Teenage Passport to Your Future 2019

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Ed’s Note Congratulations to those who have successfully graduated from secondary school! As you get ready to embark on a new chapter of your tertiary education, it’s important to find out what are the various pathways and options available for you. Heading back to school can be daunting, but you’ll soon be having the time of your life once the nerves settled. And not to worry – we’re here to help make your post-secondary journey a smooth-sailing one. In this edition of Passport To Your Future, it comes packed with practical advice and effective strategies to get you ready for the upcoming school semester. If you’ve yet to start planning your resolutions for the new year, fret not as we’ve compiled a bunch of goals (p. 8) that will not only help you achieve academic success, but in every aspect of your life. Thinking of checking out the Polytechnic Open Houses? Be sure to read our comprehensive guide of what to see, eat and do at the respective polytechnic institutions on p.14. Beyond the topic of grades, we’ve also got plenty of useful articles to ensure you make the most of your next three years in and out of campus. From easy lunchbox recipes to fuel you up in between classes (p. 26) to new hangout spots for your future class gatherings (p. 28) to outfit ideas to inspire your back-to-school wardrobe (p. 34), your tertiary education is sure to be a breeze. Now all you have to do is sit up and enjoy the ride. An exciting adventure awaits! Love,

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MCI(P) 088/11/2018. Published by Media Group Pte Ltd. Copyright © is held by the publisher. All rights reserved. The publisher will not be held responsible for any infringements of copyright material in articles submitted by contributors. The views and opinions of the writers and contributors do not necessarily reflect those of the editor or publisher.


Contents 20 TO THE CLASS OF 2019 Navigate the first-year waters with useful advice, straight from the seniors!




New hangout spots that would make for great class gathering ideas

Make a smooth transition from secondary to tertiary life with these handy tips

08 19 GOALS FOR 2019

It’s all about working smarter, not harder

Here are some perfectly doable goals to get your year started on a clean slate



Read this if you’re planning on venturing into the world of esports

Find out what’s the next step for you after your secondary school education


30 GET YOUR YEAR SORTED Stay on top of your organisational game with these stylish 2019 planners

Take action towards achieving your goals, one step at a time

24 MUGGER TALK Revamp your learning style with these practical study tricks

26 FOOD FOR THOUGHT 14 #OH19 101 Conquer the annual Open House frenzy with this comprehensive guide

18 LEARNING JOURNEY Ever wanted to pursue your studies while exploring the world? You can now do so!

Easy lunchbox ideas that are perfect for busy students on-the-go

32 BACK-TO-SCHOOL BEAUTY MANUAL Put your best face forward with these foolproof beauty tips

34 TOO COOL FOR SCHOOL Consider your back-to-school wardrobe sorted with these style inspo

36 ALL GEARED UP All the essentials you need to power through school with ease



Campus Talk



The Leap

Worried that you might not adjust well to your new campus? Fret not – we’ve got you covered with some handy tips that will ensure you have loads of fun during the next three years of your tertiary life.


GO TO ORIENTATION Most freshies tend to skip out on orientation because they don’t see the need to, but it’s a rite of passage that will help you to ease into your second home. Not only will you be able to get a sense of what the campus environment will be like, you’ll get a firsthand glimpse into all the amazing facilities your school offers and even meet some of your future classmates. Be prepared to take part in a ton of icebreaker games and teambuilding activities during orientation – it’s a great way to bond with your group mates before the first-day jitters set in!


SOCIALISE APLENTY It’s normal to feel shy on the first day, but you’ll have a hard time making friends if you don’t mingle around with new faces, especially with your classmates. They will be the ones you spend the most time with in school – be it during lunch breaks or grouping up for projects – therefore it’s important to put yourself out there and initiate conversations with others. Joining an extracurricular activity also helps to expand your social

circle beyond classroom walls, so do yourself a favour and check out the CCA booths if you’re heading down to the Open Houses!


DEVELOP SELF-DISCIPLINE Unlike secondary school, the campus culture here is a lot more open and flexible as students are treated as mature, responsible adults. Don’t expect your lecturers to lead you through all your assignments like how you’re used to – tertiary education is all about taking charge of your own learning and being adept at working independently. Without constant supervision, it may be tempting to skip classes and slack off on your studies, but you’ve got to buck up if you want to maintain that 4.0 GPA. Remember, it’s a cumulative effort throughout all three years and once your grades spiral, it can be hard to get yourself back on track.


TAKE INITIATIVE Things can get a little fastpaced during lectures so if you find that you have a hard time keeping up, don’t be afraid to raise questions – it shows that you’re engaged and eager to learn. It’s also important to be consistent in note-

taking to ensure that you don’t miss anything out, because chances are they won’t be running through the contents again. In case you have additional doubts you would like to clarify, consider booking a consultation slot with your lecturer to gather feedback about your progress. They’ll appreciate you being proactive and are more than willing to help!


BE YOURSELF Call us corny if you will, but the most crucial factor in ensuring a smooth transition from secondary school to a brand new tertiary institution – is to be yourself. Never feel pressured to change yourself in order to fit in. As much as you want to be part of the ‘in’ crowd, giving in to social pressure just because you want to be liked, can result in self-esteem issues and may even affect your grades in the long run. Only when you’re truly comfortable in your own skin will you be able to radiate good vibes, which in turn lets others be comfortable in your presence. Gradually, people will come to accept you for who you are once they know you’re fun to hang out with!


Campus Talk

19 Goals For 2019

With 2019 fast approaching, it’s that time of the year to start setting resolutions for the year ahead. Here are 19 ideas that should make your list.


KICKSTART A POSITIVE CHANGE What better way to start afresh than making positive changes to your life? But instead of making drastic shifts to your daily routine, start off by adopting better lifestyle habits. Streamline your wardrobe by clearing out anything you haven’t worn in a long time, sneak in bouts of exercise when you’re in the classroom, or simply sitting up straight to maintain good posture. It’s all about taking baby steps!

2 MAKE A NEW FRIEND IN SCHOOL Trying to fit in as the new kid in school? Making friends in a new environment can be nerve-wrecking, but you’d never know who comes along unless you put yourself out there. Don’t be shy to strike up a conversation with the person who sits next to you in class, or ask to share a table with someone who’s eating alone during lunch – you might just discover that you have more in common than you think!

3 TAKE A BREAK FROM ALL THINGS DIGITAL No, this doesn’t mean going off the grid completely. But rather, making it a point to turn off any digital distractions when you’re working on something important – put your mobile away, suspend your email notifications and unplug from social media for a bit (but still remain contactable to your peers just in case). This helps you to stay focused on the task at hand, thus increasing your productivity levels and improving your overall performance.


BE MORE ENVIRONMENTALLY CONSCIOUS Going green doesn’t have to be a daunting task. It can be something as simple as bringing along your own tumbler on your next coffee run, opting for E-tickets when purchasing tickets for a concert, or having an eco bag handy for your shopping loots. In addition to doing Mother Earth a huge favour, it’ll save you a couple of extra bucks from the takeaway charges as well.


