5 unusually fast fat loss tips

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Content 1. 5 Unusually Fast Fat Loss Tips 2. The 5 Most Misleading "Facts" About Fat Loss 3. What Is the Difference Between Weight Loss and Fat Loss? 4. Fat Loss Facts - The Myth of "Spot Reducing" 5. Fat Loss Versus Weight Loss


1. 5 Unusually Fast Fat Loss Tips TIP 1: EXERCISE EFFICIENCY The idea here is that we're all very busy, and I don't have time to spend hours at the gym or workout nearly every day of the week. I know most people are in the same boat. So what is needed is an exercise routine that can be performed infrequently and takes very little time, but still gives you great results... ...now the only way to do this is to use a form of exercise that produces fat loss in the time that you're NOT working out. Most popular forms of exercise provide most of their calorie and fat burning during the exercise...but this is not efficient because we can only exercise so much...even the aerobic and cardio fanatics out there can only stand say 5-10 hours a week of exercise. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< So with 24 hours a day times 7 days, that gives us 168 hours in a week... so even working out 5-10 hours a week still leaves us with 160 or more hours that we won't be working out... ...it is these 160 hours we should be focusing on if we want maximum fat loss in minimum time... ...and when you can do that, now you've got exercise efficiency. So the idea is to get the most fat burning out of those 160+ hours that you're not working out... ...and the best way to do it that I've found is by using a very high level of intensity combined with resistance training exercises performed in fairly rapid succession.

This type of exercise will burn fat for up to 2-3 days after the workout is over, so you can see why just 2-3 sessions a week of this type of exercise can double or even triple the amount of fat loss that can occur with typical type of exercise in the so called "fat burning zone". TIP 2: FOCUS ON MICRONUTRIENTS FIRST Perhaps the most important tip I can give anyone trying to get and stay lean is to look at food from a micronutrient standpoint. This is not something you'll hear from most nutrition experts, in fact they'll tell you just the opposite, to look at your food from a macronutrient view (protein, carbs, fats)... ...this is what most people end up doing, and it is still important for fat loss, but the big turning point in my personal fat loss journey happened when I started to focus on eating most of my calories from foods that are super loaded with nutrients instead of stressing out over my protein, fat, and carb ratios. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< The foods I'm talking about are vegetables, fruits, beans, legumes, nuts, seeds. Now don't mistake this for a vegetarian or vegan diet, that's not what I'm talking about, but a diet that supplies the body with the nutrients it requires to burn fat optimally. Now, you'll notice that I didn't include lean animal meats on this list. Well, that doesn't mean these foods won't help you burn fat, they will, but what I'm saying is you need to take your focus off of the whole protein first mindset and instead go with a "nutrient first" mindset.

I was raised, as I'm sure a lot of people are, that any good meal needs to start with a big portion of beef or poultry, and that the nutrient rich foods (like vegetables, fruits, beans, etc.) are a small part of that meal, if at all. I'm saying you have to flip that equation entirely and that most of your meal should be based in the nutrient loaded foods, with a smaller bit of the animal proteins. The fact is that these foods have the most nutrients, and when you give your body the required nutrients without overloading it with foods that have little nutrients, fat loss become so much easier because the hunger and cravings that plague dieters almost disappears. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< TIP 3: STOP DOING SITUPS AND USING ABS GIZMOS TO LOSE STOMACH FLAB! OK, so this is a big one because six pack abs are like a status symbol these days on whether or not you're lean. I mean back in the 70s and 80s, it was enough just to have a flat stomach, but now it's all about the six pack...for whatever reason. It probably has more to do with the fact that people are fatter than ever and things like six pack abs are becoming more rare and of course they are that much more desirable because of it. So, a lot of people are still mystified by the spot reducing myth that you can do exercise a specific area of the body and create localized fat loss.

I should know because I hammer my newsletter subscribers with this myth several times, but I still get question after question about which abs or belly exercises or gut blaster 3000 will get them a set of six pack abs! Look, you really can't lose fat from one area of your body specifically... ...the only way you can lose belly fat, thigh fat, butt fat or any other fat is by lowering your overall body fat percentage. In other words, losing overall body fat. The reason you have problem areas or body parts is because you simply have more fat cells stored in that area genetically. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< And we can't lose these fat cells, we are stuck with them unless we resort to surgery, but we can shrink them, and that's what happens when we lose fat. We shrink the fat cells. So the key here is forgetting about all those abs specific exercises for a while and instead focus on lowering your overall body fat percentage by creating a calorie deficit through the right diet strategies and adding lean muscle to your body. Truth be told, a good set of barbell squats to muscular failure done a couple times a week will do more for losing belly fat and getting six pack abs than 1000 crunches a week because the amount of calories and fat that will be burned from the squats will far outweigh those crunches. Yeah, you'll need some abs specific exercises to build the abdominal muscles, but no one will see them if they're covered up by layers of body fat.

