3 basic principles for choosing the best weight loss program

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Content 1. 3 Basic Principles For Choosing the Best Weight Loss Program 2. How to Lose Weight Naturally 3. Weight Loss Plans - Key Weight Loss Tips For Success 4. Safe Weight Loss - A Look Into Weight Loss Aids 5. Weight Loss - What to Do If Your Weight Loss Stops


1. 3 Basic Principles For Choosing the Best Weight Loss Program In order to lose weight successfully, you need to choose a combination of diet and weight loss program that would work out well for you. Today, several programs exist to aid in losing weight, and each offers something unique. While one program may consist of just starvation diets, another may prescribe enrolling in a detailed exercise program, and yet another program may offer a combination of both methods. Helping you lose weight is the only common goal of all these programs. However, choosing the best weight loss programs may not be easy. You need to consider and identify which of these best weight loss programs ideally fits into your budget, personal preference and lifestyle. Although the various programs differ in the plans they offer, it is important to understand that the best weight loss programs will have to revolve around these basic principles: >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< 1) A healthy diet that provides correct proportions of the important nutrients needed by your body. 2) A personalized exercise program to ensure burning out the required amount of calories on a daily basis. Typically you need burn more calories than what is gained by your food intake. Burning more calories than your food intake gains = Loss of weight. 3) Offer some kind of methods and support system that keep you motivated in going through with the program.

Due consideration to the above-stated principles is very vital when you put together a plan to lose weight. You might have come across advertised weight loss programs that state you are free to eat whatever you desire and that you never need to exercise, but still lose weight by just taking their pills daily. The issue with this kind of program is simply this: weight loss can happen, but you will gain it all back unless you continue taking those pills all your life. A few other programs may prescribe for you a diet of particular foods and exercise. In all likelihood you will lose weight if you burn more calories than your food intake gains, and you probably might be doing this as well. However, this poses a question whether you will be able to ever eat a few of your favorite foods! >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< The best weight loss programs will involve the above-stated basic three principles and such programs enable you to eat the foods of your choice and still lose weight. Only some dieters understand the significance of having a support system and something to keep their motivation going. If you are attempting to lose a lot of weight, then dieting is not really an easy process. Regardless of how healthy your diet is or how much period you exercise, it is not possible for you to lose weight every day as the body's mechanism simply does not work that way. There will be times when you just stay the same or even add a couple of pounds without any attributable reasons. A proper support system and good motivation will assist you tide over these tough times and still keep you going.

You need to consider one another aspect while trying to identify the best weight loss programs - what is the total reduction in weight that you are aiming for and whether you want to lose weight in specific parts of your body. Though most of the best weight loss programs include an exercise program as well, you may however need to concentrate more on a particular type of exercise and less on another type in order to target specific parts of your body. Go back to the basics while deciding upon the best weight loss programs: chose a program that best suits all your needs.


2. How to Lose Weight Naturally Natural weight loss for most people is not easy because to be successful you need willpower, determined effort and, above all, patience. It's very easy to feel intimidated when you first begin your natural weight loss diet. There is so much conflicting advice available on the internet these days that it's difficult to know where to start. Especially when new diet plans, weight loss pills and diet meals are continually thrust in front of you on your television and computer screens. The truth is, there are some very basic dieting rules that when followed will give you the natural weight loss results you are looking for. There is no greater motivator than seeing positive results. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Natural weight loss is best done gradually. Ideally weight reduction should be planned on a gradual, steady basis resulting in permanent loss and a stabilized weight. Unfortunately most overweight people think in terms of taking off x number of pounds for a special event or purpose in the shortest amount of time. This approach can seriously harm your health and lead to yo-yo dieting. The first thing you should do for natural weight loss, especially if you're new to dieting, is start a food journal. Write down all of the foods that you eat each day, what times you eat them and how many calories, carbohydrates, protein and fat grams are contained in them. This will help you to see exactly what you're eating each day and what changes you need to make to maximize the effects of your natural weight loss.