ACQUIRE A NEW SKILL It’s important to equip yourself with the right skillset that is relevant to your desired course of study. Not only does it allow you to discover a new hobby, it can also give you a competitive edge over your peers. Have an eye for design? Sign up for creative classes to keep your style fresh. Interested in other cultures? Pick up a new language to hone your fluency. Learning doesn’t have to come with a pricey fee either – there are tons of online classes that you can take up, FOC.


REFINE YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA PRESENCE While you’re at it, find the time to polish up your social media accounts. In today’s digital age, having a clean and sparkling digital presence can serve as valuable additions to your admission applications. While most institutions don’t usually dig into every nook and cranny of your online profiles, one can never be too cautious. Misspellings, offensive wordings and inappropriate content could reflect badly on your personality and jeopardise your chances of getting into your desired school, so make sure to review your postings before uploading them!




7 GET RID OF TOXIC FRIENDS Have a friend who’s constantly bringing you down? Chances are, these so-called pals care mostly about themselves and little about anyone else. If your relationship has reached a point beyond repair, it might be high time to cut the ties once and for all. Losing a friend you once cherished can be hard at first, but your mental wellbeing matters more than anything. Start filling your life with positive vibes and surrounding yourself with those who help you become a better person!

SAVE UP FOR RAINY DAYS Between the hefty school fees and dayto-day expenses, being a student in today’s economy isn’t cheap. If taking up a part-time job isn’t an option with your busy schedule, an easy trick to save up for more pocket money is to collect your loose change. Make a conscious effort to empty your wallets of spare coins and put it into a piggy bank once a week. It may not look like a huge amount, but you’ll be surprised how much it can add up to at the end of every month!


READ MORE BOOKS Let’s be honest: how often do you pick up an actual book as compared to clicking on articles that pop up your newsfeed? In an era that tends to favour short pieces on the net than thick paperback reads, it’s imperative that we get back into the habit of reading. Besides helping you to unwind after a long day of learning, it also allows your eyes a much-needed break from the screens. Time to hit up the school library!

10 INCREASE YOUR WATER INTAKE As cliché as it sounds, most of us don’t always drink the recommended amount of water daily. Keeping your body well-hydrated doesn’t just contribute to better performance, but also helps to boost your mood and can even aid in weight loss. Cultivate the habit of drinking water by keeping a jug nearby and downing a cup after every bathroom break. There are also apps like Daily Water and iDrated to monitor your intake so there’s no excuse to skip a sip!


Campus Talk

11 JOIN A CLUB IN SCHOOL Part of the fun of starting life in a new campus is the plethora of clubs and activities available. From photography to arts, sports to coding, the possibilities are endless. Joining a club is a great way to meet like-minded people with similar hobbies, all while garnering new experiences. If there isn’t an existing club that suits your interests, you can even take the initiative to start one and build your own community!

13 12 BE A VOLUNTEER If there’s a cause you feel strongly for, becoming a volunteer is the perfect opportunity to give back to the community. Volunteering can be a highly fulfilling experience, but bear in mind that it also requires a huge deal of commitment, so be sure to realistically evaluate your schedule before signing up. Even if you can’t help out regularly, there are other ways you can get yourself involved such as manning the reception, giving out promotional flyers, packing for goodie bags etc. Although these duties may seem menial, you’ll feel good knowing that you’re making a difference, no matter how small that may be.

PAY ATTENTION IN CLASS We know how hard it is to pay attention to long lectures in the early mornings, but that’s not a reason for you to slack off. If you find yourself easily fidgeting or losing concentration in class, try to refocus your attention on taking notes, asking questions or joining in group discussions. Not only does it keep you engaged, it may even score you a few bonus participation points too!


FIND YOUR OWN METHOD OF RELAXATION Not everybody has the same way of relaxing. Some like to pamper themselves with a warm bubble bath, while others may prefer singing their hearts out at a karaoke session. Regardless, it’s important to find an outlet that helps you to release the tension and cope with your emotions in a healthy manner. This way, you’ll be able to tackle the next day with a clearer, refreshed mind.

15 GET AN ADEQUATE AMOUNT OF REST Been sleeping at irregular hours due to late-night cramming sessions? Newsflash: pulling an all-nighter can actually be more harmful than helpful. Instead, stretch the hours you have in the day to complete your work so it will not hinder your bedtime, and leave the night to catch up on your sleep. It’s recommended that you clock in at least eight hours of snooze time every night!



SEE THE WORLD It’s a great big world out there! Even if you’re tight on a student’s budget, there are plenty of affordable vacations that allow you to travel far without breaking your bank, so it’s best to do it at this point in life when you have little to no heavy responsibilities. You’ll get to learn about different cultures and meet people from all walks of life – truly an experience that will last you a lifetime.


TRY YOUR HAND AT JOURNALING Rather than airing your frustrations via angsty 280-character tweets, why not pen down your feelings in a good ol’ diary instead? Keeping a journal can benefit your overall wellbeing in many ways – be it helping you to stay organised, manage your stress, or get your creative juices flowing. Who knew keeping a record of your thoughts can have such a big impact?

TO HELP YOU GET STARTED, HERE’S WHAT THE TEENAGE TEAM HAS PLEDGED TO ACHIEVE BY THE END OF 2019! “I’d love to take up physiotherapy or psychology classes to help benefit others in the future.” - Mei

18 DON’T GO TO SCHOOL ON AN EMPTY STOMACH You might not notice it, but there are a lot of people who would forgo their breakfast when they’re rushing off to school. Meanwhile, those who fuel up in the morning tend to have more energy and are able to concentrate better throughout the day. If you don’t have time to eat a full brekkie, grab a granola bar or a pack of cookies to munch on while on commute. This will help to curb your hunger pangs till lunchtime and keep you energised in class.

“As an avid K-fan, I hope to pick up Korean and be able to watch K-dramas without any subtitles by the end of the year.” – Hui Ling


MAKE 2019 A YEAR OF EXPERIENCES The next chapter of your life should be one that’s filled with a boundless amount of experiences that would only fuel your desire to learn and grow. As you embark on your tertiary journey, be ready to seize the opportunities that come your way and make the best of them. Take the time to soak into the vibrant campus life and get yourself involved in as many activities as possible. 2019 is your year to shine!

“Getting back in touch with my inner bookworm. I aim to read a book once a month!” – Maggie “To become more environmentallyconscious. Spend less, give more and go green!” – Pei Ling “In celebration of my mum’s 70th birthday, I hope to bring the family on a vacation to create more fond memories together.” – Aris “To push myself to achieve a healthier body by stepping into the gym more often, and become a positive energy to the people around me.” – Bernard “I hope to start spending more time and energy on the things I love and the people who matter the most.” – Faith “To not be afraid of stepping out of my comfort zone, even if it means embarrassing myself sometimes!” – Jasmine “To get rid of negativity in my life and work towards a happier me.” - Xin Yi


Campus Talk

Choose Your


What’s next for you after your secondary school education? We mapped out an overview of the various options you can consider before embarking on your tertiary journey.

Junior College (JC) and Centralised Institute (CI)


Academic Qualification

GCE ‘A’ Levels


Duration of study

Two years (JC) or three years (CI)

Three years

• Similar to the secondary

What you need to know

school syllabus, JCs and CIs operate on a timetable schedule where students attend academic lessons on Mathematics, Biology, History etc., along with specialised electives such as Art, Music and Language programmes.

