terms of energy consumption equal to almost 180.000 Euro per year. We are led to think that electrification is all about the necessity of the energetic economy. But this is one

of the aspects, even though very important. The electric motor means also more precision and repeatability in the execution of the movements, that impacts on the efficiency of the machine, in lighter articles and shortest working cycles and with less wastes. It will be easy for our clients to understand how advantageous and innovative is to produce with a machine which consume 50-60% less, that thanks to its stability allows shortest working cycles and allows to produce lighter articles and even more with reduced maintenance costs of 50%.

We are sure that orientation to ’Green”, to be effectively implemented, must bring to our clients even advantages in terms of profit. In fact, in 25 years and 1800 electric machines sold as well as having “saved” almost 3 billions of Kg in CO2, our clients have saved more than 500 million euro in electric energy. To these many various millions must be added for the economy in maintenance costs. We want our clients, with our patented technology, win the complex challenge of the market; we aspire to become their partner, grow with them and become their reference point in the field.”

Industrial Machine, model MEA T40 presented during the Open House in November 2023

Great interest in K 2025 in Düsseldorf

Exhibition space at K 2025 is in high demand the world over. Under the motto: The Power of Plastics! Green –Smart – Responsible the coming K will focus on the industry’s relevant fields of action: Circular Economy, Digitalisation and Social Responsibility

K2025 will follow on from an extremely successful event in 2022. After the official registration deadline in late May one thing is certain: all renowned companies in the international plastics and rubber industry will take part in this their leading trade fair held in October next year. Demand for stand space is high and all 18 halls of Düsseldorf Exhibition Centre and the outdoor premises will be fully occupied again.

To Erhard Wienkamp, Managing Director at Messe Düsseldorf, the great interest shown by the industry as a whole confirms the outstanding position of K Düsseldorf: “K 2025 will provide the complete overview of a plastics industry undergoing transformation and again have a plethora of impressive

innovations in store. We know that many of our exhibitors are already preparing their product innovations and presentations at full speed.

Düsseldorf will once again provide forward-looking impetus for the entire plastics and rubber industry.”

More than 3,000 exhibitors will participate in K 2025 from 8 to 15 October and introduce the global expert audience to their ranges in the areas of

• Raw materials, auxiliaries

• Semi-finished products, technical components and reinforced plastic parts

• Machinery and equipment for the plastics and rubber industry.

Especially well represented again will be the suppliers from Germany, Italy, Turkey, Austria, Switzerland and the USA while the number of producers from China, India and Taiwan has increased yet again.

“The Power of Plastics! Green – Smart – Responsible.” reads the slogan of K 2025, which is complemented by three core messages “Shaping the Circular Economy”, “Embracing Digitalisation” and “Caring about People”. This places the focus on the three most relevant fields of action for the sector: Circular Economy, Digitalisation and People. The latter involves corporate social responsibility just as much as future career perspectives for young professionals in the plastics and rubber sectors. K in Düsseldorf is a trend barometer and innovation forum for the global industry. Every three years the latest developments celebrate their debuts here, innovative and pioneering technologies are presented and international networks established. The exhibitors’ ranges at their stands are complemented by K’s special formats. The special show organised by Plastics Europe Deutschland, will also reflect the three focal themes of K 2025. At the Science Campus the latest activities and results of university and science organisations will be presented again – here research and business are dovetailed. Organised by the Plastics and Rubber

Machinery Association within the German Machinery and Equipment Manufacturers’ Association (VDMA) a large Circular Economy Forum is planned to feature on the outdoor premises where exhibitors demonstrate the pivotal importance of technology for implementing the circular economy in the plastics industry. A Hotspot on the theme of rubber will be the redesigned Rubberstreet under the auspices of the wdk e.V. (Trade Association of the German Rubber Industry) in Hall 6. Here, exhibitors will be showcasing the innovative operational excellence of rubber and thermoplastic elastomers. For more information on K 2025 go to: www.k-online.com

