7 free fat loss tips that work

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Content 1. 7 Free Fat Loss Tips That Work 2. Fat Loss Vs Weight Loss 3. The Top Secret Fat Loss Secret - Magic or Straight Facts? 4. Fat Loss Diets - 3 Tips For Losing Weight 5. Fat Loss? I Think You Mean Weight Loss


1. 7 Free Fat Loss Tips That Work If you are looking for some free fat loss tips then this article is a must read for you. Not only do you receive this information for free by me but on the other hand these tips won't cost you a penny unlike expensive fat loss pills and conventional diets that don't work. If you are looking for fat loss tips you are probably overwhelmed with information and on the other hand a lot if not all of the information is ridiculous bullshit. These free fat loss tips are not like magic pills or wonderful diets they work but it take some time to see results. When you take pills you see temporary results but ironically enough within no time you gain all your fat back and even more. With my free fat loss tips you lose fat permanent. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< 1) Avoid saturated fats Most people don't realize that not all fat is bad. But however you have to the saturated fats (bad fats) as much as possible. If you don't want to have a high level of cholesterol in your blood then avoid the foods that contain saturated fats. Examples of foods that contain bad fats are butter, cheese and chocolate. 2) Watch out for refined sugars I hope you don't make the mistake that you don't read food labels. Perhaps you have found information by a weight loss author (I write about fat loss a great difference) who says that you have to eat fatfree foods. The change is that these fat-free foods are almost one hundred percent refined sugar. Refined sugar is even worse then fat, they are the greatest factor for your obesity and bad health.

3) Read food labels If you want to lose fat fast you will have to implement some habits in your life for maximum success. One habit you should adopt right away is reading food labels. Maybe you check already the nutrition facts but you have to check the ingredient list as well. 4) Do weight lifting Do you have followed a low-carbohydrate diet before with bad results? The problem with low-carb and other diets is that it may cause muscle loss. The more muscles you have the more fat you will burn. Of course it is not necessary that you become a bodybuilder. But on the other no effective fat loss programme without weight training. During the workout you are burning sugars but the real power is after the workout. With weight training you body burns fat after the workout >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< 5) Water is essential You know already that you have to drink water in order to survive. If you want to lose fat you need water as well and here is why. When you don't drink enough water you are dehydrating yourself. The reaction of your body is to hold on to whatever water it needs to survive. The liver will try to help out with the overload. The problem is at this time it can't do his own job properly, one of the important jobs of the liver is burning stored body fat for energy. 6) Do not drink It is impossible to drive if you drink and on the other hand it is almost impossible to lose fat if you consume alcohol. Alcohol is the second most calorie dense nutrient behind food Alcohol is a toxin as well

and it must be detoxified by the body. Just do the test if you go to a bar you won't see many bodybuilder or fitness champions hanging out there after midnight and if you find one I'm sure that he/she doesn't drink alcohol. 7) Choose natural foods The last free fat burning tip I would like to give you is choose foods that you find in the nature. Always choose fresh foods over canned or frozen foods. Following these free fat loss tips will take some action from your side but believe me it is worth the effort. Needless to say that it improves your general health as well.


2. Fat Loss Vs Weight Loss See if you agree with the following statement. Fat loss and weight loss are essentially the same thing, interchangeable. If, like many people, you said yes, you guessed wrong. Fat loss and weight loss are not the same thing at all. In fact, they are not even close. If you browse the diet book section of your local bookstore, or surf the Web, you will see that most books and diet programs contain the words weight loss in their title or subtitle. Most diet programs are about weight loss, which is the incorrect approach to this whole area. As a trainer and author specializing in healthy fat loss and fitness, I recommend you only concern yourself with taking off excess fat. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Here is why. Weight is good, not bad; you do not want to lose weight, and most importantly for your health, you do not want to lose muscle. Our weight is made up of tissue, muscle, bone, blood, fat, water, and the rest of our physical body. Muscle, like every other component of our physical make-up, is most important. And fat is also a necessary, vital part of our physical make-up. It is excess body fat that is the big problem. Having excess body fat, being fat, increases your risk of heart attack, stroke, diabetes, hypertension and many other serious diseases. And perhaps most serious of all, if you can get more serious than a heart attack or a stroke, is that excess body fat is being linked to many more types of cancers than previously known.