The next thing your should do is analyze how active you are. Do you have a sit down job? Or are you on your feet all day? Do you do strenuous activities or are you sitting or standing still most of the time? An analogy is to see your body as a machine and the food you eat as fuel. If you consistently add 10 litres of fuel daily and your machine only burns 8 litres a day then your tank is going to overflow unless you find somewhere else to store the excess fuel. This is exactly what your body does. When it comes to natural weight loss the option is not always to cut down on the amount of food you eat especially if you are already consuming fewer calories than you should be. This is where many people become confused. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Certainly you should cut out all empty calories such as sugar and all refined carbohydrates like white flour, white bread, pastries, biscuits, cakes etc. In fact anything that is manmade. But remember - your body requires vitamins, minerals and nutrients to keep it healthy. Your body is very similar to a complex machine and achieving controlled natural weight loss whilst still delivering all of the required nutrients is a fine balancing act you will need to master. So let's say you've cut out all the bad calories and upped your activity levels. Now you should see some natural weight loss. Right? Wrong! Look again at the analogy. Now you are consistently adding 8 litres of fuel a day and your machine is burning 9 litres a day. There is going to be a point where your machine will run out of fuel and have to 'borrow' it from elsewhere. But, and it's a big but, if you're not eating the right foods then you're going to come unstuck.

Your body needs a good supply of slow release complex carbohydrates to keep energy levels up; if you do not give your body enough good quality carbohydrates then it will substitute by "borrowing" from your muscles, blood, skin, hair, nails and internal organs. Instead of natural weight loss this will result in muscle wastage, anemia, dull skin, dry brittle hair, cracked or split flaky nails and general health problems. Muscle wastage is also the reason why some consistent dieters end up being skinny fat. The fat deposits stay but the weight you do lose will be from your muscles and muscle tone. For natural weight loss you need to eat plenty of slow release complex carbohydrates for your body to burn for energy. You also need good quality protein to maintain and build muscles as well as keeping your blood, skin, hair, nails and internal organs healthy. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Your body needs 0.36 grams of protein per pound of body weight. To calculate the exact amount you need, multiply your weight in pounds by 0.36 (if using kilo grams, multiply your weight in kilo grams by 0.8). This will give you your optimum daily protein requirement in grams. Infants, children, pregnant and nursing women require more protein. So how do you make natural weight loss easy? Quite simply, you have to balance 'energy in' (food) with 'energy out' (activity level). 'Energy in' must consist of high quality carbohydrates that are natural such as Fruits, Vegetables, Oatmeal, Whole Grain Cereal, Whole Wheat Bread and Brown Rice.

Good quality protein comes from fish especially oily fish like salmon and sardines. Other good sources of protein are Mackerel, Haddock and Cod, Tuna steak, Lobster, Sea bass and Snapper. Fish gives you high quality protein with no fat content. Turkey breast meat is also a low fat source of protein. The next step is to encourage natural weight loss by becoming generally more active; walking, cycling and swimming are all good forms of exercise that most people can do. If you do full body toning exercises as well such as squats and star jumps you will help your body to burn fat and build muscle at the same time. Natural weight loss happens slowly as the process of burning fat and building muscle begins to change your body shape. Realistically, it will take approximately three weeks for you to look and feel slimmer and more toned but only a few days for you to notice a positive difference in your energy levels and how you feel. Be aware that muscle weighs heavier than fat so you will look slimmer before your scales register any significant natural weight loss. But be assured that your body is ridding itself of fat deposits as it builds muscle. Remember; eat everything in moderation and nothing in excess. The secret to making natural weight loss easy and keeping it off is to eat nutritiously and make permanent lifestyle changes that allow you to burn more calories than you take in. For more help with Natural Weight Loss and how you can lose weight easily visit


3. Weight Loss Plans - Key Weight Loss Tips For Success Everywhere you look you'll find articles about the best weight loss plan available and the best weight loss tips. Especially with all the New Year Resolutions, it seems that every health club and every magazine is spouting about calories, protein, and exercise. In fact, it is somewhat of a joke to those of us in the health and wellness industry, that the secret to weight loss is... Are you ready for the real secret to weight loss: Weight Loss Plans Key Weight Loss Tips For Success. And this is where the joke is. The article continues to say something like" Eat smart, exercise, and limit starches (if you're lucky, it'll talk about starches). Let's look at what is really going to make you successful in your weight loss goals this new year. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< 1.Smart Food Choices: You must change the way you eat: You may have to eat more, you may have to eat differently, or you may have to eat less. You must also enjoy the way you are eating so that you feel satisfied. A diet high in protein and too low in carbs may cause your endorphines to go down; therefore, increase the risk of depression and an overall feeling of sadness. Ideally you want 40% protein, 30% carbs and 30% fat. Everyone is unique. There are software programs designed to help you with this aspect of weight loss. They will calculate the protein, carbs, fat, and even take into account exercise. Which brings us to #2.