ISI Plast, continuous evolution and improvement

ISI Plast is excellence in the plastics sector and from a small familyrun business established in 1958, it has grown into a solid industrial group whose attention is always set on social and environmental sustainability

ISI Plast S.p.A. is Italy’s leading manufacturer of plastic containers for multiple uses, with more than 100 million pieces sold each year. It is organized by divisions: ISIPLAST for industrial packaging, ISI FOOD for food packaging, CO.N.ES. for special containers for use in hospital disposal, and ISI TRAP for ecological trap systems against various pests.

ISI Plast is a company that for more than 60 years has been representing a reality of excellence in the plastics sector thanks to its production of plastic packaging; Born in 1958 from a small family-run business, this company has grown into a solid industrial group consisting of a staff of hundreds of figures involved, and the goal it has always set itself is the attention to social and environmental sustainability.

As evidence of the deep interest in eco-sustainable development, ISI Plast has made significant investments to embark on a green path aimed at continuous evolution and improvement.

The latest company division to be born is Smoc-chino, the pocket ashtray for the collection of cigarette butts; a contribution not only to urban but also to the environment taking into account that one cigarette butt pollutes the surrounding soil for up to 10 years.

ISI Plast launched the green project of Smoc-chino®, the pocket ashtray made of recycled plastic material, with which it has made a concrete commitment to the organization of ecological days aimed at increasing awareness among all citizens involved, meeting with great success and enthusiasm.

ISI Plast stands as a leading company nationally and internationally, ranging with versatility from packaging for the food, industrial, and healthcare sectors, thanks to the use of selected and sustainable raw materials while always maintaining cutting-edge design and following the trends of the moment in the sector.

ISI Plast’s mission aims to lead the company toward continuous improvement of its performance and to define and communicate to all the staff the goals to be pursued by striving for an increasingly complete integration between the three systems: Quality, Safety and Environment.

The purpose of this policy is to satisfy the needs and requirements of customers better and better with the utmost professionalism, to be more competitive than the competition by guaranteeing a product and service that is qualitatively of a high level and constant over time, to have an economic return by optimizing internal processes

and related performances and considering the hygiene and cleanliness of work departments and product care as quality requirements and guaranteeing the greatest customer satisfaction; identifying, regulating, controlling and reducing the environmental impacts of its activities and products and protecting occupational health and safety for all people working into ISI Plast company.

The company is home to the ISIKitchenLab research laboratory, a space dedicated to research and technological development in the field of the most suitable materials for packaging. The vision of a space called ISI-KitchenLab centralizes the research of the entire ISI Plast group. It proposes an exclusive program on innovative technologies aimed at multiple sectors. From construction to healthcare, from industrial and civil use to food and green... inclusive, environmentally sustainable, recyclable. Founded in early 2020, it represents a reference for the entire research, development, and quality control group that results in constant technological improvement of products in line with the company’s principles.

The company’s latest addition is the ISI-Academy division, inaugurated in 2023, in which coaching and professional training courses are held, from safety basics to more technical notions aimed at operators to ensure growth and have uniformity of training and background within the company, which underscores the value of the company’s know-how that ISI Plast also wants to pass on to the younger generation through meetings with local students and work awareness days.

ArabPlast: Pioneering sustainability in the plastics industry

ArabPlast is set to unveil its 17 th Edition on 7 th January 2025 at the Dubai World Trade Centre, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

ArabPlast, the Premier International Trade Show in the Middle East for the Plastics, Recycling, Petrochemicals, Packaging, and Rubber Industry, organized by Al Fajer Information and Services, a company established in Dubai in the early 90s, is set to unveil its 17th Edition on 7th January 2025 at the Dubai World Trade Centre, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Under the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Hasher Maktoum Al Maktoum, a Scion of the Ruling Family of Dubai, ArabPlast started its journey in 1991, when the concept of trade fairs was relatively new in the Middle East world. The show gathered momentum from its first Edition and gained popularity with every subsequent one, leaving a permanent mark on the

global platform as a renowned international exhibition brand!