• At the end of your studies,

students are required to take the GCE ‘A’ Level examination, which will determine your entry into a local university of your choice.

Choose this if…

students with a strong foundation in practical experience through hands-on coursework and work attachments.

• You will also be exposed

to plenty of networking opportunities with industry professionals, equipping you with transferable skills that prepare you for the workplace.

• You prefer an accelerated

• You seek to develop your

• Offers you a higher

• Hands-on learning that will

route to university and prefer theory-based learning.

chance of getting into a local university.


• Polytechnics provide

• A longer timeframe

to think about your future specialisation.

passion into a professional career and hope to gain a better insight into your desired industry.

give you a competitive edge.

• Fosters strong teamwork

skills as project-based assignments make up most of the curriculum.

• Wider selection of skill-

oriented courses to fit a range of interests.

• Competitive environment

and grade-intensive curriculum due to university entry qualifications after GCE ‘A’ Levels.


• Lack of practical industry

experience should you decide to enter the workforce directly after GCE ‘A’ Levels.

• Requires consistent effort to

maintain a high GPA score throughout all three years of study.

• Need for self-discipline as

students are given more autonomy when it comes to assignments, coursework and projects.


Institute of Technical Education (ITE) National ITE Certificate (NITEC) or Higher National ITE Certificate (Higher NITEC) Two to three years • With a strong emphasis on

technical and vocational skills, ITEs offer on-the-job exposure to students in preparation for further studies or the workforce.

• You are allowed to choose

between a full-time course or a part-time traineeship programme, which will help you advance into your career or higher education.

Specialised Education

Private Education Institution (PEI)

Overseas Education

Certificate, Diploma, Degree

Certificate, Diploma, Degree

Certificate, Diploma, Degree




• Specialised institutions

focus on niche programmes that allow you to explore your topic of interest in depth, which will give you an advantage to excel in the industry.

• Compared to those who opt

for the more general courses, students hailing from specialised institutions are better equipped to enter the workforce.

• Private institutions

enable students to obtain international qualifications in your home country without the hefty costs incurred when living overseas.

• There’s also the option of

fast-track programmes that speed up the academic process, allowing you to graduate ahead of your peers. Part-time courses are available for those who require more flexibility as well.

• Overseas education gives

students a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to experience a foreign education system, where you get to become fully independent and gain a new cultural perspective.

• Studying abroad can also

open up doors to a slew of foreign employment opportunities should you decide to stay on after graduation.

• You aim to cultivate

• You are clear on the career

• You want to secure an

• You would like to acquire your

• Practical learning that places

• Opportunities to develop

• Flexibility in enrollment due

• Independent living which

• Skills gained through ITE are

• Better internship and job

relevant technical skills in an engaging environment and hope to make full use of apprenticeship opportunities with industry partners.

less emphasis on theoretical lessons. sought after by employers.

• Ability to apply skills to

working environment upon graduation.

• Takes a longer period of

time to obtain diploma or degree compared to those who entered junior colleges or polytechnics.

path that you would like to embark on and are committed to obtaining specialised and relevant skills for that industry.

expertise in a specialised field of interest. placement assistance that might lead to direct employment.

• Well developed facilities to

accommodate your needs.

• Narrower job prospects due to

niche skills and knowledge.

• Difficulty in switching

professions if you choose to opt for a transfer mid-studies.

• Possibility of incurring extra

costs due to equipment or materials that are required during your studies.

international certification without having to study abroad and enter the workforce as quickly as possible.

to multiple intakes per year.

• Affordable alternative for

attaining international qualifications without going abroad.

• Shorter duration of study,

allowing you to graduate faster and enter the working world sooner.

international qualifications while experiencing student life abroad.

encourages aptitude and personal growth.

• Immerse in new cultures

and form meaningful connections with people from all over the globe.

• Valuable experiences abroad

that will help to increase your career prospects.

• Limited exposure to overseas

• High cost of living that

• Lesser breaks and free time

• Requires good self-discipline

markets despite getting an international qualification.

due to a highly structured schedule compressed into an accelerated timeline.

requires student to allocate their budget well. when managing work and play without supervision.


Open House Guide

#OH19 101

As the annual Open House season rolls around, prepare yourself for a whirlwind of festivities happening at the various polytechnics. Here’s your step-by-step guide to conquering #OH19!


BEFORE #1 Do your research. Hit up the respective websites to find out what courses each school offers, then shortlisting some options you might be interested in pursuing. Search up on the different topics in the syllabus, as well as the credit weightage for each module so you can be better prepared for what’s expected of you. #2 Get a second opinion. Before rushing into a decision, it’s a good idea to consult your teachers, school seniors or family members for suggestions on your next step. Although the final decision ultimately lies with you, it wouldn’t hurt to get additional input to help you make a more informed choice. Because who better to seek advice from than the ones who know your academic journey best? #3 Plan your route. Bear in mind that the five polytechnics are by no means near each other, so don’t make the rookie mistake of aiming to cover everything within a day. To ensure a smoother journey, take into account the travel duration between the various campuses and map out your schedule accordingly to efficiently maximise your time. Besides, there are multiple days to visit so there’s no need to rush through it! #4 Grab a companion. It’s understandable if you’re afraid of feeling lost when heading down to the Open Houses alone. Going with your parents could allow you better guidance, or you could gather a few friends who are also interested in pursuing a polytechnic education to discover potential courses together. Who knows, you might end up being coursemates with your BFFs for your tertiary life!

DURING #5 First things first, goodie bags! Like every other kiasu Singaporean, snagging yourself an awesome swag bag at the Open House should always be at the top of your checklist. We’re expecting these babies to be snapped up real quick, so grab one before going on to explore the rest of the campus. #6 Look out for the course booths. Make a beeline for the course booths so you can get the important things out of the way first. Come prepped with a list of questions you’d like to enquire about your desired course, be it the campus culture, internship opportunities or career prospects. There will be course counsellors, lecturers and facilitating students present to help you out, so don’t be afraid to ask away! #7 Check out the facilities available. There are many factors to take into consideration when it comes to selecting a preferred institution, but it’s important to find out what kind of amenities they offer that can help to enrich your learning experience. If you’re looking to venture into design, you need a space that can inspire and spark ideas. If you’re keen on taking up a sciencerelated course, make sure the labs are safe and properly equipped. #8 Don’t forget about the CCAs. Amidst the flurry of activities taking place, we wouldn’t be surprised if the topic of CCAs slipped off your mind, seeing as most people tend to prioritise the guided tours, seminars and workshops. However, one should never underestimate the importance of having a CCA. Not only is it a great opportunity to pick up a new hobby, it also makes for a worthy addition to your resume, so find time to pop by the CCA booths to take a look at the interest groups and student clubs available.


