2 minute read
Tone for Social Replies
We understand that users will reach out with questions or concerns – which will always feel urgent to them. When a user reaches out in need of help, they should be responded to within 24 hours. On Facebook, your page will be able to set up an “away message” for off-business hours. We advise setting this message up, letting the user know that their message has been seen and will be addressed by the brand.
As a representative of the brand, you will always reply with proper grammar and using complete sentences. Colleagues replying to social messages – either public comments or direct messages – will use “we” versus “I” language: “We’re sorry to hear that you are experiencing an issue with your camera, and are going to connect you to the best team to assist you with this issue.”
In social replies, be encouraging to members of our social community and help them feel heard by the brand. We can not comment on any speculative questions, and can communicate that the brand can’t comment on any potential fu ture products unless there has been an official product announcement.
To the best of your ability, please engage with all comments left on posts – which can just be a “like” to let the user know that you’ve seen their engagement. Trolling or offensive user comments may be hidden from the post, and do not need to be replied to.
We understand that users will reach out with questions or concerns – which will always feel urgent to them. When a user reaches out in need of help, they should be responded to within 24 hours. On Facebook, your page will be able to set up an “away message” for off-business hours. We advise setting this message up, letting the user know that their
As a representative of the brand, you will always reply with proper grammar and using complete sentences. Colleagues replying to social messages – either public comments or direct messages – will use “we” versus “I” language: “We’re sorry to hear that you are experiencing an issue with your camera, and are going to connect you to the best team to
In social replies, be encouraging to members of our social community and help them feel heard by the brand. We cannot comment on any speculative questions, and can communicate that the brand can’t comment on any potential fu-
To the best of your ability, please engage with all comments left on posts – which can just be a “like” to let the user know that you’ve seen their engagement. Trolling or offensive user comments may be hidden from the post, and do not