As the journey continued, Y2005 witnessed ArabPlast joining hands with Messe Duesseldorf, Germany, organizers of ‘K’ the world’s largest plastic trade fair. Capturing the interest of the world, the Plastic Export Promotion Council (Plexconcil) from India was next onboard.

Working closely with Messe Duesseldorf, Plexconcil and other global representatives, ArabPlast continues to write its success story!

The 17th Edition

Uniting global leaders under a single roof, ArabPlast is at the forefront of the industry’s shift towards environmentally responsible practices.

This three-day event scheduled from 7 to 9 January 2025, is set to inspire with a sharp focus on circular economy and sustainability. The event will showcase innovative products, groundbreaking technologies, and cutting-edge solutions that are driving the industry towards a sustainable future with emphasis on the development of sustainable materials. Industry experts will present solutions aligned with global sustainability goals, offering attendees valuable insights into the future of plastics.

Key Highlights at the 17th Edition:

▪ Discover cutting-edge solutions driving the industry towards a sustainable future.

▪ Learn about eco-friendly practices in manufacturing

▪ Tap into emerging markets for new business opportunities.

▪ Experience demonstrations of advanced manufacturing and innovative plastic products.

▪ Engage with industry experts in

discussions on the future of plastics in a sustainable world.

▪ Network with global leaders and expand your business horizons.

As the Middle East’s Premier Trade Show for Plastics, Recycling, Petrochemicals, Packaging and Rubber Industry, ArabPlast 2025 is expected to draw thousands of visitors from across the world, making it an unmissable opportunity for businesses and professionals who are committed to The Green Plastics Revolution. Visit www.arabplast.info for more information.

Unstoppable growth path

The Italian company has become one of the reference companies in the

plastics sector

Founded in 1946, the Bruno Folcieri company today occupies an important position in the international panorama of manufacturers of plastic granulation machines. A 78-years long history that has seen the succession of three generations of the Folcieri family and which today commits Esmeralda together with her father Ezio Zoppi to lead the company. The company operates 65-70% outside national borders. In Europe it is present in a widespread manner and the overseas gaze is focused on America, where there is a strong interest because it is an emerging market in terms of recycling. South America is an equally interesting commercial outlet, where there are important realities. Bruno Folcieri also reaches Asia, a rapidly expanding market. The growth path is unstoppable and marked by important milestones that have seen the Italian company become one of the reference companies in the plastics sector, establishing itself as an important industrial reality in the development, design and construction of systems for the grinding of plastic waste deriving for post-industrial and post-consumer use.

The Bruno Folcieri’s market offer consists of three main ranges: TOP, HF and EASY POWER, whose model 2,000, represents the flagship of Bruno Folcieri production. It is the largest machine in the range, weighing 32 tons, and

offers important performance. The weight denotes its significant structural strength and the ability to withstand production efforts. While the internal casing coating in interchangeable manganese steel plates is effective in resisting the abrasiveness of certain materials and contaminants.


TOP and TOP WET granulators with a high production capacity suitable for particularly intensive applications, such as the grinding of heavy lumps, hard fibers, extremely thin films or simply large quantities of material. The great versatility in grinding operations allows for the management of a very wide range of plastic materials in terms of type and configuration. The machines in this series stand out due to their highly sturdy and heavy-duty construction, whose main feature is the rotor made from a solid forged monoblock without welding. Another unique feature is the interchangeability of many of the components which are subject to wear over time, such as the rotor blade holders and the cutting chamber protection plates. These machines are also available in the WET water version.


