7 secrets of permanent fat loss and fitness

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Content 1. 7 Secrets of Permanent Fat Loss and Fitness 2. Weight Loss and Improved Health Are Only a Walk Away! 3. Goal Setting For Weight Loss And Your Ideal Body 4. Balanced Healthy Diet For Weight-Loss and Health 5. Weight-Loss and Effects of Calorie Counting


1. 7 Secrets of Permanent Fat Loss and Fitness If one of your New Year's Resolutions, like my wife and me, is to lose weight and get fit then we need to start with a new attitude. Basically that means 100% commitment to this very daunting task. Losing weight has never been fun for my wife and me. We get hungry, have headaches and are irritable; and then use every excuse to eat something we should not have and claim it's due to stress. We are following a program that is already working and have thus far been very pleased with how it fits into our lifestyle. Eating fat burning foods and getting proper exercise are the keys. So if you are not into eating the right foods and adding an exercise routine nothing will change. Our meals are delicious and filling and prepared by my wife and me from the local grocer's shelves instead of arriving pre-packaged in a box. Here are the 7 Secrets to live by if weight loss and fitness are really your goals: >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< (1) You have to make a lifestyle change If your idea of fitness is going on a diet for a little while and taking a few aerobics classes, you're probably not going to succeed. (2) Exercise Less but with more intensity-about 15 minutes each session Not many people have ever told you to exercise less instead of more, right? Would you believe most people are exercising too much? (3) Focus on the right foods that are nutrient rich. We've all seen the fad diet books and plans that promise all sorts of fabulous weight

loss with very little effort. However, they require you to follow very unusual ways of eating that are not really common sense. The plan we are on has lots of great foods from your grocery store: some of which will surprise you. (4) Know the numbers: what does this mean? If you don't know the numbers, you have little chance of success in fat loss and fitness. If you're not tracking what works and what doesn't work, you'll be using a shotgun approach that will take much longer. (5) Surround yourself with positive people--VERY IMPORTANT! If you don't have support from your family and friends no weight loss program will likely work. You may find like we did that your family and friends may be making you fat! (6) Get a coach or mentor-have someone you can talk to or chat online with that will give you encouragement and be able to answer your questions. This coach or mento could be a personal trainer who is also emotionally supportive, or it could be a combination of a friend or relative or motivational expert. (7) Be a doer, not a talker-if you stated that losing weight was one of your resolutions for 2012 then stick to it


2. Weight Loss and Improved Health Are Only a Walk Away! If weight loss and improved health are important goals for you, then starting a walking program is the perfect solution. Achieving your weight loss goals are just a short walk away, it is time to drop all the excuses of why you cannot exercise and get out there and walk your way to improved health and a slimmer you. Just keep reading and you will see how easy it really is to get started and remain motivated to reaching your goals. Starting a walking program is a terrific choice for anyone because your age or physical condition will not stand in your way. Providing you start off easy and do not try to over do it right from the start a walking program can and will produce many positive results. Whether your goal is weight loss or just improved health a walking program is the best place to start. Whenever you begin any new exercise program it is important that you first check in with your physician to let him know what your plans are. Once you have been checked out by your physician and you have the O.K. to follow through with your plans it is important that you realize you must take it slow in the beginning. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< To begin your new walking program you should start out by just simply going for a 10 minute walk 3 times a week. Now this may seem to be a little too cautious in the beginning but trust me it is the safest way to begin any new weight loss program. Now that you have started your new walking program and you have made a commitment to yourself to stick with it you may start to add 10 more minutes to your walk each week. If you experience difficult breathing

do not become discouraged, just cut back on the time that you walk by 5 minutes or so. You want to walk at a pace that will raise your heart rate some but you really want to keep it at a comfortable pace for you. Before you know it you will be a month or two into your weight loss and fitness program. With your new walking program it is important that you are constantly challenging yourself, if you keep increasing the amount of time you walk you are certain to see your hard work pay off. With your new walking program your goal should be to extend your walks to 30 minutes at least three times a week, but the more days you walk the sooner you will see results. Here are just a few of the benefits you will receive from all your efforts: >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< -Your muscles will become more tone giving you a slim and healthier look -You will notice that tasks that use to tire you are now much easier to perform -You will experience less stress in your life as fewer things will cause you to react in a stressful manner -You will notice a positive change in the way that you sleep as it will be more restful allowing you to awake felling more refreshed -You will experience numerous health benefits such as lower blood pressure, a lower risk for heart disease, reduced chance of developing diabetes and many more -You will lower your body fat and replace it with much more beneficial muscle