2.Exercise: Yes, you need to exercise. Of course. Any program that is bragging that you don't need to increase your exercise, IS NOT worth looking at. The idea is not to just lose weight. If that were the case, you wouldn't care if you lost muscle over fat. This is a huge downfall of most dieters because losing muscle is a vicious cycle and causes your metabolism to slow down. Let's make this very clear: the number on the scale will go do. Sounds good. Well, the person in the mirror will look FATTER. Yes, even though you are losing weight, it is the wrong kind of weight and you will feel heavier. Exercise, helps you maintain muscle, increases your energy, increases your metabolism, and helps your heart. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< 3.Leucine: Leucine is a key amino acid critical for maintaining your muscle mass and losing the ugly villain that we all know as fat. No matter how awesome we are at planning healthy, natural meals, it is virtually impossible for us to plan meals high in leucine without using natural supplementation. Will we lose weight without leucine. Yes. Will our weight loss plan be more effective and faster with leucine? Absolutely! 4.Cost: Whether we want to admit it or not, cost is usually an excuse. Top excuses for not want to start a weight loss plan are 1. cost, 2. time and 3. fear. One of the best weight loss plans that we have seen cost about $10/day. This may sound costly to some; however, you need to investigate the value of these plans when you are researching what is best for you. Many plans offer meals, snacks, supplements, and energy products (safe and healthy of course - no reason to become lean and addicted to caffeine. Stay healthy). Most of us couldn't buy 2 meals for $10/day. We mentioned value so let's look at what excess weight cost a person: joint problems - eg knee

pain, back pain, diabetes - increases many other problems, heart disease, reducing risk of cancer - especially breast cancer, fatigue and the list goes on and on... What dollar amount can we place on health? Nothing, because it is truly priceless. 5.Be Prepared: Every success weight loss plan is much easier when you are prepared. Design your routine to include exercise and prepare your food in advance. You can eat sweets now and then or have a beer now and then, just realize that these calories are part of your daily calories of 40% protein, 30% carbs and 30% fat. This is really where the software can help you. You don't need an expensive software either. 6.Fear: Fear (this is really the heart of it all - fear of not succeeding). Many of us are afraid to commit to a weight loss plan because we are afraid we won't succeed. No one likes to fail. We need to keep in mind that in reality, any day of eating balanced, is better than no days at all. So you have no reason to fear not succeeding because the only way you don't succeed is by not starting. Otherwise, one day of walking is better than not walking at all. One day of eating a balanced breakfast is better than eating fast food.


4. Safe Weight Loss - A Look Into Weight Loss Aids When you look at the television, read a magazine, even pass billboards during the course of you daily activities, everywhere you go you see images of thin, attractive people. When surrounded by such images it's easy to feel a sense of expectation by society to look thin. Though the body image that advertisers seem to promote is not ideal, nor should most people strive to look that way, most people do have an intense desire to lose weight, to look good and to feel healthier. Unfortunately, because of the society of convenience that we live in, many look for an easy solution to losing weight. Crash and fad diets, weight loss pills and the like do not offer a healthy means of losing weight. In fact, that kind of weight loss can be as bad or worse for your body than a little bit of extra weight. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< The fact is, there is not miracle cure for taking off weight that doesn't require effort and commitment on your part. Despite what some companies would like to tell you, you can't just take a pill and lose weight in a healthy way. Any weight loss system that doesn't include dietary changes and moderate exercise should be viewed very skeptically. This isn't to say that weight loss pills are a bad thing. Far from it. Medicinal dietary aids can play a major part in winning the fight to lose unhealthy weight and to keep it off for good. They can help reduce appetite so you can start eating less. The can help boost your energy so that you can be more active. You may notice the word "help" repeated there. There is no weight loss pill that can do it for you. Diet and exercise are a crucial part of