The EASY POWER is the largest capacity granulator built for the most rigorous conditions. It is suitable for tough, abrasive or contaminated materials that can cause high wear. The major feature is the heavy steel construction and the rotor, made from a solid block of hardened steel forged without any welding, as proof of extreme solidity, strength and resistance. Most machine components are interchangeable, such as the rotor blade holders, blade locking wedges and wearresistant steel protection plates of the cutting chamber, which ensures maximum machine efficiency and duration over time. In addition, the complete opening of the feed hopper and special conformation of the cutting chamber allow for easy access to the heart of the machine, for maintenance purposes. These machines are also available in the WET water version.


One-step grinding system specific for pipes and profiles of large diameter

and high thickness without the need for pre-shredding. It is possible to continuously grind smooth and corrugated pipes in HDPE, PP and RIGID PVC up to a maximum length of 6m. These are highly robust granulators with rotor diameter from 830 up to 1930mm. The system consists of a loading box with hydraulic closing for loading the tubes which automatically pours them directly into the loading hopper of the mill. In this, a material pusher acts by advancing the tube towards the grinding chamber. The advancement is controlled according to the load ensuring optimal use of the machine. The entire grinding process is extremely safe because it is completely automated and does not require operator intervention. All machines can be integrated into 4.0 industrial processes.

Bruno Folcieri is actively involved in the scenario of Industry 4.0 with systems that make machines “intelligent communicating entities” even remotely. In integration with the IT and ITC world. The remote assistance service allows interventions on the configuration of the control system, through a company tpc/ip network connection and an internet connection.

Colour meets performances

Quality branded Chimar

Plastic is unquestionably a material that helps designers shape their ideas and producers make them so. A highly customizable and resistant material. In any item, colour plays a crucial role, conveys brand character, enriches its design, and defines its performance over time, often becoming the reason for choosing a product. Producers of plastic items or components know well that meeting aesthetics and technical requirements is not enough, and raw material needs to be conceived to facilitate its processing, but especially to get a homogeneous colour, repeatable endlessly with the same quality features.

Experience + service = Quality.

Chimar formula for a colour that makes the difference

Chimar is a partner specializing in development and production of masterbatches and predispersed powders for thermoplastic material colouring. A history of innovators and expert technicians who have been creating personalized formulae for 40 years, to enhance aesthetics and performance of plastic products. Chimar products are used as raw materials in many and diverse technologies and sectors, such as: Building, home and garden, household items and toys, and packaging.

The company headquarters in Padua and covers more than 13,000 sqm, where a with a state-of-the-art production centre is organized by stages and equipped with cutting-

edge technology. Chimar’s in-house R&D centre, conceived to study high-quality, highly reliable and competitive formulations, is flagship and beating heart of continuous innovation applied to its products. State-of-the-art equipment and extensive technical expertise generate personalized solutions that blend aesthetic and performance. The specialized technical experts and strict management protocols comply with the highest quality standards.

Every solution is fruit of an accurate study of the whole production cycle and final use of the product. In Chimar, people work closely with customers, in any phase, starting from analysis and prototyping, right to the final product and its industrialization. Know-how and technologies enable Chimar to achieve perfect homogeneity and long-lasting quality.

Problem solving, technical expertise, continuous awareness of its cooperators, and last but not least excellence service, contribute to product quality. That’s how Chimar

makes the difference, helping its customers to develop successful products.

Consulting, technologies and materials to create an increasingly sustainable future

Always sustainability conscious, Chimar has been one of the first Italian companies to be UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 certified, still acknowledged, and continues collecting important recognitions at high-level as recent environmental management system certification UNI EN ISO 14.001:2015, which sets further step ahead towards the future.

Innovate your product, start with colour

Thermoplastics industry imposes increasingly stringent performance and requirements. Chimar is the expert partner that guarantees the search for new solutions complying with applications, safety regulations, and high quality standards.

Interested in innovating your product?

Get your personalized technical advice.