AFTER #9 Look through the information. As you make your way around the campus, you’re likely to receive a stash of brochures but don’t throw them away – keep these handouts for your reference after. With all the information within your grasp, sit down with a clear head after the Open House madness to go through the materials gathered to help you decide your next course of action. #10 Double-check your qualifications. It’s easy to be caught up in the moment and forget about the most crucial portion: eligibility. Before submitting your Joint Admission Exercise (JAE) application, make sure your O’Level scores meet the minimum entry requirements needed for your preferred courses – you don’t want to waste any of your 12 choices during JAE! Take the time to choose wisely as your decision will determine where you will spend the next three years at. #11 Start creating connections. During the Open House, use the opportunity to gather professional contacts that might be relevant to you. Reach out to them after to express your pleasure at the encounter, all while maintaining a friendly but respectful rapport with them. Making connections early will not only help to expand your network outside of your social circle, they could also offer you advice and keep you in mind for possible job leads in the future. Just make sure to not cross the line and approach them only for personal favours. #12 Try to have fun! Take the chance to immerse yourself into the vibrant campus life and make new friends. After all, the Open House is the first glimpse into your polytechnic life – live it to the fullest!


Open House Guide

WHAT’S BUZZING? Don’t miss out on these exciting Open House highlights at the respective polytechnics!



POLYTECHNIC www.nyp.edu.sg/ openhouse

 Dubbed as a “Teaching and Learning

Lots of fun-filled activities await at the NYP Night Open House on 11 January! At 6pm, head down to the Atrium (Blk A, Central Level 1) to witness pulsating dance performances by Foreign Bodies, along with a special appearance by Tosh Zhang of Ah Boys to Men fame.



POLYTECHNIC www.tp.edu.sg/ openhouse

City”, NYP has no shortage of specialised facilities to cater for students’ needs. This includes hightech laboratories, a fully computerised library as well as recreational zones for gaming and karaoke enthusiasts to wind down after classes.  Besides the much-anticipated finals of the NYP Jam! Singing Competition, show your support for the talented dance crews that will be battling it out for the crowning glory at the NYP Groove! Street Dance Competition. We can’t wait to see which team will emerge victorious!


SINGAPORE  TP introduces a slew of new

diploma programmes across all disciplines for JAE 2019, including Medical Biotechnology, Logistics and Operations Management, Big Data and Analytics etc.  TP is home to an extensive range of state-of-the-art sports facilities, from fully-equipped gymnasiums to dance studios to tennis courts. That’s not all; there’s also an adventure learning course, a threedimensional rock climbing wall and even an Olympic-sized swimming pool for all your outdoor needs.

Have yet to figure out which diploma best suits you? Register for TP’s Beyond ‘O’ Level Seminar, where you can get your questions on admissions, scholarships, further education and career opportunities all answered. Admission is free!

POLYTECHNIC openhouse.sp. edu.sg



 There’s never a dull moment at RP with the

plethora of exciting booth activities happening on campus! From going on a virtual reality walkthrough at the School of Engineering booth, to learning how to create sound effects for blockbuster movies at the School of Technology For The Arts, you’re sure to have a blast.  Try spotting NAO at the School of Infocomm booth, where artificial intelligence comes to life in the form of a humanoid robot designed to be an interactive companion. Gotta love technology!  Fun fact: RP’s School of Sports, Health and Leisure is the only polytechnic institution in Singapore that offers courses across a comprehensive range of sports skills! They’ve got diplomas in Sport Coaching, Health Services Management, Outdoor and Adventure Learning, just to name a few.



www.rp.edu.sg/ discover/openhouse


NGEE ANN POLYTECHNIC openhouse.np. edu.sg

 Explore the various academic schools

when you go on the SP walking tours! For those who are interested in pursuing an education in computing, drop by the School of Computing where you can check out top-notch facilities such as the Cyber Wargame Centre and Aperture Science Lab. While you’re there, look out for Directie – a mobile app that helps visitors to nagivate around SP.  Feeling peckish? Fuel up at one of the many F&B outlets dotting the 38-hectares campus such as McDonalds, Starbucks and Subway. For a wider variety of options, there are a total of six food courts where you can head to for delectable grub at wallet-friendly prices! Be treated to a thrilling lineup of performances by student clubs spanning dance, mixed martial arts and more. If you’re interested in being part of the fam, head over to the CCA booths and say hi!

 Want to experience what it’s like to be an NP

student? Let the NP ambassadors take you on a customised tour to explore the hottest hangouts on campus (yes, including the #OOTD spots). You’ll also get the chance to check out Makers’ Academy, a creative space where students can build prototypes; as well as Studio27, which houses jamming and gaming studios.  If you’re still undecided about which NP course to choose, sign up for the Find Your Dream Course Workshop from 7 to 9 January to help narrow down your career interests and seek out the best course that aligns with your aspirations. Spots are limited so be sure to head down early!  Thinking of venturing into entrepreneurship? NP provides you with all the essential tools and funds you need to take your idea off the ground. Not only do they have a dedicated Entrepreneurship Programme elective, they also offer immersion trips, overseas innovation challenges and global internships to broaden your network.



Campus Talk

Learning Journey Ever wanted to feed your wanderlust while pursuing your studies? At Singapore Polytechnic, learning is never confined within the classroom walls. Read these accounts from three SP students who embarked on an adventure of a lifetime.


ROBOT WITH A CAUSE Did someone say robot? Meet this life-saving robot built by three Diploma in Electrical & Electronic Engineering (DEEE) students during their overseas internship in Japan! Consisting of Low Ting Zhen, Tan Wei Xun and Shaza Dhanea, the innovative DEEE trio teamed up to create a robot (affectionately named ‘Sot Sot’) to aid in disaster relief efforts. Inspired by a lift truck that is able to lift items up horizontally, ‘Sot Sot’ is capable of clearing debris and helping to pave the way for volunteers doing disaster relief work. “The satisfaction we got when our prototype came to life was overwhelming,” Ting Zhen shares. “It was really exciting as we had the chance to apply the theories we learnt in classrooms to a very meaningful project.” Besides working on the robot, the team also got to explore the land of the rising sun and soak in its rich culture. Talk about a rewarding travel experience!





HAPPIEST INTERN ON EARTH One word to describe Marcus Yeo’s overseas internship at Walt Disney World, Orlando? Magical. Since completing his O’Levels, Marcus knew that he wanted to further his education in a polytechnic in order to gain practical skills. After attending the SP Open House, he had his mind set on the Diploma in Business Adminstration (DBA), which would enable him to learn from a wide spectrum of subjects. As part of the course, Marcus went for a study and work programme at University of California, Riverside and was attached to none other than the happiest place on earth: Walt Disney World. During his time there, Marcus was part of the attractions cast as well as the Food and Beverage team helming the frontline of the amusement park’s operations. The Greenview Secondary School alumnus shares, “Thanks to this internship, I got to experience how it’s like contributing to a world-renowned amusement park. Going halfway across the world for it also forced me to open up and leave my reserved self behind!”

After gaining an interest in the F&B industry thanks to her food and nutrition classes back in secondary school, Bevlyn Tan decided to pursue her passion with the Diploma in Food Science & Technology (DFST) after O’Levels. Three years on and the CHIJ St Theresa’s Convent alumna is now doing her 12-week overseas internship at the Institute of Food and Beverage Innovation in Zurich University, Switzerland – and enjoying every bit of it. Through her internship, she had the opportunity to learn more about what’s behind the science of sensory analysis and how it is carried out in the commercial world. When she’s not busy researching on solutions, she can be found journeying to the top of the world, literally. Case in point: here’s Bevlyn standing tall and proud at Uetliberg, the highest point in Zurich. The aspiring cafe owner plans to take up an Advanced Diploma in Applied Food Science under the Earn and Learn Programme, and eventually move on to do a degree before venturing out to start her own business.