TIP 4: DON'T JUDGE YOUR FAT LOSS PROGRESS ON A SCALE Alright another huge mistake people make when determining how successful their fat loss program. First off, we're talking about fat loss here, not weight loss. Weight loss is the predominant term, unfortunately, because that's what we are taught at an early age. But when it comes to losing actual body fat, we have to look at our body composition, not how much we weigh on the scale, but how much of our body is fat weight. This is really the only way to know if you're losing fat or just losing water weight or muscle, which is very common on most crash or fad diets... >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< ...people will end up losing a few pounds really fast and get excit, but they don't look much better in the mirror! I mean they could look better in clothes because water loss and muscle loss will make you look smaller in clothes sometimes, but when the clothes come off... ...yikes! This is the skinny-fat look that a lot of people have...they have high body fat percentages, but because of a small bone structure they look acceptable to people while in clothes. I know nobody wants to look like that, which is why body fat percentage must be the key measurement for fat loss.

OK, another reason we can't rely on the scale is because of muscle mass... ...if we're doing this right, our exercise is going to be geared toward gaining lean muscle as this is the best way to create a calorie deficit almost immediately. Especially as we age because our bodies naturally lose muscle mass every year once we hit our mid 30s or so... by the way that's the main reason so many people who were in good shape in their 20s and 30s wake up in their 40s 20-30 pounds of fat heavier. So if you're measuring your progress by the scale and you gain 5 pounds of muscle, the scale could show no fat loss or even a small gain because muscle weighs more than fat... >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< ...it's more dense and takes up less space. This can cause you to freak out and think your efforts are causing weight gain when in reality your creating the perfect environment for 24 hour a day fat burning. So, easy ways to track your bf% are with a skinfold caliper, which you can find online, some of those body fat scales or hand grippers (though there are some tricks to using those correctly). I actually have a body fat percentage analyzer available for my newsletter subscribers for free which you can get on my website...this is a great little tool and it's there for anyone who wants to accurately track your fat loss. So that's the idea here... track your body fat percentage, not just your bodyweight! It's fat loss, not weight loss we're after.

TIP 5: KNOW YOUR FAT LOSS NUMBERS I'm talking about keeping score and knowing your numbers here... ...if you don't know the numbers, you have little chance of success in fat loss and fitness. Just like anything else in life, if you're not tracking what works and what doesn't work, you'll be using a shotgun approach that will take much longer and not work as well as an approach that includes tracking. This is especially important in relation to your exercise and fat loss and fitness progress. Let's look at the business world for a moment. In any business, at the end of the day, results are measured by revenue, or the money that was made. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< If the business owner doesn't know the numbers, they won't know if they've made any money. And thus they literally have no business! It's crazy and pretty simple, but the most powerful metric a business owner can track. I'm a big NBA basketball fan, but do you think I'd enjoy watching my favorite team if they didn't keep score? Of course not! If they don't keep score, we don't know who's winning, and thus there is no "game" to win or lose. They have to know their numbers to know who wins and who loses. Again, strikingly simple, but the fact is that most people don't track their exercise routines at all. How do they know if they're winning or losing the fat loss game?

In fat loss and fitness it's all about monitoring a few key numbers, primarily strength gains, inches in your body part measurements, and body fat percentage. If you don't know these numbers from week to week, month to month, you'll have a tough time judging your progress...and thus you'll second guess yourself, the methods you're using and have little change of succeeding. This is also important because with any type of exercise or diet plan, you'll need to make slight adjustments as you progress, and how the heck are you going to do that if you don't know what or when to adjust? So recording your progress on a weekly and month basis is key to getting that lean and fit body you desire... and if you're not doing it, you're using the shotgun approach: just spraying bullets and hoping you hit something. This is a big reason people give up on their programs... ...not measuring their progress accurately. When you do this right, it can also give you that positive reinforcement to work even hard toward your goals. Once you sniff something that actually is working, I don't know about you, but I'll do everything I can do magnify that effect for as long as I can. So, bottom line, make sure to keep accurate records of your workouts and your progress. Just like in any business or in sports, you won't know if you're winning if you don't keep score.