Arburg has the solution: Focus on new machines and upcoming topics

• Round: arburgSOLUTIONworld is all about compelling upcoming topics

• Broad: eleven exhibits at the Arburg stand showcase a wide range of plastics processing solutions

• Slim: Allrounder with a new design saves space and increase efficiency

Arburg will be attending Fakuma 2024 from 15 to 19 October on Stand 3101 in Hall A3 with eleven exhibits, plus seven additional Allrounders on partner stands. The arburgSOLUTIONworld, augmented by a new exhibition wall on digitalisation including a transparent machine, will highlight compelling upcoming topics for customers. The German premiere of the electric Allrounder 720 E Golden Electric in a new design will be another highlight. Impressive applications and innovative processes, for sectors such as medicine, personal care,

leisure and additive manufacturing for example, are set to be presented. Arburg will also be getting involved in the “Mould your future” initiative - not only on Careers Friday at the trade fair, but on the Saturday as well. “We will have a total of 18 exhibits at Fakuma to showcase groundbreaking trends in plastics processing,” explains Juliane Hehl, Managing Partner responsible for Global Marketing and Business Development. “The aim, as always, is to set our customers on the road to success. In the arburgSOLUTIONworld, we offer comprehensive advice on topics that are on everyone’s mind, as well as future-proof digital products and services. I am thrilled to be welcoming around a dozen trainees to our team in Friedrichshafen on the Friday and Saturday to support the careers campaign at the trade fair and to highlight the excellent prospects Arburg offers in terms of training, study courses and starting a career.”

One-of-a-kind: arburgSOLUTIONworld

arburgSOLUTIONworld - the interactive exhibition area - will once again be the focus of attention at the trade fair. It bundles together Arburg’s comprehensive advisory and solution expertise in all aspects of plastics processing. Trade visitors will get specific answers to questions on compelling topics such as productivity increases, efficiency, sustainability, the lack of skilled workers and subsidies. Arburg experts will provide advice at the six stations situated around the four-metre-high

LED column, and also at a completely new exhibition wall with an integrated transparent machine. This is where the digital products and services in particular will be brought to life for trade visitors.

New: electric machine - slimline design with a price to match

Following its world premiere at NPE in the USA and its European premiere in Poland, Arburg will be debuting its latest machine to the general public in Germany at Fakuma 2024: the 720 E Golden Electric hybrid Allrounder with a clamping force of 2,800 kN is a vertical extension to the range of the electric series of the same name. Its main advantages in a nutshell? A slim design with a price to match. The new machine is set apart by its electric precision, process stability and its extremely slimline installation area, offering high component quality with low investment costs and short delivery times. The exhibit at Fakuma uses a 24-cavity mould from Hack to produce razor covers, for example.

Versatile: 18 machine exhibits

With a total of 18 exhibits, Arburg will be demonstrating its extraordinarily broad range for the efficient production of plastic parts. Visitors will be able to see, for example, multi-component and paper injection moulding, recyclate and LSR processing, robotic systems, complex turnkey solutions and additive manufacturing. Alongside the new Allrounder 720 E Golden Electric already mentioned, exhibits on the Arburg stand will include:

• An electric Allrounder 630 A, also in the new slimline design, which produces a high-quality plastic glass from copolyesters. A new linear Multilift Select 16 robotic system performs the handling tasks.

• An Allrounder 570 H “Ultimate” with new hybrid machine technology presents a high-speed application for medical technology. Some 64 syringe plungers are manufactured in a material-optimised product design.

• Innovative paper injection moulding, a project by Arburg with its partners Model and Biofibre, will be demonstrated by an electric Allrounder 370 A: instead of plastic granulate, the exhibit turns paper pearls into positioning tools for furniture connectors. The new “aXw Control RecyclatePilot” ensures a stable shot weight. Sophisticated two-component injection moulding will be demonstrated on an Allrounder More 2000, which processes thermoplastics (PBT) and liquid silicone (LSR) to make ready-to-use spatulas. This application is automated by a Yaskawa six-axis robot.