Campus Talk

To The Class Of 2019

A new academic year marks the start of an exciting learning journey for the soon-to-be freshmen! To help you navigate the first-year waters, here’s some useful advice from the current seniors at Singapore Polytechnic.

KARINE LUA Diploma in Business Administration

“It’s going to be a new phase of life. It will be unfamiliar, but I promise it will be exciting and you will have loads of fun! Even though there’s a lot of work to do (#Adulting), I’m sure you will form lots of great memories in SP just like I did. Just remember that it’s all about having that balance between fun and work!”

BENJAMIN TAI JOE YEW Diploma in Aeronautical Engineering

“As a freshie, you might be unfamiliar with the new school environment. But fret not, as you’re never alone! The students and lecturers will always be there to help you out with anything. Just be ready for the best part of your life, filled with a wide variety of food choices, CCAs and opportunities to travel the world. Oh, and of course, exams!”

ASHLEIGH ANDREW Diploma in Applied Drama and Psychology

“People are going to tell you who you are your whole life. You just got to punch back and say, ‘No, this is who I am’. You want people to look at you differently? Make them! If you want to change things, you’re going to have to go out there and change them yourself, because there are no fairy godmothers in this world.”

CLARENCE ONG JIAN LOONG Diploma in Civil Engineering with Business

“When you make a mistake, don’t look back and harp on it. Learn from your mistakes and move on. Mistakes are lessons of wisdom! The past cannot be changed, but the future is in your hands. When you feel like quitting, think about why you started in the first place.”

HEIDI LUAH JIA YI Diploma in Experience & Communication Design

“Don’t slack off in Year 1 and always give your all for your submissions. Don’t be discouraged if you get a bad grade, because there is always room for improvement. If you want to work in the creative industry, having a good portfolio is very important and hard work is needed for this. In your final year, you will look back to see how far you have come.”

RIFHAN BIN MOHAMED SALEHIN Diploma in Marine Engineering

“It’s alright to make mistakes at the beginning, especially during your freshmen year. We’re all humans after all. As long as you continue to push on, you will enjoy sweet victory in the end. I say this to myself whenever I need encouragement, ‘In life, you never lose. It’s either you win, or you learn.’”

SEE WEI LI Diploma in Applied Chemistry

“Don’t be shy to step out of your comfort zone and delve into the myriad of opportunities that comes your way – overseas internships, community involvement projects and more. You will gain new experiences that broaden your horizons. Always aim high and far; sometimes you achieve more than what you set out to do.”



How To Multitask Like A Pro

It’s all about working smarter, not harder. Ramp up your productivity levels with these clever techniques! PRIORITISE YOUR TASKS We all know that to-do lists are great to keep track of what has to be done. However, instead of just writing down your tasks, prioritise each into the ‘Must Dos’, ‘Should Dos’ and ‘Would Like To Dos’. Focus only on the necessary and work your way down the list. Categorise any random pop-ups as well to minimise distractions! TIME MANAGEMENT IS KEY After finishing your to-do list, allocate time limits for each point and stick to it. For instance, if you’ve given yourself an hour for each task, make sure you adhere to each time frame and remind yourself that there are other things to be done. Set an alarm if you must, but don’t let yourself get off-track.

MAKE THE TIME Unless your daily routine deviates drastically, you will definitely be able to maximise your productivity by planning ahead for windows of open time. Whether it’s revising for an exam during the half an hour journey to school or utilising time between classes to plan your next project, you’ll find that allocating these pockets of space will help you become hyper-efficient.

DO THINGS IN BATCHES Like a well-oiled machine, it’s more efficient if you work on similar tasks before moving on to different ones. For example, sending out all assignment related emails to your group mates before commencing on research for whichever project you’re working on would be more time-friendly, because you are doing the same actions instead of switching things up halfway.

CANCEL OUT DISTRACTIONS If you’re looking up info on the Internet, close distracting tabs like YouTube, Twitter and Instagram. Don’t check your phone while studying – neither should you listen to your favourite band while revising your notes (perhaps you’ll get the urge to sing along?). Sounds like a no-brainer, but we’re surrounded by too many temptations that only serve to derail our productivity. Focus, focus, focus!

GET YOURSELF ORGANISED Your scattered books, stationery and notes aren’t an organised mess – it’s unnecessary clutter. Imagine sidetracking every time you lay eyes on a pile of uncompleted work. You’ll either lose your train of thought or try and complete the task that got you distracted, pulling you away from the original assignment that needs to be done. File ’em out of sight! TAKE A BREAK WHEN NECESSARY Similar articles stress the importance of taking a break, but the cliché rings true. Find your own pace – you could take a breather after you’ve ticked an item off your checklist, or go for a short walk after every hour or so. Stepping away allows your brain to recharge and you’ll definitely be more focused and efficient when you return!


Campus Talk

Get Your Game On

Mention esports and competitive gaming would probably come to mind, but you don’t have to be a professional player to land a job in the industry. We outline the options. These days, it’s not uncommon to see major esports tournaments being held on our home ground and pro gamers engaging in battle infront of a massive live audience. But beyond the competitive scene, there’s more to esports than playing games. With the emergence of esports in recent years, it opens up doors to a new slew of career opportunities that one can venture into – from coordinating matches as an event planner, to broadcasting your skills as a streamer. And if you’re keen on taking it seriously, there’s even a Diploma in Esports and Game Design offered by Informatics Academy and Singapore Cybersports Online Gaming Association, where you can get a headstart in the field. To help you get started, here are some of the viable career pathways you can explore. Being a coach is not just about leading the team to victory. If you have You are responsible a knack for analysing things… for devising effective be a TEAM plans and strategies COACH that will help to prepare your team for competitions, all while ensuring that they work together to accomplish a shared goal. Besides knowing where your team’s strengths and weaknesses lie, you have to

Interested in pursuing a career in esports?

Contact Informatics Academy to find out more about your study options.

be adept at identifying the strengths and weaknesses of opponents in order to come up with a solid game plan to win. If you’re the kind of person who can’t sit still behind a computer screen, If you like working behind- you’ll feel right the-scenes… at home with be an EVENT a fast-paced, PLANNER multi-skilled role as an event planner. From taking charge of promoting the event, to sourcing of sponsors, to reaching out to competitive players to compete in a game, you play an essential part in ensuring the tournaments run smoothly. It’s a role that comes with a lot of challenges, but what’s more fulfilling than seeing your project come to life? Gone are the days when you would hide away If you live and in your bedroom breathe the to game all day. Internet… be a In today’s digital STREAMER age, there’s a rising crop of gamers and influencers who would flaunt their

skills to the public on broadcasting platforms such as Twitch, YouTube and Mixer. In fact, Informatics Academy offers an entire module on live streaming as part of their Diploma in Esports and Game Design programme, allowing you to pick up skills in video capturing and editing, as well as learning how to set up and explore different layouts to stream the games. How cool does that sound? Besides being knowledgeable about the If you enjoy engaging with game to better people… be a understand the COMMUNITY demands of MANAGER your customers, the main bulk of a community manager’s work is knowing how to connect with the players and increase fan engagement within a community on social media. As the representative of the brand, you have to possess superb networking skills and be comfortable interacting with people online as well as offline.