Excess fat is bad news and that is what I urge you to focus on, fat loss. The following is so important it bears repeating: you do not want to lose weight. That is just a convenient way of avoiding the word fat. Fat has ugliness attached to it. No one likes to be called fat or think of themselves as fat, so we say overweight, portly, rotund, chubby and use other phrases like take off pounds, lose weight, or take off inches. We can play word games, deny it and dance all around the fact that we are fat and we have to lose fat. But it is more effective and realistic to just face up to the job at hand, which is to lose excess fat. And in fact, once they take 100 percent responsibility for doing just that, many people become highly motivated and do the job more quickly and easily. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< In my many years working in fat loss and fitness, I have learned what I believe is the best way to take off excess fat fast, healthfully and permanently. And that is through adopting a balanced, plant-based diet of whole, fresh, natural foods, and doing daily exercise. The type of program I recommend is simple and ferociously effective. It does not include diet foods made with reduced fat. No low carb, no carb nonsense. No fat blaster pills. No processed, packaged foods delivered to your door. No meal replacement shakes or herbal remedies that melt fat away. I strongly urge my clients and readers to stay away from all these bogus and often dangerous weight loss approaches. Unfortunately, they are unending and many people are eager to buy into magic bullets or shortcut ways for losing fat. It is legitimate to ask why is a balanced, plant-based diet of whole, natural foods so effective at losing fat. The answer is simple and

irrefutable: there is no more effective way to lose fat permanently than to cut out all the fat that comes with eating animals and animal food products like dairy and eggs. And permanently eliminating all refined, processed and fast foods from your diet. These are loaded with sugar, salt and added fats, including hydrogenated fats/oil, one of the worst substances you can put in your body. Put even more simply, we are what we eat. That is the difference between fat loss and weight loss, and the difference between the approach I recommend and all the books and programs touting weight loss. If you are interested in permanently, healthfully losing all the excess fat you want to lose, I urge you to adopt a balanced, plant-based diet of whole, fresh, natural foods, without meat, poultry, fish, dairy products or eggs. When you do this, along with getting daily exercise, you will really start to see the excess fat on your body melt away. Healthfully and permanently.


3. The Top Secret Fat Loss Secret - Magic or Straight Facts? The Top Secret Fat Loss Secret has taken the internet by a major storm in the past few months, and surprisingly, this product was not even written by a professional fitness trainer. Unlike other popular fat loss products on the internet, this 49 page top secret fat loss secret book is written by Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst whose field is research on colon and the digestive system. You are probably wondering how the colon and the digestive system relate to losing fat? Well, that's what this review is going to talk about so sit back and read this review from top to bottom. In the Top Secret Fat Loss Secret book, Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst has taken a new approach to losing body fat. Have you ever wondered that no matter how hard you workout, how perfect you eat, and how much you beat yourself and you still can't lose that fat? >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Have you ever considered it might not be your fault at all? The truth according to The Top Secret Fat Loss Secret is that there are living, breathing parasites inside your body that have taken your body under their control. They are to be blamed for you ending up with so much fat that you just can't seem to get rid of. According to the Top Secret Fat Loss Secret book, your body is filled up with excessive dump stored that has over flown through your colon. This excessive dump has allowed the parasites to rule and grow in your body for so long, that your personal health is at risk. This is where The Top Secret Fat Loss Secret comes in. Dr Suzanne Gudakunst shows a simple step by step plan to get rid of this

excessive dump and the horrible little parasites out of your body for good. It is a simple detox diet plan that lasts for three days and you are cleaner than you probably have been half your life. Also, in the Top Secret Fat Loss Secret report, you get a great deal of information on how effective diet can be to help you get rid of body fat. We have all read how important it is to eat short meals at frequent times instead of 3 large meals a day. It is also important to eat high fiber carbs, lean protein and essential fats in every meal. Did you know that there is a proper ratio of macro nutrients you should eat in order to lose body fat effectively? Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst claims that each body is different and the macro nutrient ratios are pretty different for different bodies. My body reacts well to protein, while yours may react to carbs. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< In the Top Secret Fat Loss Secret book, you get a link to a quiz where you can identify which body type you actually belong to and what your macronutrient ratio should actually be. There is much more information on the proper combination of food that can make or break you. Even the wrong combination of healthiest of foods can be damaging to your metabolic rate. It is all provided in the Top Secret Fat Loss Secret book. Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst mentions everything necessary for fat loss including effective Interval Training technique that actually is one of the best forms of exercises to boost your metabolic rate and help you lose total body fat, but she left out an important chapter on fat loss. It is called Strength Training. In the Top Secret Fat Loss Secret, strength training was nowhere to be found but I highly recommend

you do strength training workouts 3 days a week to supercharge your fat loss, and I can guarantee results in weeks to come.


4. Fat Loss Diets - 3 Tips For Losing Weight There are so many fat loss diets around that can help you lose weight fast but it is important to incorporate a few things if you want to maximize your fat loss and lose those excess pounds in a healthy way. In this article I offer 3 essential tips to help you achieve your weight loss goals, burn more fat and maintain your new shape. 1. Drink more water. This seems obvious but it is amazing how many people don't drink enough in general, let alone when embarking on one of the fat loss diets. Staying hydrated is one of the most effective and simplest things you can do to aide fat loss. Throw out all your soft drinks, they are high in sugar and have no nutritional benefit. Try drinking some green tea, this has been show to have thermogenic properties and help aid fat loss. Water has a key part to play if you want to burn more fat and see real results in any of your fat loss diets. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< 2. Eat breakfast. It always amazes me how many people choose to skip breakfast thinking that it will help them lose fat. If you eat a healthy breakfast every morning you will be less hungry during the day and therefore less likely to overeat. Research has shown that people who eat breakfast are a third less likely to be obese than persons who miss this important meal. In addition, they were half as likely to have blood-sugar problems, which increase the risk of developing diabetes or having high cholesterol, which is a known risk factor for heart disease. A healthy breakfast will boost your metabolism after the night's fasting and this will in turn help your body burn more fat. Good fat loss diets will always incorporate this essential meal.