2. The 5 Most Misleading "Facts" About Fat Loss Why Does It Seem SO Hard to Achieve Fat Loss? Fat loss... everyone wants it, but it seems like we can't ever get enough of it. You've been working REALLY hard in the gym. You feel like you eat NOTHING tasty, delicious and bad for you. You even lift weights. BUT, you still look at yourself in the mirror and see little or no definition, flabby upper arms, love handles and thighs you're embarrassed to show off. What gives? Why is the fat clinging on for dear life even though you're working so hard? Fat loss is a funny, scratch that, FRUSTRATING thing. A lot needs to go right to lose fat while maintaining that lean, hard muscle mass. Most people don't know the first thing about fat loss. For example, when I ask people what their plan is for losing fat, so many of them tell me all about how they're going to eat salads and run every day (sigh). While a diet change is likely in the near future, and cardio does burn calories, it's not that simple. Fat loss is as much a hormonal thing as it is a calorie thing, and hormones can be VERY complicated. With that said, there are some known facts about fat loss that you NEED to know. They're crucial to your transformation and your tone and definition depends on them! Read on to learn more about the 5 most misleading facts about fat loss! >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< The 5 Most Misleading Facts About Fat Loss 1. Creating a calorie deficit of 500 calories per day will results in 1lb of fat loss per week - Losing fat isn't as simple as calories in and calories out. While you do need to create a calorie deficit, too many other factors come into play, like hormones and your macronutrient ratio. Your body releases hormones all the time for different reasons.

The type of exercise you perform, the foods you eat, and your daily activities all play into which hormones are flowing through your body. Rather than focusing on 500 calories per day, focus on activities that produce fat burning hormones. Activities like weight training, High Intensity Interval Training and leisure paced cardio (walking, cycling, etc) all have a positive hormonal effect. Similarly, non-starchy carbs like veggies, high protein foods and high fibers foods are all great options for keeping fat storage turned off. 2. Doing Ab Exercises Leads to a Six Pack - Resistance training does burn calories and over time can help lead to fat loss. In fact, heavy weight lifting can induce Excess Post Exercise Oxygen Consumption. However, in order for your six pack to show through, you need to lose the body fat that covers it. Research has proven that you can't target a specific area for fat loss. While ab exercises like crunches, planks and leg raises do burn calories, the quickest way to a six pack is through the right nutrition program. We all actually have a six pack already (score!). It just happens to be covered by a layer of body fat. If your goal is a six pack and your body fat percentage is over 20%, focus more on your diet than doing crunches and other ab exercises. You'll see a lot more progress. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< With that said, having a strong core is important for overall health. Full body exercises like planks are great for developing a stable core. Multi-joint exercises like deadlifts and squats also give a killer core workout while working a lot of other muscle groups as well. 3. Running Every Day is the Best Way to Lose Fat - Steady state cardio, whether on the treadmill, elliptical, stepper, etc, is a good way to burn calories. There's no doubt about that. But is it the best way to burn fat? Definitely not. Think about marathon runners and

sprinters. Which one would you rather look like? They're both elite athletes in incredible shape, but the type of training they do is vastly different. If you're very de-conditioned, cardio is important to help you burn calories and improve your cardiovascular capacity. It reduces risks for things like heart disease and stroke, but it isn't all that effective for losing stubborn fat. The reason is hormones, more specifically, Cortisol. Steady state cardio increases Cortisol levels which puts your body into a fat storing state. This is why so many people spend hours and hours running but still have the belly, arm and thigh fat. The reason sprinters don't experience the same thing is because high intensity exercise like sprinting releases anabolic hormones. These hormones include growth hormone and testosterone. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Steady state cardio is fine to mix in for a good calorie burn, but when it comes to fat loss, it might be holding you back. Try some interval training and be sure to do a lot of leisure paced cardio as well. 4. Just Eat Healthy - For a lot of people, the problem isn't knowing which foods are good or bad for you. The problem lies in overeating them. If you're already overweight or you eat a lot of processed, sugary, high-starch foods, then you'll see good results from changing your eating habits. This change should include moving towards foods like fruits, vegetables, lean meats and natural, "from the Earth" foods. Avoiding things like processed foods, artificial sweeteners, and fast absorbing carbs will be a great way to start your transformation. With that said, eating too much healthy food is still too much when it comes to fat loss, especially if your body fat percentage is fairly low. Clean eating is important for having a healthy body, but too much clean eating is still too much. This goes back to the simplest part of