• A turnkey system centred around a vertical Allrounder 375 V demonstrates how vacuum housings can be produced with space-saving firmly in mind. A Kuka six-axis robot is mounted within the footprint. The Arburg Turnkey Control Module (ATCM) is used to help seamlessly track material and process data.

• A production cell centred around a hydraulic Allrounder 470 C Golden Edition with Multilift Select 8 produces small plastic dolphins by a fully automated process. The material is a post-consumer recyclate (PCR) made from old fishing nets.

• An electric Allrounder 520 A produces flip-top closures for the personal care sector. Servo-electric direct drives from the subsidiary AMKmotion ensure speed and precision.

• A “transparent” Allrounder 270 A, which is integrated into the arburgSOLUTIONworld exhibition wall, provides a deeper insight into the electric drive components and the information technology networking system.

In addition: Career days at Fakuma

Under the motto “Mould your dreams, mould your future”, Arburg is participating in the new Career Friday, initiated by the organiser Schall and the trade fair committees, and is extending this campaign to Saturday as well. The campaign is aimed at school pupils, students and jobseekers. At Fakuma 2024, they will gain an insight into the diverse career opportunities offered by the plastics sector. The Arburg stand will have experts and a team of trainees there especially for the event on hand to answer any questions. “Our sector offers a host of tremendous opportunities to get personally involved in solving important issues: the purpose often conjured up today is clear to see,” emphasises Dr Christoph Schumacher, Vice President of Global Marketing at Arburg and member of the trade fair committee. “If you want to shape things, our sector is where you need to be. We look forward to welcoming as many curious young visitors as we can.”

Record internationality, record attendee numbers at the congress, satisfied exhibitors

ACHEMA 2024, the world’s leading show for the process industry takes place every three years in Frankfurt, chalked up another extraordinary success

At ACHEMA 2024, the world’s leading trade show for the process industries, 2,842 exhibitors from 56 nations showed 106,001 participants from 141 countries the latest equipment and innovative processes for the chemical, pharmaceutical, food processing and related

industries at the Frankfurt exhibition grounds from 10 to 14 June 2024.

Exhibition groups

In terms of exhibition space, the exhibition group “ Pharmaceutical, Packaging and Storage Techniques” was the largest for the first time at ACHEMA 2024, followed by “ Pumps, Compressors, Valves and Fittings” and “Instrumentation, Control and Automation Techniques”.


After Germany (1,042 exhibitors), China (438 exhibitors) and Italy (250 exhibitors) had the largest number of exhibitors. At 63 per cent, the proportion of foreign exhibitors is higher than ever before. In addition to the record participation of Chinese exhibitors, ACHEMA 2024 also recorded the highest exhibitor participation from India to date (185 exhibitors).


The products and technologies presented met with great interest from the audience: the stands in the halls were very busy and at times there was no getting trough in the aisles. “The exhibitors we spoke to

and we ourselves are extremely satisfied, in some cases there was so much going on at the stands that the stand staff couldn’t keep up.

Many of the discussions were directly related to projects or investments”, confirms Jürgen Nowicki, Chairman of the ACHEMA Committee and CEO of Linde Engineering. The exhibitors also share this impression. Thomas Manzeck, Regional Sales Manager, KSB: “We are delighted to be here again. For us, ACHEMA is a strong platform for introducing and demonstrating our new topics, such as additive manufacturing with 3D printing and 3D scanning, to customers. ACHEMA is a great platform for trade visitors.”

Frank Börner, Managing Director of GEA Wiegand, adds: “ACHEMA is important for us as GEA to present our innovations on the way to Net Zero and to enter into dialogue with customers, suppliers and competitors, from which we all benefit. And nowhere else is this as concentrated as at ACHEMA.”