-Your overall self-confidence will grow as you begin to see and feel the benefits of improved health -One benefit a lot of people experience is they become much more outgoing and they develop a positive mental attitude -You will become more active in other aspects of your life such as playing outside with the kids or going to the beach -If you stick with it you will reach your weight loss goals which has an entire host of positive effects -You will feel younger and look younger -You get to relish in all the compliments you will receive fro friends and family as they begin to notice all the positive changes in your appearance and attitude towards life As you can see there are many benefits to starting a walking program it leads to much more than just weight loss as it is truly a total fitness program. There are many more benefits then what I have listed here, I just really wanted to mention some of the more important ones. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< The longer you stick with your walking program the easier it becomes and before you know it you will have developed a lifelong habit. When you begin to reach your weight loss and fitness goals your self-esteem will climb and your overall confidence in yourself will give you the will and drive it takes to accomplish anything. Now it is your time to get up off the couch, lace up your walking shoes and get started on the path to the new, healthier you. You see how little time it takes when you are starting out so that eliminates one excuse because everyone, regardless of who you are or what

you do for a living can find at least 15 to 30 minutes to dedicate to your health and well- being. You really can achieve your fitness and weight loss goals by starting a simple walking program and if you decide to speed things up as you see improvement then you will experience even greater returns for your added efforts. We all could use a little push now and then to get a motivated when it comes to improving our health. If you found this article interesting or helpful you might like to read a little more about myself and some of my health and fitness plans. I have a few good articles which you can find at How To Reduce Weight Quickly and then a wealth of information which can be found right here at Burn Fat Rapidly, please feel free to leave any comments or questions. Thank you!


3. Goal Setting For Weight Loss And Your Ideal Body Is setting a goal to fit in to your favorite pair of jeans powerful enough? How about a goal to lose weight and drop 15 pounds by the time you head to Cancun for your beach vacation? As a lifelong student of goal setting, I don't believe that this type of short-term goal is powerful enough to create any significant, longterm changes in our behaviors. There are ways, however, that we can increase the chances of success with our weight loss and overall physique goals. Before we dive into some concrete steps that will help you start making faster and long lasting changes, let's take a brief look at how your brain works and how this can help you with your fat loss and ideal body goals. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< I first learned about the reticular activating system (RAS) back in Chiropractic College many years ago. The RAS acts like a filter in your brain. It filters out things that it considers unimportant to you. And, it brings into focus items that are on your important list. Are you starting to see how this might be an important and very helpful part of your ideal body and weight loss goal setting strategy? Here is an example that might help you. Let's say you have set a goal to lose twenty pounds by the time you head off on your beach vacation in 3 months. Later on in this article I'll give you some great tactics to make this goal more focused and powerful. First, let's get back to the job of the RAS to help you with this weight loss and "beach vacation goal".

Once you have a goal in mind and start thinking about it often, the RAS goes to work bringing all sorts of things to your attention that relate to your goal. For example, you might start noticing more articles on fat loss and exercise in magazines. Or you may just happen to run into someone who shares some great tips on exercise and weight loss. What seems to occur, is that the stronger and more energized your goal is, the more laser-focused your RAS becomes. The more often you reinforce your goal, the more your brain will create new circuits or pathways for this new knowledge. Repetition and reinforcement is the key. Now that you have learned how to rewire your brain to help you achieve your "new body goals", here are some strategies that will help you get there and stay there for life. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< 1. Be clear and specific with your goal setting. Having a goal to "lose weight" or to "get in shape" is far too vague. Write down a concise goal of how much weight you want to lose, what size jeans you want to wear, what body measurements you desire and your ideal body fat percentage. Now that's getting specific and will give you a much clearer focus on your target goal. The more specific the better. 2. Don't sell yourself short with limitations. When you set a goal to lose 20 pounds, make the goal "I will lose 20 pounds or more by the time I leave for my beach vacation". In this way you won't be limiting yourself. This alone is a very powerful strategy.

3. Set a deadline for your goals. If you want to make changes that will help you create your ideal body, you'll need short, medium and longterm goals. Short-term goals would be your daily, weekly and even one-month goals. For a daily goal you might aim to increase the intensity of your workout or eliminate one food from your diet. A one-week goal could be to lose one, or even two pounds. At the onemonth mark, you could have a goal to fit into a new pair of jeans. You should take special note of the "new pair of jeans". I wrote that intentionally because giving yourself a reward for reaching an important weight loss goal is essential. I should probably mention that a food reward is not the ideal way to celebrate a weight loss and fitness goal. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< 4. Have a powerful reason behind your goal. It will be a tremendous help to figure out the biggest motivators behind your goals. Some examples might include; look fantastic in my new bikini or swim trunks, look and feel great into my eighties and beyond, look sexy and attractive for my spouse or significant other. Or how about to set a great example for my kids? 5. Turn your goal into a multi-media campaign. I have saved the most powerful goal setting techniques for last. Included in this approach are; a. Clear written goals in affirmation format (ex: I will lose 20 pounds or more within the next 6 months so I can look and feel fantastic at my wedding). b. Photos of your goal. A really effective technique is to find a picture of the ideal body you desire from a magazine and cut it out. Then