fat loss - creating a calorie deficit. If you eat too many calories, it's going to be near impossible to lose a lot of body fat. So eat healthy, but in the APPROPRIATE amount of healthy food. 5. Fat Loss Aids - Fat loss supplements need to be thought of as an accelerator, not a crutch. There are A LOT of fat loss supplements out there. Many of them are useless, but many of them do provide fat loss benefits. However, NONE of them will magically make you lose fat by just popping a pill, mixing up a drink, or putting on some kind of wrap. None of them will be beneficial without a great exercise program and the right nutrition program for you. If you have these two things, a fat loss supplement may accelerate your progress. Many of them rely on hormonal changes to help your body burn more fat, but if you're not working out efficiently and eating for fat loss, no amount of pills can help you long term. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Focus on learning how to lift weights correctly and efficiently, and learning how to eat properly for your body. Once you have these two things down, you can start considering supplements. These are the most common misleading "facts" about fat loss that I hear. Avoid these pitfalls and you'll be one step closer to changing your body for life. For more helpful tips about obesity, nutrition, weight loss and how to maximize your workouts Visit


3. What Is the Difference Between Weight Loss and Fat Loss? What is the different between weight loss and fat loss? Which of these two types of body mass losing processes is healthier? Which of the two can be attained quicker, which of the two works more effectively? And ultimately, which between weight loss and fat loss is an overall better body mass losing process? A great comparative match-up these two make, but in the end, there may only be one which would ultimately be better than the other. First off, fat loss and weight loss are two totally different processes. The common misconception people often make is thinking and claiming that the loss of fat and weight loss are one and the same. That could not be any more wrong. While losing weight can mean loss of fat, it does not necessarily mean that they are one and the same process of losing body mass. There are specifics ways each hold, and though they may have a few elements which are highly identical, they are separate processes overall. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Fat Loss What is fat loss? In its most basic definition, the loss of fat is the process of losing body fat using a variety of means. Those means may differ from exercise, to diet, to even liposuction procedures. However the means may differ, as long as their goals are focused toward losing fat. Fat is not all bad, but is not all good either. Fat is needed by the body because it is what the body burns when it is put through stress and work. It is unhealthy for either a man or a woman to have 0% body fat; what would his or her body have to burn then? In the absence of

fat, the body eats other parts of itself like muscle, which is more on weight loss already. The normal fat percentage men should have is between 12 to about 20 percent; women should have significantly more, around 15 to about 25 percent, since they would need extra fat for when they get pregnant. This is easily mistaken to be the same as weight loss since a lot of people think all their weight is composed of fat. This is not true. Yes, a person's weight is composed of his or her fat, but overall weight is total accumulation of more than just fat (which will be touched upon later on when weight loss is discussed). Fat is not the only factor which makes a person heavy. Fat is, however, the most dispensable and expendable excess of the body which can be lost to make a person's weight lighter, without his or her body being unhealthy. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Weight Loss Weight loss, similar to fat loss, is also the process of the body losing fat, but not only fat. A person's body is composed not only of fat, but also of bones, muscles, tissues, organs, skin, and many more. Fat alone does not make a body heavy, but all the internal and external parts of the body, as long as it is attached to it, is what makes a body weigh the way it does. Weight loss then, is the process in which the body loses fat, or muscle mass, or bone mass, or organ weight, or skin weight, or a combination of all of these. Weight loss is not entirely a bad process your body can potentially go through, but compared to losing fat, it is not an advisable process for your body to go through. Weight, as an overall category, is highly essential for your body's overall health. Losing muscle mass or bone

mass is not something your body should go through. This is why your body needs fat, so it does not eat muscle or bone mass. When a person loses more than just fat, the body highly decreases in weight. If you are an individual who has no more fat to burn or lose, you should be very, very careful not to go overboard and lose more than just fat. People like anorexics suffering from anorexia often do not have fat left in their bodies to lose or burn, so they become thinner, and more fragile, until they die due to severe weight loss. In this match-up between these two goals, it may seem that fat loss is the preferred victor over weight loss. It may be the case, but do keep in mind that weight loss is not an option you shouldn't choose to take. Just be wary, however, to only have a goal of losing fat and not any other type of weight, and this match-up might end with a draw.