“We are back at our most favourite exhibition for the IMA Pharma

Copyright: DECHEMA/Markus Püttmann

Group. We have plenty of very skilled customers visiting us and we are tackling the new requirements from the industry regarding digital. While we are exhibiting our new machines at ACHEMA 2024 we are starting already to think about the next ACHEMA, because ACHEMA is for the pharmaceutical industry the place to be”, says Thomas Fricke, Commercial Director Pharma, IMA Group.

Also, the six innovation themes of ACHEMA 2024 – Process, Pharma, Green, Lab, Digital and Hydrogen – met with great interest. They focus on key challenges that are affecting the process industry today and in the coming years and present concrete business cases for solving them, particularly at the Innovation Stages. The innovation themes have a more overarching character and were organised together with partners from industry, SMEs, associations and institutions.


106,001 participants from 141 nations came to this year’s ACHEMA. Every second participant (48.9 per cent) came from abroad. “ACHEMA is more than just finding new customers, it is a nice platform to communicate and to develop new products to face the challenges of the future. ACHEMA is a hub for international visitors. If you are working in the lab branch and looking for international visitors, ACHEMA is the place to be”, says Ulrike Gerecke, Business Development Manager, SmartLab Solutions GmbH.


The ACHEMA Congress covered the entire spectrum of chemical process technology and biotechnology. The lectures provided insights into current research and development projects as well as the latest scientific results.

On each day of the trade show, there was a highlight session:

• Pharma Innovation: Next generation pharma manufacturing – current advances in cell and gene therapy (Monday, 10 June)

Copyright: DECHEMA/Hannibal

• Hydrogen Innovation: Hyperscaling hydrogen – turning strategy into reality (Tuesday, 11 June)

• Digital Innovation: Artificial intelligence and autonomous systems in the process industry (Wednesday, 12 June)

• Green Innovation: Beyond fossil fuels – exploring alternative carbon sources for a sustainable chemical industry (Thursday, 13 June)

• Process Innovation: Nature as a role model – maximum resource efficiency in the chemical industry (Friday, 14 June).

In the congress programme, the hydrogen topics as well as lectures on electrification and flexibilisation met with particularly great interest. In addition, the lectures on pharma and life sciences as well as on digitalisation (e.g. AI, MTP, APL) were among the best attended. Overall, the high-calibre and broad ACHEMA congress programme with over 900 lectures, discussion panels and workshops were once again very well received. “With more than 30,000 listeners in the congress, the attendance figures are higher than ever before, and the programme of the six Innovation Stages played a major part in this” says Dr Andreas Förster, Executive Director of DECHEMA e.V. Dr Björn Mathes, CEO of DECHEMA AusstellungsGmbH adds: “The exhibition and

congress once again showcased the technological future of our industry and set an outstanding accent for a more sustainable and competitive process industry.”


The next ACHEMA will take place in Frankfurt from 14 to 18 June 2027. Process Innovation Asia Pacific – Powered by ACHEMA will take place for the first time in Singapore from 19 to 21 November 2024 and AchemAsia will be held in Shanghai from 14 to 16 October 2025.

ACHEMA is the world forum for chemical engineering, process engineering and biotechnology. The world’s leading show for the process industry takes place every three years in Frankfurt. The spectrum ranges from laboratory equipment, pumps, and analytical devices to packaging machinery, boilers and stirrers to safety technology, materials, and software, thus covering all the demands of the chemical, pharmaceutical and food production industries. The accompanying congress, featuring scientific lectures and numerous guest and partner events, complements the wide range of exhibition themes.