paste an image of your head/face over the model's image. Voila, the new you. c. Place your goals where you will see them often. You could place stickies or note cards on your bathroom mirror, fridge, dashboard of your car and your bedside table. Keep in mind that repetition and reinforcement are essential with all of these goal-setting strategies. There is no such thing as overnight success with weight loss, muscle building and creating your ideal body. However, everyone can attain this goal if it is meaningful and important. These techniques will help bring your goals into laser focus and drastically increase your chance of success. This article contains some concrete strategies to set laser-focused goals to help you achieve your ideal body. For even more proven and effective tips and information on weight and fat loss and building your ideal body, check out our website at


4. Balanced Healthy Diet For Weight-Loss and Health If you want to shed extra pounds, you should follow a balanced healthy diet. For weight loss, the first thing that comes to the mind is dieting. But many people try to lose weight fast by crash dieting or starving, which are not good for health. You deprive your body of the essential nutrients during a crash diet or starvation. Consequently, you will feel weak and your health may be adversely affected. Not only that, following a crash diet or starvation may enable you sometimes to lose weight fast, but as soon as you stop this type of dieting, you tend to gain back your lost weight! There is no magic way of losing the extra pounds overnight. Weight loss is a gradual process that should be undertaken through healthy diet and exercise. A balanced healthy diet will enable you maintain a fit and healthy body. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Diet for weight loss doesn't necessarily mean that you have to follow popular fad diets. Following some simple dieting tips can yield longterm health benefits. Below are some useful tips on effective dieting. The most effective dieting tip is to drink plenty of water every day. Water helps you to lose weight because it works as a natural appetite suppressant. Drinking plenty of water makes you feel full and prevents hunger cravings and dehydration. Water flushes out the toxic wastes from your body, which is also important in keeping a healthy body. Don't skip breakfast if you are trying to lose weight. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and you should have a hearty and healthy breakfast that will keep you going all day long. If you skip breakfast, you will feel hungry for the rest of the day and might tend

to binge, which will ultimately cause you to gain weight instead of reducing it! So, have a wholesome breakfast before you start a busy day. Increasing your fiber intake is important for reducing weight. You can have plenty of fiber-rich foods without increasing your calorie intake. These types of food are lower in calories but make you feel full. For weight loss and fitness, start your day with high fiber cereal and eat fiber rich healthy snacks in between your meals. In this way, you will be able to reduce weight fast without feeling starved. Include food items in your daily diet that are low in fat content. Don't exclude fat completely from your daily diet since fat is also needed for absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. Eat foods that contain a low amount of healthy fat. Protein is also important and plays a vital role in weight control. Avoid red meat because it is high in fat and cholesterol. Opt for white meats and lean protein. A healthy amount of protein helps you to fight against sugar and carbohydrate cravings. It also helps you to maintain your muscle mass and reduce fat from your body. Following these few useful tips on a balanced healthy diet will help you to reduce your weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle for a long time.


5. Weight-Loss and Effects of Calorie Counting It has been established that food is measured in calories and the body burns a certain amount of calories a day. Calories are either burnt as energy or stored in the body. Invariably, we gain weight by consuming more calories than we burn and lose weight by burning more calories than we consume. The principle enumerated above is what any weight loss programme should be based on. As a weight loss consultant I am aware of several weight loss and fitness programmes out there. When looking for a weight-loss programme that will be suitable that is the principle you should be looking out for. Do not allow yourself to be confused with metabolic rates and other scientific terminologies that are way over your head. The question on your mind should be this, "how will this programme make me burn more calories than I am consuming"? If that simple question cannot be answered maybe you want to move on to the next available weight loss program. >>>For More Information Please Click Here!<<< Like I mentioned above, food is mentioned in calories and when food is consumed the calories are first converted to Glycogen for short term storage before being converted to fat for long term storage. In the same vein when you embark on any weight loss programme before your body starts burning the excess fat, a process known as ketosis, it will deplete the glycogen level first. While your glycogen level is being depleted your body would crave food and unless you are determined you would give in and eat food. This is the reason a lot of people do not last on a diet. This is the only advice I can give when you start a diet and your body system goes haywire: ignore the hunger pangs and other symptoms like headache

and dizziness. They will only last for a couple of days. You will thank yourself so much for it later when the pounds fall off. Glycogen is mostly carbohydrate. Therefore before you start any diet or any weight loss programme for that matter reduce your carbohydrate intake for at least a week before you start the programme.


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