3. Eat frequent meals. Eating frequently keeps your metabolism up high which means you burn more fat all of the time. Avoid any fat loss diets that advise against eating on a regular basis, these tend to be starvation type diets and will cause your metabolism to slow down significantly. You don't want to go more than 4-5 hours without eating, this will inevitably lead to you pigging out on a large meal which your body will have difficulty processing and it will slow down your metabolism. Eating large meals infrequently is undoubtedly the worst thing you can do if you are looking to lose fat. Try to especially avoid eating a large carbohydrate based dinner before going to bed - your body won't have time to use up the calories and much of it will be stored as fat. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< These three small tips can make a huge difference to your weight loss efforts. Fat loss diets can work wonders if you incorporate a few simple things. You can view my 7 Secrets To Fat-loss to help you lose even more of that stubborn fat and get the body you've always dreamed of. Alternatively you can check out the very best fat loss diet, the one I've had most success with by reading Fat Loss Diets Get informed and burn more fat!


5. Fat Loss? I Think You Mean Weight Loss "Fat Loss? I Think you meant Weight..." I get this question posed to me at lest 5 times a week from clients and colleagues. To some the difference is quite obvious, however, late night television infomercials and periodical type magazines stick to the "Lose Weight" buzzword as it seems to be more widely recognized. The term weight loss can apply to many things. Are you seeking to lose weight via water loss (Temporary)? Muscle loss (Not recommended, Muscle is important to bodily function)? or are you looking for fat loss (Highly recommended)? >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Water loss will occur when you partake in strenuous exercise and sweat out the pounds. Some fad diets recommend an individual drink only fluids for 3-4 days and lose 12 pounds, of water they fail to tell you. Only to gain back 14 when normal food consumption is resumed. These crackpot diets actually work, but only temporary. These companies prey on the individual only paying attention to the weight on the scale, not the image in the mirror. This type of dieting often leads to what is referred to as "Yo-Yo Dieting", where by the individual constantly fluctuates in weight due to the ineffectiveness of these poor approaches. Another way to lose weight is via muscle loss (though the individual doesn't usually realize its muscle weight they are losing). This will usually occur on diets where carbohydrate restriction is the name of the game. While these diets, when performed correctly, can be beneficial to obtaining your dream body, caution must be observed. Carbohydrates are a very important part to maintaining a fit and lean body. Carbohydrates are the primary fuel source the body uses for

strenuous exercise. If you restrict this fuel source, the body will actually start burning muscle for fuel. This will definitely make the scale weight go down, but along with it goes any muscle mass you may desire or have acquired. The third, and what I deem the best method for body composition management is fat loss. Fat loss is achieved through a proper combination of diet and exercise. When your nutrition is dialed in, and your exercise is of the interval type training (Think sprinting, hill climbing, interval training for three 10 minute intervals, 3-4 days per week, the fat will seem to melt off. A simple interval circuit could be 10 minutes on the bike with varying intensities, 10 minutes on the stair climber with varying intensities, ended with 10 minutes on the elliptical, also varying intensities. These bursts keep the body in flux so it will not adapt and start burning Carbohydrate stores solely. Guess what the body taps into for energy? You guessed it, the fat stores? Say good bye to those love handles and saddle bags folks!!! >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< This is the key. Short durations of intense exercise will help burn the fat and help you attain your fat loss goals. This style of training coupled with a sound nutrition program such as Dr John Berardi's Precision Nutrition will ensure you get ripped quickly and permanently. These short duration type exercises cause the body to mobilize and burn fat cells. A common rebuttal to my interval take on fat loss I is this, "well I just watched the Boston marathon and those guys were thin, yet your telling me that in order to get lean I don't want to do long distance running?"

While long distance running will in fact help you achieve great levels of fat loss, you also lose a lot of muscle. Remember, carbohydrates are used during long bouts of exercise and fat is burned during short intense bouts of exercise. After around 10-15 minutes of straight, intense exercise the body swaps over from using the fat store to using the carbohydrate stores. When those are gone, what do you think they start tapping into? Thats right, the muscle stores. These people aren't necessarily skinny, they just lack the body mass due to years of running. An interesting side note is that it takes twice as many calories to achieve and maintain lean muscle mass, this simply means that the more muscle your body contains, the more calories you will burn at rest. No need to be Arnold here, but just something to think about. Hopefully you can see the picture I am drawing here. Fat loss is in a way much easier to accomplish with short intense workouts as opposed to hours on the treadmill. The benefits are two-fold. Not only do you cut down on your workout time, you achieve your fat loss goals quicker. It is my hope this short article has helped you to think about weight loss and fat loss differently. Good luck in your goals, I hope you achieve all you set out to do. Take Care.


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