The next ACHEMA will take place from 14 to 18 June 2027 in Frankfurt am Main. More at www.achema.de/en

Copyright: DECHEMA/Markus Püttmann

exhibitions 2024

PRS ME&A (Dubai, UAE) 10-12 September - www.prseventmea.com

PLASTICS RECYCLING WORLD EXPO (Brussels, Belgium) 11-12 September - eu.plasticsrecyclingworldexpo.com

RUBBER TECH CHINA (Shanghai, China) 19-21 September - https://en.rubbertech-expo.com

FACHPACK (Nurnberg, Garmany) 24-26 September - www.fachpack.de

PLASTEX (Brno, Czech Republic) 8-11 October - www.bvv.cz/en/plastex

FAKUMA (Friedrichshafen, Germany) 15-19 October - www.fakuma-messe.de

PLASTIC EXPO (Tokyo, Japan) 29-31 October - www.material-expo.jp

ECOMONDO (Rimini, Italy) 5-8 November - www.ecomondo.com

PLASTIC & RUBBER INDONESIA (Jakarta, Indonesia) 20-23 November - www.plasticsandrubberindonesia.com

PRS INDIA (Mumbai, India) 4-6 December - www.prseventindia.com

PLASTIC EURASIA (Istanbul, Turkey) 4-7 December - www.plasticeurasia.com


WARSAW PLAST EXPO (Warsaw, Poland) 4-6 February www.warsawplastexpo.com

PLASTICO BRAZIL (Sao Paulo, Brazil) 24-28 March www.plasticobrasil.com.br/en/home.html

PRSE EUROPE (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 1-2 April 2025 - www.prseventeurope.com

PLASTPOL (Kielce, Poland) 20-23 May - www.plastpol.com

IPACK-IMA (Milan-Rho, Italy) 25-30 May - www.ipackima.com

GREENPLAST (Milan-Rho, Italy) 27-30 May - www.greenplast.org

K (Düsseldorf, Germany) 8-15 October - www.k-online.com

3U VISION SRL www.3uvision.com 49

ACHEMA www.achema.de 92-93

ARABPLAST www.arabplast.info 22, 82-83

ARBURG SRL www.arburg.com 89-91

BARRA PROJECT INTERNATIONAL SRL www.barraproject.com 50-51

BD PLAST FILTERING SYSTEMS SRL www.bdplast.com 1, 46-48

BINOVA SRL www.binovapm.it 4^ Cover, 10-11

BREAK MACHINERY SRL www.breakmachinery.com 23-25

BRUNO FOLCIERI SRL www.brunofolcieri.it 84-85

CALDARA PLAST SRL www.caldara.it 14-15

CHIMAR SRL www.chimar.com 86-87

ECOMONDO www.ecomondo.com 68-69, 88

ENGIN PLAST SRL www.enginplast.com 42-43

FAKUMA www.fakuma-messe.de 8-9, 16

FAP SRL www.fapitaly.com 39-41

FB BALZANELLI SPA www.fb-balzanelli.it 20-21

FILTEC SRL www.filtec.it 17-19

FIMIC SRL www.fimic.it 12-13

GAMMA MECCANICA SPA www.gamma-meccanica.it 2^ Cover, 52-53

GREEN PLAST www.greenplast.org 26

ISI PLAST SPA www.isiplast.com 80-81

K www.k-tradefair.it 78-79

LAWER www.lawer.com 30-31

MAGIC MP SPA www.magicmp.it 2, 75-77

MIX SRL www.mixsrl.it 61

OMIPA SPA www.omipa-extrusion.com 3^ Cover

OR.P. STAMPI SRL www.orpstampi.com 27

PLAST EURASIA www.plasteurasia.com 60, 96

PLAS MEC SRL www.plasmec.it 4, 70-71

PLASTPOL www.targikielce.pl/plastpol 44-45, 64

PPI SRL www.ppisrl.com 5, 62-63

PRESMA SPA www.presma.it 37

PROMECO www.promeco.it 72-74

PRS EUROPE www.prseventeurope.com 32-33, 54

ROBOLINE SRL www.sytrama.com 34-35

SIRMAX SPA www.sirmax.com 28-29

SMI SPA www.smigroup.it 55-57

SOLIDS www.solids-parma.de 36, 38

TECNO SYSTEM SRL www.tecnosystemfe.it 3, 65-67

TOVO GOMMA SPA www.tovogomma.com 58-59

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