A Step Ahead

Don’t let your fears hold you back from pursuing your passion. Take action towards achieving your goals with these simple tips.


BE PROACTIVE There are no shortcuts when it comes to paving your way to success. Instead of waiting around for opportunities to come knocking on your door, you need to take concrete steps to reach your tertiary goals. Make sure to do ample research on the course of study you’re interested in and work towards getting there. If you’re keen on pursuing a Diploma, consider dropping by the Kaplan Diploma Open House happening on 18 and 19 January 2019, where you can further explore your options and speak to professionals to get your questions answered.


IDENTIFY YOUR INTERESTS Find topics that pique your interest and dig deeper into the subject – these can be big clues in helping you to uncover your passion. If you have a flair for numbers, why not take up a course in Accounting, Banking and Finance to learn the financial workings of a business? For the inquisitive minds, a course in Information Technology can prepare you for the evolving changes in

technology. Not sure where to get started? You’ll be glad to know that Kaplan offers various disciplines to help you pursue your interest, from Business and Management, to Humanities and Social Sciences.


BE OPEN TO NEW EXPERIENCES If you have yet to discover your calling, fret not. Go out of your way to try as many things as possible – whether it’s picking up a new hobby, starting a new initiative or meeting new people. We know how terrifying it can be to branch out of our comfort zone, but you’d never know what might appeal to you if you haven’t tried it. Once you’ve figured out where your passion lies, it will naturally steer you to where you truly belong.


REV UP YOUR RESUME It’s never too early to start building your resume. Even though institutions may not directly ask for your resume, referencing it in your application can give you an edge over your peers. List down any notable achievements you’ve attained, leadership roles you’ve taken

on, or activities that highlight your active involvement during your time in secondary school. Don’t neglect your resume after enrolment either – make the most of your tertiary years by registering for extra modules, applying for internships to gain job experience, etc. For instance, Kaplan hosts a slew of student activities from dance classes to public speaking clubs, allowing you to improve your skillsets outside of the classroom.


SEEK OUT A ROLE MODEL Don’t be afraid to reach out to someone who’s experienced in the field for advice. It can be an alumnus who will be able to share their personal experiences, or a mentor whom you could get valuable insights from. Learning the tricks of the trade from the right people can be immensely helpful in guiding you towards the right direction, so go ahead and send them a message. Who knows, you might even make the right connections that will help to get your foot in the door of your desired industry!


Campus Talk


Perhaps you’re struggling to find a productive study routine or maybe you’re unaware of your revision pitfalls – either way, you’re in danger of committing some major study don’ts. Refresh your learning with practical tips for each of these mugging situations.

“Just like a boxer can’t win without a few punches on his face, a student can’t be fully trained without ups and downs.” – Pawan Mishra, Coinman: An Untold Conspiracy


When you really have the itch to use your phone... Teenage says: Smart phone usage If you’re in the midst of a productive reading, and your inner Gen-Z suddenly rages with the craving to go online, give yourself a 10-minute study break. Set an alarm on your phone (or get your friend to time you if you’re in the library) and commit to it. But instead of spending hours trapped in a social media maze, give your mind some healthy food for thought by reading the news. From international politics to local policy changes, these breaks are perfect for brushing up on your current affairs knowledge. If you need something more indulgent, try your hand at memory-boosting puzzles. You’ll be so immersed in solving them, that you won’t even think about browsing social media!

When you hate bringing textbooks home... Teenage says: Listen Ill-advised as it is, we understand if lugging thick textbooks to and fro isn’t a priority when you’re the last-minute cramming type. Our tip? Stay ahead of the revision game by actually paying attention in class. Retaining the information and taking down proper notes will save you half the work it takes than starting on a blank slate come revision time. Make full use of this underrated hack by making sure your notes are entirely in your own words – good studying isn’t about word regurgitation, but by understanding the logic and learning how to apply it in different scenarios. Also, stay organised – it’ll save you tons of time to have all your info in one place instead of having to waste time looking for misplaced notes/textbooks/assignments.

When you find yourself unable to absorb anything... Teenage says: Experiment If a certain studying style hasn’t been working for you, feel free to experiment with other methods. It’s pretty interesting that every student learns differently – some work best by studying from visual aids, others by listening or discussion, etc. Bearing in mind that study methods do differ depending on the subject in question, finding your unique learning style will be more effective in the long run. The key here is to be open-minded, and exercising flexibility once you find that a certain method is not really cutting it for you.

When you have only just started studying, and your exam’s the next day... Teenage says: Friend zone

When your teacher says “Those who are done are free to go”... Teenage says: Commit to the test Needless to say, the other half of the battle is in the exam hall. We have nothing but respect for the students who use up every minute of their allotted time to make sure they’ve answered and checked through every question. Make it a habit to leave nothing blank, and no matter how tempting it is, don’t escape the exam hall the moment you’re done. Remember to check thoroughly for careless mistakes, typos etc. Double or even triple-checking your paper isn’t excessive – it simply means you’re making proper use of the time given.

When you have back-to-back papers... Teenage says: Adapt

We’re all familiar with the self-loathing that comes with regrets of procrastination. But you’re probably not the only one doing last-minute revision. We often assume we’re the least prepared, which might lead to thoughts of saving the effort of even trying (read: giving up).

It sounds odd, but be thankful for this situation, for you’re being prepared to face inevitably tougher exam arrangements as you advance further in your studies. Use this opportunity to practice time management by allocating your time efficiently.

It’s in such situations that we say: text a friend! Sure, everyone’s probably trying to abstain from tech usage (especially a day before the paper) but no friend will ignore an urgent “Have you started yet?” question. If you’re both sailing on SS Procrastination, then help each other cram for the paper. Even if your friend’s almost done with revision, you can always ask for tips on the topics they’re spotting, or give ’em a chance to apply what they’ve learnt by coaching you through it!

When you have lesser time to mug than planned, ditch re-writing your notes neatly and memorising every word. Refine your study material to key chapters, and focus on the main points while making sure you understand the concepts behind each. Concentrate on subjects you’re less confident in, even if you’re hardpressed for time. After all, we’d prefer passing all modules than acing one and failing the rest!



Out For Lunch


For Thought Forget soggy sandwiches – start your day right with these delicious lunchbox ideas for school from the very best of foodie Instagrams.