4. Fat Loss Facts - The Myth of "Spot Reducing" Loss Myth Dispelled Some people go into fat loss programs targeting specific areas of their bodies. Obviously they are unhappy with those parts and say things like, "I must get rid of these love-handles." If you happen to be one of them, this article is for you. It will uncover the plain and simple truth of "spot reducing," reasons why fat must be burned, and how can a simple program reverse the creeping obesity. Plain and Simple Truth When people talk about shedding those ugly fats at specific areas of the body, it only meant one thing - spot reducing. However, there is no such thing as localized fat loss, plain and simple. Whatever exercise or regimen you do, it affects the whole body and not just a particular area. Muscle and fat always go together. When you see some flabby excesses, the muscle is still present but cannot be perceived visually because it is covered by excess fat. The extra build up of fat in these areas maybe caused by genetic predisposition or a lack of physical activity for a certain period of time. That is why a good fat loss program invariably halts further development of fat tissues. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< When one goes into a fat loss regimen which usually involves some form of exercise, the fat components slowly melt. It dispels another myth that fat is turned into muscle simply because it's just not possible. Fat and muscle are composed of different cell types and one cannot be converted into the other. Fat loss in this instance is

only replaced with an increase in muscle size, making it more noticeable. Why Fat Must Be Burned But why must we burn fat? Why focus on fat loss rather than weight loss? By nature, fat is supposed to be burned as we use energy in activities. As we grow older, however, our activities seem to slacken. When that happens, fat builds up and unnecessarily becomes excess weight. When weight goes over normal, it brings various diseases aside from the discomfort of "heaviness." Overweight people have high risk of stroke and other heart diseases due to the extra weight pressure. Even before this stage is reached, fat loss becomes imperative. Some of those on fat loss regimen want to lose weight fast. This could be achieved but the result is very short term, and the weight lost is also regained just as fast. Our body's mechanism is so designed that it does not tolerate abrupt changes and is quick to develop countermeasures to bring it "back to normal." Slowly does it, and a gradual fat loss equivalent to 200 grams a day would be ideal. Beyond that, the effect would be very unstable. It may no longer be fat loss but a loss of muscle tissue, which is counterproductive. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Can Fat Loss Program Reverse the Creeping Obesity? Overweight and obesity are two different things. Being overweight is weighing beyond the normal standard, while being obese is having a very high proportion of body fat. Weight loss, in most cases, is just tantamount to attacking the symptom and depends a great deal on the bathroom scale. Fat loss, on the other hand, is taking care of the cause and is particularly concerned with the BMI (body mass index) -

the body weight relative to height and is correlated with total body fat. A simple regimen can be incorporated in your daily routine which greatly helps in accomplishing your fat loss goals: Regimen 1: Lose Weight - This can be done by consciously watching your eating habits. The equation is simple: if intake (eating) is more than output (activity), you will be adding weight. Make output more than your intake to reduce weight. This is a good way to start your fat loss program. Regimen 2: Increase Physical Activity - Simple activity as walking often tips the balance of the scales. One system suggests 10,000 steps a day, but do it gradually. And don't be overwhelmed by the numbers, you don't even have to count when you do it. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Regimen 3: Be Aware of Stressors - It has been known that stress contributes to the problems of obesity. Live a simple life and do something to relax the body and mind daily. It could be yoga, meditation, or simply listening to soothing sounds of nature. Or you might want to try a subliminal recording if you're so inclined. Regimen 4: Increase Fiber Intake - Fiber helps clean the intestinal organs, including fat deposit. "An apple a day keeps the doctor away" makes a lot of sense. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables daily and your goals would be easier to achieve. Regimen 5: Supplement With Supplements - When we get older, our body processes becomes slower and cannot anymore get enough nutrients from foods we eat. This is where supplements come in handy. Fat loss programs have good recommendations, but be

choosy and make sure you know what you're getting. There's more meaning to the labels than meets the eye. Fat loss or weight loss? This is the question some people ask, especially those who want results fast. It is aggravated by the misconception of "spot reducing" which is hyped by some entrepreneurial spirits. Knowing the plain and simple truth of "spot reducing," why fat must be burned, and doing a simple fat loss program to reverse the creeping obesity, you're on your way to live a longer, healthier and happier life.