any weight management routine. The pills can help you do it better and fast, but there simply isn't any substitute for diet and exercise. Not all dietary and weight loss aids are the same. Taking weight loss supplements that are not FDA approved to help people lose weight is a big risk. Quite often these aids can be more harmful than helpful. It pays to research and make sure you are making a smart and healthy decision about how you lose weight. The advertisements for weight loss medication can be just as deceiving as the ads that make you self-conscious about your weight in the first place. Remember, if it isn't FDA approved then you are taking a big risk. The smart move is to get your physician involved. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Including your doctor in your weight management campaign can be the best way to make sure that you lose weight in the best and healthiest way. Your chances are even better if you seek out a doctor who specializes in weight loss and weight management. Getting the best possible advise from a knowledgeable medical professional gives you the best chance for losing weight the right way and for keeping it off for good. Have more weight loss questions? Don't miss out, subscribe to a trusted and professional, free Medical Weight Loss newsletter brought to you by Svelte Medical Weight Management and receive helpful tips and discounts. Svelte Medical Weight Management is more than just a diet, it's a lifestyle change.


5. Weight Loss - What to Do If Your Weight Loss Stops Don't let "normal" set points and weight loss plateaus stop your weight loss plans.You have been careful for weeks at a time, lost weight and suddenly it all comes to a stop. Even if you exercised all along it still can happen. No matter what you do the scales stay the same. You at a set point, or plateau. This happens to everyone. It's a normal and inevitable problem. Your system works hard to keep energy intake(food) and output (basal metabolism and exercise) in a very delicate balance. We all like weight loss but our body interprets the weight loss as starvation. It shuts down our metabolism. Our bodies are designed to protect themselves from anything that interfers with our survival. Try holding your breathe, as you read the next paragraph or two and you will see another body function that is built to keep you alive. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Think about it, our ancestors, 10,000 years ago ate when they found food. Days could go by without eating. Those that were able to conserve energy, i.e. hold on to the fat, were the ones that lived. So we are programed to conserve our fat for lean times, which are not very often these days. It takes fewer calories to maintain your weight because you simply weigh less. To lose one pound a week, you'll need to end up with at least 500 calories per day less than you need to hold your weight. This comes from eating less and/or exercising more. These "set points" become very frustrating for all of us.Here are other for weight loss to slow down and even stop:

-Normal physiologic resistance to weight loss -Genetic predispositions -Unrealistic expectations -Mistakes in food selection, portions, and preparations -Bored or fatigue What Should You Weigh? Expectations Versus Reality: Are expectations unrealistic? If you are comparing yourself to the bone-thin celebrity on television or what you weighed in high school, perhaps your expectations are unrealistic. Genetic Predispositions Cause Weight Ranges for Many People: 70% of the variation in people's weight may be accounted for by inheritance, which means that a tendency toward a certain weight is more strongly inherited than nearly any other tendency except maybe height. But they are close. If you have one parent overweight you chance of being overweight is 50:50, if both parents are overweight it rises to 80:20 or more. It boils down to the fact that the best predictor of what you will weight is what your parents weighed. That does not mean we all give up if we were born to overweight parents, we just have to be more careful and try harder. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Weight Loss is Proportional to Starting Weight: For an individual who weighs 200 pounds, it will be easier to lose five pounds than for the person weighing 150 pounds. This is normal and expected.

It's Normal for Weight Loss to Slow Down Our reaction to "Starvation " or what the body sees as "starvation" plays a huge role in holding body at pre-determined levels. Personal Set point: Every individual has genetically set points in their weight where they become "comfortable" and resist changes. Often it is the weight at which you might have reached in a previous weight loss attempt. It's difficult for everyone to break out of these set points. Depletion of Vitamins and Minerals: Weight loss is associated not only with reductions in body fat, but also some loss of muscle mass. Invariably numerous vitamins and chemicals as vitamins and co-enzymes needed to breakdown fat are also depleted. Once you have discovered the reasons for you weight loss slow down, and understand that it is normal, you will become more less anxious and re- examine your eating and exercise situation. Maybe you are making a few mistakes that you can change. They are always there.


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