P ink Smoothie Bowl by @alison_wu

Chocolate Raspberry Smoothie by @rachaelsgoodeats

As a registered dietitian and certified personal trainer, Rachael serves up daily doses of #fitspo and #goodeats, complete with step-by-step instructions that make it a breeze to follow. Her goal is to encourage people to build healthy habits and live a balanced lifestyle – one recipe at a time. Ingredients: • 1 cup of unsweetened almond milk • ® cup of ice • cup of frozen raspberries • 2 handfuls of frozen spinach • 1 tablespoon of cacao • 1 tablespoon of cacao nibs • 1 tablespoon of ground flax • ® teaspoon of cinnamon • ® teaspoon of vanilla extract • 1 serving of vanilla plant protein How to make: 1. Place all the ingredients, except for the cacao nibs and frozen raspberries, into a blender and blend until smooth. 2. Finish off with a sprinkling of cacao nibs and some frozen raspberries.

It’s hard to not feel instantly healthier when you look at Alison’s feed, which is chockfull of wholesome goodness ranging from colourful salads to superfood lattes. But what she’s really known for is her unique smoothie bowls – it’s super easy to whip up and you can store it in the fridge for fussfree lunches throughout the week! Ingredients: • 1 banana • 1 cup of steamed frozen cauli rice • ® cup of frozen dragonfruit • 2 tablespoons of hemp seeds • ® cup of coconut milk How to make: 1. Add all the ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth. 2. Pour the mixture into a bowl and garnish with your desired toppings such as fresh figs, frozen golden berries and dried coconut flakes.

Black Sesame Oat Porridge by @mychouchoux

If pancakes and bacon are not to your liking, take a page out of this Quebec-based foodie’s Insta-cookbook for Asianstyle dishes that are equal parts easy and healthy. Hailing from Taiwan, she’s got a good mix of Asian and Western flavours to cater to everyone’s palate. Ingredients: • cup of rolled oats • ® cup of hot milk • ® cup of hot water • ® cup of ground black sesame seed powder • ® cup to cup of milk • 2 tablespoons of maple syrup • © cup of roasted walnuts • 2 tablespoons of goji berries How to make: 1. Combine the oats, hot milk and hot water together in a glass jar, and let the mixture sit overnight in the fridge. 2. Take out the soaked oats the next morning, and add it into a blender with black sesame seed powder, milk and maple syrup. Blend until smooth. 3. Garnish with roasted walnuts and goji berries.



Strawberries and Cream Overnight Oats by @kirbiecravings

Cinnamon Coffee Smoothie by @loveandlemons

Banana Caramel French Toast by @tumblinbumblincrumblincookie

Take a scroll through her Instagram and you would not expect that these drool-worthy creations are made by a 19-year-old. Better known as Lin, the homegrown food creator is known for her decadent breakfast spreads – think freshly-baked muffins, gourmet pancakes and French toasts that make for the perfect brunch treat. Ingredients: • 2 slices of bread • 1 banana • © or ® teaspoon of cinnamon • © teaspoon of vanilla • 1 teaspoon of maca powder • © cup of plant-based milk How to make: 1. Mash the banana in a wide dish until you achieve a smooth consistency. Add cinnamon, vanilla, maca powder and milk. Whisk. 2. Pre-heat your pan and dip the slices of bread into the custard you’ve just made. 3. Grease the pan with coconut oil and place the bread to fry for about three to five minutes until both sides are golden brown. Serve warm.

If you’re on the lookout for vegetarian or vegan options, the husband and wife duo behind Love & Lemons has plenty of tasty recipes to satisfy the meatfree crowd. Besides the usual suspects of avocado toasts and kale salads, they also try to come up with innovative ideas that go beyond a usual bowl of greens. Now, who says eating healthy has to be boring? Ingredients: • 1 frozen banana • 1 tablespoon of almond butter • 2 to 4 tablespoons of concentrated cold brew coffee or espresso • 4 ice cubes • cup of almond milk or more as needed to blend • 1 teaspoon of cinnamon How to make: 1. Add all the ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth. Add more almond milk, if needed. That’s it!

Growing up, Kirbie’s passion for food was inspired by the vast variety of cuisines and wonderful people around her. What was once a hobby has now become a flourishing platform where she shares her recipes and dining reviews to a 16,000-strong audience. Beyond her blog, the San Diego-based blogger has also published two cookbooks – 5-Minute Mug Cakes and Dump Cakes From Scratch! Ingredients: • ® cup of rolled oats • ® cup of whole milk • 1 tablespoon of honey • 1 tablespoon of chia seeds • 2 strawberries, washed and chopped • A dollop of whipped coconut cream (optional) How to make: 1. Add the oats, milk, honey and chia seeds into a glass jar. Mix everything well with a spoon. 2. Seal the jar and store it in the refrigerator for at least a few hours, but preferably overnight. 3. Top with chopped strawberries and a dash of whipped coconut cream.


Break Time

School’s Out, Fun’s In

Still cracking your brains for the perfect team-bonding activity to do with your classmates? Ditch your plans for these new hangout spots that will ensure you have the best class gathering ever!



KING AND THE PAWN 24 Purvis Street Level 2, Singapore 188601

Fancy going retro? For those with a penchant for nostalgia, hit up this oneof-a-kind board game bar and cafe along Purvis Street for some old-fashioned fun. From the solid menu of hearty grub and locally-roasted coffee, to the quirky decor and laidback ambience, everything about this 55-seater space makes you feel right at home. But what we’re here for is its winsome selection of over 300 board games to choose from, including crowd-favourites like Riff Raff, Cards Against Humanity and more. The best part? There’s no imposition of a time limit; all they ask for is a cover charge of $8 (Tuesday to Thursday) or $13 (Friday to Sunday) per person, and you can geek out for hours on end with your buds!

HOLEY MOLEY 3B River Valley Road #01-01, Singapore 179021

Regular golf is overrated; enter Holey Moley, a mini golf club and bar that turns a traditional game of putt-putt into a labyrinth of holes you can play across two floors. Located in the heart of Clarke Quay, this spacious joint pays homage to a variety of pop culture themes – think familiar scenes that look straight out of Game of Thrones, The Simpsons and even E.T. After getting your Holey Moley fix, gather your mates and chow down on the delectable range of classic American delights available, such as the giant three-pound Monster Burger and meter-long pizzas that are perfect for sharing. Live DJs will also be onsite to spin tunes all night long, just in case you feel like busting a move or two.



VIRTUAL ROOM Lucky Chinatown B3, Singapore 059432

Virtual reality is all the rage recently, but what sets Virtual Room apart is that it offers a collaborative experience where you work together with several people as a team, as opposed to other VR places that usually only cater for one player. You also get your own dedicated room – that can host up to 22 players at a time – where you’ll be transported to the future to save the world from destruction alongside your Omega teammates. A slot here will set you back a hefty $44 to $49 per person, but you get 45 minutes of extensive gameplay so you actually wind up getting more bang for your buck.


K.STAR Orchard Central #05-01, Singapore 238896

When all else fails, there’s nothing that a karaoke session with the BFFs can’t fix. Sing your hearts out at K.Star, a first-of-its-kind karaoke bar with 25 uniquely themed rooms to fulfill your K-star fantasies. Feeling funky? Book a Panorama Room that comes with dynamic backdrops for a funky disco vibe. In the mood for something romantic? Snuggle up in one of the Mini Rooms filled with adorable plushies and decked out in fun wallpaper. Each room can easily fit six, with the largest VIP room able to host a party of 35. Prices are surprisingly affordable as they charge per room/hourly. For instance, a room for six costs $20++ per hour during Happy Hour – hit the max pax and you’ll be shelling out less than 5 bucks per person!