5. Fat Loss Versus Weight Loss The Real Score between Weight Loss and Fat Loss The words fat loss and weight loss are used interchangeably and are both often misused. But, there really is a difference between the two and there is certainly a winner. I am equally guilty of using weight loss when I really mean fat loss since weight loss sounds much better as compared to fat loss. Here are the differences between weight loss and fat loss Weight refers to measurement often seen in the scale- how much you weight at that particular point in time.Weight measures your body water content, bone mass density and the food you just consumed. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Having that said, you get to lose a combination of muscle, fat and a lot of water weight when you lose weight. Sadly, this water weight can be easily regained. Fat loss on the other hand refers to loss in body fat. It is said that the less body fat you have, the healthier you are. Weighing scales cannot simply show the amount of fat you lose except if you use a body caliper and even then accuracy becomes an issue here. This is because weighing scales are at times misleading regarding muscle gain as what you see as a big number may in fact mean that you have gained healthy lean muscle not fat- as muscle weighs more than fat. Excessive body fat is extremely dangerous to your health- Obesity has been linked to deadly health conditions as a result of excessive eating and sedentary lifestyle such as diabetes, cancer and heart

disease. This tells you to focus on losing body fat rather on focusing on losing that 5 extra pounds. These facts pushed me to promote an advocacy on fat loss rather than weight loss. There are several reasons that lead me to this advocacy: Psychological reasons- experience has shown that the scales can be all consuming. The day is spent too much on pondering the number you saw at the scale before going to work, thus it gives you unnecessary negative thoughts.In fact, I do not even weigh in my clients and even encourage them to just throw away the scale. A better indicator is your size. Instead of weighing my clients, I measure my clients and ask them to buy a pair of jeans a couple of sizes smaller to use as a goal to aim for. That is more motivating for them. (Also the thought of buying a new wardrobe can be fun!) >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Easy? Why not try this yourself? Get that tape measure out and measure your around your belly button, smallest part of your waist, chest (around your nipple line) and your hips (widest part around butt). Remeasure yourself every 6 weeks. Have your clothes as indicator of your fat loss. If those jeans that were too small for you are now fitting that's a great sign. Another reason why it is better to lose fat than weight is because a fat cell, (or adipose cell) is much bigger in size than a lean muscle cell, which is small and compact. Having lean muscle means you will be smaller in size and fit into clothes better (no embarrassing bulges!).

What's even better is that having more muscles boosts your metabolism which means you burn MORE FAT... even when you sleep! OK here's kicker when it comes to fat loss: Fat is much bigger in size than muscle... muscle actually weighs more than fat. I think I need to repeat that... A MUSCLE CELL WEIGHS MORE THAN A FAT CELL- up to 4 times more! Let me demonstrate For example Jane weighs 145lbs (65kgs) she follows a lifestyle designed to lose body fat (like the Real Food Real Fat Loss Program), she has been exercising twice a week for 20 minutes and has lost 3 dress sizes. She jumps back on the scale and it says 140 lbs. Which she thinks strange because her friends comment and think she looks like she has lost about 25 lbs. This is what has happened... so whilst she has only lost 5 lbs on the scale- she has gained lean muscle and increased her metabolism - looking trim, toned, terrific and 3 sizes smaller! So this is why you should not get hung up on your weight! >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Hopefully you are now realizing that it's better to lose body fat rather than to just focus on losing weight- both for health reasons and for size. It is best to use real food as your fat loss weapon as eating real food will fuel your body the right way & it focus's on losing body fat and increasing your metabolism. In comparison, typical weight loss diets cause you to lose muscle, which can decrease your metabolism. Now don't get me wrong if you start any healthy eating & exercise regime initially you will most likely lose some weight as well, especially in the first stages, however the continued focus should be on fat loss, which is more sustainable when following a fat loss lifestyle.

Following a fat loss focused program like my real food for real fat loss program is a much better way than yo-yo weight loss. Losing fat is designed for optimum health, to increase your metabolism and keep it there- so that you will KEEP IT OFF! Losing fat rather than weight is a better long-term goal because it is an indicator of your health, how you look, and how fabulous your clothes will fit! So in conclusion... if you follow a Real Food for Real Fat Loss type of plan you will lose body fat and keep it off as you will increase your metabolism- you will be eating the right types of foods to turn your body into a fat burning machine! Yours in Fat Loss Success


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