SUPERPARK Suntec City Mall #02-477, Singapore 038983

You don’t have to head to the great outdoors to taste an adventure. At SuperPark, thrill seekers can get your dose of adrenaline rush through a smorgasbord of all-new experiences at this 40,000 sq ft playground. Hailing from Finland, the indoor activity park houses over 20 activities ranging from the usual suspects of zip wires and tube slides, to a fullyequipped game arena where you can challenge your friends to a game of golf, baseball or street basketball. The folks at SuperPark sure ain’t kidding when they say there’s something for everyone!


Campus Talk

Get Your

Year Sorted!

Stay on top of your organisational game with these stylish 2019 planners that will never make you miss a deadline.

Actspressions 2019 Planner, $22.90, Naiise

Back To School Diary, $29.90, Bershka

2019 Daily Dairy, $59.90, kikki.k

Typoflora Always Flowers 2019 Planner, $48, Naiise

Compact Coffee 2019 Planner, $36.90, Paper Bunny

Skinnydip Squiggle 2019 Diary, $49.90, Topshop

A5 Secret Notebook, $17.99, Typo

2019 A5 Daily Buffalo Diary, $19.99, Typo

Regular Black 2019 Planner, $39.90, Paper Bunny


Personalised 2019 A5 Weekly Buffalo Diary, $21.99, Typo


2019 A4 Bonded Leather Weekly Diary, $49.90, kikki.K

Rifle Paper Co. 2019 Appointment Notebook, $27.35, Shopbop

White Cosmic 2019 Planner, $39.90, Paper Bunny

Gift Boutique I’m Such a Professional 2019 Planner, $54.69, Shopbop

2019 Hardcover Spiral Diary, $11.99, Typo

2019 A5 Weekly Diary, $44.90, kikki.K


Break Time


B eauty Manual

Put your best face forward with these foolproof beauty dos and don’ts.

Dos Keep your makeup natural.

There’s no harm wearing a full face to school, but applying too much makeup has the tendency to cake up throughout the day and can be difficult to maintain. A fresh and youthful look will help you to avoid looking overdone, and it helps to speed up your morning routine so you have more time for beauty sleep! Try: innisfree Smart Drawing Blusher, $12.50

Go for a lightweight foundation. From BB creams

to tinted moisturisers, there are plenty of cleverlyformulated foundations that are just as long-wearing as the full-coverage ones. Plus, these sheer babies do a great job of evening out your skin tone while locking in hydration. Try: SilkyGirl Magic BB Cream, $13.90

Tints, tints, tints! Lip

tints are perfect for those who want to add a jolt of colour to their lips without drying it out. It’s also supremely long-lasting so you don’t need to worry about touching up in between classes.

Try: 3CE Velvet Lip Tint in Pink Break, $23

Keep cleansing wipes handy.

Whether you’re having a fitness class or heading straight to the gym after school, cleansing wipes will come in oh-so-handy for removing any impurities after you work up a sweat. Just swipe and go – easy-peasy. Try: Sephora Cleansing & Purifying Wipes, $9

Brighten up your eyes. Pulled an all-

nighter? To perk up your tired peepers, apply a smidge of brightening concealer to help cover up dark eye circles. You’ll instantly look more awake! Try: MAC Studio Fix 24-Hour Smooth Wear Concealer, $36



Skip out on sunscreen.

You’re going to be spending a lot of time outdoors, so be sure to slather on a good amount of sunscreen before heading out. Besides protecting your skin from UV rays, some sunscreens double up as a makeup base as well. Don’t we just love a good multitasker?

Try: Sunplay Skin Aqua Tone Up UV Mist SPF50+ PA++++, $19.90

Skimp on skinscare.

Most people tend to miss out on skincare when they’re in a rush, but one should never underestimate the importance of cleansing and moisturising as it helps to keep your skin clear, radiant and happy. Try: Curél Moisture Face Milk, $32.80

Forget about exfoliating.

Apply foundation without a primer.

It acts as a canvas between your skin and makeup, smoothening out your complexion while ensuring that your makeup stays put all day long. Bonus: it also helps to prevents breakouts!

After a long day out in the sun, it’s important to exfoliate to get rid of dirt and dead skin cells accumulated throughout the day. At least once a week, add a gentle facial scrub or exfoliating product into your routine to maintain your skin’s healthy glow.

Try: FRESH Sugar Face Polish, $38

Try: Aprilskin Perfect Magic Face Starter, $31

Neglect your brushes.

Let’s be honest: when was the last time you cleaned your makeup brushes? Dirty bristles easily attract bacteria which will transfer onto your face, leading to skin irritation and breakouts. It’s recommended that you wash your brushes at least once a week to keep them fresh and germ-free! Try: BEAUTYBLENDER Instaclean Waterless Sponge and Brush Cleansing Spray, $26

Go OTT with your makeup. While wearing

vibrant hues are a great way to make a statement, it can seem a little over-the-top for a day at school. You can’t go wrong with neutral, rosy shades that add just the right amount of colour to your cheeks. Try: ZOEVA Blush Palette, $30



Campus Threads

Too Cool

For School Who says you can’t hit the books in style? Consider your back-to-school wardrobe sorted with these IG-approved style inspo!


@cereously TIP: When in doubt, you can’t go wrong with a classic graphic tee and denim skirt. GET THE LOOK:

Corduroy Pinafore Dress, $45.90, Pull&Bear WENDY DURAN



Corduroy Trim Baker Boy Hat, $36.90, Topshop




@ka_jink TIP: Swap out your denim and biker jackets for of-the-moment plaid prints that will add a modern edge to your style.


Windbreaker, $74.95, H&M IVAN LAM





Rust And Black Stripe Joggers, $103, Topman PARKER YORK SMITH



Ribbed Sweater, $45.90, Bershka SPOON CHAN

@khengchan_ RACHEL TEE TYLER

@rachelteetyler TIP: When rocking bold prints, opt for bottoms in muted hues to make the patterns pop.


Floral Print Flowing Shirt, $59.90, Zara KAREN YEUNG

@iamkareno TIP: For more formal occasions, throwing on a blazer over a casual getup can instantly elevate your look.




Campus Talk


All Geared


Be prepared for anything that school may throw your way with these back-to-school essentials – and you’re all ready to conquer! Got a paper cut? Boo-boos ain’t got nothing on you with these adhesive saviours.

Bring along some mints to freshen up your breath in a jiffy!

Adhesive Bandage, $1.90, Muji

The 100% Difference Mints, $3, Cotton On

You know you can always count on these little guys to keep all your handouts neat and tidy!

Rib-Knit Cardigan, $24.95, H&M Pastel and Neon Mini Pens (pack of 10), $16.90, kikki.K

Paper Clips, $12.90, kikki.K

Printed Charge it Charger, $29.99, Typo

Give A Sip Cup, $29.99, Typo When it gets too noisy in class, pop on these earplugs to block out the concentrationzapping chatter.

Cable Hair Ties (pack of 3), $9.90, Pull&Bear

Earplug, $4.90, Muji

Maude Notepad, $9, Paper Bunny

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